#Love   Christian Psychopath
ectocosme · 10 months
me *doesn't get Vash's morality & endless self-sacrificing at all* he's a headache also me: babyboyyy!! ily <3
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liberty1776 · 2 months
Talking w/ a Christian Psychopath Pt. 1 (David Wood @HatunTashDCCIMinist...
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excelsior9173 · 7 months
i’m sure it says very not good things about me but i am watching the heathers movie (again) and i am so stupidly attracted to j.d.
he’s sooooo charming (hello that’s the psychopathy) and also christian slater is just. fuck he’s so handsome. i’m literally head over heels from the very first “greetings and salutations” every time i watch this movie
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tf2heritageposts · 4 months
alright so
we really fucking hate doing this, especially since we were already begging for money with another gofundme just a few months ago, but things cannot stop getting worse in our household. our mom is borderline having a psychotic episode everyday, and she thinks she has parasites that only she can see. she is trying to extort us into forcing us to stay in a house she knows damn well why we hate it here. she also threw a dog over a hotel railing during a PSTD episode she had while she ran away from the house because she said we didn't love her anymore. our grandma is an abusive maniac who screams at us until we're in tears, and holds keeping our pet rabbit over our head. she has caused us so much pain, and even has invited our dad who sent us to a mental hospital to our graduation. our grandpa is a qanon psychopath(so is our grandma) who keeps trying to convert us back into christianity.
this place has broken our mind over 400 times, and we want out so so so so so so bad
so, we are doing this one final time. we are going to try and get the money for a car to get the fuck out of here and go to the college we got accepted to. we're making a new gofundme so we can properly keep track of the money from this
our c/shapp is $theteufortdozen , our vnmo is @/theteufortdozen, and here is a link to our k-fi and gofundme
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
Oh my god your ask box is open.
Ummm didja see how Viv liked fanart of Vox telling Val he's beautiful after his wings get clipped?
That author who wrote that fic of Angel being told he's beautiful paralleling with the goddamn creator liking and encouraging Val content to sympathize with him....
No hate to that artist but when you're the creator you need to have more fucking responsibility. She isn't condemning Val. She's woobifying and downplaying his actions to the point where she likes her *rapist character* being sympathetic and "beautiful" but has the gall to say Angel is a "loser".
And while I'm at it, she also like a comment about "people simp for horror characters like Patrick Bateman and Leatherface--"
Shut. Up.
Shut the fuck up.
The directors and actors condemn the actions of those killers. Christian Bale said he hates Patrick Bateman and thinks there's nothing good about him. That "sigmas" are missing the point and need to get a life.
LeatherFace is mentally challenged and doesn't understand what he's doing. He's surrounded by a psychopathic family who loves him and obviously doesn't teach him right from wrong.
Scott Cawthon punishes the fuck out of William Afton. Spring-locked painfully, tormented by the souls of the kids he's killed, crushed, burned.... his own son said that he'd burn in Hell.
I could go on and on. Also Jason Voorhees kills 2 rapists. Freddy Kruegar is burned for his crimes.
These people are so fucking stupid it hurts.
Viv coddles, woobifies, sympathizes, and downplays Valentino. The abusive rapist. Compared him to a *high school girl* for fucks sakes.
What Val does to Angel is also not over the top or goofy. It's *very real*. The abuse is very realistic and isn't unbelievable.
Alastor isn't a rapist. So stop bringing that up.
You can't control what people do with your content. But you can control what you encourage and how you view serious topics.
So much for her 3 day Threads meltdown where she screamed about caring about SA victims.
She's a rape fetishist just like Raph. Why else would she keep him around? I don't care that they have these fetishes, but stop pretending it's good SA rep.
Also Mimzy is meant to be Jewish. Rosie is a blood libel. Why are Jews in Hell? Fuck off with that "chicken" bullshit.
Fucking vile, Medrano.
And to be clear, I don't care if a portion of the fandom wants to expand on Valentino with headcanons, sit on him like a baby bird, and adopt him as their silly little rabbit. That's villains and fandom, that just is what it is.
The problem is when Viv does it, when she coddles Valentino and insists everyone else do likewise or else. Viv isn't a member of the fandom, she's the creator, and one who's made it her business to shout down and belittle every single fan who's uncomfortable with Valentino. That's a different, shameful thing, and it's absolutely disgusting.
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norrisleclercf1 · 11 months
Hello luv do you think you could do dark sugar daddy lance stroll x sugar baby reader and he gets obsessed with her and when reader wants to break contract he doesn’t let her ?
A/N: Let's get it
Lance would totally be a sugar daddy, the man has got money, you are just a broke student and decided to join a website not thinking much of it.
A lot of the guys on there were older, or on their deathbed. So when you came across Lance you thought it was to good to be true. When you reached out to him, he answered you immediately with a time and place to meet up.
It wasn't a fancy place, just a little cafe that would be public and you'd feel comfortable meeting up with a stranger. Arriving you knew he was here, as a very nice sports car was parked and people pointing out the man in a casual suit.
Sitting down across from him, you felt safe, content. He was an absolute sweetheart who had way to much money and nothing to do with it. That's why he joined the website, you said you needed help with loans, rent, everything to make life easier for you.
Lance agreed without a second thought and brought a contract with him. You joked about this being like Christian Grey, he just blinked at you and smiled shyly.
The beginning was dreamlike, he was a gentlemen who helped you whenever you needed it, even when you didn't ask. But, things started to take a turn when Lance started to insert himself more into your life, more than you wanted.
He wanted to bring you on dates, hating it when you're seen out with other guys, he clearly was wanting more and you didn't. It all came to ahead when he crashed a date.
You really like this guy, so when Lance stormed up and quietly sent the guy away, you put your foot down.
"Lance, stop. This isn't going to be anymore than we agreed too. I'm done, the contract is void." You whisper, not wanting to cause a scene in the lovely restaurant.
Lance smiles gently, ordering a red wine. He crosses his leg, staring at you. "No." Is all he gives you, a new fire pours into your stomach, wanting to smack that smug smile off his face.
"No? Lance, we're done." You stand slapping down some money and storming out, you don't make it far when someone grabs you. You go to scream, but a hand covers your mouth as you're pressed gently into the wall.
Even when he's acting psychopathic, he's still so damn careful with you. Not wanting to hurt you, you come face to face with Lance. His demeanor calm and collected. "We're done when I say we're done, and we're not. You're mine, Y/n. You should've read that contract with a little more scrutiny." He whispers, kissing your temple and pulls off you.
"See you in two days, we have a romantic getaway, be at the airport on time or you'll wake up their against your will. Your choice." Lance saunter off, leaving you there shaking.
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cobragardens · 9 months
God Is a Creepy-Ass Meta Mfer:
A Good Omens Essay
This essay features fan theory and speculation. DO NOT TAG NEIL GAIMAN IN ANY POST THAT INCLUDES OR REFERENCES THIS ONE.
The rest of this depends on accepting the premise that God's Plan is not always inscrutable in hindsight, i.e., that parts of that Plan can be discerned or identified as such once they have happened, even if the next moves of the Plan and its ultimate Purpose remain ineffable.
If you are willing to accept that premise, then I suggest we can conclude with reasonable certainty that Thesis Statement 1: Aziraphale's act of giving Adam the First Man the flaming sword is part of God's Plan, and so was Eve and Adam eating the Fruit.
The argument for the latter has been in circulation making even the beardiest of old Christian men scratch their heads for centuries, and in Good Omens, Crowley is the first being ever to make it:
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The presence of the Tree in the Garden placed by an omnipotent being with literally infinite orchard space and security technology is a clear indication that God intends humans to interact with the Tree and sets humans up in a divine entrapment operation, giving God the opportunity to curse humanity and evict them from the Garden.
Diversion onto Thesis Statement 2 bc the Essayist Got Distracted: This establishes both the Bible and Good Omens as works of literature in the cosmic horror genre (not that Good Omens doesn't do plenty of its own work in so establishing itself).
In both these stories God is a being beyond humanity's understanding, functionally omniscient and omnipotent, who first creates and then interferes with humanity for unknown reasons and who does not necessarily have humanity's best interests in mind at any point. His/er reasoning and objectives for humanity are opaque, and S/he manipulates circumstances to create excuses to do humanity as a species and sometimes specific humans harm.
If you're not already familiar, go read all the shit God curses humans with when Eve and Adam snack on the Tree's Fruit. It's frighteningly cruel, if not outright psychopathic. So is God's behavior the Book of Job, His demand that Abraham sacrifice Isaac, Mosaic Law, and the sacrifice of His/er Son. Human lives are no more significant to God than the lives of ants are to humans. This whole history of Earth? It may not even be about us. Our entire species' history may just be part of the backdrop to something else, like two angels falling in love and reuniting Heaven and Hell, or like raccoons. It could all be about the raccoons. Who knows! All of this is absolutely 100% pure undiluted cosmic horror.
Right, okay, so back to Thesis 1: In Good Omens, Aziraphale's gift to the first man of the flaming sword is an objective God wants. Here's my chain of reasoning:
The Eating of the Fruit and God's punishment were both objectives of God. See above.
2. Once those objectives had been accomplished, humankind would not have survived outside the Garden of Eden without the sword. They literally would not exist at all.
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Adam the First has to kill the lion, either to keep it from killing him and Eve or to keep him and Eve from starving. No flaming sword = no humanity.
3. We know "no humanity" is not God's Plan, because--
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--God says her Plan is Armageddon and the Second Coming in 6,000 years. So humanity needs to exist for either of those to occur (or for there to be any reason for adventures about averting them to occur). And God does a whole Crucifixion and Resurrection of His/er Son. So God wants humanity around and is even prepared to welcome them back into His/er grace, providing they meet certain conditions.
4. We know God is not displeased about Aziraphale's gift of the sword to humans because God asks Aziraphale about the sword, and Aziraphale lies and says he's lost it, and God, who is omniscient and therefore knows this to be a lie and knows exactly where the sword is, lets the entire thing pass unremarked. (More on this anon.)
5. It is not a reach too far to suspect this of God. She tells us Herself that she is a trickster and that we can't trust her not to deceive us:
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She also tells us
i. The universe is a game she is playing for her own amusement:
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🎵cosmic horror alerrrrrrrrrt!🎵🎶
ii. No one, including angels and demons, has been told the real rules of this game:
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"FOR EVERYONE ELSE." Not just humans.
That's why Crowley and Aziraphale each have to wonder if they've done the right or the wrong thing: nobody's told them what the rules are. Aziraphale even thinks that Crowley's temptation of Eve is "all part of the Plan," i.e, that Crowley did the right thing by doing the wrong one. They have no way to tell, and it may be both right and wrong at the same time. (Wrestling with impossible moral conundra raised by a brief look into a story happening on a much greater level than your own? You could be suffering from our old pal Thesis 2: Good Omens is cosmic horror!)
So Aziraphale's Promethean gift to humanity was one of God's objectives, just as cursing humans and yeeting them out of the Garden with the knowledge of Good and Evil and maybe a couple apple seeds in hand was His/er objective.
BONUS! Thesis 3: So why does God bring up Aziraphale's misappropriation of the sword at all? To show us, the audience, that Aziraphale lied to Her and that his gifting of the sword to Adam is part of Her Plan.
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Remember from her whole deal with the Tree: God likes to set up situations so that She can react to them. Here she lampshades her awareness of what Aziraphale has done, listens to him lie to Her about it, and then very pointedly does nothing in response to that. She wants everyone watching--i.e., Aziraphale and us--to note that she has noticed the transfer of the sword and is not displeased by it and has noticed the lie and is not going to do anything about that either.
Remember as well, God is the one controlling the narrative we see in S1 of Good Omens. She introduces and concludes the story, and she narrates the scenes of the baby-swap. She's in control of which scenes we see and the order in which we see them. Since she is the one who asked Aziraphale the question about the sword, she's also responsible for this scene's existence.
So why do I think this scene is meant for us and not Aziraphale? Two reasons. Firstly, the conversation with God doesn't do Aziraphale any good. He worries about eventually getting in trouble about the sword until 2019, around 6,000 years later.
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God is both omniscient and omnipotent, so it's not possible that She failed to communicate to Aziraphale in such a way that would ease his anxiety. Therefore the conversation was not for his benefit. Again, she's omniscient, so it wasn't for Her benefit either. That leaves the only other party to this conversation: us. The audience.
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The next obvious question is, Why does God want us to know that Aziraphale's gift of the flaming sword was both of his free will and part of Her Plan?
I don't know. But I think it may become important, and here is where we delve into hypothesis territory: I think Good Omens is going metafictional. I mean this in a Doki Doki Literature Club, Black Mirror: Bandersnatch way: God, the character in Good Omens, is telling us, the audience, a story.
This metafictional aspect has been with us the whole time---more precisely since 01:13 of S1E1, when God switches from third-person to first-person and addresses us the viewers directly:
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And there are several more metafictional; notes in S1 and S2 that I've found so far:
Season 1
That giant eyeball up there floating in space with a bunch of arcane shit around it is a reference to the opening credits sequence of The Twilight Zone, a metafictional show in which an omniscient narrator introduces and concludes each story by addressing the audience directly.
S1E1 27:20
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Season 2
1. Maggie and Nina are fictional characters, but the characters share their names with actors Maggie Service and Nina Sosanya.
2. The final credits sequence, with the split screen showing Crowley on one side and Aziraphale on the other, references David Tennant and Michael Sheen's previous/simultaneous lockdown tv series project, Staged! which is intensely metafictional and in which Tennant and Sheen play characters based on themselves and with their names.
3. Sloppy plot synopsis or something more sinister?
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4. An interviewer points out that Good Omens references Doctor Who as an extant concern in-universe, which obviously stars David Tennant in the past and currently.
If you find more, please drop them in the comments!
We the audience, are meant to understand ourselves and our reality as being indirectly involved in this story. And God wants us to know 1) that Aziraphale lied to Her about giving away the sword, knowing it was futile, and 2) that his gift of the flaming sword was part of Her Plan. The former is a major character note, and probably a foreshadowing one; but I have no guesses about God's purpose in showing us that the gift of the flaming sword was also to Plan except that whatever it is will probably make me dislike Her approach to parenting even more than I already do.
What I do love about this though is that it suggests that Crowley and Aziraphale both did the right thing by doing the wrong one, i.e. achieved a kind of Schroedinger's obedience, which is nice and disturbing and surprise! pretty cosmic horror. More sweetly, though, it suggests that the two foundational gifts to humanity from the divine were motivated by Crowley's low-effort mischief and Aziraphale's kindheartedness, which is lovely to think about.
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neverinadream · 1 year
You're His Girlfriend, But You Belong To Me - Part Three
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Summary: Emotions run high and hearts are broken in the final chapter of yours and Christian's affair.
Pairing: Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader // Ty (OC) x Fem!Reader
Requested: Nope
Song Inspo: Trying Not To Love You - Nickelback
Warnings: angst, themes of infidelity, heartbreak, a break up, arguing, confessions of infidelity, confessions of love, possessiveness, references of ownership, cocky!christian, violence, suggestive themes....idk if i'm missing anything
Notes: and it's....almost finished!! there is an epilogue still to be posted. i loved this little miniseries a lot, even if the theme isn't everyone's cup of tea. big thanks to @thoseboysinblue who is always there to bounce ideas off, couldn't have done it without you 🫶🏻. the flow is a little dodgy towards the end and there are parts that could've been done so much better but i've gotten too much in my own head over this, so i'm just going to give it to you how it is. what do we want to see in the future?? more miniseries like this?? thank you to all those that read it and gave me feedback on the other parts. it truly means a lot! anyway...feedback is always appreciated!
"Hi. Hello."
Hushed voices are reduced to silence as you appear in front of the microphone, fixing the skirt of the sage-coloured dress that had been trying to kill you all day. The material was soft to the touch and it helped to ease the anxiety riddling your veins, and it didn't matter how many times Ty told you how beautiful you looked, the deadly contraption had to go. The bodice was too tight on your chest, crushing the air from your lungs, and the length of the skirt was too long on your legs, even when wearing your heels. Your mother called it karma for not being there in person when your older sister was making the preparations for her wedding like the rest of her bridesmaids were.
"Wow, there's a lot of you here today," you nervously laughed, pinching at your dress and rubbing the material between your thumb and finger as you looked out at the ocean of guests before you. They were friends and family, but you still didn't recognise nearly half of them. The ones you did recognise didn't look at you with blank expressions, and when you found Christian sitting with the rest of his family, a wave of comfort washed over you as he gave you a subtle smile over the rim of his champagne flute. "For those who don't know me, I am Carrie's little sister," you introduce yourself, "and much like the family dog, I like long walks on the beach, constant attention, and taking naps after I've eaten too much food." You try not to smile as your opening line leaves a few of the guests laughing. "Or, perhaps that's Carrie," you pull a face of confusion, "we've gone our whole lives being mixed up with each other, that even I'm beginning to mix us up."
You glance over at your sister, your hand gently holding onto the top of the microphone, as your other hand curls around the stand. "I'm not sure what Carrie knew what she was getting herself into when she asked me to give a speech today. I'm not a comedian like our older brother, so I can't make you all laugh until your sides hurt, and I'm no poet like our father, so please put your tissues and handkerchiefs back in your pockets, but what I can do is list all of Carrie's amazing qualities that will make her the greatest wife of all time." You release the microphone and reach into your bodice, pulling out a folded napkin you had hidden before your turn. "So," you clear your throat, unfolding the blank napkin, "Carrie is...she..." Guests laugh as you squint at the napkin, pulling it closer to your face. "Hmm," you fold the napkin back up and stuff it into your dress, "I guess I won't be doing that then."
"As kids, we hated each other, and I think that was because of our two very contrasting personalities. Carrie was a loud-mouthed, bitchy psychopath, and I was just perfect, but as we got older, Carrie was like a fucking rockstar to me. I wanted to be just like her. I wanted to dip my toes into every pond that she jumped into. I wanted to be able to craft the perfect lie to our parents, only for it to all fall apart at the very last second. Our parents told my sister that she could not go to any senior prom after parties and like the crafty genius Carrie was, she told our parents that she was stuck in traffic for three whole hours. And she would've got away with it if our next door neighbour hadn't found her upside down in his hedge."
You smile up at your sister as you turn to her again, who was already dabbing her eyes with a napkin. "Carrie became my metaphorical flight attendant, always there to warn me that life will come with turbulence, but that I should never panic because life will always have a way of working itself out. When I was given the opportunity to move out of the country, Carrie was the first person who told me to grasp it with both hands and never let it go. She'll be your biggest supporter..." Your voice cracks and she blows a kiss in your direction, which only makes it easier for the tears to escape. "...even when you're making questionable decisions, and I am entirely grateful to have you as my big sister."
"Now, Daveed," you address your brother-in-law, giggling as he hides his face behind a napkin, "when I first met you, I was confused." He laughs louder than the rest of the guests, a laugh so infectious it has you laughing along with him. "I was confused because I couldn't understand how someone could be so selfless and loving as you are, without there being some other ulterior motives. But meeting Carrie was the best decision you have ever made. Before you, Carrie was like that one troll who lived under a bridge in every fairytale you read as a kid. She had a heart as cold as ice when it came to love, and I honestly believed she would grow old with seventy cats. But your ever-giant loving heart has transformed her into the beautiful princess you see sitting before you today. But, you know what they say if you can't handle her at her worst, then you don't deserve to her at her best, and I don't think there is anyone more deserving of Carrie's love and terrible cooking than you, Daveed. It's been such an honour and joy to welcome you into our circus of freaks, and I'm happy that we didn't scare you off."
"So, I'll leave you with this: when I think about the greatest love stories of all time, I used to think of Paris and Helen of Troy, a love so great it started a war, but now I can only think of yours." You reach to retrieve your champagne, raising the glass into the air, signaling others to copy. "So, if you could kindly join me in raising a toast to the happy couple," your eyes flick over to Christian, another flood of warmth spilling through you as the subtle smile before now reached his eyes, before guiltily panning your eyes over to Ty as you say, "may we all have a love story as great as theirs."
"Cute speech-"
"Don't tease me-"
"I'm not..." Christian breaks your bickering with a harsh sigh. "I wasn't teasing you. I was being nice." You raise your eyebrows and make a sound that was somewhere between a scoff and a laugh. "I can be nice," he rolls his eyes, backing you against the gazebo, the old stone cold and rough against your skin. He dips his lips against your neck, trailing open-mouthed kisses against your warm skin. "I can be really nice," he chuckles, biting down and sucking on your collarbone.
"Christian, don't!" You groan, but your warning was futile. He pulls back to inspect his art and you wince as he grazes his finger over the bruise. You push him away and cover the spot with your hand; there was no lie big enough to cover this one up. Not from Ty. And especially not from your family. You hadn't let Ty do more than kiss your cheek in the presence of them all weekend. "Why do you always have to do that?"
"Because I like to mark the things that belong to me."
"I'm not yours," you bite back, but the possessive tone in his voice floods your belly with heat.
"Yes, you are." Your fingers fist tightly into his ear as he presses his mouth against your neck and grazes his tongue against it. "Say it," he demands to hear the words that now made his heart stutter. His hands skimmed up your arms, over your shoulders, and cradled the sides of your neck, tipping your head back as he pulled away to look at you. There was an emotion in his eyes that you couldn't read, a strange mix of hunger and longing. "Tell me you're mine."
He frowns, chasing your lips as you turn your head. "Come on, say it."
"You say it," you counter, the words coming out more like a plea. Just once, you wanted to hear him say it, even if you knew he didn't mean it. You were too far deep into this mess that even a lie would make you happy. "Say you're mine," you bring his mouth closer to yours, "please, say it."
He hesitates and whispers, "I'm...not yours." Your heart cracks. Of course, he wasn't going to say it. He only wanted you for the thrill of sleeping with another's girlfriend, you knew he would never want you for your heart.
"We should go back inside," you cast your eyes off to the side. He whispers something about not being finished with you yet, but you find the strength to push him away. "Chris, if someone comes to look for me-"
He silences you with a scoff. "And by someone you mean Mr. Boring?"
"Leave him alone."
"He's pathetic, Y/N, when are you going to see that?" He snaps back at you, his face only inches from yours. You press your back further into the wall of the gazebo, trying to create some space between you. "That whole good guy act he performs for everybody?" He pulls a face of disgust. "He's got your parents wrapped around his little finger with that one."
"It's not an act!" You reply through gritted teeth. Though you didn't love Ty anymore, you still felt obligated to stick up for him. "He is a good guy, Christian, but you wouldn't know that because you have never taken the time to get to know him! Perhaps you should've, maybe then you would've seen what it looks like to have heart."
Your words make him take a step back. "I have a heart," he dismisses your claim.
You take a step forward and press your finger against the centre of his chest. "This?" He winces as you jab your finger harder against his chest. "This is empty! Barren! Incapable of feeling any emotion!"
He bats your hand away. "Before you start accusing me of anything, sweetheart, perhaps you should take a long hard look in the mirror," he counters, his voice laced with bitterness, "remember, I'm not the one fucking another guy behind my boyfriend's back." He watches your mouth open and close, swallowing your breath as your eyes widen. "What's the matter, baby?" He mocks. "Don't you like being reminded of the truth?"
Behind, standing only a few feet away, Ty looked on at the two of you, the colour draining from his cheeks until he was no whiter than the shirt he wore. When you hadn't returned from your room, Ty had gotten worried, but when there was no sign of you in your hotel room and someone had mentioned seeing you going outside, he wasn't prepared to see you and Christian together. He had just heard the end when you had clocked him approaching.
"Ty," you whisper his name, bottom lip trembling as the first cracks in your perfectly constructed lie begin to show.
He looks between you and Christian, his eyes landing on your collarbone as you step around the obstacle between you. For a moment there's a flicker of anger, but it sizzles away and morphs into pain. That hickey was an answer to a question he didn't even need to ask. A question he didn't want to ask.
"Ty, this isn't-"
"Please, don't," he held up his hand to stop you, "please don't be one of those people who try to say it isn't what I think it is. I heard him, Y/N, I heard what he said." You bite your lip and nod your head, deciding not to inflict any further damage. What use was there in lying to him anymore? "I guess I should've known something was off between us when we stopped having sex," Ty sniffles, fighting back tears, "something like that just doesn't stop without there being a reason."
Christian sniggered from behind you. "I can promise you she was well cared for." Ty glanced over at him, making it known that he had heard him but pulled his attention back to you. "Wow! Really?" He lets out a surprised laugh. "I just told you I'm fucking your girlfriend and you don't even react." He takes a step forward and firmly presses his body against yours. His hand sits on your hip, pinning you to the spot on which you stood. It was like he was saying I won to Ty without really ever really saying it. "You know, whilst you were tucked into bed last night, I was tucked into her-"
"That's enough!"
"No, no, no, no," Christian tuts, shaking his head, "Ty has to know the truth."
"I've heard enough."
He looks up at Ty. "You sure?" He gives him the biggest grin he can muster up. One that could've earned him a hard blow to the face if Ty had been anyone else. "Don't you want me to remind you of what it feels like to have her lips wrapped around your cock? Or describe the sound she makes when she cums?"
Ty ignores him and fishes something from the inside pocket of his blazer. "I thought you were my forever, but I guess we were on different pages," he steps forward and presses something small into the palm of your hand, "give this back to Nelly for me." You look down into your hand, your heart shattering when you recognise the dainty piece of silver to be your grandmother's ring. It was a thin band of silver with a small emerald gem passed down from mother to daughter. The perfect ring, you had once told Ty after he spotted it in a photograph of you and your grandmother. "I don't think I'll be needing it anymore, do you?"
The ring disappears into the palm of your hand as you fold your fingers into a tight fist. It symbolised everything you wanted out of life: true happiness and everlasting love. So as you held it against your chest, you foolishly believed that if you held it there for long enough, it might mend the fractured pieces of your heart. And as you looked up to say one last goodbye to the kindest man who woke up every day with nothing but love in his heart, you discovered he was already gone. You could just see his silhouette disappearing back into the ballroom.
Christian had just caught a glimpse of the silver band over your shoulder. Seeing the dainty piece of metal had left him with a sour taste in his mouth, and knowing it had been temporarily in Ty's possession set a new kind of anger coursing through his veins, making his skin hot as it boiled his blood. "Why did you tell him about Nelly's ring?" He asked, seeking the truth to a matter that shouldn't have taken precedence over the giant tears streaming down your cheeks. "What did he do to deserve to know about Nelly's ring?"
"He loved me," you choke on your sobs, "and maybe you don't recall it, but there was a time when I loved him."
"You never loved him," he dismisses another one of your claims.
"Do not think for a second that you claim to know the names that I hold dear to my heart!" You glance over your shoulder and see no sympathy in his golden eyes. You were broken, and yet here he stood, all intact. He didn't care. "I loved him," you repeat yourself, "and he loved me."
Christian leaned back against the gazebo, ignoring the strange pang of guilt in his chest. "Yeah," he casts his eyes down at his shirt, fixing one of the buttons, as he says, "but then you slept with me, and I opened your eyes to a new world of possibilities." Your face twists with a sour expression. "Oh, come on, don't look at me like that," he chuckles dryly, "I just saved you from a boring marriage and your inevitable-" The rest of his words are knocked from his mouth as you drag your hand across his face, connecting your palm to his cheek with a loud slap.
"Y/N!?" Someone shouts your name, but you don't look back to see who.
Instead, you stumble away from Christian, the same hand you had slapped him with now covering your mouth. "Shit!" It's muffled by your hand, but your wide eyes connect with his even bigger eyes, and you are both stunned into silence. You couldn't believe it. "I-I..." You bring both hands over your mouth, shaking your head. "I'm so sorry," you repeat like a broken record as fresh tears break from your eyes, "I-I didn't mean to do that."
Christian rubs his hand against his cheek and moves his head away from Kelley, who had been the voice shouting at you only moments ago. She had stepped outside to catch a few minutes of air, becoming a witness to the fallout of the disaster that was unfolding around you.
Kelley looks between the two of you. On one side, she has her son, his cheek red with the imprint of your hand, and on the other, she has a shadow of your former self. She takes a deep breath and turns to you first, offering a sympathetic smile as she asks, "Y/N, sweetie, what's going on?"
Growing up, Kelley had been like a second mother to you. You had lost count of the times she had patched up your knees after you had scraped them from falling over. Christian was forever on the move, and you just wanted to keep up with him. It didn't matter how fast he got as the two of you got older, you were there running behind him, and Kelley was behind you with a band-aid in her hand. So, any other time you might have opened up to her, but you couldn't force yourself to tell her.
You look past her and at Christian. "I'm sorry," you mouth your apology.
"Just..." He lets out a sigh, watching you slip away, the end of the dress bunched in your hands so you wouldn't trip over it as you made your sudden escape. "Just let her go, Mom," Christian mumbles, the stinging in his cheek subsiding, making it easier for him to move his jaw. He knew deep down he deserved that slap. If his goading hadn't done enough to provoke a reaction from Ty, he should've guessed that it might've come from you instead. He casts his eyes down at the ground as he straightens up. "I don't want to talk about it-"
"You don't get a choice," Kelley stops him. There was a sternness to her voice that made him shiver. It was the kind she saved only for when she was disappointed in him. "Well?" He finally looks up but quickly looks away again when he isn't met with the usual warmth of her eyes. "Start talking, Christian, before I go and ask the poor girl myself."
"She and Ty broke up," he raises his shoulder on one side.
She raised her eyebrows, sensing there was more he wasn't telling her. "She slapped you because Ty and her broke up?"
"No, Mom, she slapped me because I asked her to," he replies, stuffing one hand into his pocket. At any other time, he would've been on the receiving end of a look of disapproval for using sarcasm against her, but Kelley just sighed. "Ty," he thinks carefully about his words, wanting to tell her the truth without admitting his own sins, "Ty found out she was sleeping with someone behind his back."
Kelley blinked twice. You were having an affair? The very same girl who was too afraid to get in trouble at school? The girl who did everything to keep her grades above a B? The one everyone said had a heart of gold? She didn't believe it. There was no way you could've done something as heartless as this. "An affair?" She shakes her head. "I don't believe you. Not Y/N."
He scrunches his face. "Why, because she's so perfect?" He rolls his eyes at the ground. "Not everyone is as perfect as you might think, Mom, not even me."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Really?" He looks in her direction, greeted by a look of mixed emotions on her face. He didn't want to insult her intelligence, but it only took the smallest amount of common sense to figure out what possible role he had to play in all of this. "Doesn't a part of you wonder why I was out here? How I came to be the only other person to see it happen?"
As the pieces of the puzzle slowly clicked together, she could only show her disappointment in her eyes and through the way she spoke. "Christian..."
"What, Mom? What?" He takes a step back, removing himself from her path. His heart was racing rapidly in his chest, the blood pumping hard and thick in his ears. The air around him felt thicker like it was trying to suffocate him. "What do you want me to say?" He loosened his tie, pulling on the knot until he felt like he could breathe again. What was happening to me? He thought to himself, wiping his sweaty palm down his thigh. "That I regret it because I don't."
"How can you say that?" She asks, bewildered by his reaction. "How do you not regret what you've done? You've destroyed a relationship, Christian!"
"It wasn't just me, Mom; she destroyed it too!" He pulls his tie off, wrapping the slim black piece of material around his fingers. "I...She..." The tips of his fingers slowly change colour as he tightens his tie. "Maybe it would be different if she loved the guy, but she didn't. She's just another liar." He sighs, glancing up at the roof of the gazebo. "We both are."
"Do you love her?"
"Love her?" He unravels the tie before it cuts the circulation to his fingers and switches to wrapping it around the other. He scoffs to hide the quiver in his voice. "Why would I love her?"
"Because I can't think of a good reason for why you could do something so stupid, Christian," she scolds him, lifting her hand into the air like she was signalling an end to their conversation. She couldn't bare to hear him talk this way anymore. This wasn't the boy she had raised. "If any part of you loves that girl-"
"I don't."
I do.
She holds his head firmly in her hands, keeping his eyes on hers. In his eyes, she sees the truth. She sees the fear. She sees it all. "Just shut up and listen," he gulps down a large breath of air, subtly nodding his head, "if any part of you loves that girl, then you need to fix this."
"I can't fix it," he chews his bottom lip, "she won't believe me."
"You won't know unless you try," she offers a watery smile, "if you don't fix this, then you'll lose her for good, and that's when you'll finally regret it." She wipes away a tear he didn't even know was there. "Go," she encourages him, "before it's too late."
All traces of Ty had been removed from your room when you returned. A note saying, "I'm sorry I wasn't enough," was all that was left for you to find. It brought a fresh wave of tears crashing down your cheeks, and through watery eyes, you tore yourself out of your dress and packed your bag. You could apologise to your sister later, maybe even tell her the truth and risk her judging you for your heartless mistakes, but right now, you had to leave.
Pulling on the zip, you close your bag and set it down at the foot of your bed. You ignored the first knock as you checked the contents of your second bag, checking to make sure you had packed the things you would need the most, like your passport. You couldn't run away without it. But the second and then the third knock became harder to ignore, and the courage you had built up in the process of getting ready to leave crumbled when you opened the door to find Christian standing on the other side.
"Whatever you're doing, don't do it." There's no apology, no simple hello, just another demand to do something that he wanted. You take a step back, and he mistakes it for an invitation to come inside. He walks by the foot of your bed, and the thought of you sharing it with Ty tightens his chest. "Stay," he says, his words almost sounding like a plea.
"I can't stay-'
"Yes, you can!" He talks over you, trying to force his side of the argument. "You and Ty are over, so what?" You gasp at his insensitivity. "Why should that mean we have to stop having fun?"
"Fun?" You repeat back to him. The pain simmering in the pit of your stomach forces your voice to crack. "It was 'fun' for the first few times it happened, but then it just became something you could torture me with." The corners of your eyes grow wet with new tears. "As soon as you knew that there was a chance that I had developed an attachment to you, you twisted it to your own advantage. You knew I would never say no to you, but here I am, finally telling you no."
"I can't let you go," he whispers, shaking his head in disbelief.
You chew your bottom lip. The only way you could move on from this is if you let him go. "You have to," you sniffle, wiping your eyes. He wasn't worth anymore of your tears.
"But I...But I..." He tries to force the truth, but his throat grows dry, and only a strangled cry of frustration makes its way out. "I don't want this to be over for us. I thought you loved me?"
"I do," your heart shatters as his eyes fill with tears, and you have to force yourself into not moving, "I love you more than you could ever know, but I can't love a guy who doesn't love me back. My heart is damaged, Chris, and I don't know what state you'll leave it in when you've decided it's time to move on. I have accepted that you will never love me! I have accepted that there will be no happy ending for us! That our love story is a tragedy Shakespeare wishes he could've penned. So, please, do the honourable thing and let me go!"
"I can't."
"Because I love you!" He snaps, with every ounce of emotion bursting out of his chest, shouting his confession across the room. The features on his face soften. His puffy eyes swell with giant tears. His bottom lip trembles. "I love you," he repeats, and you're stunned into silence. His voice cracks and fresh tears wet his cheeks, no longer having the strength to fight them back. "I've tried my hardest not to love you. I have slept with other women to make myself forget about you, but they are not you. Their skin doesn't feel as soft as yours. They don't taste as sweet as you. They are not the angel whose name my very soul calls for! Their names are not tattooed on the inner walls of my heart!"
He draws his hands against the centre of his chest, digging his fingers into his flesh like he was trying to rip his heart from the cage it was once locked inside. "Do you not see how I am scared to let my heart win?" He hopelessly cries out, tasting the saltiness of his tears as they land on his lips, "I am scared because I already know that I have the power to harm you." He takes a step back, dropping his arms either side. "I have harmed you." His voice is laced with guilt. "I have broken your heart time and time again, and yet you stand here and tell me you still love me? How? Why?"
You shrug your shoulders. "Maybe this is how love is supposed to be."
"I don't know much about love, but I know it's never meant to be this cruel," he replies, disagreeing with you, "you love a monster, Y/N."
"A monster?" You scoff and he nods. "If you are a monster then what does that make me, Christian? All you did was sleep with another man's girlfriend. I lied to him. I took advantage of him. For nearly two years, I made him believe that I loved him. Two years! Two fucking years!" You force yourself to laugh, but it's empty and lacks any genuine emotion. "My heart must either be as black as charcoal or as cold as ice to be capable enough of doing that to someone whose heart is filled with nothing but pure love."
Through the crack in the opened window, you could hear the muffled sound of laughter and cheers. A pang of guilt settles in your chest knowing that you had missed your sister's first dance and the cutting of the cake. You had missed the chaos of your baby cousins running around, high on sugar, and your parents' terrible dancing. You had missed jokes and the opportunities to create new memories. You had missed it all just so you could try and find a solution to the destruction that you were to blame for.
You suck in a deep breath. "I was just going to leave, you know," you tell him the truth, nudging your foot against the side of your bag, "get a cab to the airport and get the first flight available to, I don't know, Greece or Italy. Filling myself up with good food and flooding my veins with multiple bottles of good wine seemed like the better idea. I was going to run away from it all: from the heartbreak, from Ty, from my family-"
"From me," Christian mumbles, with fresh tears in his eyes. You blink back tears as you nod your head, confirming his suspicion. For a split second, he smiles, but it's lopped-sided and sad. He sniffles and wipes his cheeks. "What do we do now?"
"I don't know," you shrug, "what do you want to do?"
"Right now, I just want to kiss you."
A bubble of hope formed in his chest as he watched your face crumple. The look of pain in your eyes slowly became one of affection, making his blood buzz with nerves. He could've closed the distance between you, sweep you up into his arms and kiss you like he had never kissed anyone before, but he didn't. He stared at you, his chest rising and falling with each deep breath, and waited for you to give him a sign.
You knew you might one day regret this.
"So kiss me."
Without hesitation, he closes the gap between you, fisting his hand in the back of your hair, and grabbing your hip in the other to pull you towards him. Both of you sink into each other as his mouth worked yours. His kisses were needy and demanding like he was starving for you, and the groan he let out as his tongue moved against yours left every nerve ending in your body ablaze with burning pleasure. He tasted you again and again until both of you were breathless and your head was spinning.
"I'm sorry," he apologises between kisses, murmuring it against your lips, "before this, before us, you were happy with Ty, but I was a selfish bastard and I tried to have something that wasn't mine. I ruined your chance at true happiness, so I understand if you can't forgive me." His hand that had been fisted in your hair lowered to your face, cradling your cheek, as he brushed the tip of his nose against yours. He wanted to remember this moment, in case it was his last. "I just need you to know that I am sorry for every bit of pain that I have caused you."
"You're right," you hum, looping your arms around his neck, "in the beginning, I was happy, but I was just...happy enough." He makes a humming sound as you massage your fingers against the base of his neck. You study the flecks of amber in his eyes, picturing a version of your life where you could wake up to them every morning, whispering, "but I was always at my happiest when I was with you."
You let out a surprised laugh and step further into his space. His mouth is so close to yours, only inches away, and with one finger, you trace it along his bottom lip. His eyes fall shut at your touch and you listen to the hum he makes with a small smile. Tonight you had gotten to see a whole new side to him, one that was softer and not afraid to be vulnerable with his feelings. A side to him you had only ever dreamt about.
"Do you really love me?" You ask, with your lips hovering below his.
"Yes," he answers, hooking his fingers under your chin, pulling your mouth against his, and kissing you soft and slow. He smiles against you as he runs his hand down the front of your body, his fingers brushing gently over your breast. "Why don't you let me show you how much I love you?" He talks against your mouth, pressing his hand firmly against your body, caressing you through your top. His lips trail open-mouthed kisses along your neck, following the path he had created earlier.
You press your hand against his shoulder and push him away. "Not tonight," you tell him, seeing the worry in his eyes, "I believe, even if I shouldn't." Removing his hand from your chest, you bring the inside of his wrist against your lips. The soft kiss against his skin makes his heart stutter. "But I don't want us to have sex tonight."
"No sex, okay," he nods, pecking your lips, "then what do you want?"
"I want room service, one of those crappy romantic comedies you like," you giggle as he mumbles under his breath about them not being 'crappy,' "and to fall asleep with my head on your chest, if that's okay with you?"
He cradles your face and brushes his thumb along your cheek. "And then tomorrow we're going to Italy."
"Yes," he hums, skimming his thumb along your smile, "you said you wanted to run away, so let's do it together." He brings you closer and whispers, "I love you," before kissing you.
Taglist: @shanoontje @maseandkepa @theblxefox @blueathens  @ofxinnocence @mrschilly @geek-and-proud @in-my-body-bag @laurasstufff1 @mountchilly @spicysainz @greykitkepa @thoseboysinblue @kickinganddriving @lizzypotter14 @bracedes @chelseagirl98 @notsoattractivearenti @swimmingismywholelife @lovelynikol16 @masonsrem @masonspulisic
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thechrysanthecandle · 2 months
so I just got done watching a Chants of Sennaar playthrough and
[5] But the Lord came down to look at the city and the tower the people were building. [6] “Look!” he said. “The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them! [7] Come, let’s go down and confuse the people with different languages. Then they won’t be able to understand each other.”
—‭‭ Genesis 11:5-7 NLT‬‬
this game really said, "i see your bullshit and i raise you a solid 'nah'" and i'm so here for it. not assuming the devs' affiliation of course, but this game is a perfect deconstruction tool. like the player is actively undoing the damage that a powerful being caused when it put it's own selfish wants and desperation for worship over the well-being of humanity.
Exile used its abilities to foster prejudice and an environment of non-communication in the tower, and by doing so it ensured that it would remain safely/securely in power. after the traveler begins translating the languages and reuniting the floors, Exile begins to panic. it knows that this unity, humans working together for the greater good of all, would spell it's downfall/irrelevance.
“The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them!
Only in a villain's mind would a united and organized people be a bad thing. In the bible, god took away people's ability to communicate with one another because he knew they would prosper together. but he also knew that this prosperity would mean they wouldn't need to rely solely on him. they accomplish great things by their own powers.
now imagine a villain in a story where their whole schtick is that they purposely cripple and abuse their own children. And the reason they (the villain) do so is because they want to continue being relied on and fawned over. everybody would be calling that character what they are; an abuser, a jealous narcissist, a psychopath.
but because we've slapped the label of "god" over those titles instead, people don't want to admit the truth of yahweh's character. christianity demands we read Genesis 11 and say "that's a father who loves us more than anything" and Chants of Sennaar shows is what that logic looks like played out. it's fucking insane.
and not only is it an analysis of yahweh's decree and actions, but it holds our hand as we actively undo/deconstruct/fix the damage done by it. at the end this game says "humans working together to make life better without fear of a narcissistic dictator is good actually" and i think that's real cool.
i love this game.
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ms-scarletwings · 3 months
Upon finishing S3//Ep2 of Moral Orel, “Innocence”, Orel’s morals finally clicked for me
As happens in a show this narratively rich, I looked around at some of the close-by chatter under comment sections. People were making these observations about how Orel seemingly just goes out of his way to interpret all of the lessons he’s given in the least charitable and most nonsensical way. Not an invalid view, and for the first good part of the show, you think this is just the function of an over the top comedic bit for the formula of each episode. It’s easy to ask how on earth a seemingly kind hearted, well meaning kid like this can be THAT devoid of the basic logical implications of what he hears, or any common moral intuition that virtually everyone has, right?
Orel’s not a stupid kid. But the entire problem with him up to the point thus far is that he legit DOES NOT in fact have that intuition we expect most people, even children to have. That knee-jerk repulsion to obviously harmful actions. That really vital sense of conscience. No, I don’t mean he’s some kind of psychopath. He has a bright and almost sickeningly sweet heart and it was part of how he broke the cycle despite everything. I mean that Orel has not had a coherent moral compass modeled to him through his earlier development. His ethical axioms are ALL rooted in divine command theory. To put it simply, he doesn’t believe “god is good”, he believes “goodness” itself is “what god says is good”. Most Christians, hell, most religious people generally do not literally, consciously operate in this way, and usually even the ones that do are (mostly) still functionally average people, because usually they were at least consistently conditioned to believe that axioms like human well-being are what God commands. To at least a fortunate degree, human empathy and socialization usually is allowed to and even encouraged to develop under mainstream religious upbringings.
You notice the glaring difference though when you see what happens to people who are molded entirely by Divine Command Theory and then become convinced that their God’s divine command is something that doesn’t happen to line up with conventionally good ideals, like those given earlier. This is what destructive cults do. This is what makes crusades. This is what causes anti-sodomy laws and stoning people to death for eating the wrong kind of fish or not wearing the right clothing to happen.
Understand that this is the hinge that Orel’s whole sense of right and wrong up to this point swings on. What it means is that this little boy can, and will, justify or excuse any and all directions given to him so long as he trusts the adult talking to him as someone who speaks for God. This combined with his craving for approval, plus the fact that he’s also had it drilled in his head to never question or doubt his elders’ wisdom makes for a child zealot that is dangerously easy to manipulate to do ANYTHING and with fanatical determination. It is less than no additional help that the Puppingtons (and the majority of the townsfolk) have never been golden examples for healthy social modeling, as well. Like, sure, he’s getting glimmers of actual goodness in there such as the Jesus loves you so love yourself and help thy neighbors messaging, but it’s being inconsistently contradicted by and juggled alongside at same hierarchical importance as “lessons” like beat the shit out of people who make fists, segregate the brown people, and be terrified of the same authority you expect safety and comfort from. Why on earth is it shocking that Orel seemingly has no sense of scale or priority when it comes to the rules? The rules he’s given are subject to constant and chaotic updates and are all treated with the same gravity. Follow X and you will be promised infinite reward. Disobey X and you will be met with infinite retribution. Not just even in a spiritual heaven and hell sense, but here in life too. Clay delivers the same punishment for getting hooked on crack or becoming a serial rapist that he does for the “sin” of using slang vernacular and meditating to relieve stress.
Everything that defines his life and virtues is a matter of constant anxiety and eagerness in order to appease a patriarchal tyrant that is portrayed as both ultimately benevolent and wise,
yet incredibly vindictive, sadistic, irrational, and petty.
And I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this description can equally apply to Moralton’s conception of God and a certain alcoholic father.
No kidding when I say that Orel has so little consistent input to actually steer him in the right direction that it’s incredibly sad, to the point where he’s extremely fortunate to actually have such an optimistic and compassionate inclination at all. It only seems ridiculous how he can’t see obvious suffering and even personal detriment as any red flags to hesitate or question an action, until you remember that he’s so been domestically broken by Clay and his church that his Pavlovian response to pain is either gratitude, mild inconvenience, or, masochistic euphoria.
Nonetheless, all of this only backfires on every adult in Moralton because the one thing they can’t control or account for 24/7 is exactly how he interprets what they say, even when he’s trying his best to follow their command. It’s like a twisted Amelia Bedelia situation with him that no one actually wants to deal with, even though they all (except Stephanie) collectively played a part in creating this monster.
Censordoll was the first one who was smart and ambitious enough to see the potential for Orel’s blind subservience to be weaponized, and of freaking course she was.
Thing is, you bet the ONLY reason she stopped was because she also lost control of him, and we all know what the consequence of that was. He unintentionally yet absolutely destroyed her in the only weak point she has, yet exactly like Clay did during the “turn the other cheek” incident, she trapped herself in a situation where she couldn’t swallow her own pride in the name of reversing the damage.
What I guess I’m explaining here is that Orel’s collection of constant shenanigans, unknowingly, yet effectively, is literally a manifestation of the community’s own complete moral bankruptcy biting them back in the ass, and possibly even a divine punishment for it, depending on how you interpret the writing. Which is a HELL of a phenomenal, subtle twist to his whole premise that doesn’t abandon the original joke/satire, but instead builds upon it and adds a chasm of depth and intention.
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yuikomorihotline · 2 months
ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔇𝔩 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔣𝔞𝔳𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢 𝔪𝔬𝔳𝔦𝔢𝔰
*Descriptions from Letterboxt and quotes from IMDb
Yui: Phantom of the Opera (2004)
The waiting is over...let the fantasy begin.
Deformed since birth, a bitter man known only as the Phantom lives in the sewers underneath the Paris Opera House. He falls in love with the obscure chorus singer Christine, and privately tutors her while terrorizing the rest of the opera house and demanding Christine be given lead roles. Things get worse when Christine meets back up with her childhood acquaintance Raoul and the two fall in love.
Shuu: Goldfinger (1964)
Do you expect me to talk?
No, I expect you to die!
Special agent 007 comes face to face with one of the most notorious villains of all time, and now he must outwit and outgun the powerful tycoon to prevent him from cashing in on a devious scheme to raid Fort Knox – and obliterate the world’s economy.
Reiji: The Seventh Seal (1957)
My body is ready, but I am not.
When disillusioned Swedish knight, Antonius Block, returns home from the Crusades to find his country in the grips of the Black Death, he challenges Death to a chess match for his life. Tormented by the belief that God does not exist, Block sets off on a journey, meeting up with traveling players Jof and his wife, Mia, and becoming determined to evade Death long enough to commit one redemptive act while he still lives.
Laito: The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Well, Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming?
Clarice Starling is a top student at the FBI’s training academy. Jack Crawford wants Clarice to interview Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a brilliant psychiatrist who is also a violent psychopath, serving life behind bars for various acts of murder and cannibalism. Crawford believes that Lecter may have insight into a case and that Starling, as an attractive young woman, may be just the bait to draw him out.
Kanato: Jack and the Cuckoo Clock Heart (2013)
The torment of love can transform people into wretched monsters.
In Scotland 1874, Jack is born on the coldest day ever. Because of the extreme cold, his heart stops beating. The responsible midwife in Edinburgh finds a way to save him by replacing his heart with a clock. So he lives and remains under the midwife’s protective care. But he must not get angry or excited because that endangers his life by causing his clock to stop working. Worse than that, when he grows up, he has to face the fact he cannot fall in love because that too could stop his delicate heart.
Ayato: Pulp Fiction (1994)
You won't know the facts until you've seen the fiction.
A burger-loving hit man, his philosophical partner, a drug-addled gangster’s moll and a washed-up boxer converge in this sprawling, comedic crime caper. Their adventures unfurl in three stories that ingeniously trip back and forth in time.
Subaru: The Crow (1994)
And I say, "I'm dead," and I move.
Exactly one year after young rock guitarist Eric Draven and his fiancée are brutally killed by a ruthless gang of criminals, Draven – watched over by a hypnotic crow – returns from the grave to exact revenge.
Ruki: Eyes Without a Face (1960)
A new face, a new identity.
Dr. Génessier is riddled with guilt after an accident that he caused disfigures the face of his daughter, the once beautiful Christiane, who outsiders believe is dead. Dr. Génessier, along with accomplice and laboratory assistant Louise, kidnaps young women and brings them to the Génessier mansion. After rendering his victims unconscious, Dr. Génessier removes their faces and attempts to graft them on to Christiane’s.
Yuuma: Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Tell you what, we coulda had a good life together!
Two modern-day cowboys meet on a shepherding job in the summer of ’63, the two share a raw and powerful summer together that turns into a lifelong relationship conflicting with the lives they are supposed to live.
Kou: The Menu (2022)
You will eat less than you desire and more than you deserve.
A couple travels to a coastal island to eat at an exclusive restaurant where the chef has prepared a lavish menu, with some shocking surprises.
Azusa: Parasite (2019)
You know what kind of plan never fails? No plan. No plan at all.
All unemployed, Ki-taek’s family takes peculiar interest in the wealthy and glamorous Parks for their livelihood until they get entangled in an unexpected incident.
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valentinoceros · 5 months
One of the things I find most intriguing about the characters in Hazbin is the potential that the technical inhumanity of them brings.
Let me explain.
Something you see pretty much everywhere in this fandom, like in all fandoms, is people choosing specific characters to relate to, to project onto or generally sympathize with, and that is ofc totally normal and good for any type of media really. Often media is judged by how well you can identify with the characters in it (and based on that how real they feel) because we love to see ourselves portrayed on the screen, either how we would like to be or how we currently are/were, giving us the feeling of being recognized and understood. There are of course many, MANY more psychological aspects to this but you get what I mean.
Now, most of the time this works really well, because pretty much all media has humans for their main characters, which obviously follow the same psychology as ours, or at least they have non-human characters which are portrayed with mostly human minds. There are some excpetions to this, usually found in sci-fi movies and series (honorable mentions go to Star Trek and Babylon 5, although I find the latter does a better job at this), but even then there are many human charactaristics to morale/ethics/etc found.
But back to Hazbin Hotel.
Here we have a series set in hell, the place where sinners (according to christian rules) go, but of course not just anyone who's sinned but more specifically unrepentant sinners. (This is again a very simplified answer, but I'm not trying to have a discussion about theological accuracy of anyone's or any religion's understanding of who exactly goes to hell or not here, so we're running with this.) Essentially we have souls ranging from having been just a person who unapologetically sinned to actually Hitler-esque living in this place for pretty much eternity.
Notice how I said souls, not people.
Because people, by definition, refers to a number of humans, and as we can clearly see from for example the designs of these characters, they are no longer humans. And that finally brings me to my point.
Bear with me here, bc I'm not entirely versed in the Hazbin lore, so I don't know how much of this is already established, but the way I see it, souls, upon entering hell, loose their humanity. They may retain some aspects of their previous personality, most likely moreso the evil ones or to be specific the ones that caused them to go to hell in the first place, they might even keep some of their core memories from life but judging by how many things we forget even whilst still living I can't imagine death to not have an impact on that, and severely so. All in all they're totally new beings though.
And what makes us think that these totally different creatures, which are on top of it (usually) inherently evil, function, think, or feel, in any way similar to how we do?
There's no reason for them to be able to feel things such as remorse, empathy, or even love. And that’s what I find fascinating, that this could technically be a world with exclusively psychopaths (though that’s of course not a wholly accurate term in this case) and how that would function. Going even further, with this in mind, the way some of these characters act makes total sense - and I'm specifically talking about the "antagonists" here of course, like our collective fan-favorite Valentino.
This is, of course, just my own personal view of this, but for someone who's always enjoyed the darker parts of content in fandom this entire setting is just. Perfect.
BUT, and here comes the really big but, exactly those things I mentioned earlier they technically shouldn't be able to feel, (remorse, empathy, and love) are all things we see characters on this show experience. Y'know, the things that I said are human emotions. And that brings me to my BONUS POINT of this endless rant, which is about Charlie and the entire premise of this show. Because she might not even realize this, but Charlie is not actually trying to redeem demons for the sake of making them into angels. She's making them back into humans.
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kanobeanz · 8 months
Hello Kan! Anything you want to infodump about? XD
alskdjfhg thank you so much for asking omg (no pressure to read btw I got kinda carried away lmao)
yes so i watched the heathers movie for the first time in a while with a friend yesterday, and it was frickin amazing i just love how christian slater (the actor who plays the psycho boyfriend jason dean) is just so jittery in his movements and creates a perfect balance of making you feel uneasy around him but also feel drawn in and want to know more about him. he really gives off a unstable, psychopathic vibe, especially at the end where he’s trying to blow up the school, but it’s also interesting to compare his performance with an actor from the musical version of heathers, particularly jamie muscato from the west end version of heathers. i am in love with jamie’s performance, he has the same shaky movements and hunched back as christian slater and also ryan mccartan from the off-broadway production of heathers, but what makes jamie’s performance so special is that even though he’s a psychopath, you can tell that he’s actually a teenager and still unsure in his movements, and this is really seen in meant to be yours because it’s like he’s switching back and forth of two different personalities in the show, sometimes being just an anxious young boy who’s lost in his world, as he paces around and pulls at his shirt, hunching over while making jerky movements and furrowing his eyebrows. i guess in a way this isn’t very comparable to christian slater who doesn’t have to sing a song in the heathers movie, but i just wanted to talk about how amazing i think jamie is at performing, especially as he often gets overlooked for his weird accent (he puts on a strange mish-mash of american accents to show how much he’s been moved around in his life that he hasn’t even developed one singular accent), and the fact that a lot of the heathers musical fandom don’t really like the west end version of heathers anyway, just because it’s not the same as the original off-broadway one.
um yeah thank you if you got this far, thanks so much for the ask eli!!!
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broitsf-ckingfreezing · 10 months
Fandom vs. Dooku: Religious Affiliation
Okay, my first rant has been making the rounds, so I wanted to come back and do a more in-depth approach (WITH EVIDENCE). Last time I was rapidly keyboard mashing on my phone whilst simultaneously howling my grievances to the moon, so hopefully everything should be a smidge more... coherent in this one.
This is taking HOURS to type up, so everything will be split into different posts. Possibly, idk. Look I have opinions and ADHD. Gotta peel those layers back like a particularly rancid onion.
(thanks @eloquentmoon for the dividers!)
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Something that Star Wars as a fandom often fails to realise is that Jedi Master Dooku (or Yan Dooku, I suppose, if that's your headcanon) and Sith Apprentice Darth Tyranus are not the same. Well, they are literally the same person, but that's not what I'm getting at. The point I am trying to make here is that a character can in fact be an inherently good guy and also a genocidal psychopath. In Star Wars, one is not born a Sith. You cannot just... be a Sith and nothing else. Much is the same with a Jedi. One is either born with the ability to reach/manipulate the Force or they aren't (Force-nulls, for sake of clarity), they are not born Jedi or Sith. Jedi and Sith are religious orders. Like Protestants and Catholics, Jedi and Sith follow the same faith but with different philosophies and restrictions (or complete lack thereof regarding the Sith; anything is game if it eventually means absolute power).
Let's take a look at the best established religious order of Star Wars in canon and Legends. Mandalorians.
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(A GIF of the Armourer in The Mandalorian. The subtitles read: "According to Creed, one may only be redeemed in the living waters beneath the mines of Mandalore.")
In Legends, to be Mandalorian is to dedicate yourself to the Resol'nare or the Six Actions:
Wearing the armour
Speaking the language
Defense of oneself and one's family
Raising children as Mandalorian (this is the Way)
Contributing to the clan's welfare
Answering the call of the Mand'alor or Sole Ruler
Canonically, to go against the word of the Creed, such as removing your helmet to outsiders or non-clan, was to declare yourself dar'manda or No Longer Mandalorian (not stated explicitly in canon, but widely accepted in fanon/features in SW: The Old Republic). In Christian equivalent, this would be committing sin. As shown in the GIF above, one could be redeemed for "sinning" in Mandalore's living waters. Kind of like confession and repentance in Christianity.
And like the many differing dedications to the concept of God, like Jedi and Sith as you will soon see, Mandalorians have their thoughts on the Force. The only difference here is that where God is not provable beyond doubt, the Force is. Its existence cannot be denied. However, how the Force is/should be interpreted varies from person to person, from religion to religion.
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The Jedi Code
Jedi and Sith also follow Creeds.
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(An image of the Jedi mantra in Basic and Aurebesh. It reads: "There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the force.")
The Jedi Code places great emphasis on compassion and bettering one's self; particularly, maintaining control over your emotions and learning to let go. Here especially is where fans like to pick and choose their understanding of canon like rooting through a jar of lollipops at the doctor's to get the orange one. So, I'm gonna highlight my point here with some big ass text:
Jedi do not condemn emotion
(be warned: LOTS of italics incoming)
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(An edit of a still of Anakin Skywalker from Attack of the Clones. The text reads: "Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life.)
Sure, where Anakin is obviously not the prime example of what a Jedi should be, and he is clearly trying to butter up Padme to embrace his frankly awful flirting attempts, we must also remember that he had been living by the Jedi Code for almost (if not exactly) ten years at this point. AND. AND AND AND. We have IMPERICAL EVIDENCE from the Clone Wars that while not often stated outright (if at all; forgive me, I only just reached the Mortis Arc and believe me, I have OPINIONS), Jedi DO love unconditionally.
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(A GIF from The Clone Wars of Mace Windu. The subtitle reads: "I'm going to do whatever I can to help these people.")
Often, their first instinct unless guided otherwise by alternate intel or the Force itself, is to have faith in those who would call upon them for help. There's literally an entire movie about Ahsoka and Anakin delivering the child of Jabba the Motherfucking HUTT back to him. They could've killed the child. Held him for ransom until Jabba conceded to a beneficial alliance. Instead, they hold to the hope that Jabba would hold to some kind of honour as a parent and allow an alliance negotiation on good faith. Jabba. A literal owner of SLAVES. Who planned, because of intel from a Sith Lord, to stab the Jedi in the back.
I bring your attention to this iconic line from my last post:
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(A GIF of Ki-Adi Mundi from Attack of the Clones. The subtitle reads: "He is a political idealist, not a murderer)
He is talking about Dooku, ex-Jedi, now publicly politically aligned with and the leader of the Separatist movement: AKA the "let's leave the Republic because we believe them and, by extension, the Jedi, to be corrupt" crew. He is a mark of shame upon the order. One of the Lost Twenty--Legends lore, for those who don't understand, is that there have only been twenty Jedi (including Dooku) ever to leave the Order past achieving Master status)--and yet, they still honour him as one of their own, literally saying: "he was once one of us." If that isn't a sign of unconditional compassion, then I'll eat my lightsaber collection.
I now move on to this:
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(A GIF from Attack of the Clones of Obi-Wan Kenobi. The subtitle reads: "Don't let your personal feelings get in the way!")
To be in control of yourself and your reactions isn't to abandon emotion entirely. That is literally impossible. In fact, emotions are valuable to Jedi. However, they are taught to be mindful of how emotions can affect their logical reasoning.
When Obi-Wan Kenobi is ordered to hunt down Darth Vader, whom has just sworn himself to the Sith Lord and literally murdered possibly hundreds of Jedi Masters, Knights, Padawans, and Initiates by his own hand, he actually abandons his logical reasoning and refuses to kill the man he raised and fought beside for the last 13 years.
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(A GIF from Star Wars III: The Revenge of the Sith of Obi-Wan Kenobi. The subtitles read: "You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you.")
This is a direct parallel to Anakin's refusal to kill recently-revealed Sith Lord Palpatine, Darth Sidious. Both of these instances were done for entirely selfish reasons.
Anakin twists a tenet of the Code upon its head and refuses to kill Sidious because, at the time, he is without a weapon, and Jedi are sworn never to kill an unarmed opponent. Logically, we must reason that these rules do NOT apply to the Sith because A) they had been thought extinct and therefore didn't need exceptions written into the Code, B) it is literally proven within that very same scene that an unarmed Sith Lord is still extremely dangerous, and C) Jedi are sworn to uphold the balance of the Force within themselves and the galaxy, therefore the Sith must be destroyed. In this moment, Anakin has allowed his fear of his wife and unborn children dying to cloud his judgement, allowed the Lord to live, and subsequently doomed the galaxy.
Obi-Wan, canonically a far better Jedi than Anakin, allows his love for the man he raised to stop him from killing him. Even out of mercy as Anakin burns in the heat of Mustafar. Yes, he walks away, believing Anakin will certainly die, but again: an unarmed Sith (literally because ya boy has NO ARMS, lmao) is still extremely dangerous. Just as Maul survived from literally being sliced in half, so did Anakin survive Mustafar. Allowing love, grief, desperation to cloud his judgement, Obi-Wan has (although unknowingly until the Obi-Wan Kenobi series set ten years later) assisted in dooming the galaxy.
It is not Obi-Wan's love for his former-padawan that has done this. It is his refusal to let him go, his fear of being the one who has to kill Anakin, despite being the only one capable of doing so because of Anakin's incredible skill and power.
Despite these contradictions: Obi-Wan Kenobi is still a good guy, and Anakin Skywalker is a bad guy.
Obi-Wan would go on to repent for the rest of his life, cutting himself off from the Force to hide his presence and watch over Luke Skywalker on Tatooine, even though the Lars family do not welcome him at all. And he will go to great lengths, putting himself in constant danger, to save Leia Organa. When this is all over, he will face his student one last time and sacrifice himself to ensure the safety of the children, to give the darkened galaxy just one more chance at hope.
(And, as an aside, Obi-Wan's final sacrifice is also to teach Luke about the Jedi tenet of letting go and dedicating yourself to something greater than your own wants and physical being, just as Qui-Gon did for Obi-Wan decades before.)
Anakin, in the meantime, Darth Vader by this point, is literally running around blowing up planets. Let me repeat that: BLOWING UP PLANETS. With billions if not trillions of lifeforms on them. And also murdering Jedi Purge survivors. And, you know, killing basically anyone that doesn't agree with the rule of the Empire. Also, enslaving a lot of people. Like, a lot of people. Including the clones he once thought brothers until he... idk, kills them all? They all die of rapid old age? I'm not exactly sure what happens to them.
Obi-Wan loved unconditionally. He was compassionate. As was in accordance with his Creed.
Anakin Skywalker was possessive. He loved only that which he wanted and that which loved him in return, but only if it was love to his standards. Obi-Wan, who surely loved him as a brother and a son, tried to stop him from taking the galaxy, therefore he had to destroy his former Master.
This is what attachment is.
Unwillingness to let go of something you can no longer have.
Do you pro-genocide fans think Obi-Wan wanted Qui-Gon Jinn to die? He literally cradles him in his arms and cries, for goodness' sake. And do you know what Qui-Gon does in his last moments? He does not fear for himself. He does not tell Obi-Wan everything will be okay. Because he knows it will. He knows Obi-Wan will be okay. Because his padawan will mourn, but he will also accept that it was Qui-Gon's time to pass into the Force. And he knows that Obi-Wan knows that he will always be with him in the Force. There is no death. There is the Force.
What he does instead is so loving and compassionate and so caring. All he wants in his final moments is to make sure that Anakin, the boy in his care, will be safe.
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(A GIF from Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace of Qui-Gon Jinn comforting Obi-Wan Kenobi as he dies. He reaches up and brushes Obi-Wan's face with his fingertips)
Those who can see that GIF, look at it and tell me that it is not a highly emotional, beautifully intimate moment between a dying father and his son. Look me in the eyes and tell me that and I will call you a liar because your pants are on fire, mother fucker.
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The Sith Code
We have a better understanding of the Jedi Code than we do the Sith, largely because Sith are chaotic pathological liars who constantly break their own rules.
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(A GIF from Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace of Yoda and Mace Windu. The subtitles read: "Always two there are. No more, no less. A master and an apprentice.")
Only two, huh? Then tell me, Tyranus and Sidious:
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(An image of Asajj Ventress from Star Wars: The Clone Wars wielding two red lightsabers)
Like Satanism to Christianity, the Sith Code stands as a direct and deliberate contradiction to the Jedi Code.
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(An image of the Sith Code in Basic and Aurebesh. It reads: "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The force shall free me.")
Let's take a quick look at the two Creeds side by side:
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(An image of the Sith Code (left) and the Jedi Code (right). The one on the left reads: "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The force shall free me." The one on the right reads: "There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the force.")
Pretty big differences there.
One of these Creeds is dedicated to learning, maintaining balance in the Force, and achieving personal betterment through peace of mind. The other is dedicated to becoming strong, powerful, and unbeatable by comparing putting the needs of the many before the wants of yourself to slavery.
I'll let you take a guess which one is which.
I mean, it is almost explicitly said that an important initiation process for becoming a Sith is to fucking murder a Jedi. In Tales of the Jedi, which is considered canon in the current state of the series (meaning should someone with authoritative control over Star Wars later retcon this, then it will no longer be canon), Dooku kills Master Yaddle as his official initiation after the death and funeral of Qui-Gon--don't forget, before this point Dooku may have been Fallen, but he was not Sith until Sidious loses Maul as an apprentice. Say what you will about Palps, but you gotta give him credit for abiding by the Sith Rule of Two, otherwise the galaxy would've been a lot more utterly fucked than it was. Until this was canon, anyone who was not versed in Legends lore (AKA me) generally headcanoned that Dooku murdered and assumed the identity of Sifo-Dyas for his Sith initiation.
Also, I feel it is imperative to note that the Sith Code was literally inspired by Mein Kampf. You know, ADOLF HITLER'S MANIFESTO. Need proof? Here, straight from the Star Wars Wookiepedia:
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What's The Point?
I've been writing for almost 3 hours and I'm only JUST getting to the bit that's actually about Dooku. Let's take a breather and re-establish some points:
Jedi and Sith are religious Creeds
You are not born Jedi or Sith
To be Jedi or Sith is to make CHOICES that align with the tenets of the Creed
To be Jedi is to be compassionate, mindful, and a protector of those who are defenseless
Jedi have rules and regulations to protect their Order from corruption and abuse of power
To be Sith is to put your wants first, to become all-powerful, and to be victorious over all others
Sith do NOT have rules and regulations (that they actually follow faithfully aside from the Rule of Two, which is broken by Dooku multiple times anyway)
Got it?
Cool let's move on.
This is what I mean by the separation of Jedi Master Dooku and Darth Tyranus. On the matter of Dooku, the fandom largely seems to be divided between:
He was manipulated by the Sith! He was actually a good guy who knew the Senate was corrupt! He was just trying to save the galaxy!
He was a shit Jedi and everyone should've known he was Darkside. He abused Qui-Gon. He abused padawans. He hated children. He didn't Fall because he was always evil.
My guys.
My dudes.
My homies.
Just... WHAT?
For point A, I present to you:
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(A GIF from The Clone Wars of Dooku. The subtitle reads: "I would kill you both if I didn't have to drag your bodies.)
He literally just threatened murder. Actual murder. In another scene, season 1, if someone could find the GIF that would be fantastic, Dooku says he wants the death of the Jedi. All of the Jedi. He wants to slaughter children, the people he once considered family. In season 4, to Savage Oppress, he offers the galaxy. "We will rule the galaxy together." That is a dictatorship. These are not the signs of a healthy man doing what is best for the people. This is selfish desire. This is Sith Creed.
For point B:
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(A GIF from TOTJ. Dooku stands before Qui-Gon's favourite tree on Coruscant). Look, I'm not great at image and GIF descriptors. If someone would like to fix this for me, please do. I worked real hard on this analysis and I want it to be accessible.
A man who did not love his padawan, his pseudo-son, would not have visited their favourite place on the entirety of Coruscant upon their death. This was inconvenient. Him visiting this tree when he shouldn't have because he'd just infiltrated the archives and deleted evidence of Kamino brings suspicion upon him that he could've avoided by simply staying away. But he couldn't. He had to go one last time.
He also, in Attack of the Clones, expresses regret at never meeting Obi-Wan before then. Qui-Gon always spoke very highly of him. Yes, because an abused child whose evil, evil master, again, abused him, would ever speak of his own child to said-abuser. Dooku may be a Sith of a decade by that point, but don't forget that Sith are entrenched in negative emotion. We have no idea what he was feeling meeting the son of his son for the first time. He could have easily murdered Obi-Wan before Anakin and all of the Jedi arrive. He later tries to multiple times. The first thing he does is offer an alliance. An apprenticeship. He even tells Obi-Wan the truth of Palpatine in the Senate, not that he (Obi) has any reason to believe him (Dooku).
Again, what's my point?
My point is that he is both a good guy and a bad guy.
He can be both.
He was once good. He Fell. He was not always one or the other. Because that is how Star Wars WORKS. His doubts over the Senate, his fears that the Order is falling to darkness, his utter grief at the death of his child; it crippled him. He could not overcome the Darkside. And so he Fell. Perhaps originally he had good intentions.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions after all.
Eventually, the anger, the grief, the fear, corrupted him. As is how the Darkside works. Yes, it is a choice. It is a Creed he chooses to follow. But to walk back from the Darkside is also a journey that requires incredible strength.
In canon, only one achieves it. Anakin Skywalker.
Early on, perhaps Dooku could have been saved. But by the time of Attack of the Clones, he is utterly corrupt and evil and literally planning an absolute takeover of the galaxy. He is far beyond redemption.
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Look, thanks for coming to my TED talk. If you enjoyed this post and would like to see more, please consider tipping! I am an unemployed chronically anxious and depressed sewer rat. I also accept love in reblogs and comments XD
I feel like @jedi-enthusiast and @antianakin will like this.
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beastkeeper91 · 1 year
🔪🩸A Demon in Gravesfield🩸🔪
(WARNING!!!: This AU concept will contain graphic content, violent content, abuse, drug use, alcohol use, addiction, and other angst and mature based material. Viewer discretion is advised! Seriously, this is an R Rated AU concept!!!)
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• We all know that Canon!Luz is a Eccentric and geeky person who loves fantasy and adventure, but what if she wasn't exactly the person people thought she was, what if she completely snapped due to all the bullying and abuse she went through when she was younger and became a sadistic and blood thirsty psychopath.
• Victor Zsasz from DC Comics.
• Slashers & Serial Killers from different movies, shows, and franchises.
[AU info]
• Everyone is human, including King.
• Takes place in Gravesfield which has a high crime rate due to gang violence, addicts, serial killers, etc. Also Gravesfield is a lot more larger than it's canon counterpart.
• There are a total of four gangs within Gravesfield; The Fallen Angels MC (Bikers), The Alley Cats (Punks), The Aryan Sons (White Supremacists), The Innocentz (Satanists).
• Before Luz, there were other serial killers that terrorized Gravesfield in the past.
• Camila was an abusive parent even before Manny passed away and was very discriminative twords Luz "For not being normal". So due to this Luz was with her dad most of her life.
• Luz was around ten years old when she got adopted and achieved her first kill.
• King has been adopted by Eda and Raine ever since he was a baby. They found him abandoned in a cardboard box within an empty alley.
• Eda has heterochromia, a prosthetic arm, and Epilepsy in which she calls her "Curse". Oh, and also a bit of PTSD.
• Eda owns a pawn shop called "The Owl's Nest" and Raine is a music teacher at Gravesfield High.
• Lilith works for the Gravesfield Police Department as a detective.
• Lilith adopted both Vee and Hunter when they were around five and six years old. She adopted Hunter after a case regarding child abuse and then Vee after busting a Child Abduction & Slavery operation.
• Hooty and Owlbert are Eda's pet Owls.
• Stringbean is Luz's pet garter snake that Eda and Raine got for her 12th Birthday.
• Palisman are ordinary animals.
• Collie *The Collector* is born with vitiligo and has ADHD, he's been friends with King since preschool.
• Masha lives a very poor and dysfunctional life with their abusive mom and dad in a rundown trailer park, and whenever it got out of control they would sneak out of the house and stay with their friends for a bit.
• Alador and Odalia were both abusive parents to the point where they would badly injure and torture their own kids.
• Amity, Emira, and Edric got adopted by Darius Deamonne at a young age after the police found out about the abuse and torment they went through.
• Boscha, along with Skara, Amelia, Kevin (The oracle kid from "Once Upon a Swap"), Cat, Bria, Andrew (Angmar), Gavin, and Piper (The blonde cheerleader) are some of the many bullies at Gravesfield High.
• Bria was dating Boscha before she got killed.
• Belos and Philip Wittebane are not the same person, though he's still evil to where he's the main leader of The Aryan Sons.
•Belos' real name is Bruno Steiner.
• The Six Coven Heads are either your average criminals, gang leaders, or just lowlives.
• Philip Wittebane is not immortal and died back in the 1600s, but he's still the puritan, false christian fanatic though and due to this the statue of the Wittebane Brothers only has Caleb's statue while Philip's is completely defaced and vandalized.
[Luz's Appearance]
• Ragged Hair, Tally Mark Scars covering her body, and a scar on her left eyebrow in which she calls her "First Mark".
[Luz's Weapon]
• A Hunting Knife and a baseball bat, though she prefers to be creative with her kills.
[Luz's Skills & Abilities]
• Knife/Weapon Proficiency.
• Pain Tolerance.
• Hand-to-Hand Combat.
• Extreme intelligence, Agility, and Physical Strength.
• Unpredictability.
• Enhanced Brutality/Barbarity/Savagery.
• Killer Instinct.
• Killing Intent.
• Murder Intuition.
• Torture Intuition.
[Luz's Casual Outfit]
• A Red Beanie, Black Choker Necklace, Purple T-Shirt with a Black & White Striped Sweatshirt underneath, Ripped Blue Jeans, and Black Tennis Shoes.
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[Luz's Serial Killer Outfit]
• A Demon Skull Mask, Black Hoodie, Black Sweatpants, Black Combat Boots, and White Elbow-Length Gloves.
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[Luz's Serial Killer Name]
• The Gravesfield Ripper.
[Luz's Family]
• Camila Noceda (Birth Mother, Deceased).
• Manny Noceda (Birth Father, Deceased).
• Eda Clawthorne (Adoptive Mother).
• Raine Whispers (Adoptive Parent).
• King Clawthorne (Adoptive Brother).
• Lilith Clawthorne (Adoptive Aunt).
• Vee Clawthorne (Adoptive Cousin).
• Hunter Clawthorne (Adoptive Cousin).
[Luz's Victims]
(1) Camila Noceda; Stabbed in the neck with a kitchen knife.
(2) Principal Hal; Stabbed numerous times in the back, chest, and face.
(3) Ms. Bitters *Unnamed art teacher*; Pushed and crushed into a printing press.
(4) Coach Burton; Strangeled and beaten to death with a baseball bat.
(5) Wilson *The Grounds Keeper*; Ran mover with a riding lawnmower.
(6) Andrew *Angmar*; Decapitated with a shovel and placed on a fence.
(7) Gavin; Hung on a noose from a tree and disemboweled.
(8) Bria; Eyes gouged out, limbs dismembered, and neck snapped.
(9) Piper *Blonde Cheerleader*; Stabbed in the throat and scalped.
(10) Boscha; Burned alive.
(11) Skara; Stabbed in the stomach four times with throat slashed open.
(12) Amelia; Stabbed in the gut, the right side of the chest, and lower jaw.
(13) Kevin *Unnamed oracle student with black hat*; Bled to death after having both hands removed.
(14) Cat; Skinned Alive.
(15) Dante *Unamed Thin Student*; Decapitated with a paper cutter.
(16) Victor *Unnamed Bird Student*; Mouth carved wide open.
(17) Owen *Gus' Partner from Labyrinth Runners* Force fed acid.
(18) Josh *Unnamed Illusionist from Labyrinth Runners*; Bludgeoned to death.
(19) Selena *Archivist with Moon*; Drowned headfirst into a toilet then stabbed in the back of the head.
(20) Gabriel *Archivist with Yellow Star*; Stabbed eleven times in the face and chest.
(21) Roman *Archivist with Orange Planet*; Stomach and throat slashed open.
(22) Scarlet *Archivist with Red Star*; A curling iron in the mouth.
(23) Alador Blight; Electrocuted.
(24) Odalia Blight; Broken jaw, left arm, and legs from bluntforce, along with bruises on the neck caused by strangulation from a rope.
(25) Jacob Hopkins; Poisoned and Taxidermized.
(26) Tibblie Grimm Hammer *Tibbles*; Dismembered by cutting off both the head, arms, and legs from the torso.
(27) Chris *Adegast*; Stabbed through the forehead.
(28) Terra Snapdragon; Chest cut opened with heart removed while still alive.
(29-36) 8 Unamed Alley Cats Members; Disemboweled, impaled, dismembered, mutilated, etc.
(37) Adrian Graye Vernworth; Suffocated with a plastic bag and had his face cut off.
(38) Hettie Cutburn; Dissected and organs removed.
(39-48) 10 Unamed Bikers; Disemboweled, impaled, dismembered, mutilated, etc.
(49) Mason; Shot ten times with a crossbow.
(50) Osran; Stabbed in the back nine times and had his eyes removed.
(51) Vitimir; Tied to a bed and died from a drug cocktail of Heroin, Morphine, Fentanyl, Ketamine, and other narcotics.
(52-62) 11 Unamed Innocentz Members; Disemboweled, impaled, dismembered, mutilated, etc.
(63) Tatum *Tarak*; Decapitated, along with the words "HERETIC" that has been carved into his chest.
(64) Father Donovan *Gravesfield's Priest*; Crucified Upside-down.
(65) Crystal *Masha's Mom*; Stabbed in the right eye with a syringe.
(66) Frank *Masha's Dad*; Stabed three times in the gut and then the throat with a broken liquor bottle.
(67-82) 16 Unnamed Aryan Sons Members; Disemboweled, impaled, dismembered, mutilated, etc.
(83) Kate *Kikimora*; Bludgeoned to death with a baseball bat.
(84) Belos; stabbed in the eye and impaled to the chest with a hunting knife.
[Past Gravesfield Killers]
▪︎ The Wraith
•Real Name: Ted Wheeler.
•Age: 21.
•Status: Incarcerated.
•Born: 1976.
•Arrested: 1997.
•Physical Appearance: A Halloween skull mask, a black sweater, a black hooded trench coat, black gloves, torn jeans, and leather boots.
•Hair: Wavy blonde hair.
•Eye Color: Blue.
•Height: 5'10.
•Built: Thin.
•Weapon of Choice: Bowie Knife.
•M.O.: None Specifically.
•Kill Count: 17.
▪︎The Eclipse Lake Butcher
•Real Name: Edmond Green.
•Age: 33.
•Status: Deceased.
•Cause of Death: Pushed into a woodchipper.
•Born: 1954.
•Died: 1987.
•Physical Appearance: Wears a burlap sack designed as a mask, a red and black plaid shirt, denim jeans, and brown combat boots.
•Hair: Buzzcut.
•Eye Color: Brown.
•Height: 6'8.
•Built: Muscular.
•Weapon of Choice: Axe.
•M.O.: None.
•Kill Count: 27.
▪︎ The Smiling Man
•Real Name: Edgar Yates.
•Age: 44.
•Status: Deceased.
•Cause of Death: Shot in the head.
•Born: 1930.
•Died: 1974.
•Physical Appearance: A smiley face mask, blue shirt, black overalls, black shoes, and brown gloves.
•Eye Color: Green.
•Hair: Long Black Hair.
•Height: 6'7.
•Built: Athletic.
•Weapon of Choice: Switch Blade.
•M.O.: Carves a smile on the victim's face before killing them.
•Kill Count: 24.
▪︎ The Toymaker
•Real Name: Orson Boyd.
•Age: 49.
•Status: Deceased.
•Cause of Death: Shot multiple times in the chest.
•Born: 1940.
•Died: 1989.
•Physical Appearance: A porcelain doll mask, a rainbow-colored shirt, navy jeans, sneakers, an apron, and surgical gloves.
•Hair: Long Red Curly Hair.
•Eye Color: Green.
•Height: 6'4.
•Built: Average.
•Weapon(s): Surgical Tools.
•M.O.: Turns the children he kidnapped into "Toys".
•Kill Count: 10.
▪︎ The Sin Slayer.
•Real Name: Damian Manning.
•Age: 30.
•Status: Incarcerated.
•Born: 1973
•Arrested: 2003.
•Appearance: A black hood with a red cross painted on, a black robe, and black gloves.
•Hair: Wild Black Hair.
•Eye Color: Gray.
•Height: 5'9.
•Built: Average.
•Weapon of Choice: Butchers Knife.
•M.O.: Kills and mutilates his victims based on their sin.
•Kill Count: 7.
▪︎ The Poacher
•Real Name: Mark Ferguson.
•Age: 40.
•Status: Incarcerated.
•Born: 1944.
•Arrested: 1984.
•Physical Appearance: Wears a forest camo cap, a forest camo bandana and balaclava, a grey jacket with a green shirt underneath, ared hunting vest, forest camo pants, two left belt pouches, and a pair of black boots and fingerless gloves.
•Hair: Short brown hair.
•Eye Color: Brown.
•Height: 6'2.
•Built: Average.
•Weapon of Choice: Machete.
•M.O.: Hunts, Butchers, and Eats his victims.
•Kill Count: 19.
• Lumity (Luz x Amity).
• Veesha (Vee x Masha).
• Huntlow (Hunter x Willow).
• Brioche (Bria x Boscha).
• Raeda (Rain x Eda).
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
In the days when I used to do a podcast with my Normie gatekeeper friend Toby Young, a question he would frequently ask when I raised one or other of my pesky ‘conspiracy theories’ was: “But why would They do this?”
  My usual reply was: “These people are not like you and me. They are psychopaths. And there’s no point attempting to rationalise the thinking of psychopaths.”
  But actually I now realise that the answer is much simpler. Yes, these people are psychopaths. More pertinently, though, They are Satanists. They are at permanent war with God’s creation which means, since we were all created in God’s image, that They are at permanent war with you and me.
  They hate us. They want to torture us, starve us, poison us and kill us. And the few of us that are left They want to keep as slaves, just like They used to in the good old days of Babylon and Pharaonic Egypt, which They are now busily trying to revive.
  It would be lovely to imagine that this eternal war between what the Bible calls the Children of Men (us) and the Seed of the Serpent (them) was just a fairy story, dreamed up by credulous religious freaks back in the day to explain all the crazy stuff about the world that they didn’t understand.
  I’m sure lots of Normie types would like to believe that this is the case. I’m aware that quite a few among the red-pilled think this too. But as I am wont to say, Christianity is the final and deepest rabbit hole. If you don’t get that what is happening right now is, above all, a spiritual war between good and evil then you are missing the final piece of the jigsaw. And if you haven’t yet figured out that the only solution to the problem is God then you haven’t been paying attention.
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