#Low Cost Holidays
sibelin · 2 months
Me when I need emotional support but can't message anyone saying "Hey I need emotional support" because everyone around me have a better life than me and can't imagine the struggles I go through :
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soovyclub · 1 year
7 Best Budget-Friendly Beach Holiday Destinations in Europe Seeking sun, sea and sand this summer? Here are some of the best low-cost European beach holiday destinations if you’re planning an affordable getaway to Europe with plenty of cultural places to explore during your vacation. https://www.soovy.club/blog/best-budget-beach-holiday-destinations-places-in-europe
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apparently there’s a social worker shortage in Australia…
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Hey so remember how grocery prices suddenly jackknifed during lockdown and never went back down?
Well turns out the companies would have done that shit either way and had been steadily price-fixing for the last decade!
Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson just announced more than $40 million in court-ordained Fuck You money from massive swaths of food production companies are to be paid out to households earning at or below 175% of the federal poverty level ($25.5k for 1 person, $34.5k for 2 people households) before Dec 31st of this year. Happy Holidays.
"The bottom line here is that my legal team took on two large corporate price-fixing conspiracies that increased the cost for groceries for Washington families. We've prevailed, and as a result, we are sending checks to over 400,000 Washington households."
Cannot stress enough the extent of the conspiracies he's talking about here. 15 out of the total 19 chicken producers got nailed in this lawsuit. Not the total number of conspirators, mind, just the ones who left enough evidence for the AG to kick their ass in so expedient a manner. Make no mistake, all 19 were in on it. The court case against the rest of them has been delayed until October of next year, though. None of them are making it out unscathed.
Tuna didn't escape antitrust horseshit either, because the CEOs of Starkist, Chicken of the Sea, and Bumblebee Tuna had a fucking group chat where they complained that the price of tuna was "too low" and they agreed to artificially inflate the price.
“What’s so maddening about the conduct of these companies is the reason that they engaged in this price-fixing conspiracy was greed. They wanted to make money."
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So anyway the AG who nailed their asses to the wall and continues to do so is running for governor. If you live in Washington, could be worth your vote when primary season rolls around.
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lhtravels · 6 months
Discover the beauty of Bali without breaking the bank! Dive into our guide for budget-friendly Bali trips, featuring affordable travel options.
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borcumvarmi · 6 months
Budget-Friendly Holidays: Seize the Early, Pay Less Opportunities
Vacation is a fantastic opportunity to escape the burdens of life and create unforgettable memories. However, considering your wallet while planning a holiday is not only about enjoying a pleasant experience but also about ensuring financial comfort. “Early Bird, Low Cost” campaigns, especially for those with limited budgets, present an excellent choice.
Pocket-Friendly Prices “Early Bird, Low Cost” campaigns encourage travelers to make early reservations for their journeys or holiday packages by offering budget-friendly prices. This allows vacationers to manage their budgets more effectively. Particularly during peak seasons, those who make early reservations can enjoy their holidays at more affordable rates. https://www.expensivehotels.org/seize-the-early-pay-less-opportunities_805.htm
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365momme · 7 months
Budget-Friendly Family Vacation Ideas: Winter Break Edition
Winter break is the perfect time for families to come together, create lasting memories, and embark on exciting adventures. However, planning a family vacation during this time can often be a challenge, especially when you’re on a budget. But fear not! We’re here to help you with some fantastic and budget-friendly winter break vacation ideas that will delight both kids and adults alike. So, grab…
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lockyourtrip12 · 11 months
Embrace Adventure without Breaking the Bank with Budget Tour Packages from Lock Your Trip
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Are you dreaming of embarking on thrilling adventures without worrying about your wallet? Look no further! Lock Your Trip's Budget Tour Packages are here to make your travel dreams come true without compromising the experience. We believe everyone deserves to explore the world without breaking the bank, and our meticulously crafted budget-friendly packages are designed with this in mind.
With Lock Your Trip's Budget Tour Packages, you can explore many mesmerising destinations on a shoestring budget. We have carefully curated itineraries that offer incredible value for money, ensuring you get the most out of your journey without sacrificing quality or comfort.
Escape to sun-kissed beaches, lush jungles, or fascinating cities - all within your budget. We have handpicked various destinations that promise to ignite your wanderlust without burdening your finances. Whether you're a solo traveller, a couple, or a family, our packages cater to all, making unforgettable experiences accessible to everyone.
To Know More: https://lockyourtrip.com/package/family-packages
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vacanzeprezzibassi · 1 year
Dove Andare in Vacanza Ad Agosto Spendendo Poco
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Agosto è il mese delle vacanze estive in Italia, ma spesso è anche il periodo in cui i costi aumentano a causa dell'afflusso turistico. Tuttavia, è possibile organizzare una vacanza ad agosto spendendo poco, se si sceglie con saggezza la destinazione e si adottano alcune strategie per risparmiare. In questo articolo, ti forniremo alcune idee per un viaggio economico e indimenticabile in Italia durante il mese di agosto.
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adore-laur · 1 month
Dadrry idea: since Harry left his position of head chef and there’s a second baby now, maybe they’re struggling a tiny bit with money. Not too much but things are a little stressful and they have to cancel a holiday maybe? Or one of the girls just doesn’t get a toy she wants or something? And they have to explain it to the child just while Harry picks up a few more shifts
Harry handled the finances and was aware of each transaction made in the family. With two kids, you both had to be quite frugal, especially since Harry was working fewer hours at the restaurant and you were a stay-at-home mom. While there was never an issue of not having enough money to pay the bills and provide your children with the necessities, the prospect of running out still haunted your mind. It was possible that an unforeseeable emergency could snatch a hefty chunk of money away. Additionally, there were other boring adult things like mortgages, taxes, and monthly subscriptions that all left a bigger deduction with each year that passed.
Then there was the summer trip to Tuscany, Italy, in two months. The plane tickets had already been bought and gifted for Christmas, and the villa was booked in advance. It was expensive, but the other option of staying in a hotel room for a week with young children was undesirable in all regards. The space and privacy were crucial for your sanity.
Italy was not a cheap travel destination per se. There would be money spent every day on transportation, dining, tourist traps, and whatever else sucked you in with its magnificent European beauty. Indulging in extravagance would be tempting, but if you planned and budgeted ahead of time, maybe the financial repercussions of the trip wouldn't be so deplorable. Your wishful thinking was blatantly deceptive.
After putting the kids down for bed, you sat at the kitchen table under the dim chandelier and waited for Harry to finish unloading the dishwasher. His silent presence was comfortable as you pondered the logistics of the upcoming trip. Pondered was putting it lightly—you were brooding.
"I can hear you thinking," Harry said, setting the last bowl in the cupboard. He washed and dried his hands, then walked over to you with his cotton pajama pants slung low on his hips. His bare torso was at your eye level, and you fought the urge to bury your face in the warm, chiseled skin there.
"My head is going to explode," you muttered, feeling an imminent migraine pulsing near your temples.
He fell into the adjacent chair, exhausted from an eventful Saturday of dad duty, and scooted it closer to you. "Why, baby?" he asked, his palms scrubbing down his face as he yawned.
"I'm overthinking everything."
Placing his elbow on the table, his cheek cradled in his palm, he gave you his full focus. "Break it down for me."
"Well, there's mainly one thing." You huffed, deciding to broach the topic before it was swept under the rug. "The Italy trip. Prices are going up, and I'm worried we won't be able to afford going anymore."
Harry's expression was the epitome of flummoxed. "Wait, what? Where is this coming from?"
"You're not working full-time," you began explaining, "and I'm not raking in any income. I mean, will we be able to financially recover from the trip? What if—"
"Hold on, hold on," he said softly, his eyes pinching shut. "Can I interrupt, please?"
You half-heartedly waved your hand in his general direction, in desperate need of his sensible guidance. "Be my guest."
"Let's backtrack for a second. Why... honey, why do you think we won't be able to afford it? The biggest costs are already out of the way."
"I just told you why. Think about it, Harry." You tapped the table to emphasize each point. "A meal for four people will probably cost over a hundred dollars. That includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so if we multiply that by the seven days we're there, it's going to be well over a thousand dollars."
"Okay," he said. He didn't seem to have anything to add after that, so you continued.
"Then there's transportation." You groaned, staring up at the ceiling. "We still have to decide if we're renting a car. If not, we'll have to pay for a bus, or a train, or a taxi. That's going to add up very quickly."
"Mm-hmm." Harry had a dopey look on his face, a hint of a smile tugging the corners of his lips up. Whatever. You were being realistic, and he was in a dreamland where money grew on trees.
You carried on, getting tangled in the vines of your brain's dense jungle. "And then what about all the sightseeing and activities? That's the most expensive aspect." You shrugged helplessly. "I was recently searching for free things to do there. I guess there are a lot of buildings we can look at, but I don't know if the kids would enjoy it."
Harry nodded along. When he realized you were done with your long-winded explanation, he lifted his eyebrows and said, "It's a good thing we can spoil them with the raise I got yesterday."
"And also—what?" You stopped abruptly, catching your breath. Did he just...?
Harry stood and bent down to kiss your forehead in that sweet way of his—gentle and imploring, like he wanted to caress your brain and will it to calm down. "I got a raise yesterday," he repeated nonchalantly, nuzzling his nose into your hair.
"Why didn't you tell me?" you demanded, lightly smacking his shoulder.
"I'm telling you right now. I wanted to wait until we had a moment to ourselves." He crouched in front of you, holding your knees just like he'd done when you told him you were pregnant for the second time. The memory was so vivid that it almost left you stunned with emotion. "Five percent pay raise. We're going to be just fine." His simple smile was remedial. "We are not canceling this trip."
You exhaled, releasing all of your worries into the air, the pounding in your temples dissipating. "Why didn't you stop me from rambling on?"
"Because it's healthy to speak those types of thoughts aloud instead of letting them simmer," Harry replied like the perfect husband he was.
You cupped his cheeks and kissed him thoroughly, pouring all of your love and gratitude into it. "I'm so proud of you," you whispered against his mouth. He savored your words by humming and sliding his tongue across yours for just a brief second. "I appreciate all the hard work you put into making our little family happy. And thank you for making this vacation possible."
"Wanted to spoil my girls," Harry murmured, craning his neck to kiss you more. His wet lips pulled at yours, greedy for their pliancy.
"Are you going to pick up more hours at the restaurant?" you asked in between the sounds of lip-smacking and heavy breathing. Something about him at night, in the dimly lit kitchen, with you as his sole focus, was igniting that secret fuse only he could play with.
"Shhh..." His fingers dug into your waist as he lifted you off the chair. Your legs and arms wrapped around him, warmth flooding right under your skin like wildfire. "No more work talk. I want some alone time with my wife before a hungry baby wakes us up."
You giggled and bit his bottom lip in excitement before he carried you to the bedroom. Miraculously, your six-month-old gave the both of you forty minutes of uninterrupted time to roll around in the sheets.
When you went to sleep later that night, visions of Tuscany's hillside vineyards and swimming in the vast sea erased your concerns. As did the unequivocal vision of the man beside you making precious memories with his babies.
With Harry, there was no need to sweat the small stuff. His eyes were set on the most important thing—family.
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loveinhawkins · 11 months
Up until recent events, Eddie hasn’t really put much thought into flashlights—save for that time he had to take out the batteries in the T.V remote to get his to work, back when the power went wonky last summer.
But now? Oh, as soon as he’s through with this whole nightmare, Eddie’s gonna find out whichever saint invented the damn things and start a petition to get them a federal holiday. That’s gonna be his whole… raisin something, something—he thinks it’s French, Buckley will know.
Fucking wondrous creations.
… Okay, he might still be a little jittery.
So sue him. It’s either run with his increasingly stupid train of thought or have a thoroughly justified panic about—well, there’s just so much to choose from: the ash in the air, the apparently sentient vines on the ground, how it’s so fucking cold and dark—
Jesus H. Christ, calm down.
It’s not all that dark anyway—or at least, it’s not as dark as it could be. Steve’s lighting the way, flashlight in hand. Honestly, Eddie thinks he should get it preserved, like in one of those glass cabinets in museums, complete with a plaque: This bulb somehow survived a journey from the depths of a lake into an alternate dimension, and all for the low, low price of…
Well, Eddie doesn’t know how much it cost. He’ll workshop the whole plaque thing.
In his reverie, he stumbles carelessly, nearly pitching over right into Hive Mind territory.
“Ah, shit,” he whispers.
Steve’s hand must move because the light drifts over—ends up illuminating much more of Eddie’s path than Steve’s.
“Thanks,” Eddie says—glances sideways to find Steve already looking at him.
“Think I’m the one who should be thanking you,” Steve replies.
His hand flexes, as if he’d gone to twirl the flashlight before catching himself; Eddie has a very faint memory of Steve doing the same with pencils in class and fights a private smile.
“You gave me it,” Steve continues. “I would’ve just… gone right in without thinking.”
It’s said self-deprecatingly, but Eddie would argue that Steve’s impulsivity (his courage) is an admirable character trait, even if it sets his heart pounding.
His own problem is that he thinks too damn much, until the window of opportunity has almost been and gone.
He was the only one to hesitate before diving into the lake: he knows all too well how that could’ve made its way onto the increasingly long list of moments that haunt him.
He could’ve been too late, could’ve not found the Gate at all—and then, would only have been able to pathetically swim back to the kids and tell them that their heroes were gone.
The light skips onwards just a little, encourages Eddie to look up from his feet. He blinks a few times to try and adjust to the darkness looming ahead. There, the indistinct outline of trees, and he’s drawn back to a classroom again, to the soporific noise of chalk on a blackboard, to…
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
“The hell is that from?” Eddie wonders, and he doesn’t realise he’s also said the quote aloud until Steve speaks.
“S’a poem. Robert Frost.”
Eddie clicks his fingers. “See, that’s why you actually passed English.”
Steve rocks his hand back and forth, so-so.
Eddie raises an eyebrow. “Don’t play coy now, Harrington.”
“I’m not, I passed by the skin of my teeth, dude.” Steve looks into the distance as he walks, like he’s being drawn back to some place, too. “I was meant to, um, submit a portfolio thing, and I just… didn’t.”
“Like stories and shit?”
Steve smiles. “Mm-hmm, and shit. Poems, too.”
“So why didn’t you…?”
Steve just shrugs in reply so Eddie changes tack—rolls his eyes expansively, but only at himself.
“Fucking Frost. Ugh, why can I remember that shit now, but when a paper’s in front of me, it’s just…” Eddie mimes an explosion in the back of his head, gone.
“Well,” Steve says, chuckling, “if the, uh, lovely atmosphere of this place jogs your memory, we’ll make some time, get you to write an essay.” He grins at Eddie, teasing and charming in equal measure. “We’re nothing if not productive.”
“Sure, that’s one word for it.”
Joking aside, Eddie finds that the mention of school calms his heart somewhat: to think of the foreboding sights around him as part of a story. Maybe it’s a control thing, like his campaigns. Dress shit up, put a film on top, then you don’t have to look at it directly.
He suggests as such to Steve in a longwinded ramble, and gets a thoughtful look in response.
“Like the Shire? And Mordor?”
“Yeah,” Eddie says. “Yeah, exactly.”
Steve nods slightly. The movement dislodges some particles in his hair—and yes, it helps, Eddie thinks, to believe it’s just freshly fallen snow.
“Yeah, that sorta never really worked for me?” Steve’s voice goes up at the end, almost apologetically, although for the life of him, Eddie can’t work out what he’s apologising for. “Like, when the kids ran with all the D&D stuff, the uh… analogy? Metaphor?”
Eddie gestures at himself with one hand, I failed English.
Steve laughs. “Yeah, whatever. Dustin and Lucas keep hashing that one out. Anyway, it didn’t exactly… help. Help me, I mean. Just made everything more…”
He sighs heavily.
Eddie thinks he understands. All his bullshit is just a veneer, after all: it doesn’t truly mask the fear.
“Hey, maybe you could give it a shot,” Steve adds. The light dances for a second, like he’s just barely resisted twirling the flashlight again.
Steve smirks—juvenile, light-hearted, almost like he’s about to challenge Eddie at the school gym, like, bet you can’t make that shot from center court, Munson.
“You could write a poem. Make sense of…” Steve gestures around them.
“Harrington, as I keep reminding you, I failed English.”
“Yeah, so? I’ve heard Henderson go on about your campaigns, dude, s’not like they come from nothing.” Steve looks Eddie up and down in exaggerated scrutiny. “You look like the kinda guy who loves a theme.”
“Oh, really,” Eddie says flatly. He can’t hide his smile even if he tried.
“That’s what I thought, every time you’d come into class late: oh, here he is. The symbolism.”
“Jesus Christ, Harrington, shut up.” Eddie steps into Steve’s space just to shove him away (just to touch). He thinks that if he were to try his hand at poetry, it’d be horrendously self-indulgent—something about how he might not be the one holding a flashlight right now, but he’s certainly carrying a torch.
“I don’t work for free, Steve. You’ve gotta do one, too.”
“A poem for a poem, huh?” Steve says. “Sure. It’s a deal.”
And yeah, they might just be saying anything to pass the time. But Eddie chooses to believe otherwise; there’s still a pensive flicker in Steve’s eyes that makes him think he might just get lucky, that Steve might even dig up some old stuff from his abandoned portfolio.
It’s a nice thought—something to look forward to, at the end of all this.
He considers Steve, and even though he knows it’s not snow, he can’t help but turn the particles into flakes in his mind again, into something prettier, safe—almost as if Steve’s presence has softened the danger.
He wants to stop here, suddenly. Linger. It doesn’t make sense. But it feels like time is…
A gentle nudge—a warm elbow to his side.
“C’mon, daydreamer,” Steve says. “You can write down whatever you’re thinking later.”
Eddie snaps out of it with a breath of a chuckle, follows Steve’s light again. Keeps moving forward—past the ash, and the vines, and the trees.
The woods won’t be forever.
After all, he’s got promises to keep.
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juyeonszn · 9 months
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PAIRING kim younghoon x f!reader
GENRES smut ﹒little bit of fluff ﹒little bit of crack tbh
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, fawn when she can’t get enough of the brothers best friend trope, hyunjae and jacob are side characters that never actually make an appearance, younghoon is wearing a ghostface mask for 2 seconds 😵‍💫, reader is down bad, younghoon is also down pretty bad, size kink — the obvious yk, he’s big everywhere tbh, vaginal fingering, oral (f!receiving), unprotected sex, missionary/lowkey mating press towards the end LMFAOOOO i’m sorry i got carried away, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, pussy drunk!younghoon (i lied he’s down horrendous), creampie, the couch is a paid actor, last scene is kinda silly kinda cute, lmk if i missed anything!!
SUMMARY hyunjae really shouldn’t have left you home alone.
MORE and day 3 of fawntober has made her entrance 😈 i’m curious,,, how do we feel about these so far? i feel like i’m focusing on this challenge more than i am my school work 😭😭
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri
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Being home alone has never been much of an issue for you. All throughout high school, you stayed home by yourself when your parents worked late and your brother had practice. And even now, well into adulthood, you’d never really been afraid of being alone.
If it were up to you, you’d live all by yourself. But unfortunately, rent was way too expensive to afford on your own. More fortunately, your brother had a spare room in his apartment for you. Pros included low grocery costs, low monthly rent, and free parking. Cons included living with your brother, living with one of his best friends, and having to deal with two grown men who sometimes acted like children.
It was a Friday night and both Hyunjae and Jacob were out, attending a Halloween party one of their friends was throwing. The holiday was only a few days away, so almost everyone you knew was hosting parties this weekend. Along with being content to stay alone in your home, you were even more so to never leave it. Going out and getting black out drunk or worse didn’t sound very appealing to you.
Nights like these were the rare occasion you got to be with yourself and some movies, snuggled with a blanket on your couch. Living with only men did not provide any luxuries except maybe someone to kill a spider every now and then. So you were abusing the fuck out of the opportunity, dressed in nothing but an oversized sweatshirt and some crew socks, a mug of hot cocoa in your hands as you watch the second installment of the Scream franchise. (Might as well get in the holiday spirit.)
There’s a knock at your door, causing you to raise an eyebrow. It was half past midnight and your brother mentioned that he and Jacob would be crashing over at Sangyeon’s after the party. You were also very much single, so you weren’t expecting anyone to come over either. The only other possible explanation was maybe a food delivery, but you hadn’t ordered anything.
You assume it’s someone at the wrong apartment and choose to ignore it, putting your focus back on the movie. Your mug raises to your lips, taking a long sip of the now lukewarm drink just as the movie’s plot begins to progress. Before you can fully revert into your concentration, there’s another knock.
A sigh escapes your mouth, setting down the mug and pausing the movie. Your sock-clad feet trudge over to the front door, expression flat as you undo all of the locks and swing it open. You jump at the sight in front of you, nearly dying of a heart attack on the spot.
A tall figure, dressed in all black and wearing a Ghostface mask stands on the other side, one arm resting on the threshold of your doorframe and their body weight leaning against it. When they realize they’ve almost killed you, they gasp.
“Oh my god, I forgot I was wearing this stupid thing.”
The person hurriedly removes the mask to reveal one of your brother’s other friends, Kim Younghoon. The tall male rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, apologizing for nearly making you faint. You clutch at your chest as your breathing stabilizes and your heart rate returns to normal.
“Jesus, Younghoon. Couldn’t you have said something before I opened the door?” You hold the heel of your palm to your forehead.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” he bows slightly, his eyes drifting off to something behind you. “Woah, wait, are you watching Scream 2 right now?”
“Uh, yeah?” At that moment you notice the silly coincidence that his costume happened to be Ghostface. “Do— um— do you wanna come in?”
“Yeah, sure.” He smiles, tucking his mask under his arm and following you into the apartment. He shuts the door behind him, making sure to hit all the locks as well.
As the two of you sit at the couch and you resume the movie, you purse your lips in confusion. You were curious as to why Younghoon was here in the first place, seeing as your brother was not. He had to have known that information himself considering he was dressed like he’d just come from a Halloween party. It only made sense that it was the same one Hyunjae and Jacob attended.
“Wait, so what are you doing here?” You ask, fiddling with the hem of your sweatshirt. Shit, you weren’t wearing any pants…
“Oh! Right,” he nods, ruffling his hair a bit. “I woke up really early this morning and it was starting to catch up with me so I decided to leave Sangyeon’s party to head home. Hyunjae asked if I could stop by to check on you since it was on the way.”
A simple call or text from your brother himself couldn’t suffice? You guess the fact that Younghoon really did live close by coupled with Hyunjae’s intoxication might’ve been a factor in asking his friend for the favor. All you can do is hum in response.
You weren’t all that upset by Younghoon’s sudden appearance either, and you were more than happy to invite him into your apartment any time. Out of all of your brother’s friends, excluding Jacob, Younghoon was probably your favorite. Aside from having a little crush on his handsome face, he was the easiest to get along with and you felt comfortable around him. Sometimes you wish he was your other roommate instead.
But then again, the thought of him being so domestic around you was enough to send you into cardiac arrest, much like his accidental jumpscare from earlier. Just imagining waking up to him making coffee and breakfast in the kitchen, wearing your Hello Kitty apron, had your pulse quickening. Oh God, bumping into him exiting the bathroom after he’s showered? Nothing but a towel wrapped loosely around his hips and droplets of water decorating his no doubtedly sculpted chest?
Did someone crank up the thermostat?
“Y/N? N/N. N/N… Y/N!”
You blink, snapping yourself back into reality. Younghoon waves his hands back and forth in front of your face, a cute pout on his lips. He really was not making this any easier for you. You clear your throat, hoping your face isn’t as red as it feels.
“Y-Yes?” Why did you have to stutter, you fucking loser? There you go, blowing your cover.
“I was just wondering if you’ve seen the movies before. But you kinda spaced out on me there. You okay?” He asks, face full of concern. It doesn’t do much to quiet the sound of your heartbeat in your ears. If anything, it makes it ten times worse.
“Oh… Um. Yeah, I have,” your voice wavers. “And I-I’m fine, I swear. Don’t even worry about me.”
Your efforts to convince him are futile and instead of de-escalating the situation, you just add further fuel to the fire. He leans in to you, permeating your personal bubble as he examines your expression. If he moved even closer, his lips could land on your own, and the idea of that has you shrinking in on yourself.
“Are you… nervous around me?”
Did he have any sense of self-awareness? Did he think he wasn’t intimidating in this proximity to you? Kim Younghoon’s new talent just dropped; driving you to the brink of insanity!
You swallow thickly, eyes a little wide like a deer caught in headlights. Your line of eyesight falters to his lips, even more kissable now that they’re so close to yours. You shake your head when you realize that you haven’t responded, praying and hoping you were keeping your composure.
“I don’t really believe you, Y/N,” he says, tone no louder than a whisper, but so voluminous in your empty apartment. “So, I’m gonna rephrase my question. Are you nervous to be alone with me?”
When you process his words, you come to the conclusion that, yes, you are nervous to be alone with him. Your brother and Jacob were usually around when he was, so you’d never been in this position before. You’ve never truly been alone with Younghoon. Perhaps that was because you knew you couldn’t keep your feelings to yourself, afraid you might fuck up and say something stupid to him.
A few seconds pass with nothing but the noise of the movie still playing in the background, your lips pressed together. His eyes bore into yours, dark and swirling with something that looks a whole lot like lust. Your silence is a sufficient answer for him, one of his hands coming up to support his weight on the armrest of the couch behind you. The other trails up your thigh, the sheer size of it big enough to nearly cover the expanse of your skin.
Younghoon’s lips part when he slides under your sweatshirt and finds that you’re not wearing anything underneath. His eyes flutter shut with a sigh, poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue.
“Tell me you don’t want this, tell me no before I lose all of my self control and I can’t hold back.” He lets his forehead fall to your shoulder, voice hushed.
The better, rational part of you wants to say no. It wants to tell him that you shouldn’t do this, because what would your brother think? Hyunjae would beat his ass if he found out about the two of you, especially on the living room sofa. Hell, he’d beat your ass for sleeping with one of his friends. But the part of you that was unhinged and has dreamt of this moment for years wants to say otherwise.
That part is what has you spreading your legs, taking Younghoon’s hand and leading it to where you need him most.
“Don’t hold back.” You breathe into his ear, your free hand coming up to the back of his neck and pulling his lips onto yours.
You whimper into his mouth as he kisses you, his thumb rubbing tight circles on your lace covered clit simultaneously. He’s by no means gentle, tongue tangling with your own roughly and desperately, as if he’s been dreaming of this just as much as you. He halts his motions, creeping further under your sweatshirt to palm your bare breasts and grind his hips into yours.
Your back arches off the couch, the feeling of his large hand on your chest goading your arousal. Younghoon presses open mouthed kisses down the column of your throat, sucking and nipping your supple skin, licking the abused area to soothe any pain. You can feel him even through the material of his black cargo pants, already hard for you. Without seeing it, you have an inkling of what you’re working with.
Younghoon’s always been tall, standing at six feet with broad shoulders. As long as you’ve known him, his height alone was enough to scare people away, despite the fact that he had the personality of a hyperactive puppy. But now, his body looming over yours and his touch all over your skin, you can’t help but feel turned on by his size alone.
“Can I finger you?” He asks suddenly, slowly pushing up your sweatshirt so he can expose your cute panties. You nod frantically, biting the hem of your top to keep it out his way as he pushes your underwear down your legs with one hand. “Wanna prep you as best as I can, baby.”
He smiles at you again, and in spite of being in such a compromising situation, he looks so stunning. You remember the reason why you’ve had a crush on him this long, because aside from his beauty, he was also doting and caring, willing to go above and beyond for those near and dear to him.
You squirm a bit beneath him when his middle finger glides through your folds with ease, you slick providing enough lubricant for him. He all but groans, inserting the digit into your entrance. Your moans are muffled by your sweatshirt in your mouth, his long finger so deep inside of you it brushes that one spongy spot you could never reach yourself.
Younghoon uses his thumb to circle your clit as his finger thrusts in and out of you, kissing along your jaw. He glances down and moans at the sight of your tits jostling around with each pump of his finger. He lowers his head to attach his mouth to one of your nipples, tongue flicking the sensitive bud.
There’s so much going on, your eyes practically rolling to the back of your head when his finger curls and his teeth scrape the swell of your breast. If his slender middle finger wasn’t enough to send you over the edge, then the sound of him being so vocal was, vibrations spreading on the surface of your skin. Younghoon adds the slightest amount of pressure to your clit when he sinks his pearly whites into your collarbone, coaxing your orgasm.
He swallows your whines, waiting until you’ve stopped spasming under him to slow his assault. He pulls his hoodie over his head, helping you remove your sweatshirt afterward. Your chest heaves, watching with heavy eyelids as Younghoon scoots himself further down the couch. He brings himself eye level with your cunt, experimentally blowing air on your core. You shiver, biting the inside of your lip and running a hand through his hair.
“Such a pretty pussy,” he makes eye contact with you, pressing a sweet kiss to your clit. “Can't believe you’ve been hiding this from me.”
Younghoon pushes your knees up to your chest, hands digging into the fat of the backs of your thighs. The position gives him better access to your glistening cunt. He licks a long line from your hole to your pelvic bone, flattening his tongue against you and repeating once more.
“Fuck, Hoon,” you mewl, holding the back of your hand to your forehead. “That feels so good.”
He hums, lips wrapping around your clit and giving it a harsh suck. That particular action rips a loud moan from your vocal cords. He doesn’t get any gentler, sliding both his middle and ring fingers into you as he continues making out with your pussy. Your head feels light and airy, your brain incapable of producing any coherent thoughts aside from how badly you need his cock inside of you. His thick fingers aren’t enough, you need more. You need him to fill you completely.
The pads of his fingers continuously brush along your velvety walls, inching you closer and closer to your tipping point. You aren’t sure you can last much longer, especially with the promise of having him fully following this. It’s almost embarrassing how quickly he wound you up and knocked you over the ledge again, like he was already so familiar with what you needed.
He swirls his tongue around your clit, alternating between curling his fingers and straightening them. It’s as if he’s doing a come-hither motion. Your whines are uncontrollable at this point, tugging at his hair with every suckle of your engorged skin. The sting on his scalp has him moaning against your cunt, the resonance shooting through your whole body.
“Shit shit, I’m cumming— I’m—“
Your hips buck up towards his mouth, his skillful tongue and fingers still working your overstimulated pussy until you’re begging him to stop. Good God, you already finished twice and he hadn’t even properly fucked you yet. You’re a panting mess beneath him when he parts with your lower lips, chin shiny with your release.
“You can give me one more, right?” Younghoon licks his lips to taste the remnants of your sweetness, wrapping them around his fingers to do the same thing. You let out a strained moan, nodding and connecting your mouths to kiss him roughly.
He laughs into the kiss, pulling back to tuck your hair behind your ear. His eyes resemble crescent moons, crinkled at the sides. His duality gives you whiplash. How could someone so sexy be so adorable at the same time? It was beyond you.
He goes to unbutton his pants, kicking them along with his underwear off his legs as he leans down to kiss you again. You gasp when you’re finally given the opportunity to see his dick, hard and flushed for you. You reach down to stroke him, reveling in the hiss he makes when your thumb glides over his sensitive tip.
You guide him to your entrance, but he pauses. “Wait, I don’t have anything on me.”
“It’s okay, Hoon,” you place a comforting hand on his cheek. “I trust you. I’m clean, I’m assuming you’re clean, and I’m on birth control. I wanna feel you— all of you.”
His head falls to your shoulder once more with a groan, his cock prodding your hole almost instantaneously. You exhale through your nose heavily, the stretch burning so good that you’re raking your nails down his back. Even the feeling of his broad shoulders and back muscles beneath your fingertips sends you into a frenzy. He’s just so huge. You’d never wanted to be ruined by someone as much as you wanted to be ruined by him.
Younghoon coos when you start to whimper, slowly pushing himself all the way in to his pelvic bone. He massages the back of your thighs, still pushed to your chest, pulling out gently before ramming his entire length back in. He does this a few more times to ensure your cunt has adjusted to his size, but the thought of you wrapped so tightly and warmly around him is enough to make him bust without going through the motions fully.
Your sweet pussy is so inviting, sucking him in like a fucking aspirator. He risks a glance down to where his hips meet yours, moaning so uncharacteristically at the sight of you enveloping his cock, coating it with your previous release. You clench when the sound hits your ears, provoking one of your own.
His thrusts are calculated, dragging them out so they’re deep rather than shallow. Despite not pounding into your brutally, like you were used to with past partners, you think you like this better. You can feel all of him this way. Every vein, every pulse, every fucking graze along your insides— as if he was meant to be there.
“You’re taking me so— fuck— so well, baby,” he breathes, voice hoarse in the crook of your neck. “Don’t know how much longer I can last.”
“G-God, you’re s-so b-big,” you cry, sinking your fingernails into his shoulder blades. “I feel so— oh my god— feel so full.”
You look so pretty underneath him, he doesn’t even care that he might go to hell for fucking you. He’d let Hyunjae murder him any day of the week if it guaranteed his spot above you, cock buried to the goddamn hilt. He places his forearm behind your knees, pressing your legs flat and practically folding you in half so he can speed up his tempo.
Younghoon throttles into you at a near animalistic pace, skin slapping on skin echoing throughout your apartment. You’re fucked stupid, noises that you can’t comprehend leaving your mouth to punctuate every single drive of his dick in your cunt and eyes fluttering shut. His tip kisses at that one spot that scratches your itch each time.
One particular gyration of his hips snaps that cord in your stomach and you’re cumming a third time, jaw going slack as your body spasms with the force of your orgasm. You produce no sound, the wave of your release cresting like a jolt of euphoria to your head, Younghoon following suit. However, his reaction is the opposite, so cacophonous and pornographic that it prolongs the twitching of your velvet-like walls, milking him dry of everything he can offer.
As both of you come down from your peaks, oxygen recirculating in your brains, Younghoon sighs and slips out of you. You wince, still so very sensitive from all three of your orgasms and how aggressively he was hitting it those last few minutes. You watch with choked groans as a combination of your cum flows out of your cunt onto the sofa.
Hyunjae was going to lose his mind.
“Shit, we gotta clean this up,” you panic, finally sobering up and moving into a sitting position. “I’d prefer to live long enough to tell you how much I like you.”
“Woah, wait,” his eyes widen animatedly. “Y-You like me?”
You gape at him, confused how after everything you just did together, he would think you didn't have feelings for him. “I just let you fuck me on the couch I share with my brother and Jacob. Do you think I’d do that if I didn’t like you?”
“I dunno. Maybe you were just really horny?” He shrugs, scratching the back of his neck shyly, like he hadn’t just rearranged your insides six ways to Sunday. You get on your knees, capturing his lips in a soft kiss that portrays all the words you could’ve ever wanted to say and more.
“Does that answer your question?” You ask, pecking them once again. “I like you so much, Younghoon. I have since, like, my freshman year of uni.”
He smiles warmly, cupping your cheek and caressing it with his thumb. “That’s funny because I’ve liked you since then, too.”
“That makes me so happy to hear,” you giggle, nuzzling into his palm. “Okay, now get up so I can deep clean this fucking couch.”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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nrdmssgs · 8 months
Prazdnik (part 2)
Masterlist Pairing: Nikto x reader Fluff AN: @sofasoap @keegansshark @yaboidante2711 @ella-bella-ella this wasn't the original plan, but because of you this guy got his kiss. Summary: this happens a few months after the first part.
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Nikto lets out a thin whiff of cigarette smoke, that dissolves in crisp air. He is tired by this point. Every time he tries to think of anything, but her - the world finds its ways to remind him. Even now, when he looks up in the dimly lit sky - the curved streaks of clouds remind him of x-rays of her lungs with the subtle curves of ribs. Usually, soldiers got shot, broke their limbs or survived a shell shock, but she just had to be original and to spoil his life in a unique way - she ended up in a medbay with a pneumonia.
He tried to end this all for good, he ignored her, hid away, even tried to start a fight once - nothing helped. At the end of the day he always found himself somewhere around her: quietly hanging out, helping her or letting her help him. Nikto wasn't blind - he saw the way she looked at him. And what was even worse - he secretly started enjoying a feeling of being needed. But there was no way, he could let whatever them two had grow. His 'Prazdnik' ended the minute he stepped out of your room, and should never be repeated. Not at the cost of her frightened eyes, her forever disturbed sleep, her disgust the minute she sees him without a mask.
Time to time Nikto thinks about that touch that almost happened. He was never an innocent one, and he gladly does so many unhinged, unfair, dirty things to women, who are ok with never seeing his face and not being able to meet him again after the deed is done. But when it comes to her - Nikto doesn't want all those sins, that he usually indulges himself in. He craves not even a real kiss - just a touch of her lips against his skin would be enough. It would be ok if she chooses to not even move, not caress him. Just let him feel that warmth, he almost felt.
He frowns at this thought and takes another deep drag. The base is almost empty, except an emergency group, soldiers at medbay, a few office workers and superiors. So Nikto immediately recognizes tall figure moving from barracks to where he is standing.
"Vot tol`ko kalanchi mne seychas ne hvatalo...*" Nikto mutters frustrated and checks if there is any place he could walk away fast enough and seem preoccupied at the same time. But not being able to find any direction, in which he could retreat, he faces the Colonel, hoping, he would keep it short and simple, as usual.
"You staying for the holidays?" Colonels voice is low, he doesn't even hold back his German accent - a rare sign, that the man is exhausted.
"Have some unfinished business." Nikto tries to be as vague as possible, hoping, that it will drain Colonels social battery, and he leaves him alone.
But his commander is in no hurry to leave and hands him some paper. Nikto asks if it's a new contract, but Colonel shakes his hand. "This is for the unfinished business."
He leaves Nikto alone and confused, not wanting to hear his angry rants about how he doesnt need whatever assistance Colonel can provide. Nikto is awful when it comes to gift receiving, everybody in the KorTac knows it.
She wakes up with a loud cough in the middle of the night and Nikto immediately pulls her up, so she can sit on the bed straight. Clearing her throat, she reaches for the bedside lamp, but Nikto catches her hand.
"It's just me, don't bother." He pushes her hand back gently, wanting the room to remain dark.
"Andre? How did you?... Why are you here?" She barely breathes after hard coughing, but already dumps him with questions.
Nikto turns away and chuckles quietly. To tell the truth, he doesn't even know what the hell he needs in her hospital room.
"König tinkered me a pass. I thought, it would be a pity to leave you here all alone on the New Year." He lies: he doesn't give a damn about New Year or any other holiday really. Nikto just can't really be else where, when she is like that. He's been restless from the first day of her illness.
A part of him wants to get as close as it is possible, to stay by her side, until she heals fully and even after that. But there are voices appearing, growing louder with every hour. "Run away, run as far as you can, before you grow too soft and traumatize her, you moron!" Nikto is trapped between wanting to leave and needing to stay. So when she pats his shoulder and asks to not worry about her and go celebrate, he comes back to his senses and snaps back at her, 'we are staying!'
By the way her hand darts away from him Nikto understands, that he crossed the line. She is sick, obviously has fever, struggles to breathe normally, and on the top of that comes he with his freakery. He clasps his hands together, so that he doesn't reach back to her and looks down.
"Sorry. We... give me a minute, I'll collect myself." As he speaks - he hears her moving to the opposite side of the small bed. Distant chatter and laughter reach them two through the closed door and Nikto understands, that even medbay staff is celebrating. But the only sound, he now truly cares for is a shuffle of her bedsheets. He scared her off, she now doesn't even feel safe in one room with him. Bloody idiot.
"Come sit here." She touches an empty space besides her. Nikto hesitates for some time, but then surrenders and sits on her bed, making sure, he doesn't squish her accidentally.
"Maybe it's fever, maybe I'm just tired to the end of the year, I don't even care really. I just want to be honest, ok?" She rises from her pillow and leans against his shoulder. He freezes, but then forces himself to nod.
"Good..." She sighs and continues. "Look, I know, I screwed up that 'Prazdnik', I organized. I thought, I just wanted to thank you for everything, but understood too late, I wanted something other. And although I'll never get it - it's ok. I will stop pushing you, annoying you, even talking to you if it helps. But... just today, just for this one night, can we just pretend, I didn't do anything weird on that evening? I really need it."
The moment, when Nikto wants to remind her, she really did nothing weird, and they don't have to pretend, she starts coughing once again. So he brings her closer, letting her practically curl up on his chest. A cough runs in spasms throughout her entire body and Nikto softly strokes her back, repeating 'Nothing weird. You did nothing wrong'. But his mask muffles his voice, and that combined with her coughing makes it impossible for her to hear him. So he leans back on her pillow, softly guides her to lay down on his shoulder, and, praying for it to remain this dark in her room, slowly removes his mask. She doesn't make it hard for him and doesn't turn her face up - just lies obediently, being thankful for this little crack of softness in his cold demeanor, that he shows her.
"I said, you didn't do anything wrong. You just did it all to the wrong guy. All those treats, that improvised desk, I still regret I haven't taken photo of... That silly 'TV', even that branch - it all was so touching. It felt like a real holiday." She doesn't move while listening to Nikto, but he still holds a hand on her head, just in case. Without thinking, he starts playing with her hair. "But you need to do it all for someone real, someone not split into so many pieces, someone, who is more than... well, you know."
She shakes her head and Nikto feels her hand clasping to his side. This half an embrace makes him hold his breath. Something deep inside him shudders and cracks.
"Someone more than you?" She tries to end his phrase, but it is his turn to shake his head.
"Someone more than just remains of a human."
It hurts to stop hiding and say her the truth, but at the same time it feels right. His holiday is over, his celebration is never to come. And Nikto doesn't care anymore - at least he got this minutes, when she held him, before she banishes him for good. Despite all his expectations, she does not push him away.
“I wanted to celebrate the New Year for real. I was going to invite you to my place. Not to my room at the base - but to my home. I know you wouldn’t have come. But I still wanted to invite you. And then this pneumonia...” She coughs again and Nikto strokes her shoulders to make it better. When she finally can breathe again more or less properly, he asks, how would they celebrate if he came.
"Oh, this time I'd make sure, you die of cringe... I'd try to come up with a new recipe and fail ultimately, I'd make you make the 'president speech' this time." She pauses, hearing Niktos raspy low chuckle.
"No, that never happens, you little trouble. I'm not participating in this part of your fantasies."
"Ok-ok, jeez, Andre, I never said, I'd try to force you anyway. I would always ask you. Ask if you can make the speech, ask if you are willing to help me with food, ask if I can... never mind, my message here is maybe you feel broken, torn in pieces. You have every right to feel so..." Nikto is so struck by her sudden change of tone, he doesn't even realize, that her fingers trace lines up his chest and pause over his face, as she continues speaking. "All these pieces, remains, fragments, that call themselves 'Nobody' - they are precious, they are to be treated like human, to be treated with care and love."
He breathes in, trying to find any words for her, but all the words, all the voices, are mixed up in a deafening white noise. So he takes another breath, and another. But nothing changes: no clear words, no thoughts, as if he - not she was on the verge of deliriousness now. Nikto takes her hand and guides it to cover his eyes, not even thinking, she might feel, how ugly his face is. He only wishes for this sensory and emotional overdrive to stop.
And she helps him. Pressing her lips against his, crushing his fears with feather-like touches. Her skin is burning hot, her hands travel from his eyes to cup his cheeks, but Nikto doesn't care right now. Just one more moment of her being this close, one more second of him carefully holding her, one more sigh tickling his skin. He answers to her kiss. Hesitantly, because with all the violence, he holds for his work - Nikto has no violence for her. And kissing her back feels like torturing this treasure of his. He must thank her - not claim. But that self-restrain is strapping his throat with a red-hot collar, smothering him.
Fuck it. A single voice in his head. Loud and clear.
And Nikto lets go. His tongue brushes against her slightly parted lips and he deepens the kiss. He is surprisingly slow, careful, attentive. He is ready to back away at any moment, should she wish to stop. But she doesnt, and his fingers dive into her hair, cupping her head, guiding her so close, that he feels, they share one breath.
When she leans back just slightly - he immediately lets her go, holding his breath and trying to calm rushing heart. Even now he is ready for her to have second thoughts. But she smiles shyly and places a kiss on his burnt cheek.
"Sorry, I must taste like meds." Hearing her whisper he finally starts breathing.
"You taste like 'prazdnik*'. My very own holiday." He stares at the ceiling, not believing, it really happens. While his prazdnik covers his disfigured face with soft touches.
"Vot tol`ko kalanchi mne seychas ne hvatalo...*" - The beanpole... just what I needed
Prazdnik - holyday, celebration
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ash5monster01 · 5 months
hihi, for ur requests could u do 15/20 for steve harrington/joe keery (you can choose which) ? with an emphasis on plus size reader pleaseee
Unexpected Greetings
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Valentines Celebration Prompt
Paring: Joe Keery x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: nudity, body image issues, language
20. The last thing you want to do is leave your apartment on Valentine’s Day and see all the happy couples but instead you discover your neighbor across the hall has been locked out with only a towel around his waist.
word count: 1.6k
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Being a bigger girl meant never celebrating a Valentine’s day. Normally you were single and if you did have a boyfriend, somehow the relationship never overlapped with the holiday. So the last thing you wanted to do was step outside this apartment and see all the happy couples handing each other red teddy bears and boxes of chocolates. You wanted to love the holiday, oh so desperately, but how could you when you were never the one receiving stuffed bears and chocolates? Instead you went to the store after Valentines and bought all the half off candy for yourself.
So knowing you only had to hold out for one more day of this torture you prepared to open the door to your apartment and find romance on the other side. Instead, you’re met with a bare ass that has you yelping out loud and turning around. The boy jumps and turns, trying to use as much of the small towel around his waist to cover himself.
“God, I’m so so sorry. I just, I got locked out. I figured everyone would be gone at work” he profusely apologizes and you slowly rub at your eyes, now preferring to see all the hearts decorating the streets.
“Yeah, I have the day off. Can I ask how you even got locked out like that?” you question, still refusing to turn around and look at him.
“I was grabbing my mail, the door swung close and apparently I never unlocked it” he said and you can hear the clink of the metal mailbox hung on the wall by his door.
“You needed the mail so desperately you came to get it in a towel?” your voice has a teasing tone and you can hear the boy sigh behind you.
“I just got my script delivered. I was a little excited” he explains, voice defeated and shoulders hung low.
“Is it safe to look?” you ask, tired of staring at your kitchen table as you talk with the boy.
“Everything that can be covered, is covered” he answers and you turn around, met with shaggy hair and a lopsided smile leaned against his door. A striking white towel covering him from his happy trail to just above his knee caps. You’d be lying if the sight of his chest hair didn’t make you want to run your hands through it.
“Well neighbor, let’s get you inside before Miss Johnson down the hallway is also greeted with your bare ass. You can borrow some sweatpants while I call the super” you urge, hand waving him inside and the surprise that crossed his face is an adorable sight to see.
“Thank you, oh my gosh thank you!” he grins, shuffling towards your door and once he’s inside you shut it behind him, avoiding seeing any bareness again at all costs.
“I’ll be right back” you say, going into your room and finding black sweatpants amongst the huge pile in your room. Normally you wouldn’t want a handsome man like that to discover you more than likely wear the same size or possible even bigger than him but you also couldn’t leave him bare naked and alone.
“You’re the best” he says as you return with the sweatpants in hand and all you can do is nod.
“Bathrooms first door on the right, I’ll call Jim. He owes me a favor anyway so it shouldn’t be long” you tell him and he nods, shuffling down the hallway while you pull the phone out of your pocket and find the number.
Jim the super answers after only a few rings and when he hesitates to come right away you remind him exactly why he should come this instant to which he agrees after saying he was only ten or so minutes away from the building. You could handle ten minutes alone with the handsome neighbor, right? Yet you don’t believe you can when he finally returns from the bathroom now clad in your black sweatpants, chest and broad arms on full display with the white towel now hung over his shoulder.
“What’d he say?” the handsome boy asks and you smile and shove your phone in your pocket.
“He’s on his way, should only be about ten minutes. You want coffee or anything?” you ask and he smiles before nodding. You don’t hesitate to move to the machine and start brewing a fresh batch for you two to share.
“I’m Joe by the way” he says, taking a seat at the counter as you free two mugs from the cupboard.
“Nice to meet you Joe, you live here long?” you say after telling him your own name. You ask because to be honest you don’t remember him and based on his looks he is definitely someone you would remember.
“Two months I think, I’m away for work a lot though” he says and you nod, leaning against the counter.
“Explains why we haven’t met. I’m usually pretty good about keeping up to date with newbies around here” you tell him and Joe laughs lightly.
“Well I’m sorry we had to meet like this” he offers and you shake your head, waving a hand at him.
“Don’t worry about it. We used to have a guy that flashed people intentionally. Miss Johnson pressed chargers and he got booted fairly quickly. I just figured your girlfriend locked you out for forgetting Valentine’s day or some shit” you say with a snort and Joe laughs heartily.
“Is that your way of asking if I have a girlfriend?” and a deep blush covers your cheeks because that really wasn’t what you had meant but you’d be lying if you weren’t curious as well.
“No, actually. There’s just not many other reasons for me to find a bare ass in the hallway” you say and now he’s the one blushing, embarrassment filling him completely.
“No girlfriend, just not a very well thought out guy is all” he says and you crack a grin at that. “What about you, on your way to see your boyfriend for Valentine’s huh?”
“No boyfriend and in no mood to celebrate Valentine’s Day” you offer and his eyebrows furrow as he looks at you with curiosity.
“What, get your heart broken on Valentine’s day or something?” he asks, a hand coming up to run through his hair and you chuckle.
“No, try never had a boyfriend on Valentine’s day” you say with the shake of your head, finally moving to fill two cups now that the coffee was done brewing.
“That feels like a lie” he says and you give him a confused look, sliding the fresh mug across the counter and pushing cream and sugar his way.
“No lie here, not many men want to date women like me” you tell him once you’ve done up your coffee the way you like and take a sip.
“Well I find that hard to believe because from my side of things I’m a little disappointed I never realized how gorgeous my neighbor was” his words catch you so off guard your spluttering coffee back into your cup and coughing lightly. He wears a concerned look as you calm yourself down.
“I mean no offense but I don't appreciate flattery if it's not honest" you say, napkin wiping the stray coffee drops on your chin.
"Who says I'm not being honest, I have no reason to lie especially after you just caught me in a very vulnerable state and was kind enough to help me out" and the intensity in his eyes proves that what he is saying holds a truth to them you had never quite experienced before.
"You're serious?" you say, possibly ruining your chances with this attractive man even further but he doesn’t falter one bit.
"You're surprised?" he says with a soft chuckle, a bit bewildered by his neighbor. He had flirted with many girls in a life time but he had never ha one react quite like you.
"Yes, I'm surprised. I'm a big girl, I normally get looked over or in worst cases harassed. I never get told I'm gorgeous" you say with a soft shake of your head and the breathy chuckle that falls from his lips is one of surprise.
'Well then you haven’t quite found the right man yet because you’re gorgeous. In fact I figured I didn’t have a chance after how you found me this morning" the soft blush the boy wears on his cheeks is authentic and suddenly you’re a bumbling idiot unsure of what to say because to be honest you don’t recall a man ever flirting with you.
“You didn’t ruin it, I mean you have a chance. Not that I’m actively looking, but the sight wasn’t terrible. Oh God why did I say that, I’m sorry. I just didn’t expect this, you’re very kind. I’m a-“
“Hey, the doors open” Jim’s voice bellows through the door after a hard knock.
“Thank you Jim” you call back and now the sweet boy is standing from his seat and you’re hoping you haven’t ruined things to far.
“I better get some of my own clothes on. Thank you for saving me. Maybe we could see each other tonight, let me return these sweatpants?” and you’re grinning, more comfortable with him then you ever expected.
“Yeah, I would like that a lot” you say and he smiles, taking one more sip of coffee before heading towards the door.
“I’ll see you” he says with a soft smile before disappearing behind the door completely and you curse yourself for being such a fool. You knew you had to redeem yourself.
So when he stops back later that night in his own grey sweats and black T-shirt you try your best to stay cool. Which seemed to have worked when he kisses you goodbye. Valentine’s day turned out to not be such a bust after all.
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b0r3dtod3ath · 1 year
Slow domestic life with Sebastian
word count: 517
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-If you don’t work or have a day off: slow mornings: cuddles in the bed, hot coffee, breakfast on the balcony, sunshine, whispering/ low quiet tone.
Sebastian loves to watch you. Not in a creepy way. He notices little details in your morning routine. The slight change in your voice right after you wake up. He loves that every time you brush your teeth you lean on the wall. He loves when you do a little confused spin when you don’t know where to look for your favorite mug. He silently giggles when your face scrunches up when you take a first sip of your coffee.
For the first few months of his retirement the fear of boredom occupied his mind. It was soon erased as he learned how to appreciate the slower pace of life. For most of your relationship it has been long distance. Of course you would try to see each other as much as possible. He would invite you to his races and would always spend his holidays with you. But it was hard- not seeing each other for longer periods of time, not always being there for each other. You both hated it and tried to avoid it at all costs but sometimes he would have to leave for a weekend with an unresolved argument in the air. But now, he is grateful that he can be with you all the time.
-He’s so excited for spring; I imagine him having a little veggie garden, a few fruit trees and of course his bees. There would be an outdoor dining table on your terrace. He would love to invite your family and friends for some dinner and wine.
-Because of all this free time he has now he learned how to cook. He can make dinner on his own but he insists that you should cook with him so he doesn’t mess up anything. Obviously he just wants your company.
-Lewis stops by anytime he is in the city. You and Sebastian always insist that he stays at your place for a few nights. It’s like a little holiday for him. When he leaves you always give him at least two jars of honey. 
Speaking of honey- I feel like Seb would give it away to everyone. Family, friends, neighbors, even a random electrician that came to fix something.
-Lots of sitting together in comfortable silence. Just doing your things with each others company. It’s mostly reading books, maybe Sebastian sometimes writes in his little journal. 
-I feel like he has a set sleeping schedule. For sure in bed by 10 PM but he likes to just lay on the bed for a while before actually sleeping. But I also see him going to some clubs maybe - to spend some time with his friends.
Idk why but I don’t think he would be very cuddly while sleeping. He doesn’t hold you tight, he just has his arm loose around you. If you insist then he would hold you closer but he likes to have his space while sleeping. 
-sings in the shower.
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Seeing a depressing number of social media posts from teachers leaving the profession this Christmas. People in their first year, their 5th, their 12th, their 20th. There doesn’t seem to be a pattern to this, beyond the fact that teaching in England has become unsustainable and is destroying people’s mental health.
Recruitment is down, and it will get worse for 2024, because the government have reduced the number of training places. 
I’m not even sure that a decent pay increase, achieved by striking will save us. I think there needs to be a fundamental realisation across the profession that agreeing to do one more thing “for the kids” is slowly breaking people. Papering over the cracks left behind by Covid and over a decade of Tory rule is destroying people’s mental health. The pressure teachers are under, it’s too much.
And yeah, I’m sure it’s the same in loads of other professions- but I can’t speak about them with the same authority, because I’m not involved.
But I do think it’s also worth pointing out that right now, schools are providing a limited safety net to many children in poverty, or in mental health crisis, as other services are really really stretched. However, as the shortage of teachers gets more acute, it’s less and less likely this safety net will continue to exist.
So even if you don’t care about education (and you should), care about the kids who get helped by the teacher who collects and gives out second hand winter coats. Care about the kids who will lose their pastoral support sessions, because now the person who runs them is covering lessons. Care about the schools who used to provide low cost holiday clubs, including a hot meal for kids in poverty, but don’t have the staff willing to get involved now. These are the sort of things we lose when we don’t have a stable staff body in schools.
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