#Lucia dos Santos
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May 13 is the anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady to three shepherd children in the small village of Fatima in Portugal in 1917. 
She appeared six times to Lucia dos Santos (9) and her cousins Francisco Marto (8) and his sister Jacinta Marto (6) between 13 May 1917 and 13 October 1917.
The story of Fatima begins in 1916 when, against the backdrop of the First World War that had introduced Europe to the most horrific and powerful forms of warfare yet seen, and a year before the Communist revolution would plunge Russia and later Eastern Europe into six decades of oppression under militant atheistic governments, a resplendent figure appeared to the three children who were in the field tending the family sheep.
“I am the Angel of Peace,” said the figure, who appeared to them two more times that year, exhorting them to accept the sufferings that the Lord allowed them to undergo as an act of reparation for the sins that offend Him and to pray constantly for the conversion of sinners.
Then, on the 13th day of the month of Our Lady, May 1917, an apparition of ‘a woman all in white, more brilliant than the sun’ presented itself to the three children saying, “Please don’t be afraid of me. I’m not going to harm you.”
Lucia asked her where she came from and she responded,  “I come from Heaven.” 
The woman wore a white mantle edged with gold and held a rosary in her hand.
The woman asked them to pray and devote themselves to the Holy Trinity, and to “say the Rosary every day to bring peace to the world and an end to the war.”
She also revealed that the children would suffer, especially from the unbelief of their friends and families, and that the two younger children, Francisco and Jacinta, would be taken to Heaven very soon.
However, Lucia would live longer in order to spread her message and devotion to the Immaculate Heart.
In the last apparition, the woman revealed her name in response to Lucia’s question:   “I am the Lady of the Rosary.”
That same day, 70,000 people had turned out to witness the apparition, following a promise by the woman that she would show the people that the apparitions were true.
They saw the sun make three circles and move around the sky in an incredible zigzag movement in a manner, which left no doubt in their minds about the veracity of the apparitions. 
José Alves Correia da Silva, Bishop of Leiria, declared the events worthy of belief on 13 October 1930. They have been approved by the Church as authentic.
The messages Our Lady imparted during the apparitions to the children concerned the violent trials that would afflict the world by means of war, starvation, and the persecution of the Church and the Holy Father in the twentieth century, if the world did not make reparation for sins.
She exhorted the Church to pray and offer sacrifices to God in order that peace may come upon the world and that the trials may be averted.
Our Lady of Fatima revealed three "prophetic secrets.”
The first two of which were revealed earlier and refer to the vision of hell and the souls languishing there, the request for an ardent devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the prediction of the Second World War, and finally, the prediction of the immense damage that Russia would do to humanity by abandoning the Christian faith and embracing Communist totalitarianism. 
The third “secret” was not revealed until the year 2000.
It referred to the persecutions that humanity would undergo in the last century:
“The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated'”. 
The suffering of the popes of the 20th century has been interpreted to include the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II in 1981, which took place on May 13, the 64th anniversary of the apparitions.
The Holy Father attributed his escape from certain death to the intervention of Our Lady:
“... it was a mother's hand that guided the bullet's path and in his throes the Pope halted at the threshold of death.”
What is the central meaning of the message of Fatima? Nothing different from what the Church has always taught:
It is, as Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict the XVI,  has put it, “the exhortation to prayer as the path of “salvation for souls” and, likewise, the summons to penance and conversion.”
Perhaps the most well known utterance of the apparition of Our Lady at Fatima was her confident decalaration that “My Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
Cardinal Ratzinger has interpreted this utterance as follows:
“The Heart open to God, purified by contemplation of God, is stronger than guns and weapons of every kind.
The fiat of Mary, the word of her heart, has changed the history of the world, because it brought the Saviour into the world—because, thanks to her Yes, God could become man in our world and remains so for all time.
The Evil One has power in this world, as we see and experience continually; he has power because our freedom continually lets itself be led away from God.
But since God himself took a human heart and has thus steered human freedom towards what is good, the freedom to choose evil no longer has the last word.
From that time forth, the word that prevails is this: “In the world you will have tribulation, but take heart; I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33).
The message of Fatima invites us to trust in this promise.
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tanogabo · 1 month
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angeltreasure · 1 year
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stjohncapistrano67 · 1 year
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Il mese di maggio con i tre Pastorelli
A Fatima, durante la visione dell’Angelo con la spada di fuoco, la Madonna ha indicato ai suoi figli il Rosario quale arma potente. Impariamo anche noi dai Pastorelli a recitare con devozione il santo Rosario e a salvare così tante anime. Continue reading Il mese di maggio con i tre Pastorelli
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Le sofferenze e penitenze di Giacinta Marto per la conversione dei peccatori, raccontate da Sr. Lucia
«Soffro molto, ma per la conversione dei peccatori e per il Santo Padre. Mi piace tanto soffrire per amore di Gesù e di Maria. Essi sono molto contenti di chi soffre per la conversione dei peccatori» (santa Giacinta Marto di Fatima). Certamente, oggi, sentire parole quali “mi piace tanto soffrire per amore di Gesù e di Maria” fanno scattare l’animo in subbuglio, spaventano, per altri si…
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olicrosse · 1 year
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“I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary.”
-Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fatima
Chambers, Charles. Our Lady of the Rosary
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Fuck, Marry, Kill me now
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Pairing: Bishop Losa x F!OC Bishop's wife x F!Reader
Warnings: Smut (18+), Threesome, slightly shy reader, Alcohol
Summary: You'd been working at the clubhouse bar for quite some time, and it was apparent that Bishop and his wife were the hottest thing in Santo Padre since hell lit up. Sure, you'd indulged and thought about what it'd be like to be sandwiched inbetween them, who wouldnt? But you assumed that it was always going to be a fantasy, that is until you're overheard one night playing a rather revealing drinking game...
A/N: Had this in the drafts for a while and had a little bit of time to finish it tonight. I just think that S1-2 Bishop and a potential badass hot wife topping me would be really fun and I just let my little bi heart run wild with this one.
It was crazy how a slip up one night playing such a silly game would change the course of your sex life forever, but then again things around Santo Padre were rarely normal. When nights spent dodging gunfire and flirting with killers was considered the usual it made sense that you’d end up in bed with Bishop and his old lady. 
It had been a slow night in the clubhouse. The guys were busy and wrapped up in so much of their own shit, that for once it was just you and the girls who worked the bar that remained. Normally you’d be up late cleaning. However that night, the little wooden shack was as clean as it could get, and when the boys were away it was only natural for you all to unwind a little.
So what did you all decide to do with your free time? Play stupid ass drinking games of course.
“Ok! Fuck, Marry, Killlllll…” Victoria shouted, breaking through everyone's giggles
The clubhouse had been practically shaking with everyone's laughter and it was filled with loud music playing over crackly bluetooth speakers. You were alive with the buzz of the cheap tequila that no one felt the boys would miss, and more energised than you’d been in a long time. 
Everyone managed to shut up for a second as Victoria glared around with her narrowed eyes and shushed till there was quiet. She’d looked around, trailing her gaze from the girls on the sofas and round everyone else sat on the rickety chairs that had been haphazardly sprawled in a messy circle. Once she was satisfied that the only noise left was the bassy music, she grinned like a vixen.
“Fuck, marry, kill: Creeper, Riz and Taz. Bambi, you start!” She said, directing her gaze at you.
They’d taken to calling you Bambi ever since your first day when you tripped up on spilt beer, and they’d never let you live it down. Although, if you were honest, you’d been clumsy plenty of times since then as well. It would always elicit an “aw, bambi” everytime. 
Everyone’s eyes were heavy on you, you felt a heat creep into your cheeks and looked down, avoiding all the stares. You’d much preferred truth or dare. Being made to make out and give fake lap dances was much more preferable than having to decide the fates of each of your bosses. What if it got back to any of them?
You had to come out of this night and continue to see them all everyday for christ sakes!
“Oh um…god do we have to do this,” you grumbled, taking another shot of tequilla.
You winced as it burned its way down your throat and grimaced further when you saw everyone rolling their eyes and folding their arms at you. You’d made an admirable suggestion, but clearly they weren’t biting. 
Fine then. The extra tequila had emboldened you at least. 
“Umm, ok well I guess fuck Riz,” you said with a shrug, taking out the easiest first. “Then-”
“Oh my god! What! Fuck Riz,” Lucia screamed, “Out of all those boys?”
“Lucia, don’t interrupt!” Victoria hissed, looking to her and back to you. “However, an explanation for each of your choices is vital in playing this game.”
You rolled your eyes at the added rules and went to grab the bottle of Jose Cuervo, but it was snatched from your grasp before you could pour another shot. Victoria met your glare with glee and held her finger up, waggling it at you.
“You only get to drink once you answer the question!”
“And give an explanation,” one of the other girls added.
You sighed, feeling a heaviness grow in your stomach as you got paranoid about the guys suddenly coming back and hearing you. Or even, what if they had cameras in the clubhouse? What if they were listening right then! 
You shook your head and took a breath, realising you were getting carried away with yourself. The sooner you answered the question the sooner the attention would be away from you.
“Fuck Riz cause he’s like the youngest so he’ll have stamina, Marry Creeper cause he has nice eyes, and kill Taza cause to be honest,” you shrugged, “his whole silent broody thing would get annoying.”
Everyone burst out laughing, but soon enough everyone else began rattling off their choices and reasons and the heat was off of you. Thank christ. 
You’d taken your winning shot and soon enough you were beginning to feel yourself slipping from tipsy to full on drunk. You were feeling more sloppy and free by the minute and suddenly you didn’t mind so much that you were all thirsting after the guys or plotting their demise. You were all equally as incriminated as each other at least.
I’d fuck him because he has all of those cool tattoos.
I’d kill him because I’d rather puke than wake up to him any day of the week.
I’d marry him because he has the biggest dick. Ask me how I know, someone please!
I’d kill him because he’d give me an STD…again.
You were surprised all the screeching you’d all been doing hadn’t summoned law enforcement. Though, no sirens or flashing lights came. Everyone just kept cycling through different combinations of guys and giving ever increasingly revealing answers. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d laughed this much.
“Ok,ok,ok!” Victoria said, once again having to break up the raucous. “We haven’t done…um-hm…oh, oh, I know! Bishop, Angel, Coco! Who’s taking it?”
“Bambi hasn’t answered in a while,” Lucia chimed.
“Ew! Coco’s my cousin!” You squealed, making a gagging motion straight after. “I’d like to think that disqualifies me.”
“Oh shit…well you can still answer, just kill him,” Lucia said nonchalantly, taking another shot. 
Soon enough all the eyes were on you again, but the nervous feeling that had crept up your spine before was nowhere to be found. All your inhibitions were lowered and you didn’t care what all the other girls thought now. Especially when they’d all clearly been so much more involved in the club than you. So much more. 
“Right so killing Coco right away leaves me with…” you sighed, thinking about your next two choices carefully. “I guess…nah you know what, I’d kill Coco and Angel so I could fuck Bish and his hot old lady. AKA, create the only threesome worth being in.”
Of course your answer brought on the most squealing out of all the others. No one had chosen to break the rules yet, but your revelation had them all jumping up out of their seats and waving their drinks around. You, meanwhile, bit your lip and wondered if they’d all remember this the next day. You’d always been so shy usually, but the drinking and the easy atmosphere had broken down your barriers and you were already starting to regret it. 
“What’d I say it’s always the quiet ones!” Lucia cackled 
You felt your cheeks heat again, but you didn’t feel half as guilty. Your revelation was nowhere near as embarrassing as all the others you supposed. That is…only for the following few seconds.
“You think about that threesome alot, bambi?” A voice called out from the doorway.
That familiar voice cut thickly through the squeals and the music and suddenly it was as if time stopped. Your throat went dry and suddenly the scent of cheap booze and skunky smoke died out when the chill night air crept in from the widened doorway. 
A curvy silhouette loomed from the entrance, standing in all her glory. Her tattoos were barely visible in the darkness, but her sparkly makeup and raven hair shone in the moonlight. It was Daniela herself, in all her chilling glory.  
The way she’d said your name was frightening, as if you were little again and had gotten in trouble with the teacher. It felt like you were only two feet tall. You gulped and timidly stared over to the door, suddenly feeling more sober than you’d ever felt in your life. A chill clawed its way up your back when you locked eyes with the very woman you’d spoken of. 
Speak of the devil and his old lady and one of them shall appear apparently. 
“Daniela,” you squeaked.
Suddenly, despite not being very religious, you were scraping to recall the name of every saint you’d ever heard of and started mentally praying. You’d do the sign of the cross if it weren’t for every muscle in your body going taught with fear. You could only hope that given you were Coco’s cousin, he could do something to stop you from being ditched in an unmarked grave. Although, just as you’d come to think of it, you doubted it highly. 
“I think it’s time you all left, hm girls?” Daniela said, placing her hands on her hips.
That was the cue for everyone to leave. The cacophony of scraping chairs and dropped glasses was all you could process until suddenly you hopped into action. You realised you were about to be the only one left behind. And you’d be damned if you were just going to let it happen. 
You went to rush past Daniela and lose yourself in the crowd, but you had no such luck. She grabbed you with ease, like a hawk snatching a mouse, just before you could run out. Just as you were about to taste freedom. 
Soon enough you found yourself alone with Daniela’s claw like nails rooted into you. Only you and her, staring into each other's eyes, feeling like you’d lost a war. You could feel a tear threaten to fall, and flinched when Daniela raised her hand. Though, instead of slapping you, she brought her palm delicately to your cheek and stroked over your smooth skin. You would've moaned if this were any other situation. 
You opened your eyes again and frowned, staring into her honey brown irises and getting lost in them. You felt like a heavy tongued idiot. You were lost for words. You wanted to apologise profusely but you couldn’t bring yourself to break the now stark silence. So she broke it for you.
“You know what, I’m flattered,” She said finally. “I’m not even mad.”
You felt your eyes widen in shock and before you could even think to control it, your jaw dropped. You’d need to pick your chin off the floor to get home. 
“Y-you uh, you’re not?” you said, stealing a glance out the door, looking to see if any of the girls had remained. 
“Nah, I just figured I’d clear everybody out. Bish is meeting me back here and I’m gonna fuck his brains out. I thought I’d prefer not to have an audience,” she shrugged, talking as if she were discussing doing the laundry. 
Your heart skipped a beat and if you weren’t already gaping like a fish you’d be doing it again. For a split second you wondered if that was an invite, but you immediately dismissed the thought. You knew how possessive she was of her man, there was no way she’d share.
“So um…can i go?” you asked, coming to your senses finally.
“Of course,” she smiled sweetly, tapping you on the nose like you were a child. “After you clean up all the mess you and your little friends made.”
Your smile fell as she added on the second part, but soon you’d decided it was better not to test her patience any further. You nodded mindlessly and rushed over to where you and the girls had been gathered before, taking glasses into your arms and dumping them in the sink. You cleared up all the rubbish and moved the chairs back to their old spots, and just as you were about to rush over to the sink and wash the glasses you heard Daniela clear her throat.
“You can get to those in the morning,” she said, waving you off. “Obispo will be here any minute and I fully intend to be spread out on that pool table by the time he arrives.”
You took a glance over to the battered old pool table she’d spoken of then back at her, nodding dumbly once again. You considered it a blessing she was letting you off the hook with what was basically doing chores, and thought better than to say anything more incriminating than you already had.. 
You were about to turn to the doorway, but just as she jumped up on her table, she interrupted your departure. The way she spoke made your veins freeze. 
“If you were anyone else I’d have slit your throat in a fucking second…but you’re too sweet to worry about, aren’t you bambi?”
Your throat closed over as your gaze travelled over her figure. She was sitting with her soft legs spread out over the edge of the table, heels dangling in the air, her pouty lips looked so pretty you could hardly believe she threatened you with them.
But she had.
“I swear, I wouldn’t ever-”
“I know you wouldn’t,” she said, grinning like a cheshire cat, “You can go now.”
Breath returned to your body and you raced out, not wasting a second more to stick around and see if she would stab you, afterall. You raced out into the night, feeling your heart pumping in your ears and took off down the road. You didn’t care you’d be running forever to get home, in your flats no less, you were just grateful to remain alive.
It’d been a week since you’d last shown up at the clubhouse and if you were being honest, you hadn’t thought you’d ever show again. Coco had messaged a few times wondering where you got to, and of course some of the girls had tried to pull some gossip from you, but you’d ignored them all. You were content to leave the bar behind forever.
Though that wasn’t what fate had in store for you.
You’d been sitting in your room all day flicking through social media and half heartedly looking for a normal job when you heard the familiar call of a harley racing down the road. You sighed and hoped that it wouldn’t stop, but ultimately the engine cut out in front of your house and wouldn’t you know it, the doorbell rang. 
At that time in the evening you knew it could only mean one thing. Someone wanted you to come in to work. 
You crept up from your bed, chest constricting like crazy and silently made your way to the door. After peering up into the peephole, you cursed and rolled your eyes at yourself, unlocking the entryway soon after. It was only Coco.
“Fucking hell,” you hissed. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh my bad. I guess calling in for your cousin is rude these days! You haven’t answered your phone in ages, you’ve not been turning up for work, I thought you’d died or something, stupid!” Coco ranted.
You heaved out a breath and folded your arms, raising your chin in defiance. 
“Well as you can see, I’m fine. You can go,” you smiled, ready to close the door in his face.
“No, I can’t go,” Coco said, jamming his foot in your doorway. “I think Bish is mad you haven’t turned up in a while. He sent me here to ask you to come in tonight, there’s a party on and he needs girls at the bar.”
You’d pretty much tuned out as soon as the words “Bish is mad” left his mouth. Oh god, you were going to have to pay the piper now. Would you have to leave town? Could you do that? No, you didn’t have any money to your name and you had no way of getting any either. You were screwed. 
“B-Bishop asked for me?” you stuttered.
“Yeah. He still wants you round even after you’ve been all flaky and shit. Can I tell him you’ll be there or do I have to drag you in tonight?” Coco asked, his hard glare fixing on you. “Don’t forget who vouched for you! You messing Bishop around, makes it look like I’m messing him around, remember?”
“Ok, ok, jesus! Fine. I’ll come in. When does he need me?” you relented, feeling guilty that your fuckup would land on him.
“The others are there now. Just get ready and come in!”
And so, that’s how you found yourself standing in front of the monolith that was the clubhouse. There was a knot in your stomach and a ringing in your ears that hadn’t left since the moment you’d slammed the door on Coco. This is the dump I’m gonna die in, you thought. 
You took a breath and ran a shaky hand through your styled hair, finally stepping toward the doorway. It felt like it weighed a ton. You slid through it like a shadow and just as you were hoping to make a low key entrance you heard gasps sound out around the room as everyone took you in. You’d been announced. Great.
“Holy shit, she’s still alive!” you could hear someone not so subtly whisper. 
You rolled your eyes and moved to go around back and put your things away, returning again to see everyone still staring. Apparently you were the biggest attraction of the night, dead girl walking was a hit.
“Yes, I’m here! What needs to be done?” you asked finally, hoping you could alleviate the tension.
They all ogled you for a little longer, but soon enough, Victoria stepped out from the small crowd and shoved you toward the bar, getting you to help load up on drinks. It was only then that everyone broke out of their collective trance and allowed you to get on with your business, not wanting to be seen slacking.
As everything returned to normal, everyone busying up around you, you started to feel at ease. It was like any other day in the clubhouse, like a natural rhythm had returned to the place. You got stuck into the routine of helping everyone and even managed to crack a smile or two. Things were going to be alright.
However, because you’d had your guard down you were entirely unprepared for what happened when the guys filtered in. As always, you’d gotten to work fetching them drinks and chatting away, engaging in your job and enjoying their playful flirting. Then, just as you’d grabbed Creeper a beer you froze when a worn hand reached out of nowhere and settled on your back.
You froze completely, knowing exactly whose hand it was before you’d even looked. You could smell the signature mix of faint perfume and strong tobacco that only ever emanated from one man after he was done fucking a certain someone.
“Nice to see you back, querida.”
You turned and locked eyes with the president, sheepishly offering him a smile and hoping you could sink into the ground. Though no amount of wishing would make it happen. He stood before you in his tight grey shirt and signature kutte looking just as handsome as ever. He even had a little scratch by his eye that added to that roguish handsome look. 
Oh shit snap out of it! 
Just as you were about to offer up a thousand apologies and plead for your life, he moved his hand round to your hip and tightened his grip. His rough lips hovered by the curve of your ear. You could feel his breath wash over your flesh and leave it in a goosebumpy mess. 
“Make sure to stay for the whole night. We have a job for you later,” he whispered, pulling away and winking at you.
You gawped at him and watched as he stalked off to go find someone that could go get him a drink. A girl that could actually function. He’d known he’d short circuited you for the time being. A job? You had no idea what that could mean and you could only stand and let the cogs in your mind turn as you tried to work out what that meant.
He didn’t seem malicious in any way when he’d said it. No, he just had that classic Bishop charm about him, he’d swaggered off as if he’d just told you he’d won a bet. No, he wasn’t mad and ready to kill you, he was…if you weren’t mistaken, the mood that burned in his chestnut eyes was…excited. 
“What was that all about?” 
You snapped out of your thoughts and whirled around to see Coco’s confused face, biting your lip as you tried to come up with an excuse. 
The fact that the threesome thing hadn’t spread round the whole club like wildfire had you questioning the gossip mill. Though, you recalled there had been so much spread round that night, perhaps they’d been worried that once one secret split the whole dam would break. That wouldn’t end well for most of the girls. 
You sighed and got your thoughts in line, shaking your head.
“None of your damn business, Johnny,” you snapped.
Coco looked stunned for a second, but soon enough he’d shrugged it off and stalked back to Angel with a “whatever”. 
Thank god Coco wasn’t the inquisitive type, you thought. You shrugged and got back to work, soon realising that guys from different charters were filtering in and they needed paying attention to the most. You had to make a good impression for the club. For Bishop, a small voice chimes in the back of your head. 
From then on, you kept your mind on serving and tried desperately not to think about what Bishop had talked about. You hoped that if you kept your mind off of it, he wouldn’t turn around and decide to shoot you in the head. Acting like some kind of Gomez Adams for his Morticia, it would be just like him to do something morbid in the name of love. 
As the night went on the crowd had swelled and grown rowdier and rowdier, when the boys celebrated they celebrated hard. Though, eventually they began to filter out. Guys were finding girls to take to seedy motels and as it got later there were more and more people dropping like flies, passing out over the couches and floors.
Daniela had caught your eye at one point in the night, she’d been standing by the pool table and winked at you when you caught her gaze, looking pointedly at the table just to remind you that she’d been on it not so long ago, probably fucking in every position there was. It made you shudder, though whether from fear or something else you couldn’t be sure. All you knew was that you felt warmth swirling in you soon after.
You kept your head down despite it though. You went through the motions of grabbing more beers and cleaning bottles, trying to do damage control for the next day. Just as you were grabbing a couple of empty Coors, you were stopped from putting them away when a body stepped into your path. 
You inhaled deeply and stared up from her fishnet clad legs, and finally to Daniela’s face. Apparently your fight or flight instit was lacking because instead of running away like a scared little girl, you froze and looked up at her like a deer in headlights. Your hands shook and you dropped the bottles, wincing when they crashed to the floor and smashed neatly at your feet.
A couple of glances went your way, but soon enough everyone got back to their own business, not wanting to be caught staring at Bishop’s old lady. You gulped and were about to start babbling like an idiot, scrambling for an apology, but apparently you were too scared to do that too.
“Careful, bambi,” Daniela drawled, kicking the big shards out the way with her chunky heels. “Don’t want you to get hurt. We’ve got big plans for you.”
“Y-you have?”
“Mmm, thought I told you, Bambi,” A voice growled from behind you. “We have a proposition for you.”
You turned quickly and spun right into Bishop, eyes going wide as you stared at the president. His expression was unreadable, his eyes were intense on you but his lips were quirked in a slight smile. You had no idea what was going to happen. Though you had noticed he’d changed from saying it was a job and now a proposition all of a sudden. What did that mean exactly? 
They were either going to fuck you or have fun fucking each other after disposing of your corpse. You’d narrowed it down to those possibilities at least.
You gulped and just as you were about to move out of Bishop’s space, he grabbed your arms and pulled you toward him, pressing his mouth to your ear. You could feel the warm leather of his kutte and the tickle of his moustache light up your flesh, drawing more shallow breaths from you.
“Be a good girl and come with us,” he whispered lowly. 
You nodded, feeling your throat go dry and your heart race. This was it, you were going to find out what fate they had in store for you. Once Bishop was satisfied you’d follow, he released you from his tight grip and walked ahead toward templo. He navigated expertly round fallen drunk bodies while you stumbled forward and Daniela followed behind.
You felt small again when you finally walked into the sacred space, swallowed into the darkness and feeling 2 feet tall. There was only one dim light illuminating the room and it flickered ever so slightly, putting your nerves on edge. You bit your lip and just as you were about to ask what they wanted with you, you cried out when you were shoved toward the table. 
You slammed back into it, grabbing the rough edge with your hands, feeling the cold hardwood dig into your back. Everything seemed to be happening too fast, the room was spinning. The two figures advanced toward you. You swallowed down a breath and watched as they both came to a stop and looked from you to each other with heavy lidded gazes and restless hands.
“Was it true what you said that night?” Bishop finally said, reaching out and tucking a stray bit of hair behind your ear.
Your flesh burned as his calloused hands stroked circles into it. It felt like your blood was igniting in your veins right there and you were going to burn up. Though, maybe that was just the shyness that was eating you up as you tried to avoid their eyes.
“W-what?” You finally asked, mentally cursing at how dumb you sounded.
“Oh, Bambi, don’t play stupid,” Daniela said, reaching out and digging her freshly manicured nails into the soft flesh of your thigh. “Do you need me to repeat what you said?”
Your leg burned where her nails were scraping, but that sensation combined with Bishop’s hands softly grazing your face was enough to have you shaking with pleasure. You knew for a fact if you touched yourself right now you’d be on fire, you’d be dripping. 
“I- uh-”
“You said that if you had the choice you’d want to fuck Bishop and his hot old lady,” she interrupted, grinning effortlessly with that pearly white smile of hers.
“I did say that, didn’t I?” You giggled nervously, feeling your stomach flutter.
Bishop chuckled at you, revelling in how shy you were. It wasn’t what he was used to and part of him was excited by it. He liked knowing that you held them to such a high regard, he was getting off on the fact that you were there on that table, letting them touch you and clearly getting just as horny as they were. Even despite your fear.
He’d looked over to his wife and grinned when he caught his mirror image, his woman thinking just the same. Daniela was possessive of her man sure, but there was something about you that made her want to own you too. To have you there admiring her and Bishop like they were Mayan gods and you a disciple, she wanted to be worshipped and she knew she could get that from you. Her own little endorphin shot. 
“When Dani told me what you said, I thought it was cute. I was surprised that she let you away so lightly, but then it occurred to me that maybe she actually liked your little idea…and then when we were on that pool table and I asked her if she wanted to make you our little bitch she clenched on me like a fucking vice, bambi,” Bishop rasped, suddenly gripping your jaw and making you gasp. 
You squeaked at the thought of them discussing you while they fucked and swore that you’d feint right then and there. Was this a dream? You licked your lips and stole glances at both of them, feeling your thighs start to tremble and grow light. You were clutching at the table just to stay up now. 
“So what do you say? You wanna be part of the only threesome worth being in?” Daniela asked innocently, trailing her nails gently up and down your thighs now. “You can say no if you want to. But something tells me you won’t.”
If your heart were to beat any faster you’d be sure that they’d both have heard it. You were incapable of forming any words now, your lips were about to open and form some sort of reply but then your head was too empty to come up with anything. You just nodded instead, slowly at first and then frenzied, moaning under your breath. You’d be crazy to say no. 
And just like that, it felt like you’d  ordered a hit on yourself. Bishop fastened this hand around your neck and his eyes transformed into darkened pits. Daniela moved behind Bishop and kissed his neck, grinning at you impishly while you stared up with big helpless eyes. 
“Get on your knees then, Bambi. Be a good girl for us,” Bishop growled. 
You whimpered and did as he said straight away, falling to your feet and landing straight by his crotch. That wasn’t an accident though, he pushed your face into it and had you inhaling his hardness. You were flush with his pulsing dick, feeling as it grew bigger with every passing second, throbbing away at your heating cheeks.
Daniela moved around to your back, coming to Bishop’s front so that she could share a passionate kiss with him. You could hear their breaths come in hot and heavy while you lingered there by Bishop, feeling your eyes grow progressively wider as you realised how huge he actually was. Your breath started to go and for a second as you watched them, a silent observer allowed into their love making. You couldn’t believe what was happening.
“Thats a real man’s cock right there Bambi. Guaranteed better than any son of a bitch you’ve ever been with” Daniela said, voice heavy with lust as she spared a glance down at you. “Do you want a taste? Wanna get it warmed up for me?”
“Fuck yes,” you moaned.
You didn’t need to think twice about it. You were practically salivating already. You reached up to his waistband and grabbed at his belt, pawing it off and making quick work of his buttons. It sprang out hard and thick right before your eyes and had you already gasping as you took it in fully. Daniela wasn’t kidding, that dick was better than any other you’d seen before.  
“Mmm, she’s so eager, baby. She’s a little slut for us,” Bishop groaned, fisting his hand into your hair. 
You whimpered at his words, but you didn’t have anything to say back to that. You were a slut when it came to them apparently. Especially when Bishop was gripping your head and holding his cock out to you like you were his loyal pet and that was your treat. In fact, the situation didn’t feel far off. 
“You want this cock? You tell us how much you want it, tell us how much of a whore you are,” Bishop grinned.
You looked up helplessly to them both and bit your lip, repressing your embarrassed smile. This was like Christmas. This was a dream come to life, they were so degrading, but you loved it. How could you not revel in their attentions, whatever attention that might be. 
“I’m a whore,” you murmured at first, still chewing on your lip. “I’m a little whore and I wanna warm your cock up for Daniela, gonna get it nice and wet.”
Daniela’s eyes lit up when you said her name and she smiled wide at your admission. She was getting off on this just as much as you were. You felt her chase off Bishop’s hand from your head and replaced it with her own. She urged you toward her husband's cock and guided you, telling you how to lick and suck it just right. 
While you nuzzled at Bishop’s crotch, Bishop got to work undressing his wife. He unbuttoned her tight black denim shorts and rucked them down with her fishnets, pulling her top over her head straight after and chucking it away without ceremony. Her soft curvy body was revealed to you in full and you almost choked in double when you saw her standing above you like something out of a dirty film. 
“You think she’s pretty, Bambi? Tell her how pretty she is,” Bishop grunted, straining with effort. “My beautiful fuckin’ wife.”
Oh, she was pretty alright. You squeaked when Bishop pulled his cock from your mouth. 
“You’re like a goddess,” you breathed, licking your wet lips. “So pretty.”
“Aren’t you sweet, bambi! Why don’t you come up and give me a kiss?”
It was like you were hypnotised. You stood immediately, eager to do whatever she asked and kissed her. She was so soft and warm, and she tasted like sugar and fruity cocktails. Just like heaven. You were losing yourself, feeling like you were falling into a fantasy. 
Before you could fully comprehend that your own clothes were coming off, you were standing before her equally naked. Bishop had expertly taken down zippers and buttons and shrugged off every last scrap of material, which you’d failed to notice until you felt him pressed to your back. The rough leather of his kutte sent shivers through your spine. 
“You’re a pretty little thing yourself,” he said in a lowly voice. “Been hiding all this away from us, you little minx.”
Soon enough you were sandwiched between them, lost in kissing Daniela and then being turned to kiss Bishop, until eventually you were all naked and making out in a sloppy circle. It felt like your breath was getting heavier and heavier, your head was light and suddenly you were feeling a high you’d never felt before, moaning lowly into their sweet mouths. 
“Such a needy little whore, Bambi,” Bishop rasped, pulling away from your desperate mouth. “Why don’t you bend over that table and show us that cute little ass, huh?”
In less than a second you were bent over the table, staring into the darkness at the end of the room as the couple indulged in looking you over. You could feel the heavy weight of their stares on you. Their hands drifted over your cheeks, pulling and squeezing and scraping their nails, drowning you in a flurry of feelings. 
Then, before you could prepare for it, a sharp slap fell over your ass causing you to cry out and look back at them both with wide eyes. It had your heart thumping and spine tingling. 
“Aw, does baby not like it too rough?” Daniela teased. 
“No-yes, i mean- wait yes do it again,” you rasped, not quite all there enough to be coherent. 
“Poor kitten, doesn’t know what way’s up,” Bishop chuckled, following up with another hard slap. 
“She doesn’t need to, just needs to do what she’s told, right baby?”
You Yelp again when another slap comes and feel your head grow fuzzy, losing yourself in the burning. It’s not long until the unforgiving slaps are replaced with fingers working their way past your thighs and through your folds. There’s a buzz letting loose through your body and you can feel your tummy getting tight with the building sensation.
You’re getting wet, you can feel it and even hear it a little as Bishops fingers continue to work on you. He’s erratic, growing lazy as he makes out with his wife and slows down on you. It had you whimpering out with frustration. You need him to go a little faster, you need more. 
“Oh are you getting needy, Bambi?” Daniela asks, breaking away from her husband. “You need more?” 
“Uh huh, please please, more,” you beg, hoping for some relief.
You can hear them both whispering to each other for a moment, though what they’re saying you don’t know. All you were aware of was that Bishops hand had slowed to a complete stop. Now you were getting nothing. Were you above crying for more? The thought was filling your mind more than any other. 
A few moments later Daniela moved around to your front and stroked a hand through your hair. It had you arching your back. It wasn’t the touch you needed, but any sort of attention was something. It had you looking up into Daniela’s calculating eyes with a pleading look, watery with need. 
“Make some room, Bambi,” she murmured, her voice was sultry now. 
You picked up on her tone and the way her body leaned into the table, and realised her intentions right away. She wanted to sit in front of you, sit in front of your face. Your cheeks heated up, but you managed to oblige despite your brain melting down. 
You moved aside and let her lay in front of you, she was flat on the table. Her chest rising and falling a little heavier now that your breath was huffing out fast into her mound. Your eyelids were drooping heavily with lust. 
“Now, bambi, have you ever eaten pussy before?” bishop asks, renewing his teasing touches.
Bishops fingers are practically gliding through your lips. You’re so wet, so ready for him. Goddammit, why couldn’t he go a little faster? Wait - it registers he asked you a question. 
“Y-yes,” you answer shyly. “I was with a girl for a little bit.”
“Mhmm, that’s good bambi,” he chuckles, finger snagging at your entrance. “Bit of experience puts you at an advantage. See, the game is simple. If you can make my woman cum before I make you cum, I’ll be very generous. I’ll give you my cock. If not, then you can watch while I fuck my pretty little wife and then we’ll give you a spanking you won’t ever forget. What do you say?”
Your mind whirrs with what Bishop says and you feel your tummy do a flip. This is the hottest thing you’ll ever be involved in. This is a goddamned fantasy come true. You could hardly believe it was real. 
“Yes, Bishop! Yes, please,” you whine, already clasping at Daniela’s thick thighs.
Her skin is so soft you swear it’s like grasping at a cloud. You look over her body and bite your lip, you’re ready. You’re ready to lap at the glistening pussy in front of you, and you’re ready to get fucked by Bishop after your victory. You can practically feel the smile curling at your lips already. 
“Ugh, what are you waiting for, Bambi? You want a fucking invitation?” Daniela moaned out.
That’s all you needed. The game begins. You flick your tongue out gingerly to start with, picking up on the whimpers that work their way out of that pretty mouth. You listen out for every little whine and every twitch of her legs and stomach, responding to them all. Her warm salty taste drifts over your tongue and fills your senses, dulling your mind as it slowly grows drunk with need. Your strokes grow bolder and you pull yourself closer to her, nuzzling into her pussy and drawing out those delicious cries.
“That’s it, that’s it, oh my god!” She moaned out, getting lost in her reverie. 
“Mm, that feel good baby? You enjoying our little fucktoy?” Bishop asked, his voice thick with lust. 
“Yes, shit - yes!”
You could only be privy to their conversation, not a part of it. Although, you were so mentally occupied you couldn’t have even formed words anyway. 
Despite how busy you got yourself though, nothing could distract you from Bishop's fingers. They were so thick and had the perfect feel on your swollen clit. His calloused hands grazed on all the right spots. It had you writhing, almost screaming out when he started adding fingers inside you, stretching you out and making you crazy with lust. 
Your whole body was shaking. It felt like you were a firework about to explode. You can feel your legs losing all sensation, so overwhelmed by all the stimulation. Your head was feeling heavier and your jaw was slowly aching, there was a temptation to give into Bishop, to let go and let yourself cum on his skilful fingers. It’s not like you wouldn’t get off like crazy just watching Bishop and Daniela fucking, you’d thought to yourself. 
But, God, you didn’t really want to stop though. Hearing the noises that were coming out of Daniela was too heavenly. Knowing it was you and not Bishop doing that to her made it all the sweeter. Another moan came that made you redouble your efforts, curling your hand around her thigh even tighter and adding a finger and then another. You were creating a symphony of screams now. 
Your breaths were coming in sharp and fast, Bishop was chucking behind you. He knew how hard it was for you to keep going without cumming. Your thighs were shaking like mad and you were so wet and sloppy. 
“Aw, little bambi. That feel good? You like my fingers in your little pussy, hm? You wanna come on my hand? Wanna let go for me?” Bishop growled, egging you on. “C’mon Bambi, let go, cum for me.”
God he was gonna be the death of you. 
Your whole body felt completely overheated. Like you were going to melt all over the table. You were screaming out into Daniela’s pussy, but judging by the sounds drowning out your screams above you, she was close too. You were both writhing together like something out of a porno and Bishop was getting the perfect view of it all. He was the president in all aspects, the winner at the head of the table.
You sped up your pace, tongue moving wildly against her, fingers diving into her wetness with reckless abandon. You both sang together in a cacophony of moans, your throat was aching, Daniela was straining. 
Then, just as you were beginning to feel yourself give in to Bishop, you felt Daniela grab a fistful of your hair. She screamed and pushed herself onto you, drenching you in her wetness. 
“Fuck!” She was cursing, laying out a whole string of profanity. 
And soon enough you were chasing your high as well, coming apart on Bishop's fingers. Your entire body tensed up and then you were undone, your head was empty. All that was left was white noise and Daniela’s wetness all over your naked body. The sound of silence and your pleasure all swirling into a delicious ecstasy inside your mind.
“Ladies! That was quite a show. Look at you both,” Bishop chuckled, “Dani, my love, I’m almost jealous. How long’s it been since you were sprawled out like that for me?”
Bishop stood over your legs, shuttering them in between his big arms as he leaned on the table you were sprawled out on. The very table he used to conduct business everyday. The table where life and death decisions were made, where you’d had a little death of your own. 
“Mm, you had me like this this morning Obispo, don’t undersell yourself,” Daniela moaned, recovering her breath once again. “Shit, bambi, you really did a number on me. Who knew you had all that in you.”
You smiled weakly, head almost too full of fuzz to respond beyond a series of moans. Almost. You were coherent enough to feel proud of your achievement. You were practically glowing with the knowledge that you were the one that had Bishop's old lady screaming like that. 
“I got more in me if you want it,” you said brazenly, biting your lip while you gushed at her reaction. 
“Well you say that now…” she smiled, sitting up and stretching out toward you, locking you into a quick kiss. “But we’ll see how you do with getting fucked silly by my husband, hm?” 
You gulped, not realising what you’d gotten yourself into until Bishop was suddenly on you again, rutting into you with his big thick cock. He slicked it through your wet folds, stroking through the wetness there and getting himself ready to wreck you. You were already gripping at the table in anticipation. Soft whimpers escaping from your mouth.
He took his time getting prepared. Had you needily moaning into Daniela’s mouth as she continued to steal a taste of herself from your lips. Your head was still ringing with fuzz and static from your last orgasm, but already, you could feel another beginning to build. The way his cock was pressing up against your clit was slowly driving you wild.
“Are you ready for me, Bambi? Mhmm? Wanna cum all over my cock, filthy girl?” Bishop rasped, still lazily rutting against you.
You were freed for a moment to answer, though you were slow on the uptake. It was hard to answer when you were panting so hard and pussydrunk to boot. There was barely a neuron left firing in your head.
“Please,” you moaned, whimpering like a mess. “Please, Bishop. Wanna get fucked. Please fuck me.”
“Aw, you beg so pretty, Bambi,” Bishop teased, rocking deliberately harder against your clit. “What do you think, Dani? You think she’s ready?”
You looked up and gazed into Daniela’s eyes, watching as she surveyed the scene in front of her with a sly smile and wondered vaguely if you might still be up for the chopping block. There was something so unnerving about the way she was looking at you. Though, you would soon come to learn you weren’t half as prepared as you thought you were for the fucking you were about to recieve.
“Give it to her hard, baby. Make her scream!” she rasped, tightening her grip on your hair.
And just like that, she’d unleashed the bull from his pen. Bishop’s cock caught your entrance and punched up, sliding all the way in and to the point that you were already heaving breaths. The stinging of his fullness was soon replaced by waves of harsh pleasure that rolled and crashed, carrying you away into a sea of sensation.
You were screaming and clutching at Daniela, burying yourself in her softness, continuing to accept her sloppy kisses, until you were pushed back down to her pulsing pussy. It gave you the perfect excuse to grab onto her thighs, clutching at her as if you were drowning. You, buried yourself into her and lost yourself, moaning like someone possessed as the feeling of Bishop’s cock driving in and out of you sent you wild. In and out, pistoning like a porn star.
“This pussy feels so good Bambi, you got such a greedy little cunt. You’re falling apart for me like a little whore,” Bishop panted, still maintaining his punishing rhythm. “You gonna come for me again? Gonna make my dick feel good?”
You moaned, too lost in his wife’s pussy for any real words.
“Ugh, Bishop, my love, I can practically feel you through her, fuck,” Daniela moaned, banging her hand down on the table through a particularly hard thrust. 
“Yeah? She making you feel good, princessa? Fuck, such a good little fuck toy, isn’t she?”
“Ugh, I could take her home,” she squealed.
“We could - ugh - Lock her away and take her out to play with whenever we want.”
“Oh, baby. I bet she’d like that, such a good little doll for us.”
“Fuck!” you screamed, your cries muffled.
Their words were getting to you, tangling through your mind and tightening the chord that was threatening to come undone. You were on the brink of another orgasm. You could feel it straight down to your toes, your whole body was alive with a steady thrum that cut through you like a scalpel.
“Ugh, come on, slut. Cum for us, come for us now. Go! Scream!”
You only barely heard Bishop before you were screaming out and clenching on his cock. You could hear yourself feintly, but only barely. Every little fibre of your being was lost to the couple now, letting them take complete control of you. You were theirs now, completely at their mercy. Just as you’d always fantasised.
You could feel Bishop ease up on you a little, starting to slow down his thrusts until he was barely moving. He rested in your over sensitive pussy for a moment, revelling in your soft warmth and gently eased himself out after a minute or two. It drew out a low moan from you, made you jump against the rough wood. You could shamefully feel the warmth of your wetness spreading over your thighs, your pussy was weeping.  
Daniela’s hands stroked through your hair for a second or two as her and Bishop shared a whispered conversion. The soft tones and the gentle petting was calming you, making the fuzziness recede and the darkness seem less all consuming. Then you were back in the room again.
“Poor little Bambi, all fucked out,” Daniela cooed, stroking your cheek. “Why don’t you take a break, hm? Just lie there and watch, pretty girl.”
Daniela was moving to your side and dutifully you pulled yourself up onto the table and lay there fully, staring as Bishop lined himself up with his wife and drew her into a hard kiss. Their lips came together noisily and you watched on, completely enraptured as they grabbed at each other and explored familiar paths along each other's skin. It was true love if you’d ever seen it.
You sighed breathily and soon enough Bishop was parting from her lips and grabbing his wife’s hair, staring intently as if he were about to say the most important words in the world, whispering something in the shell of her ear. You bit your lip, and despite how ward you’d come already, you felt stirrings in your tummy again as you watched them. There was something so hot about being an observer, lying there in your fading ecstacy and watching as they engaged in their heated ritual.
“Ugh, you feel so fucking tight for me, Pincessessa,” Bishop rasped, finally sliding into his wife. “You ready to put on a show?”
“Always ready, my love,” she moaned, gripping onto Bishop’s shoulders tight. “Always…ugh! Fuck, keep your eyes on us, Bambi. Watch how I take his cock.”
You moaned out, mesmerised by the sight in front of you and lay back into the table, settling into the warm wood below. You were quite happy to do whatever they asked, feeling like the cat that got the cream. Even if you were to die that night, you’d mused, you knew you’d die happy.
Who knew drinking games could be so fun? 
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phoenixlionme · 9 months
Marvel Latino Superheroes Part 1
1.  María Aracely Josefina Penalba de las Heras aka Hummingbird - Mexican born
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2. Miles Morales aka Spider Man - biracial; half Puerto Rican and half black
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3. Miguel Santos aka Living Lightning - Hispanic nationality unknown but is American born
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4. Sam Alexander aka Nova - biracial; half Mexican and half white
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5. Victor Alvarez aka Power Man - biracial; Afro-Dominican
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6. Humberto Lopez aka Reptil - Mexican born
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7. Roberta Mendez aka Captain America 2099 - Hispanic nationality unknown but is American born
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8. Miguel O’Hara aka Spider Man 2099 - biracial; half Irish and half Mexican
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9. Bonita Juarez aka Firebird - Chicana (Mexican American)
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10. Robbie Reyes aka Ghost Rider - Chicano (Mexican American)
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11.  Alejandra Jones aka Ghost Rider - Hispanic nationality unknown
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12. Maya Lopez aka Echo - half Hispanic and half Cheyenne, the former nationality is unknown
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13. Ajak aka The Legendary Inca Warrior - Peruvian born
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14. Anya Corazon aka Arana - half Mexican and half Puerto Rican American
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15. Gabriel Vargas aka Captain Universe - Chicano (Mexican American)
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16. Gabriel Carlos Dantes Sepulveda aka Defensor - Argentinian born
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17. Fabio Medina aka Egg (formerly known as Goldballs) - Hispanic nationality unknown but is American born
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18.  America Chavez aka Miss America - biracial; Afro-Puerto Rican Caribbean
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19.  Carmen Cruz aka Gimmick - biracial; Afro-Latina
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20. Laura Kinney aka Wolverine - biracial; Afro-Latina and half white; her exact ethnicity is unknown but first appearance (in the animated X-Men: Evolution series) depicts her with dark skin and her “mother” had darker skintone with blonde hair. Her creators didn’t specify her ethnicity but I do think she’s Hispanic. And given the darker skintone of her “mother”, she’s most likely Afro-Latina. I know in recent comic adaptation portray her with way lighter skin tone but her ORIGINAL appearance shows her with DARKER skintone (thought not as dark as her “mother”). As such, I have seen Laura as half white and half Afro Latina but the Hispanic nationality is unknown. Also, as a side note, her creators also mentioned they planned to do a LGBT storyline with Laura but it was axed. So, she’s also LGBT.
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21. Cecilia Reyes - Puerto Rican and depicted with dark-skinned complexion
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22. Roberto da Costa aka Sunspot - biracial; Afro-Brazilian 
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23. Armando Munoz aka Darwin - biracial; Afro-Latino; Hispanic nationality unknown
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24. Julio Richter aka Rictor - Mexican born
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25. Gloria Dolores Muñoz aka Risque - biracial; half Seminole and half Cuban American
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26. Brian Cruz aka Tag - Puerto Rican
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27. Angel Salvadore aka Tempest - biracial; Afro-Latina; Hispanic nationality unknown
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28. Lucia Callasantos aka Thornn - Hispanic nationality unknown
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29. Benito Serrano aka Toro - Cuban
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30. Gabriel Cohuelo aka Velocidad - Mexican born
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educibercultura · 4 months
Cultura de Massas, Cultura das Mídias e Cultura Digital: o que a TV tem a ver com isso?
Sejam bem-vindos ao blog EduCibercultura!
Hoje, vamos bater um papo sobre a televisão, um verdadeiro ícone da cultura pop no século XX, que começou suas transmissões lá nos anos 30, nos Estados Unidos e Europa.
No Brasil, essa história iniciou em 1950 quando a TV Tupi chegou com tudo, criada pelo jornalista e empresário Assis Chateaubriand. Ao longo do tempo, a TV foi ganhando espaço nos lares brasileiros, marcando uma transição importante da cultura de massas para a cultura das mídias e depois para a cultura digital.
A cultura de massas surgiu lá entre o final do século XIX e o início do século XX. Ela foca em entretenimento e na venda de produtos culturais para as camadas populares. É aquela história de poucos produzirem e muitos consumirem, sem muito espaço pra gente influenciar o que está sendo produzido.
Depois, veio a cultura das mídias lá pela metade do século XX, onde "[...] qualquer um pode produzir, criar, compor, montar, apresentar e propagar suas produções" (Santos; Alves; Oliveira, 2018, p. 69).
E chegamos na cultura digital! Essa é a era da internet, do computador e da convergência das mídias, mas também é sobre como a gente se comporta, nossos valores e atitudes, tudo sendo influenciado pelas tecnologias digitais.
E a TV, como fica nisso tudo? Bom, ela começou como um símbolo da cultura de massas, mas foi se adaptando. Hoje em dia, com o surgimento da internet e de serviços de streaming como a Netflix, Amazon Prime e Star+, ela ainda está firme, acompanhando essas mudanças tecnológicas. No próximo post, falaremos sobre TV e educação. Será que há conexão? Fiquem ligados e até breve!
SANTAELLA, Lucia. Culturas e Artes do Pós-humano: da Cultura das Mídias à Cibercultura – Col. Comunicação. São Paulo: Paulus, 2003.
SANTOS, Isabella Silva dos; ALVES, André Luiz; OLIVEIRA, Kaio Eduardo de Jesus. Cibercultura: que cultura é esta? In. PORTO, Cristiane; ALVES, André; MOTA, Marlton Fontes. (Org.) EDUCIBER: diálogos ubíquos para além da tela e da rede: Aracaju: Edunit, 2018. Disponível em: https://editoratiradentes.com.br/e-book/educiber1.pdf. Acesso em: 5 abr. 2021.
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skippyv20 · 5 months
Sister Lucia dos Santos, one of the children to whom Our Lady appeared at Fatima, once said,
"There is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families ... that cannot be solved by the Rosary. There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary."
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thrillsden · 7 months
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welcome to    𝑻𝑯𝑹𝑰𝑳𝑳𝑺  𝑫𝑬𝑵    ,    a    gentlemen's    club    featuring    the    hottest    dancers    ,    bartenders .  . even    the    bodyguards    are    hot . there    will    be    very    usfw    and    mature    themes    present    so    make    sure    you're    stamped    (    21+    )    in    order    to    enter    the    club [ adored by sammy , 25 , est ]
𝐟𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 : building    deeper    connections    ,    experiencing    betrayal    ,    acting    on    intrusive    thoughts    ,    self    -    exploration    ,    sexual    exploration    ,    a    fabulous    and    fun    time   !
𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ,
* wanted fcs , wanted plots .
𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ,
01. activity    :    expect    low    activity    as    life    gets    hectic    and    sometimes    i    cannot    keep    up    with    demands    of    it    all .
02. replies    :    i    will    usually    double    space    and    use    small    text    , more    times    than    not    ,    i    will    follow    your    format .
03. banned    :    pretty    easy    on    fcs    but    the    deceased    ,    those    who    don't    want    to    be    used    and    cartoons    are    on    my    list . 
04. friends    :    if    i    reblog    a    plot    you    wanna    do    ,    message    me    cause    i    100%    will    want    to    do    it    with    you !  
mature    triggers    and    themes    will    be    tagged    accordingly    (    or    attempted    to    be    ) .
𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 ,
blue        devils        - crime    inspired    ,    drug    -    slinging    muses .
aron    piper    looks    like    santos    avila    ,    twenty    six    -    thirty , dom .
drew    starkey    looks    like    liam    cadwell    ,    twenty    five    -    twenty    nine , dom .
emilio    sakraya    looks    like    lorenzo    estrada    ,    twenty    seven    -    thirty    two    ,    dom    .
jacob    elordi    looks    like    cash    bennet   ,    twenty    six    -    twenty nine , dom .
taylor    zakhar    perez    looks    like    zavier    mendes   ,    twenty    eight    -    thirty    three , switch .
bartenders        -   
avan    jogia    looks    like    malakai    tamil    ,    twenty    seven    -    thirty    one , sub .
daniella    perkins    looks    like    faith    nelson    ,    twenty    two    -    twenty  five    ,    sub    .
dominic    fike‎‎    looks    like    nicolas    robles    ,    twenty    five    -    twenty    nine    ,    sub    .
greta    onieogou‎    looks    like    kalani    hall    ,    twenty    seven    -    thirty    two    ,    sub    .
josh    hutcherson    looks    like    madden    owens    ,    twenty    eight    -    thirty    two , switch .
madison    bailey‎    looks    like    natalie    foster    ,    twenty    three    -    twenty    seven    ,    dom    .
michael    cimino    looks    like    ruben    desantos    ,    twenty    four    -    twenty    seven , switch .
archie    renaux    looks    like    ethan    du    pont    ,    twenty    seven    -    thirty    two , switch .
dancers -
becky g looks    like lucia flores ,    twenty    five    -    twenty nine , sub .
chloe bailey    looks    like mya collins ,    twenty    four    -    twenty eight , dom .
cierra    ramirez‎    looks    like    melina    solis    ,    twenty    six    -    thirty    ,    dom    .
coco    jones‎‎    looks    like    raven    howard    ,    twenty    four    -    twenty    eight    ,    sub    .
lizeth selene    looks    like    camille reyes    ,    twenty    four    -    twenty eight , switch .
madelyn cline    looks    like    eliana basile    ,    twenty    six    -    thirty , switch .
jennie kim    looks    like    nari kang    ,    twenty    six    -    thirty , sub .
valentina zenere    looks    like    isla salinas    ,    twenty    six    -    thirty , sub .
 vip        section        - celebs from    actors    to    athletes    to    musicians .
cody    christian‎    looks    like    weston    abrams    ,    twenty    seven    -    thirty    one‎    ,    athlete , dom    .
jack harlow    looks    like    brooks cassidy    ,    twenty    four    -    twenty eight , musician , dom .
keith    powers    looks    like    issak    taylor    ,    twenty    seven    -    thirty    one , actor , switch . 
lucien    laviscount‎    looks    like    omari    clarke    ,    twenty    eight    -    thirty    three    ,    businessman , dom    .
thomas    doherty    looks    like    harrison    ward    ,    twenty    seven    ,    thirty    one , nepo baby / ceo of ward corp , dom . 
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rubensfilho1397 · 10 months
⚜️ Comunhão Reparadora dos Primeiros Sábados ⚜️
Disse a Ir. Lucia, vidente de Fátima:
“Em Fátima, a Santíssima Virgem entregou os dois últimos remédios que Deus dava ao mundo: o Santo Rosário e o Imaculado Coração de Maria”. 🙏
🎥 Homilia de hoje 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/eFgKvxO2178?si=-YMIKo4jtcWWyygo8
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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I tre Pastorelli di Fatima
Il 20 febbraio ricorre la memoria dei Pastorelli di Fatima. Vogliamo scoprirne la figura tanto semplice quanto eroica; guardando a loro comprendiamo come la santità sia fatta di cose semplici compiute con generosità e costanza. Continue reading I tre Pastorelli di Fatima
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prittyvenus · 1 year
The Medium and the Nameless Ghouls
Case file 002-7 audio confession
Sara: Aria English (US) 
Copia: Diego Italian (Italy) Edited 
Dewdrop: Ryan English (UK) Edited 
Aether: Eric English (US) Edited 
Sara’s Sister: Michelle English (US) 
(Made with Microsoft Word, Bing, and Audacity)
Sara: If you Feel yourself getting worse just let me know and I will stop. Do you understand? 
Dewdrop: Yes, I understand. 
[phone rings] 
Copia: What is that? 
Sara: Oh no... Hold on a minute. 
[Phone stop] 
Sara: Yes, what is it? 
Sister: Big Sister, I got some news about your ex-husband. 
Sara: I Don’t want to know, and I don’t care. It’s over between us. 
Sister: But Sara your ex-husband just got his ass kicked. 
Sara: I told you this before. I don’t care. 
Sister: Why are you being so cold to him? 
Sara: Do you want me to block you? You know I’m not the type to bluff you know. 
Sister: Then fine. I’ll call dad. 
Sara: Sorry about that. 
Copia: Are you going to get into trouble? 
Sara: No, my dad always has my back. Even after my divorce. Now then, State your name and occupation. 
Copia: My name is Papa Copia Emeritus the fourth. 
Sara: Not you Copia. I was asking Dewdrop. 
Dewdrop: Me? Uh... 
Sara: Copia, can you comfort Dewdrop? I think he’s getting nervus. 
Dewdrop: No, I can take it. 
Copia: Let me be next to you, just in case. 
Dewdrop: Okay, fine. 
Sara: Again, please state your name and Occupation. 
Dew: I’m Dewdrop, Former water Ghoul number 157, now fire ghoul number 106. Bass man turned lead guitarist for project ghost. 
Sara: Alright then, can you tell me what happens on the afternoon of March fifth? According to your brother Sodo, you saw Lucia Watson murdered at the clergy garden. Can you clarify that statement? 
Dewdrop: Yes. I was patrolling around the garden at the north western part of the clergy. I was admiring the fish at the pond. You can sort of say I was goofing off. Then I overheard some yelling from of the Clergy offices. There I saw Sister Lucia and Bishop Johnathan arguing about Papa’s position at the clergy. 
Copia: What did I do? Did I do something wrong? 
Sara: I don’t think you did anything wrong. 
Dewdrop: No, they wanted your seat, Papa. 
Copia: Cosa vogliono con la mia sedia? (What do they want with my chair?) 
Sara: I think he means they want your position of power. The bishop wants to be the next Papa of the Clergy of Sin. 
Dewdrop: No, It’s not like that. It’s Sister Lucia who wants Papa’s position of power. 
Copia: No, it's not true! She is the love of my life; Lucia will never betray me. 
Sara: Papa Copia, please calm down. 
Dewdrop: I’m sorry papa, but what I’m saying is the truth. Lucia somehow found out about getting a high rank position by becoming Papa’s prime mover. 
Sara: Prime Mover? What is that? 
Copia: A prime mover is a maternal slave. You know a child bearer for the Dark one. 
Sara: Does she know about that? 
Dewdrop: No, she didn’t want to listen. Even Bishop Johnathan warned her of the risk. But then she started to blackmail him. 
Sara: What kind of black mail? 
Dewdrop: I’m trying to recall, but I think it was about a young girl that was killed in a catholic church somewhere in Argentina. 
[door knocks] 
Sara: Hold on. Yes, what is it, Aether? 
Aether: Sorry to interrupt but Sister Imperator is down the hall. 
Copia: Looks like we may have to cut this down short. 
Dewdrop: I’m sorry if I wasn’t useful. 
Sara: No, you did more than enough even in your condition. 
Dewdrop: Thank you. 
Copia: you take it easy and get some rest. 
Sara: When you get better, come by at the mansion of the three papas. We’ll talk more there.  
Dewdrop: Alright then. Thank you for your time. 
Aether: Good bye baby doll. 
Dewdrop: Get the fuck out of here Aether! 
Case file closed
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