#Lucien mlqc
ikemen-bully · 6 months
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lithopsy · 1 year
I made a spreadsheet with links to every single MLQC date/mind quest (including CN content that hasn’t been released globally yet)! there are still some that i wasn’t able to find, but almost everything is there! if you find something I’m missing or notice an error, please let me know <3
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rkishibes · 4 months
the way I see it, being a zayne girlie is almost like lucien all over again
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dawnsbreaking · 1 year
One of my favorite things about MLQC is the frequent use of symbolic imagery and motifs to set scenes and center characters. I think it’s incredibly clever, considering the importance of MC’s dreams, that the dreamlike symbolism is present throughout the story. At times, in MC’s confusion of piecing events together, reading the story almost feels like a sort of dream or vision interpretation. I love how consistent these symbols are for the characters and the way conflicting or contrasting imagery is used to add depth throughout the story. Also, since the story is told through MC’s perspective, the use of imagery shows us that her perception of the world is colored by her care for the main cast. When she’s with Gavin, MC notices fluttering leaves, when she’s with Victor, time slows, when she’s with Kiro, the sun is brighter, and when she’s with Lucien, she’s more attentive to light and shadow.
Under the cut, I have written more (1400ish words more) about symbolism in MLQC and how it adds depth to Lucien's characterization in particular.
Aside from adding to the mood of the story, the symbolism can also be used to narrative effect, showing us how MC is interpreting a character’s actions or motivations.
For example, we can look at how MC sorts through her feelings about Kiro/Helios in Chapter 29. Sun imagery pervaded previous chapters that centered Kiro while moon imagery is associated with Helios. In CH29, MC uses the harmony between the sun and moon as a metaphor when she accepts that Kiro and Helios are one and the same. This adds depth to what MC is feeling about Helios and also serves to contextualize the relationship between the two identities. (Note: I just love the idea that Helios has the same “sunshine” as Kiro but that he reflects it in a subtle way rather than being overwhelmingly positive like Kiro. This dynamic is only ever implied by the imagery and symbolism but it’s so perfect.)
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In particular, though, I want to talk about some of the symbolism associated with Lucien and what we can learn from the way these symbols interact with one another.
Light and Shadow
One motif that is very present when the story is focused on Lucien is the balance between light and shadow. (Note: It’s very on the nose at times but executed well, I think, so I’ll give them a pass.) This motif is introduced far before Lucien’s betrayal is ever revealed, as early as his first meeting with MC. (Note: I literally wasn’t sure when the motif was first introduced but I went back to Lucien’s first scene and SURE ENOUGH, there it is. I love how consistent the writing is in this regard. The motifs are handled so well and so intentionally.)
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During Lucien’s first scene in the game, light shining in from the window obscures his face. Far ahead of the betrayal, light and shadow are symbolically playing at obscuring his identity from MC. The light/shadow motif is used at first to symbolize Lucien being duplicitous, without much hinting toward his internal struggle. Later, when it’s clear that Lucien is struggling with a choice between metaphorical “dark” desire to continue his mission and “light” of protecting MC, light is used to hint at that internal conflict. An example of this is below, from Lucien's first standoff with Victor in Chapter 11.
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Notably, though, sometimes, the “light” represents MC directly while the “shadow” represents Lucien. After Lucien’s internal conflict and desire to protect MC is first touched on in Chapter 16, the two are symbolically juxtaposed by scene-settings back-to-back in the last two units of CH16. 16-24 opens with a description of Lucien’s dark, gloomy room and 16-25 opens with a description of the lamp on MC’s desk casting a bright light. (Note: MC’s Evol is also represented by light often, so I think this imagery for her works even beyond its juxtaposition with Lucien.)
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The same thing happens again when MC comes back from the Eternal Winter world, Lucien’s office is described as dark and shadowy when he is alone and then it’s cast in an “ephemeral glow” as soon as MC steps into the room.
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A large part of Lucien’s character arc is his failure to properly make sense of his own identity, this struggle is represented by mirrors/reflections. Often, mirrors are shattered or distorted, implying an added difficulty of perception.
Because of the expectations that have been put on him from a young age, Lucien is very disconnected from his own identity. Even with Black Swan set completely aside, because of his savant-like personality and inability to relate to others, Lucien doesn’t view himself as a human being. Beyond that, there is also a struggle between the two identities of “Lucien” and “Ares” implied.
I think that the answer to this struggle is MC understanding Lucien and having clarity about who he is as a person. Light reflected in mirrors represents this concept symbolically in the Mirror Painting date. (Note: I believe this date is only currently available in the CN server, I read this translation) In this date, Lucien and MC paint each other and then use mirrors to reflect light onto the painting when it’s displayed. After being painted and, therefore, symbolically seen by MC, Lucien is finally allowed to turn away from the mirrors and stop worrying about who he is. The mirrors that represent his struggle with identity are able to add depth to a beautiful image when paired with the lights that represent MC’s understanding.
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Shattered and Distorted Glass
This goes hand-in-hand with the mirror motif but is worth mentioning on its own because the symbolism is slightly different. While distorted mirrors imply difficulty for Lucien to perceive himself, distorted glass implies a difficulty for others to perceive Lucien. Shattered glass also represents a fractured relationship between the identities of “Lucien” and “Ares” in a few scenes.
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On the wall of the abandoned Ultima Bioresearch Lab, MC finds a quotation written on the wall from the Bible. “For now we see through a glass, darkly. The truth is projected into the hearts of men through a glass lens. It’s distorted, blurry, and one-dimensional.” (Note: I’m assuming that this verse was translated from the Chinese dialogue and not transcribed from an English Bible translation, because this is, at the very least, not a popular translation of the verse that I’m familiar with. Ironically, it’s more popular to translate “glass” here as “mirror” so there goes this whole section LMAO.)
Because of the way it’s presented, I think that this image of distorted glass represents not how MC actually perceives Lucien but, rather, how Lucien believes he perceives her. Obviously, this is also foreshadowing the betrayal so, in a way, he’s correct in asserting that she is not seeing all of him. But, on the whole, this distorted glass imagery is delivered in a way that implies the distortion more as an insecurity on Lucien’s part rather than the reality of MC’s vision.
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Keeping with Lucien’s themes of paradox and duplicity, one of his main motifs is the appearance of rainbows, despite the fact that he is colorblind. This is, again, representative of MC’s “light” being transformative to Lucien because the rainbows appear when they are together. I think that, rather than being a symbol for Lucien alone, rainbows represent Lucien’s relationship with MC. It’s a sort of combination of MC’s light imagery and Lucien’s refraction/distortion imagery. In the right circumstances, they can create something beautiful together.
It’s also implied throughout the story that Lucien is able to see colors when he’s around MC, so he is truly only able to appreciate the beauty of rainbows when he is with her. (Note: It’s unclear how this works but I think that it’s a side-effect of his Evol mimicking hers. There’s a footage mission where it seems like Lucien has to ask MC to look at something before he can tell the color of it so I think that he is somehow able to see the world through her perspective, possibly by using her Evol to have real-time visions. Does this make sense? Who knows, but I refuse to accept it just as soulmate magic!!!!)
If you haven’t, I highly recommend reading Lucien’s “Rainbow Luck” R&S. (Note: A recording is available here!) In this story, told from the perspective of Lucien’s pen, Iridescent, MC and Lucien see a rainbow together and it’s implied that this is Lucien’s first time being able to see a rainbow because MC is there. (Note: Iridescent as a name itself is an instance of Lucien’s rainbow motif.)
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(Note: Lucien's Moments also features a rainbow paperweight at Bond Level 40.)
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TLDR: Imagery and symbolism are used in MLQC to imply things about the characters and their relationships with MC. In particular, with Lucien, recurring imagery is used to represent his internal conflict and his desire for love and understanding from MC. The symbolism of light and its reflection/refraction is used to great effect throughout Lucien’s story, implying a complex web of internal struggles.
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multifandom-worlds · 1 year
Letter to You
I know you're probably awake right now, maybe it's because of the day's events running through your mind, maybe it's because you're used to me beside you and since I'm gone, you're having a hard time sleeping. Maybe it's both of those and maybe it's something else entirely.
I love you, my sweet. Always have. You are the greatest thing to have walked into my life. Since the day I laid eyes on you, you've occupied my every thought - the way you talk, the smell of your perfume, the way your fingers lace perfectly with mine. Everything about you is so perfect for me, down to your little quirks. I have never loved someone as much as I love you.
I've had dreams of you, since I've been away - dreams of walking through our snow-covered city, brushing the snow from your hair, dancing with you in the soft glow of the fire, worshipping your body until early morning hours, making you feel every ounce of my love for you.
I am so proud of you, my love. You are such a strong person, waking up every day, your heart on your sleeve and giving your all. You may think no one notices your achievements, but I do. No matter how small those achievements are, I've noticed them and I've celebrated every single one. You're exactly where you need to be and I'm honoured to walk this life with you by my side.
I'll be home soon, my dear. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again.
Yours for eternity
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yourssinfullyquiche · 2 years
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Credits to PG for the image
Hello, all you beautiful people🥰 This is a request for my dear friend @shieriholmes. I'm enjoying getting to know you!
I hope this fic comforts you in your darkest times Lucien x reader Beta: @laxmiree, thank you for helping me! TW: Very angsty, tbh I don't know how to categorize this, the writing style is heavy
It happened again. 
The booming voices melding its frequencies to screams, the jarring lashes that strip my confidence and self worth, the angry whispers of words—words with a passion for bitterness and contempt from the very mouth of the one who was supposed to protect me.
From the one I was supposed to trust and seek refuge in. From the one that was supposedly responsible to care for me because we were of the same blood. Yet that phrase is merely an excuse to hurt without consequences because the wounds that bleed from the cuts to my heart festers with the severity of his existence.
My father’s existence. 
So I should be used to this right? I have lived with it all my life. Maybe it didn’t start right away, but the years of experiencing his unwarranted rage has trained me to automatically allow those words to fall onto deaf ears. And yes, it works. Because all I feel is numbness. Numb to the same but hurtful phrases I have been accustomed to. 
But sometimes and that sometimes is today. Those words like shards of blades only pierce, twist and stay lodged further in my already wounded heart. Part of me feels almost ashamed that some nasty words echo in my mind, berating my own trembling heart for its weakness to the blow. Because, I should be used to this right? 
Yet another part of me, the one that laid dormant for so long but now grows almost shyly with the coax of his beautiful gentle voice. That part of me knows—deep within my soul that no child should ever bear to be mistreated in the way that I have been for essentially my whole life.
Yet my trembling heart, beaten and broken, needed a form of escape. An escape from this current spell of unfairness. This bout of suffocating pain, of endless torment, swirling in an eddy with one thought at its vortex—a thought that no matter the appeal does me no good to engage in. And so I run. As fast as I can, with the insurmountable tears spilling like the rain drenching over me. Until I run headfirst into a hard body. 
And there he stands, looking at me with those wide violet eyes, lips in the middle of an apology when he meets my eyes. I stand there frozen despite my insides screaming for me to run, to never show such a vulnerable side to him, to lock away this whole incident in the deepest parts of my heart and to never uncover it. Yet his voice, Lucien’s gentle voice, lifts my head and I look into those equally kind eyes, surprised at the emotion it reflects—confusion, sadness and protectiveness, all that culminates to him gently demanding my story—of why am I alone in the middle of the street in the middle of the night, in the middle of a growing downpour.
“Y/N, tell me what happened?”
And so begins today’s tale of nightmare. I don’t know why he’s asking me. It’s not like he’s unaware. It took quite awhile for me to gauge his emotions and feelings from his expressions, and sometimes I still fumble with them. He’s so skilled at hiding it, but when those thin brows ever so slightly come together and his lips purse into a thin line, and those violet eyes reveal a hint of ferocity in them, I know plain as day it is anger. And yet it all goes away to be replaced with a kind, calm gaze when his voice addresses me.
I wonder what he’s going to say. He’s been comforting me but I don’t know what I want to hear—half of my nerves are still infused with adrenaline, anxious for me to run—part of me feels defeated, it only wants to hide and cry in a corner somewhere. Another part, the strange one, wants to be drenched in the sheets of rain—and the one that makes the most sense only wants me to let go. Of what, I don’t know. 
He calls me but doesn’t say anything, only stands there, his eyes focused on the space above my head in deep thought. Only now I realise that he’s getting drenched in the rain, his umbrella must’ve fallen when I bumped into him. I spot the cat patterned umbrella tossed to one side, getting swept away in the rainy winds. I remember spending time with him at the cat café, buying this very umbrella out of a joke I made about how similar he was to cats. How loving but devious they were. 
The expression he had, so speechless—eyes wide and playful, cheeks tinted pink, all honing in on a ‘how dare you’ expression. It still tickles me to this day. So that’s why my feet carry me towards the drifting umbrella. I hear him shuffle behind me trying to keep up with my pace, and then he goes ahead of me, attempting to corner it—but like a sentient being it flies further away from the both of us.
He chuckles and I can’t help but let a giggle loose because how foolish are we running behind an umbrella in a heavy downpour where the winds clearly have an upper hand. Meeting my eyes as a silent request to stay put, he goes after it and ahead of the umbrella and finally, the umbrella panel falls obediently in his open hands.
Watching him run awkwardly with his long legs after the umbrella like a child, it pulls laughter out of me. And I sink into the feeling, laughing and laughing away, and then those laughs turn into hiccups eventually morphing into cries. My clothed knees bump the gravel road and I can hear myself crying loudly like a child who’s been refused their request of buying a new toy. Unabashedly and freely. Without a care for the world. I feel safe and protected by the sky that cries with me. 
All of a sudden the rain drowns out and my cries amplify the limited space the umbrella looms over me. I make no effort to stop crying, I can’t even if I wanted to. I’m too far gone in the freedom of letting go. Then, I don’t want to. The lavender warmth that I’ve come to identify with Lucien soothes and calms where his arms cocoon me. It’s unbelievably comforting that I melt in his chest further, seeking refuge from the darkness of my world. 
I cry for myself, for the pain I go through, for the pain I have to go through, for the pain that my father went through because I wonder what would’ve happened to him if the idea of rejecting his own daughter is easily embraced by him.
I feel his large hand pat my head. “I may not fully comprehend your pain but I know that no child should ever be the subject of their parent’s wrath. It’s okay to feel hurt and angry—it’s okay to cry. It’s okay to feel lonely like the world’s against you. Your feelings are valid.” His hand rests on my nape before hugging me tighter.
“I can’t tell you that it’ll stop—I don’t believe in propagating convictions that I don’t fully know. But what I do know is that “flowers survive the harshest of winters. You will too.” 
Then with a whisper of promise, Lucien’s hands cradle the back of my head tenderly. 
“And I’ll be right here with you.” 
A sense of relief flows through amidst the downpour surrounding us, amidst the chaos the world brings, amidst all the troubles and terrors that haunt me knowing that I’ll not be cast aside. Forgotten. Or unloved. 
I feel my lips slowly tilt in a smile...
A/N: Thank you for reading!❤️
I was so nervous writing this only because I was afraid of getting Lucien's personality & actions right. But I loved how it turned out.
It's an important request and I'm glad I wrote it. To anyone who's reading this, I hope you find comfort in this piece Delve into my world
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© YOURSSINFULLYQUICHE 2022 — no part of this writing shall be plagiarised, translated or reposted in any way. Likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated~
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hdlssxstrnz · 2 years
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Lucien twitter layouts
♟️Like/reblog if used ♟️
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arabella-77 · 2 years
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Happy birthday Lucien!
15 Nov 2022
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xingxueyue · 1 year
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Lasting Waves UR Card Wish Tree Event
Date: 4 July 2023 to 15 July 2023
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laxmiree · 4 months
[CN] MLQC Lucien’s On Fire MQ translation + video with sub EN (Part 3/3)
This post contains a detailed spoiler for an MQ that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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On Fire MQ | Part 1 (1-2) | Part 2 (3-4) | Part 3 (5-6) | Moisturize ASMR
[Warning]: The content of this MQ is currently the most explicit compared to other dates and may not be suitable for individuals under the age of 17 (CN server). It is recommended that those who do not meet this age requirement refrain from proceeding beyond this point.
Part 3 & 4-> [Here]
[Subbed Video, TURN ON CC!]
—[Part 5]— Video Timestamp [31:11]
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The kitchen is filled with all sorts of ingredients.
After studying a few recipes, Lucien starts by cleaning the vegetables one by one, arranging them neatly based on size and color.
I put the excess ingredients into the refrigerator and see him preparing to chop vegetables on the cutting board. His movements are meticulous yet unfamiliar.
MC: Do you want some help?
Lucien arches an eyebrow ever so slightly, then frees up one hand to pull me behind him, his voice gentle.
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Lucien: Yes, then come closer and help me, okay?
I wrap my arms around Lucien from behind, adjusting his hand to control the force and posture of chopping vegetables.
MC: [smiles softly]...Are you sure about this?
Lucien: Mm, I'm not particularly skilled at this. This position makes it easy for you to correct me at any time.
I wrap my arm around him with some struggle. I can feel his heat seeping through our clothes, causing a slight warmth in my ears.
Unwittingly, I remember the first time I spent New Year's Eve with Lucien. He also once stood behind me and wrapped his arm around me under the pretext of learning to make dumplings.
MC: ...Then, I'll make an effort to not get distracted.
MC: It's better to cut in from this angle...
Two people working together noticeably accelerate the process. After the pot is ready, Lucien and I stand on either side of it, seasoning it together.
Seasonal vegetables lose their raw appearance in the sizzling hot oil, transforming into delectable dishes on the dining table.
MC: The colors are right, and the cuts are similar. At least in terms of appearance, we've perfectly replicated these dishes.
MC: I just wonder how they taste. These dishes look so good, they couldn't possibly be bad, right?
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Lucien: They're definitely going to be delicious. After all, we made them together.
Lucien: However, in the coming year, I will try my best to break away from this lady’s help and lead this process independently.
MC: Hehe, it's okay if you don't break away.
MC: I'm happy to accompany you and enjoy this process together. Plus, occasionally being Professor Lucien's "guide", I couldn't ask for more.
Lucien glances at me with a smile on his face, then bends down to kiss me lightly on the eyes.
Lucien: [chuckle then KISS!!!!] Since I have your permission, I won't insist on proving myself anymore.
Lucien: In the days ahead, accompany me to tackle more complex menus.
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At the dining table, Lucien picks up his chopsticks, slowly bringing each dish to his mouth. He chews carefully, seeming to savor the unique taste of each dish
Though it's just an ordinary lunch, he eats with exceptional seriousness.
Lucien: The change in cutting technique has a much greater impact on the crispness of the vegetables than I anticipated.
MC: It's subtle, isn't it? Even though the cooking method remains the same, just changing the cutting technique makes the texture much crispier!
Lucien: Hmm, it's also interesting to stew meat with fruits.
MC: Hehe, that's because fruit acids not only tenderize the muscle tissue but also blend in smoothly with the flavor.
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Lucien: [chuckles] So, although all these dishes are delicious, I particularly enjoy the stew you've added your ingenuity to.
It's rare to see him provide detailed commentary on dishes beyond just "delicious", and I can't help but raise my chin in pride.
MC: I've actually made some observations before when cooking. Just a slight change in the dish can make a huge difference in taste!
MC: It's kind of like the difference between the front leg meat and the hind leg meat, very distinct!
Lucien's gaze, which was originally focused on tasting the dishes, shifts towards me. Under the lamplight, his eyes soften, as gentle as water flowing into a stream.
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Lucien: This classmate's metaphors are always so imaginative.
Lucien: It seems like every inch of the world you perceive is so vibrant and intriguing—
Lucien: Just like these rich dishes, they can evoke a range of emotions and also spark inspiration.
I prop my chin up, looking at him with interest.
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MC: If that's the case, then I also want to be the “fruit” in the stew, making Professor Lucien even "sweeter"~
MC: Every happy and interesting experience in my perception, I want you to experience them together with me~
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Lucien's eyes soften, and he taps his knuckles gently on the table.
Lucien: [whispers] In that case, can we do something fun together right now?
My eyes light up, and I stand up, walking over to his side. I cup his face in my hands, smiling as we lock eyes.
MC: Of course, then... what do you want to do?
Before I finish speaking, Lucien's hand gently lowers my head, and he plants a light kiss on my lips.
Although it's just a gentle touch, and although the atmosphere isn't ambiguous, I feel my heart beating wildly due to the unexpected intimacy.
I look at him with a flushed face, seeing overflowing tenderness in his eyes, and a magnified reflection of myself.
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Lucien: I want to thank this lady who “shares the world” with me.
Then, he leans down, slowly closing the distance between us—
Until our hearts and minds feel the same frequency, melding together into the gentle twilight.
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As the last rays of twilight fall, Lucien invites me to experience the festival in this small town.
Lanterns adorned with festive decorations hang on the streetlights, and the air is filled with the scent of firecrackers.
As New Year's Eve approaches, there are already many stalls in the small night market, with couplets, paper-cut decorations, and various potted plants joyfully arranged together.
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MC: These paper-cut decorations are quite ordinary, yet they're selling for two digits. They're not as pretty as the ones you've made, but I just bought something really nice!
I take out a box of pink, peach-shaped pastries and hand one to Lucien.
MC: "Longevity Peach Buns"~ Would you like to try one?
Lucien takes a bite, his brows furrowing momentarily as he examines the bun in his hand with a hint of skepticism.
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Lucien: [smiles helplessly] I wouldn't recommend it.
Even Lucien, who isn't usually picky about food, expressed dissatisfaction with the bun, which piqued my interest.
I take a bite, and the dry bun with a hint of artificial flavoring fails to satisfy even basic taste expectations.
MC: Uh...!
MC: [unamused] Although it's not tasty, it does look festive... Let's just display it at home when we get back.
Lucien smiles and shakes his head, then picks up a set of spring festival couplets from a nearby stall.
Lucien: The wording on these couplets seems rather ordinary.
Lucien: I'm thinking, why don't we buy some raw materials and try writing our own couplets at home?
MC: Sounds good! Then when the God of Wealth arrives, he'll see that the couplets we've put up are heartfelt and sincere.
MC: If he's in a good mood, who knows, maybe we'll strike it rich~
From the "福" (fortune/blessings) character for the front door to the refrigerator and even the shoe cabinet, to the money tree for the entrance and the glowing little dragon...
As we chat and laugh, the bags we're carrying are already overloaded.
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We load the bags into the car and return to our seats. Just as I start to fasten my seatbelt, Lucien pushes open the car door again.
Lucien: I suddenly remembered there's something else I need to buy.
MC: Then I'll go with you.
Lucien: No need, it's right nearby. I'll be back soon.
Before I could react, Lucien had already closed the car door and disappeared into the bustling crowd once again.
—[Part 6]— Video Timestamp [36:42]
(T/N: if you haven't watched the video, please watch it from this timestamp! The BGM choice + voice acting really help set the mood~)
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MC: What did Lucien go to buy...?
Snacks, or decorations? Before my thoughts can stray any further, Lucien's figure returns to the car with bags in hand.
MC: You're back!
The car door is pulled open, and along with Lucien’s scent, the chilly wind brings in a subtle smell... of gunpowder?
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Lucien: [chuckles] I bought some fireworks...
MC: Oh~
Lucien: And firecrackers.
MC: [surprised] Eh?
I widen my eyes and look into the bag. Besides a few fireworks, there are…
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MC: O- one-thousand-firecrackers-rolls and firework rockets?
Seeing my reaction, Lucien satisfactorily curls up the corners of his lips.
Lucien: As an "experiencer," of course I must try some sufficiently exciting things.
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The car, loaded with goods, returns to our courtyard. Lucien parks the car and, together with me, we unroll the long red firecrackers on the ground.
The long firecrackers snake around like a red dragon lying on the ground, almost covering the entire courtyard.
I hold the lighter, watching the fuse that is about to ignite the firecrackers and can’t help but feel nervous in my heart.
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MC: Lucien, could you, could you wait a moment? I'm not quite mentally prepared yet!
Lucien: [chuckles] Then allow me.
Lucien seems to chuckle softly. Before I can react, he has already struck the match, and the flame dances on his fingertips.
The fuse instantly ignites, speeding forward like a shooting star. I quickly grab Lucien's hand tightly, pulling him away as we run.
The next second, the firecrackers erupt like an awakened dragon, emitting a thrilling roar.
My body instinctively tenses, and I hastily cover Lucien's ears while he does the same for mine.
(the way they instinctively protect each other instead of themselves :”…)
His broad palm reassuringly shields those startling explosions.
Despite the barrier, my hearing becomes even more acute, listening as the firecrackers "rampage" through the courtyard.
I look at Lucien, in the faint red glow, his face is coated with a shimmering warm light, and from beginning to end, his lips are always brimming with a smile.
The bright light swiftly dashes through the dark night. After the long-lasting thousand blasts fade away, the air in the courtyard seems to have turned red.
Lucien waves his hand in front of him, trying to dispel the pungent smell of firecrackers, yet the smile on his lips never falters.
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Lucien: Whether it's from the sense of hearing or the sense of smell... The stimulation I'm receiving is far more excessive than I anticipated.
MC: Many things you just have to experience firsthand to truly feel them!
MC: Just like I've come to realize, besides with the beauty of fireworks, Professor Lucien and the firecrackers are also quite "compatible"!
Lucien raises an eyebrow and takes out all the remaining fireworks and firecrackers from the car.
Lucien: That sentence sounds like a stereotypical impression of "Professor Lucien".
Lucien: Fortunately, tonight happens to be a good opportunity for "out with the old, in with the new."
The night sky stretches endlessly, as dark as a piece of black velvet, while the courtyard ground is scattered with remnants of red firecrackers.
Lucien stands between the darkness of the night and the redness around him, with the match he ignites in his hand being the only source of light around.
This glimmer of light remains silent, yet always manages to ignite clusters of earth-shattering fireworks in my world.
So I walk towards him, and together we light up all these fireworks.
The light flies into the night sky, showering down gently, casting warm hues upon us.
And beside me, Lucien's smiling expression is just like the fireworks filling up the sky.
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In the end, Lucien and I left a few fireworks unlit and returned to the car for warmth.
The distant sound of firecrackers can be faintly heard, with occasional fireworks lighting up the night sky, illuminating the scene inside the car.
We sit side by side in the back seat, enjoying a moment of tranquility after the playful revelry.
Bright light filters through the car window, casting ambiguous light and shadows on Lucien's face. I trace his profile, and my heart is filled with joy.
MC: Looking back, we've had a lot of fun in just a few days.
MC: Going to the home exhibition together, selecting ingredients and cooking together, wandering through the festival night market, and even setting off fireworks and firecrackers...
MC: I wonder how Professor Lucien feels about this "town trip"?
Lucien meets my expectant gaze, but instead of immediately responding, he ponders for a moment.
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Lucien: I've thought of many different answers, many different adjectives.
Lucien: Happiness, warmth, contentment... Each word seems to encapsulate my feelings, yet they all appear a little shallow.
I listen earnestly, reaching out my hand to intertwine with his palm.
Lucien: Whether it's in the warm room, cooking together under the bright lights, or lighting firecrackers together and making "noise".
Lucien: At the moment of accomplishing these things, I have a vague feeling.
Lucien: These seem to be things I've never consciously longed for but deeply desire to do.
Lucien: And year after year, in the New Year, you've helped me realize these, even wishes that I myself didn't fully grasp.
Lucien pauses unusually as if carefully considering his words. After a while, he simply casts his gaze toward me.
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Lucien: So if there's anything missing, it's that I want my little lady to feel my happiness.
MC: I've already felt it...
But Lucien gently shakes his head.
Lucien: I want to paint it more vividly for you. Not through carefully crafted rhetoric, perhaps not even by speaking.
(T/N: insert the solemn, melancholic, yet hopeful 5th anniv special theatre BGM 😭 if you've read this far and haven't watched the video, I’d actually beg you to watch 🥺 The timestamp is: [42:09] )
Lucien gently takes my hand and places it over his heart.
In an instant, the world quieted down.
With the familiar heartbeat in my palm, it feels as if the overflowing sense of happiness is also held within my grasp.
"Thump, thump," resounding as if echoing through the entire universe. And it speaks—
Lucien is very happy, very content with life.
And so am I.
At this moment, I seem to also taste the shallowness of "words", for no matter how many words are spoken, they can't fully express the deep love beating in my heart.
So I recklessly approached him, wanting to convey my most profound feelings to him.
Wrapping my arms around his neck, my fingertips threading through his soft hair, as I lean in closer, Lucien gently but firmly pulls me into his embrace.
The smell of gunpowder fills my nostrils, seemingly carrying the heat capable of igniting flames with it.
The lips merely brush against each other, then clinging lovingly and inseparably, unwilling to part ever again.
Our tongues entwine as if thirsting, drawing out every bit of sweetness, until our breaths become so chaotic that they can't be distinguished from each other.
Can a deep kiss express this love? Can a long embrace reveal the yearning in the depths of our hearts?
While thinking about all this in a daze, Lucien's whisper comes to my ear.
Lucien: [whispers breathlessly] Is this kiss enough to explain it all?
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MC: Not enough...
I instinctively spoke out, not knowing whether I was answering him or telling myself.
Upon hearing this, with one arm still around me, Lucien unbuttons his shirt with his other hand, revealing his well-defined physique.
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Lucien: [chuckles and whispers] Then tonight, I will lay bare all of myself to you, okay?
His eyes still carry a faint smile, but they are moist as if they've captured light, burning and deeply sincere.
I nod and kiss the corner of his eye, taking in all of him.
His warm lips carry a slightly wet sensation as they wander over my body, igniting my skin like clusters of flame.
The intimate and meticulous licking makes me feel like I'm about to melt, my body instinctively tensing up, sliding towards the only fulcrum.
Lucien: [noises of him eating… something, and sighs in satisfaction] ….
The fingers holding my calves suddenly tighten, pulling them wider apart. I sit back heavily and then whimper out in pain.
MC: [blushing] Lucien….
My voice comes out sweetly and aggrievedly, elongating the end of his name with a deliberate undertone. It sounds like pleading for mercy yet also carries a tacit demand.
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The sound of muffled laughter reaches my ears, Lucien flips over to be on top of me and presses me down, kissing me on the lips.
Between the disorganized breaths, he murmurs something on the tip of his tongue.
Lucien: [whispers] Sorry, does it hurt a bit?
I nod, but in contrast to my answer, I thrust my hips upward, wanting to fit even closer to him. In the process, I almost hit my head on the car door, but Lucien protected me.
The decorations on my clothes roughly brush against Lucien's exposed skin as he moves, causing him to tremble lightly.
Lucien: [chuckles] These little decorations are a bit in the way.
Those words are much colder than his kisses, and I can't help but watch my heart beat faster as he gently picks at them and lets the decorations fall.
It's just that there seem to be more and more things that get in the way between us… the top, the belt, and the skirt, they all seem a bit unnecessary.
The car's air conditioning blows dry, warm air, dispersing the remaining traces of coldness on our skin.
The moist sensation behind my ears makes me feel like I'm lying on a stream, his voice, hoarse and low, reveals a fervent longing.
Lucien: [hoarsely] Now, can you understand this feeling clearly?
My heart beats fiercely, and within my hazy consciousness, I seem to hear the emotions hidden behind Lucien's questions.
Instinctively, I tighten my arms around his neck and wrap my legs behind his waist. My hand gently caresses him.
MC: I think... I still need more time to understand.
MC: This is what you want too, isn't it?
Lucien’s laughter-tinged voice drifts into my ears.
Lucien:  [whispers followed by more wet kiss noises] The night is still very long.
The ambiguous warmth inside the car envelops us like the steam of a hot spring, carrying us into the clouds.
It seems there are small trinkets on the dashboard that can't withstand the shaking, but we are too preoccupied to notice.
Unintentionally, someone presses the car window button, and the distant sound of fireworks leaps into our ears.
Tiny snowflakes land on my outstretched arms, only to be melted into droplets by the heat.
"Splat," "splat."
This night, when the old days and the new years merge, we seem to need a little more warmth.
[Bonus: some h-word translation notes before afterword because I don't want to ruin the beautiful smut with my dumb commentary]
Lucien: [whispers] Sorry, does it hurt a bit? I nod, but in contrast to my answer, I thrust my hips upward, wanting to fit even closer to him. In the process, I almost hit my head on the car door, but Lucien protected me.
(T/N: this sentence implies that the pain is not from her sitting back but… him fitting inside *cough*)
The car's air conditioning blows dry, warm air, dispersing the remaining traces of coldness on our skin.
(T/N: this description implies that they are both already completely undressed at that point. To counteract the chill from being unclothed, the warm air conditioner is turned on :>)
[Afterword, rambles and highlight(s)]
⎯ Just like how sunlight helps plants to grow, love nurtures Lucien's growth over the years.
Even after 6 years, Love and Producer still have such a talented writing team that never FAILS at making us feel h-word and cry at almost the same time ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽. This date is not angsty in the traditional sense, in fact, the date in general is so sweet and full of daily life. But the end really punches you just right in the feelings ESPECIALLY with the 5th anniversary special theatre BGM.
Honestly, it’s hard to explain why this date is so good and makes many CN stans cry by the end of the date. It’s… something that you can experience only if you know him for so, so long. It's something that can only be felt by witnessing his growth from the moment you first 'met' him until now. The feelings of observing someone you've ‘nurtured’ with love and care for years finally blossoming into the most colorful and unique 'fireworks' you've ever witnessed… they’re really hard to describe.
But anyway, before this essay turns into an analysis of "The Little Prince" and Lucien, let’s talk about the date, shall we? If last year's date theme was along the lines of "accepting yourself and your emotions from the past," then I predict that this year's theme seems to be about "experiencing and living the present"; and this is such a fitting theme for Lucien. Why? Because as a character, before he met the MC, he was simply an "observer" instead of a “participant”, curiously observing and experimenting on everything around him, and yet never really ‘participates’ and ‘experiences’ in it.  However, thanks to MC, he has begun to actively participate in the hustle and bustle of the world, experiencing many things that have made him more vibrant and ‘alive’. This transition from ‘observer’ to ‘participant’ is cleverly depicted in this date by making him into a participant in the experiments with MC, rather than solely being the experimenter as usual.
This date as a whole centers around two important things, experience and emotions. While the relationship between experience and emotion can be complex and multifaceted, the way I get it from this date is that; if ‘experience’ is more about the ‘input’ that we get from our senses, then ‘emotions’ are the ‘output’ of our experience. In other words, experiences provide the stimuli that trigger emotional responses. Both experience and emotions are important things for us humans; together, they contribute to our ability to fully engage with and appreciate the present moment, rather than simply going through the motions of survival… They’re also two things that Lucien has been learning over the years.
First, let’s talk about experience, when our observer scientist sheds his lab coat and removes his glasses, he transforms into an ordinary person sincerely in love with you and deeply experiencing love. This date depicts how he experiences love in the warmth of everyday life, and amusingly, it almost makes this date feel as if MC and Lucien are newlyweds on their honeymoon ahah. From shopping for furniture for their new home to encountering silly and unexpected problems that the organizer throws at them (just like how everyday lives always throw problems at us lol), to grocery shopping and cooking together, and cough even the fact that they’re basically ‘on fire’ everyday cough— The grocery shopping parts are especially funny (with just Lucien being Lucien lol)... and cooking scene is just chef kiss. It's really endearing to witness how he adapts to homemaking tasks in his unique way, all because of his love for you.
Still on the topic of ‘experience’; do you know that both of the more descriptive spicy scenes are part of the plot? First, the spicy domming ‘guiding’ scene. In that scene, MC guides him to focus on what his senses told him instead of giving processed answers. And this seems to work because, throughout the date, you can notice him developing more opinions on things based on his senses as he experiences everything. Previously, because he never slowed down and always looked far ahead (See also, his Summer UR MQ, recent CN birthday date and story for more in-depth digging about this theme-), he never fully ‘experienced’ life. But with MC's guidance, her “sharing the world” with him, he starts to perceive the world around him more keenly. This transformation is evident in tasting scenes and fireworks scenes, where he earnestly uses his senses to taste their cooking, hearing the loud firecracker noises, and smelling the scent of gunpowder. She doesn’t only ‘bring’ color to his monochrome world, but also the taste, smell and noises of the world around him as he experiences the present. All these stimuli make his world no longer feel ‘silent’ to him. Sometimes, loving him feels like pulling a ‘god’ from his pedestal to experience the lively and ordinary life of mortals. Perhaps he loses some of his ‘invincibility’ (like for example, that causes him to fall for consumerism trap lol), but in this way, he becomes more alive and real.
Then about emotions. The initial discussion about emotions centers around “emotional synchronization” between lovers, setting the stage for exploring how MC and Lucien perceive and handle each other's emotions. Just as MC accepts all of Lucien's emotions, whether they be sadness or happiness [referencing Lucien’s CN birthday date in 2023], Lucien reciprocates by accepting all of her emotions. Lucien demonstrates emotional stability and maturity as a partner, creating an environment where MC feels no need to restrain her emotions in his presence. He is fond of and intrigued by her colorful range of emotions (and a bittersweet reminder of how her moods affect her “color” in his eyes ahah:”””). This highlights their curiosity and fascination with understanding each other on a deeper level.
For them, all human emotions are important, but MC initially wanted Lucien to feel more positive emotions. With the concept of “emotional sync” in mind, she promises to convey more positive emotions for him, inadvertently restraining her own emotions in the process. However, during their time together in the small city, she learns that even so-called “negative emotions” have value. Despite facing challenges or "troubles," both characters find joy and support in each other's company. MC finds Lucien's moments of vulnerability endearing, while Lucien appreciates MC's encouragement and companionship. They both come to acknowledge the natural ebb and flow of emotions in their relationship, realizing that some negative emotions are far from being detrimental; it’s simply part of their day-to-day life. Those emotional fluctuations are just a very small part of their overall happiness~
ALL THE FEELINGS FROM THE SECOND EXPLICIT SPICY SCENES SUCCESSFULLY MADE ME CRY. Experiencing all sorts of things with her during experiments and everyday life … even things and wishes that he never consciously longed for yet always wanted:
The meaning of these words are difficult to render accurately in English, and my “Xu Mo/Lucien is very happy, very content with his life.” are just barely scratching the surface… While 快乐(kuài lè) refers to a more transient or temporary feeling of happiness and joy, often related to a fun event, 幸福 (xìng fú) encompasses a profound and enduring sense of happiness and contentment in life. It signifies a state of well-being that extends beyond momentary pleasures, often associated with having a loving family, spouse, fulfilling relationships, and a sense of overall satisfaction with one's life. So when combined, it emphasizes the fact that while experiencing all the ups and downs of the world with her, Lucien is not only feeling immediate joy and pleasure ("快乐"), but also enjoying a deeper, more lasting sense of happiness and fulfilment ("幸福"), he is both happy in the moment and all of his life. By slowing down and deeply experiencing each moment of their shared life, he discovers his own happiness and longing that even he himself never knows about. So, he wants her to experience every bit of his happiness and love that has blossomed because of her… candidly and unrestrainedly wants her to experience all of him.
In another vein, LOVE IS A VERB, NOT A NOUN!!! It's a continual action, continual choice, continual promise to another person. And no matter how many words are spoken, both of them can't fully express the deep love beating in heart. So, when words are too “shallow” to even capture a fraction of deep love and happiness, he can only confess them through instinctive actions, recklessly pouring out his heart in every embrace, every kiss, and every touch. And yet, the question still stands, Can a deep kiss express this love? Can a long embrace reveal the yearning in the depths of our hearts? They’ve done everything, yet it still feels not enough, and perhaps… it will take a lifetime of shared experiences and ‘confessions’ to fully reveal the depths of his love and longing for her.
AND SPEAKING OF CHOICE(S), the BGM choice for that last spicy scene is freaking genius!!! It comes from 5th-anniversary special theatre“The many choices of life” video (You can check it on my YT!). This special video is all about the power of your/MC’s choice. I want to highlight the first “what if” scenario. The first “what if” is about what would happen if she had chosen to not meet Lucien.
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In this scenario, the narrative explores what would have happened if MC hadn't met Lucien. Without their encounter, Lucien would still be questioning and seeking understanding from the world around him. He would have found another path, albeit one that didn't involve her, dedicating himself to searching for the 'most optimal solution.' However, his world would remain black and white, indifferent to whether there were people who tried to understand him and care for him :”. Anyway, by using this as a BGM choice, it accentuates the power of your/MC’s choice in shaping him being the way he is right now; while still running on the path to explore truth with dedication, he also finds happiness and contentment along the way because of her choice.
In conclusion, Lucien’s writers never fail to captivate us and deliver top-tier writing! This date highlights the importance of experiencing life fully and embracing all emotions, while also underscoring the transformative power of love~ His writers really excel at utilizing his character to its fullest potential. I can go on and on, talking about all the small details and references on this date but this UR won’t be published any time soon if I do LOL. If you’ve read so far, thank you for reading this date and my rambles~
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chuverall · 7 months
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"Happy Birthday.
No more, you're not alone."
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ikemen-bully · 2 years
I swear Lucien given me trust issues because now whenever a character description imply that the character have a secret I have to check his wiki
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calithso · 7 days
Lucien,, from mlqc 😔 please and thank you. Also, do you take Comms? ❤️
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this dude's hard to draw he's lucky he's my kind of man <///3
regarding comms! not yet BUT i will after i graduate (which is next year) it'll be my main source of income, that's why i'm trying to learn to draw rn. i already have my prices ready actually 😭
my friend and i are also interested in trying out streaming on twitch mostly because it looks fun and it'd be nice as a side hobby.
will you guys still support me if i become a pngtuber twitch streamer who draws art for a living 👉👈😔 (said pngtuber avatar has already been sketched last night as a 'break')
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[Art] Clamorous World
Artist: 陈闻生_L || Sub-masterlist
Source: ♡ || Permission: ♡
⌚ Please do not repost ⌚
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dawnsbreaking · 1 year
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set before Ch13, no spoilers pairing: Xu Mo | Lucien/Original Female Character word count: 4,002
She hadn't intended to come to the lecture today, she'd texted Lucien as much, but her morning at work had been too hectic to bear without a break. Rose had a lot to do but she thought that she could treat her visit to Loveland University like taking her work to a cafe. Lucien's soft voice would be the perfect calming soundtrack for answering emails, and the promise of getting to spend time with him after class was an inherent motivator. - Rose doesn't pay enough attention to Lucien's lecture, she tries to make up for it after class.
my goal for this was to write a lucien fic that is fun and fluffy but could be a little bit angsty with more ch13 and beyond context, and i think i did that! reblogs, comments, tags appreciated!!
read on ao3
Rose hadn't realized how commonplace her "auditing" of Lucien's lectures had become until this morning, walking into class, when one of Lucien's students greeted her by name as he held open the door for her.
"Good morning, Miss Prichard," he said, nodding his head respectfully before continuing to his seat.
Rose's eyes immediately darted to the lectern where she found Lucien, smiling knowingly. He mouthed, "Good morning, Miss Prichard."
The teasing light in his eyes filled Rose with a dizzying warmth. She felt caught, somehow, like this student had announced something precious about her to the world.
Another student's voice followed, and then another. Rose waded through a sea of good-mornings on her way to her usual seat at the back of the classroom.
"Good morning. You're all supposed to ignore me, remember?" Rose laughed, trying at an easy tone.
The first time she'd attended one of Lucien's lectures for this class, she'd introduced herself—somewhat unnecessarily—as the producer of Miracle Finder. Lucien had instructed his students not to mind her, telling them that she would be auditing lectures from time to time as a matter of personal interest. Then, she'd only expected to attend a few classes, just to better understand Lucien's style as a presenter. She thought that, in doing so, she might improve her skills in directing the professor's segments on her show. This original intention was far gone, now, as she'd been attending classes faithfully every week since her first.
Lucien's instruction to ignore was offered in vain. Rose drew attention naturally over time, by nature of the popularity of her show among Lucien's classes. The classroom rumors about Rose and Lucien's relationship certainly didn't help, either, as it was getting harder and harder to hide her familiarity with the professor from his students.
After taking her seat and unpacking her things, Rose chanced another look up at the front of the classroom. As if sensing her glance, Lucien pulled his eyes from the lectern and met her gaze at just the right moment. Again, he gave a sly smile.
She hadn't intended to come today, she'd texted Lucien as much, but her morning at work had been too hectic to bear without a break. Rose had a lot of work to do but she thought that she could treat her visit to Loveland University like taking her work to a cafe. Lucien's soft voice would be the perfect calming soundtrack for answering emails, and the promise of getting to spend time with him after class was an inherent motivator.
"Good morning, class," Lucien said, nonchalant yet effortlessly commanding of the room's attention. As his students responded in kind, he spared a quick glance at his watch, as if to subliminally call attention to the time. "I hope you've all been well.”
As Lucien eased into the lecture, Rose surreptitiously opened her daily planner and uncapped a pen. If she could respond to at least ten emails and finalize her shooting schedules for the week in the next hour and thirty minutes, she would have the rest of the afternoon free to spend with Lucien.
She read and responded to emails, checking off names and tasks in her planner as she went. Then, she moved on to the schedule, referencing notes from the emails she'd just responded to and calls she'd made that morning. The lecture faded into sweet background noise as she worked, the words hardly registering above the buzz of her thoughts.
It wasn't until Lucien mentioned Rose by name that she realized he'd been talking about an episode of Miracle Finder and returned her attention to him.
“This was when I first began working for Miss Prichard, of course,” Lucien continued, though the context for the statement was completely lost on her. She thought back to early episodes that Lucien had consulted on, trying to find a thread that connected to the topic of the lecture. Unfortunately, however, she was also drawing a blank on the topic of the lecture.
When Rose raised her head, clearly giving away her sudden shift in attention, she was met with another knowing look and teasing smile from the professor.
She gave him a sheepish grin, hoping to convey sincere apology. In response, Lucien shook his head at her as he continued speaking. To the auditorium of students, the swish of his dark hair and momentary crinkle of his eyes were surely taken as natural micro-expressions. To Rose, however, they were clear communications. He didn’t mind that she wasn’t paying attention, not really, but he was planning to tease her about it for the sake of it.
Lucien was fond of meaningless pretenses, taking advantage of any opportunity to turn a friendly conversation into a battle of wits. Rose suspected that being playfully antagonistic toward her was Lucien’s way of flirting, though calling him out on this was her trump card. She knew that she couldn’t let him see her hand until exactly the right time.
“I’m afraid I’ve gotten off topic.” Lucien chuckled as he let his eyes fall to the lectern in front of him. He was lecturing without the use of any notes, so he was purely glancing away to give Rose the mercy of broken eye-contact.
Rose felt her shoulders naturally fall as Lucien’s eyes left her. She returned, somewhat stubbornly, to her work. She was doing this for his sake, after all, working during his lecture so that she could give him her time after class.
In the back of her mind, Rose began assembling a bulleted list of counter-arguments to the jabs she anticipated. By the time Lucien had concluded his lecture—four minutes early, by the time displayed on Rose’s laptop—she’d finished enough of her work to justify a few hours away from the office and armored herself for a sparring match.
Lucien watched patiently as a line of students filtered out of the room. A few of them wished Rose goodbye, unfortunately giving Lucien more license to tease her.
Once the last student was gone, Rose stayed in her place, intentionally slow in putting away her things as she enticed Lucien to approach her first.
“I’d like to congratulate you on your perfect attendance in this class, Miss Prichard,” he said, coming to stand in front of her on the other side of the desk table, “I didn’t think you were going to be here this morning.”
Rose shrugged coolly, keeping her eyes trained on the zipper of her work bag as she pulled it closed. “Gotta keep you on your toes.”
“Hm,” Lucien hummed. “Is that what you do?”
“Well, truth be told…“ She finally stood at full height, raising her chin so that she could meet Lucien’s eyes. She found a fiery expression on the professor’s face. He was enjoying himself already. “I’ve always wondered whether you perform better with or without me watching.”
An almost imperceptible twitch at the corner of his mouth told Rose that she’d almost made him laugh, but he just managed to maintain a placid smile.
“Do you have a hypothesis?” Lucien asked.
“Not sure,” Rose said, “it could go either way, I think.”
“Well, regardless, you would be unable to test any hypothesis without paying attention to my lectures in the first place.”
There it was. Rose was disappointed at not being able to effectively distract him, but she switched gears without difficulty nonetheless.
“I brought my work with me so that I could get ahead of some things. I’ve earned at least three hours away from the office.”
Lucien frowned. “I was expecting an apology.”
“Would you accept three hours of my time as an apology?” Rose asked, drawing the connection between the two points in bold.
In response, Lucien leaned away and crossed his arms. Either his ego was bruised or he’d anticipated this point and was readying himself to deliver another cutting remark. The anticipatory silence alone was enough to make Rose waver in her resolve.
“It’s not very sincere as an apology if you were already planning on giving your time to me.” His voice took on a distant, musing quality, as if he were speaking to himself, reasoning through a difficult problem. “I’ve gained nothing for my trouble.”
“You’re right,” Rose relented on one front, no longer able to bear the worry that she might have truly hurt his feelings. She rounded the desk and came to stand in front of him. As she wedged herself in between Lucien and the table’s edge, a thought came to her. Another trump card. “I’m sorry that I didn’t pay attention to your lecture, Professor Xu.”
Her voice pitched just so, Rose sounded like a student apologizing after being pulled aside by the instructor. And, judging from the smirk on Lucien’s lips, he had gotten that impression exactly.
This did its job to break the tension, freeing them finally from the previous conceit. Lucien’s shoulders rocked with a hearty laugh as he loosened his posture and dropped his arms back to his sides.
“Alright, that’s enough,” he said. “I’m very grateful that you aren’t one of my students, please don’t ruin that by roleplaying as one.”
“Uh-huh.” Rose hopped up onto the desk behind her and reached for the lapel of Lucien’s jacket to make up for the new distance between them, only to find that he’d stepped forward already, completely in sync with her. To occupy her hands, she took hold of his lapel anyway, tugging at it before smoothing away an invisible mark. “Then, don’t call me ‘Miss Prichard’.”
“I was trying to be professional in front of my class,” Lucien answered without missing a beat. “Wouldn’t it seem odd if I called you by your first name in front of them?”
"Well, it would be much more professional if you didn’t say my name in such a sultry, gruff voice." She dropped her voice down into a lower octave and spoke in a poor impression of his gravelly tone. "Miss Prichard."
Lucien's hands found Rose's waist and squeezed slightly as he pushed even closer to her. He was fighting a smile at her teasing. "You're in rare spirits today."
"Just trying to make myself worth the trouble," she shot back.
"By being more disagreeable than usual?"
"You're pretending you don't like it." This wasn't exactly the trump card, but it was just as good. The exact diction seemed unnecessary when his hands were already on her waist and her hands were playing with his collar.
Lucien laughed, a low chuckle that reverberated physically through Rose due to their proximity. The feeling almost made her lose her nerve again.
“Furthermore,” she pressed on, the implication of his previous statement not lost on her, “I’d like you to elaborate on something for me.”
“What’s that?” Lucien’s head dipped lower, further closing the distance between them. His broad shoulders shielded her face from the sunlight that filtered in through a window, giving her a feeling like he was closing her off from the rest of the world. The thing between them was undeniable now, but she still wanted to hear him say it.
Rose dropped her hands from his collar and leaned closer, resting her wrists on either side of his neck, letting her hands fall limp behind his head. "Why wouldn't you like to have me as your student?"
The hands around Rose’s waist tightened and she could feel an intrepid thumb slip between two buttons of her blouse and brush against her bare stomach. Lucien raised an eyebrow, as if to confirm consent, and she nodded permission without thinking.
He cleared his throat and looked away, an uncharacteristically timid expression momentarily clouding his face. When his gaze returned, there was a new light of resolve in his eyes. “Do you have a hypothesis?” 
“Go on.”
“I’d rather you just tell me what you meant.” Rose almost didn’t recognize the assertiveness in her own voice. She’d reached her limit with Lucien’s game.
Lucien, unfortunately, seemed gratified by her desperation. A smug grin overtook his face.
“If you were my student, my feelings for you would be frowned upon,” he said, as matter-of-factly as if he were commenting on the weather, “as would whatever it is we’re doing now.”
“‘Whatever it is’,” Rose repeated. “What are we doing, Lucien, really?”
She realized a moment too late the weight that the question held. It was something she often wondered, an anxiety kept at a low simmer in the back of her mind. All of the flirtation and silly games and sweet moments together that amounted to nothing but gossip amongst college students did worry her. Why didn’t Lucien just ask her out? They were adults, they could just date.
It was worrisome that Lucien preferred drawing out this ambiguous flirtation.
The hands on Rose’s waist stilled, then withdrew themselves entirely as Lucien took a halting step back. Rose frowned, feeling as though she’d made a mistake, pushed him too far. Her hands fell from Lucien’s shoulders and into her lap.
Lucien didn’t look upset, necessarily, but his placid smile no longer reached his eyes. It was that faraway look he got sometimes, that Lucien-is-deep-in-thought-give-him-a-minute look that Rose occasionally teased him for. With no better option presenting itself, Rose resigned herself to wait for him to come back to her.
“It is complicated, isn’t it?” he asked, finally. He offered no other consolation or counter-argument. That was all. It was complicated, wasn’t it?
They worked together in a public capacity, they were busy people, Lucien’s students already had their rumors…
Rose felt suddenly ashamed, almost as if she had really been a student trying to seduce her professor. She looked down at her hands, trying to find the right words to undo what she’d just done. There had been a spell over them before she’d broken it. All of the flirting had almost amounting to something.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—“
“You didn’t—“
“It’s okay, I should—“ Rose hopped down from her place on the table, wobbling a bit and instinctively taking Lucien’s offered hand to steady herself. As soon as she was right on her feet, she dropped his hand as if it could burn her.
“Rose,” Lucien said, his voice taking on a more firm tone than she was used to from him. He didn’t touch her, didn’t move, but she felt trapped there with him nonetheless, she stilled completely just at the sound of his voice.
Lucien sighed, suddenly looking a little bit helpless. “You were going to spend the next three hours with me.”
"I..." Rose faltered, unsure what to say to this. She didn't particularly want to spend three hours pretending that she hadn't just tried to kiss Lucien in a lecture hall in a building with his name on it. "I am really busy today, maybe I should just go."
"Rose," he said her name again, more gently this time. He brought a hand to her chin, pushing her to look into his eyes. "Tell me what just happened."
Frustration shot through her unbidden and she spoke without thinking. "You stepped away. And you're right, things are complicated. I'll leave you alone."
Lucien took another step back, leaving a wide space for Rose to pass through. The frown on his face, though, gave her pause. She stayed still, a little dumbfounded at how easily he'd given up.
"I'm sorry," she said.
"You're—“ Lucien paused, then cut himself off with a laugh, further compounding Rose's confusion. "Why should you be sorry?"
"Because I..."
Before she could finish her sentence, Lucien interrupted. "You didn't do anything wrong. I was worried that I'd made you uncomfortable, which is why I stepped away. If that isn't the case, then I should be the one apologizing for confusing you."
"You didn't make me uncomfortable," Rose said, "but I was worried."
As much as it pained her to bring attention back to her earlier insecurity, Rose couldn't just move forward without addressing the root issue.
Seeking physical stability that might bolster her confidence, she leaned against the table again and crossed her arms. She felt a bit safer, closed off from him as she spoke. "Sometimes it feels like you only like me when it's convenient. Or when you feel like toying with me. Sometimes I feel like a mouse being tossed around by a cat."
The look on Lucien's face made it clear that he was holding back a smile at her colorful analogy. He straightened and waited for her to continue.
"You know what I mean? The constant play-fighting and flirting and late night phone calls and walks home from work and—“ Rose shook her head, she was getting off-point. “—and nothing. It feels like you want all of this time and attention from me with none of the commitment. None of the clarity. And it's driving me completely insane, Lu."
Dappled light from the window flickered across Lucien's face as he turned away, avoiding Rose's eyes as he took in her words.
"I see." He spoke without turning back.
"Unless I'm making all of this up, in which case I really am sorry."
"No, no, I suppose I just didn't realize." It was a mercy when he encroached upon her personal space again, when his cool hands came to rest on her shoulders. It was a mercy when he looked at her with wide, clear eyes. “I’m sorry that I made you feel that way. I worried that it would be more complicated for you if our relationship were to change.”
“You’re not entirely wrong.”
It would always be more complicated for Rose if their relationship were to change. She was a woman in the entertainment industry, often scrutinized much more heavily than her male counterparts. She couldn’t even count the number of times that rumors about her had surfaced, just by nature of her proximity to the men that she worked with. Dating scandals with Kiro, rumors that she somehow pandered to Victor in order to increase her company’s funding, and the fact that gossip about her relationship with Lucien sometimes overshadowed online conversations about Miracle Finder itself.
Even still, Rose couldn’t find it in herself to push feelings for Lucien away. For one thing, she already had to deal with the gossip regardless. Being with Lucien might not actually change anything for the worse.
“But?” Lucien prodded, though the look on his face told Rose that he probably knew what she was going to say already.
“But I don’t think I’d mind. I mean, if you don’t.”
Having heard all that he needed to hear, Lucien moved his hands back to Rose’s waist and lifted her gently back onto the table. They were almost exactly as they had been, reset as if nothing had happened.
“I’d like to offer some clarification,” Lucien said, leaning even closer than before, speaking into the crook of Rose’s neck. “I feel lucky just to have you in my sight. I didn’t want to trouble you with concern for my feelings, but now I feel like a complete fool. I’m sorry to have made you feel insecure.”
“I understand the hesitation, really.” Rose smoothed Lucien’s lapel, then trailed a hand to his neck. His skin was always so cold. She felt as though she’d leave scorch marks where she touched him.
“Mm.” So close to her collarbone, Lucien’s hum reverberated pleasantly through her. He pulled away just slightly, allowing him to look her in the eyes. “Still, I apologize.”
He was stalling. Rose smiled, squinting her eyes at Lucien to let him know that she’d caught onto his game. “You know what they say about actions speaking louder than words, Professor?”
Lucien smiled back, unable to deny that he’d been teasing her. “Right.”
“I’d like to kiss you,” Lucien said, his voice steady and lacking intonation. The line was delivered in such a casual manner that Rose only made sense of the it second after the butterflies in the pit of her stomach.
A quick nod was all it took to grant Lucien full license with her. He kissed her jaw first, chuckling at Rose’s obvious disappointment.
“I have to be absolutely sure that you want this.” He trailed lower, pressing a soft kiss to the side of her neck. “And, besides, am I really such a tease if I deliver on the result?” He lingered just above her shirt collar, sucking gently at the base of her throat.
While Rose could easily go back and forth with Lucien in a verbal match of wits, she was completely at his mercy in her current state. She felt him continue to trail kisses back up to her jaw before finally pulling away to study her again.
“You’re absolutely a tease,” she huffed, “regardless of your final output.”
“Poor Miss Producer,” Lucien laughed, feigning a pouty voice, “you’re rarely this irritable.”
“And you rarely make your delight in my suffering so obvious.”
“Suffering?” Lucien’s words fell on her neck as he returned to suck on her throat again.
“Lucien. Please.”
He was more gentle than Rose anticipated, considering the way he’d been kissing her neck before. His lips just barely brushed hers, as if he was breathing her in.
Having had enough of his teasing, Rose threaded her hands through Lucien’s hair and deepened the kiss, feeling him smile at her taking of initiative. Tit for tat, he slid his tongue into her mouth. It was this that allowed Rose to see the new game; he was holding back, making her work for it.
She tugged Lucien’s hair, earning a gratifying, low groan, then spread her legs just slightly to rest them against the inside of Lucien’s thighs. Every point of contact between them buzzed. Every minute reaction from Lucien deepened Rose’s resolve. It was just like a fake argument or a friendly game of chess; even if she couldn’t beat him, she could make herself a formidable rival.
One of his hands travelled down from her waist to her thigh, where he traced a careful line below the hem of her skirt. Rose gasped into his mouth when he pinched her leg, finally breaking their kiss.
“Was that too much?” Lucien ducked his head lower as if to check Rose’s face for signs of duress.
Rose gave a breathy laugh. His concern was deeply endearing. “No, you just surprised me, that’s all.”
“Good.” He pecked her lips again. “You’re so…” Another quick kiss. “God.”
“We probably shouldn’t go any further,” Rose said, earning a frown from the professor. “I mean, not here.”
“If you’re worried about my reputation, let me assure you that I locked the door as soon as my students left. The windows are also too high to be seen into and tinted on the outside, besides.”
“Do you bring girls here often?” Rose giggled. “You sound very sure of yourself.”
Lucien narrowed his eyes at her and pinched her cheek. “Funny.”
“That’s not a no,” she teased in a sing-song voice.
“Hey.” Lucien threaded his fingers through her hair, suddenly looking very serious. “This isn’t just a casual encounter, is it? To you?”
“Lucien.” It ruffled Rose that he even had to ask. Of course it wasn’t.
He nodded, seeming to understand implicitly. Rose loved that about him, the way that he saw right through her, sometimes. The way they could speak without speaking.
“How much more time do you have?” He kissed her neck again, then slumped against her, resting his head on her shoulder. The emotional sincerity seemed to have momentarily exhausted him.
“I don’t know, two hours?”
“Why don’t you let me take you to lunch?”
Rose laughed. “So all that talk of high windows and locked doors…”
Another soft kiss, this time on her cheek. He was as casually intimate with her as if they’d been dating for years.
“Keep it in mind for another time,” he said. “Maybe that will help you to stay alert during my next lecture.”
thanks so much for reading!! <3
i've been having a hard time creatively lately and i think that it helped to write something for a fandom i've never written in before. i have played mlqc for more than three years and lucien is one of my favorite characters of all time, but i've never really gotten involved in fandom until now. i hope i was able to do lucien justice here.
if you're missing me, i've been more active on twitter lately, and have made an account specifically for mlqc, mysme, obey me, and the ssum. my username there is @/pdbutterfly
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multifandom-worlds · 2 years
Reacting to "I Do"
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You were standing in front of him, hair was done up, your wedding outfit fitting you like a glove when he heard you say "I Do"
He won't admit it but he teared up.
His heart was beating so quickly in his chest, he was surprised no one noticed
The feeling of love and admiration he had for you was impossible for him to express
He had a smile on his lips for the rest of the day.
When you got home that night was when the tears of joy really fell. He was so thankful you picked him over everyone else
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When he heard those 2 sacred words you spoke, he knew he made it in life. He had to blink back years a few times
There was the faintest hint of pink on his cheeks after you said "I Do," and he could not stop smiling.
He could focus on nothing but you, the way your outfit fit, the way you had your hair done, nothing else mattered at that moment besides you
He was smiling all night long
Had to step out of the reception a few times because he could not believe you were finally his spouse and he was slightly overwhelmed
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To say the man was nervous would be an understatement.
He was already beet red before you even walked down the aisle but now that you were in front of him, the blushing intensified.
He was super flustered when he heard you say "I do" and could not keep his eyes off you
He was super flustered for the rest of the night just thinking about you and how you really married him
He would never leave your side, a warmth in his chest.
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Kiro was very excited, bouncing around all day leading up to you walking down the aisle.
After you said "I do," he was absolutely giddy - bouncing in place and desperate to kiss you and seal the deal.
The feelings he had in his chest were strong enough he could write hundreds of lovesongs and he still would not be able to put a dent in the feleings he had for you
He was the happiest man at the reception.
Just an absolute fool in love.
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Shaw was nervous for you to say "I do" but as soon as you did, he had mixed reactions that make you giggle.
At first, he blushed.
Then he was grumbling under his breath about how long it took you to actually agree to marry him and say I do
But then for the rest of the evening, he was all smiles, his cheeks tinted red as he thought about it
He was still grumbling all night about how long it took you to finally say those 2 sacred words.
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