#Luna Holiday
randomsum · 5 months
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So this is ✨fem Leu✨
Found out bout this VN maybe last week (I'ma post more trust...💀)
VN name is Inclement idée Fixe
Made by @hime-bee
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jokingluna · 7 days
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Avast! It be Talk Like A Pirate Day again!
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peskyfirefly · 9 months
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dedicated to @sattosugu <3 happy holidays!
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mewguca · 9 months
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velvet4510 · 2 months
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akitalockwood · 1 year
I am not immune to hot druid Jesus (and neither are you, vote for Moldova!)
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Bonus sketches with my favs from this year
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0nightwolf0 · 7 months
This part was intense😅
It was interesting and full of different events that I want to tell you about.
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To begin with, the Sun cares about the position of the planets in their orbits. But the idea of placing all the planets in other orbits is a very bad idea(
(Начнём с того, что Солнцу реально небезразлично положение планет на их орбитах. Но разместить все планеты на других орбитах - очень плохая идея...)
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I felt sorry for the Earth. And it's so nice that Mars and Luna take care of him♡
(Мне так жаль Землю. И в то же время так мило, что Марс и Луна заботятся о нём♡)
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AND I BLOODY LOVED THE WAY NEPTUNE CALLED EARTH TERRA!!! Because I'm writing a fanfic based on Solar Balls and plan to make a comic based on it. The thing is, in that ff, a lot of the planets (especially Venus) were very familiar with Proto-Earth. And affectionately referred to it as Terra. After Proto-Earth collided with Theia and was reborn as Earth, some planets still sometimes refer to Earth as Terra.
(И МНЕ ЧЕРТОВСКИ ПОНРАВИЛОСЬ, ЧТО НЕПТУН НАЗВАЛ ЗЕМЛЮ ТЕРРОЙ!!! Потому что я пишу фанфик по Solarballs и планирую сделать по нему комикс. Дело в том, что в том фф многие планеты (особенно Венера) были хорошо знакомы с Прото-Землей. И ласково называли ее Террой. После того как Прото-Земля столкнулась с Тейей и возродилась как Земля, некоторые планеты до сих пор иногда называют Землю Террой)
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Well, Jupiter and Neptune have switched roles..I'm curious to see what happens next. I can't wait for the next part🤩
(Чтож, Юпитер и Нептун поменялись ролями..Интересно, что из этого выйдет. Я не могу дождаться следующей части🤩)
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And yes, the Sun has finally gone mad))) But that's what I like about it - chaotic. It was immediately clear that Mercury is happy to orbit Mars next door. Sure, he'll be happier with Mars than with Venus, but I'm sure it won't last long..
(И да, Солнце окончательно сошло с ума)))Но именно это мне в нём и нравится - хаотичность. Сразу стало ясно, что Меркурий счастлив вращаться по соседней с Марсом орбите. Конечно, соседствуя с Марсом он будет счастливее, чем с Венерой, но я уверен, что это ненадолго..)
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mlpoutofcontext · 2 years
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skybrushus · 9 months
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"For your transgressions I am here to take you away. There you will be punished you naughty, naughty pony!"
Another of the drawings I started my most recent all request Picarto stream. There was a request for Princess Luna as the Krampus. Now I've drawn a grownup Babs Seed in this role Link but this is the first time I've drawn Luna in this role.
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realmadridfamily · 1 month
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Luna Serrat :)
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mumpsetc · 4 months
The Way Redemption Works in MLP Where the Redeemed Party Has to Be Ok With Ponies Referencing Their Wrong Doings Like They're Fresh and Recent Forever and Any Frustration or Pushback or Response That Isn't a Placcid "Yes I Was the Most Evil Pony Ever" is Treated as Backsliding Kinda Sucks, Esp With How Nonuniformly It Gets Enforced.
Why Does Discord Get to Become a Whacky Cast Member Despite Continuing to Be a Weasely Cunt But Luna, Starlight, Sunset and Even Trixie Have to Develop Self Policing Guilt Complexes That Ruin Their Confidence and Constantly Put Them on Edge to Have the Dignity of Not Constantly Getting Their Past Behavior Shoved in Their Faces
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randomsum · 5 months
Luna & Leumin
I got the room design from here got the idea from here / @hime-bee
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jokingluna · 6 months
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Happy April Fool's Day! Had a bit of trouble finding a good joke for this year. Apologies for getting it posted late.
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justanotherrcblog · 7 months
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alizera62quartz · 1 year
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Drawtober: Day 11 Nightmare
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spiderpinata · 9 months
Merry Christmas!
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