#Lusamine Aether
thinkingabout-girls · 2 months
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i’ll never be the same again
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ask-sarah-and-co · 8 months
3 days later…
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Well, I have four outfits from when Mohn and I were younger that seem like they’d fit you four almost exactly.
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What’s the bad news then…?
Well, Sarah, She pauses and hesitates before stepping out. One is this.
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Before you say anything, kids, I am aware that I was quite the odd dresser in my younger years…
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You must’ve never left them the- He’s cut off by a jab from Hugh’s elbow.
Well, er, Lusamine places the hanger on the top of the door, I will return soon. I have something for Rose and Giovanni. She walks off, leaving the quartet to stare awkwardly at the dress.
They turn to Sarah, Oh distortion, no.
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Well, I don’t fit it.
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Neither do I.
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Lusamine walks back over, chuckling at the sight of the four. Close your mouth, dear.
Gladion flushed bright red, Mother!!
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Shut up. Sarah and Hugh choose to not mention that Silver’s face is also turning red.
Here, Sarah. For the newlyweds. When Sarah turns to her she hands the girl an envelope, “Rose + Gio” written in fancy script on the front. Sarah, Hugh. Will you be heading off after this?
They exchange a look. Uh, yeah. Galar’s closer to Paldea.
Of course. I wish you both a good school year. She pats Sarah on the head, Have you already said goodbye to Mohn, Grimsley, and Lucian?
Of course!
Hm, She nods. Will your other friends be leaving, as well?
Oh, Hendrik, Luna, and Sol? Yeah, I think so.
Alright. You four have a good time.
Thanks Aunt Lusamine!
Thank you, Mrs. Aether.
Of course, you two. Don’t forget to stay in touch. Please let me know if Gladion is ill-behaved.
The other four laugh as Lusamine walks off.
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jelli-remake · 2 years
She had wanted to see Ultra Beasts ever since she was a little girl. Lusamine could remember her father's stories of those powerful beasts. If she could meet at least one of them, she would be so happy. It would become a dream come true.
Years passed as she was now an adult with two children. Her husband was missing. She was extremely busy with work, so she was barely there for her children. She had tried so many many times. Each time she was shoved away, she felt a bit sad like she had failed them. How could she call herself their mother? If only Mohn was with her still...
Lusamine was on a nightly walk by herself. The wind was making the area gently cooler. She had been accustomed to the warm tropical Alola region since birth. This was home. She pondered what to do now, remembering the most recent conversation she tried having with her children. She hugged herself, shaking. Were they right? Did she really fail them as a parent? Should she quit her position as the president of the company? Spend more time? She was all alone with her thoughts. She tried humming to calm herself down.
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storylocke · 11 months
Alolan Dusk 2
I just wondered how your mom was doing. [rolled the Pika-eared hat in his hands as he half hoped Gladion wouldn't turn him away so quickly this time.] Mind if I come in?
[visibly seemed to debate with himself before heaving a sigh and motioning for the Champion to follow.] It's still not looking good, but I feel like I'm at least starting to find some answers.
Really? That’s great! [*trotted along to catch up to him.*]
[Glanced back at him as they waited for the elevator] I wouldn't be celebrating just yet. If it turns out we’re right, there's a whole slew of new concerns to what happened out there. [punched in the code for them to go down and found himself staring ahead at the keypad as his tone darkened.] I heard Kukui has you out monster hunting right now. I didn't want anyone to see this, but you're already familiar with the situation and know of our family's history. Maybe you'd remember something we're missing.
[Shifted uncomfortably as he watched the guard rail around the elevator drop. To the labs.] You keep her down here?
I had to, for all our sake. 
[He led the way into one of the chambers Roark had never seen before, though it didn’t look much different from the other basement hallway they’d been to during their attack on the island. However, as Gladion used his Card Key to enter the first of the three labs down this corridor, there were no cages to be found on the walls. A large, thick screen of plexiglass stood between them and the holding chamber which, due to Aether’s love for white and other pale colors, appeared empty at first. They moved close enough to see the woman in white, sitting calmly on the bed provided as she seemed to stare at nothing in particular straight ahead.]
I know when you first brought her in, we said we’d be sure to take care of her, but I'm not sure how. When we tried to take her to her room, she started to get restless. Then it suddenly turned violent. Given the hidden doorway in there, locking her inside seemed like it would leave her access to do something even worse with that control room.
She didn't say anything, did she?
…? [Glanced at the boy in curiosity but shook his head. He moved his hand to his face out of habit as he thought about the matter more deeply.] No. Nothing that made any sense anyway. When she tried to attack Lillie, though, we just-!
[There came a slam at the window and the pair jumped in shock! They stared at the glass. Lusamine was at the window, her face twisted in a beastly snarl as she glowered at them. Her haunting green eyes, devoid of light, seemed to peer right through them. Her hands squealed as they slid down the pane, clawing to get through the barrier. How did she move so fast?!
Roark clenched his fists near his chest and glared back at her. Unable to see the boy's face, Gladion noticed how Roark's hand started to lower, fingers already shaped for a sphere as he went for a Pokeball on his belt. Lusamine screeched again as she slammed at the window with both hands. Before Roark could strike, Gladion dropped his arm between the boy and the glass, forcing his hands down, and pulled him back.]
Come on! Let's not talk about this here.
[Taking Roark just above the elbow, Gladion led him to the door as he took one last glance back in the room. Lusamine still stood there, and her empty gaze watched them now with all the intensity of a huntress rather than the caged beast from before. He finally shut the door and put her out of sight.] 
[The pair entered Lusamine's bedroom for some privacy only to find Lillie was already there.]
Roark! I haven't seen you for a while! [Rose from her place at the desk, and looked them over with surprise and concern as she approached.] Is everything alright?
I took him to see Mother, but she didn't take well to visitors. [Lillie looked at him in dismay, then to Roark to judge his face. Her brother continued on more stoically.] Since I have you both here, you said when you two found her originally, she had been blathering on about some great darkness, correct?
Are you sure you're not thinking of when she tried to go after Necrozma? Lillie and I took care of that ages ago. This was just, like, last month.
[shrugs] Who knows. The world has literally shifted since then, and we're still having to learn a lot about this new age we're in. She wasn't like this before, but ever since the incident with Team Rainbow Rocket, her health had been declining even before your encounter. [Withdrew into himself as his voice filled with regret.] I wasn't here for that. I couldn't help at all! But I can't help but wonder, before you two came to her rescue, just what those monsters did to her.
[Soft nod as she thought back to that. The fear and the anger she felt as she hid away in this very same room…] I just remember that Giovanni man said something about using a beast to make her sleep. But we don't know how or which one… [She straightened up with alarm as she looked between them again] You don't think she's going to become an Ultra Beast, is she?!
I don't know if that's possible. None of our information on the UBs mentions anything about causing a metamorphosis. [He couldn't help letting his gaze pass over the family portraits that lined the walls of the room. His eyes landed on the Paradise's founders as his mother's namesake smiled at her husband's side…] That's not to say she couldn't.
[starts to fidget] I sure hope not… Because if she is, then Hau… [The siblings turned to him with surprise. He cleared his throat and tried to be more assertive.] It's why I came by, actually. He was found this morning, dazed and incoherent… [held up his hands in assurance] I didn't tell anyone, I promise, but it reminded me of Lusamine. And I hoped, just maybe, she was doing better. Because if she was, then maybe I could at least tell the others he'd be okay.
[clutched a hand to her chest as she moved to comfort him] Roark, I'm so sorry… Where is he now?
At home. But if he tries to hurt anyone like she did, I don't know what we're gonna do.
[After a long pause for thought between them, heaves a sigh.] It might be best to bring him here. Aether has some of the best technology in the region-
[Slightly hopeful] And having them both here for observation might help in figuring out what happened to them! [Added quickly.] It's terrible to imagine… but it may increase our chances to help them.
Thanks… [He flashed her a half-hearted smile before he deflated with a heavy sigh.] What do I tell Quips?
[The old Kahuna stood before the shrine inside the Ruins of Conflict. His heart was heavy as he tried to find the words for the cold and unfeeling stonework before him.]
Do you hear me, Tapu Koko? [Though he waited for a sign, the chamber remained still as ever.] It has been months now, and still there is no answer to what is happening to our dear Alola. No news on what this is or how to fight this enemy that plagues us. How can it be so long and we have had so many consumed by this darkness while you and your brethren remain silent?
[started to curl his fists, fighting back the dread overtaking him.] Is it because you can't? Have you, too, been counted among the Shadows? [No, he shouldn't fear the worst just yet. There had to be another reason. He took a deep breath and tried to address the great guardian more steadily.] Our village has been left strangely untouched in all this terror, except for those who have sought out this monster. I might assume it's in part to your presence. If it may be with your blessing, I would like to name Iki Town as a safe haven for those afraid and unable to fight the Shadows.
[Shadows… There had been an ancient tale passed down the line of kings in secret about a being who tried to steal Alola's light before. He'd always assumed it meant casting the islands into an endless night. But what darkness now consumed the hearts of its people? The black aura that surrounded those with no light to their eyes. Anyone with possible answers were gone now. Among the fallen. Silenced.]
[Opened his eyes and tried to clear his thoughts as he looked at the statue. He shouldn't allow his own thoughts to become so clouded while speaking with a Tapu. The chamber held a stale, rather hollow feel to it.] I will do as my heart tells me then, and bring them in. I hope I shall hear from you soon.
A/N: It's been a long time since I've updated my own stories, but you can see how it's all starting to connect. Things will starting making a lot more sense once we get out of flashback territory.
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jadeazora · 8 months
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I think I got this accurate enough lol (Piers isn't really a villain himself btw, I still consider him the leader of a more mildly antagonistic group tho)
Maxie's is in reference to this btw:
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onionamiga · 4 months
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i'm sure usum is great and all (only played the originals) but i hear these guys are much less freaky and weird in it and i can't be having that
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cosmicssubway · 1 year
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aether & pasio happenings
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gleaming-glasses · 9 months
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Lusamine - The High Priestess (8/12)
The High Priestess is the card of intuition, mystery, and inner knowledge. This card teaches what is hidden and shows the ability to travel the realms of the mind. When reversed, the high priestess indicates superficiality and confusion.
Available on my Redbubble!
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ourobororos · 3 days
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once upon a time i wanted to draw the pokebosses all as cats and i finally got around to finishing it 😼 i like the idea of interpreting them as regular #normal cats.... some thoughts and hcs for them below the cut bc its fun to stink about
giovanni- classic tuxedo tomcat. well taken care of but spends a lot of time prowling around... kind of the leader of the local outdoor cat community. social and charming but will always win a fight if challenged
maxie- very vocal siamese... usually stays indoors but occasionally goes out + likes to roll around in dirt. standoffish and doesnt like to be pet + gets into fights constantly with the annoying tabby next door
archie- scruffy long haired tabby who spends most of his time outdoors, esp by rivers to stare at the fish... very friendly to everyone but likes picking fights with the stuck-up siamese cat next door
cyrus- exclusively indoor tiny sphynx. glares at all the outdoor cats through the window on his tall perch
ghetsis- fluffy male tortoiseshell. nobody knows where he lives, seen outside a lot but always well-groomed and well-fed. charming so you let your guard down and then he swats when you least expect it
lysandre- massive purebred maine coon... extremely pampered and only gets the royal treatment from his owners of course. rarely goes outside and is grossed out by all the outdoor cats and their dirty coats
guzma- huge scruffy tabby, rare ghost coloration. escaped his home young and became the leader of a group of feral stray cats... aggressive and REFUSES to get caught by humans without putting up a fight
lusamine- purebred ragdoll... very fancy show cat part of a line of them- never ever goes outside but likes chatting with the outdoor cats through her custom built catio screen. always showing off her kittens
rose- purebred british shorthair, very friendly but out of touch and gets picked on by the other cats due to his pampering and rarely going outdoors. skittish and picky about his food
colress- russian blue. nobody knows if hes a well taken care of stray or an outdoor housecat, but travels far and wide and never stays put for long. the cats think he and ghetsis might be from the same household(?) but nobody knows the truth
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crimson-cassowaries · 10 months
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When I tell you this took me forever, this took me forever, at least a WEEK, anyway here's my headcanons for my favorites ever (the villains) idk how obvious it is but it feels very clear which ones i did first and which ones i did last anyway enjoy
Edit: WHY DID I MAKE LUSAMINE 39????? SHE 40??? whatever ill change that later
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deoxysacid · 2 years
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a METRIC SHIT TON of redesigns ive done over the past few days
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plasmawillfreeyou · 6 months
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ask-sarah-and-co · 1 year
since Perrin was released I finally made sarah’s family tree :)
(spoilers for a few chars on this blog. the chars where it’s like “whaaaat youre related to sarah??”)
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the long lines for lusamine/turo just mean that there’s other generations there, I just couldn’t be bothered to draw them.
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alsooo the genders (bc even I was lost on those lol) pink is girl, blue is guy, yellow is nb
(my gladion is nb and uses he/him pronouns tyvm)
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jelli-remake · 2 years
Sleeping Curse
It was morning... but Lusamine wasn't waking up! She was found asleep still in her sleep.
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beestriker015 · 4 months
Yandere Lusamine x male s/o
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It’s fairly well known amongst employees of the Aether Foundation that the once bubbly and kind personality of their president took a sharp turn for the worst when Lusamine’s husband disappeared several years ago, even to the point of driving her own two children away, which only helped to damage her psyche even more.
Whether it be to find something/someone new to bestow her affections onto, or perhaps to cure a well hidden loneliness, Lusamine eventually began obsessing over something other than Ultra Wormholes and pokémon, that being a man named s/o.
S/o is a nice looking man in his early thirties who used to work for Silph Co. in the Kanto region during his younger years before joining the Aether Foundation due to his love of caring for pokémon.
“Hello Miss Lusamine! My name is s/o, and it’s an honor to be working for you.”
This was what s/o said upon meeting his new boss for the first time after being hired to be her assistant, thus kicking off Lusamine’s obsession.
“Yes! He’s the one! I can tell already that this man is worthy of the love so many seem to throw away! I will make him mine soon enough.”
Aether’s president thinks to herself before turning to s/o and smiling sweetly at him.
“Such good manners. I like that. I look forward to having you by my side s/o.”
She tells him in a tone that both flusters him and unnerves him slightly.
“T-thank you ma’am. I’ll do my best to live up to your expectations.”
“Glad to hear it. Now come along s/o, there’s already work that needs to be done.”
“Yes ma’am!”
Following Lusamine to her office, s/o begins his first day working at the Aether Foundation.
Working for Lusamine was rather strange to s/o.
Despite being his boss, she seemed to be doting and almost…loving to him.
Yet s/o didn’t think much of it, and in fact actually enjoyed it due to developing a crush on Lusamine.
The more time they spent together, the more Lusamine’s unhealthy attraction to s/o grew.
“I can’t hold back anymore! The longer I wait, the more I risk some other woman sinking her claws into my darling s/o! He is the only person deserving of my love, and I will not lose him!”
She tells herself before deciding to confess to s/o first thing in the morning.
“Before we go over our itinerary for the day. There’s something you need to know s/o.”
“W-what is it ma’am?”
He asks in a shaky voice, fearing he’s about to be fired.
“I’ll get straight to the point. I want you to be mine.”
She says with a blank expression, which changes to a small smile once seeing her darling’s flustered expression.
“C-can you repeat that please? I might have misheard you.”
“You heard me just fine s/o. Ever since you’ve started working for me, I’ve become romantically attracted to you. I repeat, will you be mine?”
Not wanting to pass the chance to be with his crush, s/o nods and smiles.
“I’d like that. Honestly, I kinda fell in love with you not long after I became your assistant.
Hearing this brings a great big smile to Lusamine’s face as her heart beats faster, incredibly happy that her darling loves her back.
“Oh s/o! Come here so that I may shower you with my love!”
She pulls him into a bone-crushing embrace and kisses him passionately.
“I’m yours now my love, just as you are mine, and I will never let you go.”
Lusamine whispers into s/o’s ear, thus officially making them a couple.
Unknowingly dating a yandere can be problematic at times because Lusamine very much tries to isolate s/o from his friends, family, and coworkers.
If s/o ever questions her behavior, his girlfriend manipulates him into believing whatever lie she comes up with.
“I’ve heard them say awful things behind your back my love, so it’s best that you cut them out of your life and focus on me. You know I would never treat you badly, unlike those wretched people.”
Due to being incredibly trusting, s/o believes everything Lusamine tells him, much to her glee.
Lusamine gets jealous very easily, and if she sees another woman talking or Arceus forbid flirting with s/o, bad things are about to happen.
While not a murderous kind of yandere, Lusamine has the money and connections to ruin the lives of anyone she deems a threat to her relationship with s/o.
A woman flirted with s/o?
Well, she will soon gets a call from work telling her that she’s fired, and unfortunately for her, no other reputable business or company will be hiring her thanks to Lusamine.
“Hmph! That’s what the harlot gets for messing with what’s mine.”
Lusamine thinks to herself while smiles like a lunatic after receiving the news.
One benefit from being in a relationship with the president of the Aether Foundation is that s/o is constantly showered with gifts, whether it be clothes, jewelry, trinkets, or anything else.
Nothing is too grand or expensive for Lusamine’s darling s/o.
“Honey, I appreciate everything you do for me, but you didn’t have to get me this.”
“Nonsense, you deserve it for being such a loyal and loving boyfriend.”
“But a weeklong stay at a villa in Undella Town? That’s all the way in Unova!”
“Yes, considering it a reward for all your hard work as my assistant. It’s about time you and I take a vacation together don’t you agree?”
Lusamine is also incredibly affectionate with s/o, even in front of her employees.
“Have you seen the way the President acts around her assistant?”
“Yeah, she seems so much happier than before. It’s like Miss Lusamine’s back to her old self again.”
A pair of employees whisper to each other while watching Lusamine cling to s/o with a happy smile on her face while touring the Conservation Area of Aether Paradise.
If s/o has any pokémon under his care, they automatically become Lusamine’s favorite pokémon.
After all, if these pokémon belong to her beloved darling, then they’re worthy of her love as well.
“Look at you. You’re all so beautiful! Much like your trainer, but to a lesser degree of course.”
She tells s/o’s pokémon with adoration in her voice, although they are slightly scared of her due to sensing the crazy vibes of their trainer’s girlfriend.
Because of the age difference between her and s/o, Lusamine often feels insecure about their relationship.
“My darling says he loves me, but what if he meets someone younger! I’m a previously married woman in her 40s with two ungrateful children! Not that I’d ever let him leave me, but what if s/o woke up one day and decided he no longer wants my love?!”
This thought drives Lusamine to the brink of insanity, but luckily s/o reins her in and does his best to reassure his girlfriend, unaware of her darker thoughts.
“I don’t care that you’re older than me, or that you had a family before we got together. I love you Lusamine, and I’m never gonna leave you.”
“D-do you promise?”
She asks him, letting the more innocent and child-like side of her personality shine through.
“Yes. I’d never lie or joke about something like that babe, you know that.”
S/o’s reassurance calms her down quite a bit as she hugs him tightly.
“Thank you my darling s/o. You truly are deserving of all my love and affection, even more so than the rarest pokémon in the world.”
Not long after this, Lusamine asks for her beloved’s hand in marriage one day after having a very romantic evening together, which he happily accepts.
“S/o, the light of my life, will you make me the happiest woman in the world and marry me?”
Before she can even get on one knee and pull out the ring, s/o gets up from the table and nods with a very ecstatic smile on his face, much to her delight.
“Yes! Absolutely! I love you Lusamine!”
He hugs her with happy tears in his eyes as she chuckles and smiles softly with a crazed twinkle in her eyes before speaking.
“I love you too my dear, and once we’re married, our love will be eternal.”
Despite her previous husband and children leaving her (at least in her twisted point of view), Lusamine takes solace in knowing that s/o, the lone person worthy of her immense love, will never abandon her like they did, and if someone foolishly dares try to steal the object of her obsession away, well…
The experiments Lusamine and the Aether Foundation plan on conducting involving Ultra Wormholes will require a few test subjects….whether they’re willing or not.
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jadeazora · 4 months
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I feel like I would never trust Lysandre with a kid for obvious reasons, but at the same time, would probably rank his anime self as "ok" at it given that he seems to treat Mairin pretty well while Alain is out on assignment for him. (Plus, he apparently did plan to let her live since he sent a Grunt to retrieve her. Definitely a blurry line between legitimately appreciating Alain's help enough to accept her as a chosen one, and a useful tool for keeping Alain in line tho.)
Volo constantly ditches work and while I don't think he'd harm a child unless that child has a connection to Arceus (not counting the world erasure thing), I'd fully expect him to dump that kid off on Ginter or Cogita.
It seems from various other media, kids tend to like Cyrus going by Hareta, Dia, and Sophocles. He's not great at it, but he did talk to Sophocles for what's implied to be hours in Masters over their shared interest in machines and technology. I think if he was looking after kids with similar technological interests, he could be pretty decent at it. (He could also fix or walk you thru fixing game systems.)
There's likely been at least one instance where Leon shoved a probably-too-young-to-really-remember Hop off on Rose for a short while while he needed to go do something right quick. He's also probably one of the safest villains to leave your kid with since he's got benevolent intentions, just a lack of patience. I also feel Archer would probably have babysat for Silver as a kid.
Penny just puts on some anime or plays video games with kids, and Piers has plenty of experience from babysitting Marnie when she was young. Archie is also shown to be pretty good with and protective of kids in Masters. Easily the top three.
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