sinnabee · 2 years
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anyway soft CCRT moon for ur viewing pleasure
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lounesdarbois · 4 months
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fullmetalkitty · 7 months
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artnestdecomo · 2 months
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Sometimes a family is just..
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riyangi · 1 year
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ZB1 for 1stlook
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raccoxn · 2 years
SCENARIO: you're a civilian who got caught up in a mission soap was on. he ends up in your care while the rest of the 141 is dealing with the mission at hand while looking for him. you live in a small cabin and it's quite literally in the middle of the woods. it's big enough for one or two people, so taking in soap wasn't an issue. the only issue on the table was the fact he was bleeding out...
**told in y/n pov**
It had been about two months since I last saw Soap.
After he was discharged from the hospital, he and his team had to leave immediately to report back to whoever they worked for. Soap promised he would keep in contact. For a while, we were texting and calling one another when he had a chance. He had called all the time and would ask about my dog and about my daily life since the incident. I would tell him about how the healing processing my leg was going and how I would need physical therapy. Turns out, the bullet shot into my leg shattered my bones and they needed to be completely rebuilt.
It wasn't until late November where Soap's calls stopped coming and his text messages would deliver, but never be read. I didn't take it to heart though. He was a Special Ops soldier. He was probably busy and I wasn't a priority.
Although, there was a small part of me where I wanted his full attention. His text messages were my reasons for smiling in the morning and I would always look forward to the quick afternoon calls. I know.... it was selfish...
It was a week before Christmas and I didn't have anything planned. My family was out of the picture; my friends were out of state or spending it with other friends; I didn't even have a date or some holiday sweetheart. It wouldn't be the first time spending Christmas alone and by myself. I made it work.
It was 2am when I heard a loud knock on my cabin door. I was just on the verge of sleep and annoyance quickly took over. My dog, Nic, growled lowly before jumping up and running out my room door. I slowly got up, grabbing the cane I used to take weight off of my healing, and walked to the door. Nic barked excitedly as she intensely sniffed at the door and twirled in circles.
"Why are you so cheery?" I questioned as I opened the door. When I saw who it was, I finally understood why my dog was excited.
There stood Soap, his blue eyes shining with excitement and he was dressed in civilian clothing. It took a moment for me to process who I was seeing before I let go of my cane and hugged him. He engulfed me in a tight hug, his face burying in my hair and inhaling deeply.
"Sorry for waking you."
"I'm glad you did."
I pulled away and gazed up at him, a lopsided grin appearing on his face as he wrapped an arm around my waist and walked fully into the cabin. He kept me steady as he closed the door and locked it again, plopping his duffle on the ground and petting Nic.
"I wanted to call, but there was this mission—"
"Don't worry about it." I cut him off. "Your job is more important than a text message."
Soap looked up at me from petting Nic, frowning at my words.
"Nothing on this green earth could be more important than you."
My cheeks heated up from hearing his words. I wasn't used to someone else actually caring about my well-being before.
"Mind if I ask why you're here?"
I stumbled as I sat down on the couch to give my injured leg some rest. Soap sat beside me, his gaze set on his hands. He nervously picked at his already-picked-at cuticles and looked at me softly.
"I wanted to spend a few days of Christmas with you. Unless you have plans! Then I won't stay around for long!"
"No, I don't have plans." I chuckled, waving my hand to dismiss the matter. "I'm always by myself."
When those words left my mouth, Soap's head immediately perked up in attention.
"I'm always alone. I'm not exactly the most social of my family and my family in general is just.... They're a piece of work, I'll say that."
Soap shook his head and stood, pacing a little as he tried to form a response to what I said.
"Whatever you're trying to say, it's most likely been said by others beforehand. There's no need to say anything."
"You don't deserve to be alone."
"I'm used to it."
I stood up, breathing deeply as I made my way to the cane I discarded by the front door. Soap immediately came to help me and he picked it up for me.
He stabilized me when I stumbled slightly, his hands gripping my hips and his fingertips digging into me. For a moment, I froze in place and tried to stabilize my breathing. Every dirty thought entered my brain, and I had to resist the temptation to look him up and down. I could feel his eyes me, and whether it was him looking me up and down I didn't care.
"You can have my room for the night." I told and broke away from him. "I'll be okay on the couch."
"You don't have to give up your room again."
"It's either have my room or suffer the consequences of sharing the bed with me."
Soap grinned as he grabbed his duffle bag, eyes glowing with a mischievous glint.
"I'll take my chances with sharing."
"I talk in my sleep."
"So do I."
"I take all the bed space."
"I take all the blankets."
Dammit, Soap, just kick me out of the room! I thought with an exasperated shake of my head and led him to my room. He followed closely and when he got in, he set his duffle by the door. I didn't bother telling him where everything was since I was started to get exhausted again.
I didn't even register him laying beside me until I felt his fingers lightly brush strands of hair out of my face. My eyes didn't open but I sighed in contentment at the gesture and leaned into it. He shifted to move closer and eventually I was leaning my head on his chest. I was thankfully for the shirt he wore. If he was shirtless, I would have probably needed to ditch him here for the couch.
"You're so beautiful." He muttered quietly as he caressed my cheek. Slowly, my eyes opened and I grinned.
"Not as beautiful as you."
I had no idea what came over me, but when I felt my lips on his, I immediately tensed. For a second, every thought of screwing this up flashed through my mind and killed me in embarrassment.
I immediately retracted when I gained my common sense back. I just kissed a guy I've known for a couple months and only met once in-person....
"I'm sorry! I didn't—" I didn't finish as I sat up and turned away from him. I was going to get up and leave him here since my face burned with embarrassment, but he grabbed my hand to stop me.
Soap sat up and gently pulled me back down. I let him, resisting the urge to scream as he propped himself up on his arm and leaned down to kiss me. He typed my thigh, asking for permission and I nodded, his lips meeting mine in a soft kiss. I reached up and gripped the bottom of his mohawk, a light gasp coming from him when I did that. In that moment, every dirty thought flooded my mind. Why did it sound so alluring? So fucking good?
He was practically laying on top of me as he kissed me, his lips trailing to the corner of my mouth, to my jaw, and down my neck. He pressed his lips to my neck, his kisses soft and slow. I wrapped my arms around him, fingers tugging at his hair as his breath tickled my neck.
He sat up, blue eyes gazing into mine as he brushed his thumb over my cheek.
"You call me by my name."
Johnny.... or John.... I remember his boss telling me his name.
I nodded in response and he leaned down to kiss me again, this time his hips started to grind against my thigh and a red blush covered my cheeks.
"Johnny... I don't..."
He pulled back, concern flashing across his face.
"I apologize if I made you—"
"I'm not uncomfortable. I just...I've never done this before?"
He nodded in understanding and adjusted himself so he laid beside me again.
"We'll take it slow, all right? Don't hesitate to tell me what you want and what you don't."
"Would I sound needy if I said I want you to kiss me?"
Soap grinned, a light chuckle coming from him as he placed his lips on mine again, his tongue lightly brushing my bottom lip and his teeth gently biting it. The sensation sent shivers down my back and I inhaled deeply, pulling him close to me again and returning the gesture.
"Is it okay if I put my hands under your shirt?"
I nodded, humming a little as he shift to slide his hands under my shirt and trail up my stomach. They were cold to the touch and I gasped, Soap burying his face in my neck as he moved his hands back down my waist.
"Are you still okay with this?"
I nodded. "Yeah, but I am getting sleepy."
Soap laughed a little, completely laughing on me as he did so. I laughed with him, hugging him close as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I missed you so much."
"I missed you too."
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scarletshinesniper · 1 year
@maes-the-deer Is there a way to make posts private.
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detournementsmineurs · 6 months
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Vitrine "Appert & Maës" présentée au Pavillon Vendôme de Clichy, mars 2024.
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mielli-miella · 7 months
15.02 🥀
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tacticaldivine · 8 months
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I'm legally required to make him nice art since my oomfs kick my ass everyday cause I let Maverick eat sand
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meuprimeirodeabril · 5 months
12 de Maio de 2024
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Segundo Domingo de Maio
Estamos no mês mariano, recordo as noites dedicadas a Maria, tinha as novenas em nossa Igreja Matriz, cujo padroeiro local é Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio, e as comunidades rezavam os novenários e no fim do mês, e ou ínicio de Junho aconteciam as Queimações de Flores, bom lembrar que nossa mãe sempre nos levava nesses eventos, a mesma era devota de Nossa Senhora da Conceição.
Em nosso bairro, recebíamos a Imagem da Mãe Peregrina, cada familia recepcionava as pessoas da comunidade e rezava o Santo Terço em suas casas, durante um dia do mês, eu me recordo que fazia as leituras do Santo Evangelho, e até arriscava a cantar alguns Cânticos, apesar da timidez.
No Dia das Mães , eu acordava cedo e corria para ligar o Rádio no "Paradão Sertanejo", cujo locutor era meu padrinho de Primeira Eucaristia "Doda", na esperança de ganhar algum prêmio, que os patrocinadores sempre doavam, e eu, pretendia ser um dos sortudos, para poder presentar nossa mãe, neste dia tão especial.
E não é, que na maioria das vezes, dava certo.
Eu fui contemplado com alguns prêmios: um Kit formado por 2 cosméticos e uma torta bem recheada, oferecida por determinada Panificadora.
Lembro-me que tinha uma vizinha nossa que também participava dos sorteios matinais, da famosa Rádio Jardim, ela sempre ligava de um Orelhão, localizado na rua de cima.
Naquele domingo em especial, os parentes mais próximos sempre visitavam nosso lar, e em suas mãos era possível visualizar algum embrulho, em cores diversas e formatos diferentes.
Visto por um olhar de uma criança, o brilho nos olhos e em seu semblante, podia-se notar uma certa ansiedade, por querer saber quais presentes ela teria ganho: "fazia uma listagem mental, imaginando o que poderia ser: uma caixa de copos transparentes, floridos e ou não, um conjunto de toalhas felpudas , ou até mesmo um dos perfumes preferidos."
As músicas tão conhecidas do REI, eram tocadas e repetidas mais de uma vez, ainda me pergunto como Mamãe não registrara um dos diversos filhos de Roberto Carlos , uma vez que era tão fã.
Na programação daquela manhã, tão tradicional do Dia Das Mães, com aquelas canções, era normal encontrá-la, encostada no fogão, preparando o almoço e choramingando, lembrando de nossa Vó, Dona Ziziu.
Os seus filhos que moravam em " São Paulo"- em cidades diversas, sempre lembravam de ligar para parabenizá-la, o corre-corre para atender os telefonemas, era disputado pelos irmãos mais novos , nesse tempo já tínhamos o Telefone Fixo, iniciado em 83 3364 xxxx .
Já em anos anteriores, ainda existia a famosa " TELPA", lugar este, onde era agendado um horário para receber ligações, em uma cabine fechada, com vidros transparentes e poltronas não tão macias, onde mal cabia duas pessoas.
Se localizava ao lado, onde hoje funciona a Panificadora Imperial em Remígio PB, lembro que muitas vezes, as ligações eram sempre nas tardes de sábado, não sei se as ligações nesses dias, eram mais baratas ou seria por ser nessa hora que mãe, saía do trabalho nos fins de semana.
Já que toquei nesse assunto,trabalho era seu norte : artesã de mão cheia, dominava o tricô,o ponto cruz, fazia pequenos reparos em roupas de vizinhos( e ganhava alguns trocados com essa atividade), e sem falar que ainda tinha alguns caloteiros, que ela deixava passar, mostrando ter um grande coração.
"Como não se lembrar daquela máquina de costura da marca SINGER?!!"
Quando nossa mãe saía de casa, a imaginação dos meninos aflorava e passava a ver aquela máquina, como uma direção de carro, e assim pequenos minutos de diversão era vivenciada.
Nos meses que antecediam Junho, ela trabalhava ainda mais do que o normal, com o SISAL, que servia para confeccionar chapéus de palha, para as quadrilhas juninas da região, e também para a produção de vassouras, que seria vendida por encomenda, para complementar a renda familiar.
Aos domingos sempre a acompanhava até a feira livre, localizada ao lado do Colégio Estadual JBS, ela sempre vendera chapéu a Seu Antônio, e muitas das vezes, nem recebia o dinheiro no mesmo Domingo.
Éramos responsáveis por fazer as compras de frutas, verduras e legumes, então, visítavamos o banco de TIA Dalva e Francisco, e eu acabava comprando alguns pastéis e coxinhas, com as moedas que meu irmãos Valdo e Docarmo me davam, em uma barraquinha de salgados, que se fiacava ao lado.
Lavava e passava roupas para algumas famílias, uma das cenas marcantes: "antes de começar a lavagem das peças, ela sempre inspecionava os bolsos, pois poderiam ter esquecido algum papel e ou documento importante, porém, as vezes encontrava uma cédula e ou algumas moedas, que mamãe sempre devolvera, assim nos mostrando e ensinando o valor da Honestidade."
Não saberia calcular ao certo, quantas "trouxas" de roupas, foram entregues naquelas casas, e ou até mesmo, quantos Km's aquele carrinho de mão percorrera, no decorrer de todos aqueles anos.
Porém, ao recolher as diversas peças de roupas naquele varal, localizado no pequeno quintal, passá-las e dobra-las com todo o carinho e estima, ao anoitecer, um dos filhos era escolhido, para fazer a entrega e recolher o pagamento.
Nossa genitora chegou a frequentar até a Sexta Série, no auge da sua Terceira Idade, ou como falamos hoje, Melhor Idade, ela decidiu retornar os estudos na Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA).
Eu , a acompanhava em suas aulas, na mesma escola, onde estudava à tarde, ou seja no Dr. Cunha Lima.
Do seu portão lateral, era possível avistar nosso abençoado Lar, com sua ladeira de paralelepípedos íngremes, e por isso , sempre pegava em seus braços e dava o devido apoio na descida para casa.
Durante um certo ano letivo, uma das professoras era sua comadre, e nos intervalos das aulas colocavam os papos em dia, e noticiava sobre o afilhado e como andava o restante da "grande família".
Em certas matérias do Quinto Ano, eu me sentia um Aprendiz de Professor, tirando dúvidas dos colegas de sala e os auxiliando em alguns deveres.
Algumas pessoas daquela época, atualmente, ao andar pelas ruas da cidade as encontro, relembro os olhares e faces tão ávidos por conhecimento, alguns, até dos nomes eu recordo.
Nesse ano de Dois Mil e Vinte Quatro faz dez anos de sua partida para a morada Celestial, porém, tem momentos que parece que foi ontem, por exemplo, em algumas datas específicas a lembrança é ainda MAIOR: Dia Das Mães, 29 de Maio, 15 de Agosto , 8 de Dezembro, enfim, a SAUDADE é ENORME.
Mas, o que nos conforta é saber que ela está BEM, intercedendo por NÓS, foi uma GUERREIRA aqui na Terra, criou uma grande FAMÍLIA, com simplicidade e deixou como herança seus valores e ensinamentos, que lembramos até hoje.
Passando para parabenizar as Mamães da nossa Família, e do público em geral, desejar tudo de bom.
#diadasmaes #carta #2024 #família #meuprimeirodeabril #colodemae
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psicoonline · 2 years
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Verdade ou mentira? #herança #conquista #criação #casamento #divorcio #separação #luto #partilha #partilhadebens #filhos #filhas #velhice #paisconscientes #pais #maes #maesolo #marketingdigital #amigos #amigospelomundo #amigo #amigosdeverdade #amizade #amizadeverdadeira #amizades #psicoonline #psicologia #psicólogo #psicóloga #terapia #terapiaonline (em Verdades Secretas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoM1setrQqy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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quanblovk · 1 year
Who would be dumb enough in Hades to challenge the Dread Queen?
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((Hey quan, been awhile :) ))
It has been a while! I shall answer your question.....assuming we're using my version of the underworld!
Seeing that a new "queen" has arrived in the underworld, she should expect many challengers! From ghost bats to even some of the butterflies themselves! It's an interesting challenge that'll definitely liven up the dull lives in the underworld.
Dark Nebula woud be pretty upset though and would command Morpho to go dispise of her or smth. But Morpho will find a way to cleverly disobey the star's orders and Maes would be totally fine.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand maybe this skully too why not? Everybody here loves to fight! Execpt for Papi. Poor Papi.
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artnestdecomo · 1 year
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Recall. Panel for Remedy Hour with @skinstealer
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euansiiedade · 2 years
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Mesmo cansada encontro forças para continuar Deus não falha. . . . . #maesolo #maessolteiras #mãessolteiras #maesolo #maesolteira #maes #maesempreendedoras #independenciafinanceira https://www.instagram.com/p/CnAPpenJ3_L/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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evamaes · 1 year
De vaderlijke lijn: de familie Maes
Van stamvader Petrus Maes tot nu Petrus Maes is – voorlopig althans – de verste voorvader van de rechtstreeks vaderlijke lijn, de familie Maes. Nu ik bots op grenzen van historisch materiaal voor deze tak, is het tijd voor een blik op de familiegeschiedenis van de familielijn Maes, met wortels in Sint-Denijs (Zwevegem). Mijn stamboomonderzoek naar de rechtstreeks vaderlijke lijn hapert bij…
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