#MAGA Movement
Hot Trump Supporter who can't stand this Biden asshole of an incompetent Presidency. And how do I know that she's for Trump and against Biden. Because her posts on Facebook are very pro Trump and very anti Biden. That's how. Make America Great Again. She's definitely MAGA and so am I. Those holding the opposite view can block my account or ignore the occasional political post etc ,since I do them sporadically. You want to see the hot chicks, then either tolerate the occasional Conservative politics , or support it or ignore it. Or block it. See. You got 4 choices right there .
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You can follow her on Facebook.
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sher-ee · 26 days
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alwaysbewoke · 5 months
insane cult shit.
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bigdatadept · 5 months
The New Trend: Civil War in '24
Dive into my latest blog for an eye-opening discussion on a Prophet Article and the 'Civil War' movie - a bold portrayal of a divided America that's more plausible than you think! #CivilWarMovie #PoliticalCinema
Amazing generation of the US using DALL-E – Contact me if you want the prompt I used.. Have you been hearing repetitive messages about a looming civil war in 2024? I keep hearing about it – in the media, and seemingly, also in theaters (I watched a trailer this weekend for a movie called “Civil War” that comes out next year. First, this Newsweek article is predicting how it goes down. A…
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gwydionmisha · 5 months
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filosofablogger · 6 months
A Man Of Courage Speaks Out
Adam Kinzinger, along with Liz Cheney, were the only two Republicans willing to take a stand and sit on the January 6th committee, knowing their days in Congress were numbered by doing so.  Standing for truth and justice is not a popular thing within the ranks of the Republican Party today.  Adam may no longer be in Congress, but he still has a voice, and he wrote a powerful OpEd on Substack a…
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For the first time I can recall, a headline in The Washington Post referred to Trump's 2020 election fraud claims as being a "LIE"
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The Washington Post didn't use the word "falsehood."
They didn't use any of the other euphemisms they often employ instead of the word "lie," when referring to Donald Trump's and MAGA Republicans' claims about fraud in the 2020 election.
Readers have repeatedly admonished the Post for not using the word "lie."
Some editor apparently finally listened.
Not that I'm expecting the POST to stop using euphemisms.
But at least it was a step forward.
Maybe one of these days the Post will start consistently using the label "neofascist" to describe Trump and his MAGA movement.
Until the MSM stops using euphemisms and starts using harsh words that are nonetheless true, our nation will continue to sleepwalk into a possible neofascist regime.
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Everywhere, there are savages . It ain't just an Islam problem. It's obnoxious to imply that Muslims have the most abusive religion when abuse happens everywhere across the globe. Democrats and Republicans are a complete joke. The Democrats' evil are more out in the open, but they try to sugareoat that evil, whereas Republicans are more straightforward about their bigotry, but claim to be the saviors of the United States because they don't have as much power as the Democrats. Deep down, the Republicans wish to have as much power as the Democrats while the Democrats would like to deport illegals they have no use for.
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mysharona1987 · 2 years
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Mike Luckovich
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A short essay to begin the week.
We are only six months away from permanently ridding ourselves of the troublesome Donald Trump. The general election will take place on November 5, 2024. Defeating Trump at the polls for a second time will end his presidential aspirations. To be sure, his defeat will not end the scourge of MAGA extremism, but it will mark the ‘beginning of the end’ of the reactionary convulsion that has been three generations in the making. The high-water mark of the MAGA movement is in the past; we need only drive our advantage home to inaugurate a new era of progress toward a more perfect union, one that is steeped in tolerance, liberty, and equality.
Oddly, the biggest challenge we face is convincing others of the threat Trump poses to our democracy. That challenge seems ridiculous on its face, considering that Trump tells us daily about his dark aspirations. There is no artifice or misdirection in Trump's plans. He wants to be a dictator. He has said so repeatedly. He said he wants to “terminate” portions of the Constitution. He is again refusing to abide by lawful election results. His campaign speeches are filled with admiration and affection for dictators and tyrants across the globe. He is melting into a slag of vengeance, impotence, and incoherence before our eyes.
Yes, the presidential race will be close and hard-fought, but the advantage is ours. Momentum has shifted to President Biden despite the challenges in the Middle East and on college campuses. Opinion polls are noisy to the point of opacity. But their opaqueness doesn’t stop mercenary pundits from using poorly designed polls to mislead the public. In truth, the polls—taken as a whole--show a trend: Biden’s favorability is rising over time and his chances for victory rise with turnout.
If we cannot discern the obvious lesson from those trends, we are unworthy of our democracy. Turnout will determine the outcome of the 2024 election. We can increase turnout. It is that simple—and that challenging.
Republicans continue to focus on suppressing turnout because they know Trump's only hope for victory lies in the hands of the American political party known as “Did not vote.” The GOP's reliance on suppressing the vote tells us all we need to know about the dark vision and dim future of the Republican Party. Its prospects as a party increase as the consent of the governed diminish to nothingness.
But the same facts teach us a powerful lesson about the prospects of the Democratic Party: When more people vote, Democrats do better at the ballot box. And when Democrats do better at the ballot box, Americans do better at home, at work, and in their communities. Turnout in 2024 will determine the future of our democracy.
The 2024 elections will be hard-fought. But we can see the end in sight. A widespread victory at the federal and state levels would be glorious. With that hopeful thought firmly in mind, we must resolve to power through the next six months. Ignore polls (in isolation) and do not fret over the electoral impact of each new crisis. Instead, focus on the hard work of electing Democrats up and down the ballot. That simple but revolutionary act will allow us to redeem democracy once again—something we must do every four years.
It will be a busy week, dominated by the sordidness and corruption of Trump's trial. Try to see beyond the next witness and maintain focus on our goal: Victory in November.
The next six months will be the most challenging of our lives—since the last six months, and the six months before that, and so on—stretching back in time to November 2016. You get the point. We have a track record of success and are more than up to the task. As always, we have every reason to be hopeful but no reason to be complacent!
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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nando161mando · 4 months
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Today’s parade in Düsseldorf, 🇩🇪
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The battle over the Speakership dreams of Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., was a cataclysmic event, in terms of the media's increasingly ineffective efforts to convey to news consumers what is actually going on. Most press coverage portrayed the struggle as one between a more moderate faction supporting McCarthy and a far-right splinter group who opposed him. In reality, however, the fight was merely showboating from a small group of trolls who wanted attention, with no real substance to any of the disagreements. Indeed, pro- and anti-McCarthy groups are in fierce agreement on nearly all major policy issues, including the question of whether democracy is a good thing worth protecting. (Both sides believe it is not!)
For proof there's no real daylight between the two factions, look no further than the fact that the biggest Republican troll in the House, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, was on Kev's side from the get-go. Greene has become one of the most famous — and powerful — Republicans in Capitol Hill by sheer dint of her gleefully unapologetic fascism. She's one of the biggest apologists for Donald Trump's Big Lie and the violent insurrectionists who attempted to overthrow democracy on January 6, 2021. She's a grade-A conspiracy theorist who rode into Washington spouting QAnon nonsense. Once in office, she went straight for the third rail in American politics, showy antisemitism, downplaying the Holocaust and raving about how Jews were setting wildfires with space lasers. She hits all the major stations of the conspiracy theory cross, from dismissing mass shootings as "false flags" to vaccine denialism to, naturally, 9/11 trutherism. She, of course, has also gotten that sweet, sweet attention by calling for the execution of her political opponents.
But she's all for McCarthy, because he is fine with all this, despite his media image of moderation. Greene, who is a much savvier operator than the liberals constantly dunking on her would like to admit, clearly realizes that being on the always-Kevin side of this fight opened up a golden opportunity: She can now rebrand herself as a mainstream Republican. With her shiny new committee assignments — complete with access to some of the most highly classified information in government — and her role as McCarthy's golden girl, Greene is set to remake herself into a respected figure on Capitol Hill. She'll be just as much a conspiracy theory kook as she ever was, but her new status as an elder statesman in the GOP will put an ennobling gloss on her lies, helping push them through the ever-credulous Beltway press.
That Greene is consciously rebranding herself became undeniable on Sunday, when she distanced herself from QAnon during a Fox News interview.
"Well, like a lot of people today, I had easily gotten sucked into some things I'd seen on the internet," she said when host Howard Kurtz asked her about QAnon. "But that was dealt with quickly early on. I never campaigned on those things. That was not something I believed in."
In one sense, these are easily debunked lies. Her involvement with the QAnon cult was not cursory, as she implies. She literally released a video prior to her election in which she argued "now there's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take this global cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles out, and I think we have the president to do it." Her social media endorsements of political violence were often rooted in the false accusations that Democrats are pedophiles who drink children's blood.
But it's also true that, like many far-right conspiracy theorists, Greene doesn't actually believe the vile things she says. Truth has no value to her. She just says whatever she thinks will benefit her politically. In the past, that was endorsing every cockamamie conspiracy theory she could, since doing so got attention and helped her fundraise, both of which helped make her very powerful within the GOP. Now that she's made a name for herself, she's shedding the QAnon association so she can access the next level of power, which is being treated like a respectable politician.
Sadly, there's every reason to think this will work in a media environment where mainstream journalists are always eager to minimize the radicalism of Republicans and present them as "normal" politicians to the public. We saw this process happen with the Tea Party movement. In 2010, a bevy of Republican politicians got elected during this racist right wing tantrum wave against President Barack Obama. At first, they got the "look at these weirdos" coverage that Greene enjoys now. But it didn't take long for most of the Tea Partiers to reform their media images into middle-of-the-road politicians.
Former Vice President Mike Pence. Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana. Former White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina. These are just a sampling of politicians who rose to prominence aligned with the Tea Party movement, only to be converted in the media imagination to ordinary politicians — all without having to sacrifice their extremist views. In some cases, they obtained an unearned reputation as "reasonable" or "moderate" simply by flinching at how gross Donald Trump is, pretending they represented some check on his excesses or by criticizing him publicly.
McCarthy himself is a classic example of how much the mainstream press will conveniently forget when trying to dignify a Republican who initially broke into politics as a fire-breathing right wing extremist. McCarthy obtained his high status in the GOP by playing footsie with the Tea Partiers who took out one of his predecessors, John Boehner. He managed to win the Speakership through his slavish loyalty to Trump, including a willingness to vote to overturn the 2020 election. There is nothing moderate or normal about McCarthy. Still, due to a few opportunistic trolls on the Hill willing to paint him as a RINO, he gets to be treated not as the radical he is, but as a normal politician who is simply beset by fanatics.
Greene no doubt has seen this process of normalization and believes, correctly, that she can get in on it. She probably doesn't even have to give up some of her other bizarre "beliefs" regarding mass shootings or COVID-19. The press is so desperate for normal conservatives to cover that even the slightest nod towards rationality is read as permission to round up a Republican to the class of "responsible" politicians. Greene has hit the limit of what she can do while being known as the kookiest member of Congress. She's ready to graduate to a real power player who gets flattering press coverage. If past is predictor, she can expect to do so with a big assist from the mainstream media.
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sher-ee · 20 days
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The sad thing is that we will be dealing with people like MAGA and Q for years to come. Our country will never be as it was prior to the Trump presidency. Family relationships and friendships have been lost due to this madness. Political party affiliation now determines how we interact with each other. Opinions are formed the minute you see the red hat, or hear the word “patriot” and sadly even the use of the American flag. All for a man who has fucked people (be it friend, family and strangers) over for his entire life. What a shameful mess.
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leothil · 1 year
Hi! I know you got the anon ask, but in your answer you seemed to know what anon was talking, so I gotta ask you.
"Like one gets back with their partner as soon as the other does? Single at the same time and then not? What went on on that driveway 🤔!"
What does it all mean???? Was Ryan single recently? Is he back with his wife? Is Oliver back with his ex? What driveway? What is going on? 🤣
I ask as a good chismosa who likes all the tea, and then never speak of it again. I come in peace. 🥰😘
Hi, no worries, welcome to the inbox! 😄
So short answer first: no, neither Oliver nor Ryan has been single for many years, as far as anyone knows.
Last spring (and some whispers already on the fall 2021 side) fans started speculating that Oliver and his partner had broken up since she never showed up in his ig-posts anymore, he posted a lot of stories that'd fit in the genre I'd call "late night sad girl posting" and he seemed to attend Aisha's wedding alone. But he made a reference to his long-term partner on the recent morning tv appearance he made, so it's quite possible they just decided to take their relationship very private and off social media (more power to them, if so).
Now, when it comes to Ryan it ventures much more into fan speculation (and conspiracy theorizing?) so I just want to reiterate that that's what it is and none of us know the people involved or what their intentions behind any picture were. Ryan has always had an... interesting prescence on instagram and writes some truly wild and weird captions on both his posts and his stories, bless him. Some months ago most of the things he posted started having this really melancholy and resigned tone to them that made a lot of people go 👀, and around the same time his wife started writing posts about finding your true self and growing into who you're meant to be and restarting your life and so on (and following a podcast about breakups which. Fksjhdg). Perhaps the most "damning" was a story Ryan posted with the caption "attention is not love" that he then deleted within 30mins. Both of them have also deleted pics of each other off their instagrams. They did have similar vibes drama some years ago (before I was in the fandom and/or cared about the actors) and then it seemed to resolve when uh. Well, around the time she got pregnant again. 🫥 So while all of this can mean absolutely nothing, you can also see why people would kind of side-eye it.
The driveway thing stems from one of these ~dramatically captioned pics~ Ryan posted. It was of stonework that some people thought looked suspiciously like Oliver's driveway, that we recently got to see in the Men's Health interview he did.
So! Those are the broad strokes. Feel free to message me if you have more questions, but be aware that I'm just a person on the other side of the world from LA. 😂
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lilithism1848 · 7 months
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emperornorton47 · 8 months
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