#MAGP 13
starsandwriting · 5 months
SAMAMA KHALID YOU ARE SO REAL for being an overachieving gifted kid and getting hung up on the first people who rejected you. You are so unbelievably real for that
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TMP Stream Of Consciousness Theory
(Like, I'm forming it and I'm not sure where I'm headed here)
Spoilers All - TMP
So as I'm reading through a lot of Lena Post on here it's starting to strick at me. Her wording when she vaguely explained things to Gwen in EP 13, Futures.
Gwen asks if they're the bad guys.
Lena hesitates before answering "We are... Managing, the bad guys."
Unlike the The Magnus Institute they aren't collecting Statements, they're keeping track of them.
Lena doesn't see herself and her work as good, but a necessary evil.
This would make Lena NOT Jonah's Parallel, but Gertrude's.
To Gertrude, Michael was a necessary evil, but she hurt no more people than absolutely necessary.
Lena isn't willing to put her employees in unnecessary risk.
The Magnus Institute was destroyed and OIAR has something called The Magnus Protocol.
They're preventing the Dread Powers from taking hold. Be it Fear, Hunger, or Regret. They're making sure no one of them gets a real foothold into our world. And if one gets to close. Well, they have their last resort.
The Magnus Protocol
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Non Vacillabimus
We Will Not Falter
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stark-lord · 5 months
Massive L for the Agnes truthers 😔
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yellow-yellow-jacket · 5 months
okay but the implications from celia being a single mother are wild because the oiar is a night shift job but being a mother is a very All The Time job
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bookkeepersnake · 5 months
As I am going through my notes for episodes 12 and 13, I noticed an inconsistency. The case file descriptions for episodes 10 and 12 are both Mascot (kids). The DPHW index values are completely different though, 2275 for episode 10, and 4748 for episode 12! An additional but unrelated piece of information that I found interesting is that the incident from episode 12 happened the month after the incident from episode 6, on the day... needles and then Bonzo.
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pritchypitchperfect · 5 months
So…magp 13 huh?
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mechanical-v1scera · 4 months
Ngl the protocol rlly has been magnusing, and I hope it never stops
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its-your-mind · 8 months
If it takes a certain something, a certain chutzpah, a certain je ne sais quoi if you will, to move up in the OIAR, I don’t think it’s a HUGE leap to say it’s PROLLY fear-aligned and controlled
and since we already done did an Eye-based organization and the whole spread through the whole multiverse thing was Web-engineered, I don’t think it’s a HUGE leap to think the OIAR is perhaps Web-aligned? Especially with the whole “the Web has been trying to collect all the fears and stories into one ~Archive~ of some sort,” and Freddie’s strange stickiness as a computer system that no one quite understands but everyone relies on entirely to do their work. Or even if it’s not specifically Web-aligned, the Web was still the one that pulled all the Powers along into this brave new world and it sure does love pulling all the strings behind the scenes. So maybe the OIAR is just kinda influenced/led along by the Web.
Anyway. Okay. So. All that is to say.
that the Office of Incident Assessment and Response.
Is headed,
and operated.
By the one.
The only.
Annabelle Cane
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soppingwetrat · 2 months
we have the name darrien appearing twice and only 5 episodes apart. are darriens gonna be the new michaels of tmagp
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saintbleeding · 5 months
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[id1: excerpt from the transcript for mag 111:
ARCHIVIST: Hang on, if *these* entities are all based on our, on our *fear*, the-the-then what, what about the, the rest -
GERARD: No. There aren't any god-like powers of hope, or love, or indigestion, or whatever. At least not that I've seen. Just fear. I don't know why.
id2: excerpt from the transcript for magp 13:
LENA: (speech-like:) The world is full of opposing forces. Some benevolent, most not. In order for the wheels to keep on turning, all these forces need to be monitored and balanced. That is where we come in.
GWEN: (shaking) That doesn't *mean anything.*
LENA: And yet it is the only explanation you're going to get, for now.
end id.]
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annabelle--cane · 1 month
I think I might shelve my "coffee and alcohol as contrasting motifs" idea for a bit, at least until the season ends. imo there is something there, but not as much as there really should be for me to get behind it as a thesis, I need to re-do my notes from the start and figure out what I'm actually looking at. I committed the cardinal sin of analysis: deciding on a conclusion that felt supportable and then retroactively trying to make the evidence fit.
for the time being, I think it's better to look at coffee and alcohol as different expressions of the same motif, they're both socially acceptable chemically addictive mood altering substances. we've seen most of our cast engage with them in some way (I think lena has only had a thermos of tea mentioned, no coffee or alcohol, which, interesting, but it's still caffeinated), but sam is the only one we've seen consume them to any kind of excess. in magp 06 he has four coffees over the course of his shift and in magp 13 he comes into work noticeably tipsy after his "dinner" date, and both of these events are connected with celia, and, by extension, his investigations. two of his attempts at leaving the investigations alone involve him refusing offers of coffee (magp 09, magp 21), and in magp 09 when he immediately decides to go back on that decision he goes to find alice in the pub and drinks the pint teddy left.
also of note is that while alice dislikes it when sam overindulges, she does go out for drinks with him on a few occasions and consistently offers him coffee. also also of note is that while she specifically cautions sam against drinking too much caffeine at once, she herself seems to make and drink it fairly constantly, and one of her first lines in the whole show is to say that her body only runs on "spite and coffee." I think this maps on to her approach to sam's investigations into the OIAR and the magnus institute fairly well: she gets him the job that lures him in but doesn't want him to fall any deeper, all while pointedly ignoring how entrenched in it she's been this whole time.
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starsandwriting · 5 months
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Darrien Laurel do you want to go out with me
[ID: Excerpt from Tmagp episode 13: "On the way I made a few phone calls, first to my parents, telling them I never loved them and hoped they died horribly, next I was on the group chat with the lads telling each of them just how many times I'd slept with their partners, even when I hadn't. Then it was on to my socials publically declaring my affiliation with every messed up ideology and psychopath I could find. I ran out of time before I could confess to robbing orphanages to buy drugs but I think I made my point." End ID]
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trans-jon-rights · 5 months
Let's adress the case numbers in TMAGP !
Spoiler warning up to episode 19
Here are all the cases by categories and ranks :
CAT 1 :
MAGP 1 (Case 1) : 'Some of him' // RBC
MAGP 6 : Needles // RB
MAGP 10 : Bonzo // RB
MAGP 12 : Bonzo // RB
MAGP 14 : Snakes // RB
MAGP 15 : Lady Mowbray // RB
MAGP 16 : Ink5oul // RB
CAT 2 :
MAGP 18 : Corpse talking // RC
MAGP 19* : Newton's science project
MAGP 1 (Case 2)* : Red Canary // RAB
MAGP 3 : Guy who becomes a tree // C
MAGP 5 : Voyeur // RB
MAGP 7 : Charity shop // RC
MAGP 8 : Brutalist Architecture // RBC
MAGP 11* : 'The deep will care for his bones' // RC
CAT 3 :
MAGP 17 : Weirdly successful Double // RC
MAGP 1 (Case 2)* : Red Canary // RAB
MAGP 2 : Tattoo // RB
MAGP 4 : Murder Violin // C
MAGP 9 : Murder Dices // RB
MAGP 11* : 'The deep will care for his bones' // RC
*The Red Canary Case and the 'Deep' Case are labelled as CAT23, so I put them in both CAT 2 and CAT3
MAGP 13 : Murder Crypto // RB
MAGP 19* : Newton's science project
Okay ? Okay.
*MAGP 19 is labelled as CAT13, so I put it in both 1 and 3.
So now I think we can say each category have a thing :
CAT1 is for 'living' manifestations (that used to be human/animal or not)
CAT2 is for specific places (MAGP 3 is a garden and MAGP 5 is the cinema)
CAT3 is for artefacts/non-living manifestations.
About MAGP 1 (Case 2) and MAGP 11, I think they are in both categories because it got to do with both. For Red Canary it was both the Institute and the box he took from there, and for the other it was both the tattoo and the ocean/cliff (unsure if its one or the other).
You could argue that MAGP 5 got more to djo with the movie than the cinema, and I would agree ! However, I think the movie is also part of the cinema, in some way. The whole place was creepy, and if it was only the movie, it could have been done with simply a DVD or something. The fact that it was in a cinema was intentional.
For the ranks, I think it's pretty much self explanatory : RA to RC to categorise the levels of danger.
What is concerning about it however is that :
A) The Institute is ranked AB, which is the highest on this list for now.
B) All 'living' manifestations are ranked B or below, which means that our heroes would be pretty fucked should they encounter a rank A.
C) Some cases (namely, MAGP 3 and 4) are simply labelled 'C' without it being an actual rank. I could pass it off as a typo, but were talking about Jonathan Sims here, folks.
Another theory I have is that the O.I.A.R only handle B-ranked Externals, and eliminate those whose rank is higher. We'll need to verify that once the next External turns up, but until then I'm running with that. Bonzo and the Lady are both indicating that.
The case of MAGP 17 is a bit more tricky. My current theory (see the final comments on this post) is that whatever caused it was the therapy room the subject was in.
MAGP 1.1 and MAGP 18 are a bit similar in the kind of manifestations I think, as both has to do with dead people talking, though the MAGP 1.1 one is seemingly more dangerous.
Here, that was my rambling. Have a good one <3
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swordsonnet · 4 months
so the main character of this week's case and his mysterious doppelganger are both called darrien, which also happens to be the first name of the protagonist of magp 13 - darrien laurel, aka the guy who quite literally gambled with his own life through the zorrotrade app. i know we all joke about jonny's naming practices, but darrien is such an uncommon name that i think it's unlikely to be a coincidence. maybe darrien laurel is yet another doppelganger of the other two darriens? i wonder how many there are...
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eyeoftheaxolotl · 4 months
i'll post thoughts on today's episode later but i did just realize two things about Sam's cases.
Below is a list of every episode so far whose case Sam was responsible for categorizing. When you isolate it to just those cases and take a look at whether they were narrated by one of the three computer voices (i.e. whether they were talkers or not), a pattern emerges:
MAGP 1 (dolls case) - not a talker
MAGP 1 (zombie case) - talker (norris)
MAGP 1 (RedCanary case) - talker (chester)
MAGP 2 - not a talker
MAGP 4 - talker (augustus)
MAGP 5 - talker (chester)
MAGP 6 - not a talker
MAGP 9 - talker (chester)
MAGP 11 - talker (chester)
MAGP 13 - not a talker
MAGP 14 - talker (chester)
there seems to be a distinct pattern of "not talker - talker - talker". im not sure what it means, so im throwing it out here in the hope that someone has some kind of theory on it.
the other thing ive noticed. sam, being the main character, tackles the vast majority of the cases we learn about on the podcast. however, out of 7 talkers, norris has narrated a grand total of....one of Sam's cases. by comparison, both Gwen and Alice have only had norris-narrated cases shown on-podcast. i don't actually think this means anything, but maybe you guys do, so im putting it out there as well.
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bookkeepersnake · 4 months
EP 13 - Futures
Celia/same date
It is easy to make Same blush
“...No one, I’m mysterious.” Celia
Baby Jack!!! (No dad, doesn’t know who)
Sam tested as a kid, came up gifted
Magnus Institute turned him away
Work incident, breakdown during a presentation
Alice’s parent dead
“Most pathetic, vague post she’d ever seen”
Clia asks if Same thinks the work cases are real, Same hopes no Celia is solid they are
“Did it really happen? Was it because of me?” “Yes… it really happened.”
The world is full of opposing forces, some benevolent, most not. In order for the wheels to keep on turning all these forces need to be monitored and balanced. That is where we come in.” … “We are managing the bad guys.”
Another external for Gwen
ZoraTrade customer support line
App, money, ombudsman, beeping in background like hospital, user for years, wavers, punishment?
WEird background checks, janky interface, glitches
Personal Projections Short Selling Feature [Disabled]
These functions are experimental and may not function as intended. User discretion is advised.
[Invested Amount]
Remaining balance 100,083.12
“Congratulations! In recognition of your change in circumstance, your Personal Projections Short Sell has been paid in full”
Betting against yourself
“Cashing in my misery…”
Sea cliff vertigo
Almost 50 million (in the negative)
“Repay outstanding balance or prepare for personal adjustment”
Darrian Laurell - Account Number 428813
Crunching, fear, called for nurse, cuts out
Sam putting distance between himself and Alice
“I’m happy you’re happy” (glitch)
Alice does not care if the cases are real or not.
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