retrocgads · 2 years
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UK 1985
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squeakygeeky · 2 years
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everygame · 2 months
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Mama Llama (Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story)
This post is for subscribers only! You can subscribe for just $1 a month at https://ko-fi.com/mathewkumar, but if you don’t fancy that, you can read or re-read my review of the release as a whole. And don’t forget there’s years of articles in our archive.
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bunnysisu · 6 months
my grandma has cancer again and my dad has a pinched nerve being pushed on by a herniated disc and my mom is depressed and my brother is a paranoid/mentally ill drug addicted punk ass bitch, and i start school again on monday. i am doing not so hot; i’ve been eating a lot of edibles and watching a lot of rick and morty.
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thatonedragongirl · 1 year
A fic where the Chain figures out that Wild’s Hyrule is the Now, and Wild’s Hyrule (and therefore Wild) is a culmination of everything the Chain has done
Enough of just Sky feeling guilty I want Warriors rethinking his life when he finds out Wild is his successor and when the worlds split up they in fact did not entirely split back up and now Wild is his fault
Gimme sum Hyrule fluff when he finds out the world gets healed or Time realizing the timeline divergence he made gets fixed
The Chain thinking through every thing they’ve done that may have affected Wild’s Hyrule while Wild’s asleep
It just makes Wild precious cuz he’s the result of everyone’s work
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pixelglam · 2 days
Hi! Do you mind showing us when your brindleton bay in your game and san myshuno? Thanks I love getting an inside look at your game.
Hello, I assume you mean the maps? Here you go!
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foxy-llama-mama · 2 years
one of these days i will explain the lore behind my url. today is not that day
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PRIMA PAGINA El Mundo di Oggi martedì, 10 settembre 2024
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Mama Llama Koozie
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Mama Llama Koozie
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majikz · 1 year
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A mood.
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pupuseriazag · 1 year
Hablando de como los papas no saben como regularle a sus hijos el contenido que ven en internet con mi compa me acorde de uno de los momentos mas graciosos con mi primito.
El man tenia como unos 13 (y hagan de cuenta que es un bicho de 2 metros y yo con mis humiles metro 53) y como todo cipote pendejo que crecio en el internet andaba metido en las creepypastas, especialmente las de .exe que hicieron boom de nuevo por el fnf vea.
Total que un dia salio la platica con el vea, y el me estaba contando que no se que creepypasta habia visto en youtube. Y yo siendo el adulto responsable (que ya paso por su etapa de creepypastas) le dije que son nomas historias de miedo que se inventa la gente pa asustar o entretener, que no te va a salir jeff the killer o la momo. Hasta le explique la foto de la tal momo era una estatua y que no se que otras fotos son ediciones que la gente ha hecho.
Y el man escuchandome vea, y de la nada solo me dice bien preocupado
"Zag... Entonces... No me van a venir a matar los .exe verda? 🥺"
Y en el MICRO segundo que tube para decirle no, solo se me vino a la cabeza la imagen de un icono de archivo ejecutable persiguiendo a este mastodonte Y CASI LA CAGO, CASI LA CAGO EN REIRME
y le dije que no vea que son solo historias o juegos editados para que parezcan embrujados... Y tambien explicarle que es un .exe porque este niño ni sabia que significaba en si que algo fuese .exe 💀💀💀
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retrocgads · 2 years
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UK 1985
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squeakygeeky · 8 days
My mother is currently decorating the windows for Halloween. It is September 16th.
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sculked · 2 years
some of you cannot draw animals
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beberexhaiku · 2 years
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5 posts!
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
I decided to dedicate a post to Mama Pampy! Who rarely gets the spotlight on this blog, because well-behaved llamas seldom make history... I mentioned yesterday that she's the matriarch of her little herd (for new followers: Pampelune aka Pampy is Pampe's mother and Poldine's grandma), but I didn't really go into what that entails. It means she's a precious help to me when it comes to curbing Pampe's fight for freedom, because she has the authority to call the other llamas back when they wander too far away from her.
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(Note that this didn't apply when Pampe was a teenager. Teen!Pampe obeyed her mother rarely and/or accidentally and thought nothing of wandering away all on her own. But ever since becoming an adult and having her own baby, she's slowly started paying more attention to Pampy's alarm sounds and other commands. She grudgingly accepted the bare minimum amount of responsibility required to keep her child alive.)
If the other two llamas wander off and Pampelune is able to follow, she'll follow in order to keep an eye on them; but conversely if you make sure Pampy can't follow, then the others won't stray too far. So I can let the llamas out to trim the grass around my house without haltering Pampe or Poldine; I just have to keep Pampy close to me. To no one's surprise, she keeps her eye on 1 llama in particular—
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If her daughter wanders too far, Pampy will utter a firm "muh!" and Pampe will reluctantly return. (It's more of a "moo", really, but since llama and cow languages are clearly not in the same family and probably don't have mutual intelligibility, I'll use different spellings so it's not confusing.)
Pampelune knows who is and isn't part of her herd. The hens are outside of her jurisdiction but Pirlouit is not—she doesn't talk to him, because he never muhs back, but she does spit on him sometimes which means he is an honourary llama to her (a dubious honour, if you ask Pirlouit) and she also quietly checks on him, especially when she's out of the pasture while he is stuck on the other side of the fence, alone.
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I hope this foray into llama herd dynamics isn't too boring; I'll add that I can't let Pirlouit free roam along with the llamas because he would follow Pampe if she starts wandering off, and Pampe loves having Followers. It immediately goes to her head and she'll often stop listening to her mum and trot away if she's managed to recruit disciples (that's also why Pandolf is not in these pictures. He's locked in the kitchen because he would not only follow Pampe but heartily encourage her to go somewhere. Pan is a rule-follower but within the realm of reason, i.e. if going for a walk is wrong then he doesn't want to be right.)
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Poldine following Pampe isn't a problem though, because she is very respectful of her grandma's authority, so if anything she's a good influence on Pampe. At some point she wandered a bit too far while grazing and a stern "muh!" was heard, and she immediately came back and stood at attention behind her chief.
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Her attitude with regards to her grandma / matriarch reminds me of this kid:
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It's not all work for Pampy, she does get to eat too, but always with one ear angled in the general direction of Pampérigouste.
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Meanwhile I read and have a glass of apéritif—llama outings usually happen in the evening as an extra precaution (you can never be too prudent when you let Pampe free roam)—the llamas don't like being out of their pasture at night, so they'll go home without a fuss when it starts to get dark.
Sorry for the poor quality, this is extra zoomed in, but I just realised I managed to capture one of our elusive cow neighbours in this one photo!
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One of the few advantages of an abnormally warm autumn is that the herds are still out... You can hear the clarines (cow bells) in the distance, it's such a peaceful sound. Besides the bells, evening bird calls and Pampy's disciplinary muhs, the only other sound is the occasional heart-wrenching braying from Pirlouit. Stuck in the pasture all alone. Deprived of grass, empty of hope, unloved. (He gets to go out for frequent donkey-only outings but that doesn't make the present unfairness of his situation sting any less apparently)
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Bringing everyone home when my apéritif is finished is quite easy, all I have to do is offer some muesli to Pampy. No matter where she is, Pampe's head will spring up, indignant.
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Pampelune isn't even really into muesli, she prefers fresh fruit peelings, but Pampe won't take any risks.
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(Pampe's nose is all scratched because she got very annoyed with flies last month and kept rubbing her face on things to remove them... Thankfully now that the nights are colder, she's finally rid of them!)
Once Pampe is back in the pasture I can let Pandolf out! He'll run a few circles around Poldine then escort her back home, not that she wouldn't follow the other llamas without any prompting, but you've got to let Pan be a sheepdog sometimes, he's so happy to contribute. Sometimes I even let Pirlouit out so that Pan can immediately bring him back in. Once all four animals are in the pasture he'll turn to me like "Everyone's home safely! Just before night! Thanks to me, Pandolf" and I'll make amazed noises at his excellent herding.
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