tswiftupdatess · 7 months
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There was a proposal tonight during champagne problems at The Eras Tour!
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chalamet-chalamet · 7 months
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Timothée arriving to rehearsal in LA for his upcoming Bob Dylan biopic ‘A Complete Unknown.’ (March 5, 2024). ✨✨✨
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Happy 4th Birthday to
“Becoming the World's Greatest DJs”
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lulublack90 · 7 months
Prompt 4 - Hair
@jegulus-microfic March 4 Word count 983
Previous part First part
It took them a week to figure out where the chamber was, and that was only because Pandora came floating in while they were arguing back and forth about where the entrance could be. 
“It has to be in the dungeons. That’s where the Common room is.” Evan had argued. 
“Yeah, but where could it be? It’s all classrooms down there.” Barty was getting frustrated at their lack of progress. Pandora had peered over at all the notes they had spread over the floor and said. 
“Oh, the entrance is in the second-floor girl’s bathroom.”
“Yeah, sure, it is Pandora.” Evan rolled his eyes at his sister. Pandora flicked around, her hair billowing behind her with the sharp movement. 
“There is a snake carved into the tap of the sink, and moaning Myrtle was killed the last time it was opened when Tom Riddle was at school.” They all stared at her. Regulus pulled out his mirror and flipped it open. 
“James, we think we’ve found it.”
So now that’s where they stood. Regulus, James, Sirius, Barty, Evan, Pandora and Lily. Seven people who had left Hogwarts years ago and who shouldn’t have had any reason to be in that bathroom. 
They all had some sort of blade made of goblin silver. Luckily, there were enough old families in the group that they managed to scrounge enough pieces. 
Sirius also had a small bag strapped to his hip. It had one of his expansion charms on it. They’d been down to Hagrid’s chicken coop and stolen two roosters. And put them in it. 
The trouble they were having now was that none of them spoke parseltongue, so they were having trouble getting the chamber to open. That’s when moaning Myrtle appeared. 
“Ooo, it’s the Black brothers.” She cooed. “What are they doing here with all their friends?” 
“Hi, Myrtle.” Sirius grinned at her with his best smile. It was one he’d used many times to get what he wanted. “We’re trying to get into the secret chamber but can’t seem to open it. Do you know how?” He twirled a lock of his hair around his finger as he batted his eyelashes at her. 
Regulus hadn’t known that ghosts could blush, but apparently, they could. Myrtle’s ghostly pallor brightened under Sirius’s gaze. 
“There was a boy right before I died. I think he opened it. He said something in another language.” She floated closer to Sirius. 
“Can you remember what he said? It’s very important, Myrtle.” Sirius asked, keeping his voice soft and husky. Myrtle glowed even brighter. She opened her mouth, and she let out a strange hiss. Immediately, the sink behind them started moving, and a sliding passageway was revealed. 
Sirius looked at the ghost with wide eyes. “Myrtle, you’re amazing.” He grinned a real grin this time and lifted a hand to cup her cheek. 
Apparently, ghosts could also swoon. They left Myrtle floating horizontally along the floor as they clambered down the chute, one by one. 
“I’m so telling Remus about that,” Regulus whispered to his brother once they safely made it to the ground. Sirius shrugged. 
“It’s for the good of the cause. He’ll understand. Beside’s, he’d have to see me to be mad at me anyway.” Regulus had touched on a sore spot, and he knew it. Fenrir had been very possessive of Remus, only letting him leave when Voldemort requested the Wolves at a meeting. 
Remus hadn’t looked great the last time Regulus saw him. He was skinny, and his clothes were tattered. He hadn’t said much about it when he’d come and stood with him, Barty and Evan. The other wolves were keeping a close eye on him.
Regulus, had a plan to get Remus away from the pack for a bit, but it would have to wait until after they fought the Basilisk.
“You okay, love?” James had come up behind him and wrapped an arm around his waist. Regulus let himself relax into James’s touch just for a second before he untangled them. 
“We need to get moving.” He said as he squeezed James’s hand. “Don't forget to either keep your eyes closed or make sure you don’t look into its eyes. If you do, you’ll be dead.” He raised his voice so the others could hear him. 
“Wow, great pep talk there, Reg. Really feeling confident after that.” Barty groaned at him. Sirius slapped him on the back before Regulus could say anything to him. 
“Come on, Crouch. If everything goes right down here, we’re going to be legends.” Barty turned to grin wickedly at Sirius. 
“Let’s go kill this bloody snake.” 
The group walked cautiously down the stone passageway. It was littered with bones, and there was no way of moving without the sound of cracking bones echoing off the walls. 
The passageway went on forever. Turning this way and that, before they came to a wall blocking their way emblazoned with two entwining serpents.
“How do we get through that then?” Lily asked, running her hand over the stone. 
“Probably the same as the sink,” Pandora moved to stand beside her and hissed the same way Myrtle had. The snakes began to move, and the wall split in two. It moved out of sight, leaving the way before them clear. 
The chamber finally opened up. They all paused on the edge, looking at the pillars, each with a snake carved into it. 
“This is it,” Regulus said, his voice barely a whisper. He looked into James’s eyes. “I love you.” James smiled down at him and ducked his head, kissing Regulus softly. 
The other couples followed suit. 
“Alright enough, or I’m going to feed myself to the Basilisk!” Sirius complained. The others pulled away from each other, looking sheepish. 
They walked forward into the middle of the chamber and watched as a statue of Salazar Slytherin slowly opened its mouth.        
Next part
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remembertheplunge · 7 days
March 4, 1988.  Friday
My God, whadda day. I never did make it to Sacramento. Instead, a drink turned LONG.
I hankered for a man. Not really the prettiest man, but, a man. Sam.  Who thumped me along side the head with a bible and then said—maybe—and “can we just be friends?” I said “yea”. Frankly, oddly, I’d prefer it—I’ll keep the LUST in my heart. I came out to Sam  at Sweetwaters. DAs were every where.It was a good bye party for one of them. RISK—SMILE.
Sam  said “gay is bad”. I said “Don’t try to save me.”
He attacked from many angles.
I emerge content and happy.
If the DAs or Sam  know or tell, (that I’m gay) what care I? Great night and life.
End of entry
Margin note to above:
June 15, 1990
The man at the Town House Bar asked  me “Are you happy with Life?” “Yes” I said, really feeling “yes”.
He said “I am, too.” really feeling “too." 
End of margin note
Notes 9/13/2024:
From what I recall about Sam (not his real name), he was very religious. Apparently he was taught in his church that gay was evil. And so, if I am remembering correctly, Sam told me that my being gay was wrong and evil on more than one occasion. This was despite the fact that I believe he, himself was gay. I haven’t heard from or of Sam  for decades now.
The Town House Bar was a gay bar in Sacramento, California. What the man at the Town House was asking me was “Are you happy being an out gay man?”
The DAs were Deputy District Attorneys. I was a Deputy Public Defender in 1988, so I would have known and worked closely with most or all of the DA’s in attendance.
RJ Sweetwaters  restaurant opened in the mid 1980’s in Modesto, California on 9th street. It closed in 2002 and the building  later burned down. It’s just a gravel lot now. 
I drive by that lot often on my way in and out of town and still see my  1986 good bye party taking place there. I was leaving the Public Defender’s office after working there two years.  Judges, DAs and Public Defenders came to the party. The office gave me a brief case as a good bye present which I still have.
I returned to the Public Defender's office in 1987, only to be fired in 1997 largely because on my return I had come out as gay and let people know  that I was working with and giving support to men living and dying wit AIDS. In 1997, there was no good bye party. No brief case good bye gift. . Just a boot out of the door. And, an unending story to tell. 
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newyorkthegoldenage · 7 months
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Children and mothers leaving an elementary school, Grand Concourse and East Tremont Avenue, the Bronx, March 4, 1929 (detail).
Photo: Al Ponte's Time Machine-NY, Facebook
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1rabbitdaily · 2 years
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🐇 Mar 4 2023
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typelikeagirl · 2 years
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cypherdecypher · 2 years
Animal of the Day!
Turtle Frog (Myobatrachus gouldii)
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(Photo by Brendan Schembri)
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Habitat- Western Australia
Size (Weight/Length)- 5 cm
Diet- Insects
Cool Facts- No. I’m not joking. This is a real animal. The short-legged turtle frog is found only in the arid desert of western Australia. Their legs allow them to dig through sand with ease, digging more like a turtle than an actual frog. Their tiny heads aren’t capable of snatching much up other than small insects. Turtle frogs are capable of breaking into termite mounds and gobbling up thousands in a single sitting. Mating season occurs with the rainy season in which eggs are deposited deep inside water filled burrows. Like most of Australia’s amphibians, the turtle frog is threatened by invasive species and chytrid fungus.
Rating- 13/10 (Chewed up piece of gum: the frog.)
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chic-a-gigot · 7 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 9, 4 mars 1899, Paris. No. 1. — Toilette de jeune femme, toilette de promenades et toilette de jeune fille. Bibliothèque nationale de France
(1) Toilette de jeune femme, en serge bleu marine. Jupe très étroite garnie de huit ganses dans le bas. Corsage entièrement gansé avec empiècement et col en velours rouge, crevé sur le côté ouvrant sur un biais de velours rouge avec motifs de passementerie bleue, manches avec trois plis dans le haut, ceinture bleu marine.
(1) Young woman's ensemble, in navy blue serge. Very narrow skirt trimmed with eight braids at the bottom. Fully braided bodice with red velvet yoke and collar, slashed on the side opening onto a red velvet bias with blue trimmings, sleeves with three pleats at the top, navy blue belt.
Matériaux: 7 mètres serge en 100.
(2) Toilette de promenade en drap léger noir. Jupe très plate et unie, corsage également plat avec empiècement et gilet en mousseline de soie noire plissée, bretelles de velours vert gris, ceinture verte, col noir, manches unies.
(2) Walking ensemble in light black cloth. Very flat and plain skirt, equally flat bodice with pleated black silk chiffon yoke and waistcoat, gray green velvet straps, green belt, black collar, plain sleeves.
Matériaux: 5m,50 drap.
(3) Toilette de jeune fille en drap léger beige formant polonaise, fermée sur le côté par des boutons. de cristal, avec empiècement de velours cerise rehaussé d'une berthe en forme, en velours recouvert de guipure, ceinture cerise, manches unies.
(3) Young girl's ensemble in light beige cloth forming a Polish shape, closed on the side with buttons. crystal, with cherry velvet yoke enhanced with a shaped berthe, in velvet covered with guipure, cherry belt, plain sleeves.
Matériaux: 5m,50 drap.
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tswiftupdatess · 7 months
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Tonight's surprise songs are:
Foolish One x Tell Me Why 🎸
This Love x Call It What You Want 🎹
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musickickztoo · 7 months
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Richard Manuel  
April 3, 1943 – March 4, 1986
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fictional-birthdays · 7 months
Happy Birthday, Hanamaru Kunikida! (Love Live)
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todaysdocument · 7 months
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Memorandum for the Record Authored by Andrew J. Goodpaster
Collection DDE-WHOSS: White House Office, Office of the Staff Secretary: Records of Paul T. Carroll, Andrew J. Goodpaster, L. Arthur Minnich, and Christopher H. RussellSeries: Alphabetical Subject FilesFile Unit: Intelligence Matters (9)
[stamped and struck through at top and bottom of page] TOP SECRET [/stamped and struck through at top and bottom of page] March 4, 1959 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD: The the President's request, I advised General Twining that the President has decided to disapprove any additional special flights by the U-2 unit in the present abnormally tense circumstances. A. J. Goodpaster Brigadier General, USA [stamped on right margin] The Dwight D. Eisenhower Library [/stamped on right margin] [stamped on lower right margin] DECLASSIFIED E.O. 12065, Sec. 3-204 MR 78-44 #18 By DJH Date 12/12/80 [stamped on lower right margin
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kelseadaily · 7 months
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March 4, 2024
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Happy 3rd Birthday to
“Becoming the World's Greatest DJs”
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