#MCI Victims
shinewonder · 1 year
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The trailer
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sticcmann · 1 year
Real footage of spring lock failure
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trialserrors · 9 months
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unwilling union, melded together
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inujous · 4 months
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A boy and his friends!
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redfoxx567 · 2 months
The Crying Child is Golden Freddy (FNAF):
Why is Golden Freddy always depicted as ‘different’ from the other animatronics? What makes Golden Freddy so special?
This animatronic has always been different from the other animatronics, and it’s difficult to understand exactly why.
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In the ‘Give Gifts’ mini game from FNAF 2, the Puppet didn’t give the Golden Freddy kid the animatronic suit. Perhaps the kid possessed Golden Freddy in a different manner.
If the Golden Freddy kid is no different than the other MCI, just another victim of Afton’s then why go through all the trouble to make him different?
The Crying Child from FNAF 4 seems to be the only kid who died in a different way from the other children. He had an entire game played from his perspective. He had many connections to Golden Freddy scattered throughout the games.
Ofc there are some arguments against Crying Child being the 5th victim but he does seem to have a connection to Fredbear.
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redfoxdude07 · 5 months
I ran out of options, so if you have some other opinions shove it in the reblogs
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omghispook · 2 years
FNaF: Don't you remember what you saw? An Analysis of FNaF 4's Plushies
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Unfortunately for us, the topic of what the Bite Victim could've "seen" depends on what the Fredbear plush is, so I can't simply discuss one without trying to convince you on the other.
Simply put, if the Fredbear plush is in the Bite Victim's imagination, then there's no proof he actually saw anything horrific, and thus he probably just saw something innocent and mistook it for a terrifying event that traumatized him. However, if the Fredbear plush is, say, a spirit, which is evidently omniscient and would have no reason to lie to the Bite Victim about the dangers of the restaurant, then it's clear the Bite Victim does have good reason to be afraid.
I am of the belief that the Bite Victim saw the MCI, and that the Fredbear plush is the Fredbear child, Cassidy.
First, let's talk about whether the plush's dialogue is in the kid's head, or if it's coming from a spirit of some kind. Unfortunately, the idea that it's imaginary is kind of unfalsifiable, isn't it? I mean, anything can be imagined. I can sit here and rattle off examples of things the plush does that it's unlikely the kid would imagine - and I will do that - but there's nothing that's impossible for a child's overactive paranoid imagination to come up with.
So instead of asking whether it's possible for the kid to imagine these things, I say we should ask, if Scott wanted to convey that this was not the kid's imagination, what could he have done?
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The most famous thing that the Fredbear plush does that seems to be impossible for an imaginary friend is guess where the Foxy Bro is hiding. Now, his actual guess is just saying "Over there" after you've walked a predetermined number of footsteps, not like, "Behind the TV" or anything, so the line of dialogue can occur anywhere in the house. However, it's still a confident guess.
The other counterargument is that the Bite Victim could have simply known where his older brother was hiding, since they're brothers, and they're bound to know each other quite well. But then, why not tell the brother "Hey, I know you're behind the TV"? Why even walk over there in the first place? Why would it be a jumpscare if the character knew exactly what was going to happen?
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Three days before the party, the Bite Victim is seen hiding under a table and crying, while the Fredbear plush is trying to convince him to get up and run towards the exit. All the kid wants to do is sit there and cry, and it takes a couple of attempts for the Fredbear plush to actually persuade the Bite Victim to get up and run towards the exit.
In this moment, it appears that the two are clearly separate entities, with separate wills, and separate personalities.
Then, in that same mini-game, the Bite Victim is forced to walk past two shadows on the wall, which he's afraid of.
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The Fredbear plush's reaction to the shadows vs the Fredbear employee seems to indicate a more nuanced understanding than the Bite Victim has, or could reasonably imagine a separate entity to have. With the Fredbear employee, the Fredbear plush knows with certainty that he's a danger, more so than the Bite Victim seems to understand, and he needs to get away, NOW. But with the shadows, it's a different story - the Fredbear plush is empathetic to his fears, but doesn't share them. The Fredbear plush doesn't consider the shadows a danger as much as something that the Bite Victim needs to overcome for the sake of his own safety from the actual threat.
This is, to me, the biggest instance of them being separated.
Now, of course, all of these things can be imagined. The Bite Victim is mentally capable of imagining an imaginary friend plushie that predicts where the older brother is with a vague "Over there," that tells him he needs to be brave and leave the restaurant, and that doesn't share his fears of the shadows on the wall.
However, if Scott wanted to convey to us that this was more than just an imaginary friend, what exactly could he have done? Guessing where a character is hiding, having to convince our main character to do something that he doesn't want to, and not sharing the more paranoid of his fears definitely seems like the way to go to make it seem unlikely, but again, not impossible, because the main version of ImaginaryPlush is unfalsifiable.
But we can get closer.
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The plushies as a whole play an integral part in FNaF 4.
They appear next to the Bite Victim as he dies, and disappear one by one as the beige-texted entity says their iconic speech. A speech that includes the line, "We are still your friends."
The only other time these plushies appear is in the beginning, when the Bite Victim says, of them, "These are my friends."
So it seems that when the entity I believe to be the Puppet says, "We are still your friends," the "we" is referring to the plushies, but more so than that, both times, they're not really talking about the plushies. The missing children were - and still are - the Bite Victim's friends. When the Bite Victim says "These are my friends," he's talking literally about how Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy are possessed by his friends, who were wrongfully murdered in 1983.
This is relevant because it tells us that not only is the Fredbear plush representing the Fazbear Entertainment character Fredbear, but it's specifically representing Fredbear from FNaF 1.
The plushies as a group represent the FNaF 1 animatronics. There's Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Fredbear, but no Spring Bonnie, just like FNaF 1, Foxy is missing his head, (which could tie into him being "out of order" in FNaF 1,) and Fredbear can, well, teleport.
So these plushies are representing the specific animatronics that the missing children were stuffed into, and the children themselves.
Ergo, the Fredbear plush would represent Cassidy, as opposed to just being a vessel for any character to talk through who just so happens to look like Fredbear. This makes it extremely likely that the Fredbear plush is Cassidy, since it would be strange otherwise, especially if Cassidy were still alive.
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The teleportation in particular is damning to me. Famously, in the first FNaF, Golden Freddy could teleport through doors. And the Fredbear plush seems to be able to do the same thing, moving from room to room and not always being in the same place in the different mini-games where you roam the house. Either there's a dozen of them hidden around town, or he's following you, and the other parallels between these plushies and the FNaF 1 animatronics support the teleportation theory at least being the intention in 4.
And if that's the case, and the Bite Victim is simply imagining that the Fredbear plush moves around, then doesn't that require him to be predicting the future? Predicting that Cassidy will teleport circa '93?
The fact that it can teleport is not only a hint towards it being Cassidy - and a weirdly-placed one if CassidyPlush isn't true - but it narrows out some options like Charlie. We've never seen any other ghost simply decide to inhabit a specific object to talk to a person, except arguably the Logbook, but that's... complicated.
In fact:
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This helpful theory image created by Reddit user, uh, me, shows a pattern with Golden Freddy's appearance: he always looks like the current state the other robots are in, despite being a ghost.
When all the animatronics are in repair in FNaF 1, so is Fredbear, yet when the Fazbear band is withered and broken down in FNaF 2, so is Fredbear. And he even appears as a Funtime endoskeleton in SL. What's happening here is probably not that the physical Fredbear suit that Cassidy's body is stuffed into is actually in better condition in '93 than in '87. It's more likely that the Fredbear ghost has the ability to adapt to the state of the other animatronics.
And, thusly, it would make sense that if the Fredbear ghost were then to appear admits a bunch of plushies of those animatronics, he would (or at least could) appear as a plushie.
To summarize thus far:
Because of Foxy being "out of order," the lack of Spring Bonnie, and Fredbear's ability to teleport, the FNaF 4 plushies don't just represent the Fazbear Entertainment characters, but specifically the animatronics from FNaF 1.
Because of the "We are still your friends" / "These are my friends" connection, it is likely that the plushies represent other spirits, friends of the Bite Victim, i.e. the MCI kids.
Fredbear's ability to teleport is either something that the kid somehow predicts in 1983, or is a sign that it's an actual ghost, specifically Cassidy, using this ability we know she has.
And all of that makes this even more damning:
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In the Logbook, Cassidy says "Does he still talk to you?" next to a picture of the Fredbear plush.
This page has been used by Team ImaginaryPlush in two major ways. First, the page outright asks Michael to write about if he had a stuffed animal he took with him everywhere, or an imaginary friend. But to me, this reads as a misdirect; Fazbear Entertainment has one idea of what happened, but Cassidy knows the truth.
Second, if Cassidy were the Fredbear plush, why would she need to ask? Well, it's a rhetorical question, as are most of the questions in the Logbook. "The party was for you" makes it clear she knows who she's talking to, and thus probably knows the answers to questions like "Do you have dreams?" or "Do you remember your name?"
Now, I haven't quite figured out the Logbook, but to me it's pretty clear this doesn't prove ImaginaryPlush.
However, it does know that Cassidy knew that the Fredbear plush spoke to the Bite Victim. There are two ways she could know this, one of which I think is the case:
She is the Fredbear plush.
She was alive and the Bite Victim's friend when the plush started speaking to him, and he told her about it.
I'll give you 72 hours to guess which one I think is true.
The problem with the second possibility is the evidence we discussed before that the plushies are at least metaphorically the Bite Victim's friends / the MCI victims, so... why would the Bite Victim have a toy that represents those friends if they're still alive? Hell, why would the line "We are still your friends?" even need to be said if the kids are all still alive? Just, "Even though you're dying, we're not going to stop being your friend?" That would be... strange, to say the least.
There's a number of other issues I take with MCI85, and the StitchlineGamers are going to be real angry with me for this entire post, but that's not what I want to discuss.
It sort of goes without saying that the plushies representing the missing children kind of implies they're already missing, and I've already provided a bunch of evidence that that's the case. So how would one of said children know about the plushies speaking to the Bite Victim if it weren't the one speaking itself?
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Now that I've proven CassidyPlush to the best of my ability, let's switch back to what this post was supposed to be about: what the Bite Victim saw. Yeah, that's right, that entire explanation of Cassidy being the Fredbear plush was a side-tangent. We're doomed.
Given what we've already discussed, the answer is obvious: he saw the MCI, the June 26th incident, the murder of the spirits that call themselves his friends in the final cutscene represented by plushies.
This warning, "Don't you remember what you saw?" and "You know what will happen if he catches you," is real, and it's coming from a spirit who was murdered by an employee in a spring-lock costume. Truly, it isn't just a misunderstanding about something innocent he saw in the Shadows, since there would be no reason to lie.
Different theorists have used "process of elimination" on this topic to come to every individual conclusion, to a point where it sort of just depends on which order you eliminate the possibilities, but to me the fact that it prompted a fear of the spring-lock suits is what narrows it down the most. Charlie's death wouldn't have done that. And even something like a spring-lock failure wouldn't cause Cassidy to tell him it was genuinely something to worry about.
No. The Bite Victim saw the MCI. Now, the fact that he saw it at Freddy's let the bulk of the game takes place at Fredbear's may be a little weird of an assumption, but that's what FNaF 4 is all about.
I'll end on this note:
Why was the Bite Victim so scared to be in a back room?
We know he's extra scared because we have no control of him, he's screaming to be let out, he collapses in fear with no "Tomorrow is another day" to be heard, and this is the only time in the game he speaks beyond "These are my friends."
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Whether there's actually a child stuffed into that spring-lock suit is a debate for another day, but could it be that the child is afraid to be locked in a back room, because the thing that he saw that scarred him happened in a back room?
Take care, ~Spook
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eggs-can-draw · 10 months
Shuichi going back in time to experience the horrors his father did is so real. Maybe he even prevents a lot of the murders by the power of little guy swag.
Or he’s forced into an observer role for a terror he knows he could’ve prevented :]
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nicheposting again but people who believe in stitchlinegames and andrewtoysnhk have to be the dumbest fucking people on earth. "hEs A sEcReT 6tH vIcTiM oF tHe MiSsInG kIdS iNcIdEnT" THATS SO FUCKING STUPID PLEASE SHUT UP!!!!!
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shinewonder · 1 year
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1- balloons, 2- put the birthday boy back together, 3- cake, 4- the gift, 5- the guests, 6- rest
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daandyli0n · 5 months
alright Fnaf fans, ask game time:
Send Some Emojis For Headcanons About -
🐰🔪 (William Afton)
🐇❔(Mrs. Afton/Afton Mom)
🧟‍♂️ (Michael Afton)
🍦(Elizabeth Afton)
🧸 (Crying Child)
🐻🛠 (Henry Emily)
🐻❔ (Mrs. Emily)
🎭 (Charlotte "Charlie" Emily)
❓ (Samuel "Sammy" Emily)
📞 (Phone Guy and/or Phone Dude)
🌙 (Nightguards; can be all or just one)
🎂 (the MCI victims)
🔦 (Gregory)
🐺 (Cassie)
🐰🩸 (Vanessa/Vanny)
🎭🔪 ("Take Cake to the Children"/Security Puppet/Charlie's Murder)
🐇🎂 (The MCI)
🎭🎁 ("Give Gifts, Give Life")
🐻🎭 ("SAVE THEM")
🌙🚗 (Midnight Motorist)
🤡🍦 (Elizabeth's Death)
⁉️ (The Bite of '87)
🎃 (the first 7 Fnaf games; when did they happen? where in the lore do they take place?)
🤖🪓 (Fnaf 3 End of Night Minigames)
🐰🔥 (what happened in the aftermath of the Fnaf 3 fire?)
📼🔥 (what happened in the aftermath of the Pizzeria Simulator fire?)
📂📼 (Help Wanted: when does it happen? who's the protagonist?)
🕺🎤 (Security Breach + Ruin: when do they happen? what led up to them?)
🐰👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 (the Afton Family; what were they like?)
🐻👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 (the Emily Family; what were they like)
🎂👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 (the MCI's Families; what were they like?)
🤖🌞 (what were the animatronics like during the day? what were their "personalities," so to speak?)
😈❓(what was Afton's motive? why did he do what he did?)
📖 (what's the general timeline? this can be as elaborate as you want)
📚 (how much Book Lore do you intertwine with the game lore?)
📰 (how major were the scandals at Freddy's? were they swept under the rug pretty well, or were they well known and unavoidable?)
😇🐻 (was Henry a pretty good person, or did he Also suck in his own way?)
🐻📰 (how did Henry discover what William had done?)
🎂🫂 (did the MCI (and possibly Charlie) know each other before death? how well did they get along after they died?)
👻🐇 (who is the Vengeful Spirit/"The One You Should Not Have Killed," and why are they so pissed off at William? what had he done to them?)
🍬 (random headcanon of your choice)
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cavity-collector · 29 days
not including anything from after fnaf 6 bcz i honestly have no clue who any of the new ones are lmao. also not including book-only characters.
sorry for grouping all the MCI victims into one option 😭 theres too many of them. not including the possible DCI victims either because we know nothing about them.
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*it's literally just. an assumption. based on "we know she's possessing golden freddy in the logbook" and "andrew in fazbear frights maaaaybe parallel???" and yet the entire fanbase is like "this is canon tho. angry little girls are epic" (which. true, but)
EDIT: on the mike one meant to say "three weeks for body to skeletize" so how the hell is this man still walkin. does he have just some super sweet glue and is a walkin skeleton or
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puhpandas · 11 months
Garrett theory:
so you know how serial killers can be sentimental in a way? like theyll keep a trophy of their kill? i think thats why William kept Garretts plane.
why? i personally think that Garrett was Williams first kill. like ever. its so far from the Pizzeria. its in a random camping spot in the woods. it was so sudden. like it was a spur of the moment thing. he saw the opportunity and just. did it
and then we went as far as to keep the kids toy and give it to his own daughter. its horrible
but its JUST like Charlie Emily. im an Evan Afton was the first death believer, but Charlie can just as easily be. no matter what, Charlie was Williams first murder, and then he kept going.
with that in mind, lets look at the fact that Golden Freddy is inhabited by TOYSNHK. aka the movieverse Cassidy. that slot is filled.
Its Me appeared on the mirror in front of Mike. the puppets music box played during the credits. immediately after 'COME FIND ME' is spelled out with the fnaf 2 minigame robotic letters.
mike himself even said Garrett felt closer in the pizzeria! theres a lot of evidence right now pointing towards Garrett being the puppet. he was the first kill. the first before the MCI, like Charlie
not to mention how the Schmidts seem to be replacing the Emilys in a way. the family name vs family name type thing. dont forget theres also that theory of mikes dad being Henry.
but back to my other point about Evan and Charlie, and how either of them could be the first based on what you believe, it still counts. garrett takes both evan AND charlies roles in the story. like how Vanessa takes Vannys and Michael Aftons. Like Mike schmidt takes michael aftons but also the story of an innocent family who are victims of williams killings by losing a loved one.
Garrett is both the lost first kill of the 'good' family of the story (the emilys in gameverse), AND he has the role of Evan with mike, with mikes guilt and the idea that he can avenge him or save him in a way. hes the Its Me. hes the puppet
(the family (afton + schmidt) duality also works because of the symmetry theme in the movie. also Garrett would be two game characters combined, also applying. just like how the characters i mentioned above also have combinations of two game characters as their own)
anyway this universe is super intriguing and awesome and i cant wait to see what theyre gonna do next
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redfoxx567 · 2 months
For the game FNAF |
Arguing for Cassidy being the 5th Victim and expanding on Dual Process Theory’s theory:
The news articles (there are four) in the game states that the five victims were lured to a back room by a man in a mascot costume, and that this is to be treated as a fact.
So how can the Bite Victim be the 5th victim if he wasn’t ‘lured’ but taken away by William?
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This article is very vague. The five were simply ‘linked’ to the incident, and not necessarily all were lured in the same way. It is still possible that the Bite Victim (Cassidy/ Evan) is the 5th victim.
Some use the article to try to debunk this theory but it’s a little vague.
Trying to debate for the BV5th theory because it’s gaining popularity.
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Bolts4Brains update:
After listening to Paranormal Powerhouse over and over, I went back to Bolts4Brains and realized over overmixed it was.
So I'm redoing all of it lol.
Like the first pancake of the batch.
Dw, it's not gonna be drastically different, just better composed, because I'm not juggling WAV files from Deflemask with Midi files on my DAW, on top of my vocal recordings.
Speaking of vocals, here's a few I just redid.
You might notice I have a thing for singing in chunky chords like it's the 40s, and sometimes with a silly voice.
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Icr if I posted these here either, but these are the Funtime Victims for my canon. (It's not an AU if every Fnaf experience is personalized.)
I don't care how much evidence suggests Molten MCI, Funtime Victims is a narratively better move imo. I could MAYBE settle for Motlen DCI, but not MCI. It just takes away from the individuality from the characters. Both the robots and ghosts. There's a lot of room for psychological/emotional complexity with just the tronics, (not just the Glamrocks,) and the way I've seen it, Molten MCI portrays them more like caged animals. Like the fusion experiments from Steven Universe. (Shshsh about the Puppet line) But I'm also a fnaf veteran who grew up with "Springtrap and Mangle," Tony Crynights animations, Rebornica comic dubs, Bonnie got no iPhone, ect. We don't talk about Springtrap and Deliah.
Also check out this photo I found on Pinterest that my friend said looks like Dawko from the side.
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