#MCSM Jesse female
lucygriefer · 9 months
Storycraft AU
I finally managed to find these Storycraft AU pieces that I made like 2 maybe 3 or so years ago. I don't remember the exact year that I made these. I originally uploaded them onto Amino, then mostly stopped using it. When I tried to find these pieces I had to download the Amino app again because the website isn't the greatest and wouldn't let me scroll all the way down. Anyways here's all the pieces that I've made for this MCSM UT AU.
Plus these pieces show how I use to do the legs when drawing MCSM characters. Back then wen doing MCSM characters I gave them normal upper bodies, while making their legs blocky, to have them sort of fit into the Minecraft world.
The Fallen Child, the ghost of the fallen first fallen child, and the flower that takes over the role of Flowey. The 7th child, and determination soul is Aiden, The first fallen child is Cassie Rose. I don't remember who I decided to have take over the role of Flowey.
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The next piece I made was of who took over the role of Sans and Papyrus. I decided to go with both of them being Jesse. Since in the game you can pick between playing as either a male or a female. Jess (female Jesse) takes over the role of Sans, while Jesse (male Jesse) takes over the role of Papyrus. There is also Ruben (I always spell his name wrong.) that becomes an ice pig and gains ice magic. You can also see Olivia and Aiden in the picture of the background. Everyone in the Undergound aren't completely human. While looking human everyone has different features. For example Jesse and Jess are part zombie/skeleton. While it isn't visible here, the two of them don't have internal organs from the neck down. Magic taking over when it comes to eating and digesting the food that they eat.
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Then there was Petra, who took over the role as captain of the royal guard. She is also part snake. To help with show when she's using things like green magic.
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Then finally there's this piece that I made. Over on Amino I wasn't the only one to create a MCSM UT AU. Another person created their own version and I decided to make this piece for fun. Of the character from MinecraftTale (that's the name they decided to call the AU), where they had Romeo as the character that took over Sans' role while Jesse was the 7th human soul. With Cassie Rose also being the first human soul. I never got to finish this one as I was working on it on an old device. So I gotta try and see if I can find it in a could folder so I can transfer the W.I.P piece over and see if I can finish it.
When the two encounter each other their both very confused. As MinecraftTale thinks Jess is the human he fights, while Jess thinks MinecraftTale Romeo is king Romeo using some type of magic to not be easily spotted right away.
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capsyst · 8 days
Here’s a breakdown of my animation.
Once I created the cave set in 3D, I retextured all of the blocks to be a wireframe so I could more easily keep the proportions correct as the camera moved through the scene. I began with a simple box person body. Not only did this help me make sure the proportions were correct but the different angles and sides of the character helped me eventually keep the characters features in the right places later. It’s very rough, but it was a good indication that I was on the right track.
Then began the tedious process of refining the animation. I did a new pass over the original animation with all the features of the character. It’s more detailed, but it’s just as rough in a lot of ways. I wasn’t trying to ensure elements were consistent frame to frame, so you can see a lot of the linework is very wobbly and inconsistent.
Once that was done I went back and did a cleanup phase. This helped smooth out all those inconsistencies and I worked on making sure the animation was smooth and flowed nicely. This became the basis for the final inks and color.
When I’d gotten far enough into working on the scene I went back to the 3D model and rendered it out in multiple passes. I did a flat lighting pass which you see here, and then a shadow pass. I combined the two in Premiere, added some color adjustments and then rendered it out to be used as the background for the final product.
I imported the finished rendered background into Procreate Dreams and began the final coloring. I’d already previously decided on the desaturated colors that would make them fit in this cave environment, so coloring was actually a breeze.
The final two elements that really brought it all together was a shadow layer and a glow layer for the torch. The shadow layer was tricky, but it definitely helps make it seem like the character is interacting with the environment.
As previously mentioned I thought I was going to import this into Procreate and animate it there since I like the Animation Assist tool in Procreate more than I do with how Dreams works. But ultimately because so much of this animation was tied to the movement of the camera I ended up animating ALL of this in Procreate Dream.
I’m really proud of my work here. If there’s anything you wanna learn more about how I worked or anything please feel free to ask, I’d be more than happy to talk about the process more!
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fintrafeatherfall · 18 days
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she’s like ouppy dog to me
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tivix · 3 months
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zhezhy · 4 months
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These are not his kids.
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artymcartist · 3 months
Quick question: If the MCSM gang decided to get drunk, how do you think they would act while under the influence?
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No idea honestly, I thought about it for a while after you sent your ask in! Except Ivor and Petra, locked right in with those lol
Would love to hear other people's ideas lol
Cannot believe my first colored drawing of them all together is of them drunk....... GAHAHA
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deadbeatbug · 4 months
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I've been so busy these past few weeks so sorry it's a little late TwT
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wantart1 · 2 days
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Guys guess who loves minecraft and is a loser? (Hint: It's me) I love Petra. Pretty woman please, please save me pretty woman.
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I hate them so much guys I hope they explode soon /j
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silentbeaves · 1 day
Models used:
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linaspocket · 2 months
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Portal arc gang in my style 🫡🙏
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22bananapudding · 24 days
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shrimponi · 2 months
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hi mcsm fandom i miss the game so bad
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capsyst · 9 days
Here’s my second big Procreate Dreams animation! Really challenged myself hard with this one!
Remember that storyboard I did for a Minecraft character meeting the Warden? The beginning of the storyboard involved several shots showing the character running away from mobs until they reached an area the mobs wouldn’t step foot into. I decided to make that chase scene into one continuous shot.
I modeled up a cave in a 3D animation program and moved the camera around to what I hoped would be an appropriate path. Once rendered I imported this into Procreate Dreams and began animating on top of it, using a grid to be my guidelines to help me keep the character proportional.
After a rough animation was done, I went back and refined it. Then I inked and colored it. Finally I added a shadow layer on top and a glow layer for the torch. Took me about half a month (15 days) to complete.
I’m really proud of this one. I thought I would animate it in Procreate like I did the last one, but because of the nature of needing to match the art with the background I found it was much easier to just animate it entirely in Dreams.
I’ll post a breakdown later when I have a chance.
Hope you fellow Minecraft Story Mode fans enjoy this!
(Fun little fact, all of the sound effects are from Minecraft.)
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fintrafeatherfall · 2 months
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momentary heart to heart
sorry for joining the mcsm fandom then disappearing for two weeks to cook up my first full on colored comic outside of zine work, the wither storm possessed me momentarily
IN ALL SERIOUSNESS THOUGH this was intended to be just a practice on my block-y/minecraft/chibi????? style thing???? and then I just went super hard on it for no reason, literally was not even intending to color it when I first thought this up LMFAO
ANYWAYS the concept here is that this is a sort of “missing scene” type deal, I’d like to think they stayed in Crown Mesa for a day or two to recover before going back through the portal after all the PAMA chaos. The added horror of PAMAs chipping doing physical damage besides just the chipping of their minds is a really interesting concept to me so there will definitely be more of that !!!! but there’d be some physical AND mental healing Lukas and Petra would need before heading off again me thinks. even if Petra is stubborn about receiving the help at first…
ALSO APOLOGIES IF ANY OF THE DIALOGUE IS OOC AT ALL? I’m not remotely a writer despite loving to make comics, dialogue is what I struggle with most, and I’ve been mostly writing dialogue between the same two characters for like. 4 years now so branching off into other wildly different personalities is gonna be a learning curve bear with me LMAO
ALSO HERES THE PANELS SEPARATED TOO!! I’m an instagram artist by heart so I always like. subconsciously layout my comics for instagrams shitass cropping LMFAO
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tivix · 28 days
mini compilation of ivor and jessie
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shield of infinity
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дед и внучка мастера дипломатии.мп4
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shiningnightstars · 4 months
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happy pride month mcsm fandom
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