dailykugisaki · 7 months
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Day Thirty-five | id in alt
Not Kugisaki's fault for Megumi existing tbh.
Kugisaki almost always has a physically violent reaction too it's so funny.
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forellasket · 25 days
hi!! what about like a body swap w the jjk guys wouldnt that be fun. like a curse with a weird technique got to us and blah blah (you can wrote whoeverr but megumi would be nice <3)
JJK Boys React to:
Body Swap CT!!
ok first off i just wanna say that he would need a factory reset after realizing what happened
megumi would look at you, then down at himself, then back at you about a thousand times
it feels weird being in someone else’s skin, he would try not to let it show how uncomfortable he would feel
he really doesn’t know what to do with himself. it’s not even a matter of trying to respect your body since it’s his for the time being
he just loathes the feeling of invading it
that is…
until he notices that his— no, your body gets all hot and fluttery when he’s around you
it’s strange. why is he getting flustered by his own face? it’ll eventually click that it’s just your body’s instinct to get nervous around him
now he can only stand there and wonder what his body is doing to you
oh boy.
my only words of wisdom in this situation are good luck.
right off the bat when he realizes he’s not in his own body anymore, he loses his shit
if you’re a woman, he 100% feels the need to touch his chest. having boobs is crazy
he’s known for being a reckless dude so when he’s running around in your body, expect to have several unknown bruises
i feel like he’d try to do shit he normally does and forget that he doesn’t have his usual heightened abilities and then whine when he hurts himself, or technically you
he’ll apologize profusely for the damage done, and start going on and on about how you can beat him up when you guys switch back
he’ll just flirt with you/himself the whole time. that’s it. he’ll compliment your beautiful new blue eyes or how tall you’ve become over night.
he’s makes those “looking in a mirror” jokes and thinks he’s the funniest person alive.
spoiler alert; he isn’t.
this time it’s your turn to fuck up
he literally speaks in ingredients, and you don’t.
straight off the bat you start freaking out and talking like you usually do and the poor people around you suffer for it
also inumaki, his throat is gonna hurt REAL bad
but now he’s embracing his inner american with the freedom of speech!! 🦅🇺🇸🔥
he abuses the fact that he can talk normally for once without drawbacks and he YAPS
all day
to anyone willing to listen
that’s not to say he isn’t still quiet though, you’ll strain yourself trying to hear him
he gets real sad when you guys swap back
oh he’s so respectful about it.
keeps reassuring you all day that everything will be fine— although it’s a little awkward trying to comfort himself…
he’s definitely stiff as hell with everything he does, similar to megumi
bro goes into robot mode, and is so uncomfortable
literally doesn’t know how to take care of your body because anything and everything feels illegal
he can’t eat or drink because then he’ll have to go to the bathroom, and that’s an invasion of privacy
but he can’t let your body starve so then what
the man is stressed
he spends a lot of time silently panicking and trying to swap yall back
here lies nanami kento R.I.P 🪦
this one is solely for shits and giggles.
if you’re not a tall woman with a big ass, he spends the whole time complaining. that’s it pt. 2
i’m so deadass he whines the whole time about how he misses his body and that this sucks and he’d much prefer he’d gotten to swap with takada
and blah blah blah
he’s so nervous
it feels wrong
he’s not worried about his body, just yours
he’s not worried about how he feels, just how you feel
he’s trying to make sure you’re okay, but it’s weird talking to you when you’re wearing his face
and vice versa
you can’t really feel comforted when you’re looking down at yourself having a panic attack
you two feed on each other’s nervous energies and eventually descend into madness
i feel bad for everyone who has to take care of you during this
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satorusugurugurl · 18 days
The Leisure Streamer is a Hottie (Chapter Two)
Summary: Rumor had it the top donor of the-strongest-streamers chats get to see him naked! Now that you're the top donor will you get to see the goods or was it just a rumor. Time will tell.
Pairing: Streamer!Gojo x FAB!Reader
Warnings: language, suggestiveness, fluff
A/N: Part two of the highly requested LSIH!! This will probably be a four part series, maybe five IDK yet!! 💚💚💚
Part One
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Voices were muffled as someone gently tapped your cheek. Nausea swirled in your stomach as you felt your eyes and eyebrows twitch as you stirred. “Hey! Come on! Wake up!” Suguru? Your new boss was calling your name.
“She saw Gojo’s face; I would pass out too if I had to see his pasty ass.”
“Fuck you, Sukuna.” Satoru snapped as you slowly opened your eyes. “Hey! Good morning!”
As you turned your head towards Gojo’s voice, you blinked slowly, making out his shape. He was standing at the edge of the couch, grinning as he elevated your legs up. Seeing him like that had your face turning red as you glanced around. Having your favorite streamer elevate your legs was the least embarrassing thing that has happened thus far.
Suguru was crotched next to you, and the whole damn shop's employees circled the couch you were lying down on, watching you.
“Yuuji, go grab her a glass of juice.” Geto stands up as Gojo lowers your feet, resting them on the cushions. “Megumi, Nobara, can you make her a sandwich to go with it?”
“On it, boss!”
The trio heads to the kitchen as Gojo hurries to your side, helping you slowly sit up. “I am so sorry.” You utter out, looking up at the six-three man who smiles, bangs falling in his face.
“Please don't apologize; I'm glad I was there to catch you.” He glanced at his phone, grinning wide. “Sorry, I need to take this call, Satoru—” bright blue eyes leave your face for a second, “make sure she eats and drinks the food; it’ll help with nausea.”
“Yes, sir! Have fun on your date!”
“It's not a date! It's just an employee and her boss going out for lunch!”
Suguru flipped Satoru off as he hurried to the back with the other employees. He was leaving you all alone with your favorite streamer in person. The same person you had masturbated with the night before.
“One sandwich and a glass of juice!” Yuuji grinned, handing you a plate.
“Thanks, Yuuji,” Satoru grinned, waving him off before turning his head to you. “You heard Mama-Geto, eat. Then we could talk.”
At least your favorite streamer allowed you to eat your food before talking to you. If you weren’t sitting on the couch and didn’t have some sugar coursing through your veins, you might have passed out for a second time. You were lucky that you didn’t pass out for a second time. You sat there in silence, eating the delicious sandwich that was provided to you by your new boss.
Once Gojo sees that your plate is spotless, crumbs and all he turns to smile at you. He’s so much cuter in person. Which you thought was impossible, seeing that he looked like a freaking God on his live streams. Especially last night when he was stroking his co—.
“Feel better?” Gojo interrupts your reminiscing of the night prior. The way you jump doesn’t go unnoticed. “Easy there, sweetheart. I’m not gonna bite.” He cocks a pristine white eyebrow at you. “That is unless you asked me to. Then I would be happy to bite you.”
“Oh my gosh.” The way you giggle makes Gojo smile wide. Last night, he was speechless when he first saw your face, not the adorable mochi avatar you designed. You were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his entire life. For you to get flustered over him had him swelling with pride.
The stranger you had shared an intimate moment with via WebCam the night before stood up and sat beside you. “Are you feeling okay?” for the first time since you came, there was concern in his eyes.
“I’m fine, I promise. I was just shocked to see you. Who would’ve guessed that we lived in the same town.”
“The world is a small place.”
“It most definitely is.”
Satoru beamed, holding his hand out to you. “Gojo Satoru, it’s nice to meet you!” You smiled wide, grabbing his hand and shaking it, and as your fingers brushed against his, you swear it felt like electricity passed through your fingertips. The sensation was both alarming and comforting at the same time. A strange new sensation that you welcomed.
“So you’re telling me your name isn’t The-strongest-steamer? What a rip-off.”
“Oh! So sorry, mochigurl89! So tell me, do you prefer to go by ‘mochi’ or ‘gurl’?”
“Neither.” In between giggles, you tell him your name; upon hearing it, he gasps dramatically, placing his hand over his heart.
“And here I thought I hit the jackpot! The daughter of some mochi tycoon! I was having dreams about diving into a pool full of mochi.”
“Damn, you must really like mochi.”
Satoru nods his head, “Kikufuku is my favorite! I love the Zunda and cream-flavored ones.” He licked his lips at the mention of his favorite sweet treat.
“Really? I've never tried that kind. Do you know of any cafés that sell it here in Tokyo?”
“It’s a Sendai specialty.”
“Oh, I'll have to try it if I’m ever out there.”
“Hell yeah, are you bus—”
Your favorite streamer stiffened his head, lurching forward as the front door to the coffee shop flung open. Just as he was slowly sinking to the ground, you turned to the source of the voice. A man with blonde hair, neatly brushed, wearing a blue button-down shirt and a cream-colored suit jacket, walked inside. Honey-Brown eyes scanned the area before landing on you.
“Oh, apologies,” The man fixed his yellow and black spotted tie before heading further into the shop, “Geto informed me that Gojo had finally made his way out of his dungeon, but I guess he’s crawled his gremlin ass back down there.”
The man was about to turn and head towards the basement when he heard the floorboards creek under Gojo’s weight as he tried to lay underneath the couch. You weren’t sure how to react or what to do in a situation like this. So you just let it play out, your eyes focused on Gojo’s feeble attempt to hide himself before darting back to the blonde man storming towards the couch.
Satoru’s attempts to hide him under the smallest space of the couch were rendered useless as he saw the stranger's shadow stretch out on the floor below him. With a nervous laugh, he turned to look up at the man who was glaring down at him as the blonde man’s eyebrow twitched.
“Do not call me that! What do you think you’re doing? Why have you been ignoring my calls?”
Gojo grumbled before rolling back to try to hide himself underneath the couch. “Because you're gonna lecture me.” Nanamin, which obviously wasn’t his real name from the way he reacted, stepped around the sofa and gently hooked his foot around Satoru’s leg jerking him away from the couch.
“Damn right, I’m going to lecture you! That is my job as your PR manager!”
So, the mysterious man was Gojo’s PR manager. He was typically responsible for handling all sorts of business deals and sponsorships and finding indie games for Gojo to play. You had heard on the Discord servers that his PR manager was amazing. Not only did he make Gojo look amazingly good online, but he also helped pick out games that had blown up because of Gojo. Thus benefiting both the Satoru’s channel and the game designer.
People often praised Gojo for his honest reviews and his support of small creators. It's all because behind every good drama-free streamer was a good PR manager. And from how popular and drama-free Gojo’s channel usually was, the tall man standing before you had much to do with that. You also had heard through the grapevine that being a PR manager was a hassle, and there is no doubt that was true, too, because Gojo’s PR manager looked like he was about ready to commit a federal crime.
“You promised me that you would consider going to San Diego Comic-Con! Mind telling me why I just got an email from the guest board stating that they were sorry that you had declined their offer?!”
“I thought about it and decided I didn’t wanna go. Simple as that, Nanamin!”
“You need to go out there and meet your fans face-to-face. You'll start losing followers if you don’t contribute more to your public appearance.” Satoru pouted like a child, grumbling about Nanamin not being his dad. “You know that I’m right.”
Satoru sat up, groaning as he motioned to himself. “Nanami, what am I supposed to do? Go out on a stage half-naked in my sunglasses?! My followers don’t follow me for the games; as charming as I may be, they follow me because they like watching a half-naked man play leisure games!” The mysterious Nanami released an exasperated groan, rubbing his hands through his hair.
“This is why I keep telling you to do more streams, fully clothed!”
“Again, my followers prefer it when I’m half naked.” Cerulean eyes landed on you as Satoru pushed himself off the ground. “Isn't that right, sweetheart?”
Finally, noticing your presence again, Nanami’s eyes snapped in your direction as Gojo addressed you. For a long second, it looked like he was trying to put together what to say. Before a single syllable could leave his lips, Gojo had his arm draped over his shoulder, pulling him close to his side. The blonde man huffs out a sigh before his shoulders, relaxing the tension leaving his muscles.
“I-I mean, you being half naked is a perk to watching your streams. And I’m just speaking for myself here, but I enjoy watching your reactions and reviews more than looking at your chest.”
Nanami perked up at the bluntness of your words, which left Gojo in shock. “See, perfect example, your fans don’t just see you as eye candy; people watch you because you’re funny, you make your streams enjoyable, and you’re always giving back to the community that has welcomed you so lovingly.” you
For just a second, you thought that maybe Gojo was listening to Nanami, but when he shrugged his shoulders, giving a little ‘eh’ in response, Nanami threw his hands in the air before dropping them to his sides. There was something almost comical, watching them interact with each other; they got under each other's skin. It was quite the dynamic.
“I give up on you; I’m going to put my notice in one of these days because of the headache you constantly leave me with.”
“You would never in a million years, put your never give me your notice.”
“Wanna bet?”
The threat had Satoru sitting up straight, dizzy, cleared his throat, “I’m going to pretend that it didn’t happen, and I’m gonna introduce you to my top donor from last night.” A look of panic plastered over Nanami’s face as he examined you like you were some crazed stalker. “N-No! Look, Suguru needed an artist to help design a new logo for the café! Mochigurl89 just happened to be applying for the job without me knowing.”
“It's true; I am not a stalker.” You held your hand out to Nanami, who took it without hesitation. After introducing yourself, you bowed at the waist. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Nanami Kento, the pleasure is all mine.” His gaze focused back on Satoru. “Now, enough with the distractions, we have work to do. We have to retract the statement you gave to the Comic-Con committee. We must review new trends and games I found for you to play. It’s going to be a hectic day, so I hope you’re ready.”
Being a streamer seemed like a busy job. You were eager to have your meet and greet, but it seemed like Satoru’s day was booked. Since you would be working at the cafe, you could schedule your meet and greet for another day. You pushed yourself off the couch, grabbing your saddlebag off the ground and putting it over your shoulder. Seeing you get up, Gojo’s face fell as he rushed after you, holding your wrist and stopping you in your tracks.
“Wait, please don't go! I owe you a meet and greet!”
“No, it's okay! We can rain check for next time. Nanami seems to have a long day planned for you, and I don’t wanna interrupt that.”
Satoru grumbled, shooting a glare in the direction of his PR manager. For a moment, you could almost hear the wheels turning in his head before his pout transformed into a mischievous smirk. Satoru took several steps before draping his arm over Nanami’s shoulder, pulling him tight against his body. Sensing something was at play, Nanami lowered at his client, eyeing him up and down, waiting to hear whatever excuse came out of his mouth.
“Ya’ know, I thought you said my fans are my biggest priority.”
Nanami pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaling through his mouth. “They are a big part of your career, but you can’t just get away with talking and meeting your fans. There is more to this, and you know that.” You shifted again, eyes darting from the exit back to the two men standing in the middle of the coffee shop. It didn’t feel like a conversation you should be involved in, but Satoru had stopped you from leaving. So it wouldn’t hurt to stick around and see what he had planned.
“Right, yes.” Satoru cleared his throat, eyes darting towards the counter of the shop. “You’re so right, Nanami Kento! What would I do without such a great PR manager? Nanami Kento is the best!!”
You were about to ask why he was yelling his name when you watched Nanami’s pale cheeks flush as he glanced toward the counter. “Nanamin!!” Yuuji and another boy practically threw themselves over the counter, rushing toward the taller man. “Nanamin! Hi!” Yuuji’s eyes glittered and gleamed, and he held his fist up in front of him. “Could you show me some new moves the next time we’re at the dojo together?! I practically mastered the ones you showed me before!” another boy wearing a beanie dug through his backpack, holding out a laminated folder towards the older man.
“Ino, what’s th—”
“A report on some of the newest trends! I also compiled a list of games I think would be great for Gojo’s channel! I could help you!”
The two young men crowded Nanami with a big grin, stars practically twinkling in their eyes. Not once did the PR manager look uncomfortable. In fact, he almost looked like he was happy to have two young men interested in conversing with him. You could’ve stood there all day and listened to their enthusiastic chatter, but Satoru grabbed your wrist and yanked you out of the coffee shop while Nanani was distracted by his two pupils.
Gojo was laughing as he looked over his shoulder at you, pulling you closer to him as he ran faster. “Come on! We got a train to catch!” A train? Why in the world did you both have a train to catch? When he said he owed you a meet and greet, you figured you’d probably do it in the comfort of the coffee shop.
“W-Where are we going!?” you laughed aloud as you followed him down the street towards the train station.
An hour and a half later, you got your answer as Satoru placed a bag in front of you. “Kikufuku! Sendai’s specialty and my absolute favorite sweet treat!” He opened the bag and pulled out a small box, placing it in front of you. “Go on! Try one!” You weren’t sure where Gojo was looking, looking through his dark sunglasses and the black mask covering his face so he wasn’t recognized in public. But as he sat in front of you, motioning to the box, you could feel his stare.
You opened the box without hesitation and pulled out one of the emojis that had brought you to Sendai on your spontaneous day trip because Gojo wanted you to try his favorite mochi. You pulled the rice cake out of its wrapper before biting it. It was chewy and soft; the flavor was sweet but earthy simultaneously, a perfect balance to the sweetness. But the whipped cream in the middle had tilted your head back in near orgasmic pleasure. Satoru wasn’t kidding when he said this was his favorite treat. Because honestly, he might have you hooked on it now.
“Oh my god, it’s so good!”
“Right!” Satoru asked, yanking down his mask and placing it on the table's surface, allowing him to eat one of the mochi balls freely. “I’m telling you, it’s the whipped cream in the middle!”
“M-Mmmhmm! It is!”
You both sat there munching on mochi while sipping on your Boba, which you had insisted on buying despite Gojo’s protests. He had been kind enough to buy you a ticket and bring you to Sendai for mochi because of a spur-of-the-moment decision. Who knew your tiny, cute little avatar would end up being the reason you got to go out with your favorite streamer? This was a dream come true, and if it really was a dream, you didn’t want wake up.
Not even twenty-four hours ago, he was a stranger to you, and now you were sitting across from him at a table at a shopping center. You were laughing and talking like you had known each other for years. You guys had just so much in common. The game shows you watched, to a similar taste and sweets. It felt like the meet and greet/day trip with some of the most fun you had had in years. There seemed to be a spark between you two, and it wasn’t because you had lost composure and had masturbated with each other the night before. There was more to it than that.
“Oh my god, that was so good, it hit the spot! And it will be well worth facing Nanami’s rage later.”
Sipping on your boba, you slowly leaned forward, getting closer to Gojo's face. “Is he gonna be mad about you playing hooky with me?” Satoru snorted out a laugh, toying with his face mask.
“Sweetheart, if anyone were going to get in trouble for playing hooky, it would be me. And honestly, it’s not the first time this has happened, and it definitely will be the last.”
“Oh, so do you take all your meet and greets to Sendai for mochi?”
“No, just the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. Someone who has stolen my breath away and has been on my mind since we signed off our call last night.” You looked away momentarily with burning cheeks before slowly glancing back toward Satoru. “I’m being serious. I cannot stop thinking about last night.”
Last night was one of the most unforgettable nights of your life. You were used to having okay days or bad days ever since your ex broke up with you. Since then, you have felt stuck in the never-ending cycle of mundane days. You were going to school, working on commissions, and watching your favorite streamers in your free time. Two great back-to-back days felt weird, but you gladly welcomed the change.
“I can't stop thinking about it either.”
“I’m going to be truthfully honest with you. I have never done anything like that in my entire career, let alone my entire life.”
“That makes two of us then.”
“Would it be awkward if I said I wanted this meet and greet to be more like a first date?”
Satoru’s words had you inhaling sharply, mid-suck on your boba. So ungracefully, you choked on the tapioca balls, sending milk tea spurting out of your nose as you coughed roughly. Satoru stared at you for a long minute, cerulean eyes going wide before he clamped his hand over his mouth. While you tried to find a shred of dignity, the white-haired man in front of you shook, his face red.
“Don’t. You. Dare.” You warned as Satoru’s face turned redder. Despite your warning, Satoru threw his head back, roaring with laughter. He smacked his hand against the table while tears flooded his eyes.
Being mad at him for laughing at your pain was hard when he looked so pretty. There was only one other thing for you to do. You laughed with him. With your laughter joining his, Satoru laughed harder, leaning his head forward, white locks hiding his face while you wiped up your mess with a napkin.
“Oh my god, oh fuck! I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time!”
“Yeah? I’m glad my suffering could entertain you.” You teased, winning a wide grin in return.
“I was going to say something inappropriate, but I don’t wanna ruin the moment.”
Already having an idea of what he would say. “First date and I’m choking on balls?” The only sound of laughter is your own. Feeling as though you made it awkward, you give him an apologetic smile, only to see the flushed cheeks and gentle grin Satoru is giving you.
“So it is a date?”
“I-I guess it is, yes.”
“Would you be uncomfortable if we take this back to my place?”
Darting your tongue out you lick the sweet traces of milk tea up. “Ooor~ there’s a love hotel just down the road.” Satoru’s eyes widened as he stood up packing the bag before grabbing your hand.
“Let’s go!” Both of you hurried out of the shopping center, completely unaware that Gojo’s mask was left behind.
@witchbybirth @zoeyflower @missmuffinr @kalulakunundrum
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks
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Stop looking at me with those eyes!! Pt l | Pt ll | Pt lll
Characters: Itadori, Megumi, Nobara, Toge, Maki, Todo, Miwa.
Characters are aged up, early to mid twenties!!
Warnings: Reader is GN but could be read as more feminine leaning, i.e wearing dresses, having painted nails. Spicy times are alluded to, directly insinuated in Miwa's part. Use of vibrators/edging. Minors DNI.
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Forget doe eyes. This boy {Yuuji} has these beautiful, wide, wet eyes like a newborn baby cow and it makes you soo angry. He's too freaking cute like get out of here with that!!
Your #1 simp. Cheerleader. Hype man. The type to run in front of you to get the door and announce your arrival like you're a monarch (in his eyes you are). Whether or not it's pre or after Sukuna he is sick over you. You're just so hot and pretty and amazing and he's the one who gets to be with you and he's just so grateful.
The eyes are out all the time and Nobara always makes a 'bleh' face. (she secretly fangirls over you two though in private, megumi told you).
He will carry you so your feet don't touch the ground ever. He will fluff your pillows and refill and watch your drinks and give actual advice when you want him to critique your looks. You're always beautiful but he'll tell you what enhances your beauty.
"I think this one is too short."
"Yeah. It's gonna ride up your ass when you walk. Not that one." You strip off the dress in front of him and smile when his eyes immediately turn to stare.
"The blue one then? Or the purple one?"
"...Which purple one again?"
You try to stifle your smile. "The one without sleeves, love."
"Why not the red, shiny one? That one is good."
"Red is kinda stereotypical, right? I don't wanna look too slutty and have guys keep approaching me."
Yuuji is pouting when you look at him, but his eyes haven't left your form.
"Wear it. You look so good in it, I'll be with you."
"That's more trouble for you then when people assume I'm free."
"It's fine." He whines. "It's okay, you can dress slutty, I can fight." You burst out into laughter. Yuuji perks up, and soon his laughter is joined in with yours.
There are tears in your eyes and you try to make sure they don't fall, you don't want the makeup to run. Yuuji's eyes are shining, he's looking at you like it's the first time all over again, and he gets up from his seat and practically floats over to you.
"Hey~ Stop looking at me with those eyes, Yuuji," you tease. He doesn't say anything though and just picks you up with a squeal from you. He rests his chin on your chest and fixes you with that stare, his heart in his eyes.
You run your hands through his hair, soft and pink. His roots were starting to show, he needs a touch up soon. You'll help him, of course. "You're such a sap, Yuuji."
He grins, and presses a kiss to your skin. "Only for you, love."
* ☆ * ☆ * ☆ *
Pretty, pretty eyes. You could get jealous over those lashes, but for however shy he is, {Megumi} always calls you beautiful. He doesn't want you to think he thinks of you as any less than that. And, seriously, you and Megumi are that one couple you see in the street that are just too pretty to believe.
Secret starer. Much like Itadori, he likes to look at you, you're just so amazing and kind and sweet and capable and you're his and– Oh fuck you caught him look away.
Remember in the last episode where Nobara was beating up Yuuji and he pulled his collar to cover his face? Yeah, that's him every time you catch him. His face gets all red and cute and it's too adorable for you not to mess with him.
"Caught you lookin'." Megumi just pulls his collar up higher, but doesn't quite hide how even his ears are red.
"I was just glancing. I don't know why you're making a big deal out of this."
You grin. "I'm not, but you seem pretty defensive. It's okay if you like what you see."
"I wasn't looking."
"You just said you were glancing."
"In your direction. Not at you."
"You're such a liar, Megumi!!" You slap his arm, and press up to him, so that no matter what, he is all you see and hear.
"You're too close."
"I'm not close enough." Your arms wrap around his shoulders and you can count every lash in his eyes, his pores (kinda big. Stress, you two need to do masks), and the twitch of his mouth. He's so cute you can't help pressing a kiss to his mouth.
"Stop looking at me with those eyes." He's pouting when you move back, and you're sure your eyes are shining, that he could see his reflection in them.
"Oh? I'm just returning the favor? You were checking me out." He clicks his tongue and tries to move away, flustered, but you tighten your hold, lower your voice.
"It's okay, Megumi, you can look. I don't mind."
His face is soo red, but he finally looks at you, pretty eyes fluttering like butterfly wings.
"I look at you all the time you know. You're so hot and your eyes are so pretty, even with your spiky sonic the hedgehog hair. I just keep thinking about just pulling you somewhere and doing something to you." His eyes widen as you continue on, and you see him struggling but he doesn't look away.
"Is that what you think of when you look at me? Is that why you get so embarrassed? It's okay, you don't need to, even if you look so cute all shy and stuff. You've already seen everything so–"
"Oh shut up already." Megumi sighs hard, breath washing over your face. His hands wrap around your waist, tight, secure, and pull you out of his space. You wiggle to get back but he holds you in place.
Ooh. He's in a mood.
"Stop playing with me. You like to tease too much."
"But I don't see you denying what I said? I'm right, aren't I?"
Still glaring at you, and stilled faced, he speaks.
"Thats it. I'm canceling date night."
Your eyes blow open.
"Wait, what, no! We planned this a week ago, we can't-"
"We're staying inside tonight."
"Oh. Oh. Okay!" Megumi snorts at how quickly you perk up, happy and glowing in his hands. He only has time to smile back and squeeze before you both snap into attention, pulling back from each other.
"You don't have time for lovey-dovey when you're in a life-or-death situation!" Megumi has a spear in his hand, the blade would have gone between, or through, both of you with how close you two were.
You turn, and Maki is wearing a frown, hands on her hips. Panda is currently using Nobara like a baseball bat against Toge.
"Get back to training!"
You snap to salute, which doesn't help Maki's frown.
"Yes ma'am!" You sneak a glance back to Megumi, to see him already looking at you.
He nods. "Later."
* ☆ * ☆ * ☆ *
{Nobara} can act like she's annoyed with how often you stare but she's secretly loving it.
She's a prideful girl, and she's still a bit shy about showing exactly how much she loves you in public. She still throws herself into your arms whenever she sees you, and she holds your hands and kisses your cheek and wears matching nails and jewelry (yes, nails. She needs to see how the design looks first so you're her test subject).
But when you're giving her those wide, adoring eyes? Suddenly she gets all squirmy and blushy amd she has to force herself to meet your eyes! You love her! Obviously! Very, very much, and she won't be embarrassed about that.
But damn, you're shameless.
"Hey. Hey. Stop looking at me with those eyes."
"But I love you, I can't help it."
You're out on a group date with Megumi, Itadori, and their partners, and of course, you're currently at a karaoke bar. It's funny seeing Itadori metaphorically break down into tears during a love song, but you'd rather watch how the lights turn your girlfriend more into the effervescent goddess she is.
She tries not to squirm, but you see it, and grab her hand, and the lights still can't hide how her face flushes.
Suddenly, Itadori is at the table, and is pulling Nobara to get on stage, and you suspect she doesn't fight that hard.
You happily sit and watch her on stage, Itadori chose another love song, of course. She melts and gets into character as the song goes on, twirling and swaying, and around the second chorus, she catches your eyes again.
It suddenly all hits her, the situation, your lovesick eyes, but she continues on with hardly a hitch. And hey, if you're gonna look, she's gonna put on a show.
It's like a k-drama. She's singing on stage with Yuuji, who is serenading his own love, meanwhile every time she looks at you your eyes are on her with a smile on your lips. Shoujo eyes, she thinks, before she turns it up, sings louder, and points you out in the crowd.
The crowd jeers. And now it's your turn to blush as the crowd laughs and cheers and awws, and when Nobara finishes she fixes you with her own lovesick stare, just for you, and only for you.
* ☆ * ☆ * ☆ *
You and {Toge} are little shits together and the only reason why you mostly get away with it is because you've been blessed, with the true doe eyed gaze.
Any snide remarks or mishaps or pranks, you just turn the eyes towards your victims and they fold. Usually. Gojo-sensei always folds, but you only think it's because he thinks it's funny, your pranks and how he folds, and not because they actually work.
Of course, you use it in moderation, but Toge has mastered the look. He can't really speak, so he has to have other modes of communication. And he has levels for this.
First, he always has this soft boy look on his face, that just lowers your guard. Didn't work well when he had his hair up, but it's better nowadays. Then, it's the pleading eyes. If you want to resist, close your eyes, and run away.
Then it's the true doe eyes. The ones you often use together. 85% success rate, though there's ones these never work on. I.e Maki, Nanami-sensei, the principal. But then, and only Toge has this, there is the last level.
"Toge, no."
He doesn't speak, of course, but not because he can't. There are soft, sweet, innocent words he can use with you, but that's for special occasions, like anniversaries, or pillow talk, or shared baths.
You know he is looking at you with those eyes.
"Don't do this to me, Toge. Don't. Please. I need this." You close the fridge, and hold your pudding to your chest, grab a spoon.
"Please. You know I can't resist. I've been saving this. Please." He can't speak but you feel the silence, the expectation, he knows you will fold and he doesn't fill the air at all. The anticipation kills you.
"It's the last one, Toge." And, despite your common sense, you look.
Immediately, you're done, your back hits the fridge (something fell. You hope it doesn't spill) and you clutch the pudding tighter but it's too late.
The doe eyes have been turned up to eleven, you don't know how but his pupils are dilated, and there's a wet sheen to his eyes. The light reflects and makes them even shinier, and you have to resist. You have to be strong–
"Please?" Oh, God, no. He spoke, he spoke. He opens his eyes wider, and of course the devil looks so cute and innocent when he wants something.
"No!!! Stop looking at me with those eyes!!"
He just cocks his head all cute, the bastard, and takes a step closer. Defeat is imminent.
"No…" his mouth quirks like he wants to laugh but he holds on.
"UGH!!" You scream. You bang your head back against the fridge (another thing fell) and hold it out to him. He snatches it in a millisecond, an impish grin on his face when you look back at him.
"You devil. You monster. Seducing me, exploiting me for your own sick desires–" a spoon is popped into your mouth, and you taste the pudding spread on your tongue.
"Share." He smiles, sweet again, and damn it. You love this gremlin.
He still ate most of the pudding later though.
* ☆ * ☆ * ☆ *
THIS GIRL COULD NOT HANDLE AFFECTION. {Maki} would fold and run the minute you got a little too sappy with her, in the beginnings of your relationship.
You've been together for a while, but she still gets loud and huffy whenever you get too sweet on her. Much like Nobara, only she's waaayy worse at handling it.
Of course, it's easier in private, she lets you gaze adoringly and pepper her in hugs and squeezes and kisses, and she returns them. Her love language though is more acts of service, and words of affirmation, which is great in the bedroom, and if you have mommy issues, but we digress.
But when Maki looks at you now? And when she's feeling frisky?
Oh My God, you've never seen siren eyes till you've seen Maki do them. Sharp and sultry and melting and fuuucck, your heart is beating so fast.
She's still much too shy to say it in public, but she's very much the 'come sit in my lap' type. You know what she wants when she has that look, so you spare her some dignity and plant yourself down.
"You could've come dancing with me."
"You know I'm not the type. I like watching you though." She joined you at this nightclub, even if she can't get drunk (crazy metabolism), and sports some fruity drink she holds to your lips. She wipes a drop from your mouth when she takes it away.
"You don't mind when I dance with other people?"
"No. You can dance, but I know you won't cross the line and go too far." She plays with the edge of your sleeve, and when she looks up at you her eyes are so dark.
You lean in.
"Little liar. I see the way you look at me, it's making everyone too scared to approach."
"Well, good then."
"Not good. You won't dance with me so I have to find someone else. But you keep scaring everyone away. Stop looking at me with those eyes."
"Oh? Fine then. Give me something else to look at then." She smooths a hand up your thigh, squeezes your waist and brings you in closer.
"...I still wanna dance." Her hands toy with the edge of your clothing, lifting it a few inches.
"Really? You sure?" She nips at your jaw and grins when you jolt. You sigh hard, annoyed (not really).
"I get all dolled up to go clubbing, what's the point if we go back early?"
"Hm." Maki pretends to think, tapping a finger against your hip. "You're right, you're right. We'd still have our fun no matter what time we got home." You blush, but don't object.
She guides you off her lap gently, so she can stand up, your hand still in hers. She starts pulling you off to the dance floor. She grins, eyes all sultry and lovely.
"So come on, like I said. Give me something to look at."
* ☆ * ☆ * ☆ *
{Todo} is another #1 simp. I honestly think that if you don't check this man, he will go fully yandere on you so, keep an eye out people.
If Itadori worships you like his sovereign, Todo worships you as his God. His religion. The only faith he would ever bind himself to. This man would easily make merch of you, even if you're just a nobody and he will wear it in public, proudly.
When I tell you this man stares at you like you hung all the stars in the night sky, believe it. When I tell you this man would serve on you, hand and foot, believe it. Baby, you are the breath in his lungs and the beat of his heart, this man is obsessed with you. Good if you have abandonment issues or insecurity, but I understand if you feel it's too much.
But he is a himbo so…
"Baby. Stop looking at me with those eyes."
"Eyes? What eyes?"
"You know what you're doing! You need to look ahead!" If it weren't for his amazing senses and situational awareness, you think he would have tripped over his feet by now.
It's not too crowded, and you're just taking a walk together, hand in hand, but his eyes haven't left your face.
"Stop it!!"
"You're so beautiful today!" He looks like he's about to burst out in joy.
"You say that everyday." You huff, and brush a stray hair out of place.
"You're wearing a new outfit today though, and it really brings out your eyes."
You smile at him, and you see him melt, like chocolate.
"You always notice the little things. Thank you honey." For good measure you reach up and kiss his cheek, and only a squeeze from your hand keeps him upright. This man is swooning.
But suddenly, Todo straightens, and grasps your hands in his own. His eyes look battle ready, and are focused entirely on you. "I would give my life for you."
"...I know, baby."
"No, listen." He suddenly falls to his knees, but he's so tall you can still easily make eye contact. "I will give up my life for you. I will spend the rest of my life serving you."
"But you're my man, what am I supposed to do for you?"
"Allow me to always gaze upon your splendor, and stay your beautiful self. Forever."
"Hmm," You pull a hand back to put on your chin teasingly.
"I can assure you I'll stay amazing and glamorous forever, though I am a piece of art. I am forever changing shape and form, so I can't ever stay the same. Would you still love me then?"
"If you still love me, then yes. Whatever form you take, I will love and honor whatever emerges. If you will have me, of course." It's strange, and cute, to see such a strong, intimidating man look so blushy and sheepish, and your heart flutters, full. You're sure you have your own heart pupils now.
"Of course I will. I love you, and how you love me and take care of me. Of course I'll have you. I'll always want you."
You both are staring into each others souls, when suddenly, the people around you break out into applause, and you both look up to see a crowd has formed around you two, sharing 'awws' and other exclamations.
It dawns on you two quickly, and your faces both explode into red. Some people even have their phones out for goodness' sake!
"Let's get out of here." Todo stands, and in one fell swoop scoops you up, and you're off.
"These people dont deserve to even look at you!" You can't help laughing at the situation, and wrap your arms around his neck.
"When you actually propose you're going to have to beat that!"
"Of course," he grins. "I've been practicing since our first month anniversary. You'll love it, I know it."
* ☆ * ☆ * ☆ *
I know we probably all classify our girl mascot {Miwa} as sweet and shy and awkward and I agree with those headcanons, to an extent.
See, when Miwa is in a relationship, a stable loving relationship, she changes. She gets more comfortable, more open, more loose. More confident.
Of course, she's still bashful, shy sometimes. But when she doesn't have to fear rejection or backlash is when she really shines.
Seriously don't know how, but she's got this blend of Siren and Doe eyes. Somehow, she's found a way to blend them into this cocktail that you can't ever resist, and maybe she abuses it.
Just a little though.
She wants to leave this restaurant already. She knows you made a reservation and she's been having an absolutely lovely time, she loves her new dress and the food and how good you look, but this vibrator is driving her crazy, and she's gonna leave a wet stain on the cushion if this goes on any longer.
How are you so calm? You have your own vibrator, and somehow fiddled with the things so they both work with one remote, which you still have. You look cool as a cucumber, and only her training and willpower has kept her still with a pleasant face. A red one, but relatively relaxed.
"The eyes, darling." You cut up your food, and the lights make you look so soft and lovely.
"Stop giving me those eyes darling." She didn't know she was staring, but she can guess what look she has on her face. She tucks a lock behind her ear and doesn't drop her gaze.
You turn up the intensity, and Miwa has to bite her lips and lower her head to stifle any sign of what's going on. Her thighs squeeze together tight, trembling. You just laugh, low, dark and smooth that makes her gut warm.
Minutes past, and you lower it, but it just makes her hyperaware to what she's not getting. Slowly, covertly, she slips a foot out her heel. She traces it up you calf, past your knee. You give her a look as she rests it on your upper thigh. You don't react when she nudges closer, closer to where she knows you're aching to, but suddenly you swat her foot away.
"Okay, that's enough." She hears you say, under your breath, almost imperceptibly, and you stand. She slips her heel back on.
"Stand up, and drop your glass on the seat as you do it." She's almost too out of her mind to question you, but she does as you say, and even adds a gasp as the glass slips from her grasp. She did leave a spot, how embarrassing. Oh well.
Immediately a waiter comes over and you step forward to speak to him.
"I'm so sorry, I think my wife isn't feeling too well. I'll pay for this, is there any way we can take this to go?" Things are sorted out, and she leans against your arm as you tip your server, and you kiss her forehead, guide her to the car.
As soon as the door closes she sighs, leans back against the seat and lets her expression fall into pleasure, shoulders dropping. You laugh, and press your mouth to her jaw.
"Yeah, I couldn't handle the way you were looking at me."
"How are you so calm? I was dying back there." Before you can answer she's grabbing onto you, moving to straddle your lap.
"Fuck it, I'm dying right now." You laugh again, press a kiss to her shoulder.
"We're still in the parking space love, it's not long till we get home, you can wait." She groans, and gives you those eyes, a mix of pretty please and hurry the hell up then when she looks at you, trailing her hands down, down. Your tummy jolts under her hands, you groan.
You grab her hands before they go down further, a tremble in your sigh. You're just as worked up. "Wait, love. We have time." She pouts, but slides back into her seat, fixing her dress. It is a nice dress.
"Can we have the leftovers afterwards?" You chuckle, and start the car.
"Of course, honey."
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reticent-writer · 1 year
Could you write how jjk would react to Male Reader being the host of the ghost Rider and that the ghost Rider has unlimited power when fully unleashed and the host is the built in safety limiting it's power
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"Domain Expansion: Ghost Rider" You said. You been itching for a reason to use it.
Your domain isn't complete but it's what you wanted to try seeing as, under Gojo's guidance, you improved a lot and thought it was a good chance.
The curse you were up against had no chance to begin with, it didn't even last a second.
"As cool as always Y/n" Gojo said from the sidelines.
With Gojo he was always amazed to see your domain expansion. blue fire everywhere and of course a flaming samuri on top a horse for you to control.
"Thank you gojo, can we go back now I'm really tired." You yawned, resting your eyes.
Domain expansion takes alot out of you, especially for someone who is harboring a curse on the level of Sukana's full power and it wasn't even a complete Domain.
You don't know when or how but when you opened your eyes you were in your room.
'I'm freaking starving.' you thought as you got up you walked out of your room.
(idk how the dorms look)
"Good morning Y/n. It's been 2 days, the 3 stooges were starting to get worried." Gojo said completely stretched out on a couch in the common area.
"is that so." You walked pass him and into a little kitchen to the fridge. It was empty.
"Gojo can you -" "Y/N" Yuji interrupted jumping on you. You fell to the floor with him.
"He just woke up. Are you trying to put him in another coma?" Nobara scold as she pulled him off you. Megumi helped you up.
"Maybe not open an incomplete domain next time you may not wake up." He said, it was clear he probably was worried the most.
"Why so cynical Gumi, he's alive isn't he and it's so cool to his curse in action." Gojo gushed over you as his lazy ass finally got up.
"Why don't we catch Y/n up over lunch. I'm sure he's hungry." Gojo put his arms around you and Megumi, leading you out the school with Yuji and Nobara in toe.
'Finally, some fucking food'
This is my first JJK post, thank youuuuuuu
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0risha · 3 years
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PAIRING : gojo x fem!reader
SUMMARY : due to the actions of your now ex-lover, getou suguru, your future of becoming a sorcerer is no more and now it's time to say your goodbyes.
TAGS : angst, comfort, unrequited pining, a curse word or two, contains slight manga spoilers so proceed with caution. reader is described as a female?? reader has curly hair
NOTES : this has been sitting in my drafts for a hot minute, hope you enjoy!
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Terminated. Terminated? Your first reaction is to cackle, to laugh at the faces that stare right back at you with leering eyes. But the only thing you can choke out is an, "you can’t be serious?” 
Your voice raises several octaves higher than normal and your face is etched with the expression of pure, refined disbelief. Choosing to scan the faces that sit at the circular table shrouded in a low cloud of darkness —which sets the mood in an eerie cinematic way— you find sneered lips and mock smiles.
"Correct, your third year at Jujutsu tech is ending in a week, you can decide for yourself to stay or leave during that remaining time, your choice. Any objections?"
“You’re terminating my contract to become a sorcerer for some incident I wasn’t even involved in?” You internally wince at your dismissive tone because you know that the so-called was not just some incident. It had torn both Getou and Gojo into unsalvageable pieces, thrown towards the deep sea. Getou’s own so bottomless that he had gone on a murdering spree.
One that the higher-ups were blaming you for because as his significant other you should have been the one to stop him. Which —at the start— you thought was so incredibly far fetched but as you pondered past actions you couldn't help but think otherwise.
A lasso of anger —your own— is cracked against the confining walls of the conference room. You think they can feel it, no, you know they can feel the spiked level your cursed energy has entered and Gojo can feel it too because he's bursting through the conference room door, grabbing your arm and hauling ass before you can retaliate.
By the time you're met with a blue sky and the sun's gaze, you have to blink multiple times. One, to become accustomed to the befallen light, and two, to snap out of your stupor.
In your crestfallen state, Gojo takes his time to scan your face. He basks in the way the sliver of the sun causes your skin to glow and the way your slightly pointed nose scrunches up in anger.
In reverence, he skims through his shared memories with you. The start of it all, when you waltzed through Jujutsu Tech with survivor’s guilt so intense that he and the other first-years could feel it. The result of your parents dying in a freak accident, which so happened to be the day you had started to see curses. 
When you snap out of it, you’re met with the sight of electric blue eyes. Ones that shine with an intense shade of worry. And it’s a jubilee because the Gojo Satoru is worried. You’d never seen him in this state, ever. In your state of surprise, your eyes flicker from Gojo’s to a pair of colored onyx.
He remembers your closed-off demeanor that he and Shoko decided to slowly shave off and the way you gravitated towards Getou more than he saw fit and oh gosh, why did it have to be him? He knows that now as a third-year you have no fundamental reason to be in Japan but he can't help but to think selfishly —stay with me.
Because now, after making the selfish decision of not killing his best friend, he's not too sure where the lines of coincidences might meet.
Megumi. I have to leave Megumi.
“Megumi! I didn’t even know you were here!” You smile and pat his tufts of dark hair that fell in all sorts of different directions. 
“You’ve always been so quiet,” you whisper, crouching down to his height as his colored eyes rapidly flutter shut. Although, not being a fan of Gojo or anyone for that matter. Megumi showed signs of slight attachment towards you. Ranging from returned hugs, and shared giggles here and there. The young boy never had a way with words and physical touch, but from time to time he seemed to enjoy your presence. 
The mere thought of having to leave him causes your chest to ache as you stand up from your kneeling position to, again, staring at the clouded sky in the distance. But there was no other resolution, you had to leave Japan. 
In your half-decade of being situated in the bustling streets of Tokyo, you’d grown accustomed to every aspect of the city. You’d made so many bonds. One’s that in a week would be snipped by the scissors of a very cruel fate. 
There was Shoko, a cigarette-addicted teenager that acted more like a nagging mother than a friend. 
Gojo, who had been injected with a childlike aura since birth and acted more like a fussy toddler than the strongest sorcerer there is. 
And Getou, the man your heart mistakenly bled for. He was always such a serious person, even behind closed doors but you never doubted that he loved you. He always chose to express his partiality through gasoline-filled words, ones that you digested and had caused your chest to burst with licking flames of devotion. 
Getou, the same man that had caused you to land in this mess. Albeit, the expulsion of what was supposed to be your future position, you couldn’t find it in you to be angry. Only feeling crashing tides of guilt. 
“Not your fault, it’s not your fault.” You're pulled from your thoughts to feel calloused hands attached to your cheeks that are surprisingly wet with your tears. 
Through your blurred vision, you see Gojo’s bright eyes staring into your very own. Megumi’s looking at you with riddled curiosity, you’re sure it’s because he’s never seen you actually cry before but you can’t find it in you to not put your pride aside. And when that layer of chain mail is finally cracked in half, Gojo’s there to shield you. In a split second, he’s bringing you into a gravity-defying hug while you sob into his chest, all while the jut of his chin lays on top of your mass of curls. A bubble of his piney, masculine scent envelopes you all while you taste the salty tears that fall on your lips as you gargle out apologies. 
“I’m sorry, th- that- I couldn’t do anything,” you hiccup. 
“It’s not your fault,” he reassures you and he says it with so much intensity that at least a billion of your nerves transmit the message of truth to your brain.
“No one could’ve known.. for fucks sake, I didn’t even know.” Gojo reminisces, not for the fact that Getou had become a wanted sorcerer but because of that, you had to face the brute consequences.
But to you, His hushed words are a slap to the face because...
Gojo must be hurting too.
Getou was his best friend, his partner through life and death situations but here you were babbling like a baby. 
As soon as your body tenses up and your joints spring to pull your head off his chest, Gojo pulls you even closer, almost as if he can read your thoughts. 
So, the only thing you can hope for is that while both of you embrace, Gojo’s getting enough comfort to tend to his aching wounds. 
"They terminated your contract, eh? You want me to kill them for ya?" Your response is a hearty chuckle, one that stops as soon as it starts because he's serious. And you can tell. Your body itches in the worst possible way as his killing intent leaks out from his crackling hearth. As detected, Megumi grumbles and shifts his feet as he pulls on your skirt.
"Don't be stupid," you whisper as you pull away from his chest and face Megumi to grab his small hand. "Let's go home and see your sister, okay?"
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ae0nx · 3 years
Yayyy! Season 3! Finally! I’m hoping this season will make me understand/sympathise with Akito and maybe even Shigure a little bit more because... honestly? My opinions on episode 2?... I might get some flack for my opinions on them...  😬
But, first: I’d like to appreciate how on the Funimation app we got a little interview/message from a few of the english dub VAs! Specifically Colleen Clinkenbeard, Jerry Jewell, Eric Vale, Ian Sinclair and Brina Palencia (Akito, Kyo, Yuki, Kureno and Isuzu). And it was nice seeing some of their opinions of the characters they play and how much they’re emotionally invested in the story. (Ian’s such a nerd ‘I wanna see giant mechs later this season’ 😂 - I lowkey stan him lol)
You should definitely check it out if you’re interested in what they would have to say!
ANYWAYS, let’s get into it...
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I really love this depiction of the original zodiac and how you can just tell from the tone of the scene how desperately the God of the Zodiac was clinging on to these connections that they had with the participants in the banquet. How much they clung on to and loved the cat... Also, interesting how Tohru’s narrating this scene... almost like she can relate to the desperation of wanting to keep things the same... but we’ll get to that later. But also, Tohru is a God
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This new opening is beautiful, I love the way that camera moves around the still illustrations and how the general tone just hammers down that... this season is gonna be some real shit lol (which makes me nervous for the opening for the second half 😳). It’s so warped and the general blue, grey and black tone that follows around every Akito scene we get in the anime has bled into every scene in this opening concerning the rest of the zodiac. Almost... like something is decaying. It’s great, it’s just very sad lol. I love the song tho, issa bop.
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One of my favourite things in stories is when we get a bigger villain than the ‘pronounced’ villain of the story. Ren’s introduction through a manicured outstretched hand towards Kureno and Hatori is so weirdly gross in what it insinuates (especially when you apply her connection with Shigure) but again... I wanna know why she’s such an asshole to Akito specifically besides the bad mental health management within the Sohma compound. I have an inkling of what it is through memory of the manga, but like Akito and Shigure... I just wanna understand why.
Also, Ren is gorgeous and I’m sorry for simping. 
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I mean... she’s kinda got a point? She just didn’t need to be so mean about it lol. It’s pretty clear that the connection the zodiac have to each other is real and something they cannot control. BUT, wouldn’t it be easier if this connection wasn’t perpetuated by outer circles of the family and if Akito herself wasn’t so cruel about it? But, I guess Akito - through her relationship with her mother - kinda doesn’t know how to genuinely show love and affection. (Which brings me into my thoughts of how the manga ends and how I kinda... have a few problems with it which I will get to... when that comes lol)
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Lol - weeeeeeeee! (flashes back to Tohru being yeeted into the river). Is this a part of Akito’s god-like powers?!
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Again. She’s got a point! They’ve both got a point. But, they’re both the source of the problem. It’s really painful to see two mentally ill people duke it out. This whole institution is just rotten.
- I am super curious about what Akira’s relationship was like with the zodiac and if it was just as dark. I’m gonna assume it slightly already was, as the exclusion and degradation of the cat curse is already dark in itself but maybe the rest of the zodiac were just fine with how things were? I dunno if we actually will get the full backstory of Akira and his zodiac but I’m definitely intrigued
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Ok, but if four crying children came up to me after I’d just consummated with my partner to reach out at my stomach chanting ‘we’ve been waiting for you’. That would disturb me and scar me for a while too so... 😂. I know it’s supposed to be ethereal and spiritual but... dude, wtf lol
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...I don’t like how much I’m into Ren being such a Villain™  😅
- Akito being seen as a crying child by the older zodiac members has always been interesting to me because yes, they could see her as that through mainly the age gap, general empathy and the way she sometimes irrationally acts out. But, also the depiction of Gods being seen as children having tantrums has being reflected in many different beliefs and myths (especially Greek Mythology) and I just like the fact that this all powerful, all knowing being would be compared to a child. It gives you a different perspective on power.
- Is the paper note in the CD case that Kureno gave back to Tohru an extra addition or was it always there?...
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Mannnn... I really wanted Isuzu to fuck shit up after seeing Tohru so upset but... *le sigh* (outfit’s still on point)
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But, I’m so glad we get an equal Ethereal Goddess to save Tohru! HANAJIMA! We love her, we stan her. <3
- ‘Tohru will be in my custody’ 🤣 I personally think Hana’s bluntness was a kindness in her conversation with Yuki because if I found Tohru upset? I’d automatically start firing metaphorical shots at everyone in that house
- Shigure fearing Hana makes me sleep better at night <3
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Hana’s just like ‘hmm... sounds like someone I know... 👀’ I’m here for this parallel between Tohru and Kureno in the hopes that Tohru doesn’t ever get in as bad a situation as Kureno. Ahhh... Kureno... (Also, Laura Bailey was killing it in this scene as always)
- Hmmm... there’s something terribly poetic about Kyo saving Tohru’s scarf from oncoming traffic... but also, Kyo can’t help himself aha
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KWEEEN! I love this look for Uo, it’s very Kyoko. I already said this in Season 1 but I STILL need to get wool-lined jacket. Outfit Appreciation goes to her - 3.5 stars.
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<3<3<3 Friendship is magic!
- Megumi is such a good egg as always! From him going to get Uo to him being so wise with his outlook on love and how it takes time to really flourish. The best!
- This whole episode ends really nicely from Tohru’s return home and Kyo washing and returning Tohru’s scarf and Yuki being happy to see Tohru and Shigure being somewhat decent. It was nice to get a bit of relief after the tornado of emotions
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Also, this was a nice screencap! Even Kyo is smiling!!! :))))
*takes sip of wine* ...ok.
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👀... later lol
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This scene really highlighted how Tohru is starting to see Shigure and the whole zodiac curse in a new and darker way. For the first time, it felt like Tohru was a little bit more guarded around Shigure and I hope they delve more into this season. Her description of her feeling around the curse being like a ‘dark well with no bottom in sight’ is pretty spot on. Ugh.
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Aw! Is this the last we’re getting of Small!Momiji?! I love them :3 (Momiji’s shorts look a little shorter too, like he’s growing out of them ahaha)
- I haven’t found the Yuki fan club funny since their first scene in the anime but their poor disguises made me chuckle
- Yayyy! Kyo has an obsessive fan club too? ...Yay?? 😅 haha
- ‘I won’t kill them but they can go to hell’ why is Kyo speaking like me?! 😂
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The fact that we got a scene of Yuki kinda admirably looking at a group of friends (boys and girls) playfully physically interacting and he unconsciously reaches out to Machi almost like he forgot about the curse? Heart eyes... 🥰
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Again. Relatable. 😂 God, Yuki. You really are an airhead. Bless your soul. <3
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And that look says it all. Damn. Kyo’s sense of hopelessness is heartbreaking but I still stand by it being understandable considering his circumstances.
Kyo freaking out about Tohru being visually upset was super cute but I couldn’t even appreciate the fluff because the whole scene had such a morbid tone to it, despite it being so visually romantic:
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KYO’S FACE!!! 💔 Ahhh, my emotions!!!! Also, that shot from Tohru’s perspective under her bangs is great.
- Poor Mitsuru, I’d ask for extra pay just for dealing with Shigure’s ass.
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Hahah - what a great metaphor!
- Now that Shigure’s ‘true form’, so to speak, has been fully exposed all his comments that are supposed to be teasing come off so much more awful. Him insinuating Mitsuru wasn’t ‘upper class’ enough for Ritsu was awful
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COLLLDDDD. AS. IIIIIIICE. But seriously, Shigure this whole episode was cold in many different ways but I definitely felt this personally since I’ve been told something like this by a family member before... 😕 Also, it’s just gross how both Shigure and Akito are taking their own personal issues and mistrust of each other out on to other people. The curse and the institution behind the curse complicates a lot of feelings for sure, but there’s a difference between wrong and right and I get the general feeling that they both are just using the muddy waters to their advantage. Although, I feel like Shigure is taking more advantage of this than Akito but I’ll get into that in a bit.
- There’s also something about this episode that made me sympathise a lot more with Kureno in a more understandable way. But, it also makes me question the ending of this whole story and the resolutions that happen and what life for the whole Sohma institution/family looks like after the curse has broken.. I guess, I should read ‘Fruits Basket Another’ after this, huh?
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😳... Shigure is so petty, man. Really?!
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I hate this relationship. I’m sorry. I know there are loads of people who like this relationship. And I’m still giving myself space for the show and the story to convince me why it’s worth it. But... I really don’t like this relationship. It’s so toxic. In so many ways. And in a weird way, this scene made me feel a LITTLE bit more for Akito than Shigure. It feels like Shigure gaslights everyone in his life but none no more than Akito, herself. I hate the fact that he keeps saying he loves her while hurting her or disregarding her. You know, almost like he’s treating her like a child. But on the other hand, I hate the fact that Akito has lowkey gaslighted herself into thinking she can treat people however she wants because she is ‘God’. I understand this is part of the way she was brought up and it seems like life in the Sohma compound has been very isolating for her so there’s been no one really to show her better (or have the confidence to show her better). But, at least I can be a little bit more sympathetic on her side than Shigure’s. I dunno... it’s just all very ugly and toxic and I’m hoping that it’ll turn around somehow.
I just hope it’s not one of those relationships that are ‘so good cos it’s so bad’.
...I’ll briefly talk about the ending theme to end this on a good note lol:
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I really like this ending! I dunno if they’re gonna have two endings and two openings for this season but this ending definitely feels like it should’ve gone in the second half as it’s almost spoiler-y? But, then again what anime opening and ending isn’t packed with spoilers lol
All the illustrations are gorgeous, I’m assuming they were drawn by Takaya-sensei herself as it seems very much in her current style of artistry but my favourite illustrations are definitely the ones shown above! <3
Ahhh! Fin! Sorry, about this one being super long and you probably having to scroll past a whole lot on your dash 😝 As usual, I had a lot to say. I’m open to hearing from people who actually like Shigure and Akito’s relationship btw, it’s just that everything before and episode 2 just really didn’t sail the ship for me, personally. I do want to understand! Haha
See you soooon!
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