#MHA 386
batwedgies · 1 year
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He is here
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spinji · 1 year
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jaded-ghoster · 1 year
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i’m kidding i’m rooting for him
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Is Bakugou alive yet?
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So... I was looking at the newest leaks for 386 and noticed something about the smile AFO has at the end.
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His eyes are drawn wider than usual, just like a certain green bean. Izuku has that same smile. Its just, y'know, a little less maniacal.
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It's even more apparent in the anime when he uses inf 100%.
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Like father like son, I guess.
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batteryacidbug · 1 year
They bring themselves face to face with danger to protect each other.
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They suffer for each other.
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When they can't fight anymore, they hold each other.
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Gotta love Horikoshi and his parallels.
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devilray-art · 1 year
So Much For Stardust
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No one can convince me that song isn’t for him.
Over 300 staples + 23 and 1/2 hours of work all for your viewing pleasure. A redraw of the manga panel from 386. I’m happy enough with how it turned out so please enjoy. :D
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yokkisu · 1 year
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I am here!!
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chandralia · 1 year
our collective hope for Bakugo to wake up ricocheted off the cosmos and caused Gojo to unseal actually
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Y’all I can’t get enough of them.
Iida’s armor has got to be so bulky on Todoroki. Even though they’re almost the same height Iida is so much thicccer than him.
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Also: Iida safe from Stain now?😩😮‍💨
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greenhappyseed · 1 year
The thing about All Might smiling as he stares down rewound AFO is … he’s smiling for himself. There aren’t (any?) other people around; there’s no crowds, no cameras. He’s not posturing for civilians — at most, some of the heroes can hear him. Further, he asked Shoto to reassure others, so that role is off All Might’s shoulders. He’s smiling because his teenage self believed the world should be a place where everyone lives with a smile (and that’s finally starting to include himself). Because the people who CAN smile are the strongest.
This is very different from USJ and Kamino, where All Might wasn’t smiling for the most part. In those two fights, he was unable to smile and unable to hide the “overwhelming pressure and fear” he felt. He couldn’t even fake it and psych himself up. He was relying solely on his diminishing power, and wasn’t sure if he would survive. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to.
But this time, All Might is facing AFO with the knowledge that AFO cannot take his quirk, image, pride, or spirit. And this isn’t a fight All Might has to win, either. To help Izuku and Tomura, he has to be the bait and stall AFO until backup mobilizes. Yes, it’s still a tall order for All Might to survive, but it IS possible because (1) Hercules withstood thunder spears and the Shields’ armor can withstand several 100% OFA blasts; and (2) unless Machia or Mt Lady are gone, AFO doesn’t seem to have killed (directly) in Gunga.
I think All Might is as determined as ever that he’s going to smash the future AFO wants, as many times as it takes. Much like Bakugo’s attack on TomurAFO, this isn’t moving without thinking — this is moving with purposeful planning. We, as the audience, can’t see the full extent of the plan, and we can’t say yet if it’s a good or bad plan, but we do know it’s made with purpose and intention. If All Might can give us a HUGE smile and make intentional choices rather than recklessly throwing his body around, then yeah, that means he’s learned something and will do his best to keep living.
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allforonesucks · 1 year
If all might dies im going to actually phase into the mha universe and strangle all for one with my own two bare hands
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trashformha · 1 year
The todoroki family about to reunite in the afterlife if dabi keeps going 💀
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 386 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 避難…そして戦況は…‼︎ ひなん…そしてせんきょうは…‼︎ hinan...soshite senkyou wa...!! The evacuation...and the battle situation...!!
1 17〜32ボックス再稼働を確認! 17〜32ボックスさいかどうをかくにん! 17~32 BOKKUSU saikadou wo kakunin! “Blocks 17-32 restart confirmed!”
2 AFO伊銅市を通過! オール・フォー・ワンいどうしをつうか! OORU FOO WAN idoushi wo tsuuka! “AFO is passing through Idou City!”
3 まだ戦える者は⁉︎ まだたたかえるものは⁉︎ mada tatakaeru mono wa!? “Who can still fight!?”
4 各方面に召集を掛けてますがどこも満身創痍で… かくほうめんにしょうしゅうをかけてますがどこもまんしんそういで… kakuhoumen ni shoushuu wo kaketemasu ga doko mo manshin soui de... “We’re asking for some to gather from all directions, but they’re all wounded...”
5 うわああ!!! uwaaa!!! “Waaah!”
6 次は何だ‼︎ つぎはなんだ‼︎ tsugi wa nanda!! "What next?!”
7 まずいです…‼︎ mazui desu...!! “It’s bad...!!”
8 熱が…!群訝の…‼︎ ねつが…!ぐんがの…‼︎ netsu ga...! gunga no...!! “The heat is...! Gunga will...!!”
9 荼毘の熱が…‼︎ だびのねつが…‼︎ Dabi no netsu ga...!! “Dabi’s heat is...!!”
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1 熱が何だ⁉︎報告しろ‼︎ ねつがなんだ⁉︎ほうこくしろ‼︎ netsu ga nanda!? houkoku shiro!! “What about the heat? Report!!”
2 エンデヴァーがやられたのか⁉︎ ENDEVAA ga yarareta no ka!? “Did they get Endeavor!?”
3 いえ! ie! “No!”
4 まだ…‼︎ mada...!! “Not yet...!!”
5 でも… demo... “But...”
6 そうなる…!解析結果が出ました…! そうなる…!かいせきけっかがでました…! sou naru...! kaiseki kekka ga dekimashita...! “That’s what will happen...! The analysis results are out!”
7 荼毘は…確保後からーーーー だびは…かくほごからーーーー Dabi wa...kakuho go kara---- “Dabi...since after we secured him----”
8 内に… うちに… uchi ni... “Inside himself...”
9 留め続けてる…!んです…! とどめつづけてる…!んです…! todome tsudzuketeru...! ndesu...! “he’s continuing to keep it there...! That’s what’s happening...!”
10 "圧縮"して… "あっしゅく"して… “asshuku” shite... “He’s compressing it...”
11 熱エネルギーを留め続けてるんです ねつエネルギーをとどめつづけてるんです netsu ENERUGII wo todome tsudzuketerundesu “and continuously holding his heat energy.”
12 このままだと保って十数分か… このままだともってじゅうすうふんか… kono mama da to motte juusuufun ka... “If he keeps like this for ten minutes or so...”
13 数分か……奴は消滅します…! すうふんか……やつはしょうめつします…! suufun ka......yatsu wa shoumetsu shimasu...! “in a few minutes...he’ll be annihilated...!”
14 そして圧力から解き放たれた熱エネルギーは… そしてあつりょくからときはなたれたねつエネルギーは… soshite atsuryoku kara tokihanatareta netsu ENERUGII wa... “And then the heat energy released from the pressure will...”
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1-2 直径約5kmを瞬時に灼き溶かす規模の超高圧爆発を引き起こす…‼︎ ちょっけいやく5キロメートルをしゅんじにやきとかすきぼのちょうこうあつばくはつをひきおこす…‼︎ chokkeiyaku 5 KIROMEETORU wo shunji ni yaki tokasu kibo no choukouatsu bakuhatsu wo hikiokosu...!! “it will cause an ultra-high pressure explosion on a scale that will melt and burn everything within an approximate 5 kilometer diameter...!!”
3 東の雄英西の士傑… ひがしのゆうえいにしのしけつ… higashi no yuuei nishi no shiketsu... “UA in the east, Shiketsu in the west...”
4 近畿の群訝近くを通るハート… きんきのぐんがちかくをとおるルート… kinki no gunga chikaku wo tooru RUUTO... “The [refugee box] route passes near Gunga in the Kinki region ...”
5 …荼毘はこれを…?いや…そんな事無理だ… …だびはこれを…?いや…そんなことむりだ… ...Dabi wa kore wo...? iya...sonna koto muri da... “...Dabi [knows] this...? No...that sort of thing is impossible...”
6 だが…もしあの時 だが…もしあのとき daga...moshi ano toki “But...maybe at that time”
7 スケプティックから情報を受けていたとしたら… スケプティックからじょうほうをうけていたとしたら… SUKEPUTIKKU kara jouhou wo ukete ita to shitara... “if he received that information from Skeptic...”
8 連絡なさい‼︎ れんらくなさい‼︎ renraku nasai!! “Contact them!!”
9 今すぐ‼︎ いますぐ‼︎ ima sugu!! “Right now!!”
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1 被害予想範囲にまだ ひがいよそうはんいにまだ higai yosou han’i ni mada “Within the expected damage range, there is”
2 止められてる避難ボックスがある‼︎ とめられてるひなんボックスがある‼︎ tomerareteru hinan BOKKUSU ga aru!! “an evacuation box that’s [still] being stopped!!”
3 …!そんなの…いくら地下でも… …!そんなの…いくらちかでも… ...! sonna no...ikura chika demo... “...! That’s...no matter how far underground they are...”
4 緊急ハッチを開けろ‼︎ きんきゅうハッチをあけろ‼︎ kinkyuu HACCHI wo akero!! “Open the emergency hatch!”
5 地上へ出るんだ! ちじょうへでるんだ! chijou e derunda! “Get above ground!”
6 うわあああああ uwaaaaaa “Waaaaaah!”
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1 塚内さん‼︎ つかうちさん‼︎ Tsukauchi-san!! “Mr. Tsukauchi!!”
2 AFO更に加速! オール・フォー・ワンさらにかそく! OORU FOO WAN sara ni kasoku! “All For One is accelerating further!”
3 まもなく"泥ワープ"の推定有効圏内に入ります! まもなく"どろワープ"のすいていゆうこうけんないにはいります! mamonaku “doro WAAPU” no suitei yuukou kennai ni hairimasu! “Shortly he’ll enter the estimated effective range for his mud warp!”
4 "二人の魔王"が揃い立ってしまったら "ふたりのま��う"がそろいたってしまったら “futari no maou” ga soroi tatte shimattara If the two demon kings end up standing together,
5 もう打つ手はーー‼︎ もううつてはーー‼︎ mou utsu te wa--!! we’ll be out of moves--!!
6 増援は……‼︎ ぞうえんは……‼︎ zouen wa......!! “Reinforcements......!!”
7 無理です‼︎万全な者がいたとしても… むりです‼︎ばんぜんなものがいたとしても… muri desu!! banzen na mono ga ita to shitemo... “That’s impossible!! Even if we have surefire people...”
8 間に合うヒーローなんて… まにあうヒーローなんて… ma ni au HIIROO nante... “we don’t have a hero who can make it in time...”
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1 塚内くん つかうちくん Tsukauchi-kun “Tsukauchi-kun.”
2 轟くんまだ"燐"の負荷が……! とどろきくんまだ"りん"のふかが……! Todoroki-kun mada “rin” no fuka ga......! “Todoroki-kun, the burden of Phospor is still......!”
3 大丈夫だっつってんだろ…! だいじょうぶだっつってんだろ…! daijoubu dattsuttendaro...! “Didn’t I tell you I’m fine...!”
4 AFOが緑谷んとこ着いちまうって… オール・フォー・ワンがみどりやんとこついちまうって… OORU FOO WAN ga Midoriya ntoko tsuichimau tte... “What if AFO arrives where Midoriya is like they said...”
5 俺はまだ動ける…‼︎ おれはまだうごける…‼︎ ore wa mada ugokeru...!! “I can still move...!!”
6-7 燈矢の事で頭がいっぱいだろ… あにのことであたまがいっぱいだろ… ani (kanji: Touya) no koto de atama ga ippai daro... “Your head is full [with thoughts of] your brother (read as: Touya), isn’t it...”
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1 ……できることを…やらなきゃ… ......dekiru koto wo...yaranakya... “......I have to do...what I can...”
2 待て‼︎俺を殺すんだろ まて‼︎おれをころすんだろ mate!! ore wo korosundaro Wait!! Aren’t you going to kill me?
3 君がどれ程の思いで きみがどれほどのおもいで kimi ga dore hodo no omoi de “With how many thoughts”
4 立ち向かったか…… たちむかったか…… tachimukatta ka...... “did you stand and face him......?”
5 どれだけ dore dake “How much”
6 悔しいか… くやしいか… kuyashii ka... “are you regretting...?”
7 僕に「なりたいものを見ろ」と ぼくに「なりたいものをみろ」と boku ni 「naritai mono wo miro」 to “You told me, ‘look at the person you want to become,’”
8 言ってくれた優しい君が いってくれたやさしいきみが itte kureta yasashii kimi ga “You, who were kind and told me that,”
9 何でこんな思いをしなきゃいけない なんでこんなおもいをしなきゃいけない nande konna omoi wo shinakya ikenai “why do you have to feel like this?”
10 ーーあーーアーー --a--A-- “--a--A--”
11 ん‼︎つながった‼︎ n!! tsunagatta!! “-eah!! It connected!!”
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1 2人とも‼︎まだ無事だってな⁉︎ 2りとも‼︎まだぶじだってな⁉︎ futari-tomo!! mada buji datte na!? “You two!! Are you still safe!?”
2 オールマイト…⁉︎ OORU MAITO...!? “All Might...!?”
3 時間が惜しい手短に伝えるね! じかんがおしいてみじかにつたえるね! jikan ga oshii temijika ni tsutaeru ne! “Time is scarce, so I’ll briefly explain!”
4 君たちは今すぐ群訝へ走れ‼︎ きみたちはいますぐぐんがへはしれ‼︎ kimi-tachi wa ima sugu gunga e hashire!! “You guys run to Gunga right now!!”
5 荼毘が爆発寸前 だびがばくはつすんぜん Dabi ga bakuhatsu sunzen “Dabi is about to expolde.”
6 範囲内には避難ブロックが停止中 はんいないにはひなんブロックがていしちゅう han’inai ni hinan BUROKKU ga teishichuu “Some evacuation blocks have been stopped within his range.”
7 現在エンデヴァーが荼毘を見てるが げんざいエンデヴァーがだびをみてるが genzai ENDEVAA ga Dabi wo miteru ga “Endeavor in his current state is watching Dabi, but”
8 彼の"個性"では爆発を止められないだろう おれの"こせい"ではばくはつをとめられないだろう ore no “kosei” de wa bakuhatsu wo tomerarenai darou “with his quirk, he probably can’t stop the explosion.”
9 飯田少年 いいだしょうねん Iida-shounen “Young Iida,”
10 君は走れる筈だ きみははしれるはずだ kimi wa hashireru hazu da “you should be able to run.”
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1 轟少年! とどろきしょうねん! Todoroki-shounen! “Young Todoroki!”
2 心と体は一元だ こころとからだはいちげんだ kokoro to karada wa ichigen da “the heart and body are unified.” (Note: He’s talking about a metaphorical heart, or mind, or spirit, that is the equivalent of one’s thoughts and feelings and personality.)
3 悩み進んできた君ならわかると思う なやみすすんできたきみならわかるとおもう nayami susunde kita kimi nara wakaru to omou “I think you understand, as you have progressed from your troubles.”
4 オールマイトでも OORU MAITO demo “Even with All Might,”
5 AFOが…… オール・フォー・ワンが…… OORU FOO WAN ga...... “All For One is......”
6 大丈夫!まだ強力な助っ人は控えてる! だいじょうぶ!まだきょうりょくなすけっとはひかえてる! daijoubu! mada kyouryoku na suketto wa hikaeteru! “It’s okay! There’s still a powerful helper standing by!”
7 迷いを抱いて戦ってもアレには勝てない まよいをいだいてたたかってもアレにはかてない mayoi wo idaite tatakattemo ARE ni wa katenai “Even if you embrace your hesitation and fight, you can’t win against that.”
8 悩んで迷って…そんな少年が心に決めた想いこそ何より尊い なやんでまよって…そんなしょうねんがこころにきめたおもいこそなによりとうとい nayande mayotte...sonna shounen ga kokoro ni kimeta omoi koso nani yori toutoi “You worried and wandered...and the feelings that such a young man decided on in his heart are more precious than anything else.”
9 燈矢を止めて皆を安心させてくれ! とうやをとめてみんなをあんしんさせてくれ! Touya wo tomete minna wo anshin sasetekure! “Stop Touya and put everyone at ease!”
10 君が君である為に きみがきみであるために kimi ga kimi de aru tame ni "Because you are you.”
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1 今 群訝の危機をどうにかできる可能性があるとすれば いま ぐんがのききをどうにかできるかのうせいがあるとすれば ima   gunga no kiki wo dou ni ka dekiru kanousei ga aru to sureba “Now, if we have any chance at doing something about the Gunga crisis,”
2 「エンジン」と 「ENJIN」 to “it’s Engine and”
3 「半冷半燃」 「はんれいはんねん」 「hanrei hannen」 “Half-Cold Half-Hot.”
4 君たちだけだ‼︎頼んだぞ‼︎ きみたちだけだ‼︎たのんだぞ‼︎ kimi-tachi dake da!! tanonda zo!! “It’s only you guys!! We’re counting on you!!”
5 …走れって …はしれって ...hashire tte “..He said to run”
6 飯田エンストしたし…… いいだエンストしたし…… IIda ENSUTO shita shi...... “but Iida[′s engine] has stalled......”
7 群訝まで ぐんがまで gunga made “From Gunga,”
8 どんだけ距離あると思ってんだ… どんだけきょりあるとおもってんだ… don dake kyori aru to omottenda... “how far do you think we are...?”
9 雨で脚の熱が良い具合だ走れるよ…… あめであしのねつがいいぐあいだはしれるよ…… ame de ashi no netsu ga ii guai da hashireru yo...... “With the rain, the heat in my legs will be in good condition, so I can run......”
10 走れる はしれる hashireru “I can run,”
11 轟くん…だって俺の脚はね とどろきくん…だっておれのあしはね Todoroki-kun...datte ore no ashi wa ne “Todoroki-kun...because my legs”
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1 迷子を導く為にあるんだから まいごをみちびくためにあるんだから maigo wo michibiku tame ni arunda kara “are for the sake of guiding lost children.”
2 誰が…為にーー… たが…ためにーー… ta ga...tame ni--... “For others’...sake--...”
3 しっかり掴まってろ しっかりつかまってろ shikkari tukamattero “Hold on tightly.”
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1 全速力だ ぜんそくりょくだ zensokuryoku da “This is my full speed.”
2 ホークスによるAFOとの戦闘記録 ホークスによるオール・フォー・ワンとのせんとうきろく HOOKUSU ni yoru OORU FOO WAN to no sentou kiroku From the combat record of AFO from Hawks:
3 若年化に伴い力は増すが じゃくねんかにともないちからはますが jakunenka ni tomonai chikara wa masu ga as his age decreases, his accompanying strength increases.
4 負の感情が抑えられなくなっている ふのかんじょうがおさえられなくなっている fu no kanjou ga osaerarenaku natte iru His negative amotions are going out of control.
5 馬鹿ヤロウ! ばかヤロウ! bakaYAROU! “You idiot!”
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1 これでいいんだよ塚内くん これでいいんだよつかうちくん kore de iinda yo Tsukauchi-kun “It’ll be fine like this, Tsukauchi-kun.”
2 元々私の もともとわたしの motomoto watashi no “Because originally,”
3 戦いだったんだから たたかいだったんだから tatakai dattanda kara this battle was mine.”
4 思い出すよなァ? おもいだすよなァ? omoidasu yo naA? “Do you remember?”
5 長く戦ってきた… ながくたたかってきた… nagaku tatakatte kita... “We’ve been fighting for a long time...”
6 死柄木弔の"憎しみ"が しがらきとむらの"にくしみ"が Shigaraki Tomura no “nikushimi” ga “The influence of Shigaraki’s hatred”
7 本体にまで影響を及ぼしているって? おまえにまでえいきょうをおよぼしているって? omae (kanji: hontai) ni made eikyou wo oyoboshite iru tte? “is affecting your body, didn’t you say?”
8 じゃあ jaa “Then,”
9 無視はできないだろうなぁ むしはできないだろうなぁ mushi wa dekinai darou naa “you can’t ignore it, right?”
10 なんてったって nantetta tte “In the end,”
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1-2 "無個性"なんだぞ!!! "むこせい"なんだぞ!!! “mukosei” nanda zo!!! “You’re quirkless!!!”
3 "個性"がなくてもヒーローは出来ますか⁉︎ "こせい"がなくてもヒーローはできますか⁉︎ “kosei” ga nakutemo HIIROO wa dekimasu ka!? Can I be a hero even if I don’t have a quirk!?
tagline 1 No.386 ナンバー386 NANBAA 386 No. 386
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tagline 1 I AM HERE  堀越耕平 アイ アム ヒア  ほりこしこうへい AI AMU HIA   Horikoshi Kouhei I AM HERE   Kouhei Horikoshi
1 私が わたしが watashi ga “I”
2 来た きた kita “am here.”
tagline 2 ついに来た‼︎ ついにきた‼︎ tsui ni kita!! He’s finally arrived!!
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daepicfirestar · 5 months
Post Season 5 Tenya Iida fans choosing their next fixation
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i put season 5 instead of season 6 on purpose, because tenya had a golden moment in s5, and also season 5 was the last animated season before MHA chapter 342 released.
MHA Season 7 and the new Demon Slayer arc coming out on the same day makes this funnier
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idk why we thought horikoshi would be nice to katsuki for his birthday and revive him.
“i’ll handle his character with care 🤓” you just gave his lifelong idol and mentor like 30 seconds to live
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