#MHA Shota Aizawa
koishiro · 5 months
Dating shōta aizawa <3
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c-h-e-r-r-i-e-s · 9 months
Aizawa brain rot 🧠
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Imagine you’re pulling on his ponytail as he works. Sat up at his desk grading papers and and all you can focus on is the throbbing between your legs. His shorter hairs fall around his nape and you push them up.
Even though he grumbles at the disruption, the lack of a sleepy face tells you he’s not going to stop whatever shenanigans you’re getting into.
“This is why you’re never allowed at the dorms” he mumbles as a blush creeps across his cheeks. Your lips find their way to his neck and under his ear lobe. Licking a stripe up his neck and biting his exposed traps.
“Please” you whisper. And he doesn’t hesitate to pin you to the bed and fuck your brains out before collapsing to sleep by your side. His arm his still hooked around your waist in the morning and it’s all he can do from stopping himself from a repeat of last night.
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crowborn666-writes · 2 years
(Depressions kicking my ass so I’m back again with therapy Dadzawa. Dunno why it took me so long to realize there’s MHA Wikis, but they’re a lifesaver.)
Shota Aizawa x Teen!Reader
Genre: Comfort, Fluff, Platonic
Summary: The hole just seems to get deeper and deeper, but your new teacher seems determined to pull you back out.
CW/TW: mentions of bad past, reader feeling guilty about eating, mentions/descriptions of anxiety, Mineta (he doesn’t do anything, he just exists 🙄)
Other info: reader has a established quirk(one I see myself having tbh, I call it Shadow Morph), possibly poorly written sparring scenes
“You haven’t eaten.”
“Not hungry.”
“You haven’t eaten since we brought you here.” He pressed, voice and actions gentle as he scooted the plate a few inches closer to you. A part of him wanted to cross his arms, but he knew that wouldn’t go over well with you, so he kept them loose and resting across his knees.
“…Not hungry.” You spoke again, albeit a bit more hesitant this time, your eyes flitting across the light meal that was set in front of you.
Shota could only let out a worried, exasperated sigh. The police were good at their job sure, but with you they had their suspicions pointed in the completely wrong direction.
Simply, you’d been caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Where you were trying to avoid the villains in the area, the ones who were on the scene thought you were with them.
It took Shota a long time to get them off your back, even longer to convince them to let you go with him.
You had recently graduated middle school, and in one of your less pressuring conversations with him, had told him how you applied to a hero school and was denied. How your parents weren’t exactly the best. How you felt you didn’t fit in with anyone, and the few friends you did have left you once school was done.
Basically, you were stuck on where to go, practically in a pit made of loneliness and unknown directions.
He thought back to those conversations, wondering just how deep this hole you’re in went. Clearly, it was worrying, if you were seeming guilty about eating.
“…You said you wanted to be a hero?” He piped up quietly, watching your fingers begin to inch towards the plate.
He didn’t press further on the subject of food, knowing even a few millimeters of movement towards it was still progress.
“Yeah… even if it’s a support or underground hero. Wanna help people.” You mumbled, tentatively picking up one of the banana slices and taking a small nibble.
The small bit of relief took some of the tension out of Shota’s aching shoulders.
“What would you say to joining one of my students’ classes? You can show off your abilities there.”
“Don’t you have an extra student to train already though…?”
“I do,” Shota’s smile at seeing you finally eat a bit more stayed hidden behind his scarf, but it definitely met his eyes, “but his progress is going smoothly enough to where I don’t have to always watch him during his training, and if your abilities are good enough you can train with each other and grow even more.”
You nodded quietly, eyeing the buttered toast that had been made for you with a bit of hesitance, wondering if you’d be able to stomach it.
Shota then stood from the table, movements careful as to not startle you.
“Eat what you can, I won’t push any more today. In the meantime I’ll fix up the couch for you.”
“Thank you.” Your quiet call following out of the kitchen, your fingers picking up the slice of toast you’d been eyeing.
Your night was fitful, to say the least. The unfamiliar environment and uncomfortable couch made it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep. You sworn in your half-asleep haze at least two times Shota had wandered over to glance over the back of the couch to check on you, one time even adjusting your blanket that had gotten tangled in your tossing and turning.
Somehow, though, you’d managed to fall asleep for more than twenty minutes. You awoke later to the sound of Shota in the kitchen, the sound of a coffee maker reaching your ears. Rolling over, you glared at the clock on the coffee table, reading 6:20 in the morning.
Figuring trying to fall back asleep would be fruitless, you sat up, rubbing at your tired eyes as you stood to wander into the kitchen.
“Morning.” Shota spoke as he turned to you, placing a granola bar on the counter for you before he turned to grab a mug from the cabinet.
“Good mornin’.” You yawned, not thinking twice as you grabbed the granola bar off the counter. Next thing you knew, Shota had a glass of water next to you, turning to pour his cup of coffee.
Your anxiety had crawled up to your neck as you and Shota walked towards a building called Gym Gamma. Shota explained that students often trained there with Ectoplasm and Cementoss, since the Pro Heroes could create concrete structures and fake Ectoplasm’s for them to practice against.
You were dreading the possibility of a grand entrance as Shota opened the gym doors. You trailed behind him, and despite him not making any sort of announcement to get his students’ attention, all eyes naturally fell to him.
Oh god, were you pale? Were you sweating bullets or is it just hot in the gym? You had to be sweating bullets and pale as a sheet. Your entire body was tense and—
“Alright class, I need your attention for a few.”
You already have their attention!
You watched with trembling hands and a gaze that soon locked onto a very specific pebble that had been dragged in as the class of about twenty students all gathered around, their attention wavering between their teacher and you.
“This is (Y/n). They’re going to join today’s class to show off their abilities, to see if they’re good enough to join the hero course.”
A rough voice called out, your gaze flickering up to spot a blond with a rather annoyed look on his face. “Does this school really have time for this stranger?”
Before your thoughts could drag you further into your metaphorical pit, Shota spoke up almost instantly.
“As heroes we should not only save people from disasters, but we should try to help them in low points of their lives. If they aren’t cut for the hero course, we will find something else for them to strive to achieve.”
No one else heard it, but from your right you could’ve sworn you heard Ectoplasm mumble something about Aizawa being a softie.
One by one, you were introduced to the class, all except for a very short, purple haired boy. But you didn’t say anything, figuring there was a reason given Sero immediately slapped some tape over his mouth just as he opened it.
One student rose her hand, Tsuyu, if you recalled correctly. “May I ask about your quirk?”
“Oh good call, Tsu!” Denki piped up, “I wanna know too!”
From Shota’s gentle prompting, along with the kind gazes of Izuku, Ochako and a few others, you began to explain your quirk to them.
Without your quirk, you’d be too slow, too weak to be much of use. But with how you’ve developed your quirk, you were able to push and pull yourself and others to your advantage.
You could create shadowy tendrils from your back or limbs, able to pull and push yourself as needed, able to wrap others up to restrain or throw them. With enough focus and energy, you could even slip through shadows, adding to your dexterity.
Your voice would waver, going in and out with volume, your mind hissing with all the words people told you about your quirk.
Not very heroic.
Scary or worrisome.
Too dark.
You didn’t say those thoughts out loud, of course, but they were instantly swept away when Izuku started rambling.
“That’s so cool! Are you able to morph your entire body into shadow or just parts of it? Can you move only through shadow that way or can you move anywhere? Is it like Tokoyami’s quirk where light—“
“Midoriya.” Shota cut him off, the green-haired boy giving a sheepish smile as a few others sighed in unison.
“Sorry, Mr. Aizawa.”
You figured this was a daily occurrence.
It wasn’t long after that the training resumed, the students easily falling back into their routine. Shota had you go up against one of Ectoplasm’s copies, just for you to warm up and get used to using your quirk in a fighting style rather than an aid like at home.
You were too focused on blocking or dodging attacks to really notice a few students glancing your way, not even Shota’s, who no doubt had his gaze moreso on you than anyone else.
After your warmup, you turned as Shota called out. “Asui. I’d like you to pair up with (Y/n).”
Nervousness rising, you watched as Tsuyu hopped down from the cement towers, right down next to you.
“(Y/n), Asui’s here is fairly quick with her movements, I want you to try your hand at capture. Asui, I want you to do your best at dodging and blocking (Y/n)’s attacks.”
“Got it, Mr. Aizawa!” She replied, turning to you with a smile and a soft ribbit, “Good luck to you!”
“G-Good luck to you too!” You stammered, getting into stance as she hopped a distance away from you.
Shota wasn’t lying when he said Tsuyu was fast, it was like she was made of water almost, or as slippery as a frog. Just when you thought you had her in a grip, she found some way to wriggle out of it or dodge at the last minute.
You had a thought then, wondering if you could fake her out somehow. You sent your shadows towards her, like you had been doing, and right before she jumped you opened them like a cage that surrounded her from all sides.
You knew she could probably slip through, but this was your best bet right now.
She aimed to jump upwards, between two shadows above her head, and thinking fast you clamped down like a venus fly trap.
A startled “ribbit!” left her as you held her upside down, arms trapped to her sides.
After your surprisingly successful capture of Tsuyu, Shota had you up against Sero next.
“You said you were able to push and pull yourself, right?” He called up to you, looking a bit small from atop the cement tower you were on. “I want you to do just that, and either evade or fight back against Sero, who’s job for this mock fight is to capture you.”
You glanced around, finding yourselves on the higher cement towers, everyone else either still training or watching from below.
At Shota’s call, Sero immediately dove into action, shooting tape to try and ensnare you. You were quick to jump away, backing out of his reach, your shadows helping you cling to your surroundings.
Now it was your turn to be quick on your feet, thoughts running a mile a minute as you had to both evade Sero and keep track of where you were going.
Suddenly he was in front of you, and in two quick tugs, your shadows pulled you behind him. He recovered faster than you expected him to, finding yourself suddenly wrapped up in tape and dangling.
“Not bad.” Shota spoke, watching as Sero carefully lowered you to the ground. “Even though Sero has a lot of practice in capture, you evaded him longer than I expected.”
You took the praise with red cheeks, a little embarrassed by it all.
A few other students wanted to train with you after that, especially Midoriya, but unfortunately you needed to rest, and so spent the rest of the class period watching them all.
“You did good today.” Shota spoke up as you walked back to your temporary housing with him.
“You mean it…?”
“I mean it.” He glanced back at you and caught your gaze for a short moment, just long enough to emphasize his point before turning away. “A lot of my students wanted you to come back and join them in the second year. If you’re up for it, you can join the hero course with Shinsou.”
You found yourself smiling. “Guess I got a lot of training to do now, huh?”
Shota was smiling as well, even if you couldn’t see it. “That, and you got a lot of people who care about you now as well.”
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call-me-copycat · 1 year
Hello everyone! I'm sorry it's been awhile, but I recently got a new phone so I'll be able to write and draw more ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
Also, today is my birthday! I saved some of my favorite drawings from a little while ago so I could share them today (ृ´͈ ᵕ `͈ ृ )
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These were the drawings that sort of represent the time period where I shifted into gaining a better understanding with drawing (they're also some of my favorites)
I hope you all have a wonderful day! I look forward to writing and drawing more! ୧꒰*´꒳`*꒱૭✧
Tags for the art:
♡ @tired-teacher-blog
♡ @twanettee
♡ @nyantarodog
° Sorry if I missed anyone! I'm a little tired and have exams tomorrow (but then I'm on a break and have 2 months to myself)
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mhabirthdays · 11 months
Happy Birthday
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Shota Aizawa (Erasure Hero: Eraser Head) – November 8th
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luna-draws · 1 year
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Man it felt like literal years since I last drew erasermic! Crazy huh?
My bad I’m just obsessed over one piece at the moment cuz of the live action and my brother is making me watch it (I have up in 4 episodes 😭) anywho I hope y’all like this,
I just need more wholesome erasermic content since we haven’t heard of them for the past 7 MONTHS!
People think they are dead I hope not 😭 I just love them and want them to be happy together with their children forever and ever I love them so much😭😭
Erasermic will live on! They have to!
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death-notex · 1 year
Mha headcannons
• Aizawa threw up during sex ed and Nemuri and Hizashi never let him live it down.
• Bakugo religiously watches the Twilight movies.
• Ojiro likes yarn-made friendship bracelets and makes them for himself all the time. When Denki found out about this he tried to make Ojiro one but it just turned out as a few pieces of yarn covered in knots. Of course, Ojiro cherishes the bracelet forever (and he makes Denki one in return that has yellow flower patterns on it)
• Deku knows a lot about trains and reads articles about them all the time. He wants to create an app where he can track different trains as they travel across the country.
• Mina loves cake pops. She spends a good amount of her paycheck buying them from Starbucks.
• Shoji used to be afraid of the water because he was genuinely convinced he would never be able to swim due to his arms. He didn’t learn to swim until he was a teenager and it was only because a small child was drowning at the pool and he had to jump in and swim to go save the kid.
• Momo has a hard time with body positivity and tries to complement herself in the mirror every morning. It’s never easy for her to do.
• Aizawa brings kittens to school with him. Nezu has given up on trying to stop him.
• Aoyama’s favourite song is “Noel’s Lament” from the musical “Ride The Cyclone”
• Bakugo is secretly a musical theater kid. (Author Note: I will die on this hill.) When Aoyama, whose also a musical theater kid, finds out about this he confronts Bakugou. After several arguments and a few weeks Bakugo comes clean about his love for musicals. The two perform Dear Evan Hansen in their rooms together on the weekend.
• Shoto likes Adventure Time. He refuses to watch anything that isn’t either PG or on Cartoon Network.
• Tsuyu is incredible at Dance Dance Revolution and Mario Kart. Her and Kirishima have video game competitions all the time, which Tsuyu always wins. The only one who has come close to beating her is Deku while playing Pac-Man.
• Aizawa has a cat named Push-pop. (I know there are a lot of Aizawa headcannons but DEAL WITH IT)
• Eri likes listening to Katy Perry. Shinsou introduces her to Lady Gaga. Chaos ensues.
• All Might drinks tea, never coffee.
• Hawks makes nests out of his clothes to sleep in. One day Hawks mentors Tokoyami and their junior mission ends up becoming a several day mission. Hawks obviously keeps watch while Tokoyami sleeps. He notices the boy making a little nest out of the two different jackets he was wearing. Tokoyami looks up to see Hawks watching him and feels severely embarrassed, trying to hide the makeshift nest and come up with an explanation. Hawks comforts him and let’s him know that it’s ok and that he does the same thing. It’s just a part of their quirks and who they are, there isn’t anything to be ashamed of. (Wholesome moments? Yes, they are possible.)
part 2?
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Shigaraki Hc with a U.A Teacher !SO whos a big sweetheart to everybody but isn't a hero.
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He hates you.
You being associated with heroes makes him hate you.Being sweet confuses him therefore pisses him off.
Of course you meet at U.S.J and he immediately thinks your a student because of how you're freaking out .Annoys the hell out of him.
Doesn't really care that you're a teacher he wants to kill you.
Oh your not a hero why are you here?He is the meanest motherfucker ever known.
HOWEVER,you flip a switch when you realise your students in danger,flinging yourself into dangers route the moment it sets its eyes on one of your students.
Villains,tied and struggling considering the blow to their ego that you only tied their hands and nothing else.
Literally not a kick or a punch or even a block,just a weave, tie ,sit down.
Shigaraki quickly directs nomu towards you after taking note of how many villains were being taken out by you and you start bawling.Daki tea kettle style.
Is dumbfounded,even more so when you reject help from your far superior students.
Bakugou is screaming old hag from where he is Izuku is charging at nomu trying to break his hand again,Aizawa is barely conscious trying to get grab you by the throat with his scarf because your currently being a heroic dumbass.
Shigaraki is laughing his ass off makes some game reference and you stop crying.
'Wait.You play that too?What's your user?'
Man is Flabbergasted with a capital F.
Not only did someone just ask him for his user to play with him( as he played alone ) ,but you asked him as Nomu was about to turn you into a pancake.
'Idiot.Your about to die,how can you play.'
'I don't die,I respawn.'
Congrats you've unlocked obsessed shigaraki.
After the USJ incident since All might arrived he wasn't able to give you his user aswell as being completely shooked.He stalked you.
To just when you've left U.A 'territory' as he likes to call, To just outside your bathroom as you bathe.
Nothing about him is not perverted when it comes to you.
Taking picture to jerk off to.✔
Panties thief maxed out level.✔
Pillow humping.✔
Mattress humping.✔
You bite pencils,expect to have an indirect kiss from shigaraki.
You have a controller and don't just play PC games and you've recently just touched it,expect him to use it as a vibrator.
To which he gains access to your user and he uses to play games with you as if he's a random guy and not guy whose been stalking you
Finally you two bump into each other as you try to get the latest game which the one you were reaching for was the very last copy.
'Oh sorry.You can take it.'You were mentally screaming as you agonizingly took your hand away from the game.
Shigaraki pauses getting awkardly hard at your voice mentally cussing himself out at his lack of restrain.
You instantly recognize him his name leaving your lips quietly striking shigaraki in the heart.He is a wanted man. Gotta keep the simps away
Just because you game on league of legends together doesn't mean he stops stalking you if anything its more frequent.
Sometimes he will jerk off while gaming with you.You've asked him a couple times if hes alright as he's breathing a little loud.
Other times he will cower in the corner from your sudden tantrum at your sides lag.
Games don't make you violent,lag does. Finds it slightly funny and cute after a few seconds,but mostly petrified .
He still steals your panties, jerks off to you when your in the shower or even sleeping.
However that prooves to be his down fall as one night he is just watching you sleep,admiring every inch of you when he brushes a strand of hair from your face.
You shot up like a rocket.
He runs so fast you can't even call out to him in time to wait.
More or less ghosts you out of pure embarrassment, refuses to even look at messages you sent to his DMs.And that is the last time you meet him.
That is until the forest training camp arc.
Your gonna be there. kidnap you aswell as the kid.
Gives specific instructions to not harm you making it seem you were top priority merchandise.
Purposely has you put in the other room because he knows you will start talking and people will know that you've met more than once,after you wake up.
'Shigaraki!Why weren't you responding to my texts!'
Is a little suprised how your not adressing the elephant in the room about how he stalked you.But he did exepct the unexpected so it doesn't count.
'Your not gonna talk about how I was literally in your house'
'I don't mind.If you wanted to come over you could of just asked.'
His jaw is dropped .Are you that dense?
'I don't think you understand.I literally came on your pillow'
Your simply shrug and he just leaves face red as he just told you he had been humping your pillow and you couldn't care less.
But before he can get back in the room to converse again he is yet again blocked by All might.
But this time he actually responds to his DMs and is playing games with you again.
He wonders if you've just forgetten until one day you ask him.
'Does it hurt?You know.What you said back then'
Gets a hard on instantly,gets flustered and he feels he's already back to his old ways.
Sensing his lack of experience and just general struggle you ask him out.
Arcade. your first date has to be an Arcade or a fun fair ,anywhere with games.
Is very awkward but he does bring you flowers,hes trying.Theyll probably be either ruined or ash because of how quick and eager he was to show up.
Very protective still. Anyone looking at you in the wrong way,will have his arm around your shoulder + deathglare.
You're the only reason why there isn't a body.well dust
Walks you home just fine case if anything happens,your too innocent in his eye7s.
Literally stands there expecting a kiss,but will never say.
You will catch on pretty quickly and a kiss is delivered.
He is shocked that he actually got one,heavily inexperienced so just ends up kissing like a puffer fish after the first few seconds of freaking out.
Movie nights,gaming sessions at your house,cafe dates are regular.Has to keep a low profile since he a villain.
You start cuddling and over time his kisses get better,ranging from forehead kisses to neck and shoulder kisses.
Hugs you from behind.and you get him gloves to ease his fear of him accidentally disintegrating you.
Don't think its all wholesome he will still grab onto your tits/chest and slighty rut his hips into you.
Is very insecure but generally gets more comfortable as your praise goes on.
If you have tits he will use them as a pillow no matter how small, if you have pecs or none will still use your chest as a pillow.Your presence and heartbeat is enough to knock him out cold.
Dating this man didn't have a apperance recommendation as anything is prettier than him thats what he thinks.
Worships you,he will either hide you from the public eye or brag and put you on display showing how he is the luckiest man in the world.
Your students have now caught on to something going on due to hickeys literally everywhere,Eri just thinks its bruises and gets concerned.
You came back crying from a cuteness overload and it somewhat indirectly fuels shigaraki want to take overhauls arms and then play 'if your happy and you know it clap your hands' in front of him.
He refuses to let you do any work when it comes to sex because to him he is undeserving.
He will rut his hips against you for your stimulation and eat you out and all other types of teasing but showing you his body is a no go.
White hair shigaraki though is a completely different library.
If he wants to fuck you he will pull you aside and blow out your back.
In a way he was completely on the giving side and now your in debt to him and that is currently costing you your spine and sooner or later he will turn you into Joe Swanson .
Oh your a virgin?Corruption kink boost.
Does like taking risks but if anyone sees you in that state it is punishable by death and it will happen.
His libido is nothing to mess with he is stressed more than he was .won't always fuck you but he will hump you or have you suck.If not he'll do it.
Oral with this man is heavenly,he can try to be soft but with those lips not happening both shigaraki's will get drunk on you.
Your game was left unattended several minutes ago.Begging was futile as shigaraki dove his tounge into your hole, absolutely ravaging you with the wet muscle."such a pretty lover"he moans as your flavour is left on his tounge when he retracts his tounge before lunging in for another taste.The vibrations of his moans and roughness of his lips has you in ecstacy as he eats you from behind. He devours you,gliding his slender thumbs along your inner thigh before a harsh slap meets your ass.A yelp escapes your lips as you quickly turn your head to face him with a pleading look.'Instead of moaning,moan my name ,it's a good use of your lovely mouth,Player 2'. You moan out his name as he begins to glip your ass with a gloved finger,his tounges pace picking up with it.How did you end up like this?All of this from a simple kiss.
If your giving it to him he will either grab your head and shove you down to gag on his cock or thrust his hips so needily into your jaw.
Foreplay is your part still slightly nervous with his quirk despite the fact he controlled it so if you like being choked,spanked,having your nips fondled, fingering and deepthroatinh his fingers he'll have atleast one finger covered.
Make out sessions are one way to die from a broken back.He gets so hooked up on your taste you would probably die from suffocation by how fast he moves his lips to your neck back to your lips and so.
Now sexy time,oh dear god after his upgrades he's got a lot of stamina if not for him being busy he would of dicked you down through the floor.
Likes missionary or any position that he can see your gorgeous face.
Bondage is on the table.
So it a pain kink and a little but of blood.
Marking,Edging ,Overstimulating definitely.
Oh you thought it was just him,nope it goes on both of your asses.
Its not just because your into it but because you want shigaraki to enjoy it even if its not your preference.
If you have a dick or are into pegging he'll probably stalk you until he is certain your going to your shared room and then sprint there.Strip,tie himself up,ass in the air with a gag,waiting for you to get home.
If you are doing this unless its your first time or you haven't had sex in a long time...
Throw the lube out the window with the condom, and just violate this man.
Pull his hair,while slightly condescending him right before praise.
He will come in seconds.
Play with his nips they are sensitive af.
Call him Baby boy,Shiggy,Babe,Player 1 or anything and he will melt in your embrace
Aftercare with shigaraki isn't the best as he cant be seen with you and is very busy but he will check if you are ok,give you a few kisses,bring a water bottle if your thirst and get the bath atleast running by the time he has to leave.
Its not the best but its sweet.
Especially small,fluffy dogs.
Any pet you have will be his therapy animal.
You once came home to see your pet sleeping on his chest with him.Cute blackmail obtained.
Babies however is complicated not the best time and your pet is basically his child.
But shigaraki doesn't like to use condoms so if you can become pregnant he will be shocked,confused,and then bolt you into a cargo ship to god knows where as long as nobody can find you.
He still isn't sure but if you want it he will try his best for you,its all for you.
Anybody who hurts you during this time is finished no matter what you say,will personally kidnap them and torture them until they give out.
It was an accident?
'There are no accidents'
-Tomura Shigaraki
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goldandgreenflakes · 2 years
Aizawa x Fem! Reader
(Not quite enemies but close enough)
I LOVE CLICHÉSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Your hero name is Shockwave, btw)
As the stretch limos pulled up to the hotel, I felt my stomach twist.
This is one of the nicest hotel in the area, only top-notch celebrities and heros get to stay here. One night can cost upwards of 18,000 dollars.
And I get to stay here for a heroes conference, free, with full amenities.
We walked into the lobby and Nezu walked toward the front desk. He spoke to the lady behind the desk for a few minutes before returning with multiple keycards in his hand.
Paw? Hand?
"Mic, you're with Midnight," the principal said as he handed Mic a key card. The two linked arms in a humorous display before heading down the hallway.
Nezu continued. "Cementor, you're sharing a room with Snipe."
I watched as more and more teachers were paired up, and then I noticed the mischievous glint in Nezu's eyes.
No, no, no, no, no, Nezu don't.
But by the time he noticed my glare, it was too late.
"Shockwave, you're with Eraserhead."
The man himself, standing on the other end of the lobby, turned, and I could see the annoyance on his face.
"Must you always find ways to bother me, Nezu?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes. Shota always felt the need to bitch about whatever situation he had found himself in.
The principal flashed a grin, looking between me and Eraserhead.
"I am not just trying to bother you, I'm simply trying to get you two to work together. Contempt between any two heroes can cause problems on the job."
I glanced at Aizawa, already knowing the next week was going to suck. Big-time. The man himself groaned, grabbing his bag and snatching our keycard from Nezu and disappearing down the hallway without so much as a second glance my way.
I looked down at my own card before sighing and making my way to the room.
By the time I got to the room, Shota had already made it there and settled. I opened the door, and what I saw made me want to scream.
"There's only one bed?!" I yelped, dropping my bag and turning to the hallway. I turned back to face the room and the king sized bed that sat in the middle. A bucket of ice with a bottle of champagne rested on the bedside table.
"It's mine, L/n, you can sleep in the window seat." I scowled at Shota as the words left his mouth.
"You got me fucked if you think you're taking this entire bed and leaving me with the window seat. Move over," I said as I dropped my bag on the other side of the bed from him.
An awkward silence settled over the two of us.
I pulled my phone out and texted Nemuri. She told me that the whole group was going down to the hotel bar for drinks, and asked me if I wanted to meet them down there.
I figured since the actual convention didn't start until the afternoon the next day, I could afford to have a couple drinks.
Maybe I'd meet someone.
So I agreed to at least show face down at the bar, then dug through my bag to find something less... hero costume-y.
Eventually, I found something agreeable. It was still pretty formal but slightly less so than the other convention clothes I had brought with me. I took the clothes into the bathroom along with my makeup bag while Shota browsed his phone grumpily.
Once I deemed myself presentable I exited the bathroom ans went to put my makeup bag back when I heard a huff come from the man sitting on the bed.
I turned to him. "What."
He barely looked up from his phone. "Nothing," he said simply. "You just cleaned up better than I thought you would. I've gotten so used to the leather."
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. We're all going down to the bar. Maybe if you get a couple shots in you, you'll loosen up a bit."
Shota scoffed. I left.
"So, you're stuck with Eraser?" Nemuri asked as I slid into the bar stool next to her.
I nodded as she handed me a shot glass full of whatever and I downed it without thinking.
"It won't be so bad," Midnight said cheerfully as I grabbed another glass from in front of her.
Shrugging, I tipped my head back and threw the second shot down. "It won't be if he leaves me alone," I said once the glass was back down on the bar.
There was a momentary silence until she responded. "Or maybe you two will work it out."
I snickered. As if.
But I didn't want to say that so I just ordered a drink and sat silent as I sipped it.
After only a few minutes, I felt my muscles relax as my head began to swim ever-so-slightly. The undisclosed alcohol along with my ordered drink finally because to ease my inhibitions of the conference out of my subconscious.
That was until a figure slid into the stool next to me. He rested his hand on the small of my back.
"Why don't you let me get you a drink, sweetheart," the shady man snickered, calling the bartender over and calling for another four shots of tequila.
I shook my head, putting a hand up in front of myself and trying to think of a decent enough lie to tell.
"No thank you," was all I could think of as I took another sip from my own glass.
The man persisted. "Oh come on, you look miserable. At least let me help you loosen up." His hand slid down to my ass, tugging at the hem of my clothes.
Now listen. Most logical people would have gotten up and left, or at least told the man to bug off, but I am not most logical people.
I'm stupid.
So I took the shots. Free alcohol? At a bar where I'm already getting free alcohol? But where some sleazebag has to pay for it?
Absolutely I will.
So I pushed back both shots before turning away from the man, pushing his hand off my ass as I did.
"Oh come on, baby, I bought you something. The least you can do is pay me a little attention," he continued, moving his hand around to my thigh.
At this point, I wasn't in any position to be defending myself, so I nudged Nemuri and quietly asked her to deal with it.
She leaned back as I rested my head in my hands, my elbows on the bar.
"Thank you, sir, but my friend here isn't interested," she said, then whispered to me.
"Why would you let him buy you a drink?"
I shook my head. "I didn't mean to."
But the man was getting persistent, running his hand up my thigh.
"I believe she said she wasn't interested," a voice spoke up from behind me. I turned and groaned when I realized it was Shota.
The man sputtered for a moment, trying to think of something to say, before muttering about "ungrateful bitches" and stalking off.
I slumped against the bar, feeling my head swim. "You didn't have to do that." I snapped.
Shota scoffed. "Sure, stand there and watch you get groped. I don't care for you but even I'm better than that, stupid."
I felt something unfamiliar twist in my stomach ar the name.
Assuming it was nausea, I stood. "On that note I'm going back to the room."
Nemuri looked at me. "You sure?" She asked. I nodded.
"Do you need someone to walk you?" Hizashi offered as he rounded the corner with a glass in either hand. He handed one to Shota and they both took a sip. Hizashi sat in the stool I had just stood from.
I shook my head and started off.
"Hey!" Shota shouted from behind me. Stifling a groan, I turned towards him.
The man tossed my keycard at me. "You left this in the room."
I looked at him for a moment, only half taking note of the unrecognizable glint in his eye.
Then I turned and stumbled away from the hotel bar, into the hallway.
It took me a few minutes to actually find my room, and a few more to finally slide my key card in the door.
I looked around the room, letting out a tired sigh when I noticed Shota's stuff on his chosen side of the bed.
This week is gonna really suck.
Stumbling into the bathroom, I removed my makeup and stared myself down in the mirror.
"That was.. a mistake," I mumbled, pulling my hair out of its style. My head was still swimming and I was feeling nausea pull at the bottom of my stomach. I decided to drink some water and just try lying down.
I lay on my side for a while, half staring at the wall and half staring at the inside of my eyelids.
That was, until I heard the door unlock, and Shota walked in.
"Hey stupid," the man called into the room. I didn't move.
"I know you're awake because you snore like a fucking dump truck, Y/n. I got you a Gatorade. Here." The hero said, and less than a second later a bottle hit me in the ribs.
I looked at him, and once again noticed the unfamiliar.. something glint in his eyes.
"...thank you," I murmured.
Aizawa pulled his sweater up and over his head, rummaging through his bags for his pajamas. "Don't mention it," he grunted.
Then he walked into the bathroom to finish changing.
Part two and three!
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heyyy could i request the reader as the daughter of aizawa who lived in another country with her mother? like she suddenly appears in the ua by surprise and is iae dad?
Hi yea, of course, I do apologize if I get this wrong I'm not exactly sure what iae is not sure if you meant 'is her dad' so this one will be like a body swap but if that's incorrect feel free to send another message.
Father!Shota Aizawa X daughter!Reader
Characters: Shota Aizawa
Story type: Oneshot
Reader: female!reader
Warnings: some cussing
A/N~Hi, I apologize I accidentally posted this before finishing I was trying to save and didn't pay attention so it's still not done but I am working on it currently hopefully it'll be done soon once again I apologize
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Shota Aizawa
☆ "Alright bye mom love you, I'll be back soon " you say quickly to your mom as you leave to the supermarket just to get some ingredients she asked you to get, once leaving the store you hear a commotion going on around the corner you run to see what's going on once you reach the corner you see a villain roaming the streets
☆ And being a second-year student at UA (not sure if all the schools are called UA I forgot sorry) with a provisional hero license you quickly placed your groceries at the corner and ran off towards the villain, while fighting the villain without realizing you got hit by the villain and not knowing their what their quirk is
☆ Seconds later you're standing in a classroom in front of at least 20 teenagers, unfamiliar with the surroundings you look around and Familiarize yourself with the surroundings, you look up to see the teenagers staring at you confused
☆ From having their homeroom teacher look like he could fall asleep at any moment to him wide awake and looking around both somewhat alarmed yet confused you see some blonde guy in the front of the class looking at you with a judgemental stare just screaming what the hell is wrong with you
☆ In your peripheral you see someone immediately standing up to see a blue-haired with glasses maybe a few inches shorter than you currently, "Mr. Aizawa what happen, what is going on " the boy states with a serious tone you are astonished by being called by your father's title and the stranger somehow knowing your last name
☆ In your bewildered state you place your hand to rest on your hip "First of all who the hell are all of you, Second where am I, And lastly Mr. Aizawa is my father so wrong person " you stated with a more angry and anxious tone then you hoped for in hopes of getting some answers quickly
☆ The entire class was in shock at your statement all their eyes locked onto you the first one to snap out of the shock and respond was the blue haired boy "Do be careful with your language after all this is a classroom, We are class 1A of U.A. High school, what do you mean Mr. Aizawa is your father, explain! "
☆ Putting your hand on your hip you respond "Like I said before Shota Aizawa is my father there is nothing to do explain " you search you your pockets for a phone to your displeasure it's nowhere to be found "Does anybody have a phone I can borrow, please? "
☆ You look around at the fellow teens waiting for an answer a green haired boy raises his hand saying "You can borrow mine I don't mind " with a sweet smile walking over to you handing you his unlocked phone "Thank you " you dial your dad's phone number forgotten that you had switched
☆ You look to the side of you after hearing a phone ringing, you see a yellow sleeping bag and a phone somewhat poking out ringing with the caller ID saying 'green haired problem child' you hang up on the boys phone and hand it back to him "oh shit right I forgot " you think to yourself
☆ Going to grab the phone in the sleeping bag guessing it's your dad's phone, after picking it up the screen lights up from sensing it being moved you look down at the lock screen seeing it is a picture of you and your dad from when you were little
☆ A slight smile grows on your face from seeing the photo then you see that the phone is locked and under your breath, you say "shit of course it's locked " and of course, he doesn't have the biometric lock either you look up from the phone
☆ Completely forgetting you're in a classroom full of 20 teenagers you lean against the wall behind you "Alright I have no idea what to do with y'all so just read or whatever " you say somewhat annoyed just as you finish talking the door to your left opens and you see you Uncle Hizashi walk in the classroom
☆ "hey man I just gotta ask you something quickly " he says, quickly after he finishes you ramble "Uncle zashi hi it's nice to see ya again but I need your help, me and my dad switched bodies so I'm not Shota Aizawa I'm y/n Aizawa some jerk villain hit me with his quirk and I don't know what to do "
☆ Your Uncle stands there trying to process every word that left your mouth like he's a fast talker but damn he couldn't even understand you the only word that left his mouth was "WHAT?!?!! " you take a breath and repeat what you had just said in a slower pace than before
☆ "I was fighting a villain and I must have got hit with his quirk without realizing so me and my dad switched bodies so I'm not Shota Aizawa I'm Y/N Aizawa and I need your help cuz I don't know what to do " you slightly smile after saying so to lighting the mood
☆ Hizashi responds "OK let me get this straight you hot hit with a Quirk that made you and your dad switch body's and you don't know what to do right " you nod and give a small mhm "Alright let's get you to recovery girl " Hizashi turns to the class and says "Behave yourselves I'll be right back "
☆ On your way to recovery girls office you turn to your Uncle and ask "hey by any chance do you know dads phone password " you pull the phone out of your pocket then gently handing it to him he grabs the phone then saying "no sorry"
☆ He hands the phone back you, once the two of you round the corner the both of you head straight into recovery girls office
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c-h-e-r-r-i-e-s · 8 months
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Mentally I am here
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crowborn666-writes · 2 years
Could I request a one-shot of platonic Aizawa comforting his student who accidentally reveals a bunch of old sh scars? I myself have a bunch of scars on my neck and arms that are very noticeable, and I've always been self-conscious about them. I'd just really like some fluff and comfort.
I completely understand if you're not comfortable writing about this, so feel free to ignore.
Hero Suit
(Of course dear!!! I’m more than happy to write you some comfort <3 hope your days are well!)
Aizawa x Student!Reader
Genre: Comfort, Fluff, Platonic
Summary: Your hero suit didn’t come back how you wanted, and your teacher offers some advice.
TW/CW: mention of sh scars, of depression, and of insecurity
(Your gender should not be mentioned in this, tried to keep it gender neutral as usual!)
You frowned down at the fabric on your skin, not liking how short the sleeves were, nor the lack of a stretchy turtleneck on the collar. You’d designed it that way for a reason, and of course whoever was in charge of your suit messed it up.
Sighing, you habitually glanced around for your jacket, only to remember it was in the locker room.
“(Y/n), seems you change quick.” Aizawa commented, marking you as present on the clipboard he had.
“Yes, sir. The others shouldn’t be too long now, although I heard Mineta causing trouble from the hallway.”
“Of course he was.” Your teacher sighed.
You were thankful he had the clipboard in hand, nerves of him noticing starting to creep up on you.
Anyone who’d noticed before either asked too many questions, made a big deal out of it, and some decided to make you feel bad about them.
You turned away, anxiously awaiting your other classmates arrival when you felt a gentle hand grasp your arm and lift.
Oh no…
Aizawa was glancing over the pale, faded lines that cut across your skin, expression unreadable aside from his lips having been pulled into a thin line.
He let go at the first slight tug you gave, his hand falling back to his side as he glanced to your exposed neck next.
“…Have you had any urges lately?”
You quietly shook your head, staring up at him like a deer in headlights.
Aizawa nodded. “You don’t have to hide your scars, but if you still want to, we’ll have your suit fixed as soon as possible.”
Your teacher offered you a small smile. “I’m here if you need to talk. You’re not the only one who’s insecure about their scars.”
Days came and went, but when one particular lunch rolled around you were nearly dizzy. Too much for one day, you got your lunch and poked your head into Aizawa’s classroom. He’s offered to let you eat in there if you or anyone else got overwhelmed.
He gave a small wave from his desk, sipping on his coffee as he graded papers.
You took your usual seat, a small sigh leaving you as you set your things down. You ate quietly, rather quickly, and it didn’t take Aizawa long to notice.
“Bad day, (Y/n)?”
You nodded first, but quickly followed it up with a “Yes.”
“You’re free to talk about it.”
Silence followed after that, debating on where to start or if you even wanted to talk about your thoughts.
“Just… dealing with some sensory overload, I guess. The sleeves of my uniform are making my wrists itch, and I think someone saw the scars on my neck cause they kept staring…”
Aizawa nodded along, silent as to hear you as your voice grew quiet in some spots.
“Well, you’re free to stay in here and relax. Next class is hero training, right? I hear they fixed your hero suit, so hopefully that’ll help.”
You nodded with a smile, watching as Aizawa stood to shut the door as a few louder students walked through the halls.
You were glad to have him as your teacher, so in tune with his students’ needs, even if it never seemed that way at first.
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call-me-copycat · 1 year
I don’t know if this is your request box can you do Aizawa with student reader prompt 4 I believe ( what are you doing out of bed )
Hello and thank you for your request! Yes, this is my ask box, so if you ever want to request again then you can come here again ദി ᷇ᵕ ᷆ )
I'm sorry for the delay! Something got moved dates, so I was a bit busy yesterday. The good news is I now have a job ୧꒰*´꒳`*꒱૭✧
Thank you for being here! I hope you enjoy!
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Request For My Writing Event! (It's still open!)
Slot Chosen: Pick-A-Prompt 2
#4: "You better have a really good reason for being out of bed"
- Aizawa & Student! Reader (GN + Platonic)
- Uraraka and Momo (briefly)
➜ WORD COUNT: 2080
➜ GENRE(S): Just fluff, maybe comfort as well
➜ WARNINGS: None :⁠-⁠)
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It was dark.
That was all you saw as you laid in bed, mind refusing to shut off despite how much you craved sleep.
You didn't know the current time, but you withheld from checking your phone out of fear that you'd wake yourself up even more when doing so. The rain was gently cascading down outside, the sounds helping to lure you into a false sense of relaxation.
You didn't know how long you stayed like that. Still and quiet, waiting with baited breath as you eagerly tried to get sleep to come to you. Your blanket was too hot, so you took it off. Then you were too cold, so you put it back on. The fabric was folded too uncomfortably underneath you, and as much as you tried to ignore the feeling, it clung to your mind.
Time felt like a thick jelly to you. A world where everyone was unconscious, unaware, and at peace. All except you, that is.
Sighing, you got up to go to the bathroom, rubbing your arms when the cold air stung your skin that was warm with sweat from the blanket. You didn't even need to go, simply tired of dealing with the uncomfortable tossing and turning in your bed.
Splashing some water on your face and drying it off, you debated on just getting up for the day. If you were going to stay awake, you might as well be productive, right? But then again... You'd be too tired and sluggish to keep up with training if you went without sleep.
A groan of agitation escaped you, and for a brief moment you angrily wondered why your mind rejected all forms of sleep no matter how hard you tried to rebut it.
All that answered back was the quiet pattering of rain hitting your window. Heading over to look outside the window gave a view of the courtyard from your dorm room. The sky was lighting up slightly, but so insignificantly that you debated with yourself on whether or not that was the sun beginning to rise, or the lights from the school. You could see the puddles of water that dotted the ground, shimmering from the lights on the outside of the dorms that always stayed on.
The cool air was no longer that much of an issue to you, and so you took it upon yourself to head downstairs to the common room. Why? Because as soon as you looked towards your bed you cringed, with the mass of the messed up blanket being the last place you wanted to be.
The hallways were silent, and dark. So quiet that you could hear your footsteps and breath if you so wished. The only light came from the small nightlights that lit up whenever you walked by, with their sole purpose being to aid students throughout the dark without them waking everyone else up.
The large windows and dark ends of the hallways felt ominous, as if you were walking through an opposite dimension, one that mimicked the world you lived in. As you passed by the doors, you briefly thought about each of your classmates that resided behind them, possibly at peace with their own sleep.
You wondered if this was how Aizawa felt each time he came through to do random checks in order to assure everyone was in bed. The hallways suddenly felt so much lonelier.
As you delicately hopped down the stairs in an attempt to physically tire yourself out, a thought crossed your mind. You had no clue what time it was. You didn't even know if you were allowed to be up this early.
Shrugging it off, the thought of the too-warm bed and too-cold bedroom pushed you farther down the stairs.
The common room was just as silent, the atmosphere feeling dead without the numerous faces and voices that normally filled it each time you passed by. It was just as dark, but the moon softly lit up certain areas of the room - just enough for you to barely make out a dark figure sitting on the couches.
Your breath hitched as your heart skipped a beat, the silent air carrying the sound all the way to the person and causing them to turn around. You calmed when you came face-to-face with Aizawa, your home room teacher. However, panic flared inside you once again at the way his eyes squinted as he looked at you with an expression of irritation. You suddenly remembered your earlier thought, and realized that you probably weren't supposed to be down so late (or early?).
"You better have a really good reason for being out of bed"
His voice brought you out of your foggy mind, sort of waking you up from your internal slumber that was always there. Freezing in place, your eyes widened as you realized that no, you didn't have a good reason for being there. You couldn't sleep? No, he wouldn't take that excuse. You knew you'd be hearing a great deal from him, some kind of lecture at the very least.
"I... " You didn't know how to phrase it. Exhaustion clung to your mind, and suddenly you found yourself much rather wanting to deal with a stuffy bed than standing there, in the cold, dark room, facing your upset teacher and about to be lectured.
"I couldn't sleep." Deciding to get it out of the way, you stated the truth quite bluntly. If you were to be punished, at least you'd be awake for it. Hopefully it'd tire you out just enough to fall asleep the next night.
Aizawa was no fool. He knew what it was like to deal with insomnia, since he suffered from it himself. That was the very reason he was awake at 3 in the morning, sitting on the common room couch and grading papers.
When he heard the sound of a series of footsteps behind him, he thought he was hearing things. Yet, he couldn't ignore the sound of a startled intake of breath. Someone was behind him. Turning around and seeing you was certainly a surprise.
He could see the dark circles under your eyes. The tiredness that seemed to fill your expression. The way you sleepily held your arms close to yourself as the cold air nipped at your skin. It reminded him of himself when he was younger.
It was silent for a second, the rain being the only sound between the two of you.
Then, without saying a word, he put down his clipboard and motioned you to come closer. You gulped, dreading any upcoming lecture. It definitely wasn't something you were in the mood for.
When he lectured, he could go on for a while if he so wished. You remembered the time he scolded you for half an hour in the snow, upset that you didn't do your duty of shoveling a path to the dorm. You were wearing your school uniform, definitely not fit for such weather, but he couldn't care less.
"Have you gotten any sleep at all tonight?"
A surprise to you, that's what that certainly was. You hadn't expected him to care so much, but in hindsight it made sense - he was your teacher after all. It was only natural for him to care about his students' health and well-being.
Shaking your head no, he sighed. He knew the feeling all too well.
"Do you think you can fall asleep at all right now?"
"I don't know." was your reply. You really didn't know. If sleep came to you, then you'd welcome it with open arms. But at the moment, you were much too awake to do so.
Grabbing the clipboard once again, he offered to you without even looking up, "You can stay down here with me if you want. I don't want you wandering the halls alone."
Hesitantly, you looked at him in order to ensure he wasn't lying. Upon him motioning for you to take a seat beside him on the couch, you did so with relief; you weren't in trouble. That much was known.
After a few minutes of watching him flip through a stack of papers to grade while you zoned out, he stood up and made his way to the kitchen, simply giving you an order to "stay put".
While he was gone, you closed your eyes and leaned back against the couch. The cool air made it difficult to relax as you kept shivering, so you reopened them again to see Aizawa coming back, a single cup of something in his hands.
He gestured for you to take the cup from him as he sat down.
"It's chamomile. It's supposed to help you sleep, but if it doesn't then at the very least it'll help you relax."
That was all he said as he turned and started silently grading the papers again. Looking over, you noticed that in his mug he didn't have coffee like he usually did, but rather it was also chamomile as well. You could only wonder if he struggled with sleep as well. The thought was something new, and in a way it made Aizawa feel more human to you. The idea of your teacher having struggles just as you could only help provide a more detailed image of him in your mind
Over the hour, you sipped your tea and watched Aizawa grade his papers beside you. With no way to tell the time, you felt at ease; normally being in such a rush was caused by the lack of time. The fear of being late to class, or to lunch, or missing curfew always weighed heavily on your mind. It felt nice to let that go for once.
You realized that Aizawa must've really known what he was doing, seeing that once you finished the tea you began to feel the tiniest bits of sleep beginning to greet your exhausted mind. However, it still didn't come as you had hoped it would.
A sigh once again escaped you, the built up fatigue and desperation draining all the energy you had left.
You were caught off guard, however, by a strong hand softly pushing your head down. To your surprise, Aizawa had laid your head on his lap. You didn't argue, simply enjoying the warmth he brought against the cold air that chilled you so.
You didn't know how long you stayed like that, resting your head against his lap. It was unusual, as you weren't used to your teacher being so... touch-feely?
What you didn't know was that wherever Aizawa was younger, his mother always helped him fall asleep that very same way. He didn't know if it'd even work, but he still decided to try anyway as it seemed to always work like a charm on him as a kid.
No matter how out of character it was, you had to admit it was soothing. The warm tea, the gentle rainfall... If you didn't fall asleep soon you decided that there had to be something wrong somewhere.
You didn't know how much time had passed. But you did know that when you were opening your eyes you were met with bright sunshine.
Blinking, you sat up and realized that Aizawa wasn't anywhere in sight. What you did see was your classmates, calmly chattering amongst themselves in the common room beside you. You could see that they were trying to be quiet, and you understood that they probably saw you asleep.
The room was a bit darker than usual, the cloudy sky covering up most of the sun. Still, you wondered what time it was since you all had school that day.
"Ah, good morning [Name]! Did you sleep well?"
Looking up, you saw Momo and Uraraka smiling down at you, with Momo being the one to greet you.
Uraraka grinned and pumped her hands in the air excitedly, speaking before you could answer Momo.
"Did you hear? Aizawa Sensei said that since it's been raining all day today we could have a day off! Isn't that so cool?!" She's cheered.
Your eyes widened. He couldn't have...?
You thought back to the early morning, and looking up at the hanging clock (now being able to actually see it), you saw that it was nearly 11am. You had slept in that long?
Turning to the two, you smiled.
"Yeah... I did sleep pretty well last night. How about you?"
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This one was heavily inspired by my sudden insomnia. I'm very tired but can't go to sleep for the life of me ( ⌯᷄ ·̫ ⌯᷅ก )
I hope you enjoyed! Please have a lovely day ( ゚ᵕ゚)
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The BNHA Characters Responding to you Texting Them “You Hurt My Feelings” After a Fight | Pt.3
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Pairing: BNHA Characters x f!reader
Notes: Okay, so this has actually been sitting in my drafts for the past couple of days but I’ve been stressing out and sort of completely forgot to post it. But here it is now and I have also been writing some more Haikyuu texting series to try and take my mind off of things that I’ll post soon! 
In this part I have: Aizawa, All Might, Hawks, Fatgum, Sir Nighteye, Tamaki, and Mirio!
If you want to check out my masterlist for the BNHA texting series posts as I make them, you can follow {this link} to the page!
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megan017 · 11 months
Nah, guess it's better later than never, still hurts tho😔
(Yeah, btw, now my account is just all about posting "HAPPY B-DAY TO *insert character I'm simping for*")
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lieslovefantasy · 2 months
The Cat That Ate the Canary: Chapter 1
word count - 3368
Kassidy Bate is the younger sister to Cathleen Bate, America’s Number One Pro-Hero. Unlike eighty percent of the population, however, Kassidy Bate was born Quirkless. Rendered powerless in a society filled with top heroes ready to put away evil-doers. That fact alone wasn’t going to stop her from wanting to transfer to the top hero school in Japan. So what if she was deemed Quirkless by the doctors? Kassidy would prove to her future classmates that she deserved to be there, much like they did. If she puts her mind to it, she would probably be the first Quirkless Pro-Hero – in both the States and Japan! Her classmates in middle school bullied her relentlessly for her childish dream. A Quirkless nobody transferring to the most prestigious hero high school in Japan?
“You don’t even have a Quirk! They wouldn’t accept a Quirkless freak like you.”
“You should just give up!”
In reality, Kassidy did possess a Quirk, but nobody knew about it. Nobody except for All For One.
Over breakfast one morning, Kassidy had eventually gathered the courage to tell her older sister, Cathleen, and it took the Pro by surprise. She raises an eyebrow and brings her mug to her lips, taking a sip. “You want to transfer to U.A. High School? Even after what happened?” 
Kassidy bites her lip and stares down at her plate, remembering vividly the incident that occurred while staring at the remaining bit of her blueberry pancakes. She didn’t remember much about the incident itself, just what she was told by her sister and All Might.
“Yeah, just because I got kidnapped by some villain doesn’t mean I should let him put a bad taste in my mouth because of it. I’m willing to-.”
“He’s not just ‘some villain’, Kass,” Cathleen interjects her little sister. “He’s the most wanted criminal in Japan. If it was some low-life thug, I would say otherwise. However, this is All For One we’re dealing with. My answer is no. I won’t have that scare again.”
The elder sat her mug back down and got up from the table. Kassidy shot up out of her seat and began taking both of their dishes to the kitchen sink for rinsing. “But All Might will be there! He could watch over me! Besides, I heard the teachers there are all Pro-Heros, so I would be totally safe.”
Kassidy sets the dishes in the sink and turns to Cathleen, hugging her. “I know that All For One is a big, bad, scary villain, but I need to become the best hero there is to defeat those big bad scary villains.”
Her sister brings her arms up to gently wrap around Kassidy’s head, “But, kid. Let’s face it – you don’t even have a Quirk.”
Kassidy sighs into her sister’s chest, “I still want to give it a shot. I need to prove to my classmates here that I made it into the top hero academy in Japan.” She lifts her head and meets her sister’s gaze with a pleading look of her own. “Besiiiiides, I kinda already said I would be applying.”
Kassidy wriggles out of her sister’s arms and holds herself at arms-length. “Please,” she begs, tears brimming her blue eyes, “you have to let me give this a shot. I don’t want to live my high school years or the rest of my life full of regrets.”
“For your safety, please…”
Cathleen examines Kassidy’s eyes one last time, behind them they plead with everything she had and hold a glimmer of… fear?
She shakes the thought out of her head and sighs, “Fine. You win this time, but if you don’t get accepted into U.A. High School, you’ll continue regular high school here in the States. You hear me?”
Kassidy jumped with joy, “Yes! Thank you so much, Big Sis!”
“Hey,” Cathleen grabbed Kassidy’s arm, making sure she could get her point across. “These upcoming months aren’t going to be easy. I’m not going to go easy on you just because you’re my little sister. I’ll treat you like you’re one of my soldiers.”
Kassidy looked up at her older sister, determination in her eyes as she nodded, “Bring your worst.”
And with that, the entrance exams were here. It had been a long and strenuous ten months of training her sister’s body. Not knowing what the exam had in store, Cathleen had wanted to give her little sister the best fighting chance and in doing so, put Kassidy through the toughest training course the regime had to offer. Being the overprotective big sister Kassidy often deems her, Cathleen wanted to mentally push her past her breaking point to ensure that she could deal with physical pain and mental strain that came with being a Pro-Hero. Not just any Pro-Hero, but the best Pro out there – one that makes Cathleen feel good about hanging up her cape. On the other hand, there was the worry that a quirk wouldn’t develop. Yes, there were cases of quirks developing later in life, but for the eighty percent of the population that had supernatural abilities, these powers had shown up by the time they were four. And according to the varying doctor’s research, the chances of Kassidy’s quirk being delayed are, at best, five percent.
Additionally to physically building her body, Kassidy’s quick-thinking and reflexes were put to the test as well. Cathleen asked her best team of men in hand-to-hand combat fighters to beat her to a pulp, to break her down, and then to build her back up stronger than before. After school everyday, Kassidy would come home and complete her homework before heading off to run a five mile run to the training grounds. There, she would be given a set of exercises to complete in an allotted amount of time. The exercises were difficult for her untrained body at first, but over the course of ten months, the exercises became easier. After those became easier, Cathleen told her men to start training Kassidy on her reflexes. At first, Kassidy learned to box, to understand the basics of fighting hand-to-hand. Then after, she was put in the ring with someone who had a Quirk.
The morning of the exams was a chaotic one. Having flown in the day before, Kassidy hadn’t really had the time she needed to get herself ready for the next day’s events. Her morning alarm sounded off thirty minutes later than she had originally set it and if it weren’t for her accompanying guardian knocking on her hotel door, she would have fallen back asleep. 
Quickly, Kassidy ushered her inside and drooled at the sight. “Iced coffee and a muffin? Fuuuck yeah! I didn’t set my alarm early enough, so I’ll have to hurry, but I’ll get ready. What time is the exam?”
The guardian looked at her phone, “Nine in the morning. Considering it’s currently seven-thirty-eight and you have to take a thirty minute train ride to the school, that gives you roughly an hour to get ready. Fifty-two minutes precisely.”
Kassidy relaxed a bit and took a sip of her iced coffee. “Mmm… salted caramel. Thank you, by the way. Anyways, I’m going to go take a shower and head out.”
And with that brief conversation, Kassidy was finally out the door of the hotel and heading up to the entrance exams for U.A. High School. This is it, she was finally here in Japan, going to take on one of the hardest entrance exams this country has to offer. With a less than one percent acceptance rate into the hero course, Kassidy was beginning to feel waves of anxiety wash over her as she walked to the train station and took a seat. She needs to get accepted into the hero course.
On the train ride to the exam, Kassidy’s phone buzzed. Taking it out from her pocket, she glanced down at her screen and froze in her spot. It was a text message from him.
Unknown: Pass the exam or else…
Kassidy’s phone was shaking in her hands as she read the text over again. The text was a simple one, but the threat was ominent. She doesn’t know who the messages came from, but one thing was for certain – there was a clear connection to All For One and they knew about the threats he made to Kassidy. Her mind was running a mile a minute with gruesome thoughts of what would happen if she couldn’t pass the exams. The thoughts of “what if”- No. These texts would serve as a constant reminder of what she’s fighting to protect. Who it is she’s fighting to protect.
The train ride was a quiet and boring one, but Kassidy eventually made it to the auditorium where the orientation was being held. Outside the doors was a piece of paper everyone seemed to be picking up. Looking at it as she walked by, Kassidy thought it looked like it held important information about the exam. She picked it up and made her way into the back of the auditorium. Once everyone had been seated, the lights dimmed and a spotlight was casted on a blonde with hair defying gravity and speakers around his neck.
“Who the-”
“WELCOME TO TODAY’S LIVE PERFORMANCE!!” the blonde screams, almost blasting everybody’s eardrums. “EVERYBODY SAY “HEY”!!”
Silence fills the auditorium, but the blonde continues, unfazed. “Well, that’s cool, my examinee listeners! I’m here to present the guidelines of your practical exam! Are you ready?!”
Silence again fills the auditorium until Kassidy hears someone mumbling down below her. Considering it was dark, she couldn’t make out who it was, but the guy next to him looked like an angry blonde who couldn’t care any less about what the presenter had to say.
“This is how the test will go, my listeners!” The screen behind the man lit up, displaying their current location plus paths to the seven different testing locations. “You’ll be experiencing ten-minute long “mock cityscape maneuvers”!! Bring along whatever you want! After this presentation, you’ll each head to your assigned testing location!!”
“Geez… would it kill this guy to be quiet for once?” Kassidy mentally rolls her eyes, already annoyed with the faculty of the high school. “He doesn’t need to yell.”
The screen behind the presenter changes and now displays three robots and the same presenter in a video game designed city. “Each site is filled with three kinds of faux villains. Points are awarded for defeating each according to their respective difficulty levels. Use your Quirks to disable the faux villains and earn points! That’s your goal, listeners!! Of course, playing the antihero and attacking other examinees is prohibited.”
A guy sitting in the bottom rows of the auditorium raises his hand, “Sir, may I ask a question?! There appear to be no fewer than four varieties of faux villain on this handout. Such a blatant error, if it is one, is highly unbecoming for U.A., Japan’s top academy. We’re all here today in the hopes of being molded into model heroes!!”
Kassidy yawns, “What the hell is this guy’s deal? Is he always this uptight about things? It’s probably just an error, chill out.”
The same guy turns around and points in the same direction as the two guys Kassidy noticed earlier. “And you with the green hair. You’ve been muttering this whole time, it’s distracting.”
“Alright, Examinee 7111,” the presenter addresses the male to calm him down. “Nice catch! Thanks! But the fourth faux villain variety gets you zero points. He’s more like an obstacle you need to avoid at all costs!!”
Examinee 7111 bows a full ninety degrees while apologizing, which causes Kassidy to scoff, “Whoa, a bit much there…”
After the presentation finishes up, Kassidy looks down at her examination card in hand to see she’s headed to testing center B. As everyone boards the buses that are designated en route to their assigned testing centers, Kassidy wonders if she’ll meet the robotic boy or the muttering mess from earlier. She finds an empty seat and stares out at the trees that dot her view.
“These people must have amazing Quirks, but here I am with whatever Quirk that All For One villain gave me. I don’t even know what it is! Since Sis has been psychically training my body non-stop for the past ten months, it hasn’t had time to work with the Quirk at all. I still-.”
Kassidy is pulled from her thoughts when the bus stops, signaling the bus’s arrival and the beginning of the exam. Sweat starts to pool in her palms as she gets up from the seats, the realization of what responsibility rests on her shoulders weighs on her mind heavily. Everyone from the bus is now piled outside in front of the gates to the faux city of the exam. Kassidy sees the robotic boy and the muttering mess from earlier and inwardly groans.
“Oh, well. Now is not the time to focus on them. I need to focus on what the regime taught me. Deep breath in for the count of four and out for the count of four. Now focus, focus, focus!”
And before Kassidy knew it, the buzzer had sounded, signaling the start of the ten-minute long practical exam. She rushes through the gates with everyone and sees that some of the kid’s are already fighting one- and two-pointers. Panicking, she looks around for anything that might be of use to her and sees a piece of scrap metal from one of the robots. As Kassidy is running over to pick it up, she sees her shadow taken over by a robot. With no time to think, she grabs the sheet of scrap metal and runs underneath the robot. Kassidy catches sight of another student nearby and sprints up to them, jumping onto their shoulder at the last possible moment. Using the kid as a stepping stone, Kassidy reeled back her scrap piece of metal and dug it into the shoulder of the robot. The robot deactivated and she hopped down from the now useless hunk of metal.
Kassidy wastes no time in gathering points. Many of her robots she took down looked much like her first victory. Run. Jump. Deactivate. Repeat. Kassidy had tossed her scrap sheet of metal, testing it out for another one she had seen when the ground beneath her shook. Just up above her, was the zero-pointer the presenter had told them not to worry about.
The zero-pointer has everyone running the opposite direction, but Kassidy doesn’t have time to think of running away. She’s attacking this damned robot head on!
“Even if this thing is worth nothing, it’s not here just for decor.” 
 She has the scrap piece of metal and is charging towards the robot when out of the corner of her eye Kassidy notices someone caught in the rubble. A girl with a bobbed cut has caught her leg in some of the fallen debris. Without hesitating, Kassidy rushes over to the girl, dropping the sheet of metal next to her.
“Thank you for helping me,” the girl breathes out. “I wasn’t even paying attention to my-.”
“How much can you move your leg?” Kassidy skips the niceties .
The bob haired girl dismisses the question with her own, “What’s your Quirk? Maybe you can help me out of this.”
Kassidy hesitates before replying, “I don’t have one.”
The bob cut girl panics, “You don’t have a Quirk?! What the-.”
A shadow is cast over the two girls and a wave of fear washed over them both. Kassidy and the bob cut girl see the foot of the robot closing in on them, causing the latter to wriggle her leg from underneath even faster.
“C’mon. Think. What would a Pro do?!”
Seeing the robot’s foot move in closer, Kassidy acts without hesitation. She hops on top of the fallen debris and jumps into the air, reeling her fist back to hit the robot. Heaviness overcomes her and a new surge of energy is coursing through her.
“GET AWAY FROM US!!” Kassidy’s fist collides with the robot’s foot and sends her flying back against the wall of a nearby building. The blast of the punch had enough power to knock the debris off the trapped girl, allowing her to climb on top of a fallen piece of rubble. On the verge of passing out, Kassidy nearly misses the kid with green hair falling from the sky. She tried to lift herself back to her feet, but the attempts were useless. Consciousness slowly starts slipping away from Kassidy and a sharp pain takes over her mind. She hears a voice echo that the exams were over and with that news, she allows herself to fully slip into the comforting void.
In the watch room above, the teachers all look over a green, holographic list. A few of the teachers watch the clean up crew down below, analyzing the damage the children left behind.
“Wow,” one of the teachers’ sultry voices broke the silence. “The scores for the practical are out and our first place winner has zero rescue points, but seventy-seven in villain points.”
Another voice adds on, this one a rich baritone, “In the second half, when the other examinees were slowing down, he just kept going at it! That kid is a real ace!”
The woman with the sultry voice adds on to the teacher with a rich baritone voice, “On the opposite end, the guy in seventh place holds sixty points in rescue, but none in villainy. He’s not the first one to take out the zero-pointer in one shot like that.”
“And what about that American that took the exam? It looks like she tied with our seventh place winner. Isn’t she Star and Stripe’s younger sister, All Might?” The baritone voice directed his attention to his colleague climbing his way up the stairs to meet his other teachers
The older man smiled fondly, “Sorry I’m late, guys. Traffic was backed up real bad.” All Might walks up to the scoreboard, eyeing the results. “Yeah. Kassidy Bate is the younger sister to Star and Stripe, my former apprentice. She’s Quirkless, but she was adamant about applying. And it looks like she did quite well!!”
“Quirkless you say?” the woman raises an eyebrow and questions All Might. “I think you need to get your eyes checked, All Might. She and that boy knocked out that zero-pointer to save that girl. Present Mic, can you replay the zero-pointer scene from earlier?”
The blonde teacher presses a few buttons on the switchboard before the recording from the exam is played on the screen. All the teachers watched as the events from earlier were replayed - as Kassidy reeled her fist back to hit the robot’s foot, creating a sizable hole in the piece of metal and as the green haired kid punched the robot in the face, falling to the ground shortly after,
“She and that green haired kid totally knocked that zero-pointer out, yo!!” Present Mic exclaimed, throwing his head back and a fist into the air. His eyes fall onto his colleagues with a serious glint in his eyes. “Are you sure she doesn’t have a Quirk?”
A man with black hair and a scarf around his neck walked up behind the presenter, “Mic, bring up her file. I want to see it.”
The blonde, pressed a few buttons and brought up Kassidy’s file. There, shocking every teacher in the watchtower, was Kassidy’s file. The file had a picture of her latest high school picture along with the basic information the school needed for the exam. However, the detail that shocked the teachers was her Quirk, or lack thereof. Right next to it read ‘N/A’ in big, bold lettering.
“Who would’ve thought,” Present Mic turned around in his chair to face the other teachers. “That a couple of late bloomers would’ve become our top ten performers?!”
All Might and the black haired man look down at the zero-pointer that still needs to be cleaned up. “This is going to be an interesting year, Kassidy Bate.”
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