#MID Pierce
strawberrym1ko · 2 months
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ᯓ★ CHARACTERS: Asch, Rhys, Peirce, Leif, Noi
ㅤᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 SYNOPOSIS ― Testing the "Orange Peel" theory on your Daemos boyfriend ㅤᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 C.W ― None
ㅤᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 B.C ― Author having a favourite Daemos (See if you can spot him). Reader and Asch having that old-married couple vibes. Asch being jealous of Leif being mentioned. Leif being jealous of Asch being mentioned. Baby Noi. Reader forgetting how Leif acts and his motives-
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"BABE, WILL you peel this orange for me please?" You were sitting on the sofa, scrolling mindlessly through TikTok once again, when that trend once again popped up on your page. You scrolled past a few of them, thinking not much about them but this time you got curious and decided to watch it. And after that video, you went and searched some more to see the different results.
A test of faith almost. If they would peel an orange for you, it's like they would do anything for you. You sighed, knowing it could only go two ways for you and your partner. You didn't have any hopes your boyfriend knew exactly what an orange was, just from the little details you had about their home land.
But sure, it be a fun little experiment to do on him. So, you placed your phone in your pocket and went into the kitchen, snatching an orange up from the fruit bowl.
Now to find that Daemos of yours
ᯓ ASCH .ᐟ ASCH WAS difficult to find at first. You weren't really sure where to search for him. You huffed, hands holding your hips as you began thinking where the royal pain in your arse could be. Only place you didn't really look was the make-shift castle the boys just magically made in your walls.
Stepping in the drawn wall Ava created, you looked around the main area first in hopes he might just be wondering around. But, at last. He was not. So, you went straight to his bedroom, since this addition was mainly used for bedding and whatever other magical shit they be doing.
"Asch" You knocked on the prince's bedroom before entering. You were doubtful at first, but the fabric shuffling noise confirmed that he was in there, just laying in bed. Guess they have lazy Sunday's in Daemos as well.
Just as you expected, Asch was laying in the bed, sprawled out like a starfish with half the blanket on his torso and the other half dangling off the bed. "This man" You whispered to yourself before walking to his bed side, taking a seat beside him and gently shaking him.
Asch moved. But, he did not wake up. He was a stubborn sleepier. It was a nightmare trying to get him up and even if you did, he was the grouchiest thing you would have ever met. "Asch" You said, shaking him more violently this time. He stirred, but did not wake up.
"Ugh! you are such a pain" At this rate the orange theory was slowly slipping through your mind, with waking him up now being your main goal. You stood at the end of the bed, grabbing the covers by their corners and yanking it off the Daemos prince body. But, of course due to his fire abilities, this man was always warm.
"Asch!" You grabbed one of the decorative pillows he always had at the bottom of the bed and threw it at his head. H E A D S H O T style.
That got him flinging up. He wasn't fully awake, his eyes were still shut closed. He was attempting to open them, but sleep was still in charge and his lids were too heavy for him to fight off.
"Who's there!" He demanded. his head falling left to right, his eyelids raising in attempt to lift his lids. But, it didn't work.
"Asch. I need you to open this orange" You held out the orange, an innocent smile gracing your lips.
Finally, he was able to open his eyes. Dark orbs fell down onto the orange. His mind busy at work, attempting to understand the concept of him peeling something you were more than capable of peeling yourself. "What?" He said.
"Peel this for me" You stepped forward, holding your hand out even more. "Please" You politely said, like that would help change his mind.
"You wake me up for this?" His slumber was disturbed for something that small? He was woken up for this while he believed something bigger had gone down?
"No" was his response.
"Fine" You caved in. "Suppose I'll ask Leif" You taunted, knowing he hated it when you went to Leif with anything.
"No! I'll do it!" You turned back to your Daemos lover, smiling brightly at him.
"Thanks babe!"
Conclusion: Failed success
ᯓ RHYS .ᐟ "RHYS? ARE you in the bathroom again?" He had such an odd obsession with the bathroom, always saying how it was a secret potion making liar that you and Ava refuse to admit. Just what did cauldrons look like in Daemos?
The bathroom door knob twisted and turned before finally opening, revealing your boyfriend in all his glory. He slicked back his hair, that was a new one. You never thought him how to, or where the gel was.
"How'd you find the gel?"
"what is this. . . gel?" Rhys questioned, his eyes squinting closer. He lost his glasses again.
You shook your head. "Never mind that. Can you peel this for me?" You held the orange out in front of you, pushing it closer towards your lover. Who, was undoubtfully confused.
"Are your hands sore?" He questioned.
You shook your head. "No. I just want you to do it for me"
He still didn't seem to grasp the concept of the whole idea, but none the less, he took the orange and began to peel back the skin, handing it to you once he was finished. "Why ask?"
You knew he would get fascinated by the theories people come up. "Its a theory"
"A. . .theory?"
You hummed. "Between couples. A partner who will peel the orange for you will make sure that your needs are met."
Conclusion: Success
ᯓ PIERCE .ᐟ IT WASN'T hard to find Pierce. Everywhere you were, he wasn't far. And as you turned the corner of the kitchen, there stood Pierce. It seemed like he was leaving your room, which was reasonable considering he would spend most of his time in there. Something about your presence in that room being comforting. You didn't understand it.
"Pierce" You said, looking up at your boyfriend, who was looking down with those gentle eyes. Gentle eyes you could melt in, every time, without a fail.
"[Name]" Even how he said your name was so soft. You slapped yourself, stopping yourself from melting at this mans voice and looks. He glanced at you with concern. "Are you alright?" A worried hand hovering over your shoulder, not completely sure what to do.
"I'm fine. . " You paused. It be a trick and cruel, but could work? "Actually. . .can you peel this for me please?" You held the orange out to him.
Pierce took the orange from your hands and peeling the skin back in no-time. No questions, no confused looks. He just did as you asked and once the quest was complete, he handed it back to you. "Like so?
Conclusion: Hard Success
ᯓ LEIF .ᐟ LEIF WAS sitting on the sofa, watching socky. You found it so funny how the boys became attached to the kids tv show.
You approached your boyfriend from behind the sofa, leaning forward with your arms wrapping around his neck. Your head resting on his shoulder. "Leify~" You called.
Leif leaned back to look at you. "Mhm?" He seemed unbothered. I mean, when he acts like this towards you as well it becomes a normal. And you don't get as flustered as before so it was no fun.
You pulled the orange from behind you, holding out in front of both you and your boyfriend. "Can you open this?"
"Because. I want you to do it. Like, a test of loyalty"
"My loyalty lies with the Daemos royal family" That seemed funny to you. Considering he hated Asch and always made it his personal goal to keep a distance between you and the prince.
"That's funny, considering you hate Asch"
"Never said I liked them"
Mhm. Interesting.
Sighing, you stood up straight and unwrapped your arms from around his neck. "Alright. Guess I'll just ask Asch than"
Both Leif and the sofa almost toppled over with how fast the Daemos assassin stood up and leaned over, snatching the orange from your hand so he could peel the fruit for you. "No! I'll do it!"
Conclusion: Success
ᯓ NOI .ᐟ SINCE HE arrived to Earth, both you and Ava's cat Johnny had taken a big liking to the youngest Deamos. So, you knew exactly where to go to find your boyfriend.
You turned to your side to where Johnny's bed and tree post were to see both Noi and Johnny sitting there. Johnny was sitting on top of the tree post while Noi was sitting beside it, talking to the cat. You never understood why, even though he tried to explain it to you.
You approached the pink-haired Daemos, kneeling down beside him. "Noi" You asked, turning to look at him.
Noi looked at you, his wide sunset eyes staring into your soul. A weird feeling of peace washed over you. "Yeah?"
You held the orange in front of you. "Can you peel this please?"
Noi glanced at the orange than at you, a wild grin plastered over his lips. "Sure!" He gladly took the orange and peeled back the skin, handing it back to you once it was all peeled. A sense of pride coming from the Daemos.
Conclusion: Success
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senjiiblogs · 3 months
I was back again rummage through my files and HOLY FREAKING MOLY?? how did I not Post this?!
Manta Ray Tattoo on Pierce :DD!!
I hced him Polynesian :)
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chvsire · 3 months
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an old au based on a video from 2021, I think it was “aphmau was never born”.
*heights arent accurate, I just scaled them weird to fit the canvas back then I guess 😭 aaron is actually supposed to be the shortest / same height as kc in the line up but me making a proper drawing w all the character heights is a future thing. all you need to know is pierces and zane’s are the only accurate ones on here lmao
also bonus zane
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hikaririnku-blog · 5 months
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Made some free-to-use Pierce profile pics for you MID Pierce fans, soft and dark versions :) Just be sure to credit if you use them more publicly! <3 Otherwise, have fun!
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asadpoolnoodle · 1 month
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drew these awhile ago and never got to posting them lol
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patatasyqueso · 14 days
part 2 of quotes about MID with no context..!
Pierce:Leif it's starting to get dark we should probably go find the others.
Leif:Don't worry I got this! *Stomps his light up Skechers*
Pierce:Why are you like this?
I hc that daemos can see in the dark at least a bit but thought this was fun to do.
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emofreak2008 · 22 days
I've tried to make Rhys, Leif, noi, piece in picrew
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xerith-42 · 9 months
My Inner Demons Stoner Headcanons
Part 3 in my Stoner Headcanons series!
Fuck you I love this show and think it's the perfect setting for stupid shenanigans like this
Leif learns what weed is from TV (mainly cop shows) and knows Ava won't answer if he asks so he just asks Mrs Oats when Ava isn't around and she gives him some because she just has a medical card.
Leif fucking loves it. My man has such a hard time relaxing because he is always ready for a threat, always ready to kill, that he's honestly forgot what real relaxation feels like until this funny little plant turns his brain off.
He shows it to Asch first, who quite enjoys the ability to actually lower his guard. That and they don't have to use the lighter that still doesn't make sense. They can just have Asch light the blunt.
Rhys catches them smoking one time, but Leif is so chilled out he just passes the joint to Rhys and badly explains how to use it. Rhys does not have a good time initially, but he eventually settles into it. He decides he likes second hand smoke more than ingesting it directly
Noi is scared of smoking because his body is already considerably weaker due to his lack of magic. He's too scared to bring this up because he doesn't think there's an alternative, but Mrs. Oats leaves them a goody basket one day, saying she made too many sweets to eat on her own. There's a bag of "special" gummy bears for Noi.
Now I'm imaging Noi eating like 20 of them and not realizing they were edibles and going straight to god. Like he's just lying in his bed thinking about Ava, he blinks and then he just sees the portal of truth.
Pierce is the last to discover it, and he never voices an opinion on it. If he happens to walk into the room where it's being smoked, he'll join the rotation for a hit or two, but then he just leaves. He lies to lie on the floor of Ava's apartment with Johnny on his lap and just relax. Ava's caught him, but he's usually asleep, so she doesn't realize he's baked as fuck in his dreams.
The plot twist is that Ava has a medical card she just has to keep it hella on the down low for her dad's campaign. He wants to make it legal recreational, but until then, she has to be fuckin chill about it. One time Leif walks into her room without knocking to ask her something and despite everything seeming normal, he stops and then sniffs the air. And then he sees Ava's slightly bloodshot eyes.
I feel like Lorelei isn't an active stoner, she's the kind of person who only smokes around her friends who smoke. She never smoked it with Ava (because Ava's actually really good about hiding it), but one time she visits Ava's apartment and catches Leif about to duck into the portal to their place and he has a fresh joint in his hand. Instead of just smoking it on his own, Leif actually smokes it with her and hotboxes Ava's bathroom.
Oh god Ava getting sick at the festival because she took a hit off a vape before going on a roller coaster the fuckin dumb ass.
When they're forced to go back home Leif is pissed for a lot of reasons, but partially because he doesn't have his stash on him :(
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asrielmerrymoon · 2 days
I love what we've seen of your concepts for your rewrite thus far! If it isn't a triggering subject, could we politely ask for your headcanons any scars the daemos may have? Maybe how injuries and treatments work too, if that applies and/or if you'd like to! No pressure of course, and thank you in advance!
Of course!!!
I only have like, scar map requiring headcanons for Noi and Pierce! But I’ll explain everyone!
I like to think Pierce uses his drape to cover his most recent scars, he doesn’t like them being visible. Scars from battles long ago.
He’s ALSO got a cracked horn, which he’d rather perish than tell anyone. A cracked horn is dangerous for two reasons:
Blood Loss
Thankfully it’s only a small crack, and I imagine Ava would help him bandage it one day.
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and Noi!
Noi has far more scars, mostly from scraps while he lived in the forest. He was actually powerful, but he didn’t really win very many fights against the wildlife of daemos. His antlers have a slight velvet, which makes them heal much easier than most’s horns. His vein scars are hard to notice so I don’t add them in art
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And now for the rest!!!
Rhys has a few from when he was experimenting with magic under Lady Grandma, but he wears big sleeves to cover them. Thankfully, they healed rather fast.
Leif has a slash on his ankle, from a scrap with his former boss. They never got along.
Asch more so has bruises than scars. He’s missing a fang tho.
Reblogging with healing headcanons to make this shorter! <3
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hoodie-prince-kid · 5 months
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so this took hours longer than i wanted it to but... i redrew the carnival episode thumbnail. how this turned out so good i have no idea. click for quality and uhh, enjoy <:)
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strawberrym1ko · 2 months
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SYNOPSIS: You're staying with Ava for the school terms and the Daemos boys have taken an interest in your day to day life as a young person WARNINGS: None AUTHORS NOTE: This took two days to complete and I got lazy near the end. Hope it's still good though. I'll do Noi justice in the future
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Ava was a family friend. After finding out that your family were moving out of state due to your moms job, she offered to shelter you while you finished your studies in your final year of high-school instead of you moving high-school and restarting your life.
At first your parents rejected the offer, thinking it was better that you went with them, but once Ava's dads talked to your moms, they were both convinced. With monthly pocket money, your own room and public transport. All was well.
Well. . . .minus the five demon boys that lived in the walls. As schizophrenic as it sounds. It was true. Five boys lived in the ways of Ava's apartment. And none of them would give you warnings before popping out of the walls. You and Ava had to set some ground rules after some incidents.
You had met them prior to moving in, Ava asking for your assistance in a lot of the social aspects. So, you weren't too shocked by the sight. Yet, it still unsettled you a little. Even if they were from a different world, there was no way their lives were that different from yours. You imagined a medieval world from the little things they would say about the world, so life couldn't be that different. Could it?
ᯓ ASCH .ᐟ
YOU WERE out in the streets, Asch by your side. Ava had gotten fed up of the daemos prince and sent him off with you. Claiming he needed some air to cool himself off. Like that was ever going to help this hot-headed prince to cool down. But, you gave in and agreed to take him. He was oddly okay with this? He didn't curse, yell or protest. He just, accepted it. Which isn't very Asch of him.
"How come you didn't put up a fight back there?" You questioned the prince. For someone who is to one day rule his kingdom, he isn't exactly an ideal figure. Lack of intelligence, common sense and that temper of his can't be a healthy mix for a royal.
"To observe you"
Observe you? What could he possible want to witness that he wouldn't witness in the apartment? You were going on a walk, not meeting up with a group of friends or going off to school. You shook your head, finding no sense of this man.
You had gone through a few shops, spotting something nice in the window view. Asch noticed how you would always spot something, walk in, examine the object or fabric, examine the price, furrow your brows in thought, place the item back down then leave the story without buying anything. He found it odd, and was slowly getting annoyed at it after the fifth shop you had walked in to.
"Why do you do that?" He asked, frustration clear in his tone.
You were looking at a dress, placing the fabric up against you and looking in the mirror to see how it would hypothetically look on you. You pressed your lips into a thin line. "Do what?" You placed the dress back, deciding not to get it.
"You haven't bought a single thing yet come into every shop you see" He followed behind you, watching you pick up yet another piece of fabric, an off-shoulder shirt. But, you instantly placed it down before walking further into the clothing shop. Asch not far behind.
You shrugged your shoulders. "Girl math"
". . . .girl. . . math?"
"Yeah. Like. This" You picked up a pair of pumps, the strap made out of fake pearls, a little white bow tied in the front. "It's cute no?" With the look Asch gave you, it was clear he didn't see the attraction. You softly scoffed at him. "Well. It's cute, in my size and would go well with many outfits and affordable"
"So you get it"
"What?!" You harshly hushed him, his voice getting to a dangerous level. A level that would alert anyone with human decency that would call security in fear of your safety.
You placed the pumps down. "They are cute and I would love them, but I don't need them now"
"That's stupid"
"And you're stupid, yet here we are"
ᯓ RHYS .ᐟ
SCHOOL HAD been rough on you in the past few weeks. With exams, university talks and graduation preparations. You were under a lot of stress. You had a few assignments due in the next few weeks along with exams prep and presentations. You had done nothing but study, work, study, work, repeat. Everyday. You hadn't rest, or eaten properly. The monster cans you downed were slowly catching up to you, with the lack of sleeping and one meal every two days, you could feel your stomach gaining in on itself.
"[Name]?" You heard the muffled voice come from outside your bedroom door.
"Come in" You yelled out, flicking through your ipad that showed you possible college courses you could take. You were calculating the points you would need in order to apply to these college's. How much points you had already and how many more you could get with both exams and assignments. So far, it wasn't looking good and that added to the already over-flowing bottle of stress.
The door creaking caught you off-guard. Startled, you turned to your bedroom door to see Rhys standing at the entrance, in his hands was a true full of various foods. Well, whatever Ava had in the apartment. Cereal, toastie, pizza, and it seemed like [Favourite food] was made as well. It looked appetising, yet your stomach felt ill just looking at the food. You swore you could feel liquid travelling up your throat. Placing a hand over your mouth, you spun back to your desk, that feeling slowly vanishing.
Rhys brows knitted in worry. Your reaction wasn't a good one. Wasn't what he was expecting. He entered your room and placed the tray down on your drawers. "[Name], you haven't left your room in days" He expressed his concern.
"I have. For school" You corrected.
You turned to Rhys, an apologetic look on your face. "I'm sorry Rhys, but I can't chat now. I really need to get this figured out"
Curious, the daemos walked to your desk, leaning over your chair to glance at the papers and technology below him. Numbers, letters, words, stuff he couldn't comprehend. Reading them would do him no good if he can't understand them. "What is this?" He pointed at the work on her desk.
Sighing, knowing the advisor won't go away, you spun around. "College work"
"Further education. Like a way to boost yourself up a social status in Daemos" You attempted to use the knowledge you had on Daemos and the knowledge you had about medieval times to try help the man understand.
"Daemos don't have these education systems"
You perked up at that information. You looked behind you "How did you get to where you are now?"
"excessive training"
You turned back to your desk, taking up your ipad to scroll down the colleges websites. "Well, it's like training. Each course based on a different career. Like training"
"We train under the same class"
"well. . . ." You began thinking. What differs from them all? What do they individually have that the others don't. Then it dawned upon you. Their magically abilities. "It's like training in certain magic abilities. Some may work under the same class for certain topics, but others may work under some. . . fire class for fire abilities" "Makes sense?"
Rhys nodded his head, understanding to a degree. "Suppose so. But, why is it important"
"Everyone judges you based on career you choice. Parents set your path already, but some don't want that path"
"Do you wish to follow your parents path?"
"Sometimes. . . .we don't have a choice in the matter"
FRIDAY NIGHT. You were originally going to go home and show the boys some movies and shows you grew up on while explaining what shows and movies were and how they worked, but a friend of yours asked you to attend a small party a class-mate was having. A first you rejected it, but after hearing about the party from your friends period, after period, after period, you caved in and said you would go.
She did not tell you people would be drinking, nor did she tell you she said you would take part in said drinking, even if you were against drinking under the age limit. At first you didn't and ignored all the comments made at you, but you snapped. Caved in. Started drinking.
Now, slummed over Ava's apartment door with keys in your hands, you were beyond intoxicated. The snacks at the party were picky foods, not enough for the amount of alcohol that was present at the party. You were lucky enough to get home without the cops being called or stopping you on your journey. You can't remember how you got home to be honest. A friend helped, you think.
"Come on! Stupid keys!" You couldn't stand still for a second, your hands were too shaky to insert the keys into the key-hole. Frustration kicked in and tears began to build. Vision gone blurry, which made the task even more impossible for you. "Come on!" You cried out, losing all hope of getting into the apartment
You got it!
The tears were quick to vanish as you turned the door knob and walked in, fully expecting everyone to be asleep. But you were mistaken. Not everyone had gone to sleep.
As you entered the apartment, too zoned-out to pay attention to your surroundings, you had bummed into something, or well, someone. Patting the surface you bummed into, you looked up to see cold-blue eyes staring down at you with a hint of concern in them. You smiled once you realised who it was.
"Pierce!" You chirped, wrapping your arms around his torso and stepping closer for a hug. "Hi" You giggled. Out of everyone that could have found you in this state, you were glad it was him.
"You are sick?" He questioned.
You leaned back, shaking your head. "No silly. I am intoxicated" you whispered the last part, afraid Ava would magically storm out of her room, sandal in hand, ready to assault you with it. You shivered at that thought alone. Lord please don't wake Ava up.
"In. . . toxicated?" Pierce seemed confused on the concept. Do they not have alcohol in Daemos? They sound like no fun.
"Alcohol. A drink that makes you. . . . . not yourself" You tried to explain.
"Like brewery"
You nodded your head.
You squealed from shock when the Daemos picked you up, bringing you to the living area. Having connected the dots seemed to change the male. He placed you on the sofa and sat down beside you. "You need some healing" He stated.
You shook your head, a slight giggle escaping your lips. "I just need some water and rest" You went to stand up, but Pierce stopped you, pushing you back onto the sofa. A soft "oof" coming from you when you landed on the pillows.
"I will get the water" And just like he said, he got you the glass of water. You were surprised he remembered where the cupboard full of glasses were and how to use the tap. A brief moment of pride washed over you.
As you sipped on the water, the cool liquid travelling down your throat. Pierce couldn't help but ask a question. A question you were afraid of answering. "Why drink?"
You settled the glass on the wooden table ahead of you. You shrugged your shoulders. Though, you were very sure on why you did it. "Because, I was asked to"
"You do not have a say?"
You let out a heavy breath. "I do. I should. But, it's difficult when your a teen who's trying to fit in. People pressuring you" You tried to explain. Peer pressure is such an odd concept, even to humans. Some people believe its a bunch of excuses. An easier way to pin your actions onto someone else, but others do believe in it. You did. It's so hard ignoring all the comments people say about you. You cave in so they would shut up and leave you be. But one thing can lead to another and your sitting on your sofa trying to explain to a Daemos what peer pressure is.
You were expecting a question about peer pressuring. But you didn't get it. Instead, you felt a soft pat on your hand, then a hand ruffling your hair. Slowly, you turned to Pierce who was looking at you with sympathy. For someone who gives cold vibes, he's really soft.
"Humans can be cruel"
You laughed at that statement. "Not even the half of it". You scooted closer to the male, leaning onto his side. The head pats slowly lulling you off into a sleeping trance.
ᯓ LEIF .ᐟ
"WHO GOES there!" Leif had heard some commotion coming from inside the apartment and went to check it out. It was three in the morning, everyone was in their rooms, yet he heard footsteps from the apartment, so he went to investigate.
"Don't assault me! its [Name]!" You spun around, a wooden spoon full off batter in your hand. But when you saw it was Leif, your guard fell in an instant. "Oh, it's just you" You turned back to the cupcakes your were making.
Leif placed away his weapons. "what are you doing?" he asked, tilting his head to the side to get a glance at the cupcakes you were baking. At three in the morning, for some reason.
He swore human women get weirder and weirder by the day. He even wondered if it was even a bother to take over the world. Humans seemed unbothered by their surroundings half of the time.
"I am making cupcakes" You responded.
"Okay. . . " Leif made his way to the kitchen, watching you swirled the dry and wet ingredients together. "But why?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "Because. It's better making them late in the night"
"Okay, but why" He really wasn't grasping the concept of this. Night-time was for sleeping and assassination. Not for baking cupcakes.
"Because. During these silent hours, no one expects anything from me. I can make cupcakes in peace without pondering Daemos boys leaning over me" The last part was targeted towards Leif was leaning over the girls shoulder, watching her.
He didn't get the hint.
"Ava doesn't expect much from you. Why still do this?" He was right. Ava didn't really care what you did as long as you cleaned up after yourself. She knew you could handle yourself and so she doesn't bother you with things unless it had to do with the Daemos boys, grocery's or bills. Even then, that was on the rare occasion. Minus the Daemos boys. That's almost daily.
"It's a force of habit really. With school, friends, family and work. It's constant stress and I have to be careful with who I speak to. Like. . . you boys and lady Grandma" You scooped the cupcake batter into little cupcake cases, making sure each one was half-way full and were done neatly. Didn't want any spillage. "But during these times. I can do what makes me happy without any duty worries. Without having to teach what seems like fully grown men how our society works and just. . .me time" You placed the tray of cupcakes inside the oven, crouching down to look at them.
Leif crouched down with you, also looking at the cupcakes. "That's. . . sad" He said.
"To me, it's peaceful"
ᯓ NOI .ᐟ
YOU AND Noi had decided to go out for a walk one evening. You brought Noi because well, it's Noi. Out of them all, you enjoyed his company the most. To you, he was easier to talk to.
"But why do adults hate teens?" Noi had noticed how some adults were giving you some sort of glare. Like, disrespect and disgust and he couldn't understand the reasoning. They didn't know you, but he did and you were one of the sweetest humans he has met.
"They believe youth are nothing but lazy trouble-makers" You hadn't noticed the adults stares since you and Noi were indulged in conversation. Besides, who would give them any thought. All they did was hate.
"Are adults in Daemos like this?" You now turned the tables, asking him about his world instead of him asking you about your world.
Noi's bright aura dropped to a low. His smile slumping into a soft frown, his eyes losing a bit of brightness. A touchy subjects. "Only towards me. . " He said softly.
Not wanting to bug him about it any more, you bumped your hip against his, startling him and making the boy fall to the floor. He was so dramatic sometimes. You rolled your eyes and held your hand out for support "Luckily, people like us stick together" Noi took your hand, hoisting himself up beside you.
That bright smile was back on his face and his eyes sparkling with sunlight.
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senjiiblogs · 3 months
Another Asch and Pierce Rareship 🤷!
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sammy-justvibing · 7 months
I can imagine Pierce saying Rhys name as rice or rise just to piss him off.
As in pierce KNOWS how to say it correctly but chooses not to say it right only to make rhys mad and only the two of them know what the joke is.
Rhys could be telling pierce to say his name the right way and the others are questioning what the issue is.
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
Bucky pinning you down so you can’t squirm and he’s just sitting inside you while he tortures your clit feeling you clench around him. He makes you cum over and over until he finally cums.
Overstimulation + super soldier stamina = …
- 🍯
Dear God, I know I just don't have it in me to behave during cock-warming. When it comes down to it, I genuinely have no patience at all 😵‍💫
"You..." Bucky begins, pressing you down onto the bed before gripping your ankles and forcing you to flip over onto your front. "Have a problem with control."
With your face turned away from him, you can't help but smile to yourself. No one has ever said it out loud but you know he's right.
Being in control is where you're most comfortable. No hands are safer than your own. Except maybe his. You know he won't fuck this up.
"And you..." He continues, gathering your wrists behind your back, holding them tightly with one hand. "Need to learn how it feels to have control taken from you. Do you understand?"
As soon as you begin to nod your head, you feel him start to tape around your wrists, holding them together behind your back. Once he's content they're secure, he sits on the edge of the bed, facing the mirror before he pulls you onto his lap.
"Legs spread over the top of mine." He orders and you do as you're told, not because you have to but because you want to.
You notice the way your cunt is already glistening in the mirror and you're almost embarrassed because he hasn't even touched you yet.
"Fuck, you're made for this." He groans, lining his cock up to your slick entrance and you wonder if he's holding his breath too while he slides into you, as deep as your bodies will allow.
You're obsessed with the sight in front of you; your own naked body, with your legs spread so far apart you can see how your cunt is stuffed full of him.
Being shorter though, your feet can't touch the ground like this. There's no way you'll get enough leverage to fuck yourself on him but as soon as you start to tell him that, he silences you with two thick fingers between your lips.
"I'm not letting you fuck me." His free hand roams over your body, squeezing your breasts, pinching your nipples and then settling between your spread thighs.
"I'm going to play with you. I'm going to see how much you can take. I'm going to work out exactly how you like your clit stroked and I'm going to do that until your legs are shaking and your body won't let you cum any more. Maybe then I'll fuck you but sweetheart, that will be hours from now." His breath is hot against the side of your face, his fingers slipping from your mouth to your waist while he starts to flick gently against your clit.
"I'm going to start slowly. I'm going to do everything I can to drag this out as long as possible. I can feel every clench and flutter of this pretty little cunt and I'm going to enjoy it until you're dripping over my balls." At this rate, it won't be long until you're dripping onto the carpet, never mind over him. You dreamed he'd want to take control like this but you never imagined the way your body would respond.
"And then, when you've cum more times than you can handle, I'm going to tell you that I love you while I fuck you like I don't."
Update: Part 2
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naturecalls111 · 11 months
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North Boo
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ytsame · 3 months
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99% sure no one knows who they are but im sharing anyways
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