moonchild-in-blue · 4 months
what have been your favorite songs off of clancy so far??? i’ve been so amazed by that album and i wanna hear your thoughts!!
AAAA OKAY. I'm just gonna copy here my ranking from last night after the 1st album listen. Mind you, before yesterday I made a point not to listen to any of the re-release singles and avoided ALL video spoilers, so I went in completely blind .
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^ i forgot about Navigating and i put it on the same tier as Midwest
(okay i rambled and this is all jumbled together so - more thoughts under)
I still need to listen to it a few more times today so I can properly rank them but yeah. Routine / Oldies are my top ones for sure, with Backslide / At the Risk / Snap Back falling riiight under. Those three kinda broke me ngl.
Lavish for sure will go up in the ranking because I love it so so much it's SO fun haha.
The Craving I prefer Jenna's version over the single - just different feels. The single version I'd place it with Next Semester.
But yeah, I was sobbing pathetically on Oldies Station, and again on At The Risk lmao. BACKSLIDE!!! BROKE MY HEART!!! NOT EVEN GONNA TALK ABOUT THE VIDEO OTHERWISE!!! WOOOOOOO
Emotional Damage x200
Me and my friend were talking about it, and we both agree that Clancy feels like an amalgamation of every previous album. There is something so heavy and personal about it, very reminiscent of Self Titled, that we haven't seen in a while (since Blurryface I'd say). Not that Trench wasn't personal, but it feels incredibly lore-heavy (aside from Smithereens and The Legend <- i can't listen to it now because yeah. Same thing for me).
Obviously you got Neon Gravestones and Redecorate on SAI (WHICH I LOVE, will take no slander), but yeah.
*Oh and Leave the City - same vibes as Paladin sort of.
Clancy is special. It feels much more intimate. Much more emotionally charged. Trench felt like an album for the fans; SAI is the fun experimental let's go team one. But Clancy 1000% feels like this is for him. Like a letter to past and future versions of Tyler - does this make sense?
Sorry I think I rambled a bit much lol - I might do a proper review or whatever once I gave the album a few more spins but yeah! Right off the bat I am in love with it, if feeling a little too called out by some songs 🥲✌️
But yeah. What about you???? What até your thoughts on the album??? What are you favs????
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Postcards from Snagglepuss
Tale of an Underwater Initiatory Ritual
After a brief stop at Twin Cities International Airport to pick up (and at the last minute, know) Huckleberry Hound's beloved Clementine (heading over for Braham Pie Day and the related Character Convocation) and nephew Hector, and putting them up in a somewhat decent motel of the old school, our current company (as included Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy "themselves") proceeded to Square Lake Park, practically halfway between Stillwater and Marine on St. Croix on an "inland route," more or less, as opposed to Hwy. 95 along the St. Croix River.
Sleeping off the night in our motorhome, and breakfasting on meal-replacement shakes ... followed by no less than Peter Potamus and his Magic Divers via the Divers' Delight, splash-landing it in an area of the lake near the park's boat ramp (and, reputedly, scaring the likes of the Three Wolves out of their wits, which they luckily got over), surprising some of the park's early arrivals even!
But at any rate, Peter Potamus, something of a great and lovable ball of fun, underwater and otherwise, guided Huck, Augie, Doggie Daddy and yours truly into the vessel. Preliminary briefing and safety review, don't you know ... fitting the dive gear ... and launching the whole into a Zodiac inflatable such as would direct us to the sacred spot for this most fascinating exercise.
(If I may just explain the particular appeal of Square Lake among the Upper Midwest's diving community: The spring-fed lake of some 203 acres, with a maximum depth of 68 feet, has such an unusual sense of clarity about it to have the Metropolitan Council, a sort of advisory body for the Twin Cities metro region, recognise such as a Special Recreational Feature. Is it any wonder Peter Potamus had such in mind in choosing to hold such a ceremony as was forthcoming within its depths?)
Having piloted the Zodiac to a point whose depth was roughly in the 30-foot range, on signal, mouthpieces went in ... the backwards dive entry ... and the descent to the Chosen Spot, where we were to gather in a circle on the lake bottom, kneeling, and taking a position of honour, so to speak. And was it somewhat stunning to see some of our old buddies in the diver getup--Magilla Gorilla ... Wally Gator ... Loopy De Loop ... Lippy and Hardy ... I just hope we're not getting too ahead of ourselves, especially underwater!
From a pocket in his diver's vest, Peter Potamus proceeded to place what could be considered the Magic Divers' "badge of honour," in a way, around the necks of its members--a necklace of shark's teeth in the Polynesian manner, made by natives back in an isolated part of Polynesia Uncharted such as Peter knew and worn by native surfers and divers as a show of recognition. Followed by anklets of cowry shell.
Yet, as Peter Potamus could be a rather surprising sort of fellow, diving and otherwise, you could say he "saved the best for last"--as in bestowing upon Huckleberry Hound and myself an especially high honour for such who could be considered Friends of the Magic Divers: a necklace of multi-coloured coral shell, accented with shark's teeth and an ur-medallion of abalone shell. For which Huckleberry and yours truly couldn't help but feel humbled, bowing our heads as the necklace was draped around our necks, followed by the rather cute pressing of hippo cheeks agsinst our own--the traditional accolade, oft mistaken for kissing--to recognise this recognition.
Returning to the Zodiac a few minutes later, to catch wind and dry off, Peter Potamus would make this pronouncement: "Huckleberry Hound ... Snagglepuss ... for showing an especial fascination in the diving experience, know ye that, by my awarding you the necklace of coral, skarks' teeth and abalone shell, you will consider yourselves as Friends of the Peter Potamus Magic Divers!"
Both of us expressed our humble gratitude.
"Which means, boys, that whenever you feel interested, you can join us in the Magic Divers' diving excursions. All you need do is just let me know, and things will be worked out!"
"Uh, Peter," Huckleberry Hound remarked, "would sometime this fall be agreeable to you?" To which Peter remarked, "That could likely be arranged; as a matter of fact, one expedition I have in mind would be heading through the Caribbean this fall into the winter!"
"Heavens to Captain Morgan!" exclaimed yours truly. "Wouldn't that be fascinating?!"
"I was thinking of structuring such along the lines of such windjammer-type cruises popular down that way, taking note of especially interesting dive spots across the Caribbean. SCUBA and snorkelling would come into play, as I understand there's bound to be plenty of fascinating diving to be had!"
Stunned silence.
"And what's more ... I understand where Loopy's nephew, Bon-Bon, and Hokey's compadre, Ding-a-Ling, are divers in their own right as well ... about to be joined by Augie Doggie and Hector, who, I understand, is a close nephew of Huckleberry Hound. And do we have something in store for them!"
Stay tuned to the next episode, fellow Hanna-Barberians, for where the Divin' Wolf Pups become Those Divin' Pups all the more! And in the meantime, do you know of some interesting Caribbean-region diving-type spots worthy of Peter Potamus' dive crew (and guests) for such an expedition over the winter? Please to share them ... please to share them, and via the usual channels even!
@warnerbrosentertainment @joey-gatorman @jellystone-enjoyer @haiyis-dark-void @archive-archives @themineralyoucrave @thebigdingle @princessgalaxy505 @thylordshipofbutts @screamingtoosoftly @warnerbros-blog1 @zodiacfan32 @theweekenddigest @tropichalwave @warnerbrosent-blog
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travels-with-kathy · 7 days
NYC Love it or Hate it?
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New York City. 
It seems that whenever I tell people I'm going to New York, I get two responses;
"Oh I just LOVE NYC!"
or "Oh really? I hate New York."
My husband and I adore it. Every chance we get, we escape our life in Cleveland and catch a quick flight to the Big Apple. For us it's only 59 minutes away. So as long as there are no delays or cancellations at the airport its super easy to get there. 
As soon as the Manhattan skyline comes into view we sigh, feeling somehow like we are home again. Though we both grew up in the Midwest and have lived in Ohio for 18 years. 
Yes, it is dirty especially on trash day. Yes, sometimes you will see an occasional rat running down by the subway tracks. Yes, it is crowded and there are homeless people lying on the sidewalk.
But 1.6 million people live in Manhattan alone and on weekdays the population swells to 3.9 million according to the World Population Review that's approximately 170,000 people/square mile on a workday.  If you count all five boroughs there are roughly 8 million people, double the amount of Los Angeles. Fun fact, there are also over 800 different languages are spoken in NYC! That's pretty cool!
Of course there will be problems with that many people. But there are so many positives. Here are just some of them.
1. You can pretty much find any type of food you could ever want to try. You can go as fancy as you want spending thousands on a meal, especially if there is alcohol involved, but there are plenty of cheap eat options. A few weekends ago, my husband and I stuffed ourselves with the most delicious pork buns and dumplings in Chinatown for under $20! 
Brunch is my favorite meal of the day and two of my favorite spots are Jack's Wife Freida and Balvanera. Hmm I'm getting hungry just thinking about them.
2. The entertainment available is infinite. From small intimate comedy shows, new plays, and less well-known bands to the glitz and glamour of Broadway, superstar performers like Billy Joel playing Madison Square Garden, or a night at Saturday Night Live. Oh and don't forget all the professional sports you can watch. They have it all, baseball, hockey, basketball and football, take your pick! You can find whatever type of entertainment suits you. 
3. Roof-top Bars. There is nothing like watching the sunset over the NYC skyline at a rooftop bar sipping a Negroni or a Paloma! 
4. There are an endless amount of beautiful cathedrals, historical museums, art museums, and historical places to visit, like Alexander Hamilton's grave and Fraunces Tavern and Museum which was a key meeting place in the Revolutionary War period. 
5. Shopping! You can buy anything you could possibly want in NYC. 5th Avenue has all the super fancy big name stores like Gucci, Dior, Tiffany, Bergdorf Goodman etc. Even if you're not buying they are fun to browse.Brooklyn Bridge6. The parks are great! Of course Central Park is the biggest of them all. You could spend an entire day there; walking around, enjoying the lake, taking a boat out on the water, just sitting in the grass having a picnic, getting your exercise by running or biking in the park, and there are pull up bars and other gymnastic work out equipment in some parts of the park. 
Washington Square Park is another of our favorites. We could spend hours sitting on a bench by the fountain simply enjoying the weather and people watching--and ooohing over all the cute doggies that walk through. 
7. We also love that NYC is such a great walking city. You would never have to take a car, you could walk pretty much anywhere, and when you're tired or in a hurry (or it's pouring down rain and you forgot your umbrella) you can always take the subway or grab an Uber. We have clocked over 20,000 steps in a day on some trips. 
After all New York City is one of the top destinations in the world to visit! We already can't wait for our next trip!
What do you think? Love it or hate it? What are your favorite spots in NYC?
Kathy :)
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
There's a couple more items and things happening and they're huge there is a struggle and a fight going on all the time to try and get near him and it's kind of lame but it is happening everywhere all over the world there's giant giant changes coming but this is what's going on now people are looking to get faster cars on idea is working.
-he wants to add to it a little that he really started it already and it's fairings they have a lot of motorcycles that don't have them they make it a little faster and Ducati is the one that people are making for all sorts of bikes that make them look like sport bikes and they move out faster and there's a few other things you do but the kids and people are starting to make kits but really there are other things too
-the Firebirds have made this thing pick up and that's the plant on idea and they're not doing it to as many Firebirds but you're doing to a lot of trans ams and they're doing to Camaros tons of them are becoming Ferraris and they're very very fast it's very illegal no it's per DOT requirements it's just that they're extremely fast and the panels become solid with the two different materials it's like a boat that has a metal base and fiberglass over it it's extremely strong it doubles up and they're making them right now there's if you drive around as a UPS guy for a 6 hours a day you'll see two or three of them and so really you might see one a month if your regular person and when a week if you're downtown a lot but this is a growing fad and people are starting to make these and when you start making these you can make the kit for the Ferrari cuz you're one step away and people are doing that who make these kids for play tones they found out that the idea is very very efficient and effective it's just like the fiero kit and it's working but it's picking up speed it's not there yet and he says that ours should invest some time and energy into it and takes a lot of the weight of these big groups and we need the Intel and it is the best way to do it and we're going to go ahead and do it in the trans Am is the best pick come out there's some Camaros with tons of force and power but there's a lot of them I do some Corvettes that are older and they're even better I mean these cars goes very fast from 400 to 800 mph and you have to put new suspension on it when it goes past 500 really past 400 or 350 $350 but a lot of people get by at 400 it's really really intense so we're going to publish
Thor Freya
Salon place they're at harbor and with a doctor is and I know what they're doing there and he thinks they're picking someone up and it's true and it's going to happen in a moment and it's moving out what we're doing but boy these are some of the things happening it's more about vehicles and they're very important it seems to be a lot of them here and a lot of new ones and they're coming out of the Midwest there's going to be huge batches momentarily and they're going to be everywhere shortly everywhere that you can imagine and we are going to be large and in charge of lots of it but only if we can start to push right now we are saying the preliminary agreement is going forwards it's a mess down there and of course we always need more troops and we're going to go ahead and do that and we do analysis and so forth but really have to make it safe and we're going in with false flag huge numbers right now. And I knew he'd ask and you always does and I presented that way and yeah I trained doggies it's like a doggy this is that's great it's like a German Shepherd he's kind of a very picky and finicky but he has super powers and he's a lot of fun. Because corgis he calls them that and they respond and other people are too so the dog walks around says I have two names I think she's the boss and a lot of people know my general name and their friends and he keeps telling me that's a friend over there and he's saying it to his master his master says I know who that is and Chris kind of waved a little when the dog said wow that's how it's working so the guys getting it from everyone he says that one's not really a great friend he says I'm famous then and all the cookies are doing it the dogs it's kind of funny. The company is Dodge it's associated with Chrysler and still Atlantis it's still very big half of it's in the midwest still Believe It or not the cities are still making them but they're not making that many it's about 1/200 out there and they're making about 1:30 in the perimeter slowly as soon it will be more it is a huge huge business their new cars are famous the trucks are famous and people want them the challenge or the charger and the trucks and they're making some more cars but really there minivan is famous too that they used to make but that's not out there they make us today and it's fast they make a sedan that's famous and it's fast right now we are talking about preliminary agreement and we hope to have it signed by the end of today and I'm talking about other things this is getting big so we're going to publish
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ludacryst · 6 years
Survey Says..
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? I'm 5'3, but I sometimes wish I was shorter because of how cute it can be in a relationship. I've watched too much anime, okay?
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) Well, @warpedbelief didn't help me figuring this out because his dragon idea was really cool. However... I'll just stick with cats. I love cats. (I also love dragons..)
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? Comfortable. Lol. I mostly wear PJs.
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Final Fantasy series in general. 7 & 9 Specifically. My heart was always with Zelda ALTTP though.
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: Erwin, Wiggles, PoF (Power of Friendship, so my friends/family.)
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Caution : Speaks her mind far too often. No filter. Bossy af. Does not cave easily.
7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]? I don't know.
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] Melancholic.
9: Are you ticklish? .....No...?....(Yes)
10: Are you allergic to anything? Lots of stuff. There's a list uploaded somewhere.
11: What’s your sexuality? Heteronormative Bisexual. I used to call it straight with a twist until I figured out there was an actual term for it. Basically, I'm emotionally attracted to men and commonly see myself in a relationship with men. (My Husband, HI.) However, I have similar attractions physically to women, but have never seen myself in a relationship with one other than physically.
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? Cocoa or Tea, but I'll drink any of em.
13: Are you a cat or dog person? Cat. 1000% They're chill just like me... once they're older.
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? Elf, probably. I love nature, I hate being allergic to it though.
15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? Nah, I just skim youtube from time to time, no favorite.
16: How tall are you? 5'3.
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? I'd probably keep it in the realm it's already in. So, I'm Crystal. I go by Crys (Chris) so probably Christina.. or anything that could shorten it to Chris of sorts. It's just me.
18: How much do you weigh? 175-190, depends on if I've ate fast food recently or not. More averaged at 186, but it's jumped a lot the past few months. Goal weight is 125.
19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Sure. I don't disbelieve. Had a thing when i was a kid a few times that make me think something exists.. whether or not we know what it is.
20: Do you like space or the ocean more? Space. Stars. I love water don't get me wrong, but I'm more curious about what we can't physically reach.
21: Are you religious? Nah.
22: Pet peeves? Liars, people who try to grind my gears, people saying "I'm going to do it just to spite you." I'm tired of toxicity of people.
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? Diurnal. I'm defaulted to Nocturnal, so just eat some edibles and we're in bed by 10pm! :)
24: Favorite constellation? Leo ;)
25: Favorite star? Sirius, it shines the brightest.
26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? I don't like dolls. They're creepy.
27: Any phobias or fears? Irrational : Dolls, Being around people. Rational : Heights, Closed Spaces t-t
28: Do you think global warming is real? Fucking. Is this seriously a question? Of course it's real.
29: Do you believe in reincarnation? I actually like to. It gives me hope there's something after death.
30: Favorite movie? I'm not sure I have a favorite movie...
31: Do you get scared easily? Nah, but I love a good jump scare.
32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? Christina - My first doggie, passed away when I was in 4th grade. She was a mini collie~ Alexi - My green/yellow parakeet. Passed away at roughly 2-3 years old. Jiggy - My gray/white beautiful DHS big boi kitty. (2006-2016) Momma - My loving calico who picked me over everyone. ;o;  (2006-2018) Wiggles - Adopted from my family, he's a tyrant! He loves his dad more than me tho... [rude] (2016-???)
33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] You CC please.
34: What is a color that calms you? Blue. Blue is always relaxing, especially softer/darker blues.
35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? Travel wise, I want to visit a lot of places. Germany, UK, Canada... more specifically Niagara Falls.. Live wise, if I could, I'd live in Canada. However... I just want to live in the midwest, or east, somewhere more affordable in the US.
36: Where were you born? Ohio!
37: What is your eye color? Blue-gray.
38: Introvert or extrovert? 1000% introverted.
39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? I think they're amusing as fuck. I don't believe/follow them 100%. I do like to imagine what it would be like if they were right though. I follow zodiac stuff way more than horoscope.
40: Hugs or kisses? xoxoxo - Preferably hugs, they're for everyone! *HUGS*
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? Scotty! ( @warpedbelief )
42: Who is someone you love deeply? @hyphenhero - My husbando.
43: Any piercings you want? I really dunno any more. The only one I've been considering lately is Daith.
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? I don't dislike tattoos and piercings.
45: Do you smoke or have you ever done so? Cigarettes are disgusting. Be more descriptive of your "smoking." I have marijuana vapes I enjoy.
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! Well, I married him.
47: What is a sound you really hate? Anything pitchy. My ears have been killing me the past year or so.
48: A sound you really love? Meow.
49: Can you do a backflip? HAHAHA No.
50: Can you do the splits? Almost did them on accident the other day. It really hurt. (No)
51: Favorite actor and/or actress? Do voice actors count? Because then I'm between two. Johnny Yong Bosch and Matt Mercer.
52: Favorite movie? Wasn't this asked already? I don't have one.
53: How are you feeling right now? Tired.
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? I really want to bleach it blonde again.
55: When did you feel happiest? Maybe when we first moved into our second apartment? The rent was cheaper, it was nice. I miss freedom. Though, I also miss having a full guild of friends and getting along and having fun together.. Man I'm getting old.
56: Something that calms you down? Marijuana primarily. Hugs. Kittens.
57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] Anxiety, Depression, Memory issues xD Honestly you should just ask if there's stuff NOT wrong with me.
58: What does your URL mean? It's a nickname a friend gave me 11 years ago. Holy crap. It's been 11 years.
59: What three words describe you the most? Sassy, Bratty, Mom-ish.
60: Do you believe in evolution? Yes.
61: What makes you unfollow a blog? Too much spam/boring content. Stuff I'm not interested in. Sometimes inactivity for years.
62: What makes you follow a blog? Stuff I'm interested in typically.
63: Favorite kind of person: People I can just talk to about anything. I like to talk. I don't like to be pestered and felt bad about not responding right away. I enjoy helping people. So I'm mostly a listener. I like to talk about stuff we're mutually interested in. Sometimes I love people I can debate with but not hate after (reasonable debates.) I guess I'm going to be that guy and copy what my friend said.. "Engaging, but not too much that I’m constantly tired. I like doing nothing, but doing nothing with the right person."
64: Favorite animal(s): Cats. All the cats.
65: Name three of your favorite blogs. I don't really actively follow any specific blog in particular! :x
66: Favorite emoticon: :smirk: (use it on discord... though if you played maplestory, it's an F3 equivalent... )
67: Favorite meme: You said that tho?
68: What is your MBTI personality type? INFJ-T
69: What is your star sign? Leo
70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? No dog, but you'd be damn right to guess I'd train them.
71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? Any of the fluffy pjs with a thin tank top.
72: Post a selfie or two? https://ludacryst.tumblr.com/tagged/me https://ludacryst.tumblr.com/tagged/wedding
73: Do you have platform shoes? Nah. I don't have heels either.
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? My memory is absolutely shit in most situations.  However, in certain and RANDOM AF situations it can be clear as day. If I want to learn/remember something? Forget about it. If I could not care less about something? You'll be damn straight I'll remember it.
75: Can you do a front flip? Lol, no.
76: Do you like birds? Yeah, cept the annoying high pitched ones T_T
77: Do you like to swim? I used to love to. I can't really be in the sun for long any more though.
78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? Never been Ice Skating! Always wanted to try. I'd probably equally enjoy both.
79: Something you wish didn’t exist: Mosquitoes, Cancer, Violence. On the violence part... It's mostly guns. If we had swordsman style fights - It'd be more interesting.
80: Some thing you wish did exist: Cures to incurables. Cancer, Epilepsy, Autism, etc. (I'm an epilepsy survivor.)
81: Piercings you have? Had an eyebrow piercing, lost it the same month I got it to pink eye.
82: Something you really enjoy doing: Watching television. I miss reading. I have a hard time focusing on reading now.
83: Favorite person to talk to: I have 3! Erwin (@hyphenhero) - My husband~ and my friends Scott (@warpedbelief)  and Brandon.
84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? What the fuck is this and why do people use it? inb4 I replaced wordpress with it.
85: How many followers do you have? I don't really check. My Tumblr is mostly for me... and I just restarted fresh these past few months.
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? Maybe if I tried. Used to be able to run one in 6.
87: Do your socks always match? Yeah.
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? HA, Never could.
89: What are your birthstones? Peridot, Sardonyx, Spinel
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? Cat? Yes. Spoil me.
91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? Tulips.
92: A store you hate? Umm.... I don't know if I avoid any stores in particular....
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? 1-2. My stomach gets pretty upset.
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? Fly. Definitely. I get lost in my own mind enough.
95: Do you like to wear camo? Situationally.
96: Winter or summer? Winter 100%. Hate the heat. Love the snow.
97: How long can you hold your breath for? I don't know. Like 30 seconds maybe?
98: Least favorite person? They who will not be named. It gives them too much attention.
99: Someone you look up to: I used to look up to my mom a lot. Now I'm more-so my own person, I just do what I can to do right by me and my hubby.
100: A store you love? Uhm.. Any cheap store... I don't really have a favorite. I guess amazon for saving me gas?
101: Favorite type of shoes Skechers.
102: Where do you live? California.
103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? Nah. I love ham too much.
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? Cubic Zirconia actually. It's so undervalued but so pretty.
105: Do you drink milk? Used to. Not really much any more.
106: Do you like bugs? Sometimes. But not in the house.
107: Do you like spiders? Sure, they get rid of the bad bugs.
108: Something you get paranoid about? Being followed. Bugs crawling on me.
109: Can you draw: Used to be able to. Not any more.
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? I don't know, I usually tell people anything they ask lol.
111: A question you hate being asked? Any question I had previously already answered, and they just weren't paying attention. Anything related to me/my own working/schooling.
112: Ever been bitten by a spider? Not that I can remember.
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? Yeah, it's really relaxing.
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? Cloudy, 100%
115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: I would like to cuddle Momma right now.. Why you gotta go and make a girl sad for survey thing? (My calico that passed away last year..)
116: Favorite cloud type: Cumulus, Cumulonimbus, and Nimbostratus. Yes I googled them for their names.
117: What color do you wish the sky was? I honestly love the colors the sky is/can be, especially at sunrise and sunset.
118: Do you have freckles? Yes, but you can only see them when I have a tan. So to anyone who hasn't seen me since I was 10, you'd never know I had them.
119: Favorite thing about a person: How they treat people. If they're kind to animals. Eyes. Definitely eyes.
120: Fruits or vegetables? Fruits @_@
121: Something you want to do right now: Play Zelda - BoTW on Hard - but... I'm lazy.
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? Ocean. But they look best together.
123: Sweet or sour foods? Candies or actual food? Food, sweet. Candies, sour.
124: Bright or dim lights? Dim as you can go without causing me to have seizures over tiny little things.
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? I wish. Dragons would rock my world.
126: Something you hate about Tumblr: Yahoo owning it.
127: Something you love about Tumblr: The freedom it USED to have.
128: What do you think about the least? I dunno, I think about it the least... so it won't naturally come to me.
129: What would you want written on your tombstone? Carpe Diem ....heheheh.
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? Why would I name them? Again with the attention thing.
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? My Epilepsy. It's shown me who really gives a fuck about me, but also it's taken a lot from me.
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? No, I hate my teeth.
133: Computer or TV? Computer, it offers more.
134: Do you like roller coasters? Never been on one, definitely want to try.
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? Sometimes motion sickness, never got seasick tho.
136: Are your ears lobed or attached? Attatched.
137: Do you believe in karma? I like to believe in Karma, but I really feel like people don't get their just desserts :(
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? -5
139: What nicknames do you have/have had? Crys, Crysti, Cryssi, Crysii, Ludacryst, Toxie, Punky, there's probably more but effort.
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? I am unsure.
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? Yes. More than one therapist.
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? Yes.
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? Giving.
144: What makes you angry? Lots of little things. Dumb things. Mostly the way medical/doctors are here... Our president... a lot of things really.
145: How many languages do you speak fluently? I can barely manage English, you want me to learn more?!
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? I kinda answered this earlier.
147: Are you androgynous? No.
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: My eye color.
149: Favorite thing about your personality: I'm more willing to let people go if they make my life worse. I used to be terrible at that.
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. My Mom, Scooter, Matt Mercer.. (shh)
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? ANY ERA WITH KNIGHTS AND KINGDOMS AND WEEEEEEE............ (I like a lot of oldie based shows.)
152: Do you like BuzzFeed? Eh.
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] MapleStory. Not even remotely kidding.
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? Yes. I'm a very touchy person if I trust the person. I prefer hugs on most though. Forehead is pretty sentimental to me.
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? Sometimes, yeah.
156: What embarrasses you? My teeth, my weight, a lot of things.
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: People. Crowds. Planes. Heights. New Doctors.
158: Biggest lie you have ever told: If it's the biggest lie I've ever told, do you think I'm going to out myself on social media?
159: How many people are you following? Fuck if I know... I'm too lazy to check.
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? See #159
161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? See #159
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? See #159
163: Last time you cried and why: It's been over a lot of things. My health, my families health, my cat, hurting myself, etc.
164: Do you have long or short hair? Medium?
165: Longest your hair has ever been: Just below my shoulders.
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religion? Neutral mostly, because you can't prove or disprove a god exists. Just because you haven't seen something does that mean it's not there? Also, just because you believe in something, does it mean that it exists really? I'm agnostic. Though Wicca seems like a more reasonable religion in most aspects (I've dabbled in research, I hope that doesn't offend anyone.)
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? Not really. I just care if it's gonna blow up before I die.
168: Do you like to wear makeup? Like? Not usually, it just helps me feel a little better sometimes.
169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? Nope.
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? As much as I could.
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rilenerocks · 4 years
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On July 2nd, I thought I’d finally figured out this Covid summer. After coming to terms with the fact that the virus wasn’t going anywhere, that I wouldn’t be swimming any time soon, I made a move. I ordered myself an extra-large doggy bathing tub, dug around in the garage for an old beach umbrella, and set up shop for my new daily mini-vacation. Every morning after breakfast, I’d head out the back door, plug in some headphones, dip my feet in the water and kick away as if I was in an Olympic-sized pool. The bonus was the fact that I could watch the birds, butterflies and even my decidedly least favorite small mammals, destroyers and omnivores of flowers and vegetables. I could enjoy shooing them away.
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I’ve been amazed at how well this little spot has worked for me. The heat and humidity where I live are always a challenge during the summer months. Ordinarily, I’d do my swimming at the outdoor pool and feel perfectly fine about spending the rest of my day indoors. But with this set-up, I’m spending hours outside. Adding cold water from the hose keeps the temperature from getting too toasty. Aside from the physical and psychological benefits of this arrangement, I think my growth as a backyard scientist has been a much-needed plus in my life. But the bliss back then was short-lived. On July 11th, exactly a month ago, nature took a surprising turn.
In the midst of a typically warm, muggy afternoon, a rain event was predicted. When it arrived, large chunks of hail came along for the chaotic ride, blowing things over, denting vehicles and leaving large chunks of ice all over the grass and garden. It was a mesmerizing event. I stood at the back of my porch to avoid getting hit by the blistering balls, hard enough to pockmark metal. All I could think of was climate change. There have been so many extraordinary weather episodes all across the world. Lots of people think that since it’s not hot all the time, the concerns over what’s happening to this planet are overblown and inflated. How very narrow and naive. That storm, a scant month ago, left us without power for 12 hours. In addition to the modest discomfort, there was worry about all the food in the refrigerator and freezer going bad. In the time of a pandemic, having to toss out expensive sustenance and replace everything is daunting. When it ended, the cleanup started. After that was done, it was time to just start over.
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Today started out as a normal Covid Monday. I was going to babysit my eldest grandson during the afternoon as I have for months.  I ate my breakfast and then went out into the yard for my pool time. After a few temperate days, the sizzle had returned.  I listened to music while I paddled away, getting up intermittently to photograph the butterflies I so dearly love. I was also happy to see my cardinal pair, Carmine and Pumpkin make their appearances, always a bright spot in my day.
After a few hours, my grandson came over – lucky me with the family living across the street. We ran a few errands and then went off to one of his favorite drive-through restaurants where he gets his grilled cheese sandwich and a milkshake of one kind or another. We park in a shady space and chat about all kinds of different topics. Our freewheeling conversations cover a lot of territory ranging from the ordinary, who did what at home earlier today, to the more exotic, like cloning and eugenics. We were watching a red-tailed hawk swoop and dive, no doubt on the hunt for a tasty snack, when I noticed that the sky to the northwest was suddenly looking ominously dark. A 60% chance of showers was in the forecast but the perceptible nuances in cloud formation made me think it was time to head home. We were only about eight minutes away but in that short time, the winds picked up and we quickly went inside. Within a minute, a powerful wind gathered that was incredibly loud. My son, who was upstairs working, appeared saying he thought he’d heard something like crashing glass. The three of us stood at the back door watching all sorts of debris swirling through the air. The power in the house snapped off.  The pole from which the power and cable lines run was crooked and one of them had been yanked off the house. What we thought was shattered glass was actually a devastated hackberry tree, tall and imposing, which draped over our driveway and our neighbor’s to the south. A huge limb had snapped off and crashed into their garage which serves as a studio for the artist who is constantly working in it. I shouted out his name, mightily relieved that he answered. His wife is away so I knew he was in there alone. Meanwhile the wind had pushed a fencing section right off its post in my yard, no small accomplishment as the posts are set deeply in concrete. The whole episode only lasted a few minutes. During a lull in the rain, I sent my grandson home. Within minutes, various neighbors emerged to check on each other and the physical damage.
My neighbor’s garage/studio is a total loss. He was inside at the time – miraculously the limb hit the apex of the roof which held even though a wall bowed out to the side. My fence is being held up by an extra timber Michael had lying around, ever the boy scout, always prepared.
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We all thought we’d seen some kind of mini-tornado. The stuff swirling through the air had a circular motion. We later found out it was something Id never heard of before, an unusual kind of straight wind event which had cut through the midwest leaving a wide swath of damage which will cost billions. A derecho wind.  
What is a derecho? A derecho (pronounced similar to “deh-REY-cho” in English, or pronounced phonetically as ““) is a widespread, long-lived wind storm associated with a band of rapidly moving showers or thunderstorms variously known as a squall line, bow echo, or quasi-linear convective system. Although a derecho can produce destruction similar to that of a tornado, the damage typically occurs in one direction along a relatively straight swath. As a result, the term “straight-line wind damage” sometimes is used to describe derecho damage.
How strong are derecho winds? By definition, a derecho must include wind gusts of at least 58 mph (50 knots or 93 km/h) or greater along most of its length. While derecho winds typically are less than 100 mph, gusts as high as 130 mph have been recorded — equivalent to those with strong EF2 tornadoes.
Backyard science, all right. I’ve never heard of this wind until today. Ordinarily, I’m thrilled to learn something new every day. But for now, I’m just wondering when the locusts are coming. The other plagues too. The out of control virus still rages here. The weather is bizarre, the planet blaring messages in our faces. The power in my house has been out for 10 hours now. My power company just sent me a message telling me my power has been restored. This is a current photo of the inside of my house.
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Tonight I sat for awhile in my driveway, charging my phone and a battery pack  for a few hours. Oh me of little faith. With limbs that size lying around and power outages everywhere, I didn’t think I’d have lights or fans tonight. My freezer food is melting while the refrigerated food spoils. I did some lovely birds emerge for their dinners and watched the sky turn an amazing shade of pink. Ad I close this note in the darkness, I’m reminding myself to be ready for anything in the morning. Except my feet won’t be dancing in my pool.
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So Much For The Peaceful Space On July 2nd, I thought I’d finally figured out this Covid summer. After coming to terms with the fact that the virus wasn’t going anywhere, that I wouldn’t be swimming any time soon, I made a move.
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kidkei · 5 years
Twisted Trails Offroad Park hosts 39th annual Dog Party
Scott Fraley, Staff Writer
Published 1:06 am EST, Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Drag racers kick up snow throughout this yr’s 39th annual Dog Party, held at Twisted Trails Offroad Park in Copemish. (Courtesy Photo/Donna Humphrey)
Drag racers kick up snow throughout this yr’s 39th annual Dog Party, held at Twisted Trails Offroad Park in Copemish. (Courtesy Photo/Donna Humphrey)
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Drag racers kick up snow throughout this yr’s 39th annual Dog Party, held at Twisted Trails Offroad Park in Copemish. (Courtesy Photo/Donna Humphrey)
Drag racers kick up snow throughout this yr’s 39th annual Dog Party, held at Twisted Trails Offroad Park in Copemish. (Courtesy Photo/Donna Humphrey)
Twisted Trails Offroad Park hosts 39th annual Dog Party
COPEMISH — Revving engines broke the mid-winter silence on Feb. 15, when roughly 1,000 off street automobile fanatics descended on the village of Copemish, (inhabitants 191) for the 39th annual Dog Party.
Twisted Trails Offroad Park hosts Dog Party occasions in the course of the winter and summer time, the place drivers go off street to check their abilities on trails or compete head-to-head within the Doggie Drag.
Donna Humphrey, chief working officer of Twisted Trails Offroad Park, Inc. stated that devoted ORV drivers arrived on the occasion to place their off street autos by way of their paces.
“People just want to come out to have a good time after working all week,” Humphrey stated. “Some people work on their rigs for months on end or end up working until all hours of the night and morning to make it out. Everyone wants to get out testing their rigs they have been wrenching on in the garage over the last couple months.”
Drivers from across the Midwest and past braved the mid-February chilly. Humphrey stated that northern Michigan’s erratic and infrequently uncooperative climate is at all times a priority for occasion organizers.
“Summer and winter both have their obstacles,” she stated. “Terrain is different depending on the season and the weather that we recently had, the snow and the drifts make it great on the hill climbs and trails get slippier in the winter.”
The thrill of conquering the path forward is what motivates ORV drivers to return to the offroad park yr after yr, Humphrey stated.
“People like the challenge of the different terrain and testing the extent of their rigs,” she stated.
Racers additionally examined their excessive efficiency rigs, in the course of the second annual Doggie Drags, a drag race throughout a 300-foot groomed observe, Humphrey stated.
“The now and dirt flies high and far from these rigs pushing their horsepower to the limit,” she stated.
First place winner of the Doggie Drags was Todd Bylsma, whereas final yr’s winner James Jones got here in second. Charlie Willis positioned third within the competitors.
Others weren’t fairly as fortunate.
“This year was not any different, where we’ve had both big and small rigs break down on the trails,” she stated. “Most were lucky to get out yesterday, but we have a couple rigs that will be picked up this week.”
Twisted Trails Offroad Park will host their subsequent occasion, Dog Party 2 on March 14.
For extra details about Twisted Trails Offroad Park go to twistedtrailsoffroadpark.com, name (231) 651-9548 or e mail [email protected].
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The post Twisted Trails Offroad Park hosts 39th annual Dog Party appeared first on PawNews24.
source https://pawnews24.com/twisted-trails-offroad-park-hosts-39th-annual-dog-party/
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tumbleon · 5 years
New Years in New Zealand
Christmas belongs to the northern hemisphere. But on New Years Eve, there is nowhere better to be than New Zealand.
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So many holidays seem backwards in New Zealand. For one, I’ll never get used to sipping Chardonnay on a deck drenched in summer sunshine on Christmas Day. Christmas belongs in the northern hemisphere, where you gather because it’s cold, bask in company to stave off winter’s depression, and wrap yourselves in blankets while opening presents. 
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My niece (supported by my hiding sister) and nephew, Christmas in Libertyville, Illinois, 2008. 
But New Years Eve only makes sense in New Zealand. 
“I never miss a New Years in New Zealand,” I told the American professor sitting next to me on the December 28 flight to Auckland from Chicago, who was headed to a conference in Otago. As my flight took off I had promised a friend in the Midwest I would try and get a photo of what it felt like to spent New Years in New Zealand with my friends. 
“Where are you going?” the professor asked.
“Auckland,” I replied, unable to suppress a smile as I said it. 
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View of the Auckland skyline at sunset from the Waiheke Ferry, 2007. 
“I wrote a novel about the friends I met within weeks of moving there 15 years ago,” I said. “I’m pretty much headed straight to them.” 
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A few of the stars of my novel at my 21st birthday party, with the inspiration for Jack in the center at Flat 56 in Auckland, 2005.
“Your second family,” she said.
I smiled wry. “What designates who comes first? Chronology or hierarchy?”
I may have been born in Chicago, but I found myself in New Zealand. Yet when people think of New Zealand, they often think of visuals like this. 
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Sunset in Opononi over the Tasman Sea, North Island of New Zealand, 2008.
Yet landscape photos of New Zealand don’t really capture the experiences I’ve had. My friends in New Zealand don’t like rugby and they don’t climb mountains. My friends are Antipodean urban rats. Some of the best times I’ve ever have been prowling K Road with Matt, who goes by Karma Chaos when dressed in drag. 
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One of my favourite photos of Karma Chaos kicking ass while performing on K Road, 2007. 
Often I would take the stage alongside him, pantomiming on the guitar I dragged around ever since leaving Illinois but at the time rarely plugged in.
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Doing some back-up guitarist for Karma Chaos at Wigarama, Family Bar, on Karangahape Road, Auckland, 2007. 
Matt is so full of life and adventure at the time I thought I would spend a wild few months with him and then watch him dance off into the sunset, our paths never to cross again. I was wrong. Our friendship is one of the longest and most loyal I’ve ever had. When Matt got married in 2015, I was the photographer. 
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Matt and Gian on their wedding day in Auckland, 2015. 
By the time I landed Matt and Gian were already in Whangamata, about two hours outside of Auckland. There is something about the air in Auckland that I sense as soon as I step off the plane. It speaks to me: You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Your life is about to change in ways you could never imagine, but only if you let it. 
Rather than roll straight off the 16-hour flight and onto a bus, I spent a day in urban solitude, acclimatising to the city’s rhythms. 
When I turned off Kitchener Street, my spirit still lifts at the sight of the massive tree branches that seem defy gravity and turn the pathway into Albert Park into a tunnel. 
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Inside the park, a couple snuggled under one of the trees against the Sky Tower, which many Aucklanders hate--especially those who remember the city without--but I always loved its single spire cutting through the sky. 
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A post shared by Hannah Herchenbach (@highwhitesound) on Dec 30, 2019 at 3:45pm PST
After journalling against a tree I grabbed a few pieces of sushi at my favourite spot on High Street and headed to the Tepid Baths for some sauna and swimming sets, backstroking as the sun streamed onto the water through the skylights. They’re a bit fussy about photos in there so I didn’t whip my phone out, but here’s an image from NewsHub to get a sense of what it feels like. In your imagination, add some rows of bunting in primary colours; floating past them on your back is such a relaxing sight. 
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(To be fair, the photo is from an article about the pools being closed due to a legionella outbreak; no place is perfect). 
On my way back to Britomart, it was winter and midnight in Chicago, where I had been not 24 hours before. In Auckland, it was seven pm on a summer’s evening; people were sunning in the grass downtown as the sun set behind the buildings. 
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A post shared by Hannah Herchenbach (@highwhitesound) on Dec 30, 2019 at 3:26pm PST
Fifteen years on, I still marvelled: I can’t believe this place exists. 
After waking up on New Years Eve, I stopped by the Tepid Baths again before getting on the bus to Whangamata around noon. I could have dried, straightened, and styled my hair. But also, fuck it. 
Gian picked me up in Thames and we rolled across the Coromandel Peninsula to Whangamata. Eleven of us were staying in a house that Lucas had been given to live in as part of his job working for Water Care, which was how he was getting his permanent residency. Technically speaking, it was a bach, which is shorthand in New Zealand for “a few planks thrown together, no heating, little electricity, and not much thought put into it.” 
When New Zealand wants to publicise itself, it shows off landscapes. It does not show the houses. Gian and I cast our eyes over the sign that had been spray-painted on a plank of wood leaning against the deck. 
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“Happy new year bithes?” we mused. 
Matt was grinning from ear to ear inside, a drink lodged in his hand. “Happy New Year bitches!” he cried. “Did you see the sign? Did you spot it?” 
“It’s missing a C,” I said. 
“I KNEW you would notice,” he replied. “Yulie did it.” 
“My English isn’t very good!” Yulie cried. She had moved over from Russia two years ago and had no intention of going back. Long may it last, she said of her time in New Zealand. Residency dependent. 
“It’s our new name for our crew!” Matt cried. “We are The Bithes!” 
Matt frowned at the sight of my air-dried hair and fresh face. “You don’t style yourself at all when you’re not with me,” he cried.
“I’m not going to not go swimming just to impress you, Matt,” I replied.  
Matt pulled at my hair, applied eyeshadow, called for lipstick. He stepped back. “There! Now you look like you have a home! God, you looked like we picked you up off the side of the ROAD!” 
I smiled. “Yeah, and you know why I do it? ‘Cause I know you’ll always pick me up anyway.”  
Matt sighed. “True.” He put a final piece of hair into place. “Now you look how you’re supposed to: like a rock star.” 
Gian and Lucas fussed in the kitchen over potatoes and lamb and ham that Matt glazed. Another contrast to the few New Zealand cultural cliches is that my friends are also rarely from New Zealand. Matt came over from the UK as a kid. His partner Gian is from Brazil. As we ate, we marvelled how amongst the crew of 11, only three were from New Zealand. We were born all over the world: Brazil, Poland, Russia, the UK, the United States, Zimbabwe. Yet we had all met in New Zealand. We crossed paths through looking for the same thing: adventure, freedom, presence, joie de vivre. 
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This is not unusual. As of 2016, 39% of the people in Auckland are foreign-born migrants, making Auckland more diverse than New York or London. 
“Never done it before,” Matt said of the glaze. It was beautiful, we all agreed. 
As the night wore on, none of the photos of New Years Eve quite captured that free-spirited feeling of being in New Zealand that I envisioned. We could have been having a dance party anywhere, hair slowly getting messed, irises growing wider by the minute. 
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Matt and I held each other and marvelled at our 15 years of friendship. The last New Years I had spent with him was one decade ago: 2009 rolling into 2010, before moving to the South Island. 
“This year, we return to the stage,” Matt insisted.
“Fuck yes,” I agreed. “We’ll write some more songs, too.” Our band had finished one song but written parts of another dozen and had about 17 hypothetical albums, most of which were only titles. 
Somewhere around 4.30am I fell into a horizontal position, leaving Gian in the hands of Matt and Grant. Gian thought he was on K Road. Matt and Grant had plenty of questions for him. 
“I’m going to Family Bar,” Gian said. 
“Okay,” Matt replied, calm as. “You go ahead. I’ll be there in five minutes. 
Gian didn’t move. 
“Wait,” Matt said. “What about the guys we were going to sleep with?” 
Gian thought for a minute. “They’re at Hannah’s.”
Matt and I looked at each other. “Who is?” 
“The guys from Grindr.” 
“All of them?” we marvelled. 
“No.” Gian paused. “Some of them.”
“How many?” Matt pressed. 
Gian hesitated. “Twenty.” 
Matt and I doubled over in laughter. “Twenty?” 
The room started to stir sometime in the afternoon. Lucas, Antony, and Gian drew us to the beach, which was a five-minute walk away. It was a New Years Day tradition in Brazil to jump seven waves for good luck.  
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New Years Day 2020, Whangamata Beach, New Zealand
We walked towards the water in a line and jumped seven together, calling out the numbers as they passed. 
“Now nothing bad will happen this year,” Antony said. 
Afterwards we dove under the waves, splashed, doggy paddled, and floated on our backs.
“The North Island is a different country!” I cried. Try relaxing in the water in a bikini on the South Island. Get back to me once the feeling returns in your feet. I give it a week. 
I insisted on a portrait of Matt and Gian on the beach, four years on from their wedding. 
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Matt and Gian at Whangamata Beach, 1 January 2020
Everyone else was staying in Whangamata for another five days, but as much as I love the party lifestyle, I cannot stay. It was time to return to the South Island. Yet after some strife in Chicago, I was relaxed, refreshed, ready to return to the PhD. My sacral chakra had opened. Auckland was within me. 
My last afternoon we headed to a waterfall that had slowed to a trickle due to months without rain. Still, the pools were deep enough for cannonballs. I sat in the shallows between the pools and tried one last time for the photo. Ashley surfaced in the water behind me as I panned. 
“Smile, Ashley,” I said as I moved the phone in her direction. “This is a panoramic shot.” 
“Ah!” she cried, mouth open, trying to move out of the way as I passed. 
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“Kind of like Lord of the Rings,” we mused. 
“That image is going to haunt me,” Antony said, zooming in. 
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Nailed it. 
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your-dietician · 3 years
The best pet-friendly hotels in the US
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/latest/the-best-pet-friendly-hotels-in-the-us/
The best pet-friendly hotels in the US
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CNN —  
For many pet owners, traveling without Fido is simply out of the question. Pets are part of the family, and what’s a family vacay without one of your own? But when you’re planning a pet-friendly vacation, finding the right place to stay with your pet — one that’s comfortable, convenient and has the right vibe — is key.
Before you book, it’s a good idea to get familiar with the hotel features to look for to ensure your stay is as comfy for you as it is for your pet. Here’s a look at five features of pet-friendly hotels that are worth asking about, especially if they’re not clearly stated on the hotel’s website:
Rules regarding whether pets can be left alone in the room. If you plan to leave your pet for short periods of time, like when you go to dinner, you’ll have to make sure the hotel allows it and learn what protocols, if any, you have to observe. For example, some hotels require you to crate your dog when you’re not in the room with them.
Ample room to exercise and do their business. Some hotels say they’re dog-friendly, but only offer limited areas for dogs to roam. If your pet needs more than just a quick potty break here and there, you’ll want to know that there’s ample green space before you arrive.
Rules regarding pets in public areas, such as the lobby, pool deck and patios. Most hotels have restrictions and will hit you with fines if they find Spot sunbathing in a cabana, for example.
The pet fee schedule and weight limits. Some hotels ask for nonrefundable deposits up front, while others return deposits once you’ve checked out and the room has been inspected for damage. Pet fees and weight limits also run the gamut. Some pet fees are per stay; others charge per night. Size matters too, as some hotels don’t accept large dogs over a certain weight. And if you have two dogs, for example, you may see two separate sets of pet fees on your bill.
Distance to dog-friendly parks, trails and restaurants. It’s one thing if the hotel welcomes pooches with ample room to roam and do their business, but it’s another if you have to drive a long way to reach pet-friendly activities and restaurants.
Knowing all of this info ahead of time will help ensure both you and your pet have a great trip. Now here’s a look at 15 pet-friendly hotels across the country that go above and beyond the bark of duty.
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Oxford Hotel
Dogs that stay at the Oxford Hotel get a dog bed, two travel dog bowls and more.
If your plans call for a visit to the Northwest, Bend, Oregon, is home to the highest per capita dog population in the world, a distinction that’s earned the riverside metropolis a reputation as Dog City USA. It’s the perfect destination for dog lovers who want to take a nature-packed vacation near the peaks and lakes of the Cascade Mountains.
Bend has over 50 miles of pet-friendly trails (not to be missed is the Deschutes River Trail) and more than a dozen off-leash areas. Pick up a new ride at the dog-friendly Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe and set out for a glide on the Tumalo Creek or Deschutes River.
Then rest your heads at the Oxford Hotel, where the pet-friendly package includes a dog bed, two travel dog bowls — one you can keep — organic dog treats, and a map of dog-friendly trails and parks nearby. Forgot your leash? No problem. They’ve got tons of loaner collars and leashes available. The fee is $59 per pet, per stay, and up to two pets are allowed per room. Dog walking services are also available for an additional fee.
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The Peninsula Beverly Hills
The Peninsula Beverly Hills allows two pets — dog or cat — of any size for an additional fee of $35 per pet, per night.
In posh Beverly Hills, it’s no surprise that pups score the star treatment. The Peninsula Beverly Hills has an entire “Pampered Puppy” room service menu exclusively for dogs, including custom dishes such as the Bow Wow Beef Burger. The spa, too, caters to pampered pooches with treatments just for them.
The hotel allows two pets — dog or cat — of any size for an additional fee of $35 per pet, per night. Both Franklin Canyon and Roxbury parks nearby provide plenty of dog-friendly green spaces, and many of the sidewalk cafés and even the boutiques also welcome well-behaved pets. And if you want to get away on your own for a bit, Peninsula pages will even walk your dog when you can’t.
The iconic Beverly Hills Hotel offers pups fresh-baked cookies, dog beds and bowls for $35 per pet, per night. Both dogs and cats of any size are welcome, with up to two pets in each room. Nearby at the Viceroy L’Ermitage Beverly Hills, only one dog (40 pounds max) is allowed per room, but your furry friend will be greeted by name upon arrival and receive a custom dog bed, plush toys, a leash and food and water bowls.
Pet owners also score a curated list of pet-friendly cafés, parks, spas — yes, spas — and shops in the area, so you can maximize your vacation time with your pooch. The fee is $150 per stay, with half the proceeds going to Wags and Walks, a local pet shelter.
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Andaz Scottsdale Resort & Bungalows
The restaurant at the Andaz Scottsdale Resort & Bungalows offers Dinner With your Dog on the patio with amazing views and a specialty doggie menu.
Just a few minutes from Phoenix in posh Scottsdale, the Andaz Scottsdale Resort & Bungalows is a haven for pets, with 23 acres of winding paths and sprawling green spaces. The property’s single-story layout and private patios make it easy for dogs or cats to spread out and get comfortable right alongside you.
The hotel’s restaurant, Weft & Warp Art Bar + Kitchen, offers Dinner With Your Dog on the patio with amazing views of Camelback Mountain, and a specialty doggie menu that includes dishes such as the Good Dawg (a flat-iron steak) and the Healthy Hound (the baked fish of the day). Order up for your pup: $1 from every doggy meal goes to Lucky Dog Rescue, a local pet shelter.
There are no pet fees whatsoever for traveling with pets to the Andaz, but the resort needs at least three days’ notice to prepare for your visit. There is, however, a weight limit of 50 pounds for one dog, with a cap of two dogs per room and a 75-pound combined maximum weight limit for both animals.
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Archer Hotel
Complimentary Buddy Biscuit treats are always available at the front desk of the Archer Hotel.
Youthful, vibrant Austin is one of the most dog-friendly cities in the country. Take Spot for a hike or a bike ride along the trails at Lady Bird Lake, or rent a dog-friendly kayak or stand-up paddleboard from Live, Love, Paddle for a glide on the water.
At the Texas State Capitol, the massive lawn is open to pets, as at the local yoga studio Austin Doga, where classes accommodate pets for downward-facing dogs. More great places to take your pooch include the Barton Creek Greenbelt Preserve and the Red Bud Isle off-leash dog park.
Nestled in a walkable neighborhood that’s close to everything, the boutique Archer Hotel offers a pooch-level welcome sign and bowl with water at the hotel entrance. Complimentary Buddy Biscuit treats are always available at the front desk, but there’s an in-room stash waiting for you as well, plus a comfy bed, a plush green brontosaurus chew toy and two bowls from Austin’s Phydeaux & Friends pet store.
The concierge can provide a list of dog-friendly parks, groomers and more upon arrival. The pet fee is $150 per stay and pets are welcome in all areas of the hotel that are open to the public. Only one pet dog or emotional support dog up to 50 pounds is allowed per room.
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Hewing Hotel
There’s an expansive grassy area just across the street from the Hewing Hotel, and treats are always available at the front desk.
Right in the middle of one of the most pet-friendly cities in the Midwest, Minneapolis’ stylish Hewing Hotel welcomes two of your favorite pets of any size — dogs and cats included — for a one-time fee of $75 per stay. If they’ve got their manners in check, they’re even welcome to stay alone in the hotel room while you take a dip in the hotel’s rooftop pool or enjoy a cocktail in the lounge overlooking downtown.
An expansive grassy area is available to guests and their pets just across the street from the hotel, and treats are always available at the front desk on your way back in.
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Tides Inn Resort & Marina
Dogs get a custom dog bed and a pet bowl at the Tides Inn Resort & Marina.
At the Tides Inn Resort & Marina in the heart of the Chesapeake Bay resort area, pets are pampered with Southern hospitality from the moment they check in, thanks in part to Riley, the resort’s friendly retriever. Dogs will get some serious zzz’s with a custom dog bed from eco-friendly pet brand Harry Barker, plus a pet bowl.
While their pet snoozes, owners can make a dog bowl in the resort’s art studio to take home as a souvenir. Complimentary in-room dog treats and a courtesy bag that includes flashlights for evening walks are just some of the other ways the Tides Inn lives up to its pet-friendly reputation. The pet fee is $150 per pet, per stay, for dogs under 75 pounds, and there’s a limit of two dogs maximum per room.
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Barnsley Resort
At the Barnsley Resort, there are 10 miles of hiking trails, architectural ruins and landscaped gardens for your pet to explore.
Tucked away in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Barnsley Resort in Adairsville, Georgia, sits about one hour between both Atlanta and Chattanooga and offers pets of all sizes 3,000 acres of lush greenery to roam. Family walks take on a whole new meaning when there are 10 miles of hiking trails, architectural ruins and landscaped gardens to explore, plus outdoor sitting areas surrounding fire pits, lawn games that welcome puppy romps and outdoor dining on the front porch of Woodlands Grill.
Pet-friendly accommodations come equipped with pet beds, bowls, bottled water and treats for a nonrefundable pet fee of $150 for cottage suites or $250 for multi-bedroom cottages. There are no weight limits at Barnsley, and pet sitting can be arranged with advance notice. The resort donates a portion of the pet fee to PAWS Atlanta.
At the W Fort Lauderdale, the PAW Program stands for “Pets Are Welcome,” and the goods and services more than live up to the name. For a $100 nonrefundable pet fee and a nightly fee of $25, your stay includes a plush dog bed and a Bark Box filled with pet-friendly goodies delivered to your room.
There’s also a special Pet Menu, food and water bowls and a supply of pick-up bags. Make the most of the Florida sunshine with a dog-friendly walk on Fort Lauderdale’s famous beaches, where pets are welcome to prance and pounce at designated times of the day.
If you really want to pamper your pooch, you can sign up for the hotel’s “Dogs Are a Girl’s Best Friend” package. It includes all the perks and treats needed to create your very own yappy hour with your four-legged bestie, including a chilled bottle of prosecco for you and a bottle of Pet Winery’s Dog-Friendly Champagne — either Dög Pawrignon Champagne or Rosé — for you-know-who.
Or if a sugar high is more your thing, go for the candy-packed Sweet Treat Swag Bag for you and Pet Winery’s Dog-Friendly Barking Bacon Dog Ice Cream for the pooch. The package is available in the hotel’s Spectacular and Mega rooms only and starts at $249 per night.
The bubbly also fizzes in the southern archipelago known as the Florida Keys, where the Marker Key West Harbor Resort welcomes pets with a doggie bag loaded with toys, treats and a Marker Key West pet tag, plus champagne for adults! Pets are also treated to puppy turndown service and, upon request, walks along Smathers Beach, a spa session at Salty Paws pet spa and even a dinner under the stars with a multicourse dog food menu.
Paddling with your pup is also doable on an excursion with Lazy Dog, a charter company that accommodates four-legged friends on paddleboards, kayaks and pontoon boats. And you can take your pooch for a stroll on the harborwalk along the Key West Historic Seaport just outside the hotel. The fee for the Marker Key West Harbor Resort is $75 per pet, per night, with a max of two pets per room and a weight limit of 20 pounds each.
Also in Key West, the laid-back Gates Hotel — the very first boutique hotel at the entry point of Key West — provides pet guests with a Pooch Box at check-in that includes toys and treats. Dogs are also welcome at the hotel restaurant Rum Row’s Yappy Hour, where the money raised goes to the Keys SPCA, a local nonprofit dedicated to the protection of abandoned dogs.
Nearby Sunset Green is a massive green space perfect for a game of fetch, and dog lovers also favor the off-leash Higgs Beach Dog Park and the Key West Dog Beach. Dogs are even allowed on a leash at the Key West Aquarium. Pet fees at the Gates Hotel are $30 per pet, per day (dogs and cats included), with a limit of two pets weighing no more than 50 pounds each. Well-behaved pets may be left alone in the room for short periods of time.
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Bayview Harbor Hotel
Thanks to the private oceanside decks at the Bayview Harbor Hotel, you don’t have to walk through the hotel with your pet each time they need to stretch their legs.
Got a hound that loves the mountain life? Maine’s Acadia National Park has nearly 150 miles of Fido-friendly trails and carriage roads, many with sweeping views of the Gulf of Maine and the scenic town of Bar Harbor. At the Bayview Harbor Hotel, pet-friendly rooms have stairs that lead from private oceanside decks right to the resort’s lawn, so you don’t have to walk through the hotel with your pet each time they need to stretch their legs. Pets also receive dog beds, bowls and special treats and toys in their room upon arrival.
Bar Harbor is home to a ton of pet-friendly restaurants, breweries and shops, and Bayview’s concierge can provide a list of all the great dog-friendly places in the area, so you can explore off-property with your pet and know you’ll be welcomed. The Downeast Windjammer, for example, allows you to bring your pets on a boat cruise around Frenchman Bay. Dogs under 40 pounds are welcome at Bayview, but they can’t be left alone in the room. Pet fees are $50 per pet, per night, with a maximum of two pets per room.
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Liberty, a Luxury Collection Hotel
At Liberty, a Luxury Collection Hotel, you and your pet can join “Yappier Hour” on the patio of the hotel’s restaurant.
Visit Boston’s historic Liberty, a Luxury Collection Hotel, between May and October, and you can join the locals for “Yappier Hour” on the patio of Clink, the hotel’s restaurant (the event takes place Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.). The city hotel’s “VIPS” (Very Important Pups) program includes a Liberty dog bed, bowls and a personalized dog bone provided by the local pet boutique Fish & Bone upon arrival, plus a bag of treats from another local shop, Dog Eat Cake.
In addition to having Boston Common and the Public Garden in the area, hotel guests will find the dog-friendly Charles River Esplanade nearby. The pet fee is $100 per night for two pets of any size — dog or cat — but neither can be left unattended.
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Lodge at Spruce Peak
Dogs receive a plush dog bed and chew toys when checking in at The Lodge at Spruce Peak.
The Green Mountain State is home to a string of idyllic towns, but perhaps none gets more attention as a four-season, fur-friendly vacation destination than Stowe. The village of Stowe is filled with pet-friendly coffee shops, boutiques and community activities that welcome pets throughout the year. At the Lodge at Spruce Peak (formerly Stowe Mountain Lodge), dogs 100 pounds and under are welcome in studios and suites, where they receive a plush dog bed and chew toys at check-in.
Dogs are welcome to socialize with other pets and their owners in the lobby, but with so much dog-friendly terrain to explore outside, you may want to make a beeline for the fresh air instead. Take your pup for a stroll on the scenic Stowe Recreation Path or let them hop into the Gondola SkyRide for a special trip to the mountaintops. A nonrefundable pet fee of $125 is due at check-in, and dogs can’t be left alone in the room without you.
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beckyandrick · 3 years
Pandemic memories…Part 3
By Memorial Day we were dying to get away. But with most hotels, airBNBs and rentals still closed we didn’t have a lot of options. We had booked a small family owned spot on the Cape months earlier and the kind owner called to tell us that we were still welcome as there would be only one other family on the property and we had a stand-alone cottage. So we took it!
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For the first time in months we felt free. The playgrounds in Boston had all been closed since March. The rental property had an old school playground that no one had been on since they closed in the fall. Kai was thrilled to get to play! We hiked, biked and got takeout. Kai could play outside without a mask and this is where the tears came on our last night: “Mommy, I want to stay here. It’s like the virus is gone. I don’t have to wear a mask and can play on the play structures.” 😢 Man, these kids are resilient but COVID was having an impact.
Our 10-year wedding anniversary was June 5 and pre-COVID we had been planning a big trip to celebrate. We hadn’t quite nailed it down by March when the pandemic struck so the good news is there was nothing to cancel. So, we ordered takeout BBQ, had a nice bottle of wine and celebrated together with Kai on our roof deck.
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It was about this time that salons had been closed for a solid 3 months and the decision was made somewhat for me to give up dying my grays and embrace reality. ;) I’ll admit it’s freeing not to worry about roots anymore!
Our rooftop deck was such a saving grace through the pandemic. I remember in the early days of March/April when we didn’t understand how the virus was transmitted that it felt like the only safe refuge outdoors. I’d watch others on their roof decks across the neighborhood working out, on computers working or relaxing in the middle of the day…it was a whole other world up there.
Kai and I would occasionally do ‘recess’ on the roof. Since I was working from home I would block my calendar over lunch and she got to pick the recess activity. Messy activities required the roof deck. ;)
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By July, we had largely quarantined for months and the pandemic still felt like an issue on the east and west coasts but had not yet hit the Midwest hard. So our families in Ohio felt comfortable with us driving home. It was soooo nice to be in rural Ohio with tons of open space with our parents after being cooped up in the city for months.
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Early in March the second of our two dogs had gone to doggy heaven. Kai had been asking for a new puppy for months. It was finally time to get our ‘pandemic puppy’. Ashe was the last of a litter on an Amish farm near where Rick grew up. His first road trip was a long one…all the way back to Boston and he slept like a baby.
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Back on the east coast we were itching to travel but safely and discovered ‘glamping’…the best of both worlds…s’mores, hikes, nature and an air conditioned comfy bed! We did a quick weekend trip to a ‘Getaway’ in New Hampshire and loved it! I think glamping will be one of those pandemic discoveries that will be a favorite long after life goes back to normal for us!
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Every year since Kai was 1 we have spent a week with one of my best friends from college and her family in Bethany Beach, MD. Even when we lived abroad it just happened to work out that we would be in the US for a summer vacation and we made it work. But COVID threatened to ruin the streak. We all debated our options and decided to get COVID tested and make the trip. This was before testing was widespread and convenient so we found an at home testing service by mail that involved spitting into a test tube while a nurse watched over a zoom video call. 😂 The thing I never would have guessed we would be doing!
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But it was worth it to be able to get together with another family and hug my friend Bridget…first hug outside my immediate family in months! Kai was so happy to be able to play with friends!
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The pandemic definitely helped to realize how much we had taken for granted…hugs, being together with friends and seeing family. Little did we know it would be almost a full year later until we would be able to see family again.
More to come in part 4…
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AllFerretsFishGuinea Pigs : Created by Kathryn Newman in 1996, we pioneered in-home dog training in the Twin Cities. From puppy training & Good Manners in the home to national consulting & regular, featured appearances on KARE-11 TV, Kathryn and her talented team have grown Augusta to four Twin Cities locations to include doggy daycare, overnight care, dog training classes and professional grooming. Beds & Furniture Bowls & Feeders Cleaning Supplies Clothing & Shoes Collars, Harnesses & Leashes Crates, Gates & Containment Although house training a puppy can be hard work and tiring – be patient and consistent, and all your efforts should pay off! Gifting Information One of the first things most new dog owners want is to quickly and effectively potty train their dogs. View what you’ll need for the course (PDF). 71 46 come My new pup will be traveling with me soon and I don’t think the dog-friendly hotel has a dog door (that’s a bit too friendly). I’d better get going with Housetraining 101, rather than letting my dog door allow me take the lazy way out. And, as an adjunct to the basic training, I’ll be teaching my new pup to ring a “Hey, I gotta go!” bell. It’s pretty simple to train a dog to ring a bell (I think of this as a call for room service) and in terms of my learned response (jump up and attend to her), I’m a pretty quick study. (For instructions on teaching a dog to ring a bell on the door, see “Target-Train Your Dog to Ring A Doorbell”.) Register a Litter Dog Training Shirlee Kalstone • Never punish the pup for housetraining “mistakes” – scolding has dire consequences. How to Stop Your Puppy Pulling: Perfect Loose Leash Walking First aid Screen Reader: Supported By Lori Chamberland on 11/02/2017 My Sweet Puppy says the MidWest Life Stages crate offers maximum visibility and ventilation while also being lightweight and easy to store or transport. The Wirecutter gives this crate its Runner-Up award, while Canine Journal recommends it for training. Jump up ^ Dunbar, Ian. “Sirius Dog Training”. Retrieved 30 November 2012. Make a Vehicle Donation NaturVet Quiet Moments Calming Aid Dog Soft Chews, 180 count Donate to Wikipedia If you’re calm, your puppy will be less excitable. And please, no yelling — your puppy is just a baby. Remember, you are teaching your pup how to do things correctly because it does not know any better, the poor thing. Dogs open New Dog Owner’s Guide Storm sale Step 5: Learn From The Diary To Refine Your Schedule Would you like to report this content as inappropriate? Click here GET THE LATEST SAVINGS & NEWS Jump up ^ Ancheta, Tony. “Koehler Dog Training”. Retrieved 2 December 2012. Search Care & Health • Put your puppy on a regular and timely feeding schedule – in/out clockwork. J9’s K9 Courier Tips and Tricks for Leash Training Officials said the officer interviewed the trainer, staff and a manager, who said the dog in the video was getting the “alpha training” for being really aggressive. Don’t forget to reward him with praise, special treats, play, or walks for doing his business outdoors! WebMD Magazine Bear Bear’s Blog Show More Whippet More From A Dog Lover’s Handbook Sponsor Opportunities Belgian Tervuren Schipperke If he’s about to jump up to join you, tug sideways and ignore him until he sits quietly on the floor. Sport VetBabble is a pet care site ran by veterinarians to babble facts and opinions for everyone and everything. We enjoy helping animals and technology and want to combine both to give readers and pet lovers a place to share our enjoyment and make lives better for everyone. Personal Development 3.4 Animal services decided the trainer’s behavior in the video didn’t rise to the level of animal cruelty and the case was closed. © 2018 Four Paws Inc. All Rights Reserved. Purebred Dogs  Buy Now Bark at the Park Cheezie Chews The important thing to remember is by the time your dog is relieving himself on your floor, your opportunity for a successful potty break outside has passed. Insuring you’re doing your part in helping your dog succeed is the most important aspect of housetraining. That’s one tough lady who never gave up.What was this perv even doing walking the streets after so many prior sexual attacks? © Depositphotos.com / AOosthuizen Remember that puppies don’t have good bladder or sphincter control yet, and excitement can make them need to pee or poop. Take your puppy out to potty after 15 to 20 minutes of play, as well as after every meal. A potty run should be the first thing you do with him in the morning and the last thing you do with him at night. What is the best way to potty train a puppy in winter? As soon as the poop/pee is complete, immediately praise him, quickly give him several treats and then play. International Editions: 20 This is very unfair on your puppy and it will destroy the crates power as a house training tool if they lose the instinct to keep it clean. Malaysia MY Current News A: Please please email customer service at ([email protected]) or call our customer service team at 1-800-832-2412 for assistance. They have the ability to update the email address so you can put in your correct account. Nutrience Hi I have a shitzu pup she is 16weeks old….I have read all your articles about potty training.I have been trying very hard with this and days she does good and other days she’s bad.Like today for instance..we went out at 9am and was out there til 1pm she peed twice but never pooped till 4pm in house on peepee pad.I have put these pads where she has gone before in my kitchen. I have to get that cleaner natures Miracle sounds great.Today wasnt an ordinary day..usually the pup eats in the am and about an hour later poops and usually after dinner she poops too..but not today she is quite off her normal schedule.And the other problem I have her ..I would like to know how to get her to stop barking when I leave her and she continually bites and chews when petted.Have any ideas would be truly appreciated.I do crate her but she hasnt been in crate too much lately cus I have been home from an operation…she use to be on a tight schedule…will this be bad for her when I go back to work..and what should I do to get her use to it again.Thankyou, Book Online Did you know there are five kinds of barking? Professor Donaldson examines the various reasons dogs bark and provides suggestions to train your dog out of this behavior. She also explains why this is one of the more frustrating areas to train, but by understanding the motivation for barking and applying consistent methods, you can more effectively and efficiently learn to work with ways to stop it. x …even housebreaking! April 15, 2018 SUBSCRIBE (Left) Lifestyle The Studio Most Popular Articles chewing (the wrong things) July 27, 2018 Schedule 3. Get started Dog Psychology Heartworms and Worms 2.0 out of 5 starsCute little tricks territorialism Menu Tom and Curley When you remember these basic instructions, it will enable you to set the right course from the get-go. This way, you’ll be sure always to stay on track on how to potty train your puppy, even when there are accidents and setbacks. Exercise & Toys for Birds PetLock See 11 Top Tips for Great Puppy Recall. Start early and be consistent. You should start disciplining your puppy as soon as you bring it home. Puppies learn quickly and should be shown what behavior is unacceptable in your house. This also means that you must be consistent when responding to bad behavior. If not, your puppy will be confused, making it harder to prevent the bad behavior.[1] 3.9 out of 5 stars 72 More For Dogs Share This Story, Choose Your Platform!
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Play specialized games to build reliability The best way to do this is to include it in your vocabulary lessons and your respect lessons. If you teach words and respect properly, acceptance of being handled will come naturally – they go “hand-in-hand”, so to speak! Check your puppy’s tail – it should be wagging. Is your puppy comfortable? Does he like the trainer? Here’s the trick to a clean poo pickup… turn the bag inside out, place your hand inside and grab the poo. Fold the sides of the bag up around the poo, turning it right side out, and tie the bag tightly. That wasn’t so bad, was it? POTTY TRAINING FOR PUPPIES Complete Guide: How to potty train your puppy in just 7 days A STEP-BY-STEP program so your pup will understand you! (potty train puppy, puppy training potty, potty train) Dog Breeds Training (7) Link a “call” to a “reward.” Mental Health Experts recommend confining the puppy to a defined space, whether that means in a crate, in a room, or on a leash. As your puppy learns that he needs to go outside to do his business, you can gradually give him more freedom to roam about the house. For example…. brushing, bathing, clipping nails, cleaning teeth, giving a pill, putting on a collar or harness. So pick a command like ‘toilet time‘ that you will only use when you’re taking them to the bathroom and you will not allow them to do anything else. Share your thoughts with other customers 4 Housetraining Ground Rules March 24, 2018 at 3:26 pm Catcher doing an NW3 Nose Work vehicle search If you can’t keep your eye on her, she should be crated (such as at night, when you are gone, etc.). Luke Kountz Is a Christmas Puppy a Good Idea? Pocket Beagle How to potty train your puppy if you work full time – method 2 Tropical Carnival August is… The idea is to test your Dog to see how he responds in an environment which is new to him. Set-up a situation where you are in control of the environment and your Dog. What You Should Do Between Scheduled Bathroom Breaks Good luck…let me know how you get on! Sign Up & Save puppy training tips for kids | Puppy Training Session: Stop Running Away and Stopping Other Unwanted Habits puppy training tips for kids | How to Train your Puppy to Stop Biting puppy training tips for kids | 6 Dog Training Questions YOU Probably Don’t Know the Answer to… Legal | Sitemap
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kennethherrerablog · 6 years
Thousands of Greyhounds Need Homes. Here’s Why You Should Adopt One
Kelly Faircloth adopted her first greyhound, Shadow, in 2001. The sleek black dog sporting a large scar on its side sidled up to her, and she fell in love.
“He kind of stuck his butt up in my lap,” she says, describing her visit to a rescue center where she met Shadow for the first time. “And I said, ‘Well I guess this is the one’.”
Faircloth, president of Greyhound Rescue & Adoptions of Tampa Bay for the past 14 years, has lost count of how many she has fostered since — but the number is definitely more than 75, she says.
Over the next three years, between 7,000 and 14,000 greyhounds (according to some estimates) like Shadow will need foster or forever homes after Florida voted in November to end greyhound racing. The figure is staggering, but greyhounds are low-maintenance and cheap to adopt, experts say, making them the perfect dog for anyone looking for a new best friend.
The thousands of dogs that will come off of the active greyhound tracks in Florida — three of the state’s 11 tracks stopped offering live racing shortly after the vote — will likely find homes across the country. And there are still six tracks throughout the South and Midwest, not including Florida, so you can still do your part to give a retired racing greyhound a new home if you live outside the state.
Why You Should Adopt a Greyhound
Full disclosure: My wife and I have owned a greyhound for a little more than a year, and she has completely changed my life. There’s a certain specialness about these animals that Greyhound Advancement Center co-founder Ken Wuelfing says creates a cultlike atmosphere around groups of greyhound owners.
They’re not common at most dog parks around the country, so here’s a quick description of your average greyhound: They’re skinny creatures with heads smaller than their necks, and they weigh from 57 to 90 pounds depending on the sex. (Our female, Tiki, weighs in at 68 pounds).
“The thing about greyhounds is they act so grateful,” says Faircloth. That is truly the best way to describe the pure joy they seem to exude at merely lying next to you on the couch — it’s a far cry from life in a kennel and on the track.
But we’re Penny Hoarders, so there are more than intangible, lovable properties that make greyhounds great pets.
They Are Perfect for You if You Work From Home
Greyhounds don’t bark. Seriously.
They may whine a bit when you get home from some time out of the house or might even have been taught to “speak” in their foster home or during training (Tiki knows Spanish, so if I say “habla” she happily barks). But, for the most part, they’ll quietly examine the world around them (with long ears erect, of course.)
“They’re almost invisible until you want attention or they want attention,” says Wuelfing, who worked from home beside his greyhound for the last 10 years with clients such as insurance giant Liberty Mutual. “Having an unprofessional phone experience was not really something that was an option.”
Also, they make great apartment dogs since they don’t move around a lot or make much noise.
Greyhounds Are Cheap and Relatively Low Maintenance
Adopting a greyhound costs anywhere between $200 and $300 with shots and an initial veterinarian appointment included. A greyhound puppy will cost you well over $2,500, and most dogs of any breed bought from a breeder or pet store can cost between $750 and $2,000, according to this study from Bankrate.
Greyhounds seldom shed and shouldn’t require regular grooming appointments, which can run more than $40 at a pet store. And, since time is money, you won’t spend huge chunks of your day walking your greyhound. They love to run… for a bit… but they’re mostly couch potatoes.
Greyhounds Make Excellent Starter Dogs — and Great Training Programs Are Available
All the above reasons make greyhounds excellent starter dogs.
“They’re very easy to handle,” says Wuelfing, who, with his wife Joanne, has put nearly 500 greyhounds through the Greyhound Advancement Center, a training program that partners with a local prison. “They don’t tend to be afraid of people.”
And through the Wuelfing’s center, you can get a fully trained dog for an additional $150 to $200. The program, which lasts up to 10 weeks, matches a greyhound with an inmate at Florida’s Hardee Correctional Institution, during which time they learn to sit, stay, come, shake and perform other commands. (As I mentioned, Tiki is bilingual.)
There are several training programs across the country, including Second Chance Greyhounds in Georgia, Greyhound Inmate Experience in Michigan and Greyhound Friends of New Jersey.
“It helps their personality blossom and better connect with people,” Joanne Wuelfing says.
We put Tiki through the program (she graduated at the top her class in August of 2017!), and it proved to be invaluable. She has never once pulled away while on a leash.
Some Pros and Cons to Know About Before You Adopt a Greyhound
At this point, you may be convinced that you should bring home one of these deerlike dogs. But, as with all breeds — and especially since they have a unique upbringing on the track — greyhounds have quirks that might be pros or cons depending on your lifestyle.
1. They tend to be nervous nellies
Greyhounds may have rarely interacted with humans or dogs other than their fellow breed while on the track. So when they’re thrust into the larger world, they can be more shy and anxious than other breeds.
But, like other types of dogs, they also have their own personalities, and you should meet and bond with one you plan to adopt before doing so.
2. Those weird heads? Yeah, they need a special collar
You can’t just throw any old collar on greyhounds. Because of their head-to-neck-ratio, you’ll need to order a martingale collar, which is thicker and tightens around their neck without choking them.
Further, their skinny bodies and long legs make it difficult to walk up and down stairs (along with the fact that they probably don’t initially even know what stairs are) or eat and drink from regular dog bowls. So you will need to buy special platforms for their food and water, and you might want to consider the layout of your home.
3. They do come with some health considerations
Greyhounds tend to eat a lot of wet food on the track, which means they usually have plaque problems once they retire. The organization from which you adopt should include a thorough teeth cleaning with its adoption fees.
You will want to brush your greyhound’s teeth daily. And you can buy oral-care drops to add to your greyhound’s water bowl.
Also, make sure the vet you pick is familiar with the breed. Greyhounds need a specific type of anesthesia that differs from what’s used on other dogs.
“The teeth are the big thing,” Joanne Wuelfing says. “They really don’t have many other problems.”
4. They may not get along with your cat
While Faircloth has fostered plenty of greyhounds alongside cats, some greyhounds are just not compatible with kitties. That can be due to an association with the fake rabbit they chase while on the track.
I once pulled a muscle trying to catch Tiki when she slipped out of her collar and chased a cat through our neighborhood park. (She Was off leash at the time — our mistake.)
5. You might have to crate them for the first few days
As I mentioned before, greyhounds likely have no idea what a house or apartment is — let alone something like a washing machine. They’re used to living in a crate.
The organization from which you adopt will likely provide you with a temporary crate to keep your greyhounds in while they adjust to the sights and sounds of their new home. (Tiki only needed to stay in her crate for the first day when we went out for food.)
6. Don’t expect a Labrador-like personality; they’re more like big cats
When planning to adopt, don’t expect your greyhound to be a dog that will shower you with affection like a lab or other overtly enthusiastic breed. They are very happy dogs, but for the most part, they will just stand next to you and lean on your legs when they want to show you they love you.
They’re sort of like big cats in that way.
7. They love to run — for a few minutes
Also like cats, greyhounds are happy to lie around the house all day. If you have a big backyard or take them to a large dog park, you can get them to sprint a few times.
It’s fun to watch.
8. If you don’t have a fenced yard, you’ll need to keep them on a leash
Remember my story about Tiki spotting a cat?
On the track, she easily topped 40 miles per hour while running one of the dozen races she won in her 200-plus race career. So you can imagine what would happen if she managed to run free.
That’s why Faircloth recommends that Greyhound owners have a fenced yard or keep their dogs on a leash at all times. “They are fast,” she says. “And if they spot a bird, they are going to take off, and no human is going to catch them.”
9. They are totally going to be the stars at the dog park, but don’t expect them to make too many doggie friends
As I mentioned earlier, greyhounds don’t really know how to be dogs since they have had a unique upbringing on the race track. So most of them will be awkward at making friends when you take them to the dog park.
But, they will be a total hit with the humans there.
10. But, they are fiercely (OK… passively) loyal to the dogs with which they live
Greyhounds might not understand anything about your current dog, its breed or behavior, but they will form a tight bond. So tight that when we separated our greyhound and whippet during a trip out of town, Tiki pooped inside, ate a few sets of blinds and developed an ulcer from the separation anxiety.
As long as we keep them together, the greyhound does very well when we go on long trips. But it’s truly heartwarming to see the love Tiki has for her sister, Josie.
It emphasizes an opinion we tell everyone: Greyhounds are the most lovable dog breed in the world. Despite all their quirks and weirdness.
Alex Mahadevan is a data journalist at The Penny Hoarder. His greyhound, Tiki, can inhale her food in one bite.
This was originally published on The Penny Hoarder, which helps millions of readers worldwide earn and save money by sharing unique job opportunities, personal stories, freebies and more. The Inc. 5000 ranked The Penny Hoarder as the fastest-growing private media company in the U.S. in 2017.
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Thousands of Greyhounds Need Homes. Here’s Why You Should Adopt One published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
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ithoughtofyou · 7 years
Labrador Day
“Oh, I remember feeling that way when I was 23. Working in a bookstore — ‘Oh, I’ll write a mystery novel!’” David, on our way back from the swaying dock where we pricked out Cassiopeia and the Big Dipper. Passing the gas station sign: “ALWAYS GIVE YOUR 100% UNLESS IT IS GIVING BLOOD.” Remembering the sway of his head into the music and the keys, fingers possessing, creating — a Chopin prelude and Sonata, Hesitation Tango, The Graceful Ghost Rag. “And the 20 minute Beethoven, but I’m absolutely — in my 8th hour.” He has been practicing daily, breaking only for movement, faces at the gay club down the street.
David is going on a small piano concert tour across the Midwest, to a mixed audience of punks and grandmas. Extensions of tongue numbness emerged as I spoke, the same boyish low registers placing forth stepping stones in our conversation like a beginners Checkers player. Noted from the last talk I had with Hillel in his kitchen.
Mmwehh mwwahh mwhahhhh. Mmmwhhahhmm. Smelling your own smell means that everyone else can tell you’ve never had the same anxiety dreams they’ve all had. Does that make sense? It all begins with shit: I started with stacks of cat litter pans caked in different degrees of ice cream to mudhut brick over sandy newsprint, chlorine sloshing over the sides and leaving three bright white thumbprints on my heavy Crayola green Larimer County Humane Society volunteer t-shirt. Screaming, ACCEPT ME. HIRE ME. REGULAR COMMITMENTS. March 2009 — Present. Eric Yang got to smear peanut butter in doggy kongs while James and I employed squeegees and heavy yellow waterproof gloves as Kennel Assistants. He is now a bio-pharmaceutical consultant and James is still working on his Kickstarter viral videogame from his parent’s basement.
I am somewhere fiddling with the soapy water and floating cat diarrhea, still feeling as if I am secretly proving someone wrong. Still screaming.
The shelter taught you to pick up cats one way, and for years I continued picking up apartment cats by the scruff of the neck like a sack of groceries.
This sun soak, the braids of Wisconsin corn in holographic weaves, pick me up by the folds and I’m suspended, limp — feeling like this whenever I am in limbo, in transit, carried.
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Alleviating Dog Arthritis Discomfort And Anxiety Utilizing Electronic Current Therapy
Each time I get the opportunity, I rave about the positive changes that my Maltese named Tuxedo experienced because I understood we had some issues and decided to set things on the best path. In his younger days, he was extremely active and seemed to enjoy the training that we did together, consisting of running and going through tunnels. Aside from being cute, Tuxedo gave me accomplishments since he was such a pro at making messes and damaging things at my home such as sofa pillows, designer shoes, costly throw carpets. Name it. He would attack it if it was within Tuxedo’s reach or he was able to leap onto a piece of furniture.When Tuxedo damaged a very nostalgic item from my childhood, I sat down the computer system to look for responses online. Exactly what causes this pet to be hyper? What was it that was tormenting this little soul into making messes every day and costing me a lot loan? I have actually been longing tranquillity and sense of calm for Tuxedo.He did cool down a bit as Tuxedo ages. However then, he appears to pick up a new difficulty. I saws symptoms of having stiff joints from Tuxedo. I sat down at the computer again, browsing further for a list of indications and symptoms that may offer me a company answer given that I wasn’t sure if he was in pain or not. I hated the concept of him being in discomfort and wished to do whatever I could do make certain he was comfortable.Tuxedo’s stiffness left problem navigating. He was unable to steer the little set of doggy steps next to my bed to reach
his favorite spot to nap in the sunshine during the day. Knowing that he may be depressed would really break my heart.Once again, I discovered myself doing research study online. It sure is much better than browsing in our libraries, which were limited. As I looked for what might be troubling Tuxedo(and how we could fix the concerns), I discovered Midwest Microcurrent, a veterinary center that utilizes electronic current(likewise referred to as cranial electrotherapy stimulation )to lower or remove lots of symptoms that family pets may suffer from.Our first appointment with Dr. Ava Frick and her team resulted in a diagnosis of canine arthritis and depression for Tuxedo. While I was alarmed to hear this, I was also alleviated to know that, with diagnosis in hand, we
were ready to move on a journey toward healing.Dr. Frick elaborated that I could continue Tuxedo’s treatment session in your home by getting our own Alpha-Stim maker once we begin Alpha-Stim microcurrent treatments at her center. This will free me from the one-hour drive to the clinic everyday.I am appreciative to Dr, Frick and the staff at Midwest Microcurrent for giving the old Tuxedo back to me. Midwest Microcurrent is a department of Animal Physical fitness Center, developed by Ava Frick, DVM. Dr. Frick is experienced in providing animal pain relief, chiropractic care, arthritis, anxiety, depression, and nutrition aside from the Alpha-Stim treatment for canines, feline, and horse.
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whitneypierce717 · 8 years
Shop Dog: Howie of Excelsior Bay Books
This installment of Shop Dog is scooped and served to you by ScoopyPoo DoggyDoo PickUp.
Howie enjoys books n’ bones in Excelsior.
We recently dug up deets on all things dog-friendly in Excelsior, and couldn’t wait to learn more about shop dog Howie of Excelsior Bay Books. This cozy indie bookstore invites customers to enjoy volumes of treats for humans on its shelves, and literal T-R-E-A-Ts on paw for four-legged companions.
SWD: Hello, Howie! Was there ever a cuter Terrier? We think not.
EBB: Howie’s our guy! We adopted him as a puppy from Midwest Animal Rescue & Services. He is now five years old and works part time at the store.
Howie loves reading about the local food scene. He also loves scrambled eggs.
SWD: What does a day the life of Howie the shop dog look like?
EBB: His work days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. We open the store and turn on all the lights, sweep or shovel the sidewalk, and then it’s nap time. There is pillow behind the counter but sometimes he naps on a chair (always in sight of the door). Mid-day we go for a walk around town or to the park, pick up a sandwich, and then head back for an afternoon snooze. When it’s time to go home he gives me “the look.”
SWD: How does Howie react to your customers?
EBB: Depending on his mood, he most often ignores people — kind of like an old dog in a pub — but kids are always greeted happily. When new-to-him dogs come in, he must wait behind the counter quietly, which can be a challenge. (He finds his familiar doggy friends easier to ignore.) Sometimes he’s a pain. Mostly he’s a joy!
SWD: Such a lovely life for a pupper. Does Howie have any favorite books?
EBB: You bet! On our Howie’s Picks page he maintains a list of recent reads; for some of the books he even pens a sweet or sassy review. Stop in soon so he can show you his favorites in person!
[Related: More Shop-Dogs-About-Town, 12 Dog-Friendly Spots to Visit in Excelsior, Minnesotans’ Fave Books about Dogs, Dog-Friendly Shops in the Sidewalk Dog Directory]
This post was sponsored by ScoopyPoo DoggyDoo PickUp. Don’t wait for the spring thaw to reveal piles o’ piles — call the crew today to scoop up all that doodoo. It’s cold outside, and someone else should be on dooty. (612-374-3000) 
The post Shop Dog: Howie of Excelsior Bay Books appeared first on Sidewalk Dog Blog.
via WordPress https://whitneypierce123.wordpress.com/2017/02/28/shop-dog-howie-of-excelsior-bay-books/
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rilenerocks · 4 years
On July 2nd, I thought I’d finally figured out this Covid summer. After coming to terms with the fact that the virus wasn’t going anywhere, that I wouldn’t be swimming any time soon, I made a move. I ordered myself an extra-large doggy bathing tub, dug around in the garage for an old beach umbrella, and set up shop for my new daily mini-vacation. Every morning after breakfast, I’d head out the back door, plug in some headphones, dip my feet in the water and kick away as if I was in an Olympic-sized pool. The bonus was the fact that I could watch the birds, butterflies and even my decidedly least favorite small mammals, destroyers and omnivores of flowers and vegetables. I could enjoy shooing them away. I’ve been amazed at how well this little spot has worked for me. The heat and humidity where I live are always a challenge during the summer months. Ordinarily, I’d do my swimming at the outdoor pool and feel perfectly fine about spending the rest of my day indoors. But with this set-up, I’m spending hours outside. Adding cold water from the hose keeps the temperature from getting too toasty. Aside from the physical and psychological benefits of this arrangement, I think my growth as a backyard scientist has been a much-needed plus in my life. But the bliss back then was short-lived. On July 11th, exactly a month ago, nature took a surprising turn.
In the midst of a typically warm, muggy afternoon, a rain event was predicted. When it arrived, large chunks of hail came along for the chaotic ride, blowing things over, denting vehicles and leaving large chunks of ice all over the grass and garden. It was a mesmerizing event. I stood at the back of my porch to avoid getting hit by the blistering balls, hard enough to pockmark metal. All I could think of was climate change. There have been so many extraordinary weather episodes all across the world. Lots of people think that since it’s not hot all the time, the concerns over what’s happening to this planet are overblown and inflated. How very narrow and naive. That storm, a scant month ago, left us without power for 12 hours. In addition to the modest discomfort, there was worry about all the food in the refrigerator and freezer going bad. In the time of a pandemic, having to toss out expensive sustenance and replace everything is daunting. When it ended, the cleanup started. After that was done, it was time to just start over. Today started out as a normal Covid Monday. I was going to babysit my eldest grandson during the afternoon as I have for months.  I ate my breakfast and then went out into the yard for my pool time. After a few temperate days, the sizzle had returned.  I listened to music while I paddled away, getting up intermittently to photograph the butterflies I so dearly love. I was also happy to see my cardinal pair, Carmine and Pumpkin make their appearances, always a bright spot in my day.
After a few hours, my grandson came over – lucky me with the family living across the street. We ran a few errands and then went off to one of his favorite drive-through restaurants where he gets his grilled cheese sandwich and a milkshake of one kind or another. We park in a shady space and chat about all kinds of different topics. Our freewheeling conversations cover a lot of territory ranging from the ordinary, who did what at home earlier today, to the more exotic, like cloning and eugenics. We were watching a red-tailed hawk swoop and dive, no doubt on the hunt for a tasty snack, when I noticed that the sky to the northwest was suddenly looking ominously dark. A 60% chance of showers was in the forecast but the perceptible nuances in cloud formation made me think it was time to head home. We were only about eight minutes away but in that short time, the winds picked up and we quickly went inside. Within a minute, a powerful wind gathered that was incredibly loud. My son, who was upstairs working, appeared saying he thought he’d heard something like crashing glass. The three of us stood at the back door watching all sorts of debris swirling through the air. The power in the house snapped off.  The pole from which the power and cable lines run was crooked and one of them had been yanked off the house. What we thought was shattered glass was actually a devastated hackberry tree, tall and imposing, which draped over our driveway and our neighbor’s to the south. A huge limb had snapped off and crashed into their garage which serves as a studio for the artist who is constantly working in it. I shouted out his name, mightily relieved that he answered. His wife is away so I knew he was in there alone. Meanwhile the wind had pushed a fencing section right off its post in my yard, no small accomplishment as the posts are set deeply in concrete. The whole episode only lasted a few minutes. During a lull in the rain, I sent my grandson home. Within minutes, various neighbors emerged to check on each other and the physical damage.
My neighbor’s garage/studio is a total loss. He was inside at the time – miraculously the limb hit the apex of the roof which held even though a wall bowed out to the side. My fence is being held up by an extra timber Michael had lying around, ever the boy scout, always prepared. We all thought we’d seen some kind of mini-tornado. The stuff swirling through the air had a circular motion. We later found out it was something Id never heard of before, an unusual kind of straight wind event which had cut through the midwest leaving a wide swath of damage which will cost billions. A derecho wind.  
What is a derecho? A derecho (pronounced similar to “deh-REY-cho” in English, or pronounced phonetically as ““) is a widespread, long-lived wind storm associated with a band of rapidly moving showers or thunderstorms variously known as a squall line, bow echo, or quasi-linear convective system. Although a derecho can produce destruction similar to that of a tornado, the damage typically occurs in one direction along a relatively straight swath. As a result, the term “straight-line wind damage” sometimes is used to describe derecho damage.
How strong are derecho winds? By definition, a derecho must include wind gusts of at least 58 mph (50 knots or 93 km/h) or greater along most of its length. While derecho winds typically are less than 100 mph, gusts as high as 130 mph have been recorded — equivalent to those with strong EF2 tornadoes.
Backyard science, all right. I’ve never heard of this wind until today. Ordinarily, I’m thrilled to learn something new every day. But for now, I’m just wondering when the locusts are coming. The other plagues too. The out of control virus still rages here. The weather is bizarre, the planet blaring messages in our faces. The power in my house has been out for 10 hours now. My power company just sent me a message telling me my power has been restored. This is a current photo of the inside of my house.
Tonight I sat for awhile in my driveway, charging my phone and a battery pack  for a few hours. Oh me of little faith. With limbs that size lying around and power outages everywhere, I didn’t think I’d have lights or fans tonight. My freezer food is melting while the refrigerated food spoils. I did some lovely birds emerge for their dinners and watched the sky turn an amazing shade of pink. Ad I close this note in the darkness, I’m reminding myself to be ready for anything in the morning. Except my feet won’t be dancing in my pool.
So Much For The Peaceful Space On July 2nd, I thought I’d finally figured out this Covid summer. After coming to terms with the fact that the virus wasn’t going anywhere, that I wouldn’t be swimming any time soon, I made a move.
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