visiosatanae · 6 months
I'm high and watching Devil Wears Prada for the first time, and I'm just thinking the whole time that everything would be fixed if Miranda and Andrea were gay
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mrfoox · 3 months
It's surprising no one has locked me up or ended me, the way I look at people man...
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merci-bitch · 7 months
please write some headcanons with Miranda’s P!
Sure thing!
Absolutely love the Devil Wears Prada and Miranda is just <3
Not my gif!
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- Let’s say you’re a photographer for Runway
- And also Miranda’s
- You’ve been there for a while, a long while before Andrea
- You started as a photographer, Nigel found you
- Made you his new project to present for Miranda first
- You were shitting yourself obvs
- It’s thee Miranda Priestly
- You were quite shy, who wouldn’t be in front of the biggest fashion icon ever??
- But when you then later showed her your portfolio she was interested
- You were hired as the new photographer
- Working 24/7 like everyone else
- Emily liked you
- Quite a lot
- You were doing good, and Miranda liked your work, always left little notes on the side of the photos you’d taken
- You’d spent a lot of time together
- Nigel obvs played match maker
- Cocky bastard
- One night you came with the book, Emily had turned in sick at the last possible moment, so you offered
- You had a portfolio to show her either way
- So you went in, left the dry cleaning and then heard her call for Emily
- She was stunned to see you
- A little annoyed too
- It quickly went away as you handed her the book and portfolio
- And then the rest is history
- First time arriving when Andrea was her second assistant, well
- She didn’t know who you were
- Told you that you couldn’t just walk in without an appointment
- So you left with a little smile on your lips
- Went to Nigel, told him all
- Boy
- He was sure Andy was getting fired
- Despite her cold and strict attitude to the world, Miranda is a gentle lover
- When you’re at home, she calls you by pet names
- Darling, dear for example
- She’s still has a hard shell, but she’s ever so soft with her daughters and it is a wonder to witness
- Small touches as she passes you
- HUGE gift gives
- Obviously
- She absolutely loves how close you are with her girls
- Was such a relief when her daughters loved you as much as she did
- Of course Irv was fuming when he found out about the relationship
- Wanted to fire you
- Miranda stood her ground
- With backup from a lot of people
- Surprisingly the press was nice about the relationship
- Only after a few months of course
- The first few weeks was awful
- But it got better
- The internet calls you “power couple”
- You make her laugh like no other
- You really turned her world upside down
- Nigel is of course smug
- He is the reason you two found each other of course
- He likes to remind Miranda about it
- Likes to tease you about starring at Miranda
- You two just fit together like two puzzle pieces
- Of course there’s an age difference
- But it doesn’t define your relationship
- Miranda still does criticise you about your fashion choices
- Practically begs you sometimes to let her dress you in the morning
- Her children have better fashion sense than you do
- Loves to tease you senseless
- She knows she can make you weak to your knees with just one single glare
- She feels exceptionally powerful
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mirandapriestlyswife · 2 months
I finished The Devil Wears Prada book today! Honestly one of my favorite books 10/10, but I can’t get over how much different Andreas movie parallel is! I understand why they did it, PG-13 rating an all but its still so shocking. Especially how different Andrea and Miranda are towards each-other. I mean in the movie they act like borderline secret lovers in some scenes, yet in the book Miranda speaks less than Emily! (Still an amazing read though please if you love the movie read the book. FYI: you will hate Lily)
Anyways gonna draw up my interpretations of book Andrea and Miranda because the Mirandy brainrot never dies<3
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scarlet-heels · 9 months
This time last month, Andy would never have thought that she’d be here in Miranda’s house in the Hampton's. She certainly would never have expected to be sleeping in the same bed as the beautiful editor during a long weekend trip with the three Priestly ladies. Yet, here she is, here they are, and the new but completely intoxicating relationship they have formed warms Andy thoroughly.
Late in the afternoon and in search of her lover, Andy stumbles into the music room to find the twins practicing; Cassidy on the cello, Caroline the viola. Andy leans against the doorframe and crosses her arms across her chest, a smile playing on her lips as she watches Miranda being tutor and conductor while offering gentle encouragement.
Andy, knowing the twins also play piano, is amazed that two youngsters can play multiple instruments. The twins notice her in the doorway and excitedly tell her to come in to explore their music room.
Spying a beautiful Stradivarius violin in a blue velvet lined case, Andy exclaims, “what? You guys play violin too?!”
The twins chuckle. “No, of course not! That’s Mom’s violin!” Cassidy tells her.
Andy turns astonished to Miranda, who wears a cool yet slightly amused expression. “You play the violin?” she asks in amazement.
(I mean, *of course* Miranda plays the violin! Why the hell wouldn’t she excel at absolutely everything?!)
Miranda dips her head in the affirmative, not wholly reluctantly, a spark of excitement flowing through her at the prospect of showing off yet another talent she has to her Andrea.
“Yeah!” Caroline exclaims. “She’s amazing! You should hear her play!”
(A beat)
“Oh!!!!” Cassidy adds excitedly. “You should totally hear her play!!!”
Miranda, starting to look unsure tries to shush the girls as Andy’s smile widens. “I would love to hear you play!”
The twins practically vibrate with excitement. “Mom!! Please??? We’ll play together! We’ll even play your favourite!!!”
“Fine.” She says with a faux eye roll and a sigh. She takes her place in front of the girls who sit patiently with their instruments at the ready.
“Cassidy to start.”
At Caroline’s nod of approval Miranda says “very well. And 1…2… “
Andy watches mesmerised as Cassidy begins the piece, her eyes watching the rise and fall of her mothers hand keeping the beat. As the music plays, Cassidy takes the lead, playing expertly, her sister providing an accompanying percussion. Andy watches as Miranda lifts the violin gracefully (so gracefully!!) and strings out a gentle background melody.
As the music progresses, the violin solo kicks in and Andy is utterly spellbound as Miranda plays beautifully, herself captivated and fully emerged in the graceful movements of the bow and the sound it emits. Miranda is lost in her own little world, her girls now playing a backdrop of percussion for her, Andy wide-eyed and certain this one of the most beautiful things she has ever seen.
Cassidy and Caroline glance at each other and grin conspiratorially; they know their mother is exquisite, and they know Andrea is smitten.
Later, when the girls are in bed and Andrea and Miranda are finally alone, Andrea takes a tentative step towards Miranda. “You really do play beautifully, Miranda.”
A genuine smile, and an uncharacteristic bashful dip of the head prompts Andy to take Miranda’s face gently in her hands and plant a soft kiss to her lips.
Inspired by this piece
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tdwpuniverse · 10 months
"Unveiling Hearts: An Exclusive Conversation with Miranda Priestly and Andrea Sachs".
By Runway Magazine, 2007.
Runway Interviewer: Welcome to this exclusive interview for Runway, with none other than the legendary editor-in-chief of the magazine, Miranda Priestly, and her partner, former assistant Andrea Sachs. The public was recently surprised by the announcement of your romantic relationship. Thank you for being here.
Miranda: (smiles softly) The pleasure is ours.
Andrea: (smiles) Thank you for having us.
Runway Interviewer: Miranda, this is a side of you that few know. What motivated you to finally share this personal aspect of your life?
Miranda: (looks at Andrea affectionately before responding) Life is a journey of continuous discovery, and we all evolve over time. We felt it was time to share this part of our lives with the world, especially since Andrea has become someone undeniably special to me.
Runway Interviewer: Andrea, how has the transition been from being Miranda's assistant to now being her partner?
Andrea: (smiles at Miranda before responding) It's a change that happened naturally. We've always had a unique and deep bond, and that bond has transformed into something more significant. We continue to support and inspire each other, as we always have.
Runway Interviewer: Miranda, you're known for your professional and impeccable approach. How do you balance that image with your now publicly exposed personal relationship?
Miranda: (pauses for a moment) I believe that every person is a tapestry of facets. The public has seen me in a specific way, but like everyone, I have many dimensions. My relationship with Andrea is an important part of my life, and it's a part I've chosen to share.
Runway Interviewer: Andrea, you've had a unique journey from being Miranda's assistant to now. What would you say to people who may question the authenticity of this relationship?
Andrea: (looks at Miranda and then back at the interviewer) I would say people have the right to question, but the authenticity of our relationship is based on love, respect, and mutual support. We've both faced challenges, grown together, and shared unforgettable moments. That's what truly matters.
Runway Interviewer: And finally, what do you both hope for the future of this relationship?
Miranda: (looks at Andrea with an affectionate gaze) I hope we can continue to explore life together, facing whatever comes with the strength of our love and understanding.
Andrea: (smiles at Miranda) Exactly. I hope we can build a future full of adventures, growth, and happiness.
Runway Interviewer: Miranda and Andrea, thank you for sharing these moments with Runway. It's an honor to see this side of you and to wish you both all the success and happiness.
Miranda: (nods) Thank you.
Andrea: (smiles) Thank you very much.
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idyllic-affections · 6 months
M.I; C1
 "It's quiet today." - ok, already got me on, although there's no actual way I could not be on, loved the vibes
"conscious and coherent individual in the room." - this is so funny, why am I reading this with a sassy inner voice?
" Usually it signalled unfavorable conditions." - the top-tier mood setter.
 "Hm. Does that disturb you?" - Name has my heart in their hands alredy. Im easy like that
"he hardly ever held a conversation with them." - Doc, you are an incredible antagonist, but stop being a little b**** and respect your employes
" One, two, three… five… seven...  It didn't last too long." - ok... why do I think this in a "holding fingers in the air" way? Am I watching too many cartoons?
"they had absolutely no completely safe or trustworthy allies, so they're unsure of what "allyship" Krupp is always nagging about." - ouch...
"Anything else, any other job or request, would be more favorable than having to fix something like that." - Dottore is Miranda Priestly, and Name is Andrea, Krupp is Emily, obviously.
"and for a brief moment, their heart sank into the endless pit of their stomach.
       Was she actually gone?
       Then, with a cough and a wet splatter that made them grimace slightly, the woman replied.
       "Haha. Very funny, [Name]."
       "Just making sure you know that your actions have consequences."
       "My actions?" she huffed incredulously. Despite her tone, a tired smile played on her lips as the lab assistant approached her side.
       They gingerly brought a hand up to her face, brushing the hair that was sticking to her forehead away with their calloused fingertips, causing her to flinch but she made no attempt to pull away. She was sweating. Worrying, but not unexpected. "Yeah. Your actions."" - This part is so good to me because it shows the psych terror that it must be to work in the Fatui while (still) having a bit of morals, especially under the 2dt, we know the subject is not at fault, but we also know Name has to stick to their boss above everything to guarantee their survival.
"It was as if those voices had never been there in the first place." - INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS EVERYONE
"Lying was an unfortunate but necessary skill in their career. Subsequently, dissociation was also a hell of a skill to have in a career such as theirs." - I'm honestly surprised that they are not catatonically depressed
 "Hell if I know"—they shrugged—"I call them by their names, not their numbers. Everyone knows that. Check the tattoo on her wrist. That's what it's there for, no? Look, I'm running short on time. Just… do what I've asked, okay?" - why am I actually cheering and praising basic human decency?
Im so excited for the rest!
HII DEAR I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT RESPONDING SOONER i promise [name]'s relationship with the dottore segments varies depending on each one, some of them really like talking to [name] 🙏🙏🙏
[name]'s ACTUAL AND REAL intrusive thoughts almost won in that scene....... and not in a funny way, they almost MURDERED A WOMAN????
tbh [name] would side with dottore almost always just to keep themselves alive. though i feel as if... sometimes, just sometimes, they'll challenge him to throw him off. they know the occasional challenge makes him more fond of them. they're always doing what they need to to stay alive 🙏
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winteranc156 · 5 months
Hi! I'm the same person as the last, just not anon anymore because I really wanted to send pictures of my favourite quotes from some of your works.
I think my absolute favourite would be, and remain for a very long time, Disremembering Your Name. I don't know why it hit as hard as it did, but you sketched out Miranda so well, her resistance and Andy's persistence.
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Miranda's relationship with her mother and how she deals with her emotions is linked so well, I love how she isn't immediately happy in the face of love — she understands that the love that exists for her comes with its own hurdles for both of them, and she tries so hard to repel and turn Andrea away.
"I wasn't made for Runway, but I was made for you."
When I tell you this line brought me actual, physical damage. I felt it in my bones when I read it. Hit me like a train, man.
"And her chaos begins to order itself with Andrea as it's gravitational center."
😭😭 Oh man, the inevitability of slowly slipping towards the person you're meant to be with...
"She's come home after wandering aimlessly for forty-nine years. In a lavish room in Paris, in the arms of the woman who's name is written on her heart, Miranda learns to silence her mother's voice."
To develop, to build over old hurt and pain and learn that you deserve companionship and love and joy is so hard, and she learnt to, for the one meant for her. 😭😭😭 .
"Because all things being equal, one day you'll have to live without me."
I'm glad you brought it up in the fic, because I feel too many people ignore the elephant in the room that is their age difference, that Miranda has already spent half her life living a love that wasn't half as strong as the one she is offered now. But it won't stay, and it will go away, if not for her, for Andy, because one day Andy will have to live without Miranda. I've read many fics where Mirandy practically becomes happy-go-lucky after she falls for Andy, and cuts out all her bad habits and tendencies just because "she doesn't want to lose this one". I think Miranda is a person that just naturally has a tendency towards sadness, and with Andy, it just makes it better. She's normal with Andy, sometimes happy, but not always. Sometimes happy.
"Miranda learns that alone is a badly made choice but it is never anyone's destiny."
Miranda, i sincerely hope you live the best 30-40 years of your life. I hope you have the best time that anyone could. I hope they make it through the ups and downs of being with each other, and without. I hope they make it through.
I hope I didn't write too much 😭 I just really liked your fic, and i would love to talk about some others as well if you don't mind. Have a great day! Thank you once again :"-)
It's never too much! It's incredibly flattering when people not only love what I've written but when it genuinely emotionally touches them. That's the highest compliment to me as a writer. I love that those words hit and hurt in the best of ways!
And I LOVED writing Disremembering Your Name. I remember each of the sections you've quoted and I remember how I felt when I was writing them. All my writing is a labor of love in some way, but this story truly was something that just came to me and flowed out of me. I have a whole world and backstory for how it all even works in that world of soulmates that never made it into the fic.
I really love that Miranda came across to you like she did. Because I agree. Miranda is sad and resistant to the offer of happiness when she can't control it. (And in no iteration of the worlds I've created has Miranda ever been able to control Andy.)
Thank you for this lovely, lovely feedback.
(Feel free to drop me a note in messages. We can discuss more in-depth there.)
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blackacre13 · 1 year
Hiii! I’m the anon who asked if you would ever be open to writing a DWP prompt. You said that you were open to it, so here’s my prompt🥰: Andrea is sent to a Runway benefit as part of a journalism piece she is working on but while she’s there she gets a bit of imposter syndrome& feels a bit insecure about how she looks. Miranda ends up taking her to the bathroom/townhouse- sits her in front of a mirror and assures her she looks perfect & then maybe they reveal their feelings for each other?
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Sometimes, the end of things were actually only the beginning, Andy had learned. Something that had seemed an impossible lesson to believe in as a wide-eyed college student at Brown. But an eternity—okay, barely a year, at Runway did a lot to change someone’s outlook on life.
Things began. Things ended. And things changed. Boy, did they change.
For instance, Miranda Priestly, had once taken up residence in her phone’s contact list as “Satan” and now? Well, “Future Wifey” had quite a different ring to it. Figuratively, and shockingly, shiningly literally.
About a month into her job at Runway, if you had told Andy that not only would she let Miranda Priestly into her life once she had clawed her way out of her hell of a first real adult job in New York, let alone be engaged to the infamous magazine editor-in-chief, she would have laughed in your face. But here she was, kissing Miranda on the forehead before tip-toeing out of their room and into their walk in closet.
She was proud of the wardrobe she had developed. Mostly thanks to Nigel and her days at Runway, but also thanks to a Miranda who was constantly spoiling her when they’d been dating. Though there was eventually a lull in shopping sprees as Miranda learned that Andrea would much rather be surprised with a vintage edition of a classic novel or using the Priestly VIP status to meet journalists and anchors and politicians she’d always admired.
Still, she’d come a long way from the Andy Sachs Miranda Priestly had once quite literally pursed her lips at for merely doing her best to exist.
Today was going to be an odd one. It was true that Runway was only an ending that led to a beginning for her career. She spent her days writing, and reading, and editing. Attending press events. Doing interviews. Diving into groundbreaking research. She loved the thrumming of the printing presses and the smell of ink in the air. The collection of typewriters in the lobby. The hustle and bustle of co-workers running on deadline, fluttering in and out with eureka moments and eyes lit up when news dropped. It was nothing like Runway. Nothing at all.
But while the job allowed her relationship with Miranda to go from professional and terrifying to romantic and exhilarating, it didn’t quite keep their work lives separate. Magazines and newspapers had a way of running into each other time and time again. Today was no exception and it was quite the conflict of interest. But when you wanted your best to cover stories about the best, you sent Andy Sachs to a Runway benefit to cover the renowned Miranda Priestly. Even if they happened to be fiancées. Besides, it was editorial, right? No bias there.
Miranda would be ushered over to the event in a few hours in a glamorous designer outfit that was sealed up in a garment bag in their closet. She wouldn’t dress or drive herself. But Andy was on deadline, jumping into her own panty hose and dress, ignoring stilettos for chunkier wedges she could stand all day on just in case, scarfing down a bagel as she dashed out the door.
She was in the press room of the benefit looking far out dressed against the khakis and patchwork elbow blazers, yawning bland reporters scribbling in spiral pads as she snakes along the wall in black and gold, murmuring notes into her recorder. But as she peeked down the hall into the main event area, she felt anything but.
Stunning gowns and tuxedos were starting to drift in, champagne and laughter bubbling in the air. Bulbs flashing. Music playing. She felt like the scum of the earth. Like she had no right to breathe the same champagne air as them. She felt like she was back in her loafers with clam chowder on her sweater.
She did her best to shake it off. And then someone caught her eye.
She was dazzling. Radiant. Draped in hunter green silk. She gave Andy a curt nod, looking at her out of the corner of her eye and Andy felt more at ease, her heart fluttering for an entirely different reason now.
But Miranda still seemed to sense her panic. She tossed her a wink and Andrea somehow knew she should stay planted where she was until she was Miranda make her move and then she should follow her. Easy. She’d follow her to the ends of the earth.
Miranda murmured something to her staff, tossing silk gloves at them before making her way off to the side of the hall, an attendant scurrying behind her to pick up the train of her dress, leaving two young women staring after her with dread in their eyes and excitement on her lips. The new Emily’s she supposed.
She waited a beat before headed off in the same direction, noticing a sign had been put up labeling it as a green room and private quarters for Ms. Priestly.
She rapped on the door quietly, but it was open before she could pull her hand back, Miranda enveloping her as she pulled her in, Andy breathing in her rich perfume.
“I’ve missed you, darling,” Miranda whispered against her, the two staying still against each other for a moment until Andy’s heart rate slowed. Miranda pinched her ass before she backed up, looking her up and down. “You look marvelous.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Andy snorted, feeling far inferior in her reporter ensemble. “I always forget what it’s like to feel invisible around the Runway elite until I’m back.”
“Sweetheart, trust me,” Miranda shook her head. “You are anything but invisible. I wish you could only see how truly magnificent you are.”
“Sure you’re not talking to your reflection, babe?” Andy grinned.
Miranda laughed softly, pulling the younger woman to her side as she lifted her chin, facing them both towards the mirror.
“All I see are two beautiful, showstopping women. Each with her own empire. Two queens, really. You must remember that, Andrea.”
She kissed the diamond resting against Andy’s finger.
“You’re my everything, darling,” she murmured, kissing her hand. “How could you ever feel like nothing?”
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stickyglitterwombat · 2 years
13 going on 30, or something like that
I first watched The Devil Wears Prada when I was in my teens. It’s still one of my favourite movies ever. I actually love it more and more every time I watch it. The fashion alone and what the movie captured of that era (I will always be in love with Emily’s bold metallic eyeshadow). But it’s so funny how you interpret some situations and characters differently at different stages of our life. 
Being in my thirties and watching Andrea’s first interview with Miranda. Oh my God, it’s so incredibly cringeworthy! And not because Miranda is being a mean ice lady and Andrea a happy go lucky sweet quirky girl, free spirited and so liberal, as I thought when I was a teenager.
She is just… So terribly unprepared, nonchalant and unprofessional! Who in their right mind comes to a job interview and admits that they know nothing about the company?! And tells their potential future boss that this is kind of a last resort?! This is a girl who wants to work in journalism, who doesn’t get her dream job at what she deems to be a “serious“ magazine and just… half asses it because any other type of media is just beneath her. The level of delusion and entitlement. Who gets their dream job fresh out of college? What kind of journalist or professional are you if you don’t do your research properly? 
And the thing is, it is so true of the way you think when you’re that age, and it doesn’t necessarily come from having grown up extraordinarily privileged. Though we do get the impression that Andy was rather sheltered. Again, there would be a whole essay to be written about how Andy’s and Miranda’s socio-economic background impacts their approach to the workplace and what they are willing to do to get ahead.
But anyways, my initial point is. What made it so cringe watching it in my thirties, was that I could see myself in my twenties, knowing that I had potential, a bit cocky and entitled, thinking that the world owed me something, and not understanding why I had to pay my dues at work before I could be trusted with more important tasks. Couldn’t people see how great I was? 
And the movie nailed that. That perfect blend of innocence, nonchalance and cockiness of youth.
Of course, it’s a lot more complex than that. Miranda and Andy are very complex characters, and the relationship between them is very complex. Not to mention that Andy does a lot of growing and soul searching during the movie.
I also love that this scene shows us from the get go that there are striking similarities between Andrea and Miranda. They are both exceptionally single-minded and stubborn individuals.
And I love that it is subtly established from the start that Andy is career-driven and goal-oriented, to the point that she will shoot herself in her own foot. She doesn’t want to work at a sports or fashion magazine. She wants to work to work for a serious magazine. She wants to write about the state of the world. She has dreams and values that she isn’t willing to give up on. She learns to embody these qualities with more grace and maturity through the course of the movie, but it’s all there!
TDWP is a deceptively simple movie. And I love the fact that each time I watch it, I discover new layers.
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chicagofires · 10 days
I feel like sometimes Andrea Newman just talks to talk because she's saying stuff that contradicts each other and then in Miranda's interview clip that doesn't really match what andrea said. Andrea made a comment that stella loves kelly but she loves leading 51 too and something about kelly will recon with his love of arson still. How is all of that gonna be addressed in 40 mins?!
WAIT WHERE DID SHE MENTION ARSON??? i don’t remember seeing anything like that did i miss something?
but yeah i agree it’s weird to me but we’ll see how it pans out in the episode
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Word Count - 2,800
Perspective - 2nd person
When - the Quarry. Same universe as Slowpoke and Deal. Find the Slowpoke Series and other stuff here!
Relationships - you and the gang! But this one mainly features the kiddos: our boy Carl, Sophia, and the two Morales children Eliza and Luis. There is no Daryl crush quite yet, but it follows the development and arc of his character, including how "you” perceive him.
Genre - nice and fluffy (though Daryl still should have used the pillow)
Pronouns - not technically mentioned again
TWs - language including the f-bomb, and allusions to spousal and parental abuse (Ed Pelletier)
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“Will you tell me honestly?”
“Always Carl, what’s up?” you tell him.
“I think it’s cool and all, but are we gonna use stuff this in the real world?”
You shoot him a mischievous look. “Bored, punk?”
That made Luis giggle.
“Not too bored.” Carl smiled and tilted his head. “Just...wondering.”
Sophia speaks up, voice quiet as always. “My mom says we’re learning these things now, because they’re the, um, the foundation for the more bigger stuff we can learn later.”
“My papi said the same thing!” Eliza jumped in. “Learning about angles is what we need if we want to build buildings!”
“Or bridges and stuff!” Sophia added excitedly.
“Heck yes, girls, exactly! You two ladies thinkin’ about becoming architects?” you ask them. “Ms. Jacqui works in something to do with buildings and such, y’all should chat!”
“Maybe,” Sophia responds first. “I sort of want to be a policeman – well, policewoman – or a detective or something. Then I could stop bad guys from hurting people and stuff.”
You tamp down the rage that you felt bubbling up regarding that little girl’s trashcan of a father.
“Did you, um,” you stop to clear your throat and remind yourself to stay calm. “You talk to my brother yet, honey? Mr. Walsh a cop.” You lift your shoulders and smile. “He could tell you all about it.”
“He was cop partners with your daddy, right Carl?” Luis asks.
You don’t need to look to know that Carl’s expression had fallen. You could hear it in that response.
The kids did too.
“I’m sorry your daddy died, Carl. I would hate to lose my papi,” Luis tries to comfort him. “Yo, I have a pudding cup I’ve been saving. Do you want to share it? It’s chocolate!”
Then you hear Eliza then whisper to Sophia “You can sleep in our tent again tonight if you want. Maybe your mama can come if she doesn’t want him yelling at her more.”
Oh fuck, how had a – oops! You meant “oh fudge.” If you’d said that word out loud, you’d owe each kid a quarter. Rules is rules.
But really, how had finishing a math lesson turned into this? You glance around hoping to see one of their parents who could help (minus Ed. If he disappeared and never returned, good. You’d only feel sadness for Carol, because she would blame herself. Battered women usually think that they deserved the hurt or that it doesn’t matter).
Anyways, you’d taken over the schooling for the rest of the morning and are pretty much on your own for the moment, it seems. Carol had taken kitchen duty, and Lori was with Miranda doing either laundry duty or water duty, and you knew that Mr. Morales was on another run. And forget Shane.
You love your big brother, but he’d probably get them to ditch school early with him to go catch frogs or listen to Led Zeppelin or something. He’s fun like that. When you were little, he’d picked you up from school on more than one occasion to take you to the movies, swimming, shooting range, or to get hush puppies and fried catfish.
Yeah naw, you are gonna have to handle this yourself. Amy helps out sometimes, but she’s doing something with Andrea. Cleaning out that canoe, you think…
Yeah nope, you are solo for this one.
But it’s no big thing, you tell yourself. They’ve already been living through a worldwide pandemic that lead to society collapsing. And you know how to be honest with kids in a delicate way, if the situation got sticky. And having a deceased parent is something that’s become more than very common.
Having an abusive one, on the other hand…
Ugh. You hate this. You hate Ed. May he fall off the quarry edge and drown.
Okay. Back to it, you tell yourself. Revert the subject back to schoolwork in a non-awkward and non-dismissive way. Later, you’d offer to Carol to have Sophia share your tent again, if she didn’t have another sleepover with Eliza. If only Carol would share your tent, too…
Ugh! Shane had warned you against getting too involved in their situation. So had Dale. But how could you not want to?
Yes, you understand that the fallout for Carol and Sophia is the worry. But you also know that Shane is right there with you in wanting to break both of Ed’s filthy hands and maybe his face while you were at it.
Whoa. Calm down.
You try to remind yourself that every person is capable of redemption...ugh...
“Alright, kiddos. Eliza, Carl, and Sophia, no more skirting around your geometry. And how are you feelin’ about your times tables, little man?” you direct at Luis. “Did you wanna go over them again?”
“I wanna go over them with mama later,” Luis decides.
“You know what I want to do later? I want to build a twig cabin to put daddy longlegs in.”
“Oo I like that, that would be so cool! But no spiders!”
You consider...“Carl, you are totally gonna build a twig cabin because like Eliza just said, that would be so cool,” you begin, feeling your mood perk back up. You grin at the kids.
“So your homework is to do just that, okay? Count how many sticks you use. Be as imaginative as you want, just keep this in mind: we’re gonna count and measure every stick used, and measure the angles of the walls and the roof.”
“How come? Is that part of a test?”
“Yes indeed, Miss Sophia: we’re gonna test ‘em out tomorrow by putting a jug of water on top to see how strong they are. So what do y’all say, sound good?”
Their replies are in the affirmative.
Carl obviously teases you about assigning homework when school was a picnic table, so you remind him that “Punk, you were the one who came up with the assignment.”
Luis, by now, has half of his body stretched out on the table. He’s the youngest of the group, and is getting restless. “Are we gonna learn about eating bark again today for our last lesson?”
“Why, are ya hungry, little man?” you wink at him. He giggles.
“You kids vote. Do y’all want to learn some more first aid or health things, a wilderness survival tip, or to practice throwing punches again?”
The ‘last lesson’ was something that you or somebody else in the group tried to do every day. For example, tomorrow, Dale and Jim were going to do a mechanical lesson with them. Amy had done a fishing one, and T-Dog had done a football workout with them and showed them how to throw spirals.
Your lessons have been nothing too fancy or complex, but you wanted to put what you’d learned in school and EMT training to good use. Not that your official national exam results would be coming in anytime soon, what with the...state of things in the world.
Shane (the provider of the self-defense tips, naturally) had told you more than once how lucky you were to have done your classes, training, and testing just before the outbreaks started. Hand to God, you were more than a little grateful that you hadn’t been training or working in an ambulance when the sickness started. You’d been part-timing as a phlebotomist and that was a close enough call.
The wilderness tips came from your collection of books you’d kept in a hiking bag in your trunk. “Backyard Medicine,” etc, those types of books. You’d found that subject fascinating and intriguing in the before-times. Well, you sure were grateful for that now. Who knows how long you’ll all be out here?
And since that dude Daryl has let you join a few times when he’s done his hunting thing, you hope to learn enough that you’ll be able to share some pointers on that soon enough. Pity that he and his brother are racist, rude, stereotype dickheads.
For real, the older one, Merle, had walked by once when Miranda was doing a Spanish lesson, and he started to comment about “that sp*c language.” See, even he’s helping to give lessons: the kids learned right away that people will mock you for no reason other than they’re racist and high.
Ugh, that trash even had (you’d gladly pay the quarters to use the obscenity) the fucking SS symbol on his bike. You’d thought the motorcycle was cool until your saw what that nazi had painted on it.
At least Daryl was quieter and knew his stuff. He’s patient enough to let you tag along on some of his hunts, and on that note, hunts for the group.
Merle seemed to bully him a lot, actually. And not always in the way siblings will rag on each other. It was upsetting.
Anyways, you can admit that Daryl is decent enough. He sure ain’t Ed.
“Punches!” Sophia and Luis immediately vote. Okay, fifty-fifty already.
“Wilderness survival stuff,” is Carl’s vote.
“First aid seems the most important,” is Eliza’s vote.
Okay, punches wins. You’re running out of ideas for self-defense lessons, though. You’d already showed them the escape moves that Shane had taught you, and the last two times you’d shown them a set of basic punches and kicks that you’d learned from, um...kickboxing workout videos.
But hey, punches are punches, right? So long as you hold your arm and wrist the right way. Yeah. That’ll do the trick. It’s not like you’re about to show them that choke hold Shane showed you that time. Apparently, it’s illegal.
Yeah, foundational stuff is great for the kids. You’ll re-teach the hitting and kicking sets, with a focus on holding the wrist correctly and throwing their weight correctly! That should work nicely.
The thought pops into your head that you wish Carol was present. Well, maybe it might can still benefit the both of them, since Sophia was learning, right?
You jog over to grab the camping cushion that Dale had given to Jacqui, that’s what you used for the kids to practice hitting. “Okey dokey, proper stance, y’all. Show me it.”
The kids spread their legs to shoulder width, good. Their arms are bent at the elbow with fists formed, good. “Remember, don’t hunch your shoulders, although that might feel natural if you ever find yourself in a fight. But you might could hurt yourselves, so no hunched shoulders, yes?” At this, their backs straighten up some, good.
“When you bend your knees, keep it slight, not too much. Remember, the idea is y’all want to be able to move quickly in either direction, dependin’ on how your opponent –”
“What’s the ponent?” Luis cut in, brows set in concentration. Gosh, he’s he adorable. He gets so serious when he was learning how to fight, look at his face! Mr. Morales is a boxing fan, if you aren’t mistaken. Was it Jim you heard him talking about Manny Pacquiao to the other day? They’re both Pacman fans, you’re pretty sure.
“The opponent is your attacker, the person fightin’ you,” you clear up for Luis, then resume the lesson.
“Whichever is your dominant hand – that’s the one you write with – have the opposite leg more forwards, right?” you instruct. “Cause we wanna be able to use our body weight to hit harder and not tire ourselves out too fast.”
You look around at their positioning. “Sophia, tuck your thumb like this, okay? Kids, thumbs get tucked down here like this,” you demonstrate. “You might can break them super easy otherwise.”
“Did you ever break your thumb when you punched someone?” Luis asks.
Pardon: when? Not if? Do you seem like a throwing-hands type of person? Well...maybe you’re sorta hot-headed, but you’re also...gentle and sort of goofy. That’s why you and Glenn get along so well...right? Oh crap, how do people perceive you?
“Happily, I ain’t broken no bones at all yet, fingers crossed.” You pause, then snort “But no fingers crossed when making a fist, m’kay?”
Carl cracks up at that, then he, Sophia, and Eliza start to make overly exaggerated bad fists and fake punches, complete with sound effects. Luis will of course do no such thing, and instead begins to throw adorable (but very serious) kicks.
“Hey kid, don’t do that with your back,” a voice interrupts. You sigh.
Least it isn’t Merle or Ed. Whatever, so long as Daryl doesn’t use any bad words around the babies.
He walks over, complete with one, two...seven dead squirrels flopping on his belt, and rasps at Luis that “If you lean too far back like that, you could throw your balance off and fall and shit.”
“Quarter,” you huff to yourself.
Daryl both sounds and looks annoyed. “Why the hell y’all sayin’ quarter?”
“That’s another quarter,” Luis whispers.
“We got a no-cuss-rule, remember?” you explain, putting your hand on Luis’ shoulder and subtly guiding him towards you.
“What, like your no-litter rule?”
You choose to ignore that, already feeling that anger bubble back up. “Exactly. But for this, rule is you owe each kid a quarter when you swear within earshot,” you say, attempting to sound cheery if only for the kids’ sakes.
Surprisingly, Daryl only shrugs as if in surrender.
Until he then grumbles “That’s bullshit. What they gonna do with quarters anyways?”
“He now owes each of you three quarters,” you loudly announce. “How many pennies is that, guys?”
Whoa hold up. Is Daryl...checking his pockets for change?
“Seventy-five cents,” Sophia replies timidly. Men like Daryl (who you’d politely describe as “gruff”) made her nervous, and you couldn’t blame her. Sophia also adds “That was an easy one, though. Everyone knows three quarters is seventy-five cents.”
“Yeah, we’re not babies.”
“Carl, please,” you tease. “I changed your diapers; you’ll always be a baby to me.” And you are about to have them tell you seventy-five times three (while desperately doing the math in your head!), until you see Sophia's cute little expression.
She’s smiling shyly. “C’mon, we’re not that little.” The sweet way that she said it while holding the doll that Eliza shared with her sort of makes the sentence have the opposite effect.
“Sometimes, I liked to pretend Luis was my baby when he was smaller,” Eliza tells you all.
As you and the kids chatter on, you notice that Daryl’s expression looks...nice? You aren’t sure. But he didn’t seem annoyed anymore. You could almost venture to guess that he’s entertained. At least he isn’t being a dick, and hopefully he isn’t amused by the kids because he’s a creep. You’d never gotten that vibe, but now you wonder...
He catches your eye. “So, you gonna keep showin’ them how to hit right, or just keep yappin’?”
Well, you'd known it was only a matter of time until he turned dickish again.
“Mr. Dixon’s right, let’s get back to it. Get into position.” You grab the pillow and hold it out to him. “You’ve punched someone before, right?”
“What, I got that look or somethin’?”
“Yes. But it’s not an insult,” you quickly say. You shouldn’t be rude, plus you meant it. “It’s important for the kids to learn how to do something from somebody who has actual experience doing it.”
You notice that his eyes make the briefest of once-overs on you. “Yeah, you don’t look like you should be teachin’ no fight club.”
“Hey, shh! That’s the first rule!” you joke, hoping he got it. You’d never actually seen the movie, but everyone knows the first rule of fight club.
And to your delight, he snorts and almost smiles.
You look at the kids and incline your head towards Daryl. “Do me proud, nerds, then school’s out.”
He awkwardly holds the pillow and the kids start to practice. After the first kid goes (Eliza), he ditches the pillow, instead having them hit his arm (no, seriously). You bite your lip, nervous, as he winces a little when the kids start hitting somewhat harder. They're just excited to see if they could do well against someone tough like him, but still...
“We’re practicing proper technique here, my little savages, not tryin’ to maim Mr. Dixon,” you warn.
Carl does admirably, Eliza has the spirit at least, and Sophia, to your delight, causes the man to grimace and rub his arm in the spots she struck. You have to admit that you feel sort of guilty that he is most certainly gonna to be bruised and sore, but hey, he’d chosen to forego the pillow.
But then it’s Luis’ turn. Little man Luis, who takes his self-defense lessons very seriously. He asks Daryl “I keep my back like this?” and Daryl re-positions him, then nods for the boy to begin.
You should've seen it coming. So should've Daryl.
Luis does his punches as hard and quick as he can, but then adds kicks – and one hits Daryl right in the you-know-where.
Aw, shit.
“Son-of-a-bitch!” he yelps, buckling before storming away. Then he turns around. As he’s heading back, face red, you’ve already been apologizing, as is poor Luis, who’s scared and probably thinking that he’s about to actually need to defend himself from an angry, scary, mean grown-up. Sophia has gone white, Carl is holding her hand, and Eliza has already stepped next to you and her little brother.
You’re ready to shut the man down if he gets too mouthy; Luis is a child, he made a mistake, he knows it, he’s sorry. End of story.
And Daryl should’ve been using the pillow! Your heart is pounding, you feel yourself starting to sweat, even your hands feel tingly.
But you’re still not going to take any of his shit. You gulp and hope you don’t look nervous.
And now he’s back in front of you.
But instead of an angry tirade...Daryl shuffles his feet (??), rubs his neck, and waves off Luis’ and your apologies.
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” he grunts. “I owe ‘em another damn quarter.”
Then he blinks when he realizes it. “...another two quarters.”
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hazydaaze · 2 years
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The Devil Wears Prada elevator parallels
... plus tension in the shoulders.
I'm gonna go film studies deep for a hot sec becauuuuse as a sequence it shows perfect character development, with Miranda changing her typical (and famously cutting) behaviour and routine to accommodate Andy. The result is - with little dialogue - it is a visual of Andrea becoming Miranda's exception to the rule.
The I-don't-do-this-for-anyone-else-but-I-will-for-you is a theme/character power dynamic we often associate with romantic story arcs. Plus, there is some analysis to be said around the shots of Miranda alone at the start and end of the film, and the polar opposite proximity... Andy is either standing next to Miranda or they are contemplating each other from a distance. The whole film is structured on how they regard each other and how it alters their behaviour / sets them apart or brings them closer together.
This is important because it means even at the end of the film when Andy walks away and Miranda drives away, the movement of them leaving / watching / speaking / unspeaking / coming back has been there been throughout the film. It means there is an underlying instinct that they'll collide again.
This wasn't what the film creators were going for but the potential for them is very real and written in the story structure and the positioning of shots. And I LOVE how it is both subtle and yet so obvious. That's how I saw it anyway. I dunno, it's just unique and lovely.
I demand an uncut version where the Andy & Miranda elevator scene never got deleted please.
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yutatube · 3 years
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If I Was In Sincerely Not
First things first, I did get permission from @saintobio/@saintgojo to do this. Secondly, please go read Sincerely Not. It’s so good, and I absolutely love the writing. Saint also puts a lot of time and effort into her works, so please go show her stories some love.
contains: character info, headcanons, and a drabble.
tw: sera, mentions of gojo’s infidelity, sera slander, alcohol.
sincerely not | if i was in the council
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Age: 29
Date of Birth: January 6th, 1992
Date of Birth: January 6th, 1992
Big three: Capricorn sun, Aquarius moon, Virgo rising
Song: Bills, Bills, Bills by Destiny’s Child
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9/4/21: fun fact, I just found out Ieiri and I share a personality type. Both INTPs.
If I were in Sincerely Not, I’d be Gojo’s sister.
Satoru and I are very close, even when I’m reprimanding him for his actions and infidelity. He always confides in me, and I try my best to be there for him.
Okay, but Miranda Priestly/Cruella (2021) headass. They’re queens.
I’d be the editor-in-chief of Vogue Japan.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Andrea. Everybody wants this. Everybody wants to be us.”
I knew about Sera since before they got married. I never liked her, though. Not in a classist way, but in the way that I have good as hell intuition.
When he continues his relationship with Sera after getting married, I constantly tell him to cut it off. Naturally, he gets mad and tells me to mind my business.
Even as kids, I was close with Y/N, and even though her and Satoru lost contact, I still tried to catch up with her every so often while we were adults.
When she starts up her own brand, I help her as much as I can.
Nana is my best friend. Nana and I have weekly lunches together where we just talk about business, our family, and so on. I talk major smack about Eula during our lunches.
I hate Eula so god damn much.
Fuck Eula, me and my homies hate Eula.
Because I’m Bi as hell and Shoko Ieiri my beloved, Shoko is my wife. Case closed. No questions asked.
Shoko my beloved.
So, the work/life balance is shit and hard as hell when you’re the editor-in-chief for a world renowned fashion magazine, so I can’t always be home. That’s why we got Poe. Plus, he’s so cute.
This is how I imagine Poe.
FumikO, ShokO, POe. We all got Os.
While Eula thinks that she has their dad’s heart, she is just wrong. The real keeper of his heart is, surprisingly, his precious daughter.
In the future, Shoko and I do adopt a kid. Kid is spoiled as fuck.
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Fumiko Gojo is a very realistic woman. With great intuition and her ability to remain level-headed no matter the situation, she rarely ever makes a mistake. But when it comes to her darling wife, rationality just doesn’t exist. That was something the editor-in-chief liked about Shoko Ieiri; her ability to make Fumiko think with her heart.
So naturally, when her dearest wife expresses how alone she feels while Fumiko is working late at her office, she decides that the best solution is to give Shoko a new companion. They’ve talked about getting a pet before, but they never really put in the research for it. But for the past two weeks, research was all Fumiko has been doing outside of her work schedule. Well, not exactly Fumiko, but Fumiko’s assistants.
So here Fumiko stood in front of Shoko, Suguru, Satoru, and Sera. God, how Fumiko hated Sera. Satoru knows he’s getting married in a month, so why the hell is he still with Sera? It disgusted her how Sera’s legs were slung over Gojo’s, their “secret” glances, and the way they spoke to each other. And now Sera was in her home. This was supposed to be a nice night between Fumiko and her wife, but that idea went out the window as she felt the fire bubble from her stomach. Her cheeks felt like they were making direct contact with the sun as heat rose throughout her body.
“What’s going on here?” Fumiko questioned as her eyes glanced over to her wife, who was lazily spread across the couch with a glass of red wine in her hand. The anger in her heart started to subside as she watched the way Shoko’s eyes sparkled as she made futile attempts to contain her laughter. The way just having her here immediately calmed her down was a type of magic that Fumiko will never understand.
Upon seeing her wife, Shoko’s eyes lit up, “Oh, you’re home early.” Immediately sitting up like a child after you tell them that you have a surprise for them, her gleeful eyes trailed over to the spotted puppy that Fumiko held onto. “Is that a dog?”
“Yeah. I thought maybe he could keep you company while I work.” Fumiko shrugged as she handed the excited puppy over to Shoko, who immediately brought the puppy close to her chest, letting out a few coos as she tickled it’s stomach.
“Cute dog.” Sera cooed, but immediately stopped upon feeling Fumiko’s cold glare. Who even invited Sera here? Shoko would never since she knew how much Fumiko hated her, Suguru always minds his own business, so that left Satoru. Of course, her dumb brother would invite his little girlfriend to her house.
Taking a seat next to Shoko, Fumiko immediately leaned into her wife. Shoko had a magical touch, the kind of touch that could calm a tsunami. Fumiko was never one for physical touch, but that was before her teenage heart started to quicken at the sight of Shoko Ieiri, her brother’s best friend. Now, Fumiko couldn’t go a day without kissing her wife. She loved their soft morning kisses that contrasted the lazy, sloppy kisses at night. Any time she could touch Shoko in any way, she’d take the opportunity.
“What should we name him?” Fumiko inquired as her hands softly ran through the long-coated dalmatian. Their first child together. Just the thought of that made her heart quicken, leaving a small smile on her face.
“Hmm. How about that American author you love? The one that’s really cute in that one anime? Pock? Pong? Pom?” Shoko attempted to guess the name of the author, causing Fumiko to let out a giggle. If anyone looked at her while she was with Shoko, they’d never be able to tell that she was the same person who was dubbed as the cold-hearted editor-in-chief for Vogue. The soft, loving look that glistened in her eyes, the way she melted whenever Shoko even glanced at her, the way she instinctively wrapped her arms around Shoko’s waist. The Fumiko that the world saw versus the Fumiko that Shoko knew were so different that you’d think they wouldn’t even be the same person.
“Do you mean Poe? If so, then yeah. I’d say Poe fits him. BSD Poe, though. Real life Poe was… he was something.” She answered, pulling her wife and their new dog closer to her, never wanting to let go.
If only Sera wasn’t there.
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— without love, sunarin
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skycounts · 3 years
Maya takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly. She’d never thought she’d get here; never thought she’d want to get married, let alone actually get married. Here she is, looking at herself in a suit on her wedding day.
She’s got on suspenders and a nice, white button-down shirt. It’s complete with dress pants and a nice belt. She’s a bundle of nerves, but happier than she ever was.
A few weeks before the wedding, she and Carina had agreed on a donor. Carina offered to carry the baby and Maya thought that was a good idea. They’ve even been looking at houses to buy. It feels surreal, settling into her life with Carina by her side, but she’s doing it. And she’s happy to do it for the rest of her life.
There’s a knock on Maya’s dressing room door and she hollers for whoever it is to come in.
Jack enters and offers Maya a smile. “You ready for this?” He asks.
Maya nods. “Very,” she says, turning around.
Jack’s smile gets bigger. “You look great,” he tells her.
“How’s my bride-to-be?” Maya asks, adjusting the cuffs on her shirt.
“She’s good, anxious,” he says. “The good kind.”
“Me, too,” Maya says.
“C’mon, Bishop, let’s go get you hitched.”
Maya’s mom walks her down the aisle. The two of them made up after the whole thing with her dad went down. She had invited her dad to the wedding, but he didn’t show. To Maya’s surprise, it didn’t bother her.
“My little girl is getting married,” Maya’s mom says before she lets go of Maya’s arm. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you, mom,” Maya says.
Ben got ordained on the internet so that he could be the one to marry Maya and Carina. He stands at the alter and announces for everyone to rise.
The music queues, the doors open, and in walks Carina. She had hoped Andrea would be alive to walk her down the aisle when she got married. Instead, Richard Webber told Carina he would be honored to walk her down the aisle. He was Andrea’s coach, his guide and it only felt right to have Richard walk her down the aisle.
Maya’s eyes fill with tears as she looks at Carina. In her whole life, she has never seen anyone so damn beautiful.
Andy gives Maya a thumbs up from beside her. She had chosen all of 19 to be her brides crew. They were all up there with her. Andy, Vic, Dean, Jack, and Travis. Carina’s bride crew consisted of Meredith, Amelia, Jackson, Owen, and Miranda. People that mean a lot to her and meant a lot to her little brother.
Richard gives Carina’s hand to Maya. Maya’s chin quivers and Carina reaches to wipe her tears away.
“I’m so lucky,” Maya says through her tears.
Carina smiles. “Io sono il fortunato.”
“You may sit,” Ben says.
He continues on with welcoming everyone to the ceremony and thanking all who came.
“We are here today to celebrate the love of Maya Bishop and Carina Deluca,” Ben says. “I have watched their love grow in so many ways over these past couple of years. In my eyes, there is no better fit for them than each other. I once asked Maya what her favorite thing about Carina was and she said, ‘her eyes, they hold so much love and I’m so thankful to receive even just a freckle of it’.”
Carina squeezes Maya’s hands.
“I could go on and on about the love these two have for each other and the love I have for them, but I’ll let them take it from here,” he says. “It’s time for the vows.”
Maya clears her throat and looks deeply into Carina’s eyes. “Carina, when we first met, I tried so hard not to fall for you. But what I’ve come to realize is that you’re the greatest thing I’ve ever fallen for. Your love feels like crossing the finish line first and winning a gold medal. I feel like I’m on top of the world because you love me. You’re my greatest truth and my forever love. I promise that I will always take care of you; I promise that I will always love you; I promise that when there is no light in the dark, I will reach out my hand and guide you back. Just look in my eyes and you will see that I’m always going to be looking back at you. I love you.”
A year streams down Carina’s face.
“Maya, I crossed many bridges of heartbreaks to get to you. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you when you cradled my very fragile heart in your hands. You’re the toughest person I know, but you become soft with me. I love that you know that, with me, there is no ‘eyes forward’ but ‘eyes of love’ and you will always be the keeper of the love in my eyes. I promise to always bring you smoothies to the station; I promise to always kiss you goodnight; I promise to care for you even in our darkest moments. You are my greatest journey and the solace I seek in times of agony. You will forever be my bambina. I love you.”
Maya brings Carina’s hand up to her lips and kisses the back of it.
“May we have the rings please?” Ben asks.
Travis hands the rings to Ben.
“Maya, place this ring on Carina’s finger with a promise to love her forever,” Ben tells Maya.
Maya places the ring on Carina’s ring finger and says, “I promise to love you forever.”
“Carina, place this ring on Maya’s finger with a promise to love her forever,” Ben tells Carina.
Carina places the ring on Maya’s finger and says, “I promise to love you forever.”
“I now pronounce you wife and wife,” Ben says. “You may now kiss each other.”
Maya wraps her arms around Carina and kisses her. Carina’s hands get lost in Maya’s hair and everyone cheers for them.
When they pull away, the two of them smile, ready to take on the world together.
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bubblesbenson · 4 years
Thomas, Andrew and Oliver did begin to feel some peace with having a teacher and a classroom to themselves, but their loneliness and exhaustion from years of bullying outweigh the peace and the one new positive in their lives. In the following March, Brett and Miranda decided to finally take the plunge and let Thomas, Andrew and Oliver know that they care for them, but they didn’t know when will the best opportunity come. Meanwhile, Thomas’, Andrew’s and Oliver’s parents (or specifically Andrew’s parents) decided to take the three out of the city and to Puerto Rico for Andrew’s 16th birthday (since his mother is Puerto Rican, and Andrew and his mother wanted to spend time with his grandparents), with the trip taking place from Friday at noon to Monday, Andrew’s actual birthday. The trio came back to school the following Tuesday, and Brett and Miranda were ready to try to interact and befriend Thomas, Andrew and Oliver. When the three went to the library for study hall, Brett and Miranda found them. At first, Brett and Miranda approached the three when they were sitting down catching up on homework, but pure anxiety took over the three after all of their bullying experiences. They proceeded to walk away from the couple instead of running inside the library, but the couple tried to ensure the three that they wouldn’t hurt them. The trio still tried to walk instead of running from them, but the couple would not give up on them and stayed persistent. Finally, the three felt cornered, and Andrew and Oliver began to hug each other and cry at the mere thought of being hurt again. Thomas then asked what the couple wanted while fighting back his tears. Brett and Miranda began to feel the same emotions Thomas, Andrew and Oliver were feeling, and Brett answered that he wanted to show Thomas something, and if Thomas doesn’t like what Brett has in store for him, he and Miranda promised that they will never bother the three again. Thomas reluctantly agreed, and he approached Brett to see what he wanted. That was when Brett pulled Thomas into a hug, with Brett saying that all he wanted was to see the three happy, and said that Thomas looked like he needed a hug. Thomas returned the hug, and Thomas began to cry, with Brett fighting back his tears. Andrew and Oliver saw the interaction between Thomas and Brett, and Miranda joined Andrew and Oliver’s hug. All five let their emotions out in the library but tried to quiet their tears. It took a while for their tears to subside before the five could talk to each other. This was when they began to build an unconventional friendship while building a new trust among themselves. Even after their rough start, Thomas, Andrew and Oliver finally made two new friends and protectors, and they finally felt a sense of peace, especially Thomas, because now he wouldn’t have to try to protect Andrew and Oliver alone anymore. Miranda gave Thomas, Andrew and Oliver each a kiss on the cheek, with the three turning red since neither received his first kiss yet. The five began to feel closer every day: Andrew would introduce his mother to Brett and Miranda the same day the five became friends; Brett and Miranda eventually convinced Brett’s father to transfer them to Thomas, Andrew and Oliver’s class; and Brett and Miranda even sacrificed their senior prom night just to be with Thomas, Andrew and Oliver. Brett convinced Thomas, Andrew and Oliver to keep Miranda from knowing that Brett would propose to her on graduation night. Thomas, Andrew, Oliver, Brett and Miranda attended Brown University, and Thomas, Andrew and Oliver were the groomsmen for Brett and Miranda’s wedding right after they all graduated from college. Brett and Miranda would help Thomas, Andrew and Oliver through their C-PTSD. Brett and Miranda named their son Thomas and named their daughter Andrea Olivia. When Thomas, Andrew and Oliver finally found love and got married, Brett was the best man, and Miranda was the matron-of-honor in Thomas’, Andrew’s and Oliver’s joint wedding. Their friendship continues after years later.
There you go! That was a very long one, but I’m pretty proud of this. Also, Brett and Miranda remind me of Crislane Passo’s Max and Julie comics, except Brett and Miranda both have green eyes instead of brown eyes and blue eyes.
@hannahxowen @theauthor97 @the-feral-piece-of-toast @goodbyeacadia @reasyrandom @nifty-mlm @soulgime-blog @fictionalwriter15 @redinstead-ocs @stardustspectre @mercifulbb @merenguemeringue @kirby-doodles2020 @zofi-persson @betaknight @billhater @drusilla-as-in-blackthorn @kookiesxpeaches @imkrisyoung @iaminert @semi-automaticalien @ravenpuff-charlie @ladyinsertnamehere
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