scavengedluxury · 2 months
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Diving platform, Millstatt am See, 1935. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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gasthof hofer
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deinausflug · 6 months
Stiftsmuseum Millstatt
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Stiftsmuseum Millstatt
Das Stiftsmuseum Millstatt: Eine Reise durch die Geschichte
Das Stiftsmuseum Millstatt am Millstätter See in Kärnten ist ein wahres Juwel für Kultur- und Geschichtsinteressierte. Inmitten des historischen Ensembles aus Stiftskirche und Stift Millstatt gelegen, lädt das Museum zu einer spannenden Reise durch die Vergangenheit ein. Gegründet im Jahr 1981 von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Nikolasch, bietet das Museum einen umfassenden Überblick über die Geschichte Millstatts und seiner Umgebung. Die Exponate umfassen archäologische Funde aus der Jungsteinzeit, Zeugnisse der Stiftsgeschichte, sakrale Kunstwerke und vieles mehr. Einzigartige Exponate Zu den besonderen Highlights des Museums zählt die Kopie des Gebetsbuchs Maximilians des I. mit Federzeichnungen von Albrecht Dürer (das Original befindet sich in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek in München). Ein weiterer Höhepunkt ist die Kerkerzelle aus der ersten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts, die einen Einblick in die Strafjustiz der damaligen Zeit gewährt. Ein Museum für alle Das Stiftsmuseum Millstatt ist nicht nur für Erwachsene, sondern auch für Kinder und Jugendliche ein tolles Erlebnis. Spezielle Führungen und museumspädagogische Angebote machen die Geschichte lebendig und anschaulich. Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten Neben der Dauerausstellung finden im Stiftsmuseum Millstatt regelmäßig Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten statt. Dazu gehören unter anderem Chorkonzerte, Ausstellungen, Workshops und Sommerabende im Kreuzgang. Öffnungszeiten und Eintrittspreise Das Stiftsmuseum Millstatt ist von Dienstag bis Sonntag von Mai bis September geöffnet. Erwachsene zahlen € 5,90 Eintritt, Senioren € 5,40 und Kinder und Studenten € 2,90. Inhaber der Kärnten Card erhalten freien Eintritt. Fazit Das Stiftsmuseum Millstatt ist auf jeden Fall einen Besuch wert. Es bietet einen spannenden Einblick in die Geschichte Millstatts und seiner Umgebung und ist ein ideales Ausflugsziel für die ganze Familie.
Benutze bitte den direkten Link oben "Routenplaner" um Infos für die Erreichbarkeit usw. zu erhalten.
Weitere Infos
- Weitere Angebote für Kärnten - Weitere Museen in Österreich - Offizielle Homepage - Adresse:Verein Stiftsmuseum MillstattStiftgasse 1, 9872 MillstattOder suche hier weitere Vorschläge für dich Wetter Millstatt Über einen Kommentar würden wir uns sehr freuen. Erzähl uns wie es dir dort gefallen hat, oder ob es vielleicht ein Reinfall war. Read the full article
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arcadian-wild-art · 4 months
All songs masterpost!
Figured I'd actually, y'know, tell you guys what my ideas are. As you can see, lots of them are still up in the air! I would LOVE to hear if y'all have any ideas as well!!
Rain Clouds- DONE!
Roots- painted flowerpot
Blue Eyed Girl- yknow what *embroiders your girl*
Letters from the Atlantic- fancy envelopes, like set design style
Liar- Custom deck of cards
Man in Room 39- Open/closed sign
If You're The Coffee- dance (more watercolor layering)
The Anthem of Mr Dark-
Empress- Something themed around the short story, probably
Leila- Decorate scarf?
Wolves of the Revolution-
Envy Green- (almost?) done!
Willow- Decorate walking stick?
The Storm- DONE!
The Poet- Animatic OR cool pen thingy
The Ballad of Donnie Gene-
Millstatt- woodburned mountain lake
Wander. Wonder.- maze?
Yurgen’s Tune-
Hey, Runner!- shoes w lyrics / concrete poem?
Tell It Like It Is-
Finch in the Pantry-
Silence, A Stranger-
The Food Truck Blues- build food truck model?
Stan The Man-
Oh, Sleeper- Megaphone?
Civil War-
The Graduate- 
A Benediction-
Spring: Wake- flower bouquet?
Summer: Walk- flower bouquet?
Fall: War- flower bouquet?
Winter: Will- flower bouquet?
Everybody Wants to Rule the World- Newspaper?
Crazy In Love-
Never Die Young- "take the sky and forsake the ground"
Carry On Wayward Son-
Give It A Rest- Cut a shape out of negative space with hole punches?
Barefoot Kid- 
Lara- Decorate lampshade?
Dopamine- lyric video?
Big Sky, MT- Snow globe
Shoulders- Gold leaf thing (mobile)
Little Bird- concrete poem OR origami
Sparrow- Shadow box thing with finger puppet of a bird
Corner- Woodburning
Gàrradh Seilach-
Lift My Head- carve figurines?
Two Kinds- lyric video
Fable Of The Times- book with lyrics. like make a book
The End- Choreograph dance??
Common Courtesy-
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rosenere · 3 months
l'austria ti da l'idea di poter scalare montagne, fare corse in mountain bike con lo stesso ritmo di uno che pratica sport da 30 anni.
Ah giusto, non scordiamoci del bagno ghiacciato sul lago millstatt
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One Song Per Letter URL Tag
hooooooo there! @blatheringblatherskite and I think someone else that I can't find now (I'm so sorry!) tagged me in this a while ago 😅 so here I am. And my url is long oh no lol. I played hard mode and only did NTB songs...and then also did a second one with other artists bc I'm Like That, ok go:
Youtube NTB playlist: I only cheated twice! Once in using a song from Bear's solo project for an extra E, and once for "Let Us Love" for the U. XD
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Uh anyways, if you ever want to hear what it's like inside my head, it's basically Needtobreathe/Wilder Woods all the times, so have fun getting to know me in there. 😂
Then! I didn't allow any NTB/WW songs XD. Also I didn't make a new playlist for this post but here's the link to my 365 songs for this year playlist, which is where I got all the songs.
Train Station - The Gray Havens Heaven Knows - Five For Fighting Easter Song - Jess Ray Roses - The Brevet All My Heroes Are Underdogs - Ross King Garden on the Kitchen Floor - Tors Another State - Tigers in the Sky Millstatt - The Arcadian Wild Under the Circus Lights - Owl City Flowers for Strangers - The Nineteen Twenty Flares - The Script Irish Eyes - Rose Betts Not Giving In - The West Coast Feed If it's the Beaches - The Avett Brothers Not Home Yet - The Gray Havens Inkpot Gods - The Amazing Devil This Thing is Not Going to Break You - Christa Wells Into the Unknown - Frozen/P!atD cover As We Ran - The National Parks To the Mountains - Lizzy McAlpine Invisible God - Andrew Peterson Vincent - Don McLean Eagle Bear Buffalo - Passenger
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uh editing bc I didn't tag anyone um @wellmanneredthief @slytherinbookwyrm @doctorbluesmanreturns and @ the person reading this going "ohmygosh an excuse to share my music?? pick me!"
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The Death of Love
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Pairing: Námo x Manwë (Calamórë)
Themes: Medieval! Ainur | Angst
Warnings: Mentions of prior sexual activity | Kissing | Swordplay | Innuendo
Word count: 2.5K words
Summary:  Prince Manwë has to choose. Will it be love or duty? 
Minors DNI | 18+
A/n: Image source - page of the Millstätter Handschrift, ca 1200,  Millstatt Abbey, Austria
Aþâraigas- Valarin word for sun
I drew inspiration from GoT’s duty is the death of love for this story. And the beyond my control was inspired from a scene in the film Dangerous Liasons. 
Rules and tag form here.  
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Dawn drills started as they always did. A quick trip to the armory to arm and armor oneself before heading off to the sparring yard after the Lord Commander looked everyone over. 
Manwë did not care for dawn drills. He preferred the library and books over plate and steel and horses. Still, he had a duty to learn. His disgraced brother had defected to the Iron Mountains, creating his own kingdom and army, and they had to be ready for war. The prince did not want this. He did not want to go to war. He did not care for the burdens that came with wearing the crown. He yearned to read and dream. 
The cup of duty has passed to me its seems, he thought, as he wandered onto a yard that smelled of freshly cut grass. Whether I like it or not, I must drink from it.
Manwë would soon learn duty was a most bitter cup to drink from.
"Your head is in the clouds again, my prince." Lord Commander Eönwë called out when Manwë was thrown to the dirt and onto his back. "You need to focus."
Manwë sighed and panted. "You need to stop knocking me onto my back."
Námo flashed a wide grin and came over, extending his hand and helping Manwë to his feet. "I thought you liked being knocked onto your back," he whispered in the prince's ear, "my prince."
Manwë blushed, his cheeks turning a sweet shade of pink. He lowered his gaze lest the others see his eyes darkening. He knew what Námo meant. He remembered what they did—all of what they did. The whispered words, the rough kisses, the sweet moans. The prince prayed no one had been close enough to hear, for no one knew about them and what they had come to mean to each other. 
"Tonight it will be you on your back," he vowed under his breath. "Sweet raven."
Námo's grin only widened. "I look forward to it."
Eönwë harrumphed impatiently. "Again, my lords. Go on. The king is watching." 
Everyone glanced up at an upper walkway. The king was indeed watching, along with most of the court. Manwë tilted his head out of respect and picked up a blunted tourney sword. Eru nodded in return, his eyes like molten silver. The sparring commenced. 
They hacked and slashed at each other, their curses as sharp and loud as the clangor of steel. Aþâraigas had risen higher in Ilmen, its light and heat beating down on them all. It grew hot and tiresome, and still, they fought. Others shouted and cheered. Some held wagers. Eönwë kept a close eye on them both. It grew hotter. Manwë could feel himself cooking like a goose inside his hauberk but was determined to emerge victorious. He feinted to his left, and when Námo fell for it, he returned with a blow that knocked his companion to the dirt. The prince left nothing to chance. As soon as Námo fell he was over him, his dagger at Námo's throat.
"I yield, my prince." Námo tossed his sword to the side and raised his hands in surrender. "I yield."
Manwë smiled—a slow, wicked smile—when Námo yielded. "The day has just started, and already I have you on your back."
Námo's eyes glinted when he recognized the flash of need in Manwë's own. His smile was just as wicked as the prince's. "Wait till nightfall, my prince. I will not yield so easily then."
The prince narrowed his eyes. "A challenge, sweet raven? We should start a little wager then, to see how long it would take me to..."
"My prince," Námo looked over Manwë's shoulder, his eyes widening like supper plates. He quickly pushed himself to his feet and dusted himself off. "The king is beside us."
Manwë swallowed, hoping against hope that his lord father did not hear a word.
“Your grace," he removed his helm and bowed. When his father held out his arm, Manwë took his hand and kissed his ring of office. Námo bowed and did the same. 
"You have improved considerably, my son," Eru said gravely, "as have you, my lord Námo. Pray how do you find your lodgings? Is everything to your satisfaction?"
"Very comfortable, your grace," Námo replied. "I am most grateful for your generosity."
"Good." Eru turned his attention to his son. "If you could spare the prince for a moment? I have much to discuss with him."
Námo bowed again and took a step back. "Your grace."
While the others continued training, Manwë said his goodbyes and walked inside with his father. He followed Eru through one lofty corridor after another, stopping ever so briefly to exchange a word or two with a courtier. Finally, when they reached the heavy teak doors of the council room, Eru turned to the warriors on guard. 
"We are not to be disturbed," the king said. "Not unless it is for a matter of great import." 
Both warriors nodded before one of them opened the door. Manwë walked into the cool marble interior and sighed in relief. 
"Do you need help with that?" Eru came over to help him with his coat of mail and padded shirt. Every muscle in the prince's body seemed to delight in the absence of metal and thick padding. He sighed again, this time even louder. Eru tilted his head and studied his son. Manwë was exceedingly pale. His lips and cheeks had lost a great deal of color and his hair was utterly disheveled.
"Goodness. A round or two of sparring and already you look like the dead."
"Perhaps you should send me like this into battle, father. Our foes will flee, thinking the dead have risen, and march to claim their souls."
Eru laughed, the sound echoing off the vaulted ceiling. It put Manwë on edge. His father rarely laughed. "Perhaps I should. Come. Sit. Help yourself to something. We need to talk, you and I."
Manwë pulled out a chair and made himself comfortable before reaching for a flagon of water. He was thirsty, he realized, as he drained cup after cup of cold water. Eru waited until he started on a platter of cheese and olives before joining him at the table. 
"Now," he said, drawing two folded pieces of parchment from a hidden pocket sewn into his sleeve, "the reason for my little summons is this."
Manwë pushed the platter of food away and took the parchments to hand. He unfolded each and parsed through the contents, his eyes widening with each line. The letters were no ordinary letters. They were offers of marriage. 
"Marriage?" he sputtered in disbelief. "You want me to marry?"
"I want you to choose," Eru said, steepling his fingers beneath his chin. "Lady Varda of Starfield will bring with her the bounty of Greengrove and eight hundred of its fabled mounted lancers. Lady Uinen of Alqualondë, on the other hand, will bring us five hundred archers and fifty ships. I would settle for Alqualondë. Lady Uinen has a much sweeter temper, I am told. And we need to strengthen our defenses along our eastern flank. However, if you have another bride in mind, I am more than willing to listen to your reasons."
"There will be no bride," Manwë breathed. The room started to feel hot and stuffy. His chest tightened while fear and dread coiled within his belly like hungry snakes about to strike. "I will not wed any lady you place before me."
"Plan on marrying your sweet raven, is that it?" Eru said, his voice as sharp as steel. Manwë, shocked, looked into his father's eyes. What warmth was there was now long gone. Those molten silver eyes were like flints of steel now. They seemed to spear him into his chair. "What? You think I did not know of your trysts with your little lordling? That I did not know how you sneak him into your chambers every night whenever he visits?"
Manwë struggled to speak or even breathe. It felt as if the very walls of the room were closing in on him, threatening to crush him. He did not know what to do. He could not marry any of his father's choices for a bride; his heart already belonged to Námo.
"There has to be another way," Manwë said as those walls had already boxed him in, leaving him with little hope of escape. "I cannot do this. You cannot make me."
“We have no choice. We need allies. Allies that can bring us warriors and ships, provisions so Taniquetil can survive winter in comfort." Eru pushed his chair back and stood up. "Can your raven do that?"
Manwë's eyes were fixed on the letters before him. His thoughts, however, were somewhere else. Haunted Pass was a beautiful but harsh place. It was all rugged mountains, vast underground caves, and the land was hard to farm even at the best of times. The Blackgraves had few warriors and presided over souls, and souls brought no coin with them. Oh, they had some wealth, it was true, but that wealth was nowhere enough to interest someone like his father. Politically, Námo brought very little into a royal marriage.
"No," he choked out finally.
"Then answer me this. Can Námo at least provide you with heirs? Sons and daughters to further the family line and help you secure the line of succession?"
"No, he cannot." Manwë breathed, and mustered his courage. Despite the tears that threatened to come unbidden, he rose and stood tall against his father. "But if heirs are the issue, what stops you from taking either of these ladies to wife? Hmm? Surely you can marry and secure the line of succession yourself."
"Perhaps I should," Eru agreed, "and then all of Valinor will learn I am plagued with yet another son who shirks his duty. Is that what you want? To be seen as no better than that brother of yours?" 
The barb struck true. Manwë loathed his brother for forsaking his duties and running away, leaving him to pick up the pieces Melkor left behind in his wake. 
"I am not Melkor!" Manwë cried, his eyes stinging. "I am better than him!" 
"Then act like it!" Eru insisted forcefully and slammed his hand down on the table. "Act like who you were meant to be! A prince of the realm and its future fucking king!"
He was the future king. There was no escaping it, no denying it. But to accept it, to become who he was supposed to be...
"But.. but Námo..." Manwë whispered, heartbroken. "I... I love him, father."
"I know." Eru sighed. His eyes held a shred of sympathy. Manwë was unsure if it was genuine. "Even a blind man could see how much you love him. But it must end. Duty towards crown and country must win out over all else. Even love." 
"What do I tell him?"
"The only thing you can tell him. It is beyond your control. Now go. End it now and spare yourself further agony. Lie to him if you must. We will talk more once you have made a decision."
Manwë walked out of that council chamber as if in a trance. Varda and Uinen were exceedingly comely, sharp-witted, and accomplished—everything one could want in a queen—but he did not desire a queen. All he craved was his little raven, and now he would have to give him up. He would not run away from his duties like his brother. He had to do the right thing.
If what I am about to do was right, why does it feel like every part of me was dying?
Manwë had no answer. Or perhaps he knew the answer, and refused to face it, like a coward.
It is beyond my control, he kept telling himself instead. It is all beyond my control. 
Námo had been waiting for him in his chambers. He rushed into Manwë's arms and kissed him. The prince prolonged that final kiss for as long as he could, savoring the warmth of Námo's mouth and the taste of honey and cloves on his lips. He sighed when silken silver locks slipped around his fingers like water. That precious memory would be the only thing to keep him going for the rest of his days.
“What did the king say?" Námo sighed wistfully and pulled away.
Manwë padded over to a window. He struggled to harden his heart and despaired. And yet it had to be done. He had a duty to his family, his subjects, and the crown. As his father said, it was beyond his control. 
"Yes. About that." He said, his eyes seeing nothing. "We must end this. I plan on taking a wife, and she will not take kindly to a rival for my affections. You must leave as soon possible."
"What?" Námo came to him, grabbed his arms, and turned him around. "You must marry? Why?" 
Manwë forced himself to look Námo in the eye. He deserved no less from him. "The line of succession must be secured. We need allies. It is beyond my control." 
Námo took a step back, staggered by what he heard. His look was one of deep anguish and confusion. "Why are you doing this?"
Lie to him if you must, his father said. And lie he did. "Because this...whatever it is that we have... has run its course. It is beyond my control."
The prince felt his heart shatter when tears pooled in Námo's eyes. "You... I thought... you said you love me."
"Yes. Love. A pleasant illusion," another lie, "but an illusion all the same. You were a distraction. Nothing more. It is beyond my control."
"You are lying!" Námo cried. He began to feebly pummel Manwë’s chest with his fists. "Please tell me you are lying!"
"I am not," Manwë violently pushed him away, silently damning his brother to a thousand agonizing deaths for turning his back on his family, his father for putting him into this position. He finally damned himself for what he was doing. "What I felt for you was brief and fleeting, and nothing more. I cannot marry you even if I wanted to. You will bring little to our union. You cannot even give me heirs. It... It is beyond my control."
“Perhaps you and your bride can come to an arrangement,” Námo pleaded in desperation. “It has been done before. Please... I... I cannot lose you.”
“No.” How the prince wished for such a thing! Yet he knew he could never ask, not without insulting his bride and her House. "I will not wed one and bed the other. It is beyond my control.” 
Námo burst into tears. He collapsed in a sobbing heap at the prince's feet. It took every ounce of strength Manwë had not to take Námo into his arms and beg for his forgiveness. He wanted to go to his father and declare his intention to give up his claim. He found he could not.
It is beyond my control. The words repeated themselves like a dark and twisted prayer. 
 "You can stay until you are well enough to leave," Manwë nearly sobbed. Heated tears coursed down his cheeks. "But you must leave after that. It is beyond my control."
He turned sharply on his heel and walked away, forcing himself to turn a deaf ear to Námo's keening wails. 
A memory of his childhood lessons came unbidden. Love is the death of duty, my boy, His tutor once said, And duty is the death of love. That is the price that must be paid.
Manwë finally drank from the cup of duty. He found it to be a most bitter vintage and the cost was more than he could bear.
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Tags: @cilil​ @edensrose​ @fictionfordays​ @asianbutnotjapanese​
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wtfearth123 · 1 year
A spectacular cloudburst over Lake Millstatt in Austria, unleashing a torrent of rain. A cloudburst is a sudden and intense rainfall that can cause flash floods and landslides. Cloudbursts are usually associated with towering cumulonimbus clouds that can reach up to 15 kilometres in height.
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aidanchaser · 1 year
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 🎶🎧💜💙🤗
Oh this is sweet thank you for thinking of me! I just threw my liked songs on shuffle and here's the spread:
Goodnight Moon (Go Radio)
Millstatt (The Arcadian Wild)
Pray (The Amazing Devil)
Blue Lips (Regina Spektor)
What If It Doesn't End Well (chloe moriondo)
I'm impressed we didn't hit any showtunes. Now I want to see if I could mini-fic the chorus for each of these, just for fun...
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muse-write · 2 years
🎶✨when you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Let’s see…
1. Millstatt—The Arcadian Wilds
2. Blood for Blood—Sarah Sparks
3. The Old Ways—Loreena McKennitt
4. Modern Love—David Bowie
5. Once Upon A Time—Molly Pinto Madigan
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silverysongs · 2 years
Any/all of 16, 17, 21, 22 for the song asks 💓
16. Most beautiful vocal performances
My Luve is like a Red, Red Rose // Voces8
Maria // West Side Story (specifically the 1961 film version)
Almost Real // The Bridges of Madison County
Jubilate Deo: VI. Alleluia (Song of the Earth) // Dan Forrest
17. Songs most likely to give me full-body shivers
(honestly I feel like this happens to me with a lot of music, so these are the ones that come to mind:)
Romance from Piano Concerto in A Minor // Clara Schumann
The Deer's Cry // Voces8
Omar Sharif // The Band's Visit
Millstatt // The Arcadian Wild
21. Songs that make me think of my favorite books
Gravity // Sara Bareilles
Not With Haste // Mumford & Sons
Orpheus // Sara Bareilles
illicit affairs // Taylor Swift
22. Songs in which I see myself
No One Else // Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812
peace // Taylor Swift
The Cave // Mumford & Sons
The Graduate // The Arcadian Wild
lessons // Lilli Furfaro
The Words // Anais Mitchell
Kathy's Song // Simon & Garfunkel
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aloneinstitute · 2 years
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🇦🇹 Niederfalkenstein Castle is a medieval castle near Obervellach in Carinthia, Austria. It is part of the larger Falkenstein fortification complex; while the main fortress of Oberfalkenstein today is a ruin, the lower barbican of Niederfalkenstein is largely preserved.
The fortification was erected on a rocky promontory on the southwestern slopes of the Reisseck Group in the Hohe Tauern mountain range, overlooking the Möll valley east of Obervellach. Niederfalkenstein is 843 metres (2,766 ft) above sea level.
The Tauern Railway line, opened in 1909, initially passed under the rock in a 67-metre (220 ft) long tunnel. In the course of the double-tracked expansion carried out from 1971 to 1973, the rail tunnel was replaced by a wide arch bridge, the present-day Falkenstein Bridge passing between Ober- and Niederfalkenstein, with 396 metres (1,299 ft) the longest of the line and one of the longest in Austria.
The ruins of Oberfalkenstein comprise a Bergfried keep with surrounding moats and the foundations of a Romanesque palas. A chapel dedicated to John the Baptist was first mentioned in 1246, significantly enlarged in a Baroque style in 1772 and is still in use.
Niederfalkenstein Castle
The fortification was first mentioned as Valchenstain Castle in an 1164 deed. The name may be derived from Proto-Germanic walhaz (foreigner, stranger; Romance/Celtic-speaker) in terms of a Romance (Italian) settlement, referring to descendants of the former Roman city of Teurnia, who had migrated to the remote valley during the Slavic settlement of the Eastern Alps about 600.
The first documented ministerialis Gumpoldus de Valchenstein was a liensmen of Count Engelbert II of Gorizia (Görz), scion of the Meinhardiner dynasty. The Counts of Gorizia also held the office of a Vogt of the Benedictine Millstatt Abbey, and the Lord of Falkenstein established close ties to the monastery.
The Falkenstein dynasty became extinct about 1300, soon after two castles, 'Upper' and 'Lower' Falkenstein were mentioned, enfeoffed by the Counts of Gorizia to several local nobles. On 24 June 1394 Count Henry VI gave the upper castle in pawn to the Habsburg duke Albert III of Austria. It was finally seized by Albert's nephew Emperor Frederick III in 1460, after he had defeated Count John II of Gorizia in the conflict over the heritage of the extinct Counts of Celje. The lower castle was temporarily held by the Carinthian knight Andreas von Graben, who sold it in 1462.
In 1504 Frederick's son and successor Emperor Maximilian I again pawned the castle to Count Julian of Lodron, by his wife Apollonia brother-in-law of the Salzburg archbishop Matthäus Lang von Wellenburg. It was acquired by Apollonia's second husband Christoph Frankopan after Lodron's death in 1510. The countess donated an altarpiece by Jan van Scorel in the Obervellach parish church, depicting Saint Christopher, herself and her castle. At the same time, large funds had to be raised in order to restore the dilapidated premises. Afterwards, several nobles held the castle, among them the descendants of Gabriel von Salamanca-Ortenburg and the Khevenhüller dynasty, while the premises decayed. When the Austrian mountaineer Joseph Kyselak visited the site in 1825, it largely laid in ruins.
Rebuilt from 1905, the Unterfalkenstein palas burnt down after a burglary in 1969 and had to be restored again. Up to today the castle is a private property, but can be visited in summer. 👉👉👉👉 Du kilt à la Harpe , errance celtique — em Falkenstein Castle (Niederfalkenstein)
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dimsilver · 2 years
6, 11, 99?
Millstatt by The Arcadian Wild ❤️
Ulysses by Josh Garrels
When I Fell by Canyon City
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kiddutsa · 2 years
This is the first episode of the Alps Adria Trail route that I filmed in June as part of my job with Globetrotter Television.
This is the first episode that is covering our first 2 days in Austria, travelling from the airport in Munich all the way to Grossglocknr.
We then learn more about Heiligenblut, try to pan for gold, visit a waterfall and head to Malinitz.
We reach our accommodation at Alexnadrehutte and celebrate my birthday in the most amazing scenery!
More to follow in episode 2 when we go swimming in Millstatt am See, look for crystals in Radenthein and check in the hotel in my special birthday room. This episode will be filled with laughter so don't miss it!
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hawi-home · 26 days
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Millstatt am Millstätter See
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fran-zzi · 5 months
Heute mussten wir etwas früher die Sachen packen, da wir zu einer Autoverladung (zum Zug) fahren mussten, die nur alle 60 Minuten fährt. Wir mussten bis nach Böckstein radeln und dort den Zug bekommen. Anders kann man von Bad Gastein nicht über den Gipfel gelangen.
Die Fahrt mit dem Zug dauerte nur 11 Minuten. Die haben sogar ein Extra Fahrrad Abteil, wo man die Fahrräder gesichert reinstellen kann. Danach ging es 8 km rasant den Berg hinab. Eigentlich wollten wir eine Alternativ Route fahren, die entlang der alten Bahnstrecke verlaufen sollte. Leider war schon am Anfang ein großes Schild zu sehen, dass der Radweg und diese Strecke komplett gesperrt sei. So mussten wir umdrehen und dann die 8 km so den Berg herunterfahren. Das das war dann eine normale Straße auf der 80 km/h erlaubt war. Die Kurven waren gnädig, so konnten wir rollen lassen.
Wir waren dann gleich so im Flow, dass wir die verbliebenen 50 km in einem Rutsch durch radelten und schon gegen Mittag am Millstätter See ankamen. Dort suchten wir uns ein lauschiges Plätzchen und machten erst mal Brotzeit direkt am Wasser. Nach dem ausrasten fuhren wir zu unserem Hotel und versuchten, unser Glück zum frühen einchecken. Die hatten tatsächlich sogar schon unsere Sachen und er stand alles bereit. Wir ließen aber alles stehen und fuhren noch 5 km nach Millstatt hinein.
Dort fanden wir eine Bootsanlegestelle. Da das Schiff erst gegen 16:00 Uhr fuhr, setzten wir uns in ein wunderschönes Chillout Restaurant direkt auf dem Wasser, da schwappte der ganze Boden, wenn ein Schiff vorbei fuhr. Und am Muttertag hatten die auch ein herrliches Buffet und leckere Drinks.
Wir machten dann eine schöne Rundfahrt über den See und konnten so die verschiedenen Orte vom Schiff aus anschauen. Das ganze natürlich mit einem Hugo in der Hand…
Am Abend fielen die ersten Regentropfen, die nächsten Tage werden wohl eher nass werden… Aber wir haben die schlimmsten Berge hinter uns, dadurch kann der Rest gar nicht so schlimm werden. Die richtige Kleidung haben wir auch dabei.
Morgen geht es bis nach Tarvis , wir sind dann in Italien angekommen. 🤩
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