lolabangtan · 4 years
Biting dogs seldom bark | jjk
You and your junior Jungkook decide to go to his room when you see the library is full. In the face of silence and concentration, one of your childhood habits comes back to haunt you, to Jungkook’s delicious dispair.
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Word count: 4.8k
Warnings: is indulging a whiny virgin kookie considered something worth warning for? anyways, virgin boys are fun to play with when they submit and you encourage them to leave behind toxic gendered expectations. support your local virgins and stay at home if you can.
# biting kink, subby virgin!jungkook, college AU, dom!reader, soft femdom, Y/N eating some ass and licking some balls, a little bit of cum play, too, oral (male receiving), overstimulation, unprotected vaginal sex, the word noona appears a dozen times, Y/N is basically JK’s hot noona and he’s been dreaming of her fucking him for all eternity.
This is both inspired by Run BTS ep 30 where JK moaned a little when Jin bit his shoulder and the realization that some people do bite their friends according to a classmate I used to have in high school.
Well, we all miss jungkook. this is in his honour, although i hope he does never read it.
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“Are you sure you don’t want my freshman notes?”
“There’s no need, noona. Thank you.”
Jungkook was tired. You could see it in the way he dragged his voice, the way he moved and picked up papers and opened his laptop—even the way he blinked, squeezing his eyes over and over again.
“Tell me if you change your mind,” you finally said, “I never got to sell them and they’re rotting in a folder on my computer anyways.”
Jungkook put away his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “I can—I can do it. I just need some more time to do the research. Professor Choi’s presentations aren’t really useful… He said he’d share all the notes but there are only conceptual frameworks.”
As he was facing his first mid-term exams and you had to study to get into an internship in Tokyo for your senior year, you had tried to go first to the library closest to your residence, which, although it had a horrible Wi-Fi connection, was not usually very crowded.
You guys were so delusional! When you arrived, you thought about whether there were really so many people studying at your school. There was not a single chair, not a single bench, hardly any room on the floor free to sit and be productive.
Pressing your lips, you stared at him for a moment, silently, as you always did.
Jungkook and you knew each other from high school after he arrived from Busan right after you started eleventh grade. He was the new kid, handsome, quite cute, only fifteen years old, and your friends loved to welcome kids like that, so there was no way you could stop them from taking the poor boy as their protégé. Since he had turned out to be a really nice boy, all shyness and naivety, how could you not take him under your wing, too?
Even if many people said you were the cool type: silent, thoughtful, taking care of your friends from the shadows. And they were right—biting dogs seldom barked.
He relied on you as he relied on no one else. You were his noona, his older sister, his strong, confident friend on whom he could always count. And you loved it because you had always thought that Jungkook was your baby.
However, you had this small, slight, insignificant habit that you should get rid of one day, and which changed things a little bit.
Since childhood, you tended to bite people. It was nothing hard, not biting them in their necks and bleeding them to death. You never hurt them, and they weren’t even proper bites. Your mother once told that it was because of some pain in your teeth you had had when you were five, and you just had gotten used to it.
But you would never bite strangers—ugh, not at all. It was just a habit you started to do when you felt comfortable enough with someone, so you simply tended to bite your friends’ shoulders, or their wrists, or anywhere that was munchy and squishy.
You were about to graduate from high school the first time you bit Jungkook.
The loyal, hardworking kid he was, he had accepted to invite you to his place after school for the first time. His parents already knew you and they were really happy that he had a noona to help him (his mother was apparently a little bit older than his father, too), so they did nothing to stop him from taking a grown-up, hot girl upstairs to his room.
You were expecting something completely different when Jungkook turned his doorknob.
Being sixteen years old, you expected to find a deep smell of corn, a mess of T-shirts reeking of deodorant and sweat, bags of Doritos lying on the floor, posters of anime girls in microscopic bikinis. But the reality was simply a moderately tidy room, although it was populated by little Japanese cartoon figures, a huge computer with a microphone and a closet full of immaculate white tees.
“Are you okay, noona? You seem… shocked.”
His question made you chuckle. “I just expected something different…”
“I didn’t really have time to clean up this morning,” he said, “I didn’t know you’d ask to come over. Fuck, I even forgot to make the bed…” He hurried over to his bedside table and picked up a white round cylinder to throw into the bottom of the drawer. “Yeah, let me just pull out the sheets a little bit and we can… We can do it here. Studying.”
“I mean that I expected something worse, Kookie. You’re a really clean boy.”
Kookie, he loved hearing you say that. It made your lips pout and then it made you smile. The tenderness, the care, the cooing. He adored hearing you say it.
You both sat down on the bed, since the table had been invaded by the giant computer, and you took out your books to start studying. Silently, you bit the tip of your pen while he stared at you, and eventually, you noticed his eyes burning your lips.
“Sorry, is it yours? You know, I have this awful habit of biting,” you added.
“Don’t worry,” said Jungkook, “you can keep it. I have more. As long as you bite… things and not people,” he added with a mysterious smile.
You couldn’t hold the laugh. “Actually, I do bite people. But only those I feel close to. I don’t bite just anyone, you know. Half my friends have had enough of me, though.”
Jungkook frowned slowly, thinking that it made him less than a friend to you. Not even that. He could not even be the pathetic friend who was in love with you, it seemed. He was just the new kid you spoke to out of pity last year.
“Are you okay? You look worried.”
“Mm, yeah. I just feel sorry for all of your friends,” he muttered, grabbing the first book he saw and opening it by a random page.
“You’re my friend, too, you know that, don’t you, Kookie?” You pressed your lips when he kept silent and looked down at his wrist. He had such pretty hands, you thought. Maybe you had just been containing yourself since you knew all your friends except him since kindergarten. “See?”
Then you grabbed his wrist, smiling, and gently sunk your teeth into his soft golden flesh.
Jungkook whimpered as he pulled his arm away from you. “N-noona!”
It hadn’t been a whimper of pain. At all. You had had your fair share of physical contact with other people and you knew there was no pain behind his cute noises. The mere thought made you rub your thighs together, but you didn’t lose your shit and bit his wrist again, chuckling.
“Ah, noona, stop…” he moaned. His eyes shone with a weird glow. “Let’s… Let’s focus back on the study, please.”
How uncomfortable he seemed to be made suddenly you feel incredibly bad. You, his trusty noona, his reliable older sister, had been turned on by his voice, by his groans, when Jungkook was clearly uncomfortable with the situation.
“I… Gotta go to the restroom for a second,” he muttered, rushing to get off the bed without even facing you. You nodded to his back. “I’ll be right back.”
But Jungkook took his time to return and, by the time he was back, his bangs a little wet, you had already finished with your homework and felt the urgent need to get away from his room—everything, from the sheets to simply the air lingering around, smelled like him, and it just fuelled the fire inside your guts.
That had been the first and last time you bit Jungkook, and not because you didn’t want to. On the contrary, it was incredibly hard to resist your impulses.
Back on that awful pre-exam day, with all the faculty libraries fully stocked and the dorm’s Wi-Fi getting weaker and weaker, you and Jungkook had plunged back into a bubble of concentration, though yours barely lasted a few minutes.
Once you looked away from your laptop, you turned to Jungkook, who, on his back, was working on his paper for Mr Choi. You could see his thick neck swallowing saliva from time to time, his eyes fixed on the screen with a small blue light alloy. Oh, this boy was so bad for your health, how had you even hold yourself for all those years? You had suddenly forgotten.
The repetitive sound of the computer keys, along with how little your last americano had woken up your brain, ended up bewitching you, and you slid into a relaxation bubble, absorbed by the way the words appeared on the screen at the same time his fingers typed.
You turned in his direction, sneaking one of your legs next to him, and barely noticed how he tensed up in front of you.
His T-shirt had a loose collar, which fell a little lower than his collarbone, and you ended up resting your chin on his shoulder to watch him write his soporific work in more detail.
However, attracted by his warmth, by his earthy scent that resembled the smell of winter sunshine, you slipped your nose into the skin of his shoulder and did not notice how your teeth gently dug into his tender flesh.
Jungkook’s chest reverberated with a soft moan covered by his mellow voice. Without realizing it, he had lowered his hand to your thigh during your lazy embrace and squeezed it the moment you bit into his shoulder. He threw his head back slightly and closed his eyes as his fingers dug into your thigh.
Fascinated by his reaction, you stuck your teeth into his neck again, this time dragging them a little before you pulled your head away from him. A shiny bite mark decorated beautifully his golden skin.
“F-fuck, noona, you can’t just…!” he whined.
That was quite a similar situation to that school day, but there was something about the way Jungkook whined, about the way he bit his lip, about the way he had thrust his hips—almost imperceptibly—about the way his fingers sank into the flesh of your thighs, that told you that no, that situation was very different.
Jungkook tried to laugh the whole situation off and reached out his hand, which had moved away from your thigh as if it were burning his palm, to grab a pillow and place it on his lap.
Fuck it all, I guess.
With remarkable physical exertion, you propelled yourself onto the leg that was prey to Jungkook’s hand and lay on his lap, landing your ass on the pillow that absurdly hid his erection. The friction made him hiss as the small bites throbbed on his skin.
Then you finally kissed him, grabbing the loose neck of his tee and sinking your face on his, fed up with all that nonsense you had been telling yourself of Jungkook hating your bites.
You deepened the kiss and stroked his lower lip with your tongue, warning him. Then, when he gasped again, you snuck your tongue in his mouth and finally began to devour him with all the passion you both had inside.
He was the first to speak as soon as you parted your faces, his neck reddened by the craving of passion, and he looked into your eyes. “For… for real? Is this really happening? I’m not dreaming again?” You could just laugh at his words. “I’m serious! Fuck, I’m so hard already, noona…!”
“That’s my Kookie, all hard and ready for me.”
You kissed him again, biting his earlobe first and dragging the soft skin with your teeth as you pushed him against the bedding of his messy bed. It smelled like him too, but why would you care about that when you had your golden honey boy in your arms, whining and moaning as you completely devoured him?
Jungkook coughed a little when he tried to speak, choking on all the saliva that was pooling in his mouth. “W-wait, noona… How far do you wanna go?”
“As far as you’ll let me,” you answered without looking at him, still absorbed by the way your teeth were digging into the other side of his warm neck. “Why are you asking? You don’t have any condoms and you don’t know if you’re clean?” You finally looked at him.
“That’s not it… I’m pretty sure I am…”
That made you smile. “That’s good—I’m on the pill and I’d hate not having you cum inside.”
You weren’t making it easy for him to confess that he had never had sex with another person, or that no one had ever jerked him off or given him a blow job. Listening to you talk so naturally about the way you would fuck him into madness made the hair on his nape stand on end in a mixture of erotic euphoria and the most outrageous fear of ruining everything.
“I’m a virgin!” he finally spurted out.
“What?” you asked, shocked. Then you rose from his chest to take a better look at his face. “How so? I can’t believe you’ve never had the chance to get laid. You had half the class whipped for you back in high school.”
Jungkook swallowed hard. “Well, everybody thought I was your boyfriend, and they kinda respected it… And I didn’t really meet new people outside school.”
You felt so bad for the poor thing, not having been able to enjoy sex during his teenage years because of you and your stupid, cool reputation. And you hadn’t even been fucking him.
“But I didn’t mind, noona, really… I liked that they thought so.”
“You don’t hate me? Why did you never tell me about it?” you insisted, “I can’t possibly be okay with this, Jungkook. I’m sure you would’ve liked to experiment in high school. This is ridiculous.”
Jungkook closed his eyes and ground his hips against yours. Suddenly his face looked no longer angelical and shy, but desperate, raw, needy. When he opened his eyes again, they glowed, watering, with pure lust.
“Noona, if you knew the things I’ve done behind your back. If you knew how many times I’ve touched myself at night thinking about what it would feel like having you bite me all over my body, you really wouldn’t be okay with it… I hated seeing you do it to your friends, they couldn’t enjoy it as I would have…! And when it finally happened the first thing I did was getting hard, like the horny virgin I am. So disgusting.”
You chuckled. “Should I leave you alone? You seem to be enjoying yourself a lot, Jungkook.”
“Call me Kookie,” he begged, “I’m Kookie. To you, I’m Kookie, noona, please.”
“Okay, Kookie.” And there was that pout on your lips again and the smile that preceded it when you called it that. “You asked me before how far I was willing to go, and I said as far as you would go. How far is that? What do you want us to do?”
His dick twitched the second you spoke. “Everything. Anything—I’m okay with anything you wanna do to me, noona, I’m so fucking okay with it… You left me so alone when you graduated, noona, and you’re going to Tokyo next year. You’ll forget about me. I want you to be my first, I wanna have marks from you all over my body, I wanna remember you—but I don’t want you to forget about me,” he suddenly whined, “I don’t want you to go.”
You let out a groan of compassion from your throat and took his face in your hands. Still lying on his bed, you kissed him again, deeply, trying to imbue the kiss with all the love you felt.
“I’ll only be away for a year. Then I’ll come back and stay in Seoul,” you said, caressing his cheeks.
“Will you be with me?”
“I will be with you. Now.” The expression on your face changed completely as an avid sly smile stretched your lips, and your hand went down under his shirt. “You haven’t answered me. What do you want right now? You’ve never been touched before by anything that isn’t your hand, Kook. I should compensate you.”
It was too soon, and you were too turned on to just sit on his lap and ride him, and if you sucked him off he wouldn’t last longer than a minute, and it’d also ruin is self-esteem, so perhaps it was better to start with the basics.
The sound the fly made as you carefully lowered it with your hand gave him a chill that went down his spine and ended up making his dick throb inside his underwear.
You were greeted by his tip, slippery and red and glossy, which peeked through the edge of his underwear. The contact with the cold air in the room made him shiver and pant, caged under your arms.
“God, Kookie, you don’t know what you’re doing to me…”
“Tell me,” he panted, “Tell me… what you wanna do to me.” Jungkook couldn’t hold back a whimper when your thumb circled his sensitive red tip. “Ah, please, noona!”
“I’m gonna fuck you,” you said as you pumped his shaft, making him shiver under your body. “You know, Kookie, I thought it’s too soon to just ride you until you’re on the verge of tears, begging me to let you cum inside my tight pussy, but if I give it a second thought… That’s fucking turning me on.”
“Yes, noona, ride me, please.”
You finally got rid of your sweatpants under Jungkook’s hungry, eager gaze and, before taking off your underwear too, you took his hand and made him caress your clothed cunt.
“I’m soaking wet, see, Kookie? Imagine what it’ll be like under my panties. Imagine what it’ll be like inside me.”
“So hot and damp. I’m sure your pussy is so tight, noona, so wet,” he moaned, thrusting his hips into the empty air. “I won’t last inside you if you’re like this, noona. Fuck, I won’t last a second.”
His voice had taken on a hint of worry, so you took his face in your hands and bit his cheek gently, gently, as you sat on his lap. “That doesn’t matter to me. In fact, I like it—I’m dying to see your orgasm face, so I’ll make you cum so fucking hard you won’t even be able to think about it.”
Jungkook didn’t really know how to reply to that, so he simply moaned when you took off your panties.
“I can feel how hot your pussy is…”
“And now you’re going to feel it even more, Kookie,” you laughed. Slowly, he got inside of you. Feeling the way his dick slowly stretched you out as you sank down on him, perfect girth and perfect length, you allowed yourself to enjoy the moment. His breath had become heavy and shaky, his eyes tightly closed, and you could feel him shaking underneath you. “Breathe, baby. Don’t be so tense.”
Then the poor boy coughed again, choking on his own spit. “I’m just… trying not… to cum, noona, but you’re so tight and hot and wet and it feels really, really good…!”
“Should we go deeper?”
He nodded after a few seconds, still not opening his eyes. What a shame, you thought, not having the visuals of the first time his virgin cock was buried in your hot, wet cunt. But then he bottomed out, and it made him open his eyes with a moan that made you clench around him.
“I’m close,” he panted again.
You didn’t respond, but simply lowered your hand to your clit and massaged it at the perfect rhythm as you dug your teeth into his neck, pushing your hips against his.
“Are you gonna come for me, baby?” you managed to say, claiming his neck with your lips as your teeth gently bit on the soft golden flesh. “Are you gonna come inside noona, fill up her pussy? C’mon Kookie, I know you can. Let me see your cute face.”
Looking up at you, tilting his head to the side, Jungkook twitched inside of you and pouted as if he was about to burst out in tears. The poor boy was overwhelmed. So, you bent over him and kissed his lips, whispering against them that you were eager to see him come, to see him moan louder and gasp and sob.
Jungkook whimpered into your mouth, as you were still kissing him. “Yes, yes, noona, yes, I-I’m gonna-shit, please, noona, I’m so close!”
“Fuck, Kookie, you feel so good,” you moaned, caressing the hair of his nape, “Come for noona, let her see how you fill her up.” Then you bit him in the neck and sucked on the reddish mark your teeth had left on his honey skin.
That was the last straw for Jungkook, and let out a breathy whimper as you felt him rubbing his feet against the bedding, shivering underneath your body, overwhelmed by the intensity of his orgasm. The poor boy was on the verge of tears, and you were loving it, the feeling of his cum filling you up, even if you knew you weren’t going to make it despite being so close.
Then, with a jolt, you realised he had started bleeding from the nose, the glossy blood seeping through his parted lips.
“Fuck, Kookie, you’re bleeding!” you breathed, rushing to putting a strand of his fringe behind his ear, “It’s normal to bleed in your first time, babe, don’t worry… I’ll get you something to wipe it off. Anyways, the air in your room is so dry, you should get a humidifier…”
Jungkook nodded. He had started to come down from his high, but you were still sitting on him, dick buried deep in you, so the boy gasped when you moved your hips to fetch him a tissue.
You smirked. “Sensitive, are we? Are you going to help noona come?” you said then, heeling, leaning back and forth as Jungkook shut his eyes tight and grabbed your hips so you’d stop moving. However, he did not. In fact, his hands helped your sharp movements, lifting you until you only had his tip inside and sinking you down on him again, making him bottom out. “Do you like it, Kookie? Do you like it when I fuck your spent cock? Are you going to cum for me again?”
You couldn’t help it—your baby Koo was coming again with his cum-covered dick buried deep inside your cunt, heels rubbing against the blankets because it was too much. Yeah, you couldn’t help the knot unravelling inside your belly, making you clench around him.
Enjoying the last remains of your orgasm, both riding Kookie and rubbing your clit until it was too sensitive, you leaned with both hands on his sweaty chest with a smile of utter satisfaction.
“I know you said you were a virgin, Kookie, but tell me, have you ever watched porn? Don’t lie to me.” He nodded, barely able to open his eyes, frowning from all the overwhelming pleasure he had just begun to get down from. “I bet you love to watch girls being stuffed up with a man’s cum. Don’t you, Kook? Ever wondered what does it feel like? Having someone’s warm cum filling up your pretty little hole.”
You slid the tip of your finger up and down your labia, collecting his cum mixed with yours, and rubbed it against his ass hole, creaming its rim, your finger ghostly hovering over it.
“I-it feels good,” said Jungkook, “And nasty.”
You kept covering the skin of his butthole with his own load, taking your time to cover it so it wouldn’t fall down easily. “It’s really nasty, Kookie, you’re right. Better clean up the mess, don’t you think?”
Then you slowly went down his chest until you found yourself in front of his balls. The last thing he saw before you dived between his legs was a sly smirk, and then everything went white when your tongue found his sweet spot after digging for a few seconds. The pleasure of feeling your tongue licking parts of his body that he had not even thought of touching clouded his vision, and suddenly his world was only your tongue and his trembling body.
“Fuck! Noona, shit, shit…!”
Jungkook arched his back, stunned to feel his cock slowly hardening again despite having come just a few minutes ago.
You decided to give him a break by moving your lips away from him.
“Is it too much, Kookie?” He nodded without hesitation. “But here I thought I should compensate you for all those amazing orgasms you could have had if I hadn’t been in your way. You’ve never complained about me taking care of you, though.”
Then you kissed his balls and licked the thick vein crossing his dick to the tip before engulfing with your mouth all that fit in. You could feel it twitching over your tongue.
“Mm-please noona! I’m going to cum if- Ah, ah!” Jungkook’s eyes were watering already.
Smiling and bobbing your head up and down. You were ruining him—you knew it, this probably wasn’t the way he’d pictured his first time to be like—but he was loving it. Every moan, every gasp, every wet sob that shivered throughout his throat. Every unintentional jerky jolt of his hips that made him look down to you with the most blatant fear of having messed up, until you reassured him with a long kick up to the flushed tip of his dick to let him know that everything was okay.
“Mhf, please, noona, ple-please, I can’t, I-I…! I’m gonna come…!” The mere thought of the next words coming out of his lips could bring him to the verge of orgasm. “In your mouth, noona, I’m gonna cum… mouth! Shit, shit, please, let me!”
You took your lips off his shaft for a second. “Do you?” you purred then, licking on his tip with short strokes of your tongue. Your fingers slid into his already prepped hole and you rubbed your finger pads against his prostate until you set the perfect pace. “Come for your noona, c’mon, baby, Kookie, cum for me,” you breathed against his slit.
Jungkook barely gave you any time to swallow his dick again, so you almost missed his cum shot. The warm liquid went down your throat and you kissed his tip with wet lips, enjoying the way he twitched against your tongue.
“Stop, stop, please,” he begged you, pressing his things together beneath you, “I can’t, don’t…”
“It’s okay, Kookie,” you muttered before kissing his inner thigh.
His arms welcomed you with a mix of sweat and mellow, fluttery eyes, rushing to embrace you as if not having you against his chest was the worst thing that could ever happen to him. You smile, turning over to have him against your chest, and kissed his forehead after you covered both of you with his comfy blanket.
Jungkook smooched your earlobe, still breathing heavily. “I’m going to miss you so much, noona.”
“I’m going to miss you too, baby. Noona’s gonna feel so lonely without you…”
“No, you won’t,” he scoffed. It was hard not to notice the harsh pain in his voice.
You turned around to face him, and Jungkook moved over the bed with a frown, too fond of his previous position over your soft breasts.
“You’re gonna leave, noona, I get it. You’re gonna find a boyfriend in Tokyo, and you’ll forget about me. I know. But it’s okay, noona, I swear—I still have this moment to keep with me forever, and I-” You stopped him the second you saw an anguished tear rolling down his cheek. It shouldn’t be like this. He shouldn’t be crying. Was it your fault? “Sorry, I-”
“I’m not gonna leave, Kookie. I’m not gonna leave you, either. And one day I’ll be the one to see you off at the airport before you take an aeroplane to, I don’t know, the States, and I’ll miss you so much, baby, as much as I’ll miss you next year.”
He finally dared to look at you through his wet eyelashes. “You’re gonna miss me?”
“Every single second,” you muttered against his lips before kissing him, too engrossed in the earthy warmth oozing from his skin to notice drowsiness taking its toll on both of you. “I’m going to miss you every second I’m away from you, Jeon Jungkook.” And, being buried in each other’s arms, you decided to follow him and closed your eyes, leaving any worry behind.
A few minutes later, Park Jimin, Jungkook’s roommate, came into the room along with his friend Kim Taehyung and they watched them silently until the first one whispered, looking at his also shocked friend:
“I told you! You owe me twenty thousand won!”
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“Biting dogs seldom bark” is copyright ²⁰²⁰ Lola Bangtan, all rights reserved
1K notes · View notes
ichigopanhpff · 5 years
BNHA Fic: Blink! Ch. 23
Read Ch. 22 | Masterlist
Okay I lied. I misremembered where I left off. The next 3 chapters are fillers in between what’s canon in the comics.
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“He did what now?!”
“Don’t make me repeat it,” Ren groaned and hid her face in her arms.
With U.A. on a short break before the mandatory internships start, Ren, Tomoe and Seri finally found time to hang out in their secret hideout. It was the only place they could go without anyone hearing their conversation. Even though it was freezing cold outside, a small campfire was made to keep the three warm.
“Tomoe, it’s hunting time,” Seri darkly blurted out and took her talons out.
“No! No hunting!” Their pink-haired friend immediately jumped out of her seat, her hand held up to stop them.
“How about maiming?” Tomoe suggested with an evil grin.
“Do absolutely nothing that would cause him bodily harm!” she nervously instructed.
“You’re no fun,” her owl-faced friend pouted and retracted her claws.
“It’s not a matter of fun. Aizawa’ll kick my ass three ways to Sunday,” she solemnly pointed out.
The tawny brown haired girl grabbed a Pocky stick left over from the holiday party and clamped one between her teeth.
“So what’re you gonna do?” she asked and took a bite of the chocolate biscuit.
“Move out of the dorm and back to you guys?” Ren half-jokingly thought out loud.
“You’d trouble Todoroki-kun if you did,” Seri pointed out. “The real question is how do you feel about him?”
“I...” Ren sat back down on the log and crossed her arms over her chest, really thinking about it. “He… makes me calm.”
“Calm is good,” Tomoe noted.
“He’s also very observant and makes a lot of effort in trying to help the people around him, even though he doesn’t seem to be the type to trust easily.”
“Does he make you happy though?”
“As happy as I get.”
“That doesn’t help.” Seri rubbed her forehead, unable to fathom how one of her best friends could be so emotionally dense with all that intelligence. “Has he done anything for you lately that’s touched your heart?”
“He let me meet his mom at the hospital and took me to a dog cafe after he overheard me talking about Skye.”
Ren’s two friends made eye contact, one just as shocked as the other upon hearing that bit of information.
“Damn, the competition won’t last at this point,” Tomoe muttered out.
“Competition?” She turned to look at her tall, spiky friend. “What are you talking about?”
“She doesn’t know,” Seri noted with a smirk. “It’s actually cute.”
“Know what?” The pink haired girl was beginning to get agitated. “Who on this goddamn campus hit their head and decided to have doki-doki feels for me?”
“Should we say?” The hedgehog girl enquired loudly to her owl-friend.
“I’m not sure.”
“Hey!” Ren shouted with thinning patience. “I’m right here and don’t appreciate you two having a conversation without me!”
“Ren-Ren, look,” Seri started and took a breath. “There are a lot of people on this campus who have ‘doki-doki’ feelings for you,” she explained and used finger quotes on the descriptor. “You’re just oblivious to them.”
“Or maybe they’re too subtle,” Tomoe hypothesized. “Ever since the festival, you’ve gotten a lotta attention from other classes.”
Ren could only groan out loud again.
“I don’t care about them. I only care about what I’m gonna say to Todo-kun,” she blurted out and held her head in her hands. “I rather take on a villain and beat them to the ground with an inch of my life rather than deal with this.”
“We can give you as much advice as you want, but nothing will change unless you talk with him,” the white-haired girl reasoned. “Peel off the band-aid and put your hypothetical balls to the wall.”
Knowing her friends were right, they decided to put the fire out before teleporting back to the main campus. The three entered 1-A, only to see a stack of large boxes by the doorway.
“Oh senpai!” Iida greeted. “These packages came for you while you were out.”
“But I didn’t order any–Oh sweet baby All-Might, no.”
She buried her face into her palms, mumbling something inaudible while shaking her head slowly.
“It’s that time of year again.” Seri held a worrying hand to her cheek, sighing out loud and felt drained all of a sudden.
“What are you guys talking about?” Midoriya asked only to see two completely dejected upperclassmen like they had their souls sucked out.
“The shackles of the elite upper class,” Tomoe summarized and pointed to the aforementioned boxes with her thumb.
“But I’m not elite or upper class!” Ren jolted back up. “It’s my mom’s position that lets people believe otherwise!”
“What does your mom do, senpai?” Kirishima asked.
“She’s a translator at the embassy. Her quirk, Polyglot, let’s her understand and speak every language on this planet.”
“Whoa, that’s so cool!” Uraraka boasted.
“But what does it have to do with the ‘shackles’ over there?” the green haired boy pointed to the stack of flat cardboard boxes.
“Every year, the embassy has a holiday party with powerful government people,” Tomoe explained. “And since they made it a family friendly event, spouses and kids are invited.”
“More like they just want to show us off as their trophies and brag about our accomplishments like it’s their own,” Seri venomously spat out with a glowering stare at the boxes. “They can kindly go kick rocks and fuck themselves.”
“I already told my mom I wasn’t going this year, but she insisted,” Ren huffed out angrily and rolled her eyes. “Because a ‘future hero should build up a good network.’ Those parties are always so boring and stuffy. I swear she just wants me to go half the time so she could play matchmaker to me. It’s just–”
She let out an audible shudder that vibrated throughout her entire body.
“And the dresses...” Ren continued with a look of sheer horror on her face and glanced over at the towering behemoth. “I just… I can’t...” she choked out, suddenly remembering all her past traumatic experiences with fitting sessions.
“Okay, the past few years may have been poor choices on her behalf–” Tomoe defended only to be cut off by Seri.
“I wouldn’t necessarily call a small piece of sparkly fabric held together by one thin string ‘poor choice’, Tomoe,” Seri flatly said.
“I had stripper dust on my back for weeks even with just trying it on,” she groaned at the memory and wished to push it back down into the depths of her subconscious. “I’m not looking forward to this.”
“Well, let’s open the boxes together and see,” Yaoyorozu suggested. “Perhaps they’re not so bad this time.”
Reluctant to agree, Iida and Midoriya helped gather the packages and laid them down on the floor in the common area. They opened it one by one and Ren physically felt blood push up her throat upon seeing the first dress. It was a fully sequined high collared ball gown in crimson red with matching high heel stilettos. There were ruffles where there weren’t supposed to be and sequins could be found on every inch of the bodice.
“So sparkly!” Uraraka gushed.
“Burn it,” Ren darkly growled. “Next.”
The next dress was a midnight blue in an A-line cut. The dress had a very deep v-neck line in the bodice area, only held together by a thin mesh material in-between and the back.
“Throw it into space. Next.”
“Your mom sure has… very outgoing taste,” Yaoyorozu slowly commented, choosing her words carefully.
“I think the word you’re looking for is ‘gaudy’, Yao-Momo.”
“Well, I don’t want to be impolite...”
“It’s as gaudy as they come,” the three upperclassmen simultaneously stated.
Opening up the next box, Uraraka pulled out a strapless sparkly pink ruched bodice dress with a leg slit that sat right below the hip bone. Even the gravity girl was blushing madly.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” she groaned in English.
Ren took her phone out from her pocket and dialed a number without even seeing the last two dresses. The line on the receiver picked up.
“Courier. Now. Or I burn them all,” she growled out in Japanese.
“But you haven’t even–”
“Courier. Or. Fire.” She repeated with emphasis on each word. “Your choice.”
“At least let me see you try them on,” the woman on the other line bargained. “It’ll make dear ol’ mom happy.”
“Y’know, just because you couldn’t wear them when you were my age–”
“Are you saying I���m projecting, dear daughter? After everything I’ve done for you?”
Ren’s shoulders froze in place, inwardly groaning.
Now she’s done it.
“Just...” She rubbed her temples in a circular motion with her thumb and squeezed her eyes shut. “Give me five minutes to set up the video call.”
She ended the call and slumped over the couch to muffle her screaming.
“She went dark on you?” Tomoe asked the obvious.
The flustered pink haired girl turned her head to the side for some air and flatly answered, “Almost.”
Dragging herself away from the couch, she asked Uraraka to help her with the dresses and went into the girls public bathroom.
“She’s not gonna flush them down the toilet, is she?!” Jiro exclaimed.
“The sequins would clog up the pipes.” Seri’s stoic commentary made her sound like this was something she knew from first-hand experience.
“Lange-senpai, what did you mean by ‘dark’ before?” Midoriya asked.
“You guys remember how Ren-Ren was when she beat Bakugou in the video game?” Tomoe reminded.
“Don’t bring shit up from the past,” the mentioned blond boy grumbled out and rested his face in his palm.
“Yeah… Imagine that in the ‘mom’ version.”
All the boys sitting in the common area thought about their respective mothers. Their eyes immediately went wide as the aura of hopeless seeped out. Their stream of consciousness slowly faded from existence.
“Ren-senpai, we sympathize,” majority of the boys all dejectedly huffed out a long sigh. A sudden burst of echoing laughter came from the girl’s bathroom, recognizing it as Uraraka’s.
“You’re laughing too much!” Ren’s quivering voice shouted.
“But—But–” Sputtering of tittering replaced her words instead.
“Seri, is the call set up?” she shouted.
“We hear you loud and clear, sweetheart,” the voice on the speaker phone echoed.
“Let’s get this crap over with.”
Ren trudged out of the bathroom wearing the first dress, trying to gather what she could of the fluffy fabric so she didn’t trip on it. Her face looked like how Bakugou’s was at the podium from the Sports Festival. A roaring fit of laughter filled the silence of the common room as she stood stationary, shaking from anger and embarrassment as she flipped them off with both hands.
The dress, for a lack of better words, made her look like a Mama at a brothel; all she was missing were the gaudy makeup and a cigarette in her mouth.
“Oh! Put the shoes on! I wanna see the full outfit!”
Letting out an audible growl, she roughly dropped the heels on the wooden floor with a clatter and gingerly stepped into them. Her mom squealed with delight on the call.
“How does it fit?!”
“Sequins are digging into every part of my skin like spikes and it hurts like my soul,” she deadpanned.
“Turn around. I wanna see the back.”
Throwing her head back and slumping her shoulders, Ren awkwardly turned with the 5-inch stilettos. She yelped aloud and tripped on part of the fabric from being caught on the jeweled part of her dress, subsequently falling flat on her butt with a muffled thud.
“Senpai! Please stop!” Jiro wheezed out between her fits of laughter and nearly rolled off her seat. “I can’t breathe!”
“Ren-Ren, you look like a clown’s mirror ball!” Tomoe blurted out loudly and fell over the armrest of the couch.
Angrily kicking the shoes off, Ren clumsily got herself off of the floor, slipping over the unnecessarily copious amount of fabric on her person while hissing audible profanities. She stomped back into the bathroom as everyone continued laughing. Uraraka stumbled along not too far behind to help her out of the dress.
“Why are they laughing? I thought she looked beautiful,” Ren’s mom blurted out.
“I think your definition of the word differs from theirs, Aunt Victoria,” Seri replied between her own suppressing giggles.
A shuffle of fabric could be heard at the far end of the hall, with Ren coming out wearing the midnight blue dress with her black bra showing itself through the mesh fabric. Her face was flushed from the commotion and embarrassment. The previous laughter was replaced with approving awes from the girls and furiously blushing faces from the boys.
“That… looks really good on you, senpai,” Kirishima praised with flushed cheeks, his red eyes unable to peel away. “You look… beautiful.”
“You’re supposed to wear that without the bra, honey,” her mom pointed out.
“Like hell I’m gonna take it off with perverts around!” she barked back at the camera on the phone, fuming.
Sensing a sudden disturbing force, Ren turned to her left and saw Mineta launching himself at her from one of the couches. The small sticky boy seemed to have been unable to contain himself anymore.
“Entrust me with your boob--” he shouted with a trail of drool coming from his mouth, only to have his lecherous face catch her hard right hook followed by launched quills from Tomoe to stick him to near the top corner end of the wall. Sero huffed a quick sigh and restrained the small boy with his tape.
“Good to see your reflexes haven’t dulled, Ren-Ren,” Seri remarked.
“Who do you think you’re talking to?”
“You really need to learn restraint, Mineta,” the boy huffed out.
“You should wear this one, Ren. It really shows off your figure.”
“This thing is half mesh and I’m freezing,” she complained and visibly shivered. “I can’t even think about moving in this thing without thinking about flashing side boob!”
“Which is perfect for some young gentleman to lend you his jacket at the party,” her mom fantasized dreamily over the line. “Just think of the possible–”
“Cut the call, Seri,” she coldly blurted out as she walked back to the bathroom.
“You’re so cruel! Doing that to your own mother!”
Ruffling the back of her hair, Ren stared down her next opponent: the pink bodice dress. It’s not that she minded wearing dresses, she just wished they weren’t so… form-fitting. And it’d show her scar. Uraraka came from behind to help her out of the dress carefully and prepared the next one.
“I really like the blue one, senpai,” she gushed.
“Then you wear it,” she blurted out and paused. She then slowly turned to her assistant with a sly grin, like a wolf cornering its prey.
“S-Senpai?” she quivered with fear in her eyes. “W-What are you doing?”
A high pitched scream echoed from the bathroom, making everyone jump out of their seats. The girls ran in to check the commotion, only to come back out moments later with matching grins.
“Is everything okay in there?” Midoriya asked with worry.
“Oh, it’s fantastic,” Ashido drawled out with a wink at the confused boy before returning to her seat.
“I’m so getting video of this,” Jiro mumbled out with excitement while setting up her phone camera.
First came Ren in the form-fitting pink dress, clearly flustered at the garment. She was trying her best to pull the slit close by grabbing it with her left hand so she didn’t flash anyone while walking. Her right arm covered her chest and shoulder scar; they looked like they were ready to fall out of the strapless dress due to the tightness of the band. The apparel literally left nothing to the imagination as it hugged every part of her. Feeling no one behind her, she darted back into the bathroom to drag Uraraka out.
“Noooo, senpai! Pleassseee!” Uraraka desperately pleaded while clinging onto dear life at the wall.
“Hey, if I’m making a fool out of myself with this, so will you!”
She used her full strength to pull the brown haired girl out from the confines of the bathroom. She stumbled out with flushed cheeks, wearing the blue gown Ren had on before. The boys were rendered speechless looking at them, some even looked away out of shyness. Bakugou could only stare at Ren wide-eyed, never realizing her body was that curvy.
“That dress fits Ochaco-chan so much better,” Seri approved and lightly blushed.
“’Cus she has the better boobs for it,” Ren blurted out, making the latter party yelp and cover up their chest out of shyness. “What do you think, Midoriya? Doesn’t she look good?”
The green-haired boy’s face was glowing red, with steam coming out of his ears as he whimpered and stuttered, unable to form any sort of wording.
“Ren-senpai, I never realized your butt was that big,” Jiro noticed, prompting her to put her hands behind there to hide it in failure. She wished she could sprout arms out like Shoji and cover up her entire being.
“Why do you think I always wear baggy clothes?!” she huffed out at the purple haired girl, her face flushing bright red before turning back to the camera. “And mom! Why did you even think this was a good idea?! I look like someone looking for a sugar daddy in this thing!”
“With that butt, I’ll give you all the sugar you need,” Mineta cooed out lustfully, only to be silenced the instant Seri and Tomoe launched their respective projectiles at him.
“Sleep now,” Seri’s eyes glowed yellow at the tied up boy and instantly knocked him out.
“I mean, it’s not necessarily a bad idea at the party–” her mom teased.
Her daughter silently glared and pursed her lips into a fine line, crossing her arms over her chest and tapped her feet impatiently.
“Are you done?” Ren flatly asked, clearly not amused with the selection of attires.
“I guess we are,” her mom pouted. “Are you sure you don’t wanna keep any of–”
“I’ll offer them to the Fire Gods as tribute and you’ll lose any hopes of a refund on your credit card.”
“Point taken.”
“Yao-Momo, Kyoka, can you help us get outta this stuff?”
Yaoyorozu placed a hand on the small of Ren’s back to escort her to the bathroom to change. She did a really awkward shuffle with the balls of her feet, like she really needed to pee.
“I seriously cannot move a muscle in this thing,” she muttered out within an earshot.
“Ochaco-chan, come on.” The tomboy musician helped her floaty friend back up on her feet and brought her back to change.
“Perhaps the bodycon wasn’t the best idea, Aunt Vicky,” Tomoe commented.
“I thought it’d look nice with her figure,” the woman pouted. “What did the boys think?”
“Well...” Seri trailed off and turned the phone camera over to the couches where they were sitting. They were all practically blushing from ear to ear, avoiding eye contact with everyone; Kaminari and Sero both crossed their legs suspiciously. Bakugou glared away, covering the lower half of his face with his hand as an attempt to hide his embarrassment.
The girls reemerged in their regular clothing a short moment later.
“I’m gonna be picking sequins out of my butt for the next week,” Ren grumbled out, wearing an annoyed expression and gently reached out to grab her phone from Seri’s hand. “Satisfied?”
Her mom heavily sighed on the other line. “Not my best choices, it seems.”
“You don’t say,” her daughter sarcastically replied and jutted her hip out when she rested her hand on top of it.
“Just be sure to get something to wear in the next three days, okay? I’ll get a courier to pick that stuff up.”
“I’m gonna wear a sleeping bag,” Ren joked.
She ended the call and placed the device back in her pocket, heaving a heavy sigh. “Sorry you had to see that, guys.”
“I… don’t think they’re going to answer anytime soon, Ren-Ren.” Tomoe cocked her head in the general direction of all the dumbfounded and stunned boys. “You gave ‘em quite a show.”
Ren emerged from the elevator to the common room dressed in a black and white jumpsuit with a draped black blazer on top on the evening of her mom’s embassy holiday party. Her hair was styled back with a bit of volume and her makeup consisted of black eyeliner, voluminous mascara and dark red lipstick. It was simple but dramatic enough to catch everyone’s eye. Just to be on the safe side, she adorned her bangles in case anything were to happen. She placed her heels near the door before heading to the couches and draped her peacoat and scarf draped on her arm before placing it on top. As she walked past, the boys caught a whiff of her honeysuckle and rose pedal perfume.
“Senpai, you look hot!” Ashido praised with excitement. “So grown up!”
“You’re not wearing a dress tonight?” Ochaco wondered.
“Jumpsuits are more my speed. Pockets and better mobility,” she explained.
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Moments later, Todoroki came down the stairs in a navy blue suit with a black lapel. He wore a black skinny tie and a crisp white dress shirt underneath the jacket to match the black slacks. His hair was left unstyled.
“Whoa, Todoroki!” Kaminari whistled. “Lookin’ spiffy there, my dude.”
“You have a hot date tonight or somethin’, Todoroki?” Ashido half-joked with a grin.
“I have a function to go in place of my father tonight in Tokyo,” he replied in his usual stoic manner. “Since he’s still recovering from his last fight. Though, I’m sure he’s using it as an excuse.”
“Tokyo? Isn’t that where you’re goin’, Ren-Ren?” Jiro asked.
Before she could answer, her phone in her hand vibrated, notifying her the driver arrived at U.A.’s gate.
“Gotta go kiddies. Stay outta trouble.” Ren hurried to the shoe lockers and grabbed her belongings off the couch before putting her shoes on. “Todo-kun, wanna catch a ride? I’m sure they can drop you off wherever you need to go.”
As they walked to the gate, the click of Ren’s heels filled the silence between the two. Catching the aroma of her perfume in the cold wintry air, it was then he realized how beautiful she looked tonight. Her simple eye makeup made her usual warm hazel-green eyes more striking.
“You look nice tonight,” he softly said. “The clothes suit you.”
“O-Oh. Thanks.” She looked up at Todoroki and gave him a small smile with a light blush on her cheeks. “You clean up nicely yourself.”
They get to the car and see Seri already in the back seat with a black coat with her dark purple dress showing up below and greeted one another. Settling in the middle seat, the boy made sure Ren had enough room when he got in and closed the door.
“Good, you’re on time,” a familiar voice spoke up from the front seat; it was Aizawa.
“Aizawa-sensei,” the dual-hair colored boy greeted. “What are you doing here?”
“For some reason, I got invited to the party at the embassy tonight, so we’re all going together.”
“’We’?” Ren questioned.
“It seems we’re headed to the same place, senpai.”
“At least we won’t be bored, Ren-Ren,” Seri chimed out with a devious smirk, her owl-like eyes gesturing to the boy on her right. She could only inwardly groan and felt her heart rate go up a few beats, remembering the conversation they had a few days ago and the kiss. The drive went by without incident and the party of four reached the embassy safely. Disembarking out of the car, Todoroki opened the door for both Seri and Ren on the other side like the gentleman he was.
The two girls thanked him and headed into the building together. Ren strolled up to the reception desk with purpose. It’s not exactly the most favorite place in the world for her; majority of her childhood were spent here after moving to Japan and waiting on their paperwork to be legal citizens in the country.
“I don’t think we’ve ever had much of a chance to talk, Todoroki-kun,” Seri softly spoke, looking at the back of her friend at the reception desk. “I’d like to ask you something.”
He softly turned and looked down at his petite upperclassman with a curious yet nonchalant gaze.
“What exactly is Ren to you?”
“A senpai. And… a friend.”
“Is that all?” she instigated, earning her a now suspicious stare from Todoroki.
“What do you mean, Kubo-senpai?” His tone was deep and clear like ice.
“She told me what happened with you two after the party the other night. One can only assume you have more than friendship emotions for her.”
His hetero-chromatic eyes looked down at his leather dress shoes, unable to come up with a proper answer. He swallowed heavily and clenched his teeth, frustrated at his lack of understanding of his own feelings.
“This goes without saying, but Tomoe and I are extremely protective of her. We won’t stand idly by and let someone play with her heart who wanted to give her a kiss on a whim. She’s more sensitive about things than she lets on.”
“It wasn’t on a whim… Nor am I trying to deceive her,” he softly retorted and sighed through his nose. “I’m just… not used to feeling this way with anything.”
“Then I suggest you properly sort it out first before acting,” Seri advised with a harsher tone than she intended. “I don’t wish to see her rejected again.”
“Like with her ex-boyfriend?”
“With Togata-senpai.” The owl girl corrected and sighed. “She may make light of her confession at him, but it hit her hard. Part of it stems from her survivor’s guilt. She thinks she doesn’t deserve to be happy and loved no matter what Tomoe and I say.”
Seri’s yellow owl eyes was crestfallen and looked like she was going to cry. Her hands gradually gathered part of her dark purple dress into her palm.
“I just… I don’t want to see her heart break all over again. She’s come so far.”
Knowing Ren’s history based on recent events, he stayed silent looking at the snow owl girl. What could he say? He had to grow up and face his feelings head on.
“Hey, you two okay?”
Ren’s voice roused them from their conversation and the two faced her wide-eyed. She held two silver colored wristbands in her right hand.
“Never better,” her bird friend answered with a bit more energy than before. Even though she didn’t seem convinced, neither one looked like they wanted to talk about it.
“Party’s at the top floor.” She handed each of them their wristbands to put on before walking past the lobby and toward the elevators.
“Where’s Aizawa-sensei?” the boy asked.
“He went on ahead to talk with some government officials about some hush-hush stuff.”
The ding of the elevator doors gave them permission to enter and found a security guard inside to guide them to the proper floor. The lift stopped once more and brought them to their destination. The three walked down the wide carpeted hallway slowly leading to the ballroom.
“Who do you think we’ll see there?” Seri wondered aloud.
“Probably the Preppy Posse,” Ren groaned and placed her left index finger on her temple, already feeling an oncoming headache in having to deal with them. “They’d never miss a party like this to schmooze and booze.”
“’Preppy Posse’?” Todoroki asked.
“They’re the sons of some of the ambassadors. For a lack of better words, their offsprings are a waste of air and quirks, reeking of privilege who think they’re above the law,” the owl girl summarized.
“They’re more trouble than they’re worth. I’d advise you to stay away from them, Todo-kun,” the rose-gold haired girl stated.
“They’re the types to suck up to powerful people for favors?”
“And Peppermint gets the winning point,” Seri praised.
The three stood at the giant doors and took a breath like they were going in for a boss fight.
“Let’s get this over with and get some ramen after.”
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lupinscorner · 6 years
we belong together pt. 3 (teddy lupin)
pairing: teddy lupin x reader
request: “another could be they stay at Teddy’s house for the first time as a couple during the summer. Maybe they could have a sass battle bc we all now Remus is a sassy cinnamon roll”
original request (part 1): “could you a teddy lupin x reader were marauders AND LILLY AND TONKS are alive and teddy and the reader are best friends and she’s like a mini version of James AND Sirius and they are walking through the hallways and boys flirt w/ the readers so teddy gets PROTECTIVE and the reader puts him aside and doesn’t really that the marauders and moms are RIGHT THERE and the reader asks teddy we he’s so jealous and he FLIPS and tells the reader he loves her and they become a couple. super fluffy”
takes place: teddy’s seventh year
part 1
part 2
part 4
part 5
a/n: so I know that the request was for over the summer, but I didn’t feel that it fit in with the timeline of the imagines well, so I just changed it to spring break. Also, I wasn’t quite sure how to orchestrate a ‘sass battle’ but I tried my best, so hopefully it wasn’t shit. Enjoy!
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The train compartment was littered with sweets wrappers. Chocoloate frogs cards had tucked their way into the space between the leather set cushions, and an Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans carton on the floor.
The train ride had mostly consisted of you and Teddy goofing off in your compartment together, which, luckily enough, you two had been able to find without having to share it with a random student you barely knew. Halfway through, you remembered groggily falling asleep on Tedd’s shoulder, and you had just woken up. 
Teddy looked down at you, and began to speak.
“We’re almost here, love. Just about to arrive at the station.”
Attempting to put your thoughts in order, it took you a few seconds to fully awaken and realize where you were and where you were heading. 
“Right, right, I’m staying with you for break,” you said tiredly, stretching your arms out and yawning. Teddy grinned.
“Yep. First time as a couple. ”
You started to pick up the stray wrappers on the floor, collecting them into a pile on the seat beside you.“But I’ve been to your house for break plenty of times before.”
“Anyway, I still think it’s fun. Though it sucks that the break is only five days long.” Teddy picked up the Every Flavour Beans carton, flattening it out into a rectangle before placing in the pile you had created. “Besides, my parents might have to tell us not to do any ‘fooling around’.”
You stifled a laugh as Teddy gave you a confident wink. “You're such a dork.”
From the window, you saw the flashes of greens and blues turn to the grey of concrete and slow, allowing you to make out King’s Cross Station. Finally, the train came to a halt, and the sound of compartment doors opening filled your ears.
“Guess that’s our queue to go,” you said, standing up and grabbing your bags with one hand. Teddy nodded, taking his own backs and following you down the narrow hallway of the train.
Outside, you saw Remus and Tonks, waiting of you and Teddy. You and Teddy headed towards them, waving.
“Hey, its to good to see you guys!” Teddy greeted, giving both of his parents a hug. Feeling a little awkward you stood to the side, but then you were engulfed in a hug from both of your boyfriend’s parents.
“And y/n! Oh its so good to see you again! I’m so happy you could stay with us,” Tonks gushed. 
You smiled gratefully, hugging them tightly. “Its so good to see you too!”
“Well, we should head back to the house, then. Teddy, y/n, you both passed your apparition tests, though I’m not quite sure how Teddy did it,” Remus said cheekily, raising an eyebrow at his son who just smiled triumphantly. “We’ll just apparate back to our house, alright?”
You nodded. And with a pop! you were there. 
After being shown to the guest room, you and Teddy plopped down on his bed together, laying with your head in the crook of his neck and his arm casually around your side. 
Tonks opened the door, glancing in. “Now that you two are a couple, the door stays open. You hear me?” You nodded and laughed, partially out of embarrassment. 
You turned to Teddy, who was smirking. 
“I told you so.” You just, shook your head while laughing and kissed him lightly. Looking at your watch, you attempted to stand up, but found Teddy’s arms keeping you in.
“Listen, it’s been a long day for the both of us, and its already ten. I’m just gonna change into my pajamas, and then I’ll come back, alright?” You consoled, finally standing up.
Teddy crossed his arms, disappointed. “Fine.” You just chuckled.
After chaning into your pajamas, brushing your teeth, and doing everything you needed to do to get ready for bet (and after a lot convincing to get Teddy to do the same), you finally were ready for bed. But, knowing your boyfirend, he obviously made you stay and lay with him. He stroked your hair lightly as you fell asleep in his arms. 
Putting another spoonful of cereal in your mouth, you admired the quaintness of Teddy’s family. Everyone was seated at an adorable table, in a rustically decorated house that for sure was done by Remus, but whose walls were adorned with quidditch posters and bright paintings, most likely the work of Tonks. 
“Oh, hey dad, can y/n and I got to George’s joke shop today?” Teddy asked, taking a sip from his water.
Remus considered. “I don't know, didn’t you say that you and y/n both have a couple of tests to study for over break?”
“Well maybe, but I’ll study for them later. I promise I’ll get a good grade.”
“Sure, Ted,” Remus said, chuckling.
“Okay, okay, so maybe in the past I haven’t gotten great marks, but this time-”
“Remember when you said that last test? And then you got a Troll,” Remus sassed, stirring his tea nonchalantly. You couldn’t help but laugh at the father-son relationship, and the entire nature of the whole conversation. 
Teddy got out his puppy dog eyes. “You wouldn’t want to take away a fun experience from y/n, would you?”
You cut in. “You know, I’ve really been to the joke shop multiple times-”
“Shh, darling, I’m taking care of it.” You rolled your eyes and giggled at your boyfriends silly nature. 
“Alright, alright you can go, but I better be seeing a passing grade on your test.”
“Yes!” Teddy exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air.  “Y/n, we gotta go get ready!” And with that, Teddy had grabbed your arm, pulling you up the stairs. 
After a fun visit to the joke shop, where you got a personal discount from George (who was one of your favorite people in the whole world) on a couple pranking products, you and Teddy were cuddling on his bed. He was playing with his wand, using a simple charm to lift a quill threw the air.
“So, umm, hey Teddy?” You asked, nervously.
He looked at you, confused. “What’s wrong, babe?”
You tried to find the words to explain. “Well, I sort of got this offer to do this internship at Illvermony. You know how I really want to be a professor? It would be for the rest of the school year, and half of the summer. And...I think I might take it.” 
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slowlyrisingabove · 6 years
Written in the past, about my future; how I will cope
Round 2…hundred, a restart of who I want to. Ive made it through yet again another Winter, not with out darkness but definitely with more light. I’m learning how to manage through this cyclothymic personality of mine. When we step back and disappear from distraction we start to realize more time exists to make yourself become who you want to be. I’ve realized an “ordinary” lifestyle puts me into lows. but a consistent hectic lifestyle puts me at to much of a high that I crave that ordinary lifestyle, for it brings a sense of calmness.
I’ve struggled since high school with figuring out what I want to be. All I wanted back then was money, a lot of it. I decided to apply to schools as a business major thinking this would be the way to make all that money I dreamed of. but after 1 month into my classes, I absolutely hated it and was searching for a new major within my school. I switched one term in. I went to a more creative field because the right side of my brain definitely has its shit more together than my left. Right away I felt more comfortable, in my classes, around my professors, and amongst my classmates and others within my college building. School was hard though, it always has been. I went from having an IEP and taking tests in testing room and having a full period dedicated to learning help, to going to a University that was a quarter system schedule and had expectations that high school honors and AP classes had. I struggled to keep up with the pace and I may not have finished with the best project but I was purely proud of myself for turning assignments in on time… well, most of the time. When I finally made it half way, to my 6 month internship "break", I left the east coast life and had an opportunity offered to me that fell into place perfectly, after an intense attempt to move west. While living in California, I learned how to truly be alone and enjoy my own company. Having been a social butterfly since kindergarten, I never really wanted to be alone. I cried a lot, due to the loneliness, but I never let it stop me from exploring my new surroundings and in exploring I felt connected, like new land was new friends. Unfortunately the saying is true, eventually all great things come to an end. 18 days after returning to CA I sat on the phone with the most heart wrenching emotional pain I felt, at that point, probably ever. My mother told me I would be getting on a flight the next morning with my friend, who had visited for the weekend, to head back home. I had a funeral to plan and a puzzle to piece together, my father passed. Laying on the cold tiled floor in a long stay hotel bathroom, he was found. My relationship with him was intense. He unknowably made me grow up quicker than a child should have to, for I was the parent and he was the child. He loved me, so much but although narcissistic, he did not love himself, making it impossible for him to truly act the way someone who loves someone would. He left with world with more secrets than belongings. Being the only thing he had, at 20 years old I was in charge of all the next steps. Luckily I have 2 amazing moms helped guide me through the process. I returned to my internship, where I would just start crying at my desk at random times and eventually headed back to school. I fell into one of the most intense depression episodes I have ever had and it lingered for years. I never experienced a lack of desire to leave my bed, a fear of the world, and a consistent feeling of not being good enough to survive. I was in one of my ultimate lows. I started smoking marijuana to numb out the pain and it worked… although key word, numbing. I wasn’t actually feeling better, I was just able to be “normal”. I was able to get out of bed, smoke, go to glass, come home, smoke, do homework, smoke, walk my dog and just do the things I knew i HAD to do. Eventually I moved back home and computed the last year because I felt I needed to be surrounded by family in order to get better. I no longer felt excitement over my major and I lacked interest in everything that had to do with it. but how on earth am I going to pay these stupid school loans without pursuing what I had just spent to much money on learning? I didn’t know. All I knew once I graduated was that I needed a break. So thats what I did. I turned my part time job into a full time job at Whole Foods, and I was a grad working at a grocery store… It doesn’t sound great, but I had no worries there. I felt comfortable somewhere for the first time in a long time. Money became less of an interest, and living each day to the fullest and finding beauty in the places around me became an obsession. All my father wanted, was to see and live along beautiful beaches and all I wanted was to travel. Knowing someone so close who died under the age of 55 puts life into perspective, reminding me that I could have only 1, 5, or 10 years left. I went from one extreme of fully living in the future, to living in the present so much that I didn’t ever think about my future. And thats nice… until time passes and you haven’t made or accomplished any larger than daily goals in over a year. When I look back, having my best friend invite me to her homeland, Colombia, was probably the best thing someone could give me in that time. I worked 2 jobs 60 hours a week so that I could pay my loans and go on this trip all while still surviving day to day life. I became a workaholic, my new form of marijuana. Work was mind numbing, all repeated action and social interaction, which has always come natural to me. I went away, going to my first 3rd world country and experiencing it with people who lived there. Here, I realized how important quality family time is, how much happiness it can bring and how much love comes from it. In experiencing that, it has brought a fear of leaving my family to move across the county, and in the time I redeveloped the courage to do so, flight ticket and all, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She went through chemo and I had to watch my rock soften up to help. She lost her hair and was in pain. I was a helpless bystander to her sickness but knew staying meant helping take care of her needs and the families. So, my one way ticket turned into a round trip vacation and soon I was faced with yet again another winter. Come late september I felt the shift in my mood/personality. I feared this shift but knew i had to let it happen. All I could do was help myself through the process, but I knew I couldn’t stop it. I’m can be pretty stubborn and in this case, that means not wanting to take any man made medicine to help with my personality disorder. So I had to find other way to cope because my stubbornness was also persistent in not letting this cycle take everything I had gained since the start of spring. I started cleaning out my room, giving or selling items that no longer served a purpose in my life. I made some space and bought a canvas. Painting had once been something I felt connected to so I felt I needed to go back to it. The canvas and I stared at each other for quite some time. In the morning I would get ready for work and look at it, as if i were standing in front of a full length mirror brushing my teeth. I lived my ordinary life but started coming home to an outlet. My creativity was coming out again in what seemed like the longest break. I would mess up and just move on from it, because paint is like a band aid, if can cover up the ugliest of wounds and help heal them. Whether others thought I was good or not, it did not matter. after spending months with this one canvas I felt I had completed it, for the 5th time. In completing the canvas, I had completed winter. I found discovery in what gets me through the lows. it wasn’t painting persey, it was quality time with a quality action. See, painting wasn’t my healer, it was my savior. It was my tool to the healing of myself. I am my healer. I will continue to break and I will continue to heal. This life makes it seem like you grow up and things start to come together but that is the biggest lie we are told. We continue to break, and we continue to get better at repairing our cracks, so good that eventually we break a little bit less.
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spookypastatoo · 8 years
Cry Baby Lane
In 1999, I was twenty-two and I had just graduated from Emerson University in downtown Boston, majoring in screenwriting, specifically in cartoons and children's programming. My debt was pretty bad, so when Nickelodeon Studios offered me an internship at the studio in California, I accepted immediately. I jumped at the chance to get away from my dead end job as a Benjamin Franklin tour guide.
Many of you ask to see Cry Baby Lane but if you want to see the original Cry Baby Lane, you never will, even if Nickelodeon somehow consents to releasing it to you. You won't be seeing what was shown on TV, and you sure as fuck won't be seeing the original that Lauer made.
I don't even think Nickelodeon HAS the original cut of the movie anymore, and if they do it's in only back-up copies; if the back-up copies exist they must be locked away in some vault along with all the deleted episodes of Ren & Stimpy and the never-before-mentioned episodes of Spongebob Squarepants. I'm pretty sure the director, Peter Lauer, has the original copy and it's probably on his mantel next to his snuff films, that creepy ass fuck.
Anyway, I was hired in 1999 and immediately was put on a creative production team for the movie Cry Baby Lane. It would be almost a year before the movie was due to be broadcast; all in all, it was a pretty low-effort kind of thing. There were only four people on the creative team and I was the only steady one; Lauer would replace them on a whim. He said it was to keep it fresh. I thought it was because he was hiding something... and I was right.
We had a little over a year to make a made-for-TV movie - not just to write it and cast it but to film it and get it edited. Lauer didn't work fast at all; after the first three weeks we only had the ideas for the first 15 minutes of an 85-minute movie. Lauer, even at this point, was a weirdo. He was tall and lanky, and he carried himself awkwardly - he stuttered when he talked and sometimes, when you were hunched over a piece of paper during those endless "brainstorming sessions", you'd look up and you'd catch him staring at you, smiling.
He'd look away when you caught his eye, and I guess that was the creepiest part; he always looked like he had something to hide. The brainstorm sessions, at first, were alright. We got the premise of it down pat: two brothers unleash a demon and they get into mischief trying to get everything back to normal. Not exactly daytime Emmy stuff, but you know, it was an alright start. I thought the movie should be goofy and spooky, kind of like a Courage the Cowardly Dog sort of deal. However, from the very beginning, Lauer made it clear that he wanted the film to be as scary as possible. He didn't want it to be cheap thrills, with a good wholesome ending. He wanted to push it farther than Are You Afraid of the Dark ever dreamed of... and I guess he did.
It was about three weeks into production when I first noticed something: Lauer had the absolute power of persuasion over everyone else in the creative production team. No one fought him and by the third week, he was already suggesting some morbid things. I remember he said he wanted the little brother to die halfway through the movie, getting hit with a dump truck. I immediately shot it down. I was the only one who said anything, and it stayed that way until I left the studio entirely and never came back.
At first, cannibalism and other fucked up shit was kept to jokes and tasteless comments, but as time went on it became more and more overt. I'd give him an idea-idea (which most of the time he would end up using) like "How about the movie starts with a morbid undertaker who reads them stories," to which he'd reply, "Yeah... and then he can cut them up into little pieces and force-feed them to his dog!" He made those jokes a few times in the early stages. Then he got serious.
He's stand up like he was Jesus or something, clear his throat loudly, and proclaim his idea. I'd be the only one to shoot it down. Every fucking time. One day near the end of our brainstorming sessions, Lauer cleared his voice and stood up. We all fell silent, and looked at him, like we normally would. He stood up and said, "Gentlemen and females, I have an idea." I remember what he did - he paused, and looked right at me as he said, "The story will revolve around the legend of a pair of Siamese twins. Have you ever heard of the Donner Party?" Everyone nodded, except for me. I didn't like where the conversation was going. "They ate themselves when it got cold. They ate each other." Everyone nodded again. I closed my eyes. "What would Siamese twins do if they had nothing to eat? Would one wait until the other twin dies, then consume her own sister's flesh? Would they claw out each other's eyes until one of them died, then dine upon them like a vulture tearing at the skin of a dead deer? I do not know. It is interesting indeed."
I didn't know what the fuck I was hearing. I opened my eyes and looked around the room; no one was fucking moving. Everyone's eyes were on Lauer except for mine, and when I looked at him, he was still staring at me. "Children like violence, they revel in it. Children like to be scared. So we'll scare them, won't we, Jonny?" He leaned over the table, getting pretty damn close to my face. His breath smelled like decaying shit. I stared back at him. "I think you're fucked up, to be honest." He smiled, then backed away. "Oh, I'm fucked up alright, but you have to be fucked up to survive in this cutthroat world!" His grin expanded. "Literally. Right now, I'm going to show you some pictures that will spark some of your imaginations." He got up and locked the door from the inside.
I stood up and said, "What the fuck are you doing?" "Let's not make any... errors in judgement, Jonathan. Sit down." "No--" "Sit." For some reason, I did; Lauer pulled out one of those shitty overhead projectors. He turned on the switch and he speak-shouted, in an unusually high and frantic voice, "This is the fucking MUSE we NEED to CONTINUE with THIS PRO-FUCKING-DUCTION! THIS IS WHAT EVERY CHILD SHOULD SEE." His eyes bulged in his head. He put the image down on the glass surface of the overhead. It was silent.
The image was in black and white, but it was grainy. I could vaguely make out a boy lying on a brick floor, his arms cut off and his bloody little nubs black dots. The only thing that was clear was his face. He was bleeding from the mouth. Lauer almost threw the paper off the overhead, slamming down another one. It was a zoomed-in shot of the boy's face. It was in color. The blood trickled from his open mouth onto the brick floor, his eyes shut, grimy blood underneath his eyebrows and eyelashes. Then, his eyes opened, and I screamed. No one else in the fucking room did, and it died in infancy, the shrillness ringing in the air. The pupils were completely black. The rest of the eye was normal.
The longer I stared, the more the eyes opened, widening and widening until it looked like the skin above his eyebrows and eye sockets was going to rip in half. Then they started to bleed. Blood started as a trickle, and I swear to god I could hear it. More, now it was like a full blown stream. More. More, until the brick on the floor was a lake of blood. I could hear it, like I was hiking and I came across a stream, and now I could smell the kid. I could fucking smell his rot. I leaned underneath the table and vomited. When I rose back up, the images were gone. Everyone else in the room was expressionless. Lauer turned on the lights. "You may go," he said, unlocking the door. I walked through those fucking doors, and I never came back.
This happened near the end of the brainstorming process and by the time I left the casting was done and the script was almost fully written. They were desperately behind schedule; I think Lauer planned it that way, so there wouldn't be time for proper editing. I never watched the real thing when it aired, but I heard from a friend who was working at the editing department that they had to cut a good 15-20 minutes of "disturbing" footage from the film before it was fit to be released, and it was only fit to be released. They didn't have enough time to check the footage frame by frame.
I guess he got his wish, unless they cut every single scene that had the pictures in them. Every child watching Cry Baby Lane has an unconscious memory of those pictures, and I weep for them, I really do; they fucked me up, and as I write this to you, it will be the last thing I'll ever write before I slit my throat and blood spatters all over this fucking computer screen.
There's something I should tell you first, though.
Early on, Lauer posed an idea of the two brothers capturing a squirrel, putting said squirrel in a jar and slowly drowning it before filling the jar with sand and dropping it into the bottom of a pond. Soon after this was suggested, Sandy from Spongebob Squarepants appeared in "Tea at the Treedome". Lauer also suggested, in one scene of the movie, for a man with a "squid-like nose" to take off his pants in front of the two boys and rape them off-camera, but heavily implied. Squidward soon appeared as a major character in Spongebob Squarepants. It was suggested that the two be stepbrothers, forced to live in the same house after the first one's mom was found dead in a shallow grave, her body heavily cannibalized by her own husband, a local weather man. A show with vaguely this premise, Drake and Josh, started in 2004, and the stepfather is indeed a weather man. Lauer also suggested the younger brother have a dog house in which he keeps various animal fetuses encased in acid that he regularly uses to poison his mother to have sex with his abusive stepfather. As Told by Ginger debuted soon after. A man who captures the souls of children in a vacuum cleaner and sends them to Hades? Danny Phantom. A robot who goes insane on the two brothers, kills one of them and wears his skin, pretending to be the dead brother at high school? My Life as a Teenage Robot.
The list goes on and on. Nickelodeon knows, and they're continuing the legacy of Lauer, sometimes subtly, and sometimes overtly. And there's nothing you or I can do about it. That creepy ass fuck.
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