st4rstudent · 8 months
Winn and the gang the gathered: Can you please answer our questions?
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*Suit not included.
**I swear I am writing the finale of thinking outside the box, just give me a moment.
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#others art#mac opsys#thinking outside the box#😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭macmm#THE FINALE. THEYRE NOT READY AND IMNOT READY im goign to die#i got so excited i suddenly got a stomachache and headache at the same time you cantdo this to me#THE LIIIGHT THE LIIIGHT#(heavenly piano music starts playing and my soul comically removes itself from my body)#thinkingoutside the b😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭ox😭😭😭😭😭😭😭box#take all the time you need . imagine im patting you on the back. i both sympathize and emphasize . this writing stuff is SERIOUS#just know i will be waiting like a dog begging for boiling water on the stovetop . joyous and everything big disgustiing wet beady eyes#ok onesecond i need to get this out of my system#😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭MAC😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭WINNMENTION😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭MAC#😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭OUGUHUHUHU😭😭#MY😭😭😭😭BLOODSUGAR😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#OOOOOHGUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG#realyyyrukghtj😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#really awesome! thank you ! i am normal ! and#😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#ooopeeeeennnthe gaaates#ahem. wow weird haha what was t😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭EEEEK!EEEEKKK!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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jentlemahae · 2 years
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bishiglomper · 17 days
Today SUCKS so bad as far as far as my being diseased. It's kicking my butt. I felt ready to pass out after an hour of being up. Each time I tried to get up
My bloodsugar is high. Which isn't much of a bad thing because I don't feel like eating. I did shove a granola bar and a hamburger in my mouth hole today tho.
I got up at 9ish pm and was a weepy mess because I was hungry but miserable and people made effing steak fajitas and I couldn't taste any of it. 😭
Also it must have been a while since I took my antidepressant because waaaaahhhh
Also I found out I'm missing half my drugs. Because the stupid buttholes wouldn't fill my shit before I left and I'm useless right now.
But I took tylenol. Sissy found me REAL Sudafed. And I took my anti depressant.
I felt better after that. I ate fajitas. By the time I ws finishing my last one I could taste it so it didn't seem like a total waste..
I hope I feel less dead tomorrow this sucks
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can-of-pringles · 4 months
Didn't sleep good at all due to high bloodsugar and whatever's going on with my stomach 😭
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lautakwah · 10 months
This is a longshot, would you be willing to help me get my insulin? I'm down to my last pen and its pretty much close to being empty.Nt asking for much only need $370 rn to save my bloodsugar. please help me with a small donation or share any help can save my life.Please help & Blessings ❤
aw man i havent even been terminated for a month much less been back since then and y'all are already back to trying to use my blog to scam people 😭😭😭??
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bishiglomper · 1 day
When we got home I rinsed my cup out and went to get ice from our built in ice machine in the freezer..
The dispenser wasn't working so I reached in to move the ice forward
My hands were dry but I guess there was an errant drop of water somewhere on the back of my hand
Which slid around my wrist and down my pinky when I reached in
...which promptly made contact with the metal coil that moves the ice forward 🙃
I mean I practically spooned the coil against 2/3 the length of my pinky. Which fused itself to the coil immediately thanks to that sudden little droplet 🙃
It took several seconds for me to decide that yeah, NOPE; I was not going anywhere. I called for help. It took at least a whole 2 minutes for mom to make it to the kitchen and for me to explain what happened and direct her to get me some warm water. And tell her how to apply it 🙃🙃 it hurt the whole time.
Then it buuuuurrrrned. I had to stick my hand in a cup of room temperature water for a few minutes before it stopped burning. It felt exactly like the time I burnt my finger on a car cigarette lighter. I had to keep my hand in water for several hours after that.
But then it was okay. I didnt see any noticeable marks
But for some reason, now, 11 hours later, I have a long red mark and it burned when I touched the door and shit. Now it burns constantly
I made it through a shower and moving clothes around and crochet and all sorts of things last night! Without noticing a thing! Whats with this delayed wound?! Ugh. I'm so offended. 😤
I wanted to crochet a couple more skull cozies before the craft thing tomorrow. But I use my pinky to keep tension 😭 I can't bend it
Also the reason I'm awake before dawn was because I woke up hurting. Fibro. But it felt like my bloodsugar was out of whack. Thought maybe I was finally crashing from the copious amounts of sugar I consumed during the day. But nope. It's still a bit high... 👀 💦
Could be because I did all that activity all day..
Also I got my scary painful shot last night too.
who knows
Fibro/CFS is a bitch.
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bishiglomper · 5 months
I visited my tarot friend again. When I came home I realized I was chilled. I noticed my fingers were cold, but..
I ate a slice of cheese. Cause I haven't eaten anything yet. Did have a coffee this morning. With a few tablespoons of sugared creamer.
Put on my hooded sweater and coat and crawled in bed under my blanket
Layed there for 2 hours. I can feel heat radiating in my clothes. Every time there's a pulse of heat my body responds with a wave of chills.
I turtle into my coat
Things feel like they're progressing? Usually I sleep through this but lol ✨️insomnia✨️
Text the house chat: Need sugar plz
No response for a few minutes
Few more minutes
I really wanna conserve heat.. if I get out of bed I'll have to start over..
They finally come to my rescue with a chocolate muffin and milk.
Consume muffin. Tried not to drink much milk. It is cold. Even Tried warming it in my mouth first but was also choking on muffin 😭
"Need anything else?"
Weighted blanket pounded over me. They tuck me in 💗
Feeling warmer now. Yay
Heart still racing from low bloodsugar. Oh well. Should be on the uptick at least.
Whoop we're shaking now 🤡
My body:
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bishiglomper · 5 months
Something was wrong with my tummy all day and night. It gradually went away but it sucked.
Last night niece was sad she had to go to the dentist by herself. I told her I'd get up in the icky early hours to go with her.
I did get more rest than usual. With the whole 4 hours at a time thing and the curse of not sleeping anywhere between 3-8am. It felt like I was able to doze but at the same time I don't think my brain shut up much during then.
And then my stupid ass body was doing this thing every 10 minutes where I had a woosh of fibro pain and vertigo which usually means low bloodsugar but it didn't quite feel like that. My bloodsugar was on the higher end of acceptable when I checked.
Sissy was home when it was time to get up and she said she's gonna go with her instead.
But! I had put on my new "emotional support human" shirt and everything! Even shoes on! 😭
Sissy said I could be HER emotional support human. So I made her coffee. We're all going.
Niece is having a ✨️bad day✨️
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bishiglomper · 1 year
My body is such a little bitch istg
Just chillin' on my phone not sleeping when I suddenly get hunger pangs. But my body doesn't deal with that like a normal person, no, I simultanuously get hit with headache, upset tummy, fibro ache all over. Instantly.
Stomach: *wakes up* oh, we're awake? Hey what up, where's the grub?? 👀
Body: Pain! Agony! Distress! We'll perish before the morn! Woe is me! 😭💀
Also my bloodsugar is. Okay. High for the morning but not high. 😐
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bishiglomper · 2 years
Yesterday was supposed to be my recovery day from shopping all day before.
I jumped out of bed and followed my cat whenever he went downstairs. I tried to doze in the living room when he settled into the recliner. I think this was about 10am. I grabbed a donut.
I was getting increasingly emotionally itchy because I was so fatigued I literally felt starved for restorative sleep. At some point I realized he had left.. So I said fuck it and went to bed, cause i knew he'd be back under my bed.
And then I didnt wake up until 9pm. And Reno went down. He nibbled and drank some. I went back to sleep. Then I heard him around 4am, and for the next 3 hours, every hour, he'd go downstairs to drink even though I had a fresh bowl of water for him.
My sister was up most of the night and she reported Reno going down more often than that. Getting some nibbles and water in.
I thought about leaving him home while we had dinner at my aunts since he had peeked up, but then he looked at me and made sad noises until I continued petting him while he zoned off into space. 😭
Did I mention I didnt eat anything yesterday except that one donut
Yeah I'm feeling a bit weak and faint myself. Dinner should be soon so I just had a glass of milk. But my bloodsugar is like 125 points lower than usual.
Anyway I threw Reno in a box with a pillow and took him over to aunts. I let him roam to get it out of his system and to familiarize himself with the litterbox and food station.
He wandered for a good 30 minutes before he found a recliner and rested for a few minutes. Even though i made sure his comfy box was in view of everyone and food.
And when he found the other cats food? He kept alternating between their kibble and the wet food i brought. It was the most he's eaten probably altogether in the last 24 hours in 5 minutes. Just going by the fact he's walking around so much, he looks like he's doing so much better.
I would be hopeful, but I'm worried his guts are just so entirely useless now. I would not be suprised if the vet says he's now in the 6lb area. He's absorbing absolutely nothing. Even his diarrhea is almost clear.
He's in better spirits, but hes so weak. 😣
I honestly dont know how the vet visit tomorrow is going to end. He's personally trying, but i don't think his body can do much else. I dont want to prolongue anything unnecessarily.... 😟
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bishiglomper · 2 days
We went out if town for a play day because niece had a day off and wanted to play. No aunt, but mom, me, niece and nephew and baby.
Our first stop was Krispy Kreme but they didn't have anything. Then we went to a thrift store. Then we went to this downtown area.
We first got gourmet cinnamon rolls. My diabetic crisis begins there lol
I split a cinnamon roll with my sister. It had caramel frosting, apples, pecans. Very nommy. We couldn't even finish it.
We ran to a garage sale. And then went back downtown where all the places were and walked a bit to explore.
We had lunch at a Mexican restaurant. Their lunch portions were huge. We gotta go back. I'm still so full 😭 we ate like 3 hrs ago
We stopped into a chocolate store. I nibbled on some of niece's chocolate.
Then we went to an arcade. Where I got a blackberry lime with gingerbeer mule drink. Very nommy. We got 3 $20 cards. Each game was a buck. So we did pretty good. Niece got 800 tickets. And it turns out nephew is good at pinball. We were there almost 2 hours.
Nephew and I were resting at a table finishing our drinks while everyone waited in the car.
I'm glad we hung back because these two women came and gave us their leftover credits! About $13 and 300+ tickets. 👌
I let him play 2 more games and got back in the car. We plan on coming back, so we didnt empty them. It was a nice time.
NOW we're gonna hit boba tea, another thrift store and then I'm kinda hoping we're done lol
Very fun day
My bloodsugar has GOT to be fucked though lmao
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bishiglomper · 5 months
Omg I think I had like 9 hours of sleep
Want to bed at 8. I didn't get a nap and we visited my friend and my sister and I dragged things out of my closet to try to work for a bit...
BTW. We found the first Pikachu costume. I THOUGHT I had taken it to keep it safe but it should have been like first thing in my closet. Toward the top/front
It WAS at the front.. but I had sequestered it in a pocket behind the door frame. 🙄 shoulda looked down.
I woke up at 12. But my body is starting to let me go tf back to sleep I'm so relieved 😭 that curse of not being allowed to sleep between 3-8 was exhausting. I wonder if the burnout comas helped reset things.
I got up at 5 (a whole FIVE hour block wow) because I felt like I was about to feel droppy. Couldn't find my bloodsugar meter.. I forgot to take my meds though so my bloodsugar should have been.. not low.
I made a big class of SF chocolate milk. The milk sugar should be enough if I WAS droppy without being too much if not.
Now the only bad thing is the ice cold milk gave me chills.
So there's that.
But at least sleep is looking more normal.
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bishiglomper · 5 months
Awwww fuckin hell
We just got back from shopping all day
I just started to get fibro-y. Thought it was low bloodsugar but it's perfect
Was gonna go to bed to die
But then my phone informs me my tarot friend is down the street today 😭 I wanna go plaaaaay
I wish there was something I could take just to MAKE it for another hour
But I can't even take ibuprofen
So freaking frustrated
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bishiglomper · 5 months
Never thought I'd be greatful for the burnout coma.
Most sleep I've gotten this week. Only got up to keep bloodsugar stable.
Still tired but at least it feels like there's something in the tank for once.
Which is good because I gotta get up early again to go spend the day at aunties.
Mom is making me homemade chicken nuggets. They've been my fave since I was little. Those things are so addictive I wanna eat them for a week straight.
The weird part is they're even better cold. Straight outta the fridge with just some bsugar/mustard sauce? omg nom
I only get them once a year 😭
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bishiglomper · 7 months
Man that ozempic is in full swing.
First is the sweets craving. It's awful. I mean, I'm not a great diabetic but I can usually stay away from obvious sugary things like cake, cookies, ice cream.. like cereal and granola bars are otherwise my only bad things.
It's affecting my meals now. Last time i had an aversion to meat, like it was just overwhelming sensory wise. Been having problems with anything that's not my safe junk for about 3 days now. It really just feels like I'm suddenly super autistic and don't want to put anything I don't super want in my mouth 🥲 ugh it's so stupid.
The weight loss is nice. Definitely need that. Also the stupid cravings (from which I have 0 discipline for) is fucking with my bloodsugar so. Yeah. Need that.
It is a lot better than whe I didn't take it but 😭 wat a pain
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bishiglomper · 9 months
When i got up i saw my sister "pretty pretty pleased" me to switch the laundry if i got up again
But i got up because of a low. I don't feel good. So i wasn't gonna.
Bro texted asking if my sister was awake. I said no, his response was "shit". I asked what was wrong.
Instead of reply he came down. To a living room of sleeping people. Im just sitting here waiting on my pizza rolls, man.
He told me his woe, which was that the laundry wasnt done yet.
I go down to do it. Kind of annoyed.
As I'm throwing shit in there I'm like "don't be mad, his foot is hurting, he probably cant get down here to do his own laundry.."
And then who should appear. Going "i had to slide down on my butt 😭"
Bitch if you could get down here why are you making me do it?? And just because my sister wasnt awake to bitch at instead
I yelled at him
I did not feel bad but i apologized anyway. My bloodsugar is low and I'm cranky. 😤
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