#Mabel pines x reader
reareaotaku · 2 months
Rev! Pine Twins vs Pine Twins [Pt I]
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When Bill was destroyed, all harmony was restored in Gravity Falls
At least, that's what everyone thought. What they didn't know was a portal from another dimension opened in the middle of the woods. It wasn't discovered until many years later
Years later, the Pines twins returned to Gravity Falls as Older Teens/Young Adults
You were thrilled to see your old friends again. It seems you weren't the only one either. You and the rest of the group [Dipper, Mabel, Candy, and Grenda] went into the forest for old time sake
What you all weren't expecting was aa portal in the middle of the woods. You had seen a blue glow and not thinking you decided to go towards it
Dipper tried calling your name, but you were enchanted by the blue light
What you didn't expect was to see the portal down a hill and fall off the cliff you were on
Dipper saw and was quick to grab your hand, but you ended up slipping out of his grip and falling into the portal
The portal shut when you fell through and Dipper started to freak out
Starts having a panic attack and tracks his sister's attention. He doesn't even know how to speak and tell his sister what happened
Though, when he finally does get it out, the first idea is to ask Ford what to do
You rubbed your head when finally landing. You groaned as you pushed yourself up and looked around, confused. It was... Gravity Falls? You tried calling your friends names, but there was no answer
You push your way through the forest, before finally entering the town, only to realize something was very wrong
This was not Gravity Falls... At least, not your Gravity Falls
It was different... The first thing that gave it away was a big sign that said 'Gleeful Twins Tent of Telepathy'
"Yeah... That's not right."
You went through the town, because this universe had to have a Ford and maybe he could help you
You were brought to a large tent that had people pouring in
Imagine your surprised when you bumped into a taller male and when you went to apologize it was-
His surprised outweighted yours, though. "Y/n?" He shook his head. "no, no."
You looked around before shaking your head, "No, that's me. But I'm not from here."
"Not... from here?"
"Yes! I was in the forest with my friends and I saw this porta-"
"Okay. Okay. I'll help you."
"Of course."
Little did you know, that the version of you died a few years back, along with some other town's people and there was no way Dipper Gleeful was going to help you leave. He had already lost you once, he wasn't going to lose you again
"And- And she fell through this portal!" Dipper was finally able to get out.
Ford hums, rubbing his chin, before going to his books. "Ahh, yes. She probably jumped through an alternate universe. We just have to find out when one and get her back... We just have to find a timeline that has an anomaly."
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stansangel · 22 days
All my Gravity Fall's fics organized to make navigating my blog a little easier!
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Key: 🤍 - fluff 🚬 - angst ❤️‍🔥 - smut (18+) ❣️ - suggestive (16+) 💭 - imagines
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Stanley Pines Summer Heat 🤍,❣️ Summer Heat pt. 2 ❤️‍🔥 Take a Pic 🤍 Diner Date 🤍 Picnic Date 🤍 Not Enough 🚬 Closer 🤍
Stanford Pines Take a Pic 🤍 Stargazing 🤍 Housewife 🤍 Housewife (anotha one) 🤍 In The Way 🚬
Dipper Pines ...coming soon...
Mabel Pines ....coming soon...
Bill Cipher Off Balance 🤍
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𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤
Pines family x platonic!reader
WC: 1109
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Requested by: @kiyomi-uchiha777
Request: what if Bill because this dude is a psycho kills of sister reader after someone or something that made him angry. And what would be the reaction of the characters. Especially when being protective siblings before now losingey little sister
A/N: holy crap I haven't written anything in AGES, anyway, hope you enjoy this, also this will stray from canon a bit but ill try keep it as accurate as possible x
Bill held you tightly in-between his fingers, Mabel and Dipper clutched tightly in his others. You writhed and struggled but could not free yourself. You heard the desperate pleas of your great-uncles below you. You and your younger siblings attempted to free yourselves but the harder you tried to escape from Bill's grasp, the tighter he held onto you. Eventually, you and your siblings came to the realisation that you were not going to be freed without Bill freeing you himself. Your heart raced, your thoughts ran wild, your body was shaking intensely. The sound of your breathing picking up was only known to you, the shouts of your uncles drowning it out. Every sound inside your head came to an abrupt halt when the booming voice that belonged to Bill sounded throughout the room.
"I've got the kids~~~"
His voice had a hint of teasing to it, it made you feel nauseous. The look of horror that flashed across your uncles' faces caused hot tears to well up in your eyes.
"I think im gonna kill one of them now, just for the heck of it!"
The last part of that sentence seemed to cause time to stop. No, he couldn't do that, could he? The horrifying realisation hit you, at least one of the Pines' children would be dead in less than a minutes time.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No
Surely, he's just bluffing? He's trying to scare us, right? Your head whipped around to look at your dear brother and sister. Their expressions mirrored yours exactly.
None of you could live without one another. Especially the twins, how would Mabel be able to live without her twin brother there to warn and protect her from dangers she was too naïve to spot? How would Dipper live without his twin sister there to remind him to not overwork himself, to live in a better way? No, neither of them could live like that. But, could they live without you?
You squinted your eyes when a blinding, red light flashed throughout the room. The source of it was Bill's eye.
"Eeny. Meenie. Miny."
Symbols flashed each time a word fell from his mouth, each representing you and your siblings. First, a pine tree. Second, a shooting star. Thirdly, an angel. You were given the angel as your symbol since you were seen as the guardian angel of your siblings.
Perhaps that's why he stopped on you.
Symbols were no longer flashing, one stayed. The guardian angel. He was going to kill you. In less than a minute, you would be dead. You had no time to react before Bill snapped his finger and then,
you were dead.
Mabel and Dipper were dropped to the floor, along with your lifeless corpse. The sound of Stan and Ford's shouts rang throughout the room. Once they had recovered from the fall, Mabel and Dipper rushed to your body. Your eyes were closed, you looked so peaceful, so perfect. How could you look so perfect in a situation where its so far from perfect? Sobs fell from Mabels lips, throwing herself onto your body. Her big sister, gone forever. Dipper fell to his knees, too shocked to formulate a sentence or even a reaction. His face was blank as his chest rise and fell faster and faster, his breathing picking up rapidly. Screams and cries from Stan and Ford echoed around the room as their cage disappeared. They ran over to you faster than ever, falling to their knees the same way Dipper had.
No. No. No. How could he do such a thing? Why, why her? Why not Ford? Why not Stan? Why (Y/N)? Suddenly, a group of the townsfolk burst through the entrance, Bill too busy laughing at the sorrow he caused to notice such things. Fiddleford held the Quantum Distabiliser and fired it at Bill. Bill's form evaporated as all the weirdness surrounding everybody disappeared with Bill too. Everything was back to normal. Except, (Y/N) was gone.
The Pines' family found themselves in the woods. They ran, ran, and ran until they found your body. You were laying in a meadow, flowers surrounding your corpse, almost poetically. They fell beside your body and stared.
How could they possibly tell your parents their sweet, beloved daughter was just gone? How can they continue on, knowing that you're never going to come back? Knowing that they will never get to spend another moment in your lively presence? All they could do was cry, cry, cry.
Weeks had passed and your parents had come to Gravity Falls for your funeral. They saw it fitting you be buried here, where you spent the best summer of your life. The whole town had come in support. They hosted the funeral in that same meadow they found you in. Due to the grief, when they found you, the fact that you loved this meadow and went there almost daily slipped their mind. They found a swing you had crafted yourself on one of your trips here and surrounded it with flowers.
They buried you in that same spot they found you in, the same spot where they found you laying there with such a peaceful expression it almost made everything seem okay again.
After the funeral, the twins would visit that same spot constantly. Mabel would lay next to where you were buried and ramble about all her troubles for hours, knowing you'd be listening. Dipper would sit on the other side and write in his journal. After your passing, he had almost dedicated his journal to you. About how pretty, smart, caring and amazing you were in your life. Once he had finished his first journal about you, he dug up a small hole a few feet above where your coffin laid, and buried it there. To Dipper, he believed that burying it there would almost be like gifting it to you in the afterlife.
It had been years since your passing, all the Pines' still missed you dearly though. Not a day went by when they didn't think of you and your kind heart. Stan laid in his hospital bed, his health had been declining over those past few months. Mabel and Dipper sat beside him, the same way they did when you had died. He was dying, fast. They cried as they said their goodbyes, knowing he'd be gone soon. He assured them they'd be okay before taking his last breath. He reopened his eyes, looking towards the twins. Why couldn't they see him with his eyes open? Why were they still crying?
As he wondered these things, he saw a pale blue light in the corner, it was you.
"Long time no see Grunkle Stan."
A/N: SOBBING RN. also sorry if this isn't that great, i haven't written anything in a while but I still hope you enjoy! xx
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alex-rambles · 1 year
For personality for someone into cryptid academia, I’d say the reader be almost like dipper but sorta different? Like keeps to themselves, overall loves walking in the woods. And also thinks like ford.
Also here are pictures
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Thanks for the info! I like how there was a journal 3 in there lol. I did the Pines + Bill because i wasn't sure which characters you'd want
Gravity Falls characters with a cryptid academia s/o
🌲Your aesthetic may actually have been what caught his eye to begin with
🌲He likes it a lot
🌲Would love taking walks in the woods with you, hoping to come across a supernatural sighting or two.
🌲He adores pouring over The Journal™ with you, looking for creatures you should hunt for next
🌲Very happy to find someone who shares his interest in the supernatural and the outdoorsy stuff
🌠Supports your interest despite not sharing them
🌠Def enjoys going on hikes and nature walks with you though, and likes to listen to their stories and theories about the supernatural
🌠Even though she might call Dipper a nerd for displaying some similar traits, you're her s/o so that sibling teasing does not apply to you
🌠When you're on walks she gets distracted by cute animals so you'll probably have to either let her stare and try to pet them or attempt to reign her back in
💰Bro compares you to Ford constantly
💰Not in a purposefully mean way he just likes to tease you jokingly
💰You may end up developing a friendship with Ford after Stan introduces you to him
💰And then you and Ford continue talking
💰So he tries to get into that stuff for you
💰And buys you the clothes the match your aesthetic (only the cheap ones ofc. If he doesn't have enough he either shoplifts or steals from Ford)
✋Like Dipper, your aesthetic probably caught his eye
✋He sees something of a "partner" in you
✋He could spend HOURS talking about the supernatural with you
✋You probs find his six fingers thing cool so he feels comfortable around you
✋After all, most people bullied him for it
👁Bill is the cryptid you were looking for
👁He will explain all about his home dimension to you if you find it intriguing. If it were anyone but you'd he'd give a vague response about "liberation something something," but you're you sooooo
👁You like hiking? He'll make a mindscape hike trail for you to do together
👁During Weirdmaggedon he'll force his henchmaniacs to let you study them
👁He might make one little area of the forest normal so you can hike in the real world and obliterate anything that dares step into the area
👁In the mindscape he likes to try to scare the shit out of you with eldritch-esque creatures, but it doesn't work because a) not real, and b) you want to sTUDY tHE tHING
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Wendy Corduroy, Naoko kirino, Yuri (Doki Doki), Shouko Komi, in a relationship with a reader who can see and talk to ghosts and other supernatural things and constantly gives them amulets for protection
S/O can see supernaturals
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, Naoko, Yuri, Shouko ]
[ Gravity Falls ] [ Pumpkin Night ] [ Doki Doki Literature Club ] [ Komi can't communicate ]
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hehehe I like how you think A-chan ~
can you believe that i had the same idea some time ago!? Waaaa hahaha
I hope you like it as much as I did ❤️
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Dipper Pinnes
At the start of the relasionship Dipper can be pretty awkward and nervous, even when he knows you like him just the way he is he can't help but be kinda flustered by the thought of actually being in a relationship
Sharing with you the information of the diary that he had found is really important for him, is just that he is too excited by everything that says on that diary that he doesn't really thought it could be dangerous or anything
The fact that you actually believe him about what the diary says it was enough for him to get incredibly excited and start talking non-stop about everything there is in the diary, all that he had saw and that had uncovered, he is just too excited that someone is finally taking him serious (if he already knows Standford then he will talk about everything he had teach him too), he will probably apologize and stop at some point, embarrassed for doing it
Even when he had seen a lot of strange things already he is really surprised that you had seen them too, specially since he needs the diary to get to know about all of this. Dipper will be initialy unsure and nervous about it but he slowly gets used to the idea and start to ask you a lot of things about it, he wants to know everything! since when you know the supernaturals, how did you find out, how had been your experiences with them, what you had learn from them and specially if you know things that aren't on the diary (although, that will be incredibly surprising)
If you say that you had bad past experiences with supernaturals, saying that they had put you in danger or were a threaten he is imediatly worried, he tries to ask you for more details without being pushy or potentialy trigger bad memories for you, he wants to know the details because he wants to be able to protect you if any creature tries to attack you again. In the other hand, if you say that you had pretty good experiences with them and even that you are friends with them he is really surprised, this wasn't what he expected but is way better than being in danger, that will make him really curious again, wanting to know how that could be posible
In Dipper grows a little bit of a feeling of wanting to protect you, his experiences with this kind of creatures haven't being the best, there are good times but still he can't help but worry sometimes, he tries to study the diary and be ready for whatever it can came but if you teach him how to do amulets of protection or teach him how to avoid conflict he will accept it right away, it help him feel more at easy to know that you know how to defend yourself and that he can help you too
If you gift him amulets of protection or give him advice for him to stay safe he will be pretty flustered by it, not matter if you do it just once or do it frecuently it flustered him the thought of you being worried about him and actually taking time of your day to make something to protect him (he will say a million of thanks and probably try to find something to give it to you that is as meaningful as what you gave him)
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Mabel Pinnes
Mabel is really excited to be in a relationship, is easy for her to be atracted to someone and at first it was simple atraction but as the time pass and you two get to know better the feeling grows to be stronger and more stubborn, that is how you two end up in a relationship
She likes to share everything she does with you because is what she is, she likes to drag you in her little adventures and play with you a lot, is probably that you end up covered in colors and brilliantine from time to time
Just as she loves being herself with you and drag you in what she is doing she wants for you to feel free to be your true self with her too (but sometimes she ends up hogging the time), she always asks you for your opinion and what you like and dislike, even when it doesn't seem like it she keep you in mind a lot for a lot of things
Finding out that you can see ghosts and others supernaturals creatures is pretty surprising and a little strange for her (even if you don't try to hide it normally), is something she expected from his brother but not from her partner, is strange but it won't take her much time to believe it and accept it! She actually take it pretty normal and will praise your hability if you feel insecure or uncomfortable for it
Mabel isn't too interested in knowing about the supernaturals but is totally willing to heard your stories if you want to share them with her but be ready for her doing a lot of comments and jokes about it, she may even ask the silliest things about it
If you had bad past experiences with the supernaturals or had even been in danger before she will immediatly get worried and sad, saying sorry and offering you comfort, and later she will ask his brother if there is anything she can do to help you. If you actually get along with them or even be their friend she will laugh at it, totally something she didn't expected but is amazing nonetheless
Mabel will totally introduce you to his brother and tell you about the diary and how he is amased by supernaturals too, what could lead you to spend a lot of time together, she is happy for it but it doesn't take her much time before being bothered by it and even jealous, she will try to separate the two of you to be able to spend time with both without the supernaturals things
If you ever gift her things that can help and protect her from supernatural she thanks you a lot, she find it like a pretty cute gift, even when is more probably that she doesn't fully understand for what it is, althought she probably wil ask if she can decorate it or have one full of colors and brightness (probably even do one for you in that way, imitating the one you give her, it probably won't protect you since she doesn't fully know how it works but she does it from her heart)
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Wendy Corduroy
Getting into a relationship with Wendy isn't too difficult, she normally doesn't care too much as long as she feel atracted to you, although the more time you two spend together the closer you grow and you start to be more important to her
She likes to talk to you about what she is in, she is always telling you the funny stories that she has with her friends, family and sometimes even in her work (whenever you weren't involved on the mess with them), also she likes when you tell her things of you too but isn't going to force you to talk and just wait until you want to share something with her
Its not a secret that Gravity Falls can be a really strange village although she doesn't pay much attention to those things, so the moment you tell her that you can see ghosts and others supernaturals she won't believe you at first, she probably will only laugh and agree sarcastically thinking that you may be trying to prank her or even scare her, but as you insist or even seem serious about it she will ask you if you are actually being serious with it
Despite her first reaction it doesn't take her much time before she finally believes you, she is pretty interested in you stories about your past experiences with them, although she is pretty lay back with it too, she is really interested but if you don't feel comfortable talking about that she won't be mad or anything, she can wait until you are ready (but she will playfuly tell you that isn't fair to let her with the excitement and curiosity)
If you have bad past experiences with the supernaturals Wendy will be a little worried about you but is more focused on comforting you and promising that you don't have nothing to worry about because you have her and she will protect you from any supernatural! In the other hand, if you have good past experiences with them she will laugh at it because she find it hilarious, she will be even more curious about hearing your stories and may even ask if you could introduce her your friends
She isn't going to talk much about it, is more likely that you two talk about it if you are the one bringing up the topic but whenever you do talk about it she is paying a lot of attention, truly interested on what are you telling her (sometimes she gets distracted but tries to always put attention)
If you ever make her amulets she will find it a rather cute gesture, she will call you adorable in the moment you give it to her and will actually conserve it, she may don't carry it with her all the time but she keep it as something special for her
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Naoko Kirino
It doesn't take her much time before falling in love, and once it happens Naoko is pretty open with her feeling, she is pretty playful and affectionate with you before start dating but once you start a relasionship she becomes even more affectionate and clingy
Naoko can be pretty playful and tease you from time to time, is the way she is, however she isn't someone who judge others, she has her own bizarre liking and is seen like a weirdo for others, so she prefers to don't judge and she just accept you the way you are, besides she loves you the way you are
She has her own weird liking and she is pretty energetic, Naoko likes to drag you around whenever she is excited to do something, as well she will like to know a lot of you and probably ask you constantly about you and your opinion, so is probably that she gets to know about your hability earlier in the relasionship
When you tell her that you can see and even interact with ghosts and other supernaturals she is imediatly excited, she ask you twice only to confirm that she had heard you right, Naoko will believe you and accept you with this talent right away, she doesn't even try to hide how excited she is for all of this so there will not be the slightest doubt about she seeing you as weirdo or something
Naoko wants to know everything about it and she will ask you right away, if you don't feel comfortable or even overwhelmed by it she apologize with a smile in her face, she didn't mean to, however she will insist on hearing your stories about the supernaturals you had met, if you are hesitant to talk about it she will make efforts to make you feel comfortable enough to tell her and when you finally do it she will pay a lot of attention to what you tell her
Naoko is specially interested on the bizarre details, how they died, how was their life, how they look and if they have any power she wants to know what kind of power they have (and if she can see it it will be amazing)
If you had bad past experiences with them she will be sorry for you and a little worried, she loves all of this but if it is going to put you in danger it would be better if you two avoid it, she loves you more than those stories. In the case that you had good experiences or even get along with them she will ask even more about your experiences, she find it incredibly interesting!
Naoko wants to experience it too so she will ask you if she can see and interact with them too, if she can she ask you to please let her meet the ones you already know or that are your friends, even if she can't directly see them she will like to see you interact with them and will ask you what they are saying
If you ever gift her a protection amulet she will find the gesture rather cute and loving, she promise you to always carry the amulet with her and always tell you that it did protect her even when she has not encountered any danger or didn't even worked
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To get to be in a relationship with Yuri she had to be comfortable around you first, she suffer from a really bad social anxiety so she needs to feel calm and safe around you, once that happens is pretty obvious and even in a relationship Yuri will slowly win some confidence and will be able to express herself more
Yuri has a like for horror and bizarre things, she likes it and loves reading books of that kind however she doesn't like sharing that with all people, but since she trust you and loves you she will like to share that like with you since is important for her, she will satisfied if you just accept her but actually being interested on it or understand her liking will make her incredibly happy
Yuri isn't someone who will judge you or doubt you, specially if you accept her without asking, she feels like is only fair so in the moment you tell her that you can see ghosts and others supernaturals and even interact with them she will accept you and won't judge, it take her a moment to fully process it and a while to get used to the idea but she assure you that she trust you and doesn't think you are weird or anything
The thought of you talking with ghosts will wander around Yuri's mind for a while before she win the courage to ask you about it, she is a little unsure if it will be alright for her to talk about it (specially is you don't talk much about it yourself) and when she finally does ask you she is really curious about it, she want to heard all you are willing to share with her
Yuri wants to heard all the stories about your past experiences with supernaturals but is a little nervous, not wanting to trigger something on you or bringing you bad memories by accident so she tries to be as subtle as posible with the topic as long as she can, until she is sure is okay for you to talk about it
If you had bad past experiences with them she will feel really bad about it, she gets nervous at the thought of you possibly being in danger and she will try to bring you some comfort, probably will try to avoid talking about it from then. However, if you have good experiences, may even having a good relationship with the supernaturals then Yuri will grow even more curious and want to heard all your stories, but will be shy while asking you about it
Yuri wants to know all you are willing to share with her, however her curiosity is really big so as she grows more comfortable and is sure it is okay she will start asking for more details, either about the supernatural or for what you felt, she may try to hide her excitment over the topic but if you know her well you can notice her inmense curiousity
If you ever gift her something like a protection amulet she will see it as a really loving gesture from you, is a really special gift for her and she tries to take proper care of it and carry it everywhere since is for protection, she really hopes she never gets into the situation where she have to use it because she doesn't want to be in danger and because she will like to keep it
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Shouko Komi
It would take while for you two to get into a relationship for how anxious Shouko is, and, also it take her a while to realice her feelings, however when you two start dating Shouko is incredibly excited, wanting to do a lot of things with you but still feel a little bit nervous
In Itan Private High School almost all the students have peculiar personalities, everyone has their own talent or unique quirks that make the school always interesting, so having a student that can see ghosts and other kind of supernaturals isn't strange to think (however it could be that people won't believe you at first and brush it off if you try to tell them)
Shouko slowly get more comfortable with you and get even excited about the idea of letting you know more about her and she getting to know more about you so from time to time she motivate you to share your thoughts and opinions with her just as she tries to do it too!
Getting to know that you can see and even talk to ghosts and other supernaturals is something completely shocking for her, it take Shoko a moment to fully process and comprehend what you had tell her and when she does she will get incredibly worried in a second, she has a lot of things she wants to ask you about it but she is too nervous
She doesn't say that she wants to know more but is pretty obvious by her body language, but all her nervousness is obvious too, she is scare about it because she immediatly think that you may be in danger or that the supernaturals threaten you somehow
If you actually had bad past experiences with them she will just become even more worried about you and probably will like to stay by your side, clinging onto you for a while in hopes that she help you to avoid it or at least comfort you. In the other hand, if you had good past experiences with them she will feel more relief about it but still it will take her a long time to don't feel anxious about supernaturals and your safety
Shouko isn't exactly excited to heard your stories with supernaturals but doesn't has the strength to tell you to don't tell her, although she doesn't mind hearing silly and even funny stories, the ones that aren't scary or about you being in danger
If you ever make her and amulet for protecting she will be between being flustered and scare, she find it a really sweet gesture but she is scare about why does she need an amulet for protection? Although, if it is an amulet more for good luck or to keep away supernaturals (because you know how anxious she gets about them) she will feel touched by the gesture and may try to make something for you too (even when she has no idea of what she could do for you)
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tessacyn · 21 days
Olá gente isso aqui é um oneshots/cenários na versão BR :D Primeiro vai ser só de Gravity Falls x Md!reader é porque você pode escolher qualquer personagem d murders drones homenagem para essas duas séries que eu amo tanto escolhe quem que você gosta uwu
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Personagem que você queria voltar
Bill Cipher:
Stanford ou Ford pines:
Stanley ou Stan pines:
Mabel pines:
Dipper pines
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Escolhe seu personagem que você quer ou não :3
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deadgurlfilmz · 1 month
I’ve just started a Ford pines x teenage!Platonic!reader fic and now I’m in the mood to write more gravity falls fics!!
For what characters I would write was thinking-
So basically the core characters but if you want to request anyone else feel free!!
I can write smut but obviously only for the adults (in pink) and I’m not going to age up any of the names in purple for smut that’s so weird… but I will age them up for purpose of plot. For example Mabel and dipper in highschool y’know
But anyways pls request!! Cause I’m on summer break so I have loads of free time!!
My inbox is open!!
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could i request some headcanons for aged up dipper bringing his girlfriend to gravity falls for the summer for the first time? just some fluffy headcanons about that please? thanks so much!!!!
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OF COURSE! This is so cute and such a great idea. Kiss your brain for me please <3
Aged up! Dipper x Fem! Reader
He’s excited to show you the little town that changed his life forever
you always hear him talk about the memories he made with Mabel, and the two love to tell you the stories of their little adventures
When you get there and you see all of Dipper’s friends, your immediately nervous, feeling anxious as you step off the bus
truth be told you had never even heard of Gravity Falls, and probably never would have if you had never met Dipper
while meeting everyone, you were given the rundown of who everyone was and what they were about
“ This is Candy and Greta, my two best friends.” Mabel said as she hugged them both. Quickly you could see Greta as the bolder one out of the three, aside from Mabel.
“ Hey I’m Wendy.” Meeting Wendy was… awkward. At first, since you had heard from Dipper how she was his first puppy love. After a bit thought you grew more comfortable around her, finding her presence calming.
Now meeting Grunkle Stan and Stanford was, definitely something.
Stan was very welcoming, in his own way.
Stanford was very, paranoid…
He shined a flashlight in your eyes and kept asking you questions
“ What invention did Waddles make?”
“… Waddles is a pig…”
“ What do you see when you look at this?”
“ A Dorito chip… am I supposed to see something?”
After that Stanford was calm around you, as Dipper anxiously explained that his traveling with Grunkle stan made him paranoid of new people.
Seemed reasonable enough
Meeting the people of gravity falls was definitely something, all of them seemed to be the weird type but in a good way
you were incredibly shocked to find out Mcguket owned the mansion, since he seemed a little … crazy-
However as Dipper gave you the tour of the mystery shack and all gravity falls had to offer, you quickly realized why both Dipper and Mabel loved it so much
everyone was so warm and welcoming, and though the atmosphere could be unexplainable sometimes, it felt like the perfect place to just hide away from the world.
“ So, what do you think?” Dipper asked, once your little trip was over, the two of you waiting at the bus stop
“ I think, Gravity Falls is an amazing place. I’m glad you were able to show me this.”
If you didn’t make his heart explode then, you definitely did it now
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Well hello there! (I saw that you are writing for Gravitty Falls and my mind went frfrfr 👌)
So... What about an angsty paltonic fic or one-shots (whatever you feel more comfortable doing ^^) about a fem!reader that is just the older sister of Dipper and Mabel by one year (she is 13 y/o) ??
Like- Maybe reader being abandoned by her sibilings because ya know, Dipper is into Wendy, Mabel is into every random guy she sees and Stan... well, he is too caught up in his own busines as to pay atention to her and so on the reader starts feeling disolated to the point she runs to the woods and makes a deal with Bill Chiper about giving him her symbol (like Dipper's pine tree, Mabel's shooting star...) in exchange of sending her to a peacefull sleep?? (She is not dead- she is just gonna keep sleeping in the woods until her heart finally repares from all the sadness she was feeling???)
Oh mannnn
Dipper would feel so terrible, he’s the one that’s the most aware of how isolated you feel, how you always feel out of place in the family, being a third wheel. He’s spent so much time trying to comfort you, as well as invite you in on stuff, since Mabel doesn’t always notice these things. The fact that he got lost in the adventures he’s been going on that he started to neglect your feelings and now THIS happened? The guilt is immeasurable.
Mabel feels just as, if not, even more terrible than how dipper felt. She knows she’s not the smartest but she thought when it came to you, she was pretty good at figuring you out. It makes her so upset knowing you did this. It was the final straw for her to make her own deal with the devil himself, sending her to a world where she could finally be happy, even if it wasn’t a real one.
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Yandere! Mabel Gleeful Headcanons
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Tw: Slight cursing
She noticed you immediately
She instantly became obsessed with you
She has pictures of you covering both her room and locker
Definitely does though witch 'Love Potions' things [Like mixing herbs and putting it under her pillow while dreaming about you.] [IDK anything about the stuff]
Manipulation is something she's very good and uses it to get close to you
Complements you to lower your guard and become friends
She's a sadistic bitch
She's like Regina from Mean Girls, though only acting that way around others
She's stylish and dresses you in the best clothes
Internally, she's very insecure and she uses you to boost her ego
Very affectionate towards you
Loves to cuddle and kiss you, even if she has to force you
Wants to braid and play with your hair
Don't try and go to her brother. It will only make her jealous or he just won't listen. He has other problems to deal with
Mabel constantly blabs to you. She'll tell you about all their plans, not like you would be able to tell anyone
She loves having sleepovers with you
Oh, please let her feed you
She gets violent towards people who are mean to you
She's not against killing people who hurt you
She sees it as a necessary course
No one was every going to hurt you, not when she's around
Tell her all your problems, she'll make them go away
Don't even worry about it
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the-fic-forestry · 3 days
Fandoms/Characters I Currently Write For
If a fandom or character is not on this list that you’d like to see, send in the ask anyway! I may have forgotten about them or could be convinced to write for them!
Current Request Number: 0
Gravity Falls
Older! Dipper Pines
Older! Mabel Pines
Stanley Pines
Stanford Pines
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
The League of Evil Exes
Total Drama
Good Omens
Poly! Ineffable Husbands
Critical Role
Candela Obscura
Batfamily (platonic)
Bruce Wayne
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Edward Nygma
Jonathan Crane
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reareaotaku · 1 month
Can I request Yandere gravity falls with bored reader who would jump to different alternative universe for the fun of it, unknowingly that everyone become very attached to them? (This can be romantic or platonic)
Reader is from the monster falls universe btw and currently visiting gravity falls (The og universe)
I hope this make sense👍
If my request too complex, you don't have to do it
Holy shit- I love this idea. I could literally write a whole story this
[I was going to have where reader jumps into the body of herself in alternate dimensions, but I decided not to...]
Pt II: _____ | Pt III: _____
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All the people of Gravity Falls were monsters. At least, in your dimension they were. You weren't like that though- You looked... different than the creatures. You were a shapeshifter that's able to jump different dimensions. The shapeshifting was when you jumped into another universe, your body morphed to fit the dimensional plane.
You liked traveling different places. It was fun, while still staying familiar territories. You didn't stand out, so you can do anything you wanted and explore to your heart's desire. That was until you got to Gravity Falls- it was relatively strange... The creatures that hid in this Gravity Falls fit more in with the other dimensions you've been to then the actual people. They had no special abilities or anything.
You went exploring the town, but you had to be honest- This place was boring as hell. You sighed as you walked around the town, not watching where you were going and accidentally bumping into someone.
You were quick to apologize, before taking a good look at the man you had run into. He looked an awful like Dipper.
"I'm sorry," He begins, closing his book. "I wasn't paying attention." He puts out his hand, "I'm Dipper. You're not from around here, are you?"
"Uh, not necessarily. Maybe you could show me around?"
"Uh," He looks down at his book. Dipper realized that a pretty girl was asking him to show him around. He had to take this chance, especially since he knew the coolest things about Gravity Falls. "Yeah. I can show you around."
Dipper was exploring a pond that was located near the cave of the three-headed bear. He had realized that the pond wasn't normal. He looked at his reflection, but instead of seeing himself, he saw a creature- that looked like him, but also a deer?
He went to put his hand into the pond when there was a long CRACK. He looked back, but didn't see anything. He stands up and slowly goes towards the noise, only to be surprised when seeing a person crouched down.
He knew it was creepy to spy on someone, but this wasn't someone. This was different...
The creature stands up and h/l [Hair length] h/c hair flowed down and he realized it was a girl when she turned around. She looked just like him- Not like-like him, but human, though Dipper's monster radar was going off hardcore. He'd have to learn more about who and what this girl was.
"So, what brings you to Gravity Falls?" Dipper asks, while putting his book into his handbag. NOT a purse, but a handbag.
"Uh... What can I say. It reminds me of home," You chuckle at your joke, but Dipper was clearly confused. "I didn't tell you my name. I'm Y/n."
"Y/n? That's a nice name."
"It's definitely something. Is there anything fun to do in Gravity Falls."
"Depends. What do you like to do?"
You hum, before looking over at him, smiling, "Do you... Have any supernatural stuff?"
Dipper considered his words, humming to himself. "Well, depends. Am I looking at one?"
You turned to him not only confused, but taken aback by his bluntness. "I'm sorry."
"I saw you in the forest."
"Oh.." You laugh. "Yeah? What did you see."
"I know you're not... like me."
"How does that make you feel?"
He smiles, "Curious." He digs in his bookbag, before grabbing the journal he had been carrying before. "I want to know everything."
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stansangel · 22 days
Please tell me the requesting for Dipper and Mabel Pines is automatically platonic
YES! OMG! Thank you for asking this anon. I have this in my welcome page, Dipper and Mabel are ALWAYS platonic and I will NEVER age up characters. We are not weird with minors on my blog.
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orangeboylite · 30 days
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Stanford Pines Masterlist
Dipper Pines Masterlist
Mabel Pines Masterlist
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vinnie-w · 2 years
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【 Gravity Falls x Reader 】
➥ MASTERLIST ┃ CH 01 ┃ CH. 02 ┃ CH. 03
➥ TITLE: The Legend of The Gobblewonker
➥ PRONOUNS: You/Yours, They/Them
➥ POV: Third
➥ SUMMARY: It's family fun day and Stan has decided to take you all out for fishing, but you end up having a strange encounter instead!
➥ NOTES: unrelated to the story but I hate dancing, so much. -10/22/22
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"Go, Sir Syrup!" Mabel cheered, 
"Go, Mountie Man!" Dipper cheered, the twins holding up maple syrups over their mouths. They both kept cheering when someone poked their neck, causing them to drop the bottles and have a coughing fit. 
"(Name) dear, don't do that. You're gonna kill them .." Elise said, not looking up from the stove. You had just woken up and walked in on them starting the syrup race and decided to ruin their silly cute race. You smiled sleepily at Dipper and Mabel,
"Sorry, couldn't resist, hehe" You giggled, obviously still tired. They both shoved your shoulders making you laugh more. 
"Hey! No roughhousin' in the kitchen!" Grunkle Stan scolded from outside the kitchen. You sit next to Mabel and slam your head on the table, still tired, and Mabel decides to braid your messy hair. Dipper decides to read the newspaper next to him, waiting for breakfast.
"Ho ho, no way! Hey Mabel, (Name), check this out." He said, showing them the page he was reading.
"Human-sized hamster balls? I'm human-sized!" Mabel gasps, you look up to read the newspaper too and instead see an expensive brand of oil paints on sale on the bottom page.
"Oh crap, oil paint on sale? That's awesome!" You cheered, excitedly sitting up.
"No, non guys. This." Dipper said, pointing to the ad above the oil paint sale. It was an ad about a monster photo contest. "We see weirder stuff than that everyday! We didn't get any photos of those gnomes, did we?" Dipper asked,
"Nope, just memories. And this beard hair." Mabel said, holding up beard hair,
"Gross, why haven't you thrown that out?" You asked, leaning away from her as she holds it closer to Dipper. She shrugs and makes an 'I dunno' sound, sitting back down with the beard hair in her pocket. 
"Good morning, knuckleheads. You three know what day it is?" Grunkle Stan asked, walking in.
"Um... Happy anniversary?" " .. Happy 'niversary??" You and Dipper hesitated, 
"Mazel tov!" Mabel yelled, Stan hits Dipper and you with a newspaper,
"It's Family Fun Day, genius! We're cuttin' off work and having one of those, y'know, bonding-type deals." He said while checking if the milk had gone bad.
"Grunkle Stan, is this gonna be anything like our last family bonding day?" Dipper questioned,
Dipper, Mabel and you were all sat at the table helping Stan make counterfeit money.
"You call that Ben Franklin? He looks like a woman!" He said, police sirens started blaring and the flashing blue and red light.
"Uh oh."
"The county jail was so cold." Mabel shuddered, you nod in agreement. A large plate of pancakes was suddenly slammed on to the table cause all four of you to flinch. 
"And guess who had to get your butts out of jail?" Elise sneered, Stan nervously rubbed the back of his neck.
"Said I was sorry, 'lise .." He muttered, embarrassed.  "All right, maybe I haven't been the best summer caretaker. But I swear, today we're gonna have some real family fun. Now who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car?" Grunkle Stan asked, wrapping his arms around Dipper and Mabel.
"Yay!" The three of you cheered, "Wait, what?" Dipper muttered.
━━┃ ? ┃━━
Grunkle Stan was driving his car with you in the passenger and the twins in the back, blindfolded. Elise, unfortunately, couldn't come. Something about the 'darn raccoon den'. Stan leans down to adjust the radio and the tires screech.
"Gramps if we die, I will hurt you in the afterlife." You threatened, clinging to the leather chair and car door, feeling yourself get more and more dizzy.
"Whoa whoa! Blindfolds never lead to anything good." Dipper mumbled, 
"Wow! I feel like all my other senses are heightened. I can see with my fingers!" Mabel said, touching Dipper's face, making him laugh. The car jumps and you bump into the doors. You mutter censored curses, curling even more into your seat.
"Whoa! Grunkle Stan, are you wearing a blindfold?" Dipper asked,
"Ha ha. Nah, but with these cataracts I might as well be." Grunkle Stan waved him off then leaning in and squinting. "What is that, a woodpecker?" Then he drives through a wooden guardrail, making you three scream.
Grunkle Stan helped you out, letting you lean on the front of the car (with several branches and sticks caught in the grill) with Mabel and Dipper at your side while he throws away the barf-filled paper bag into the nearest trash can. 
"Yeesh, good thing I didn't throw that away .." He mumbled, "Okay, okay. Open 'em up!" You take your blindfolds off, rubbing your eyes to help adjust to the brightness. 
"Ta-da! It's fishin' season!" Stan grinned, 
"Fishing?" Mabel asked,
"Oh great, another reason for barfing." You grumbled, crossing your arms.
"What're you playin' at, old man?" Dipper interrogated,
"You're gonna love it! The whole town's here!" Stan said, gesturing to the townsfolks in the water.
"Here, fishy fishies! Get into the pan!" Lazy Susan said, waving her pan at the water.
"Say cheese!" Toby Determined said, taking a photo of a man with a large fish. The flash of the camera causing the poor man to fall backwards into the lake.
"Uh, is this good?" Marcus asked his dad, Manly Dan, holding up his fishing pole.
"NO!" Many Dan yelled, taking his son's pole and breaking it in half. "I'll show you how a real man fishes!" He then grabs a fish straight out of the water, laughing, and he throws it on the boat and proceeds to punch it repeatedly with his sons cheering him on. 
"Get 'em! Get 'em!" Tyler chants, his boat moving towards their boat.
You watch him beat up the poor defenseless fish with a grimace. Sure you were violent but never towards defenseless animals, except cockroaches and mosquitos. Big emphasis on mosquitos.
"That's some quality family bonding!" Stan said, 
"Grunkle Stan, why do you wanna bond with us all of a sudden?" Dipper asked, 
"Come on, this is gonna be great! I've never had fishing buddies before. The guys from the lodge won't go with me: they don't "like" or "trust" me." Grunkle Stan explained,
"I think he actually wants to fish with us." Mabel muttered to both of you,
"Hey, I know what'll cheer you sad sacks up." Grunkle Stan said, slapping hats on the twins and you, "Pow! Pines family fishing hats! That's-that's hand stitching, you know." You take off your hats and see your names stitched on, the 'L' on Mabel's hat slips peels off and a letter in your name was stitched on backwards.
"It's just gonna be you, me, and those goofy hats on a boat for ten hours!" Grunkle Stan said, excited.
"Ten hours?" Dipper gaped,
"I brought the joke book!" Grunkle Stan said, holding up a 1001 Yuk 'Em Ups book. 
"No! NO!" Dipper screamed,
"Great, motion sickness, sea sick and now a migraine?" You grumbled again, slouching.
"Stand up straight, kid." Grunkle Stan warned, you sigh and fix yourself.
"There has to be a way out of this." Mabel said,
"I SEEN IT! I SEEN IT AGAIN!" Someone yells, you turn towards the voice and saw an old man running from the docks, crashing and overturning various things. "The Gravity Falls Gobblewonker! Come quick before it scrabdoodles away!" Old Man McGucket shouts in the middle of a crowd, dancing frantically.
"Awww... He's doing a happy jig!" Mabel said, 
"NOOO! It's a jig of great danger!" He yells to Mabel, you gently pull her behind you. Another man with a cap and hair covering his eyes comes out and sprays the older man with a spray bottle,
"Hey, hey! Now what did I tell you about scaring my customers? This is your last warning, Dad!" Tate McGucket warned,
"But I got proof this time, by gummity!" McGucket yelled, leading everyone to the dock. Mabel and Dipper holds your hands as you follow the old man.
"BEHOLD! It's the Gobble-dy-wonker what done did it! It had a long neck like a gee-raffe! And wrinkly skin like...like this gentleman right here!" Old Man McGucket points to Stan who was picking his ear. "It chewed me boat to smitheroons, and shim-shammed over to Scuttlebutt Island! YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME!" He was practically begging to his son. 
"Attention all units! We got ourselves a crazy old man!" Sheriff Blubbs snickered, everyone but the Pines and the ranger point and laugh at McGucket. Tate shakes his head in shame.
"Aww, donkey spottie! Aw, banjo polish!" McGucket said, walking off.
"Well, that happened. Now let's untie this boat and get out on that lake!" Stan said, stepping into his rowboat and starts untying it from the dock.
"Guys, did you hear what that old dude said?" Dipper asked,
"Aww, donkey spittle!" "Aw, banjo polish!" Mabel and you mimicked,
"The other thing. About the monster. If we can snag a photo of it, we can split the $2000 between the three of us!" Dipper said, you take your phone out to use the calculator.
"that's $666.. " You gasped, 
"Imagine what you can do with six. Hundred. Dollars!" Dipper beamed as Mabel drifted off into her imagination.
Mabel, inside the human sized hamster ball, stands pridefully in front of a hamster in a smaller hamster ball.
"Not so high and mighty anymore!" Mabel boasted, 
"Aww... " The hamster, surprisingly, said. Mabel laughs and crashes through the wall. She rolls out onto the street and meets Xyler and Craz.
"Hey, boys! You can look, but ya can't touch." She flirted, the traffic light goes green and she scurries down the street, squeaking.
Xyler and Craz stared at her in awe then at each other, "Awesome!" They yell.
"Mabel! Mabel?" Dipper called out while snapping his fingers.
"Dipper, I am one million percent on board with this!" Mabel said, 
"I'm also looking forward to be working with you two on this Monster hunt." You said, the twins looked at you then at each other.
"Why are you, so formal?" Mabel asked,
"I-I'm not good with casualties .." You mumble, rubbing your arm. They shrug and Dipper runs up to Grunkle Stan.
"Grunkle Stan! Change of plans: we're taking that boat to Scuttlebutt Island and we're gonna find that Gobblewonker!" Dipper ordered,
"Monster hunt! Monster hunt!" You three chanted,
"Monster hunt!" McGucket chimed in, you three stop chanting and stare at him.
"Monster... Eh... I'll go." He mumbled and left. A loud honk was heard a bigger boat arrived at the dock.
"You dudes say somethin' about a monster hunt?" Soos asked,
"Soos!" Mabel cheered,
"Wassup, hambone!" Soos greeted, fist bumping with Mabel and making explosion noises. "Dude, you could totally use my boat for your hunt. It's got a steering wheel, chairs; normal boat stuff." Soos offered,
"All right, all right, let's think this through." Stan butted in, "Ya kids could go waste your time on some epic monster-finding adventure, or you could spend the day learning how to tie knots and skewer worms with your Great Uncle Stan!" The three of you look at Soos in his boat as he does the robot dance. You look back at Stan in his leaky old boat; he sniffs his left armpit. You then look at Scuttlebutt Island and grin at each other. 
"So, whaddya say?" Stan confidently asked when Soos' boat drives away with you three on it.
"We made the right choice!" Mabel cheered,
"Ingrates! Aw, who needs 'em? I got a whole box of creepy fishing lures to keep me company." Stan said, looking at the lure with flies buzzing around them. He cringes in disgust and closes the box.
Meanwhile, S.S. Cool Dude was headed for Scuttlebutt island. Dipper stands on the stern of the boat, with one foor on the guardrail. He adjusts the visor of his cup. 
"Hoist the anchor!" He ordered and Soos pulls up a cinderblock anchor.
"Raise the flag!" He ordered again, Mabel holds up a beach towel instead.
"We're gonna find that Gobblewonker!" She yelled,
"Do any of you dudes have sunscreen?" Soos asked,
"And we're going back for sunscreen!" You yell, Mabel and Soos cheer with him turning the boat back. Underwater, a strange shape swims by.
After fetching the much needed sunscreen, you're back on track to Scuttlebutt Island
"Alright. If we wanna win this contest, we've gotta do it right! Think. What's the number one problem with monster hunts?" Dipper asked, 
"You're a side character and you die within the first five minutes of the movie. Dude, am I a side character!? Do y'ever think about stuff like that?" Soos panics,
"No, no, no. Camera trouble! Say bigfoot shows up. Soos, be Bigfoot?" Dipper asked, Soos strikes a Bigfoot pose.
"There he is! Bigfoot!" Dipper said, in mock acting voice and he pats his life vest "Uh-oh, no camera! Oh, wait, here's one! Aw, no film! You see? You see what I'm, doing here?" He asked, you all nod in understanding.
"That's why I bought seventeen disposable cameras!" He said, revealing cameras as he lists off their locations "Two on my ankle, three in my jacket, four for each of you, three extras in this bag, and one... under my hat! There's no way we're gonna miss this. Okay everybody, let's test our cameras out!"
Soos takes a picture of himself, the flash startling him. "Aw, dude!" He yells, throwing the camera overboard.
"You see? This is exactly why you need backup cameras. We still have sixteen!" Dipper said proudly, a seagull then starts flying over Mabel's head causing her to panic and throw a camera at it. "Fifteen! Okay, guys, I repeat; don't lose your cameras!" Dipper panicked,
"Wait, lose the cameras?" Soos asked,
"DON'T!" Dipper immediately answered
"Dude, I just threw two away." Soos points at the two cameras floating on the water. You went over to take a picture for memories but tripped on a loose board and dropped the camera you were holding into the water.
"Uh.. Sorry." You said, sheepishly turning to them.
"Twelve! All right! We still have twelve camera—" He accidentally crushes another with his fist "Eleven. We have eleven cameras."
"So what's the plan? Throw more cameras overboard or what?" Mabel asked, about to drop her cameras into the water.
"NO! No. Okay. You'll be lookout, Soos can work the steering wheel, (Name) can help navigate with Soos, and I'll be captain." Dipper said,
"What? Why do you get to be captain? What about Mabel, huh? Ma-bel! Ma-bel! Ma-bel! Ma-bel!" She chants,
"I'm not sure that's a good idea." Dipper hesitated,
"What about co-captain?" Mabel asked,
"There's no such thing as co-captain." Dipper shot down
"Aw, whoops." Mabel tosses a camera into the water.
"Okay, fine! You can be co-captain." Dipper finally surrendered,
"Can I be associate co-captain?" Soos asked,
"As co-captain, I authorize that request." Mabel said,
"Can I be associate associate co-captain?" You asked,
"Well as first co-captain, I authorize your request, (Name)." Dipper said, you clap you hands in excitement.
"Now, our number one order of business is to lure the monster out with this." He said, gesturing at a barrel of Fish Food.
"Permission to taste some?" Soos asked,
"Granted." Dipper said "Permission co-granted." Mabel said,
"Dude?" Soos asked, turning to you.
"U-Uh, P-Permission associate associate co-granted!" You stuttered, another thing to stay awake about tonight.
"Permission associate co-granted." Soos said as he licks some, than gags and wipes his tongue, coughing. "Dude, I don't know what I expected that to taste like!" He said with you three laughing.
"Oh, Soos..." Dipper sighed,
Stan watches you four from afar, "Traitors! Ah, I'll find my own fishing buddies!" He said, looking around and sees a couple sitting in a boat up ahead. "Ah! There's my new pals!" He said, starting the engine
Reginald turned away from Rosanna, looking at a ring in a box; he takes a breath "Now that we're alone, Rosanna, there's a burning question which my heart longs to ask of you." He said,
"Oh, Reginald!" Rosanna tears up, when Stan pulls his boat up to theirs.
"Hey! Wanna hear a joke?" Stan asked the couple, they only stared at him. "Here goes. My ex-wife still misses me...but her aim is gettin' better! Her aim is gettin' better! Y'see, it's-it's funny because marriage is terrible." He explains then the couple row their boat away. "What?"
As you arrive at Scuttlebutt Island, there's fog everywhere. Soos is at the back of the boat shoveling fish food. Dipper, Mabel and you are at the front. You were looking through some binoculars Dipper is trying to see through the fog while Mabel is playing ventriloquist with a pelican.
"Hey! How's it going?" She asked the pelican,
"It's going awesome! Bow bow buh bow bow!" Mabel voiced the pelican,
"Mabel, leave that thing alone." Dipper said, 
"Aw, I don't mind none!" Pelican said,
"Hey, look, I'm drinking water!" Mabel said, drinking water "Twinkle, twinkle little..." She chokes on water and coughs, and the pelican flies away). 
"Aren't you supposed to be doing lookout and not (Name)?" Dipper asked,
"Look out!" Mabel yells and throws a volley ball at Dipper, hitting him on the arm. Dipper holds his arm and shivers. "Heh, heh. But seriously, I'm on it." She said, moving next to you. She shakes your arm lightly, you turn to her and she makes grabby hands. You gesture to your binoculars and she nods. You hand her the binoculars with a smile and step back from your spot, looking out into the ocean instead. The boat jolts to a stop, signaling that you've arrived at the island.
"See? We're here! I'm a lookout genius!" Mabel said, handing the binoculars back to you. "Hamster ball, here we come!" The team then disembarks and ventures into the foggy woods. Dipper and you lead the group, Dipper carrying a lantern and you carrying a flashlight. They soon come to a large sign nailed to a tree that says 'Scuttlebutt Island'. Soos and Mabel stop in front of the sign.
"Dude, check it out." Soos said, covering the 'Scuttle' part of the sign. "Butt Island." 
"Soos, you rapscallion! Hey! Why aren't you two laughing? Are you scared?" Mabel teased, you weren't paying attention though. Your shoulders were tense and you were checking the area for anything or anyone dangerous, especially after the giant gnome fiasco.
"AH!" You squealed as Mabel tackled you from behind, you fall on your stomach with Mabel on top of you, laughing her heart out.
"Hah! Oh my gosh! You scream like a whistle!" Mabel laughed, getting up. While everyone was laughing, you sat up, embarrassed about your high-pitched scream. 
"S-Shut up! I was zoning out!" You were as red as a tomato, picking up the flashlight before it rolled further into the fog. The trio stopped laughing as they heard a growling noise in the distance. 
"Dude, did you guys hear that?" Soos asked, 
"What was that? Was it your stomach?" Mabel asked him,
"Nah, my stomach normally sounds like whale noises." He said, Mabel and you leaned in to listen to Soos' stomach, which DOES make whale noises.
"Wow! So majestic." "Fascinating .." You both awe, Dipper gasps at a possum taking his lantern and running away.
"Our lantern! Aww! I can't see anything!" He yelled, turning towards you guys and flinches at the light. It was you pointing the flashlight towards him.
"Duuude, I dunno, man. Maybe this, uh... Maybe this isn't worth it." Soos hesitated, 
"Not worth it? Guys. Imagine what would happen if we got that picture!" He said, imagining what would happen if he did get that picture.
In Dipper imagination, he's dressed like Indiana Jones being interviewed on a talk show.
"Tonight we're here with adventure seeker Dipper Pines, who bravely photographed the elusive Gobblewonker! Tell me, Dipper; what's the sevret to your success?" Charlie, the host, asked Dipper.
"Well, I run away from nothing." Dipper answered, dumping coffee into his mouth; an embarrassing picture of Grunkle Stan appears on screen. "Nothing, except for when I ran away from my annoying Grunkle Stan, who I ditched in order to pursue that lake monster." He explained.
"How right you were to do so. He looked like a real piece of work. I don't often do this, but I feel the need to give you an award!" Charlie said, handing Dipper a medal and they get their picture taken. Panning over to (Name) who was painting the wall with the new oil paints when Mabel suddenly crashes through the wall in a hamster ball.
"CHARLIE! WHY WON'T YOU INTERVIEW ME?!" She shouts, and you three run as Mabel chases after Charlie, screaming like a maniac.
"I'm in!" Dipper smiled,
"Me too!" Mabel said and they both run off in excitement.
"Shoot! Guys, wait up!" You call out, "Kuya, tara." You let slip, signaling for Soos, who looked scared, to follow.
"All right, dudes. I'm comin'!" He yells and you both chase after them. You finally catch up to them, seeing them waiting patiently for you both.
"Don't do that, double dorks. 'ma's gonna kill me if I lose either of you." You scold, ruffling their hairs and they laugh.
"You sure it's just that? Or are you gonna miss us?~" Mabel teased and Dipper laughs. You rolled your eyes, amused.
"Yeah sure, whatever makes you idjot's happy." You teased back, Dipper raised his brow.
"Id-jots? You mean idiots?" He asked, 
"Idiot, id-jot. What's the difference?" You shrugged, Dipper shrugged as well and you walk in peace for a bit. Soos then starts to beatbox with Mabel rapping.
"My name is Mabel! It rhymes with table! It also rhymes with... glabel! It also rhymes with... Shmabel!" She sang, you laugh.
"There's also fable, stable, indistinguishable, unfashionable, uncontrollable, impressionable.. Those are just the first few words that popped up." You suggest, 
"Woah! You've got a big vocab there, cous'." Mabel said,
"Yeah, dude. You should help Mabel write this down." Soos said suddenly the growling noise from earlier can be heard; a flock of bird flies overhead, away from the sound. 
"This is it! This is it!" Dipper beamed, him and Mabel punching each other excitedly as they walk towards the sound. Soos grabs two large sticks and hands one to you, just in case. Walking through the fog, you stop the group when you spot a monster silhouette. Grabbing Dipper's arm and Soos grabs Mabel's, you duck behind a log nearby.
"Everyone: Get your camera's ready!" Dipper said, you turn on your camera. "Ready? GO!" Dipper yells. Soos yells and jumps over the log, holding his camera in front of him as he runs toward the silhouette, snapping photos at random. You three follow after him, but as you get closer, you discover the silhouette was the remains of a wrecked boat with beavers living on it. They were all communicating and hugging each other, you snapped a few quick photos of the beavers.
"But... but what was that noise, then? I heard a monster noise!" Dipper asked, clearly upset. The 'monster noise' sounds again. You turn to the noise and it turned out to be a beaver chewing on and sometimes activating a rusty old chainsaw.
"Sweet! Beaver with a chainsaw." Soos said, taking two pictures of it. "I'll give you the other one afterwards, dude." He said, you smiled gratefully at him. 
"Maybe that old guy was crazy after all." Dipper muttered, 
"He did use the word 'scrapdoodle'." Mabel muttered,
"Also donkey spittle, banjo polish, that and... " You faltered once you noticed they were staring at you. "I'll, uh. S-Sorry, I'll go with Soos." You stammered, feeling your face grow hot in embarrassment and run to Soos who pats your head to comfort you.
"Look, when you're threadin' the line--lot of people don't know this--but you wanna use a barrel knot." He then whispers, "That's a secret from one fishing buddy to another! Hehe." He explains to some poor kid on another boat.
"Uh, I, uh, who are you, exactly?" The poor boy nervously asked,
"Just call me your GRUNKLE STAN-"
"Sir, SIR, SIR! Why are you talking to our son? If you don't leave right now, I'm calling the police!" The boy's mother shouts, pulling her son away from Stan.
"Ha, ha, you see, the thing about that is.. " He said, nervously. Starting his motor and speeds away.
"Go bother your own kids!" The mother yelled.
"Ooh, yeah! Work it! Work it! Nice! Nice! Gimme another one of these! Yeah, I like that one." Soos compliments the beaver he was taking pictures of, as it was posing on a stump. 
You sat next to the twins, bored. Another beaver made it's way towards you, tilting it's head curiously and sniffs you. You turn to it, tilting your head at it as well. You held out your hand to pet it, it sniffs your hand and happily places it's head underneath it, letting you pet his head. The beaver crawled it's way into your lap and making itself at home. "Cutie.. " You mutter, continuing to pet it's head.
You hear Mabel scream and immediately carry the beaver, seeing the Gobblewonker's silhouette swimming away. "No way!" You gasp, running next to Dipper.
"This is it!" Dipper squeals, taking a picture. You grab his arm and gently pull him back. "Wh- Come on guys! This is our chance!" He said, Mabel and Soos back up and you continue to tug at his arm. "What's wrong with you guys?" Dipper asked.
"Dipper.. ?" "Dude...?" Mabel and Soos mutter, and you finally had enough and yank Dipper back, making him drop his camera.
"Wh- (Name)! Come on, It's not that hard, all right? All you gotta do is point, and shoot. Like this!" Dipper said, aiming his camera at the Gobblewonker and realizes it's right in front of him. The beast roars causing Dipper to drop his camera and the beaver climbs on your head and you pull Dipper away, running.
"Run!" Soos yells, the Gobblewonker pushes a tree over which falls and almost hits Dipper and Mabel, but Dipper lunges and Mabel and they roll out of the way, you slow down and grab the twins, helping them up. You continue to run and dodge falling trees and eventually catch up with Soos. 
"Get back to the boat! HURRY!" Soos shouts, the Gobblewonker snaps at Mabel who hops onto Soos's back. Dipper trips and drops another camera but you catch him, carrying him like this;
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(I didn't know how to describe it so have a picture 😭)
"The picture!" Dipper yelled, 
"Dude, if it makes you feel any better, (Name) and I got tons of pictures of those beavers, dude!" Soos attempts to comfort him.
"We almost wasted a roll or two of film on them actually!" You added,
"WHY WOULD THAT MAKE ME FEEL BETTER?!" Dipper shouts back.
You finally arrived at the boat, the beaver still with you surprisingly. Soos lifts the twins off the boat and you help him push the boat back into the water. The twins help you up and you pull Soos up together and he runs towards the helm. "Let's get outta here, dudes!" He yells and drives the boat away backwards.
"Alright! This is it!" Dipper said, trying to take a picture "Cracked lens?! Soos! Get a photo!" He yelled only to see Soos throwing cameras at the monster. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Dipper shouts, 
"Oh! I still got one left! Don't worry, dude!" Soos answered, throwing a camera at Dipper but misses hitting the wall and breaking it instead. 
"(Name)! Do you have any cameras left?!" Dipper pleads. 
"Yeah but they're kind of filled with pictures of beavers! Sorry!" you apologized, checking all of your cameras for any space left. Dipper only sighs in disappointment. 
As Stan was struggling to tie a knot, a few yards away were Schmipper and Schmabel's boat.
"Can you pwease tell me mo'e funny stories, Pop Pop?" He asked his grandpa,
"Anything for my fishing buddies!" Pop pop laughs and pats his grandchildren on their heads, Stan growls at the sight.
"Pop pop? I just weewized dat... I wuv you." Schmipper admitted,
"Aw, come on! Boo! Boo!" Stan yells,
"Hey, now! What's the big idea?" Pop Pop confronts,
"Maybe he has no one who wuvs him, Pop Pop." Schmipper suggested,
"Yeah, well, I.. I... " Stan stammered when the S.S. Cool Dude drives past him and soaks him. He throws his hat to the ground in frustration, then sits down and sighs.
"SOOS! BEAVERS!" Dipper yells, the boat crashes into the old, broken boat and beavers fly everywhere, biting the boat and the crew.
"Ah, beavers! Oh, no!" Soos cried, there were beavers biting Dipper's hat, Mabel shakes a beaver off of her arm, you were trying to pull off your new beaver friend who was attacking another beaver that scratched you in the face, and another lunges at Soos, who stumbles away from the wheel. Mabel run to steer the boat while you chased after Soos, trying to help him out. Dipper throws the remaining beavers on board at the Gobblewonker.
"KUYA! Quit running!" You yelled, Soos stops running and yells,
"Sorry dude! It helps with the pain." He apologized, you pull the beaver that was latched onto his face while he held onto the railing of the boat. Once you pulled it off you threw it off the boat with the beaver landing on another fisher's boat. They stared at each other before the beaver attacks the fisher while he screams in pain. The boat drives through a place with people fishing, who are overturned by the Gobblewonker behind them. 
"Headlock!" Manly Dan said, headlocking a fish. His sons cheer him on when the boat is overturned by the wave from the Gobblewonker. Fish start raining down on them.
"The fishes! They seek revenge! Swim, boys! Swim!" Manly Dan shouts as the family frantically swims back to shore.
Back at the S.S. Cool Dude. The Gobblewonker swipes at the boat and manages to knock the control cabin off.
"Aah! Look out!" Mabel warned, 
"Easy... Easy... " The man said as he and another man transport a glass sheet by boat when the S.S. Cool Dude drives through it.
"My glass!" The other man cried.
"WHERE DO I GO!?" Mabel shouts, looking at the dead-end ahead. Dipper looks around and flips through the pages.
"Um... uh... GO INTO THE FALLS! I think there might be a cave behind there!" Dipper said, 
"MIGHT BE!?" You and Mabel yell back at him as you all scream. The boat goes through the waterfall and crashes into a cave behind, sending them into the dirt. Standing up, you see the Gobblewonker swim in and grab the twins' arms and back up only for it to get stuck in the cave entrance.
"It's stuck!" Mabel said,
"Haha! Yeah! Wait... It's stuck?" Dipper realized and searches for an extra camera, frantically. You lift Dipper's hat to reveal another camera, he laughs and takes several shots of the beast.
"Did'ja get a good one?" Mabel asked, 
"THEY'RE ALL GOOD ONES!" Dipper laughed, hugging you and Mabel.
"WOO! HAMSTER BALL!" Mabel and you cheered with Dipper. The Gobblewonker, still roaring, gets hit by a rock. It's head falls down with an electric noise.
"What the.. ?" Dipper blurted, walking up to the Gobblewonker and touches it's side. "Huh?" You quickly follow him as he steps on the Gobblewonker and knocks on it. It makes a hollow metalic sound.
"The hell?" You mutter, Dipper tries to climb the Gobblewonker and you push him up, climbing after him.
"Careful, dudes!" Soos warned,
"We got it, Soos!" You shout back as you climb over the Gobblewonker, Dipper then pops up from the other side.
"Hey, guys! Come check this out!" He calls out to them. You four discover a handle and turn it, causing steam to come out. You pull the trapdoor causing more steam to come out and find Old Man McGucket insde, controlling the machine.
"Work the bellows and the... Eh? Aww, banjo polish!" He curses, 
"Wha- Yo- You?! You made this? W-w-why?" Dipper questioned,
"Well, I... I, uh... I just wanted attention." McGucket cried,
"I still don't understand." Dipper said,
"Well, first I just hootenannied up a biochanical brain wave generator and then I learned to operate a stick-shift with ma beard!" McGucket explained,
"That's really cool and gross but like, why?" You asked,
"Well, when you get to be an old fella like ne, nobody pays any attention to you anymore." He answered, remembering to the time when he was outside his son's window with a baseball and gloves. His son, inside his office, closing his blinds. "My own son hasn't visited me in months! So I figured maybe I'd catch his fancy with a fifteen ton aquatic robot!" He laughs like a maniac, then sighs. "In, retrospect, it seems a bit contrived. You just don't know the length us old-timers go through for a little quality time with our family." McGucket finished explaining. You take off the hat Stan gave you and sigh,
"Dude, I guess the real lake monster here is you two. Heh." Soos said, the twins and you stare at him. "Sorry, that just like--boom--just popped into my head there."
"So, did you ever talk to your son about how you felt?" Mabel asked,
"No, sir, I got to work straight on the robut!" McGucket answered as a projector shows blueprints for the Gobblewonker on the trapdoor, "I made lots of robuts in my day!" He pushes button and projectors shows a newspaper with a robot pterodactyl breathing fire on a town and the word 'chaos', "Like when my wife left me and I created a homicidal pterodactyl-tron-" He pushed the button again and projectors shows a picture of a man, "-Or when my pal didn't come to my retirement party." he pushed the button again and projector shows another newspaper with a large robot terrorizing a town and the word 'disaster', "And I constructed an eighty ton SHAME BOT THAT EXPLODED THE ENTIRE DOWNTOWN AREA!" He laughs like a maniac, "Well, time to get back to work on my death ray!" McGucket finishes as he ducks into the Gobblewonker and construction noises can be heard from inside. "Any of you kids got a screwdriver?" He asked but proceeds to get ignored.
"Well, so much for the photo contest." Dipper sighed, taking out his last camera.
"You still have one roll of film left." Mabel points out,
"What do you you guys wanna do with it?" You asked, the twins look at you then at each other then the camera.
Stan with a defeated look, sighs as he drives his boat back to the shore. "Hey! Over here!" Dipper calls out as you drive by on the incredibly beat-up S.S. Cool Dude and both boats stop. Dipper takes a photo of Stan.
"What the-- Kids? I thought you two were off playing 'Spin the Bottle' with Soos" Stan said, you grimace at the thought.
"Well, we spent all day truing to find a 'legendary' dinosaur." Dipper started,
"But we realized, the only dinosaur we wanna hang out with is right here." Mabel said,
"Even if you're a big grump with some lame old jokes." You joked, earning an elbow jab from the smiling twins.
"Save your sympathy! I've been having a great time withoutcha'! Makin' friends, talkin' to my reflection-- I had a run-in with the lake police! Guess I gotta wear this ankle bracelet now, so that's fun." Grunkle Stan explained, 
"There's... Lake police..?" You asked, no one answered you.
"So... I guess there isn't room in that boat for three more?" Dipper asked, Stan glares you three. The twins put their hats on while you turned the hat around, showing your poorly stitched name. 
Stans expression softens as he asks, "You knuckleheads ever seen me thread a hook with my eyes closed?" 
"Five bucks says you can't do it!" Dipper bets,
"You're on!" Stan challenged as Dipper climbs into the Stan'o'war.
"Five more bucks says you can't do it with your eyes closed, plus me singing at the top of my lungs!" Mabel adds,
"Another five if you can do it in under 30 seconds!" You chimed in, Mabel climbing in with Soos and you following after.
"I like those odds!" Stan said, "Whoa! What happened to your shirt? And what's with the beaver?" He asked the shirtless Soos and you, completely forgetting about the beaver that's been hanging onto the back of your shirt.
"Huh, forgot you were there." You said, pulling the beaver off and carrying it instead.
"Long story, dude." Soos replied,
"Well, good thing we have several hours to explain everything!" You said, nudging Soos.
"All right, everybody get together. Say fishing!" Dipper said, a camera in his hands.
"Fishing!" You, Stan and Mabel said, Soos steps into the picture but only his belly shows.
"Dude, am I in the frame?" He asked.
Dipper takes pictures of the entire thing like Mabel covering Stan's eyes, you behind them with the beaver on your lap and phone in hand with a stopwatch, as Stan peeks and tries to thread a hook; Stan reading jokes while Mabel and Soos laugh, you obviously holding in your laugh with a hand covering with your mouth and your Beaver friend on your lap, munching a wooden plank; Stan and Mabel stealing fish from Smabel and her grandfather; The twins, you and Stan driving away from the lake police. As Stan drives the boat, the boat shakes.
"Whoa!" Mabel yelped,
"What was that?" Dipper asked, Mabel shrugs and they lean back into their seats. Stan drives back to shore and you all get off,
"Uh, kid. The beaver." Stan points out, you look down at the beaver in your arms, happily snuggling into you.
"But-" You tried to reason,
"Kid, it's a wild animal and known for eating wood, which the shack is made of." He states, you frown and look back at the beaver who is staring at you curiously. You sigh, and walk back to water and gently drop it in.
"Sorry little guy, you can't come with." You apologized, petting it's head. As you stand up, it bites on your pant leg and pulls you back.
"Oh no no no no no no." You panic, trying to push it back as gently as you can. "Come on, little guy! You can't do this!" You cry, everyone at the car watches with a grimace before Stan has enough and runs up to you.
"Okay, you know what? SCRAM!" Grunkle Stan shouts at the beaver scaring it and it quickly swims away. You wave goodbye at it's retreating figure, sighing, and walk to the car. Everyone looks at each other sadly and they get in, as you waited for Stan to start the car, you heard the trunk open and shut with Stan just coming in.
The sun just set and the drive was quiet. Mabel and Dipper were asleep in the back and Stan dropped Soos off at his place. You were staring out the window. Stan glances at you then back at the road, "Uh, heh. Crazy day, right?" He asked, nervously. You only replied with a hum and a shrug, too tired to talk.
You arrived back at the Shack, was outside and led the sleepy twins back into the house. You went to help Stan out with carrying the fishing stuff back when he handed you a paper bag. "Here, looked like you were pretty upset back there." He said, you raise a brow at him and opened the bag.
"What?" You muttered, pulling out a stuffed beaver. 
"There was a gift shop nearby and you looked really bummed out." He explained, carrying the fishing stuff back to the house. 
You run up to him, hugging the plush. "T-Thanks, I, uh.. I really appreciate it." You grinned, Stan rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, it's whatever. Didn't want'cha cryin' about it to your 'ma." He teased, you laugh and look back at the plushie with a wide smile. Stan glances at you and sees you stroking the plush with your thumb and hug it again. You greet Elise with a hug and run upstairs to get ready for bed. Elise shuts the door for Stan as he drops the stuff next to the coffee table and drapes himself over the couch.
"Say, where'd (Name) get the toy from?" Elise teased with a smile, leaning on the couch.
"Don't talk about it." Stan groans.
━━┃ ? ┃━━
A/N: Surprise! You guys have motion sickness AND a small bonding time with your Grandpa Stan! You guys were also supposed to get easily sea sick but I completely forgot because of all the action 0(-(
WC: 6638 😭
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dolliezo · 2 years
ᴿᵒᵍᵉʳ ˢᵏⁱᵖᵖᵉʳ!
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hihi! I am Dollie or Zo and this is my blog :3
I write headcanons and sometimes scenarios! However, headcanons will be the most common!
I write for ROTTMNT, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, The Bad Guys, Teen Titans Go, Total Drama (all), The Loud House, Big City Greens, Strange World, Bee and Puppycat, and The Croods (Series and Movies)!
Of course, I will be adding more when I finish more!
I will write GN! Reader and Male! Reader, however no Female reader! I see a lot of writings for females and we Gn/Males need more writing!
I will do just about anything except NSFW, Pedo, Incest, etc If you're not sure what I do then simply ask!
As said before I'm better at doing headcanons so that's what ill usually do but ill also do scenarios! However, if I do scenarios it will take longer!
Here are my tags! Feel free to block any of them!
Zo.Says.Zo -> When I post anything! (minus writings!)
Zo.Talks.Zo -> When I answer an ask! (Minus requests!)
Zo.(Name/Anon).Zo -> When I talk to a specific someone!
Zo.Writes.Zo -> When I write/My Writings! (including ocs if I write for them!)
Zo.Reblog.Zo -> When I reblog something!
More will be added when I think of them!
I do hope you enjoy your stay here!
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