#gravity falls x reader platonic
vinnie-w · 2 years
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【 Gravity Falls x Reader 】
➥ MASTERLIST ┃ CH 01 ┃ CH. 02 ┃ CH. 03
➥ TITLE: The Legend of The Gobblewonker
➥ PRONOUNS: You/Yours, They/Them
➥ POV: Third
➥ SUMMARY: It's family fun day and Stan has decided to take you all out for fishing, but you end up having a strange encounter instead!
➥ NOTES: unrelated to the story but I hate dancing, so much. -10/22/22
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"Go, Sir Syrup!" Mabel cheered, 
"Go, Mountie Man!" Dipper cheered, the twins holding up maple syrups over their mouths. They both kept cheering when someone poked their neck, causing them to drop the bottles and have a coughing fit. 
"(Name) dear, don't do that. You're gonna kill them .." Elise said, not looking up from the stove. You had just woken up and walked in on them starting the syrup race and decided to ruin their silly cute race. You smiled sleepily at Dipper and Mabel,
"Sorry, couldn't resist, hehe" You giggled, obviously still tired. They both shoved your shoulders making you laugh more. 
"Hey! No roughhousin' in the kitchen!" Grunkle Stan scolded from outside the kitchen. You sit next to Mabel and slam your head on the table, still tired, and Mabel decides to braid your messy hair. Dipper decides to read the newspaper next to him, waiting for breakfast.
"Ho ho, no way! Hey Mabel, (Name), check this out." He said, showing them the page he was reading.
"Human-sized hamster balls? I'm human-sized!" Mabel gasps, you look up to read the newspaper too and instead see an expensive brand of oil paints on sale on the bottom page.
"Oh crap, oil paint on sale? That's awesome!" You cheered, excitedly sitting up.
"No, non guys. This." Dipper said, pointing to the ad above the oil paint sale. It was an ad about a monster photo contest. "We see weirder stuff than that everyday! We didn't get any photos of those gnomes, did we?" Dipper asked,
"Nope, just memories. And this beard hair." Mabel said, holding up beard hair,
"Gross, why haven't you thrown that out?" You asked, leaning away from her as she holds it closer to Dipper. She shrugs and makes an 'I dunno' sound, sitting back down with the beard hair in her pocket. 
"Good morning, knuckleheads. You three know what day it is?" Grunkle Stan asked, walking in.
"Um... Happy anniversary?" " .. Happy 'niversary??" You and Dipper hesitated, 
"Mazel tov!" Mabel yelled, Stan hits Dipper and you with a newspaper,
"It's Family Fun Day, genius! We're cuttin' off work and having one of those, y'know, bonding-type deals." He said while checking if the milk had gone bad.
"Grunkle Stan, is this gonna be anything like our last family bonding day?" Dipper questioned,
Dipper, Mabel and you were all sat at the table helping Stan make counterfeit money.
"You call that Ben Franklin? He looks like a woman!" He said, police sirens started blaring and the flashing blue and red light.
"Uh oh."
"The county jail was so cold." Mabel shuddered, you nod in agreement. A large plate of pancakes was suddenly slammed on to the table cause all four of you to flinch. 
"And guess who had to get your butts out of jail?" Elise sneered, Stan nervously rubbed the back of his neck.
"Said I was sorry, 'lise .." He muttered, embarrassed.  "All right, maybe I haven't been the best summer caretaker. But I swear, today we're gonna have some real family fun. Now who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car?" Grunkle Stan asked, wrapping his arms around Dipper and Mabel.
"Yay!" The three of you cheered, "Wait, what?" Dipper muttered.
━━┃ ? ┃━━
Grunkle Stan was driving his car with you in the passenger and the twins in the back, blindfolded. Elise, unfortunately, couldn't come. Something about the 'darn raccoon den'. Stan leans down to adjust the radio and the tires screech.
"Gramps if we die, I will hurt you in the afterlife." You threatened, clinging to the leather chair and car door, feeling yourself get more and more dizzy.
"Whoa whoa! Blindfolds never lead to anything good." Dipper mumbled, 
"Wow! I feel like all my other senses are heightened. I can see with my fingers!" Mabel said, touching Dipper's face, making him laugh. The car jumps and you bump into the doors. You mutter censored curses, curling even more into your seat.
"Whoa! Grunkle Stan, are you wearing a blindfold?" Dipper asked,
"Ha ha. Nah, but with these cataracts I might as well be." Grunkle Stan waved him off then leaning in and squinting. "What is that, a woodpecker?" Then he drives through a wooden guardrail, making you three scream.
Grunkle Stan helped you out, letting you lean on the front of the car (with several branches and sticks caught in the grill) with Mabel and Dipper at your side while he throws away the barf-filled paper bag into the nearest trash can. 
"Yeesh, good thing I didn't throw that away .." He mumbled, "Okay, okay. Open 'em up!" You take your blindfolds off, rubbing your eyes to help adjust to the brightness. 
"Ta-da! It's fishin' season!" Stan grinned, 
"Fishing?" Mabel asked,
"Oh great, another reason for barfing." You grumbled, crossing your arms.
"What're you playin' at, old man?" Dipper interrogated,
"You're gonna love it! The whole town's here!" Stan said, gesturing to the townsfolks in the water.
"Here, fishy fishies! Get into the pan!" Lazy Susan said, waving her pan at the water.
"Say cheese!" Toby Determined said, taking a photo of a man with a large fish. The flash of the camera causing the poor man to fall backwards into the lake.
"Uh, is this good?" Marcus asked his dad, Manly Dan, holding up his fishing pole.
"NO!" Many Dan yelled, taking his son's pole and breaking it in half. "I'll show you how a real man fishes!" He then grabs a fish straight out of the water, laughing, and he throws it on the boat and proceeds to punch it repeatedly with his sons cheering him on. 
"Get 'em! Get 'em!" Tyler chants, his boat moving towards their boat.
You watch him beat up the poor defenseless fish with a grimace. Sure you were violent but never towards defenseless animals, except cockroaches and mosquitos. Big emphasis on mosquitos.
"That's some quality family bonding!" Stan said, 
"Grunkle Stan, why do you wanna bond with us all of a sudden?" Dipper asked, 
"Come on, this is gonna be great! I've never had fishing buddies before. The guys from the lodge won't go with me: they don't "like" or "trust" me." Grunkle Stan explained,
"I think he actually wants to fish with us." Mabel muttered to both of you,
"Hey, I know what'll cheer you sad sacks up." Grunkle Stan said, slapping hats on the twins and you, "Pow! Pines family fishing hats! That's-that's hand stitching, you know." You take off your hats and see your names stitched on, the 'L' on Mabel's hat slips peels off and a letter in your name was stitched on backwards.
"It's just gonna be you, me, and those goofy hats on a boat for ten hours!" Grunkle Stan said, excited.
"Ten hours?" Dipper gaped,
"I brought the joke book!" Grunkle Stan said, holding up a 1001 Yuk 'Em Ups book. 
"No! NO!" Dipper screamed,
"Great, motion sickness, sea sick and now a migraine?" You grumbled again, slouching.
"Stand up straight, kid." Grunkle Stan warned, you sigh and fix yourself.
"There has to be a way out of this." Mabel said,
"I SEEN IT! I SEEN IT AGAIN!" Someone yells, you turn towards the voice and saw an old man running from the docks, crashing and overturning various things. "The Gravity Falls Gobblewonker! Come quick before it scrabdoodles away!" Old Man McGucket shouts in the middle of a crowd, dancing frantically.
"Awww... He's doing a happy jig!" Mabel said, 
"NOOO! It's a jig of great danger!" He yells to Mabel, you gently pull her behind you. Another man with a cap and hair covering his eyes comes out and sprays the older man with a spray bottle,
"Hey, hey! Now what did I tell you about scaring my customers? This is your last warning, Dad!" Tate McGucket warned,
"But I got proof this time, by gummity!" McGucket yelled, leading everyone to the dock. Mabel and Dipper holds your hands as you follow the old man.
"BEHOLD! It's the Gobble-dy-wonker what done did it! It had a long neck like a gee-raffe! And wrinkly skin like...like this gentleman right here!" Old Man McGucket points to Stan who was picking his ear. "It chewed me boat to smitheroons, and shim-shammed over to Scuttlebutt Island! YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME!" He was practically begging to his son. 
"Attention all units! We got ourselves a crazy old man!" Sheriff Blubbs snickered, everyone but the Pines and the ranger point and laugh at McGucket. Tate shakes his head in shame.
"Aww, donkey spottie! Aw, banjo polish!" McGucket said, walking off.
"Well, that happened. Now let's untie this boat and get out on that lake!" Stan said, stepping into his rowboat and starts untying it from the dock.
"Guys, did you hear what that old dude said?" Dipper asked,
"Aww, donkey spittle!" "Aw, banjo polish!" Mabel and you mimicked,
"The other thing. About the monster. If we can snag a photo of it, we can split the $2000 between the three of us!" Dipper said, you take your phone out to use the calculator.
"that's $666.. " You gasped, 
"Imagine what you can do with six. Hundred. Dollars!" Dipper beamed as Mabel drifted off into her imagination.
Mabel, inside the human sized hamster ball, stands pridefully in front of a hamster in a smaller hamster ball.
"Not so high and mighty anymore!" Mabel boasted, 
"Aww... " The hamster, surprisingly, said. Mabel laughs and crashes through the wall. She rolls out onto the street and meets Xyler and Craz.
"Hey, boys! You can look, but ya can't touch." She flirted, the traffic light goes green and she scurries down the street, squeaking.
Xyler and Craz stared at her in awe then at each other, "Awesome!" They yell.
"Mabel! Mabel?" Dipper called out while snapping his fingers.
"Dipper, I am one million percent on board with this!" Mabel said, 
"I'm also looking forward to be working with you two on this Monster hunt." You said, the twins looked at you then at each other.
"Why are you, so formal?" Mabel asked,
"I-I'm not good with casualties .." You mumble, rubbing your arm. They shrug and Dipper runs up to Grunkle Stan.
"Grunkle Stan! Change of plans: we're taking that boat to Scuttlebutt Island and we're gonna find that Gobblewonker!" Dipper ordered,
"Monster hunt! Monster hunt!" You three chanted,
"Monster hunt!" McGucket chimed in, you three stop chanting and stare at him.
"Monster... Eh... I'll go." He mumbled and left. A loud honk was heard a bigger boat arrived at the dock.
"You dudes say somethin' about a monster hunt?" Soos asked,
"Soos!" Mabel cheered,
"Wassup, hambone!" Soos greeted, fist bumping with Mabel and making explosion noises. "Dude, you could totally use my boat for your hunt. It's got a steering wheel, chairs; normal boat stuff." Soos offered,
"All right, all right, let's think this through." Stan butted in, "Ya kids could go waste your time on some epic monster-finding adventure, or you could spend the day learning how to tie knots and skewer worms with your Great Uncle Stan!" The three of you look at Soos in his boat as he does the robot dance. You look back at Stan in his leaky old boat; he sniffs his left armpit. You then look at Scuttlebutt Island and grin at each other. 
"So, whaddya say?" Stan confidently asked when Soos' boat drives away with you three on it.
"We made the right choice!" Mabel cheered,
"Ingrates! Aw, who needs 'em? I got a whole box of creepy fishing lures to keep me company." Stan said, looking at the lure with flies buzzing around them. He cringes in disgust and closes the box.
Meanwhile, S.S. Cool Dude was headed for Scuttlebutt island. Dipper stands on the stern of the boat, with one foor on the guardrail. He adjusts the visor of his cup. 
"Hoist the anchor!" He ordered and Soos pulls up a cinderblock anchor.
"Raise the flag!" He ordered again, Mabel holds up a beach towel instead.
"We're gonna find that Gobblewonker!" She yelled,
"Do any of you dudes have sunscreen?" Soos asked,
"And we're going back for sunscreen!" You yell, Mabel and Soos cheer with him turning the boat back. Underwater, a strange shape swims by.
After fetching the much needed sunscreen, you're back on track to Scuttlebutt Island
"Alright. If we wanna win this contest, we've gotta do it right! Think. What's the number one problem with monster hunts?" Dipper asked, 
"You're a side character and you die within the first five minutes of the movie. Dude, am I a side character!? Do y'ever think about stuff like that?" Soos panics,
"No, no, no. Camera trouble! Say bigfoot shows up. Soos, be Bigfoot?" Dipper asked, Soos strikes a Bigfoot pose.
"There he is! Bigfoot!" Dipper said, in mock acting voice and he pats his life vest "Uh-oh, no camera! Oh, wait, here's one! Aw, no film! You see? You see what I'm, doing here?" He asked, you all nod in understanding.
"That's why I bought seventeen disposable cameras!" He said, revealing cameras as he lists off their locations "Two on my ankle, three in my jacket, four for each of you, three extras in this bag, and one... under my hat! There's no way we're gonna miss this. Okay everybody, let's test our cameras out!"
Soos takes a picture of himself, the flash startling him. "Aw, dude!" He yells, throwing the camera overboard.
"You see? This is exactly why you need backup cameras. We still have sixteen!" Dipper said proudly, a seagull then starts flying over Mabel's head causing her to panic and throw a camera at it. "Fifteen! Okay, guys, I repeat; don't lose your cameras!" Dipper panicked,
"Wait, lose the cameras?" Soos asked,
"DON'T!" Dipper immediately answered
"Dude, I just threw two away." Soos points at the two cameras floating on the water. You went over to take a picture for memories but tripped on a loose board and dropped the camera you were holding into the water.
"Uh.. Sorry." You said, sheepishly turning to them.
"Twelve! All right! We still have twelve camera—" He accidentally crushes another with his fist "Eleven. We have eleven cameras."
"So what's the plan? Throw more cameras overboard or what?" Mabel asked, about to drop her cameras into the water.
"NO! No. Okay. You'll be lookout, Soos can work the steering wheel, (Name) can help navigate with Soos, and I'll be captain." Dipper said,
"What? Why do you get to be captain? What about Mabel, huh? Ma-bel! Ma-bel! Ma-bel! Ma-bel!" She chants,
"I'm not sure that's a good idea." Dipper hesitated,
"What about co-captain?" Mabel asked,
"There's no such thing as co-captain." Dipper shot down
"Aw, whoops." Mabel tosses a camera into the water.
"Okay, fine! You can be co-captain." Dipper finally surrendered,
"Can I be associate co-captain?" Soos asked,
"As co-captain, I authorize that request." Mabel said,
"Can I be associate associate co-captain?" You asked,
"Well as first co-captain, I authorize your request, (Name)." Dipper said, you clap you hands in excitement.
"Now, our number one order of business is to lure the monster out with this." He said, gesturing at a barrel of Fish Food.
"Permission to taste some?" Soos asked,
"Granted." Dipper said "Permission co-granted." Mabel said,
"Dude?" Soos asked, turning to you.
"U-Uh, P-Permission associate associate co-granted!" You stuttered, another thing to stay awake about tonight.
"Permission associate co-granted." Soos said as he licks some, than gags and wipes his tongue, coughing. "Dude, I don't know what I expected that to taste like!" He said with you three laughing.
"Oh, Soos..." Dipper sighed,
Stan watches you four from afar, "Traitors! Ah, I'll find my own fishing buddies!" He said, looking around and sees a couple sitting in a boat up ahead. "Ah! There's my new pals!" He said, starting the engine
Reginald turned away from Rosanna, looking at a ring in a box; he takes a breath "Now that we're alone, Rosanna, there's a burning question which my heart longs to ask of you." He said,
"Oh, Reginald!" Rosanna tears up, when Stan pulls his boat up to theirs.
"Hey! Wanna hear a joke?" Stan asked the couple, they only stared at him. "Here goes. My ex-wife still misses me...but her aim is gettin' better! Her aim is gettin' better! Y'see, it's-it's funny because marriage is terrible." He explains then the couple row their boat away. "What?"
As you arrive at Scuttlebutt Island, there's fog everywhere. Soos is at the back of the boat shoveling fish food. Dipper, Mabel and you are at the front. You were looking through some binoculars Dipper is trying to see through the fog while Mabel is playing ventriloquist with a pelican.
"Hey! How's it going?" She asked the pelican,
"It's going awesome! Bow bow buh bow bow!" Mabel voiced the pelican,
"Mabel, leave that thing alone." Dipper said, 
"Aw, I don't mind none!" Pelican said,
"Hey, look, I'm drinking water!" Mabel said, drinking water "Twinkle, twinkle little..." She chokes on water and coughs, and the pelican flies away). 
"Aren't you supposed to be doing lookout and not (Name)?" Dipper asked,
"Look out!" Mabel yells and throws a volley ball at Dipper, hitting him on the arm. Dipper holds his arm and shivers. "Heh, heh. But seriously, I'm on it." She said, moving next to you. She shakes your arm lightly, you turn to her and she makes grabby hands. You gesture to your binoculars and she nods. You hand her the binoculars with a smile and step back from your spot, looking out into the ocean instead. The boat jolts to a stop, signaling that you've arrived at the island.
"See? We're here! I'm a lookout genius!" Mabel said, handing the binoculars back to you. "Hamster ball, here we come!" The team then disembarks and ventures into the foggy woods. Dipper and you lead the group, Dipper carrying a lantern and you carrying a flashlight. They soon come to a large sign nailed to a tree that says 'Scuttlebutt Island'. Soos and Mabel stop in front of the sign.
"Dude, check it out." Soos said, covering the 'Scuttle' part of the sign. "Butt Island." 
"Soos, you rapscallion! Hey! Why aren't you two laughing? Are you scared?" Mabel teased, you weren't paying attention though. Your shoulders were tense and you were checking the area for anything or anyone dangerous, especially after the giant gnome fiasco.
"AH!" You squealed as Mabel tackled you from behind, you fall on your stomach with Mabel on top of you, laughing her heart out.
"Hah! Oh my gosh! You scream like a whistle!" Mabel laughed, getting up. While everyone was laughing, you sat up, embarrassed about your high-pitched scream. 
"S-Shut up! I was zoning out!" You were as red as a tomato, picking up the flashlight before it rolled further into the fog. The trio stopped laughing as they heard a growling noise in the distance. 
"Dude, did you guys hear that?" Soos asked, 
"What was that? Was it your stomach?" Mabel asked him,
"Nah, my stomach normally sounds like whale noises." He said, Mabel and you leaned in to listen to Soos' stomach, which DOES make whale noises.
"Wow! So majestic." "Fascinating .." You both awe, Dipper gasps at a possum taking his lantern and running away.
"Our lantern! Aww! I can't see anything!" He yelled, turning towards you guys and flinches at the light. It was you pointing the flashlight towards him.
"Duuude, I dunno, man. Maybe this, uh... Maybe this isn't worth it." Soos hesitated, 
"Not worth it? Guys. Imagine what would happen if we got that picture!" He said, imagining what would happen if he did get that picture.
In Dipper imagination, he's dressed like Indiana Jones being interviewed on a talk show.
"Tonight we're here with adventure seeker Dipper Pines, who bravely photographed the elusive Gobblewonker! Tell me, Dipper; what's the sevret to your success?" Charlie, the host, asked Dipper.
"Well, I run away from nothing." Dipper answered, dumping coffee into his mouth; an embarrassing picture of Grunkle Stan appears on screen. "Nothing, except for when I ran away from my annoying Grunkle Stan, who I ditched in order to pursue that lake monster." He explained.
"How right you were to do so. He looked like a real piece of work. I don't often do this, but I feel the need to give you an award!" Charlie said, handing Dipper a medal and they get their picture taken. Panning over to (Name) who was painting the wall with the new oil paints when Mabel suddenly crashes through the wall in a hamster ball.
"CHARLIE! WHY WON'T YOU INTERVIEW ME?!" She shouts, and you three run as Mabel chases after Charlie, screaming like a maniac.
"I'm in!" Dipper smiled,
"Me too!" Mabel said and they both run off in excitement.
"Shoot! Guys, wait up!" You call out, "Kuya, tara." You let slip, signaling for Soos, who looked scared, to follow.
"All right, dudes. I'm comin'!" He yells and you both chase after them. You finally catch up to them, seeing them waiting patiently for you both.
"Don't do that, double dorks. 'ma's gonna kill me if I lose either of you." You scold, ruffling their hairs and they laugh.
"You sure it's just that? Or are you gonna miss us?~" Mabel teased and Dipper laughs. You rolled your eyes, amused.
"Yeah sure, whatever makes you idjot's happy." You teased back, Dipper raised his brow.
"Id-jots? You mean idiots?" He asked, 
"Idiot, id-jot. What's the difference?" You shrugged, Dipper shrugged as well and you walk in peace for a bit. Soos then starts to beatbox with Mabel rapping.
"My name is Mabel! It rhymes with table! It also rhymes with... glabel! It also rhymes with... Shmabel!" She sang, you laugh.
"There's also fable, stable, indistinguishable, unfashionable, uncontrollable, impressionable.. Those are just the first few words that popped up." You suggest, 
"Woah! You've got a big vocab there, cous'." Mabel said,
"Yeah, dude. You should help Mabel write this down." Soos said suddenly the growling noise from earlier can be heard; a flock of bird flies overhead, away from the sound. 
"This is it! This is it!" Dipper beamed, him and Mabel punching each other excitedly as they walk towards the sound. Soos grabs two large sticks and hands one to you, just in case. Walking through the fog, you stop the group when you spot a monster silhouette. Grabbing Dipper's arm and Soos grabs Mabel's, you duck behind a log nearby.
"Everyone: Get your camera's ready!" Dipper said, you turn on your camera. "Ready? GO!" Dipper yells. Soos yells and jumps over the log, holding his camera in front of him as he runs toward the silhouette, snapping photos at random. You three follow after him, but as you get closer, you discover the silhouette was the remains of a wrecked boat with beavers living on it. They were all communicating and hugging each other, you snapped a few quick photos of the beavers.
"But... but what was that noise, then? I heard a monster noise!" Dipper asked, clearly upset. The 'monster noise' sounds again. You turn to the noise and it turned out to be a beaver chewing on and sometimes activating a rusty old chainsaw.
"Sweet! Beaver with a chainsaw." Soos said, taking two pictures of it. "I'll give you the other one afterwards, dude." He said, you smiled gratefully at him. 
"Maybe that old guy was crazy after all." Dipper muttered, 
"He did use the word 'scrapdoodle'." Mabel muttered,
"Also donkey spittle, banjo polish, that and... " You faltered once you noticed they were staring at you. "I'll, uh. S-Sorry, I'll go with Soos." You stammered, feeling your face grow hot in embarrassment and run to Soos who pats your head to comfort you.
"Look, when you're threadin' the line--lot of people don't know this--but you wanna use a barrel knot." He then whispers, "That's a secret from one fishing buddy to another! Hehe." He explains to some poor kid on another boat.
"Uh, I, uh, who are you, exactly?" The poor boy nervously asked,
"Just call me your GRUNKLE STAN-"
"Sir, SIR, SIR! Why are you talking to our son? If you don't leave right now, I'm calling the police!" The boy's mother shouts, pulling her son away from Stan.
"Ha, ha, you see, the thing about that is.. " He said, nervously. Starting his motor and speeds away.
"Go bother your own kids!" The mother yelled.
"Ooh, yeah! Work it! Work it! Nice! Nice! Gimme another one of these! Yeah, I like that one." Soos compliments the beaver he was taking pictures of, as it was posing on a stump. 
You sat next to the twins, bored. Another beaver made it's way towards you, tilting it's head curiously and sniffs you. You turn to it, tilting your head at it as well. You held out your hand to pet it, it sniffs your hand and happily places it's head underneath it, letting you pet his head. The beaver crawled it's way into your lap and making itself at home. "Cutie.. " You mutter, continuing to pet it's head.
You hear Mabel scream and immediately carry the beaver, seeing the Gobblewonker's silhouette swimming away. "No way!" You gasp, running next to Dipper.
"This is it!" Dipper squeals, taking a picture. You grab his arm and gently pull him back. "Wh- Come on guys! This is our chance!" He said, Mabel and Soos back up and you continue to tug at his arm. "What's wrong with you guys?" Dipper asked.
"Dipper.. ?" "Dude...?" Mabel and Soos mutter, and you finally had enough and yank Dipper back, making him drop his camera.
"Wh- (Name)! Come on, It's not that hard, all right? All you gotta do is point, and shoot. Like this!" Dipper said, aiming his camera at the Gobblewonker and realizes it's right in front of him. The beast roars causing Dipper to drop his camera and the beaver climbs on your head and you pull Dipper away, running.
"Run!" Soos yells, the Gobblewonker pushes a tree over which falls and almost hits Dipper and Mabel, but Dipper lunges and Mabel and they roll out of the way, you slow down and grab the twins, helping them up. You continue to run and dodge falling trees and eventually catch up with Soos. 
"Get back to the boat! HURRY!" Soos shouts, the Gobblewonker snaps at Mabel who hops onto Soos's back. Dipper trips and drops another camera but you catch him, carrying him like this;
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(I didn't know how to describe it so have a picture 😭)
"The picture!" Dipper yelled, 
"Dude, if it makes you feel any better, (Name) and I got tons of pictures of those beavers, dude!" Soos attempts to comfort him.
"We almost wasted a roll or two of film on them actually!" You added,
"WHY WOULD THAT MAKE ME FEEL BETTER?!" Dipper shouts back.
You finally arrived at the boat, the beaver still with you surprisingly. Soos lifts the twins off the boat and you help him push the boat back into the water. The twins help you up and you pull Soos up together and he runs towards the helm. "Let's get outta here, dudes!" He yells and drives the boat away backwards.
"Alright! This is it!" Dipper said, trying to take a picture "Cracked lens?! Soos! Get a photo!" He yelled only to see Soos throwing cameras at the monster. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Dipper shouts, 
"Oh! I still got one left! Don't worry, dude!" Soos answered, throwing a camera at Dipper but misses hitting the wall and breaking it instead. 
"(Name)! Do you have any cameras left?!" Dipper pleads. 
"Yeah but they're kind of filled with pictures of beavers! Sorry!" you apologized, checking all of your cameras for any space left. Dipper only sighs in disappointment. 
As Stan was struggling to tie a knot, a few yards away were Schmipper and Schmabel's boat.
"Can you pwease tell me mo'e funny stories, Pop Pop?" He asked his grandpa,
"Anything for my fishing buddies!" Pop pop laughs and pats his grandchildren on their heads, Stan growls at the sight.
"Pop pop? I just weewized dat... I wuv you." Schmipper admitted,
"Aw, come on! Boo! Boo!" Stan yells,
"Hey, now! What's the big idea?" Pop Pop confronts,
"Maybe he has no one who wuvs him, Pop Pop." Schmipper suggested,
"Yeah, well, I.. I... " Stan stammered when the S.S. Cool Dude drives past him and soaks him. He throws his hat to the ground in frustration, then sits down and sighs.
"SOOS! BEAVERS!" Dipper yells, the boat crashes into the old, broken boat and beavers fly everywhere, biting the boat and the crew.
"Ah, beavers! Oh, no!" Soos cried, there were beavers biting Dipper's hat, Mabel shakes a beaver off of her arm, you were trying to pull off your new beaver friend who was attacking another beaver that scratched you in the face, and another lunges at Soos, who stumbles away from the wheel. Mabel run to steer the boat while you chased after Soos, trying to help him out. Dipper throws the remaining beavers on board at the Gobblewonker.
"KUYA! Quit running!" You yelled, Soos stops running and yells,
"Sorry dude! It helps with the pain." He apologized, you pull the beaver that was latched onto his face while he held onto the railing of the boat. Once you pulled it off you threw it off the boat with the beaver landing on another fisher's boat. They stared at each other before the beaver attacks the fisher while he screams in pain. The boat drives through a place with people fishing, who are overturned by the Gobblewonker behind them. 
"Headlock!" Manly Dan said, headlocking a fish. His sons cheer him on when the boat is overturned by the wave from the Gobblewonker. Fish start raining down on them.
"The fishes! They seek revenge! Swim, boys! Swim!" Manly Dan shouts as the family frantically swims back to shore.
Back at the S.S. Cool Dude. The Gobblewonker swipes at the boat and manages to knock the control cabin off.
"Aah! Look out!" Mabel warned, 
"Easy... Easy... " The man said as he and another man transport a glass sheet by boat when the S.S. Cool Dude drives through it.
"My glass!" The other man cried.
"WHERE DO I GO!?" Mabel shouts, looking at the dead-end ahead. Dipper looks around and flips through the pages.
"Um... uh... GO INTO THE FALLS! I think there might be a cave behind there!" Dipper said, 
"MIGHT BE!?" You and Mabel yell back at him as you all scream. The boat goes through the waterfall and crashes into a cave behind, sending them into the dirt. Standing up, you see the Gobblewonker swim in and grab the twins' arms and back up only for it to get stuck in the cave entrance.
"It's stuck!" Mabel said,
"Haha! Yeah! Wait... It's stuck?" Dipper realized and searches for an extra camera, frantically. You lift Dipper's hat to reveal another camera, he laughs and takes several shots of the beast.
"Did'ja get a good one?" Mabel asked, 
"THEY'RE ALL GOOD ONES!" Dipper laughed, hugging you and Mabel.
"WOO! HAMSTER BALL!" Mabel and you cheered with Dipper. The Gobblewonker, still roaring, gets hit by a rock. It's head falls down with an electric noise.
"What the.. ?" Dipper blurted, walking up to the Gobblewonker and touches it's side. "Huh?" You quickly follow him as he steps on the Gobblewonker and knocks on it. It makes a hollow metalic sound.
"The hell?" You mutter, Dipper tries to climb the Gobblewonker and you push him up, climbing after him.
"Careful, dudes!" Soos warned,
"We got it, Soos!" You shout back as you climb over the Gobblewonker, Dipper then pops up from the other side.
"Hey, guys! Come check this out!" He calls out to them. You four discover a handle and turn it, causing steam to come out. You pull the trapdoor causing more steam to come out and find Old Man McGucket insde, controlling the machine.
"Work the bellows and the... Eh? Aww, banjo polish!" He curses, 
"Wha- Yo- You?! You made this? W-w-why?" Dipper questioned,
"Well, I... I, uh... I just wanted attention." McGucket cried,
"I still don't understand." Dipper said,
"Well, first I just hootenannied up a biochanical brain wave generator and then I learned to operate a stick-shift with ma beard!" McGucket explained,
"That's really cool and gross but like, why?" You asked,
"Well, when you get to be an old fella like ne, nobody pays any attention to you anymore." He answered, remembering to the time when he was outside his son's window with a baseball and gloves. His son, inside his office, closing his blinds. "My own son hasn't visited me in months! So I figured maybe I'd catch his fancy with a fifteen ton aquatic robot!" He laughs like a maniac, then sighs. "In, retrospect, it seems a bit contrived. You just don't know the length us old-timers go through for a little quality time with our family." McGucket finished explaining. You take off the hat Stan gave you and sigh,
"Dude, I guess the real lake monster here is you two. Heh." Soos said, the twins and you stare at him. "Sorry, that just like--boom--just popped into my head there."
"So, did you ever talk to your son about how you felt?" Mabel asked,
"No, sir, I got to work straight on the robut!" McGucket answered as a projector shows blueprints for the Gobblewonker on the trapdoor, "I made lots of robuts in my day!" He pushes button and projectors shows a newspaper with a robot pterodactyl breathing fire on a town and the word 'chaos', "Like when my wife left me and I created a homicidal pterodactyl-tron-" He pushed the button again and projectors shows a picture of a man, "-Or when my pal didn't come to my retirement party." he pushed the button again and projector shows another newspaper with a large robot terrorizing a town and the word 'disaster', "And I constructed an eighty ton SHAME BOT THAT EXPLODED THE ENTIRE DOWNTOWN AREA!" He laughs like a maniac, "Well, time to get back to work on my death ray!" McGucket finishes as he ducks into the Gobblewonker and construction noises can be heard from inside. "Any of you kids got a screwdriver?" He asked but proceeds to get ignored.
"Well, so much for the photo contest." Dipper sighed, taking out his last camera.
"You still have one roll of film left." Mabel points out,
"What do you you guys wanna do with it?" You asked, the twins look at you then at each other then the camera.
Stan with a defeated look, sighs as he drives his boat back to the shore. "Hey! Over here!" Dipper calls out as you drive by on the incredibly beat-up S.S. Cool Dude and both boats stop. Dipper takes a photo of Stan.
"What the-- Kids? I thought you two were off playing 'Spin the Bottle' with Soos" Stan said, you grimace at the thought.
"Well, we spent all day truing to find a 'legendary' dinosaur." Dipper started,
"But we realized, the only dinosaur we wanna hang out with is right here." Mabel said,
"Even if you're a big grump with some lame old jokes." You joked, earning an elbow jab from the smiling twins.
"Save your sympathy! I've been having a great time withoutcha'! Makin' friends, talkin' to my reflection-- I had a run-in with the lake police! Guess I gotta wear this ankle bracelet now, so that's fun." Grunkle Stan explained, 
"There's... Lake police..?" You asked, no one answered you.
"So... I guess there isn't room in that boat for three more?" Dipper asked, Stan glares you three. The twins put their hats on while you turned the hat around, showing your poorly stitched name. 
Stans expression softens as he asks, "You knuckleheads ever seen me thread a hook with my eyes closed?" 
"Five bucks says you can't do it!" Dipper bets,
"You're on!" Stan challenged as Dipper climbs into the Stan'o'war.
"Five more bucks says you can't do it with your eyes closed, plus me singing at the top of my lungs!" Mabel adds,
"Another five if you can do it in under 30 seconds!" You chimed in, Mabel climbing in with Soos and you following after.
"I like those odds!" Stan said, "Whoa! What happened to your shirt? And what's with the beaver?" He asked the shirtless Soos and you, completely forgetting about the beaver that's been hanging onto the back of your shirt.
"Huh, forgot you were there." You said, pulling the beaver off and carrying it instead.
"Long story, dude." Soos replied,
"Well, good thing we have several hours to explain everything!" You said, nudging Soos.
"All right, everybody get together. Say fishing!" Dipper said, a camera in his hands.
"Fishing!" You, Stan and Mabel said, Soos steps into the picture but only his belly shows.
"Dude, am I in the frame?" He asked.
Dipper takes pictures of the entire thing like Mabel covering Stan's eyes, you behind them with the beaver on your lap and phone in hand with a stopwatch, as Stan peeks and tries to thread a hook; Stan reading jokes while Mabel and Soos laugh, you obviously holding in your laugh with a hand covering with your mouth and your Beaver friend on your lap, munching a wooden plank; Stan and Mabel stealing fish from Smabel and her grandfather; The twins, you and Stan driving away from the lake police. As Stan drives the boat, the boat shakes.
"Whoa!" Mabel yelped,
"What was that?" Dipper asked, Mabel shrugs and they lean back into their seats. Stan drives back to shore and you all get off,
"Uh, kid. The beaver." Stan points out, you look down at the beaver in your arms, happily snuggling into you.
"But-" You tried to reason,
"Kid, it's a wild animal and known for eating wood, which the shack is made of." He states, you frown and look back at the beaver who is staring at you curiously. You sigh, and walk back to water and gently drop it in.
"Sorry little guy, you can't come with." You apologized, petting it's head. As you stand up, it bites on your pant leg and pulls you back.
"Oh no no no no no no." You panic, trying to push it back as gently as you can. "Come on, little guy! You can't do this!" You cry, everyone at the car watches with a grimace before Stan has enough and runs up to you.
"Okay, you know what? SCRAM!" Grunkle Stan shouts at the beaver scaring it and it quickly swims away. You wave goodbye at it's retreating figure, sighing, and walk to the car. Everyone looks at each other sadly and they get in, as you waited for Stan to start the car, you heard the trunk open and shut with Stan just coming in.
The sun just set and the drive was quiet. Mabel and Dipper were asleep in the back and Stan dropped Soos off at his place. You were staring out the window. Stan glances at you then back at the road, "Uh, heh. Crazy day, right?" He asked, nervously. You only replied with a hum and a shrug, too tired to talk.
You arrived back at the Shack, was outside and led the sleepy twins back into the house. You went to help Stan out with carrying the fishing stuff back when he handed you a paper bag. "Here, looked like you were pretty upset back there." He said, you raise a brow at him and opened the bag.
"What?" You muttered, pulling out a stuffed beaver. 
"There was a gift shop nearby and you looked really bummed out." He explained, carrying the fishing stuff back to the house. 
You run up to him, hugging the plush. "T-Thanks, I, uh.. I really appreciate it." You grinned, Stan rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, it's whatever. Didn't want'cha cryin' about it to your 'ma." He teased, you laugh and look back at the plushie with a wide smile. Stan glances at you and sees you stroking the plush with your thumb and hug it again. You greet Elise with a hug and run upstairs to get ready for bed. Elise shuts the door for Stan as he drops the stuff next to the coffee table and drapes himself over the couch.
"Say, where'd (Name) get the toy from?" Elise teased with a smile, leaning on the couch.
"Don't talk about it." Stan groans.
━━┃ ? ┃━━
A/N: Surprise! You guys have motion sickness AND a small bonding time with your Grandpa Stan! You guys were also supposed to get easily sea sick but I completely forgot because of all the action 0(-(
WC: 6638 😭
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yan-randomfandom · 1 month
Hi! Is it possible to get a platonic Yandere Stanford with a teenager reader? The reader likes mysteries and monsters and all that just like him, so Stanford sees them and he’s like ‘yup. That’s my kid now’ lol
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P!Yandere!Stanford Pines & Teenager!GN!Reader
warnings: violence(toward monsters), implied abuse
[THIS IS PLATONIC] I think I made this a tad too long... it's not even in bullet form anymore. thank you for the request! I love your idea sm 😭 [Word Count: 1047]
Stanford Pines has completed another mission. He lifted his head, his eyes squinting at the sight of the looming trees. The sun peeked between them, visibly on its way down.
To keep it short, he had to chase a dangerous, vile monster into the woods and take its life.
He probably saved thousands of lives. It's just that... it came down to the price of being lost. Ford has never gone this far from Gravity Falls before.
That's totally okay. Curious, even! This is perfect material for his research! He'll have to use a makeshift one for now—this cheap notebook he got from the gift shop.
As he was about to start writing, a panicked roar reverberated throughout the forest. Such strong growls—enough to blow away his clothes and body! Ford had to see it with his own eyes!
He ran and ran until he finally saw the giant. A single, widened eye stared at him, and suddenly he couldn't move anymore. Heavy breaths rose and plunged from his chest.
But he didn't have to worry any longer. A figure hopped down, continuously slicing the middle part of the eye as they descended.
Ford grunted, falling on his back as its blood squirted and leaked, even having some splatter on his nose. He watched the monster turn and run away, knowing that it'd die soon enough.
"Woah! Grandpa, you okay?" A small hand filled Ford's vision. "You froze up pretty quickly. I bet you'd be dead if I wasn't here!"
Once his vision finally cleared, he paused at the sight of a teenager. He's never seen this kid before. Ford cleared his throat, accepting your hand and standing up. "I'm fine. And don't call me that."
You hummed, tilting his open wallet with a nod. "I dunno. Being in your sixties sounds pretty old to me."
"What? How— When— Give me that!" Ford swiped his wallet out of you, to which you respond with a silly grin. He scoffed, crossing his arms. This is such a Stanley thing to do. "Who are you even, kid? Why are you out here?"
"I'm out adventuring!" you declared, placing your fists on your hips. You do certainly have equipment fit for an adventurer. "I mean, did you see me back there? Killed that monster with one swipe!"
Ford rubbed his chin in deep thought. He smiled. "That was pretty impressive. It reminds me of my nephew. You've gone straight towards the monster's weak point."
Unbeknownst to him, your face starts heating up from the praise. You've never received positive reactions from your oh-so-dangerous hobbies. "Well, yeah! It's no big deal. Eyes are usually common for being weak."
Ford chuckled. "Anyway, do you know the direction to Gravity Falls? I may be a little lost."
"Course, duh! It's like... that way! Opposite of the sun," you grinned, pointing behind him. He turned around to check, his shoulders slumping. You touched his nose with a grin when he looked back at you. What a Mabel type of personality. You were really just removing the monster's blood, though. "Boop!"
One glance at the sky, and Ford knew that there's no way he's going to go home at this time. While he loved adventuring, especially at night, he's still in undiscovered territory and would very much like to go home in one piece.
"Alrightnicetomeetyoudude! Byeeee! Good luck!" you exclaimed, already waving at him and walking away.
Wait! You're his only ticket out!
"Pray tell, kid, are you alone? Don't you have guardians or friends tagging along?" he asked hastily.
"Naw. I have parents waiting for me back home, though," you smiled.
Ford somehow convinced you to bring him home to yours.
Now, you stood in front of your house with him by your side. The older man couldn't help but notice that you looked a bit anxious, weirdly enough. You're scratching your arm.
The door finally opened. The first thing Ford saw was a frustrated face of an older woman, which was swiftly wiped when she took note of his presence. How odd.
"Oh, sweetie, who's this with you?"
"Found him in the woods! Isn't he neat?"
"Let's talk for a bit. Please give us a moment," the woman smiled at Ford, grabbing you before closing the door on him.
Ford awkwardly stood outside the house, checking his watch. Faint voices reached his ears. That's your mother, yes? She sounded upset. You sounded upset. He hasn't been in this dimension in a while, but would it really be so bad to take home a man you haven't met? He's just literally lost!
You opened the door. He froze when he met your tear-filled eyes.
"Sorry, whatever-your-name-is. I can't let you in," you muttered meekly. "But you can wait for me tomorrow. I'll help you go home. Bye."
The door closed. Why were you crying? That's not right.
Next day.
Ford waited for you on your front porch, mindlessly writing in his notebook. He had to sleep on a makeshift cushion of laundry. It wasn't the worst place to sleep, and he's just glad he didn't get caught.
"Good morning! You're early today!" you beamed, already walking.
"Is there anything I should know about your parents?" he deadpanned, trailing next to you.
You got uncomfortable quickly. "Uh, next question? Hey, look, a parasite! So weird!"
"Don't touch that! I can't believe it ranges up to here!"
The journey towards Gravity Falls felt long and tiring. But it simply made you and Ford closer.
"What's your name again?"
"Ford. Just call me Ford."
"For— Holy shit! I didn't even notice earlier! You have five fingers and a thumb!"
"Please—" he hid his hand in reflex.
"Six cylinders on your hand! That's so cool, Ford!"
Ford simply sighed, a smile growing on his lips.
Eventually, you both reach the mystery shack.
"Woah... That's yours? No wonder why you're so used to being in the woods. You live in one!"
Ford chuckled, opening the front door. "I can safely say you're going to get along with my family, kid."
You paused, hesitating. "I can't. I have to go home."
He smiled sweetly. "Not even for dinner? It'll be quick."
Your stomach growled quite loudly, causing your cheeks to heat up. "Okay, fine. Maybe a little."
Stepping right into the shack, Ford shuts the door behind you. He can't let you go back in that godforsaken house. You looked too miserable.
You can be happy with the Pines family here.
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apollowhoo · 2 months
Can you do fluff head-canons for a platonic gravity falls x reader thingy where reader is the twins older sister(by like, two years or smth) please?
If not, that’s completely okay! I just wanted to know. Stay safe, eat well, drink lots of water, love you!!
(i'm so glad that this fandom is back omgg!! Since you didn't exactly specify what type of sister you wanted + with who you wanted hc with so i wrote what made sense to me. So sorry if this isn't what you wanted:((. I can always rewrite, just let me know.)
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As the older sister to Dipper and Mabel, you have some kind of protective instict towards them. Even though they have proven themself multiple times that they're capable of handling themselves, you often find yourself stepping in to make sure they're safe.
Dipper leans on you for advice and support during his mystery hunts, knowing you’ll help him out of any jam. Oh! He also asks about Wendy daily. Mabel always goes to you when she finds a new guy. Asking you what she should say to him for his attention or if he's even worth it. But she usually ends up doing her own thing..
With Grunkle Stan, you share a playful but caring relationship—he often jokes that you're the "voice of reason" among the kids, but he secretly appreciates your maturity and occasionally seeks your advice (obviously does it secretly).
Wendy treats you like an honorary member of her friend group, and you two usually hang out, talking and sharing snacks on the roof of the Shack. You admire her laid-back attitude and take inspiration from her confidence.
Even Grunkle Ford respects your input during intense situations, and you often work together to solve the deeper mysteries of Gravity Falls.
Despite the sometimes serious nature of your adventures, you’ve kinda became the comforting presence that everyone turns to when things get tough, offering a smile, a joke, or a comforting hug.
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snakewithawitchhat · 21 days
Bill Headcanons
I have enough of these to fill up my guts whatever that means
Includes: Normal, readerxbill platonic, readerxbill romantic, freaky stuff he into
He definitely said skibidi once because he had no idea what it meant or where it came from
He would probably honest to god enjoy interacting with an iPad kid because he thinks they're fucking funny
Tea person over coffee
Probably reads books on the randomest subjects. Mostly they all have human psychology in common, though. Or anatomy.
His favorite kids movie is Wreck It Ralph, favorite adult movie is Shawn of The Dead (He doesn't believe British people are actually real and finds the movie funny), favorite horror movie is probably something really obscure and is just plain goreporn or something like that.
(In my opinion) I feel like if he had a more anthropomorphic form (legs and arms and body) it would probably be something VERY weird core or something like that. Like, extra limbs, weird ass colors, and random effects. He'd probably keep the triangle imagery, though.
Would definitely just say random ass shit to freak people out
He has a thing for teeth. Not, like, a weird thing or a sex thing. He just really thinks they're cool.
If he had an iPad... he'd spend all day either being your standard reddit user or an iPad kid.
Probably like King from The Owl House sometimes.
Speaking of TOH, he met The Collector once. He thought the kid was neat and played a few games of chess with him before leaving. Probably one of the inspirations for The Collector's insaneness
He also met The Core from Amphibia. Or at least knew the core existed.
His favorite human color is either red, yellow, or orange. It's really everything on the hot side of the color wheel tbh.
Platonic X reader
Dream invasion time-- He would SO rummage through your mind if you made a deal with him.
If you pissed him off, he'd probably jab a fork in your arm while possessing you. He wouldn't be as insane as he was with Stanford's body, though. He wants yours to work properly.
Dream demon or not, he probably had a Drea- NIGHTMARE... it was SO a nightmare... about having more fun with you if you built the portal.
Would be touchy. Not in a weird way (if you ask, he'll stop) but he'll just, like, pat your shoulder or something like that.
If Weirdmageddon 2 happens he is SO finding you and inviting you to his party. You're coming, too. You don't got a choice. Womp womp.
If one of his friends were to eat you, he'd probably be disappointed as all hell, but it really depends on how close you are with him. Besties? He'd kill that monster and resurrect you with the parts left. Just acquaintances? Who are you again?
Would still possess you even after he gets a physical form. (he likes to prank you)
Romantic X reader
Clingy bastard. If your insert is mortal, he'll be by your side 24/7 if Weirdmageddon is happening. Even if your insert ISN'T mortal.
Would be even MORE touchy.
He'd set up boundaries and be clear with his own while probably ignoring yours. (he isn't a great partner)
It's probably a toxic one-sided relationship at first. Bill is NOT a good person at ALL. He always had a goal in mind. He sees his romantic interest of you as a little thing that just ALSO happened.
Probably gets flustered by affection really easily if you're the one showing it.
He won't know much about human affections, so you'll probably have to show him the ropes.
Before you do THAT, though, he'll probably just bite you (with his freaky fucking eyeball mouth thing). Not even as a sexual or possessive thing. He just likes to bite you. It's like an awkward thing he can't control. Get too close and he can feel your warmth? Bite. Bite. BITE. It's not light stuff, though. It's always hard enough to draw blood. Purposeful or not. (It's not on purpose)
He doesn't get JEALOUS, but he does get a little insecure if you start getting infatuated with someone else.
If you're hurt from someone, you BEST know he's overprotective as fuck. Your puny mortal body is pathetic, but if you lose it, he loses you, too.
You aren't aging ever again. You aren't DYING ever again. No. He won't let you die ever. Body is giving out? Here's a new one. Forgetting...? No, he'll plant more memories in your mind. He's too late and you're dead...? No you aren't... You'll always be conscious. Whether your body is rotting around your mind or not.
Sex junk
Sadist. 100% all the way. Not even light things, like slaps. No, if you consent, he will full on break your bones.
He doesn't feel sexual gratification like humans do, so it's more of just something he'll do to either please or displease you. Whichever one, it's almost always about how you feel.
He doesn't have a dick, so you'll be on the receiving end always. Unless you REALLY want to give.
He has a giant eyeball on him. He definitely likes to watch.
Always tops because there isn't much you can do to dominate him. He'll try to let you if you really wanna, but it probably won't be the easiest.
Blood kink. That's it. He thinks it's so pretty on you. Especially if it's yours.
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temmtamm · 23 days
Hello! Could you do yandere Pines family x female reader. (Mostly targeted to stanford pines) Can you do it where the reader (the reader is in her mid-20s) was traveling through gravity falls. But her car broke down, so the reader managed to stop at a motel (if gravity falls have one). The reader looks around gravity falls while she was there. And went to the mystery shack, and that's when standford meets the reader. He was love struck. So obviously, he started to stalk her, etc. Till he finally talks to the reader. After a while, the pines family has been noticing his strange behaviors (more than normal), so they went to investigate (mostly dipper and Mabel), and they realized they too really liked her. And started to see her as a graunty. Stanley comes in to see what's up and realize he also likes her too (as a little sister) and all of them try to get the reader to date/relationship with stanford. But the reader finally mentioned she was leaving soon. And that just...broke them. You can come up with the last part, okay?
Hii ^^ friendly reminder that I do not do gender specific asks, but I will gladly do this concept using gender neutral pronouns!!
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Yandere Ford (+ twins) Headcanons
Okay, so I don’t think Ford would be a hard guy to impress, mostly because he had been away from human society for three decades and hence, grew accustomed to other dimensions customs, including their appearances.
That is both to say that you are something very new and exciting for him, both in the ways of fashion and what-not as you don’t exactly look like what people did in the 70’s-80’s, and you’re the first human he’s seen that was a romance-able option.
Things to note about Ford is that he is awkward, not all that socially aware, and he has no conversation skills to save his life…but, another thing to note that he is self obsessed. Ford is narcissistic as all his life he had been praised for his intellect. So, he is convinced he can use his intellect to woo you over, he just needs to study you.
He doesn’t like to call it stalking, only bad people stalk. He’s not bad, he’s just…collecting data. He’s not stealing, he’s just collecting samples, you get the point.
At nights, he lies awake thinking of you, over analyzing your twos relationship. He worries he is turning into a freak of nature, an obsessive monster that will end up destroying you and everyone else he loves. He’s afraid he’ll end up like Bill.
But…when he talks to you, when he watches the wrinkles form in the crows feet of your eyes from how much you laugh at his jokes, how well you take care of the twins, all his worries melt away.
He will never end up like Bill. He’ll make sure of it. He doesn’t want to destroy, he wants to protect. It’s the intent that matters, right?
Well…Stan doesn’t exactly think so. He gets worried seeing Ford hover so closely around you, always analyzing, always watching. He doesn’t want to lose his brother. It might be a bit selfish, but he just got Ford back, he doesn’t want you taking Ford away to god-knows-where once your car gets patched up.
So, he starts asking around, asking to see if Mabel and Dipper noticed Ford’s new attitude.
You see, another thing to note is that Mabel and Dipper don’t have a good home life. It’s not out of reach to assume that they had gotten sent to the Mystery Shack during summer while their parents got divorced, and in such a troubling time with a collapsing home life, they latched onto the closest thing to a family they had, which was you and Ford.
Ford had been Dipper’s ideal for a long, long time, before Dipper even really knew who Ford was, and hence, he’d be estatic to have him as a father figure. And Mabel?? Well, she has this unique ability to bond with almost everyone she meets, but especially you. You don’t chastise or make fun of her for being boy crazy, or liking pink, or being the ‘dumber’ sibling. You just let her be a kid and have her fun.
So, the two cover for Ford.
What do you mean he’s going out late?? He must just be getting used to his new life back home.
What do you mean he has a collection of your clothes? He’s keeping it for you…to wash.
He bought a perfume/cologne with your exact scent?? Obviously, it’s an early birthday present.
Hell, the two might even try to convince Soos to stall the fixes on your car, with Mabel in particular winning him over, saying it’s for ‘love’.
They, along with Ford, aren’t that willing to part with you. Won’t you just stay a little longer?? They barely got to know you.
C’mon, just stay…
At least let them pretend they have a happy family, at least for a little.
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littlelambscandyland · 3 months
Bunker Down
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Yan!Platonic Daddy Stanford x Fem!Reader, Side Yan!Platonic Uncle Stanley x Fem!Reader
Warnings- Forced Age Regression, Kidnapping, Use of Daddy (Non-Sexual Obviously), Accidental Self Injury, Time shit I don’t understand, Implied spell casting induced age regression, Reader is implied to be 20,  Ford has blue eyes cause I fucking said so, not matching to the canon ending
Your eyes burned from your sleep. The bones in your body sore and unmoving. You were content on letting yourself rest, allowing yourself some form of recuperating. Want and need were two different things, however, and you found yourself crawling from your covers. With Dipper and Mable leaving just a week ago things are still struggling to get back on track.
Something caught your eye, or rather your feet, when you left your bed. The floor was oddly soft. Now that you think about it, so was the bed. The bed that most certainly wasn’t yours in a room that also was definitely not yours. Your eyes still burn, but your curiosity burns harder.
You stand up with caution and exhaustion. The door was easy to spot among the slightly bright room. It reminded you of the room you saw taped in the back of the first journal, but that couldn’t be the same room. No, that room was your nursery. The room Ford built just for you after your sudden appearance in his life. It did look like it though. Different yet the same.
A part of this situation made you sad. The remembrance of loss and odd deja vu feeling of the room decor made you uneasy. Not the best way to start the day for sure.
Your hand clasped the golden handle and immediately turning it, or trying to. The door knob didn’t turn. The door barely even shuddered when you panicked and slammed yourself against it. It was a chilling realization when you figured out the door wasn’t actually wooden, just painted. You found out when the cold metal dislocated your arm from the pressure.
Your cries of pain stirred something up because a red light blinked above the door lit up and washed over you. Nothing happens. Nothing comes to stop you from angrily banging on the door.
It lasted a while. Sitting on your knees scratching at it with wavering hope. You were tired, but it felt like it’d been so long.
Finally the door opened. Frantically your father, Ford, entered the room. For an old man he moved quickly. All those years running must’ve made him tough if nothing else. He threw you in his arms and rushed you back over to the bed while muttering to himself. He sat with you looking over your damaged arm and hands.
“F-Ford…” You called out to him wearily.
You’d never called him your dad. Not since he’d come back. Not since being alone for so long. You couldn’t bring yourself to rely on him. You couldn’t be his daughter, not when he doesn’t even seem to feel that you are either.
“Dad.” He says searching a bag full of bandages.
You take it back, maybe he did think you were his kid.
“Wha- Just what’s happening?” Your voice rang through the quiet room.
Ford stopped searching and the scuffling noises ended. He didn’t answer. Instead, he works on your hands. Torn flesh wrapped delicately in the bandages. Did you really scratch that hard?
You look up impatiently. “Ford-”
“Dad.” Ford says, wrapping the bandage tighter than needed.
“Fine- Fucking- Dad. What is going on?” You asked anxiously.
“It’s-” He stops. “Hold on one second this is going to hurt.”
He wraps his hand around your wrist and then places his other on the crook between your arm and neck. Ford tightens his hold slightly and pushes hard on your arm. A gasp and a scream leave your mouth as he pops your arm back into its proper place. He pulls you closer into himself and pets your head.
“C’mon, sweetie, it’s okay.” He coos at you. “Shhh-shhh… Daddy’s here.”
As the pain faded he continued to work on wrapping your arm.
“You didn’t answer my question…” You drew out.
“It’s complicated to explain.” Your father answers, finishing your arm. “Overall…” He trails. “I’m just trying to keep you safe. I missed so much and, and so did you.”
“So… Your solution was a concealed box?” You ask.
You couldn’t quite wrap your mind around what he was trying to prove. Why were you locked in? If this was to keep you safe why not lock things out? Your curiosity showed on your face. The slight shake in your hands giving way to your fear.
“I didn’t think you’d wake up so early… Or try to tear the door down. You can’t go acting all crazy like that, kiddo. Why do you think you’re hurt?” Ford says concern lining his scarred face.
“That doesn’t- Why aren’t you answering my questions!?” Your panic voice breaks through.
“I know! I know. I’m just trying to save you…” He sighs and grabs your arms lightly. Ford frowns as you try to pull away. “I just want to have my baby girl back… I think we both deserve that. Don’t you a princess?” He asks hopefully.
It makes sense, a bit, why he’d do this. Bill had thrown you threw a portal at such a young age. This portal threw you years in time. You grew up alone in a completely different time. You made it to your teenage years without anyone. You did it! And you were so proud of yourself. Then again you missed out on being a kid. You missed your father. You missed everything, but, then again, so did he.
These thoughts didn’t shadow your panic. All this made sense, in a way. The man's mind was most likely fractured from all he’s suffered through the years. What you didn’t understand was the nicknames, or the room, or, now that you’ve noticed, the clothes.
His mind may be broken, but how old did he think you were? How old did he want you to be?
You sighed. “Ford…”
“Dad.” He cut you off quickly. A panicked laugh followed after. “I’m your father. I should be treated like your father.” His words rush out.
“Okay, I get it. But you still aren’t really explaining anything to me! Like the clothes, the room, fuck, the-the door? What exactly are you hoping to gain and what exactly is the plan here?” You integrate the man.
Ford lifts you into his arms with ease. Your tense body seemingly makes no difference to him. Your face to face with him, his broken frames shadow some of the intensity in his eyes. Blue eyes darkened by age and trauma. Your heart pounds dangerously hard against your ribs. Eyes wide and panicked matching his tired and manic orbs.
Ford rests his head against yours, but doesn’t close his eyes. His intense gaze frightens you and you close yours tightly to avoid his own.
His voice comes out thick and heavy. “I know… It seems radical. I know, you’re scared.” Your father says, moving away, cupping your face in his large hands. “I just want us to be happy again,” He whispers desperately. “Is it that bad to want to see my baby grow up?” His voice breaks. “I know, I know it seems odd right now, but you’ll get used to it! You can be daddy’s little girl again! Wouldn’t that be nice? No more worries just you, me, and occasionally your Uncle Stan.” He finishes with a smile filled with hope and delusion.
“I think,” You say, trying to pull away. “You need to take some time to- to calm down… Everything that’s happened and after all that occurred Dipper and Mable had to go home. I get it your- your stressed, but I really don’t think you’re thinking straight. Y- Y’know?” You plead to him.
Ford says nothing. His grip tightens every time you try to wriggle out. You’d never felt afraid of him until now. The lack of natural light, the decoration, the words from his lips, all have you in a state of fear you've never experienced before. Which was saying something because you’ve been through some stuff.
His eyes harden and he’s suddenly standing with you in his arms. Ford walks out of the room and up a set of stairs. Were- were you in the basement? Surprising you a bit when you made it to the door at the top of the stairs you weren’t met with the inside of the shack rather you found yourselves in the hall between the two mens’ rooms. Confusion crosses your face.
“We added a separate entrance so it’d be more safe. On top of that it’s more discrete.” Ford smiles pridefully.
You try to leave the older man's grip again, hoping maybe you could find some comfort in being a few steps away from him. This hope dies quickly when he simply switches you to his other hip. How the hell is his 70 year old ass able to hold you for so long? Your fear boils over to anger as you try to push yourself out of his arms.
“Ford! Ford put me down!” You shout pushing as much as he pulled.
He wrestled with you all the way to the living room. His grip was tight enough to carry you even while you tried to fight.
“That is enough young lady!” He shouts and plops you down onto… Another lap? “I’ve had enough of this little tantrum. Now you're going to sit there and be good for Stan while I get you breakfast. Am I understood?”
Your heart stopped. Not even when you were little did he yell at you. You were always his “little angel”. You never got in trouble. It was startling to hear him angry at you.
“Don’t think you answered your old man there sweetheart.” Stan chimed in.
Realization hit you for a moment. Your father threw you straight onto your uncle's lap… And your uncle seemed completely fine with what was going on… Are you going crazy?
“Why- I - uh - I…” You trailed on in a stuttering line.
“C’mon I know you’re young, but spit it out will ya.” Stan says with faux irritation.
“What- What is wrong with the two of you?!” You shout in frustration.
You try your best to scramble off of Stan's lap. A fight you lost very quickly when the old man crushed you into a bear hug. Through your pleas of “let me go” and “why are you doing this” you were cooed and hushed at. You found that your uncle seemed to find some sort of humor in your “tantrum”. He shouted jokes to Ford about how much more difficult you were being all because of a little change. How you were so pitiful it was cute.
Your movements came to a halt when you heard your father clearing his throat. Stan makes another joke about how you’re really in trouble now. Your eyes water quickly and your breathing becomes erratic. Before Ford could even scold you for you “bad behavior” you were having a full blown panic attack.
The whole thing happened in a blur. Warm arms and a faint glowing light. You felt so much smaller so quickly. It’s like the world changed course. You were so angry and now you felt so much more dependent.
“Please… Daddy, I don- I don’t understan…” You sniffle out onto his shoulder.
Your arms wrap around him as tightly as his wrap around you. Your head felt so much fuzzier.
“Told ya’ this would be faster poindexter, then again didn’t think ya had it in ya’.” Stan says proudly from his chair.
You peek over your daddy's shoulder… What’d he mean by that? Aside from the fogginess you felt fine. What’d they do?
“It’s just till she gets used to things…” Ford says while rubbing his hands over your back.
“Sure it is,” Stan says. “Anything to get your little angel back huh?”
Your father rests his head on yours. “I already have her, she just needed a little help.”
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triannel · 1 month
yippee :33
May i please request a bill headcanon thingy about what he’d do if randomly a baby Euclidian appeared in front of him and gets attached to him like an imprinted baby duck to a mother duck (a good while after his home 💥 so a little angst would be lovely :33)
oh and from a baby reader POV but obvs platonic thank you ! <33
I'm sorry but I don't really know what a baby Euclidian is so I googled it and it lead me to something related to geometry... I have not at all read the book but I'm guessing that this is related to where Bill came from.
-Gazing onto the dark abyss of his former home, his eye focuses on the floating ashes around him. The cogs in his mind twisted then turned and finally, a tear dropped from his eye, then another, and another. "No no no nononononononononoononononono"
-Floating around to and fro. The darkness seemed to stretch as far as it could. Then, he hears something, someone was near
-Eventually he found you, floating around just like he was. 'Where did you come from? Who are you?' was all he could think as he stared at you.
-Once you caught a glimpse of him, you smiled sweetly and tried to grab him. He held you, still confused and shocked someone else other than himself had survived.
-He contemplated on leaving you, maybe someone was looking for you? Or perhaps the area is where you are supposed to be. He doesn't exactly need this sort of trouble right now, his mind is incredibly troubled and he did not want to take care of a baby right now...
-But eventually, he would end up taking you in, your clinginess added to how difficult it would take to be rid of you.
-He'll eventually grow very fond of you though as he would most likely just ramble on, with you understanding nothing from anything he spouts.
-With you as his companion, it made it easier for him to wander around the dying dimension you both called home. Of course he'd still get flashbacks to what happened, but somehow you'd always get him into a good mood when it happens though, and he greatly appreciates that.
-Although it would be difficult for him to take care for you, once a bond is formed he would do his best to keep you safe and sound.
Reader POV:
-A loud bang was heard everywhere, and just behind you, the terrain of your world burned brightly like the sun. Once the flame's ate all that it could, you were alone, crying, confused.
-But then, someone found you. A triangle.
-When he did, you just smiled back at him. You couldn't exactly comprehend anything clearly but something told you that perhaps he'll be your new caretaker.
-He would hold you a bit awkwardly at first, and you would only keep grabbing at his sides as you babbled.
-As he rambles on about something, you just stare at him blankly, not comprehending anything he's trying to speak of. But you did understand the frown on his face.
-Everytime he has that expression on, you would just babble with him. Of course since you are but a Euclidian baby, you wouldn't really pay attention at times.
-In the end, you would be his companion in the long journey that Bill started. You don't know where both of you are heading to, but you're just happy to have a dad in all honesty.
Here you go anon, I hope you liked it. I wrote Bill kinder here because I assume that he must have been kinder in his earlier years.
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stardustandmeteors · 2 months
Except for you | ford pines & reader (platonic)
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characters: Ford pines & the reader
summary: the reader had run away from Ford's watchful eye and hid in an abandoned shack after finding out he was gonna leave them behind in a dimension for her own safety, yet all she wanted to do was follow him, because he was her safe place.
This one shot (or a future story if y'all would like one) was inspired from TLOU Part 1, but it isn't gonna be word for word, just only bits and pieces like the abandoned shack and some dialogue I remember Ellie and Joel saying. Anyway, hope u like the one shot ^^
y/n sat on the window sill, her eyes looking out into the open and slightly broken dimension her companion and guardian dragged her into. It had many other creatures here, all refugees just like her before she ran into Ford. She scoffed at the thought of his name. He was supposed to protect her from the request of her mother, because of the attack on her planet and dimension. Bill had gotten there to destroy her world, he had no reason to, but he wanted to cause chaos. He liked chaos, and he wanted to watch the place burn. Ford had found herself and her mother huddled inside of a pocket inside of their home, and she had taken it up on herself to ask the man for help. Ford was hesitant, but took y/n with him in the end, the two leaving her dimension and planet to become nothing but rubble.
Their relationship from them on had been rocky, both of them were stubborn, and they always argued, but were there for one another, despite their clashing personalities. As their time together went on, the teen had grown an attachment to Ford, and had secretly thought of the older man as a parental figure she would come to look up to. But those were crushed when she found out he wanted to abandon her here because in his words, it was "too dangerous" for her to continue because she was only fourteen.
She still gazed out the window when she heard the footfalls of Ford, his breaths came out rapidly as he glared at the young girl who looked down in her lap at the journal she stole from him when she left. "Do you have any idea the hell I went through to find you?" Ford seethed.
She flipped a page in the journal, "is this what you were worried about in your dimensions? Finals and assignments?" She asked, ignoring his question. He quirked an angry brow. She looked at him.
"The hell are you talking about?" He questioned. She held up his very old and tattered journal from thirty years ago, the one from his college years. He thought he had lost that. Ford scoffed.
"come on, we're leaving," he said, turning around.
"what, so you can abandon me?" y/n stood from her spot by the window and tucked the journal away into her overcoat (the one Ford had gifted her when she turned fourteen). Ford turned around quickly, his hard cold stare present on his face.
"they are good people, they can protect you more than I can." Ford said. That made y/n even angrier.
"that's bullshit Ford, and you know!" She exclaimed, glaring at him. She didn't want to stay, she wanted to go with him, "everyone I care for in this lifetime has either left me or died, fucking everyone except for you!" She shoved him when she got close, which caused him to stumble a bit in surprise and shock. She could feel the tears already gathered at the corners of her eyes. "So please, don't tell me I'll be safer with these people, cause the truth is Ford, I'll just be more scared."
He ignored the gathered tears and gave her the same cold stare he's adopted on his travels to escaping Bill, she took a small Shakey breath, clutching her sides as she looked at the older man. "In the journal, I read about a man named Stanley. He's your brother, isn't he?"
It seemed all they knew how to do was scoff, "that has no concern to you kid, stay out of my family business." He said, going forwards to grab the journal from her pocket.
"well, I'm not Stanley, you can't treat me like how you treated your bother..." She wasn't sure if she should bring another point up for the man, but she was already digging herself into a bigger grave. "... I'm, also not her, you know."
"what?" He asked, already knowing the answer.
"I wasn't the only kid you decided to pick up, was I? I saw it in one of your other newer journals when you weren't looking. I'm not Lizzie." She said. He looked ready to go off on her. She knew she had crossed a line, but she couldn't help it. All these people and he only saw her as Stanley or Lizzie, not as her own person. He continued to glare at her.
"You're right, you're not like Stan..." He trailed off, "... Or my daughter... And I sure as hell ain't your dad." He spoke, his voice wavering as tears gathered in his eyes. He could see how broken she looked, and it had shattered his already crumbling heart from the way she was looking at him. He could tell she was beginning to lose hope in surviving. "After we get back, we go our separate ways." He said, his voice hardening.
"whatever you say... Sir." She growled.
He should've expected a response such as that to leave her mouth, but he couldn't help but be hurt by the lack of emotions behind her voice. She reverted back to calling him sir, from when he first took her under his wing after the destruction of her home world because of Bill. And now he regrets ever coming up with the idea of leaving her behind.
so, how was it? Would y'all like a full story like this for a Ford and Daughter Reader? If so, would u like it to be on Wattpad or AO3?
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scaredycatqlt · 8 months
Some silly platonic headcanons of bill cipher x reader pls?
Oh hell yeah!!! I love my lil AroAce triangle >:3
Bill Cipher X Reader [PLATONIC!]
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Alright, well, for starters, how you became friends could vary.
Either you’re some messed up otherworldly creature with a thirst for chaos and destruction like him, or some unsuspecting human. Or maybe you knew what you were doing? Who knows! Bill knows.
Regardless, at first he doesn’t pay you much mind. You’re simply another pawn on the chessboard to him.
He can get bored easy, so he hangs out around you a lot. Not for long, mainly frequent short visits.
He finds you amusing, you and your antics! If you’re a dimensional thing like him, he’s quick to invite you to join him in wrecking havoc. If you’re a human, he’s more still in the ‘I’m better lol’ mindset.
When you guys are finally friends, he will try to convince you to let him possess you. Not all the time! And very infrequently! Come on, won’t you help a pal out?
His love language (PLATONICALLY) is acts of service and gift giving. He’s not an emotional being by any means at all, so this is how he expresses his care for you.
As canonically presented, his gifts are kinda…..messed up.
deer teeth, a eternal screaming head, weird shit in general.
Also with acts of service he totally offers to take care of anything bothering you. Someone annoyed you? He can get rid of them! Don’t you worry your fuzzy little head!
A litttlleeee bit of a platonic yandere but who here’s surprised….
He does a lot of small things for you that you might not notice. Like picking something up, summoning an object, giving you whatever small thing you happen to want at that time, yeah.
If something happened to you he’d probably go crazy ngl.
You’re like his partner in crime!
Also, if you’re human he makes sure you’re taking care of your meat-suit properly.
Have you drank water? Eaten? Slept? Done all the human things?
One last thing, I feel like Bill would love Doritos. I know this kinda doesn’t match the theme, but there used to be this whole ‘Bill hates Doritos they’re his species :(‘ kinda thing and while it is funny, personally I disagree. I think he’d find it hilarious, and probably eat them specifically because they look like him. He’s a little creacher.
Here they are!! Again, sorry it took forever. I’ve been busy with school n shit, but I’m working on these requests one by one.
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helpfandom · 3 days
Platonic yandere Bill and/or Ford?
I love it when you guys ask stuff <3 /gen.
Have both, I feel inspired.
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Ford first, that way it makes more sense.
This is set when Ford comes back, a little bit after Not What He Seems.
Ford is, not necessarily a needy man, but he does need some comfort in a shape or form. He's obsessive because he needs to know that he's doing something right.
He's obviously going to be more attached to someone who he sees Stanley in, adventurous and wanting to know more and more about the world, and yet, hasn't been broken to the world about life and what it really is.
He's very quick to try and protect, even though probably by now, you're best friends with the younger Pines twins, and he at least tries not to try and mention dangerous things around you, and try to derail the conversation when it's something he thinks could lead to that.
He wants to protect that naivete, keep it safe and secure like he wish someone had for him.
Bill, however would also love your naivete, for a far worse reason. He has nothing against shattering illusions, and that's part of why he likes you so much.
He wants to ruin you to get back at Stanford for (essentially) breaking up with him, and get rid of what little comfort Ford actually takes part in. Besides, you're one of the few he can influence the most, after all, you're out of the shack most of the time.
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yan-randomfandom · 3 days
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P!Yandere!Pines Family x GN!Teenager!Reader
[PLATONIC] a continuation to this! decided to just make them all yanderes cuz y not lol errmm just subtle ykwim... i'm not proofreading all this so just have my draft
warnings: staring, violence, alcoholics, abuse, blood, implied murder. woah intense
"Then I saved Ford by slicing its eye! You should have seen it!"
You laughed, settling down from your dramatic gestures that you've been making throughout the entire dinner. The entire Pines family watched you in awe, especially Dipper and Mabel, easily captivated by your personality and story.
"Yes, well, they certainly saved my life," Ford chuckled as he fed himself a spoonful of food.
"You have to stop lettin' kids save your life so much," Stan scoffed.
Dipper grabbed a book out of nowhere, clicking his pen in preparation—
"No writing at the dinner table! We talked about this!" Stan called out, earning a sheepish smile from Dipper who immediately drops the book on the ground.
"But what did the monster look like?" Dipper stammered, eventually turning to you with a curious look on his face. He looked eager to learn more. That's what you can tell anyway, if you remove his reddened face, which is most likely from embarrassment.
Mabel, who sat across from you, leaned towards you with the biggest smile on her lips. You grinned back to return her energy. "Bet it was super gross! Was there a lot of blood?! Blaarrrgghhh!!!"
"No gross sounds at the table, pumpkin!" Even Stanley felt like he's tired of his own voice. This is him trying his best to not let you be uncomfortable. Well, he supposed you and his brother brought up the story in the first place.
Speaking of, why were you even here? Ford came back in the mystery shack after missing for a day, only to bring a random teen with him. It's a good thing he cooked extra since he thought Soos was coming over.
But he needed answers fast.
"Ford," Stan whispered firmly, catching his brother's attention. Tilting his head, he tried to signal him to move out, but someone interrupted them before they could do anything.
"Hey! No sneaking out the dinner table!" Mabel exclaimed, pointing a fork at her grunkles.
Stanley stood up and Ford followed his actions. They were already heading out the door with Stan holding his twin's wrist. "Well, sweetheart, VERY REASONABLE EXCUSE!"
As soon as they were out of sight, you and the other kids exchanged looks.
"He did say it's reasonable."
"Yeah, I can live with that."
... You snorted. "You guys are a funny bunch. He literally said the excuse, and you let him go just like that? You must trust each other a lot."
"You have no idea, stranger, you have no idea," Mabel laughed. "Sorry, what was your name again?"
Meanwhile, deep inside the mystery shack, where they were sure there'd be no eavesdropping happening...
"You let the kid stay here without telling their parents?!"
Stanley was freaking out. Yet, he really shouldn't be surprised Ford would do this. Ironically, poindexter would even criticize his behavior, his grunkle methods! How ridiculous is this whole thing, huh?!
"It's more complicated than that! Look, I know this sounds bad—"
"It does!" Stan yelped, his hands clenching. "Their parents must be so worried! And we can't just let them—"
"No, no, Stanley, walk with me here," Ford said, placing his hands on his brother's shoulders. "It's their parents that are the problem."
A few deep breaths from Stan. Alright, okay. This is making more sense now.
"We'll take them to their house first thing in the morning," Ford explained. "Let's see what we'll do from there."
"I hope my drawing isn't too bad," you chuckled, giving the journal back to Dipper. His eyes skimmed over your illustration of the monster you killed. "It doesn't match yours and Mabel, but..."
"Are you kidding?! It's perfect! Thank you!" Dipper beamed, writing more notes down the rest of the page.
From above, Mabel had her legs folded over the ceiling wood of the house. You looked up and made eye contact, as much as you can anyway. She's upside down.
"Hi! How old are you again?"
How did she even get up there, you wonder. You glanced around, smiling when you realized, and worked your way up.
They stared at you in awe when you climbed right next to Mabel's side. Now you're hanging upside down too. "Cool tricks, Mabel. Hope you don't mind me copying you?"
She doesn't respond, starstrucked. Glancing at Dipper, his jaw was also on the floor.
"Uhhh," you awkwardly smiled, "But I just turned sixteen! You guys are turning thirteen, right?"
"You're the coolest," Mabel whispered, dragging a hand across your face. Okay. That's a bit weird, but it's welcome.
"Thanks," you grinned, manually removing her hand from your face. You looked down at Dipper again. "Hey, Dipper, what time is it?"
He scrambled around and grabbed a watch from somewhere. "Uh, nine o' clock."
"Nine?!" your sudden outburst caused you to fall to the carpet, a pained groan leaving your lips. At least you managed to drop skillfully. "Oh, that hurt."
"Are you okay?!" Dipper rushed to your side, offering a comforting hand on your back.
"Yeah, I just," you paused. "It's nine already? My parents are gonna kill me, man. I gotta go home."
Mabel also dropped down from her outburst, but her landing isn't painful as yours, because you caught her in time. She gazed at you from your arms, stars forming in her eyes.
"Woah. You have fast reflexes!" she squealed as you gently put her down.
Dipper shook his head. "But you can't go home this late at night. Didn't you say you're from outside of Gravity Falls?"
You crossed your arms, pondering. "Yeah, but... Okay, wait, where's Ford?"
Footsteps followed your words. All of you turned to the doorway, seeing the older set of Pines twins. It's kind of amazing, really, you rarely saw twins and this family has two pairs.
"Oh, there you are!" you grinned, walking over to him. Ford blinked at you. "I'm sorry, dude, but I think I overstayed my welcome. I'll go ahead and—"
"Eh, nah," Stanley chimed in, earning your attention, "It's too dark for ya to go out. Let's take you home tomorrow, yeah?"
"No butts, they're for sitting," he continued, gently pushing you down on his recliner. You sat down, albeit confused. "Think of it as a sleepover. That's fun, right kids?"
Mabel skipped to your view, an eager grin on her face. "Yeah! We can paint your nails and everything!"
"While I'll show you more of the journals," Dipper beamed, showing one of them to you.
Their ideas were nice, it truly was, but the circumstances are concerning. You couldn't help the frown forming on your lips. They all noticed.
Ford stepped in between them, kneeling and offering you a smile. "Don't worry, kiddo. We'll take good care of you 'til morning. I'm sure your parents will understand."
"I guess I can't really do anything about it," you muttered, eventually accepting the situation. You stood up with a grin. "Okay! Who wants to be unaware of me stealing cool stuff here?!"
"I do!" Mabel screamed, only to pause. "Wait, what?"
"Yeah," Stan squinted, "What?"
You hummed, suddenly behind him, and stared at his wallet. Ford shook his head at you. "You have a very alarming number of IDs. Is this normal? Then again, you're old."
A laugh left Stan as he took his wallet from you. "Oh, I could use that type of skill. Didn't even hear or feel you take it!"
"I can teach you," you smiled.
"Please don't," Dipper groaned.
"This journal is amazing! And Ford wrote this? Seriously, no wonder why he was so smart!"
You flipped the book page by page, your jaw dropped the whole time. Sure, a while ago, you saw one page, but only because Dipper told you to draw on it. You didn't expect a whole research surrounding Gravity Falls!
"Interesting enough for you to visit Gravity Falls more often?" Dipper chuckled as he watched you.
"Woah," you smiled, "You like my company that much, Dipper? Don't you have any friends here— oh shoot, wait, I didn't mean—"
A ghost of a frown spread through his face. Why did you have to ask that?! You were just projecting if you had to be honest, but still!!!
"Sorry, that was insensitive," you blurted, closing the book and focusing all your attention on him. "I only said that because I feel that way. I know, that's pretty lame."
He looked surprised. "Really? But you're so cool?"
"Some people think I'm weird is all. But thanks for finding me cool, Dip," you laughed, glancing at Mabel who was snoring. "I find you and your sister cool too. A lot, actually. So it's nice to know you both like me."
Dipper sniffed. "Man. Ditto."
You grabbed a blanket and placed it over Mabel's body, making sure she's covered head to toe. She snuggled up to it unconsciously.
"Welp, bed time," you murmured, reaching for another one. You stretched the blanket, letting Dipper be able to invite himself in. "Come on."
He happily accepted, nestling his head next to your shoulder. Mabel followed him, her head tilting to your chest.
You slept, content.
You woke up, disturbed.
The first thing you saw after sleeping is Dipper and Mabel staring at you in silence. As soon as you noticed them, they scrambled away from you and tried to act natural.
Yet, you couldn't forget the small glimpse of their faces. Wide-eyed, a bit of judgment, but most of all, solemn.
Before you could question them, Dipper yelled, "Grunkles! They're awake!"
You winced from the volume of his voice, having just woken up. He immediately apologized to you, but it's all good.
"Visit us again soon! Byeee!"
The next thing you know, you're in the backseat of a car with Stanley next to you. He was pouting, arms crossed.
"This is literally my car. I can't believe it! You won't even let me drive my own car?" he sneered at Ford who sat on the driver's seat.
Ford rolled his eyes. "I can't have you get in trouble by driving again. Think of the kid."
While driving to your address is certainly much faster than walking, it still took a while. You managed to fall asleep, tilting your head on Stan's shoulder. It seemed that you're not alone in being unconscious, because he snored loudly.
Glancing at the mirror, Ford simply exhaled.
You're here.
He parked in front of your house.
Ford nudged Stan awake, who poked you awake next.
You stood up drowsily, holding Stan's hand while walking up to your house. Ford took the lead and knocked on your front door.
To both grunkles' disappointment, things get messy.
Both your parents, drunk, loudly told them off and took you away roughly from Stan. Tears leaked out of your eyes, saying countless apologies to the Pines twins and your parents.
Without much of a fight, Ford forcibly grabbed you back, carrying your body with one arm. He looked at Stan who placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Psst, I'll handle this," Stanley murmured in the midst of your father yapping nonsense. Maybe the professional con-man can knock some sense into your deadbeat parents.
Ford took you back to the car. You sobbed relentlessly, whispering the most saddening things he wished to unhear. He hugged you tightly, muttering sweet nothings until you fell asleep.
After a long while, Stan finally came back.
His eyes were wide. He was shaking.
"I didn't mean to. They started it—I had no choice!"
Gazing down, Ford realized Stan's hands were covered in blood. He swallowed the thickness in his throat.
"...I'll help you clean it up."
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apollowhoo · 19 days
could you pleasee do a gravity falls one shot?
so basically Bill Cipher meets the youngest Pines member but they're like 3-4 years old. And basically Bill doesn't know how to react, he's all confused but also in awe. Make it fluff and i know it's going to be hard to write this as canon Bill Cipher so you can ignore if you want <33
Bill Cipher x Child!Reader (PLATONIC)
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The forest surroundcing the Mystery Shack was quiet. Somewhere between dimensions, floating lazily, was Bill Cipher, his single eye half-lidded with boredom. His typical schemes to cause chaos were on hold, and for once, he was simply… existing.
That’s when he heard it—a soft giggle, light as a feather. Bill’s eye snapped open, immediately. There, standing among the wildflowers, was a small figure with messy hair, chubby cheeks, and a bright, curious gaze.
The youngest member of the Pines family.
His eye narrows slightly. A little kid, no older than three or four, was staring right up at him. Her tiny hands gripping a stuffed animal that seemed to be some kind of hybrid between a cat and a duck—perfectly nonsensical, just the way Bill liked things.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Bill floated closer, his voice carrying its usual sarcasm. “A little ankle-biter out all alone? Shouldn’t you be with your oh-so-boring family?”
The girl tilted her head, eyes wide and sparkling with the kind of innocence Bill found really weird. She didn't seemed scared. She suddenly reaches out, poking Bill with a tiny finger in pure curiosity.
Bill’s eye widened a little in surprise. Most people who encountered him would either scream, run, or try to strike some ridiculous bargain. But this little human? She just poked him like he was some new toy.
“Hey, hey! Hands off the merchandise!” Bill exclaimed. He wondered, why wasn’t she afraid? Why wasn’t she running? And why, in all his chaotic glory, did he find this child so… interesting?
The child giggled again, a bubbly sound that seemed to echo in Bill’s mind. She pointed at him with her free hand, her other continuing to clutching her stuffed toy close.
“Triangle!” she declared proudly, their voice high-pitched and filled with wonder.
Bill let out a bark of laughter, genuinely amused. “Oh, you’re a smart one, aren’t you? That’s right, kiddo. I’m a triangle, the best triangle you’ll ever meet. Got any other shapes in that little brain of yours?”
The kid smiled. They started babbling, half-formed words about god know what, pointing excitedly as if expecting Bill to just understand them. The demon was used to others feeling fear, but this… this innocent curiosity was something else.
“Alright, kid, slow down,” Bill said. “You think I can just whip up stars and moons like a party trick? You’re talking to Bill Cipher, not some street magician.”
For the first time in… well, forever, Bill felt utterly out of his element. He could outsmart the smartest, scare the toughest, and twist anyone around his finger, but this kid? She just saw him entertainig.
Bill hovered beside them, his eye following them every move. He had cought a small, harmless ball of light, flickering in and out of existence.
“Yeah, yeah, enjoy it while it lasts, kid,” Bill mumbled, though there was no more venom in his voice.
The girl just grinned, leaning her head against his triangular form as if he were just another friend, not a demon with a penchant for chaos. Bill let her, floating there quietly as the sun dipped lower in the sky.
For once, he wasn’t planning anything. No schemes, no deals, no manipulation. Just a strange, peaceful moment with a little human who saw him not as a threat .
And for reasons Bill couldn’t quite fathom, he didn’t mind it one bit.
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a-998h · 16 days
Return to Gravity Falls
@angelqueen27 & @eisheth
Contains: Implied Platonic yandere
"Wake, Starlight," a familiar voice tells me.
Opening my eyes, I'm met with the all too familiar set of bright blue eyes. My older brother, Mason, who has the stage name Dipper. I sit up in bed, yawning and rubbing my eyes of all sleepiness. Smelling pancakes, I figured my older sister, Mabel, was making her special strawberry chocolate chip pancakes. Those two were part of a magic act called, the Mystery Twins. We'd been traveling across the country for weeks and I was always excited to explore where we ended up this time.
"Morning big bro," I tell him.
I know he has a new bolo tie, but he has a million so I wouldn't now what every single one he owns looks like. He gives me a head pat and tells me to get dressed as he leaves the room and closes the door.
I throw on a blue shirt and black shorts, paired with my sneakers. I spend extra time brushing my hair, knowing Mabel would do it herself if she didn't think it was good enough. After brushing my teeth, I join my siblings at the table. Mabel, who's normally blank blue headband had a teal gem decoration on it, handed me a plate with a smily face pancake and apple slices.
"Morning little Starlight," she calls me.
I smile despite my annoyance. I have a name, Reader, but my siblings have never used it. It was always, Starlight this and Starlight that for as long as I can remember. I wanted to let go of the dumb nicknames, but last time I tried I started feeling guilty. Dipper and Mabel would say that they only wanted to have a bond with me, so I let them keep calling me that name. When their magic act took off, the dragged me along with them.
I look down at the smiling pancake, I loved that stupid whipped cream smile when I like 6, but Mabel keeps putting it on my pancakes. I don't really mind, it's whipped cream after all. I finish the pancake, and go to leave the table, but without even looking up from his plate, Dipper says.
"Eat all your apple slices, you need to be healthy,"
That pancake was huge, and I was feeling full. Trying to argue that point was useless as Dipper said that I could only be full if I finished those stupid apple slices. It bothers me that they can't see that I'm not a little kid anymore, plus I'm only three years younger than them. Giving in, I eat the apple slices and let Mabel take my plate and silverware. Looking out the window, I recognize some familiar scenery.
"We're back home?" I ask my siblings. They nod and smile.
We were away from home for so long, my heart might burst from the excitement of returning. Before I can leave the table to explore my hometown, Mabel stops me.
"We have something for you, Starlight," Mabel says as Dipper walks over.
With a dramatic flurrish, Dipper pulls out a white box with a blue ribbon bow on it. Opening it reveals a sliver bracelet, a dark teal stone embedded in the center surrounded by my star sign.
"Where and when did you get this?" I ask.
They both chuckle and Mabel tells me it was bought after one of their New England shows. I take their word, and put it on. It fits perfectly and looks beautiful. I hug them both before we heard our Great Uncle/ Manager Stan say Dipper and Mabel have to do a rehearsal for a show happening in about two weeks time. I get two kisses on the cheek as the pair leave. Once that car is outta view, I run out the house's front door.
Nostalgia hits like a freight train as I wander the streets of the town I knew and loved. Greasy's dinner was where it always stood, with Speedy Susan being a one woman crew. Gravity Falls may look like a hick town in middle of nowhere Oregon, which is true, but I see it as a wonderful place full of woods to explore. As I walk around, I feel something solid run into me as I fall backwards.
"I'm so, so, so, so sorry!" A high pitched voice says.
Looking as I stand, I see a girl with a color hippie like outfit, and a white haired boy in a sweatshirt, it's summer. The girl keeps apologizing and I let her know I'm ok. She sticks out her hand.
"Nice to meet you, My name is Pacifica Southeast, but please call me Pacifica," she tells me.
I tell her my name. She smiles and pushes the nervous sweatshirt boy closer. He looks like he really doesn't want to talk to anyone, not because he's better, but it's mor elike, he'll go the way of the narwhal if he even things of talking to strangers. He slowly sticks out his hand for a handshake. I return the handshake and tell him my name.
"M-My name is Gideon Pines," he tells me.
I nod and apologize for being in their way. Pacifica says her and he brother had plans to explore the nearby woods, then asked what I was doing. I explain my exporting and Pacifica says we should do it together. Normally, Dipper and Mabel would pull me away, Dipper making me wash my hand because he thinks that I'll get "poor people germs" and Mabel would say I need to spend more time with family. But, they aren't here.
"Sure, sounds fun" I tell my new best friends.
The three of us enjoy our wilderness expedition, spotting animals and plants of varying kinds. It was nice to have friends, Dipper and Mabel just scare them off, saying I only need my big brother and sister. I catch my reflection in a small creek, I have dirt stains on my hands, face, and shirt with messy hair. It's been so long since I've looked like this, ever since Dipper and Mabel had become the Mystery Twins, they would always keep me under their ever present eyes.
The laughter dies down as the sun starts to sink below the trees, casting the town and forest in a comfortable orange glow. Pacifica hands me a folded piece of paper, urging me to open it. When I do, I'm greeted with an address, but it's not one I know.
"It's for a place called the Mystery Shack, it's where me and Gideon live so you can hang out whenever you want!" She cheerfully tells me.
Stuffing the paper back in my pocket, I have memories of Dipper and Mabel insulting the Mystery Shack and telling I have no reason to go to "that dirty tourist trap". Now, I have friends and a reason to visit, I start making my way to home, trying to hide the evidence of my wilderness fun. Opening the door, I'm greeted with the stern looks of Dipper and Mabel.
"Do you have any idea how worried we were?" Mabel asks in a somewhat emotional manner.
I try my best to answer, but it doesn't help. Dipper scolds me as Mabel is setting up a make shift spy in our living room, going on and on about how I was "darted by hooligans". Dipper does nothing to calm her, only fueling the fire. Dipper calmly tells me that I shouldn't be around strangers as they could hurt me. Honestly, I think the most dangerous thing in this town are the woodpeckers. Dipper takes the paper as Mabel scolds me.
Well, despite being grounded, I'm still happy that we're back in Gravity Falls. Nostalgia softened the blow of grounding. Looks like I'll have to rob Dipper's room for that address. I wonder what it would be like to have real friends, not overprotective siblings.
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temmtamm · 15 days
couldddd you POSSIBLY!.!!.!!! do a gravity falls yandere platonic ford which any age with a son!reader? Maybe around the age of 14 or younger. IF NOT THATS COMPLETELY FINE!
or if not that maybe a platonic yandere teen ford and stan with a younger brother?
Hii pookie!!
Friendly reminder once again, I do not do gender specific asks/headcanons!! Check my Gravity Falls ‘Asks Open’ post if anyone has any confusion on what I will/wont do!
As for a parental Ford…let’s see..
Well, at least in my opinion, Ford probably wouldn’t take that care of a child. He can barely take care of himself, let alone a kid.
But, if we are talking after the portal and everything, then I think that might be different.
Once again, Ford doesn’t have much of any parental bones in his body, but he does display more care and affection for the twins than I think he would’ve before the portal. I feel like he had matured and grown a lot through all the dimensions he had been in, and was able to recognize how poorly he was raised.
So, let’s say your home life wasn’t as great either, whether it be something as simple as your father being emotionally constipated, or your family just fights more than ‘normal’ ones, Ford WILL draw parallels to your home and his.
And Ford, after all he has learned, doesn’t want another person to wind up like him; craving validation and praise from others, to the point where he—I mean, you, seek it out from dangerous sources.
So…Ford starts hanging around you more.
He’s very…subtle with it. He knows kids, especially teenagers don’t care for adults getting all up in their business, so he tried to take it slow.
He didn’t expect how closed off you were, however. Your walls were completely up…So, he had to take some extra measures to get some details out of you.
Y’know the fun fact about all the weirdness in Grvaity Falls?? It means that there’s a lot of bugs that can repeat what it hears—So, it wasn’t that hard to sneak one of these copyroaches into your home and listen in on it repeating all that was heard in the home.
All the nasty fights, all the lonesome crying, all the times you’d gush to yourself or your friends on call about your special interests.
Don’t worry, he’s a good dad, he’ll let you keep SOME privacy…Just, a very, very, VERRYY small portion of it.
Slowly, you two start to bond more and more with him becoming more of a father figure to you with how he seems to always know what’s troubling you and the answers you need to hear in that moment…Not to mention, with him not being great with emotions, he tried to win your love with acts of service, such as making you dinner, saving the shoes you like on his DVR, and letting you spend the night at the shack when your parents fight.
Soon, he started to notice you staying at the shack more and more.
And more and more…He couldn’t help but grow discontent with the way your family treats you.
As said before, it doesn’t matter how small the issue is, if Ford had it his way, not a foul word should be spoken in your vicinity. Haven’t they already done enough damage to this child?? Do they want you to grow up in a broken home?!
In fact…He doesn’t think they’re fit to be parents. Not even in the slightest!!
He would be so much better…He’d actually take care of you, and he is smarter than any school they have been putting you in for that matter—All those kids are just so cruel to you, even if you don’t know it yet.
That…actually gives him an idea.
“So…anything happen at school today, champ?” Ford mumbled in his usual low, raspy voice as he scrubbed at the dishes in the sink, his apron still tied around his waist from cooking.
“Uh…Ford?” He didn’t even bat an eye or look up at you as you started to feel queasy, pushing the bowl of soup away from you at the dinner table. “I think the vegetables in this went bad…I think I’m gonna be sick.”
Ford just let out a good, hearty laugh. “Don’t be silly, I made it with all fresh ingredients. Have a look for yourself. Only the best for you.”
You could feel your stomach start to churn and growl, with the sight that greeted you when you looked down at your bowl not making you feel any better.
Was that an…eye?!
It’s the same shade as your mother’s.
“O-Oh god..” You bit down on your lip, bile starting to creep up in the back of your throat at the sight…and that’s when the melatonin had started to kick in, making your vision grow spotty. It was hard for Ford to find a dosage of that where it was not only over the required limit for a young teen, but also able to be hidden in food. He did it though. Better that than rat poison for his little baby.
“Aww, oh no? Are you having a stomach bug?? Don’t worry, I’ll make it all better.”
That’s the sick part. He genuinely believes it’s better locked in the shack for you. Why wouldn’t it be?? He’ll spoil you with all the care and love a child deserves, not to mention he will be sure to intellectually stimulate your brain as well.
You’ll see. He’ll be the perfect father for you.
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wisteriaiswriting · 1 month
trans kid reader who's stanford gleeful child that he just found out about
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Words: 403
I hope I did this request justice (Just found out about the reverse au and I'm in love!!)
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Ford wasn’t one for having longlast - romantic - relationships, especially if they have him no benefits, so that meant he didn’t stick around your mother for long. Not that you knew until now, starting with a dumb birthday present from your cousin. A DNA test by the way, with the sentence written in the card, “Hopefully one of the men we’ve met will match.”
“Yeah, ha ha, very funny.” Throwing the card next to you while placing the test onto your pile of presents, already reaching for the next one. For most of the night you managed to forget about it, but later, when you saw it again, the thought never left your mind once. Just maybe doing it wouldn’t hurt, right?
There really wasn’t anyone special in this town, much less in the Tent of Telepathy, well there was the time Gideon and Pacifica watched a show, but what was kind of expected from them. But you, you were something that Ford couldn’t figure out. Not wanting this chance to be ruined or delayed, he had the swings guide you aside after the show. Overhearing other patrons grumble about it.
“Y/N, hello.” Watching your face change from confusion to surprise. “What brings you here?” Letting you squirm under his gaze, managing to gather some confidence only to crumble once more.
A cold hand said on your shoulder, giving you a squeeze that was a tad too hard and uncomfortable. “Just breathe… that's it. Now, what’s on your mind?” Shouldn’t he know, being telepathic and all? But he wasn’t giving anything away.
“A while ago I got a present, and–” “The point?” That was quite rude, but you weren’t really focusing on the main thing. “Look I did a DNA test and it showed that you were the father but I’m not su–” His hand raised to silence you, continuing once you were quiet.
“You’re right, but the kids name was, god what was it?” Pacing around the area until he remembered. [Deadname], and you’re Y/N s–” Suddenly pausing before looking back at you. “[Mother]?” Nodding.
“How’s she doing?” His hand laid on your back, giving you a small nudge as he also walked. “That’s nice, but now that we’ve cleared up the air, how about you meet some more family?” “Uh, sure? But I have to be home soon.” “You’re family, I’ll make sure you get home safe in no time.”
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minty-drop · 27 days
hello there can you do a platonic ford x demon reader
so reader is a demon of negative energy so others would think they are dangerous but nope the reader just spends most of their time nice and calm but also in pillow bases and forts all over the shak when the reader can and ford is just taking notes while it's happening and gets pulled into one of the forts with them.
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Platonic ford x demon reader
Warnings: none
Type: headcanon platonic
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✎ᝰ. Ford was always naturally a smart and intelligent person. So why in his right mind did he decide to let you stay here in the shack with them? For the research of course.
✎ᝰ. Negative energy is more cosmic then most think, unbounded by the pull of the universe itself, for negative energy simply isn’t emotion. In fact, emotion doesn’t even have to do with the feeding process of these forces of raw energy itself like most would assume from the name itself. A festering pool of dark energy collected in a plain of existence where space bends and time slows. matter not visible to the eye yet so powerful it sucks in anything, similar to how a vacuum cleaner sucks in surrounding dust from the suction force of the machine itself, trapping those particles inside it. A plain of existence far from man’s comprehension. Invisible to all senses until it is too late. To be hunted by creatures that aren’t physically present.
✎ᝰ. Some call them demons, violent creatures of sin and wrath, grasping everything in their claws like a wild animal caged in a chamber of fire. This depiction was far, far from the truth of these extraordinary beings, these beings powerful enough to break through there own worlds boundaries to exceed beyond there own realms in search for something as a shared goal. It was different from a hive mind, far more complex than any.
✎ᝰ. It seemed though you in particular strayed far from that collective mind, having made yourself home cocooned in the plush blanket fort that not so neatly draped blankets over chairs to form its shelter from the ceiling fans light, pillow cases and couch cushions shoved inside the fort itself to finish off the cozy makeshift tent like bed. How odd.
✎ᝰ. The only evidence of your presence was the invisible force picking up the blankets, and draping them around yourself, enjoying staring at the tvs flashing lights and colours that illuminated the room. It was fascinating how you could see the dimension you were in yet, no one could see you. Perhaps you were a higher being, or perhaps your realm was a dimension between the third and fourth? A path way to both ends where the universe is at its thinned string when meeting ends.
✎ᝰ. Perhaps your presence wasn’t entire here, a face of yourself that is projected to interact with the social life of a different realm? To research just like him. Even so. Why insist on him joining you in the tent. You couldn’t feel warmth from the blankets and yet you clung to them, you couldn’t speak to him but continued to gesture with objects around to communicate. Why go through the trouble of it? What was the purpose of it?
✎ᝰ. Though, this wasn’t entirely bad, for this shall be a new opportunity for him. And perhaps for you as well to learn about your realms and each other.
Do not copy and claim my work as your own
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