#Maedhros imagine
doodle-pops · 4 months
Echoes of Healing Hands
Maedhros x modern!reader
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Request: How about Maedhros x reader from modern world, where reader was a med student from her world and somehow ended up in Middle Earth. Reader makes use of her skills and becomes one of the well known healers. The two meet and reader creates a specialized prospethic hand for him. The two kinda gets close and reader reveals how Angband was the first place where she ended up, having been forced the thralldom and use her knowledge and skills to escape. A bit angts where she is still traumatized by the experience (Maybe that's also how she regognized he had been a thrall himself) One shot might work with this and you can decide where the relationship goes. - @animatorweirdo
A/N: I chose to leave the relationship ambiguous between Mae and reader, so you all can decide if they’re friends or something more.
Warnings: modern reader in Middle Earth, fluff and comfort, humour, small touches of reminiscing the past, reader had spent time in Angband, consumption of alcohol
Words: 2k
Synopsis: You spend a moment with the Lord of Himring, demonstrating your skills while he returns the favour with a touch of gratitude and sympathy.
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“It might be tight at first and slightly discomforting, however, give or take a week or two, you’ll merge and become one with it,” you explained as you fastened the straps of the prosthetic hand to Maedhros. “For now, practice holding small and light objects before advancing to larger and heavier ones. So, what do you think?”
The light from the fireplace flickered against his porcelain skin, casting hues of golden swirls which seemed to highlight his brilliant head of red, loose curls. They cascaded around his shoulders and stopped at his chest now that the moon had risen to signify another day had come to an end. You watched as he cautiously lifted his right hand, grimacing at the notice of the additional weight before attempting to curl his fingers and admiring your craftsmanship. Maedhros inspected your newly designed gadget with slight apprehension despite the feeling of gratitude arising.
“It does bear a slight pinch around the wrist, but I assume that is for now,” he replied. “The colour, red and gold, an excellent touch!”
“You’re lucky I didn’t paint it pink and purple with a touch of flowers since we’re in spring,” you snickered under his glare. “It would match the aesthetic of the season, and you. Come to think of it, I’ll make for the other seasons.”
“Please,” he begged with a worried expression as he looked away from his hand to meet your amused expression. “I beseech thee to not. One is fine, plus, you do not have any other projects to complete. So I think it is worth sharing a drink with me on this fine night, do you not think so?”
Scoffing as you sink yourself in the seat opposite him, you reach for the flask of wine and pour two glasses. “You do know that drinking leads to intoxication, and your idea of ‘a drink’ normally implies bottles.”
Taking the offered glass from your hand using his gifted hand, he carefully held the glass, finding a secured grip and brought it to his lips for his first deep swig. There was an evident glow on his face the longer the glass remained confidently in his hand. “Rest assured, ‘a drink’ in this case implies one, for your kindness. Thank you for creating this. While I do not believe that I am deserving of this gift, especially after all that I’ve—”
“You seem to have a problem saying, ‘thank you’ without reminiscing on the past, don’t you?” you smirked over the rim of your glass as you took a sip. “You elves and your million fancy, flowery ways to say, ‘thank you’ and then proceed to depreciate yourselves. However, you’re welcome.”
He frowned with a bemused expression on his face. His mouth was opened and ready to counter, yet the smirk you sent his way made him reconsider his choice of words and left a faint heat on his cheeks. “You…” he began as he struggled to spit out his words, “you have a strange way of speaking ever since I met you. You seem to despise the manner in which we elves speak.”
“Yeah, I definitely do,” you muttered and laughed, causing him to frown deeply. “Where I’m from, we just say what needs to be said without a bunch of mumbo-jumbo attached. No beating around the bushes.”
Maedhros’s frown morphed into scepticism as he listened to your scolding on their dialect while making a mental note to be more direct and upfront anytime he needed to speak to you. “Mumbo-jumbo?” he puzzled while furrowing his lips before he straightened in his seat. “Where are you from, if you do not mind me asking? You had not exactly told me other than your time in the Iron Fortress. Where is this ‘where I am from’ you speak of?”
“While isn’t it obvious?” you stated in a matter-of-fact tone to which he awkwardly shook his head. “I’m not from this world, duh! I’m from a far, far, away place where all these things still exist, only ten times worse. The only difference is that I was never involved in anything the way I was forced to…”
The air between you two fell into silence with the crackling of the firewood in the background. Neither of you spoke, causing the let the moment of reflection to resurface. Your memories, despite not facing anything tormenting as Maedhros suffered, were still frightening. Appearing in Angband decades after his escape and being forced to find a way to save yourself from being harmed, you offered up the skills you earned from being a medical engineer to design new artillery. Anything to prevent that bitch-ass redhead from feeding you to the wolves, literally.
The constant fear you felt in the short time you were there was enough to surmount the volume he felt. They were evident in your eyes and on your skin beneath your heavily adorned garments.
You and Maedhros were in the same water, at different depths, yet still drowned.
“I…Accept my condolences for what you might have experienced,” he gingerly whispered, setting the glass on the table.
“Yeah, I’m sorry too, but what’s done is done,” you half-heartedly chuckled and took a deep swig, wincing as the wine burned your throat. “It is what it is.”
Pausing with his mouth hanging open at your unapologetic, coping statement, he muttered, “That is an odd thing to say given your trauma, however, I shall not judge. But what I want to know is, how did you get here from this other world of yours?”
With the change in topic, you glanced over to witness his eyes swimming with eagerness. The possibilities of another world existing were unheard of by the Valar, so could it have been an untold work of Eru? Another realm that dwelt beyond the Timeless Halls?
“That’s something I really can’t figure out to this day. Cause all I knew was that one day, I was taking a long nap after my stressful exams, and then bam! I woke up on a table with that bitch-ass of a redhead hovering and asking his dumbass questions. I felt as though I could have strangled him, and then he made me abuse my medical practices.”
“Mairon! You appeared in Angband out of thin air and the first person you met was him?!” you gasped.
“Yeah, and it was pretty scary. I thought I was dreaming at first because no way in hell a place like that could exist in real life. But when things got heated, I realised that it was real. I had never prayed so much to wake up, especially when I told him my whereabouts but he didn’t believe me. He was going to throw me to the wolves.”
“I’ve heard of his cruelty from others. I was fortunate to not have met him during my…”
“Trust me, you were bloody lucky,” your voice trembled. “If I ever saw that bastard again, I’d feed his ass to the wolves. Never thought that I would hate redheads so much!”
The moment your last sentence slipped past your lips, Maedhros’s face morphed into dejection. What little light that shone in his face, vanished, as did the glow of his hair. As much as he tried to focus on the rest of your words, the loudness of your hatred towards redheads resonated exponentially in his head, prompting him to sulk. However, he was far from subtle since his dejection was visible to the eye which you eventually noticed.
Gasping with an apologetic expression, you vomited a whirlwind of words. “Oh God no! I didn’t mean you! I don’t hate you; I hate him—he’s the only redhead I despise! But you, you’re nice! I like you a lot; you’re so sweet and kind. I like you, Mae. So don’t take it to heart; you’re cool.”
He puzzled. “You like me?”
Your body’s natural response mechanisms were taking over, replaying all those embarrassing gestures you used to perform when you dwelt in the modern world around your friends. Unable to resist, your fingers lifted to form finger guns, as you aimed them at him and made a clicking sound with your tongue. “Of course I do. Why else would I make you that prosthetic hand and indulge in all your temptations even though I complain? It’s obvious, isn’t it?”
He felt his lips tugging at the corners to stretch into a smile. Maedhros couldn’t say when last he felt like this for it had been too long that the pure feeling of bliss overcame him. Dropping his eyes to the floor as his dimples became prominent, it didn’t matter how hard he bit his lip, the smile kept forming. The little awkward nods of his head followed as he accepted your words, wanting to keep things light.
“I like you too; you are very nice,” he finally managed to spit out with a goofy grin which left the both of you flustered like two teenagers.
“Cool,” you murmured and swallowed the last bit of wine before reaching for the flask to refill your glass to the brim. Anything to wash away the awkwardness that unfolded.
Entertained, Maedhros made a tsking sound and wiggled his prosthetic finger at you. “Did you not scold me for wanting to share a drink with you, and now you are consuming two glasses?”
“Oh shut up! The conversation is going too well to deserve one glass, plus, I can do whatever I want. I’ll just suffer the consequences of a hangover tomorrow. I’m a doctor, I can nurse myself back to full health,” you quietly chortled with a roll of your eyes.
Unbiasedly staring at you as you drank the wine with heaviness, he glanced over your humane features and felt a wave of sadness that this could indeed be a strange dream. One day, he too could wake up and you would be gone forever. Or what if he had never left Angband and the image of you was a conjured coping mechanism? “But what if all this was a dream and you had to wake up, would you want to leave?”
Prying your lips off the glass, you fell into a contemplative silence that left you fretting. You would admit, life here wasn’t the best nor was it the worse, but there was something that existed which wasn’t present in your world. You helped and taught your medical practices while learning the ropes of incorporating magic and natural remedies into your etiquette. Life had its ebbs but they brought you forms of adventure no one would ever experience.
“I don’t know; I can’t answer that honestly. I’d be lying no matter what response I give,” you supposed. “However, I will say that I am grateful to have met and helped you. It was an honour to utilise my knowledge to build you a hand and form a bond with an elf. I never thought I’d meet one, so tall and wasn’t Santa’s little helper, and get this close, thanks to my medical abilities.”
“Likewise. You have been a great companion during your time here with me in my lonely castle. You have given me something to look forward to each day with your strangeness.”
“Of course you would enjoy my company. I’m far better than the ghosts living here,” you snickered. “But I too, enjoy your presence. It’s nice to connect with someone who understands.”
Maedhros offered a genuine smile as he fought to ignore your jest, and reached for his glass with his prosthetic hand and gingerly lifted it to make a toast. “I propose a toast to your hands then. Worry not about what they were forced to do, but the great things they have achieved. Perhaps that is your purpose here, to use your gifted hands.”
“You elves and your poetic words,” you jokingly scoffed while reaching out to knock glasses with one another. “But yes, to my hands and yours that can be detached and thrown at someone who annoys you. I am thankful they have gotten me this far and for meeting you.”
“Good, now make haste and finish that glass of wine. The night is still young, we have much to celebrate and I have a new blend for you to try. Might be too strong for a human, regardless, I want you to try it.” He sauntered out of his seat and towards his wine showcase where dozens of flasks sat, some still sealed for decades, leaving you appalled. You couldn’t help but wonder if this was the downside to using your talents. Becoming his new drinking buddy.
You scowled as he returned with a flask while showing off his strength to hold the bottle with his new hand. “I should have sent your hand instead of bringing it myself if I knew this was to be my fate.”
“I would have visit your chambers nonetheless.”
“One glass, Maedhros. Just one glass.”
“Of course. One glass as prescribed,” he grinned with the intention of finishing the entire flask tonight in one sitting with you.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @sakurayaxd @involuntaryspasms @ladyenchanted @mcwentfandomtraveling @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @addaigio @lamemaster @hermaeuswhora @elficially-done-with-life
178 notes · View notes
lovefairymina · 2 months
*while brushing maedhros' hair,* hope our kids have your hair
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“You truly desire that?” he asked, stunned at your confession. He was hoping that you would be against the idea of your children inheriting his hair and opted for yours instead. He had always loved your colour more than he did with his. It was lovely. “Well then, we must cross our fingers and pray that your wish comes true.”
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50 notes · View notes
elfy-elf-imagines · 1 year
— Out of the Woods | Maedhros *✧・゚
▹ Pairing: Maedhros x Reader
▹ Genre: Fluff and Angst
▹ Words: ~8k
▹ Summary: Thrust into the world of Arda, you find yourself enraptured by the elven lord Maedhros. Yet nothing is ever easy in times of war as your love story unfolds and then unravels.
▹ Notes: Hi, hello, this is about 6k words longer than I intended. Oh well. This is a rewrite of a oneshot I wrote yearsssss ago, but thought it deserved a rewrite. I hope you guys like this because I deleted the original. You have no choice, YOU WILL LIKE THIS MORE. Please tell me you like it, I crave validation. Jk, jk...unless.
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Glittering and gleaming. 
Opulent in an understated way and all too beautiful to be real. 
It was the only way to describe the lavish keep the armored guards escorted you into. Men with delicately pointed ears and unnatural beauty were both your protectors and jailers as they paraded you through the city. You weren’t familiar with your surroundings, never even heard of it. You feel as though a place as beautiful as this would be pasted on every tourist’s brochure and dream board. And yet there was nothing familiar.
Even the people seemed so different from you.
“You have brought a mortal woman before me; why is that?” his voice boomed as he sat straight back and stiff as a board on a lavish throne. You were speaking with the presiding ruler if the golden crown atop his head was anything to go by. He was tall and regal, only made taller by the raised platform his throne was built upon, his figure looming over you with an intimidating presence. 
His hair was like fire, falling in perfect waves that reached the middle of his back. His skin was porcelain and perfection, clear of any slight imperfections or marks that marred your own. He wore formal attire made from silk, with details of glittering gems that made him look like a sun. The heavy crown resting up his head was made of pure gold and dotted with jewels, each worth more than you’d ever make in a lifetime. But what captured your eyes were his own. Light green, they shone like the reflection of emerald leaves off a crystal clear lake. No poem or ballad could ever capture the beauty he possessed. 
He was ethereal, the poster child for what a king should be. 
One of the guards pushed you forward, and you nearly stumbled to the ground, but you’d caught yourself in time. You looked up at him, not even knowing his name yet and already being enraptured by him. A god, that’s what he has to be. There’s no other way he could look like that.
You must’ve died and now stand at the gates of heaven. In your current situation, the most illogical answer has become the only one that made any sense.
“T-they found me, your grace, in the...woods.” He raised an eyebrow at you, and your face flushed hotly as red stained your face. Did you address him adequately? Was there any correct way to address a literal angel? 
His gaze on you was sharp, making you shrink within yourself. His hair may have been made of fire, but he was entirely crafted from ice. Cold, biting, and bitter, you were surprised your skin wasn’t frostbitten. 
“She was rambling like a mad woman when we found her. Despite that, she seems harmless. We thought it best to present her for your judgment, your grace.” The guard spoke with a smooth and even tone, able to look at the elven man unflinchingly. Does one become accustomed to staring at the sun? They must if the guards can directly look at him.
“And so you deign to bring the mad woman before your lord?”
“Times are strange. She may be a gift from the Valar.”
A hush fell over the onlookers before a flurry of whispers filled the courtroom. The lord returned his attention to you, raising a single, inquisitive brow. He was assessing you, determining if there could be any truth to the guard’s words. It made you squirm under the weight of his eyes. They were too piercing and too invasive. He could see past your soul. Your deepest fears and thoughts were laid before him.
“Perhaps there is some merit to the words my guard speaks,” There was a lilt of amusement in his otherwise smooth, dulce voice. It nearly seemed mocking, the way he looked down on you. He leaned to the left side of his chair with his knuckles tucked under his sharp jaw, momentarily taking a more relaxed posture. Yet his gaze on you didn’t lighten; if anything, it became heavier.
“Have you been sent to us by the Gods?”
The throne room became quiet once more. 
Your heart hammered against your chest, a lump stuck in your throat. All eyes were on you, the undivided attention making you want to curl in on yourself. 
“I don’t know.” You mustered up the strength to speak, attempting to keep the fear drowning you out of your voice. Would he cast you out of the kingdom, leaving you to fend for yourself? You couldn’t survive in the woods alone, but you didn’t want to lie and be heralded as a sign of divine intervention. 
You were stuck between a rock and a hard place, the room’s walls closing in on you.
All there was to be done was hope he was as kind as fair.
He hummed in response, neither angry nor pleased. There was no grand statement or judgment, instead, he continued to inspect every detail of you. His eyes scanned you up and down in an almost clinical manner like you were a new art exhibit in his favorite museum. He took notice of your odd clothes, maintained teeth, and healthy hair. Strange for a human in these lands to be so… well groomed. Even with the mud that caked your body, you were cleaner than the other humans before you.
“You place me in a strange place. If I send you away, it may anger the Gods, yet if I allow you to stay, I may be dooming the very people who’ve put their belief in me.” He spoke in such a calm tone as if the fate of your life didn’t rest in his long fingers, each embellished with a ring. 
The anxiety made your body weigh a thousand pounds. You weren’t even sure your heart was beating, the impulse to check your pulse growing stronger. There was worry in your eyes, creases above your brows that were pulled together tightly. 
Yet you didn’t speak, unable to make your tongue form words. 
“Will you not plead your cause to me?” He leaned forward; both brows pulled upward, an almost challenging smirk pulling on his lips. 
Rendered speechless and playing the fool, you opened and closed your mouth as you tried to remember how to speak. 
He clicked his tongue against his teeth, leaning back into his seat, his smirk pulling back into a nearly disappointed frown. 
“Very well. I shall make the decision for you.” 
You prepared to be condemned to the wilds, thrown to the wolves who would surely tear you apart. Head lowered, eyes counting the reflections of sunlight inside the room. Tears threatened to fall, but you forced them away. You would face your imminent death with pride.
“You will stay here.
Gasps of surprise filled the room, followed by mutters of the courtesans. You made no such noise, head snapping up to meet the elven lord’s gaze. There was surprise evident in your wide-eyed gaze. You’d expected the worst, yet that was not what you’d been given. 
“In time, we will learn if the Gods truly sent you to us.”
He nodded at the guards around you, and they helped you stand. Shaking and nervous, the guards held your body up as they guided you from the throne room to what would become your quarters. But over your shoulder, you spared one last glance at the elven lord, his green eyes watching your form disappear. 
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“Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar--” You stumbled over the elvish text, unable to translate the rest of the sentence. There was a crease above your furrowed brows and a slight frown on your face. 
It had only been two months since you were unceremoniously dropped here, yet it felt as if no time had passed, but not in a good way. You were like a newborn babe, stumbling in the dark as you attempted to gain your bearings. The faint throb in your head warned you of a headache, encouraging you to put the book down. A warning you didn't heed, you were stubborn, determined to prove you could assimilate. 
The court has been a dizzying experience to get accustomed to. Most courtesans treated you like a curiosity, a pretty bird for them to teach silly words and feed salted crackers. They were nice enough and greeted you with pleasant smiles, but it all felt patronizing. As if you were nothing but a simpleton child, but perhaps that’s just how they viewed you; elves were immortal, after all. Nevertheless, they have treated you kinder than expected, correcting your choppy Quenya with lyrical giggles and coy smiles. 
The giant oak doors swung open, startling you. Looking up, you watched as Maedhros swept through the library. He grabbed a few books from the shelves and went to a table opposite the room. His hair was pulled back into a loose braid, and his clothes were more casual than what he would don at court. Your eyes followed his form, only looking down when he briefly looked up from his book. 
Heat flared to your cheeks, eyes returning to the book before you. You haven’t spoken with him since your initial meeting. He’d never invited conversation, and you were too terrified to do so. Instead, you stole glances at him whenever the moment presented itself, content to daydream about the Maedhros turning his eyes to you. 
He’d say hello, inquiring about your stay in Himring. You’d answer him shyly, looking up at him through your lashes. So enchanted by your beauty and quiet whit as the conversation continued, he’d invite you to take a stroll with him around the gardens and then--
Your daydreams were cut short by the loud thump of a book falling. Turning, you watched as one of the library attendants scurried towards the fallen three or so books. A soft sigh left your mouth, and your attention returned to the book you were struggling through.
Picking up where you left off, you struggled through the same sentence. No matter how many times you re-read it, the translation wasn’t clicking. What did tenn’ mean again? A grunt escaped your mouth, the pulsing headache returning. You shut the book, perhaps harder than necessary, and opted to fiddle with the bracelets you wore. 
Was it even worth struggling through this silly language? Surely you’d return home sooner or later and this grand delusion would be broken.
Yet the longer you’d spent here, the less likely the prospect seemed. You poured over every map and searched every geographical book, and nothing seemed familiar to the home you’d known. 
Lost in your mind, you didn’t hear the scratch of a chair being pushed back nor the light padding of footsteps approaching your table. Only when you felt someone’s presence beside you and red hair loosely hanging did you look up? Maedhros had stood beside you, leaned over to be at eye level with you. His expression was perfectly neutral, not portraying a single thought in his head. Tucked behind his back was his left hand, which he’d lost many years ago. There were whispers in court about how it happened, being hung from a cliff for thirty years. How terrible that must’ve been.
“You seem frustrated.” His common was not as smooth as his elvish, yet speaking a common language with someone was nice. Most of the elves here only spoke their native tongue. 
“It’s nothing, your grace,” you looked away from his gaze that was entirely too invasive. You didn’t want to risk that he really could read your thoughts; you didn’t want him to see how often they lingered on him. 
“Your lie would be convincing if you hadn’t spent the past hour stuck on the same page,” he breezily replied, pulling up a chair to sit beside you. 
Has an hour already passed? 
And how did he know you hadn’t flipped pages? Had he paid that much attention…? 
“Some words are confusing in their translations; no need to be concerned.” You didn’t want him to burden himself with such a silly thing. This wasn’t something a lord needed to concern himself with. There was also a flush of embarrassment creeping up on you. You wanted him to see you as competent and intelligent, not fumbling over simple translations.
“Allow me to offer insight. It is my native tongue, after all.” 
You stared at him for a moment, lips pursed. His expression never wavered, and you couldn’t think of any reason to dissuade him from helping you. Apprehensive, you grabbed the book you’d previously pushed away. There was a light shake in your body from nerves, and you prayed to whatever god there was that Maedhros wouldn’t notice. 
Flipping through the page, more delicate with it than usual to avoid Maedhros thinking you disrespectful, you pause on the last page you’d read. You point at the sentence you were struggling with and push the book toward Maedhros. 
He leaned forward to read the sentence, and you took the opportunity to appreciate his side profile. His facial structure was sharp, with a tall, noble nose and a strong jawline. Pristine and void of imperfections, he was even more beautiful this close up. With each breath taken, the warm, heady cologne was enough to send you into a dizzy spell. It wasn’t fair for one person to be so…perfect. 
He whispered the sentence under his breath, then straightened his posture. As he did, you moved your eyes from his face, looking at the book as if that was where your eyes always were. His eyes met yours as he began to speak. 
“Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta.”
You mimicked his pronunciation, awkwardly fumbling over the words as you did. The faint whisper of a smile appeared on his lips. However, as soon as it was there, it was gone. 
“Do you know what it means?”
“No, I was having trouble translating.” 
This time he allowed his lips to turn upward into a faint smile, eyes glimmering in the dim lighting of the room. 
“It’s no wonder. This is in Sindarin. My understanding is you’ve been learning Quenya.” He reached over and grabbed the book, pulling it closer to him. 
“What’s the difference?” 
“Quenya is an older dialect, though many of the Noldar still use it, whereas Sindarin is a newer version of the Eldar language.”
You didn’t respond, simply nodding your head as you fiddled with the fabric of your dress. Maedhros closed the book much more gently than you initially did, though he made no move to stand.
“I apologize; I have yet to inquire about your stay here. Have you found the accommodations to your liking?” 
His question was nearly word for word what you fantasized he would say to you. Was he teasing you? Could he truly read your every thought, or was it just a coincidence?
“They’ve been great, better than I could’ve hoped.” You were nervous, so nervous it wasn’t even a joke anymore. Why couldn’t you just be normal?
“And how do you find yourself settling in?” He seemed so relaxed and at ease; why can’t you be more like that. 
“I’m getting accustomed, but it’s all so different from the home I knew. I will admit, it is refreshing to speak with someone in a language I am familiar with.” 
Maedhros pauses, slightly tilting his head to the side, something flashing across his face.
“Forgive me; I did not think about how few people share a common language with you.” 
You shook your head once again afraid of accidentally offending him. “It’s no issue; if anything, it forces my Quenyan to improve.” You wanted to be reassuring, to show that you were more than comfortable with your current circumstances. The last thing you needed was the king thinking you were being difficult or ungrateful. 
“But it must be frustrating not being able to convey your thoughts clearly.”
You merely shrugged in response. It was, and sometimes it made you want to scream and break something, but you couldn’t admit that. You didn’t want to seem ungrateful. 
Maedhros hummed in response and pushed his chair back, now standing at full height. 
“I must part from you, but perhaps we could meet here again tomorrow, if only so I may offer my translating abilities.”
A tentative smile appeared on your face, and you nodded in agreement. Maedhros tilted his head in a slight nod and turned, exiting the room with a flourish. 
Only once you were left alone did you let a high and girlish giggle leave your mouth. It echoed in the quiet library, and unbeknownst to you, Maedhros heard it on the other side of the door. 
And so a new tradition began as you and Maedhros met in the library every evening. You’d spend hours with one another, and within the first week, the excuse of studying linguistics had been forgotten. Enraptured in the presence of one another, you were both entirely unaware of the impending war.
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 You were waiting by the gardens. 
Wearing a new dress, fiddling with the bracelets that adorned your wrists. You were so nervous yet equally excited. Maedhros had broken tradition, and instead of meeting you in the library, he asked to meet you near the gardens. 
Your heart was in your throat; nervous goosebumps were all over your skin. It was truly as if all of your fantasies had come to life. Light footsteps echoed on the marbled flooring, and it made you turn. Maedhros, your intended partner, walked towards you, taking long strides. 
A smile was placed on your lips, and Maedhros matched it. Long ago had he shed the detached demeanor he so often presented to the rest of the world. Instead, he was open with his emotions - both good and bad - allowing himself to be vulnerable with you in a way so few people have witnessed. 
“You came,” he spoke as he closed the distance separating the two of you.
“How could I refuse?” Your smile widened, eyes in the shape of crescent moons. He laughed, low and smooth, offering his arm to you. Your hand wrapped around the crook of his arm, and it fits as if your hand was met for his. 
“Shall we?”
You motioned with your hand towards the gardens. “We shall.”  
The two of you walked in near perfect sync, wandering through the gardens, making quiet conversation with explosive banter. He was not as stern and rigid as he once appeared. With the moonlight reflected in his eyes and the stars making him shine, he seemed more like an innocent child than a hardened warrior burdened with war and trauma. 
You wanted to see this side of him every moment of every day. To see his eyes resemble glass and to hear his hearty chuckle as he threw his head back. Eventually, you gave up the guise of being interested in the flowers, even though they were quite beautiful. All your attention was focused on Maedhros, a sight you were determined to imprint in your brain. 
If you were to wake up tomorrow, back in your old bed, in your old apartment, you’d be happy to remember this moment and this moment only. You’d dedicate the rest of your life to writing poems about him, painting portraits, and writing overly embellished love stories. Anything to commemorate Maedhros and everything you’d wanted with him. Even if he didn’t return your affections quite as fiercely. 
“Tell me about your home. You never speak of it.” 
Your expression fell, your smile dimmed, and your eyes downturned. Home. You hadn’t really thought of it as much. It used to be a constant thought, a thing you wished on every falling star to return to. But now… You couldn’t remember the last time you made that wish. 
“It’s…different.” You fumbled over your words. How do you explain something you yourself hardly understand?
“In what way?” Maedhros pries, wanting to know more information. You’d be flattered in any circumstance or with any different topic. Yet the subject of home was complicated and one you hadn’t dared to broach with anyone.
“In every way.” A breezy laugh escaped your mouth, hoping to distract how tense you suddenly became. 
“I’d like to hear it all if you’d be willing to tell me.” 
“I--” You stuttered over the words, a lump caught in your throat. You wanted to tell Maedhros to bear your entire soul to him, but an inkling of fear gave you pause. Would he deem you a mad woman? Distancing himself and becoming as aloof as he once was.
Yet the two of you had grown so close as of late, and if you’d ever hoped to be more than friends, it would only be fair, to be honest.
“I don’t think I’m from this time.” You began, unsure of the best way to start.
Maedhros stopped, turning to face you. You nearly stumble but manage to catch yourself, meeting Maedhros’ gaze. 
“In what way?” 
You swallowed the lump in your throat, pressing your hand into a fist. Fortune favors the bold. You have to be bold if you want this.
“I believe when I was dropped here, I was dropped in the past. My world is so different and so much more advanced in terms of technology.”
He gave you a hard stare, not speaking for a few minutes. The moments of silence dragged on, and you were half tempted to flee and never return. Yet your body had become so heavy, and your feet were bolted to the ground. There would be no escape. 
“I don’t know why, but I believe you.” He spoke slowly, as if unsure of his own words as he said them. “At the very least, I believe you believe in what you say, and you have given me no reason to distrust you.”
Your breath that had been caught in your throat was suddenly released as your body slackened. The wide grin you previously wore returned to your face, all the worry lines and creases on your face melting away. 
“You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that.” You were breathless, a weight you hadn’t even realized was weighing you down, relieved from your chest. 
“I can only imagine how you must’ve felt, how confused you were.” His tone was soft and took a somber note, his eyes closer to an emerald green than the light color they previously were. 
“I managed to get by.”
Maedhros nodded, a smile tugging on the edges of his lips. 
“Well, please indulge me then, and tell me all the wonders of your home. I’m sure you’ve longed to do as such; you assimilated so quickly, I never would’ve thought you were from a completely different time.” 
You stared at him a moment longer, a breath caught in your throat. Yet this time, it wasn’t from nerves or anxiety; no, the pounding in your chest was for an entirely different reason. It had everything to do with the softness in Maedhros’ eyes as he looked at you. 
And so you indulged his every question and whim, the two of you wrapping around the garden a million times, talking until the moon was at the highest point in the sky, and all was silent. 
You were exhausted, holding back yawns every other sentence, but you pushed through, soaking in the time with Maedhros. Who knew when you’d get another chance? But eventually, he caught on, noticing the droop of your eyes and the lethargic pace you walked with. 
He guided you back to your chambers with all the chivalry gone from your world. You expected him to say farewell and give a single nod, as he always did when parting ways. He did bid you farewell, his smile warm and vibrant, and he did dip his head into a nod. 
But he also placed a kiss on the very edge of your lips before turning and disappearing down the hall. 
Frozen, you stood there for who knew how long, face awestruck and hand resting where his lips previously had been. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Time had seemed nothing more than an illusion. 
It seemed to move around you, yet you were the same, unchanged by it. Physically, you may appear the same, yet everything is so entirely…different. Maedhros made quick work of letting you know he intended to court you, and who would you be to deny it. 
All the formalities and technicalities that came with courting royalty was dizzying, but Maedhros was always there to center you. Strolls through the gardens and long evenings in the libraries; it made everything more bearable. It was also worth the stiffness that came with court to see the child-like grin that would light up Maedhros’ face when it was just the two of you. 
But doubt was a terrible thing. 
You constantly feared you wouldn’t live up to not only his expectations, but the expectations of his people. You were a human among elves, and despite not aging, you knew the court talked. Their fascination with you long died out, and anyone who believed you were sent by the Gods was the minority. They hid sharp words behind pretty smiles and musical laughter, but you could see through the fakeness all the same. Their cruel words only helped reinforce the doubts you already had.
And you weren’t the only one weighed down by it.
Maedhros was a far cry from what he used to be. Before the oath, before the torment, and before all the death at the hands of his kin. Could he really be so selfish as to tie you down to him? You were blind to this of course. You knew he suffered from PTSD and trauma, but even as you held him under the light of the moon, you were never aware of just how deep his fears went. 
How when he wept in your arms, it wasn’t only for what he suffered, but what he may suffer when you decide you want better. When you finally realized he wasn’t enough for you. 
His anxiety twisted into something harsh, manifesting as anger rather than sadness. Yet even as he lashed out, you stayed. Your face would remain perfectly passive, seemingly unbothered by it. 
It was another one of those nights.
You both sat on the balcony attached to his chambers, feet dangling over the edge. It was improper for you to be in his bed chambers, especially so late at night, but you couldn’t care about court etiquette at a moment like this. 
Your arms were wrapped around Maedhros, keeping him as close to you as physically possible. His head rested in the crook of your neck, eyes shut as his breathing matched the rhythm of your heart. All was quiet except the occasional sniffle from Maedhros. But after a few moments he was the one to break it. 
He pulled himself away from you, not an inch of his body touching yours. His relaxed posture suddenly seemed so tense and proper; an austere expression falling over his face. The sudden change was enough to give you whiplash, all the worst of your insecurities coming to head.
A moment passed before Maedhros stood, returning to his chambers. Tentatively, you stood, following after him. What made him suddenly change, as if a light had been switched?
He walked across the room, to the decanter holding a red wine. Maedhros took his time pouring it into a crystal glass before bringing it to his lips and nearly downing it all in one drink. He sent it down and refilled the glass, continuing the same pattern. 
The entire time he refused to meet your gaze. Awkwardly you say at the end of his bed, intertwining your fingers in an attempt to distract yourself. It hadn’t worked, all your fears growing the longer Maedhros held the silence. Was it a contest? Was he waiting for you to poke and prod?
“We should dissolve our courtship.” 
If you hadn’t already been sitting, you could’ve fallen to your knees. One simple sentence, that was all it took to make the past years come crumbling to nothing. 
“What?” Your voice was barely louder than a whisper. “Why?”
Another glass of wine drank and another glass filled before he dared to answer.
“While I have enjoyed your company, I do not believe us suited to continue any further,” he said. Even still, he refused to meet your eyes. His hand gripped the table he stood before, his grip so tight you were half surprised it didn’t crack under the weight of it. 
“So that’s it.” Your voice was like stone; hard, cold, and unwavering. “You decide to end our courtship, yet you can’t even look me in the eye as you do it.” 
Maedhros didn’t move from his position, you however, stood from the bed. 
All the anger and frustration, needling insecurities and self doubt came bubbling to the surface. You didn’t bother to push it down, or rationalize it so much you can’t even feel anymore. It came together in one chaotic concoction and exploded. 
“Look at me.” You weren’t shouting, but there was force behind your tone. A warning and a threat all in one. Yet Maedhros still kept his back to you. You took three more steps towards him, nearly behind him. 
“I said look at me.” The volume of your voice became louder, the stone facade breaking and cracks of desperation shone through you. You couldn’t understand why he was doing this, you’d thought he loved you the same way you loved him.
Had it all been a mistake, were there signs and clues you’d missed along the way?
Finally Maedhros turned to face you, and within moments all of your anger dissipated. Tears streamed down his cheeks, unshed ones exaggerating his red rimmed eyes. He looked absolutely broken, the worst you’d ever seen him. 
“Why are you doing this?” You dropped the facade of nonchalance. Tears began to well in your eyes, a slight waver in your voice as you spoke.
Still he didn’t speak. 
You closed the distance separating the two of you, grabbing his hand in yours, but he pushed you away. Still you attempted to grab it again and this time he didn’t bother rejecting your touch. 
“Mae please, what is the real reason for this?” You looked up at him like a doe, so wide-eyed and teary. Any shred of conviction he previously held onto crumbled as he looked at your face. 
He thought marrying you would be selfish, but perhaps this was the more selfish option?
“You deserve better. I can’t give you what you deserve.” 
A crease formed on your forehead as your brows furrowed. 
“Fuck it.” 
Maedhros blinked, stunned by your brash words. For a moment he thought he might’ve misheard, he’d never heard you speak like that. But it would appear he hadn’t misheard you.
“I said, fuck it. I love you, and you love me, and god dammit, if you’re not best for me then I don’t want better.”
You moved one of your hands from his, cupping his chin, forcing Maedhros to meet your gaze, an attempt to show the sincerity in every word spoken.
“I love you, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.”
Your words hung in the room, imprinted on the floorboards and the walls.
The Maedhros’ lips were on yours. The kiss was quick and fervent, expressing everything he’d never be able to put into words. All the love and fear that clung to him like a shadow; his entire soul was laid before you. It was dizzying - you were drowning at sea, and Maedhros was your only lifeboat. 
You clung to his form, never able to get close enough, one of your hands wrapped around his lithe form while the other reached towards the nape of his neck, gently tugging on his hair. He groaned against your lips and you swallowed the noise, deepening the kiss. 
Closer, closer, you needed to be closer. 
He pulled you just as tight as you were pulling him, just as desperate if not more so than you were. His one arm wrapped around your waist and held you against his body. His scent was intoxicating, that same heady cologne he’d been wearing when you first spoke in the library. Your teeth clacked against his, but you couldn’t find it in you to care. You needed him to know that every word you’d said, you’d meant. 
There wasn’t a universe you wanted to exist in without him. 
And while that thought terrified you, you repressed it, opting to deal with it later. 
Maedhros needed to know you were all in, and you’d spent the rest of eternity convincing him if need be. 
At some point he pulled back, the rise of fall of both of your chest and heavy breathing the only sound in the room. 
His hand moved from your waist and into your hair, finger combing through it. There were stars in his eyes that you surely replicated. 
“Forgive me, I was being foolish. I don’t want our courtship to end, you’re the woman I want to marry. I never want to leave your side and I promise to never send you away, I swear it.” 
A smile, small and delicate, lit up your features as you frantically nodded in response. Maedhros huffed out a laugh, pressing his forehead against yours, muttering elvish endearments against your skin. 
You closed your eyes, basking in his presence and the musical sound of his voice. 
Oh to freeze this moment and live in it forever. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
 Everything was silent and calm, but not in a way that would be soothing and leave behind a sense of weightlessness. Instead, it was harsh and grating, mile-high walls building up around you as you subconsciously prepared for...something. Anything that would cause a ripple and disturb this illusion that encased you. 
You couldn’t deny it anymore and continue to make excuses for what was so clearly right in front of you. War had brought devastation, and with that came change, and with change came the end of a life you’d built. For so long, Maedhros was able to ignore the Oath he and his brothers had sworn. The Silmarils were forgotten but only for a time. Word had reached Ossiriand that the son of Beren and Luthien had inherited the Silmaril his parents had recovered. 
Maedhros, once noble and as bright as the sun, now appeared worn and haggard, his eyes bearing the weight of a consuming madness. Restlessness gnawed at his soul as his insatiable quest for the Silmarils tightened its grip on his heart. 
It was only a matter of time before the bubble burst, and you could no longer delude yourself into thinking he was still the same man you fell in love with. 
“Maedhros,” you said quietly in hopes of not sparking another argument. “Are you certain this is the wise decision?” 
He turned to you, his eyes stern and calculating. It was a stark difference from the love and warmth they used to be lit by. Instead of looking into the sun, you were staring into a fiery furnace.
“It is my duty, as well as my brothers, to honor the Oath we swore to our father. I have no doubt this is the right course of action.” He sounded so detached when he spoke to you. It was the same way he talked to commanding officers and diplomats, not how he should speak to his wife. Not the way he used to talk to you. 
The fear you’d felt, the drop of your heart each time you looked into his eyes, intensified. He was teetering on the precipice of madness. You bit your lip, mulling over the right words to keep him from falling off the ledge. 
“I understand your quest,” your voice trembled with slight trepidation despite your best efforts to keep it even. “But Maedhros, the toll it’s taking on you…I fear for your well being.” 
His eyes bore into yours, a mixture of frustration, impatience, and slight madness evident in his gaze. It made you nearly flinch, but you held your ground. 
“You doubt me?” His voice had an edge so sharp it cut you like a knife. It intensified your anxiety, but you swallowed it, steeling yourself against your nerves. 
“I don’t doubt your intentions, Maedhros,” she replied, her voice steady now, “but I fear for what this obsession is doing to you.” 
Your words seemed to strike a chord within him, his anger momentarily giving way to a flicker of doubt. A moment of clarity within his addled mind. “You think I don’t know the burden I bear?” he murmured, his voice softening now, but the anger still lingered beneath the surface. 
“I know, my love,” you replied, much softer this time. You crossed the room’s threshold, gingerly sweeping your knuckles across his cheek. His eyes flutter shut, momentarily allowing your soothing touch to wash over him. “But I can’t bear to see you suffer like this. Your people need you. I need you. Not just as a leader but as a husband too.”
His eyes opened, and the green within them softened as his anger began to wane. Yet the turmoil was still evident within him. He was a man fighting two wars, one war with the forces of Morgoth and the second war within himself. 
“It’s not easy for me either, and I curse the day I swore that oath.” His confession made the flicker of hope within you get bigger. Perhaps you’d successfully pulled him from the ledge. “But I cannot turn away from my destiny.” 
Just as soon as it appeared, the hope was snuffed out; stubborn and proud, you now cursed what you used to admire about him most. 
“But at what cost, Maedhros? The Oath has led to nothing but tragedy and death. You are losing yourself in this darkness, forsaking all that once mattered. Look around you! Our people suffer, our family crumbles, and still, you are blinded by this madness!” Desperate and pleading, you tried to force him to see reason. 
As if your touch was made of acid, Maedhros pulled away and sidestepped you, a sea separating you from him. The anger returned to his eyes as they hardened once more. The brief moment of vulnerability was gone, and it was difficult to remember if it had ever even been there, to begin with. 
“And for what? For some gems that shine prettily,” you continued; he needed to hear your words, to taste the venom behind them. If he held even an ounce of love for you, he would heed your warning. But your words seemed to fall on deaf ears, lost amidst the blaze of anger that threatened to burn the whole world. 
“You know nothing of the weight I carry,” he snapped, his voice cutting through the air like a freshly sharpened sword. “You are my wife, not an advisor; quit constantly questioning me and stand by my side as you were intended to.”
The words caught in your throat faded, replaced with a bitter taste of the last bit of love and hope you held for Maedhros dying. Your eyes fell to the floor; there was nothing left to do. The butterflies he incited within you had turned to ash. Everything the two of you built crumbled, and Maedhros gladly helped, knocking down the pillars it once stood upon. 
The Maedhros you loved was long gone; what stood before you now was a shell of the man he once was.
“If that’s the way you feel.” It was all you uttered before exiting the room, leaving Maedhros in the dimly lit room with nothing but anger and regret. He wanted to call out to you, to beg you to stay and reassure you he hadn’t meant it. But the grip of madness was unyielding, and even in the depths of sorrow, it would not relent.
The Silmarils that had once been a beacon of hope now seemed to mock him, and the emptiness in his heart felt like a chasm he could never fill.
In the stillness of the night, as Maedhros lay slumbering, you stole away into vast open fields. Cloaked in the darkness that came with night, you ran, nowhere in particular, just so long as it was as far away from Maedhros. Your heart was heavy with the weight of your decision and the finality of the ending of a love you thought would last forever. Yet the echoes of the argument lingered; his harsh words and austere face were a haunting reminder of what had been lost. 
“It’s better this way,” you told yourself. 
You would carry the memory of Maedhros until your dying day, praying that he might find solace and release from his Oath. But you couldn’t count on it, and you wouldn’t waste your days hoping he’d change. 
“It’s better this way,” you repeated once more.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
The warm glow of the sun was waning, warning you of the impending cloak of night. 
You stood on the cliffside, staring into the waters below, feet buried in the overgrowth and dirt. The air was cool, and the world was quiet. So serene and perfect that it was hard to believe it was real. You burrowed your feet deeper into the dirt, desperate to ground yourself into reality. 
The mellowness of your surroundings eased the grief within your heart. War was over, and the suffering you’d endured was but a distant dream. Residing in the lands of Aman, you could forget your life had been anything other than something full of beautiful poetic prose. 
Yet it was hard to let go of all of your pain. But as time passed, it became twisted, no longer the stabbing pain of a needle. It poured from you into a melancholia that you would use to paint all your skies a dark blue. It lingered in the edges of your landscape, blurred in the edges and nearly unseen by anyone except for you. 
A soft hum escaped your mouth as you allowed the sound of cascading waves to fall over you. Eyes fluttered shut, the faint mist of water touching your body. 
You only opened your eyes once the sound of footsteps was heard. Your posture stiffened, ears sharpening to hone in on the sounds of the intruder. No one dared to intrude upon you, and if they did, it was preemptively planned, never just a sudden visit. 
Slowly, you turned, but you were still surprised even though you didn’t know what to expect. 
Standing before you, as tall and proud as the day you’d first met, was Maedhros. He was vibrant and real, only a hint of tentative uncertainty marring his neutral expression. He stopped a few paces away, silent as you took him in. Framed by the soft glow of the golden rays of sunlight, he was just as you remembered him, yet with an unmistakable touch of time. 
It wasn’t in the traditional ways of humans; there were no wrinkles and lines imprinted on his face. It was all in the eyes, the centuries of wisdom, pain, and suffering making them heavier than they once were. 
He’d died. You knew that. He cast himself into the fire alongside his brother when he could no longer possess the Silmarils. It was said they burned him upon contact and it was a fate too terrible for him to live. You’d wept for days on end upon learning his fate. 
And yet here he was, as real as the day you’d met. 
“Maedhros.” His name hung in the air as if you were unsure it was truly him. He simply nodded, an affirmation that he was really here, standing before you.  
Silence stretched between the two of you, your eyes locked in a gaze that spoke the words your lips couldn’t find. There was a tempest of emotions within you - joy, relief, curiosity, and a lingering sense of hurt you couldn’t fully let go of. 
And then, like the first rays of sunrise, a smile graced Maedhros’ lips, and it was as if the years spent separated vanished. The arguments disappeared with them, leaving only an overwhelming happiness to see him standing before you. Your strides were sure as you stepped towards Maedhros, and he helped to close the gap, your arms weaving around his body as you embraced him for the first time in years.
He smelled just how you’d remembered, and you buried your face into his chest, determined to remember how his arm felt around your waist. 
“Is it really you?” you whispered, your voice trembling with a mix of disbelief and delight.
You felt the rumble of Maedhros’ slight laughter as he nodded his head. “ Yes, it’s me, my love.”
You pulled back slightly, just enough that you could see his face but close enough that you could feel the warmth he radiated. “I- I can’t believe it; how is this even possible?” You were nearly out of breath as you spoke, eyes searching for answers within his. 
“A twist of fate, I suppose. I was released from the Halls of Mandos, my time of repentance done.” A hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips, his grip on you tightening. “I should have listened to you the night that you left. You were right, and I was just to--”
You cut him off by placing a searing kiss on his lips. His words were forgotten, the long speech he’d probably been preparing since the moment you left cut off. There would be an eternity for forgiveness and apologetic words. Right now, you just wanted to remember how his lips had felt on yours.
He melted into the kiss, his lips just as sweet as you’d remembered them to be. The years melted into oblivion; it was just you and Maedhros, with nothing severing the love you held. The kiss was a mixture of vehement remorse and a promise to never forsake the promise of love he’d made to you. Time slowed as the two of you savored the moment, fully immersed in the warmth of his body and the taste of his lips. 
As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, you and Maedhros stayed tangled in one another. You’d both been given a second chance, something you hadn’t dared to think would be possible. And yet here he was, so intertwined with you it was hard to see where you ended and he began. It was a chance to reignite a love that had never fully died out.
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The five kingdoms of the sons of Fëanor: part 1
Himring and the March of Maedhros
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Warning. This post contains mentions of weapons use | animal death | orc death | use of animal parts | use of alcohol
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✴️ Maedhros's lordship ushers in a culture that centers on highly trained warriors and military service. Himring and the March of Maedhros are soon dotted with heavily fortified fortresses made of rough-hewn stone. 
✴️ The interiors of these buildings are decorated with animal pelt rugs and antlers, featherbeds that are mostly made out of softer animal furs, and furniture that is more practical than elegant. Maedhros's own fortress has a map carved onto the table in his council chamber. 
✴️ There is no discrimination when it comes to military service. Any elf, irrespective of their gender, can take up arms if they have the necessary skills for wielding weapons. Those with exceptional skills are sometimes invited to learn under Meadhros himself. 
✴️ Military training, while taking up the majority of most elves' time, is not the only activity in their day-to-day lives. Given the harshness of the terrain, there is very little farming. Foraging for root vegetables and wild berries is quite common, along with hunting and fishing. Mountain goats are eventually captured and domesticated for their meat and milk. Diary-based foods such as cream, berries, meat, and fish make up the majority of the diet for those who live in Himring and the March. Mares’ milk is fermented to make an alcoholic beverage that the elves drink in the absence of wine. 
✴️ In the beginning, the fashions in and around Himring consisted of fur and leather decorated with beads and bones and feathers. Later on, when order fully set in, colors obtained from natural dyes found their way onto clothes worn by elves in the form of elaborate embroidery. This embroidery would take the form of the lands that Hithrim sits on, its animals, and the tales of valor of the elves who live within. 
✴️ Of the smithies, there are only three, with the largest found in Maedhros' fortress; cutting down trees for reasons other than warmth and cooking and the making of spears, bows, and arrows is not seen as wise. 
✴️ While there are riders who take messages between fortresses and outposts and homes, great signal fires are also used, in case orc movements are sighted.
✴️ What jewels are there in elven families are carefully kept, and lent out to kin only when needed. Because of this, elves turn to feathers, animal bones, and teeth for bodily adornments, especially the parts of an animal that are killed during an elf's first hunt. 
✴️ A similar attitude is adopted towards weapons and armor made in Valinor. These are treated with great care, and elves routinely take metal arrowheads, swords, shields and anything else they can make use of from dead orcs. 
✴️ Life in Himring and the March is quite restrictive due to the nearness of Angband and the constant attacks by its forces. Elves have to always be on guard. Because of this, feasts and frolics are few and far between and, if held, are kept to a modest scale. Storytelling is the highlight of the evening. Elflings who were born after the crossing into Middle Earth often ask for stories of Valinor. 
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Imagine being Melkor’s child and having a tragic marriage with Maedhros
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(This idea had been on my mind for some time and it’s finally time to post it. Heed the warnings because this will be a one sad story)
Imagine from @imagine-all-the-elves​
Warnings: Angst, mentions of child neglect, manipulation, torture, forced marriage, violence, loss of hand and death. Neither you or Mae will have fun time but you do have some fluff moments together. 
-It was never supposed to happen in the first place. You were the child of the world’s greatest enemy, and he was the son of your father’s greatest enemy. It was a union never meant to happen. 
-You never wanted it to happen, especially to him. 
-You had been kept hidden when your father, Melkor, took you away from your beloved mother. You had been barely allowed to go outside, so it left you with doubts that you even existed to the outside world. 
-Melkor never treated you horribly in your first years of life, but he was absent most of the time. He was always busy warring with the rest of the Valar and trying to take over Arda. You only had caretakers and Mairon to look after you. 
-You knew your elven caretakers were slaves and forced to look after you. It made you feel bad for them, especially when they got poorly treated by orcs and other servants of your father. 
-Mairon didn’t treat you horribly. He was busy like your father, but he sometimes took turns watching and keeping you company. You once thought you could confide in him like a friend, but you were left uncertain since he was a ruthless maiar who often thought lowly of everyone. 
-You did not have a similar mindset to everyone on your father’s side, and they kept you away from the elves to avoid ‘attachments’ – so you grew up rather lonely. 
-In those lonely times, you would think about your mother, Nienna. She was one of the warmest beings in Arda, and she was the one who taught you to be sympathetic toward others. 
-You missed her terribly. You missed her and your uncles. You wanted to feel her embrace and hear her lullabies soothe you from nightmares again. You wanted to play with your uncle Manwe and listen to Irmo’s jokes that never failed to make you laugh. You also wanted to be with your sibling again. 
-You asked your father many times if you could visit them, and he always refused, making your loneliness grow as you had no friends in Utummo or anywhere in your father’s kingdom. 
-Mairon kept you safe and hidden in Angband when the Valar tore down Utummo and took your father away. It was a terrifying experience as you didn’t know what was happening and were not allowed to go outside for a long time. 
-When everything calmed down, you were left alone with Mairon, who got busy rebuilding your father’s armies while you grew up alone in the shadows. 
-It was peaceful when your father wasn’t around. It was more quiet in the world, and there was less destruction even though orcs brought new thralls every day, and you weren’t allowed to leave Angband.
-You regret that you never took the chance to escape and reunite with your mother and sibling. You felt like a bird in a cage because Mairon restricted you from leaving Angband and tried to fill your head with teachings and expectations of how you would help your father reach his goal when he returned. 
-At that time, you hoped your father never returned from his imprisonment, but fate has never been the kindest to you, and the day finally arrived when Gothmog and his balrogs marched out of Angband to save your father from Ungoliant’s webs. 
-You did not know how to react when your father walked through the doors, holding three stolen jewels, and when he shared the news that the two trees of Valinor were no more, destroyed by his and Ungoliant’s hands. 
-You were worried, especially when you heard the Noldor elves left the blessed realm to chase after him to take revenge for what he did to their previous king and the two trees. 
-You expected war and bloodshed, so when the elves and your father’s armies finally went to war. It was the least surprising thing to you. 
-However, when your father captured the new high king after Feanor’s death. That’s when things began to go south. 
-It all started with shared looks. 
-You visited your father and Mairon from time to time to give out reports and the progress of your work, and that's how you met your father’s latest captive. 
-Nelyafinwe, who in Sindarin came to be known as Maedhros, the firstborn son of your father’s enemy and the current high king of the Noldor. 
-He was in a poor state the first time you met, and you pitied him since he was going through the same thing many of the thralls did in Angband. If things were different, you could have helped him out of his situation, but since you had little power in Angband and he was an important prisoner. There was nothing you could do for him. 
-Although you never talked to each other, you continuously glanced at one another, and it ended up in a regretful situation because your father noticed and had a horrible idea. 
-He proposed marriage between you and the red-headed elf. 
-It was unthinkable, so you tried to reject it because you did not want Maedhros to suffer any more humiliation. He already suffered enough in your father’s hand. His kin would most likely take him as a traitor if he ended up getting married to the child of his father’s enemy.
-You tried to reject it and reasoned that the whole idea was useless. It would bring nothing for either side. However, your father had always been a talented manipulator. He used your weaknesses and sympathetic nature against you. 
-He spoke unimaginable things and persuaded you how things would go since peace was all you always wanted. He also questioned if you liked the tortures to stop or continue since you were so against the idea. 
-You found yourself in the corner. You couldn't find your way out of it, and deep down, you did want the torturing to stop, so you agreed to the proposal. 
-A ceremony was held. You went out of your way to keep it small and argued with your father about what you wanted for the wedding so It would be small and quick. 
-Maedhros was against the whole thing, and you understood him well, so you at least managed to give him robes to cover his chains and a veil to spare him the shame of being seen. 
-It was a terrible situation for both of you. You never wanted a spouse who would get forced to marry you, so you could not help but utter silent apologies. 
-Your father did keep his promise and allowed you to take your new spouse away from his and Mairon’s grasp. 
-You brought your spouse to your realm. It was a gift from Mairon after you grew older and decided to work alongside him. It was a lonely fortress behind Angband, surrounded by vast icy landscapes. It was a peaceful place, but it was also just another prison for thralls and those meant to keep in check. 
-It would be impossible to escape from there without crossing anyone from Angband, so your spouse was now truly trapped. 
-Your relationship with him was silent and awkward. Maedhros was weary of you, no doubt thinking you would be exactly like your father and start torturing and mistreating him upon the first chance. You did not blame him. The whole thing was undesirable for both of you, so you tried to explain that you would not do anything against his will. 
-He did not have to go through the wedding night and was free to have your chambers to himself. You did work in your office most of the time, and there was a couch, so you had a place to rest. 
-He was free to do anything. If he needed something, he could just ask. The only thing he should not do is go outside or try to escape since there were creatures outside who guarded your realm or made sure no one would try to leave without permission. 
-You had the servants unchain him and kept your distance from him so he would not have to deal with you, and that’s how your new married life began. 
-Maedhros was weary of you and waited for you to turn back on your promise and do something to him, so he ended up spending his time in your chambers with no one but servants to bring him food. 
-He was surprised when he saw the state of your elven servants. They walked freely and were in good shape, unlike others who served in Angband. They were not afraid to talk to him, so he often conversed with them. 
-He felt conflicted when they spoke well about you and assured him he could trust your words. You were truthful and kinder than your blackhearted father, so he did not need to fear betrayal. 
-He began asking about you and collecting information. He had not heard about you before in Valinor, so he tried to gather all the information he could get before thinking about confronting you. 
-He was surprised when he learned your mother was Nienna. He knew your sibling and had heard that she had another child who went missing many years ago, even presumed dead.
-When he grew less weary, he took a bold step and stepped outside your chamber. Your servants showed him around and told him everything about the fortress. 
-When he asked if anyone tried escaping, they took him to a window and showed him the wild yetis that guarded your realm. They were faster and more ferocious than orcs. It was nearly impossible to flee, and many faced a horrible end at their hands. 
-You were kind enough to interfere whenever you could, but many would end up living with horrible scars after the encounter. 
-The servants explained to him that the yetis were made to guard the fortress and to deal with any thrall that dared to escape, but everyone knew their main task was to keep an eye on you, so you were just as a prisoner as them. 
-Maedhros took in the knowledge and began to understand your situation more. He was still weary of you and kept his distance whenever you were out. 
-He observed you most of the time, especially one time when a new maid got brought from Angband, and she accidentally broke something. He expected you to act differently behind closed doors and punish the poor elleth, but you calmed her down and simply told her to clean it up. 
-Having seen and experienced your father's temper, Maedhros was taken aback by your calmness. 
-He continued observing whenever you came out of your office. You knew he was watching and did not mind it. You even played ignorant, continued your days, and even asked for his well-being from time to time. You tried to show you meant no harm. 
-Maedhros began to grow less weary of you and then started wandering around your home and getting familiar with every detail. It was surprisingly warm inside despite the outside world being an icy wasteland. It was more welcoming than Angband, though.
-Maedhros didn’t plan to face you or talk to you anytime soon, but he made a mistake going to a library that he thought was a separate room from your office. 
-He was startled when he saw you and froze when you looked back at him. He quickly apologized and prepared to leave, but you stopped him and told him it was alright and he could stay if he wanted to read something. 
-You even offered to leave since you were almost done with the daily work so your presence wouldn’t bother him. Maedhros did not know how to answer your offer, so he rejected it and said you could stay and finish your work. 
-The exchange was awkward, so you agreed and tried to work while he went through some books.  
-You thought it could go peacefully and without troubles, but the silence soon became unbearable. You managed to continue your work, but you could feel the elf looking at you from time to time. It made you almost flinch how uneasy your spouse was, but you did not blame him. 
-You decided to break the silence and ask if there was something he wanted to ask and if his stay had been comfortable so far. 
-Maedhros thought through his questions carefully, and when you didn’t show annoyance or anger with each question, he decided to talk and ask more questions without fear.
-You answered to the best of your abilities. You were silently happy that Maedhros felt comfortable enough to talk with you despite the questions obviously directed at why you were not like your father. 
-It was not the first time, so you didn’t mind. Many of your servants assumed you were cruel and terrible, like Melkor. It also leaves them confused when you don’t act on their assumptions and treat them better than anyone from Angband. 
-You never had a reason to hate the elves or any other creation. You knew your father was obsessed with conquering Arda and creating something of his own, and it made you sad how many got hurt because of him. You were more sympathetic like your mother. 
-The conversation was quick since it was time for dinner, and Maedhros wished to dine alone in your chamber like he always did. He took the time to think about you and your answers to his questions. 
-He felt a bit ashamed for the way he spoke to you. He was rather forward and demanding with his questions, like he was interrogating you, and it made him feel slight regret because you didn’t even do anything to upset him.  
-You didn’t even get angry with his tone of voice, so it was clear to him that you were nothing like your father. Truthfully, you looked saddened when he spoke to you like that, and it only fueled his desire to apologize for his behavior. 
-He left your chambers, hoping he would find you and apologize to you for what happened. He was unaware he would end up finding someone else, someone unexpected.  
-Maedhros was only walking through the hallway, trying to remember the location of the dining hall until he felt like being watched. 
-He then dumped on someone he never expected to see, your sibling. 
-He was left shocked because your sibling should be in Valinor with your mother, but they were standing right in front of him, grinning at him. Maedhros was creeped out because they looked and acted nothing like they were in Valinor.  
-They were psychotic and made vulgar remarks about him and his kin. They even called him your toy while threatening to taste his blood. 
-Maedhros didn’t know what to do. He was unnerved to the core and close to doing something rash like fighting them until you arrived and stopped your sibling from touching him. 
-It was the first time he saw you get agitated and more threatening. You strictly spoke to your sibling and chased them off before turning your attention toward him with a much softer expression. 
-He was shaken and confused from the encounter. He then assumed your sibling was working as a spy, but you brushed off that theory and explained this sibling was a doppelganger. 
-When you were younger, and the old Utummo was still up. You asked your father many times to see your mother and actual sibling since you were lonely. He created the doppelganger to fix that, and you have been stuck with a psychotic fake ever since. 
-You apologized for his unpleasant encounter and told him to call or come to you if they bothered him again. 
-Maedhros felt anxious for the rest of the day, and you felt horrible watching him be afraid again since he was finally getting comfortable around you. It made you curse your father and that fake even more. 
-You didn’t dare to bother him, so you stayed at your usual spot on the balcony whenever the night graced the sky, hoping you spot a few stars through the gray smoke. 
-Maedhros once found you alone and was curious, so he approached you and talked to you.  
-You asked him if the sky was really full of stars like your servants said since you have long forgotten. Maedhros was pretty surprised to hear that, but he confirmed and told you about all the stars he knew. You listened with a smile, and the conversation just flowed from there. 
-You asked about your sibling and mother since he had met them and known them for a while before he departed from Valinor, and he described how they were doing and how much they missed you ever since you went missing. They and the rest of your family dedicated one day to remembering you each year. 
-You felt happy to know your family was doing well and that they had not forgotten about you. You thanked him for sharing about your mother and sibling. 
-Maedhros felt sad for you and angry. He could see the loneliness in your eyes, and the thought that you have been kept away from your family so long that you had forgotten how a star-filled sky looked made him resent Melkor more. 
-You began to talk more, especially wherever you were on the balcony. Maedhros tried to spot stars with you, and you spoke about your families. He told fond memories about Valinor, and he sometimes joked with you about his father since your imagination made him look like a screaming goose on fire when you heard about him. Honestly – it was perhaps one of the most accurate descriptions of his father. 
-You two began to spend more time with each other. Maedhros felt more comfortable with you. Even though he shouldn’t, he began to trust you. He began to see you as some kind of a friend.
-He just couldn’t see Melkor in you. You were soft-spoken and gentle like your mother. You made him enjoy his stay with your stories, and he liked how kind you were toward your servants. 
-It made him wish you could have met under different circumstances. 
-You were happy you were building a connection, but even so, you tried to avoid touching him or indulging in any close contact. 
-Maedhros noticed when he asked about your ring once. You two were on the balcony, and he was curious about the peculiar-looking ring on your finger. He touched your hand, and he felt you freeze under his touch. He thought he did something wrong, but you kept your composure and told him how you used to steal the ring from Irmo, and he allowed you to keep it since you liked it so much. It was one of the only things you had left from your family. 
-Maedhros thought he made you uncomfortable, so he tried to apologize for touching you without permission. 
-You were surprised and then explained he did not make you uncomfortable. You were afraid to touch people in general because there had been cases when people mistook you for your father when you tried to help them. 
-You did not want to touch him because you thought it would revoke bad memories of Angband and the horrible things he went through, especially when he had scars as a reminder of his time there. 
-Maedhros understood that you felt guilt and made a bold move to hold your hand, telling you how you would never remind him of your father, and it wasn’t you who gave him his scars. 
-It was at that moment you started falling for him hard. 
-You would have been happy if you two became friends, but after feeling his hand on yours and seeing him smile for the first time. You couldn’t help but start feeling something more for him. 
-You were terrified because there were several reasons why you shouldn’t feel such a thing for him. 
-One, your father would win if he ever knew about your growing feelings, and two, Maedhros would never feel the same for you. He got forced to marry you, so he had no reason to love you back. He would only see you as someone he could trust in this place, nothing more. 
-You tried to keep them hidden, but the crimson-haired ellon did not make it easy when you two spent time together on the balcony, and he started smiling more.
-He adapted to your way of living and even learned the little codes you made with your servants to know someone unwanted was visiting. He even started helping you with your work. 
-You tried getting your hands on fruits and food he would like when he started dining with you. He would always be surprised when you managed to bring Noldor-made cuisine to the table, but it made him smile and thank you for going to such lengths. 
-You couldn't stop thinking about the feeling of his hand when he held your hand for the first time without fear. The warmth and the gentleness behind it made you want to feel it again, but you didn’t dare to ask him. You were still afraid to touch him. 
-However, your yearning had made you unaware of how much you started looking at his hand, imagining how it would feel against yours. 
-Maedhros was quick to notice and decided to ask your permission to hold your hand instead, making you flustered. You did not want to say no, so you let him touch your hand and even make little jokes about how small your hands were for an Ainur, and those little moments always made you feel weak and crave more for his gentle touch. 
-It was now obvious you were falling hard for him. It was an incredible feeling because it felt like how your mother described it when she was still with your father. But you knew, one day, you had to help Maedhros out of your prison.   
-He would never be safe as long as he was stuck with you, so you finally started planning a way for him to escape and be free of his predicament. 
-It was a carefully crafted plan. You made a note to keep all the details in mind, and one day, you found a perfect chance for him to escape, but then your fake sibling just had to visit and start harassing your beloved. 
-They had arrived without your knowing and started harassing Maedhros with vulgar remarks about his family and situation. They called him names, and Maedhros tried to ignore it like you told him, but when they made a crude remark about you, he couldn’t help but retaliate against them. 
-They were threateningly quiet after he stood up for them. Maedhros felt unnerved and tried to leave through the door, only to have his hand cut off when he grabbed the handle. 
-You stood up when you heard him scream and quickly made way toward him and your fake sibling. You found Maedhros’s hand on the floor and saw him sitting against the wall while holding his bleeding stump. It felt like the world froze around you when you watched his blood dress him in red. 
-Your sibling only cackled and told you they only gave your spouse a lesson in misbehaving and blamed you for not keeping your things in check, but you only grew furious. 
-The anger you felt was uncontrollable, and you attacked your fake sibling. 
-You threw them away and even took your sword out of its sheath, ready to kill them. You were known for your reluctance to harm anything, so when your sibling saw the murderous rage in your eyes – they took out their weapon, and you ended up in a violent fight. 
-Maedhros watched with fright as you fought with your sibling, slashing wounds and throwing kicks and punches at each other. He became worried when he saw you getting hurt from the attacks. 
-You even went as far as to use your abilities against your sibling, throwing their body against the walls like a ragdoll before they used their powers and disabled you. 
-You both eventually lost your weapons and started throwing punches at each other, breaking each other’s bones and trying to kill with raw strength. 
-However, your sibling managed to throw you away, and you were down, groaning and coughing blood from your mouth. 
-Maedhros wanted to run to you, but when your sibling turned their attention upon him and came at them with a sinister grin. Maedhros took up your sword, and your sibling ran right through it. 
-You saw as Maedhros held the blade that ran through your sibling. Your sibling’s black blood slowly dribbled from the steel before they fell backward, sliding off the sword and falling dead on the floor. 
-Maedhros was standing in shock, staring at the corpse of your fake sibling while holding your sword with a shaking hand. 
-When you heard your fake sibling’s servants approaching. You stood up and went to Maedhros, intending to take your sword from his hand. 
-” Maedhros –” You said gently as your hand laid upon his. He looked at you with a frightful expression as his skin turned cold from the touch. “You did nothing wrong. It’s alright,” You comforted, taking the sword from his hand. You laid your other hand on his cheek, making him look you in the eyes. “You did nothing wrong,” You said and backed away.  
-It took a moment for Maedhros to calm down, but before he knew it – you struck your sibling’s corpse right when your sibling’s servants showed around the corner. He was shocked because you were making it look like it was you who killed their master. You were taking the blame for him. 
-When you walked back to him, you gently handled his bleeding stump and muttered something under your breath, which allowed light to glow beneath your fingers, and Maedhros could feel the pain lessen and the wound stitching itself up. 
-He was then taken by surprise when you suddenly embraced him and held his head close to yours. 
-You told him to go to a remote place of your fortress and find his cousin you noticed sneaking in, the one with the golden ribbons. 
-Maedhros knew it was Fingon from your description, but before he could say anything. You promised him you would hold your sibling’s servants back while he escaped and pushed him away, yelling at him to go. 
-He was quick to follow your instructions, and he ran. He only turned for a moment to see you start killing your fake sibling’s servants, taking all the attention on you.  
-He did not want to leave you behind, and it was by luck that he suddenly bumped into his cousin, Fingon. 
-The reunion was short-lived, and Fingon quickly took him away from your fortress. They were quick to run through the mountains, but Maedhros paled when he heard the yells of the yetis and saw them coming toward them.  
-You managed to fight off your sibling’s servants and walked outside to see Maedhros and his cousin running away from the yetis. They would die if you didn’t do something, so you took out your blade and gave yourself a deep wound. 
-The yetis were made to guard your home and prevent anyone from leaving. However, if they smell something wrong with you, they will make you their first priority and stop their task to check on you. 
-You used your powers to enhance the smell of your blood, and it didn’t take long for them to stop and come for you instead, leaving Maedhros and his cousin alone and giving them a chance to escape. 
-You smiled in relief, but you knew their escape would be impossible since Angband was on their way. So, you prayed from the bottom of your heart for Manwe’s help or someone who would help the one you loved to escape. You soon lost consciousness when the yetis came through the door and found you. 
-Maedhros felt dread when he saw the yetis come for you, but he tried to keep going until he and Fingon got surrounded by orcs from Angband. 
-He thought about telling Fingon to leave him so he could buy him some time, but before he could do anything, a great eagle flew down from the sky and took down the orcs. 
-Thorondor helped them mount and flew them away from Angband. Maedhros did not know what to think, and he watched as your fortress got smaller and smaller until it was out of his eyesight, and he returned to his kin. 
- He thought about you as he healed from his injuries, and his brothers questioned him about his time in Angband. He was surprised that no one knew that he was married off to the child of his enemy, but he said no word about it. 
-The more he thought about you, the more anxious he became to know what happened to you after the incident. Deep down in his heart, he wanted you to be alive, but there was a mild chance because no one would survive the anger of a dark lord, so he concluded you were dead. 
-He mourned for you. You were one of the good things that happened, and it felt like he left part of himself when you told him to leave you and your home. 
-He kept quiet about the incident and his marriage because he knew his kin would not take it kindly if they knew about the whole affair.
-They would assume you were like your father and take no other answer. 
-Maedhros tried to live quietly, but he couldn't bring himself to forget you. Not after all you did for him: and your sacrifice to save him. It made him feel undeserving and realize he might have loved you in return. 
-The feeling was like a sword that struck him in the heart, especially when something horrific happened during a battle. The orcs were taunting him and his people, brutally executing prisoners and thralls before them. Maedhros felt helpless that he couldn't do anything to help them, but he had to keep his composure and look strong in front of his people. That was until the orcs caught his attention and threw a severed hand before him. 
-He was confused until he recognized the ring on the hand’s finger – on your finger. The hand in front of him was your hand. 
-He felt sick as it was obviously a gesture of mockery for losing his hand, and he almost couldn’t hold his composure because he couldn’t stop thinking about all the things you suffered in your father’s hands.
-He only allowed himself to break into tears when he returned to his home in Himring when no one would be looking. He held on to your ring, which he had retrieved in secret, and grieved for you as it was clear that you were now truly gone.
Taglist: @heilith​
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How are you doing? ☺️
I was wondering if you could write a fic/ headcanons for Maedhros comforting a elf reader during her period.
Love you! ( ^ω^)
Maedhros comforting you during your period
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Author‘s note: This is fitting, I actually just got my period last week haha. Love you too! Enjoy!🥰
Maitimo always notices when you’re not yourself or even just a little out of it
Taking care of people comes naturally to him, being the oldest son and firstborn prince, he’s used to it
So when you wake up this morning, curled into a fetal position, hiding underneath the blanket with your eyes shut in pain, he immediately knows what to do :)
He doesn’t speak much, makes a mental note to talk to you softly since there is a lot going on with you and he doesn’t want to agitate you any further
Mai is very observant. He always seems to know when to talk to you and when to leave you alone
Even when he has work to do, he’s always at your disposal, moving his affairs to the room next to your bedchamber just in case you needed something
He also makes sure to remind you that you don’t have to work, that you should take all the time you need to rest until you feel like you can be productive again
The second you call him he’s at your side, ready to bring you whatever it is you desire
“Mai?” your voice is weak, hands on your stomach as to calm the cramps shooting through your body “Yes, Melda. What do you need?”
He has had multiple trips to the healing quarters, asking the healers there how to help best during times like this because he wants to be a pillar of support as opposed to leaving you to suffer all by yourself
Mai is well-prepared, always ready to make your day better and seemingly never runs out of energy or patience
Probably because of his brothers and their shenanigans oop- Who wouldn’t have unlimited patience with siblings like that
When your cramps are particularly horrible, he sits next to you with a hot washcloth and gently wraps it around your lower stomach and back before opening the window
Even if you can’t move, he wants to make sure you get as much fresh air as possible
Whenever you have cravings, he makes sure to stock up on the specific items he knows you’ll ask for eventually
Cuddles are a must!!!
Mai always retires as early as possible during this time, so that he can hold you close for a while before going to sleep, because sometimes that is the most effective thing to do when you have mood swings
He can’t quite wrap his head around it, but whenever you snuggle into him, your entire being grows so much calmer and you seem to be in less pain
Maybe it’s his fëa comforting you from the inside <333
Either way, proximity and positive emotions on his part always prove themselves to be a huge help
All in all, having Mai as a personal comforter during your period is a 10/10, he really has everything under control and nothing seems to shake him and that’s on periodt see what I did there
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sakasakiii · 23 days
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elrond through the ages based on one glorious panel from chapter 95 of Black Butler (hopefully i got that right....). in the context of this sequence, i always thought it was sad to think abt how many people elrond has lost throughout his life alongside how remarkable he is to remain "as kind as summer" still by the time the hobbit rolls around 🥺
i redrew elrond's poses based on ciel's in the original panels BUT i forgot what page exactly the original panel sequence is... however!! if you scroll down to the middle half of this blog post you can find the original reference pic :D warning that it includes heavy spoilers for the black butler manga so u could just alternatively google 'ciel phantomhive running' and it'd probably be one of the first results that pop up haha
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ilaneya · 4 months
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hey friends, happy pride month and beginning of the summer ✨🤲
update! to celebrate pride and my upcoming birthday i’ll have a 30% discount for my commissions till the end of june, you can find all information here!
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corsairspade · 14 days
you are a god's best friend. the world is young still, and you are yet younger. he rides with you and hunts with you, and teaches you how to speak to birds and beasts. you are a god's student. you ride in his train and care for a hound that he gifted to you. gods have taught others before. gods have been kindly to others before. your god is your best friend. he gifts you something of his self, a hound of his own hunt.
you are your father's son. your grandfather is dead. no one has ever called you wise, and you are, above all else, your father's son. he swears a terrible oath. you swear a terrible oath. you don't know if you really mean it, but your mother named you well- you are hasty to rise, hasty to run into things. the hunt teaches you patience but you cannot outrun yourself. you are your father's son.
you are a god's best friend and you have sworn a terrible oath, but it is an oath that you hope that your friend can understand. to hunt the murderer of your grandfather, is something that the god of the hunt can understand.
you are your father's son. the blood of elves on your hands does not feel different than the blood of a deer, except in the tight feeling of your throat. except in the thunderous beating of your heart. you tell your brother, who is trying not to throw up, that you need to think of them like deer. he looks at you like he's never seen you before. you are forever doomed.
you are a god's best friend. he does not say goodbye, but your dog comes with you. surely you can fix this, then, surely you are still a god's friend.
you are your father's son. he dies. he dies but before he does, he tells you to burn the boats. you do. you are your father's son. your father dies and, he tells you to swear that oath once more. it is a terrible oath. you have sworn it once. you swore to your best friend once. surely it will not tip the scales to swear once more, if in your mind, you dedicate this hunt to him.
you were a god's best friend, and it is not enough. you are your father's son, and you speak your father's oath. it proceeds to eat you alive.
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It’s just that Fingon’s like that stereotypical son who calls his mum and walks old ladies across the street, mows the lawn for his neighbours, brings home nice, pretty girls who want to be kindergarten teachers or something and is really passionate about some niche compassionate topic like children in poverty’s access to multiple sclerosis treatment and who everyone says is ‘such a nice boy’ but then he goes and dates the eldest kid of Mr. Stay Away From My Boys, Son, a flaming ginger who most people haven’t heard speak. And this is hilarious.
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camille-lachenille · 5 months
Day 1: childhood
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doodle-pops · 5 months
House of Feanor With A Figure Skater Reader
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Request: I'm soooo excited that requests are open, they are always a little sliver of joy I can always revisit and smile at! Now if I may... how do you think the House of Feänor would react to the reader being a Figure Skater?? The way they glide across the ice in sparkling outfits and the way they spin and jump at dangerous and gravity defying heights and speeds with their partners is beautiful. – Anon
A/N: I tried my best to not sound repetitive because I felt like I was writing the reaction over and over again. Hope that wasn’t the case. Enjoy!
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Feanor
First of all, he’s making your skates once he learns that you’re a figure skater. Due to this, he would find the time to venture down to the frozen lakes during winter to watch you test them out.
This also means that he’s also observing all your routines wanting to ensure that your skates are up to standards to match the speed and all the jumps you tend to make. This does not prevent him from telling you to be careful every five seconds.
He would hate to learn that one of the skates he made for you wasn’t able to hold out during a routine and you injured yourself. On the plus side, you have a supporter who prefers to silently observe your flightless performance.
You make winters something he looks forward to because he gets to see you dance on the glittering frozen lake like some magical being.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Maedhros
Another silent observer who sits on the snow banks and watches as you jump and spin effortlessly across the ice. Maedhros believes that you’re some fairy dancing across the ice.
He’s subconsciously wearing a smile when he sees how happy you are in your natural element, looking majestic and doing your thing on the ice. You’re figure skating is the one thing that makes the harsh winters bearable.
Seeing you glide across the ice without looking back and trusting your instinct, or how you leap into the air performing all your turns, you steal the air from his lungs. You once asked him to join and never before have you ever seen him reject an offer.
Knowing how much you enjoy skating during winter, he would meet with his blacksmith and have them fashion more ice skates in different colours should you ever need more.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Maglor
Now this is a perfect combination of a dancer and a musician. With Maglor’s presence, no more creating or imagining music in your head. Simply request that he brings his harp or flute along, and you’ve got yourself a proper routine.
Maglor is more than pleased to add to your performance apart from observing since he doesn’t know anything about figure skating. He considers his musical contribution and act that brings you two closer.
You’ve once asked him to join you on the ice and immediately refused, believing that he could nowhere as near be graceful as you. As much as he wouldn’t mind being on the ice to pick up when you slipped, he knew more injures would be causes if he joined you.
He is content with playing his instruments and singing as you dance, or rather, glide effortlessly to the melody across the ice. Watching you perform brings lots of peace to his hectic life.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Celegorm
Look, this can go two ways; your way which is the peaceful and easy way, or the Celegorm way. That means interrupting your skating to show off his skills before crashing into a pile of snow.
Tyelko wants to be as graceful as you on the ice while causing you to crash when he decides to grab you for support first.
Whatever it is you’re doing, he’s attempting it, even if it results in broken bones. There is nothing that can stop him from participating; he wants to be involved like his life depended on it.
At least you have a great company and lots of humour. You’re basically teaching Tyelko how to ice skate for the first time, but he wants to forego all the basics and perform all your jumps and turns.
Huan normally has to stand on the sidelines in case he needs to pull Tyelko out of the snow or laugh at him because he’s nowhere as amazing as you. Huan makes it clear through his cheering as he barks loudly at your routine.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Caranthir
He’s designing your wear as your skate so you can appear even more glamorous under the peaking sun as the ice glitters behind your feet, adding to the air of magnificence and majesty around you.
I’m serious. He’s down for tagging along while knitting or crocheting a new piece for you to wear while observing you glide across the ice. You’d probably have to drag him onto the ice because he’s more focused on making clothes.
At least you get him to cling to you even though he’s grumbling and holding back on cursing you out because his clothes would become wet from the number of times he’s already slipped.
Caranthir does become spellbound when you’re gauging to make a giant leap or your twirls, it’s one other time you can perfectly capture his attention away from designing your newest outfit.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Curufin
Like father like son, but it’s more science than anything else. Yes, he is observing your graceful patterns and movements, marvelling at the speeds you travel across the ice at without anything pulling you along.
When in truth, his brain is calculating every possible outcome of how you can glide so effortlessly without losing your balance. Teach him your sorcery. Jk, jk, but seriously, teach him how you don’t lose your balance on ice.
This way, you have managed to successfully drag Curufin onto the ice and teach him how to twirl and skate. Hopefully, once he gets the basics down and obtains his balance, you will have a partner who can hold you for simpler stunts.
While he isn’t going to attempt the more challenging routines like his daring older brother, he would nod his head along and inform you that you’re doing great even though he probably doesn’t know if it’s the right position or stance. He’s just happy to be included as you do your thing.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Amrod and Amras
Mischievous little minxes who would accompany you on the ice and skate across as effortlessly as you. They might even surprise you with a made-up routine on the spot, including you into the mix so they can toss you about.
I’m sure you all have matching outfits before the year is over, so every time winter comes, you three can put on a performance to show off for the family. The twins would also be the ones to turn your figure skating into a noteworthy performance that people can come view during winter.
Cue you all practicing in the house at 2am, spinning on flour and powder or tossing each other in the air outside. The high speeds and height you take off at don’t scare them because they’re encouraging you to go faster and make more turns.
Trust me, they become your coach, criticizing your positions and routine as if they’re masters in your field. Keep Huan around to have them in check so you can peacefully glide across the ice for fun.
At the same time, they are also your cheerleaders. The loudest in the area, whistling and clapping like seals as they show support for your latest routine or the same one you repeat every year.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Celebrimbor
Like his father and grandfather, Tyelpë is no different in wanting to engage with you because SCIENCE is important. Like seriously, how are you able to balance so well on ice without falling on your ass. You appear as though you are flying!
While he isn’t interested in being taught a lesson on the ice, he wants to sit and spend the entire day observing how gracefully to fly across the lake, wind in your hair and smile on your face as you twirl and spin. His heart does race when you leap.
You scared him many times during your first performance when you leapt into the air and landed successfully. You never heard your name yelled so many times in one go.
He’s proud of you as well and it shows in his words and the number of ice skates you received. Part of him wants to show you off to others, but at the same time, he wants to keep your talent hidden so he alone can enjoy it.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @involuntaryspasms @ladyenchanted @stormchaser819 @mcwentfandomtraveling @addaigio @hermaeuswhora @lamemaster @elficially-done-with-life
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lovefairymina · 3 months
(Might be a small look into a future fic)
It was dark again. Maedhros failed to see through the darkness, but he did not need his sight to know he was back in his cell again, feeling the sharp stones cutting against his skin, and the cold that threatened to chill him to the bone. There was no warmth or cover for the wounds scattered on his skin. 
The loud noise jumped his ears, making his heart race and scared at the thought of his tormentors returning to finish what they had started. 
He noticed something moving in the shadows, and he could not tell if they were real or specters to make him paranoid. 
The sound of a baby’s cry echoed in the dungeons, and suddenly he found himself awake. 
Maedhros felt his heart pound against his chest as he lay on the soft cushions and stared at an empty spot in his tent. The candle he asked to be lit was still burning on the nightstand, giving light and banishing the dark. He would have once thought that fearing the dark was a silly fear but now having a candle was the only thing that allowed him some sense of comfort and security. 
Maedhros’s ears perked when he heard the familiar cry of the infant from his dream, and his mind returned to you and your daughter. 
It had not been long since you two escaped Angband. Despite the complications of your daughter’s sudden birth in those caverns, your confession of being a human and from another world, and the explosions you caused in order to help him escape with you, you still retained your iron will. It was perhaps for you two that he dared to accept his cousin’s help and return to his kin, so you two would have protection from Morgoth. 
Your daughter’s cries continued echoing outside his tent. He was filled with a deep sense of worry. He contemplated for a moment, but after deciding there was no harm in leaving the tent, Maedhros got up, dressed himself in light clothing, and left his tent to check on you. 
Maedhros avoided most of the guards and his brothers, knowing they would pester him to return to his tent and rest. Since your tent was not far from his, he found his way to you easily. He quietly pushed the veils aside and watched as you held your daughter, trying to soothe her but to no avail.
“Oh! Maedhros, hey!” You turned toward him when you noticed him at the entrance. “Sorry, did we wake you up?” 
Maedhros shook his head. “No, I was already awake,” he glanced toward the crying baby in your arms. “Is everything alright with Estelle?” he questioned. 
“Everything is fine. I don’t know why she keeps crying though. She doesn’t need to be cleaned and neither is she hungry. I… don’t know why, but I can’t calm her down,” you said with a helpless look. 
“Can I try?” Maedhros asked as he stepped in. 
“Sure,” you replied and handed your baby to him. 
Maedhros gently picked up Estelle, his large, scarred hands surprisingly tender as he cradled her against his chest. The little babe whined, her tiny fists clenching in protest, but soon calmed down as Maedhros softly hushed her, his voice a soothing murmur. He rocked her gently, the rhythmic rise and fall of his breathing providing a steady comfort. Estelle’s whimpers subsided, and she nestled closer, her small head resting against the warmth of his chest as she began to relax.
You stared at them, surprised but not shocked. Your daughter had been miraculously calm in his arms when you were hiding in that cave, exhausted after giving birth.
“Well, you are either a natural child magnet, or there is a kind of attachment between you that makes your presence a must for her,” you stated. 
A small smile tugged the corners of Maedhros’s lips. His heart filled with relief and a small amount of joy as he held your daughter.
“I guess it comes naturally once you grow up with six younger brothers,” he replied. 
You chuckled. “Having met your brothers, it wouldn't be a surprise if you had the patience of a saint,” 
You then looked at him. He still had bags under his eyes. He had been allowed to rest after you arrived at the camp, but it did not seem he was catching up with the rest he lost during his time in Angband. You were fully aware he had been seeing nightmares as you were too. 
“Did you see a nightmare again?” you asked. 
“Hmm?” Maedhros looked at you with a curious frown. 
“Was it the nightmares again that you are awake in the middle of the night?” you asked. 
He did not answer at first, but you did not need to hear the answer. It was obvious in his face. 
“If you like… you can stay here for the night,” you said. 
“I… I couldn’t possibly… “ he uttered. 
“It’s no problem for me. And besides, you are way more relaxed with Estelle around,” you motioned at the babe in his arms. “And there is a high chance she would start crying if you leave,” you said, making him release a chuckle. 
“If you don’t mind…” he said, as he sat down on the cushioned couch. 
“Not at all. If our presence can help you feel safe and rest easy, then that’s the least we can do. We did survive a literal hell,” you said as you sat down beside him and you offered a part of the blanket.
 “So… I think you can forget about everything else for the night, and just focus on the moment,” you said as you leaned your head against his shoulder as you both stared at your daughter in his arms.
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Maedhros looked at you with gratitude in his eyes, a soft smile playing on his lips. “Thank you,” he murmured, adjusting the babe in his arms. As he settled back on the couch, he felt a rare sense of peace wash over him. “For tonight, I will,” he promised, his voice filled with quiet resolve. He glanced down at your tiny creation, then back at you, his expression softening.
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nerdanelparmandil · 4 days
Maglor, even tempered and with a voice like molten gold. Maglor who kills at Alqualonde and burns the ships and does not speak against his father. Maglor who runs around Beleriand with Maedhros for their hunts and diplomatic feasts. Maglor who takes the Gap and holds the front with his elder brother, keeping the other five behind their lines. Maglor whose voice is strong and commanding on the battlefield but persuading and compelling in meetings and honeyed and cristal clear when raised in song. Maglor who follows Maedhros and protects him from treachery during the Nirnaeth. Maglor who kills and kills in Doriath, in Sirion, who buries his younger brothers. Maglor who takes pity on little children and raises them, growing fond of them, as little might be thought. Maglor who is sick and weary, who has seen his land lost, his people turn their back on him and Maedhros, Maglor who prefers to surrender than to commit another atrocity, who still hopes beyond reason that there can be forgiveness even for them, that the oath can sleep if the Silmarils are safe, even if they do not have them, who hopes the Powers can render their oath void, and if not, better the Everlasting Darkness than killing again. Maglor, who caves, who kills again, who betrays one last time, who listens and follows his elder brother one last time as they stand back to back against Eldar, Men and Maiar. Maglor, who, despite everything, casts the Silmaril away. Maglor who might have faded, might be alive, alone at last.
Maglor, whose voice and words are the only thing of him left behind, telling of the sorrows of the Noldor.
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Hi! May I please request the Sunrises / sunsets prompt for Maedhros x reader? Thank you <3
Hello! So for your request, I have decided to go with Sunrises.
"The new light"
Pairing: Maedhros x reader (Elf/second person POV) | Location: A campsite somewhere in Middle-Earth. 
Themes: SFW 
Warnings: Nothing
Word count: 600 words
Summary: The first sunrise is witnessed by the Ñoldorin exiles.
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The new light was a revelation, and a welcomed one at that. The Ñoldor had not yet thought of what to call the orb that rose into the realm of stars and scattered the gloom with its pale, silver light. 
Seven times it traversed the heavens, and through those times you sat beside Maedhros, your eyes filled with wonder and awe. 
"What do you think it means, Maitimo?" You ponder aloud and draw your pelt even closer. The Helcaraxë was many and more leagues to the north, yet its deathly cold found its way as far south as it could go. Even now, vast mists encircled the camp with icy fingers. You shivered and grew mournful. Never in your wildest imaginings had you seen yourself drinking from the bitter cup of privation. 
Maedhros fed more wood to the fire and draped another pelt over your shoulders before moving himself to shield you with his own body. 
"I do not know," he admitted, even as he tucked stray locks of hair behind your ear. "The elders think this means hope remains and the Valar have not forsaken us completely."
His words offered little comfort. You knew Mandos' doom by heart. Everyone did. You even made peace with your inevitable fate. But perhaps the elders were right. There may be a glimmer of hope left.
"Look!" Further ahead, Caranthir cried and rose to his feet. He pointed at the sky. "Something is happening!"
Everyone rose as the heavens changed yet again, and slowly. A great lamentation arose and spread throughout the camp as the orb of silver left its place in the heavens and dipped and dipped until its light had disappeared beneath the horizon. All that remained was the feeble light of a few stars. 
"Maitimo?" You turned to Maedhros as fear gripped your heart. "Does this mean the Valar have had a change of heart?"
Maedhros did not know what this all meant. And he did not like seeing you fearful either. It made him feel weak.
"Do not let this trouble your heart," he replies, urging you to sit beside him again. "The Valar would not have set that orb in the heavens just to toy with us."
"Perhaps." Small comfort again, but you accepted it all the same. 
Someone made a stew. Another portioned out chunks of hard bread. Others passed out skins of water. It had rained, which in itself was a blessing, and the water was cool and fresh. Maitimo urged you to eat and drink and talk of happier times. Someone started to sing. Your eyes finally grew heavy as the need for slumber started to overtake you. 
Just as you were about to sleep, a watcher cried out, this time from the western side of the camp. "Look! Look over there!"
Everyone turned to look. The heavens had changed again, this time with a thin line of pale yellow light stretching across the horizon. That light grew brighter and stronger, and a vivid display of gold and orange and pink and buttery yellow slowly spread across the sky. The stars disappeared, one by one. The clouds looked like they had been kissed by fire. The air grew warmer, and birds began to sing softly. You turned to Maedhros again. A smile slowly worked its way across his face, lighting it up from within. That smile broadened, and you returned it with one that was part joy and part relief. Maedhros returned to his customary place by the fire, and you took yours beside him. The two of you sat together in companionable silence while a brilliant golden orb rose higher and higher and drove away the darkness. 
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animatorweirdo · 3 months
From the Shadows
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You were expecting your baby's arrival, but then your friends decided it would be good for you to get out of the house and hike in the mountains with them. One incident of a missing friend somehow magically sends you to another place and not a good one. You end up as a thrall in a place called Angband, so now you take it upon yourself to find a way to escape before something happens to your baby. Luckily, you are not completely alone and find companionship with another thrall, an elf named Maedhros. Will you succeed in escaping? Or will things turn out badly for you and your unborn child?
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, an ex-boyfriend who ran away, dealing with pregnancy alone, falling, violence, Angband, becoming a thrall, lying, suspicious food and water, paranoia, dead characters, escape, a complicated birth, some fluff moments, losing a hand, blood, explosions, cold, and angst.
- Life has been a bit of a bitch to you. You had successfully finished high school, and college, and got the necessary degrees for the job you wanted. You had secured a job and were well off. It was just your unfortunate pregnancy. Ever since that cowardly ex-boyfriend of yours from college ditched you when you found out you were pregnant and left you to deal with it alone, you had not the easiest time. 
- Despite the circumstances and your emotional state, you decided to keep the baby and luckily your friends and family had been supportive of your decision. They helped you continue with your life and helped you get things good and ready for the baby. The boss who sent you the job offer when you were still in college was understanding and offered a job you could do online since it could cause some risks if you started your work as a graduated chemist while pregnant. 
- Things had become better during those months, but now that your belly was bulging and your due date was near, you had been feeling anxious and restless. It could be pregnancy hormones, but they did not help relieve all the heavy stuff on your mind. 
- You felt many things, mostly regret. You were happy that you decided to keep your baby, but you regretted some of your past mistakes, especially dating your baby’s father, who turned out to be a sorry excuse for a human being. 
- You had not even decided what to do with the baby when you told him. You wanted his input first, but then he just stood up and left without a word. Even though it had been months you still felt pissed off by his act. 
- When your moods didn't improve and your friends took notice, they decided it might be a good idea to go out and hike. Have a little adventure and fresh air, rather than being stuck in the house. 
- You were not excited by the idea but when your parents pushed you to do it, you agreed and they arranged most of the things for the trip. 
- You all went hiking in this well-known mountain place that held many stories. You were not excited about walking up to the hills and mountains, but you did not deny that it helped take your mind off the past and the view from there was lovely. 
- At the top where you could see the vast woods and the city in the distance, the air felt nice and you even imagined taking these kinds of trips with your little girl when she was born, learning to go out once in a while and appreciate nature was not a bad thing. 
- But then the trouble started when your friends wanted to check out one of the caves. They held a lot of stories and the guides warned you not to go in them because some people had known to go missing there and never come back. 
- You thought you would just check it out and continue with your hike, but then your friend decided it would be a good idea to go inside. 
- You rejected the idea and then watched as your friend went inside, yelling stuff from within the cave. You tried to tell her to come back, but then you and your other friend heard her scream and a sound that sounded like she had fallen. 
- When she didn't respond, your other friend called for help while you went to check what had happened. You went into the cave and called out to your friend but no response. You found a steep fall at the end and a pit that led to darkness. You feared the worst and called out to your other friend. But then, at that moment, you felt a powerful wind behind you, making you trip and slide down the steep while screaming to your other friend. 
- You tried to slow down your fall as you fell into the darkness. You used your hands, but unfortunately, the sharp stone and gravy cut through your gloves, cutting and bruising your hand. 
- Your fall came to an abrupt stop when you felt ground beneath your shoes and stumbled forward. Luckily, you were quick enough to stop yourself from falling on your stomach. 
- Your hands were in pain from the fall, and now you were alone in the darkened cave, far away from the cave entrance. You felt strange as you could not see the top but you were able to hear your other friend's voice. You called out to her and then tried to look for your friend who fell, who was nowhere in sight. 
- You tried to call out to her, your voice echoing through the cavern, but there was no response. It was like your friend was never there. 
- Anxious but worried, you tried to check one of the tunnels. It was dark, too dark for your human eye to see properly. 
- You continued calling out your friend’s name, but there was still no response. The darkness and the absence of another human being’s presence caused you to feel paranoid. How could a whole human fall and then disappear into thin air? 
- You were certain, you and your other friend heard her scream and fall. 
- The whole cavern system began to feel like one big labyrinth, but then you found something on the ground. It was your friend’s scarf. You felt some relief from finding her stuff, but now you worried that something had happened to her. 
- A bad feeling crept into your skin when your ears caught sounds that could only be described as whispers. You were not able to understand them, but they caused you to feel immense fear and paranoia. When you heard something move in the shadows, you quickly hid yourself in a small corner, and then waited for something to appear. 
- You did not expect a scaly hand to appear from behind your head, silence your frightened mouth, and then pull you into the darkness. 
- Your flight and fight instincts kicked in and you tried to struggle as much as you could, but then more hands appeared and forced you to move. You couldn't see anything, but then you felt a harsh strike on the back of your head and you lost consciousness. 
- The next time you woke up, you found yourself in a room with creatures straight out of horror stories. You quickly slapped your hand against your mouth to avoid alerting them and stared at them with fear as they seemed to be fighting for the possession of your outer clothes they had taken from you. Luckily, you were still dressed in your usual clothes so you were not concerned that they had done something to you while unconscious. 
- There was a sharp pain in the back of your head, but quietly, you stood up and avoided alerting the ugly creatures that you were awake. 
- You saw the door and decided to go for it. You stayed as quiet as possible as you walked toward the door, keeping your eyes on the creatures, you could only guess to be orcs. After reaching the door, you quietly sneaked out and dashed through the corridors. 
- You quietly stepped through the corridors and then hid when you heard more of them come running. You sneaked around and then took in the surroundings. You nearly couldn’t believe your eyes. It was some kind of underground fortress, straight out of some kind of dark fantasy book. 
- But before you could react, you were caught by a bigger and nastier-looking orc. He then dragged you back to the previous orcs and told them to throw you into the cell since they were unable to watch you. 
- They harshly grabbed you and began leading you to what seemed to be dungeons. They threw insults and for some reason called you 'a round-eared elf’. 
- You were then thrown into some kind of cell. It smelled awful and you were certain there was a rotting corpse in the corner. You quivered and hid in a corner, trying to control your tears and panic. 
- You cried for perhaps a minute or two but slowly managed to calm yourself and recollect your thoughts. You looked around the cell and tried to make sense of your situation. It was hard as none of it made any sense, and you knew you were not dreaming, even though you hoped this was just an awful nightmare.
- You came to the cell door and saw the corridor and many more cells. You then heard sounds coming from the cell beside yours. 
- There was a small hole in the wall and you saw another person through it. It was hard to see but it seemed to be a man with long red hair. He didn't look well. He seemed malnourished and there were some bruises on him, but he appeared conscious enough to talk with you and you hoped for some answers. 
- "Hey, carrot top.." you called out silently. He looked around before his eyes looked toward you. His eyes had an odd glow in them, but you brushed that thought away and concerned yourself with getting some answers. 
- You tried asking about the place and what was happening, but he only advised you to remain quiet since the orcs did not allow much talking among the thralls. 
- He seemed baffled when you shared you had no idea where you were. You then explained you were looking for your friend and got caught by the orcs. The man was then kind enough to answer your questions and you learned about Angband and elves. 
- You felt shocked and figured you somehow managed to travel to another world. There was no denying it since you were not dreaming.  Now the orc’s comment about you being a round-eared elf also made more sense. 
- The red-haired guy was an elf himself and he softly advised you not to get yourself in trouble, because it might end badly for you. You only felt dread at the thought. There was no doubt that these orcs were violent, and would do horrible things to you and your baby.
- There also seemed to be not a single human around. If they were to learn that you were not an elf, then that could cause unwanted attention on you.
- You questioned the elf if there was a possible way out. 
- He explained you two were deep in the earth and the main entrance was heavily guarded by orcs and creatures alike. Escape was nearly impossible. 
- You crossed the main entrance away from the list and questioned if there were other possible ways out since you did not come through the main entrance. 
- He shared he had heard about other tunnels but had no idea where they could be. He was too guarded to have allowed a chance to look for them. You nearly felt pity for the guy, he seemed pessimistic and lost of all hope. 
- You told him that you were pregnant and that there was no way you would allow your daughter to be born in a place like this. He seemed saddened by your reveal and told you that you should play nice and perhaps the orcs won’t be cruel to you and your child. 
- You had no idea how long you had been in that cell, but eventually, you were taken out by an orc and taken to a room with other people. You saw that they were women and that they were pregnant as well. You only felt more dread because they were singling you out for something. 
- You were then told to start working on stitching and clothing. You had some basic knowledge of fixing clothes, so you started working and tried to get more answers in the meantime. 
- You talked with an elven woman, named Siriel, who seemed six months due. She was a pleasant person and answered some of your questions. She said that if you agreed to give your child away to them, they would get better treatment and be safe from the cruelty of your masters.
- The idea did not appeal to you in any way. You did not wait for your daughter’s arrival just to give her away to some monsters. There was also a high chance your captors were lying about the whole thing. 
- You received some questions about your ears and why they were round. You quickly lied that you were born that way and played it off as a deformity. They seemed convinced and even the orcs guards lost their interest in you.
- You felt relieved since it would play in your favor. If you did not make yourself appear different from the other thralls, then your captors would likely pay less attention to you. 
- After working atrocious hours in clothing, you were given some food and returned to your cells. You did not really trust the food, picking out the bad parts away and carefully sipping the water.
- You had managed to memorize most of the corridors and paths to the work room, but you would need to see more to start planning. 
- You investigated the cell avoiding the dead carcass, bones, and sharp rocks that could prick your feet. There was almost nothing of use, but you found a rock you could sharpen on the edges and use as a weapon in your time of need. The orcs used swords and clubs, but they would definitely not expect someone to use a primitive weapon like a sharpened rock. 
- You were startled when you heard orcs bring the red-haired elf back to his cell. It was loud and when the orcs left, you looked through the hole and saw him in a rough shape. He had new bruises and cuts that were still bleeding. When you remembered him mentioning that he was heavily guarded, you figured he was an important prisoner and thus he was tortured for something. 
- You offered him a piece of clothing and water for his wounds. He tried to reject your offer, but you managed to convince him that if he cleaned his wounds with something, he might avoid suffering from an infection. 
- You two stayed near the hole, passing items through the hole. He was reluctant by the exchange, but you advised him to pass the items back when the guards came to do their rounds.
- He was the only one you could talk to and you preferred to have some sanity by having some companionship. 
- You asked very little of what they did to him and offered some words of comfort. You eventually managed to convince him to share his name with you, which used to be Nelyafinwe, now changed to Maedhros. 
- He tried to discourage you from talking to him because he was a hostage, and having some connection with him could cause you and your baby harm, and he did not wish that upon you. 
- You assured him that you would be careful. He shared a bit more info about the dark lord and his servants, telling you who to avoid. You put them on a note in your mind. 
- And for a long time, you were forced to work with other pregnant women. You gathered information while trying to avoid being too suspicious. You gave some things to Maedhros in your cell, who continued trying to convince you to take the food since you were expecting, but you did not trust the food. They could hold bacteria or other things that could cause harm to your child. You even went as far as to try to filter the water through a piece of clothing you managed to snatch. 
- One good thing you couldn't figure out was that no one had seen or heard about another round-eared elf in the fortress. It could mean your friend was either safe in your world or that she was somewhere out of your reach. You decided to believe the first deduction. 
- During your free time in your cell, you would talk with Maedhros and sharpen the stone. Talking to him about random things helped you retain some sanity and sometimes you offered words of comfort when he came back from another torture. 
- One day, when you had fully memorized the guard schedule and become familiar enough with the other pregnant women to stay quiet about your activities, you took the risk to leave the room and look for the rumored tunnels. 
- You dressed yourself like the servants you had seen passing by, hiding your belly and successfully passing the orcs without suspicion. You finally had the chance to memorize more paths and corridors, figuring out the locations of mines and other things. 
- You caught the scent of sulfur in the mines so you figured the fortress was under volcanoes. 
- The place was more horrid the more you learned about it. However, when you deemed it was time to return, you went back and waited for another chance. 
- You successfully investigated the fortress three times but made sure to wait to avoid suspicion. 
- You shared your findings with Maedhros, who seemed horrified and concerned for your safety, trying to convince you not to go too far or you might suffer punishments. 
- You assured him you were careful and that Siriel kept your secret. You just had to find one tunnel. 
- One day, you succeeded in finding an entrance to the secret tunnels. You took one of the candles and went exploring putting your mind on the time so that you would not be noticed. 
- You found a cave that was secluded and had a small pond with dripping pure water. You knew some underground places possessed pure water pockets, so you took the chance and drank to your heart’s content.
- The water had a salty and mineralistic taste, but it was better than the water served by the orcs. 
- And finally, came the day when you memorized most of the cavern paths and found a way out. You could have taken the chance to escape on your own but decided that since you were no longer in your world, you would need someone to help you navigate, so you started planning an escape with Maedhros and Siriel.
- Unfortunately, the plan to take Siriel with you was put on uphold when you noticed she was nowhere to be found and no longer came to work at your work place. You tried to question other women about it, and they shared that she was taken away and hadn’t returned since. It caused you to feel suspicion and worry. She was only six months pregnant, so it would have been too early for her to go into labor, so why was she taken away? 
- Well, you got your answer on her fate when you found her body lying in the pits where the orcs dumped the dead thralls. Her once bright eyes devoid of any life and her stomach was torn open. It was a sickening sight. 
- The orc guard who had the job to watch over you and the other pregnant women then said something that gave you a hint on why Siriel was dead. He faked sympathy and revealed that if one of you behaved well, she would not have been dead. It nearly made your blood freeze when you realized that someone was on to you and your secret activities. 
- The orc then said that he felt some pity for you and the other women and offered help to get you out of Angband. You knew he was faking pity, and Siriel’s fate wanted you to strike his head down to a pulp, but you saw the chance and took it, faking gratitude and agreeing to the plan. 
- The orc then secretly gave you a key to your cell and you took it to safekeeping. 
- You shared what had happened with Maedhros and he shared his sympathies. You wanted to cry for Siriel since she was a kind soul, but since the situation was dire, you needed to put your escape plan into action sooner than planned. You could mourn for her once you were out of that hell hole. 
- You had memorized the schedule of Maedhros’s guards and when he would be taken away for another torture. When the chance came, you sneaked out and struck the orc in the head with your sharp stone. You took the keys to your elven friend’s cell and opened it. 
- Maedhros was shocked to see you free and opening his shackles. You explained your plan to him and what had happened, and as a gratitude for keeping you sane, you were going to help him out. 
- Maedhros tried to urge you to escape by yourself, but you countered that you were only familiar with Angband, and would be lost in the outside world, so he was going to need to be your guide. 
- You then led him through the dungeon and then to the tunnels, which to your relief had remained a secret. 
- You checked on the orc on one of the entrance locations, and found him there with others, just like you thought.
- You secretly led Maedhros through one of the stairs. However, your time soon ran out when an alert was sent. You two quickly ran, but the anxiety and stress might have triggered your labor because, at the steps, your water broke. 
- Maedhros had panic in his eyes when he saw what was happening, but you quickly instructed him to the hidden cave. He helped you reach there and blocked the entrance while you kneeled down in pain.
- Since there was really no other way to go through your labor silently, you decided to strip yourself half-naked and dip yourself in the pond, blocking your mouth to avoid making too much sound while you started pushing. Maedhros allowed you to grip his hand as you then tried to push your daughter out. 
- You do not know how long your labor took, but it felt agonizingly long. Maedhros tried his best to give you assuring words while looking out for danger in dread. When you felt something pushing out between your legs, you pushed for the final time and then dipped into the water to grab your baby. 
- You soon resurfaced after grabbing your baby and removing the umbilical cord. Your daughter released a small feeble cry as you grabbed your dry clothes and wrapped her around her. 
- You were shaking and freezing, so you asked Maedhros to hold her, urging him to keep her warm with his body heat. 
- He didn’t question it and gently took your crying daughter, keeping her against his chest and soothing her. She stopped crying and you felt glad. Her cries could have echoed and attracted unwanted attention. It also seemed Maedhros was experienced with babies. 
- You cleaned yourself and removed the remaining cord from yourself. You pulled yourself out and laid against Maedhros’s leg--- cold and deadly exhausted. 
- It was like your hips and legs had been hammered a thousand times. It was a straight-up awful feeling. The withered dress barely gave you any warmth. 
- You then turned your attention toward your daughter and asked Maedhros if there was anything wrong with her. The elf quickly assured you that your daughter seemed healthy as a day.
- You nearly found it humorous how good he was at keeping her calm, and he shared that he has six younger brothers and had been part of their lives when they were young. 
- When he felt you shiver, he took off whatever remained of his shirt and laid it across you, trying to help you keep you warm. 
- It was quiet in the cave, but no one seemed to know you were there and you struggled to keep yourself awake. 
- You felt awful that you failed to escape before she was born, and Maedhros tried to assure you that it wasn’t your fault and that he would keep watch since you needed rest.
- You felt emotional as you would have liked to have your family and friends there when your daughter was born. Your longing for them finally resurfaced after realizing how long it had been since you had last seen them. 
- Maedhros tried to comfort you, assuring you would be able to see them and your husband once you got out. You were safe and near the entrance, so you two had better chances than before. 
- You nearly felt silly when he thought you had a husband, and confessed about your situation with your daughter’s father and that you were not an elf, but a human, from another world. 
- He listened attentively even though there was a surprise in his eyes, and pity when you revealed that you had gone through your pregnancy on your own because your ex-boyfriend was a coward and that you once considered getting rid of your daughter before she was born. 
- Maedhros did not judge you and his initial surprise about you being a human vanished. He comforted you and told you how strong you had been to make it on your own. 
- He then asked what kind of name you had considered for your daughter. You had not thought of many names but told him you considered Anastasia or Estelle. 
- He then humored, telling you how the word ‘Estel’ was a word in Sindarin for ‘Hope’. And for a moment, looking at your daughter, helped him feel hope after so many years in captivity. 
- The mood lifted for a moment, even though the name was slightly cheesy, and even you considered it was a proper name for your daughter for now. 
- You lost more strength than you thought but Maedhros assured you that he would keep watch and allow you to rest. You felt hesitant at the thought of falling asleep, but it was like an automatic response and your eyes closed by themself. 
- You might have slept an hour or two, but it felt like a long time. When you woke up, you were relieved to see that nothing had happened during your rest and you three were still safe in the hidden cave. Your legs and abdomen were still aching, but you were no longer in awful pain. 
- You urgently needed to get out, so you dressed up and Maedhros helped you make a small sling that would allow you to carry your daughter against your chest. 
- You two quietly sneaked toward the next hidden tunnel. However, Maedhros then suddenly pulled you back and covered you when an orc jumped out of the shadow with an axe in hand. The axe struck him in the hand and you watched as Maedhros lost his right hand and in its place now stood a bleeding stump. 
- Maedhros cried out in pain but prevented the orc from touching you and your daughter, pommeling the creature to the ground with the sharp stone he had most likely snatched from you and killing it. 
- The sight of Maedhros killing the orc nearly frightened you, but when you two heard a coming noise, the elf then urged you to hide. 
- You did what he said and hid, but then froze when you realized he did not hide with you and remained behind to fight the orcs. The fight was short-lived as he was overwhelmed and eventually pushed down by the mass of orcs. 
- You nearly cried when you heard him yell in pain and be taken away. You successfully remained hidden. 
- There was no doubt that they would punish him severely. You considered your options. The freedom was right there and you could escape with your daughter. However, you felt awful aching at the thought of leaving Maedhros behind. He was perhaps your cellmate, but during your time in this hell hole you had become attached to him in a way.
- Your nose was then invaded by the familiar scent of sulfur, and you paused to consider your next move, formulating a dangerous plan to save your elven friend.
- Maedhros was taken to a room where his most cruel master, Sauron, awaited. Sauron had grown accustomed to Maedhros’s escape attempts and always delivered the harshest punishments. However, this time, if Maedhros denied everything and refused to yield, he could buy enough time for you and your daughter to escape. The defiant fire that once burned brightly in his soul was rekindled.
- Sauron threatened punishment but complemented how near he was escaping. Maedhros felt dread when the Maiar revealed that they knew he got help, and would do awful things to his ally once they were found. He then felt determined to put up whatever shield he could offer to protect your identity since they didn't know who you were.
- However, Sauron was disrupted when the whole hall began to shake violently and a loud explosion could be heard in the distance. 
- Amid the confusion, an orc arrived in the room, full of panic. He yelled how the mines and the lower floors were on fire. 
- Sauron quickly acted, ordering everyone to go put out the fires, because damaging the lower floors could cause severe damage to the whole fortress. 
- Maedhros was left alone with a few guards, but when they did not pay any attention to him, Maedhros felt someone pull him into the shadows. 
- He felt shocked when he saw that it was you who had stolen him from the guards and were now leading him through the corridors. He wanted to scold you for not taking the chance to escape, but then another explosion shook the fortress. 
- You had gone to the mines where the sulfur deposits were. You had spoiled oil all over the floors and left a trail that could spread the fire to the other floors, then lit them with a torch since sulfur was highly flammable. 
- You were serious about needing a guide, and when all of the fortress was distracted you two ran like hell. 
- You managed to avoid the guards since most were busy trying to end the fire and the explosions that threatened to destroy the entirety of the fortress. 
- You two found the initial entrance. You saw horses that were left unattended and urged Maedhros to take them. 
- You two then rode out of the cave, into the outside world, and away from Angband. 
- After riding as far as possible and finding cover in a forest,  Maedhros helped you rest and make a fire. Your legs were aching after such a ride. It was evident that the labor was still taking a heavy toll on you. You felt glad letting Maedhros lead your horse while you held on to the creature. You had ridden a pony when you were small, but there was no way you would have managed to ride a full-grown horse on your own, especially with a newborn baby in your arms. 
- You helped Maedhros tend to his still bleeding stump with whatever cloth you had left and you two tried to enjoy the warmth you had from the fire. 
- Maedhros thanked you for helping him escape, but scolded your recklessness and risking your chances for freedom. 
- You rolled your eyes at him and told him you wouldn’t have survived long since this wasn’t your world. 
- You then offered some pace beneath a cloak you managed to steal during your escape since your withered clothes barely provided warmth. He declined, insisting he would be alright and that you and your daughter needed it more. You called him an idiot and threw the other side of the cloak over his shoulders, claiming it had enough space for both of you. 
- He looked flustered by the closeness, so you guessed he was either not used to being so close with someone, or that he tried to be more gentlemanly about it. 
- While you two tried to enjoy the warmth, you pondered about the future.
- Maedhros confessed about his deeds as a kin slayer and that his kin were at odds with each other. You could be safe with them, but since you two were thralls, he didn’t know if he should risk your safety. 
- You assured him that you did not care about his past. If he was willing to sacrifice his own freedom and well-being for you and your daughter, then you could trust him. Actions spoke louder to you than words. 
- You two then basked in the warmth of the bonfire and the comfort of each other’s presence, wondering about the days ahead. 
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