#Magicians & Puzzles AU
sandswirls · 5 months
Copycat - YGO: The Puzzle System AU
Dex cover by Seiza
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kirbart90 · 4 months
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Introducing the main character in my upcoming SMG4 AU project: Apollo! 🪄🌓
She’s known as the Cosmic Magician and seeks to bring happiness and smiles to the universe with her magic shows. However, she also hides a sinister intent of manipulating her audience into a playground of mystery for her entertainment. After agreeing on a deal with Mr. Puzzles, Apollo’s magic shows skyrocketed the views and audiences of Puzzlevision due to them being well known across universes. She doesn’t go with Mr. Puzzles’ plan of getting 5 stars but is rather an anti-hero and helped the Smg4 crew defeat Mr. Puzzles, even though they didn’t intend to. After the PV movie, Apollo stays around the Showgrounds and tricks the crew sometimes but they don’t mind her staying at all as long as she doesn’t try to hurt Smg4’s friends. One day, she was bored and ended up finding Mr. Puzzles’ broken TV head, revives him, and chaos ensues.
The AU is still in wip but I’m really excited to show you all what I have in store!
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teatitty · 5 months
You know the movie "Your Name" where it's both a body swap and a time travel romance? Puzzleshipping AU where Yugi gets the puzzle as a kid and suddenly starts having more and more frequent body swaps with a pharaoh from 3000 years ago the more that he solves the puzzle and so they're time travel childhood friends and the moment that Atem seals himself away is also the exact moment that Yugi in modern times finishes the puzzle and yes they also have the "we forget who the other one is on the day of The Event™️" angst and the only people who know the bodyswaps are happening outside of them are Mana, Mahaad and Sugoroku
Think of the shenanigans. The language barrier hurdle. The soulmate connection of it all. Dark Magician/Mahaad watching it all unfurl from both sides of the time travel. Yugi and Atem meeting for the first time all over again and just feeling as if they've met before but they don't know why. Are you listening hello can you hear me I'm yelling from the rooftops about this
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 1 year
Promises Five: The Hunt
Dark!Morpheus x (female)reader, fantasy/medieval AU, 18+
Master List
Dream of the Endless had been promised a bride.
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A/N: I'll offer song recs to folks who are interested in asks! Still dealing with some mental health issues, but pushing through. HOLY SHIT THE NEXT CHAPTER. 0,0 Liking is sweet, commenting is divine. Talk to the lonely hermit, people. Her dog is tired of her shit.
The hounds sang after the hinds, and their masters followed them under the trees.
In the distance, the high castle sat like a toy house from which all the dolls had escaped, spreading their games and pageantry through the forest with bells and horns to warn away the deer and fox. Huntsmen released other deer, fox, and fowl from prearranged cages out of sight of the king and his swarm of courtiers, so the dolls could play pretend at feats of skill.
The bard kept to the back, holding a tight rein on her grey mare – who didn’t understand why she couldn’t stop and graze if the bard insisted on moving so slowly – in the company of the ladies Alder. Eilwyn, who’d visited the bard’s chamber two nights past, glimmered and glowed, illuminated like a piece of art in the dappled sunlight and the eyes of a few dozen would-be suitors. Officially, no one could pay court until the Endless had his pick. Unofficially, Eilwyn had received six declarations of love, five bad poems about her eyes, one good poem about her hair, and an uninspired puzzle box containing a gaudy necklace without a single gem of value.
Eilwyn loved it all, of course.
But as the younger woman amused herself snaring hearts for her collection, the bard conversed with the Dowager Alder, Eilwyn’s grandmother.
“The city lights are unbearable,” the elder Alder insisted. “My eyes are bad enough as it is, but when every street and tavern glows like the moon, I can hardly make out the planets with my telescope, let alone the fainter stars. With the travel time, I’ll lose whole weeks of work, and gods know if I’ll be alive to note my calculations this time next year.”
Manly shouts and howling dogs suggested something ahead had died, or was about to. The bard wondered how many of these fools in their fine furs would discover the material cost of bloodsport when they couldn’t scrub the stains from their velvets in the morning.
“You say that every year.”
The Elder Alder, on her aged palfrey, squinted at the green canopy shielding her beloved sky and tutted.
“And one year I’ll be right, like I always am in the end.”
The woman was an astronomer, a mathematical magician, and the idea of death hadn’t scared her since the bard first met her as a young maid. The wheel of the heavens moved before her, and it would move after, and that was well enough if she could just understand the damn thing before she shuffled off this mortal coil. She’d written books, and papers, and more books, and the bard wondered if Death would really hold off until the universe held no more mysteries. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“Of course, Lady Alder.”
Arthritis had long-since gnarled the lady’s hands, and they twisted over the saddle pommel and a hank of her horse’s main like knobby cypress knees, straining with the roll and sway of her palfrey’s gait.
“How far is the damned camp?”
Another lady – one of the fools hoping to wed her daughter to the Endless riding very far ahead near the king – seized the reins of her precious child’s horse and passed the odd trio. She did not look to the side. She did not look at anything. She lifted her nose far too high. And she nearly trotted over her own servants in passing.
The bard waved, and the daughter gawked with wide eyes as she was spirited away from poor influences and dangerous words. Really, any damage was already done, and fleeing the scene of battle only showed weakness. What kind of lesson would the girl really learn besides the fact that her mother enjoyed making a spectacle of her piety? Parents really had the strangest ideas about children.
“Grandmother!” Eilwyn exclaimed, clearly delighted.
The bard, equally delighted, couldn’t help herself. “Such language from so fair a lady. Shocking.”
The Dowager shifted in her saddle, face puckered in discomfort. “Hush, the both of you.”
Oh, if only she could. She laughed to imagine how much pain and trouble might’ve been saved. And how many adventures missed. They never would’ve been friends at all if the bard kept her own counsel.
“You expect a bard to hold her tongue?”
“The sun will freeze first.” The Dowager made a point of staring down her granddaughter, though, and her granddaughter made a point of smiling very prettily in reply. A lord several lengths ahead called for Lady Eilwyn’s attention, and she brokered an armistice by riding out of her grandmother’s line of sight entirely, leaving the two old companions to fight their own wars.
“My old bones are not made for riding.”
A jolt of pity seared the bard’s belly like the pain after eating a rotten fish. She’d rather purge it and be done, but the prickling discomfort would only grow with age. There was no course but to swallow it down and imagine it hurt much less than it would in time.
“Why didn’t you take the coach then? It could’ve brought you in comfort.”
Swollen knuckles flexing, the lady scoffed. “With the rest of the invalids? Don’t insult me.”
“But it’s so much fun, old friend.”
“Old,” Lady Alder muttered. “Yes. I am that.”
The bard shifted in her own saddle, wondering if she could stomach any of the inevitable banquet awaiting them.
“That wasn’t the word I’d hoped you’d echo.”
An eye sharper than any hawk’s pinned her from the side, and she felt like a child caught sulking. “If you need reassurance as to that, then you are not half so clever as you make yourself out to be.”
She seized on the opportunity for levity and smiled with all her teeth. “You’ve known me for a fool many years, have you not?”
“Aye, but a clever one.” The lady considered. “Most days.”
“Such praise you give me.”
“You fished for it so often the lake is empty.”
“Unfair but not untrue.”
The lady hummed her affirmation, welcoming in a moment of calm as they road in the wake of the hunt’s chaos.
Ahead, those most eager to prove themselves brought down smaller prey on their way to the day’s camp. Once all had a chance to refresh themselves with wine as their horses grazed, most would sally out again in the name of dead beasts. Dusk would bring them back, and they’d spend the night drinking, feasting, and debauching one another just outside the safe ring of torchlight, pretending to be very daring and wild for fucking someone in a bush.  A bit more hunting in the morning for those who could still sit straight in the saddle, and then all would return bloody and victorious to the castle.
The bard struggled to understand those who found the prospect of a royal hunt… thrilling. None worried to go home hungry, and the creatures they met in the wood came hobbled, with teeth filed and tusks blunted.
Rushing down a winding stair risked greater peril.
Bored by the day’s excitement, she let her thoughts spin out in wider and wider passes, circling the crux of the drama.
What did the King of Dreams dream of?
Revenge, she suspected. Vengeance on the king that may boil over on the land he ruled, and she must guide her favorites out of the flood’s path. Those practical answers satisfied the part of her that always craved a direction, a purpose, the next challenge to conquer, but the Dream King’s retribution sat like a wax seal over a longer letter. She would very much like to read that letter, even if it was dangerous, and unwise, and entirely reckless.
The Prince of Stories must have depths unfathomable, millennia upon eon of secrets and experiences carved into his bones. She wanted to dismiss her curiosity as nothing but interest in a vision of her future. Would she be like him in another thousand years? No. She’d still be human, and he was Endless. All the lifetimes of the Earth couldn’t teach her to understand one such as him.
But that didn’t mean she had no desire to try.
From farther up the line, a runner came jogging, peering up at the faces of the mounted company. He looked from one to another, seeking the right address to receive his message. The bard paused, recognizing the Everard house colors on servant’s tabard. Her horse stamped, whickering around the bit as her rider leaned out of the saddle to catch the young man’s eye. He saw her and darted to her side quick as an arrow.
“Is all well?” the bard asked.
“My lady Alis Everard and my lord Tomas Everard request you ride with them.”
The bard looked to Lady Alder. She hardly needed her friend’s permission, and none of the Alders were the sort to cherish grudges over perceived slights. But the bard didn’t want to leave her to ride alone, either. She needed good conversation and someone who cared enough to notice if she swayed on her horse.
“Oh, go tend to your nervous foal.” Lady Alder waved her off. “My own proud filly will see you pass and return to keep me amused. We favor different arts, but she has a sharp enough eye to see trouble riding by.”
“Thank you.” The bard pulled out of the column of riders, careful to avoid the servant at her side. “I’ll see you at the camp.”
Whatever Lady Alder replied was lost to the wind. Finally given her head, the bard’s mare leapt into a canter, her hooves thumping a second heartbeat that rattled up and through her rider. Old loam and the sharp green scent of freshly broken twigs gathered around her like a cloak as she moved just left of the path, removed from the rock and dust of the road.
The bard knew what colors to look for, and she let all definition blur as she moved past lords, ladies, knights, and their scores of attendants. They all looked so strange and out of place in the tunnel of green woods, dressed to stand out in a part of the world where blending in more often preserved life.
Near the front of the cavalcade, she found the Everards. Alis stared with wide eyes as the bard pulled even with her, mare prancing and snorting in frustration as her run came to an end. Her dramatic entrance pulled other eyes, and the king – only a few riders ahead – glanced back with frustrated disgust. Perhaps she should apologize that she wasn’t a stag. For all of the ruckus she’d heard from afar, she saw precious few carcasses dangling from the hunters’ belts.
“Thank you for coming in such haste,” Lord Everard said. Stifled amusement plucked at his lips, trying to lift them into a broad, laughing gale. It would be bad manners to laugh too loudly too near the king over a jest to which he wasn’t party, but Everard clearly struggled.
She answered with the grin he’d tried to school away. “Best way to travel. Now, what is the matter?”
Lord Everard gestured to his daughter, and she in turn tried to sink into the mud of the forest track. She hunched low, like she could melt into her boots. Her complexion had gone pale, despite the flush of embarrassment creeping up her neck, and her gloves creaked as her dainty hands squeezed into fists. The bard let the merriment fade, looking and listening beyond the girl’s silence.
Alis’s doe eyes flicked towards the shadow who rode beside her king, and the bard understood.
Dream of the Endless wore his customary black, with the blood-red ruby shining on his breast like a heart he’d ripped from his prey. His nightmare mount had teeth where it ought to have eyes, and it laughed with a man’s voice. He carried a raven on his shoulder rather than a hawk on his glove, and anyone who hadn’t met his sister may mistake him for an aspect of Death. Or something worse, perhaps.
Lord of Nightmares indeed.
“He frightens me,” Alis whispered, leaning close. “I’ve had nothing but bad dreams since I came to the castle.”
As she should. A glance at her father confirmed he thought the same. Just because he’d been forced to bring his child to this storm didn’t mean he didn’t fear the lightning. He had too much sense for this farce and too big a heart to let the girl suffer. If his wife were not busy running the estate, she’d be here to shelter and comfort their little girl, but in her absence, he must ask the bard to fill the role, and she gladly pulled Alis’s attention from bad dreams to simpler truths.
“And you’ve never had a nightmare before?” She didn’t chide. She reminded. Even in the security of her own bed in her own home, the girl had touched the darker shores of the Dreaming. Its king would not reach out to swallow her now, even though he prowled so near in the Waking. “Alis, believe me, you are safe.”
Alis pulled her spine straight, taking a deep, intentional breath that shuddered on the way in and trembled on the way out.
“Do you promise?”
“I promise that if I’m wrong, I’ll find a convenient sword to fall on, and you can say you told me so. Does that make you feel better?”
“A little.” Realizing what she’d said, Alis blanched and rushed to add, “But only because I know you’d come back!”
This time her father did laugh, and the bard reached to reassure her with an honest to gods giggle, when chaos erupted at the front. The king and his companions came to a dead stop, and without warning or order, those who rode behind struggled to halt in time. Rearing horses and shouts of alarm rolled down the line like a breaker, and in the wave of confusion that followed, the bard once again left the road to circle forward.
They’d reached the camp.
A glory of golden stitching over swaths of emerald, the vast tents might cover an entire town, and smoke rising with the smells of rosemary and stewed venison hinted at the delights within.
The display paled behind the entity waiting at the edge of the woods, however.
Golden eyes like licks of flame from the sun’s heart smiled over ruby lips. Welcoming and menacing and all-too pleased with themselves.
Power perfumed the air, like honeysuckle and ambergris, clashing with the winter-cold snap of Dream’s clear displeasure. The King of Dreams had lost the veneer of humanity, and he set himself against the intruder like the deepest hour of the night resisting the dawn.
Few creatures could stand up to the king’s guest. Even fewer commanded the presence of function beyond personification. The bard did not know who the stranger was, but she knew what they were.
Another fucking Endless.
Every inch screamed of passion, romance, obsession. Golden hair and loose-fit silks that flowed like water into a garment that was neither tunic nor gown inspired sensual curiosities. They rode a unicorn, a bay mount with cloven hooves, a lion’s tail, and a goat’s beard. The russet horn glinted with flecks of gold, like treasure winking through a smear of blood.
The King of Dreams sneered, lip curling as he shared a frigid greeting.
The Endless in their path laughed, bright as bells and smooth brandy. It sounded to the bard’s ears like trouble. “I hope you don’t mind if I join in your hunt. Big brother.”
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drhenryblack · 10 months
Finally got some fucking motivation
So, finally, I'm explaining the "Human AU" cause I'm happy my post got attention. And, please, I don't wanna sound cringe or anything but seriously, thank you for the amount of attention I've gotten over my posts, I really appreciate it. Now, time to get going! This story follows our soppy wet cat, dear darling Pomni, who's on a hunt for a part-time job because her job at C&A is not getting her enough money and she can't live on ramen and tap water forever. So, she gets a job at "The Amazing Digital Circus", a circus that uses modern-day technology like holograms and sound effects in its weekly shows. She joins and meets her now co-workers. There's Gangle, your classic introverted theater kid. Zooble, the puzzle master who despite her "I am done with your shit" behavior, is surprisingly good at entertaining kids. Kinger is a magician but also helps in the accounts. Ragatha, the human pincushion, and finally, Jax and Kaufmo, the brother comedians. She, at first, joins as a temporary employee, just ment to help before performance and all that, until she meets...him. Caine, the ringmaster. But what's worse, is that she's seen him, the REAL him. That look haunts her. Those unusually perfect teeth, that cracked skin that haunting feeling of seeing his jaw open abnormally wide. But what's worse is that somehow, he wants to promote her to be a permanent employee, mostly ever since he heard that she worked for C&A...weird... But shit gets a lot worse when one day, she has to stay after hours and sees some shit she dosen't want to. There he was, Caine, surrounded by nearly 50 men, guns, armor, what not. But it didn't last long. She covered her mouth, breath hitching in her throat as he ripped of his skin. 'one...two...three' He grabbed them, and slowly, it all went down... blood...scream...yell...help...muscle...intestine...stomach...teeth...sharp...gun...monster...tears...help...help...help She couldn't move, not one bit. Her body frozen as if ice. Each one of them, each one of them...each one those men...ripped, killed, shredded, broken, yelling. Yes, her life was gonna go to shit. Now she's wondering how the hell she's ever gonna face her boss, who apparently is an AI experiment who escaped C&A, the very place she currently worked for. No wonder he wanted to make her a permanent employee! I mean she knew her jokes were so bad that people laughed at them, but not that much! She doesn't know what to do, but then it hit her... When he got to know she was a C&A employe, why didn't he fire her at that moment? ... ... shit... she's in love with her boss... her life really was going to shit... So know were left with a traumatized Human-AI who's pretending he's not a fucking monster and another traumatized little wet cat wondering how the hell she even fell for him in the first place. And that's as far as I've fucking gotten. Working on a fic and a lot of art. Just waiting to get back home so I can post them. See ya'll, and the next time you'll see me, is with food.
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linkedin-corp · 2 months
okay heres the timeline/series of events for my "chimera vivian" au <- guy who needs to make a better name for it
and yes before you ask i Did write this in a Sort Of. wiki "plot explanation" type of fashion, mainly because i was thinking in the pov of like. if this was actually part of the game. idk why i did that. helps me think about the mechanics of everything more
the au begins once the party reaches the shadow palace , on a seemingly normal path to completion
the party is tired from traversing through the shadow palace once they reach gloomtail
gloomtail is significantly harder, and eats vivian halfway through the fight
the party flees due to this
they take refuge in rogueport once again to try and think of a way to get her back
they find the real frankly still in rogueport, and tell him of what happened
frankly is visibly very stressed and panicked after they tell him this and he digs through multiple books to find useful information; eventually he tells them of a very powerful magician that very briefly mentored the four heros of old, whos tale was lost to time due to the thousand year door story
the party has to find a certain someone who would be willing to take them to a dangerous dungeon that the magician is rumored to live
once they do, they need to do a favor for them so that this person can trust them
once this favor is completed, the guide introduces themself and their own party, who coincidentally wants to visit the magician themselves (though most of the party is more interested in the riches)
after a nice ‘getting to know eachother’ dinner, the next day they head off
meanwhile, the shadow queen awakens due to the time of the doors seal being up
grodus still tries to take control of the shadow queen, but fails
the shadow queen remains within the shadow palace, and plots a way to stop mario before they return with the crystal stars (also spends her time creating many creatures that wreck havoc while the party is away)
the two parties have some trouble along the way, including a handful of very overpowered enemies (as theyve traveled into the untraversed areas of the map, looking for the magician's dungeon)
once they finally find it, the trials inside are sort of like the pit of 100 trials and keelhaul keep combined
the dungeon is huge and full of life, (like the dunmeshi dungeon) they get lost inside a few times due to the secondary party’s leader reading the map wrong accidentally
a huge puzzle lies before the final room of the dungeon, the crystal castle (now abandoned and visibly crumbling)
inside lies a cloaked boss that can shapeshift into previous bosses mario's party has faught; once they defeat it, it reveals itself as the thousand year old magician. (“well done for combining your strengths to defeat me!”)
because they defeated them, the wizard allows them to request anything they want of him. mario tells the wizard they need him to help revive vivian
the wizard only agrees to help if mario acknowledges that revival magic is very fickle, and that it may not work perfectly or as they intend. they agree, as it's their only choice
the party makes the trek back; noticing the enemies in their path have become increasingly more difficult to defeat ; luckily, having the wizard on their side helps tenfold
on the way back, one of the secondary party members gets severely wounded. this forces them to reveal themselves as doopliss. (“beldam .. she was rude, but these guys seemed kind to eachother. i thought i wouldve been able to finally fit in with a powerful group.”) (doopliss wouldve appeared after gloomtail with beldam and marilyn, but because mario’s party did not appear when beldam had expected, he had time to rethink and turn back after beldam was using him as a verbal punching bag)
the entire group returns eventually, moderately unscathed. unfortunately, rogueport and adjacent towns are in ruins because of the shadow queens minions
the secondary party ends up staying in rogueport to help the locals with their infestation problem
mario’s party returns to the thousand year door with the wizard and goes back to gloomtail to defeat him
after they defeat him, they notice vivian isnt being spit out like koops dad
the wizard tries to use the revival spell, but everyone is filled with tension and worry because of the unexpected circumstances
the spell of course backfires, and vivian is revived— only alongside gloomtail as well (chimera time)
just as ‘vivian’ wakes up, the secondary party arrives because their leader got worried for their safety (and surprisingly, they cleaned up rogueport quite quickly)
vivian freaks out, heavily injuring many of them in the process
after a very confusing fight that got pretty much nowhere (as mario’s party didint want to harm vivian), she flees
mario’s party and the secondary party form up and decide to yet again return to rogueport to heal up
mario insists the secondary party stays behind; after much arguments on both sides, they agree
the wizard stays behind to help the secondary party heal as well, as he doesnt want to make any more preventable messes with his rusty work
mario’s party visits frankly to try and get advice on how to turn vivian back
he suggests the only way to do so is by sealing away the shadow queen, as once she is sealed away, all of the shadow palace subjects will be sealed away too
mario asks how will they make sure vivian is safe while also making sure she doesnt kill anyone else
frankly suggests perhaps using the power of a crystal star to do so (“maybe jogging her memory so she can gain control might help!”) (if you feel like doing other stuff at this rate (stuff like mindless quests like the help board n stuff), you can try and help other towns get rid of pests made by the shadow queen— you of course get rewarded for doing this — doing it also makes the shadow queen weaker during the final fight)
mario’s party returns to the shadow palace to try and find vivian (this takes maybe like 30 minutes of going through each room except the ones right before the shadow queen; you follow vivian's footprints) while also trying to avoid the shadow queen and her minions
once they find vivian and corner her, mario shows her the ruby star, which makes her lash out as if she were in immense pain before passing out
it takes her awhile to wake up, but mario’s party stays with her to make sure she gets up
once she does, her memories are retained and shes much calmer now (but can barely speak, only uses hand signs and warbled speech)
almost immediately after vivian wakes, the shadow queen finds them and corners mario’s party, hoping to get rid of them once and for all
due to now having vivian back, the party is able to defeat the shadow queen, and seal her away
once she is finally sealed again, vivian returns to normal (albeit with a few permanent changes)
rollllll credits
most of these details are. not entirely set in stone , obviously, so i might be editing this occasionally or talking about stuff ive changed. obviously i havent figured out the details with the new party or the wizard yet, but i will ! eventually !
i have a vague idea of what the secondary party might consist of for now, so ill be updating on that periodically
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teecupangel · 9 months
Hello, Yu-gi-oh! anon here! Thanks a lot for answering my ask :)
Really liked the idea of the Apple acting like the Puzzle, being a trigger for the ancestors to connect with Desmond! I’d like to think that after what Desmond went through it would be very comforting to know someone you can trust completely understands you and has your back - even if that person is technically not alive anymore. But at least the warmth of a kindred soul is there, right? And if he connects with his other ancestors…. Well. He won’t have to feel so alone.
Though, not gonna lie, I’m curious what a full on Yu-gi-oh! au would look like….. Egyptian God Cards as Isu POEs….
I’m glad you liked my idea! (Here’s the link to the Altaïr possesses Desmond ala Yami Yugi idea for those curious)
It would definitely be something akin to multiple possessions and having people in your mind comforting and supporting you when no one else would. In this situation, Ezio would wake up in Desmond’s consciousness after he watches Minerva’s message but Ratonhnhaké:ton would wake up after he took the Temple key from his father’s dead body.
But all of them remember all their memories up to their death so they’re certain they’re not Bleeds.
How could they be when Desmond’s genetic memories of them should stop after they conceived the child that would be Desmond’s ancestor?
It’s a mystery that they want to figure out. At the same time, they worry about Desmond, of course, because Desmond is… well… being his usual self which meant the three have their work cut out for them.
In this situation, they would believe being awaken inside Desmond meant that there is something more they must do, not just listen to Juno’s words.
This also means…
Desmond probably didn’t go in a coma and went straight to Ratonhnhaké:ton’s memories after receiving the Apple because Juno wouldn’t just have to control him, she’d have to stop Altaïr and Ezio from taking control back before she could stab Lucy.
That is… to say… if they haven’t figured out that Lucy is a Templar by then which is highly unlikely because the three of them would be suspicious of Lucy for far longer.
As for a Yu-Gi-Oh AU…
I’m thinking Desmond gets a puzzle like the Millennium Puzzle in the shape of the Apple of Eden and that awakens Altaïr as his ‘Yami’ personality.
They still play card games but this is more of the… ‘historical’ flavor. The main idea is that the card game they play uses Abstergo technology to have all those flashy special effects and Abstergo is also the company that held the card tournament that Desmond gets roped into because the price is another POE that might have a hint of Altaïr’s past.
A lot of cards are famous historical people and also historical events or ‘items’ and Desmond’s deck evolves the more he fights with the cards rewarded for winning supposedly random like gacha/loot boxes but that's very sus.
In a nutshell, there’s still the whole Assassins and Templars fighting in the background but now their battlefield is the tournament that’s stacked against the Assassins.
Desmond has no idea about any of these, he’s just there because Altaïr wants the prize.
Lucy is a fellow duelist who approached him to befriend him (she’s still working for Abstergo though but the Assassins believe she befriended him to help him because he has no idea what’s happening).
Unorganized Notes:
I’m tempted to make Malik Desmond and Altaïr’s Dark Magician but, considering how important he is to Desmond, it would actually be more accurate for Desmond’s Dark Magician to be Ezio.
Ratonhnhaké:ton is also one of his cards and his deck can actually be summarized as ‘cards that amps Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton up’ which includes the field card Monteriggioni that amps their HP as long as they’re marked as Assassins or Mercenaries, ‘magic’ cards like Hidden Blade which grants bonus attack, and trap cards like ‘Da Vinci’s Tank’ which bombards the enemy field if Ezio is specifically targeted. (Other ‘monster’ cards have effects that grants bonus to Ezio or Ratonhnhaké:ton (like Claudia and Faulkner) or call them to the field (Achilles and Mario))
Malik is also a card and he acts more like a tank card that lets Desmond draw an extra card every turn he’s in the field (aka: he’s there to make sure Desmond gets Ezio or Ratonhnhaké:ton as soon as possible). (Kadar is a card that, when defeated, summons Malik from the deck or hand to the field immediately. Malik is dealt damage equal to 1/8th of his total health though when he is summoned but Desmond will automatically draw 3 cards the first time he is summoned instead of 1)
Edward is also part of Desmond’s deck and he appears as the ‘monster’ (we need a different name for these kinds of cards) Edward can attack twice (but his attack is halved for each attack) and there's a Jackdaw spell card that, you guess it, let’s Desmond draw another extra card during his turn. If Edward is in the field with Jackdaw, his attack penalty is gone and he can attack twice with his full attack stat. If Edward and Ratonhnhaké:ton are on the field at the same time, Edward does a follow up attack (half without Jackdaw, full with Jackdaw) every time Ratonhnhaké:ton attacks. (Why ‘every’ time? Because the ‘monster’ card Haytham’s special skill is that it grants Ratonhnhaké:ton an extra attack each turn so yeah, getting Edward + Ratonhnhaké:ton + Haytham + Jackdaw on the field is OP)
There’s other monster cards that all have the same skill by the way. Every time they are killed, Desmond gets a badge. If he gets 3 badges, he can get Ezio from his deck and play him automatically on the field. These cards? Giovanni Auditore, Federico Auditore and Petruccio Auditore. Petruccio Auditore has low attack and low health. Playing him is really just to have a shield and for him to die. BUT, if you manage to summon Ezio with any of the three, Ezio absorbs any damage that’s meant for them (so that’s a double edged sword) AND his attack is increased by 25% for each of them. The monster card Claudia also has the same 25% bonus BUT she doesn’t give any 0.25% to Ezio and vice versa (but Ezio still gets the block 'penalty' for Claudia). There is a magic card that gives a permanent 25% attack bonus and a 10% regen each turn though called Maria Auditore and it applies to any card with the last name ‘Auditore’. (PS: Clay has Federico, Giovanni, Petruccio and Maria in his deck BUT not Claudia… as a reference to how his sessions ended around AC2 storyline)
Their trump card (kinda like their Exodia) is the card Aegis. It doesn’t attack but it can absorb any damage up to a point. The most annoying part of Aegis is that if you don’t destroy it in one turn, it will heal to full HP next turn. The downside is: there’s three pieces of Aegis and it has to be on the field all at the same time for it to activate.
Desmond’s deck is a very high risk, high reward deck that’s for sure
Desmond’s rival can be Clay (more on the trickster type rival) or Shaun. … maybe even Cross XD (Who is the Seto among the three? *shrug*)
What’s Abstergo’s end goal? No one actually knows but the truth is they can’t control what card is being ‘printed’. It’s actually based on a POE that they’re using for profit and to get the Assassins to make a move. The POE is in charge of the rewards after every battle as well.
The other historical Assassins will make an appearance as cards. Callum Lynch gets Arno and Aguilar. A woman by the name of Darcy Clarkson gets the Frye twins. Clay is the only other person to have a copy of Ezio but his deck is much more balanced and doesn’t focus too heavily on Ezio. Layla gets Bayek and Eivor. A woman by the name of Kass gets an OP card called 'Deimos'. This might be a hint that the people who get which cards have some connection to those cards.
The Egyptian god cards equivalent for this one is probably the Capitoline Triad (with Desmond getting Minerva, Clay getting Juno and... uuhhh... someone else getting Tinia???)
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anamelessfool · 7 months
Why is Secondo a magician? No witches or wizards? The magic in your work is interesting, thanks!
💕thanks for the comment
Everybody has a different idea of what is a witch or a wizard or a magician, so this is my interpretation. Wizards evoke active spell casting like literal fireballs and levitation and fantasy stuff like that. I didn't want humans to cast magic. The only human (or formerly human) person in my AU that can actively spell cast is Mother/Sister Imperator.
Witch implies a certain woodsy-ness, a person more in tune with the land and Earth and utilizes Earth materials for their craft. There's an unfilteredness to their work. Think an herbalist vs a pharmacist. Everything a pharmacist uses is an unattached white powder. One can't visually see the origin of the material. Also witches to me use physical materials more than wizards, sorcerers or magicians. (But I'm a witch and barely use materials so this is me just talking about my thoughts in a fantasy world sense.)
Magicians historically are all about raising energy. Focusing energy, channeling it, utilizing it to solve intellectual puzzles. Golden Dawn, Thelema, all those highly organized formal organizations with ranks and regalia and methodical rituals. It felt fitting for a church to have their relationship with cosmic energy to be this way. The style of magic and all the tools I talk about in my work is inspired by Golden Dawn rituals and Enochian magic. They aren't dealing with Earthly energies, it's more about reaching out to the wider universe for the fount.
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I see Secondo on stage with a staff and I immediately think this guy is an intellectual, somebody who is very methodical about the universe. So magician it is. In my AU Magicians maintain the ethereal dark energies of the Void and Cardinals maintain the earthly day to day of running a church. They go by the honorific of Maestro and work in a place called the Atelier. I'm trying to evoke that their work is an artistic endeavor.
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ouroboros-hideout · 10 months
Doing this thingy more like a bucket list this time because I don't have much to show but my head is bursting of things I want to to. So I make a list and (hopefully) won't add new things until I've done everything (or tried to do it lol).
1. Did like a ton of sketches for a fanart of Kurt but liked non of it. My drawing batteries are just dead atm. Probably give it a last try but will put it at the end of the list. What's a shame because I like drawing really much but my perfectionism is killing it hard rn
2. @elvenbeard helped me to get the game file of Kurts Dogtags. Want to make a 3D model out of it and get them printed. (there is probably a 3D file of it somewhere, or not. I don't know, but DIY project Yeah!)
3. My Project Garmr
3.1 Started sketching out some sort of logo. It's of course inspired by the Barghest dog graffity but it's going to be a little more wolf-ish and with some extras
3.2 Wrote down some ideas for OCs for the story. They are all pretty vague atm except one person I am very confident with already. Will make a moodboard the next days. Since I am not a modder like all those crazy magicians with their awesome OCs in this fandom, I'll probably do some Photoshop for the visuals or something like that.
3.3 Wrote down some notes for a short intro. It's really short, but I thought of a nice dialog to get things started. Will finish it in the next days
3.4 Need to catch up on a lot of lore before I start plotting all the details for a decent story. I played cp on release but never put much effort in reading deep into all of it. Since this is kind of an AU, I'm not going to put an insane amount of effort into getting every little canon detail right, but I'm missing a lot of basic knowledge about the world. Especially when it comes to politics and topics like that.
It's going to be a wild puzzle anyway.
That's it for now!
Going to tag some ppl here because I was told that's how things are done here lol. But don't feel stressed to actually do it!
@theviridianbunny @dustymagpie @elvenbeard @pinkyjulien @olath124 @afterdark-vp @kharonion @dreamskug @cyberholic77 @therealnightcity
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destielfanfic · 1 year
Lost and Found, #3
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Lost and Found, vol.3 (you can find previous posts here)
Long time since I posted the L&F post, here’s some of my favorite lost fic asks that I knew the answers to. Some asks may contain spoilers for the fic, proceed at your own risk!
When possible, fic links go to posts on our blog, if the fic is not featured on the blog, we link to the hosting site. If you think that some other fic is a better fit, let us know! Gif from the gorgeous gif set by @magnificent-winged-beast​ , original post here, SPN, 15x12. Used with a permission.
Lost and Found fic #1
I'm looking for a canonverse fic where Castiel took on Sam's hell madness, and he had to remove part of his grace to let it heal the madness on its own for a very very long time. So long that Sam and Dean died, and Cas was left alone on earth while he waited for his grace to recover. When it did, he became a full angel again and went to heaven where Dean and Sam (and Sam's TWO soulmates!) were waiting for him. Also Castiel's grace was stored in an ugly, diseased tree. Can you help me find it? 
The Answer: In the Shuffling Madness by araftatsea [T, 45,500, SU, angst] This poignant and poetic fic dives deep in season 7 mental hospital!Cas mind and brings closure to his story. It was a sad day when the author unexpectedly deleted all their fics from AO3. But you can find an ePub linked on our review. 
Lost and Found fic #2
Hi, I’m looking for a fic I read awhile ago on ao3. Dean and Cas go on a sort of couples cruise/couple therapy thing for a case. At one point the main “therapist” makes one of them stand on a diving board over the ocean while the other has a slight panic attack. If you know what fic this is that would be great. Thanks!
The Answer: any port in a storm by mishcollin microcomets [M, 52,700, SU, angst] A fandom classic really. Pretend relationship, true feelings in canon setting.
Lost and Found fic #3
Hi I'm looking for a specific fic it's a fallen cas fic except it wasn't really an angst fic more like just him pining and satisfied with it. Sam knows cas is pining in the fic and wants cas to leave the bunker because he thinks cas can do better if he stopped loving dean and Dean and Sam argue about whether cas should leave. Do you know what I'm talking about?
The Answer: This Isn’t Where We Intended To Be by porcupinegirl [NC-17, 14,000, SU, fluff] Lovely canon verse fic that looks at pining Cas in the bunker from a different, less angsty angle.
  Lost and Found fic, #4
Alright. I've been through what feels like a mountain of fic. I read this fic probably at least 10 years ago. Porn star AU. CAS was doing his first gay scene with Dean. Sam is also a porn star. There is a fever dream Wincest chapter which was... Whatever. Dean eventually reveals his big secret that he used to do BDSM stuff with Alastair but he one day went too far and hurt someone and now he doesn't do it. Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.
The Answer: The Daily Grind by highermagic [NC-17, 87,200, AU, porn] Another fandom classic but for completely different reasons. Posted in 2010 this was the fic to read back in the day when pornstar AUs were all the rage. Warning about that fever dream wincest scene, it was just a weird dream Cas had, nothing more. (PDF link in case the one on the review is broken)
Lost and Found fic, #5
I'm looking for a fic (~10k words) I think was posted on LJ. It's an AU where Cas and Dean grew up as neighbors, Dean was getting into magician's magic (not real), and Cas becomes a cop and Dean's a wanted fugitive. It goes back and forth in time from kids to adults where Cas is searching for him, and Cas shoots Dean and appears to kill him, but Chuck(?) gives him a ring at a cafe, indicating Dean is alive and Cas chases after him and ends up back at the building they lived in as kids
The Answer: Sleight of Hand by melo [T, 14,700, AU, angst] A puzzle box of a fic wrapped up in secrets and lies. Read it. Cry your heart out. Read it again?
Lost and Found fic, #6
Hi, I was wondering if you can help me find a fic. Zachariah (I think) asks Cas to sleep with Dean to gain his trust, Cas does and then actually starts to fall for Dean, Dean thinks it's all consensual.
The Answer: Hesitation by apokteino [NC-17, 24,500, SU, angst, fluff, porn] A look at Cas and Dean relationship in season 4 through intimate relationship gaze. I’d say that apokteino is your author to go to when looking for fics exploring consent and non con, but alas. The author has deleted their AO3 profile, see this post about their deletion. Our review hosts an ePub link of the fic. 
Lost and Found, and Lost Forever
hey! i’ve literally searched everywhere and i think i’m either going crazy or it’s been deleted. sam, cas, and dean go to like a fisherman town where one guy was infected and shot somebody. and then there were these giant red balls on the beach they later find out are eggs from a creature cas killed? cas and dean were already in a relationship and cas touches the eggs and get infected and pours a bunch of fish in the sink lol. i swear i read it a few months ago but now it’s just gone? does anyone have this downloaded or a link?
hey! i'm in the process of adding old fics to my tbr and i came across a rec for "architecture of the minotaur's heart" from back in 2015. the fic has sadly been deleted on ao3 but the original rec of yours referenced a pdf. i was wondering if that was still available and if there's somewhere i can download it. thank you.
The Answer : Bring Up the Deep by beenghosting [NC-17, 22,700, SU] and Architecture of the Minotaur’s Heart by beenghosting [NC-17, 45,000, AU, angst] Unfortunately, destiel writer beenghosting deathbanjo has deleted their AO3 profile and has asked not to share their fics. See this post and relevant links about their deletion. 
Other stuff to remember:
If we answered your lost fic ask and you never responded back, we are assuming that we have found your fic. If you have sent us an ask and never heard from us, privately or via our Group Asks, don’t hesitate to send another message!
Lost fic asks that we couldn’t answer privately, are added to our Group Ask for our followers to help!
If you enjoyed the fic, please drop by the archive (AO3) and let the author know with your comments and/or kudos! And if you found our recs useful, let us know by Liking and/or Reblogging our posts.
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sandswirls · 5 months
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Dark Magician but he’s serving cunt
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brokenhardies · 1 year
HI HELLO I saw your arcana swap au and now im intrigued as hell
If you have anything to share about it uhm hi 🙏
ooh okay okay okay!
ive drafted a whole list of the phantom thieves/the hamburgulars but due to like 3 of them not having codenames i haven't posted it. however its p much the same as canon p5r just with the arcanas swapped and the plots slightly altered (palace rulers no 2, 4, 5, 6 & 8 are different)
so right now i have 6 chapters published on ao3 under the name The Butterfly Effect and tbh im quite proud of the story so far! i love fool!yusuke and the rest of the starting team are a joy to write (esp chariot!makoto and lovers!futaba, who have a really fun dynamic!). the next palace is completely original so i gotta figure out the puzzles for it lol
anyway - codenames & personas (for the ones who have codenames lol);
fool!yusuke - ace - nezumi
magician!violet (sumire) - rouge - giselle
charitot!makoto - knight - ching shih
lovers!futaba - jackal - charlotte
emperor!akira - raven - raffles
priestess!goro - ???? - corey
hermit!ryuji - anchor - nautlius
empress!ann - ???? - hélène
justice!haru - cygne - cagliostro
faith!satoru (morgana) - ???? - don quixote
tbh the one who's persona im most proud of is empress!ann - she was originally in the justice position but i changed it around when i made futaba the lovers and goro the priestess, switching haru with her - and her persona is based on a aotearoan (new zealander) spy during ww2 named nancy wake! her original persona name was fiocca - another codename wake used - but i went with hélène instead!
i also really like priestess!goro's persona. i struggled a bit to find a persona with a similar aesthetic to canon makoto's, but then i was listening to a podcast on the salem witch trials and reminded of giles corey, the guy who after his wife was accused of witchcraft straight up went "fuck these witch trials, its bullshit and im not going to be part of it" which lead to him being accused of witchcraft and instead of going along with the mass hysteria of a lot of the young people of salem, decided to be silent and take the punishment of basically getting squished by rocks. instead of revealing other witches, he just kept saying "more weight!" forcing the executioners to push rocks down on him until he died
also lovers!futaba was another persona that i thought was super fun - she's based on charlotte corday from the french revolution, who was not a supporter of the jacobin side of the french revolution and accused the newspaper writer jean-paul marat of basically encouraging violence. so, she decided to trick him into reading a list of potential enemies, and while he was distracted, she decided to stab him! this killed him, and unfortunately she got executed, but she's best remembered for this quote; "I killed one man to save 100,000"
anyway thats a lot of text lol but thanks again for asking this question! very happy to share more info about my asau if people want <3
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eway · 5 months
For my Puyo Attorney AU, I feel I should say only things OFFICIAL to their franchises will be referenced.
Books such as True Madou Monogatari will not be referenced as they are not official.
As such I will make a list of what things from both sides of the crossover I may reference, even if just in passing or a background easter egg.
From the Puyo side:
Madou Monogatari 123
Madou Monogatari: Hanamaru Dai Youchienji
Madou Monogatari (1998)
Madou Monogatari ARS
Madou Monogatari Episode II: Carbuncle
Madou Monogatari: Michikusa Ibun
Madou Monogatari: Chaotic Final Exam
Madou Monogatari: Tower of the Magician
Puyo Puyo
Nazo Puyo: Arle no Roux
Puyo Puyo CD
Puyo Puyo Tsu
Nazo Puyo
Super Nazo Puyo: Rulue no Roux
Super Nazo Puyo Tsu: Rulue no Tetsuwan Hanjouki
Puyo Puyo Sun
Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon
Puyo Puyo~n
Puyo Puyo DA!
Arle no Bouken: Mahou no Jewel
Puyo Puyo Box
Minna de Puyo Puyo
Puyo Puyo Fever
Puyo Puyo Fever 2
Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary
Puyo Puyo 7
Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary
Puyo Puyo Chronicle
Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop
Puyo Puyo Drama CDs
And from the Ace Attorney series
Ace Attorney Trilogy
Apollo Justice Trilogy
Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations
Gyakuten Kenji 2
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Turnabout Spotlight
Turnabout Prosecutor - Turnabout Teleportation
Ace Attorney Anime
Crossovers featuring one of these series (there aren't any that feature both)
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Project X Zone 2
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2
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olliethescribe · 2 years
A writing prompt or headcanon idea: In your honeymoon fic, Hypno was interested in the rocks/gems, right? Does he have a rock collection? Maybe you could describe him showing his collection to someone.
Of course! This one is set in my Brows Don’t Make The Turtle au (almost forgot that I had Hypno mentor Leo in that au as well. Thought they could bond over rocks :) )
“So, do these help you cast spells and do magic?” 
Leo looked at Hypno’s rock collection expectantly, the rounded purple stone his uncle held up glimmering under the ceiling light. They’d been brought out of the closet ten minutes earlier when the blue turtle asked about the things Hypno were interested in, expecting an answer outside of theft or famous magicians. But this just looked like more of the same, an artifact or some ‘misplaced’ museum piece. His interest began to wane ever so slightly. 
The hippo magician turned the stone over in his hand, gently to keep the fragile piece from cracking. His strength was unpredictable at best some days, a piece of quartzite falling victim to it only a week before. 
“Not quite, Leo. Don’t fault ya for thinking so, my boy.” Hypno passed Leo the gem, the young turtle immediately fidgeting with it, fingers going over the smooth surface. “No, this is a plain amethyst. I enjoy the color.” 
Leo twirled it between his fingers a few more times before putting the stone back in the box Hypno had taken it out of. He selected a different one and, with the hippo’s approval, picked it up. “And what about this one?”
“Oh, that’s tiger’s eye. Good choice.” The magician snapped and made his reading glasses appear, pulling out a notebook detailing his gem collection. “Donatello may appreciate this tidbit; tiger’s eye belongs to the feldspar group and is actually thin fibers that have formed together. Ain’t that fascinating?” There was a shine in Hypno’s eyes, the same shine that Donnie’s had before he’d info dump. Leonardo had a feeling he’d be here a while. 
“Real wild, tío.” Leo smiled as he put the tiger’s eye down and reached for another gem at random. “Tell me about this, eh?” 
He passed Hypno the stone, watching the magician puzzle over it curiously. If this had been in the hippo’s collection prior, he hadn’t noticed it. It was large and mostly smooth, all white and oblong. Almost felt like- 
“Leo, is this an egg?” Hypno shook the ‘rock’ in his hand, ear flicked up as a rattling noise could be heard from within. 
“Wait for it!” The blue turtle was starry-eyed, waiting for all of his training to finally pay off. “Ta-da!” 
The egg cracked in the magician’s hand, ‘hatching’ to reveal an actual stone from his mentor’s collection. 
Hypno grinned, placing the gem and eggshell down. “Bravo! What a brilliant display of sleight of hand!” Who taught him that? I must’ve. Crickey, I’m good. 
“Why thank you! I’ll be here all night.” The slider bowed, extra proud of his little trick and even happier that he impressed his uncle. Praise with Hypno came easy most of the time, he encouraged all of Leo’s progress, but it was moments like these that felt better than the rest. He earned it. 
“Oh, and I have no idea what rock I shoved in there. Can you tell me?” Leo glanced down at the white rock on the table, trying to figure it out.
“That was selenite, just as fragile as the shell it was placed in.” Hypno swept the crystal into his hand, stray fragments breaking off and away as was in the stone’s nature. “Got me for a moment there, thought it was intentional.” 
“Oh, ho, ho, you know me! ‘Course it was intentional, I’m nothing but pure intention, baby.” The blue turtle’s scramble to save face was going less than great. 
Hypno simply laughed. “I know you, alright. Well, glad to get a glimpse into your grand creative vision.” He watched Leo unslink from his chair, sitting up a touch. 
“What can I say? And,” Leo started looking at the rest of the rocks, “one visionary to another, I do wanna know about the rest of these.” 
“Of course, my boy.” Hypno pulled up an orange stone. “This is red brick jasper. I got this back on my travels, passing through Australia…” 
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muraenide · 1 year
forehead kiss. // cater in wonderland au - a habit from an old memory with alice 😔
KISSING  MEME  PROMPTS: -> { NOT ACCEPTING } 5. forehead  kiss. — Cater / @splitcards
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Cater enjoyed putting hats on people. It was no surprise, as such is the nature of the Hatter. He'd discovered a method of effective communication with Cater by allowing him to make hats for himself. Cater would spend hours measuring his head and his body, hours more working enthusiastically at his sewing machine. It would be days before any fitting appointments were available, but Cater would always have more than a dozen hats ready for him to try on.
Jade falls heavy onto the chair, having lost count of the number of hats he'd tried on today. He likes them all. Style has never been much of an issue. He'll be content with the simplest rudiments of what could be called a magician's hat, but Cater disagrees.
"Hold it there, would you, I'm about to try something here," Cater said as he lifts the black top hat with a purple ribbon around it and slaps on a straw hat with a black ribbon and a sunflower. "Whoa ~ ♪" He whistles.
Jade lifts a hand to touch the top of his head. Cater looks starstruck, in awe, which confused him what about the hat had made him look different from the others. He turns, and looks into the mirror lodged into a tall hedge of red roses, finding himself looking silly but strangely familiar. It takes a moment for the puzzle to click, Jade fishes his pendant out from inside his suit and flicks the cover open. He looks into the mirror again and presses a hand over his right eye.
Between Floyd and himself, they both agreed that Jade looked more like their mother. Not in the way she was blond and had large eyes, but in the shape of her face, her round and curved brows, her dark hues, and her sharp chin.
"A-Alice! I thought I'd never see you again." Curtly, he's grabbed by his face, both hands on either side of his cheeks. Before Jade could say anything, Cater leans in to give him a kiss on the head. His heart races, a single word pounds in his eardrums.
"I'm not Alice," Jade murmurs as Cater draws himself away, muttering repeatedly. What have I done. It didn't go unnoticed to Jade that Cater picked the pendant off of his neck as well, holding it in his hand as if he's looking at the last photo of Alice on earth. Jade sighs, getting up to his feet. He takes a step towards Cater and gently places a hand over the Hatter's, snapping the pendant shut. "You didn't do anything wrong," He hums, cupping his cheeks to hold his face upwards as he returns the kiss.
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snowymuses · 1 year
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NAME: Anzu Mazaki AGE: 19-21 (Verse/Timeline dependent) ALIAS: Dancing Duelist, Téa Gardner SPECIES: Human BIRTHDAY: August 18th HEIGHT: 5'6 GENDER: Female ORIENTATION: Heterosexual HOMETOWN: Domino City, Japan; New York City, USA (College) OCCUPATION: Waitress (former), Theme park guide (Occasional), Student at Domino High; Dance student at Julliard (College) DECK TYPE: Fairy/Magician
Physical Appearance: Anzu is lean, yet curvaceous and very athletic. She had blue eyes and short brown hair with bangs that comes to her shoulders. Mostly, she wears a variety of outfits, including her school uniform, a yellow shirt and white skirt and various other combinations of clothes. She prefers to wear platform heels, which normally pushes her height up to 5’8 rather than 5’6.
Bio: Anzu is the elementary childhood friend of Yugi Mutou. She becomes a good friend to Katsuya Jonouchi and Hiroto Honda, though she is not fond of them at first. Miho Nosaka is also one of Anzu's friends. Anzu does not usually play games with Yugi and his friends, though she is once shown beating Jonouchi in a duel. Many times during duels, she is basically a cheerleader for Yugi and Jonouchi, but she has proven herself adept at dueling as well, and usually keeps up with the going-ons of a duel.
She is interested in dancing and wants to study abroad after leaving school, specifically seeking out New York City and Julliard as her place to start her career as a dancer. Her parents are traditional Japanese, supporting her but wishing she would choose another career that is more stable, but also give her permission to work during high school to earn money for her future.
Personality: Anzu has a spunky, tomboyish personality, but also possesses a very kind-hearted, strong-willed, and supportive nature. She is more feminine, polite, and has a stronger sense of faith and friendship for her group of friends, often serving as the mother/sister figure.
Post Canon (Default verse):  Anzu is a third year at Domino high and currently attends dance lessons after school and often performs in recitals and performances. She makes up the cost of price to go by also teaching weekend beginner ballet classes, but even with all the work towards her dream, she still makes time to be with her friends and have fun around them. Anzu is still applying for scholarships to schools, but her mind is on what she can do in Domino with her friends.
Mid canon: Anywhere between any of the canon seasons, Anzu tags along on the adventures that her friends go on. Usually between season 3 and 4, but can be altered depending on the needs of the thread/plot
Future canon: This is a verse where Anzu is already in New York and is going to college or has established her career. This can vary her age from starting out at Julliard up into her adult years as a dancer, depending on the thread/plot.
Season 0: An Anzu within the Season 0 arc that simply goes to school with everyone and does not know of the Pharaoh and instead thinks of it as someone else.  This can also go into pre-puzzle, if needed.
Any AU: Tailored to whatever the AU needs, thread by thread basis.
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