#Magicians of the Gods
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Architectural details of the temple of Quetzalcoatl in Teotihuacán, Mexico. :: [Robert Scott Horton]
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“Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, [...] came to teach [the ancient inhabitants of Mexico] the benefits of settled agriculture and the skills necessary to build temples. Although this deity is frequently depicted as a serpent, he is more often shown in human form--the serpent being his symbol and his alter ego--and is usually described as "a tall bearded white man" ... "a mysterious person ... a white man with a strong formation of body, broad forehead, large eyes and a flowing beard." Indeed, [...] the attributes and life history of Quetzalcoatl are so human that it is not improbable that he may have been an actual historical character ... the memory of whose benefactions lingered after his death, and whose personality was eventually deified. The same could very well be said of Oannes--and just like Oannes at the head of the Apkallu (likewise depicted as prominently bearded) it seems that Quetzalcoatl traveled with his own brotherhood of sages and magicians. We learn that they arrived in Mexico "from across the sea in a boat that moved by itself without paddles," and that Quetzalcoatl was regarded as having been "the founder of cities, the framer of laws and the teacher of the calendar.”
― Graham Hancock, Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth's Lost Civilization
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sylvrndoodles · 25 days
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finally finished the whole set :D!!
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
One of my favorite headcanons is that Leo grew up watching telenovelas with Splinter.
It just works so well - his bits of Spanish that he spouts randomly, his showy way of apologizing, and, of course, his love for dramatic betrayals all point to this being a very real possibility.
Plus, it’s very cute to imagine a tiny Leo at his father’s side as they both gasp in shock when the show’s eighth plot twist in just as many episodes happens.
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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ghostbsuter · 1 year
Magicians way [part 1]
.・゜-: ✧ :-
It's not often that he finds himself in such position, but it does happen.
John Constantine never would have thought he'd scratch the "tied up by a cult to be used as sacrifice to summon a powerful ghost" spot on his bingo card.
He doesn't even feel threatened by the cult, hell, all he will receive from this day is pure embarrassment if the summoning circle is really the one he thinks it is.
Great, it's glowing.
Little bastard knows and is on his way here.
"Oh all mighty King of Ghosts! We summon thee! Appear!"
If he has to listen to that badly scripted American movie summoning ritual one more word, he's gonna do some serious damage.
The circle lights up in sickly green, the ectoplasm flooding the insides of the portal as it opens.
And there he stands, the boyprince of the Infinity Realms.
"Hey, dad!" The being greets, swinging a swift fist against one of the cultist.
The rest are frozen and now that they're alone John sees the shit eating grin on the gremlins face.
"Danny." He greets back, watching as his kid swipes some invisible dust from his hat and putting it on back.
"Man, this is so embarrassing for you. Let me just—"
To make matters worse, Danny pulls out his bloody smartphone and takes a picture of him tied up.
"I'm sending this to mom." He's fiddling with the rope, smug smirk on him that John would love to flip off if his hands weren't bound.
Ah, here comes the blackmail. A kids after his own heart.
The little shit.
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Visual picture of Constantine being embarrassed. (Yes, he's tied up with a RED RIBBON for funnsies.)
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mothgodofchaos · 2 months
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I'm on Nightmare Duty.
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arakkiisuperstar · 11 months
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taiyami · 10 months
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I was painting today so in between drying time I did a study over my DMG figure to keep myself busy. The little Yugis are for @toadstool32 because somebody else needed to draw Yugi tonight and I'm a man of my word.
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tomurakii · 11 months
The worst part about the "mansplainer Gale truthers" is that it comes with a fundamental misunderstanding of what mansplaining is. To mansplain is to have a subconscious bias against women or queer people that makes a (cishet, white) man assume he knows better than someone else without evidence (or despite evidence to the contrary), and as such condescendingly over-explain common or industry-standard information to them. One of the formative essays on the topic, published in 'Men Explain Things To Me' by Rebecca Solnit, is about an anecdote wherein the author introduced herself as a writer to a man who then explained her own essay to her, while bulldozing any attempt by her and a female friend to reveal that she'd in fact written the book that he was pretending to be an expert on. The man listened to her introduce herself as a writer on a particular topic, and had so little respect for her intelligence that he thought he would explain the subject to someone that had just told him she was an expert, while he himself admitted to only ever reading the blurb of her book.
While Gale being condescending is to some degree a matter of interpretation, it is objectively true that he knows more than the player, regardless of class choice. He was an archmage and Mystra's chosen, if the player was anywhere near his level of expertise he would've known about them already, especially if they're a wizard (which is the only magic class that goes through formal educational institutions and could be expected to know the things he lore-dumps about). Beyond that, in most of his lore-dump scenes he is addressing the entire party, the only magic user of which (Shadowheart) is also an amnesiac. It's safe to say his assumption that he knows more about magic/magic history than the rest of you is both valid and accurate.
It isn't mainsplaining when literally one of the top 10 experts in a given field explains something to you, and misusing the term just invalidates people who actually experience and try to call out mansplaining. Mansplaining originated in an uneducated guy believing he had the right to explain a subject to a woman he knew to be an expert. Literally all Gale's done his entire life is study magic, let the man infodump.
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liltaireissocute · 4 months
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so rewatching The Magicians and redrawing Julia i did waaaaay back in 2019
my 2019 and my 2024 side by side under the cut
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rontra · 1 year
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night shift (+ variant)
playing around w stipple beast
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horridvilecreature · 14 days
Recent Pastra fanart I still kinda like
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Made these a good second ago but Ive just now thought about actually using my tumblr acc and uploading them here aswell (they did so bad on twt anywayz lmaoo)
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lizardkingeliot · 1 year
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Eliot Waugh in The Magicians s01e11 Remedial Battle Magic
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Vincent Price as Don Galico
The Mad Magician (1954)
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springybreak · 8 months
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Ok but during Playing With the Big Boys at the very end when the music is crescendoing, and you see the magician's snakes crawling after Moses' snake to kill it and there's no way it will survive. and the magicians are taunting Moses and laughing in his face and trying to overwhelm him with their evil magic and making fun of him and his Lord. and they're moving around him and throwing magic everywhere and telling him that they are the ones in power, not he, that his simple snake is nothing because they can do anything he can do, and they will always triumph over him with their gods. and then the scene shifts and the shadow of Moses' snake is thrown on the wall in the firelight, and it snatches and devours both of the magicians' snakes while the music swells to a finale. the magicians were only just boasting that they are more powerful than Moses and his God, and now their snakes are dead. devoured. their words no longer mean anything. they follow endless gods, and yet those gods could do nothing in the face of Moses' God, and and and
good food right there
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