#Magnifico is a dilf
niki-mis01 · 6 months
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“I DECIDE, what everyone deserves”
badass lineeeeeeeee
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thembofics · 9 months
King Magnifico dating Asha's older sibling would include
Pairings: King Magnifico x Asha's sibling!Reader
A/N: When I tell you this man is SO FINE. I can't wait to watch Wish when it comes out. :,)
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Let me start by saying that this man is a doting boyfriend
He calls you "my dear/king/queen" depending on your gender.
Whatever wish you make, he'll happily grant it.
Feeling sad? King Magnifico will jump at the chance to reassure you that everything's gonna be alright. Maybe I'm just being a simp, but I can see him letting you vent, and then he comforts you when you're done.
Bored? Don't worry, there's gonna be a perfect date arranged.
If there's a ball, he'll commission the best outfits for you.
Magnifico gives you the most lavish gifts, but eventually, you tell him to dial it back.
He's so affectionate 🥹💖
If you're working, the man will not hesitate to sneak up behind you, hug you, and sneak kisses on your cheek.
Your little sister Asha would probably freak out if she knew about y'all's relationship.
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Everyone on the hate train for the new Wish movie, meanwhile I’m enjoying the Chris Pine Jack Frost to King Dude pipeline, like, all I’m saying is 2012 tumblr would’ve eaten this shit up
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lumapolari · 6 months
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Dilfy magical king
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skiplo-wave · 7 months
Oh he's just asking get breed
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The King himself! 👑
I lost the original reference thing I used for this one. It was something I found on google but I can't figure out what I searched to credit the original maker. :(
In any case, here are faces! The "Sees Asha do magic" and the bloody one are my favourites.
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gay-for-stanford · 6 months
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orangebobatea · 6 months
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All rise for the king of all Dilfs🥵 King Magnifico👑
Fanart credit: @HenryJekyll51 from Twitter
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jojooasis · 2 months
Yeah...Imma need all of the authors to open the flood gates and write some King Magnifico fics because I just watched Wish and that dilf of a man, has me STARVING.
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52lololol · 8 months
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this has to be said but king magnifico is SO DILF CODED
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dani-luminae · 5 months
Well i think i Understand what anon was trying to say, you see people call wish "Woke" cuz people think magnifico is in the right for not wanting to grant all wishes because they think that would be "Dangerous" not knowing that's not the real reason why magnifico doesn't grant most of the wishes in rosas, but magnifico stans make it seen that way, they push that false narrative about magnifico and asha, making people not want to see wish or give it a chance cuz its "just another woke movie" so yeah of course your completely valid to like a character but pushing false narrative to make asha look like the "real bad guy" knowing people already call it woke and are racist towards asha?! Yeah they kinda are killing wish😒
Oh don't get me wrong, it's absolutely annoying and completely exasperating to hear so many people going "B-B-But this good-looking white guy DILF can't possibly be the bad guy, he's just trying to protect his kingdom!!!! Can't you see that the teenage WOC who wants everyone to have free will is 'tHe ReAl BaD GuY' because some people might use their free will for BaAaAaD tHiNgS????"
Oh, right! It's a "woke" movie for *checks notes* featuring an Afro-Hispanic leading lady and confronting the idea of blindly believing in some higher power to give you direction in life. Gee, I wonder who would be offended by that *stares pointedly at most churches I've ever known.*
But still. The block button is there for your use, folks. You can use it whenever you want. You don't need to wait for some sign from the heavens or some greater reason. It's not going to get taken away from you and there's not a limit to how many people you can block. It's there and it's there to help curate your experience. You can block every one of these people if you want!
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gay-for-stanford · 7 months
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It’s my yearly “get obsessed with a kids movie moment” and wouldn’t you know the movie hasn’t even come out yet. I’m actually kind of excited to see wish despite me n my friends making fun of it and Magnifico has caught my eye (dilf hound). We’re gonna go see it opening night and I’ll see how it goes!
Flick and Raine are my current oc’s for it bc I always add a more fantasy touch to things. Raine is a elf (in my mind they have a natural connection to magic and are sought after advisors for this reason!) Flick is Raine’s companion, he’s mouse sized and bites. You can hear him in the castle walls (he’s a biter, he has bitten Magnifico more than once.)
Under the cut is a little redesign of Magnifico I did when I got bored, I might draw Canon Magnifico and Redesign Magnifico together sometime
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anita-sketch · 6 months
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okay but here me out
we all agree that how the villain song from new Disney movie wish was bad and the villain king Magnifico keep saying “ this is the thanks I get “ well I think Disney is mad at us because of the things that happened to the company recently and maybe they mad cuz we don’t like Disney like we use to and they keep saying we are the best company and we made a lost of memory for all of you we are everywhere what ever you love is cuz of us and this is the thanks we get ??? see Disney is mad at us 😂 and btw am I the only one who thinks that Disney tried to make the hottest Disney DILF possible?? like they asked people with daddy issues around and said imagine a hot Daddy and draw that 💀or maybe they were like (you know what it’s time for a new Disney crush that people can fell in love with for an other 100 years )
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roberrtphilip · 6 months
do you have other Wish stuff or just the dilf 👀
I've got other stuff too!
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this set up is, admittedly, a bit of a mess right now because these shelves are smaller than I expected and I got more than I planned, but here's the rest :] Magnifico and Amaya are definitely my main interest, but I love Asha and Star too! I also have a couple shirts and a hoodie in my closet ~ <3
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starsha-stardust · 6 months
ppl calling Magnifico a dilf when he has no kids is funny asf
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disneynerdpumpkin · 6 months
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Just went to see Wish! Literally JUST came out of the theater about a few hours ago.
Reminder: these are my opinions on this movie. This is just a fun review I'm writing
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Needless to say, this movie is a MASTERPIECE.
I'm not going to lie, it was too fast-paced and it could've been a lot longer (it was only an hour and 30 minutes, after all), and it re-used a lot of previous Disney material, I really expected it to be better; but that doesn't make it any less amazing!
It definitely wasn't what I expected, but it doesn't mean I love it any less 🥰
The animation was GORGEOUS. Literally STUNNING. I was in awe the entirety of the movie. LITERALLY IN AWE.
(I was among like 3 other people in the theater, so it was almost like I had the whole experience to myself! Not sure if I'm happy about it or angry that more people didn't come to watch it tho)
Okay now I'll get into the plot:
The first few minutes of the movie, and I was already fangirling SO HARD. And within the first few MINUTES of the movie, I was CRYING. (You know a movie's good when the movie's barely even started and you're CRYING.)
THEY MADE THE OPENING A STORYBOOK OPENING 😭🥰❤️ (like the storybook openings in Cinderella, Snow White, Pinocchio, The Sword in the Stone, Enchanted, etc.)
I had to PHYSICALLY RESTRAIN myself from screaming (because of course I'm in public movie theater and I can't disturb the audience)
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(As an actual ballet dancer, I loved how Disney accurately depicted the dancer in the storybook, not with a frilly tutu and pointe shoes with ribbons tied way too high above the knee. Cuz as a dancer I can confirm that that "stereotypical" ballerina appearance is not how we dress at all and Disney depicted the dancer more accurately! And they had the dancer in a gorgeous purple!!!)
And I was freaking out seeing all the songs and their fully animated scenes. (There were literally only like 3 other people in the theater so I sung the songs and I wasn't disturbing the experience for anyone at all while doing it, so that was fun) I FREAKED OUT during "Welcome To Rosas"
"AT ALL COSTS" WAS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! A villain-heroine duet was an interesting choice for this song; and the lyrics had so much meaning behind them (Asha's words being genuine, and Magnifico's being for his own desires)
STAR IS SO ADORABLE!!! I can't say it enough, STAR IS SO ADORABLE I LOVE HIM SM ❤️ I CRIED when Star got sucked into Magnifico's staff (but thankfully he was okay in the end!)
I can't say it enough, "This Wish" was BEAUTIFUL I love it sm!!! Ariana DeBose performed it BEAUTIFULLY. So perfect 😭
And there were so many twists in the plot that made me audibly GASP. And I cried a lot lol There were so many great moments of humor that actually CRACKED ME UP so hard!!!
I loved seeing Magnifico go from (kindof) calm to practically INSANE with power. And I loved how Disney didn't kill him off and just trapped him inside his own staff
I will admit, Magnifico was a jerk and so manipulative and mad with power and very narcissistic, but Disney made him hot and that distracted me lol
He was evil even before he used the spellbook he's a narcissistic jerk (but he's a DILF and i've fallen for him omg)
I was really sad that Magnifico and Amaya weren't madly in love in the movie though :(
Hot villain king destroying people's wishes and making them forget them, and USING THEM to power his own sorcery?!?!!?! Now that's how you make a truly evil antagonist
"I'm A Star" was so cute!!!! I loved the "classic Disney" feel with all the animals and trees singing (the turtle was especially cute I loved him lol) I loved all the scenes where the animals talked lol (especially the ones with the deer, and the one with the bear and the bunnies!) (But the lyric with "shareholders"...Disney do you even know what that word means!?! There were plenty of other words you could've used. But overall I really liked that song.)
THERE WERE SO MANY DISNEY REFERENCES AND I LOVED IT SM (especially being an actual Disnerd cuz i understood all of them)
EVERYTHING WAS SO DETAILED AND I LOVE IT (one of things I noticed was that everyone's clothing looked like it was taken from Sleeping Beauty and Rosas looked SO MUCH like the village in Pinocchio, just a lot bigger)
(A lot of people didn't like the movie because it was combining a lot of Disney's previous work; but in Disney's defense, they said that this movie is celebrating 100 years of Disney animation, for Disney 100. So it kinda makes sense that they would do this.)
And I love the concept of the wishes being in magic bubbles/spheres!
Valentino orchestrating the chickens was HILARIOUS and I loved it sm and will forever be one of my fav scenes
I love how Star gave Asha a magic wand!!! And I love that he loves yarn and knitting things 😭❤️ so cute
I loved all of Asha's friends and how supportive they are of her and how they care so much about her. Asha can I join your friend group please?!?!?!?!? Ngl, I wish they didn't base them and their personalities off the 7 dwarves and just developed their own original personalities, but they're still great characters nonetheless!
If you can get yourself friends that'll sing an absolutely AMAZING song ("Knowing What I Know Now") with you, they're keepers
I don't like how they tried to make Asha the Fairy Godmother at the end though (they don't even look the same!) Edit: It was a just a reference and I understand that now lol I was just confused for a bit
The MUSIC?!?!?! Don't even get me started The music and the songs were so fresh!!!! I genuinely loved them
And I ABSOLUTELY LOVED how they put EVERY SINGLE WALT DISNEY ANIMATION STUDIOS MOVIE, IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER, IN THE END CREDITS (represented through characters)! And I absolutely LOVED that they used the "classic Disney" title fonts for the opening AND the credits!!!!!!
And I love how Asha's grandfather played "When You Wish Upon A Star" as the after-credits scene! I was feeling SO MANY EMOTIONS when I was watching this movie.
Basically the only thing I didn't like about the movie is that I was running late and didn't have time to buy a blue raspberry ICEE to drink while watching the movie 😔 And my popcorn was way too salty
I literally don't care about all of the bad reviews Wish got, this movie was GORGEOUS and encompasses all the magic of Disney while still being so original and detailed. Yes, there are some things that could've been better, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't good (I wouldn't PAY to see a movie I wouldn't like!) Absolutely can't wait for it to come on Disney+ so I can watch it again
So overall I would rate Wish a 9/10.
Now I have to go and start on Thanksgiving cooking lol God bless you all, have a happy Thanksgiving :)
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