#Maisie x Kristie
rpcrimeboys · 2 years
{static}“We’ve been out here in space now, for, four days, it's getting more exciting by the minute. The new technology has been such a help in getting to this mysterious asteroid, that the renowned scientist James Carter has named Minerva, after the Roman goddess of wisdom and war. Me and the team are doing well and we are only about six days away from the asteroid now. We have reason to believe that there are signs of life on it.” I right clicked on my computer, I had been recording an update for scientific reasons, at least that's what I'd told myself it was.
Hey, It wasn't my fault that I’m sixteen years old and on a space mission. Ok, It is but, still. I Stood up and stretched, then closed my laptop. I signed up for this mission a few months ago, expecting not to get in, especially with my grades, but it turns out that I did. Mostly because there were really no other teenagers willing to risk their life “just” to see an asteroid and experience the wonders of space, maybe I’m biassed. My mom and brother were astronauts and my dad is an astronomer, so my whole family is into this kind of thing.
I start to walk towards the kitchen, I say kitchen, it's basically just a microwave, two ovens and LOTS of storage. I walk past the masc cadets room on my way and the three of them are sitting playing uno. I turn to the right and reach the kitchen. Kristie is heating up something in the microwave. She’s doing that dumb little dance thing she does while waiting.
“Greetings” she answers.
“What are you doing?”
“Getting food.”
Oh, forgot to explain, we can eat 3-4 meals a day no problem, and whenever we want. They aren't very strict with it because it’s a ship full of teenagers.I head toward the cupboard to her left and grab a cup of pot noodles and sit it next to me on the counter.
I turn to face Kristie, her shoulder-length brown hair is in a ponytail today, as per usual, so is my hair, It’s the most practical.
“We’ve arrived” I hear those two words ring through the ship. It had only taken ten days, and now, we could be the first humans to make contact with an alien species. “Kristie, Ethan, Max, Kyle, Maisie get ready”I heard a couple clunks as I got up from my bed and ran to get into my spacesuit.After getting ready all five of us stood by the exit talking to the pilots through the intercom about safety and all that junk. I feel like I could do a thousand cartwheels. I can’t wait.
They open the exit and the first thing I see is the vast darkness above us, the thousands, millions of stars above us, they are shining like fireflies in the sky. The ground is hard rock as to be expected, no visible signs of life yet. “1…. 2 … 3… jUMP!” we jump down off the ship that's slightly raised off the ground and all hit the ground at the same time. We set up the equipment cautiously, one of us always on the lookout. It's my job to take samples but I just want to explore. I stray away from the group looking to see if I can find anything interesting or unique about this asteroid.
One of my gizmos (I don't know what to call it sorry) Is acting strange, picking up signals. I start walking forwards and it gets stronger, so I continue walking around, Often in circles until I find a spot where it is strongest. It's rather like that level in Mario Odyssey.
I put down my case of supplies and grabbed a small shovel and clear plastic bag to put the sample in, and began digging around the area. About twenty minutes later I hit what seems to be a blue crystal, it sparkles and is semi transparent. I heard chatter through the intercom again, I hadn't realised it went silent. I chipped away part of the crystal without digging too much further.
“Maisie?MAIS-” I heard Kyle shout down the intercom, and the muffled concerned voices of the others.
I quickly shoved the sample of the sky coloured crystal into the bag and closed my supply case. I tried to answer but my mic had stopped working. I ran as fast as I could towards the ship but I soon realised I couldn't see them, there was no sign of life, Nobody but me and the stars. I ran to the left as far as I could, getting increasingly panicked. I ran for what felt like hours, eventually I saw the ship. I shouted with whatever strength I had left that I could muster. Kristie spotted me from the distance and ran towards me. She reached out for me and embraced me in a tight hug.
“Hey, are you ok?” She questioned, tears in her eyes.
“You were gone for a full day, where did you go?”
“I-I don’t know.”
“Ok let's get you back into the ship”, She could hear my heavy breathing I guess.I handed my samples over to her and stumbled back up into the ship, I changed out of my gear pondering what had happened, It had only been minutes to me, but to them it was hours. I lay on my bed and slipped off into sleep.A while later, (Around 3am in earth time) I got out of bed and ran to the kitchen to eat so I can head to the lab. Kristie's bed is empty so she’s already there I assume.
“Hey,” Ethan says leaning on the door frame.
“Hello, what’s up?”
“Nothing, you seemed really spooked yesterday, and you disappeared for hours, what was that about?”
“I was headed to get samples and found one of my gadgets picked up an odd signal, so I followed it and it lead me to a specific area that, underneath a layer of rock there was a interesting crystal-like stone, I gave it to Kristie”
“Ok, don’t do that again”
“I won't,” I promised.
He stood up properly and walked away in the direction of the boys room. I continued getting breakfast, nothing special, just some toast. I finished my food quickly and walked out towards the lab, excited to see Kristie, and see what tests that are left to do on the sample. As I walk into the room I see Kristie hunched over a microscope with no lights but the overhead ones on. I turn on the light and walk up to her.
I tap her on her shoulder, she jumps slightly but once she realises who it is she relaxes.“I thought you were an alien or something” She mumbled, pushing away a strand of her hair that was blocking her view.“Nah, It’s just me.”“That’s a pity, come here and look at this” She gestures toward the microscope and hops off her chair, heading to the other side of the room to read some papers that were stacked messily in a pile. I peered into the microscope basically mimicking the position she was in moments ago.
There was a small sample, I examined it, it resembles a piece of blue zircon quite closely, but something is off ab0ut it. There’s another factor here that I can’t figure out. Kristie places a small bundle of papers on the desk next to me. I pushed the lense away from me carefully and picked up the page from the top of the stack. I could hear her fiddling with things behind me, I've never really understood why she came here. Kristie is incredibly pretty, in a strong yet dainty way, her eyes are a deep brown, like the colour of chocolate, they look beautiful in the sunlight. There isn't much sunlight here. But anyway that’s not important. I read through the paper and see that she’s run a few tests already, such as spectral fingerprinting. It seems to give off a small amount of radiation, nothing lethal, or enough to be dangerous. She weighed it, it's about 20 grams, and seems to be around- “Attention, We are planning to explore this asteroid again; PLEASE BE READY IN THREE HOURS, AND DO NOT STRAY TOO FAR FROM THE SHIP WHILE ALONE.”
Again the five of us, and one of the pilots, set off onto the asteroid. After doing the tests, both me and the rest of the crew are incredibly intrigued by this, especially since we didn't pick it up at all, even after landing.
The six of us split into groups of twos, me and Kristie, Ethan and Kyle, Max, and the pilot (Their name is Asher). We each had the gizmo that picked up the crystals frequency? Earlier and were searching for more. Me and Kristie started walking (as closely as possible) to the way I had gone yesterday. Kristie was walking right next to me, her beautiful warm brown hair was plaited today, it’s already quite short, but tying it up is more practical.We walked for what felt like hours, until we found a spot where the signal is stronger and went in circles until we found a consistent trail of the signal.
We walked together for another while, Kristie spoke to me about her life on earth, She’s from England, She has two younger brothers and really enjoys physics. Her favourite book is A good girls guide to murder. I really like that book too. We get along surprisingly well. I’ve always felt a stronger bond to Kristie than the others. My thoughts were cut off.
We had found the area I was at from earlier. You could see the spot I had taken the sample from. Only now it wasn’t blue, It was a deep orange colour, that’s very strange.“Is this it?” Kristie questioned.“Yeah.”Our mics were still working, it seems like that it was just a fluke earlier.
I held the device closer to the ore, It started shaking violently and the signal got stronger and stronger until it suddenly stopped. In confusion Kristie held hers closer and it repeated the same thing, almost exactly, the shaking, the signal, and the breaking. Why is this happening? The two of us set to work, hoping to take more of the crystal for testing and monitoring.
Kristie grabbed some bright yellow yarn from her case and started marking the area. She marked about 5ft by 5ft from the edges of the crystal I had revealed. I began clearing away the layer of debris that was over the rock. We worked in silence, until I spoke up.
“Kristie? I think I’ve found a weak spot, It looks like there’s some sort of cave there.” I point towards the area in front of me,
“That’s odd..”
“You think??"
“Yeah, I do. It seems pretty solid everywhere else… Do you.. Do you think that maybe there could be something there?” She asked.
"Maybe..”I leaned forward and began to dig deeper into the crystal and suddenly a chunk of it fell down.
Before I could realise what had happened I had fallen into a cave, it was surprisingly bright, you know, considering I was underground. The walls were covered in the deep orange ore, and it seemed to sparkle.I called Kristie’s name and waited for a reply.
“Maisie? Are you ok?” She shouted.
"Yeah! I think so anyway.”I stood up and brushed off my suit with my hands. My mic was cutting in and out, I could hear Kristie above me contacting the others. My body aches a bit, but that’s to be expected after falling into a cave. The cavern resembles a large geode, and is rather spectacular. As I’m taking in my surroundings, A rope drops beside me, And Kristie climbs in, with one of our kits tied to her waist.
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