#Wlw writing
vidalswife · 2 days
The Raven & The Witch
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Word Count: 2,104
pairing: agatha harkness/rio vidal, salem timeline.
Summary: A young witch is a witch alone, the journey to power is a long one, and many fear what they do not understand. Agatha Harkness is a witch many fear. Only at eighteen did she make her mark, and in-grave her reputation on those of the world. She was outcast, isolated, and ostracized. A young witch with no friends, no family, meets a girl in the woods as she attempts to discover the secret of a raven, which has been tailing her for months.
author's note: as the days have been passing, ive been wondering on agatha and rio's past. when rio said, "how long has it been agatha" followed by, "since you got your hands on the darkhold and hid behind all that dark magic?" it started to make me think about their past. so im writing rio and agatha in salem, depicting a young (not underage) love, and how it lead to their current hatred of one another. im estimating the length of this fanfiction to be up to eight chapters. there will be smut within the fanfiction however there is none in this first chapter. minors, DNI. i hope you guys enjoy it! <3
When a young witch turns eighteen, she is allowed into the Witch’s Ward. The Ward is not a simple place, it is a maze inside of an enchanted library, and it leads to the ancient books of magic that fuel a witch and her knowledge. In a single pre-established coven there must only be one witch permitted per the year, and as the case with most covens are, they usually have more than one witch whom on her eighteenth birthday is ready to ascend. The maze inside of this ancient institution is most known for its merciless challenges and low survival rate. Sometimes three, maybe four witch-kin will enter, and none will return. Other times, many will enter, and only the one will return. Once a witch survives The Ward, she no longer will face challenges within it, and it will be open with all of its knowledge to any that can survive. Witches of all kinds dream of beating The Ward, but few have actually done so.
There is a tale of a young witch, bright for her age, and powerful among her coven. She was the sole victor of the maze.. at least for a moment. You see, soon after she emerged victorious from the race into Coventry, another witch surfaced. The established coven had never heard of this happening before, so they did the best they could to determine a new admission. They deemed the witch with the least injuries the strongest, and decided that she would be their new sister, but what was to be left of the other witch? She had survived as well, but they could not push back her entry for another year, there were more witches who would grow and age. The answer came to the coven just as quickly as they had decided their winner. On one formidable and dark night, the young witch who had suffered most, filled with vengeance and hatred, did not let her adversary achieve victory over her, taking the matters of ascension into her own, corrupt hands.
By the morning, the witch who was deemed the weakest emerged as part of her coven, with the other young girl gone, and never seen again. For many years the sisters searched for her, or a sign that she had been alive, but there was no sign. The weaker witch became one of great renown, a symbol of darkness, of all that a witch should try not to be. Witches around the world thought her a witch killer, a murderer, and a maniac. They ostracized her, abandoned her, and ran in fear from her. The coven’s leadership couldn’t bear to outcast or kill the witch, as she was the daughter of their most honored, and were not entirely sure what had happened that night. So, they instead ignored her. It was a lonely road for a witch all alone, until of course, she wasn’t alone.
Agatha woke with the sun, its immense warmth flowing through the unshaded window of her chamber. Her body squirmed and began to stretch, as her eyes fluttered open. Her hair was a disheveled mess, and she wore only her undergarments. Her room was quite empty, except for some books and a small wardrobe.
She looked around in disappointment at her stockhouse, a subtle sigh escaping her lips. She was no stranger to loneliness, for the last year she had been the outcast of her coven, and witches alike. They all thought her a monster, but they didn’t know. They’d never want to know the truth, and she’d never tell them. If she were to be believed a witch killer, she would be deemed so.
But of course, it was hard on a young girl to face isolation, so inside, she burned, and faded. More and more with each day the young brunette found herself tempted to fall away from witchkind.
She would follow the same routines, waking with the early morning light, looking around her depressing chambers, dressing, dining, being avoided, attending the ward for a lesson, dining, undressing, and then falling to slumber with the rise of the moon. She never dared try anything new, not until she saw the raven atop the chimney of her mother’s station. It was a small, dark creature, but the longer she stared, the longer something seemed different. The laughter of young children skewed her mind away from the animal, as she watched them play with the witches her age. She scoffed, turning in the opposite direction, and retreating to her chambers. She didn’t notice that the raven watched her as she paced away.
The next few days were the same as always, wake, dress, dine, shun, lesson, dine, undress, and slumber, except the raven seemed to follow her. At first she was unsure if it was the same winged animal as before, but its brown, humanlike eyes were impossible to mistake. It followed her into the next week, and it began to arise anger in the witch. What bird dares mock her? What creature dares to follow and disturb her?
The raven became a symbol of frustration for Agatha, a reminder that she was alone and peculiar.
It followed her for months, brown eyes staring into her soul at every chance.
On the eve of her birthday, she decided that she had enough of the raven and it’s foolishness. She would get rid of it for good, and finally be at peace, without those beautiful brown eyes watching her at every turn. She waited inside her chambers, eyes glued to the raven which stood motionless across from her abode. It for once, did not have her in its eyesight, and she reveled in the fact that she would finally outsmart the desperate creature. The bird rose from its spot, flying off into the treeline. Agatha thought it odd the raven did not watch her on this night as it did many nights before, but she was too overcome with pride to think it anything but a coincidence.
The next morning, she woke with the sun, a warm smile entrancing her lips. Today she would conquer the raven, and then, maybe things could be different for her. She reached for the woven bag that lay atop her wardrobe, placing her spellbook within it. She wanted to be prepared for her battle with the bird. Knowing that the forest was typically warmer in the spring months, she dressed in a thinner fabriced skirt that surpassed her ankles and a white long-sleeved button down blouse. She did not wear shoes, as it was un-witchlike to walk in a forest unless barefoot. Her dressing may be looked down upon, seeing as she was expected to a lesson later that afternoon and may not have time to redress, but she must be comfortable when she faces her opponent. As the bell sounded to commence dining, she set off towards the treeline, her woven bag thrown over her shoulder, and her hair free to the wind.
As she met the entrance of the forest, she looked up to the height of the trees, wondering if she would find the raven in its nest. Agatha turned her head, making sure her coven could not see her. When she deemed it clear, she stepped into the everlasting ecosystem of trees, bushes, and plants.
Her plan was clear, she would track the raven, kill it, and then return to her lesson. The brunette looked around before slipping her bag from her shoulder. She pulled from it her spellbook, opening it to the page illuminated by a string between parchment. On the page was an incantation that was supposed to help her find the bird. Agatha read it over multiple times, memorizing the pronunciation and chant of the spell.
‘Venator factus est venatus, anhelitus invenias quo capis, et te ad raptorem capias’
With a deep breath, she looked ahead to the ensemble of green and then closed her eyes as she began to recite the incantation, “Venator factus est venatus, anhelitus invenias quo capis, et te ad raptorem capias.” She inhaled, repeating, “Venator factus est venatus, anhelitus invenias quo capis, et te ad raptorem capias.”
A warmth spread in her body, and she opened her eyes, in which a flash of purple was clear. She knew the spell had worked. Almost immediately, a path was found. It had no markers, yet Agatha knew exactly where to go. She wrapped around trees and boulders, stepped over a fallen greenery, and walked up a short incline in the terrain. She focused only on the raven, her mind filled with nothing but the image of its obnoxious brown eyes.
The spell led her to a creek. It was dark, and looked green from the reflection of the treetops, but not only that, there was another person. She was floating in the water with her eyes closed. Agatha noticed her hair floating atop the water’s surface, almost depicting a root-like symbol. Her eyes trailed down to her face, she looked angelic and not only that, she looked asleep.
That wasn’t the only thing she noticed about the other. Her body was uncovered, and she was naked. Lily pads covered her breasts, and the water was far too dark to see much else. This sent a rising heat to the brunette’s cheeks, and she was sure they were red. The witch contemplated leaving and acting as if she didn’t see a thing in the woods, but it was too late. Almost as soon as she began to think such a thing, the woman in the water spoke.
“Enjoying the view?”
Agatha’s cheeks were as hot as the sun, she couldn’t move anything in the moment. Her brow furrowed as she noticed how the woman’s eyes remained closed, begging the question of how she knew of her presence.
The stranger chuckled, and Agatha debated casting a spell on her. Something about the woman felt familiar, she couldn't place what, but she could feel that this was not their first encounter. Agatha began to speak, sighing as the words came out, “I was just looking for a raven— and you happened to be in my way.”
She took note of how the stranger’s lips curled in a smirk, and how her brow furrowed, “Looking for a raven? How come?”
Agatha realized she probably sounded crazy, and she felt a need to explain. “I’ve been tracking this bird– it won't stop following me, and my spell led me to you” in almost an instant, the witch’s hand flew atop her mouth. She realized her mistake and looked at the woman in the water with ferocious, squinted eyes. She didn’t know what to say, but she hoped the stranger would deem her insane and drop the interaction.
To the brunette’s surprise, she didn’t.
Instead, she watched as the woman opened her eyes and stood in the creek. The lily pads fell from her nipples and she stood in front of the witch completely naked, water dripping down her neck, breasts, and stomach. Yet, this wasn’t what Agatha was most concerned with, instead, it was her eyes. They were brown and beautiful, like the raven’s. In fact, Agatha was sure her eyes were the same as the raven’s.
The brunette’s eyes remained locked onto the brown eyed girl. They did not falter not once, not even as the stranger began to rise from the water and inch closer to Agatha.
They were only a breath apart, the woman’s eyes still captured by the other pair. Agatha spoke, aware of their closeness, “You’re—” but she was cut off.
The stranger’s lips were on hers, and she cupped her hand on the witch’s cheek. Those beautiful brown eyes disappeared behind her eyelids, and so Agatha’s eyes shut too. She hesitated at first, but as the time grew, she became filled with hunger and desire.
Their lips clashed together and the woman’s other hand was now wrapped around Agatha’s waist. The witch’s hands wrapped around her neck, one ending up buried in her wet hair.
They only parted when their lungs couldn’t deny the need for air anymore, and when they did, their eye contact resumed as if it never faded. Agatha only stared at the woman in shock, but then, she smirked.
“I knew you’d come, Agatha” she said, which resulted in a head tilt from the witch.
“Who are you?” she asked, biting her lip as her eyes trailed from the stranger’s eyes to her perfect figure.
“I’m Rio Vidal.”
Agatha smirked, crossing her arms.
“You’re a green witch, aren’t you?”
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beforeimdeceased · 6 months
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ways to help, daily click, do not support neil
ellie williams x reader
a/n: this actually isn’t the best but i’ll post it now and edit it later :D let me know what you think
tags: @astralnymphh
once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who lived a castle…
okay maybe it was an abandoned apartment complex, and maybe she wasn’t a princess, but that isn’t the point of our story. our story focuses on how fate is inescapable.
“flower! let me up.” the doctor calls. you look outside of your broken bedroom window and quickly rush to the main room where there is a lever. you then, twist it with all your might. this triggers a series of reactions going downward which opens a space in the wall for the doctor to walk up.
this was a daily routine. doctor would go out and forage for supplies and food while you tidied up your “tower” as you called it. it wasn’t much but it was home and helped protect you from the outside world.
many years ago an outbreak occurred causing a sickness in the people of the world. doctor says it was terrifying to see. disfigured faces as a parasitic virus took over their minds.
but you were special.
you were born a few years later in a hospital doctor had been working in at the time. your mother had been seeing doctor for months and she was finally ready to deliver you. then suddenly, there was a break in. the infected monsters stormed through and bit your mother as you were being born. in a panic, doctor wrapped you up, ran as fast as she could until she found this abandoned building, and promised to always keep you safe.
she waited to see if the affects of the bite were passed onto you, and gratefully reveled in the fact that they did not. she still continued to watch you carefully. just in case. then, one day while cleaning up, she turned her head for a moment and you’d been scratched by an infected that had found its way inside the building.
you wailed and so did she before she realized that you were not turning. days began to pass and you still hadn’t turned. you were completely fine other than a small scratch on the back of your neck.
doctor rapidly got to work. after running various tests she used your blood to create a cure. it’s temporary against the infection, but it helps keep it from doing extensive damage. it gave those who were previously hopeless a reason to be hopeful.
she was excited about the results and prepared to share them with the world.
once she’d gotten in touch with the others in her field, they said in order to make a viable cure for everyone you would have to die, which she did not agree with.
so she rushed back to the tower, closed the doors, and swore to never let you leave out of fear that others would hurt you. even after you’d grown older. even after a cure had been fashioned years later from a mystery flower. even after the apocalypse had been declared over and it was semi safe to leave again. you would never leave. and she was confident that you’d never try to, until…
“are you excited for you birthday tomorrow, flower?” doctor asks as she walks into the lounge area. you were sat in the corner knitting a scarf out of yarn you’d fashioned from leaves. “i am actually. i’m more excited about the possibility of-“
“leaving to see the festival?” she finishes your sentence. you huff. “doctor, please. i look outside of my window and i see people laughing and lights shining just down the mountain. i know that a settlement is out there. have you still not checked it out?”
“no i haven’t checked it out and i’m not going to. i told you it’s probably fires started to control a large population of infected.” her tone is stern. she has checked already, it is a settlement.
you slump down in a chair next to her, hands clasped together. bottom lip sticking out. “please. please! atleast promise you’ll check on your next trip.”
she looks over at your face and smiles. “fine. we’re running out of supplies anyway. i’ll check on my trip tommorow, would that make you happy?”
“very.” you respond, smiling.
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
a loud clanking is heard from underneath the tower followed by a string of curses. “doctor?” you call out. your heart begins to race. what if she’s hurt again and she needs help? or more of the cure? you quickly turn the knob and listen as her footsteps get closer.
then you hear her speak and it is definitely not doctor. you hide behind the entrance, a frying pan in hand as it was the closest thing to you. you watch as the woman steps up and looks around. breathing heavily with dirt all over her. before she can turn around, you knock her hard on her head.
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anyaeras · 1 month
request: Could you write a top!Agatha Harkness fic where she gets jealous seeing another girl flirting with reader and Agatha finally takes measures to claim reader as her property?
Teaching a Lesson || A.Harkness
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Pairing: Top!Teacher!Agatha x Legal!Student reader
Summery: Y/n had been in a relationship with her Psychology professor Agatha Harkness for a while. Yet when y/n had been getting a bit to close with another student over a group project, Agatha couldn't help but reclaim her property.
Warnings : smut ,, AFAB!reader ,, gender!neutral!pronouns,, legal!age gap ,, teacherXstudent ,, semi!public sex ,, kinda mean!Agatha ,, gagging ,, mommy!kink ,, strap!on sex,, vibrator ,, degrading ,, praising ,, loads of pet names ,, possessive!Agatha ,, light nipple!play
Masterlist @anyaeras
Sitting behind her desk Agatha finished getting papers ready for her lesson. As the class started to fill in Agatha stood getting started with her lesson on socializing and how it affects the human brain.
As always y/n greeted Agatha with a sweet smile when she walked into the class sitting down at a desk not far off from Agatha desk. The student had been sitting there since the start of the semester. Yet today their was a small change a young girl, she had transferred to Westview college not long ago, now also in the same psychology class had sat down next to Y/n today.
During the whole lesson the girl kept giggling and passing small notes making y/n smile. These actions didn't go unnoticed by Agatha who had cleared her throat to regather the two college students attention.
"May I ask why you two are disrupting my lecture?" Agatha Silk toned voice rang over the class filled with clear annoyance. Y/n quickly shook her head muttering a shy 'Sorry Miss' before trying to ignore the girl who she later learned her name was Kate giggles.
Agatha's lecture came to a lunch break, today being a 3 hour A and B part lesson. Normally y/n would stay with Agatha on lunch yet today Kate invited her to come eat with her and who was y/n to say no. Without much warning y/n left the room leaving Agatha a bit hurt before noticing she had a text from y/n.
"Kate invited me to go grab lunch with her, see you after class? <3" Agatha signed putting her phone down as she worked on her laptop silently until the half hour break came to an end, students filling back into the room.
Agatha carried on staying professional even when Kate and Y/n sneaked in a little late, y/n's face red from embarrassment, while kate just had a smirk on her face as she sat down back in the same seat. Agatha could feel the burning feeling of hate rising inside her as she kept going on.
"As we come to an end for the day. Does anyone have any questions I can clear up?" Agatha asked as she did at the end of every lesson.
"Yes, Miss Harkness. How do crushes affect one's mind in social settings?" Kate asked aloud the statment alone made Agatha scoff yet still staying true to her profession she answer the question.
"Often some may show it by blushing more, giggling or even being kinder to their said crush" Agatha muttered not going into much detail ready for this whole lecture to be over.
Finally it did end yet Kate hung back as y/n always did as they were waiting for Agatha.
"Y/n why don't you come out tonight with me and some friends, the new club downtown? See you at 8?" Kate called out leaving no room for a reply before slipping out of the room.
"I see you've made a new friend?" Agatha voice husked out as she packed up her things
"Oh yeah Kate she was super sweet, we went to a coffee house and-" y/n started to talk about her day yet was cut off by Agatha.
"Why did you come back late? Your face blushing? Did she make you laugh?" Agatha said her voice harsh. The tone alone stunning y/n.
"Agatha it was nothing"
"Just Nothing? she look at you like she wanted to take you right here infront of me!" Agatha snapped harshly stepping forward her hands cupping y/n's jaw.
"Agatha I swear" y/n tried yet it was no use they knew best how Agatha got in situations like this and it was best to just show Agatha that they were hers.
Y/n moved giving Agatha a soft kiss trying to calm her but was met with Agatha returning the kiss much harsher and slightly sloppy. Agatha's hands moved pushing y/n's down to their sides and holding them there.
"Why don't you be good for mommy and wait right here" Agatha purred before moving leaving y/n dazed behind her as she went to lock the classroom door, then moving back to her dark wooden desk opening the bottom draw revealing multiple fun-time toys.
A purple strap and vibrator she moved so that they sat now on top of her desk. The professor smirked at y/n's before giving a simple instruction.
"Go on doll face, strip." Agatha ordered smiling softly when y/n complied like the good little one they were. Their once simple outfit now pooling on the floor below. Left in nothing but a simple black bra and panties.
Reaching down Agatha grabbed some soft rope as she reached over tying y/n's hands behind their back smiling softly at them before giving y/n a sweet kiss.
"Mommy is gonna show you who owns you sweetheart" Agatha said a soft chuckle following behind her words.
"I know you do-" y/n once more was silenced the feeling of Agatha's fingers being shoved into their mouth was all that flooded their senses.
Agatha watched with a smirk as y/n's swirled their toung around her two digits that the dark haired women pressed oh so softly onto their tongue.
"So good for me sweetheart" Agatha purred before gently removing her fingers from y/n's mouth. Dragging her now wet finger down y/n's front stopping to remove the lacy bra letting it simply fall off, Agatha's wet fingers pitching and pulling at y/n's sensitive buds.
A small yelp came from y/n making Agatha stop abruptly.
"Shh my pet. You need to be silent for mommy" Agatha warned, and y/n was aware that it was a warning, next time they slipped up Agatha's would take action to fix their mistakes.
Agatha wet fingers left a trail as she dragged them down toward y/n's center, pulling her panties off in the process putting them on the desk next to them. Pushing y/n so that they were leaning onto the desk as well. Agatha then let her digits slip between her students folds collecting some of their slick.
"You're soaked. Is this for me Or for Kate?" The professor teased making y/n whine slightly at Agatha jealousy yet before they
Could protest anymore Agatha ruthlessly shoved two of her fingers into y/n's entrance, the loud yelp followed by a moan made Agatha tsk with fake pity.
"Sweetheart did I not just tell you to be quite for mommy? Such a dumb slut you are." Agatha said grabbing y/n's panties and shoving them into their mouth as a makeshift gag.
"Much better" the women purred as she fingered y/n's tight cunt.
Agatha used one hand to hold y/n steady trying to keep them standing as she fucked them harshly with her fingers. Her thumb coming up to press onto y/n's clit. Watching as their hips jerk up as a reaction, Agatha could feel y/n's pussy tighten around her fingers as she forced them to take a third stretching them slightly.
"Go ahead I know you wanna cum" She purred watching y/n's legs shake as she started to cum yet right as she was hitting her peak everything stopped, their orgasm ruined.
A whine muffled by the rough fabric which sat in their mouth came from y/n as Agatha ruined the feeling of absolute bliss.
"Aww you didn't really think mommy was going to reward you after you acted like such a slut all day? Silly thing you are" Agatha purred her breath hot on y/n's ear due to how close Agatha stood. The professor moved and readjusted y/n pushing her over the dark oak desk leaving her face down and ass up.
"Now why don't you show mommy that you can be good and not just a dumb little whore, don't cum without permission" Agatha said starting her sentence so sweetly, but ending quite bitter.
Agatha took the base of the purple silicon strap running it down y/n's dripping folds letting their pussy get the toy wet. Slipping it into Y/n's hole Agatha herself moaned at the sight.
"Your hungry pussy is taking me so well, greedy cunt" Agatha teased before starting to rut her hips into y/n's frame, thrusting hard enough that the desk moved slightly below them. Agatha held her hand over y/n's mouth pushing the makeshift gag deeper into the submissives mouth keeping them silent.
"Aww do you need to cum. Why don't you prove how much your mine and cum?" Agatha purred her other hand grabbing a vibrator from the side of the two, placing it against y/n's clit. Watching as their legs shook violently underneath them.
"Mommy can I cum?" Y/n's voice was muffled and distorted as they begged behind Agatha's hand.
"Go ahead, cum" as the few words of permission slipped off Agatha's tongue y/n fell to mush, rolling over her climax. Agatha supported y/n's weight yet didn't once stop even turning the vibrator up as she held it firmly to the students small bundle of nerves watching with a sly smirk as they got overstimulated, tears fell down y/n's face as the gag muffled her pleads for mercy.
"Come one show me how good of a slut you are for me give me another one baby" Agatha grunted out between her harsh trust, and within minutes y/n was releasing again. This time making a mess on the strap which sat nestled inside her from behind.
"You did so good for me sweetheart. How about we head home and get cleaned up" Agatha said softly praising y/n as she removed her cock from y/n's cunt. Cleaning up around them before pulling the soaking wet panties out of y/n's mouth as well.
"Let's head home and get you all cleaned up" Agatha said yet she watched as y/n's legged shook below them when they tried to take just a single step.
"Aww poor baby let mommy help you, looks like you won't be able to go out with Kate tonight you can't even walk" Agatha said with fake pity before helping y/n out of the classroom. So that they could enjoy their evening at home. Without any Kate of course.
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ohbunnyx · 3 months
Sticking my fingers into a bratty subs mouth Thats been mouthy all day and ordering them to chew on my rings to get their frustrations out >>>>>>
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silveryclear · 1 year
🫦Yan! CEO X Fem! Reader 🏳️‍🌈
|Nsfw 18+ Content
|Pairing: Dominant Female Yandere X Submissive Female Reader
|CW: Obsessive Behaviors|Fingering|Orgasm Denial| Overstimulation|Multiple Reader Orgasms|Praise & Degradation Kink
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🫦Yan! CEO that began pursuing you as soon as she laid eyes on you.
🫦Yan! CEO that offers you a job as their personal assistant to keep a close eye on you. And the offer was too good to decline.
🫦Yan! CEO that keeps you on the top floor of the building with her, keeping your interactions with other employees to a minimum.
🫦Yan! CEO that insists on buying your lunch and your coffee instead of the other way around. “You’re just such a hard worker, you deserve a treat~”
🫦Yan! CEO that records your conversations on the phone with clients and makes a compendium of your voice alone to masturbate in the intimacy of her room.
🫦Yan! CEO whose obsession grows and begins to get aroused every time you glance at her, you smile at her, you talk to her… Fuck, she wants to pound you so hard against her desk and make you cum around her fingers, moaning her name in ecstasy.
🫦Yan! CEO that can’t hold it in any longer and starts masturbating in her office from the thought of you and all the things she fantasies of doing with you. The fact that you’re on the other side of the door and not grinding on her thigh, desperately trying to get off, is killing her.
🫦Yan! CEO that decides to call you into her office one day and locks the door behind her, approaching you like a predator stalks their prey until you’re cornered against her desk.
🫦Yan! CEO that declares her love for you, smiling deviously in triumph when she notices your blush.
🫦Yan! CEO that wastes no time in doing what she’s been craving all this time, stripping you out of your tight blouse and short pencil skirt while kissing you passionately.
🫦Yan! CEO that hoists you on her desk as she ravages your lips, trailing kisses down your neck, shoulder and collarbones. The sounds of your whimpers only serve to spur her on as she unclasps your bra and sucks on your nipples, swirling her tongue and biting softly.
🫦Yan! CEO that can barely hold back when she hears you moan out her name like the most beautiful symphony, delving her fingers into your sopping cunt and rubbing your clit. You grip at her shoulders, your head thrown back as you buck your hips to create more friction.
🫦Yan! CEO that smiles a little too widely, pleased by your reactions and claiming you with her fingers, pumping two of them deep into your squelching pussy. You scream in pleasure and clamp down on her, begging her to fuck you harder.
🫦Yan! CEO that whispers sweet words of praise, “You’re such a good girl for me, moan my name some more and I promise to make you cum harder than ever before.”
🫦Yan! CEO that feels your walls clench around her fingers and adds one more into your tight hole, “Fuck, baby… you’re going to rip my fingers right off… so fucking tight..~” You whimper and shiver from her words and touch.
🫦Yan! CEO that makes drives you right to the edge, only to pull out her fingers, reveling in your loud whine and the way your hole flutters around nothing, begging for her fingers.
🫦Yan! CEO that kisses your glistening forehead and smiles sweet and sadistic at you. “Tell me how much you want me~”
🫦Yan! CEO that chuckles, eyes growing wild with lust and obsession when you beg for her to finish you off and you lean back to give her a better view of your needy pussy, enticing her.
🫦Yan! CEO that doesn’t hold back anymore and fucks three orgasms out of you even when you cry that it’s too much.
“You brought this onto yourself, baby… Showing that wet pussy to me like a needy whore~ Don’t worry, I’ll make sure all your needs are met~”
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mirandapriestlyswife · 5 months
Books are “Truth and Measure” and “The Brutal Truth”
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kiwi-on-ice · 23 days
we need ashe smut w fem reader if u can🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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Ashe x fem!reader
Summary: As the new waitress at Panorama Diner, you quickly meet the infamous Deadlock Gang, while also gaining the interest of their ruthless leader.
Word count: 6.2k
Warnings: 18+ smut, dom!ashe, no use of y/n, lots of flirting, fingering, strap ons, spanking, slight overstim
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Notes: Thank you for requesting my fav fav fav character anon! God i love Ashe and I love writing her. Also phew this is the longest fanfic i've wrote so far, hope it was worth the wait!
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Having recently moved, there was one resounding fact you’ve learnt from practically everyone you’ve met so far; don’t mess with the deadlock gang.
Getting a job as a waitress along route 66, you’d been told by neighbors, new friends, even fellow colleagues to watch your back. That the deadlock gang were dangerous, unpredictable, undefeatable. And as you glance at the wanted posters that adorn the diner wall, your eyes are drawn to the leader, her mascara running down her cheeks. But its her expression that really strikes you, how severe and intense her gaze is. Reading the warning ‘Dead or Alive, Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe, $65,000,000 reward’, it really dawns on you how threatening she seems. Your finger traces the edge of the slightly ripped material, not being able to identify why exactly you can’t rip your gaze away.
Not being able to idle for long, you tear yourself away and get back to serving food and drinks, getting used to the flow of the diner and its patrons. It’s almost relaxing, most customers being pretty polite and calm as you work. You fall into a routine, especially since you have a specific uniform to wear. The diner’s management thought it would be good to have almost a 1950s theme, meaning you and the other waitresses were given blue stereotypical dresses to wear, complete with a small white apron to go around the waist. Yours was a little too tight, not that you minded. It flattered your figure quite nicely, even gaining you a few compliments.
It was quite a slow day as you stood behind the counter, in your own world as your fingers tap rhythmically on the marble. Light streamed through the glass windows, brightening the fairly empty diner as you daydream passively. Although the other waitress on staff seemingly drops a cup on the counter, causing you to turn at the noise. She seems...flustered, just as the bell rings to signal the door has opened. Following her nervous gaze, your breath catches. The deadlock gang, well only three of them, but the leader you’d recognise anywhere from how often you find yourself gazing at her wanted poster. Your colleague quickly busies herself with some coffee that you’re sure hasn’t been ordered, leaving you to seat them. You breathe slowly as you walk towards the new patrons.
Ashe seems a little frustrated, snapping at who you assume is her lieutenant as they wait to be seated, her rifle idly resting over her shoulder. She turns to look at whichever waitress will probably annoy her today, and then she sees you. Immediately her demeanour changes, looking you up and down as the furrow of her brow dissipates.
“Welcome to Panorama Diner, table for three?” you say softly, a polite smile etched on your features.
“Yeah, thanks. Preferably by one of those windows.” The leader replies, her red eyes not moving from you as you lead them to their table. Placing their menus down, you smile and leave them to decide. Releasing a breath you didn’t know you were holding, you catch the other waitress glancing at you slightly apologetically. But you don’t particularly feel that threatened or scared…but you’ve been wrong before.
“Ready to order?” you ask with your notebook out, once again putting on the customer service smile.
“Three coffees, black.” Ashe says, before looking you up and down again. “That a uniform? Or d’you just like to dress like that?”
“It’s a uniform, management are going for a 1950s theme.” You reply with a soft laugh, which Ashe seems to delight in.
“Suits ya dollface, can see why they suggested it.” She says smoothly, causing heat to unexpectedly rise to your cheeks.
“I’ll grab your drinks.” You say quickly, turning and hoping she didn’t catch how flustered you looked. You reprimand yourself as you put the coffee on, why on earth were you affected by a simple compliment? You get compliments all the time…and especially why were you affected by the compliment of a criminal gang leader? You try and shake those thoughts from your mind as you pour their drinks, placing them on the tray and carrying them.
“Here you are, can I get you guys anything else?” you ask as you place their mugs in front of them. The two men shake their head dismissively, but Ashe hums softly.
“Hm…any recommendations?”
You hesitate for a moment. “Well a lot of the waitresses here recommend the apple pie.”
“But not you?” she asks, her eyebrow quirked.
“To be honest I hate apple pie.”
This dry response cause the gang leader to laugh, actually laugh, causing the two men to stare for a moment, bewildered. “That right? Appreciate the honesty there sweetcheeks, what would you recommend?”
You take a moment to think. “The French toast is lovely, and we also have a few cakes on stand that the staff made. Chocolate and red velvet.”
“Well I think red velvet would be just sweet enough, thanks doll.” Ashe replies with a small smirk, her red lipstick illuminating as the suns rays pierce through the glass panes. You nod and quickly go to get her a slice, a little short of breath from her intense gaze. You really need to stop acting like a blushing schoolgirl, you reprimand yourself. Coming back and serving her the cake slice, she thanks you, and that delicious accent of hers has you fidgeting as you turn and serve another table.
You try and continue your shift as normal, although her occasional glances at you prove difficult to ignore. Still you manage to keep your composure until one of her lieutenants pipes up.
“Hey lady, can we get the check?” he says loudly, snapping his fingers a little condesendingly, and as you hurry to the table, you see Ashe glare daggers at him.
“Don’t snap your damn fingers at her, she ain’t a fuckin’ dog.” Ashe seethes at him, which causes him to shrink a little and nod.
“Cash or card?” you ask, before Ashe pulls out a wad of cash from her pocket. Counting how much they owe, she places it on the table. You collect it as they stand to leave, but before they do Ashe stands to her full height and steps in front of you.
“Your tip, and an apology for my lackey’s rudeness.” She says, handing you a wad of cash. Your eyes must betray your shock at how much she’s giving you, as you shakily take it and start thanking her profusely.
“Don’t mention it dollface, didn’t catch your name.” You tell her, and she hums and smirks at you. “Pretty name for a pretty girl, guess I’ll be comin’ in here more often.”
With that, she tips her cowboy hat which makes you giggle softly before leaving. You watch as they step outside, mounting their motorbikes. You glance down to check your tip, counting the money in amazement. She’d tipped you 200 dollars, at least that’ll go a long way to paying this weeks rent.
Making good on her statement, two days later the gang are back. This time it’s Ashe and three members of her gang, alongside two omincs. One looked smaller, with a hood and a sniper rifle, but the other was huge, his hulking frame contrasting the cute little bowler hat that lay askew on his head. Even though a waiter was on hand, you almost sprinted to be the one who served them.
“Welcome back to Panorama Diner, table for…five?” you ask as you count them, and Ashe nods. They all seem a little dishelved, a few cuts and scrapes present on the human members which causes you to wonder where they’d been or what trouble they’d caused. You lead them to a table, connecting two so the bigger omnic could fit more comfortably, which seems to please Ashe greatly.
“Wasn’t sure ya’ll accepted omnics, there are a lot of establishments who sure as hell don’t.” Ashe remarks, causing you to shake your head.
“Of course we do, we don’t discriminate.” You say with a smile, before glancing at the bigger omnic. “Love the hat.”
He gives a nod and a little thumbs up, as Ashe continues. “His name’s B.O.B, he ain’t a talker.”
You nod, flipping your notebook out. Two coffees and a milkshake, to which Ashe raises her eyebrow at the dark-skinned woman clutching a laptop to her chest.
“Seriously Frankie?”
“What? You said it was a celebration.”
You smile a little. “So two coffees and a milkshake, got it.”
Leaving them to it, you go to prepare their orders. You can’t deny that you’ve been secretly picturing Ashe coming in again, giving you a small rush now that it’s actually come true. You try and convince yourself it’s just for the possibility of another tip, and not for the way her voice makes you weak at the knees, and her eyes are the most gorgeous you’ve ever seen.
“Here you guys are, anything else just let me know.” You say brightly.
“Thanks doll.”
God you can’t deny how much that nickname is affecting you when it slips from her red lips, as you turn and serve some other tables. You notice a few patrons glancing at the gang as they eat, but you aren’t afraid anymore, and you sure as hell aren’t gonna turn them in, however you try and push away the feeling of guilt at how flippant you’re being regarding a wanted gang of criminals. All because the leader was hot.
Still, you go about your shift easily, growing to like whenever Ashe would unashamedly look at your ass whenever you bent over to pick something up from a table; in fact, a few times you did it on purpose in the hopes the older woman was looking at you. After a while, it was near closing time so you check on them to get any final orders. Upon asking for the check, you hand it to them.
“Cash or card?” you ask.
“Cash” the leader replies, this time opening a bag that was sat beside her. You can’t help but glance inside, and the sheer volume of dollar bills nearly has your eyes watering. That explains why they look so bruised and scraped, you think to yourself, as she counts out the amount and places it on the table. As they get up to leave, Ashe is again the last one as she hands you another wad of cash.
“Your tip.” She says in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Oh…miss I really cant accept that much again- “
“You can, and you will.” She replies, her tone leaving no room for argument as you shyly take the money, electricity spiking up your back as your skin brushes against hers.
“Thank you so so much, I really can’t thank you enough.”
“No need sugar.” She waves her hand dismissively as she grabs her rifle. “Stay safe, these parts ain’t gonna be quiet for too long.”
You nod a little at her warning as she leaves, your heart beating rapidly. She gives you a final look up and down as she leaves, and you release a shaky breath, god you really have to stop getting so worked up about her. Although it’s hard when you glance at the 300 dollar bill tip she just gave you.
However a few days later, things really take a turn for you. Two of your fellow waitresses invite you out to a bar, and you’d been polite enough to say yes despite your reluctance. Once you arrive, they’re both taken with a few men who buy them drinks, leaving you alone at the bar, tapping your finger anxiously on the table. You get a few offers from guys trying to buy you drinks, but you blow them off, your dress suddenly feeling too tight in the warm lights. Thinking about leaving, you move a bit through the bar before you hear raucous laughter from a nearby cards table.
The deadlock gang…they were here. Clearly nobody was brave enough to ask them to leave, or hell they might even own the place…it strikes you just how little you know about them; dangerous considering the leader now knows your name. The same leader who you’ve just locked eyes with, the red hue causing your breath to catch. Hesitating, you turn to leave. Maybe she didn’t recognise you outside of your waitress uniform, as you attempt to walk casually towards the exit.
“You better not be leaving doll, not when I’ve just saw ya.” You hear a smooth southern voice say, and god it’s like the blood rushes to your face immediately. Turning, you see Ashe coming up to you, her lips, tie and eyes all the same colour. Danger.
“Seems my friends have left me, I was just heading out-“
“Awe don’t worry, how about I be your friend, hm?”
It feels like the devil tempting you as you hesitate for a moment, but ultimately you find yourself nodding before you even realise. The smirk on her face makes her look like the wolf whose seduced the lamb into her den, as she leads you into the bar with a hand on the small of your back. Taking you to a smaller table away from the rest of her gang, she looks at you.
“Let me at least buy ya a drink.” She offers, and goes to order what you asked for. Tapping your fingers nervously against your thigh, you glance around as you wait. Her gang are still sat where you’d seen them, laughing and playing cards. You recognise a few of them who’d came into the diner, but quickly look away before they catch you staring.
“There ya go sugar.” Ashe says as she gets back, two glasses in hand. You quickly thank her as she slides into the booth with you, her thigh slightly touching your own. “So y’friends abandoned you?”
Laughing a little, you nod and explain that they’d been whisked away with some patrons who’d caught their eye. The smirk on Ashe’s face gives away her train of thought.
“But not you?” She inquires, eyes glancing around your face as if mapping out every detail.
“I prefer girls.” You say before even thinking about your words, but the older woman smiles all the same.
Forcing yourself to not show how flustered you are, she starts to ask questions about your life, your job, your family. As you speak, she seems genuinely interested in what you have to say, something you can’t say you’ve ever had with the dates you’ve been on in the past. Not that this is a date…
“What about you?” You ask softly.
“Me? All ya need to know is that deadlock is my family now.” She says, before grinning. “Well, B.O.B is extra special family.”
“The one with the little hat, right?” You reply, peering over her shoulder to her gang, where the hulking omnic sat with his eyes firmly on the two of you.
“Yeah that’s it, my bodyguard. Not that I need him all the time. Best believe I can handle myself.” She smirks, leaning in to murmur the last bit close to your ear, causing you to giggle a little.
“You’re known for being quite dangerous around these parts, right?”
“Oh you could say that doll. What, you scared?” She teases, before you quickly shake your head. “Good, I like a brave girl.”
Smiling a little at her praise, you aren’t even focused on the fact she’s a gang leader anymore. Like Eve biting the forbidden fruit, you let Ashe place her hand on your knee as you speak, the sinful spark of electricity seemingly travelling from her manicured fingertips all the way up your spine. As you both talk, her fingers tracing small circles on your knee, before slightly rising higher.
After an hour or so, her gang approach, rowdy and clearly intoxicated as they giggle.
“C’mon Ashe, let’s hit up some other places.”
You smile at the cowgirl, thinking it’s the end of the night for you. But she hums, glancing at you for a moment before replying.
“Ya’ll go and have fun, but not too much.”
One of her lieutenants tilts his head, “huh? You ain’t comin’?”
Ashe cuts him a glare that tells him to shut his mouth, before readjusting herself so her arm is around your shoulder. “I’m doin’ just fine here.”
With no room for argument, her gang takes off after Ashe gives a nod to her omnic bodyguard. You on the other hand feel your breathing quicken at the feel of her arm around you, subtly leaning closer to her as you giggle.
“You’re doing just fine here?” You ask, to which she smirks.
“Damn right I am, got a pretty girl hangin’ off my every word. What’s not to like?”
At the reassurance that she does in fact find you pretty, the heat rises within you. Not being able to help glancing at her lips for a moment, the ever perceptive criminal obviously noticing, her breath tickling your cheek as she speaks.
“But just cause I’m doin’ fine here, don’t mean we can’t go somewhere else…maybe away from pryin’ eyes.”
At her announcement, you glance around to notice the other patrons sneaking glances as you. But another thought comes creeping through your mind, the thought of going home with her. Of letting her touch you in the way you’ve been fantasising about ever since she came into the diner. You wouldn’t dream of admitting the nights you spent playing with your clit, imagining the infamous gang leader’s fingers instead. So you nod, knowing you’d give in, and the self-satisfied smile on her face tells you that she knew you’d say yes.
She leads you with by the hand, warm and slightly callous in your own, before coming upon her motorcycle parked outside the bar. Seeing your expression, she giggles softly.
“First time on one of these?” she asks, to which you nod, “Don’t worry sugar, just hold on good and tight f’me, alright?”
And you really do, clinging on to her waist as she speeds down dirt roads, hair wispy in the wind. Try as you might to relax and take in the scenery, you can’t deny the relief you feel when she finally brings the bike to a stop. She takes you once again by the hand and leads you inside, shutting and bolting the door behind you both. Now should be the time to feel at least a little intimidated, but butterflies of excitement uncurl in your stomach as she glances at you.
“Want another drink?” she asks smoothly, to which you shake your head. Drinking really is the last thing on your mind, especially as she stalks closer to you. “Maybe you want somethin’ else…”
Feeling your back against the wall, you nod slightly as she brings her hand up to slowly trace your cheekbone. Her thumb rubs smoothing lines, and at this proximity you can see every line and pore on her beautiful face, every eyelash, how her tongue darts out a little to lick at her lip.
“D’you want me doll? Gotta tell me now or I ain’t touchin’ ya.”
“I want you.” You say, trying to sound confident but melting at her grin.
“Alright, you gotta know though…I’m a woman who likes control, likes to be in charge. You sure you can handle that?”
You’re sure that your cheeks are burning as she says that, nodding quickly again. At your consent, she leans in and kisses you, the tension between you both finally exploding. She presses you further up against the wall, tongue running along your bottom lip before exploring your mouth. Eagerly swallowing your slight whimpers, she uses her free hand to wrap around your hip, keeping you where she wants you. Pulling away, she observes the slight red stain her lipstick as left on your mouth, before kissing along your jaw.
“So sweet sugar, like candy.” She mumbles against your skin, kissing down to your neck and licking. “Gonna let me leave a mark?”
You stutter out a yes, before she sucks a dark hickey into your neck. There really isn’t any going back now, she’s marked you. The leader of the deadlock gang has truly staked her claim on you, and you couldn’t be happier.
Feeling the material of your dress, she slowly inches the fabric up, exposing more and more of your thighs as she kisses to the junction between your neck and shoulder. She lets out a soft moan as she grips your upper thigh, feeling the soft skin under her touch and squeezing. Although she quickly grows tired of waiting, instead slipping between your thighs to grope your clothed pussy instead. At the action, you can’t help but buck forward into her touch, feeling her smile against your skin.
“So wet already, bet you were drippin’ in the bar huh?” she accuses you, knowing she was right. Her fingers cup your panties, feeling the wet material beneath her skin, exploring. With a soft whimper, you let her touch you how she wants, eyelids fluttering closed before she slaps your pussy lightly.
“Nuh uh doll, eyes open.”
When you do as she instructs, she rewards you by slipping into your panties and rubbing your clit in slow rhythmic circles. The result is instantaneous, a quiet needy moan escaping you as you feel her touch. Her eyes never leave your face, head tilted as she watches your reactions.
“Look so pretty, y’know that? Know how pretty you are?” she praises you teasingly, meaning every word but mostly saying them because of how flustered you act when you hear them. Her praise goes straight to your cunt, clit throbbing under her touch as she speeds up her movements.
“Here’s what’s gonna happen sugar. You’re gonna cum on my hand, and all I’m gonna do is play with your clit. If you’re a good girl and do what I say, imma take you into the bedroom and fuck the brains outta ya.”
 Her tone doesn’t leave any room for argument, and you voice your confirmation. She grips your waist, encouraging you to rock into her hand as she keeps up the movement of her fingers, strumming your core expertly. It’s clear to you she’s experienced, and you wonder if this is a normal occurrence for her; to seduce and play with pretty girls who happen to cross her path when she isn’t out being a criminal.
Shakily, you grip on to her waistcoat for stability, feeling yourself get closer and closer the more she touches you. When she releases your waist to grope your tits, that’s when your thighs really start to shake, grip harder on her outfit.
“Yeah baby, that’s right. Cum on my hand, make a mess.” She encourages, her voice igniting that fire inside of you as you finish on her hand with a soft cry. Not slowing down, she gets every last bit of your pleasure before she finally removes her hand, bringing it up to the light to observe your fluids sticking to her digits. “Awe, ya really did make a mess.”
Catching your breath, you blink for a moment as she uses those same fingers to tap at your lower lip, before parting them to clean her fingers for her. Tasting yourself was a little strange, but it was worth it for the way her pupils dilated and her breath caught in her throat at your performance. Without another word, she grabs your upper arm and hauls you into the bedroom.
Getting you on your back, she grabs the zipper of your dress and yanks it down, removing it quickly as she leans to give you another kiss. Moaning softly, you reach to unzip her waist coat, pushing it off her before your hands go to her tie. She grins against your lips and helps you undo it, before he grips your wrists and pins them above your head, mattress squeaking slightly.
“Can you guess what I’m about to do?” she purrs, before wrapping the red tie around your wrists, not tight enough to hurt but just enough to give the illusion of incapacitation. Bound like a present for her, she straddles your waist and looks at her handiwork, before slowly unbuttoning her dress shirt. You buck up a little in excitement, as she reveals her white bra. Removing her fingerless gloves, she tugs your ruined underwear down roughly, exposing your dripping cunt to the dim light of the bedroom.
“So many things I wanna do to you baby, so many things.” She says as she runs her finger along your pussy lips, smirking as you twitch. “Anythin’ completely off limits?”
You tell her and she hums in acknowledgement, before glancing at the wardrobe. She lifts herself off you, hissing at you to stay still as she grabs a box from beneath a few clothes and bullet shell casings. Bringing it over, she smirks as your eyes widen at the sheer number of toys in the box.
“I’m a wealthy woman doll, and I’m a wealthy woman with…needs.” She answers your silent judgement, before leaving the box on the floor next to the bed. “Now if you do well, I promise I’ll fuck ya, how does that sound?”
Before being able to ask what you need to do well at, she unbuttons her trousers and slides them down her legs, removing all of her harnesses and belts with precision. Just in her bra and underwear now, she winks at you before ridding herself of her panties before climbing up your body. Oh. You know what she wants, and you whimper desperately in anticipation.
Grabbing the headboard, she positions herself over your face, thighs on either side. You’re practically salivating, as she moves your bound hands to be resting on your stomach. Without warning, she finally sits on your face, and you get to work immediately. You lap at her pussy, wanting to taste her all night and finally being given the opportunity. She groans softly, the feeling of your warm tongue between her thighs was heavenly. She wanted you like this since she saw you, in that silly waitress dress that was too small for your curves.
Rocking into your tongue, she watches you squirm with glee, moving one hand to hold your hair; keeping you in place as she uses you. Uses your mouth, all for herself. Whimpering, you lick up to her clit before sucking gently, delighting in how a soft moan escapes her throat. She tightens her grip on your hair, pulling to angle you to where exactly she wants. Her pussy was dripping, mixing with your saliva as she makes a mess of your face. Not that you mind, excitedly pleasuring her as best you can.
“Fuck sugar, ain’t you a good girl.” She slurs out, as you move your tongue over her cunt. “Keep it up and I’m, shit, I’m definitely fuckin’ ya.”
You whine in excitement, doubling down on your effort, jaw slightly aching as you please the criminal above you. Feeling herself get close, she grinds faster into your tongue, taking the sensations you’re willingly providing her. She finally cums in your mouth with an uncharacteristically higher pitched moan, her hips slowing until she stills.
You catch your breath rapidly as she climbs off you, leaning into her hand as she wipes your mouth of her wetness. The action causes your chest to feel tight with happiness, before she taps your cheek in a slightly condescending manner.
“Alright then doll, I’m a woman of my word.”
With that, she leans off the bed to rifle through the box, before bringing up a bottle of lube and squeezing a glob onto her fingers. With a nod of confirmation from you, she pushes two fingers slowly inside, feeling how your practically suck her in. She groans quietly, as you make a stranged gasp at the sensation. Removing them, she sinks them inside again before repeating, the wet noises from your cunt echoing off the walls.
“Hear that? Hear how much this pussy wants me?” she taunts, curling them to prod at that spot inside that makes your toes curl.
She sets a slow but firm rhythm, focusing on stretching you out for whats to come as her other hand gentle strokes circles on your thigh. You’re having the time of your life, hands still bound helplessly infront of you as your digits flex. This is exactly what you wanted from her, what you needed from her, and she hadn’t even got to the main event yet.
After a while though, and a third finger being slipped inside, you grow impatient with the growing desire for her to fuck you. So you do your best to voice that desperation, hips twitching and voice pathetically higher pitched than normal.
“You want it baby?” she says, slowing her fingers to a halt before grinning at you. “Say it nicely.”
“Can you please fuck me Ashe?” you ask.
With a nod and a quick spank to your oversensitive pussy, she leans down and grabs the strap on she was keeping which causes your eyes to widen. It’s a black harness, with a purple dildo attached. It wasn’t overly big at around 6 inches, but it certainly seemed thicker than anything you’d taken before. Suddenly glad of her prep, you watch as she moves a pillow beneath your hips, before lubing up the fake cock.
She pushes in slowly, and you both moan at the sight and sensation. God you look gorgeous, she thinks, as her red eyes watch your face contort in pleasure and the slight pain that comes with the stretch. You whimper her name softly, cunt tightening around the dildo as Ashe strokes at your hips soothingly.
“I know, I know sugar. But you can take it, I know you can take it.” She praises, bottoming out inside you. Thighs shaking, you’re grateful for the way she lets you adjust to the size, and after a few moments you offer her a shaky nod.
Smiling, she pulls out slowly and pushes you back in, getting you used to the rhythm of being fucked as the grip on your thighs tightens a little. She clearly has a lot of core strength, able to keep the pace effectively and slightly speed up when she senses you get more comfortable. The slick sounds of your pussy getting fucked by her should make you embarrassed, but the shameless noise only serves to turn you on further.
“That’s it, look at ya. Takin’ my cock so well, such a good little girl.” She grunts out, cowboy hat laying askew on her head as she keeps fucking you. You lift your bound hands to paw at her bra, before she clearly gets the hint and chuckles. Not slowing down at all, she reaches behind herself and practically rips the garment off, exposing her breasts to your gaze. You go to touch them before she grabs your wrists easily, moving them above your head as she moves your thighs up.
This new angle means she can drive the toy impossibly deep inside you, pinning your hands down and making sure you have nowhere to go, nothing to do but take. You moan louder at this, eyes nearly rolling back as you’re sure she’s fucking your brains out. The mating press makes her feel good too, the harness bumping her clit with every thrust, serving the mental image of her fucking you with physical sensation.
“So cute, like my own little doll. Maybe I should keep ya.” She drawls, causing you to whimper more at the insinuation. Hell, in this moment she could threaten to lock you up in her basement and you’d probably blindly agree, needing to feel more of the delicious friction she was providing you. Moving her one hand down, she rubs a little clumsily at your clit, causing your cunt to tighten around the dildo.
You aren’t sure how long she fucks you like that, time an illusion that pales in comparison to the pleasure of being fucked by the gang leader, but eventually you need to cum. So you tell her, beg her, which only fuels her dominate headspace further.
“Yeah keep beggin’ me, that’s right. You know who’s in control right now.” She groans out, slamming her hips against yours. Every muscle in your body tightening, you barely have time to tell her you’re gonna cum until you’re gushing around her fake cock with a drawn out moan. Grinning, she slows down, stroking at your arms.
“Good job, you looked so pretty baby.” She whispers, red nails gently dragging on your skin soothingly. Just when you’re about to thank her though when she pulls out, she grabs under your hips and flips you, landing face first into the mattress with a grunt.
“Oh come on darlin’, you didn’t think we’d just stop at one, did you?”
With that, she pushes into you for a second time from behind, your back arching. This time she doesn’t wait for you to adjust before pulling back and thrusting inside. With your loud, overstimulated moans, she grins sadistically and starts to fuck you again, your hands limply in front of your face.
“Oh fuck doll, ain’t you just the prettiest thing.” She gets out through her shaky drawn out breaths, focusing on railing you firmly into next week. Your thighs tremble with every thrust, feeling your g spot get battered by her dildo. You feel a sharp smack as she spanks your ass, and at your reaction she repeats the motion.
Eyes rolling back, your front falls into the sheets as you lose the strength to hold yourself up, moaning incessantly at her rough treatment. She fucks you like she already owns you, like you’re her property, and you love it. The sensations are so much, you find yourself whimpering her name over and over.
But a part of Ashe wants you to call her by her first name, a name she hardly lets anyone call her. But ultimately decides against it, it feels too real, somehow too intimate. Reluctant to break down her walls, she instead channels her mental doubts into fucking you better, harder, with more passion. She holds your hips for stability, pushing your hands down so you can crudely rub yourself while she fucks you.
Soon it all becomes too much, and you feel yourself barrelling towards your next orgasm quickly. Your breathy whines and whimpers let her know, as she moves her hand up your spine before nestling her fingers in your hair. She gives a sharp pull, forcing you into an arch as she coos in your ear.
“Awe baby, you gonna cum again? Gonna let me fuck another one outta ya?”
You nod dumbly, almost drooling as your pussy tightens yet again.
“Good, make some noise for me m’kay?”
Making good on her word, she thrusts into your g spot with conviction, forcing noises to come tumbling out of your throat as you cum for a third time that night, twitching and almost convulsing. This time when she slows, she pulls out for good, unclasping the harness and letting the strap fall to her side as she takes you in her arms. She tosses the cowgirl hat and nestles herself into the pillows, pulling you with her so you’re laying on her chest.
“That okay for you?” she asks, like she hasn’t just given you the railing of a lifetime, but you giggle softly anyway and nod. “Alright good, just checkin’. I’ll run ya a bath in a minute, how does that sound?”
You relax into her embrace, content to let her take care of you as you hum softly in appreciation. Her nails gently drag along your scalp, the soothing gesture threatening to send you to sleep before she can clean you up. You can’t deny how safe you feel, in the arms of someone so dangerous. But she’s showing you such affection, such softness which contradicts the rumours that swirl around her.
“Are you gonna come to the diner more?”
That innocent little question you ask, so full of hope and contentment causes an unfamiliar sensation to rise up in the cowgirl, as she glances down at you.
“You want that? You wanna see me some more?”
At your nod, she swallows thickly. You actually want to see her more, maybe as more than someone to fuck. Someone to…she doesn’t let herself finish that thought, instead smirks teasingly.
“Sure doll, gotta come back to the diner. Gotta make sure nobody else is tippin’ my favourite waitress as much as I am.”
You giggle at that, teasing her back. “Oh? So if someone tipped me higher then you’d match it?”
“I’d go beyond matchin’ it darlin’, might have to start paying your bills as my tip.”
You really laugh at her dramatics, cuddling up to her more and making her cheeks involuntarily flush. With a soft sigh, she allows herself to bask in the moment before slapping your ass gently.
“Come on then dollface, let’s get ya in the bath.”
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capr1pengu1n · 27 days
Let's go paint the town on our way home
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Summary: After her latest crime, Harley comes home and wants nothing more than to rail her girlfriend in her adrenaline fueled state.
Warnings: 18+ smut, fem reader (no use of y/n), villain kink/crime kink, dom!harley, thigh riding, fingering, strap-on use, praise and degradation, harley and reader are dating
Words: 3.1k
Notes: Wanted to write my gf while i work on a riddler request, I love writing Harley (and tbh I love writing wlw)
‘This is Vicki Vale reporting live from downtown Gotham, where we’re receiving information that a business meal seating various members of the board of directors of Lexcorp was interrupted by known criminal Harley Quinn, who proceeded to hold them at gunpoint and rob them.’
Observing the TV with wide eyes, you watch the cctv footage of your girlfriend skipping into the Plaza Hotel armed with her pink and red glittery gun and baseball back strapped to her back. You sit up on the sofa, following the story as it’s being reported. Knowing she was planning something, she hadn’t told you anything about it, not a completely uncommon occurrence for her. But now as you sit and fidget on the cushions, fiddling with the expensive bracelet she’d given you a few weeks ago, you can’t deny the heat that rises to your cheeks.
Having a girlfriend who’s as dangerous and…unpredictable as Harley certainly kept life interesting, but you couldn’t deny how much her criminality excited you. Something about her bubbly personality being contrasted by the violence that she could display at any given moment was something that thrilled you and slightly scared you in equal measure.
Still, seeing the shaky phone camera footage capturing how she tormented the rich bastards of Lexcorp certainly makes you feel more thrilled and excited than anything. She’d opted to wear the red and black corset you loved on her, accentuating her body and pushing her chest up just right. It made you feel a little pervy, with your first thought being that you wished the cameraman lingered on her before he tried to duck under a table.
Regardless, that thought didn’t wait for long before you hear loud rhythmic knocks at your apartment door. You get up, but seemingly not fast enough before the door is rammed open. Gasping, you panic a little before your girlfriend bounces in, a bag on her shoulder and a wild look in her eye. Placing her gun on the sideboard and unclasping her bat from her back, she smirks.
“Awe sugar, you watchin’ about me?”
You can recognise her facial expression and general demeanor as she comes over to you. Her breath erratic and slightly laboured, her pupils blown wide, and that laser focused look in them. She’s high on adrenaline, on the thrill of committing a crime. And the way she slams her lips into yours proves that.
Stumbling backwards, you brace yourself on the sofa’s armrest before she pushes you fully on the sofa and climbs onto your lap. Her lips move quickly against yours, her red lipstick mostly likely smudging and leaving a mess. Licking your bottom lip teasingly, she giggles against you and pull away, now fully straddling you.
“Ya saw me on the news then?” She grins, clearly fishing for praise you were all too happy to give.
“Yeah, you looked amazing.” You breathe, staring up at her like she’d hung the stars for you.
“Mhm, I was pretty good huh?”
She leans down and kisses up your neck, kiss marks littering your skin in a frantic manner. Humming against it, she grins before sucking and leaving a large hickey, reveling in your soft noise.
“What did you…steal from them?” You ask, wanting to get a little more information out of her before she presumably rails you into oblivion.
She huffs against your neck, clearly not wanting to remove her teeth from your pulse point but she sits back up. However she grins and changes her mind as she hops off you and grabs the bag.
“Those rich shmucks had so much in those fat wallets, you got no idea sweetheart.” She grins, before dumping it all out onto your carpet.
Eyes widening, you take in the Rolex watches and wads of dollar bills and cuff links and…suit jackets?
“Oh yeah, made a few of ‘em strip naked. Heard ‘em sayin’ rude things about the waitress.” She explains with a cruel laugh, and you can’t deny how much you bite your lip a little at the thought of her humiliating those pigs. Noticing, she tilts your chin to look up at her now you’re sitting up, her chipped nail slightly digging in.
“You like that? The thought of me bein' mean to those men? Does it make your pussy wet to know how bad I am?”
Her slightly teasing and slightly demeaning tone has you nodding in agreement before you can process what she said, pathetic eyes looking up at her. Grinning, she bends over to kiss you again before groping you through your pyjama shorts. You gasp, not expecting her to touch you so quickly before she pulls her hand away with a smirk.
“Fuckin’ drenched, that’s my girlie.”
You whimper softly and nod, before Harley straightens up and bends down properly again to sift through some of her loot. Her ass is squeezed into a pair of her favourite red and black leather trousers, as you ogle her shamelessly. Just when you’re about to reach out and get some payback for her groping you, she moves and turns back to you, grabbing your arms and starting to place the expensive watches on you.
You almost laugh at how big some of them are on your arms, as she loads you up with watches that most likely cost more than your rent for a whole year. She hums at her handiwork, adding a few bracelets she got from the women of the hotel before sitting on your lap once again, running her hands along your chest.
“They look much better now, on the arms of someone much prettier.”
You smile a little at her compliment, before she slowly pushes your pyjama top up. She waits for your permission before pulling it clean off, starting to fondle your breasts. Pushing your chest out, she grins and circles you nipples with her thumbs. You respond with a soft noise, gripping her waist before gently trying to move her onto your thigh.
“God I’m desperate for ya dollface, seein’ you sat here so polite and civilian like, watchin’ reports of my crimes on the news.” She growls out, clearly excited as you make a strangled noise. She laughs before readjusting herself, starting to grind on your thigh as she kisses you once again. She completely dominates the kiss, her tongue in your mouth as you both swap spit. It’s messy and filthy and just what she wants. After her past partners, she’s overjoyed that she managed to find a girl like you, someone so innocent. In a way you almost remind her of herself, but she’s determined to treat you better than she was treated. You’re her goddamn princess, her pretty pet to be pampered and spoiled; as well as to be used for pleasure.
Starting to move her over your thigh, you let her hump against you, releasing her pent up energy. She moans softly into your mouth, causing your hips to buck up as your clit throbs. Head spinning, you shift her back and forth, attempting to keep up with her frantic and disjointed kiss. When she pulls away for breath, saliva connects your lips as she keeps grinding. Your hands move to her hips, before moving to squeeze her ass, finally doing what you’ve wanted to do as soon as you saw her in the skin tight leather.
She responds with a soft groan, gripping your neck as she keeps moving. With the sudden pressure, you gasp and start to bounce your leg, wanting to give her the most pleasure you can. Eventually though she reluctantly gets off you, just to quickly unbutton her trousers and pull them down. Gazing at her black lacy panties, she grins and gives you a spin. She’s never been one to be shy about her body in any capacity.
“Wore ‘em for you sugar, you like?”
You can only nod dumbly as she resettles on your thigh and starts again, pushing you so your back is against the sofa completely and her hand can find a home around your neck once again. She moans softly, only her panties separating her dripping cunt from your thigh as she grinds. You run your hands over her now exposed thighs, feeling the smooth skin underneath you. The shiver that runs through your girlfriend’s body makes you almost moan yourself, gripping her hips and guiding her movements again as the grip she has on your neck tightens a little.
“Fuck…you’re so good f’me, so so good.” She praises, words a little slurred due to how worked up she was before she even got her hands on you.
Wanting her to feel more, you gently move your hand and brush your thumb against her clothed clit, causing a high pitched whimper to escape her. Taking this as encouragement, you do your best to rub soft circles as she grinds against your thigh, before she stills and allows you to slip your hand fully into her panties. You rub her clit faster now, knowing her body well enough to know how close she is to the edge.
“Yeah just like that, yeah baby…so good…” she moans out, gripping your neck so tight you feel lightheaded. But that feeling only serves to push you more, wanting to feel her come undone. Your twisted way of rewarding her for her twisted actions. She starts to hump your hand, breath getting more airy and stuttery.
“I’m gonna cum sugar…yeah that’s it make me cum…” she encourages you, but with the grip on your throat it’s not like you have much choice. Still, you keep your rhythm until she’s cumming on your hand with a loud whine, soaking your fingers in her wetness. You whimper as she releases her grip, as you gulp heavy intakes of air.
She grins, seemingly not needing a rest after her orgasm before she excitedly pulls you up to your feet, kissing you frantically once more before pulling away.
“Ain’t you perfect. Come on, this is just the start.”
She pulls you into the bedroom, the garish watches on your wrists and arms clacking against each-other as she pushes you face first onto the bed. You go to readjust yourself, slightly dazed from the fast pace, before she slaps your ass.
“Nuh uh, no movin’” she reprimands you, as she reaches under the bed for the box you keep all your toys in. Since you both started dating, your sex toy collection had increased dramatically, with Harley always keen to try out new things, no matter how daunting they looked to you. In fact, in the first few months of you both dating, Gotham’s sex shops saw an uptake in robberies, which Harley pretends to not know anything about. She grabs a bottle of lube before she gets the blindfold out, going over and placing it on your eyes.
“Look at you…you’re the best thing I ever stole.” She says lowly, running a nail down your spine to make you shiver. Clenching your thighs together, you whimper and she has the audacity to laugh. “And so desperate already.”
She takes a moment to observe you, like a gift all for her, before she digs into the box again. You can hear her, but for someone so frantic and high on adrenaline earlier, she's certainly being slow now.
“Don’t be a brat pet.” She scolds you, pinching your hip and causing you to jump a little. You hear the sound of metal clasps as you try your hardest to be good for her, to not move or squirm.
“Y’know…those men I robbed? They were sayin’ shit to the waitress about how good they were in bed. How good they could fuck.” She starts, causing you to frown a little in confusion before you hear the bottle of lube open and her wet fingers prodding against your hole.
You moan softly as she sinks them inside you, two digits stretching you out before she continues. “Thought it was so funny, the male ego and all that. As if they’re god’s gift.”
Trying to follow along with her words, you nod in agreement as she presses your g spot over and over again in a relentless pace. Your hips buck into the bed sheets, relieving some pressure on your aching clit.
“But it’s bullshit, ain’t no man that good.” She mumbles, pressing a third finger inside. That’s when you realise she isn’t just fingering you, she’s prepping you. Prepping you for something bigger.
Stretching your wet pussy, the lewd sounds make you whimper in embarrassment but only serve to spur Harley on. Her fingers dig into your hips to keep you still as she thrusts her fingers in and out roughly.
“Ain’t no way they’d be able to have you like this, dripping like a goddamn faucet for me.” She says proudly, smacking your ass as if to accentuate her point.
Roughly she removes her digits, before you hear the cap of the lube pop open again. You try and look under your blindfold and crane your neck but decide against it; when Harley’s in one of these moods, she can be brutal in regards to punishments. Then you feel the tip of a dildo against your needy hole, teasing your entrance.
“Ain’t no way they could fuck you like I can.” She declares, before the dildo is forced inside of you. Crying out, you claw at the sheets as it fills you, the size taking you off guard for a moment. Then when you feel her hips pressed against your ass, it all makes sense as she bottoms out inside you. She isn’t just fucking you with the dildo, she’s fucking you with her strap.
“Say it f’me sugar.” She tells you, pulling your hair gently.
“Nobody can fuck me like you Harls…”
“Damn right.” She says triumphantly before pulling out and thrusting inside again, causing you both to moan. It takes all her willpower not to just rail you into the mattress right away, knowing she needs to get you used to the pace and size. Despite her eagerness, she never wants to hurt you in a way you don’t enjoy, in a way you don’t beg her for.
Sliding her hand up your back, she settles on grabbing your hand, holding it as she rocks in and out of you at a steady pace. She peppers kisses along your shoulders, her red lipstick staining your skin in beautiful strokes of passion.
Every little gasp and whimper that falls from your lips is music to her ears, wishing she can bottle it inside a music box to play whenever she wants. Her thoughts drift to recording you and putting the sound in her fake jack-in-the-boxes; the look on penguin’s men’s faces or the pigs at GCPD when they hear your pretty cries before the trap explodes in a bomb of confetti and knock out gas.
However she’s snapped from those thoughts when she realises she’s slowed down. You’re moaning impatiently, trying to thrust back into her cock, to which she smiles.
“So slutty, all for me.” She coos, picking up the pace, “gonna whine like a little brat whenever i slow down?”
Nodding, you claw at the sheets as you're fucked, the laughter you hear from behind you only succeeding in getting your pussy that much wetter. Every nudge you feel the dildo against your g spot has you making pathetic noises, shivering as your girlfriend squeezes and gropes at your ass.
"C'mon doll, tell me you like it."
"I like it Harley." You're pretty proud of yourself for being able to remain coherent as you're railed, especially when she spanks you sharply.
"Yeah, bet you do. Bet y'were just waitin' for me to get home to fuck your pretty little cunt huh?"
Moving to nod, she spanks you harder, clearly in the mood to give you every scrap of sensation she can tonight. Scrambling forward a little, the jangle of the watches and bracelets on your wrists act almost like a bell on a collar, alerting her to your movements.
"Nuh uh, you ain't getting away from me babygirl. Just gonna lie there and take it."
And take it you do. You take each punishing thrust into your cunt, gasping for breath between whines and groans as Harley truly makes good on her word. She fucks you better than anyone ever has, anyone ever could. And you take it.
Soon your clit throbs from lack of attention, and you let out a pitiful noise, to which she responds "Awe, your clit all needy? Need ol' Harls to play with it? Make it all better?"
You nod and beg almost immediately, like a tape being played, desperate for her to give in. Luckily for you, she does, reaching around and rubbing fast circles.
"There ya are, ain't you a lucky girl. Could've made ya beg for it more. I'm in a givin' mood tonight."
Her words cause your body to tense, the pleasure simmering in your core as she keeps fucking you deep. God you wish you could see her from behind the blindfold, but you can't deny the sensations are all the more intense with it over your eyes. After a while, the build up of your orgasm threatens to reach its peak as you tell her.
"Oh baby, wanna see ya cum so bad. Come on sugar, gimme what I want. Want y'to make a mess all over my dick."
After her practically begging you, it only takes a few more thrusts for you to cum with a desperate moan, making good on her word and making a mess all over the plastic toy. She gives a shriek of happiness, not stopping until you twitch and gasp in overstimulation before reluctantly pulling out. Leaning down, she gives a comedically loud MWAH to your asscheek, branding you with a lipstick mark before undoing her strap.
"Did so well for me precious! God you're such a good girl." she praises as she lays beside you, beaming. You in turn thank her and snuggle up to her, letting her arms go around your body and pull you closer, reaching behind your head to undo the blindfold. Adjusting to the light, you squint up at her gorgeous face as she smiles down at you with pride.
"My favourite girl, you know that right?" she asks, pulling you impossibly closer. You miss it, but her soft expression conveys her satisfaction at your current situation; how safe she truly feels with you, and how grateful she is for that safety. You let her be herself, when at times she isn't completely sure what is herself. And hell, you even like it, you like her more obsessive and criminal tendencies. With a gently brush of her fingers in your hair, she feels at home in your bed, with you and only you.
"Yeah Harley, and you're mine."
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her-stars · 8 months
her touch felt like stars danced across my skin
she was tangled in my soul, I thought of her without even trying
painted colors on my heart and memories in my mind I never erase, of the love she offered me.
I crave the taste of her lips as if I was homesick
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wlwnovels · 1 year
wlw things i think are cute (and you should definitely add to your story)
•putting a necklace on her and kissing her neck afterwards
•fixing her makeup for her while you sit on her lap
•putting on her clothes and they fit perfectly
•doing skincare on her face
•paying for both you and hers nails
•doing her nails
•going on shopping sprees with her
•holding her hand
•listening to hayley kiyoko together
•borrowing her jewelry
•remembering small things about her
•making a playlist for her
•being kissed at redlights
•winning a carnival game prize for her
•letting her do your hair
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beforeimdeceased · 6 months
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
absolutely ravenous — can’t keep her hands off of you even for a moment — ellie, looping her index fingers in the hooks of your jeans and pulling you as close as you can possibly get. feeling her pathetic labored breath on the nape of your neck while she nuzzles her nose into the warm skin. a ridiculous and stupid smile on her face, cockiness hiding her desperation while she whispers a soft “you want me so bad right now.”
which isn’t entirely wrong. need is the better word. her hands know all the right places to touch and all the right places to avoid so that you beg and whimper with anticipation. awaiting the moment she finally does touch you where you need her, and you feel as if you died and went to heaven.
but your homemade heart pizza is in the oven— fuck she smells so good. what is that woody scent? you have to think rationally but she’s insisting there’s nothing wrong with a little dessert before dinner.
you’ve given in, allowing her to take full control and ravage you on the counter top. her face is covered in you. her devotion to you is making your head spin. down on her knees worshiping and relishing in every bit of you. letting desire to get the best of her.
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anyaeras · 4 days
Wrapped || A.Harkness
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Pairing : Dom!Agatha x Innocent!sub reader
Summary : over working yourself is no good, now Agatha pulls you away from studying the traditional way so that she can help you learn something in a less traditional setting.
Warnings : Dom!Agatha ,, Sub!afabReader ,, they/them pronouns mostly ,, slight!mommy kink ,, rope ,, bondage ,, sex toys ,, vibrator ,, strap!on sex ,, impact play ,, pussy!spanking ,, loads of Pet names ,, established relationship ,, enhanced!strap ,, potions/drugging ,, dumbafication ,, innocent play ,, degrading ,, praising ,, teacher x student
Masterlist @anyaeras
Y/n was a young witch, they had realized her gift, not too long ago and was in need for a teacher, someone to guide them through the knowledge of witchcraft learning the control and elegance of their powers.
After i'm doing quite a bit of research and searching, they ended up at Agatha's doorstep and shockingly, one of the greatest witches had taken them in as their apprentice.
Time went by and the younger witch started to become extremely close to her mentor, the ones teacher student relationship had now expanded to a less platonic relationship.
"Y/n, did you finish that reading on potions I asked you to do?" Agatha's voice called from down the hall, y/n was sat in the office reading just as she was told.
"Almost Miss" y/n called back trying to focus yet the young witch was cramming in so much information while also continuously getting distracted.
Agatha footsteps could be heard as she made her way upstairs to the office, the Burnette, which stopped in the door way, taking in the site of her little apprentice. Agatha would notice how they seemed distracted, struggling to focus on their work, overstimulated falling behind their normal routine, she was aware y/n often would go to long without breaks stressing themself out which seems to be the case.
Agatha finally moved closer to y/n, closing the old textbook and taking it to place it on a desk nearby.
"Let's go dear" Agatha spoke her hand reaching out for y/n's deciding they were done for the day.
"But I'm not-" y/n tried to argue but was cut off by Agatha's sharp hush.
Agatha pulled y/n into her master bedroom, the room elegantly decorated, a bag was sitting on the bed, to which Agatha had walked over to grab.
"I got you a gift while I was out, try it on for me?" Agatha asked softly her voice almost above y/n, as she carried herself with such a strong demeanor.
"Of course!" Y/n said in response innocent as ever, going into the in-suite bathroom to change, what was shocking was how little the garment covered, the pristine white lace looked so lovely on y/n's skin, elegant designs covered both of her breast while a more thin see-through pattern left ruffles on the edges. The bottom of the set was matching with white lace, it was soft on y/n's body but left little to the imagination, the back had ruffles at the end which made y/n smile as Agatha clearly put thought behind this gift.
Walking out y/n stood in Agatha's gaze, the witch had the same old cheeky grin on her face looking at y/n's body.
"You're just adorable!" Agatha cooed making y/n's face blushing a bright scarlet tone.
"Come here my little lamb" Agatha beckoned using her index finger curling it in motion to bring y/n to her.
Y/n obliged as they moved over to were Agatha sat in an elegant dark wooded chair with dark fabric in the centers. A chest which often remained clothes was open next to Agatha which pipe y/n's interest.
Agatha smirked and brought y/n over to the chest, and gently pushed her to look down into the mysterious box.
"This is for a little game I want to play with you, dear."
She began taking ropes of various colours out of the chest, and held them in one hand.
"Do you trust me,little lamb?" She asked, looking into y/n's eyes.
Waiting for y/n to give some sort of confirmation that they trusted Agatha enough for her to continue. After the witch put some purple rope in y/n's hand. "Do you know how to tie a harness, dear?" Agatha asked as her face had a cheeky smirk plastered on it.
"No this is new" Y/n replied as they watched Agatha get more excited, looking over their body as Agatha had left them standing in just the pretty lingerie set.
"That is quite alright, my lamb. I will teach you." The dark hard witch replied cooing softly at her subs innocents.
She began to slowly put ropes around y/n's frame, making a rope chest harness. First, she went around the outside of her under-bust, then between her legs, coming out the front and looping at the back again between her legs. She tied it off, then gently held y/n up to look at the mirror
"Look, my pretty little lamb, do you like it?" Agatha asked her voice silky as she admired her work.
With a nod y/n as well admired the cozy and artistic work Agatha had left tied to their body.
Agatha smiled, and gently turned y/n around so they would look up at her.
"So pretty, and such a good little lamb." Agatha praised her voicing cooing followed by her laugh. The witch ran her lengthy fingers through y/n's hair a sinister smirk looking down at y/n's wrapped up as purple decorated their body still.
"Tell me my dear, are you ready to play?" Agatha smirked leading the bound girl to lay down on the bed.
"Such a pretty little thing but, this lace is just in my way" Agatha purred using her magic to remove the garment from y/n's body leaving y/n wearing nothing except the purple harness which wrapped around their body still, accentuating her tits and ass so nicely with the way Agatha tied it. Agatha watched as y/n's face grew darker as Agatha's eyes scanned over their body, her hands tracing with one finger the lines of the rope.
"Now, let's play, except this game will be very educational let's see how much you actually paid attention to that chapter you were to read" Agatha smirked cruel as she knew she didn't let y/n even finish reading it.
"You'll be rewarded for your correct answers, but make one mistake and you'll be punished my little lamb" Agatha spoke with a fake pout, she went back over to her chest grabbing out some other toys. Agatha's magic produce the textbook floating above both of them, so Agatha could read off of it.
"What's the scientific name for a potion witch and or maker?" Agatha asked starting off easy, turning on a vibrator as she placed in on y/n's clit, using some of the extra rope to tie it into place while she kept reading from the book. Y/n's breathing started to hiccup before turning heavier from the pressure on her most sensitive spot.
"Umm an alchemist!" Y/n managed to get out the vibration continued as Agatha smiled at y/n's answer.
"Good girl" Agatha praised as she continued to quiz the squirming girl below her.
"Now what is the most common ingredient in potions?" Agatha quizzed again once more the girl thought for a moment her brain a little gone from the low vibrations Agatha had pressed onto her puffy clit.
"Areca nut! I swear that's it mommy" y/n moaned out as she bucked her hips trying to get more.
"Wow aren't you so smart how about we try a harder one, get this one right and you can cum dear" Agatha spoke yet the look on the women's face as she flipped the pages made y/n shiver.
"What's the most powerful love and lust inducing potion" Agatha asked with a fake serious expression. Y/n's face fell as they struggled to figure out what the answer was.
"Aww and to think you were my best student, but look at you bent over at my will? You can't even tell me the name of a simple potion little lamb" Agatha degraded y/n making the younger witch whine just wanting to be played with by Agatha.
With the wave of Agatha's hand the book disappeared, and a small potion appeared. Agatha untied the vibrator turning it off and setting it to the side giving a fake sympathy pout to y/n when they whined at the actions.
Agatha lifted y/n's head softly using her thumb to push past the subs lips, forcing them to open their mouth, Agatha took this to advantage pouring the potion into them. It seemed within seconds y/n's body was reacting stronger to Agatha's simple touches, all of their senses heightened, lust coursing through all the way to y/n's center.
Agatha's fingers pinched at y/n's nipples watching as the girl squealed in responds.
"Aww so sensitive now. Maybe if you would've paid attention, you would've known that potion and what it does sweetie" Agatha teased as her fingers moved to slip across y/n's cunt, they we're absolutely dripping as a moan fell from their lips due to such a simple touch.
Agatha continue to tease the girl, using her magic to produce a strap between her own legs after she removed her clothing. A vibrator in hand as well.
"Now, you got it wrong so it's time to take your punishment like the dumb little lamb you are" Agatha muttered as she started to stroke the enchanted strap which sat between her own legs. The size alone was larger than what y/n was used to making them a little nervous.
"I know you can take it for me dear, don't worry" Agatha cooed lining herself up before starting to inch inside of y/n's greedy cunt.
" it's too big mommy" y/n wined but was quickly shut down.
"No baby you're just being dumb it's not to big you can handle it" Agatha said as she held the vibrator on y/n's clit to ease them a bit while pushing the fake cock fully into their hole.
"God you're so tight" Agatha said with her breathing heavy, feeling the way their subs pussy clenched around her length. Agatha only took a moment before starting to move rutting into y/n's body the vibrator pushing harsh down on y/n's clit making them let out such a high pitched moan almost squealing as their legs shook around Agatha. The Domme was well aware of when her little sub was close and right as y/n was about to go over the edge everything stopped.
"Tsk tsk tsk, little lamb didn't even think to ask mommy if you could cum, first you don't know the answer, then you try and cum without permission?" Agatha teased y/n knowing her brain was off and the potion that she gave her made her 10 times more sensitive.
"Mommy Im sorry please don't stop I'll be good" y/n begged only to receive a shaken head in response.
"I think you know better, looks like mommy will have to punish you baby" Agatha laughed at her needy sub grabbing more rope, y/n's arms and chest have long been bound yet now Agatha was tying her legs open to the bed frame.
"This needy cunt seems to keep getting you in so much trouble it's like it controls your brain" Agatha teased as she grabbed a riding crop. That action alone made y/n start squirming and whining out a strain of apologies, yet Agatha wasn't giving in in it.
"Take your punishment like a good girl" Agatha muttered out before ordering before a sharp slap from the crop landed on y/n's cunt. The lewd sounds that came from y/n made Agatha feel all hot and bothered herself. The woman continues until she at least got to 15 slaps deciding y/n's little cunt had enough of the abuse. Y/n's face had tear marks as their body was so sensitive and their clit was throbbing between their folds.
"Aww look at you little lamb you just wanna cum don't you?" Agatha cooed as y/n nodded the needy little thing was so desperate.
"You took your punishment so well I guess I think I can reward you finally for all your hard work" Agatha teased her hand cupping y/n's face as she spoke down to them keeping up with the consistent degrading and praises.
"Please fuck me use me mommy I'll learn I promise" y/n knew how to get Agatha going and it worked, the women lined back up in a swift thrust shoving her cock deep into y/n's hole, not giving them anytime to adjust before pulling all the way out then ramming back in.
"Fuck come on baby let go for me" Agatha spoke trusting harshly as she rubbed y/n's abused clit with her free hand pulling them both to the edge, y/n's moans grew louder, her legs shook and her body shook as they struggled to hold themself together until Agatha finally let them cum.
Y/n came her jaw dropping open and eyes rolling back from finally being able to release all her pent up energy. While Agatha did the same cumming inside of y/n, making their orgasm even more violent.
After they both came down Agatha finally pulled out, smiling down at her fucked out witch.
Removing the toys from the bed and her body before putting it back in her chest. Agatha put on a quick t-shirt before going back to y/n, as y/n calmed down Agatha started to untie the purple ropes which still wrapped around y/n's body.
"You did so so good little lamb, so good" Agatha praised softly as she fully untied the subs body, before finishing cleaning up, helping them dress as well in on of her big t-shirts.
"What do you need from me?" Agatha asked as she brushed some of y/n's hair out of their face. Y/n replied by just cuddling into Agatha.
For now that was enough, Agatha held y/n for as long at they needed, wrapped up in each other.
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ohbunnyx · 3 months
When you cry and whimper saying it’s too much and they just keep fucking you while tutting apologetically “shhh I know baby. I know.”
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silveryclear · 1 year
💕Yan! Girlfriend x Fem! Reader 🏳️‍🌈
|NSFW 18+ Content
|CW: Strap fucking|rough sex|size kink|obsessive behavior|overstimulation|cockwarming
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💕Yan! Girlfriend that loves to remind you who you belong to.
💕Yan! Girlfriend that holds you face down on the bed, ass up, while wearing a big fat strap and slowly pushing it into your tight hole as you whimper, “Please~! Y-You’re too big~! it’s not gonna fit…~”
💕Yan! Girlfriend that coos at you, “You can take it..~ take it for me…~ that’s it…~ you’re such a good girl~.” You moan and tears brim at the corner of your eyes as she pushes her fat cock deeper inside you until she bottoms out. You hiss at the sting of her cock stretching you out, but it hurts so fucking good as your pussy clenches around her.
💕Yan! Girlfriend whose eyes grow wild and breath ragged when she gazes at your trembling body impaled on her cock.
💕Yan! Girlfriend that chuckles and leans down, her tits pressing against your back as she grabs you by the neck and lick the tears streaming from your face as she slowly starts thrusting.
💕Yan! Girlfriend that whispers words of encouragement in your ear while you whine and moan about how it’s too much while simultaneously fucking back onto her strap.
💕Yan! Girlfriend that leans back and grabs your hips and thrusts harder, your moans muffled by the bed sheets. She fucks you hard and deep, and and you revel in the pain and pleasure of her fat cock thrusting in and out of you.
💕Yan! Girlfriend that coaxes out an orgasm from you and keeps fucking you slow but deep through it.
💕Yan! Girlfriend that gives you a minute to catch your breath before saying in a husky and possessive voice, “Now it’s my turn~” and grabs your hips in a vice grip and starts pounding you from behind, chasing her own release. You whimper and moan from the overstimulation, twitching like you’re fucking possessed by her cock.
💕Yan! Girlfriend that gets more vocal, moaning loudly, sounds of pleasure escaping her lips as she buries herself deeper into your dripping cunt.
💕Yan! Girlfriend that loses herself to the heat of the moment, smacking your ass and going faster, reveling in the sounds and gasps you let out as she fucks another orgasm from you.
💕Yan! Girlfriend that cums so fucking hard that she sees stars, clenching her teeth and digging her perfectly manicured nails into the skin of your hips.
💕Yan! Girlfriend that moans your name like a chant, invoking your name as if you were her goddess; because to her, that’s what you were.
💕Yan! Girlfriend that scoops up your twitching body and embraces you closely, cock still buried deep inside your fluttering hole.
💕Yan! Girlfriend that peppers your face, jaw, and neck with gentle kisses, softly muttering words of praise on your soft skin.
💕Yan! Girlfriend that loves to hear your mumbles and whimpers about how much you love her, how much you need her after every heated session.
💕Yan! Girlfriend that smiles wickedly as your twitching body and fucked out face feeds into her obsession for you,
“That’s my good girl…~ No one can fuck you as good as I do~” 💕
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djarinslover · 1 year
Wanna Be Your Girlfriend
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Hii, this is based off the ask *here*. I'm desperate for more Nami fic ideas, so feel free to send asks in. I mean, LOOK at her. She's beautiful and I would die for her. I tried to keep the scene recaps short bc I'm sure mostly everyone has watched the show and don't need to read what happens too. Happy reading!
Pairing; Nami x Fem!Reader (no y/n, no description)
Warnings; canon violence, swearing
Word Count; 2.2k
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You're sitting with Zoro after Zeff helped patch him up. You're the surgeon of the crew but you never had to deal with wounds like the one Zoro was suffering with. It was your first time seeing a wound like that. You mainly dealt with bruises, cuts, scrapes and the occasional broken bone back home in your village. Nami wanders in, her brow furrowed in concern.
"Hey, how are you doing?" she asks.
"Me?" You turn to look at her. "I'm fine. It's Zoro we should be worrying about."
"I can worry about both of you."
You feel your face grow hot. Ever since you joined Luffy's crew, you've developed a crush on the redheaded navigator. You thought she was a badass, kind (when she wanted to be) and a cool person to be around. You wanted to know everything about her, wanted to be around her constantly. But to make sure you didn't come off as a lovesick puppy, you steered clear of spending too much time with Nami. She probably didn't even feel the same way and there was no sense in trying to encourage the crush when you had to spend weeks on a ship with no escape. Unless you wanted to take your chance with the ocean.
"Can I have a minute with him?" Nami interrupts your train of thought.
"Of course!"
You check over Zoro's bandages quickly before leaving the room in search of Luffy or Usopp. Zoro was the only one who knew about the crush you had. That was simply because he caught you rehearsing what you would say to Nami during literally any interaction. He was good at keeping his mouth shut, so if you had to wish one of them caught you, you were glad it was him. Luffy and Usopp wouldn't be able to make it past dinner before they let something slip.
You wander from the ship back onto the dock just to see Luffy being thrown through the door of the restaurant. In shock, you watch as Arlong stomps towards him. Fear gripped your limbs as you watched the two fight. You couldn't do anything - you were a doctor, not a fighter! As Arlong goes to sink his teeth into Luffy's neck, Nami's voice calls out.
"Arlong, wait!"
She marches past without even looking at you. You watch as she walks towards the fishman, map of the Grand Line in hand. "I have it. I have the map. I got it for you, just like I said I would."
"Nami. What are you doing?" Luffy pants out.
"I tried to tell you, Luffy. I was never on your crew. I only joined up with you so I could steal the map."
You feel like everything goes silent as her words hit your ear. The world spins around you, making you nauseous as Nami walks to Arlong's ship. Arlong throws Luffy into the ocean, casting you a glance before following the redhead to his ship. You're torn between going after Nami and jumping in to get Luffy. Both moments pass you by as the ship sets sail and Sanji jumps in to save your captain. He heaves him onto the dock as you snap out your stupor and rush to help.
Luffy lifts his head as he asks, "Where's Nami?"
"She's gone. She's a member of Arlong's crew," Usopp answers.
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An hour later, after setting sail, you're sitting in the galley staring at your hands. You couldn't wrap your head around what had just happened. No way Nami went with Arlong. No way she betrayed you and the rest of the crew. No way she was only on the ship to just to steal a map. You didn't want to believe she had been lying the entire time you knew her, that she didn't care for you. For the crew.
Luffy comes in with Usopp, Sanji and Zoro followeing close behind, his usual grin on his face. You eye him skeptically, frown deepening as he walks to the table you're sitting at.
"What are you possibly smiling about? Nami left us!"
"Don't worry about that. We're going to get her back. We can't go to the Grand Line without all of our crew."
"What?" You shoot to your feet. "You mean it?"
"Of course. A good pirate captain never lets a member of his crew stay behind."
Your throat feels tight and your eyes burn with the threat of tears. Luffy was going to get Nami back. You couldn't ask for a better captain. Straightening up, you look him in the eye. "Thank you, Luffy."
"So, we're going after Nami. How are we going to find her?" Usopp asked.
"Yeah, we don't even know where she is," Zoro chimed in.
"I know someone who does." He slams a bag onto the table, causing whatever was in it to groan. He opened it, presenting Buggy the clown's head. You jolt back in disgust.
"Hello, boys!" the clown head cheers, giggling.
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You end up in Coco Village to look for Nami, according to Buggy that's where Arlong and his crew lived. You follow Luffy to where Nami is talking to a villager, looking for the ransom money the fishman is owed for the month. When she turns around to find the five of you standing there, she hesitates. You feel your heart speed up - you were unsure if it was because of the betrayal you felt or the longing of wanting to be with Nami.
"Luffy? What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing."
"This is where I belong."
"I don't believe that," Luffy says. "This is not you."
"No. This isn't the me you want me to be," Nami spits out.
"Nami . . . if you need our help-"
"No. I don't need any of you."
Her eyes linger on you for a moment too long that makes you sick. You would've cut your heart out for her before if she asked. Now she's here saying she doesn't want you.
"I never want to see you again." Her eyes once more meet yours before she turns and walks away, taking your shattered heart with her.
You numbly follow Luffy to the house on the edge of the tangerine grove. You barely processed Nami leaving you in the first place, now you had to deal with her never wanting to see you again. Were all those little moments you had with her fake? Nothing more than an act? You didn't want to believe it, that your feelings were completely one-sided.
In the house at the end of the tangerine grove Nojiko, Nami's sister, invites you in after being promised a meal from Sanji. She told you what happened to their mother when they were young and why she, and the town, hated Nami. You began to understand why she betrayed you; you may have even done the same thing if you were in the same situation. Instead of staying angry at Nami, you directed that rage to Arlong and the rest of his crew for exploiting Nami's pain.
After helping Sanji do the dishes, everyone rushes outside when you heard commotion. Nami was stabbing herself in the arm before Luffy grabbed her arm. The two spoke for a while, you itching to bandage Nami's cuts. In front of you, the small town of Coco Village was on fire thanks to Arlong.
"Let's go," Luffy rasps.
"Right!" the four of you chime.
You run to Nami's side with bandages, cleaning the cuts before she even realizes what you're doing. She flinches when she finally notices you, trying to inch her arm out of your grasp. You grip her arm ever so slightly roughly to make sure she doesn't move it more.
"You shouldn't even be doing this for me."
"Why? You're injured. It's my job to help."
"But I was such an ass to all of you," Nami whispers. "Especially to you."
"None of that matters. Your sister told us what happened to your mother. I forgive you, Nami."
Fresh tears sparkle in her beautiful eyes. You brush them away with a soft touch to her cheek, finishing wrapping her arm with the gauze and then helping her stand. "Let's go kick some fish ass."
Storming the park as the sun rises, you help Zoro and Sanji fight the pirates trying to protect 'Arlong Park'. It was surprisingly satisfying to punch several of them in the face.
"Damn, Doc," Zoro whistles. "Remind me to never piss you off."
"For someone who swore she doesn't to hurt others, you're doing well," Sanji comments.
"Yeah, well . . . they hurt someone I care about. It becomes personal then."
You notice the smirk Zoro throws you but refuse to acknowledge it. When you see Nami speeding down the hill, your heart jumps to your throat. She crashes into Usopp and Zoro first, panting, "I'm so glad you're okay."
She lets them go, turning to you to smile her bright beautiful smile. "I'm glad you're okay, too."
"Me, too. Uh . . . I mean, you too. I mean-" You sigh, biting your tongue.
Suddenly, the ground rumbles. The building that Luffy was still in was falling down. With a gasp, Nami grabs your hand tightly, lacing your fingers together. You could barely enjoy the moment through fearing for Luffy's safety once more. But the fear wasn't needed; your rubbery captain was fine as per usual. You squeeze Nami's hand in relief.
Later, after the confrontation with Luffy's grandfather, you're sitting next to Nami by a fire. "Lots of excitement today, huh?" you say.
"Yeah. I'm going to sleep for a week after all this," she answers.
Swallowing, you decide it's now or never. "Nami, I wannabeyourgirlfriend," you rush out.
"I'm . . . sorry?"
"I want to be your girlfriend."
She looks at you in surprise, making your cheeks flare with heat. What if you just made an absolute fool of yourself in front of her and now you have to deal with the consequences for the rest of your life on that damned ship?
Nami must've known you were in your head because she places a hand on your cheek to bring your gaze back to hers. She has the bright smile on her face. "I thought you'd never say anything. Usopp owes me twenty Berry."
"You placed a bet on when I'd ask you? Wait, when did you even know?"
"I've liked you for a while now. I just didn't want to say anything because I knew what I was going to have to do." She shrugged. "I didn't want to hurt you. Then when Usopp asked when I thought you would confess, I figured it had to be obvious I liked you, too. Guess it just took a dickhead fishman to make you see, huh?"
You laugh, utterly overjoyed with the fact that Nami likes you too. She likes you and wants to be with you. "I guess so. But hey, at least I finally got there, right?"
She nudges you with a laugh. "Right." Nami's gaze softens as she looks at you. "Meet me in the morning? There's someone I want you to meet."
The next morning, you meet Nami outside the entrance of the hut you slept in. She took your hand with a grin, leading you to a part past the tangerine grove. There was a large tree with a stake next to it, the name Belle Mere carved into it. You look at your new girlfriend curiously. She blushes.
"This is my mom. I wanted to bring you here. Two of the most important women in my life."
Tears burn in the corner of your eyes as you look down at the grave. You take her hand, running your thumb softly over hers. "I'm so glad you wanted to introduce us." You direct your next sentence to Belle. "You raised an incredible, amazing daughter. I hope you're immensely proud of her."
Nami is staring at you with stars in her eyes, squeezing your hand. She brings you closer to her until you're standing pressed against one another. She cups your face with her free hand, eyes darting all over your face, brushing a stray tear off your cheek. You felt the tension swell, anxiety building up in your chest until you say -
"Kiss me."
Nami swoops in, leaning down to press her lips to yours. The bliss you feel is blinding as you finally get to kiss her. It's soft, sweet, everything you imagined it would be. When you part, you're both breathless. You meet her piercing gaze.
"You're not leaving again, are you?" you ask.
She brings your intwined hands up to her lips, kissing the back of your hand. "If I ever leave, you're coming with me. But no, I'm not leaving. Not until we find the One Piece."
The two of you share one more kiss, giddiness filling each step you take back to the ship.
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