#The asteroid
sad-trash-hobo · 2 years
The art that I'm seeing for Puppet History has been some of the best stuff! I've forgotten how much fanart means to me but yall are some of the most talented and creative people out there 💕
@chatterghosts @michelle-jacksons-art-blog @starklyy
Just to name a few
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riacte · 10 months
not romantic not platonic but a secret third thing [what would happen between earth and the moon if the earth stopped spinning as illustrated by xkcd randall munroe]
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etchedstars · 8 months
the internet isnt enough i need to appear in my mutuals rooms and gossip while hanging upside down off their beds
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alascene · 2 years
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The DART mission (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) just successfully slammed into Dimorphos, which is the moonlet of the asteroid Didymos (also affectionately called Didymoon). Over the next few days astronomers around the world will observe Didymos and Dimorphos to see if there has been a change in orbit from the latter. This is humanity's first real attempt at altering the course of a "killer" asteroid, even if this one isn't hazardous to us.
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ayo-edebiri · 1 year
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#Watching Barbie when Oppenheimer is playing next door (insp)
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bewildering and bedazzling...✨
(I've been thinking about doing this Asteroid City scene as them for quite some time)
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gascreates · 18 days
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a new star
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msmysticfail · 4 months
astrology notes
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Generational planets such as Pluto, Uranus and Neptune in the 1st house can indicate great fame, since these planets have to do with large crowds of people, causing the native to attract or exert great influence.
Mercury in Aquarius/11th house be careful not to become what you most fear becoming: dogmatic. No matter how formed your opinion is, don't let it become fixed to the point of being your greatest truth.
The 3rd house is very elastic, the one who will define its energy most precisely is the sign in it.
Moon/Venus/Mars in Scorpio/8th house, go practice the Law of Attraction, you have a very powerful aura, you are wasting time if you don't use all this magnitude to get what you want.
You know that Mercury in Scorpio/8th house person you teased? Good luck trying to hide anything from them, in love or hate they will discover your secrets and, if hurt, they will use it against you.
12th house placements, please stay more in touch with the people you love, they miss you. If the distance you maintain is self-imposed, don't forget that the people in your life love you, that they want to have a little more of your physical presence.
My dear Leo, be careful with who you spend your affection with, you give so generously, be careful not to give it to the wrong people, the ones who are secretly jealous of you, who talk about you behind your back. Your heart of gold can "rust" in the wrong hands.
Aquarius placements, get ready, because the definitive entry of Pluto in Aquarius on November 19th of this year until 2044 will be the craziest years of your life. Get ready, there are a lot of big profound changes coming.
Mars in Pisces would do very well if they worked with their mediumship, whether in tarot or astrology or in art.
10th house placements always attract 2nd house placements people, it's incredible. They generally get along very well, they understand each other, they can be very good friends. The 2nd house supports the ambition of the 10th house, the 10th house values ​​and pampers the 2nd house.
Taurus, stop crying for that man/woman, you are so beautiful, independent, attractive, don't let him have that power over your heart, woman. You deserve more. Let go, even if it hurts, something better won't take long to appear, don't lower your level, raise it.
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spookyji · 2 months
# jisung with a creampie kink.
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nsfw + mdni
his fingers clenching into the plush of your thigh tightly, pretty splotchy bruises in the shapes of his fingertips, holding your leg around his slender waist, jisung’s gasping pants breathed against your collarbone and shoulder, soft, fluffy hair tickling your neck, covered in his signature love bites, never more than a couple in places almost hidden. hickeys just like him, shy and subtly peeking out to those who pay attention to the details. a warm, wet sensation of his spent release seeping down your swollen folds around the base of his thick cock, twitching as it fills you up with another heavy load of cream, clinging to his shoulders and back with weak fingers, exhaustion creeping through your limbs,, it’s not your fault though, jisung has more stamina than you. so it’s okay, when you let him use you as he needs. sweet sugary kisses pressed to your lips, whispers exchanged in shared breaths until he pulls away.
the afterglow look when jisung leans back, his soft skin glistening with the slightest sheen of sweat, a blush on his cheeks as he tries not to feel too shy at what he’s done,, but the timid feeling fades, replaced with an urging sensation. the way he swallows, trying to push down the rush of lust as he carefully spreads your thighs, unable to look away from the mess he’s made, your arms coming up to hide your face in embarrassment as he stares. creamy white dripping from your swollen pussy, sticky and viscous as it seeps down the curve between your thigh and ass, drooling cunt so full of his cum you can’t keep it in. don’t look, ‘s embarrassing, you whimper as his hand holds your thighs back from closing up,, and jisung can’t help but feel the need for more. his fingers tentatively touching your abused folds as you whimper in response, dragging his fingers up to gather his cum, pushing the creamy seed back into your pussy only for more to leak out. and the same happens when he presses lightly in on your tummy. you’re too full of his cum for your cute cunt to handle.
and it’s only moments before jisung’s lips press to yours,, apologetically quieting your whimpering cries, sungie, ‘s too much— leaky tip of his flushed cock pressing to your drippy folds,, just one more load,, just one more. you can take it,, he knows you can.
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esotericalchemist · 16 days
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𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧 - 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 ❃°•
Masterlist - YouTube (subliminals)
Chiron in astrology represents the deepest wounds we carry, often rooted in past experiences or emotional traumas. These wounds are not merely physical but are connected to our sense of identity, self-worth, and ability to heal. Chiron shows us where we feel the most vulnerable and where we often face repeated challenges. However, these wounds are also the key to our greatest healing and transformation. By confronting and working through the pain associated with Chiron, we can access profound wisdom and inner strength. The journey with Chiron is not just about healing ourselves but also about learning how to use that healing to help others. As we move through the discomfort and pain, we discover that what once wounded us can become the very thing that empowers us, leading to greater compassion, self-awareness, and personal growth.
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𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧
Chiron in Aries highlights wounds related to self-identity, personal courage, and asserting oneself. Individuals with this placement often face challenges around self-confidence, experiencing self-doubt or fearing failure. You may believe you don’t deserve recognition or find it difficult to take initiative and assert your individuality, which creates a deep-seated wound around personal power and self-assurance. Healing occurs by embracing your inherent worth and developing the confidence to lead, assert yourself, and go after what you desire. It involves learning to take bold actions without fear of rejection and affirming your right to be seen, heard, and appreciated.
Through the Houses
1st House:Wound: You may struggle with asserting your identity and feel uneasy taking the lead, often worrying about how others view you. Healing: Embrace your uniqueness and express yourself boldly without seeking approval. Healing comes from owning your presence and taking initiative with confidence.
2nd House:Wound: The wound is linked to self-worth and value, creating insecurities about your ability to provide for yourself or assert your values. Healing: Recognize your worth beyond material wealth or external validation. Build confidence in your personal values and take charge of creating your own sense of security.
3rd House:Wound: You might doubt your communication abilities, feeling insecure about expressing your ideas or asserting your opinions. Healing: Practice speaking up and trust in your intellect. Healing comes from expressing your thoughts with confidence, knowing that your voice matters.
4th House:Wound: You may struggle with feeling emotionally secure or connected to your family, leading to discomfort when asserting yourself in your home environment. Healing: Create emotional stability by affirming your right to feel supported and safe. Healing comes from standing up for your needs within your family and fostering your own sense of belonging.
5th House:Wound: You might fear expressing your creativity or worry about rejection in your love life or when showcasing your talents. Healing: Allow yourself to embrace creativity without fearing judgment. Take risks in love and self-expression, knowing your talents are valid and worthy of appreciation.
6th House:Wound: You may feel undervalued in your work or struggle to assert your needs in daily routines, leading to feelings of inadequacy or being overwhelmed. Healing: Stand up for your worth in the workplace and assert boundaries in your daily life. Healing comes from taking control and recognizing the value you bring to your work and routine.
7th House:Wound: You may hesitate to assert your needs in relationships, fearing rejection or conflict, which can lead to suppressing your desires. Healing: Learn to assert yourself in partnerships without fear. Healing comes from valuing your individuality within relationships and establishing healthy boundaries based on mutual respect.
8th House:Wound: You might fear vulnerability and struggle to assert control over shared resources, intimacy, or emotional depth, leading to feelings of powerlessness. Healing: Embrace vulnerability as a strength and assert your right to equal power in shared situations. Healing comes from allowing deep emotional connections and standing confidently in joint endeavors.
9th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about asserting your philosophical or spiritual beliefs, fearing judgment or alienation. Healing: Stand firm in your beliefs and pursue your vision of the world with confidence. Healing comes from embracing your own truth and expanding your horizons without fear.
10th House:Wound: You might feel insecure about asserting yourself in your career or public life, fearing failure or judgment in professional aspirations. Healing: Take bold steps in your career, knowing that success comes from embracing responsibility and asserting your talents. Healing comes from trusting your ability to thrive in public roles.
11th House:Wound: You may feel out of place in group settings, struggling to assert your individuality in social circles or communities. Healing: Embrace your unique contributions and take leadership roles within groups confidently. Healing comes from finding your place in social settings without conforming to others' expectations.
12th House:Wound: This wound relates to unconscious fears, making it difficult to assert yourself in spiritual or solitary pursuits, or creating a fear of being overlooked. Healing: Embrace solitude and your spiritual journey, learning to assert your inner strength without relying on external validation. Healing comes from recognizing your deep inner power and connection to the universe.
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𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧
Chiron in Taurus highlights wounds around self-worth, stability, and security, especially in the material and physical realms. Individuals with this placement may struggle with feeling valued or secure, often fearing scarcity or instability in their lives. You may find it difficult to feel satisfied with what you have or struggle with body image and physical comfort, leading to feelings of inadequacy. Healing for Chiron in Taurus comes from building a sense of self-worth that doesn’t rely on external validation or material possessions. It’s about cultivating inner security, learning to enjoy life’s pleasures without guilt, and trusting that your needs will be met. Developing a deeper connection to your self-worth is key to this healing journey.
Through the Houses
1st House:Wound: You may struggle with insecurity about your physical appearance or self-worth, fearing that you aren’t enough or aren’t desirable. Healing: Focus on building a healthy relationship with your body and appearance. Healing comes from self-acceptance and developing confidence that transcends the physical.
2nd House:Wound: The wound centers around financial insecurity and feeling like you never have enough. You may fear scarcity or place your self-worth on material possessions. Healing: Cultivate a sense of value that goes beyond material things. Healing comes from building inner security and trusting that you can meet your needs without relying on external measures of success.
3rd House:Wound: You may feel inadequate when communicating your values or ideas, struggling with expressing yourself or doubting the importance of your voice. Healing: Healing comes from learning to communicate with confidence and trusting that your thoughts and opinions are valuable, even if they differ from others’.
4th House:Wound: Your wound may revolve around emotional or material instability in your home life. You may feel ungrounded or disconnected from your family environment. Healing: Create emotional security within yourself and build a space, physical or emotional, where you feel safe and nurtured. Healing comes from finding a sense of stability and comfort in your personal environment.
5th House:Wound: You may fear expressing your creativity or feel undeserving of life’s pleasures, struggling with self-doubt in creative or romantic pursuits. Healing: Embrace your creative and romantic sides without needing external validation. Allow yourself to experience joy and pleasure freely, knowing that your expressions are worthy and valuable.
6th House:Wound: You may feel undervalued in your work or struggle with health and body image issues, leading to feelings of inadequacy in your daily routines. Healing: Focus on creating a balanced routine that nurtures both your mind and body. Healing comes from recognizing the value of your work and caring for your physical and mental well-being.
7th House:Wound: The wound centers around relationships, particularly feeling valued by partners. You may struggle with self-worth in partnerships, fearing rejection or inadequacy. Healing: Build a sense of self-worth that isn’t dependent on a partner’s validation. Healing comes from setting healthy boundaries and fostering relationships that are based on mutual respect and value.
8th House:Wound: You may fear vulnerability or struggle with issues of trust in intimacy and shared resources, feeling a need to maintain control. Healing: Embrace vulnerability as a strength and trust in your ability to navigate intimate connections. Healing comes from building trust in shared resources and learning to let go of the need for control in emotionally charged situations.
9th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your beliefs or struggle to find a sense of meaning or purpose in life, fearing judgment or rejection for your philosophical views. Healing: Embrace your unique perspective and trust in your personal journey. Healing comes from exploring new ideas and trusting that your beliefs and worldview are valuable.
10th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your career, public image, or professional success, worrying about being undervalued or judged by society. Healing: Define success on your own terms and focus on building a career that aligns with your true values, not just societal expectations. Healing comes from trusting in your long-term achievements and feeling proud of the path you choose.
11th House:Wound: You may feel like an outsider in social groups or fear that you don’t contribute enough to society or group efforts, leading to feelings of disconnection. Healing: Find communities that resonate with your values and contribute meaningfully to collective goals. Healing comes from trusting that your unique qualities are valuable and that you have a meaningful role in group settings.
12th House:Wound: This wound is tied to feelings of isolation or spiritual disconnection, possibly manifesting as fear of losing touch with reality or struggling to trust life’s flow. Healing: Embrace solitude as a path to self-awareness and inner peace. Healing comes from developing spiritual practices that help you feel connected to the universe and trusting in the natural flow of life.
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𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧
Chiron in Gemini highlights wounds around communication, intellect, and self-expression. Individuals with this placement may struggle with feeling misunderstood or doubt their ability to communicate effectively. You may have experienced criticism or rejection when sharing your ideas, leading to insecurities about your intelligence and your capacity to connect with others through words. Healing involves embracing your unique voice and trusting your ability to communicate meaningfully. It’s essential to express yourself without fearing judgment and to recognize the inherent value of your ideas and words. Building confidence in your intellect and trusting that your voice matters are critical to the healing process.
Through the Houses
1st House:Wound: You may struggle with expressing your identity, feeling misunderstood or overlooked when trying to communicate who you are. Healing: Embrace your personal voice and assert your identity with confidence. Healing comes from expressing yourself without fear of being judged or misunderstood.
2nd House:Wound: The wound revolves around expressing your values and self-worth. You may feel insecure about your ability to communicate what you believe is valuable, both within yourself and materially. Healing: Build confidence in your values and express them clearly. Trust that your voice is essential in matters of worth, and that your contributions are meaningful.
3rd House:Wound: This wound directly affects communication. You may feel anxious about speaking up or fear that your ideas aren’t worthy of attention or respect. Healing: Trust your intellect and embrace your ability to communicate effectively. Practice speaking with confidence, knowing that your thoughts and ideas are valuable and deserving of attention.
4th House:Wound: You may have faced challenges communicating within your family, leading to feelings of isolation or not being heard in your home environment. Healing: Focus on improving communication in your family and creating emotional security. Healing comes from establishing an open, honest dialogue where you feel safe expressing yourself.
5th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about expressing your creativity or worry that your talents won’t be appreciated or recognized. Healing: Embrace your creative voice and allow yourself to share your passions without fear of judgment. Healing comes from realizing that your self-expression is valid and valuable, regardless of external validation.
6th House:Wound: This wound may manifest in the workplace or daily routines, where you feel misunderstood or underappreciated for your efforts or ideas. Healing: Improve communication in your work life by asserting yourself more confidently in daily interactions. Healing comes from expressing your needs and ideas with clarity, especially in service roles.
7th House:Wound: You may struggle with communication in partnerships, fearing that your thoughts and feelings are not heard or valued by your partner. Healing: Work on expressing yourself openly in relationships. Healing comes from building trust in your ability to communicate effectively and being confident that your voice is valued in partnerships.
8th House:Wound: You may find it challenging to communicate about deep emotional issues, fearing vulnerability or that your emotions won’t be understood. Healing: Learn to express your deeper feelings and fears openly. Healing comes from trusting that vulnerability in communication can strengthen intimacy and foster transformation in relationships.
9th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about sharing your beliefs or ideas, fearing they will be misunderstood or dismissed. Healing: Embrace your intellectual and spiritual voice, and trust that your beliefs are valid. Healing comes from confidently sharing your worldview and exploring new perspectives with an open heart.
10th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about communicating your career goals or expressing yourself in professional settings, fearing judgment or failure. Healing: Work on clearly expressing your ambitions in your career. Healing comes from building confidence in your professional voice and trusting that your ideas hold value in your field.
11th House:Wound: You may feel like an outsider in group settings, fearing that your ideas are not accepted or that you can’t express yourself freely within social circles. Healing: Find communities that resonate with your interests and values. Healing comes from trusting that your voice contributes meaningfully to the collective and that your unique perspective enhances the group.
12th House:Wound: You may feel silenced or invisible, especially in spiritual or unconscious realms, fearing that your deeper thoughts or insights will be dismissed. Healing: Embrace spiritual practices that allow for self-expression and inner reflection. Healing comes from trusting your intuition and sharing your spiritual insights with confidence, even if it means expressing yourself in solitude.
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𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧
Chiron in Cancer signifies wounds related to emotional security, family, nurturing, and belonging. Those with this placement may feel emotionally vulnerable, struggle with feelings of abandonment, or wrestle with a deep sense of being unloved or unsupported. These wounds can lead to difficulties in expressing or receiving emotional care, forming close relationships, and feeling at home within themselves or their family structures. Healing begins by developing emotional resilience and creating a strong inner sense of security. Embracing your sensitivity as a strength and learning to nurture yourself are crucial steps. Building emotional foundations that aren’t reliant on external validation and setting healthy boundaries within family or relationships will allow you to receive love and care without guilt.
Through the Houses
1st House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your emotional sensitivity and how others perceive you, fearing rejection for your vulnerability. Healing: Embrace your emotional depth as part of your identity. Healing comes from accepting your sensitivity as a guiding strength rather than something to hide.
2nd House:Wound: The wound relates to insecurity around emotional and financial stability, often tied to feelings of unworthiness or a lack of nurturing. Healing: Develop a sense of self-worth that is not dependent on material security. Healing comes from trusting in your ability to provide emotional and financial support for yourself.
3rd House:Wound: You may feel insecure about sharing your emotions or experience misunderstandings in family communication. Healing: Practice expressing your feelings openly and trust your voice. Healing comes from learning to communicate your emotional needs confidently and feeling heard.
4th House:Wound: The wound is deeply connected to family and home life, often manifesting as feelings of abandonment or emotional neglect. Healing: Create your own sense of emotional security by nurturing yourself. Building a home environment that supports your emotional well-being is key to healing.
5th House:Wound: You may fear rejection in love and romance or struggle with expressing your emotions creatively. Healing: Allow yourself to express emotions in creative endeavors and personal relationships. Healing comes from embracing vulnerability and being open to love without the fear of rejection.
6th House:Wound: You might feel emotionally drained by work or daily routines, often feeling unappreciated for your emotional contributions. Healing: Set boundaries and prioritize self-care in your daily life. Healing comes from recognizing and honoring your emotional needs in both work and routine.
7th House:Wound: The wound revolves around close relationships, where you may feel emotionally insecure or fear abandonment. Healing: Build healthy emotional boundaries in partnerships and practice emotional openness without fear. Healing comes from trusting that emotional reciprocity is possible within relationships.
8th House:Wound: You may fear emotional intimacy or have trust issues in deep relationships, leading to difficulties in bonding emotionally with others. Healing: Embrace vulnerability and trust your ability to navigate deep emotional connections. Healing comes from allowing others to share your emotional world and fostering trust.
9th House:Wound: Emotional insecurity may arise around your beliefs or spiritual path, making you feel disconnected from a larger sense of belonging. Healing: Embrace your unique emotional and spiritual journey. Healing comes from trusting in your emotional wisdom and allowing your beliefs to guide you with confidence.
10th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your public image or career, struggling to balance emotional needs with professional success. Healing: Integrate emotional care into your public and professional life. Healing comes from acknowledging your emotional needs while pursuing your ambitions and career goals.
11th House:Wound: You may feel emotionally disconnected or unsupported in social circles or larger community groups. Healing: Seek out or create communities where you feel emotionally safe and valued. Healing comes from embracing your emotional uniqueness and finding your place within a collective.
12th House:Wound: You may feel emotionally isolated or overwhelmed by unconscious fears, struggling to find inner peace. Healing: Embrace solitude as a source of emotional strength and develop spiritual practices that nurture your emotional world. Healing comes from finding peace within and trusting your connection to the greater whole.
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𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧
Chiron in Leo represents wounds around self-expression, creativity, and the need to be seen and appreciated for who you truly are. Individuals with this placement may feel inadequate or unworthy of recognition and validation, often struggling with fears of rejection, criticism, or failure when expressing creativity or stepping into leadership roles. These wounds can manifest as insecurity about personal talents, a fear of being overlooked, or hesitance to take the spotlight. Healing involves embracing your inner light and expressing yourself authentically, without relying on external validation. It’s essential to build self-confidence in your creative abilities, talents, and leadership potential. Taking risks in self-expression, creativity, and personal leadership without fearing rejection is key. Recognizing your inherent worth and cultivating joy in your unique contributions will help heal wounds of feeling unseen or unworthy.
Through the Houses
1st House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your identity and how others perceive your self-expression, leading to a fear of standing out. Healing: Embrace your individuality and confidently take charge of your life. Healing comes from shining without needing others’ approval.
2nd House:Wound: You may struggle with self-worth, feeling as though your talents or creative abilities are undervalued or unrecognized. Healing: Develop a sense of inner worth that doesn’t depend on external praise. Healing comes from appreciating the intrinsic value of your creative talents and personal resources.
3rd House:Wound: You may feel insecure about expressing your ideas or creativity in everyday conversations and interactions. Healing: Trust in your voice and communicate your thoughts with confidence. Healing comes from recognizing that your ideas are valuable and deserve to be shared.
4th House:Wound: Emotional insecurity in the home or family may have left you feeling overlooked or unappreciated as a child. Healing: Create a nurturing environment where your personal expression is valued. Healing comes from embracing your creativity within your family and home life.
5th House:Wound: You may struggle to express your creativity, talents, or passions, fearing rejection or failure in artistic or romantic endeavors. Healing: Take creative and emotional risks without worrying about judgment. Healing comes from finding joy in self-expression and pursuing your passions with confidence.
6th House:Wound: You may feel unappreciated in your work or daily routines, especially when it comes to your creative contributions. Healing: Integrate creativity into your everyday life and work. Healing comes from recognizing and valuing your unique talents and contributions in your daily routine and workplace.
7th House:Wound: You may feel unrecognized or overshadowed in relationships, fearing that your individuality gets lost in partnerships. Healing: Assert your creative self in relationships and allow your individuality to shine. Healing comes from balancing personal expression with meaningful connections.
8th House:Wound: You may fear vulnerability in intimate relationships, especially when it comes to expressing your deepest creative desires or talents. Healing: Embrace vulnerability in emotional and creative connections. Healing comes from trusting in your creativity’s transformative power for both yourself and others.
9th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about expressing your beliefs, worldview, or creative philosophies, fearing judgment or dismissal. Healing: Stand confidently in your personal beliefs and express your creative visions without fear. Healing comes from embracing and sharing your unique perspective with others.
10th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about expressing yourself in your career or public life, fearing that your creative talents will not be acknowledged. Healing: Boldly express your creative self in your professional life and public roles. Success comes from owning your leadership and talents in your career.
11th House:Wound: You may feel like you don’t belong or that your creative contributions are undervalued within group settings or communities. Healing: Embrace your unique contributions in social and collective settings. Healing comes from finding a place where your creativity is appreciated and valued.
12th House:Wound: You may feel disconnected from your creativity or have unconscious fears of being unrecognized, leading you to hide your talents. Healing: Embrace your creative power, allowing it to flow through private or spiritual practices. Healing comes from trusting that your talents are valuable, even if not always visible to others.
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𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧
Chiron in Virgo is associated with wounds surrounding perfectionism, service, and health. Those with this placement often feel a deep sense of inadequacy, coupled with the pressure to meet impossibly high standards. There’s frequently a fear of not being good enough or failing in their duties—whether in work, health, or service to others. These wounds manifest as self-criticism, fear of mistakes, and a belief that they need to "fix" themselves or others to be worthy. Healing comes from accepting your imperfections and recognizing that your worth isn’t defined by your ability to serve or be perfect. Developing self-compassion and embracing the idea of “good enough” are key. It’s important to release the need to control or fix everything and to find balance between work, self-care, and emotional well-being. Accepting that healing involves both yourself and others is essential.
Through the Houses
1st House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your self-image or how you present yourself, often obsessing over perceived flaws. Healing: Heal by accepting yourself fully, flaws included. Self-compassion and embracing your worth beyond appearances will quiet your inner critic.
2nd House:Wound: You may struggle with self-worth, tying your value to how useful or productive you are, often feeling you're not "enough." Healing: Build self-worth that isn’t tied to achievements or material success. Healing comes from recognizing your inherent value beyond what you produce.
3rd House:Wound: You may feel inadequate in communication, fearing that your thoughts aren’t good enough or that you’re not smart enough. Healing: Trust in your intellect and embrace the learning process. Healing comes from letting go of the need to be perfect in communication and focusing on expressing yourself authentically.
4th House:Wound: You may have felt unappreciated or inadequate within your family or home, often believing your efforts were unnoticed. Healing: Focus on creating a home environment that doesn’t demand perfection. Healing comes from accepting and being at peace with the imperfections of family life and emotional connections.
5th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your creativity or find it hard to enjoy life’s pleasures, fearing you're not good enough creatively or romantically. Healing: Embrace your creative and playful side without the need for perfection. Healing comes from allowing yourself to express and enjoy without judgment or the pressure to be flawless.
6th House:Wound: You may feel inadequate in your work or health routines, constantly feeling like you’re not doing enough. Healing: Healing comes from embracing balance in your work and health. Learn that your best is enough, and overworking or overthinking won’t bring you the peace you seek.
7th House:Wound: You may feel inadequate in relationships, constantly worrying about not being the perfect partner or feeling like you have to fix your partner. Healing: Accept imperfection in both yourself and your partner. Healing comes from appreciating relationships for what they are, without trying to perfect or control them.
8th House:Wound: You may fear vulnerability in intimacy, worrying that you are flawed in deep emotional or sexual connections. Healing: Embrace vulnerability and trust that true intimacy involves imperfection. Healing comes from accepting your deeper self as enough without the need to hide or fix anything.
9th House:Wound: You may feel inadequate in your beliefs or philosophical views, constantly doubting if your ideas are good enough. Healing: Embrace curiosity and lifelong learning without needing all the answers. Healing comes from letting go of the need for perfection in your pursuit of knowledge.
10th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your career, fearing that your efforts are never enough or that you’ll fail in the eyes of society. Healing: Accept your career path as a journey, not a reflection of your worth. Healing comes from doing your best without striving for unattainable perfection and trusting in your abilities.
11th House:Wound: You may feel out of place in social or group settings, believing you don’t fit in or that your contributions aren’t valuable. Healing: Embrace your unique contributions to groups and trust that your imperfections are what make you valuable. Healing comes from finding comfort in your own authenticity within a community.
12th House:Wound: You may feel inadequate in your spiritual life, fearing that you’ll never reach the “perfect” state of enlightenment or spiritual fulfillment. Healing: Embrace your spiritual journey as an evolving process, not a race to perfection. Healing comes from trusting that your spiritual path, with all its imperfections, is part of a greater whole.
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𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧
Chiron in Libra brings wounds around relationships, balance, and fairness. People with this placement may struggle with feelings of inadequacy in partnerships, fearing rejection or conflict. There is often a deep wound tied to the need for harmony, where individuals feel responsible for maintaining peace but have difficulty asserting their own needs. This can lead to challenges in balancing self-care with care for others, as well as a fear of abandonment or being unloved if they don't keep the peace. Healing requires establishing healthy boundaries and learning to assert yourself in relationships without the fear of rejection or conflict. It's essential to recognize that maintaining harmony doesn’t mean sacrificing your own needs. Cultivating self-love and understanding that you deserve fairness and balance in relationships is key to healing codependency, insecurity, and the fear of conflict.
Through the Houses
1st House:Wound: You may feel insecure about how you are perceived in relationships, often feeling like you need to change yourself to be loved or accepted. Healing: Embrace your individuality and learn to assert your needs without fear. Healing comes from balancing your own desires with the needs of others, without losing yourself.
2nd House:Wound: You may struggle with self-worth, feeling that your value in relationships depends on how much others appreciate you. Healing: Build a sense of self-worth that doesn’t rely on external approval. Healing comes from recognizing your intrinsic value and knowing you don’t need others to validate it.
3rd House:Wound: You may feel insecure about sharing your thoughts or opinions in relationships, fearing disagreement or conflict. Healing: Learn to communicate your ideas confidently, even if it leads to disagreement. Healing comes from trusting that your voice matters and contributes to healthy relationships.
4th House:Wound: The wound may arise from instability or imbalance in your family life, where relationships may have lacked harmony or emotional security. Healing: Focus on creating emotional security within your home. Healing comes from finding balance in family dynamics and asserting your emotional needs without fear.
5th House:Wound: You may struggle with expressing your creativity or romance, often fearing rejection or imbalance in your love life. Healing: Embrace your creative self-expression and love without striving for perfection. Healing comes from trusting that passion and balance can coexist in romantic relationships.
6th House:Wound: The wound may manifest in your work relationships or daily routines, where you feel pressured to keep the peace at the expense of your own well-being. Healing: Set healthy boundaries in your work life and daily routines. Healing comes from recognizing that you don’t have to overextend yourself to be valued.
7th House:Wound: You may fear abandonment or conflict in close partnerships, often suppressing your own needs to maintain harmony. Healing: Learn to assert your needs in relationships without fearing the loss of connection. Healing comes from creating partnerships that respect both your needs and the other person’s.
8th House:Wound: You may fear emotional or financial vulnerability, feeling the need to control situations to avoid conflict or loss in relationships. Healing: Embrace vulnerability and learn to share emotional and material resources in a balanced way. Healing comes from trusting that mutual respect can foster deep emotional bonds.
9th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about expressing your beliefs or ideals in relationships, fearing judgment or rejection. Healing: Stand firm in your beliefs while being open to others’ perspectives. Healing comes from recognizing that differing viewpoints can exist harmoniously within relationships.
10th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about asserting yourself in your public life or career, fearing that doing so could disrupt professional relationships. Healing: Learn to assert your needs and ambitions in your career without fearing conflict. Healing comes from trusting that you can achieve success without sacrificing harmony in professional relationships.
11th House:Wound: You may feel disconnected or unappreciated in social groups or communities, often feeling pressure to conform to be accepted. Healing: Embrace your unique contributions within group settings. Healing comes from trusting that you can maintain your individuality while being a valued part of a balanced community.
12th House:Wound: You may feel isolated or disconnected in relationships, often struggling with unconscious fears of abandonment or a lack of balance in spiritual connections. Healing: Develop a deep connection with yourself and your spiritual side. Healing comes from trusting the natural flow of relationships and allowing emotional and spiritual connections to form without fear of loss.
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𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧
Chiron in Scorpio signifies deep emotional wounds connected to power, control, intimacy, and transformation. Those with this placement often experience fears surrounding vulnerability, trust, and the potential for betrayal or abandonment. There can be an overwhelming desire to maintain control in relationships or life situations, leading to difficulty in allowing emotional intimacy or surrendering to change. These wounds may manifest as challenges in trusting others, resistance to transformation, and an intense fear of losing emotional or material power. Healing begins by embracing vulnerability and recognizing that true power stems from within, not from controlling external situations or people. Trusting in the process of transformation and letting go of the need for constant control is essential. Healing also involves forming deep emotional connections without fearing betrayal or loss, and understanding that emotional intimacy is a strength rather than a weakness.
Through the Houses
1st House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your personal power or worry about how others perceive your intensity, fearing rejection if you reveal your true self. Healing: Embrace your emotional depth and intensity as assets. Healing comes from trusting that you can be vulnerable and authentic without losing control or being rejected.
2nd House:Wound: Insecurity around material resources or fear of losing control over personal security may dominate, causing anxiety about stability. Healing: Develop inner security that isn’t dependent on external resources. Healing comes from trusting your ability to rebuild and regenerate, even after loss or financial setbacks.
3rd House:Wound: You may feel uncomfortable expressing your deeper emotions or thoughts, fearing that others will misunderstand or judge you. Healing: Learn to communicate your emotional truths confidently. Healing comes from trusting in the power of your words and allowing yourself to be vulnerable in your communication with others.
4th House:Wound: Deep emotional pain or issues of control may have been present in your family or home life, leading to feelings of betrayal or insecurity. Healing: Create a safe emotional space within your home and family. Healing comes from letting go of the need to control family dynamics and trusting in the power of emotional vulnerability.
5th House:Wound: You may struggle with expressing your creative passions or fears of rejection in romance, hesitating to open up or be vulnerable. Healing: Allow yourself to take risks in both creativity and love. Healing comes from embracing your passions without fear of betrayal, knowing that your self-expression is powerful and transformative.
6th House:Wound: Feelings of inadequacy may arise in your work or health, with fears of losing control over your body or daily routines. Healing: Trust in your body’s natural ability to heal and regenerate. Healing comes from finding balance in your routines and letting go of perfectionism or the need to control every detail in your work.
7th House:Wound: You may fear emotional vulnerability in close partnerships, feeling a need to maintain control to prevent betrayal or abandonment. Healing: Healing comes from trusting the emotional depth of your partnerships. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, understanding that true intimacy requires letting go of control.
8th House:Wound: Fear of losing control in matters of intimacy, shared resources, or personal transformation can lead to issues with trust and power dynamics. Healing: Embrace vulnerability and trust in the power of shared emotional and material resources. Healing comes from allowing deep emotional connections without fearing betrayal or loss.
9th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about exploring deeper philosophical or spiritual truths, fearing judgment or losing control over your belief systems. Healing: Trust in the transformative power of your spiritual and philosophical journey. Healing comes from embracing change and allowing your beliefs to evolve as you grow.
10th House:Wound: Fear of losing control or being betrayed in your career or public life may lead to challenges with trust and power dynamics in professional settings. Healing: Learn to trust in your resilience and ability to rise, even after career setbacks. Healing comes from embracing vulnerability in your professional life and using it to fuel growth.
11th House:Wound: You may feel powerless or betrayed in group settings, social circles, or communities, leading to fears of rejection or manipulation. Healing: Embrace your role and power in group dynamics. Healing comes from trusting that you can contribute meaningfully to the collective and allowing yourself to be vulnerable in friendships and social connections.
12th House:Wound: Fears of losing control to unconscious emotions, spiritual crises, or the unknown may leave you feeling powerless or overwhelmed. Healing: Embrace the transformative power of the subconscious and trust in the spiritual journey. Healing comes from surrendering control and allowing the natural flow of emotional and spiritual growth to guide you.
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𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧
Chiron in Sagittarius represents wounds tied to beliefs, freedom, and the search for truth. Individuals with this placement may struggle with feelings of inadequacy in their understanding of life’s purpose, personal freedom, and their own philosophical or spiritual beliefs. They may fear not having the "right" answers or feel limited in their ability to live authentically. These wounds can manifest as insecurity about one’s worldview, fear of being judged for one’s beliefs, or difficulty in feeling free to explore new ideas and experiences. Healing comes from embracing your personal truth and realizing that there is no singular path to wisdom or freedom. Trusting your own spiritual or philosophical journey, rather than seeking external validation, is essential. You heal by accepting that life’s meaning is subjective, embracing diverse perspectives, and allowing yourself the freedom to explore without fear of judgment or failure.
Through the Houses
1st House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your identity, especially when expressing your beliefs or personal truth, fearing that others will judge or reject you. Healing: Embrace your unique perspective and trust in your personal truth. Healing comes from confidently expressing your authentic self without seeking external validation.
2nd House:Wound: Insecurity may revolve around personal values or the fear of not being "enough" in terms of what you believe or possess. Healing: Develop a sense of inner worth that isn’t tied to material success or societal approval. Healing comes from trusting your personal values and believing in your inner abundance.
3rd House:Wound: You may feel insecure about communicating your beliefs or ideas, fearing they are not valid or worthy of being heard. Healing: Trust in your intellect and share your ideas openly. Healing comes from learning to communicate your beliefs with confidence and embracing the value of your thoughts.
4th House:Wound: You may feel disconnected from your family’s belief systems or struggle to find your place within your home’s philosophical or cultural framework. Healing: Create your own sense of spiritual or philosophical belonging. Healing comes from building a home environment that reflects your truth and supports emotional security.
5th House:Wound: You may fear expressing your beliefs or philosophies through creative endeavors, worrying about being judged for your passions. Healing: Allow yourself to express your beliefs through creativity without fear of rejection. Healing comes from embracing the joy of exploring your passions and trusting that your unique perspective can inspire others.
6th House:Wound: You may feel restricted in your work or daily routines, believing they limit your ability to explore new ideas or personal freedom. Healing: Integrate your need for freedom into your daily life and work. Healing comes from balancing routine with exploration and finding growth and learning opportunities in everyday tasks.
7th House:Wound: In relationships, you may feel insecure about your beliefs or philosophical outlook, fearing they will not be accepted by your partner. Healing: Embrace your personal truth in relationships. Healing comes from trusting that you can find partners who honor your beliefs while respecting theirs, allowing room for mutual growth.
8th House:Wound: You may fear sharing your deeper spiritual or philosophical beliefs in intimate relationships, worrying about betrayal or judgment. Healing: Healing comes from trusting in the transformative power of shared beliefs. Embrace vulnerability in your intimate connections, allowing for deep emotional and spiritual bonding.
9th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your philosophical, spiritual, or religious beliefs, worrying that your worldview is flawed or that you don’t have the "right" answers. Healing: Embrace the diversity of belief systems and trust your spiritual journey. Healing comes from allowing yourself the freedom to explore new philosophies and accepting that wisdom is an evolving process.
10th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about expressing your beliefs or philosophy in your career or public life, fearing that others will judge your values. Healing: Boldly embrace your beliefs in your professional life. Healing comes from trusting that your worldview can guide your career and shape your public success.
11th House:Wound: You may feel disconnected from social groups or communities because of differences in beliefs or a sense of not fitting in. Healing: Find or create communities that resonate with your philosophical or spiritual ideals. Healing comes from trusting that your unique perspective can contribute meaningfully to the collective.
12th House:Wound: You may experience existential crises or feel disconnected from your spiritual path, fearing that you will never find true meaning or wisdom. Healing: Embrace the mysteries of life and trust your spiritual journey, even when it’s unclear. Healing comes from allowing yourself to explore the unknown with faith in the process.
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𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧
Chiron in Capricorn represents wounds related to authority, responsibility, success, and structure. Individuals with this placement may struggle with feelings of inadequacy in their ability to meet responsibilities or achieve goals. There may be a fear of failure, judgment from society, or not being able to live up to high standards. These wounds can manifest as an overwhelming pressure to succeed, insecurity in leadership roles, or difficulty balancing personal ambitions with emotional needs. Healing comes from redefining success on your own terms and releasing the need for external validation. Learning to balance personal and professional life, and understanding that your worth isn’t tied to achievements or societal approval, is crucial. Developing a sense of inner authority and trusting your ability to take responsibility without self-criticism will help heal wounds related to control, status, and success.
Through the Houses
1st House:Wound: You may feel insecure about how others perceive your competence or authority, often fearing that you won’t be respected. Healing: Embrace your unique leadership style and trust that you don’t need to be perfect to command respect. Healing comes from knowing that your presence is enough to be seen as an authority.
2nd House:Wound: You may feel insecure about material security or fear that you aren’t seen as stable or successful enough by others. Healing: Build inner security by trusting in your ability to create abundance without needing to prove your worth through material achievements. Healing comes from valuing yourself beyond external measures of success.
3rd House:Wound: You may struggle with feeling inadequate in communicating your ideas or feel judged for how you express yourself in intellectual or social situations. Healing: Trust in your voice and wisdom, knowing that success doesn’t require perfection. Healing comes from embracing communication without fear of judgment and recognizing your ideas as valuable.
4th House:Wound: Feelings of inadequacy in your home life or family dynamics may lead to a fear of emotional or material instability. Healing: Focus on creating emotional and material stability for yourself. Healing comes from trusting that you can build a nurturing home environment without the need for perfection or control.
5th House:Wound: You may fear that your creative talents or passions won’t lead to recognition or success, causing you to hold back. Healing: Allow yourself to express your creativity without needing external validation. Healing comes from recognizing that your passions and creativity are valuable, even if they don’t conform to traditional ideas of success.
6th House:Wound: You may feel overwhelmed by responsibilities in your work or daily routines, fearing that you’re not managing them well enough. Healing: Healing comes from finding balance between work and self-care. Trust that you can handle your responsibilities without overburdening yourself, and recognize that success includes taking care of your well-being.
7th House:Wound: Insecurity in relationships may lead you to fear failure in partnerships or feel that you can’t maintain balanced, successful relationships. Healing: Heal by accepting that relationships don’t need to be perfect to succeed. Trust that balance in partnerships comes from emotional harmony and understanding, not control.
8th House:Wound: You may fear losing control in intimate relationships or shared resources, leading to insecurity in trusting others deeply. Healing: Embrace the power of vulnerability in relationships. Healing comes from trusting that you can navigate shared emotional and material responsibilities without fear of betrayal or loss of control.
9th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your beliefs or spiritual journey, fearing that you’re not on the “right” path to success or enlightenment. Healing: Trust in your unique spiritual or philosophical journey. Healing comes from embracing your personal path, even if it doesn’t align with societal or traditional expectations.
10th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your career or public image, fearing that you’ll never achieve the success or respect you desire. Healing: Define success on your own terms and trust in the value of your efforts. Healing comes from allowing yourself to take on leadership roles without fear of failure or judgment.
11th House:Wound: You may feel like an outsider in social or group settings, fearing that you won’t find success or acceptance in communities or networks. Healing: Trust in your ability to contribute to social groups. Healing comes from finding communities that appreciate your unique talents and collaborating without striving for perfection.
12th House:Wound: You may feel disconnected from your spiritual or inner life, fearing that you’ll never find peace or success in these realms. Healing: Surrender to the natural flow of life and trust in your spiritual journey. Healing comes from letting go of control and embracing the process of spiritual and emotional growth.
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𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧
Chiron in Aquarius represents wounds around individuality, community, and belonging. People with this placement often struggle with feeling different or out of place within groups, social circles, or society as a whole. There is a deep fear of rejection or alienation, rooted in feeling misunderstood or not fitting in. These wounds can lead to insecurity about expressing one’s uniqueness or ideas, feeling disconnected from social groups, or fearing judgment for having unconventional beliefs or behaviors. Healing comes from embracing your individuality and recognizing that your uniqueness is a source of strength. Trust that you can contribute meaningfully to communities and social groups without needing to conform. By valuing your vision and understanding that being different is not a flaw but a gift, you begin to heal. Finding or creating spaces where your ideas and values are appreciated, and where you can connect with like-minded people, is also essential.
Through the Houses
1st House:Wound: You may feel insecure about how you present yourself to the world, fearing that your individuality will lead to rejection or alienation. Healing: Embrace your uniqueness and trust that it is a gift. Healing comes from confidently showing the world your true self without seeking approval from others.
2nd House:Wound: You may struggle with feelings of inadequacy related to self-worth, particularly around your unconventional values or unique way of thinking. Healing: Develop a sense of self-worth that isn’t tied to societal expectations or material success. Healing comes from trusting in the value of your perspective and ideas.
3rd House:Wound: You may feel insecure about expressing unconventional ideas or fear that your thoughts will be misunderstood or dismissed. Healing: Embrace your unique intellect and communicate your ideas freely. Healing comes from trusting that your thoughts can inspire others and are valuable.
4th House:Wound: Feelings of being different or disconnected from your family or home environment may have left you feeling like you didn’t belong. Healing: Create your own sense of belonging and build a home that reflects your individuality. Healing comes from forming an emotional foundation where you feel supported and accepted.
5th House:Wound: You may struggle with expressing your creative or romantic side, fearing rejection for your unconventional approach to love or self-expression. Healing: Allow yourself to express creativity and passion without fear of judgment. Healing comes from trusting that your unique expressions of love and creativity are valuable and worthy of acceptance.
6th House:Wound: You may feel out of place in work or daily routines, struggling to fit into conventional environments or feeling that your individuality is not appreciated. Healing: Create work environments and routines that honor your individuality. Healing comes from recognizing that your unconventional approach can bring innovation and value to any work setting.
7th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your ability to maintain balanced relationships, fearing that your individuality may be too much for others. Healing: Embrace your uniqueness in relationships and trust that you can find partners who honor and appreciate your individuality. Healing comes from building relationships where both partners’ uniqueness is celebrated.
8th House:Wound: You may fear vulnerability or intimacy, especially when it comes to sharing your unconventional ideas or emotions. Healing: Embrace the power of vulnerability in emotional and intellectual connections. Healing comes from trusting that meaningful relationships can be built on sharing your true self, even when it feels unconventional.
9th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your beliefs or ideals, particularly if they are unconventional or differ from mainstream views. Healing: Embrace your unique philosophical or spiritual journey. Healing comes from trusting that your beliefs, no matter how unconventional, are valid and can lead to personal growth.
10th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your career or public image, fearing that your unconventional approach will not be accepted or respected by society. Healing: Embrace your originality in your professional life. Healing comes from trusting that your unique vision can lead to success and contribute something new and valuable to the world.
11th House:Wound: You may feel disconnected from social groups or communities, fearing that you don’t fit in or aren’t appreciated for your individuality. Healing: Find or create communities that appreciate your uniqueness. Healing comes from trusting that you can form meaningful connections with those who share your values and vision.
12th House:Wound: You may feel isolated or disconnected from the collective unconscious or spiritual realm, fearing that your unique spiritual insights are not valid or accepted. Healing: Trust in your intuitive and spiritual journey. Healing comes from exploring life’s mysteries with confidence, knowing that your unique insights can bring valuable wisdom to others.
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𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧
Chiron in Pisces reflects deep wounds related to spirituality, compassion, and the connection to the collective unconscious. Individuals with this placement may feel a profound sense of spiritual or emotional disconnection, yearning for unity but struggling with feelings of isolation, confusion, or helplessness. They may also experience wounds surrounding sensitivity, compassion, and the ability to trust in the flow of life. These wounds often manifest as difficulty setting boundaries, fear of being overwhelmed by emotions, or feeling that they must always sacrifice themselves for others. Healing for Chiron in Pisces comes through embracing your spiritual path, learning to trust in the unseen, and developing healthy boundaries. Recognizing that your sensitivity and compassion are powerful strengths, not weaknesses, is vital. You must learn to accept that you don’t need to carry the burdens of the world. Healing involves surrendering to the flow of life while also prioritizing your emotional and spiritual needs, allowing for balance between self-care and compassion for others.
Through the Houses
1st House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your identity, overwhelmed by your sensitivity, and unsure of how to assert yourself in a world that feels overwhelming. Healing: Embrace your sensitivity as a unique gift and ground yourself in your spiritual identity. Healing comes from trusting your intuition and allowing your inner wisdom to guide you.
2nd House:Wound: You may feel that your worth is tied to your ability to sacrifice or serve others, often questioning your value. Healing: Develop a sense of inner worth that is not reliant on external validation or self-sacrifice. Healing comes from trusting in your inherent value and allowing yourself to receive as well as give.
3rd House:Wound: You may struggle to express your thoughts or spiritual insights, feeling misunderstood or unable to communicate your deeper emotions. Healing: Trust in your voice and allow yourself to share your compassionate and intuitive thoughts. Healing comes from learning to communicate your spiritual truth with clarity and confidence.
4th House:Wound: You may feel emotionally disconnected or unstable within your home or family life, often sacrificing your own needs for the sake of others. Healing: Create a foundation that nurtures your emotional and spiritual needs. Healing comes from finding inner peace and emotional security within yourself rather than relying on external sources.
5th House:Wound: You may feel overwhelmed by fear of rejection or inadequacy when it comes to expressing your creativity or romantic feelings. Healing: Allow yourself to express creativity and love without fear of judgment. Healing comes from trusting that your artistic and romantic expressions are valid and deserving of appreciation.
6th House:Wound: You may feel burdened by daily responsibilities or work, often sacrificing your well-being for the sake of others. Healing: Create balanced routines that nurture your emotional and spiritual renewal. Healing comes from learning to care for yourself while maintaining compassion and service for others, without overextending yourself.
7th House:Wound: You may feel insecure in relationships, often sacrificing your needs or boundaries to maintain peace and connection. Healing: Develop healthy boundaries in relationships and trust in your ability to maintain deep connections without losing yourself. Healing comes from allowing vulnerability without feeling the need for self-sacrifice.
8th House:Wound: You may fear deep emotional or spiritual vulnerability, worrying about betrayal, loss, or transformation. Healing: Embrace the transformative power of emotional and spiritual intimacy. Healing comes from trusting in the process of emotional depth and transformation, allowing vulnerability without fear of dissolution.
9th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your spiritual or philosophical beliefs, fearing that your worldview is too unconventional or emotionally charged. Healing: Embrace your unique spiritual path and trust in your inner wisdom. Healing comes from allowing yourself the freedom to explore your beliefs without fear of being misunderstood.
10th House:Wound: You may feel insecure about your ability to succeed in your career, fearing that your spiritual or compassionate nature won’t be valued in professional settings. Healing: Trust in the value of your compassionate and intuitive gifts. Healing comes from integrating your spiritual self into your career and recognizing that sensitivity can lead to meaningful success.
11th House:Wound: You may feel disconnected from social groups or communities, fearing that your emotional sensitivity makes you too different to fit in. Healing: Find or create communities that honor your spiritual and emotional sensitivity. Healing comes from forming meaningful connections with like-minded individuals who appreciate your compassionate ideals.
12th House:Wound: You may feel overwhelmed by unconscious fears, spiritual disconnection, or existential confusion, struggling with feelings of isolation. Healing: Healing comes from surrendering to the flow of life and trusting in a deeper spiritual connection. Embrace spiritual practices that bring you peace and help you connect to the collective unconscious.
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cupidlovesastro · 2 months
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔰(433) 𝔬𝔟𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰
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eros is the god of love and sex. i will be using @a-d-nox interpretation of this asteroid, as i find it accurate. to see her post click here
disclaimer: there will be mature and sexual themes in this post, so if you are under 18 dni
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venusian eros/ eros aspecting venus can mean people are obsessed with your beauty
neptunian eros/ eros aspecting neptune can show that people fall blindly in love or lust with you
aries in eros can mean you obsess, lust, or fall in love over people fast. this can also mean people do this over you too
libra eros can represent that you love skin to skin contact
eros in 2h can mean you will or have been given an ultimatum about love and money
eros trine mercury can show that making romantic or sexual novels, poems, or fan fiction will be something your talented at
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plutonian eros/ pluto aspecting eros can mean that people obsess over you deeply
eros in 11h shows you enjoy having sex with more than 1 person at a time, or you usually have more than 1 person to link with
taurus eros means that love interest will be very loyal to you, even if your not in a committed relationship
aquarius eros shows you will love/ lust over someone regardless of what others think or say
eros in 7h can mean you look for marriage when also looking into potential lovers
eros in 1h represents being openly sexual or that you are often lusted over because of your appearance
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middle banner by @rookthornesartistry
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the-moon-devi · 4 months
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(𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐲𝐦𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲. 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬. 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫)
🩷 Mercury-Venus This configuration is very poetic and harmonious. Sweet words are said, and you'll know that they care about you. There's a love & attraction for the mind, and the way the other person speaks. This, is a must if you have a lot of air influence in your chart. These two will genuinely love talking to one another. The communication will often be harmonious. This is a very flirty aspect to have within synastry. Words of affirmations is important within this connection.
🩷 Moon-Mercury (conjunct,sextile,trine & quintile/bi-quintiles) ; This configuration shows a very affectionate way of speaking & communicating with one another. Moon will understand where mercury is coming from on an emotional level. Mercury is nurturing the most vulnerable sides of Moon. These two can find it easy to express how they feel. This is similar to Moon 3h overlay, where both are constantly talking to the other about anything. There's a deep and intimate bond between these two great for romance, honestly, because you can vocalize how you feel about each other.
(𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬. 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞.)
🩷 Sun 5h overlay: This overlay foretells that there is definitely physical attraction. Usally it will be the 5h person who sees the sun person a physically attractive. Since this is the house of romance and pleasure/joy, it's self explainable to see why this is on the list of romantic placements. Sun in the 5th can show more of short-term or just simply sexual type of love/romance. Nevertheless, though this shows that this overlay will be romantic and the other to be physically pleasing to the eyes. There can be many romantic gestures and comments given to the sun person. Both are able to feel this deep attraction to each other. This brings fun dates and even actually puts creativity into the gifts you give to each other. The theme of this relationship is joy and fun, not so much seriousness. This can also show talking about children, and it'd not uncommon to see couples that children quickly to have this or many 5-house overlays. You will experience romance and lovemaking within this synastry.
🩷 Sun 2h overlay: These two are constantly sharing and making the other feel comfortable. This one can make the 2h person feel like they need to commit towards the sun. 2h person can be very loyal towards sun, and trust is usally very important here. The 2h also rules touch, sensuality, money, but specifically money spent. This energy can go either way, but mostly, it could be the 2h person giving the sun person money. And also being very protective over them, also admiring their physical body. And doing sensual things to please the other. The 2h person may take mental notes of things that make the sun person happy, and use these things as gifts later on. The 2h person values the sun person, and 2h person should be careful not to view the sun person as an object. This van also turns into looking at the sun person as a trophy or an asset. Sun person in return definitely boosts the self-confidence/worth of the 2h person, and often won't hesitate to tell them nice things or share their valuable with them. The sun person can give all their assets to the 2h person because of all the trust that lies within this overlay.
🩷 Sun-Moon (conjunct,sextile,trine & quintile/bi-quintiles); Beautiful! LIKE THIS ONE.....🤌🏻, you will feel understood and safe 🥹. For women, and especially women who are moon ruled/dominant. It's very important for you to feel secure, comfortable, and safe within a relationship. That is ultimate romance and an indication of love. Specifically talking about conjunctions & bi-quintiles/quintiles this will likely feel the strongest. Even stronger when the man is sun, and the woman is the moon, simply because we know that the sun is masculine energy, and the moon is feminine energy. These aspects can feel like you get each other, and on an instinctual, and just basic level, you two get along. This is genuinely the clearest sign of a soul connection, in my opinion. Until you have experienced this, you haven't experienced a feeling of completely understood. This... will change your life. For conjunctions, we all know the closer the stronger, but in vedic, a conjuction is considered anything in the same sign. Personally, I say anything up to a 10° orb, especially when it comes to these two luminaries and personal planets.
🩷 Sun 7h overlay: The 7h is ruled by libra/venus. All of this venusian energy is highlighted. The focus, the theme, will be relationships, marriage, sharing ,coupling, and all of those things in the context of romance. The 7h person will feel like and view the sun person as the perfect partner. They can feel absolutely completed. Sun can also feel like they belong to each other. This can indicate strong attraction and feeling of opposites attract, but you beautifully balance and complement each other. You two just make each other look good. Think of this similar to sun conjunct Venus. Venus is looking at the sun like they are some god/goddess that came into their life and swept them off their feet. Honestly, any rules/expectations you had when it came to relarionships/partners they can either go out the window or they perfectly fit those standards. In the romance sense, this can become very romantic, especially once these two get to know each other. This is the house of lovers, so over time, this is one that can show a very romantic couple. This is also an indication of marriage.
🩷 Sun-Venus: This aspect brings warmness, and strong romance. This makes it easy for both partners to express love, and do romantic gestures for the other. These two really get along espcially if this is a conjunction, sextile, trine, and biquintile/quintile. Venus person is usually the one who admires the sun person, and finds them to be very physically attractive. Sun can increase venus's self worth, and image. They could love giving each other gifts, and having fun/indulging together.
🩷 Sun-Loving (432971) (conjunct,sextile,trine & quintile/bi-quintiles); Affectionate, and of course loving. The loving person can love the charecerisics of the sun person. They wouldnt want to do anything to bruise their ego.
🩷 Sun/ASC-Lovelock (51663)/ 1h overlay (conjunct,sextile,trine & quintile/bi-quintiles); This aspect shows an almost obsessive love with the sun or ascendant person.
🩷 Sun/ASC- Valentine (447)/ 1h overlay
🩷 Sun-Amor, Cupido
🩷 Asc-Valentine/ 1h overlay
🩷 Amor/Cupido-Asc
(𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐧𝐨-𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 & 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝! 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐞𝐭𝐜.)
🩷 Venus 1h overlay: This overlay indicates that Venus finds the 1st person very attractive. Venus, known as the planet of love, suggests that the Venus person loves the appearance of the 1st person and loves them as well. This could indicate love at first sight, with romance flowing easily. Venus may see the 1st person as marriage material, and love languages are easily understood. While this overlay is very loving, it can sometimes come across as superficial, making the 1st person feel like the Venus person only likes them for their looks. However, this overlay also indicates a deep mutual admiration. Venus will boost the self-esteem of the 1st person and will always make sure to express love and care for them.
🩷 Venus 5h overlay: This one is pretty self-explanatory. Venus, the planet of love, pleasure, beauty, finances, luxury, etc, falls into the house of dating, attraction, sex, love, and flirting. The attraction will be through the roof with this overlay. This overlay feels like summer love. There will be a lot of cuteness and passion. This brings so much joy & pleasure to both partners. Venus person sees the 1h person as very attractive & sexy. This is a very romantic overlay. In the Sexual sense, it's not hard to get turned on by each other. 🤭❤️‍🔥
🩷 Venus 3h overlay: Some people may not agree with this and may not find it romantic. However, depending on your personal Venus placements, this could be romantic to you. The reason I say this is romantic is that the 3rd house represents words, communication, expression, and much more. If your love language is words of affirmation and mental stimulation, this is perfect. The Venus person can love the way the 3rd house person talks, and both can feel like they can talk all day about anything. The 3rd house also rules transportation, so these two may enjoy driving and going on short trips together. They may even exchange love notes and poems. This is a very artistic and creative connection. They can come up with lots of ideas together. The mind and the voice are like honey to the Venus person. They can truly feel understood when they are together.
🩷 Venus 7h overlay/ conjunct dsc: This overlay is beautiful. Venus feels at home here. The 7h person can feel like they have found their partner whether they are actually right or not is up to fate. However, this is a good indicator for marriage. And a loving marriage/ long-term relationship. Venus people feel like it's easy to be romantic with the house person. They can actually view the house person as wife/hubsand material as well. This shows a love based relationship.
🩷 Venus 8h overlay: This interaction brings two individuals to explore the depths of their personalities. Fortunately, Venus adds a light touch to this interaction. Initially, there may be a transformative, intense, and forbidden attraction to each other. This dynamic works both ways, although the person with Venus in the 8th house may feel more intimidated. While Venus is intrigued, this bond develops into a close connection that is hard to let go of. It's a deep and intense romance, and both individuals feel like no one else can understand the depth of their connection. There is an evident sexual tension, and you may find yourself doing things you never thought you would. Both parties will feel like nobody understands them like the other person
🩷 Venus conjunct nodes: This one is automatic attraction, especially from the aid of the nodal person. If this is the north node, there is a natural feeling of being romantic & wanting to express your love for the other person. If this is the south node, the same applies but this could indicate that eventually one or both parties start to grow out of this, because the south is what we are leaving, while the north node is what we are going towards. There's a strong feeling of fate here, but it doesn't always indicate growing apart, but if it happens, there will. likely be no hard feelings, just maybe a lot of what-ifs, and that would have been a great relationship if we met at the right time, etc, etc.
🩷 Venus-Mars: Allllll venus-mars bring passion. It's just those harsh aspects like the conjunction, oppositions, and square that can make this attraction feel insatiable and constantly grow stronger & stronger over time.
🩷 Venus conjunct Uranus: This aspect is known as the love at first sight aspect, and honestly, I can see why, lol. Uranus is unexpected, rapid movement, and Venus is love. Venus unexpectedly falls for the Uranus person, and vice versa. Uranus person may tend to be more.... let's say flighty, but the attraction is there. These two are going to have a lot of fun together. There's an unorthodox connection that they feel liberated by.
🩷 Moon 1h/ conjunct asc: 1h person feels very understood by the moon person. The house person views the moon person as nurturing, and if the house person is a man, he views him as someone who would make a good wife. Due to the wife showing the wife in a man's chart. This develops into a very intuitive connection. On a biological level, you two just mix very well. The 1h person thinks about starting a family with the moon person & vice versa. Moon people view the 1h person as their baby and can be protective over them. They just get each other on an emotional level. This also shows a lot of physical affection and speaking softly to the other, lol.
🩷 Moon-Venus: This is very soft and romantic. Even if this does happen to be a harsh aspect due to these both being feminine planets, they can find similarities within each other that they grow to admire 🥺. This is important because the moon is our inner self, emotions, and subconscious, and Venus is our love language/romance. When these two come together, this shows a language where these two are speaking to each other with care & softness. With softer aspects (Conjunction, sextiles, trines, quintiles) it's so much easier for this energy to be expressed whereas with harder aspects (squares & oppositions) this energy is there they both just have different ways of expressing it, which ultimately something both parties need to learn. 😉
🩷 Juno-Venus: COMMITMENT & LOVE,
🩷 Venus-Valentine (447) (conjunct, sextile, trine & quintile/bi-quintiles) self-explanatory, I talked about this here
🩷 Vertex Conjunct any love asteroids : Meeting the other for love
🩷 Vesta-Venus (conjunct,sextile,trine & quintile/bi-quintiles) Through love, the sacred flame is ignited.
𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐲𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡, 𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬. 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐚𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚 𝐟𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞.
🩷 Juno 1h overlay: 1h person embodies what juno person wants in a long-term partner. This leads juno person to want to make the effort to be with the house person. Juno person can feel completely fulfilled by the house person. They feel that they have met the one!
🩷 Juno 7h overlay: This is probably more of an indicator of romance because the 7h shows relationships, and Juno does too, so this is a very strong indicator of that happening. It's easier for both to engage in romantic conversations & activities. Likely marriage came up very early. When these two meet, there is a feeling of being in each other's lives for the long haul.
🩷 Juno-Agapenor/Valentine (conjunct,sextile,trine & quintile/bi-quintiles)
🩷 Juno- Ceres (conjunct,sextile,trine & quintile/bi-quintiles) explained this here....
The Love Asteroids
🩷 Lovejoy/Lovelock 7h overlay
🩷 Agapenor (5023) 1h/7h Overlay
🩷 Amor (1221) 1h/5h/7h Overlay
🩷 Cupido (763) 1h/5h Overlay
🩷 North Node conjunct Valentine/Agapenor
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Composite Charts
𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬, 𝐭𝐨𝐨
🩷 Venus Rules Ascendants (Taurus & Libra) ~ Libra & Taurus are ruled by the planet of love, so within this relationship, these two will want to be romantic and loving with another. As a matter of fact, it feels more natural to do so and likely won't feel forced. These two can also look good together.
🩷 Ascendant conjunct Venus
🩷 Ascendant ruler in 5h/7h/12h~ now hear me out about the 12h part lol. The 12h is ruled by the sign Pisces, which is exalted in the planet Venus ( of love & beauty). To me, Neptunian & Pisces energy shows a higher love, and this can be reflected in the 12h. When BOTH individuals are spiritually enlightened. The 12h is unconditional love.
🩷 Venus-Neptune~ With the right amount of Neptune in a relationship, it can feel heavenly. The couple can feel like they've found their soulmate. There is an emotional connection.
🩷 Venus conjunct Mars~ Passion and great Sex lol. They feel good together, and they just know each other.
🩷 "The Love Stellium"~ I've experienced this once before, but I can't say I was in love, LOL. me and this person also had a few prominent love asteroids in composite & synastry however It didn't last long enough to get there. But I can say that I cared a lot about them and did things I wouldn't usually do. If you're not familiar with the love stellium, it's basically when the Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all in conjunction with each other. This stellium is lovely. The relationship just feels so nice. It's good to have if there isn't a lot of Venus stuff going on. The sun conjunct mercury helps with communication and makes it easier to understand & listen to each other while the sun conjunct Venus makes the relationship enjoyable & pleasurable. Both parties feel pleased & beautiful together. Venus conjunct Mercury is amazing because not only do you have good communication, but it is also sweet & you get the words of affirmation that you want. This is such a good one to have. Consider yourself lucky if you have it! 😊
🩷 Union 1h/7h~ Looking & feeling like you were made for each other. You feel whole & united together.
🩷 Agapenor 7h~ The relationship between the two is filled with unconditional love. Even if they part ways they will always have love for each other. Honestly, they could be each other's first love
🩷 Valentine 1h/7h~ Self explanatory
🩷 all love asteroids in strong aspects to sun, moon, dsc/asc, venus
🩷 7h lord in 7h/1h~ the relationship is likely the main focus and is very important to them
🩷 Venus 10h/ conjunct mc~ Their reputation is pleasant & beautiful. They look good together. Their love is seen by the world, and it's something that has only grown stronger over time.
🩷 Moon 7h/1h/5h/2h
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𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐷𝑒'𝐿𝑢𝑥𝑥𝑒
𝐵𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔
𝐻𝑜𝑡 𝐴𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑦
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moonastro · 3 months
groom persona chart
venus in the house
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what is a groom persona chart? this chart exhibits qualities that your husband will have and possible placements that can be seen in their chart. it is simply a chart all about your spouse in a woman's chart. the asteroid groom can be identified using the code 5129.
venus rules love, aesthetics and desires, it is the planet of beauty and is a benefic. in the GPC the planet signifies your husbands love language, their needs and wants and aesthetics that he may be interested in.
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reminder: this is my interpretation from observations and first hand experiences, so don't take this to heart.
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venus in 1st house: fs is the definition of love. will shower you with sweet talk, make you feel like a queen and the luckiest person in the world. can look beautiful and have a beautiful appearance and aura. fs can look aesthetically pleasing and can just display themselves as someone ethereal. this is a placement where they tend to be the jewel in the room it reminds me of a prince placement, people forget or don.t establish their flaws and are mesmerised by their charm and beauty. their love language can be to compliment on your looks and compliment you on your appearance, hair, make-up, jewellery and all that sorts of stuff. fs is very self aware and can be into small detail and self awareness however may do so in their mind and keep it to themselves. fs may crave attention though and may want to be praised by their looks and appearance considering their efforts maintaining their looks.
spouse can have natal venus in aries, 1st house, fire sign, fire house.
venus in 2nd house: fs is gracious with his words and is patient. he likes the more high end things in life and will make sure that you have the same experience with that. likes to spoil so your spouse can spend and love to spend money on people that they love. can be strict but only to the point where he may receive pleasure from his actions so spouse can be quite controlling at times. however, sometimes it can be for the best in order to get out of your comfort zone. spouses aesthetic can be laid back, an admirer and can be full of lust. whatever he has his eyes laid on he needs it in an instant, so he may approach you within your guys first meeting. can be quite sensual and a bit un bothered at times, they can have the mindset of everything will work out for me anyway so why worry kind of thing. since venus is in its own house, venus is comfortable and spouse may be very open and comfortable the idea and commitment of love, they see it as an opportunity for them and can also claim it to be a gift for them. spouse is very attentive to what you have to say to him, he memorises each detail that is said and makes it his best effort to use it to his advantage like for special events and whatnot.
spouse can have natal venus in taurus, 2nd house, earth sign, earth house.
venus in 3rd house: usually spouse can talk abruptly when they have interest in something they love. they tend to give lots of words of affirmation and can talk sweet nothings just so they can hold your attention to them that much more. has love and interest in academics and may be quite the study type. loves to learn new things and is a very quick learner. spouses aesthetic is quite the study type, loves to know the fact that he knows stuff that others may not. loves to be one of a kind, and loves to be special. spouse likes to be in his own space but values socialising just as much, they need others to recharge themselves. can think very precisely about things and be quite analytical and precise with their thoughts. love to follow schedules and have plans, this eases their mind and makes them be certain that that plan is still going on.
spouse can have natal venus in gemini, 3rd house, air sign, air house.
venus in 4th house: fs can be the non-dominant one but can try to reach the needs of their partner. even though if they dont agree with your views or opinions they will follow them just to make you happy and fell like you can trust them. traditional roles are important to them so most likely they will have traditional views of what should be done in the household but with that they will carry out their task and provide for their family and will not think otherwise about it. fs can have a firm mindset that family is the most important thing in the world. fs love language can be providing for their family and their loved ones. are interested in his family needs and is very loyal to his wife. fs aesthetics may be based on what they were brought up with as a child or most likely what they are most familiar with, they tend to dislike change and stick to one thing.
spouse can have natal venus in cancer, 4th house, water sign, water house.
venus in 5th house: spouse is a hopeless romantic and loves to tease their partner and be playful. this is them simply being themselves and being comfortable around you. spouse can attract great prosperity and luck in his life. may be gifted in many talents and hobbies and may even be interested in the entertainment industry. can be interested in music and the arts and can be really good at it also. the spouse aesthetic is relatable to a lot of people which can be the reason for their likeness. spouse can have many followers and many admirers themselves. they aren't the awkward type and will make everyone feel welcome in the presence of them, are extremely friendly to everyone also. spouse can have a particular interest in other people, they are curious of other peoples lives and lifestyles.
spouse can have natal venus in leo, 5th house, fire sign, fire house.
venus in 6th house: doing things and doing tasks for their significant other is very important. its even more important when they get praised for it as well because they will continue to do it and with contentment as well. they tend to love very practically and not take things overboard. they respect boundaries of their partner and can be invested in your day to day routine and life. can have a beautiful body and may really take their energy into taking care of his health which can include having healthy habits, eating balanced meals and having good physical activity. may dedicate his aesthetic towards his occupation and may spend most of his time and efforts trying his best at his work. spouses work place may be quite aesthetic and they spend most of their time there as well, could also have items in the workplace for convenience.
spouse can have natal venus in virgo, 6th house, earth sign, earth house.
venus in 7th house: spouse likes to be equal individuals in the relationship. they love it whenever them and their partner can share roles equally within their time together, it makes them have a sense of completeness. however, the spouse can be liked by his charm and balanced nature and can attract enemies that are jealous of how many admirers he may have. there's no good without the bad also it comes both ways. spouse loves to be on everyone's good side and can show their charm to win hearts of others. spouse may feel relieved knowing that others think highly of him. loves being friendly to people and loves it back from others. in romance, spouse can be quite the romantic since venus is in its own house. they love being commitment and love taking care of their partner with the extents of sharing moments that couples like to do. can romanticise dates and events that you guys will attend in order to make it that much memorable.
spouse can have natal venus in libra, 7th house, air sign, air house.
venus in 8th house: the fs can be so deeply in love that they can have no where to be attentive to but you. they feel very intensely and most of the time when you are making out your fs will have lots of willpower because they will most likely want to turn the make out session into something more. they will have to resist a lot. can have lots of intrusive and spicy thought about you. this image just came into my mind of them just staring at you and you noticing and calling them out on why they are staring, them saying nothing but in fact👀they were probably imagining the beyond lets just say. your fs can be full of surprises and can hide their affection from you very well so when he does something out of the blue it can leave you feeling confused. their aesthetic is full of mystery and and chill vibes, its really them teasing you as well. they can tend to do that pretend to not be interested when in fact they are just so you can chase them. they tend to crave s*x and sexual activity. this is the type though to keep in private until it is only the two of you. is the silent freaky type.
spouse can have natal venus in scorpio, 8th house, water sign, water house.
venus in 9th house: spouse requires attention in order to satisfy their love for you. may acquire random bursts of love for you at spontaneous times. they love to go and explore things they haven't yet experienced and love to go with their partner. they prefer to explore new places with their loved one by their side rather than by themselves. can be experienced in love matters and may be confident and know what to expect in relationships which will acquire them to be like a mentor within the relationship. the fs aesthetic is quite loving and prosperous, they give and dont expect to be given back. people trust what your spouse may say or do, he may be the type that is very reliant and people notice how gifted and talented he is.
spouse can have natal venus in sagittarius, 9th house, fire sign, fire house.
venus in 10th house: fs will have an acute sense of the world around them. they will have certain expectations of how the world can see them. can be quite precautious of what other people think. can be quite professional and mature when it comes to love. for example can be mature when conflict occurs and so forth and may establish sensible outcomes for problems within the relationship. spouse can handle professional matters very well and may be the one to act carefully when it comes to their profession. spouses aesthetic can be profession biased and may be serious about their authority. they dont like disappointment and making mistakes however in the end they realise that they are valuable lessons to which they take their time to reflect on. as a partner they are responsible and will take care of you very well. when in need of their help they like the fact that they are needed so will gladly help you out. can feel like they are responsible for you so will look out for you a lot.
spouse can have natal venus in capricorn, 10th house, earth sign, earth house.
venus in 11th house: fs can enjoy company of other people but know how to identify the ones that have caused them harm and they tend to stay as far away from them as possible. will go to great lengths to fulfil their needs and wants. can be interested in alliances if it benefits them so your fs can become friends with someone to help them forward. usually can have goals related to their outcomes in life that benefits them. since this house is the house of good spirit, spouses charms and personality may benefit them through many things. may not have many enemies unless afflicted or other placements show otherwise. in relationships, spouse is affectionate and cares about their partner, can give needed space for you and not cross any boundaries. will respect your views and decisions in addition to being a supportive husband overall, so expect him to be your no.1 fan.
spouse can have natal venus in aquarius, 11th house, air sign, air house.
venus in 12th house: spouse can be quite delusional at times but thats just the nature of them in order to make their situation and life that much better. they tend to make up situations in their head that never happened before and that confuses them if that occurrence has happened or not which can go two ways. its not bad at all, they are dreamers and manifesters, they may have manifested you or you could be the exact spitting image of the girl they have manifested. spouses aesthetic may be quite delusional, they may be influenced by their dreams and thoughts and may achieve great lengths because they can easily envision their future reality. spouse may love the idea of love but can be scared of actual commitment in fear of losing their freedom and routine. however, as a partner they will shower you with deep love that goes beyond the scale. they can experience things differently but can give you the world if he could. would go through great lengths to make you happy and may even displace their own happiness to fulfil yours.
spouse may have natal venus in pisces, 12th house, water sign, water house.
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novy2sirius · 4 months
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How to find out
• | There’s a number of ways you could go about doing this but personally the way I find most accurate is checking the Groom and Briede asteroid persona charts. I haven’t been a huge fan of asteroids recently because I feel the natal charts planets, houses, aspects, and degrees can tell much more typically but when it comes to this subject I find great accuracy in these charts. The Groom persona chart represents the husband and the Briede persona chart represents the wife. If your spouse were to be non binary you could check the Descendant persona chart instead
• | Groom code: 5129 — Briede code: 19029
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Their appearance
• | Look at the prominent placements in the groom/briede pc which would be stelliums, the ascendant, or 1h planets
• | This applies more so to Western. There can be more interpretations these are just some I’ve witnessed
Aries/1h placements
broad shoulders, masculine/athletic body, sharp/defined eyebrows, intense stare, possible rbf/intimidating face, lots of sex appeal, big head or forehead
Taurus/2h placements
broad shoulders also, soft features, bull-like features, wider nose, body’s on the beefy side (wide rib cage, wide hips, etc), strong jawline, pretty
Gemini/3h placements
thinner build, fairy teeth, mouse/fairy like nose and eyes, fox-like eyes, youthful appearance, possible baby face/child-like cheeks
Cancer/4h placements
moon shaped face, big boobs/prominent chest area, big cute eyes, curvy, possible baby face/full cheeks, soft features, feminine beauty
Leo/5h placements
lion-like facial features, pouty lips, broad shoulders, beautiful/thick hair, good looking
Virgo/6h placements
youthful face/innocent face, prominent cheeks, small nose/thin nose or straight nose, angelic features
Libra/7h placements
deer-like appearance, feminine body or curvy body, big butt, symmetrical features, pretty, possibly dimples, beautiful hair
Scorpio/8h placements
intense stare/possible rbf, broad shoulders, athletic body, strong sex appeal/seductive appearance, mysterious looking, prominent nose
Sagittarius/9h placements
tall, thick thighs, athletic build, big eyes, horse-like features, curvy
Capricorn/10h placements
sharp jawline, skinny, good bone structure, good teeth, intimidating stare
Aquarius/11h placements
skinny, unique appearance, intimidating stare, tall, a unique feature that stands out (example: prominent birth mark)
Pisces/12h placements
big dreamy eyes, big lips, sweet face, ethereal beauty, small feet
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harmoonix · 6 months
💃🏼 𝐕 𝐄 𝐆 𝐀 𝐒 💃🏼
Astrology Observations
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💃🏼 If you have Capricorn or Aquarius Placements and you suddenly start to feel like your life turns more chaotic than ever is probably Saturn telling you that you need to change something, maybe your routine, maybe your sleep schedule, maybe your self - worth etc (Capricorn/Aqua Sun/Moon/Rising)
💃🏼 Sagittarius Sun/Moon//Rising/Venus/Lilith people easily get attached by them for their outgoing nature and spontaneous energy
💃🏼 Leo Lilith/Leo Placements they are very attractive at the first sight, they are remarkable at making good first impressions
💃🏼 Aries Sun/Venus/Rising/Mars > People always make good boundings with them, they are these main characters who always unite people
💃🏼 Pluto aspecting Mercury > These natives are always so intuitive, they can tell when someone lies to them or when they're being fooled by someone
💃🏼South Node aspecting Sun natives probably didn't focused much on themselves in a past life, you have the chance now! Same for Leo South Node
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💃🏼 Mars in fire signs feels so excited, their energy grows over night, extremely passionate, everything they do is with passion and love
💃🏼 Jupiter/Sagittarius in your 11H helps you to manifest things fast, if you actually use methods of manifestation...it can be very helpful
💃🏼 Libra Mars/Mars in the 7H. These natives have one hard challenge and that is to find peace among their relationships, sometimes you tend to argue with your partners and chaos comes rapidly after
💃🏼 Aquarius Placements/11H Stellium creates beautiful friendships, their communities are so unique from a person to another
💃🏼 Moon/Sun or Mercury in the 8H are those people who stay in the shadow yet they know everything about anyone like their some detectives or spies
💃🏼 Lilith aspecting Sun, people can dislike/hate you for who you are, they secretly envy the person you are inside and cannot help it but to hate it instead
💃🏼 Lilith aspecting Mars natives can find themselves around with misogynistic/selfish/arrogant people quite too often, cut these people off from your life
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💃🏼 Chiron aspecting Venus natives, people don't understand what they are going through romantically, they usually don't like to talk about their love lives if they're not feeling comfortable
💃🏼 Capricorn Chiron natives, that person who is hurt but doesn't wanna talk about it, they can get exhausted way faster than other people, pretends everything is fine when is not
💃🏼 Scorpio Lilith/Venus/Moon easily attract people who want to use them for their power or for their own benefits, your intuition can tell you the most of it
💃🏼 Venus/Lilith/Juno/Mars in the 12H can dream about their future spouses/future partners, you can aslo have a feeling of "deja-vu" when you'll met them
💃🏼 Gemini Venus/Venus in the 3rd house, their voices are so catchy!! Venus rules over your voice here and it gives you beautiful artistical talents
💃🏼 Moon in the 9th house can indicate your spouse's family can get along with you quite easily. Like not a very attached relationship but you have common respect for eachother
💃🏼 Lilith aspecting the Midheaven can be very liked by people but disliked in the same time because in way people wish to be like you
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💃🏼 Lilith in Gemini/Lilith in the 3rd house gets crazyyyy, Lilith here is more communicative than ever if she doesn't like something she'll say it right
💃🏼 Jupiter aspecting Sun natives can easily be liked for their personality and aura, they have a sense of generosity in them
💃🏼 Aries Saturn and lesson with needing to have patience for the things you really want is very real, things may come for you but you need patience for that
💃🏼 I start to realize that Cancer Saturn's natives karma is not always about their family but about creating their own type of karma as well, about nurturing the family you gonna have (when you grow and have kids or a spouse)
💃🏼 Pluto in the 7H natives are literally those type of people who go through a major changing in a relationship, but be careful because a relationship can change into a good thing but also in a bad thing (If is a toxic relationship is time to say byebye)
💃🏼 I adore 10th and 11th house Venuses for standing their ground when they're in a toxic relationship. They won't stay with someone who drains their life and they know their own standards
💃🏼 If Mercury is in a fire sign or fire house the native can be brutally honest when they're talking. Like that type of honesty is rare
💃🏼 Mercury Retrograde is actually a hidden blessing because is represent "Find your voice" at the right moment you'll need it (Ofc Mercury Retrograde in a natal chart not a transitioning one)
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💃🏼 Pluto aspecting Juno can get into really toxic/posesive relationships if they don't take care, actually you can be approached by people who share those traits
💃🏼 The ruler of your 9H can help you to embrace your faith way easier:
Sun - You can embrace your faith by being yourself
Venus - You can embrace your faith by loving yourself
Jupiter - You can embrace your faith by believing in yourself
Mars - You can embrace your faith if you follow your ideas/desires
Saturn - You can embrace your faith by using teaching technics
Moon - You can embrace your faith by trusting your guts and intuition
💃🏼 1st house ruler in the 11th can make you to focus more on your friends/friendships more than anything else something like "Friends over anything"
💃🏼 11th house ruler in the 10th house can indicate most of your friends working in the same job/career as you, also you can influence your friends about work and jobs
💃🏼 2 jewelry tips about your Venus!!
Venus in Air/Water Signs can wear more silver/white gemstones
Fire and Earth Signs can wear more gold/red or yellow gemstones
💃🏼 Heavy Sagittarius in your chart can indicate you have a very spontaneous personality, good jokes, good charm and catchy appearance
💃🏼 Cancer/Libra/Pisces/Virgo Moons can have watery eyes in general, their eyes play a big role in their appearance
💃🏼 Heavy Aries or Taurus in someone's chart can indicate someone who is more grounded with a leader spirit, they can just be everyone's type
💃🏼 Talking about types, men with earth Venus or Mars make sure to treat their partners with respect and love, I love that common respect they have
💃🏼 Sun in your 7H makes you to attract partners who have the same hobbies/passions as you, same goes for if you have Leo in the 7H
💃🏼 Uranus in your 5th/7th house can have unexpected relationships, like you met someone new, then someone between you 2 starts to fall in love and y'all end up in a marriage overnight
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🏜️ Is Friday today so we have to party 🏜️
H a r m o o n i x
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