#Malcolm Bright x Sibling!Reader
“90″ - Oneshot
“90” - Oneshot
My Masterlist - Here
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Plantonic!Gil Arroyo x Reader
(Mentioned) Sibling!Malcolm Bright x Sibling!Reader
Word Count: 2,145
Key: Y/N = Your Name, H/C = Your Hair Color, E/C = Your Eye Color Chunks or lines of text that are in italics means that it's (Y/N)’s thoughts.
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of murder, mentions of trauma (Whitly)
Summary: While out on a lunch break with your boss, you find out that your brother is back in town. Unsure of what to do, Gil tries to give some advice. 
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Author’s Note: So I had an idea while at work because I find myself thinking a lot about crime shows at work. The line that Gil says “Should have said 90. 100 I know you’re lying” really stuck with me for some reason. So I thought, what if he was told that by Malcolm’s sister, only to use it on him later? And boom, here we are.
It’s not my best, but I thought it was a cute oneshot ramble thing. 
This takes place right before season 1 episode 1. 
This was not beta-read, so please let me know if there are any errors! 
If you would like to be tagged in any of my future pieces, check out my tag list above and let me know! And as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
- DreaSaurusREX
Thanks to your father messing your family up from a young age, abnormal and criminal psychology seemed to be a “natural” path for you and your brother to end up going down. Words cannot describe the negative effect that Dr. Martin Whitly had and continues to have on your life. Growing up and really realizing the awful things he did to those women, your brother, and you made you see the world for what it truly is: Chaotic, painful, and full of surprises (both good and bad.) You saw that there were more monsters like him out there and you wanted to figure out who and where they were. 
While Malcolm went on to change his last name and run off to Quantico to try to help catch more of these deranged killers, you changed your last name and stayed closer to home. If there was one monster living in your own home, they really could be anywhere. 
Gil Arroyo was the officer that caught your father and helped make sure that your family was alright after The Surgeon was put away in Claremont Psychiatric. He helped you and Malcolm bond and grow as much as you could. While you did drift away from the rest of your family, you kept in contact with Malcolm and Gil.
As soon as you graduated college and walked into his office asking to be on his team, Gil knew he had to say yes. Not only to make sure you were safe, but also because he knew you had the ability to help get into a mindset that could help the team solve some of these trickier cases. 
Which leads to today, a normal lunch break. 
You and Gil went to a sub shop not too far from the station and got your usuals from Mr.Santos. While waiting, Gil was slightly shifting his feet, slightly visibly unsettled by something on his mind. You made your way to a table off to the side of the room and motioned for him to sit across from you.
“Go on and tell me.”
“Tell you what?”
“Whatever's got your headspace all worked up.” Gil looked down and sighed out a slight laugh.
“What gave it away this time?”
“Do you really want to know?” Gil shrugged his shoulders and leaned back, trying to feign being comfortable even though he knew he was going to have to speak his mind sooner or later. You leaned forward, elbows on the table, slightly squinting your eyes, preparing for the rare chance to put the Gil Arroyo in his place.
“Well, for one, you haven’t been able to make eye contact or even look at me since we left the station. You’ve also had your arms crossed more than usual, which could be an attempt to make a physical barrier to whatever is creeping its way out of your mental barriers. Your jaw has been clenched for at least the last fifteen minutes, which means you’re at least slightly stressed about something. Do you want me to keep ripping you a new one, or do you want to just tell me what’s going on?”
Gil looked down to see that his arms were indeed crossed over his chest, he let out another sighed laugh, shook his head slightly, and dropped his arms. He took a deep breath.
“Malcolm is coming home.” Gill didn’t look up until after he spoke, trying to gauge your reaction. 
When Malcolm applied for Quantico, you were happy for him. That same day, you found out that he had been meeting with Dr.Whitly. You had made a choice to try to stay as distant from his as possible, and yet, Malcolm was visiting as if he wasn’t locked in there for murder. You didn’t even hear him out, you couldn’t fathom the idea of anyone wanting to visit that creature.
 It drove a spike between your relationship with your brother. You knew that you two would mend it and make up eventually. But you didn’t expect to have to talk to him so soon. 
One of the downsides to growing up like how you did and knowing so much about psychology now, you knew how to hide your emotions fairly well. Some would call it a blessing, especially working with the NYPD as a psychological analyst assistant. But right now, Gil hated it. 
“(Y/N)? You still with me?” Gil tapped your hand to try to get you to focus on the real conversation as opposed to your inner monologue. You shook your head and tried to put on a small smile.
“Yeah. I’m here. I’m fine.”
“Now I know that’s a lie.” 
“Oh really? And how do you know that?”
“Your real smile reaches your eyes. This one,” Gil pointed to your face, “is as fake as Pamela Anderson’s boobs.” A small chuckle left you at his choice of comparison. Gil now matched you and leaned on his elbows on the table. “Talk to me, kiddo. What’s going on in that big ole brain of yours?”
Leaning back, you started to play with your fingers as you tried to settle on a single question out of the handful that were swimming around your mind to ask right now.
“Do you know why he’s coming back?”
“From what I know, he got fired. Assaulted an officer.” 
“Must have deserved it.”
“Which one? Him or the officer”
“Honestly, either one.” Gil slightly chuckled, knowing your brother as long as he has, he could definitely see the punch landing either way.
“Well, I don’t know. But... you can ask him that yourself.” You raised a questioning brow at Gil as he paused, trying to choose his phrasing. “I think it would be good for you two to talk. Go get coffee, take a walk, something.”
“Really? You think it would be a good idea to reopen that broken door labeled ‘Warning! Malcolm Bright! Do not open?’”
“100%” Gil tried to smile, but similar to how he pointed out on you moments ago, his smile didn’t reach his eyes. 
Mr.Santos came to your table with your sandwiches wrapped up and some chips. The two of you thanked him before getting ready to head back to the station to eat. As you got back out to the sidewalk and fell in step with him, you spoke about the case that you were both working now. It wasn’t until you got back to the station that you spoke on what was bothering you.
“You should know better than to lie to me, Gil.”
“And what am I being accused of lying about now?” He couldn’t help but sound a bit annoyed as he opened the door to the conference room where you had all of your notes and evidence board set up. The two of you setting up lunch as you continue.
“When you were saying that it would be good for me to try to meet up with Malcolm, I asked if you were sure, and you said ‘100%.’” 
“And?” Gil asked, mouth half full of chips. 
“You should have said 90.” Gil looked at you, waiting to hear your reasoning. “100 I know you’re lying.” 
“You know I’m lying by me saying 100%?”
“There are very few things that we can say we know with 100% certainty. You of all people question the certainty of things. And with the subject being Malcolm, then there is no knowing how us trying to reconnect could go. And you know that. So--” 
“I just think that you could help him out.” Gil interrupted, not wanting to hear your whole dissertation on probability and chance. 
“So could you. You’re basically a father figure to us, albeit thanks to unfortunate circumstances.” 
“Yeah, but he knows that I usually bring cases, not social visits.” A slight sigh exhaled through your nose, knowing that he was at least partially right. “And I know damn well that he would like to see his sister.” Gil pointed his sandwich at you before taking a bite.
“That's the great thing about him having two sisters though. He can go talk to Ainsley. Although, I know she is like mother in the way that they are dreadfully draining to talk to.” Gil put his sandwich down, looking down at the table and taking another deep breath. “There’s more you’re not telling me.”
The only response you got from him was a hand pointing towards the evidence board. You looked at the board, trying to see if he was pointing to something specific. When you couldn’t make anything out, you looked back to meet Gil with a questioning look.
“I think having two profiler brains on this killer could be helpful.” You took a deep breath in through your nose as you leaned back in your chair, looking up at the ceiling slightly, everything clicking into place. 
“I see. You want us to make up so we’ll play nice when you eventually wave a case file in his face and drag him to the next crime scene.” You looked at Gil and saw him holding his hands out getting slightly defensive. 
“That’s not the only reason. I know you two are some of the best profilers in New York. You are also the only ones that can truly understand and help each other thanks to your... life experiences. So in order to try to help catch bad guys like how we want to, and help you two finally get the relationship back to where you want to, yes, I want you to make up and play nice.” 
You knew he was right and that this would be a smart move. You reach for your drink and take a sip. Your lack of response let Gil know that he had “won.”
“Plus, he feels bad for how things left off before he moved.”
The next few minutes were silent as the two of you finished your lunches. Gil got up to throw away your wrappers and such. As you thanked him, you turned to the evidence board and sipped on the last of your drink.
You tried to find more correlations or similarities between these victims, but you kept thinking of the same ones you already had written down. As much as you loved your team, they weren’t trained much when it comes to the thoughts and motives of a killer. 
You haven’t been able to have a psychologically focused and interesting conversation with anyone since Malcolm left for Quantico. He was always one of a select few that didn’t completely drain your social battery and understood how far to push you to challenge you without causing any damage. Malcolm understood your humor, your ups and downs, and how to really help you. And you understood the same thing for him.
You missed that. 
Maybe a mind like his would be refreshing and helpful nowadays.  
JT knocked on the door’s threshold before poking his head in, phone in hand. You swiveled your chair around, knowing what he was going to say.
“Uni’s called in from east side of 42nd. Something weird. All I could make out was ‘blood paint’ and ‘skin mural’ before they begged for backup.”
“Sounds like something right up your alley, (Y/N).” Gil turned to you. You nodded and started to stand up, gathering the last of your trash and tossing it in the can. 
You stopped before leaving the room. Looking down at the piles of case notes along the table, you couldn’t help but feel a little bit guilty about not finding this guy yet. All of these victims with no answers yet. Gil noticed and put a hand on your shoulder. Before he could say anything, you spoke.
“I’ll try and reach out to him. I can’t let this guy walk around doing this shit again and again. I need a brain like Malcolm’s to jump off of.” Gil just squeezed your shoulder before moving his hand gently to the scruff of your neck, ushering you towards the door so you could get to the crime scene. “I’ll see if he wants to go to that nice place off 16th. But I can’t promise anything.”
You stopped again before getting into the front seat of Gil’s car. Looking at him over the roof, you were a bit nervous now about meeting up with your brother. 
“Are you sure he actually wants to try to make up?”
Gil nodded his head side to side with a slight frown, as if he was weighing options in his head. 
“I would say 85, maybe 90%.” You rolled your eyes at him. “Hey! I’m learning this all from you! I’ll have to use that line next time someone says 100.” 
Gil smiled as he leaned down into the driver's seat, you followed and soon you were on your way to catch another monster. 
Tag List - @melconnor2007 @ashenfallsof @geeksareunique @all-by-myself98 @sj-thefan @malindacath @shadowfoxey
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ynscrazylife · 4 years
Hey, could I request an Annabeth x Reader? I really like the idea of friends to lovers and think it would be really cute if you did like a "four times they almost kissed and one time they did". Like they have a bunch of small moments where the reader does Annabeth's hair every morning or Annabeth sits in the readers lap, or they cuddle for warmth on a quest one night. But when they kiss its after a battle and they thought they were gonna lose eachother so as soon as the threat is gone they kiss.
2 Times They Almost Kissed & 1 Time They Did
Summary: Basically the title. Annabeth and Y/N have crushes on each other.
I hope that it’s okay that I did ‘2 Times They Almost Kissed & 1 Time They Did’ instead of ‘4 Times They Almost Kissed & 1 Time They Did’ because it was getting to be a little too long! I can always do a second part if you want.
Permanent Taglist: @stephanieromanoff
Request to be on a Taglist (or multiple) HERE!
Y/G/P - Your Godly Parent
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They Almost Kissed - #1
The Camp Counselors were having a meeting in the Big House, and as the meeting bled into the night, they all decided to just have a sleepover with the permission of Chiron. They were in the middle of a meeting break and Annabeth, the counselor of the Athena cabin, and Y/N, the counselor of Y/G/P cabin, were good friends and decided to play a board game in the living room during their break. Annabeth had left to get them some snacks while Y/N set up the game and as the blonde returned, she couldn’t help but smirk when she saw her friend sitting on the floor, leaning against the house, fast asleep.
Annabeth quietly put the snacks aside and turned her attention to Y/N, warmness filling her. Gods. Y/N was so peaceful and adorable and this was probably the cutest thing Annabeth had ever seen. She frowned when she realized that Y/N had most likely fallen asleep because the meeting had gone on too long and tired out, so she made a mental note to wrap up the meeting when their break finished. 
The Demigod carefully took the board game pieces out of Y/N’s limp hands, blushing when their fingers brushed, and put the board game away before gathering Y/N into her arms like she was delicate glass. Once Annabeth had Y/N in her arms, she never wanted to let her go. It felt like heaven, but she stilled when Y/N started to shift in her arms, waking up. 
Annabeth cursed Hera under her breath, upset that Y/N had been woken, and barely kept herself from smiling when Y/N cutely blinked her eyes open and focussed on the blonde. “Beth? What’s goin’ on?” She asked softly, almost slurring her words in her tired state. 
Y/N was the only person allowed to call Annabeth ‘Beth’. The daughter of Athena slowly lowered her friend onto the couch and bent down to place a friendly kiss on Y/N’s forehead. However, Y/N had her eyes closed and didn’t see her so she went to tilt her chin up, pushing her head further into the pillow. Annabeth, seeing that their lips were about to brush, panicked. Even though she wanted to kiss Y/N, she wasn’t sure if Y/N was okay with that, so the usually composed camp counselor stumbled back and decided to just sit on the couch, grabbing Y/N’s legs to rest her feet on her lap.
Y/N bounced into the Athena cabin one Saturday morning, a smile on her face. She and Annabeth had gotten into the routine of Y/N braiding Annabeth’s hair ever since she had done it one after Percy threw water on Annabeth. Y/N was more than happy to be her friend’s (and crush) personal hairstylist. 
“Rise and shine, brain kids!” Y/N greeted cheerfully as she entered, and only got groans in response and someone chucked a pillow at her. 
Y/N picked up the pillow and saw that that someone who had thrown it was a grumpy looking Annabeth. She laughed as she tossed the pillow back. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” Y/N teased, sliding onto Annabeth’s bed and sitting behind the blonde who was sitting up.
Annabeth grumbled and leaned against Y/N, still tired, making her laugh. “I can’t do your hair like this,” Y/N pointed out, but could’t deny how much she loved holding Annabeth. 
The daughter of Athena grumbled again, this time saying something Y/N didn’t quite catch, and reluctantly leaned forward. Y/N gently took Annabeth’s hair and brushed her bedhead before beginning to braid it. 
Annabeth was grinning goofily, not even caring about her half-siblings seeing it. Just being in Y/N’s presence made her heart warm and the bright sun shining through the window made it even better, setting it up for a brilliant day. Y/N started talking about something and Annabeth did her best to listen, but her still tired state was battling her. She finally resigned to just taking note of how excited Y/N’s tone was and how she was talking at the speed of light, and Annabeth smiled because she knew if Y/N was talking fast, it meant that she was talking about something she was passionate about. 
After almost ten minutes of carefully braiding (Y/N wanted to make sure it was perfect), she finished and said, “Ta Da!” 
Annabeth reached behind her head and ran a hand along her braid, turning to face her friend. “Thank you, Y/N. It’s gorgeous,” she said. 
Y/N playfully rolled her eyes. “You haven’t even looked in a mirror yet,” she said. 
Annabeth shrugged and smirked. “I don’t have to . . . You know, I should start paying you to do my hair,” she said. 
Y/N hummed, thinking for a moment, and bit her lip nervously. “Well, I have an idea,” she said, blushing. 
Annabeth raised her eyebrow. “Oh?”
“You could kiss me.” 
Annabeth’s eyes widened. Oh my Gods. This was what she wanted! She leaned forward, nervous but excited, to give Y/N a kiss when a pillow hit the two women’s heads, making both blink and sit back, surprised. 
“Oops! That was meant to hit Malcolm!” One of Annabeth’s half-sister’s said.
Holy Hera. Things were not looking good. 
Camp Half-Blood’s oldest Demigods were up against an invasion - some monsters had somehow gotten past the border and this was proving to be a tough battle. Throughout it, Annabeth’s mind had only been on two things: fighting the monsters and Y/N. Just Y/N. For the majority of the battle, Annabeth and Y/N had stayed side by side, but at one point they had lost each other, and ever since Annabeth couldn’t fully concentrate, worried for Y/N. 
It was like she was operating on auto-pilot, desperate to win. Monster after monster after monster. After what felt like forever, they had won, and Annabeth focussed on finding Y/N, running across the camp. 
She let out a big sigh of relief when she saw her alive, but was concerned when she saw the cuts on Y/N, parts of her armor lost, and bruises forming. Before she could run over and ask Y/N if she was alright, Y/N spotted her first and with a big grin, ran her away and practically jumped into Annabeth’s arms. 
Annabeth laughed and caught her, stumbling back before steadying them both. Y/N gave the best hugs. 
The daughter of Y/G/P pulled away, bouncing with adrenaline. “Wow, this battle was tough! I’m so happy we won I could kiss you!” She said, words flying out of her mouth before she knew it and her eyes widened when she realized what she had said. 
Annabeth, however, grinned. “Then do it,” she said. 
Y/N raised her eyebrows before matching the blonde’s grins and leaning forward, kissing Annabeth on the lips. Annabeth gladly kissed back and pulled Y/N close.
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disasterfandoms · 3 years
Doing this so people on mobile have access as well! pray for me, this one is going to suck.
Last updated: 6/29/22 at 4:24 PM
*** = smutty
Evan “Buck” Buckley:
Dating Evan Buckley ~ Headcannons
Everything Will Be Okay ~ Imagine
Riding Evan Buckley ~ Imagine ***
Evan Buckley x Strand!reader headcanons
Strand!Reader Proposal ~ Headcanons
A Little One of Our Own ~ Imagine
Fluffy Alphabet ~ Evan Buckley Edition
The Scariest Day ~ Imagine
NSFW ABC ~ Evan Buckley Edition ***
Blue Octopus ~ Imagine (Flufftober)
Eddie Diaz and Bobby Nash:
Guilt ~ Imagine
Eddie Diaz:
Smutty Alphabet ***
Dating Eddie Diaz ~ Headcanons
After Hour Diner ~ Strand!Reader imagine
Adult Sleepover ~ Imagine ***
9-1-1 Lone Star
Marjan Marwani
Sibling Surprise ~ Ryder!reader imagine
Judd Ryder:
Being Judd Ryder’s sister ~Headcanons
Judd and Grace:
This is Your Home Now ~ The Ryders x teen!reader imagine
Judd and Grace’s Love Story
Wine Dance ~ Judd x Grace x bestfriend!reader imagine
Mateo Chavez:
Dating Mateo Chavez ~ Headcanons
Nervous!Mateo Asking You Out ~ Headcanons
First Kiss ~ Headcanons
Protective!Mateo ~ Headcanons
Mateo Has A Crush On You ~ Headcanons
Fluff Alphabet: Mateo Chavez
First “I Love You” ~ Headcanons
Birthday Surprise ~ Headcanons
Married To Mateo ~ Headcanons Affectionate!Mateo~ Headcanons
TK Strand:
Being TK’s Twin Headcanons
Carlos Reyes:
Being Carlos’s best friend ~ Headcanons
20-David’s Reactions to Street’s Breakup ~ Preference
20-David + Rocker’s Hobbies ~ Preference
Bad Day ~ Preference
Jim Street:
Fake Social Media
Dating Jim Street ~ Headcanons
NSFW Street Headcanons
Donovan Rocker:
Dating Donovan Rocker ~ Headcanons
Jim Street x Donovan Rocker, aka Dim:
Dim Dating ~ Headcanons
A Letter To You ~ Imagine
It Will All Work Out ~ Imagine
Chris Alonso:
Dating Chris Alonso ~ Headcanons
David “Deacon” Kay:
Dating Deacon ~ Headcanons
Dominique Luca:
Dating Dominique Luca ~ Headcanons
Fluffy Alphabet ~ Dominique Luca Edition
Anniversary Surprise ~ Imagine
Nervous, Can’t Show It~ Headcanons
Victor Tan:
Dating Victor Tan ~Headcanons
Love You Until The End ~ A Bonnie Lonsdale x Victor Tan story
Let’s Make a Family ~ A Victor Tan x Bonnie Lonsdale Story
Jim Street x Victor Tan
I Can’t Lose You ~ A Jim Street and Victor Tan One Shot
Prodigal Son
Malcolm Bright
Dating Malcolm Bright ~ Headcanons
Magnum P.I.
S/O Injured || Preference
Thomas Magnum
Date Night with Thomas ~ Headcanons
Cuddling Thomas Magnum ~ Headcanons
All I Want ~ Imagine
Juliet Higgins:
Dating Juliet Higgins ~ Headcanons
Gordon Katsumoto:
Dating Gordon Katsumoto ~ Headcanons
Sex with Gordon Katsumoto ~ Headcanons ***
Jack Gibson:
Jack Gibson’s Instagram
Dating Jack Gibson ~ Headcanons
Car Accident ~ Imagine
Seal Team
Seal Team Preference: How they comfort you during a bad and and/or ill
Jealousy ~ Preference
Seal Team Preference: Self-Defense Training
Testosterone Time: A Seal Team Preference
Date Nights ~ A Seal Team Preference
Hurt S/O ~ A Seal Team Preference
Protective Bravo Team ~Seal Team Headcanons
Fallen Eagle ~ A Seal Team Oneshot
Sonny Quinn:
Dating Sonny Quinn- Headcanons
Moving in With Sonny Quinn ~ Headcanons
Going Through Hell ~ Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The Proposal ~ Sonny Quinn Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet ~ Sonny Quinn Edition***
Fluffy Alphabet ~ Headcanons
Clay Spenser:
Dating Clay Spenser ~ Headcanons
Moving in with Clay ~ Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet: Clay Spenser ***
The Proposal ~ Headcanons
Daddy-Daughter Fun ~ Imagine
Stress and Relax ~ Imagine
Fluffy Alphabet: Clay Spenser
Future Home ~ Headcanons
Trent Sawyer:
Dating Trent Sawyer ~ Headcanons
Fluffy Alphabet ~ Trent Sawyer Edition
NSFW Alphabet ~ Trent Sawyer Edition ***
Brock Reynolds:
Fluffy Alphabet ~ Brock Reynolds Edition
Smutty Alphabet ~ Brock Reynolds Edition ***
Meet My Dad ~ Brock x Carter!Reader Imagine
To Deploy, You Go~ A Brock Reynolds x Carter!Reader imagine
Dating Brock Reynolds ~ Headcanon
Eric Blackburn:
Breakfast in Bed ~ An Eric Blackburn imagine
Meet My Love ~ Imagine
Full Metal:
Sex with Full Metal~ Headcanons***
Trent/Full Metal:
Hold On to the Stars~ Imagine
Trent Sawyer & Full-Metal Series:
After Action Argument ~ Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The Sister Becomes Known
You Shouldn’t Be Alone Part 1
CODA SERIES MASTERLIST The Carter-Sawyer Collection Part 1
The Blackburn Collection
The Reynolds Collection
The Carter Collection
Gil Grissom:
Sex With Gil ~ Headcanons ***
Chicago PD
Jay Halstead:
NSFW Alphabet ~ Jay Halstead Edition***
Criminal Minds
Derek Morgan
Dating Derek Morgan || Headcanons
Spencer Reid
First Date with Spencer Reid
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noforkingclue · 4 years
Flirting? (Malcolm Bright x reader)
Prodigal Son contains everything I love:
Interesting plot
Good characters
Michael Sheen playing a serial killer
Three piece suits
So yeah, I’ve started writing for this as well. Enjoy!
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary
“Why am I here?” you asked as you leant back in your chair, “I haven’t done anything wrong.”
“This time.”
“I haven’t done anything wrong ever.”
“We have eye witnesses who would testify differently.”
“What do you want Gil?” you asked with an eye roll, “I’m going back home soon and I have to pack.”
Gil mirrored your position and folded his arms. You gave him an unimpressed look and raised an eyebrow.
“Am I arrested?”
“We just needed some information.”
“I don’t know him.”
“Him, we didn’t even tell you who we’re looking for. Which means you have your suspicions or even know who we want. Someone’s been in contact with you asking for your help.”
You groaned.
“Why is he here?” you asked
Malcolm gave you a smile and if you weren’t handcuffed you would’ve flipped him off. You already had several run-ins with the consultant and you can’t say that the two of you hit it off.
“He’s our consultant,” sighed Gil, “Look y/n-“
“Let me guess, it was his idea bringing me in.”
“I don’t know where he is.”
“So you do know who we’re talking about,” Malcolm took the seat next to Gil, “We already know he tried to contact you.”
“So why bring me in. A phone call would’ve been perfectly acceptable.”
“We don’t have your number.” Said Malcolm
“I’m sure you could figure it out. Your intellect has always been one of you more modest traits.”
Malcolm rested his elbows on the table and Gil pinched the bridge of his nose. It always ended up like this with you two, bickering that just toed the line of flirting. It was tiring watching the two of you dance around each other.
“So you acknowledge my theory is correct.”
“I don’t want to damage your fragile masculine ego.”
“Y/n,” warned Gil, “Back on topic.”
“Alright,” you sighed, “Looking for Oliver Jackson right?”
“Where is he.”
“Honestly,” you shrugged, “No idea. He came to me, ooh, maybe the night before last asking for cash to get out of the city.”
“And you gave it to him.” Gil said
You snorted and Malcolm gave you an amused smile.
“No,” you said, “I worked hard for that money and-“
“Money which you did steal.” Malcolm said
“Rude. If people are foolish enough to-“ you stopped before you incriminated yourself, “But back to the matter in hand, I told him where to go and slammed the door in his face. No idea how he found out where I lived.”
“And you have no idea where he is.” Asked Gil
Your eyes flicked to the one way mirror before looking back at Gil and Malcolm.
“You’re lying.”
You gave Malcolm a cold look.
“Because you’re the expert.”
“I am a profiler.”
“I don’t know where he is, but,” you said as Malcolm opened his mouth, “I might have an idea.”
“Well?” asked Gil
“Let’s just say,” you gave the two of them a small smile, “That he and his sister were very keen on Game of Thrones in more way than one if you catch my drift.”
There was a brief pause before Gil shot up and marched out of the room. Malcolm stayed behind and rested his chin on the palm of his hand.
“How long had you known?”
“Since I split up with him,” you said, “Really I should’ve spotted it sooner. His sister hated me a little too much and he was always overly affectionate with her. A bit too affectionate just for siblings. Why do you think I broke things off?”
You smirked at the way Malcolm’s jaw clenched when you mentioned your past relationship.
“What’s the matter Bright,” you asked leaning closer, “Don’t like me talking about my criminal ex or is it talk about any ex that gets you bothered?”
“You should’ve been a profiler.”
“I don’t know if that’s a compliment or an insult.”
Then Malcolm gave you that damned smile. That charming one that despite the bags under his eyes and the pain you could see in them, almost made you want to be a better person. The one that made your legs weak and your stomach tie up in painful knots. When he stood up you looked at you handcuffs expectantly.
“Going to un-cuff me Bright?”
“Gil’s going to have a few more questions if we can’t find his sister,” he said as he left the interview room, “We won’t be long.”
“Bright!” you yelled, “Come back here you bastard!”
 JT and Dani looked at each other behind the one way mirror.
“Was he flirting with her?” asked JT
“No,” said Dani with a frown, “At least I don’t think he was.”
“Hard to tell with him,” said JT as he watched Malcolm leave the room, “Hard to tell with her as well.”
“Something to keep an eye on,” said Dani as she left the room, “Ten bucks say it’ll be six months before they realise.”
“Twenty but make it a year.”
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sincerly-kate · 4 years
Shattered Glass (Malcolm Bright/Whitly x gn!reader)
A/n: This story is inspired by two things; a two-part series by @wreckofawriter​ and also my experience with family . If you want me to remove it (wreckofawriter) then I will, but I don’t mean to copy your amazing work.
Warnings: Angst to fluff, Malcolm trying his best (not really a warning but that needed to be put out there, HE ONLY TRIES HIS BEST), also talk about poor mental health! (Such as Anxiety, description of an anxiety attack (this is based off MY experiences I’m not trying to generalize them!) and slight depression)
Don’t read if you’re not done season one! All spoilers are under the cut just in case (Eve is mentioned, iykyk)
Summary: You and Malcolm have been dating for a few years now, you share with him all of your sides- or so he thought. How will he react when he sees you crying when you think he can’t see you? How will he feel when he realizes that you guys are more alike than he originally expected?
Y/s/n = Your Siblings Name
Y/m/n = Your Mothers Name
y/n = your name (just in case this is your first fic)
Words: Just over 3,000 (😅😅)
I was listening to this song as I was writing this: If the World Was Ending- JP Saxe, Julia MIchaels
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You always knew that Malcolm could see the real you better than anyone else, he could see straight through your facial expressions and little habits. It was his job after all as a profiler, he couldn’t just turn it off when he was with you and that was understood between the two of you. The last thing you wanted was for him to change in a world that treated him differently already (no thanks to his father).
But there was one part of you that you tried to keep from Malcolm at all costs, and that was your family.
It wasn’t because you didn’t trust him with that knowledge, but it was just a side of you that you’ve never been able to let anyone see. To see how hurt you were by their words, how little you were respected by them, how small you felt anytime you tried to be yourself around them. You couldn’t tell him any of it, you hoped that he would believe your lies, cause you knew that his family was way worse than yours; so you just kept it all inside for no one except yourself to see. The last thing you wanted was for him to feel guilty for confiding in you after all these years.
You felt him nudge your shoulder, which brought you back to reality. You were a Reporter, and a very god one depending on who you asked, and Malcolm needed you to help him drag out a killer for a case. He was profiled as overly confident and a borderline narcissist, so Malcolm was certain that if you talked about him on the news, saying that they had him in custody that he would contact either you or the station to say you had a fraud. Malcolm was going to be by your side the entire time, just to make sure they wouldn’t go after the most important person in his life-,not again; he wouldn’t know what he would do if you were taken away from him like Eve. He would do anything in his power to make sure that he wouldn’t go after you, since you matched most of his previous victims.
“You alright?” He looked at you slightly worried, he was always concerned when you got too deep into that head of yours, he wasn’t sure what caused you to be constantly thinking that you’re not good enough, but he wasn’t going to press the matter. He rubbed your thigh as he sat next to you, to keep you grounded.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? It’s not like I’m about to be indirectly talking to a serial killer on live television, and possibly get a target on my back for doing so.” You nervously laughed as you looked down at your feet, your leg bouncing up and down to the rhythm of your rapidly beating heart.
“You don’t need to do this; you know that right?” He placed his hand on your cheek, caressing the side of your face with his thumb repeating the motion to calm your nerves. “I can ask Ainsley; she’s done this before-”
“Malcolm, I’ll be alright. I always am.” You gave him a tight-lipped smile; you knew it wasn’t very convincing but that’s all you could muster up at the moment.
He wasn’t convinced, you could tell since he gave you his doubtful that he’s given you on more than one occasion but he was cut off by another voice before he could call you out on it.
“C’mon Bright, they’re about to go live.” Gill said as he lightly grabbed his arm to get him out of the shot, and he complied.
“Live in 3,2,1...” You were given the cue as you took a deep breath and put your ‘TV face’ on as you liked to call it. “Breaking news tonight, the NYPD have confirmed that they have someone in custody who’s been known to the public as The angel of death, nothing has been said by police if this truly is their killer but after the past week of The angel of death terrorizing the city, police are led to believe that this is him.”
You took a pause to make it look like you were listening to someone through your earpiece, that was intentionally visible to the camera, then carried on with the broadcast.
“I’ve just gotten a confirmation from our sources that it has been officially confirmed that they have The angel of death himself in custody and will be setting a court date to be announced later. Now back to Ryan with politics.”
The second you heard the ring that signaled you were no longer on air, you slumped over in relaxation. You crossed your arms on the table in front of you and leaned your head, that now felt lighter than air, on top.
“You did amazing darling, that should get the killers attention for certain.” He said to you as the sound of his shoes got closer to the desk the kissed the top of your head and slowly rubbed your back to release more tension that he knew you were holding.
“I didn’t really- “You tried to correct him as you lifted your head, but Malcolm refused to let you get close to finishing that sentence of yours.
“Nope- you just brought us our killer baby; you did a hell of a lot more than most would’ve in your shoes.”  You loved how he was always able to reassure you, and how he did it without a second beat.
You turned to look up at your loving and supportive boyfriend in admiration and a warm smile slowly painting your features, “Whatever I did in a past life was so worth it.”
“What?” He slightly laughed at your statement, looking at you now with a mixture of curiosity and confusion.
“To deserve someone like you and be lucky to call them mine.” You stood up from your chair and moved closer to him to close the distance between his lips and yours, you could taste the slight cherry flavor of the candy you knew he had earlier. As you two break apart, you can still taste it on your own lips.
Unfortunately, this moment doesn’t last as long as you two wanted it to, because both of your phones go off. His from an unknown caller, and yet yours is somehow worse.
You look down to your phone saying Mom, you sighed at this and then looked at Malcolm, or where he was, already on his phone, most likely talking to the killer himself next to Dani, Giles and JT.
You excused yourself to another room for some privacy that you knew you were going to need. You were only halfway to the quiet room when you answered your phone; you knew that was going to be a bad idea.
“Why in the hell did you think that was a good idea y/n?!”
You sighed and with a tight-lipped smile replied with, “Hello to you too mom, haven’t heard from you in a while.” You then slowly closed the door behind you.
“Don’t give me that lip! I am your mother, I deserved to be treated with respect! I never get this from y/s/n.”
You dropped your head down in defeat, you always considered the problem child, ever since your sibling came into the picture. Before that everything was relatively fine, but you never blamed y/s/n though; it’s not their fault your parents decided that you could fend for yourself at the age of 8.
“Yeah I know, but it was for a case- “Once again, she decided to cut you off.
“A CASE?” she shrieked into the phone, making you pull the device away from your ear.
“Yes- “
“Now I knew were selfish, but I never thought it was this bad. I could tell that it was staged, are you seriously putting yourself in danger so they could contact you for some ink?”
You were absolutely shocked by her words; she thought that you risking your life was selfish? So, you could save others, that made you selfish? You felt the pressure of tears build up as a sickening pit was building in your stomach; she always knew the words to say and never in the good way. “No, that’s not- “
“No, I get it, you’re too damn stupid to see past your own needs. I have no clue where I went wrong with you.”
The minute you heard that, you hung up the phone. You couldn’t care less about what she would’ve said after that.
You hit your back on the wall as you slowly walked backwards and slid down to the floor. You pulled your knees up to your chest and placed your head down.
You must’ve been sitting there for a while as there was a rough knocking behind your back, on the door. ‘They must’ve been knocking for a while’ you thought.
“Y/n! Are you in there?” Malcolm. You must’ve scared him to death, without even thinking you stand up and open the door for him.
Behind the door was Gil, JT and Dani accompanying Malcolm. “Shit guys, sorry if I scared you.” You laughed humorlessly but stopped once you saw all their concerned faces.
“Y/n, you alright?” Gil asked, who was more of a parental figure than your own, but you couldn’t ever tell him that. Not because you were scared it would go to his head, no, he wasn’t like that. You just didn’t want it to become awkward since he already needed to worry about Malcolm, you didn’t need him to constantly worry about you on top of it.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” You said then realized you still had massive tear stains on your cheeks and puffy eyes from your previous phone call, you forgot to wipe them away before you opened the door.
‘Dammit y/n’ you scolded yourself for making the four of them all worry.
“Um you got somethin’ right,” JT then motioned to his whole face, Dani then elbowed him in the side for his unhelpful comment.
“Oh!” You wiped the sides of your face, “I’m fine guys, just got something in my eye.” You smiled at all of them.
Your head then turned to Malcolm, who squinted his eyes at you. You could tell didn’t believe you at all; he knew all your tells. You could tell that he was going to ask later, but you were sure as hell going to avoid it if you could.
Unable to deal with the silence anymore, you pushed by all of them, apologizing as you went, and walked out to your car. You were done for the day anyways, so you wanted to go home to Malcolm and yours’ apartment.
Once you got through the door, you let the dam in your mind open. The flood gate of tears rushed, and there was nothing you could’ve done to stop it; not that you really wanted to anyways. Your hands shook from the rush of emotions going through you, but you forced down the inevitable panic attack until you got to the couch. Your hands continued to uncontrollably shake, and you curled up in a fetal position with your favorite blanket wrapped around you like a tight hug. The words of your mother echoed throughout your fogged mind.
“I knew were selfish… you’re too damn stupid to see past your own needs…”
It just wouldn’t stop. It was like a massive wave going over a surfer; nothing could be done about it, you just needed to ride it out.
You heard a muffled noise coming from behind you but being so caught up and immobilized in your thoughts, nothing could’ve dragged you out of this one, not this time.
 A pair of arms grabbed your shoulders, and there was enough fight left in you to push them away and run into the corner of the apartment. You could slightly see a male figure coming near you, and all you were capable of doing was whimpering and curling up in what you had deemed your safety blanket.
“Y/n… talk to me… happened at… were worried…”
You tried to make out the familiar voice- Malcolm; that’s the only person it could be right? It didn’t matter to you right now; the voice of your mother was stronger than your own thoughts, it always had been.
You felt a thud right next to you, and smelt the subtle sent of his cologne, it brought you back to your senses slightly, but not enough to stop your uncontrollable shaking and tears. He nudged himself closer to your body, and you instinctively laid your head on his shoulder. You could feel yourself calm down, but you knew it was because he was here. Yes, he was helping you ground yourself through the small gesture, but it was mainly that you were embarrassed of him seeing you like this and could feel your body force away the attack.
As you begun to trust yourself to speak, you turned slightly towards Malcolm, a numb look coated your features. “Sorry you had to see that; you shouldn’t have had to.” You spoke meekly, looking down at your still slightly shaky hands in your lap.
“Y/n, you have nothing to be sorry for.”
It was once he said that sentence that you knew you needed to come clean about the one secret that you had left from him.
“But I do, I’ve been selfish.”
“How darling?” He said while slowly petting your head, the way you’d comfort a child.
“I didn’t want to tell you, cause you already had so much on your plate, with this case, your family, and I- I just didn’t want to add my family on top of it.” He understood that this must’ve been eating at you for a while, because you normally bottled all your feelings until it broke; unfortunately, that’s why you both got along so well. He never wanted you to feel like that was necessary when you were with him, but how do you bring that kind of thing up?
“What about your family?” he spoke softly. You never spoke about them, hell he’s never even met them but now he felt deep down that he was about to find out why.
“Am I selfish to you? Am I someone you really see yourself with in the long run?” Tears begun to fill your eyes again, and a crack in your voice was evident to Malcolm that you believed in what you were saying about yourself.
He felt a pang of sadness for you in his chest, that was quickly turning to anger at whoever made you feel like you were any less than worth the universe. He composed himself before he responded to your question.
“Far from it, you are the most selfless human being I’ve ever met. There’s now way that a selfish person would’ve done what you did today; going in front of thousands of people and calling out a killer like that, like a badass.” He nudged your shoulder, where he got a slight giggle out of you. It wasn’t a lot, but it was better than nothing.
“And absolutely can I see you with me later on,” He took a deep breath before he continued his statement. “I love you y/n, and if I ever lost you… I don’t even want to think of who I would become. You’re the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.”
You immediately rushed into his arms and embraced him so tightly, afraid that this was all some massive cruel dream, and you’d wake up another day without him knowing. You stayed like this for a moment before Malcolm piped up,
“So, you wanna tell me why the most beautiful person to ever walk the earth is currently crying on our apartment floor at nearly 9 pm?”
You both chuckled at this, as you unwrapped yourself from his arms to look him in his beautiful blue eyes. His eyes were still filled with an underlying anger, but mainly held concern towards you.
“You know when we were at the news station today? And you got a call from the killer?” He nodded, encouraging you to continue.
“Well I also got a call, but it was from my mother. We got into an argument, since she saw the broadcast, and words were said.” You knew that the fine details were going to be said eventually, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say it.
“And, what did she say baby?” He answered in a voice that was barely even a whisper, he looked you up and down; most likely looking at your body language to see if you were going to try and lie, but he could tell that you were going to be honest.
“That I was selfish, dumb, questioning where she went wrong with me.” You sniffled and looked to your hands, terrified to see Malcolm’s reaction. Not because he might yell at you, but at what he might do to your mother now that this was his first impression of her.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Was all he said after some silence.
“You have your own family shit to deal with, I didn’t feel like it was fair on you to dump mine on top of it. I didn’t want you to lose anymore sleep than you already do over something that I need to deal with.”
“Malcolm? You’re scaring me.” You looked up at him to see him looking out the window, his face glowing from all the nightlife neon lights across the street; he looked so angelic, more than he normally did.
“How didn’t I see this any sooner? I don’t care that you didn’t tell me y/n, I don’t care that your family is screwed up as well. I do care about the fact that I couldn’t help you through it.”
“But Malcolm it wasn’t your fight-” you tried to defend your reasoning, but alas he needed to correct you once more before the night was through.
“You’re right; it’s our fight. To hell with our parents, we’re not our parents; we are our own people. So, from this moment on, I promise to be completely transparent with my baggage as long as you are with me. We can break our constantly bottled-up feelings together.” He gently picked up your hand and laid a kiss on top.
“turn them into shattered glass.” You nodded as you spoke, a smile slowly coming back to your face.
“Just like shattered glass.” He nodded back, returning your smile.
And just like that, the two of you sat down on the couch, cuddling and watching movies as dusk carried on into dawn.
A/n: I hope you guys liked this, I always loved Malcolm’s character and Prodigal son, and with my life being slightly hectic at the moment this was a nice change of pace. Hope you have an amazing day or night, depending on where you are! 💙
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majwrites · 4 years
Profiling flatmates
Malcolm Bright x platonic!Reader
A/N: this is set in the same universe as the "Profiling friends" thing I wrote. Reader and Malcolm live in the loft together.
At first everyone, including you and Malcolm were pretty sure that this would end up as a complete dumpster fire. Thankfully it didn't. You both never thought you were the kind of people to share a flat, but when you got evicted from your place (the NYPD doesn't exactly pay sentenced criminals that well) Malcolm was still very quick to offer you to stay at his place. 
And since he had a loft with much more space than any of your friends it was settled rather fast. You both needed your own space quite often and the loft would've given that space even if there would've been two more people living there. 
Jessica and your parents didn't complain either. This way they all saved some time because now Malcolm and you could remind each other to eat something. Somehow people who forget to eat are very good at reminding their friends to eat something. Problem solved. 
It became visible though from what incredibly different backgrounds both of you came. Malcolm never had to eat potatoes five meals of the week and he also had never been told as a child that he'd have to wait for new shoes until next month. You were also the first person he saw going grocery shopping with pocket change and he didn't understand why you insisted on paying some sort of rent to his mother. At least he managed to convince you that he'd pay for groceries from now on. In return you showed him how to build a new cage for Sunshine, because the parakeet was in need of more space. 
But there was something else that had changed in Malcolm's life. It was the music. Sure he always had his radio alarm clock, but other than that he mostly kept the loft silent. Now that you had moved in it was filled with some sort of music most of the time. You never turned it up too loud without his consent and you listened to the really loud stuff in your room exclusively. But Malcolm in fact didn't mind the music. It was strangely calming. 
When he came home this evening he heard you from the kitchen. You were grating apples and carrots for a salad while singing along to the radio. "(Y/N), I'm home!", Malcolm made sure to always announce himself to not startle you. He made his way over to the kitchen and sat down on a chair. You continued singing. Once the song ended and the traffic report started you stated the obvious:"I'm making a carrot-apple-salad. Did you find the murderer?". "We got him surprisingly fast", said Malcolm. He would tell you about the case later. "You know, (Y/N)", he started. "Huh", you stopped working on the vegetables for a moment to listen to your flatmate. "Ever since you moved in my place…well I guess it's more your place these days since you pay rent to my mother. It's been filled with music. It's either the radio or your CD collection or MTV, but some music is present almost all of the time. I know it can help you calm down or just get in touch with your emotions or be there just for entertainment", Malcolm saw your face crunch up. Oh no. He was making you feel like it bothered him. He needed to come to the point: "It's fine, (Y/N). I actually just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy that. And I enjoy sharing this loft with you". "I'm very glad to be in this loft with you too, Mal", you really were. It was nice living with your friends. It was nice having to worry only about one half of the chores and not being alone during the third mental breakdown of the week. "What I wanted to know is, how do you know all the songs? You sing along to everything and you seem to be emotionally attached to so many songs. It's quite impressive and actually adorable", Malcolm had needed to get this out. You often thought people would get annoyed by your existence and as your friend he needed to convince you otherwise. "Back in my parents house we always listened to music", you started, "and in the car too. My parents shared all their favourite songs with me and as I grew older I found new music myself and shared my favourite songs with my parents. And my sibling and I exchanged music too. Music really speaks to you, Mal". "Would you mind showing me some of your favourite music?", asked Malcolm. "Sure thing" And after you had both eaten your dinner the evening was spent listening to a very good Playlist that you'd already had finished in case Malcolm would ask you for song suggestions. 
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applepiewinchesters · 5 years
Sleepover (Malcolm Bright x Reader)
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The first time you ever slept over at Malcolm’s was after a long case, it was late and his house was closest to the police station.
You were rather surprised to see he had restraints on either side of the bed. Either this man was kinky as hell, or he was into some fucked up shit.
Turns out, it was neither.
You’d only known Malcolm for a short time, and he wasn’t exactly the best at sharing his feelings. So, when he noticed your hesitation, he quickly tried to explain.
“I have night terrors,” he spoke, a little weary, “if I don’t strap myself down I could hurt myself or someone else.”
Malcolm waited for you to laugh, or run out the door screaming, but you didn’t, you just shrugged.
“Everybody has their own issues,” you said, smiling, “Guess this means were not sharing the bed?”
Malcolm smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, “You’re still welcome to stay, the couch is…okay,” he told you.
“I’ll stay, it’s too late to walk home anyway,” you said, pulling off your coat and laying it on the back of the couch.
You sat as Malcolm hurried to the other room, grabbing some extra sheets, a blanket, and a pillow. He helped you make up a little bed and also handed you a t-shirt and sweatpants.
Taking the clothes from him you smiled, “Bathroom?” you asked.
Malcolm pointed you in the right direction and you headed inside to change.
When you came back out, your work clothes slung over your arm, you saw Malcolm changed as well, sitting on the edge of the bed, slipping one of the restraints on his left wrist, tightening it.
You watched curiously, “Do they hurt?” you asked, Malcolm looked up, smiling softly.
“Not really, I’ve gotten used to them, I’ve usually got marks after a particularly rough night though,” he explained.
“Need any help?” you asked, motioning to the other cuff.
Malcolm chuckled, shaking his head, “I’ve got it, don’t worry, get some sleep,” he said, motioning to the couch.
You nodded, “Night Malcolm,” you told him.
“Night,” he said, switching off his bedside table lamp when you finally climbed onto the couch.
You settled in, it was a bit awkward, both of you listening to each other’s falling asleep noises. Malcolm waited till he heard your breathing slow as you snored softly to even try and get comfortable.
He didn’t really want you to have to witness him thrashing around in his bed, and hopefully he wouldn’t be screaming in his sleep tonight, if he did sleep at all.
It was only about an hour after you’d fallen asleep that you were woken up by a loud thump. You shot up on the couch, hand instinctively going for your side where your gun sat during your job.
After realizing you were still in Malcolm’s apartment, you quickly looked towards the bedroom, realizing the thumping was Malcolm, in the light shining in from the large window you could see him thrashing around, pulling hard against the restraints chained to the wall.
Getting up from the couch you hurried over to the bed, Malcolm was drenched in sweat, his face contorted in pain. He was also wearing a mouth guard, probably so he didn’t break his teeth from clenching his jaw.
You had no idea what to do in this situation, you couldn’t just sit and watch him suffer, there had to be a way to help.
People had nightmares all the time, when your little sibling used to have them you’d wake them up and comfort them as best you could, hugging them and reassuring them it’d be okay. So that’s what you did.
You carefully began shaking him, not really knowing how effective it would be considering he was already thrashing around.
“Malcolm,” you began, your voice gentle but hopefully loud enough to wake him, “Malcolm wake up, come on, it’s just a dream.”
Continuing to shake him, you ran a hand through his sweaty hair, even slapping his cheek a bit, you nearly screamed when he finally shot up in bed, breathing hard.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” you said, composing yourself quickly as you wrapped your arms around him, drawing him close to you, he was still pulling against the restraints.
Carefully, you undid them and once you did his own arms snaked around you and he spit on his mouth guard before resting his chin on your shoulder.
His breathing was still uneven, and he gripped you tightly, like a scared child holding their teddy bear.
You began rubbing his back, “It was just a dream, you’re okay now, everything’s fine,” you told him, continuing to whisper reassurances as he calmed down, his breathing returning to normal and his grip on you loosening.
“I’m sorry,” he finally managed to croak out.
Shaking your head, you continued to hold him, “It’s not your fault, like I said, everyone has issues.”
Malcolm sighed, pulling away from you as climbed off the bed, heading towards the kitchen. You followed, watching as he grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and take a few sips, his left hand was shaking, a tremor you’d noticed a few times.
It was silent for a few moments before you spoke up again, “Okay?” you asked him. Malcolm set down the water, nodding, but gripped the counter top tightly.
“Nothing I haven’t dealt with before,” he told you.
“We don’t have to go back to bed,” you offered, “we can watch TV.”
Malcolm smiled a bit, “I’d like that,” he said.
You both headed to the living room, sitting down on the couch, Malcolm grabbed the remote, switching on the TV to a random movie, one of the twenty Star Wars films, maybe the newest one, you weren’t completely sure.
Both of you sat stiffly for a while before Malcolm suddenly reached out, taking your hand, running a thumb softly over your knuckles.
It was relaxing to the both of you, he was reassuring himself this was real, and he wasn’t still dreaming, and it was nice for you to know that you were a comforting presence.
Around six in the morning Malcolm drifted off again, he’d moved so that his head was in your lap, and as you ran your fingers through his hair, he’d managed to fall asleep.
You tried your best to stay up though, just in case he had another night terror, your adrenaline was still pumping from the first time anyway.
Malcolm managed to sleep until ten, four full hours without any disruption.
When he woke up he found your hand resting in his hair, your head propped up on your other hand as you slept.
He was shocked, he’d barely slept even two hours in one night in months. But he’d slept four, no restraints, no night terrors, nothing.
Maybe the thing he’d needed all along was someone there, someone like you to reassure him he wasn’t alone and that it was okay to be scared.
After that you slept over at his loft quite often, and when you two became something more than friends, you slept in the bed beside him, he still had night terrors, but it was nothing you couldn’t handle, and as he began sleeping through the night more often, his mental state got better as well.
Even Jessica thought it was amazing, she called you his angel.
Malcolm never thought he’d have someone to help, to love him for him, he should’ve had you sleepover way sooner.
A/N: Hey everyone, I’ve been wanting to write some Prodigal Son fic for a while and I’ve finally got around to it! I hope you like it and I’m currently taking requests, but for my own mental health, I’m only taking the first ten I get, so if you have an idea, especially for Prodigal Son, please send it in! Love you all, and thanks to anyone whose stuck around even after I stopped posting regularly. ~ Sara :)
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fancycakedragon · 5 years
Fictober 3/31
Cider– "Now? Now you listen to me?!"
Jessica Whitly x Adopted!Reader
Ainsley & Malcolm Whitly x Adopted–Sibling!Reader
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Warning(s): none
A/N: This is a day late but I didn't want to just skip it.
The meal had been quiet as usual with the occasional talking points. To be honest you and your siblings were just waiting for whatever your mother was preparing to announce, "This weekend there will be a get together at the Filmore's, you're all coming."
You snorted in amusement, "No, thank you."
"Yeah, I'm busy that day," Ainsley added.
"Nonsense, the Filmore's have been close family friends with us for years, it would be rude not to attend," she said in a tone that left no room for an argument.
"Send them my regards because I won't be there, I added a chapter for my book and it needs to be completed by this weekend."
"When did you decide to add this chapter?"
"Just now," your defiance was only elevating the tension as Mother cut into her food while giving you a stern look.
Malcolm did his best not to say anything because this was the first time in days someone else was at odds with Mother. That and he wanted to see how this was going to go.
"You're all coming to the party, you're going to mingle, and be civil, and have fun."
Your jaw clenched, "Barreling your way through a disagreement as usual, I see."
"What are you-"
You tone rose in irritation as you spoke, "I am not going to sit through a meal and allow the Filmore twins belittle my writing while simultaniously trying to impress me with their Cider company. You won't be seeing me there, and I wont apologize."
"You're often more accomidating that Malcolm and Ainsley. What is with you?" Mother asked staring at you in disbelief
"Just done doing things for the sake of appeasing you," with that she stood from her seat in a huff and left.
Malcolm raised a brow at you, "Now? Now you listen to me?!"
You shrugged, "On the bright side she won't be as mad at you when you don't show."
He nodded in agreement taking another bite of his food.
Requests are open.
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harper-hook · 7 years
Eavesdropper | Percy Jackson x Reader
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Summary: You accidentally overhear a private conversation between Jason and Percy.
Author’s Note: This is my first imagine for Percy Jackson! Let me know if you like it.
You sighed, looking at the Poseidon cabin. "Will you go ask him out already?" Annabeth asked loudly. "SHH!" You shushed her frantically, looking around to make sure no one heard her. You sighed again. You guessed your secret hasn't been as secret as you had thought.
"Ok, so I may or may not have a slight crush on Percy." You admitted. You were relatively new to Camp Half Blood. You arrived 2 months ago and was claimed by Athena. You got along really well with your half siblings and you really liked camp.
"If you're worried I'm gonna be mad that you ask out my ex, I'm not. Seriously." Annabeth told you. "But I'm gonna be mad if you keep fawning over him. It's not good for his ego." Annabeth pointed out with a smirk.
"I don't fawn over him for your information." You rebutted. "Mmmhmm, sure." Malcolm chimed in sarcastically. You looked at your siblings, feeling betrayed. "Why is everyone at this table so interested in my love life?" You asked them incredulously. It was like you accidentally sat at the Aphrodite table.
"We just want you to be happy." Annabeth told you. "It'll also be kinda funny to see how Mom reacts." Malcolm chuckled. Oh Gods, you hadn't even thought about that! Seeing your nervous look, Annabeth shut down the teasing.
"Ok, guys. That's enough. I doubt Mom would be mad, just exasperated." Annabeth said, trying to make you feel better. It didn't. "But seriously, go ask him out." Annabeth deadpanned. "I can't! What if he says no?" You asked nervously.
Malcolm scoffed. "Clearly you haven't seen the way he stares at you when you're not staring at him." You blushed again. "If he does stare at me like you say," You gave a pointed stare to Malcolm. "Then why can't I wait until he asks me out?"
Annabeth scoffed. "Percy is literally the most oblivious person in the world. You're gonna have to ask him out." Annabeth told you. "You know what? I will." You declared with a sudden burst of courage.
"Good. We can go now." Annabeth stood up. "Wait, what?" You asked wide eyed. You couldn't do this now, you needed a few days to mentally prepare. "We can go now. C'mon." Annabeth grabbed your arm, dragging you away from the Dining Pavilion.
"Annabeth! No! I need time to prepare! And plan!" You struggled, trying to get out of Annabeth's iron grip. "It's Percy! Any plan you have will go awry!" Annabeth grunted, dragging you until you both eventually reached the outside of the Poseidon cabin.
"Ok. I'm gonna go back to the Athena cabin and you can come back when you talk to him." Annabeth crossed her arms. You frowned, looking down. "Fine." You growled, frustrated.
Annabeth nodded and walked away. Guess there's no getting out of this, you thought to yourself. With a deep breath, you walked up the steps of the Poseidon cabin. You were about to knock on the door when you heard something interesting.
"I don't know, Jason! I just feel weird about it!" Percy said, clearly frustrated. You knew it was rude to eavesdrop but at this point, you were ok with whatever bought you a few minutes.
"Why do you feel weird?" Jason asked. You leaned closer to the door. "Because! They’re related to Annabeth and I just don't want it to be weird between us." Percy groaned. Your mouth fell open in a silent gasp. Could Percy be talking about you?
"Listen, man. I understand where you're coming from but I say if you really like her, you should go for it." Jason told Percy. "I don't know if I can. I've got butterflies in my stomach." Percy sighed. "Digest them. Ask them out!" Jason said.
Alana couldn't believe what she was hearing. Percy had to be talking about her. Percy didn’t really hang out with any other Athena kids besides Annabeth. You grinned excitedly, their worries left behind.
Without hesitation, you took a step forward and knocked on the door. After a moment's pass, the door swung open and Jason stepped into the doorway. "Hey Jason. Is Percy here?" You asked, as if you weren’t just eavesdropping.
"Uh... y-yeah." Jason stuttered. "Percy! (Y/N)’s here!" Jason called, stepping onto the porch. Percy came to the door, running a hand through his messy hair. "Oh hey (Y/N)." Percy smiled and you smiled back.
Um, I'm gonna... go now. Bye." Jason said awkwardly before practically sprinting away. You turned back to Percy with a bright smile on your face. "So, what's up?" Percy asked. "I was just wondering..." You trailed off. Percy raised an eyebrow, signaling for you to keep going.
"Would you, maybe, want to go see a movie with me?" You asked, fiddling with your fingers. "Like a date?" Percy asked, confused. You bit her lip nervously. "Yeah, the Stolls owe me a favor and we can get out of camp without being caught and-" You cut yourself off. "I really like you, Percy." You admitted, looking down.
After a few moments, you looked up at Percy, expecting the worse. You were mildly surprised to see Percy's bright smile. You were even more surprised when Percy gently grabbed your chin and placed a kiss on your lips. You loved the way he naturally smelled like salt water.
After 3 seconds, you pulled away, grinning like a idiot. "Was that your way of saying yes?" You teased, making Percy blush. "I really like you too." Percy smiled at you. The sound of the approaching harpies made you both look up.
"Uh, I should probably go." You rubbed the back of your neck. "Yeah. Talk to you tomorrow?" Percy asked hopefully. "Definitely." You nodded. "Ok, bye!" Percy waved. You waved and walked away from the Poseidon cabin, narrowly avoiding the Harpies.
You reached the Athena cabin and quickly bolted inside. "How'd it go?" Annabeth asked immediately. You just grinned and Annabeth grinned back. "What did I tell you?" Annabeth asked smugly. You didn't reply but instead flopped down on your bed, grinning like a madman.
You were over the moon at this point. You really had to thank Annabeth for making you do this.
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ao3feed-prodigalson · 4 years
by WritingWithADinosaur
While out on a lunch break with your boss, you find out that your brother is back in town. Unsure of what to do, Gil tries to give some advice.
Words: 2145, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Prodigal Son (TV 2019)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Other
Characters: Gil Arroyo, Malcolm Bright
Relationships: Gil Arroyo & Reader, Malcolm Bright x Sibling!Reader, Brother!Malcolm Bright x reader
0 notes
applepiewinchesters · 5 years
Lockdown (Malcolm Bright x Reader)
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You hadn’t stopped pacing Gil’s office for the last twenty minutes. Jessica had joined you in the office about ten minutes ago, she and Gil had a little argument and now they were both watching you.
“He’s going to be fine kid,” Gil told you, breaking the silence.
“What if he’s not?” you said, suddenly stopping your incessant pacing. “What if that Tevin guy gets in there? What if Martin…”
You trailed off, not even wanting to think about that, Martin Whitly may have been a heartless killer, but you’d hoped he had enough conscious not to try and murder his own children.
“Malcolm’s a smart guy Y/N, you know that,” Gil reassured.
“Not when he’s with his father, he’s told me what Martin can do, he break you down, make you believe anything he tells you,” you said, you were practically shaking with anxiety.
“Martin won’t get to him,” Jessica spoke up, “my son is smarter than that.”
You only sighed, finally collapsing into one of the chairs across from Gil’s desk, putting your head in your hands.
Gil came over and put a comforting hand on your shoulder, “The SWAT team and medics are almost there, it will be okay.”
You tried to believe him, but every single worst scenario was running through your mind. Tevin attacking Malcolm, Martin snapping, hurting everyone, Malcolm being wheeled out in a body bag.
Mentally smacking yourself, you tried to get these images out of your mind. When Gil’s phone rang a few seconds later your head shot up, Gil quickly answered, “Malcolm? Everything alright?” he asked.
Malcolm said something you couldn’t hear before Gil said, “Alright, I’m bringing your mother and Y/N, we’ll be there soon.”
Gil hung up and you practically leaped from your chair, grabbing your coat and purse, “Is he okay? Are they okay?” you asked.
“Everyone is fine, Jin, the cameraman, was stabbed, but he’s stable,” Gil explained, “Let’s go.”
He motioned for you and Jessica to follow him, which you both did. A bit of relief flooded through you, but you wouldn’t completely calm down until you saw Malcolm.
You were now more worried about his mental state than anything, who knows what Martin could have said to him.
The three of you climbed into Gil’s car and he raced to the scene, sirens, lights and all.
You jumped out of the car before it completely stopped, there were firetrucks, police officers and paramedics everywhere. Maybe it had been worse than you thought.
Jessica caught sight of Ainsley coming out of the building, following the paramedics pushing Jin’s stretcher.
“Ainsley!” Jessica shouted, quickly running to her daughter.
The two embraced, and while you wanted them to have their moment, you were more worried about the other sibling, who was still nowhere to be seen.
“Ains, where’s Malcolm?” you asked quickly.
“Inside, talking to the police,” she told you, you nodded, hurrying into the door she’d just exited.
Police and hospital staff were gathered in the hall, you pushed past, trying to spot your boyfriend. You finally did, he was at the end of the hall talking with a man you recognized as David, Martin’s guard.
When David walked away you pushed through the rest of the people around you, “Malcolm!” you called.
His head snapped up, meeting your gaze, he didn’t get to say anything before you slammed into him, wrapping your arms around him tightly, pulling him to you.
Malcolm’s own arms went around your waist, hugging you tightly, “I’m okay,” he spoke softly.
“You scared the shit out of me, you weren’t answering your phone,” you said, wanting to punch him and kiss him all at the same time.
“I know, I know,” Malcolm said, the guilt obvious in his tone.
When you pulled away from him you frowned, you could see the fear and anxiety in his eyes, he was probably still freaking out.
“Are you okay?” you asked, reaching up to cup his cheek in your hand.
He gave you a tired smile, “I will be, nothing I can’t handle.”
You held back a laugh, “Let’s go home okay?”
“I’ve got to go to the station, fill some stuff out,” Malcolm said, trying to make an excuse.
You shook your head, “No, you can do that tomorrow, tonight you’re coming home, your mom already got us a car.”
“Of course, she has,” Malcolm grumbled as you pulled him from the building.
After reassuring his mom, Gil, and a few worried paramedics that he was okay, you both climbed into the waiting car, both ready to go home.
When you got back to the loft you thanked the driver and headed inside. It was then that you noticed the blood staining Malcolm’s hands and front of his jacket.
“Well, that’s another jacket gone,” you said, motioning to his front.
Malcolm went through jackets, suits, shirts, pants, you name it, like wildfire. Malcolm has probably stained half his wardrobe with dirt, blood, and other things that come along with being a profiler.
Looking down, Malcolm chuckled, “Not mine this time,” he told you, pulling off his jacket.
You walked over, taking the bloodied jacket and throwing it on the counter, “Better not be,” you said, reaching up to help him with his tie.
“I can undress myself,” Malcolm told you, watching your movements.
“It’s more fun when I do it,” you smirked, making Malcolm laugh and lean down to press a quick kiss to your lips.
Once you’d helped him out of the bloodied shirt he was wearing, you pushed him towards the bathroom, “Go shower, I’ll heat up some leftovers,” you told him.
He nodded, heading to the bathroom and shutting the door. You took off your shoes and coat, tossing them onto the counter with Malcolm’s ruined clothes.
Next you went to the bedroom, putting on some sweatpants and one of Malcolm’s old Harvard t-shirts, throwing your hair into a ponytail you headed back into the kitchen, grabbing the leftover lasagna you’d made a few nights ago from the fridge.
You heaped some of the food onto two plates, making sure to give Malcolm a bit more than you, you knew he’d eat it all if you were there, he never neglected his health when you were watching.
Both plates of food were warmed up by the time Malcolm got out of the shower and put on some pajamas himself.
You carried the food to the couch, passing his plate to him when you both sat down. Turning in your seat you placed your feet on Malcolm’s lap and he gladly used your legs as a small table.
The improvised dinner was quiet, and Malcolm picked at his food more than he ate it.
“Not hungry?” you asked once you’d finished your food and set your plate on the coffee table.
Malcolm shook his head, giving you a sheepish smile, “Long day,” he told you, setting his half-eaten plate of food next to yours on the table.
You weren’t going to argue with him, it had been a crazy day. Who knows what really went on in that lockdown.
“Want to talk about it?” you asked. Malcolm thought for a moment before shaking his head.
“Tomorrow, I promise,” he said, you nodded, respecting his wishes.
Malcolm reached out and grabbed your hips, pulling you onto his lap, “Right now, I just want to spend time with you, I owe you after the near heart attack you more than likely had today.”
You laughed, nodding, “If Gil hadn’t been there I probably would’ve marched into that hospital myself.”
“I know,” Malcolm said, “and that is why I thank whatever God there might be that he’s there to stop us both from being stupid…most of the time.”
“He probably got all that gray hair from you,” you joked, making Malcolm’s smile widen.
“I should give him more credit,” Malcolm told you.
You nodded, resting your head on his shoulder, Malcolm wrapped his arms around you, resting his cheek on your head.
Both of you just sat, enjoying the other’s company, the familiar smell of Malcolm’s body wash was comforting, and you felt as though you could relax for the first time in a while.
Something big was coming, you could feel it, Gil had told you about the serial killer they discovered and how they might be related to The Surgeon, Malcolm could be on this case for months.
But right now, you had Malcolm there, he was okay, and that was all that mattered.
A/N: Had to write a fic about tonight’s episode, maybe I’ll write one that’s more angsty as well. Hope you liked this one though. Requests are open and thank you for all the love! Also, please let me know if you find any errors, it’s a bit late where I am plus I am tired lol, thank you. ~ Sara :)
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