#gil arroyo x reader
bagelbright-tok · 3 years
Aspire To be
Hi honey!! I saw that your request were open and I had an idea. I really liked the imagine about Malcolm Bright and having an aunt. I was wondering if you could do more of that, but maybe this time Malcolm does know her and they actually like each other and maybe she helps him on a case instead or with Martin? If not it’s completely okay, I love your work tho!! Thanks sweets ❤❤
Requested By: @atjafshelby
A/N: Thank you so much for your support! I really appreciate your comments and request! That aunt fiction is one of my least popular fics. I hardly expected anyone to enjoy it and even be inspired by it! Again, thank you! I decided to do a similar thing I did for that last imagine. This is a one-shot and does not really correlate with any other Prodigal Son episode. Hope you enjoy! Thank you for your patience as well! I apologize if it seems sloppy at the end. I just wanted to get this out for you and tended to get sidetracked. _
Finally getting themselves a line of suspects for this crime, Malcolm realizes he might need more than his own profiling skills. Malcolm also has a person in mind who could help… Gil doesn’t agree with Malcolm’s decision, especially when the profiler’s mind has been altered recently. How could Malcolm Bright not go to the person that inspired him?
Malcolm Bright/Whitly x Aunt!Reader [Platonic]
Word Count: 3289 Warning(s): Mentions of murder, mind fog, insomnia, mentions of trauma, attempted murder, drug abuse, swearing, did not double check anything __
Some Good Things in Life __
“Whaddya got kid?” Gil nodded towards Malcolm, hands on hip, and a grin plastered on his already smug face. Gil was already confident in Malcolm’s ability. This would be a piece of cake for the profiler.
Malcolm shook his head. He was confused. This murder took two weeks to have suspects. Even then, they only had four suspects. There was something wrong, though. Malcolm couldn’t get a read on any of them. Their tones and words led Malcolm to many different directions. Malcolm also did not have the right state of mind, having skipped almost a week’s worth of sleep. “Nothing..”
Even he was surprised by his incompetence.
Gil lightly extended his head out towards Malcolm, eyes wide and mouth agape. “What?” He crossed his arms and returned his head to his shoulders. Gil’s eyebrows were now knitted together in concern and were no longer widened. “What do you mean?”
“I… I can’t get a read on them.” Malcolm finally admitted, his shoulders falling down in defeat. He left out a deep sigh and brought his hands to his eyes to rub. Why couldn’t he think straight? “It’s like my mind is just- just covered in fog.” Malcolm motioned to his head, wildly using his index of his right hand to press into his temple.
Gil sighed, looked down at the floor, and unfolded his arms. Taking a few steps towards the NYPD Profiler, Gil placed his hand on Malcolm’s shoulder. “Go home, kid. It’s late and you need to sleep.” Gil was always the father figure that Malcolm needed. Malcolm understood the lieutenant’s concern, but couldn’t help not sleeping. Especially as of late.
Malcolm couldn’t say no. He shrugged his shoulder and peered into Gil’s eyes with his own tired and hazy blue ones. He nodded lightly, closing his mouth and shaping it into a half smile. “Alright..”
*** And with that, the insomniac ventured restlessly to his humble abode. Despite his hazy mind, he drove himself back to his place. On the way over, going through New York’s evening traffic, Malcolm had an idea. Recklessly, he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts until he reached who he wanted. Tapping and putting the phone up to his ear, waiting for them to answer, he shook his leg anxiously. “Hello?” The voice came through, asking curiously.
“Hey! Long time no talk.” Malcolm was smiling, but the person on the other end couldn’t possibly see it. However, it was obvious that they could hear his happiness to be talking to them. “Malcolm? Hey! Where the hell did you disappear to?” They chuckled. “Thought there was a new Bermuda triangle only taking the cool people.” They stated sarcastically.
Malcolm laughed at their joke, shaking his head. “No. I actually got back in New York a couple of weeks ago. Sorry I forgot to tell you.” Malcolm cleared his throat and before the person on the other end of the call could respond, he continued. “Anyways, I could use some help…” “O-Oh? Help? Of course, what do you need?” Malcolm could hear them move from one spot to another. “Some… Some advice. You are still a body language specialist, right?” “Yeah. Need me to do some interrogating?” They chuckled, joking.
“Uh- Yes. Yes, actually..”
“Could you meet me at my place? I’ll send you the address. If you get there before me, you can let yourself in. There’s a spare key buried in the plant outside.” Malcolm explained, stopping at yet another red light. Traffic had been bad due to another accident happening nearby.
“Of course!” It was obvious that Malcolm and this person were besties and hadn’t encountered one another in a long while. “I’ll get my bag and head out once I have the address.” “Thank you, so much. I’ll see you in a bit.” Malcolm gave a quite breathy chuckle. “Cya!” And with that, the call ended. Malcolm felt a little better. His mood improved, for sure. Malcolm’s shoulders were no longer held up but instead were slouched down. His neutral and tired face was now a happier tired face. Malcolm took note of how he would just have to tell Gil when he got home that he’d be getting some help. Help from someone they both knew. ***
Damn this headache. Malcolm could feel a dull pain in his head as he entered his home. Despite the pain being dull, he felt it making him weaker and even slightly dizzy. Malcolm simply shook the pain away and shut the door behind him. He tried to reach the door, but couldn’t. When he looked behind himself to see why, the door was already shut. His eyes burrowed in confusion. Again, he shook away the confusion and began to text Gil about what he was doing. Now, though, Malcolm couldn’t just shake off whatever was happening to him. He felt nauseous and he felt out of breath. He tried getting back to his phone to call Gil instead. Malcolm instead found that his vision had blurred. He blinked and blinked, even rubbed his eyes, but his blurred vision only got worse. He began to panic now. Something was definitely wrong. Malcolm tried to identify what could be going on, but still, his mind was elsewhere. Malcolm could barely even hear as someone entered his home.
“Malcolm?” The familiar voice could barely be heard as it echoed in his house and in his head. “Malcolm!”
This exclamatory statement of his name was not that of excitement. It was of concern, confusion, and despair. As far as Malcolm knew, he was standing. As far as his visitor was concerned, he was on the ground, unconscious. ***
“What did you do?” Gil asked angrily and accusatorily. He pointed at [Y/N], who responded by leaning back away from his finger. “Me?! Excuse you. I called an ambulance! Maybe next time, I shouldn’t?” [Y/N] argued back, leaning forward into Gil’s finger and raising her hands to her sides, palms up and fingers spread out. Her face was scrunched with anger. Her usual glowing and calm [E/C] orbs were now burning a hole into Gil. Her graying [H/C] hair was standing up due to the sheer frustration she was feeling. This wouldn’t be the first time someone accused her of something horrific due to her past. [Y/N] Bright [L/N]. Also known as [Y/N] Whitly, younger sister to Dr. Martin Whitly. In other words, Malcolm’s favorite aunt and the individual he had called for help in the case. The lady that had found him unconscious in his own home and called authorities. It was because of [Y/N] that Malcolm was in a hospital and not dead. It wasn’t just Gil there for Malcolm, there was also Jessica and Ainsley. Jessica had refused to talk to [Y/N], she never understood how or why Malcolm had taken a favorability to her. Ainsley wasn’t anything but rude to her, and made it clear she did not like her. Summary; All of [Y/N]’s fans were gathered in one place where they were called in an emergency because someone dear to them had almost died. “What were you even doing in Malcolm’s place?” Ainsley’s hollow eyes stared at [Y/N] with pure hatred. Like someone with unlimited darts, trying to get a high score.
“He called me to come over. Sent me his address and told me about the spare key in some weird ass plant outside his place.” [Y/N] swiftly explained herself, keeping her arms open. Her feet however, were closed and pointing away from both Gil and Ainsley. She really did not want to be there, being questioned. “He wanted me to help with some interrogating.”
“You-?” Gil erected his index again at [Y/N], now eyes widened in disbelief. “You’re the help Malcolm called for?” “Why would anyone go to you for help?” “I feel extremely uncomfortable right now!” [Y/N] declared, slapping her hands down to her sides. “I am just here to help with whatever Malcolm needs!” “Just drop it you three!” Jessica finally whisper yelled at them. “My son could have died and you are worried about-.. Her.”
The disdain in her voice as she referred to [Y/N] really set it in for the body language specialist. Nothing she could say would make them think any better of her. Not even if Malcolm were to explain the same thing she did. So, [Y/N] easily decided it would be easier to just sit down and give up the arguing. She felt like a kid once again, forced to keep quiet when faced with authority. She hated it. Gil would never allow for her to help unless Malcolm really made a good pitch to the lieutenant. Then again, when would Malcolm wake up? *** Malcolm was given a diagnosis fairly quickly. Carbon Monoxide poisoning that had been going on for over a week. It was a miracle he had gone so long without anyone noticing the symptoms. Despite the supposed long sleep he was to be put under, Malcolm found a way to wake himself up with his own brain. Waking up with a loud scream as a nurse ran out to get a doctor, and Gil and [Y/N] rushed in with concern. “Malcolm!” Both older individuals shouted at the once unconscious profiler. While the relief was mutual, so was the concern.
“Gil? [Y/N]? Where am I? What happened? How-” Malcolm was confused but mostly scared as well. One moment he was home and the next he was isolated by white walls and repetitive beeping.
[Y/N] made the first move. She steadily and smoothly moved closer to Malcolm’s bedside. She took a deep and obvious breath, straightening her back and lifting her hands with her as she inhaled. A similar action was taken during the exhale; obvious, she lowered herself back onto her feet, and lowered her hands. Although Malcolm was not having a panic attack, it could escalate and [Y/N] wasn’t having it. Gil followed afterwards. Malcolm mimicked [Y/N] in taking deep breaths and calming down. “Are you okay, Malcolm?” [Y/N] asked in a calmer voice.
“Yeah. I mean, I feel okay.” Malcolm buried his face into his hands. “Was I poisoned?”
With his brain working fine, he was able to remember his symptoms. It was unnatural.
“Yeah, in a sense.” Gil responded this time. “A week long exposure to carbon monoxide.”
“A week?” Malcolm removed his hands from his face and peered at Gil and [Y/N]. “Isn’t that around the time this case started?”
Now both Gil and [Y/N] were horrified. What was thought to be an accident, a simple leak in the home, now was a potential case of attempted murder. Whoever was the murderer in their case, knew Malcolm would be a problem and so tried removing him as an obstacle. [Y/N] and Gil took a glance at each other. Despite their… awkward relationship, they knew they had to work together on this one. Malcolm couldn’t leave the hospital, and couldn’t work on the case. His life was in danger and the safest place would be where he was.
“I’ll be keeping a close eye on you.” Gil told [Y/N] with a threatening tone.
“Why not two?” [Y/N] chuckled, entering the observation room sat right next to the interview room. Gil just gave a harsh squint. “Not a time for jokes, got it.”
“It was hard to get the suspects back. We’d released them last night because we had them held for too long.” Gil changed the subject swiftly, viewing into the room where they had the suspects. “We were only able to get them back in because Malcolm almost died last night, when he released them all.”
“It’s clear that all of them are upset that they are back. No profiling is needed for that.” [Y/N] noted this behaviour. “All of them are anxious and nervous. Crossed arms, tapping feet, rapid blinking.”
“All of them are suspicious?” Gil pondered curiously.
“Not necessarily. They are just nervous about being back. The idea of being falsely accused looms over them.” [Y/N] continued to scan the room, finally noticing some odd behaviour. She pointed at a man slightly separated from everyone else. “He, however, is a lot more confident than everyone else.”
“His arms are crossed too.” Gil pointed out, looking at [Y/N] with suspicion.
“Yes, but he is leaning against the wall. He is more relaxed. His lips are slightly parted, unlike everyone else’s compressed or pursed lips.” [Y/N] began her analyzing out loud, forgetting anyone was in the room. “His breathing patterns are very alike to everyone’s. Their breathings are picked up due to their nervousness. His picked up pace is because of excitement, though.”
“He’s leaning against a wall. How in the hell did you get all of that off of him?” Gil was just as curious as he would be if it were Malcolm profiling. It was just as mind boggling as when he profiled Carter Berkhead.
“A magician never reveals his secrets, Gil.” [Y/N] chuckled. “Was Malcolm in the interrogation room when they were all interrogated?”
“Yeah. He wanted to be close to profile.” Gil answered, not as confused now knowing that every question and answer would help.
“Splendid. This will make it far easier.” [Y/N]’s [E/C] orbs glimmered in amusement. Her smile was one that Gil had seen before. It was Malcolm’s smile, but it was one he’d seen on Martin’s face too. “I need you to repeat what you did yesterday. Question them in the same order with the same questions.”
Gil nodded. Just as he was warming up to her, some thought came in and set him back to his place. First and foremost, officers came and rounded everyone up. The interrogation began again. This time, it was just Dani, JT, and Gil. Malcolm wasn’t there. If [Y/N] was correct, the one she was suspect of most would give off more of a reaction than the others. Answers would likely remain the same from each person as well. They all want to get out as soon as possible. If Malcolm’s current profile was correct, the killer was arrogant and would show it. If the killer saw that Malcolm wasn’t there, they’d have some sort of mention or bodily reaction to this.
In the case scenario that she was wrong, [Y/N] was sure to make note of everyone’s reactions. Most did not even acknowledge Malcolm’s absence. Their moods had remained the same, anxious and nervous. Finally, it came to the man that [Y/N] came to know as James Lukai. Most of his answers remain the same, worded slightly different than before. [Y/N] compared his last interview, to this interview. The first showcased this man as nervous and anxious. Now, he wasn’t as much anymore. He looked around, as if to make sure his suspicions were right. He gave a quick smirk when he saw that Malcolm wasn’t there. His answers had remained mostly the same, but the tone had drastically changed. It was clear as night and day, it was this man. Just to prove a point further, [Y/N] straightened herself out and left the observation room. Much to Gil’s dismay, she entered the interrogation room afterwards.
“Heya Gil! Sorry I’m late. The call to replace Malcolm was just too soon!” [Y/N] announced with a large grin on her face.
Gil looked at [Y/N], only to respond by rubbing his face. “Don’t let it happen again.” He played along.
The man in question- James- was now shocked. “I thought you didn’t have a profiler anymore.”
“And what would make you say that, James?” [Y/N] immediately jumped on it. “Malcolm is just taking a little break. Family business.”
“What? He-?” James caught himself before he could say anything more.
“You’re too obvious, James.” [Y/N]’s smile immediately dropped.
“What’re you doing, [Y/N]” Gil questioned, only to get an answer through the raising of the lady’s hand to silence him.
“Want to know how we know, James?” [Y/N] confidently asked, not waiting a moment for his answer. “You are far too confident for this. You thought you had gotten rid of Malcolm, the only one who would have caught you.”
The man was speechless. He was caught. He rested his elbows on the table and put his hands through his brown hair. He was hunched, unsure of what to say now.
“What the fuck did you just do?” Gil wasn’t angry, but just extremely confused.
“Caught the bad guy. My job, Gil.” As confident as before, she exited the room.
Soon after, James confessed to the murders and the attempt on Malcolm’s life. Another day saved by [Y/N] Bright [L/N].
“Did you get him?” Was the first thing to exit Malcolm’s mouth that night when [Y/N] went to visit him. Fortunately for Malcolm, he had gotten the all clear, so was able to return home.
“Nice to see you too.” [Y/N] chuckled, entering his home. “Yeah. It was obvious. That poisoning really fucked with your brain if you couldn’t see it.”
“Speaking of which, the place was aired out and my heater was fixed.” Malcolm shut his door. “Inspectors had a nifty device and gave the okay.”
“That’s great!” [Y/N] clapped her hands together. “You plan on trying to get murdered again any time soon?”
Malcolm chuckled again, and sat down at his counter. “Ah, no. I don’t plan on it.”
“Good. Shouldn’t have to attend your funeral when I’m older than you.” [Y/N] glided over and sat with him at the counter. “So- Malcolm Bright. When did you change your name?”
Malcolm gave a small, “oh,” and nodded his head. “Several years back when I went to Quantico. You know, to become a profiler..”
Though [Y/N] knew the story, Malcolm felt obligated to tell her how much she inspired him.
“Couldn’t think of a name until the lady there suggested going with someone who I aspire to be. Then I remembered.. You.” His smile was soft and genuine.
“Really?” She smiled back, surprised by her effect on Malcolm. “I.. I’d never guessed I’d have that sort of influence.”
“I hardly say this, but you’re probably one of the more normal and stable members of this family.” Malcolm gave a light laugh, instigating a laugh from [Y/N] as well. “You prove to me that there are some good things in life.”
“I think there is more than just me that does that, Malcolm.” [Y/N] smirked. “You have all those folk at the NYPD! You have Gil, Dani, JT, and Edrisa.”
“Of course. They’re my friends. I trust them.” Malcolm explained. “But you were the first. You helped a lot when Dr. Whitly was arrested. I still remember that day. Even when mother yelled at you, it didn’t stop you from helping me.”
[Y/N] could only nod lightly. “Yeah, Yeah.. I- I remember that day too. I remember the days before and after that day too. I felt like I had to apologize for my brother. He couldn’t be there, so I tried to be. But Jessica never had a good opinion on me, even before Martin was arrested.” She chuckled at that sentiment. “Then Gil got caught up in all the gossip that I had something to do with Martin. At least Jess was skeptical towards all of that.”
It was dead silent after that until Malcolm decided to clear the air. “Anyways, you want some water, or something?”
Boy. What an odd and bizarre family.
___ E N D
A/N: So sorry for taking so long! Hope you enjoyed it. I had a bit of a hard time trying to get an end for it. Sorry if it is abrupt.
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“Alibi” - Oneshot
“Alibi” - Oneshot
My Masterlist - Here
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Malcolm Bright x Reader, Gil Arroyo x Daughter!Reader
Word Count: 2,000-ish
Key: Y/N = Your Name, H/C = Your Hair Color, E/C = Your Eye Color
Warnings: Mentions of murder, cursing. Large chunks of text in italics mean that it is a flashback.
Summary: After your boss is murdered, you are brought in as a suspect. In order to prove your innocence, you have to reveal a secret to your father. 
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Author’s Note: This was one of those ideas that hit me like a train right as I was about to go to bed, so I scribbled as much as I could down and tried to make sense of it the next day.
We’re also gonna pretend that Gil and Jessica aren’t a thing cause then that would make this story a bit awkward.
This is not beta read, so let me know if there are any mistakes! 
If you would like to be tagged in any of my future pieces, check out my tag list above and let me know! And as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
- DreaSaurusREX
“So, (Y/N), got any news for me?” Your boss, Mr.Naruski asked from his desk chair, casually weaving a pen in between his fingers. It was lunchtime and you had gotten salads from the meditarrian place that he liked.
“Well, Simon wanted to move his meeting with you to Friday, but there would be no way to do that unless we add another 4 hours to the day. Oh! And Mrs.Krewnshe asked me if--”
“(Y/N), sweetheart! We are on our lunch break! Which means I don’t want any news with my clients unless it's urgent. I meant news in the world of the best secretary in New York!” 
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes a little bit and smile. Mr.Naruski was a true blessing when it came to employers. He owned his own architecture business in New York and somehow wasn’t a complete asshat like some of your previous bosses. He and his wife were incredibly caring and truly understood that you had to be a human in order to work with other humans. The respect you got here was well worth the daily commute!
“Well, if you really want to know... My boyfriend set up a nice, and very last minute, date for us tonight.” You couldn’t hide the true smile that spread across your lips. Mr.Naruski leaned forward and raised an eyebrow.
“Oh? And where is this ‘nice’ date happening, if I might ask?” 
“I’m not sure. He wouldn’t tell me. All he said was to be ready by 6 because we have reservations for 6:45. But I have a feeling it’s that new modern industrial place that I was telling you about. He knows I love to walk past it and appreciate the details. While I don’t think I’ve ever said out loud that I like it or would like to go inside, he has a great ability to read me.” 
Your smile grew a little more as your eyes drifted slightly down, thinking about all the times your boyfriend picked up on the smaller details in the past. He was good with surprises. Mr.Naruski watched how this interaction brought out your best side. The two of you finished your lunches and got back to work. 
Your boss had one more meeting this afternoon. It was with a company called Jetlan Inc. From the small bit of conversation you heard as Mr.Naruski escorted his guests out, it was a successful meeting. He turned back to you once the door was closed and let out a relieved sigh.
“I take it everything went well?”
“As well as I could. They are going to take tonight to mull it over and then give us a call tomorrow. So expect Samuel to call at some point.”
You wrote down a little reminder to yourself on a sticky note “May get call from Jetlan Inc.” and placed it near your desk’s phone. You went back to typing out the schedule for next week when Mr.Naruski tapped a finger on your desk.
“How about you leave early today, (Y/N)?”
“Are you sure, sir? I can stay and help with the final prep for tomorrow’s deal if you want. I should also probably finish this schedule.”
“I think I can handle that on my own. And you can add your final touches tomorrow. You,” He stood up and walked around your desk and held out his hands. You put your hands in his and he helped you up before grabbing your coat from the coat rack. “Have a date to get ready for.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh. It was almost unbelievable to have a boss that really cared about your personal life as much as your professional one like he did. You just slipped on your coat and grabbed your purse, knowing that when Naruski made up his mind, it was set. He opened the door for you and put a hand on your arm.
“He told me to ‘love with my whole heart, but be smart enough to know when to use my brain instead.’ I think it was his way of saying ‘Be safe and have fun.’” 
A small but sad smile worked its way onto your face at the thought of him being so supportive. You felt a wave of tears coming, so you finished up your story to try to stop them from falling. 
“After that, I thanked him again, and I left to go back to my apartment and get ready. The next time I saw Mr.Naruski was the next morning, behind the crime scene tape blocking my office, dead.”
You couldn’t believe that just 24 hours ago, you were happily talking to your boss about your date. And now he was dead. Murdered in his own office, two hours after you had left. You were being questioned at the NYPD by none other than JT Tarmel, Dani Powell, Malcolm Bright, and your father, Gil Arroyo. 
No one spoke, they were taking in all of the details of your alibi. It felt like forever before Malcolm broke the silence. 
“Are there security cameras in your office?”
“Yes. There is one in the main office where my desk is positioned, one in Mr.Naruski’s office, and one in the hallway outside our door.”
“Great. We can check those. They’ll show (Y/N) leaving and should have a timestamp on them that we can check.
The team did their own little nods, still thinking about your alibi. They wanted to trust you, but they needed to think of every possible thing that could have happened, or if they could find any evidence to the real killer.
“Who did you go on a date with?” Dani was sitting about 6 feet to your right, a bottle of water in her hands as she leaned forward, elbows on the table. 
“I don’t see how my dating life is relevant to my boss being murdered in his office.”
Lies. You knew why she was asking. It was a major part of your alibi and it’s the only other way that they could concretely cross you off of the suspect list. JT jumped in to try to diffuse the situation, none of them aware of how much you didn’t want to share. 
“It's just another way that we can confirm your alibi, (Y/N).” 
You could see Gil adjusting his stance as he leaned against the wall to your left. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at your father, already feeling his intense stare boring into you. 
The room was silent, but the anxiety in your chest made it feel like the room was half of its real size. You kept your posture as straight as you could while you focused on your hands that were unconsciously fidgeting on top of the table.
“Tell us the kid’s name, (Y/N).”
“Why can’t you just check the cameras like Malcolm said? That’ll show when I left at around 4:30 yesterday afternoon and when I came back today for my shift but saw the tape instead! You could even check my apartment’s security cameras!”
“Woah! We will, (Y/N). We just want to be able to cover our asses and yours.” JT tried again to calm you down, everyone know seeing how uncomfortable the idea of sharing the details of your date made you. 
Your leg started to shake under the table, that was your cue that your anxiety was getting bad. You lock eyes with Malcolm. He sees how much you’re struggling and just gives you a short nod. You knew what he was trying to say, but you really didn’t want to agree. Malcolm then took a deep breath, trying to get you to do the same. You looked down and tried to take a deep breath in.
“Why can’t you just answer the question, (Y/N)?!” Gil didn’t yell, but you could hear the annoyance in his voice. It was the final hit that broke the last of your defenses.
“Because it's Malcolm, alright?!” 
Even you were a bit shocked at the slight frustration and exasperation in your voice. As everyone let that fact settle in their brains, you closed your eyes and took a couple deep breaths, trying to accept the fact that it was out in the open now. Malcolm made his way behind you and put a comforting hand on your shoulder, lightly rubbing this thumb to try and soothe you. You opened your eyes and stared at the center of the table, your hands now clasped together. 
“Last night I left work early to go get ready for a date with Malcolm Bright. He took me to that nicer place off of 47th that has the grey brick exterior with the iron corner details. We went there to catch a break from our lives because it's been so hectic lately and we haven’t had much time to just sit and enjoy each other’s company.” 
Our reservation was for 6:45 under Malcolm’s name. You can check with the manager there, go into their electronic reservation system, and see that we checked in and everything. Or Malcolm may have some sort of confirmation email. Now do I need to go into detail about what we ordered or what cocktail I was drinking, or am I good?”
You slowly looked up to meet your father’s eyes. You expected something upset in his eyes, but instead, they were very professional. He looked from you to Malcolm, who in turn nodded, confirming your story. Gil audibly inhaled through his nose and exhaled through his nose and he rubbed a hand down his face.  
“No. You’re good, kid.”
You look back to your hands and close your eyes, focusing on your breathing. You weren’t hyperventilating, but you definitely felt a weight in your chest. 
Dani and JT looked at each other, unaware of what to do in this situation. Malcolm looked from you back to Gil, his face slightly pleading. Gil quickly tilted his head towards the door, a small sigh of relief coming from Malcolm as he moved his hand to your arm and leaned down to quietly talk in your ear.
 ��C’mon, (Y/N). Let’s get some air or something to drink, okay?”
You nodded and stood up as Malcolm grabbed your coat from the rack near the door. You took yours and slung it over your arm as Malcolm opened the door for you. Before you could leave, Gil spoke up.
“I will be seeing the two of you in my office in an hour though. We need to have a chat.”
You just nod and leave already knowing what this “chat” is going to be about. Malcolm was reaching for his coat when Gil’s voice resonated again.
“Malcolm, take care of her. Go to that shop around the corner. They have those little pastries she likes. And make sure your both are back here soon. We’re not done with this.”
“Will do.” Malcolm nodded and quickly left and caught up with you, walking you safely out of the NYPD.
With that, there was still a semi-awkward air in the meeting room. Dani quietly fiddled with her water bottle and let out a “Well…”
“Heh! Yeah. That was somethi--” 
Before JT could get further, Gil pointed at him and sternly said “Don’t.” JT just raises his hands in defense and backs off. Dani couldn’t help but smirk a bit at the sight of JT getting called out. 
“So where do we go from here?” Dani calmly asked the room. 
“We need to get the security footage from the office building and (Y/N)’s apartment complex. Get in contact with the restaurant owner and see if we can check their reservation system, if not, ask Malcolm if he has any email from their reservation.”
“On it.” JT confirmed as he left the room to head to his desk and start working. Gil leaned on the table, thinking for a moment. “What do we know about this Jetlan Inc.?
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tags:  @malindacath @shadowfoxey @whovianayesha @melconnor2007 @ashenfallsof @geeksareunique @all-by-myself98 @sj-thefan
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twistnet · 5 years
dating gil arroyo would include
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- you knew when you had started dating gil while he was going through his academy training, that he wasn’t going to be home as often  as you would like. but you support him no matter what. he needs someone who he can relax with when he comes home from a stressful day of crime scenes and wrangling malcolm in.
- gil tries to still keep the romance alive as you two get older. just like he did when he was younger, he is still buying flowers and taking you on dates, as his schedule will allow. he loves bringing a smile to your face and spoiling you as best as he can.
little things
- gil loves his car. it was the first car he had gotten himself when he first learned to drive and kept it ever since. that 66 pontiac lemans held some good memories. so any chance he gets to take you out for car rides late at night or just in general, he’s taking it.
- you always drop by with lunch of some sort, always homemade. not only does gil deeply appreciate it, but so does his team. as you always make extra’s, knowing they probably have only had coffee and some stale donuts.
- gil watches out for malcolm. seeing him as a son. but that doesn’t stop with just gil. you also see malcolm as your son. gil’s heart always warms when he sees you taking care of malcolm as best as he will let you. gil sometimes has you talk to malcolm about different things, as he usually listens to you. 
- nicknames, gil tends to call you by your first name a lot. he loves the way it rolls off his tongue and the way you look up at him when he gets your attention. he’s a man that doesn’t use nicknames often, the occasional sweetheart will be heard from across the precinct or street. he does like to use the wife card as in this is so-in-so, my wife
- hugs, gil is a very affectionate man, loves to wrap his arms around you for a hug. sometimes if a whitly is stressing him out, he’ll hug you. even just having you in arms reach so he can pull you into his side just fills his heart with so much love
- kisses, are quite private. he doesn’t find them professional but if you help on a case or deliver something and he’s working, he’ll kiss you on the forehead or cheek. but if you catch him while he’s tired, he’ll kiss you gently on the lips and doesn’t care who sees.
- cuddling, gil wouldn’t call it cuddling but he does like to spend an extra couple of minutes curled up next to you in bed. he also likes he’s nights off, and getting to hold you close during movies or general tv shows. he’s not particular to any type of holding, just likes you close to him.
- hand holding, gil reserves for once in a while date nights or just simply walking you to the car once you’ve visited him at the station. he likes holding hands as its simple. it’s not overly affectionate and its pretty professional should he be at work. but any chance outside of work, he will hold you hand.
82 notes · View notes
Speak Of The Devil (Malcolm Bright x Winchester!Reader) | Prodigal Son/Supernatural Crossover
[Prodigal Son-Masterlist], [Supernatural-Masterlist]
Summary: What started as a normal case for the NYPD ended in you needing help from your family. Malcolm had never met your brothers & they had no idea you were dating. Things were bound to get complicated, it was inevitable. Still, you had to focus on this case before another person got killed.
Words: 5,557
Warnings: spoilers for 2x02 (doesn’t follow the actual plot obviously), murder, demons, language, confused Malcolm, lil hint at Destiel (barely there, could be missed if you don’t pay attention - sorry, I couldn’t help myself), I don’t think I’ve ever had this much fun while writing something
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
The NYPD was assigned to solve a “creepy ass case”, as JT so lovingly put it. As Malcolm & you got to the crime scene, you understood what your fellow coworker had warned you about. Ugh, you hated churches with your guts. Well, that was not entirely true. But whenever a murder happened on a holy ground, nothing good ever came out of it. That was what you experienced before you started working for the police. Before that…you also worked for the police somehow? Just, they were not aware of that & you might have done some criminal things. For the greater good, though! Your brothers & you had saved thousands of people. They still did. You just needed to get out of this life & see if there was more for you to achieve. And there was. Not only did you find a great family who was also your team, at the same time you found Malcolm, your boyfriend.
Back to the case. Walking into a crime scene had always been bizarre to you. It showed you how close you still were to murder, even though you promised your brothers to distance yourself from it entirely. Technically, you did. This was different, though. At least you told yourself so. Gil, JT, Dani & Edrisa were already inspecting the scene when you two walked in. Oh no. This could not be good. The image in front of you seemed familiar & if it were not inappropriate to roll your eyes at a dead person, you would do it. Gil briefly explained the situation to you. Apparently the victim had been a member of the church for 30 years. The Lieutenant & Malcolm interrogated Sister Agnes. She was the one who found the body. There was another thing bothering you, so you did not really pay attention to whatever she was saying. Your focus was solely on JT, who had been through way too much to stand here & act as if everything was fine. A slight touch on his shoulder made him turn his head in your direction.
“Hey, you okay?” of course you were concerned about him. He was family, after all.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” he brushed you off as if he did not know what point you were trying to get across.
“Really? Because usually when Malcolm says he’s fine…well, he’s everything but.” a chuckle lightened the mood a little. You had to keep a closer eye on JT for the time being. Just in case.
“Our victim here performed an exorcism.” Malcolm’s statement let your eyes snap back to where he was standing. Edrisa smiled excitedly at him. This woman…She was the sweetest soul. Could be annoying, too. But in a sweet & loving way. Maybe she should turn down her excitement for murder. Who were you kidding? Your boyfriend was probably worse when it came to that. Wanting to have a closer look at the book Malcolm was referring to, you put your gloves on & carefully walked over to him. Trying not to mess up any possible clues left behind by the killer.
“Can I have a look?” you gestured to the small book & Malcolm handed it over to you. Shit. If you remembered correctly, there was a similar one back at the bunker. A look inside the pages confirmed your assumption. No need to freak out right away. There were tons of crazy people out there. Just because of this murder in this church & this book did not mean that there was anything supernatural involved. You just hoped it would stay that way. For everyone’s sake.
Your face fell when Edrisa said that there was a note left behind, written in blood. To the others, it looked like a sign without meaning. It looked familiar to you but you could not quite pinpoint where you remembered it from. Sister Agnes’ words made you stop in your tracks.
“Abaddon.” she breathed out. Sure, why the hell not? Okay, maybe this case was something for your brothers. But wait a damn minute…last time you checked, Abaddon was stabbed with the First Blade. She could not possibly be back, could she?
“Now we know our killer’s name.” Malcolm’s words gained the attention of the entire team. There was no way he had everything figured out already. You knew he was a great profiler but even that would have been too fast for him.
“Oh? Who is it?” Gil asked intrigued.
“You know.” Malcolm paused for a few moments. Probably for dramatic effect but what did you know? “The devil.” you could not help but laugh at his words. Great, now everyone was looking at you weirdly. Oh, he made a joke. Of course he did. Sometimes you forgot that you were not an active part of the hunting life anymore. A few coughs from you stopped the awkward tension in the room. At least a bit.
In no way did you want to defend Lucifer. He had made your life literal hell one too many times. But even he would not go as far & do something as cruel as this. Again, last time you checked, he was dead. But death did not agree with Lucifer. How many times had he died? You probably should not be the one to judge. You were not better by any means.
Excusing yourself to get some fresh air, you grabbed your phone out of your pocket. Hopefully he would pick up. It had been a while since you last talked. The phone rang & rang & slowly you lost hope. Maybe he really was mad at you for being radio silent for so long.
“(Y/N)?” his voice startled you slightly.
“Sam! Uh, hi.” suddenly you turned shy.
“It’s so good to hear from you! How are you?” he was happy that you decided to call after so long.
“I’m good, thanks. Actually, I need to ask you for a favor…” you started.
“What is it? Everything alright?” Sam was growing concerned. Back then, you hated relying on another person, too stubborn to ask for help, because you wanted to do everything on your own.
“There’s a case here in New York…I believe it’s your kind. And I genuinely don’t think I can deal with this on my own.”
“But you’re safe, right?”
“I am, as safe as one can be.” you chuckled. Working for the police & all that. Not that you would tell Sam on the phone. If they were to come by, he would find out sooner or later. “I’ll send you the details, alright? Be here as fast as you can.”
“Okay, no problem. Take care, okay?”
“You too. See you soon.” wow, you were about to see your brothers again. Hopefully everything would be fine & nobody would rip your head off.
“See you, (Y/N).” Sam ended the call & you let out a breath you did not know you were holding.
The phone call should stay a secret for the time being. People breaking out in panic was everything but convenient. Besides, you did not need your team looking at you like you were a lunatic. Malcolm explained possession trance disorder when you joined everyone again. How could one human being know so much about so many unimportant things? Like, this man was a human dictionary. Looking over at Gil, you had to grin by how hard he was trying to make sense of what Malcolm was saying. Gil noticed you staring at him & gave you a look. The one that made you not want to mess with him. Still, you laughed shortly, you could not keep it in any longer. Malcolm gave you a questioning look but you simply shrugged him off by a wave of your hand.
The last interrogation of the day was with the guy who was currently doing the painting job inside the church. Unfortunately, you did not get any more information. Everything he told you, you had already heard from the others. Basically, after interrogating everyone, you were certain that this was not a common case for the NYPD. And you were more than happy that your brothers were on their way to come over. How would you explain any of this to Malcolm? He knew you had two brothers but you had also told him that you were not necessarily talking, only when it came to emergencies. Great, Malcolm would freak out. Even more so than normal, probably.
“Why do we have to visit your father again?” you shot the question at Malcolm as you were walking over the psychiatric yard, looking for Martin. He rolled his eyes at you, exhausted by your constant questioning.
“I’ve explained it a thousand times, (Y/N).”
“Well, I don’t see how any of this is connected to him.” you argued. Whenever Malcolm had the great idea to visit his father, you tagged along. Simply because you knew it was always hard for him & you wanted to support him wherever you could. Right now, though, you were losing your patience. After all, you knew the cause of this case. But your brothers had yet to arrive so you should play along for now.
“Malcolm, my boy. (Y/N)! Always nice to see you.” Martin started, excited to see his son accompanied by you. The first time you visited Martin, he took an immediate liking to you. Probably because he could see that you were good for Malcolm & his son meant the world to him. Still, he was a narcissistic psychopath. Remembering clearly how he had told you that everyone had flaws during your first meeting. Ah, good times.
“I wish I could say the same, Dr. Whitly.” a sarcastic smile plastered on your face. From then on, you let Malcolm do the talking, not really paying attention to what he was saying. Your thoughts were with your brothers, hoping they would get their asses here quickly before you had to endure more of this bullshit. It was frustrating when you knew how to solve this case but there was nobody you could talk to, not about this. Malcolm desperately tried searching for a non-supernatural explanation. Of course he did. And you just stood by, not being helpful at all. Malcolm did notice your quietness but did not comment on it. Not when you were with his father. He would ask you later today, when you were back at home.
Sam sent you a message earlier today, asking for your address to meet up. This meant that they would not take much longer. The knock on the door was confirmation enough. Malcolm walked over, ready to open it & you did not have enough time to warn him. Oh, this was bound to be fun.
“Uh…Hello?” Malcolm, everyone. Great first impression.
“You’re not (Y/N).” you could make out Dean’s voice. Walking up to where Malcolm was standing in the doorway, you looked over his shoulder & smiled at your brothers. They really were here, it had been too long. Softly pushing Malcolm out of the way, you pulled both of them in a long overdue hug. It was only then when you realized how much you had missed them. Malcolm observed the interaction from afar, confusion obviously shown on his face. Right now, you could only focus on the men in front of you, though.
“It’s good to see you guys again.” smiling widely at them. Sam nodded at you & even Dean could not hide the small smile that was forming on his face.
“I’m sorry…Can I help you guys?” Malcolm spoke up, waiting for answers from either you or the strangers that now entered his apartment.
“No, but we’ll help you.” Dean walked over to Malcolm & patted his shoulder.
“Sam, Dean. This is Malcolm. Malcolm. These are my brothers.” you awkwardly introduced them to each other. Malcolm’s mouth hang open & he could not form a coherent sentence.
“Nice to meet you.” Sam held out his hand & it took Malcolm a second to shake it.
“Your brothers?” Malcolm whisper-yelled.
“And what are they doing here?” it was not his intention to sound rude, you knew that. Yet, he seemed rather frustrated because you clearly knew they were coming over but decided against telling your boyfriend.
“Remember when I told you that they had a similar job to ours?” Malcolm nodded at you. “This case we’re working on…that’s one of their kind. We wouldn’t be able to solve it without their help.” you tried explaining.
“We have the best working team out there! Of course we could’ve solved it alone!” but you simply shook your head at him. He would understand sooner or later.
Sam & Dean sat down on the expensive couch, Dean putting his feet on the coffee table. Good thing Malcolm did not care too much about his furniture. Malcolm & you brought drinks from the kitchen & sat across from them. Dean only eyed Malcolm, though. The inevitable was about to happen, you just hoped Malcolm would deliver accordingly.
“Who the hell are you?” he was judging Malcolm & neither Sam’s elbow nudging him nor your dirty look changed the way he looked at him. What could you say? Dean was very protective of you, even after ages of not talking.
“Malcolm Bright, profiler for the NYPD.” that made the brothers’ eyebrows raise. Thank God he did not let slip that he was the son of a serial killer.
“You’re working for the police?” Sam eyed Malcolm, now being confused as to why you would get them involved with the police even though you were aware of what they had been through.
“Well, yeah. I mean, (Y/N) & I met there.” Malcolm reasoned. Great, the cat was out of the bag now.
“Seriously (Y/N)?” Dean looked…disappointed?
“Okay, wait a minute. Let me explain!” Sam & Dean nodded at you to continue. “When I left you guys, I really tried to leave this life behind. I did. But I still wanted to help people. So…one thing came to another & then I was part of the NYPD &-“ you were interrupted by Dean, of course.
“And slept around with this guy?” Dean looked Malcolm over & you rolled your eyes at him. Malcolm looked offended but stayed silent.
“This guy is my boyfriend. And his name is Malcolm.” you defended him. “And I asked you to help me with this case, not with my dating life.” looking at Dean sternly, he nodded at you & apologized. He could get caught up in the heat of the moment but you had more important things to focus on.
Throughout your talk, Malcolm sent you questioning looks every now & then. You brushed him off, telling him you would explain it later. Sam & Dean got the message & tried keeping the talk casual. Clearly, your boyfriend did not know about the supernatural & it would be better if it stayed that way.
“Okay, so tomorrow, we’ll talk to Norman & see what we can find out.” Malcolm concluded after some long confusing hours.
“Sammy & I need some sleep after that long ass drive anyway. We’ll be meeting at his house first thing in the morning. Don’t be late.” when he said that, he stared at Malcolm. Rolling your eyes at his childish antics, you slapped him lightly on the chest.
“Do you wanna stay here for the night?” you asked when they were walking to the front door.
“Um, no. We’re checked in at the motel a few blocks down. Besides…” Dean gestured wildly with his hands. “This entire apartment looks too luxurious for us. How did you get so much money anyway?” Dean asked, again motioning at the expensive looking apartment.
“It’s actually Malcolm’s…I moved in not too long ago.” explaining to both of them. Sam nodded, looking satisfied with your current living situation. Dean, of course, had another thing to comment on.
“Oh wow, (Y/N)…Good catch.” winking at you, you shoved him out of the apartment, shaking your head.
“Good night!” you said before closing the door behind them, letting out a long sigh.
“Your brothers are…nice.” Malcolm started. You winced at his choice of words. In your head, it all worked out way better.
“I’m sorry, Mal…They can be quite protective.”
“No, it’s fine, I get it. They’re, uh, very into this religious thing, huh?”
“Oh, you have noooo idea.” you chuckled.
“Why didn’t you tell me they were coming by?”
“I don’t know…I guess I didn’t want you to think that you’re not good enough for this case.”
“But I need you to trust me when I tell you that Sam & Dean are the ones who should handle this one.”
“I trust you, you know that, (Y/N). But you have to give me permission to say “I told you so.” when we solve this case without their help.” Malcolm held out his hand for you to shake.
“Deal.” you smiled at him. Your brothers & boyfriend might not become best friends but you did not expect them to. All you wanted was to get rid of whatever killed that priest. And you knew that the supernatural feared Sam & Dean. This would be over soon.
“You sure these are the same guys who were at our apartment yesterday?” Malcolm whispered to you when you were approaching two men in suits. Not their usual flannel attire, they were working a job after all.
“Just play along, alright?” Malcolm nodded at you. He promised to trust you on this & you seemed like you knew what you were doing.
“Detectives.” Dean greeted you.
“Shut up.” you threw back almost immediately. Sam & Dean laughed at your comment.
“I missed you, lil sis.” Dean said with a genuine tone, one that made you smile wildly.
“Alright, let’s do this.” Sam knocked on the door, waiting for it to open. They introduced themselves as FBI & showed the woman in the doorway their badges. Shooting Malcolm a look as if to say “Don’t ask.” & he just acted as if he had not seen this. The woman led you upstairs to a room. She warned you to not cross the salt lines. All of you nodded. Well, all but Malcolm. The poor man could not understand a thing. Sometimes you wished you were this innocent when it came to cases like this. If it were not for Malcolm, this would have felt like the good old days when you spent your time solving case after case with your brothers. Yeah, it had been dangerous & exhausting but you still liked being a hunter. Also, the three of you were one hell of a team.
The door opened & you were met with countless geometrical lines made out of salt. Because a simple circle would not do the job or what? Fucking show-off. Careful not to mess with the salt, the four of you stepped inside the dark room. Norman’s back was facing you. While Sam & Dean simply took in the room to check for any indicators of anything supernatural, Malcolm started interrogating Norman. You signaled the boys to let him do his job.
“The salt keeps him out.” suddenly, Norman’s voice was way deeper than when he first started talking. Weird guy. Still, you did not think it was him.
“Who?” Malcolm asked in a calm voice. He was good at this. Even though he almost always got himself killed.
“The demon.” Norman said. What the hell was wrong with him? Malcolm turned around to you & found the three of you rolling your eyes. Really desperate if a person wanted to be a demon.
“He’s clearly mentally ill.” Malcolm stated quietly.
“Oh, really?” you sarcastically shot back. Who would have thought? Malcolm started lifting one of his foot, meaning to cross the line.
“Mal, wait. Don’t.” you warned him but when did Malcolm ever listen? You were not sure how Norman even noticed Malcolm crossing the line, his back was still facing you after all, but all of a sudden things escalated. Apparently, Norman thought Malcolm was a demon. He was everything but, really. He just had some demons to fight but he was not one. Norman was grabbing a lamp, wanting to attack Malcolm with it but you got everything sorted before anything bad could happen. Norman was on his way in the hospital & you were just glad that everyone was fine.
When all of you were outside the house again, Sam & Dean looked annoyed.
“Dude, we wasted time with this madman.” Dean started. “That’s bullshit.”
“Dean, stop.” you cut him off before the situation got too intense. “He was the only suspect we had. We couldn’t have known he was mentally ill.”
“We should check out the church tonight.” Sam suggested.
“Why at night?” Malcolm asked curiously.
“Oh, look how precious he is.” Dean mocked. If he kept acting that way you might as well salt & burn his bones next. Turning to Malcolm, you tried reasoning with him.
“Because we can’t risk people watching us. Not when we’re doing this.” Malcolm understood but he also planned a lot of questions for when you were back home.
“Alright, we’ll meet there later. Dean & I will take care of everything we might need.” Sam said before walking off to Baby.
“I see you took great care of her.” nudging Dean, motioning at the beautiful ’67 Chevy Impala. Another thing you had missed dearly. Countless nights had been spent in the backseat, you associated this car with a lot of happy memories.
“Always.” Dean smiled at you. “Baby misses you, too, you know?”
“I’m sure she does. After all, I had the brains. Of course she misses my smartness.” Dean shook his head at you, rolling his eyes at the same time. Saying goodbye & turning around, Malcolm gave you a look.
“Baby? Her? You sure you were talking about the car?” oh, that was bothering him. Now you understood.
“It’s a long story.” you laughed & gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking past him. He let out a short laugh & smiled at your actions.
“(Y/N)? I think we should talk.” Malcolm started shortly after you entered your shared apartment.
“Oh no…that’s never a good sign.”
“What’s going on here?” you could tell he was serious. Fuck, you hated lying to him. One of the reasons why you had barely mentioned your brothers was to avoid questions you did not want to answer. It was now or never. Telling Malcolm to sit down, you were about to start at the very beginning. There were still a few hours left before you had to be at the church, might as well use it appropriately. Hopefully, Malcolm did not decide to leave you after opening up to him.
“So…you’re telling me that monsters are real, your brothers hunt them down & you used to help them before you left.” you nodded when Malcolm tried processing what you had just told him. “And my girlfriend saved the world more than once.” he concluded.
“Pretty much, yeah.” he was silent for a few seconds. That would be the moment he would ask you to leave.
“My girlfriend is a badass.” Malcolm mumbled & started laughing then. You joined in.
“Really? That’s all you have to say?” you questioned, not really believing that he dealt with it so casually.
“Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m freaking out.” he confessed. “You know, makes me think of all the cases we couldn’t solve. Maybe we weren’t successful because of…supernatural beings playing a part. But honestly, it’s just another thing that got added to my plate. Nothing I can’t handle.”
“No, really. I mean it. Besides, now I know that if I ever meet a monster, you’re here to fight it off. Or your brothers. If I were a monster, I’d be scared as shit of them.” Malcolm finished & you laughed, throwing your entire body back on the couch. That actually went quite well? At least something positive.
Churches were creepy in general. But churches at night? That was a whole other level of madness. You met Sam & Dean at the Impala, Dean’s face buried in the trunk, looking for suitable weapons. Malcolm had promised not to question your actions & you were thankful for it. Because you had other things to focus on. Dean handed out weapons which you gladly accepted.
“Mal? You gotta promise me to stay behind.” concerning eyes met his & he knew better than to argue with you. Malcolm gulped but nodded anyway.
“You ready to do this?” Sam asked.
“I am but I think (Y/N)’s a little rusty.” Dean commented.
“Just...let’s get this over with…” rolling your eyes at Dean, you hated to admit that he was most likely right. You had not been on a hunt in a very long time but you knew you could fight when push came to shove.
The four of you entered the church silently, weapons at ready. After walking around for a while, Dean lifted his hand to stop you all. Trying to get a better look at what made him freeze, you were shocked when you saw Jonah, the painter, pacing these holy grounds. Why did you not think of him? It was quite obvious, really. Maybe you were getting rusty.
“Well, he is a demon, no doubts, but he isn’t Abaddon.” Dean spoke, quietly enough as to not get caught. “So if you guys distract this son of a bitch, I can catch him off guard from behind & stab him.”
“No, wait. You can’t kill him, Dean.” you argued. There was still a possibility of a human being somewhere inside.
“What? Why?” Dean turned towards you & tilted his head in confusion. Sighing out, you tried to talk some sense into him.
“Let Sam do an exorcism. We don’t know if Jonah’s still in there.” Dean thought about this for a few seconds but nodded afterwards. Sam grabbed an old lore book with the exorcism inside. He remembered the words by heart but better safe than sorry, right? Your plan was to stay hidden, the church was dark enough to do that without getting caught.
The demon was confused when he heard the first words of the exorcism, already struggling to stay inside Jonah. Good, he was not a strong one. Malcolm stayed close with you. Sam & Dean each took one side of the church, just in case something went wrong. Sam continued with the latin words & the demon was unable to move anymore. He was trapped in one place. That was when all of you made yourself shown to him. Hopefully, Jonah was still alive in there. If not, you had a lot of explaining to do. You already had but another dead person would make everything even more complicated.
“I AM ABADDON!” the demon screamed & you noticed that he barely had enough strength to stay in Jonah’s body anymore. Malcolm stayed in the background, simply observing & letting you do your job.
“I’m sure you wanna be, pal.” Dean got closer to the demon but not too close for it to be dangerous. “But we got rid of her a long time ago.” and it was true. Abaddon’s death was years ago. Why this demon thought to be her? You were not sure. But you also did not care. You just wanted this to be over. Sam finished the ritual & black smoke came out of Jonah’s mouth. After that, he fell to the floor & all of you ran over to him. Malcolm checked for a pulse & nodded when he felt it. Letting out a breath, you were glad that you could save him. Grabbing your phone out of your pocket, you dialed 911 & called Gil right after.
In no time, cars were surrounding the church. Sam, Dean, Malcom & you were standing in a small circle outside. Gil approached you.
“What the hell happened? And who the hell are you guys?” the second question was directed at your brothers who coughed a little, not knowing how to answer. Time to sell a little fake story.
“Gil, these are Sam & Dean, my brothers.” Gil shook both men’s hands.
“Didn’t know you had brothers.” he noted.
“Long story…Anyway, they came to visit & stayed at our apartment. They kinda overheard Malcolm & I talking about the case. Sam, here, has the brains-“
“Hey!” Dean feigned hurt at your words.
“And he pieced everything together. We didn’t wanna waste time & before I even had the chance to call you, we had already caught him.” as soon as you finished, Malcolm joined in to help with your little white lie.
“Jonah was poisoned by the lead in the paint he was using. It can cause dissociative behavior that can be mistaken for possession.” thank God for Malcolm “Human Dictionary” Bright. Gil could not argue with this so he simply went back over to the rest of the team. Nice job.
“Thanks guys.” addressing Sam & Dean.
“So that’s it, huh?” Sam asked, sad that he knew he had to let you go again. Yet, he supported your decision.
“Hey, Malcolm?” Dean looked at him. “I wanna show you something, come on.” Malcolm followed Dean to the black car which left you alone with Sam.
“He’s gonna kill him, isn’t he?” Sam laughed at your words.
“Possibly.” then he turned serious again. “I miss you.” Sam confessed, his jaw clenching.
“I miss you, too, Sammy.” looking up at him, you continued. “And I’m sorry for disappearing off the radar. It’s just…when I left, this entire starting new thing took more time than I thought it would.”
“I get it & I’m not asking you to come back with us. I can see that you like it here. You’ve finally found your happiness & by the way Malcolm looks at you? He’s utterly in love with you, (Y/N). Take care of yourself, okay?”
“I will, I promise. You, too. Call me when you’re starting the next apocalypse.” you joked with him. He then pulled you into a big hug, one that you had missed so much. Sam always gave the best hugs.
“What is it?” Malcolm asked Dean, nervous as to why he wanted to talk to him alone.
“Look, man, (Y/N)’s my little sister & I’d do anything for her. So if you ever hurt her…know that I’ll beat the crap outta you.” Malcolm gulped but found enough courage to answer him.
“I love (Y/N). I’d never to do anything to hurt her. I get why you worry, I do. But she’s safe here. I promise.”
“Hey Dean, go easy on him.” their heads snapped in the direction your voice was coming from. By the smile on your face, he knew you were joking. Sam & you reached the car.
“I’ll miss you.” approaching Dean, you were more than satisfied when he opened his arms for you to pull you into a hug. He pressed a soft kiss on top of your head before releasing you again.
“Malcolm promised me to keep you safe.”
“Did he now?” turning around, eyeing your boyfriend with a smirk.
“Check in with us, okay?” Dean grew serious.
“I will, I promise. You guys take care of yourselves, okay?” both men nodded. “Tell Cas I said hi. How are you two doing anyway?” you stopped briefly to wink at him which made Sam chuckle quietly. “And bring him next time.”
“Alright, goodbye.” Dean said, laughing at you, Sam joining him.
“Bye, guys.” you waved at them when they got into the car.
Leaning into Malcolm’s side, you could feel his arm sneaking around your waist to keep your close. For a few moments, you stood there in silence, watching the Impala slowly disappear out of your view.
“Do I need to be jealous of this Cas guy?” Malcolm asked all of a sudden & you broke out into laughter. His confused face was hilarious.
“Trust me, Mal. If you meet him, you’ll know that there’s no need to be jealous.” tears were threatening to escape your eyes. The simple image of you & Cas together made you laugh out loud.
“I guess I need to trust you on that.”
“Hey, remember what you said when you thought we wouldn’t need help solving this case?” you asked him, changing the topic entirely. His face showed you that he did, in fact, not remember.
“I told you so.” you smirked at him, enjoying how his smile slowly faltered. Rolling his eyes at you, he wanted to say a witty remark. You knew what he was trying to do but before he had the chance, you silenced him with a long, soft kiss. That always managed to do the job. Pulling away after a few seconds, you lovingly stared into his eyes. This moment could have been overly romantic. If it were not for you putting salt into his wound.
“I told you so.” repeating your previous words, you walked away from him, sarcastically smiling as you did so. You were right about this & Malcolm prepared himself to hear the same words over & over from now on.
Published (04/15/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @thefictionalgemini, @prodigalsonlovingbisexual, @octopus5555, @claudiaparker30, @the-unknown-fan-girl, @popcornanon, @jasminetea-andpaisho, @anatanotegami, @blackandwhitejoker (thanks for your support <3)
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majwrites · 3 years
Designer Shades Part 2
Summary: (Y/N) Bateman has to deal with the police more often than they'd like to.
Trigger warnings : rats (mentioned), murder and corpses (mentioned), kidnapping (mentioned), mental illness, self destructive behavior, suicidal tendencies, nightmares, Patrick Bateman (mentioned), interrogation room, being arrested
A/N: I wrote this at midnight and mashed it together with something that sat in my documents for at least 4 months already. Enjoy.
"Would you mind telling me what this is about, Lieutenant", (Y/N) wasn't used to interrogation rooms, but not a stranger to them either and this had to happen at some point.
"We're investigating the kidnapping and murder of three girls who all worked for an Escort service. I'd just like to ask you a few questions. Now, how old are you?"
"I'm 27", almost 28 though.
"Alright, where did you go to school?"
"Harvard. I graduated Harvard Business school too"
"Do you know a girl called Leslie Smith?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes…but may I ask why I would have to be interviewed for this case? It has nothing to do with me", oh (Y/N), you know the answer.
"One of the girls was murdered with a chainsaw that got dropped onto her"
"And just because my father insists that almost 30 years ago he did that to Christie you think that I did the same now?", (Y/N) got progressively angry. They started to repeatedly hit their index finger against the wooden table at a rapid speed.
"It's a common procedure", Gil got a bit irritated by their reaction. (Y/N) 's leg was now rapidly bouncing too.
"Listen, (Y/N). It's a fact that you inherited many of your fathers traits and you have a criminal record", Gil had an empathetic look on his face.
"It's true, Lieutenant. I have a lot in common with my father. I experience horrible mood swings, anxiety, I see things that are not there, I get overwhelmed and angry, I thought about throwing myself into the Hudson more than once and I wear Ray-Bans. However I also have a lot in common with my mother and this includes that I'm definitely not a murderer", (Y/N) hated the way they got treated, they weren't a criminal just because they were mentally ill.
"Alright, would you mind telling me where you work these days? You left Pierce & Pierce quite some time ago", Gil wasn't done here.
"Gil, I don't know what to tell you. I don't know why I'm here", (Y/N) was no stranger to interrogation rooms and right now they would rather be anywhere else. The only positive aspect of this situation was that Gil was the one interrogating them.
"You're here because you're a suspect. We're interrogating the case of Katie Sanders. She's been killed with a chainsaw and afterwards left in her closet with a rat. The rat has been used to get rid of the corpse", Gil layed out a photo of the crime scene on the table. (Y/N) stared at the photo and started drumming their fingers on the edge of the table: "What makes me a suspect? I don't know her and I'm sure one rat isn't enough to get rid of a whole corpse. There is no perfect way to get rid of a corpse, something is always going to be found and then someone will try to find the killer and eventually arrest them. I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't have said that. I'm very sorry that she has been murdered but I don't understand why I'm being accused".
"I'm going to be honest here, there is no real evidence for you being the murderer, but the scene looks like something that your father could have done and the crime happened near your living area", Gil looked at (Y/N) apologetically, but (Y/N) started to get uncomfortable and angry at the situation. They were going to miss their date with Ainsley, forgot their coat at Jean's place and the interrogation room didn't help either.
"You know what, I'm done with this. Just lock me up already. Hand me over to whoever you want. If I'm just an exact copy of my dad just lock me up already. Restrain me, mess me up with more meds or just stop treating me for my multiple disorders and wait until I end this myself. I'm done", it had been the third time that this had happened this year and (Y/N) had enough. "Look, I'm sorry that this keeps happening to you, but I have to follow every lead", Gil was just doing his job, but sometimes he really hated it.
"This is getting ridiculous and you know it. Why do people like torturing me like this. Gil, I tried to understand why people act like this towards me and at some point in my life I thought I deserved this, but I don't. My father is a serial killer. That doesn't mean that I'm one. I see things that aren't there, I get flashbacks and every light constantly blinds me. I wear sunglasses the whole day, even at night. I used to take drugs and I recovered. I have enough trauma that it might as well be enough for ten people and I'm neurotic and I can't sleep. All of this doesn't mean that I go around murdering people", (Y/N) stopped talking and started excessively scratching their arm. Gil proceeded to grab (Y/N)s hands but they retreated to sitting on their hand instead before Gil could reach them.
"I know you're not a murderer but for your own sake I need you to tell me what you did last Thursday night between 3 and 4 in the morning", Gil looked at (Y/N) like a teacher who begs their student to say a sentence at least so they don't have to mark down an F in the oral exam.
"I don't remember, but I was with Ainsley. You can ask her", Ainsley would confirm this and get (Y/N) out of here. "Alright, I'll ask her. Why don't you remember?", Gil knew the reason, but he wanted to be sure. "Some days I barely remember my own breakfast, it's very bold of you to assume I remember what I did while having an episode".
So Gil called Ainsley to the station. They sat down in Gils office and Gil got straight to the point: "Ainsley, I need you to confirm that (Y/N) was with you last Thursday night". "And once I did, will they be allowed to go home with me?", (Y/N) had been held in the interrogation room far too long for Ainsleys liking. "I promise you can take them home afterwards, but you need to explain what happened that night in detail", Gil mentally prepared for a long story already. "(Y/N) spent the entirety of Thursday and Friday with me. They were having a rough time".
This Thursday had been particularly exhausting. (Y/N) was stressed out and extremely cautious of their surroundings. Ainsley had picked them up from the office after work. They both sat down and watched Shutter Island while eating toast with cream cheese. Afterwards (Y/N) told Ainsley that sometimes they felt like society would treat them the exact same way they treated the main character. They knew that Ainsley understood what they meant. After the movie had finished they got ready for bed. Ainsley woke up again at midnight and stayed awake until 6 am because (Y/N) was shaking in their sleep. (Y/N) kept waking up from nightmares and by 8 am Ainsley left for work, not without letting (Y/N)s boss know that they were sick and wouldn't come to the office. She called Jean. Jean came to pick up (Y/N) at 8:30 am.
"So (Y/N) was in no condition to murder someone that night", Gil regretted his choice of words the second they had left his mouth. "(Y/N) was with me the entire night, I didn't take my eyes off of them in case they needed help. Can we please go home now?", Ainsley started to get impatient.
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vintagegoddess12 · 4 years
The Masterlist
Here you go peeps!
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Sarah Paulson
[Sarah Paulson x Reader]
Mark Me As Yours
Migraine Moments Part 1
Kathryn Hahn
[Kathryn Hahn x Reader]
Say My Name Again
American Horror Story
[Cordelia Goode x Reader]
Radioctive Salvation Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6 (coming soon)
AskFic #1 (I legit forgot these two exist)
AskFic #2
Lie To Me Part 1 Part 2
Piano. Plum. Please.
[Secret Santa Swiftie Series]
Ally Mayfair-Richards x Reader (no body no crime)
Prodigal Son
[Jessica Whitly x Gil Arroyo] 
Gil took a shot
[Agatha Harkness x Reader]
5 times Agatha pushed the limits and the 1 time she shouldn’t have (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6)
The Purple Brick Road (1, 2, 3, 4...)
Lavender or Chitauri?
Piano. Plum. Please.
Books and Basements (1, 2, 3...)
The Ever After (The 50s, The 60s, The 70s, The 80s, The 90s, The 00s...)
Thank you for all your support! (send in some suggestions or prompts to help me go out of my terrible writer’s block).
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sincerly-kate · 4 years
Shattered Glass (Malcolm Bright/Whitly x gn!reader)
A/n: This story is inspired by two things; a two-part series by @wreckofawriter​ and also my experience with family . If you want me to remove it (wreckofawriter) then I will, but I don’t mean to copy your amazing work.
Warnings: Angst to fluff, Malcolm trying his best (not really a warning but that needed to be put out there, HE ONLY TRIES HIS BEST), also talk about poor mental health! (Such as Anxiety, description of an anxiety attack (this is based off MY experiences I’m not trying to generalize them!) and slight depression)
Don’t read if you’re not done season one! All spoilers are under the cut just in case (Eve is mentioned, iykyk)
Summary: You and Malcolm have been dating for a few years now, you share with him all of your sides- or so he thought. How will he react when he sees you crying when you think he can’t see you? How will he feel when he realizes that you guys are more alike than he originally expected?
Y/s/n = Your Siblings Name
Y/m/n = Your Mothers Name
y/n = your name (just in case this is your first fic)
Words: Just over 3,000 (😅😅)
I was listening to this song as I was writing this: If the World Was Ending- JP Saxe, Julia MIchaels
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You always knew that Malcolm could see the real you better than anyone else, he could see straight through your facial expressions and little habits. It was his job after all as a profiler, he couldn’t just turn it off when he was with you and that was understood between the two of you. The last thing you wanted was for him to change in a world that treated him differently already (no thanks to his father).
But there was one part of you that you tried to keep from Malcolm at all costs, and that was your family.
It wasn’t because you didn’t trust him with that knowledge, but it was just a side of you that you’ve never been able to let anyone see. To see how hurt you were by their words, how little you were respected by them, how small you felt anytime you tried to be yourself around them. You couldn’t tell him any of it, you hoped that he would believe your lies, cause you knew that his family was way worse than yours; so you just kept it all inside for no one except yourself to see. The last thing you wanted was for him to feel guilty for confiding in you after all these years.
You felt him nudge your shoulder, which brought you back to reality. You were a Reporter, and a very god one depending on who you asked, and Malcolm needed you to help him drag out a killer for a case. He was profiled as overly confident and a borderline narcissist, so Malcolm was certain that if you talked about him on the news, saying that they had him in custody that he would contact either you or the station to say you had a fraud. Malcolm was going to be by your side the entire time, just to make sure they wouldn’t go after the most important person in his life-,not again; he wouldn’t know what he would do if you were taken away from him like Eve. He would do anything in his power to make sure that he wouldn’t go after you, since you matched most of his previous victims.
“You alright?” He looked at you slightly worried, he was always concerned when you got too deep into that head of yours, he wasn’t sure what caused you to be constantly thinking that you’re not good enough, but he wasn’t going to press the matter. He rubbed your thigh as he sat next to you, to keep you grounded.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? It’s not like I’m about to be indirectly talking to a serial killer on live television, and possibly get a target on my back for doing so.” You nervously laughed as you looked down at your feet, your leg bouncing up and down to the rhythm of your rapidly beating heart.
“You don’t need to do this; you know that right?” He placed his hand on your cheek, caressing the side of your face with his thumb repeating the motion to calm your nerves. “I can ask Ainsley; she’s done this before-”
“Malcolm, I’ll be alright. I always am.” You gave him a tight-lipped smile; you knew it wasn’t very convincing but that’s all you could muster up at the moment.
He wasn’t convinced, you could tell since he gave you his doubtful that he’s given you on more than one occasion but he was cut off by another voice before he could call you out on it.
“C’mon Bright, they’re about to go live.” Gill said as he lightly grabbed his arm to get him out of the shot, and he complied.
“Live in 3,2,1...” You were given the cue as you took a deep breath and put your ‘TV face’ on as you liked to call it. “Breaking news tonight, the NYPD have confirmed that they have someone in custody who’s been known to the public as The angel of death, nothing has been said by police if this truly is their killer but after the past week of The angel of death terrorizing the city, police are led to believe that this is him.”
You took a pause to make it look like you were listening to someone through your earpiece, that was intentionally visible to the camera, then carried on with the broadcast.
“I’ve just gotten a confirmation from our sources that it has been officially confirmed that they have The angel of death himself in custody and will be setting a court date to be announced later. Now back to Ryan with politics.”
The second you heard the ring that signaled you were no longer on air, you slumped over in relaxation. You crossed your arms on the table in front of you and leaned your head, that now felt lighter than air, on top.
“You did amazing darling, that should get the killers attention for certain.” He said to you as the sound of his shoes got closer to the desk the kissed the top of your head and slowly rubbed your back to release more tension that he knew you were holding.
“I didn’t really- “You tried to correct him as you lifted your head, but Malcolm refused to let you get close to finishing that sentence of yours.
“Nope- you just brought us our killer baby; you did a hell of a lot more than most would’ve in your shoes.”  You loved how he was always able to reassure you, and how he did it without a second beat.
You turned to look up at your loving and supportive boyfriend in admiration and a warm smile slowly painting your features, “Whatever I did in a past life was so worth it.”
“What?” He slightly laughed at your statement, looking at you now with a mixture of curiosity and confusion.
“To deserve someone like you and be lucky to call them mine.” You stood up from your chair and moved closer to him to close the distance between his lips and yours, you could taste the slight cherry flavor of the candy you knew he had earlier. As you two break apart, you can still taste it on your own lips.
Unfortunately, this moment doesn’t last as long as you two wanted it to, because both of your phones go off. His from an unknown caller, and yet yours is somehow worse.
You look down to your phone saying Mom, you sighed at this and then looked at Malcolm, or where he was, already on his phone, most likely talking to the killer himself next to Dani, Giles and JT.
You excused yourself to another room for some privacy that you knew you were going to need. You were only halfway to the quiet room when you answered your phone; you knew that was going to be a bad idea.
“Why in the hell did you think that was a good idea y/n?!”
You sighed and with a tight-lipped smile replied with, “Hello to you too mom, haven’t heard from you in a while.” You then slowly closed the door behind you.
“Don’t give me that lip! I am your mother, I deserved to be treated with respect! I never get this from y/s/n.”
You dropped your head down in defeat, you always considered the problem child, ever since your sibling came into the picture. Before that everything was relatively fine, but you never blamed y/s/n though; it’s not their fault your parents decided that you could fend for yourself at the age of 8.
“Yeah I know, but it was for a case- “Once again, she decided to cut you off.
“A CASE?” she shrieked into the phone, making you pull the device away from your ear.
“Yes- “
“Now I knew were selfish, but I never thought it was this bad. I could tell that it was staged, are you seriously putting yourself in danger so they could contact you for some ink?”
You were absolutely shocked by her words; she thought that you risking your life was selfish? So, you could save others, that made you selfish? You felt the pressure of tears build up as a sickening pit was building in your stomach; she always knew the words to say and never in the good way. “No, that’s not- “
“No, I get it, you’re too damn stupid to see past your own needs. I have no clue where I went wrong with you.”
The minute you heard that, you hung up the phone. You couldn’t care less about what she would’ve said after that.
You hit your back on the wall as you slowly walked backwards and slid down to the floor. You pulled your knees up to your chest and placed your head down.
You must’ve been sitting there for a while as there was a rough knocking behind your back, on the door. ‘They must’ve been knocking for a while’ you thought.
“Y/n! Are you in there?” Malcolm. You must’ve scared him to death, without even thinking you stand up and open the door for him.
Behind the door was Gil, JT and Dani accompanying Malcolm. “Shit guys, sorry if I scared you.” You laughed humorlessly but stopped once you saw all their concerned faces.
“Y/n, you alright?” Gil asked, who was more of a parental figure than your own, but you couldn’t ever tell him that. Not because you were scared it would go to his head, no, he wasn’t like that. You just didn’t want it to become awkward since he already needed to worry about Malcolm, you didn’t need him to constantly worry about you on top of it.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” You said then realized you still had massive tear stains on your cheeks and puffy eyes from your previous phone call, you forgot to wipe them away before you opened the door.
‘Dammit y/n’ you scolded yourself for making the four of them all worry.
“Um you got somethin’ right,” JT then motioned to his whole face, Dani then elbowed him in the side for his unhelpful comment.
“Oh!” You wiped the sides of your face, “I’m fine guys, just got something in my eye.” You smiled at all of them.
Your head then turned to Malcolm, who squinted his eyes at you. You could tell didn’t believe you at all; he knew all your tells. You could tell that he was going to ask later, but you were sure as hell going to avoid it if you could.
Unable to deal with the silence anymore, you pushed by all of them, apologizing as you went, and walked out to your car. You were done for the day anyways, so you wanted to go home to Malcolm and yours’ apartment.
Once you got through the door, you let the dam in your mind open. The flood gate of tears rushed, and there was nothing you could’ve done to stop it; not that you really wanted to anyways. Your hands shook from the rush of emotions going through you, but you forced down the inevitable panic attack until you got to the couch. Your hands continued to uncontrollably shake, and you curled up in a fetal position with your favorite blanket wrapped around you like a tight hug. The words of your mother echoed throughout your fogged mind.
“I knew were selfish… you’re too damn stupid to see past your own needs…”
It just wouldn’t stop. It was like a massive wave going over a surfer; nothing could be done about it, you just needed to ride it out.
You heard a muffled noise coming from behind you but being so caught up and immobilized in your thoughts, nothing could’ve dragged you out of this one, not this time.
 A pair of arms grabbed your shoulders, and there was enough fight left in you to push them away and run into the corner of the apartment. You could slightly see a male figure coming near you, and all you were capable of doing was whimpering and curling up in what you had deemed your safety blanket.
“Y/n… talk to me… happened at… were worried…”
You tried to make out the familiar voice- Malcolm; that’s the only person it could be right? It didn’t matter to you right now; the voice of your mother was stronger than your own thoughts, it always had been.
You felt a thud right next to you, and smelt the subtle sent of his cologne, it brought you back to your senses slightly, but not enough to stop your uncontrollable shaking and tears. He nudged himself closer to your body, and you instinctively laid your head on his shoulder. You could feel yourself calm down, but you knew it was because he was here. Yes, he was helping you ground yourself through the small gesture, but it was mainly that you were embarrassed of him seeing you like this and could feel your body force away the attack.
As you begun to trust yourself to speak, you turned slightly towards Malcolm, a numb look coated your features. “Sorry you had to see that; you shouldn’t have had to.” You spoke meekly, looking down at your still slightly shaky hands in your lap.
“Y/n, you have nothing to be sorry for.”
It was once he said that sentence that you knew you needed to come clean about the one secret that you had left from him.
“But I do, I’ve been selfish.”
“How darling?” He said while slowly petting your head, the way you’d comfort a child.
“I didn’t want to tell you, cause you already had so much on your plate, with this case, your family, and I- I just didn’t want to add my family on top of it.” He understood that this must’ve been eating at you for a while, because you normally bottled all your feelings until it broke; unfortunately, that’s why you both got along so well. He never wanted you to feel like that was necessary when you were with him, but how do you bring that kind of thing up?
“What about your family?” he spoke softly. You never spoke about them, hell he’s never even met them but now he felt deep down that he was about to find out why.
“Am I selfish to you? Am I someone you really see yourself with in the long run?” Tears begun to fill your eyes again, and a crack in your voice was evident to Malcolm that you believed in what you were saying about yourself.
He felt a pang of sadness for you in his chest, that was quickly turning to anger at whoever made you feel like you were any less than worth the universe. He composed himself before he responded to your question.
“Far from it, you are the most selfless human being I’ve ever met. There’s now way that a selfish person would’ve done what you did today; going in front of thousands of people and calling out a killer like that, like a badass.” He nudged your shoulder, where he got a slight giggle out of you. It wasn’t a lot, but it was better than nothing.
“And absolutely can I see you with me later on,” He took a deep breath before he continued his statement. “I love you y/n, and if I ever lost you… I don’t even want to think of who I would become. You’re the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.”
You immediately rushed into his arms and embraced him so tightly, afraid that this was all some massive cruel dream, and you’d wake up another day without him knowing. You stayed like this for a moment before Malcolm piped up,
“So, you wanna tell me why the most beautiful person to ever walk the earth is currently crying on our apartment floor at nearly 9 pm?”
You both chuckled at this, as you unwrapped yourself from his arms to look him in his beautiful blue eyes. His eyes were still filled with an underlying anger, but mainly held concern towards you.
“You know when we were at the news station today? And you got a call from the killer?” He nodded, encouraging you to continue.
“Well I also got a call, but it was from my mother. We got into an argument, since she saw the broadcast, and words were said.” You knew that the fine details were going to be said eventually, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say it.
“And, what did she say baby?” He answered in a voice that was barely even a whisper, he looked you up and down; most likely looking at your body language to see if you were going to try and lie, but he could tell that you were going to be honest.
“That I was selfish, dumb, questioning where she went wrong with me.” You sniffled and looked to your hands, terrified to see Malcolm’s reaction. Not because he might yell at you, but at what he might do to your mother now that this was his first impression of her.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Was all he said after some silence.
“You have your own family shit to deal with, I didn’t feel like it was fair on you to dump mine on top of it. I didn’t want you to lose anymore sleep than you already do over something that I need to deal with.”
“Malcolm? You’re scaring me.” You looked up at him to see him looking out the window, his face glowing from all the nightlife neon lights across the street; he looked so angelic, more than he normally did.
“How didn’t I see this any sooner? I don’t care that you didn’t tell me y/n, I don’t care that your family is screwed up as well. I do care about the fact that I couldn’t help you through it.”
“But Malcolm it wasn’t your fight-” you tried to defend your reasoning, but alas he needed to correct you once more before the night was through.
“You’re right; it’s our fight. To hell with our parents, we’re not our parents; we are our own people. So, from this moment on, I promise to be completely transparent with my baggage as long as you are with me. We can break our constantly bottled-up feelings together.” He gently picked up your hand and laid a kiss on top.
“turn them into shattered glass.” You nodded as you spoke, a smile slowly coming back to your face.
“Just like shattered glass.” He nodded back, returning your smile.
And just like that, the two of you sat down on the couch, cuddling and watching movies as dusk carried on into dawn.
A/n: I hope you guys liked this, I always loved Malcolm’s character and Prodigal son, and with my life being slightly hectic at the moment this was a nice change of pace. Hope you have an amazing day or night, depending on where you are! 💙
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Headcanon: Trying for a baby with Malcolm would include:
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a LOT of discussion before hand. Seriously, so much discussion and planning. You’re pretty sure some major historical events occurred with less planning
Making sure you’re both ready for this. It won’t be easy, and life will never be normal in the Bright and Whitly family.
Let’s all be honest, Malcolm’s not even ready for a normal meal, but he says he wants this with you. What else can you do but trust him?
Defending your choice as a pair to anyone who questions his ability to be a father. Because you know he will be a wonderful father, even if he often questions it himself.
Malcolm working out more, getting to therapy more, and adjusting his medication to see if perhaps he could be doing even better.
He’s really trying to be healthy, and trying to calm down. Stress has a huge impact on conception....and Malcolm has been a lifetime of stress.
“Is it weird that I’m talking to my childhood therapist, who’s known me since I was a kid, about our sex life?”
Wait he’s tracking your cycles now isn’t he? Yes, yes he is. Because that’s just the way Malcolm is, and it helps him to plan and prepare by keeping track.
“You know you’re ovulating right now...”
Trying for you both isn’t a chore. Baby making sex has been the best sex of your relationship. He’s very....determined. Yea, determined, that’s the word, and it makes for a mind blowing experience for you.
Malcolm is completely focused on your pleasure and comfort.
He’s profiling you ALL THE TIME. But it’s pretty adorable. It shows he cares, but also how much he wants this
The team being all up in your business. Seriously. All the time. It seems like an anomaly to them. Bright having kids? This should be good.
Forget that, it’s nothing compared to Jessica freakin’ Whitly
She’s ready to buy you guys a new house, she wants to furnish the nursery. Baby Dior? YUPP IT’S HAPPENING
“Dr. Whitly can never know.”
Hell, he doesn’t even know you two are married! If Malcolm ever sees him (which you absolutely disapprove of, even more so now) he never wears his wedding ring to keep your existence hidden. He can never ever know he will be a grandfather. This baby has to remain a secret from him.
Beyond that drama and, well, sheer terror of the fact that the Surgeon is going to be your child’s grandfather, you try to focus more on Jessica and Ainsley. Jessica is thrilled for a baby in the family and to be a grandmother. Ainsley cannot wait to be the cool aunt.
The team is going to be a big part of this kid’s life, and be the little one’s rest of the family.
Gil tries not to cry when you ask him to be the godfather.
Knowing if it takes a few months or more, that Malcolm will blame himself, mope and be upset. He doesn’t want to disappoint you.
You promise him he could never let you down
Good thing then that it happened quickly for you both! Malcolm’s shocked and a little shaken at the news, despite how much he wants this with you
Night terrors shifting time him being worried that he will hurt you or the baby.
Constantly reassuring him that he is nothing like Martin, and that he’s going to be the best dad.
Everyone teasing the hell out of him and how that didn’t take long at all. You kids wasted no time at all!
“We should probably get a bigger place?” “Or maybe just less sharp objects?” “Hey those are mostly antiques!”
The look on that man’s face when he sees the sonogram.....those blue eyes lighting up with pride and joy makes everything worth it. And you know everything will be ok.
“Baby Bright”
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I really loved your prodigal son Malcolm x reader fic! Can I request a jealous Malcolm x reader where she is a detective on Gil’s team too and a new rookie cop keeps hitting on reader and he is like wtf and Gil is like “kid your jealous” and he’s all surprised Pikachu face
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Super excited for this one! I went for the humor here, and then total fluff. There is absolutely a call back to my first posted fanfic with Malcolm x reader, and as far as I’m concerned this is the same girl and how they ended up getting together. Part of it is completely inspired by T Swift’s Daylight. Here you go! 
“Since when do you grab lunch with the new kid?!” People were starting to stare now in the precinct as Malcolm’s voice rose. 
“Dude, you don’t have a leg to stand on, you’re STILL the new kid,” JT shot back, even though Bright hadn’t been speaking to him. 
“I can grab lunch with whoever I want, Malcolm. He’s new and I wanted to welcome him!” You shot back, perfectly capable of speaking up for yourself. Malcolm was being unreasonable. “O’Neil is part of the team, you accept that or…” 
“Or what? There’s something about him…the way he was talking to you. He winked, (y/n). Killers wink. Creepy bad guys wink! He pretty much asked you out, having just met you… and his eyebrow did a thing.” 
“His eyebrow did a thing? You learn that at Quantico?” You roll your eyes. He was being ridiculous. Yes, Malcolm had his quirks and he could be possessive over the team, but this was taking it to a new low. Besides, you had been flirting gently for MONTHS and the man had picked up nothing. And you had seen and knew the worst of him by now; night terrors, the restraints, the trembling and the panic attacks. And still, you wanted to try with him. You thought you could handle Malcolm Bright. But he was blowing it. “I’m allowed to date whoever I want, Bright.” He flinched as she used his last name, and not his first. 
“Yes I DID learn about eyebrow movement in Quantico!” 
“This conversation is ridiculous,” JT said under his breath, watching beside Dani who just nodded, her eyebrows lifted in shock at it all, and kept drinking her tea. 
“I’m telling you,” Malcolm continued, his voice more desperate “he’s no good for you. And his behavior…just don’t do it (y/n)” 
“How the hell do you know what’s good for me?” You knew the words stung. He barely knew what was good for himself. But you’d had it with Malcolm Bright. If he wouldn’t date you, he sure as hell wasn’t going to keep you from seeing other men. “He’s an internal transfer, not an evil mastermind! And don’t make up profiles. And why do you care anyway? I’m meeting him for drinks, and that’s it!” This had gone far beyond the realm of professional office banter. Everyone is staring now. Gil comes out of his office, and you announce you’re leaving for the day. it’s just after lunch but you don’t care, you’re taking the rest of the day. And you promise yourself you’re not going to cry over Malcolm again. You don’t even want to meet O’Neil for drinks, but maybe it would make the idiot wake up. 
“What just happened?” Dani said under her breath.
“Malcolm, my office, now.” Gil’s words were final and left no room for debate. 
“Dude, you’re jealous,” JT said sitting down at one of the conference table seats. 
“I’m not….I’m not jealous.” Malcolm defended, adjusting his jacket as he headed to Gil’s open door. 
“Totally jealous,” Dani repeated as she took a sip of her Earl Grey. 
“We need to have a chat,” Gil said as Malcolm reached the door. 
“Gotta have a father son talk?” JT said, not even thinking about it, but it was enough to make Malcolm lunge back at him. Gil caught his arm in time in a firm hold. Malcolm was on edge, breathing heavy, jaw clenched and jutted out, ready for a fight.
“He didn’t mean it. I’m incredibly close to having to fill out a report on you, and I’m not a fan of the paper work. Don’t make me have to do the paper work, Malcolm.” Gil’s grip tightened, and his words were firm, but yet somehow also kind, trying to get him to relax. “JT?” Gil prompted an apology. A bunch of kids, his team. But he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“I’m sorry…you know I didn’t mean it that way. Honestly…I’m sorry.” JT’s apology rang true and Malcolm straightened himself up and nodded before making his way into the office. Gil closed the door. 
“Take a seat…Kid, you’re jealous.” 
“What? Why is everyone saying that? I’m not jealous, certainly not of O’Neil…and (y/n)? No. I’m not jealous.” Malcolm said sitting back in the chair the opposite side of Gil’s desk, crossing his right ankle to his left knee in a show of relaxed posture, but truly he was anything but relaxed. “Besides, we’re on the same team, it’s not like we could date….or….anything.” 
“You’re not technically NYPD, you’re a consultant. And neither one of you is the superior of the other in job distinction. So technically, there’s no rules being broken. I just think you are looking for an excuse not to ask (y/n) out.” Gil said sitting back and relaxing in his chair, feeling like this was going to take awhile. 
Malcolms eyes narrowed in confusion. “Are you…trying to help my love life?” 
“Professionally? No. Absolutely not. As a fellow concerned friend? It seems in desperate need of some help so yes, yes I am. Malcolm, she’s been in here before asking about relationships with team consultants. She’s basically walked in here and asked for my permission to see you outside of work.” Malcolm’s eyes went wide, and then his mouth opened. 
“She….(y/n) really did that?” Gil’s heart went out to the boy. He was a man who couldn’t imagine anyone wanting him. 
“Yes, she really did. You’re both good people. You both have seen some shit, to put it bluntly. She’s a strong person, I honestly think you don’t give her enough credit. If you just don’t feel the same way, it’s a different story, But if you do…” 
“No I…oh god, I am jealous.” He lifted his hands up to cover his face and he groaned. “Can I have some whisky?”
“Yes, yes you are. Very jealous. Causing a scene in the NYPD and nearly attacking a cop jealous. And it’s 1 in the afternoon, you may absolutely not.”  
“Fair point.” Malcolm ran his hands through his hair. “I really like her, Gil.”
“Shocker.” He retorted. 
“No, Gil…I….I really, like her.” He stopped there but he was leaning in more, and Gil could tell there was more he wanted to say. Gil rolled his eyes. 
“Fine, go get the whisky, it’s 5′clock somewhere. Just a little bit for both of us! If I lose my job over this it’s all on you.” Gil was the one to stand and he brought the drinks over, pouring about half an ounce for them both. Malcolm leaned back in the chair, and his eyes grew wistful, and he looked out the window a bit, and then back to his mentor. 
“Have you ever seen just…an amazing sunrise?” He began. Gil quirked an eyebrow. Oh where in hell was this going? 
“I’m a cop Malcolm, I’ve seen plenty.” Get to the point Malcolm, Gil prayed. 
“No, I mean…an amazing sunrise. Look, I hate them. It means I’ve gone through another night not sleeping. It means I have to get up and struggle through another day. The light gets too bright, and the city can get too loud. But I mean…an incredible sunrise.” He paused, collected his thoughts for a moment. Took a sip. Continued. “It was right after I got back to New York. I was still staying with my mother. I got up about an hour before dawn…couldn’t sleep. Tossing, turning…the whole thing. I’d hit myself because my restraint bed wasn’t finished yet. I was in pain, tired…I went to Central Park. It was closed but…anyway. I walked around. The temperature was perfect, the leaves were just starting to change. It was quiet. I got to one of the small bridges and the sun started to come up. And I don’t know what made be stay but I did, and I just watched it…and it wasn’t too bright, or too harsh. The colors were really soft. Pastels. A painter would have really liked it. It was beautiful…and there was something…” he grasped for the right word, “gentle about it. It was soothing somehow. There were some birds there and they woke up with the sun and it…it felt healing. People say a sunrise means a new beginning, and I never believed that garbage till that morning. That morning felt like something special. I know, that all sounds crazy weird, and I don’t even really know why it came to me it’s just that….(y/n) feels like that for me. She’s like daylight….” He took a deep breath as he finished and Gil just gazed back at him. 
“Get out of my office right now, and go ask (y/n) out. That’s a direct order.” 
“Yes, Sir,” Malcolm got up and pretty much ran out of the precinct, tripping over almost  everyone, and leaving the rest of his whisky on the desk. Gil picked it up and chuckled to himself as he sat back at the desk. He lifted the glass to those two crazy kids, and he silently wished them luck. 
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bettyxinez · 4 years
Nothing Left To Give
chapter 1 • obligations
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Malcolm Bright x DID!Original Female Reader
Malcolm Bright knew something was off about her the moment Gil introduced her.
He had watched Gil show her around, her platinum hair cascading in gentle waves, falling to her mid-back. She was Asian, clearly, and she wore a leather jacket, a red shirt and skinny jeans. Her combat boots fell heavy to the ground. She smiled politely, and didn't seem to talk much. He saw her occasionally nod, her eyes following everything that Gil gestured to.
He watched her intently and came to the conclusion that her and Dani would get along well.
As if on cue, the woman in question opened the glass door seperating them, and joined him at his side.
"Kaitlyn Sun-Mae" Dani said, noticing his eyes on her.
"Shes a new detective. Gil wouldn't tell me anything other then that she was 'over qualified' for the job."
Malcolm glanced at her.
"So we should expect a lot then." He says, returning his stare to the new woman.
Dani nodded and sat on a desk behind him, watching as Gil brought the woman, Kaitlyn, towards them. Malcolm opened the door and smiled warmly, nodding at her.
Gil had clapped him on the back and gestured to the woman as she walked in from behind him
"Malcolm, this is Kat. Kat, Malcolm."
Kat, he thought, was much better then Kaitlyn.
"Nice to see a new face around here. The others were getting kind of boring." He heard Dani scoff after he said it, but when she got up to shake the womans hand, she shoulder-checked him, smiling playfully. Kat took her hand gently, but shook it firmly.
"I'm Dani. Ignore pretty much every word that comes out of his mouth."
Kat let's out a breathy laugh at that, but doesn't react any further.
"Its nice to meet you all. I'm the new detective."
Her voice was lower then he expected, but also a tiny bit more nasally, a weird combination, but not unpleasant.
"I work mainly with sex-crimes, but I dip my toes into a little bit of everything." She put her hair behind her hair. It looked soft, despite the harsh bleaching process her hair had to have gone through, Malcolm noted.
"We can always use more people in that division. I'm a profiler, I primarily work to catch serial killers."
She blinks hard at that, he notices.
"I could say the same about yours." She smiles warmly at him, but he catches how her eyes linger a bit on his face. Her eyes are gray, dark gray, with a bit of dark blue as well. She has long eyelashes too.
She turned away first.
JT walked in and introduced himself to her as well, and he watched as she laughed at something he said.
He couldn't figure out what it was though. His preoccupied with trying to figure out what was so off about her. She seemed well enough, but she also had a certain air around her. Tense and secretive, he was sure she was hiding something. He wasn't one to question Gils judgement, however, it had never failed him before, but still, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was different.
"Okay. Greetings are out of the way, let me show you to your desk." Gil gestured for Kat to follow him, and she nodded and gave a small wave.
He turned to Dani.
"So what do you think?"
"Of what? Kat?"
"Yes. Obviously."
Dani rolled her eyes.
"I think shes fine, nothing to be weary of, at least." She looks down at him, knowing he's about to refute her.
After a few seconds of silence, she starts to doubt whether or not he actually will.
"Shes hiding something."
There we go.
"Yeah? And so are you. So am I. We all are. I noticed it too. I think it will be okay." She wants to shut him down before he can even start to spiral.
"Gil wouldn't hire her otherwise."
He nods at that. She was right, he supposed.
Malcolm watched as Gil showed her her station, and pointed to different things. Probably giving her the WiFi password and telling her the right way to use her computer. He could tell by looking at the way she nodded that she already knew how, and that she was just humoring him. He watched as Gil gave her a thumbs up and walked back to his desk, closing the door behind him.
He could get up and go talk to him about his suspicions, and risk getting lectured. Or he could go directly to her, and risk giving her the wrong impression. He contemplates his options. He did feel a slight obligation to say something about it, but somehow he was able to reason with himself and simply sit down, thinking of everything he knew about her so far.
Bleached hair. Asian. Tense. Polite. Quiet. Skinny.
He looks over at her.
Really skinny, actually. Dark gray-blue eyes.
The more he looked at her, the more confused he got. Nothing really seemed out of the ordinary, so why did he feel like things were?
He pushed his chair back and stood up, noting how she jumped at the sound of metal against linoleum. He watches as Dani says something to her, causing her to let out a laugh. He watches as they both fall into an easy conversation.
So he was right, then.
He walks over to Gils office, but before his hand touched the handle, the man himself yanked open the door.
"Body on 35th. Female." He walks in Dani's direction, opening up the glass door.
Dani stands up, wiping her hands on her thighs.
"On it."
Gil looked at Kat, and as if she felt his stare, she looked up at him.
He gestured for her to come over, and she did almost immediately.
She walked over with a grace Malcolm didn't expect.
"Yes?" The woman responded, voice soft.
Gil looked at her.
"I know its your first day, but somebody called in a murder. You down?"
Kat, without skipping a beat, nodded.
"Of course. Its my job, isn't it?"
"Well you aren't obligated, it is your first day."
"Well if not today, when? There's a first for everything."
That, Malcolm thought, was true. Gil nodded, on the same page as him.
And then a voice played through Gils HT, panicked and shaking.
"Sir, we've gotten word of a man running past the scene, carrying what looks to be a camera."
Gil stared for a second, contemplating.
"Is there anything else you know about him?"
"Hes wearing a black hoodie, and uh- wait there he is agai- wait he's walking towards u- he's- sir this is a crime scene." The person on the line then went on to ask the man to leave, saying things along the lines of "put the camera down" and "stop taking pictures."
Then there was a gun shot.
Kat reacted first, she jumped up and horror crossed her face. Her brows furrowed, and she looked up at Gil, waiting for direction. A second of silence passed.
"Move out!" He yelled, and Dani ran out, Kat and Malcolm not far behind. JT started running too, catching up to Dani. They got into a car together, and before either of them could have gotten their seat belts on, Dani gassed it, hard.
Kat got into a car, and Malcolm got in the passenger side. She floored it almost immediately, before the door was even closed.
"Malcolm was your name, right?"
Malcolm nodded.
"Yep. The profiler."
She nods, locking it in her head, turning on the sirens. She follows Dani and in approximately three minutes, they arrive.
An ambulance can be seen, a person being led onto it in a stretcher. The officer, presumably. Kat gets out, and while everyone has hands on their guns, she doesn't even touch hers.
Its confusing, he thinks.
They walk into an apartment, the space between them heavy with silence. When they open the door Dani looks at them
"Her name is Colette Britchman. 23. She worked for a local strip club."
The body of a woman can be seen, eyes open, her head shaved, and fully nude. A sheet had been placed on her private areas, but otherwise, everything was visible.
Kat stared, putting on gloves and stalking forward. She kneeled down and looked at the dead womans milky eyes. She had scars all over her body, as well as fresh cuts. She carefully lifted up the sheet covering the womans breasts and gasps.
By this time, Malcolm had joined her, and saw the source of her gasp just as she did. He sucked in a breath, and had to look away.
There, carved gorily into both of the womans breasts, was the word "mine."
Kat squeezed her eyes shut before covering her back up. Malcolm examined her body, and the more he stared, the more strategic the cuts on her body seemed.
Kat had left, however. She went to the kitchen and looked at the fridge, and a piece of paper hanging on a magnet could be seen.
Next shoot- 3756 Pierre Ave.
"Dani?" The man called. The woman looked up at him.
"On it."
With that, she pulled out a computer and started typing away.
"Its about 7 miles away from here. Just a regular house."
She tells Gil about her discovery.
"I would imagine he went back there, or in the very least there's more evidence." Malcolm says, giving Kat a nod.
Kats eyes widen for an infinitesimal second. Gil offers a hand. She takes it and squeezes his two fingers until her a knuckles turn white, before letting go. Malcolm guesses that he's the only one who noticed. Gil looks at all of them.
"We should wait, find more info on our vic."
JT says something, but Malcolm doesn't listen, instead he looks to Kat, who's entire form is shaking.
"We don't know whats there. We need to be more prepared."
A twitch of her fingers. Her eyes dart to the left, right, and left again. Unnatural given the current situation. She looks up, and confusion crosses her face for half a millisecond, but he doesn't miss it.
"I say we go out. Try and find him." Its strange, he thinks, how her voice is just a tiny touch lower. Anyone else wouldn't notice it.
But he's Malcolm Bright, and he notices everything.
Hey yall. I saw an Anthony Padilla video a while ago about people dissociative identity disorder, and I immediately threw myself into research. I watched various youtubers with the disorder and read many essays on it, and i quickly learned how stigmatized this disorder was and made it a goal of mine to educate the people around me, because all information people get are from unrealistic movies and TV shows.
For example, the term "multiple personality disorder" is 35 years outdated. It's actually called dissociative identity disorder.
I also really like Prodigal Son and the shows take on different mental health disorders, and I often found myself wondering how Malcolm Bright would react to a person with DID, so I decided to write about it. I plan on this story being at least 20 chapters, if not more.
DID is going to be portrayed realistically and accurately, hope you enjoy!!!
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hello!! i’ve been following your blog for,,, a little while and last night’s episode made me snort water out of my nose when jessica said “pop out a few grandchildren” and mal gave her A Look so what about a malcolm x reader where they tell her the reader is pregnant and jessica is THE MOST EXTRA with her reaction. you don’t have to if you don’t want to, of course
Thank you so much for this! I had so much fun writing it! I originally meant for this to be around 500 words but it ended up at 1,201, whoops!
You absentmindedly rubbed your stomach before freezing and staring Malcolm down. 
"This is a terrible idea. She's going to know. Why aren't we telling her again?"
He laughed, his eyes crinkling in a way that made your heart skip a beat, even after all this time. He kissed your forehead and wrapped his arms around you. "I promise, we'll tell her and Ainsley after the gala, I don't want anything to shadow this moment and she's been obsessed with planning this thing for weeks." You sighed he was right but you still rolled your eyes at him. 
"Ooookay. But I'm telling you, she's going to figure it out. The woman raised a profiler and a reporter"
"It'll be fine," He swayed as he held you, turning it into a slow dance, "we just have to make it through this lunch and tomorrow night. Easy." You couldn't help but return his smile. It was a terrible idea but maybe it would turn out okay.
No matter how many times you went to the Whitly home you were always blown away by its extravagance. It felt more like a museum than a place where actual people lived. You sat on an overstuffed couch (it was expensive but in no way comfortable) and listened to Jessica go on about mindless details, the shade of green used for the table runners, the price of shipping the specific Italian marble used for a cheeseboard. 
"And what will you be wearing dear," she asked reaching out to touch your wrist, "please tell me that you let Vincenzo take your measurements last time he came over to fit Malcolm's suits." You had let him and had a few things made but as the weeks went by the growing bump of your belly had made it impossible to fit any of them. 
"I was just going to buy something," you managed to eke out. Jessica’s face fell and she shook her head. 
“Well, you’re in luck because Ainsley had nothing to wear either and Vincenzo is the best so he can have something ready for you by tomorrow evening. He'll be here in a few minutes. We’ll just get some quick measurements done and then enjoy our lunch.” She smiled her signature smile and before you could argue she was back on her woes of finding a decent florist. You looked to Malcolm who just shrugged and continued pretending to be interested in the conversation. 
You stood awkwardly in front of the huge mirror watching the older gentleman's fingers fluttering from here to there taking careful measurements. Jessica stood a few feet away giving her input occasionally. He took a step back and gave you a warm welcoming smile as he grasped your shoulders and kissed both of your cheeks.
"Il Signore benedica il frutto del vostro amore," you looked at him and back to Jessica who had her hands clapped over her mouth and tears in her eyes. 
"Thank you?" You replied fairly certain that the secret had been spilled. You wished you knew Italian. You had expected Jessica to rant and rave but instead, she wiped her eyes carefully before linking her arm with yours.
"Come on, let's not leave the others waiting."
"I stopped trying to understand my mother ages ago. You're sure you don't remember what he said" Malcolm yelled from the kitchen. You were wiggling your way into the dress that had been dropped off at the house earlier. It fit perfectly of course. The perfect amount of stretch around your midsection. Sexy and sophisticated. You finished your hair and makeup before joining Malcolm in the kitchen. 
"I'm pretty sure it was Italian" 
"Well, he is Italian so I would hope so. You look gorgeous by the way," he put the pan in his hand down and bridged the few steps between you before pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You scrunched your face before pulling away.
"What's that smell?" You took a few steps back, the taste of bile rising in your throat before running to the bathroom. Alone in the kitchen, he cupped a hand to his face to smell his breath, made a face, and joined you to brush his teeth. 
You stepped out of the car while Malcolm held the door open. 
"Feeling okay?" You squeezed his hand in response. 
"You mean other than slightly nauseous, sweaty, and swollen?" 
"I'm sorry," he gently kissed your hand, "I promise we don't have to stay long."
You walked into the venue holding onto him, your mind concentrated hard on getting through the night. Later when anyone asked you would say that's why it took you so long to notice the room around you. 
This was not the celebration Jessica had spent the last few weeks explaining to you. The room was filled with pastel colors, pink, purple, green, and yellow. "Welcome Baby" and "Congratulations" were hung on gigantic banners across the room. Everywhere you looked you saw the faces of your friends and family, along with the faces of a few senators and the mayor if you weren't mistaken. A mountain of gifts that took up more space than your first apartment was piled into a corner. 
You couldn't help but wonder how much money it had cost to plan the entire thing last minute, to fly people from across the country to be here. Jessica must have been up all night getting everything prepared. You didn't know if you wanted to laugh or cry so you did both. Malcolm stood equally stunned, his mouth hung open, absolutely speechless. Jessica practically ran to you taking you in her arms. 
"I know you hate big parties but I just couldn't help myself! A baby in the family!" She turned to Malcolm without letting you go, "And you," She wagged a finger at him and he held his hands up in mock defeat, "You didn't tell me? What were you waiting for!" She turned back to you, "Don't worry sweetheart I don't blame you at all, I know this was one of my son's terrible ideas."
You mouthed "told you" to Malcolm who was on the receiving end of a bear hug from Gil. His eyes were full of happy tears. Fatherhood was a terrifying step for him to make and it wasn't one he took lightly. You were so grateful he had a man like Gil in his life to be there for him always. 
Your heart was so full of love.
Jessica let you go after what felt like an hour and took Malcolm in her arms after swatting his arm probably harder than necessary. Gil offered his open arms to you and you gladly accepted. 
"So how's it feel to be a grandpa?" You asked teasingly. He laughed.
"Amazing. Terrifying. I can't believe my kid is having a kid. How's it feel being a mom?"
Your voice caught in your throat. You felt so many things. Joy, complete terror, giddy, love. You looked at the people around you with peace and knowledge in your heart that they were there for you, there for this baby, no matter what. 
"It's the best feeling in the world," you replied. 
*"Il Signore benedica il frutto del vostro amore" = "God bless the fruit of your love."
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bagelbright-tok · 3 years
I haven't posted in around a month and I know the 69 (nice) of you that follow me probably don't care but I am working. I have two one shots, a fan series, and on original series in the works. I'm working more on the original than I am on the others because I have so much fire to write it and I don't want to lose it.
Here are the summaries of each story below the cut.
The first one shot is a Kakyoin x Male!Reader. JJBA. The summary I have of it is:
"When Kakyoin awakens from his 2 year coma, he is confused. With most of his memory and physical strength gone and diminished, he is assigned a nurse. He is there just to help Kakyoin regain his strength and energy. After a year, Kakyoin's memories are nearly restored, and he begins to recall memories with the nurse he met a year ago. These memories, however, are from his trip to Egypt to kill DIO three years ago. What gives?"
The title for that one shot is called "Just Here to Help a Little."
The second one-shot is a Gil x Fem!reader. Prodigal Son. The summary for this one goes as such:
"[Y/N] Whitly is well known to be related to The Surgeon, Martin Whitly. Most notably, though, she is known to be a walking disaster. From being viciously assaulted to simple trip and fall accidents that result in serious injury.  It is quite fair to say that wherever she goes, something disastrous will happen. It’s almost as though the universe is trying to kill her, and through sheer luck she survives each time. This time, however, her life was far too close to being taken."
This one is titled "The Disaster's Trek Too Far."
The series I have coming up is a Jotaro x Male!Reader. JJBA. Here is the summary for the series:
"At 14, Jotaro found himself the subject of bullying. With his father gone, his mother too nice, and himself not in a fighting shape, all Jotaro can do is endure it. At least until his knight in shining leather beat the shit out of his assaulters. [Y/N] [L/N], the high school's infamous delinquent, comes around and teaches Jotaro the ropes of delinquency."
This one is called "Stand Up, Stand Proud, and Fight." I have chapter one done but I want to get at least another two chapters before I post the first one.
The Original Series I am working on is called "INVASION." This story takes place in a universe I created where Earth is mostly populated by sentient and sapient plant life. Humans have diminished due to the hostility of plants. This series is also in the same universe as my under construction "Fighter," mini series. INVASION happens first chronologically, but Fighter is the main series to depict the world they all live in.
INVASION is my first leap towards working on Fighter and establishing it as a series. I will likely be illustrating INVASION along with Fighter.
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“90″ - Oneshot
“90” - Oneshot
My Masterlist - Here
My Tag List - Here
Plantonic!Gil Arroyo x Reader
(Mentioned) Sibling!Malcolm Bright x Sibling!Reader
Word Count: 2,145
Key: Y/N = Your Name, H/C = Your Hair Color, E/C = Your Eye Color Chunks or lines of text that are in italics means that it's (Y/N)’s thoughts.
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of murder, mentions of trauma (Whitly)
Summary: While out on a lunch break with your boss, you find out that your brother is back in town. Unsure of what to do, Gil tries to give some advice. 
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Author’s Note: So I had an idea while at work because I find myself thinking a lot about crime shows at work. The line that Gil says “Should have said 90. 100 I know you’re lying” really stuck with me for some reason. So I thought, what if he was told that by Malcolm’s sister, only to use it on him later? And boom, here we are.
It’s not my best, but I thought it was a cute oneshot ramble thing. 
This takes place right before season 1 episode 1. 
This was not beta-read, so please let me know if there are any errors! 
If you would like to be tagged in any of my future pieces, check out my tag list above and let me know! And as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
- DreaSaurusREX
Thanks to your father messing your family up from a young age, abnormal and criminal psychology seemed to be a “natural” path for you and your brother to end up going down. Words cannot describe the negative effect that Dr. Martin Whitly had and continues to have on your life. Growing up and really realizing the awful things he did to those women, your brother, and you made you see the world for what it truly is: Chaotic, painful, and full of surprises (both good and bad.) You saw that there were more monsters like him out there and you wanted to figure out who and where they were. 
While Malcolm went on to change his last name and run off to Quantico to try to help catch more of these deranged killers, you changed your last name and stayed closer to home. If there was one monster living in your own home, they really could be anywhere. 
Gil Arroyo was the officer that caught your father and helped make sure that your family was alright after The Surgeon was put away in Claremont Psychiatric. He helped you and Malcolm bond and grow as much as you could. While you did drift away from the rest of your family, you kept in contact with Malcolm and Gil.
As soon as you graduated college and walked into his office asking to be on his team, Gil knew he had to say yes. Not only to make sure you were safe, but also because he knew you had the ability to help get into a mindset that could help the team solve some of these trickier cases. 
Which leads to today, a normal lunch break. 
You and Gil went to a sub shop not too far from the station and got your usuals from Mr.Santos. While waiting, Gil was slightly shifting his feet, slightly visibly unsettled by something on his mind. You made your way to a table off to the side of the room and motioned for him to sit across from you.
“Go on and tell me.”
“Tell you what?”
“Whatever's got your headspace all worked up.” Gil looked down and sighed out a slight laugh.
“What gave it away this time?”
“Do you really want to know?” Gil shrugged his shoulders and leaned back, trying to feign being comfortable even though he knew he was going to have to speak his mind sooner or later. You leaned forward, elbows on the table, slightly squinting your eyes, preparing for the rare chance to put the Gil Arroyo in his place.
“Well, for one, you haven’t been able to make eye contact or even look at me since we left the station. You’ve also had your arms crossed more than usual, which could be an attempt to make a physical barrier to whatever is creeping its way out of your mental barriers. Your jaw has been clenched for at least the last fifteen minutes, which means you’re at least slightly stressed about something. Do you want me to keep ripping you a new one, or do you want to just tell me what’s going on?”
Gil looked down to see that his arms were indeed crossed over his chest, he let out another sighed laugh, shook his head slightly, and dropped his arms. He took a deep breath.
“Malcolm is coming home.” Gill didn’t look up until after he spoke, trying to gauge your reaction. 
When Malcolm applied for Quantico, you were happy for him. That same day, you found out that he had been meeting with Dr.Whitly. You had made a choice to try to stay as distant from his as possible, and yet, Malcolm was visiting as if he wasn’t locked in there for murder. You didn’t even hear him out, you couldn’t fathom the idea of anyone wanting to visit that creature.
 It drove a spike between your relationship with your brother. You knew that you two would mend it and make up eventually. But you didn’t expect to have to talk to him so soon. 
One of the downsides to growing up like how you did and knowing so much about psychology now, you knew how to hide your emotions fairly well. Some would call it a blessing, especially working with the NYPD as a psychological analyst assistant. But right now, Gil hated it. 
“(Y/N)? You still with me?” Gil tapped your hand to try to get you to focus on the real conversation as opposed to your inner monologue. You shook your head and tried to put on a small smile.
“Yeah. I’m here. I’m fine.”
“Now I know that’s a lie.” 
“Oh really? And how do you know that?”
“Your real smile reaches your eyes. This one,” Gil pointed to your face, “is as fake as Pamela Anderson’s boobs.” A small chuckle left you at his choice of comparison. Gil now matched you and leaned on his elbows on the table. “Talk to me, kiddo. What’s going on in that big ole brain of yours?”
Leaning back, you started to play with your fingers as you tried to settle on a single question out of the handful that were swimming around your mind to ask right now.
“Do you know why he’s coming back?”
“From what I know, he got fired. Assaulted an officer.” 
“Must have deserved it.”
“Which one? Him or the officer”
“Honestly, either one.” Gil slightly chuckled, knowing your brother as long as he has, he could definitely see the punch landing either way.
“Well, I don’t know. But... you can ask him that yourself.” You raised a questioning brow at Gil as he paused, trying to choose his phrasing. “I think it would be good for you two to talk. Go get coffee, take a walk, something.”
“Really? You think it would be a good idea to reopen that broken door labeled ‘Warning! Malcolm Bright! Do not open?’”
“100%” Gil tried to smile, but similar to how he pointed out on you moments ago, his smile didn’t reach his eyes. 
Mr.Santos came to your table with your sandwiches wrapped up and some chips. The two of you thanked him before getting ready to head back to the station to eat. As you got back out to the sidewalk and fell in step with him, you spoke about the case that you were both working now. It wasn’t until you got back to the station that you spoke on what was bothering you.
“You should know better than to lie to me, Gil.”
“And what am I being accused of lying about now?” He couldn’t help but sound a bit annoyed as he opened the door to the conference room where you had all of your notes and evidence board set up. The two of you setting up lunch as you continue.
“When you were saying that it would be good for me to try to meet up with Malcolm, I asked if you were sure, and you said ‘100%.’” 
“And?” Gil asked, mouth half full of chips. 
“You should have said 90.” Gil looked at you, waiting to hear your reasoning. “100 I know you’re lying.” 
“You know I’m lying by me saying 100%?”
“There are very few things that we can say we know with 100% certainty. You of all people question the certainty of things. And with the subject being Malcolm, then there is no knowing how us trying to reconnect could go. And you know that. So--” 
“I just think that you could help him out.” Gil interrupted, not wanting to hear your whole dissertation on probability and chance. 
“So could you. You’re basically a father figure to us, albeit thanks to unfortunate circumstances.” 
“Yeah, but he knows that I usually bring cases, not social visits.” A slight sigh exhaled through your nose, knowing that he was at least partially right. “And I know damn well that he would like to see his sister.” Gil pointed his sandwich at you before taking a bite.
“That's the great thing about him having two sisters though. He can go talk to Ainsley. Although, I know she is like mother in the way that they are dreadfully draining to talk to.” Gil put his sandwich down, looking down at the table and taking another deep breath. “There’s more you’re not telling me.”
The only response you got from him was a hand pointing towards the evidence board. You looked at the board, trying to see if he was pointing to something specific. When you couldn’t make anything out, you looked back to meet Gil with a questioning look.
“I think having two profiler brains on this killer could be helpful.” You took a deep breath in through your nose as you leaned back in your chair, looking up at the ceiling slightly, everything clicking into place. 
“I see. You want us to make up so we’ll play nice when you eventually wave a case file in his face and drag him to the next crime scene.” You looked at Gil and saw him holding his hands out getting slightly defensive. 
“That’s not the only reason. I know you two are some of the best profilers in New York. You are also the only ones that can truly understand and help each other thanks to your... life experiences. So in order to try to help catch bad guys like how we want to, and help you two finally get the relationship back to where you want to, yes, I want you to make up and play nice.” 
You knew he was right and that this would be a smart move. You reach for your drink and take a sip. Your lack of response let Gil know that he had “won.”
“Plus, he feels bad for how things left off before he moved.”
The next few minutes were silent as the two of you finished your lunches. Gil got up to throw away your wrappers and such. As you thanked him, you turned to the evidence board and sipped on the last of your drink.
You tried to find more correlations or similarities between these victims, but you kept thinking of the same ones you already had written down. As much as you loved your team, they weren’t trained much when it comes to the thoughts and motives of a killer. 
You haven’t been able to have a psychologically focused and interesting conversation with anyone since Malcolm left for Quantico. He was always one of a select few that didn’t completely drain your social battery and understood how far to push you to challenge you without causing any damage. Malcolm understood your humor, your ups and downs, and how to really help you. And you understood the same thing for him.
You missed that. 
Maybe a mind like his would be refreshing and helpful nowadays.  
JT knocked on the door’s threshold before poking his head in, phone in hand. You swiveled your chair around, knowing what he was going to say.
“Uni’s called in from east side of 42nd. Something weird. All I could make out was ‘blood paint’ and ‘skin mural’ before they begged for backup.”
“Sounds like something right up your alley, (Y/N).” Gil turned to you. You nodded and started to stand up, gathering the last of your trash and tossing it in the can. 
You stopped before leaving the room. Looking down at the piles of case notes along the table, you couldn’t help but feel a little bit guilty about not finding this guy yet. All of these victims with no answers yet. Gil noticed and put a hand on your shoulder. Before he could say anything, you spoke.
“I’ll try and reach out to him. I can’t let this guy walk around doing this shit again and again. I need a brain like Malcolm’s to jump off of.” Gil just squeezed your shoulder before moving his hand gently to the scruff of your neck, ushering you towards the door so you could get to the crime scene. “I’ll see if he wants to go to that nice place off 16th. But I can’t promise anything.”
You stopped again before getting into the front seat of Gil’s car. Looking at him over the roof, you were a bit nervous now about meeting up with your brother. 
“Are you sure he actually wants to try to make up?”
Gil nodded his head side to side with a slight frown, as if he was weighing options in his head. 
“I would say 85, maybe 90%.” You rolled your eyes at him. “Hey! I’m learning this all from you! I’ll have to use that line next time someone says 100.” 
Gil smiled as he leaned down into the driver's seat, you followed and soon you were on your way to catch another monster. 
Tag List - @melconnor2007 @ashenfallsof @geeksareunique @all-by-myself98 @sj-thefan @malindacath @shadowfoxey
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anzanity · 5 years
Trouble on the Loose
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(This gif is actually my work...)
The first time you met him at the Clermont Psychiatric Facility, it was a accident. You had been leaving the facility after visiting your brother, who was in there for murdering you family.
You just wanted to know why. 
The tears in your eyes and the broken feeling you had inside from facing him were harder then you expected.
You end up walking directly into a man who is just now entering. Before you have a chance to hit the ground he grips your arms and steadies you. All you can manage is a weak, "I'm sorry."
"It's fine... Are you okay?" He questions, not letting go.
You look at the man and nod some, "Just harder than I thought to face my brother... Long story."
He seems to understand and nods, "How about I take you for coffee and we talk about anything else?"
"You're the first person in weeks to want to talk about anything other then my brother..." You comment and look a bit surprised, "And I would love that..."
After a calming walk to a cafe, you order and he insists on paying. Sitting down with the coffee you give him the faintest hint of a smile, "I recognize you..."
"You do?" He questions.
"You work with the police. I saw you talking to the detectives about my brother... They actually were telling you that you would scare me too much..." you giggle at the thought.
He has a look of realization and chuckles. He then holds out his coffee cup, "Well to proving Gil wrong. Cause he was the one who thought I'd scare you."
You gebtly touch your cup to his with a giggle, "And to having crazies for family. Who were you going to see anyways?"
Malcolm sighs, as if it was inevitable to have this come up, "My father. I normally don't share this, but he is a serial killer."
"Oh wait. Let me guess." You say suddenly excited. "Let's see... my brother was obsessed with serial killers... the most infamous one is Whitly... You do look like you've seen some crap... more then just PD crap too..."
He watches you as you ramble through your thoughts and has a small smirk on his lips. "You're cleaver."
"Really?" You smile soft.
He nods some, "Mind if I get your number?"
You happily hold out a hand, "I'll put it in."
Over the next few weeks the two of you get closer and meet up for coffee a lot.
Today you are at the Psychiatric Facility visiting your brother, upon his request, while Malcolm is there with his sister to do a interview with their father.
While you sit and have a surprisingly friendly talk with your brother, you notice he seems a bit giddy.
"You look nervous Y/n/n. Can you feel the liveliness in the air?" He smirks at you.
You stand and head for the door, "That's not funny. You are being especially creepy right now."
He chuckles, "The fun hasn't even started. Are you really leaving?"
"What fun?" You question, but a part of you knows what he means. You knock on the door and it opens.
Just as it does, you see the gaurd on the floor and another inmate has opened it. Without hesitation you run and press the panic button on the wall, then your thoughts go to Malcolm. He has his sister here too. They were just a little down the hall, maybe you could get to them...
Your thoughts are interrupted by you being tackled hard. You scream as you feel yourself falling, and as you hit the ground you struggle to get air back into your lungs as your brother presses his chains down on your neck. You struggle and punch as hard as you can but it does no good, he was always stronger than you. He stays like that long enough for you to lose strength before he seems to get bored, or is he rushing to finish the job? You can't even think as he grabs your head and slams it down.
Suddenly you no longer feel him on top of you. You are positive you are dead at this point. Just another casualty of your brother. Then you feel a hand gently on your neck checking for pulse.
You open your eyes and see Malcolm hovered over you. He is talking but all you hear is a heavy ringing in your ears.
He lifts you up and guides you down the hall. All you can really manage is to move your feet to keep up with his pace.
Soon you are sat down and held close to Malcolm's chest. All you want to do is sleep, but the thought of not waking up terrifies you.  So you wait.
"... is the beauty you're holding?" A older man with a charming voice asks.
"Someone dear to me." Malcolm says softly.
"So your girlfriend?" The man asks.
"Not officially." Malcolm states. He sounds very uninterested in the conversation.
"Should you really be telling him your relationship status?" Ainsley questions Malcolm.
"I'm happy for them! He deserves to be happy." The man defends himself.
The alarms turn off and lights come back on causing relief to rush over the room just slightly. The NYPD made it.
"Y/n..?" Malcolm whispers and rubs your arm, "Just stay with us... You're going to be okay..."
You try to nod, but feel yourself slip into sleep.
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Too Close To Home (Malcolm Bright x Reader)
Request: Hi! I'd like to request a Malcolm Bright x reader or OFC story. Malcolm and the reader know each other since a few years. The reader has grown up in an abusive family and also has anxiety. They spend more time together cuz of a case. When the reader gets into danger, Malcolm saves her. He guides her home afterwards. First he doesn't want to come in but then they spend the night together (smutty or not, whatever you prefer). Afterwards they experience the most peaceful sleep they've had in ages :) (by @angelicastiel), [Prodigal Son-Masterlist]
Summary: Another case you & your team got to work on. This time, though, the backstory of the killer hit a bit too close to home. Still, you wanted to get the job done & arrest the murderer. There would have been a better, less dangerous way, but you could not change your actions anymore. And maybe you got something out of it. Something you had been wanting for the longest time.
Words: 3,827
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, angst, language, probably spoilers for season 2, father figure!Gil, little kidnapping situation, talks of murder (I mean, it’s Prodigal Son), first time writing for Prodigal Son (even though I do feel kinda confident writing for it, idk…let me know what you think)
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Being part of Gil Arroyo’s team was a dream coming true. Your years in college were spent working your ass off in order to end up in a job like that. Not only did Gil give you a place to work, he also took you under his wing. Talking about your past was something you dreaded but somehow you found yourself opening up to him. He knew about your parents & could tell when things started becoming too much for you. Throughout your time at the NYPD, you got closer with your team. Dani & JT had become your best friends. Malcolm, on the other hand, had been a different case. While the two of you sure were friendly with one another, you slowly developed a little crush on the profiler. Who were you kidding? You had the biggest crush, it was kind of embarrassing. Especially because Dani & JT teased the living hell out of you. Luckily, Gil had yet to notice. You did not want to bring private business into your job.
This case had been a tough one. Not only that but it hit too close to home for your liking. The killer you had been looking for left you a letter at the crime scene. It was a man who had been abused by his parents when he was younger. In that letter, he explained why he did what he did. Like, yeah, you came from an abusive household, too, but you were not running around, murdering a what looked like innocent man. Like, chill a bit. Gil pulled you a few feet away from the scene after you all had finished reading. This left Dani, JT & Edrisa alone with looking for more details. Malcolm was still nowhere to be found, even though all of you had tried calling him a couple of times.
“Maybe you should sit this one out.” Gil’s hand was on your shoulder, keeping you an arm’s distance away to take a look at your face. He knew right away that you were thinking about your own parents & sometimes things could be messy if private stuff got mixed up with work stuff. Again the reason why you kept your feelings for Malcolm at bay.
“Gil.” you sighed. “I’ll be fine. Besides, you guys need me.” Gil hated to admit it but you were right. The team was lost without you & nobody knew if your killer was planning another crime while you were inspecting this scene. A voice interrupted your conversation & both, you & Gil, looked at where it was coming from. Would you look at that. Malcolm, everyone. Fashionably late, as always. Why did he have to look so good though? Ugh…
“I heard there was another murder? What have we got?” Malcolm, being his usual self when it came to crime scenes, directed his questions at both of you.
“You would know if you decided to show up sooner.” Gil gave him a tight lipped smile & you could hear the sarcasm in his statement. Yeah, nobody could ever stay mad at Malcolm for a long time. Except maybe JT. But he seemed like he was just pissed off by whatever Malcolm did. That was why they were such great friends.
“The guy left us a letter, kind gesture, right? Edrisa should have it.” your arms crossed over your chest to hide how bad your hands were shaking. The action did not go unnoticed by Malcolm, though. He could tell you were uncomfortable. Your anxiety seemed even worse than usually. It was not like you ever opened up to Malcolm about your struggles. You had found it hard to talk about your feelings, even when you talked to Gil. But since Gil had become some sort of father figure to you, you found it a little easier to open up to him. The thing was that Malcolm was working even when he was not working. Which meant that he was profiling others even outside of work. It was not hard to notice your trembling hands, your bouncing legs, your struggle to keep eye contact. He could tell that your anxiety was bad. Most days, you hid it rather well, he had to give you that. A normal person would have never noticed anything wrong with your behavior. Malcolm, though, knew better & while he did not know what had happened to you in the past, he knew you were struggling nevertheless. But he could worry about you another time, for now, he had to focus on the crime scene.
As Malcolm walked over to where Edrisa was standing, you pulled at Gil’s hand, motioning him to follow you. Edrisa handed over the letter & explained briefly what they had found so far. You knew what was about to come. As did everyone else, so you quieted down & let the profiler do his job.
“Our dear murderer wrote the letter after he killed James here. The ink is too fresh & some of the letters are smudged. The printer in the office was still running when you got here, right?” this earned him a nod from Edrisa. “No fingerprints, though, he was smart enough to wear gloves. Which brings me to my assumption that he had planned this long beforehand. The bruises show that he was strangled & while we still have to wait for the autopsy, I’m almost entirely sure that he was killed because of that. I believe the stab wounds were caused after he died. The way his words were written sounds way too passionate for an accident. No, this guy, he was enjoying it. If it were an accident, he would have left the scene way sooner. But he took the time to type a letter & print it, to complete his mission by laying it right on top of our victim’s chest.” Malcolm finished & looked around to find everyone rolling their eyes except for you. Whenever he started rambling & piecing evidence together, you simply stood there mesmerized. This time was not different. His eyes met yours & he shot you a little smile which you copied.
“Anything else you wanna tell us? Like, why you’re way too excited about this entire thing?” JT spoke up. You gave him a little slap & chuckled.
“Don’t act like it’s something new.” laughing when you looked at his face.
“Okay, guys. Wrap it up here, we need to continue this at the precinct.” Gil’s authority voice came through & you all knew better than to mess with him.
Malcolm, Dani & JT were already in one of the offices when you & Gil came in. Usually, you asked Gil to take you everywhere, mostly because you got rather shaky during cases & you did not trust yourself enough to drive on your own. Gil told you he did not mind at all.
“Found anything useful?” you asked when you entered & looked over JT’s shoulder to make out what he was doing on his laptop. Malcolm stood at the front of the room, right in front of the whiteboard & was too busy sorting his thoughts to even notice you. Dani told you that they had no luck just yet & soon you found yourself helping them with research, something you were incredibly good at. Gil had left for a while but when he got back, he brought each of you a cup of coffee, knowing it was bound to be a long night without much rest. Being the stubborn person that you were, you declined his request of you calling it a night & heading back home. You were onto something & could not stop right now. Gil let the topic die down with a long sigh. The five of you spent the entire night looking for clues & connections & by the time the sun started rising, you had a plan filed out to catch the killer.
After hours of research, mostly from you, you found out that the victim had very wealthy parents. Parents who loved their kid like nothing else. Parents who would do anything for their kid. Checking his social media profiles, you could tell that he was not silent about his wealth or the love he felt for his parents. “Enough to get our killer started.” Malcolm had said. It took you a while but after checking James’ classmates, you had a suspect & after checking his social media accounts, you knew where you had to go to catch him. Sometimes, things could be so easy, so clear to see. Probably a bad idea to expect you were right with everything but you had a good feeling. Yet, you could not quite understand how someone could kill just because of envy. Just because they did not have what someone else did.
Your suspect spent almost all of his evenings in a local pub, not too far away from the precinct. It was a small pup, not a lot of people, but since it was Friday, you expected it to be filled tonight.
“Why does (Y/N) have to be bait again?” Malcolm asked after discussing the plan yet another time.
“Because she looks more like a guest of a pub like that. You would be out of place, so would Dani & JT.” Gil reasoned. He did not like the idea either but it was probably the best shot they had.
“Right, because if I make an effort I can actually look like an alcoholic. Is that what you’re saying?” despite your chuckle, you found yourself growing more & more nervous. Malcolm noticed right away, didn’t comment on it though.
“What I’m saying is that we all want this asshole locked up & I don’t want you to look like an alcoholic. I want you to go there as if you just got done with work for the day. Take a seat at the bar. We’ll be connected with you this entire time, we’ll hear your conversation. Wait a little & if he doesn’t approach you then you will. Understood?” Gil looked around the room, kept his focus on you, though, & when you nodded he told you all to head off & get this party started.
 “You’re nervous.” you flinched when you heard a voice beside you. Malcolm. Of course.
“I’m not. Just preparing myself.” you did not mean to sound this harsh but he did not really pay attention to that.
“So your shaking hands are a form of preparation?” he teased but you could not focus on his way of calming you right now. Your anxious mind was killing you.
“Look, Mal, I need to go, okay? We’ll talk later.” & before he even had the chance to answer, you were sprinting off.
Ordering a strong drink at the bar in the hopes of it calming your nerves, you tried acting as if you did go out every night. In fact, you were highly uncomfortable. Crowds made your anxiety act up & pubs were usually worse. Drunk people wanting to get laid or whatever. It just was not your world. Anyway, you had better things to focus on. Your suspect had already walked up to the bar & took, much to your dismay, a seat too far away from you to start an actual conversation. Quickly informing your team, an idea popped into your head. He would start taking an interest in you if you got him to grow envious. So without overthinking, you grabbed your phone from your purse & pretended dialing someone.
“Hi mom! How are you?” as much as it hurt saying those words, you felt accomplished when you noticed the suspect’s eyes on you. “Great, as always! We still on for lunch tomorrow?...Perfect! Actually, I wanted to thank you for the purse you got me! I found the package earlier today, you are crazy. That’s way too much.” if it were not for your job at the NYPD, you would make one hell of an actor. Deep down, your heart was breaking a little more with each word you said. “Oh? I’m your favorite daughter? I’m your only daughter, mom, but thanks.” you gave a genuine, or at least you hoped it sounded genuine, laugh & continued. The man had already made his way over to you & took the empty seat next to you. You had him, not fully but almost. Just keep going, you thought to yourself. “Tell dad I miss him, too! I’ll make sure to meet up with him soon. A much needed father-daughter weekend. It has been too long…Alright, I love you too, bye.” you ended your call & placed the phone back into your purse. Gil would kill you after you finished this case. Once again you were improvising but at least it got you here, sitting next to a possible killer. Possible killer? No, you knew it was him. He made it rather obvious after that fake phone call. Thinking about what you had just said on the phone got cut short by the man beside you speaking up.
“Sounds like a nice mom.” a drink in his hand, his gaze not focused on you but on the liquid in his glass.
“Oh, she’s the best. I’m lucky to have her. Same goes for my dad.” these words hurt so bad & if you were not so focused on arresting this asshole you would have started breaking down right in the middle of this bar.
“I’m Enrico, by the way.” he held out his hand for you to shake which you did.
“(Y/N).” faking another smile at him, you were surprised that your silly plan actually seemed to work. This dude was desperate. And it made him extremely dangerous.
“(Y/N), wanna head out & catch some fresh air? This pub is filling up.” he placed money on the counter, paying for not only his but also your drink. Thanking him, you got up. When his hand grabbed yours, you slightly flinched but did not pull away. The thought of your team waiting outside with handcuffs made you breathe easier. Arriving outside did not exactly put your mind at ease. Where was your team? Just when you wanted to turn around, you felt a strong grip around your waist & a cloth being held in front of your nose & mouth. There was not even enough time to scream before you were met with darkness.
Loud voices woke you up. A gunshot. Shit, why could you not move? Where the fuck were you? Looking down at your wrists, you saw them being chained tightly to a chair. Suddenly, a person was kneeling in front of you & you were surprised to find Gil helping you out of the chains. His mouth was moving but your heartbeat was too loud to make out any other noises.
“Have you got him?” Gil rolled his eyes at your question but soon after, nodded. This could have ended badly for you & he was just happy to see you alive & breathing.
“You hurt?” this time his voice was more serious. He looked you over but besides the bruises on your wrists, you seemed fine. Shaking your head no was enough for him to drop it for now.
“That was stupid, (Y/N). We could’ve walked in there & just arrested him in that damn pub. Why did you think it was a good idea to start this whole pretending thing?”
“Could we please not do this today, Gil? I’m tired.” you felt ashamed, embarrassed that you did not handle the situation better. Usually, you were way more careful when it came to other cases. You could not even tell why you thought you needed to act out an entire scene. It felt like the right decision at the time.
“Malcolm? Come over here.” Gil decided to let you rest for tonight but he sure as hell would teach you a lesson tomorrow. He could not have another person risking everything & acting irresponsible. He already had Malcolm. No need to have another one like him.
“(Y/N)? Oh, thank God.” Malcolm came jogging over to where you & Gil were. A small smile started forming, signaling that you were fine.
“Take her home with you. She shouldn’t be alone tonight.” & with that he left you & Malcolm alone.
Two hands came into view & you let yourself be pulled up into a standing position. Malcolm still held onto you since your legs were on the verge of giving out. After a few seconds, though, you felt steady enough & thanked him for helping you. Without another word, he took your hand in his & dragged you outside to his car. Any other day, you would have blushed like crazy but your exhaustion was overpowering your crush. Malcolm opened the passenger side for you & helped you in. Then, he got around to the driver’s side. His body turned towards you & when you noticed that the car still had not been started, you found Malcolm staring at you. Your eyebrows shot up in confusion. After a long pause & a deep breath of his, Malcolm’s voice broke the silence in the car.
“That was-“
“Stupid, I know. Gil already told me.” usually, you would have sounded sarcastic but tonight, you did not have the strength to try & act like you were fine. Because if you were honest, everything that had happened got you thinking. Not that you could have died but everything that had happened with your parents. How awful they treated you. How abusive they were. Not trying to start another conversation, Malcolm started the engine & drove up to his apartment. Gil’s order, after all. Though, he had to admit that he liked the idea of you being close to him. Hell, he could have lost you today. He could have lost you & you still had no idea about his feelings for you. Simply because he was too much of a coward when push came to shove.
The car ride was silent & the tension could have been cut with a knife. Once or twice you almost started talking, wanting to explain yourself. Why you were so exhausted. It was not the first time you got close to death but it was certainly the first time where your past came catching up. Each time, though, you chickened out.
“I’m sorry.” it was you who spoke up first when you entered Malcolm’s apartment.
“What for?” Malcolm turned his focus back to you.
“I made this case unnecessarily hard for you guys. I should’ve handled it better. It’s just…this thing with this fake phone call, it was…fuck, how do I say this?” the last part you mumbled to yourself but when Malcolm spoke up again, you knew he had heard you.
“It’s okay. Gil told me about your parents. I get it, I do. I probably would’ve done the same thing & then it would’ve been you & Gil telling me I was stupid.” you chuckled lightly & Malcolm was happy that you were not mad at him for knowing about your past. He had been aware of your struggles before, now he could finally tell where they were coming from.
Strangely, you felt a weight lifted off your shoulders, now that Malcolm knew. At least you knew he would never judge you, he had his own…familial issues after all. Tears started forming in your eyes & you tried blinking them away angrily, frustrated that you were losing it now even though the situation had been dealt with.
“Come here.” Malcolm opened his arms & you gladly accepted the invitation. Throwing yourself onto him like your life depended on it. His arms wrapped strongly around you. Not in an uncomfortable way, more like in a comforting way. The two of you simply stood in the middle of his apartment, not saying anything, he let you cry it all out & in that moment, it was all you needed.
“Thank you. Sorry for messing up your shirt.” a quiet laugh escaped you. It was not much but it was a good start.
“It’s no problem, really. Here, I’ll bring you some clothes to sleep in, I’m sure you don’t wanna sleep in work clothes?” Malcolm opened one of his drawers & grabbed a basic t-shirt & some sweatpants. Not much but definitely way more comfortable than what you were wearing right now. This was not your first time being at Malcolm’s home so you helped yourself & moved into his bathroom to take a quick shower & change into his clothes. It only took you about ten minutes, you were craving sleep.
“You can take the bed, I’ll sleep on the couch.” Malcolm was setting up his couch to sleep on when you came out of the bathroom.
“Nope, forget it. I wont let you take that couch.” you argued.
“Hey, it’s a comfortable couch!” he defended his way too expensive piece of furniture.
“What about your restraints?”
“Don’t need them when you’re around.” Malcolm let slip without much thought. Only when you tilted your head & raised your eyebrows did he realize what he had just said. “I mean…I don’t know. I’m usually much calmer when I’m with you.” It was funny to see Malcolm trying to explain himself. He was embarrassed but you were putting a stop to it right away.
“Okay, so I guess it would help even more when you’re right next to me, am I right? Your bed is big enough, Mal.” your sweet smile was convincing enough & soon you found yourself laying on one side of the bed while Malcolm was occupying the other.
For a few minutes, neither of you moved or said anything. The silence was not uncomfortable, the situation was still new for the both of you. Yet, you knew what you wanted. What you needed. So you grabbed one of Malcolm’s hands, turned around & let his arm fall around your waist. This action caught him off guard but he relaxed into the new position quickly. While the both of you still had not confessed, this felt like a step into the right direction. You felt safe in his embrace & knew you could be your true self with him. No hiding whatsoever. That thought made you smile. Exhaustion soon took over but the last words you heard before falling into a peaceful slumber were: Sleep well, (Y/N). I’ve got you. Afterwards, he pressed a light kiss on your shoulder & fell asleep himself. Tonight, your struggles could be forgotten. At least for a few hours until morning came around. Then, you still had enough time to deal with whatever was happening between you & Malcolm. Tomorrow, you could deal with your past some more. But right now, all you wanted was to have a peaceful night & Malcolm could give you just that.
Published (03/25/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @fandom-queen67, @cons-tit-ution, @where-thesundoesntshine, @itsanemu0101, @chill-fangirl, @angelnyx, @octopus5555, @the-unknown-fan-girl (thanks for your support <3 - sorry if I tagged you mistakenly/please let me know if I did)
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majwrites · 4 years
Hiding (Young Guns AU)
Malcolm Bright x platonic reader
Gil Arroyo x platonic reader
Note: This is an AU set right after the first Young Guns movie. Reader is on the run. One of the boys is readers brother in this, it's never clarified who exactly so you can just choose. It's not necessary to know the movie to understand this story. Flashbacks are written in cursive.
Warnings: gun violence, fire, smoke, PTSD, mentions of hanging, mentions of death
It was a more or less quiet day in the little town in New Mexico. Well, it had been until you showed up there. You were currently hiding out in Jessica Whitlys storage room. Malcolm hid with you and he wouldn't stop asking you questions. You were trying to answer them. "What happened in Lincoln?" "The cattle war. You know that the cattle war happened. It was all over the news and I was there", you still didn't like to remember it tho. "(Y/N), we thought you were dead. They lynched you", Malcolm's voice sounded incredibly distressed. "They said they lynched me", you said, "but I didn't die so they didn't succeed. They just left me hanging and then assumed". Malcolm stared at you, his expression was not one you could read.
"Why did you do this?", when it came to you he suddenly didn't know anymore how to read people so well. "What do you mean, Mal? I was there just like everyone else so I did whatever it was we all were doing". "You killed people! How is this better than what my father did?", apparently his distress turned into anger. Easier to be angry at your best friend than to think about how they nearly got killed. "Who says I killed someone?" "You have a gun", Malcolm said that as if not everyone around here had one. "Who says I shoot to kill?", you started to grow slightly irritated. You wanted really bad to explain to Malcolm what had happened in Lincoln County. It would probably help you to get over it if you told him. But the memories were haunting you and your mind mostly went blank instead of remembering them.
Suddenly someone started loudly knocking on the door. "If this is Gil you better start running", Malcolm was right.
"Already on it", you made your way through the window to hide out somewhere else. You found the space just under the porch to be very good for hiding.
There was so much smoke. Way too much smoke and the heat became unbearable. How did it end up like this. You would all die here. Either way. It would kill you to stay in this building for longer but it would definitely get you killed to walk out. You looked at your brother, the panic clearly showing in your eyes.
Malcolm opened up the door and put on his best innocent looking face. "What are you hiding, kid?", asked Gil who really had been the one knocking. "Absolutely nothing. What would make you think that? I was just, uh, searching for a broom to help mother with the kitchen", very likely. "You should know better than that. I can tell when you're lying", said Gil, "come on, you can tell me. I won't be mad". "Gil, this is a matter of life and death", Malcolm was incredibly concerned because he deeply cared for you. "How is that, are you hiding a wanted criminal?" No response. Just a nervous glance towards the window. "Are they blackmailing you or did they threaten your mother? Please tell me. You know I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong", Gil really wanted to help Malcolm. But Malcolm wasn't quite sure about this:"I don't think this is something you could help me with, Gil. I'm sorry".
And all that noise. God, why do people have to be so loud. If they could just shut up for a second. You couldn't think clearly in this mess. Suddenly you heard your brother calling your name, something in your brain clicked and you suddenly realized it was now or never so you pulled out your gun and started running as fast as you could.
Gil had that look on his face. This exact expression was the definition of 'don't mess with me'. "Alright", Malcolm gave up, "but please promise me one thing". "Alright, what would that be?", Gil found this situation to get weirder with every minute. "You have to promise me that you won't shoot them. Don't harm them in any way, I'm begging you". "Alright, now tell me who this is about", even Gil was bound to grow impatient sooner or later. "(Y/N)", Malcolm looked away, afraid of Gils reaction. "(Y/N)? Are you meaning to tell me you're hiding (Y/N) from me? Malcolm, they're dead". "They're not Gil. They're here and we have to protect them. Please, I need your help with this", and it was true. You both needed help. "Alright, but I only do this because (Y/N) deserves a chance to explain themselves.
You didn't know how you got here. In the middle of nowhere. You didn't know why your horse was there too. You could assume why you were bleeding. But to say you'd remember who had injured you would've been a lie. So this was how you'd meet your end. Your brother was nowhere in sight. Hopefully he was in a better position than you were in right now. Suddenly a noise ripped you out of your thoughts.
"Careful, they've been through a lot", Malcolm held Gil back by his sleeve as they both slowly approached the porch. You were still sitting underneath it. Your eyes were focusing on something far away even though there was nothing to be seen. Malcolm tried talking to you for a bit until you snapped out of it. The moment you saw Gil you raised your hands in surrender. "There's no need for that, kid. Come on, we're going back inside", Gil looked at you and seemed to be more concerned than angry. You followed Malcolm and Gil back inside the house where you all sat down at Jessica's kitchen table.
"So if you're here, (Y/N), then where is your brother?", Gil was curious. "I don't know where he is, that's why I came here in the first place. If I wasn't searching for him I wouldn't have come back. But I needed to know if anyone had seen him", it was true, you needed to be sure what your brother was up to. "What about the others? Where are the boys?", it was not like Gil wanted to arrest them, he was genuinely concerned. "Charlie and Steve are dead, I don't know where the others are", you really wanted to know where your friends went but you couldn't find them anywhere.
"Alright, kid. Here's what we're going to do. I'll help you to take care of this, we'll get all of your names cleared and we're going to find the boys", you could always count on Gil to help you. So the new plan was that Malcolm, Gil and you would take care of the whole affair.
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