#Male!Chloé Bourgeois
muggle-born-princess · 9 months
Gabriel: "I became a terrorist because I still loved and miss Emilie, and that's why I abused and gaslighted everyone; including Adrien."
Marinette: "I forgive you, I'll make sure I never tell the truth to anyone. Not even Adrien."
Félix: "I stole the miraculouses from you because I was ashamed for being a sentimonster, and I was abused for being one. I just wanted them to be free. Which is why I committed genocide."
Marinette: "I forgive you. Wanna join our team as the new Peacock holder?"
Chloé: "I bullied you because my mom abandoned me, and daddy didn't know how to raise me properly. I felt jealous, insecure and useless towards you. That's why I became Queen Bee and betrayed you."
Marinette: "FUCK YOU! LEAVE!"
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moumouton4 · 8 months
Just Friends ? || Adrien Agreste x fem!reader
A/n : Prompt 29 of the Smutember 2023 ( Finally one more to go ! I also hate Marinette's character to no end and tried to stay relatively soft here 😂 Also the fact that I live 30 min from Paris and I don't even know any places to sit and have a snack in a garden. Seriously it's so overrated, this place is a shit hole... anyways I hope you'll enjoy ! )
The list of prompts is HERE
Smutember 2023 Masterlist ⚜
Warnings : of course they are all aged up, the relationship is not very established maybe they are dating or friends with benefits, mention of shower graphic shower sex, piano sex ? window sex ?, biting, rough sex, dirty jokes, mention of oral!male receiver, finger, slight exhibitionism, car sex ?, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 2045
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“The Tuileries’ Garden, Wednesday at 3:00 pm” that was the place and the time, Adrien told you you were going to spend the afternoon at. All his classmates will be there, so it would be a good opportunity to meet everyone. You were told to bring something to eat or drink as you were all going to have a little snack there ( I don’t even know if we’re allowed to settle there to eat lmao ). You took a bag of marshmallows and another one of chips so that - she hoped - everyone could find something they would like.
Sitting in his car you were anxiously waiting to place a face on the names of the people he so often told you about. In the secrecy of the closed doors, his hand held yours, soothingly rubbing circles on the back of your hand. Meeting new people wasn't always easy but damn that was a whole class of 13 people.
“I’m sure they are all going to like you” he tried to reassure you.
“They are going to be quite a lot Adrien” you whispered back, holding his hand tighter.
“Just tell yourself it's back-to-school time” he joked, his humor shining through as he spoke to you, fully comfortable in your presence.
“I hate back-to-school” you whined.
“I know” he chuckled “But I also know you’ll do fine. Come on we’re almost there” he said his excitement breaking through.
You quickly smoothed your hair one last time and took a deep breath as you felt the car coming to a halt. Adrien let go of your hand to grab your shoulder and bring you closer to him, he placed a sweet kiss on your lips. He wanted to savor and bring a bit of your taste with him, knowing that once out the car you’d have to play it cool.
As you finally stepped out of the car, you decided to walk to the place you knew his friends were waiting for you both, keeping a friendly distance between you as you wandered through the gardens. You exchanged a few glances and it was clear in both your eyes that you wanted to hold hands and walk hip to hip, but you had to refrain. He whispered something to you and when you looked in the distance you saw a small gathering of people.
Some were already waving at you and another one, seemingly on rollerblades ( according to the pictures there is gravel on the ground so I don’t even think that she can do that but oh well ) who was zooming in your direction “Hey what’s up newbie ? Doin’ great ? I’m Alix by the way, nice to meet you” she said, extending her hand for you to shake.
As you did you gave her a smile and replying to her “Nice to meet you too, I’m Y/n” you were a lot less tense now, and you hoped everyone would be as nice as Alix seemed to be.
A short while later, you finally managed to reach the small table they had set for everyone to put their snacks on. You set your bags of marshmallow and chips and not even 10 seconds later the 10 people had gathered around you, eager to meet and talk to you. I mean, you were a potential new friend. Well there still were 2 people that seemed to care about something else, well rather someone else. One, you recognized easily to be Chloé Bourgeois, the mayor’s daughter and there other… erm- no she didn’t ring any bell.
From the corner of your eyes you could see Adrien who was smiling fondly at you, he was very happy and proud that you mingled that easily with his friends. You took a lollipop from a bowl which was set on the table and put it into your mouth, humming approvingly at the sugary taste of the fruity candy.
Adrien’s eyes were locked on your every move. Did you know that you were teasing him at this very moment ? That you were torturing him as you savored the candy ? He subconsciously made his way towards you - keeping his distance - making the blond girl from earlier whine and scream at the lack of attention she was left with, meanwhile the other one followed him closely. You looked at her for a brief moment trying to analyze her behavior. It wasn’t even easy to concentrate as she almost knocked herself on the table full of snacks. “Were those even made of leg material ?” you wondered, as you saw her stumbling and this time almost falling on your- erm on Adrien.
But then you saw it, that look in her eyes as she looked his way, the way they were seeming to beg him to look at her. You quickly looked her up and down just to make sure, then around, smirking to yourself when you noticed that Adrien was still deeply focused on you and your lollipop.
Suddenly another girl, you now knew was called Alya, came to rescue her friend from embarrassing herself further “Hey Marinette” ooh so that was her name “Did you have the time to introduce yourself to our new friend here” you smiled at her, Alya seemed so nice and normal compared to what her friend was displaying ( I’m not shaming any type behavior or personality there. I can be very weird myself lmao but gosh you can’t tell me Marinette is just plain weird most of the time when she is in civilian )
“Ah sorry ! I’m Marinette” she said seemingly genuine, her eyes betrayed her lack of interest in you though, as they flickered to the blond that had walked closer at your side.
“Hello” you answered politely not really knowing where to stand, this time you didn’t even bother to give your name. She tried to speak to you about various subjects, but the conversation remained awkward. It was evident that she wanted to ask something “Aaand since when do you know A-Adrien ?”
“Bingo” you thought, you saw it coming from miles away.
“I-I mean how are you related ? Like cousins ?” she asked “Well you don’t really look alike” she rambled more to herself “Maybe you are in the same fencing club ?” she tried again.
But you only shook your head “Fincing is his thing” you said “And thank gosh not a relative” you thought - either you wouldn’t be able to do all this with him - “I’m just a friend” you stated, trying to seem convincing as you did you best to prevent a smirk from displaying onto your lips.
Chloé who was never far away chipped in “And how come I never heard of you before. Adrichou is my best friend I would have known it if you were this important” she said as she flipped her hair back ( And yes in French she calls him so I don’t know how she does in English )
Before you could even answer something Adrien spoke up “You would have known about her if you were such a good friend Chloé” his tone wasn’t mean or anything but it was enough to send Chloé grumbling somewhere else. It was a very strange scene to attend for anyone who had known Adrien before, because he never seemed to do this for anyone before. He would always let her talk. Maybe he didn’t see nor hear anything when she did, but this time it was different. It was about you. And when it’s about you he always does.
The blue ? black ? haired girl squinted her eyes at you as if trying to read through you, fortunately her friend pulled her back “I think I’m getting a little hungry there hehe. We’re just going to see what is on the table and we’ll be back soon” she smiled nervously as she dragged her friend away.
And that’s how you partially found yourself alone with him again, staring into each other’s eyes “Just friends ?” he murmured, questioningly. As his words hit your eardrums you couldn't help but be thrown back in time, not even a week ago but this very morning.
His voice accompanied your thoughts as he added “I don’t think your friends know the way you taste” bringing a rush of heat to your face. Gosh how much teasing he could be when he wanted to push your buttons.
“Do they not ?” you teased back, knowing exactly what you were doing. As your mind quickly fills with moments, pictures, sounds of him. You two had quite the steamy “friendship” you thought as you recalled how this very morning he had taken you from behind under his shower, your chest pressed against the tiled walls, the warm water raining on you as he railed you cunt. His teeth sinking in the flesh of your shoulder as he held you close. A good thing that the shower was in his room because everyone could have heard the slapping noises if it wasn’t.
While you were lost in your day dreaming he extended his hand and gently took your lollipop from your mouth, before swiftly showing it in his. You knew he knew what you were thinking about, his green pupils were blown as he stared at you like some wild animal. You knew how he could get when he really needed it. Perfection didn’t exist even for him, doing it in a bed ? hell no ! I’d say at least 45 % of the time you jump his bones you’re not in a bed. And that’s the beauty of it because without this, never you would have got fucked on his piano like this, nor against the windows in his room - of course there is not overlooked around - just the contrast of his body heat and the coldness of the glass was enough to get you dripping wet.
After taking a good taste of it he pushed the candy back in your mouth “No they don’t. I’m the only lucky one who gets to have you Purrincess” he smiled mischievously at you.
“You’re the one who is going to purr tonight” you smirked.
“You’re coming back with me ?” he asked excitedly, as he initially thought you were going back to your place after the little outing.
“Mmhh” you nodded at him as you savored his taste on the almost finished lollipop “I’m going to get more candies” you said taking a step aside, you knew that getting away from him during this moment was like torture for him “You finished my lollipop”
“Don’t worry you’ll get plenty to suck on later” he couldn't help himself from saying, hopefully no one heard, even the two girls from earlier.
“Looking forward to it” you smirked “Don’t get too hard thinking about it though” you said as you eyes traveled to his slightly stirring length. He blushed furiously as he turned around taking a few deep breaths “This isn’t funny” he squeaked “You know I can’t control how it reacts”
“Yeah they all say that” you laughed.
“I’m going to get back so hard at you” he breathed out, still trying to calm down.
You wanted to tease him a bit more but you heard someone call your name “Y/n do you wanna try to play some guitar with us ?”
During the whole end of the afternoon Adrien’s hungry eyes ( one look at you and I can’t disguise - I love you Seb ) were solely locked on you, to the great displeasure of Chloé and Marinette. You knew that tonight neither of you was going to get some sleep, but what you didn’t know is that he just had a very good idea popping into his mind. He was going to finger you until you’re quivering on the backseat of the car on the way back. Then he is going to use your mouth the way it should be instead of teasing him all afternoon, you’re going to keep him wet and warm as he plays piano or watches the tv. You should have known better than to play cat and mouse. 
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The fact that the male antagonists (André Bourgeois, Félix Fathom, and Gabriel Agreste) are shown to be more capable of redemption despite their biggest faults and get what they want in the end, while the female antagonists (Chloé Bourgeois, Lila Rossi, and Audrey Bourgeois) are nothing but pure evil and are beyond redemption, is low-key sexist.
It's been eight years and five seasons. The "they didn't know any better" excuse is off the table now.
Regardless of intention, you can't seriously be this blind when it comes to choosing which villains are given depth and which ones are just irredeemable monsters. How did nobody take a step back and realize how bad this made their show look?
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ev4ikcasswife · 10 months
Male! Queen Bee aka Chloé Bourgeois
Give poor boy a superhero name please
Update: For some reason, I made on a full-length version of the art black lower strands .... why
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Update 2: Here is a version with black strands :P
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darkwitch1999 · 2 months
Parisian Mean Girls Headcannons
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Sara Lemieux
Online Username: 👑HeadQueenofBitches0001👑
Head Bitch/Leader of the "Parisian Mean Girls". Though she prefers the term "queen".
She is the meanest and cruelest out of the four. Chloé Bourgeois is a saint comparing what this bitch has done.
Sara Lemieux is infamous for crushing the spirits of every one of her peers and can snuff out weakness from miles away.
She takes immense pleasure in tormenting those who are too "weak" and "pathetic" to fight back. At the same time, she does love the challenge of slowly yet surely trying to break someone's strong will.
A master manipulator; Sara knows how to turn even the closest of friends against each other and can wrap almost anyone around her perfectly manicured fingers, whether they be one of her peers or a teacher.
She can and will make anyone's life a living hell if they dare to cross her and not fall in line.
Sara considers herself a "massive deal" and superior to everyone around her. However, she never uses her wealthy status or family's influence to get her way, unlike Chloé Bourgeois.
She partook in both physical and social bullying of the students along with her group of followers and other assholes. Their favorite victims are Noelle Odeja and Marc Anciel.
The last act of cruelty that finally broke Marc and led him to switch schools was her idea.
Treats her friends/followers as if they were beneath her and often uses her talent for manipulation to make them think that they are equal and important individuals in their friend group (though they know their place in their friend group's hierarchy.).
Makes all the rules for their friend group, including that everyone in the group except her is required to wear a choker with a heart lock under the threat of social isolation and mass school shunning. She's pretty much demanding that her friends where collars to signify that she owns them.
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Cerise Leroux
Online Username: 🐅❤️RubyTigress666❤️🐅
Not to be confused with Lila Rossi "Cerise".
The more physically aggressive and intimidating out of the "Parisian Mean Girls".
Considers her red "claws" as lethal weapons.
Can tear a book in half with her bare hands with ease. Many of Marc's journals suffered at her hands.
When she's not clawing at some poor unfortunate soul who called her red hair "fake" (which it is), she uses her charms to get people to do whatever she wants.
She knows that many of the male students at her school are attracted to her and she takes full advantage to manipulate them.
Cerise has been the source of disarray for many of the couples/crushes at her school. Planting seeds of doubt in their minds, making them believe their partner was being unfaithful, outing/mocking a few students' sexual orientations, etc.
Secretly, Cerise is a romantic and is a sucker for romantic genres.
She finds romantic comedies, television dramas, and fairytales entertaining, but she absolutely loves romantic tales that are told realistically.
Cerise is a massive animal lover. She loves all animals and will take it as a personal offense if somebody doesn't let her pet their animal for a few hours.
Cerise may not be above cruelty towards people, but she is highly against cruelty to animals.
After she graduates high school, she plans on pursuing a career in rescuing endangered animals and using her trust fund money to build sanctuaries and other facilities to help abused/endangered animals around the world.
Cerise told her "friends" about her passion for animals and her goals for the future once, and they all laughed in her face, calling her ideas "stupid" and "pointless". She never spoke about the topic again afterward.
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Colette Lyon
Online Username: 🎭DramaEqualsLife🎭
President of the Drama Club
Acting and pretending to be a whole different person entirely comes as naturally to Colette as breathing.
Colette lives for middle school drama and is proud to create it every chance she gets.
Constantly spreads rumors around the school, regardless if they are true or false.
As soon as Colette found out about Noelle's father's affair, she immediately spread the story throughout the whole school and made sure that Noelle would be constantly harassed about it every day until Noelle transferred schools.
Sees herself as the "perfect actress", capable of playing any role or character she needs to fool and control others around her.
Uses her talent for putting up facades to regularly create drama among the student body.
If there was a competition for the best liar, Colette would definitely have an intense battle with Lila Rossi.
Colette has information/dirt on every student at her school and she is not above blackmail or revealing it at any given moment. Rumor has it that she even has a thing or two on a few of the teachers.
Colette has a history of stealing other students' diaries and private journals and reading them out loud to a crowd of people.
Colette has gotten her hands on Marc's journals/diaries a few times and has read his stories/private thoughts out loud, knowing that he was too timid and mortified with embarrassment to protest or fight back.
She has a half-brother who attends the same school as her, but they never acknowledge each other as siblings in public and nobody has yet to make the connection between them since they do not share the same last name.
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Lavender Leyva
Online Username: 💜🎵LavenderMuse2000🎵💜
The gloomy, odd girl out of the "Parisian Mean Girls".
Often speaks in a monotone voice and has a stoic demeanor for the most part.
The least manipulative or cruel out of the friend group.
Lavender tends to stay out of physical confrontation, but she is not against social harassment.
While she doesn't actively try to bully anyone without the other girls starting it, she also doesn't do anything to stop them and watches the torment with a blank, unfazed look on her face.
Lavender prefers to be alone with her thoughts whenever she gets a break from middle school drama.
She loves to listen to songs with depressing or mysterious vibes and dreams of becoming a singer/songwriter one day.
Often acts as "lookout" whenever the girls and guys are bullying their latest victim, though she really doesn't care whether or not they get caught.
She lost the ability to care about anything years ago.
Her "friends" constantly point out how weird she acts and her interests are often subjected to ridicule, but it's not like she cares.
One thing she will never admit to is her secret love of horror movies and novels. After all, can't look like a hypocrite for always mocking Noelle about her horror obsessions.
Unlike the rest of the "Parisian Mean Girls" who are XY fans, Lavender HATES XY!!!!
"He's a fake lip-syncing, popstar wannabe who only got famous because he has a somewhat pretty face and he rode on his father's coattail his whole life. Even his music is as fake and talentless as him. He might as well be made of plastic because of how fake he is." -Lavender
Well, there you have it. More information on this quartet of bitches. I plan on doing the OC headcanon of the guys from their middle school who partook in bullying the other students with them soon. One day when I can finally get it together, I plan on featuring all of them in a miraculous ladybug fanfic, which will also reveal the effects that their bullying had on both Marc and Noelle, especially their last act of cruelty that was mentioned before that led to Marc switching schools. Fair warning: it was really bad. Feel free to share your thoughts about these four bitches. Don't be afraid to rip them to shreds.
@nerd-chocolate @artzychic27 @andromeda612 @msweebyness @imsparky2002 @princessbutterflysposts @arny20252
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 2 months
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a-chlolix-blog · 19 days
Scarabée and Kitty Claws AU
Updated OC list
Dalia Kubdel
Alix and Jalil's mother as well as Alim's wife who has passed away due to a horrible car accident. She died in a car accident when Alix was seven. Like those un her family, she has the "ALI" in her name. She would call Alix "my little Scarabée".
Monica Bisset
One of the girls on Alix's Roller Derby Team. She has a major crush on Alix, but hates Chloé. Ironically, she's a massive Kitty Claws fan.
Albert Corbin, Julien Garnier, & Tristan Boucher
Three bullies that are in Marc and Aurore's class. They're massive fans of Scarabée and Kitty Claws (Albert often tries to flirt with Kitty Claws, much to her dismay). Each of them are akumatized on three separate occasions.
Aurélien Bustier
Caline Bustier's seven year old son. He looks so much like his mother. Chloé absolutely adores him, but wouldn't like her classmates to know that. He doesn't know his father.
Lillian Thorns
A very nice and generous woman that owns a flower shop called "Éclat Épanoui". Alix is often taken to there by Rose or Mylène. Lillian was also good friends with Dalia Kubdel.
Mitchell Clark
An American male model that works with Audrey Bourgeois in New York. He's secretly a fan of super heroes & quite the history buff. He takes a liking to Jalil.
Esmée Rousseau
A teenage girl that's a major fan of Scarabée and Kitty Claws & has major crushes on both of them. This double crush goes away after she's akumatized. She also helps Alya out with the School Blog and the ScaraBlog from time to time. She's great of making and designing superhero cosplay and pins.
Brigiette Alarie
A teenage girl that's a member of Francoise Dupont's drama club. She's a big fan of murder/mystery movies. She's not the biggest fan of Chloé, but a major fan of Adrien.
Elroy Castillon
A teenage boy that Marinette and Max beat in the Gaming Competition (which gets him akumatized). He doesn't like Max and Marinette very much (seeing them as rivals), but has a crush on Chloé.
Henri Bohen
Juleka's biological father. He's known Anarka since she performed with Jagged Stone. Once she got pregnant with Juleka, he was so sure that she'd send Luka to be with Jagged. When she doesn't do that, he leaves.
Valerie Anciel
Marc's loving and supportive mother. She's a well known Dramatist in Paris & she adores the writing Marc would show her & understands when he wants to keep certain things he writes about secret. She also adores his relationship with Nathaniel.
Jolie Gouin
A teenage girl that goes to the same school as Kagami and Ondine. She's seen Alya's Scarablog and has wanted to be a Journalist sense then. She developed a crush on Scarabée and wants to interview her someday.
Lucinda Zeal
A Detective/Private Investigator I introduced in an other AU that I wanna introduce in this one as well. She's actually quite supportive of Scarabée and Kitty Claws doing great work. When Queen Coccinelle and Mao Noire comes into play, she's ready to find out what happened to the younger heroines.
If you all have more ideas for OCs or ideas for the current ones, let me know!
Inspired by: @emdoddles @dcschart @muggle-born-princess @symphonic-scream @justanotherpersonsuniverse @princess-of-the-corner
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huli-jinx · 11 months
A Pokémon Team for each MLB Character
Marinette Dupain Cheng:
Meowstic (Female)
Adrien Agreste:
Meowstic (Male)
Alya Césaire
Porygon Z
Nino Lahiffe
Chloé Bourgeois
Sabrina Raincomprix
Zoé Lee
Kagami Tsurugi
Luka Couffaine
Juleka Couffaine
Pyroar (Shiny, Female)
Rose Lavillant
Mylène Haprèle
Ivan Bruel
Lê Chiến Kim
Alix Kubdel
Max Kanté
Castform (Normal)
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Marc Anciel
Lila Rossi
Meowstic (Female)
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sunfoxfic · 2 years
les illuminations en douche et d'autres miracles pubères (55592 words) by noirshitsuji Chapters: 17/17 Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Chloé Bourgeois/Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Nathalie Sancoeur, Nino Lahiffe, Alya Césaire, Nooroo (Miraculous Ladybug), Chloé Bourgeois, Original Male Character(s), Duusu (Miraculous Ladybug), miracuclass - Character, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng, Master Fu (Miraculous Ladybug), Wayzz (Miraculous Ladybug), Original Female Character(s), The Banana Man, Xavier Ramier Additional Tags: Background Relationships, Crack Treated Seriously, fandom memes, Marichat | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Eventual reveal, Shower Epiphanies, Half-Decent French, Canon Played Straight, Everybody is Sleep-Deprived, Gabriel Agreste's A+ Parenting, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Oblivious Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir and Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, The Save Nooroo Foundation, dark humour, Unhealthy Relationships, Poor Nathalie Sancoeur, OOC, Politics, Chloé Bourgeois Redemption, POV Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, POV Marinette Dupain-Cheng, POV Alternating, POV Third Person, POV Alya Césaire, POV Nathalie Sancoeur, POV Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Meta Consciousness, Meta, Miraculous Ladybug Love Square, Slightly Unhinged Ladybug, Light Angst, Nino is Actually Luka, Nino Lahiffe Is So Done, Light Hysteria, Past Drug Addiction, Suicidal Thoughts, Mild Language, Unresolved Romantic Tension, mild sexual humour, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth Being Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Nathalie Sancoeur Does Not Get Paid Enough, Hot Mess Adrien Agreste, Hot Mess Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Awesome Nino Lahiffe, Awesome Alya Césaire, Implied/Referenced Ableism - if you squint at chapter 6, Fluff, Minor Angst, Non-Graphic Violence, Developing Relationship - Alya Césaire/Chloé Bourgeois/Nino Lahiffe, Explicit Language, Mental Health Issues Series: Part 1 of les illuminations en douche 'verse
Shower epiphanies and other pubescent miracles: of Marichat, emotional teenage delinquency, adults' questionable understanding of how the world works or should work, political power play, investigations, reveals, memes, half-baked meta, and the first-ever Save Nooroo Foundation (that the author is aware of).
Or, simply put: canon on crack, featuring Adrien “romantic pro-gamer” Agreste, Marinette ”Schroedinger’s Very Tired™ friend” Dupain-Cheng, Gabriel “you don't need the two most powerful objects in the universe, you just need a therapist” Agreste, Plagg and Tikki “five more minutes of this and they'll be throwing hands with the Meta Consciousness for putting them here" the kwamis, and many, many more.
Happy birthday to a bastard I cannot tag because they literally deactivated their blog days after our first interaction. Anyway go read their fic, it's really good, I promise. They're currently writing a prequel about Gabriel's days in the circus
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ladysunamireads · 2 years
Once upon a Genderbend
Once Upon A Genderbend by BroadwayCutie16
Marin and his parents vanished without a trace almost two years ago. Their bakery shut down, their social media accounts deleted, every proof of their existence other than memories of those they knew. Gone.
Now, on the verge of graduation, the class of Francois Dupont win a contest for the royal family of Concidelle, a discreet Chinese-European kingdom. The prize? An all-expense paid field trip to the kingdom, and invites to the Crown Prince's eighteenth birthday ball. Adrienne is on the trip, too-but her mother insisted on coming. To publicize her new fashion line, she says.
One night, during her stay, on a spree as Chat Noire, she is reunited with Marin, who now lives there. They immediately reconnect, and as they meet up every night in private, new feelings are uncovered. However, Adrienne cannot help but feel like he is keeping secrets from her.
A helpful stranger, new magic, a lucky pair of shoes, a dance of destiny, and dark secrets about her family that will either give Adrienne new strength or destroy her life completely. Can a single night really change everything?
Words: 2889, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Once Upon A Genderbend
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Plagg, Tikki, Sabine Cheng, Tom Dupain, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine, Ivan Bruel, Mylène Haprèle, Lê Chiến Kim, Max Kanté, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Alix Kubdel, Caline Bustier, Caline Bustier's Class, Chloé Bourgeois, Sabrina Raincomprix, Lila Rossi, Original Characters
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Marichat | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Female Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Male Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste, What else is new, Lila Rossi Lies, Again what else is new?, Lila Rossi's Lies Are Exposed, eventually, Lila Rossi Bashing, Gabriel Agreste Bashing, class sugar, Adrien Sugar, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Needs a Hug, Abused Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Deserves Better, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Deserves Happiness, Adrien Agreste is Like a Disney Princess
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41497467
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ao3feed-timkon · 1 year
The Bug and The Bat|| Genderbed Daminette
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vgIdcen
by Sorana_Moonlight
Marcel Wins a field trip to Gotham after defining HawkMoth and his group.
Words: 1752, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: Caline Bustier's Class, Lila Rossi, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Chloé Bourgeois, Luka Couffaine, Juleka Couffaine, Nino Lahiffe, Alix Kubdel, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Selina Kyle, Rose Lavillant, Max Kanté, Ivan Bruel
Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Damian Wayne, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Luka Couffaine, Juleka Couffaine/Nino Lahiffe, Alix Kubdel/Lê Chiến Kim, Chloé Bourgeois/Kagami Tsurugi, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Ivan Bruel/Mylène Haprèle, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Alfred Pennyworth, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Alix Kubdel & Lê Chiến Kim, Chloé Bourgeois & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Nino Lahiffe, Adrien Agreste & Chloé Bourgeois & Luka Couffaine & Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Kagami Tsurugi, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Jason Todd, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Dick Grayson, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Selina Kyle, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Gabriel Agreste & Nathalie Sancoeur, Gabriel Agreste & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Caline Bustier & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Chloé Bourgeois & Caline Bustier, Caline Bustier & Nino Lahiffe, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Caline Bustier, Gabriel Agreste/Nathalie Sancoeur
Additional Tags: Good Teacher Caline Bustier, Male!Marinette - Freeform, male!Chloe, Female!Adrien, female!Damian, Salt class, Akuma Class - Freeform, Lila Rossi's Lies Are Exposed, Lila Rossi Lies, Evil Lila Rossi, Happy Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad with a Happy Ending, drepress, Jealous Lila Rossi, Field Trip, Gotham Academy (DCU), Good Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Good Parent Gabriel Agreste
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Upcoming Miraculous AUs/Fanfics:
Hello everyone, I had this list suck in my drafts for a very long time, but now is the chance I finally reveal to you all the AUs, Fanfics, and combination of both I have had thought for the longest time.
Some are still a WIP, but regardless, I am still happy to show you all what I plan to do ASAP. ^^
Anyways, here they are!
* means AU
The Baby I Really Want:
Chlonette (Chloe/Marinette)
Chloe loves Marinette, but Marinette is married to Adrien. When they can’t bear a child, it’s up to Chloe to step in and not only be the surrogate mother they need, but she may also discover that she wants to be a mom herself. If only it was hers and Marinette’s baby though
*The Queen Bee and the Vesperia:
Chloe/Zoe Friendship
Inspired by the Barbie adaptation, "The Princess and the Pauper," and the original Mark Twain story, Chloé and Zoé are two different, but similar looking girls and one day meet as they talk about their lives and how different they are. When Chloé, after being Queen Bee on a mission, is kidnapped and taken to Hawk Moth and Mayura, it’s now up to Zoé to use the bee miraculous and pretend to be Queen Bee until the real hero is found.
Understanding the One and Only Miss. Chloe Bourgeois:
Chlogami (Chloe/Kagami)
Post Season 3 finale. After losing her miraculous for good, Adrien does his best to cheer up his childhood friend. However, he brings along a friend. How will Kagami react to the snobby blonde? Will she learn that there is more than just a black heart behind her?
Sunset Dance:
Viperbug (Viperion/Ladybug)
“You’re a really good fighter, Ladybug!” The red insect hero blushed. Viperion then looked over the horizon. “Hey look, it’s sunset.” He eyed over his leader. “You know, besides being a Miraculous ally, I’m also into music.” The blue snake led out his hand. “Would you like one dance before we go?” All Ladybug could do was stare in astonishment as she was locked into his shiny blue eyes.
Chlonette/Chlobug/LadyBee (Chloe/Marinette; Chloe/Ladybug; Ladybug/Queen Bee)
Post Season 3 finale. No longer Queen Bee, Chloe Bourgeois has restored to anger, despair, and worst of all: betrayal! She now hated Ladybug, she wanted revenge, but she can’t. She feels miserable, but still has some care left in her. She feels haunted by their memories together. Inspired by the Disturbed song.
Lukole (Luka/Chloe)
Post Season 3 finale, Named after the Celine Dion song. The miserable, angry blonde sobbed in front of the blue-dyed hair musician. “What, what’s wrong with me?” Luka felt unsure on what or how to feel, but he knew he couldn’t just abandon Chloe despite her atonements. “Does beauty come out of ashes?” She quietly asked him
The Rise of FemHawk: 
(May or may not write this; depending how I view the S4 Finale when I get to it)
Chlonette/Chlobug/LadyBee/QueenNoir/Chlodrien (Chloe/Marinette; Chloe/Ladybug; Ladybug/Queen Bee; Queen Bee/Chat Noir; Chloe/Adrien)
After learning who Hawk Moth really is, Chloe steals the Butterfly Miraculous and uses it to warn Ladybug that she and Cat Noir are in danger, but Ladybug doesn't believe her. "You already sided with the bad guy, so why should I believe you now?" Ladybug asked with skepticism in her voice.
One Night With You:
ChloNath (Chloe/Nathaniel)
Chloe needs a male model for fashion designing, Nathaniel needs a female model for art class. Both agree to do it for the other, but on one condition: A date to an art museum! Will they be able to learn to work together or will there be something else?
Mia Bella Melodia:
Lukanette (Luka/Marinette)
“Italian food sounds good,” Marinette said with a blush in her face. “Cool, see you tomorrow night mia bella melodia.” Luka replied with a very accurate Italian accent. “What does that mean?” The pigtailed one asked with astonishment.
Steady Now:
Adrigami (Adrien/Kagami)
Adrien liked Kagami, Kagami liked Adrien, and they both liked taking fencing class together. However, when one loses focus, the other must step in and help.
Dinner Party:
AU; Chlonette/Adrienette Friendship
AU. Marinette meets the Agreste family for the first time and she has her eyes set on the son of the household, Adrien Agreste! “He’s so handsome,”  she thought to herself. Unfortunately, a childhood friend of Adrien is also welcomed and she is not pleased with Marinette. Could these two get along with Adrien as the glue holding them together?
A Sword on the Pic:
Lukagami (Luka/Kagami)
“So, this was the guitar playing musician dude Adrien and Marinette were talking about,” Kagami said to herself when she spotted a certain blue-dyed musician playing his guitar as his band Kitty Section was setting their equipment. “How can anyone like him, rock music is a waste of time!” The Japanese girl spat with disgust before turning back. “But he is kinda cute.”
So, Uh, You Read?:
Brelix (Bridgette/Felix from the PV)
Bridgette loves Felix, but Felix loves reading. Could this timid girl act confident for once by getting into books? Err...it's gonna take a while.
Half-Human, Half-Monster:
Lukole/Chlonette.(Luka/Chloe; Chloe/Marinette)
Post Gabriel Agreste. Chloe was angry, no, she was enraged! “Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! They want me to be the monster, then so be it!” The blonde huffed and puffed for a second until finally breaking down crying as she kneaded down on the pier. "I'll happily be the monster, I’m already mean!” The blonde shouted to the air. “I’M ALREADY PLAYING THE FUCKING ROLE!” The screaming then got a certain blue-haired boy’s attention.
Bonding With a Rose:
Chloe/Rose Friendship
Post Guilttrip. When learning that she was a sick person this whole time, Chloé begins to not only feel horrible for treating Rose badly, but also for ripping up her letter to Prince Ali that one time. How will she make up to Rose? In fact, could she?! "Ugh, what is this weird feeling inside of me?! No, it can't be!"
*The Undercover Tales of Rena Furtive and Invisible Hornet:
Chloe/Alya and Queen Bee/Rena Rouge Friendship
AU, Post Miraculer. Ladybug tells Chloe that she cannot be Queen Bee anymore due to her identity being exposed, but instead of taking back the miraculous, she decides that it would be better if Chloe went undercover instead. Then, when Alya is exposed as Rena Rouge, it’s now up to the two vicious enemies to put their differences aside and work together undercover as Rena Furtive and Invisible Hornet.
*The Lost Miraculous:
Chloe/OC Friendship
Post Queen Banana/AU. Angry for being replaced, Chloé vows to never help Ladybug ever again and to destroy her once and for all. While on the run, the blonde stumbles upon a mysterious box with question marks all over it. Curiously, she takes it home and it’s revealed to be the Spider Miraculous! Bitter and vengeful at Ladybug and hating the new hero Vesperia, Chloé decides to use the miraculous for her advantage and decides to call herself a new hero. However, The Spider Kwami, Octod starts to see that maybe the young blonde girl is not evil or malicious, but someone who “is lost, just like him.”
Super Mario Miraculous!:
Miraculous Ladybug/Super Mario Crossover
When our beloved heroes and their friends find themselves in the Mushroom Kingdom, they not only befriend the legendary hero himself, but when Hawk Moth makes his way into the kingdom himself, he and the Koopa King Bowser have plans of their own. Can Ladybug survive in this new dimension and will she be able to make new allies on the way? 
*The Bee Sisters Duo!:
Chloe/Zoe and Queen Bee/Vesperia Friendship
Chloe and Zoe are fraternal twin sisters in this AU. and they both called themselves “The Bee Sisters Duo.” Chloe, wielding the bee miraculous, is Queen Bee. Zoe, wielding a wasp miraculous, is Vesperia. When switched, Chloe is Lady Wasp and Zoe is Madame Bee. 
*A Fox and Her Cub:
Sabrina/Lila Friendship
Sabrina/Lila/Hawk Moth/Mayura Alliance 
Miracle Queen AU where Sabrina teams up with Lila and they join Hawk Moth. Sabrina becomes a villain after being tired of Chloe neglecting her because of her duties as Queen Bee. Zoe will get the dog miraculous and will be called Baroness Woof. 
Tired of Being Admired:
MissBlanc (Miss. Fortune/Chat Blanc)
Story I plan to have where Marinette turns to the dark side and finally becomes Miss. Fortune, the akumatized version of Ladybug! Even worse, she joins Chat Blanc and the two now decide to get revenge on those who doubted them when it came to them being heroes. Might have this take place in an alternative setting of Ladybug.
*Bug and Wasp Game:
LadyBee/LadyWasp (Ladybug/Queen Bee; Ladybug/Queen Wasp)
Kinda a dark and gritty AU; similar to Batman. Marinette is known as LadySteel (Based off of the steelblue ladybug) and Chloe is once again Queen Wasp. They’ll basically have a Batman and Catwoman dynamic. 
*The Anti Tales of Lady Dot and Ms. Kitty:
Chloe/Lila Friendship-Alliance
What happens if Chloe and Lila are the Ladybug and Cat wielders instead? Rather than be superheroes, they’re anti heroes known as Lady Dot (Chloe) and Ms. Kitty (Lila).
*Queen Bee and Ladybug with Su-Han:
Chlonette/LadyBee Friendship-Alliance
A bit inspired by Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, so this one’s a little raunchy. Chloe and Marinette are still heroes, but this time, they’re angels sent from Heaven to fight off akumatized victims in order to earn their places up there again. They’ll still use their power sources and Su-Han will be their guardian to help assign their missions.
*His (Un)Loyal Student:
Chloe/Hawk Moth Alliance
AU where Gabriel/Hawk Moth adopts Chloe as his foster daughter after Andre and Audrey die at his hands. He then trains her to be his personal fighter to fight off against Ladybug and Chat Noir. However, as time goes by, Chloe begins to question Hawk Moth’s motives and wonders if he’s the actual villain instead.
 Untitled Miraculous/Buffy Crossover:
Mentioned this before, but basically a possible AU crossover where either Marinette and her allies/friends are put in a Buffy-like universe where Marinette is a slayer to akumas and amorks, or a simple Buffy-Miraculous crossover where Ladybug and Buffy work together to fight off the sources of evil surrounding them from both their universes.
*Purple and Pink Love Square:
JuleRose/PurpleElla (Juleka/Rose and Purple Tigress/Pigella)
Juleka and Rose are the main characters and are still Purple Tigress and Pigella. Basically, a Love Square between them. 
And that is all I have for now~
I really hope you all enjoyed reading the majority of these. I know it is a lot and I do understand the confusing and frustration you had if so. I’m really sorry for coming up with so many ideas. I just love Miraculous and AUs so much, that I couldn’t help, but create so many. 😅 
Also, please realize five important notes:
Not all of the fanfics I’d planned to do are on this list; mainly because the majority of them have very serious and mature themes. So I didn’t know whether or not I wanted to add them on this list.
If you’re wondering why the majority of them involve saying post Season 3 finale, it’s because most of these ideas were created by the time S3 ended and when S4 was still in production. That’s why some involve Lukanette or Adrigami because while they are no longer available, you can still ship a couple that is no longer canon. That’s why fanfics are a thing! They are your canon! You decide what you want!
Just because some of these fics have a certain ship or relationship involve does not necessarily mean that I ship it. Some of them are platonic or friendships; others I just thought of as an interesting idea for said ship. 
Which brings me to this: DO NOT BASH ANYONE WHO LIKES OR LOVES A CERTAIN SHIP!  My AUs and Fics are for fun and entertainment purposes only! They are to be enjoyed by the majority of the Miraculous fandom and if you don’t like it, fine by me. You are free to either ignore me and my writings, filter my tags, or block me and move on. I will not tolerate hissy fits over a simple cartoon. If you keep this attitude towards me or anyone, you will be automatically blocked! No exceptions! 
The most important note of them all: Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, PLEASE realize that I am a very busy person for the most of my time! Not all of these will be automatically posted once the time comes! While I have written a few down, there are either still in progress or I need to go over them one more time before the final draft is revealed. So please be patient and I will post an update on whether one is done or is getting started. Doesn’t help that I’m most likely gonna end up rewatching the show to get some ideas...
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Regardless, thank you all very much for reading and please have a good day~
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 month
Try Me (And You'll lose)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/9tqP7hx by Miraculous_Cheshire_Cat Carina Alexandra Rhys Ryan was 11 years old when her she stopped believing in magic. She was 13 when Magic showed that it still believed in her. Rhys Alexander Rin Ryan was 11 when he decided that he was done with the world. He was 13 when the world decided that it wasn't done with him just yet. Four teenagers harmed by society and circumstance but tied by loyalty and love. Four teenagers that seem to do the adult's job ten times better. Four teenagers that can't decide who they hate more, Hawkmoth or the Joker. Four teenagers that take matters into their own hands in order to protect the ones they love the most. Who needs morality when you have the unconditional loyalty of your most trusted?   This is a rewrite cause I've hit a roadblock so tall its starting to look like the hoover dam and my time gaps are so often that they're starting to look like a deforestation commercial. That being said, welcome to the rewrite. Hopefully, this will help my writer's block come back from being a whole conspiracy theory, yes? Words: 1503, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Me (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic Series) Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Jason Todd, Red Hood, Robin (DCU), Bruce Wayne, Wayne Family Members (DCU), Tim Drake, Joker (DCU), Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Other Miraculous Ladybug Characters, Original Miraculous Ladybug Character(s), Hawkmoth (Gabriel Agreste), Cassandra Cain, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Damien Wayne, Kagami Tsurugi, Luka Couffaine Relationships: Jason Todd/Original Female Character(s), Tim Drake/Original Female Character(s), Nino Lahiffe/Original Male Character(s), Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Damian Wayne, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Robin (DCU), Tim Drake/Jason Todd/Original Female Character(s), Bruce Wayne & Original Female Character(s), Bruce Wayne & Original Male Character(s), Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel Additional Tags: Lila Rossi's Lies Are Exposed, Lila Rossi Bashing, Class Issues, Plagg Is a Little Shit (Miraculous Ladybug), Protective Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Alya Césaire Bashing, Nino Lahiffe Redemption, Fluff and Angst, Violence, Character Death, Chloé Bourgeois Redemption, Protective Nino Lahiffe, Protective Bruce Wayne, Protective Jason Todd, Protective Tim Drake, Hurt Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Bashing, Child Abuse, back of the class, Jason Todd Has PTSD, Tim Drake Has PTSD, Good Friend Nino Lahiffe, BAMF Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Jason Todd and Tim Drake need a kick in the pants, And they get it via MC, Original twin characters - Freeform, Rage and Spite are powerful motivators, Original Kwamii Characters, Bad Teacher Caline Bustier, Caline Bustier Bashing, class salt, Girlbossing her way through life, MC is scary observant when she wants to be, other times shes oblivious af, Morality? Whos she?, Rhys and Ninos backs are starting to hurt from the weight of being everyones moral compass read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/9tqP7hx
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usagirln12003 · 3 months
Marinette Dupain-Cheng: Hogwarts AU
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Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a Pureblood witch that was born on the 9th of July 1978 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1989, being sorted into Ravenclaw house.
She has a Willow wand with a Unicorn Hair core.
Her Patronus is a Ladybug.
Her favorite subject are Transfiguration and her least favorite subject is Herbology.
She is one of the Ravenclaw Prefects' in her year and Head-Girl of her year.
Marinette is a sweet, outgoing, young, and joyful girl who loves fashion, her friends, family, and Adrien Agreste (her crush), who describes her as honest, kind, fair, and the type not to cheat. She is very helpful towards those who have insecurities, such as; Juleka Couffaine, who thought she had a "frog choir audition curse", and Marc Anciel, who was too afraid to share his creative writing. According to Clara Nightingale, Marinette has a pure heart. She cares deeply for other people, usually putting their feelings and interests even before her own, in some cases at a personal cost. Despite being genuinely kind, she has her limits, such as when she gets irritated with Chloé Bourgeois to the point that she refuses to continue guarding her against Nathaniel while he was under the Imperius Curse under her nickname Ladybug.
Despite her outgoing and sympathetic personality, Marinette struggles with self-confidence and self-esteem. Before finding out about the prophecy and creating the secret alias of Ladybug, she was more nervous and didn't oppose others, but her confidence grew considerably since then such as talking with Adrien and standing up for others. In urgent situations, she becomes very nervous, clumsy, a bit awkward, and quick to panic which includes approaching her crush, trouble-choosing between her love interests, when in contact with major celebrities if she thinks others do a better job compared to herself or losing something that will expose her secret identity. She once had an unhealthy obsession with Adrien, a male model who is in her year. In her fifth year, with Kagami's help Marinette starts to figure out that her lack of confidence and self-esteem come from a fear of being not good enough. It also comes from out of the fear of being hurt and humiliated again as Marinette was the year before.
Marinette can act impulsively and irrationally at times, as shown when she deflected the false accusation of "stealing" Chloé's bracelet onto others who are also innocent. She is willing to do several risky tasks in order to protect her image, like erasing an embarrassing letter to Adrien by stealing his owl. More so when she expresses jealousy whenever other girls such as Chloé or Lila Rossi flirt with Adrien, even abusing her alter ego Ladybug to keep them away or forgetting to take off her disguise in the first place. However, Marinette learns from her mistakes and becomes a more open-minded, understanding person. She also takes advice from others very well, whether it is family or friends, as seen throughout her Hogwarts years. According to Marinette in "Family", as her civilian self-personality wise, she takes after her father, having her great uncle's creative side and her grandfather's fear of change.
As Ladybug, Marinette retains many of her alter ego's characteristics, but she is much stronger. Her confidence and bravery come out more prominently. According to Cat Noir, she can be stubborn at times, especially when she isn't easily convinced. While almost all of Ladybug's plans are effective, they tend to be complex and rather bizarre. She is more cautious and careful than Cat Noir, sometimes needing to restrain or stop him from doing hasty acts seen several times when their classmates gets put under the Imperius Curse. Only on rare occasions, she can act hasty, especially if she is in a rush to do something or multiple things at once or being quick to assume like when she mistook a Boggart for an akumatized Cat Noir. She believes that a great wizard always listens to their head, meaning that she isn't easily fooled or swayed by deceptions and lies.
Ladybug strives to rescue everyone, including those put under the Imperius Curse by Hawk Moth. She usually tries to persuade the Imperius victims to calm down and stop their rampage when she can. She is aware that there is a line between justice and revenge believing that honesty and justice don't mean anything if you're pressured into doing it, like as she did with Bob. She acknowledges that good things come by doing good actions and that not all problems can be solved by hurting others like Hawk Moth does. She also values the lives of others more than material possessions. Similar to her partner, through her lifestyle, she isn't tempted by power because Marinette understands that her life can be great without it. However, for a long time, her obsession for Adrien got in the way of saving people.
Marinette takes her image, spells, and those of others very seriously as Ladybug. Such as when fighting against Hawk Moth's victims, compared to Cat Noir's laid-back and goofy personality, and more so at Chloé for using magic to create a fake accident, that could have led to a serious one. It took the most critical point when one of her moral codes as a witch was used against her but also realized even if it is that the person must still stand and do what is right. Given these traits, Adrien claims that her civilian form is funnier than Ladybug. But she is also sensitive about her image, such as getting annoyed at Chloé playing her alter ego in Clara Nightingale's photo-shot in the Daily Prophet, a little angry when Nora doubted her abilities, and even attacking someone impulsively after the latter tauntingly mimicked her. Although she can get exasperated with Cat Noir if he jokes too much, she handles it calmly at times and enjoys teasing him or others. Similar to Cat Noir, she is clever with her words and occasionally enjoys making puns. According to Marinette as her alter ego personality-wise, she takes after her mother and her grandmother Gina's adventurous spirit.
As her alter ego, Marinette strives to keep her personal and hero lives separate to protect herself and her loved ones. Still, she aims to be honest with others in other ways, like with Cat Noir about not having romantic feelings for him and seeking advice from others. No matter her difficult tasks, Marinette does everything she can to set things right as Ladybug while keeping up with her everyday responsibilities, like studying, designing things, and more. There are exceptions to the rule such as when she mixed up her duties to her former professor and her personal plans, like her letter to Adrien. She also has occasional problems inventing excuses for her absences to her friends, professors, and parents. When off duty like Cat Noir, Ladybug has learned to relax and have fun.
As a duo, she is cool, calm, and level-headed, but does let personal matters take over sometimes as she voiced her frustrations at Cat Noir during a fight leading to her doubts about trusting him and then an accident. As time went on Ladybug realized that she and Cat Noir would have to include others in their work with them following her as the leader and adopting a caring protective mother figure role. Doing so Ladybug doesn't see them as sidekicks but as friends and extremely values their support. She is also great at giving advice to others when they need it and shows great care for them and their loved ones when in danger such as when Chloé and Kagami, were suspended from their team roles as the cost of revealing their identities to Hawk Moth. According to Cat Walker, as team leader, Ladybug doesn't play favorites and cares for everyone equally. Also, she learned to take suggestions, and ideas and to follow the lead of others when the situation calls for it such as following Cat Noir's lead when she became more aggressive and irrational than normal, fierce boarding reckless.
After taking on Prefect and Head-Girl duties, Ladybug still continued to accept the help of her allies both old and new understanding that the rules are slowly changing. And yet, she became overprotective of and bordering afraid for Cat Noir, herself, and others as well as affecting her friendship and partnership with him unknowingly acting like her archenemy by keeping him out of the loop, taking him for granted, calling the others excessively or not trusting him to retrieve their friends whose identities he knows unaware that he wanted to protect her to but in the opposite direction. She fully realizes her and other mistakes, after Hawk Moth stole the list with all of their friends' names (except for hers and Cat Noir's), feeling immense guilt believing what she deserved until Cat Noir reminds her that she still has him, the faith of everyone at Hogwarts and ensured her they will retrieve the list, and make sure Hawk Moth doesn't steal anything from them again inspiring her with the hope to keep fighting.
With Hawk Moth finding out the identities of their friends, her confidence as Ladybug has shaken to where she occasionally hesitates and becomes sensitive at the mention of it especially missing the alter egos of their friends and the rest of the team.
Despite the fact that being Ladybug had allowed her to meet her cat Tikki and save people, Marinette started to grow tired and stressed about keeping her two lives separate and having to lie to everyone she loves, eventually causing her to break down and cry to Luka about her problems. While on occasion, she rarely breaks down as Ladybug, often voicing her doubts and mistakes to Cat Noir during their hardest times. She felt more of the strain in her civilian life as she took the mantle of Head-Girl, causing her to break down, even more, realizing she can't have a love life or be honest with anyone; effectively condemning herself to a cage of lies until Shadow Moth is no longer a threat.
Speaking of her tasks as one of the chosen ones, Marinette worked relentlessly to decode the letters that Hawk Moth sends her and was very determined to stop Hawk Moth from putting more people under the Imperius Curse. However, she is also stressed out more and struggled to balance everything to the point where she constantly lies to her parents and friends. Because of this, Marinette started to act out like Gabriel such as when she resorted to using drastic measures such as not telling Luka the truth and calling off her friendships with her friends, both instances lead to them being put under the Imperius Curse. It was there that Marinette, after breaking off with Luka and making up to her friends, she decided to let Alya in on her secret of being Ladybug and the prophecy. After gaining help from Alya, she has a deeper understanding of her destiny and was happy about protecting people even further. Through it, she calmed down and started to see the flaws in others. Unlike Hawk Moth, Marinette has let go of past mistakes as she wasn't angry at Mister Fu for losing the book about Horcruxes leading to now, and not blaming herself for Fu's condition knowing that he wouldn't want her to do that as others still needed her. However, because of the big burden, she has as one of the chosen ones, Ladybug becomes very protective of the forbidden books under her care.
And yet, the burden of being one of the chosen ones wasn't the only thing that made her behave the way she did it was Hawk Moth's relentless hunting of her and Cat Noir. Over time she had grown more aware of Hawk Moth's deceptive and super sneaky nature to the point where she had nightmares and was afraid of what he was going to do if he found out when she let others in on her secrets and has the power to back it up. Despite burdening herself to keep everyone else safe she had forgotten it works both ways as no one else wants to see her suffer for them. Because of her archenemy, she understood what the other chosen ones felt knowing what it's like to be hunted.
Unknowingly because of her archenemy, she learned what happens when one obsesses over their own desires and that you not only hurt yourself but others too. Such as in her early Hogwarts years, Marinette would have been all over Adrien but in her sixth year she forces Kagami to see him, but she also goes to great lengths to avoid seeing Luka. Her love obsession caused many problems, such as where her emotional preference caused her to give Adrien the snake disguise, even though Luka was a much better fit. And causing the list of their allies to be stolen and with that being the last straw Marinette gives up her love for Adrien for the sake of her people. However, in trying to shut off her love affections she goes denial crazy again from running away from her feelings to desperately wanting a guy to love her back even to almost foolishly accepting Monarch's offer aware that everything would end in disaster if not for Cat Noir. As well as because of her archenemy's influence as both sought easier ways out of their problems but were short-sided and yet Marinette accepted the outcome and followed her friend's example.
As Lady Noire, Marinette retained most of her personality as Ladybug, like her cautiousness and creativity. She took after her partner's sense of humor, cunning, and charm, with Mister Bug believing that she was the one wearing the clown suit. Returning as Lady Noire again, she adopted more of her partner's persona, becoming flirty.
Like Adrien when he was Aspik, as Multimouse, while trying to protect her identity as Ladybug, Marinette was trustworthy, faithful, and clever. However, she pretended to be a klutz and "revealed" her identity in front of Cat Noir so he wouldn't think that Marinette is Ladybug.
As her adult alter ego, according to Bunnyx, Marinette will grow into a wise, calm, strong, and confident leader, meaning that she isn't impulsive and irrational. Such as when she comforted Bunnyx, telling her that their fight wasn't over, easily figuring out she had a message from her younger self, and after Timetagger's defeat, she confidently told her younger self that they'll always be able to save the day.
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poohnie · 3 years
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Thanks to some friends of my school I finished by making a Miraculous Ladybug OC, and I love ma baby!
• C H A R A C T E R I N F O R M A T I O N •
Name: Ji-Su Park
Nickname: Ji; Jiji; Red Tomato; My Sugar Plum Fairy; Dancing Girl.
Age: 15-16
Birthday: 5 August
Gender: Male (season 1) / (season 1-4) Female
Nationality: French
Origin: Korean
Hometown: Paris, France
Languages: French, Korean, English
Occupation: Student at the Middle school François Dupont; Superhero; Member of the dance group “The Dazzling Darlings”
Personality: Passionate; Devoted; Caring; Emotional; Workaholic; Humble; Creative; Idealistic; Self-Critical; Insecure.
Like: Dancing; Listening to music; Luka Couffaine; Her loved ones; Being Helpful; Her secret Hideout; Her cat; Her dance group, Historical/Romance movies; Puzzles; The Opera of Paris.
Dislikes: Being a failure; Her relationship with her mother; Being discriminated because she is Transgender; Being called by her father “Sugar Plum Fairy” in public; Bob Roth; Being referred as a boy.
• S O C I A L I N F O R M A T I O N •
Affiliations: Dazzling Darlings; Kitty Section; Miraculous holders; French Miraculous superhero team.
Relatives: Ji-Min Park (Father); Nari Jeong-Park (Mother); Bora Park (Older Sister)
Friends: Lumlum; Luka Couffaine (Crush); Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug (Childhood Friend); Juleka Couffaine/ Alix Kubdel/Bunnix; Nathaniel Kurtzberg; Marc Anciel; Zoé Lee/Vesperia; Rose Lavillant/Pigella; Ivan Bruel; Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir; Nino Lahiffe/Carapace; Max Kanté/Pegasus; Lê Chiến Kim/King Monkey; Mylène Haprèle; Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge.
Enemies: Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth; Akumatized villains; XY; Bob Roth; Akumatized villains; Amokized Sentimonsters; Lila Rossi; Chloé Bourgeois.
Love interest: Luka Couffaine (Crush)
• K W A M I I N F O R M A T I O N •
Name: Lumlum
Pronouns: She/Her
Animal: Firefly
Miraculous: Firefly Miraculous; The Glowing Bow Tie
Weapon: Gloves
Owner: Ji-Su Park
Favorite Food: Chocolate Banana flavored Pocky
Powers and abilities: Beacon; Flight; Levitation; Intangibility; Miraculous transformation; Inability to be filmed
Special ability: "Beacon" - This ability allow the holder to enhance the power of another miraculous.
Personality: Naive; Loyal; Kind; Empathetic; Emotional; Daydreamer.
Ji-Su, Lumlum and drawing by myself @poohnie.
Miraculous Ladybug by Thomas Astruc and Jeremy Zag.
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victorique-art · 7 years
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Miraculous Summer Collection - Nino
Marinette, Adrien, Chloé
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