princess-ibri · 11 months
can we have a madame mim backstory.
Sure! Sorry it took a bit
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Mad Madam Mim was born Lady Miriam of Mousehole, a free spirited young woman who was tutored in the ways of witchcraft by her nannies, a trio of ladies from the land of Morva who absolutely falsified their good references to get the position, and may have been planning to eat baby Mim before she showed an early talent for magic and they decided to train her instead
Mim's great aptitude and appreciation for magic was countered by her having absolutely no inclination towards behaving as a proper lady should, she was always getting into mischief and dirt and declared she would rather be the one turning princes into frogs then kissing them
Despite this declaration she did end up eventually marrying King Bagdemagus, of the land of Gorre, who she was incredibly disappointed to find out was a quite polite and disgustingly normal man, and not an evil wizard as the name of his kingdom seemed to suggest
He was however very willing to let his mad wife run wild as long as she turned anyone important back from frogs at the end of the day which Mim appreciated, and together they had several daughters and a son, Maleagant, who with the witch Hellewise are the parents of Matilda "Mad Maddy"
Eventually Mim got bored of being Queen and giving her husband a peck on the head (she was a bird at the time) she flew the coop and settled down in the Forest Savage where she could be her prefered horrid hideous hag-like self
It was while living there she met Merlin and promptly decided her new favorite pastime was driving the fussy wizard to distraction, and they've been battling each other ever since
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tiodolma · 2 months
King Arthur, Sir Lancelot, Sir Maleagant and Sir Mordred be like
"You are my Camelot/Logres"
"You are my British Empire"
"You are my Kingdom"
to Queen Guinevere
they make me go feral, your honor
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yes I named the file that lofl. Here you go. Public domain. Have fun. Now I'm making a better version without random plot holes and cowardice at the very end.
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gawrkin · 4 months
I really, really, really dislike Le Morte D'Arthur's version of "Knight of the Cart" very, very much.
It's... honestly, the weakest and flimsiest version of Guinevere's abduction ever.
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knightfighttourney · 7 months
Bracket G, Week 3
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sonoftartessos · 2 years
Bitter || Maleagant and León
6th February 2014
Dear Maleagant Clougherty,
I’ve been a huge fan since 2001 when you won that match against Madrid. Since then, I have followed your career from the Fánaithe (sorry for the spelling) all the way to my home team in Catalunya.
You don’t care about that, though. So, I just wanted you to know that you inspired me to get my first football kit. And now I might be on the same team as you! Fuck, that might be embarrassing if I do get in. But if I don’t, I want you to know how cool I think you are. Even if I don’t get into your team, I will get into another one thanks to you.
That’s all I wanted to say.
Your’s faithfully, León Arganthonios Laurel  
It was clear to anyone who read the old letter that the boy who sent it had tried his hardest. The cheap notepaper had the markings of someone who had written it in pencil first, then went over it in pen to make the writing presentable. It was unclear if he had succeeded. 
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fecto-forgo · 2 years
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tamyonmyonmyon · 1 month
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gawayne · 2 years
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wow this guy sucks............... 😳
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icharchivist · 8 months
But honestly, Maleagant's speech moved me to tears. Just. Being subjected to all of that horror just because of the way you were born. Being ostracized and hated and treated as less than human just because of the way you are... As a LGBTQ person, that hits close to home. That's really relevant in today's times and I'm glad the subject matter was treated with respect and they weren't made out to be the villains because they retaliated against the oppressive system. It was just really good. cries
honestly yeah, same. it genuinely messed me up.
i don't really talk about it on here but hhh my Mom is of Jewish and French&Algerian descent, and while she didn't pass down anything culturally speaking (she considers herself atheist and she did everything in her life to conceal our heritage, so i don't know as many cultural stuff that isn't just. the Trauma:tm: or just things my mom unconsciously passed down), the conversation, especially, about how much our family had lost to the holocaust when her family lived in France, and then to the Algerian war after they moved there have been.... a lot. this is something we talk about a lot.
like. i think it's why i also kinda flew off the handle a little at receiving dick jokes out of it because to me it's just. Yeah. Yeah i those are conversations that hit extremely deep especially in term of generational trauma, and, of course, current politics as well.
I think it's also like. something i'm kinda eyeing Lancelot about in case his Valiant heritage ever happen to be relevant. Because i know i've seen people brush it off like it doesn't matter because Lancelot doesn't seem to feel anything with the dragons around him or not but there's... definitely something to be had with a heritage to a culture you weren't taught anything about and yet still the ghost of knowing it could fall down on you at anytime.
I think it's really hard to find a story that really talk about genocide while also being like. fair to the victims. More often than not fantasy stories in particular end up falling into the trap of saying that there was a reason it happened, actually, or that well it's from the past you can't punish the people now :/ or stuff like that and it's. wehh.
Personally, it made me think especially about the Ainu people in Japan. I am not really well versed on the topic, but there was basically a whole genocide on the Indigenous people of Hokkaido, and i know in recent years, Japan has been trying to take some lands that belonged to the Ainu in order to build in some themeparks, and when the Ainu survivors tried to make their plea heard and have Japan acknowledge their warcrimes, the government denied it fully. (and it's not to mention how Koreans have been asking for the past decades for Japan to recognize their warcrimes and the gov still fully in pure denial it even happened. which is a similar topic that is worth mentioning)
in the past few years Japan has been under fire for their complete refusal to address the genocides and warcrimes they had commited, and there's been a really big public outcry around the world about the state denial going on and the way it also transcribe on how those genocides are... well... /not/ taught.
so i do think it's like, extremely relevant to Japanese politics. I even saw a seiyuu mention how topical this event is. This is an event that directly criticize the current Japanese policy of constant denial and stuff.
and, obviously, it can apply to any other situation where rights are denied to people for various reasons, which is extremely relevant all around the world because of the rise of fascism and the way most governments these days are completely lost in the history revisionism sauce, and it's genuinely alarming. Look at any country's politics and all of them are trying to rewrite history in some way and it's sickening.
I personally immediately connected to it because, on top of my history awareness, it's just like. conversations i regularly have with my mom when we discuss our family's past. It stung extremely close from home. even if i'm also LGBT+ this was where my thoughts immediately went.
but therefore, it's something that applies to any experiences of oppressed people who are currently having their history erased by fascist government that are trying to get rid of "the undesirable"
i genuinely think granblue dealt with the topic with a lot of grace, and Maleagant genuinely managed to pass down the politics, the pain, the history, the old hurt as well as the new hurt, just so well.
it really struck a cord with me. It was really well done.
so yeah feeling you fully on this one friend.
I think this event was pretty graceful at addressing this topic while also really anchoring itself as anti-fascist and it was honestly a breath of fresh air.
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Aconia a réfléchit longtemps et beaucoup avant de prendre sa décision. Il y a toujours un prix à payer quand il s'agit de pactiser avec les Dieux, toujours trop grand, toujours trop lourd. Il n'y a jamais d'actions isolé et si les textes des philosophes lui a bien appris une chose, c'est que quand cela concerne les pouvoirs divins, ce n'est toujours qu'une question de temps avant que le simple bruissement d'aile d'un papillon ne se transforme en tempête dévastatrice. Mais quoi que soit le prix à payer, Macrinus en vaut la peine, son amour en vaut la peine. Elle espère juste qu'elle ne serait pas là pour connaître la fin de l'histoire de ce héros tragique qu'elle s'apprête à créer.
L'homme en noir dans son atrium lui sourit.
Elle prie Miverne d'être clémente, de lui pardonner de sacrifier la vie d'un homme pour en sauver un autre.
"Alors ?"
La convaincre avait été extrêmement long et laborieux, mais personne n'est infaillible. Accablée par le désespoir et la peine, Aconia avait du se rendre à l'évidence : elle ne pourrait jamais revoir son sourire sans ça.
HC où La Promesse™ n'est, un fait, qu'une part du marché qu'Aconia à conclu avec Meleagant pour récupérer Macrinus ?
HC où depuis le début Meleagant est la pour saboter la vie d'Arthur ?
Qui a rendu Uther fou au point de vouloir tuer son propre fils ? Qui a murmuré dans l'oreille d'une veuve que son enfant serait plus en sécurité loin de la Bretagne dans l'armée romaine ? Qui est la pour susurrer à l'Imperator, son mentor, qu'il y a quelque chose pour lui de l'autre côté ? Qui a ouvert les portes aux rêves d'ambition de la jolie femme délaissé d'un chevalier ? Qui est l'ombre qui rend fou Lancelot au point de le persuader de tuer son ancien meilleur ami ?
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tediousdelusion · 2 years
my love of boats usually keeps me away from aus but there's something about an ofmd green knight au that bedevils me.
stede as gawain, the naive knight who takes on an adventure that might end in his death just because he can't stand the mundanity any longer, who is haunted by his own brief violent impulse
ed as the green knight / the lord of the castle, this semi mythic figure running around and playing these deadly games out of boredom.
the crew as various people stede meets along the way. jim as the mysterious archer on their own quest. oluwande as a former squire now looking for more. frenchie as a troubadour and lucius as a an aspiring court poet...
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tiodolma · 3 months
i feel like there is no ageism here lol
i mean im sad guinevere got kidnapped by meleagant but like why did he wait for years to do this? why not when everyone was looking for the holy grail?
but hey he still got the hots for old queen guinevere
so this is malory's version of lancelot: knight of the cart then.
i like that her knight bodyguards protected her with everything they got tho
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rjalker · 3 months
Lancelot crossing the sword-bridge
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[ID: A medieval illustration showing the knight Lancelot crossing a bridge that is a giant sword placed across a river. Lancelot wears his helmet, arm and leg armour, and chain mail, but his hands and feet are unarmored as he crawls across the giant sword, using his hands and feet to grip the sharp edges. Across the river is a castle where King Bademagu and either Prince Maleagant or Queen Guinevere look down out of a window. On the far side of the castle where the land curves away behind the wall, two lions watch. In the distance are plains, a town, and hills rising into the sky. End ID.]
Read this story for free on Project Gutenberg.
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forthegothicheroine · 4 months
In all seriousness, does anyone know where "a knight can't attack a woman unless she has a protector, then they're fair game" comes from? I keep running into it in modern Arthurian novels. The Squires Tales has it as bullshit Maleagant came up with, which almost makes sense.
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margridarnauds · 1 month
Maleagant bi (and, in general, like, that narrow time period when there was a strong French musicals fandom on here -- LRA, MOR, 1789, etc. etc.)
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