plentyofsoup · 2 months
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Im not sure on the colors for this guy but here's Malimo
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just-write-studios · 1 year
Catalyst: Blind Faith is a visual novel set in an apocalyptic world where a strange phenomenon turns mankind into demons.
❤️‍🩹Shape the fate of a troubled young priest. 🙏Channel the power of the Gods. 🩸Seek a cure.
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The new update is HERE and I am SO excited to share with you all!!!
Before playing, select "NEW GAME" from the main menu. This will ensure you encounter no bugs during this major update!
Huge, exhaustive devlog under the cut!!!! I hope you enjoy!
The following is an exhaustive devlog regarding all of the changes and updates made to the current demo version. It is available for you all on the download page. I am so proud to share this with you all and hope you enjoy!!!!
New main menu - New game, first playthrough, and saves unlock variants
Ending achievements redesigned
Holy symbol redesigned
Journal redesigned (WIP paintover)
Bookmarks for all pages are interactable to flip to that section of the journal
Bookmarks flip from left to right to indicate where you are
New textbox - Default, Flesh, Agriculture variants
New default font
New CTC icon - Default, Mercy, Flesh, Agriculture, Time variants
New cursor - Idle and Hover
New quick menu - Default and saves unlocked variants
Quick Menu toggle - Always or hover
Textbox opacity slider
Choice menus - default and several custom screens
New, clear indicator of choices made previously, turns red on hover.
New history menu
New death screen
All options screens redesigned - Default options, specific sound toggle, controls, and gallery
Chapter Titles - Colors, appearance, and quality quality updated - also now has a full stop so it's easier to read
High contrast outlines on all text at all times for legibility
NVL Mode!!! (In addition to the ADV mode used primarily throughout the game)
New photosensitivity screen
New autosave screen
New content warning screen
Variable to track first completion of the game
New screen to explain save mechanic unlocking
New quick menu once saves unlocked
Custom save/Load screen accessible from quick menu
Custom load screen accessible from main menu
Pontos (First BG) - Four color variants
Crowd in Prologue - Two color variants, one pose variant
Richard - Protagonist character concept art
Orgoth - Supporting character concept art (default + color variant)
Malimos - Demon concept art CG
Centipede Demon - Demon concept art CG
Enchanted Stairs - WIP BG (default + color variant)
Holy symbol - Item concept art
Bloody handprints - Item concept art
Buttons during Time travel - UI concept art
SFX added upon clicking on the choice menus
SFX changed when clicking through the Journal
SFX shortened for Ray, your best pal
SFX added for a burning building scene
Several new contingencies added for time travel
Minor adjustments and additional descriptions throughout for clarity!
Timelapse - Transitions begin at the end of the prologue, leading into a brand new scene
Skip and pause buttons programmed in the timelapse for accessibility
Softly flashing light on quick menu during Gods monologue in Chapter 1 to point out  the journal
Time travel - Variant scenes dependent on if transitions are on/off, or if flashing lights are on/off
Endings - Each of the 8 endings has a custom series of screens
Credits - Brand new, animated sequence accessible from the options menu and at the end of each playthrough
Socials - All of our socials are available at the end of each playthrough. Kickstarter and Steam coming soon! 
Whew!! It's a lot, right? We're all working exceptionally hard to bring the final assets to you all. In the coming months I'll be sharing my progress on our socials, and strive to bring the completed demo to you all in 2024!
Please share your support on itch.io if you have fun, by leaving a positive comment or a 5-star rating!
Thank you all so much for your time and enthusiasm. I'll be sharing more updates with you all soon!
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tgjoan · 1 year
Deserve man o hindi, dapat kapag mahal mo mag eeffort ka and hindi mo hahayaan na ma-feel ng partner mo na nanlilimos na siya ng oras saiyo.
That's the hardest part of being in love with someone who doesn't value time and effort. Yung minsan ka ng nasaktan kasi, kulang nalang lumuhod ka para lang mag ka time siya saiyo? - ghaddd Let go and know your worth! Mahalin mo din sarili mo!!!
Sabi nga ng bespren ko, "kapag lamang na ang sakit kaysa sa saya, mas mabuting bumitaw kana kaysa nahihirapan kapa, lalo na kapag paulit-ulit na."
TIME AND EFFORT is a MUST in a Relationship, hindi mo kailangan ma-malimos ng oras. Hindi pwedeng yung isa lang nag effort para ma survive yung relationship niyo, kaya nga dalawa kayo dyan eh para magtulungan kayo, hindi yung one sided lang.
Mahalin mo din sarili mo, huwag kang mag pakatanga sa taong di ka kayang pahalagahan. Dahil, marami pa dyang iba.
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malimo88-promo · 2 years
Follow me
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ddr-reklame · 4 years
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Als Malimo wird einerseits ein textiles Fertigfabrikat bezeichnet, welches nach dem von Heinrich Mauersberger aus Limbach-Oberfrohna erfundenen Nähwirkverfahren hergestellt wurde, andererseits das Wirkverfahren selbst. Es war und ist auch Marken- und Firmenbezeichnung. . Ursprünglich war die Bezeichnung "Kettenstichware" bzw. "Kettenstichmaschinen". Zur besseren internationalen Vermarktung wurden Kurzworte nach der Formel »Mali-« für den Namen des Erfinders Mauersberger und Limbach-Oberfrohna (Wohnort des Erfinders im Landkreis Zwickau) plus Kurzform der jeweils herzustellenden Stoffart gebildet, also »Malimo« für Molton, »Maliwatt« für Steppwatte, »Malipol« für Polfadenverarbeitung. . Die DDR baute das Verfahren und den zugehörigen Maschinenbau mit gezielten Investitionen zu einem eigenen Industriezweig aus und vermarktete die Produkte und Lizenzen unter dem Namen „Malimo“ mit großem Aufwand. Die großtechnische Anwendung begann 1964 im VEB Malitex Hohenstein-Ernstthal. Mitte der 1980er Jahre produzierten ca. 100 Textilbetriebe der DDR Malimo. . In der DDR wurde zunächst darauf gesetzt, weite Bereiche der Web- und Wirkwaren durch Malimo zu ersetzen und etwa auch Oberbekleidung aus Malimo zu produzieren. Dies setzte sich jedoch nur begrenzt durch. Die Verwendung von Malimo als Gebrauchstextil (etwa für Arbeitsbekleidung, Bandagen, Geschirrtücher, Staublappen, Fließe etc.) hingegen war höchst erfolgreich. (via #Wikipedia) #Malimo #Kleidung #Stoff #Kleidung #Mode #LimbachOberfrohna #DDR #GDR #Ostalgie #EastGermany https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Nk8YJCuab/?igshid=16cqr9kh68892
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viiavi · 3 years
Hello! Do you have the psd of your Gaia Top? It's one of my faves and I'd love to recolor it. Thank you, and I hope you have a lovely morning/evening!
Hello! You’re very sweet; thank you! I hope you have a lovely day as well
Gaia PSD
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bspoquemagazine · 5 years
Be the Change
Be the Change | VISIONÄRES Fashion and ethically fair? Isabelle Winter and Johannes Pautzke, the Visionäres behind MALIMO, answered a few questions about their idea of making fashion sustainable ...
Fashion and ethically fair? Isabelle Winter and Johannes Pautzke, the Visionäresbehind MALIMO, answered a few questions about their idea of making fashion sustainable and sourced through up-cycling, without being uncomfortable or ugly. Not without new input on how millennials create stylish and desirably must-have items, while surviving the daily struggle of finding inspiration. A Interview full…
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definr · 3 years
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(via malimo_sofa_bumbag_blau-web_ef7d6b2f-dca6-4624-9c0b-c9ba8a09ff14_2000x.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024 × 1536 pixels) – Scaled (51%))
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mamagrizknamo · 2 years
Ant grotelių kepta skumbrė
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Juodai raudonas serbentų uogas galiu nusiskinti ir pati - ne 20, o tik 4 seni krūmai. Bet visada skinam kartu - aš ir mano mama.
Ji sėdi vienoje krūmų pusėje, aš - kitoje. Plepam ir dažniausiai ji kalba apie savo ar mano vaikystę, o aš klausausi šimtus kartų girdėtų senų istorijų, kurios po tais serbentų krūmais pavirsta kažkuo baisiai artimu, šiltu ir vos ne fiziškai apčiuopiamu. 
Mums šnekučiuojantis indai prisipildo uogų, nusvirusios serbentų šakos išsitiesia ir, man rodos, su palengvėjimu atsidūsta. Ir kai tai įvyksta, kalbos nutrūksta, nes mama ima seną malimo mašinėlę ir baisiai susikaupusi pradeda sukti rankeną viena ranka, kita vis kišdama po saują raudonai juodų serbentų į angą, kurioje jie beveik akimirksniu ir prapuola. Be mamos su tuo darbu tikrai nesusitvarkyčiau. Man būtų paprasčiau on mygtuką spustelti, bet ji sako, kad rankenėlės sukimo neatstos jokie ten šiuolaikiniai aparatai. Ir suka sau toliau.
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Tai šitaip mes kasmet ir žaidžiam ,,serbentus”. Tiksliau, ji varo solo, o man belieka būti back vokalu, kuo, bent jau šiuo atveju, labai džiaugiuosi, nes atsakomybė dėl būsimų drebučių kris ne ant mano pečių. Ir man visai smagu būti ta, kuri tik paduoda, paima, nuneša, įpila ir visiškai nevadovauja. Ir dar - kol vyksta archainis serbentų sulčių spaudimas, spėju padaryti visą krūvą ne ką mažiau svarbių ir reikšmingų darbų. 
Mano svarbūs darbai: prinešti malkų, užkurti ugnį, atnešti dar malkų, nenusideginti rankų, išdarinėti ir pamarinuoti žuvį, patikrinti kaip laikosi malkos ugnyje, į faliją suvynioti bulvikes, darže paskinti salotų, krapų ir gražgarščių ir, aišku, trimis vandenimis visa tai nuplauti, į anglis dėti bulves, anglimis jas, nenusideginant rankų, veido ar dar ko, apkloti, paversti ant kito šono, patepti groteles aliejumi, dėti žuvį ir, nesitraukiant nė per žingsnį, stebėti skumbrės kepimo procesą. Uf - darbo į valias. Ir va todėl niekada nereikia galvoti, kad tik tas, kuris ryškiausias scenoje, yra svarbus. Svarbūs, pasirodo, visi, net ir tie nematomi, prožektorius sukiojantys ar po renginio salę šluojantys asmenys (čia aš apie save, jei ką).
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- 1 skumbrės;
- po žiupsniuką druskos ir pipirų;
- kelių citrinos skiltelių ir sulčių iš 1/2 vaisiaus;
- aliejaus žuviai ir grotelėms suvilgyti;
- krapų ir (ar) diemedžio šakelių.
Bjauriausias darbas: Žuvį išdarinėti, nuplauti ir nusausinti. Keliose vietose įpjauti. Pliusų pliusas -  žuvis, vardu skumbrė, neturi žvynų.
Eilinis ir visai normalus darbas: žuvį pašlakstyti aliejumi, apiberti druska ir pipirais. Į pilvo ertmę sudėti žolelių šakeles, citrinos griežinėlius ir palikti marinuotis (apie 20-30 min.). Groteles, kad žuvis kepdama nesumąstytų prie jų prilipti, patepti aliejumi.
Karštas darbas: kai ugnis, palikdama krūvą karštų žarijų, pasišalins, žuvį dėti ant grotelių ir kepti apie 10 minučių iš vienos pusės ir tiek pat, apvertus, iš kitos. 
Patiekti su daug šviežių daržovių. Man rodos, turint karštų žarijų, būtų nuodėmė neiškepti jose dar ir bulvių, tik kepti jas reikia pradėti anksčiau - jos ne tokios greitos, kaip kad žuvis.
Na va, matot, skumbrę iškept - vieni niekai. Čia tau ne serbentus sunkt gremėzdišku aparatu, kuris jau seniai prašyte prašosi ne tik užtarnauto poilsio, bet dar ir muziejinės kortelės prie blausaus metalo šono.
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just-write-studios · 9 months
2023 Celebration and Recap
It is so good to round out the end of 2023 by looking back on the overwhelming amount of progress that has been made. I've been gathering up devlogs and progress reports over the last week and am sincerely shocked by (and very emotional about) just how much was accomplished!
Thank you all so much for joining me on this insane journey. I have so many plans for 2024 and could not be more motivated to press on with the development of Catalyst: Blind Faith! I'd love to recap all of this progress with you today. I'm going to break this into categories to help with navigation.
Without further ado! The recap is under the cut.
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Pictured: The second background for Catalyst: Blind Faith.
Pontos: A ramshackle fishing village, and the first location in the game.
Enchanted Stairs: A mysterious and unlockable location in the demo.
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Pictured: An early concept for Celegwen, a main character/party member/potential love interest for the full game of Catalyst: Blind Faith.
Father Richard Anscham: A polytheistic human priest—our young, troubled, and compassionate antihero.
Malimos: An easily-amused, spider-like mass murderer, and the first demon seen in the game.
Offala: A treacherously beautiful and unbearably violent monstrosity; the second demon encountered in the game's demo.
Orgoth: A gregarious orc warchief, one of the main characters in the demo.
The Goddess of Time: All of space and reality.
Celegwen: A venerable elvish sorceress, who loves knowledge and anarchy almost as much as her immense Magical power.
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Pictured: An audition lines card I made for our upcoming, live performance of Catalyst: Blind Faith.
Logo for Just Write Studios created!
Logo for Catalyst: Blind Faith created!
Made the audition line cards for a vtuber live performance casting event! If you are interested in keeping up to date with this event, check out our Catalyst Discord or MiMoMedia's official server!
Placeholder, animated credits screen!
Redesigned all 8 holy symbols for the Gods and Goddesses in the pantheon!
Concepts done for all 32 achievements!!
Revamped all of my social media!!
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Pictured: Sweet mousepads!!
Hosted the 4 Year anniversary stream in the Catalyst Discord server in September!
Featured in the PARANOIA festival in October!
Partnered with mimomedia for a live vtuber performance of Catalyst: Blind Faith (this will take place on January 20th)!
Selected as a speaker for the upcoming VN Conf on January 27th, you can get tickets and more info here!
Monthly updates for our incredible Patrons.
Over a dozen Tumblr posts.
120+ new Twitter followers!
50+ new Discord members!!
8000+ new views on Catalyst: Blind Faiths' game page on itch.io!
800+ new downloads!!!
7 new glowing reviews on the game's page! (This is a great way to support the game, feel free to leave us a nice review if you have played the demo!)
Got the opportunity to make some merch from Vograce, a lucky Patron and we now have matching mousepads featuring Richard and Orgoth!!
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Pictured: The logo for Just Write Studios!
Founded Just Write Studios. <3
Brought together 7 of my strongest warriors (our art director, background artist, lead editor, quality assurance team, and composer)!
Created a studio compendium for Catalyst: Blind Faith!
Managed our 4 year community anniversary event!
Coordinated streams for PARANOIA and throughout the year!!
Partnered with mimomedia!!
Oversaw and picked from auditions from 146 vtubers for the live performance!!!
Participated in a research discussion regarding choices in interactive fiction!!
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Pictured: Our robust save and load system!
Timelapse animation with a pause and play button!
Scrolling credits screen
Toggle for any SFX
Toggle for quick menu
Slider for textbox opacity
Revamped inventory system!
Unlockable save system
Robust save and load screen
All splash screens and ending screens for the demo
Pimped out History menu
Sleek functionality for the entire players Journal
Functional gallery (will be finished in 2024)
Learned how to use the action editor in Ren'Py and incorporated tons of camera movement into the demo!!
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Pictured: A short sample of the MANY sound effects used in Catalyst: Blind Faith!
Harvested over 160GB of SFX and music.
Laboriously picked out placeholder music for the entire demo
Mixed many sound effects, including custom noises for gore
Unique SFX provided by Amidst None and Addigale Stewart for the JWS logo, choice menus, and more!!
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Pictured: The completed flowchart for the demo of Catalyst: Blind Faith. The full game's flowchart is way too long for here lol
Beat NaNo twice
Outlined, wrote and edited 545k+ words
Which completed almost three full passes through the script of Catalyst: Blind Faith (70 chapters, 66 chapters, and 49 chapters respectively)!
Mapped every single choice and variable across the script so far in a flowchart in Twine
Finalized choices for two more routes (the remainder of the script will be written in 2024)
Finished the 45k word script for the demo
Brought onboard 16 beta readers, editors, quality assurance leads, and reviewed a cumulative 185 chapters together.
Began a critique group and have reviewed 27 chapters together.
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Pictured: Our new logo.
Made it through an awful health scare that had me in and out of the hospital (as a result of medication and many misdiagnoses). Luckily I am totally recovered!
Also made it through COVID for the first time (due to aforementioned health issues this was particularly difficult)
Got outstanding support for my long-term sleep issues
Fully upgraded my motherboard, CPU, and graphics card!
Lined up for a nice raise at my day job (I'm working 45-50 hours a week at a day job, on top of all of this, to fund the demo).
Celebrated my nine year anniversary with my partner. Without her support I could not have done any of this. 
We made it! That's the entire recap. I can hardly believe that this year was so remarkably productive, despite everything.
Thank you so much for reading this far and joining me in 2023! This coming year I have BIG plans for development. All of us at Just Write Studios are working incredibly hard to complete the demo of Catalyst: Blind Faith. My goal is to complete the script for the full game, and to get as many art assets commissioned as possible. We still have a lot of work to do, but I am more motivated and determined than ever to get it all done!
Patrons will be getting sneak previews at art assets as they are made, script excerpts, and a whole lot more. Keep an eye out on our socials for updates! You can find us on Discord, Twitter, Tumblr, Itch.io, Ko-Fi, and here on Patreon.
I hope you have a fantastic new year. Here's to a bright and productive 2024! See you soon!
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der-saisonkoch · 3 years
Köche begehen heute einen Gedenktag
Köche begehen heute einen Gedenktag
Neben berühmten Persönlichkeiten wie Leslie Nielsen, Beat Feuz und Ernst Litfaß, feierten auch die Eltern von Horst Bollmann, Wilhelm-Koch-Hooge (beides berühmte DDR-Schauspieler) und den Erfinder des Malimo, Heinrich Mauersberger, die Geburt ihres berühmten Sohnes. Für uns Köche jedoch, erblickte ein Star und ausgezeichneter Koch das Licht der Welt. Paul Bocuse. Paul Bocuse ist der Koch, der…
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lag0-ps · 6 years
復帰後まもなくの出来事6月頭のどっか(確か、自分は結婚式の二次会に出席していて尚且つ、即席CV『Fresh!』の出演者募集をしている最中だったはず。 )
夜 TakanさんからJapanCup団体戦予選敗退組をメインとしたCVを制作するにあたって、編集をしてほしいとお話を頂きました。
その後、CV募集のトピック欄が活気無さすぎ〜とかいう何目線か分からない理由で『Sweet Drop』の募集を始めてしまい、完全に頭の切り替えが大変になってしまった。とは言ったものの、『Sweet Drop』を編集する時には全体像が頭の中に出来上がってたので、まぁなんか思ったよりすんなり進める事が出来たので安牌。
実は、ざっくり言う所の【格好良いCV】がなんか作るの苦手(?)でなぜ編集者あんなバキバキバチバチ格好良いCV作れるんだ...って感じでめっちゃCV見まくってたのはここだけの話。( Talentica Neue | Penspinning めっちゃ参考にしました。Joshinさんの編集凄く良いですよね。DADA楽しみです。)
イベント開始とTakanさんのアナウンス後、自分が制作したものが流れ始めて、「あ~~~これ作ったんやなぁ~」みたいな感じになってました。(良ければ改めてご覧ください。『 ペン回しクラブイベント-関東夏の陣-OP 』)
多くも少なくとも沢山の方々とお話出来て最高でした。忘れてしまってたりしたのは本当にあかんなぁーとなってしまい申し訳なかったです。改めてこれから仲良くしてください<(_ _)>
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ddr-reklame · 5 years
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Als Malimo wird einerseits ein textiles Fertigfabrikat bezeichnet, welches nach dem von Heinrich Mauersberger aus Limbach-Oberfrohna erfundenen Nähwirkverfahren hergestellt wurde, andererseits das Wirkverfahren selbst. Es war und ist auch Marken- und Firmenbezeichnung. . Ursprünglich war die Bezeichnung "Kettenstichware" bzw. "Kettenstichmaschinen". Zur besseren internationalen Vermarktung wurden Kurzworte nach der Formel »Mali-« für den Namen des Erfinders Mauersberger und Limbach-Oberfrohna (Wohnort des Erfinders im Landkreis Zwickau) plus Kurzform der jeweils herzustellenden Stoffart gebildet, also »Malimo« für Molton, »Maliwatt« für Steppwatte, »Malipol« für Polfadenverarbeitung. . Die DDR baute das Verfahren und den zugehörigen Maschinenbau mit gezielten Investitionen zu einem eigenen Industriezweig aus und vermarktete die Produkte und Lizenzen unter dem Namen „Malimo“ mit großem Aufwand. Die großtechnische Anwendung begann 1964 im VEB Malitex Hohenstein-Ernstthal. Mitte der 1980er Jahre produzierten ca. 100 Textilbetriebe der DDR Malimo. . In der DDR wurde zunächst darauf gesetzt, weite Bereiche der Web- und Wirkwaren durch Malimo zu ersetzen und etwa auch Oberbekleidung aus Malimo zu produzieren. Dies setzte sich jedoch nur begrenzt durch. Die Verwendung von Malimo als Gebrauchstextil (etwa für Arbeitsbekleidung, Bandagen, Geschirrtücher, Staublappen, Fließe etc.) hingegen war höchst erfolgreich. (via #Wikipedia) #Malimo #Kleidung #Stoff #Kleidung #Mode #LimbachOberfrohna #DDR #GDR #Ostalgie #EastGermany https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Nk8YJCuab/?igshid=wqmkr16kg4ki
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mgg-81 · 3 years
Ganito Kami sa Maynila
Ganito kami sa Maynila
Magulo, maingay, kay daming naglilipana
Kahit saan ka tumingala
Tindero’t tindera’y nagtitinda kahit sunog na ang balat
Ganito kami sa Maynila
Araw-araw mapapagising ka
Sa ingay ng mga jeep at kotse
Dagdagan mo pa ng usok na kay itim
Sa magkabilang gilid ng kalye
Matatagpuan mo’y mga batang musmos
Mga kamay’y iniaabot para malimos
Maka-ipon lang nang may mapagkakainan
Mapa-lupa o tubig
Manila’y gubat ng basura
‘Di na natuto, pauli-ulit ginagawa
Inang Kalikasa’y hindi na matatawaran
Pati sa pulitika, sila’y madumi din
Aniya’y parang mga pader ng Intramuros
‘Di nakiki-isa, pag-unlad ay malabo
Problema kung saan-saan, sabayan mo pa ng rally
Sa Manila, buhay mo’y araw-araw nasa panganib
‘Di mo alam, nasa tabi mo na pala
Ang kukuha sa inyong buhay
At iiwan ang iyong malamig na bangkay sa tabi-tabi lamang
Siksik, liglig, at umaapaw
‘Di mo maiiwasan mga tao’y nasa paligid
Araw-araw kay daming mga bagong mukha
Nakikipag-sapalaran para sa kanilang buhay
Mula noon, hanggang ngayon
Lahat ng atensyon binibigay kay Maynila
Pero kahit nasa kanya na ang lahat
Mayroon pa ring kulang.
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aliworldtrade · 3 years
Changle Youyuan Textile Co., Ltd.
86-591-28671235 15059449183
Room 501, 502, Block 3, No. 99, Pengcheng Road, Hunan Town, Fuzhou, Fujian, China
Changle Youyuan Textile Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of mesh and lace fabric. Our factory is located in Changle Konggang Industrial Zone. We are only 5km from Fuzhou International Airport. Mawei & Xiamen ports are near us. The transportation is quite convenient. You are more than welcome to come for a visit!We have introduced internationally advanced Karl Malimo and computer jacquard equipment. Also we have enjoyed high reputations due to the professional production and excellent service.
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laku998 · 5 years
完全に予想外だった。JapEnに対してどう自分をプロデュースするかって考えた結果なんだろうけどこのアングルとても良い。エアスピとかがいい緩急を生んでる。  印象がガラッと変わったのもあるけど今までで一番好き。締め前の平行世界パムスピ?からのレックス?もっとぐわんって動かしたらそこまでのパワートリッカー特有の止まらない感が増幅されたかも。伏せの切り返しから4ガンリバの所もパワーで押せたら完璧だった。
Kayさん × エクストリーム芹川さん
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