decodamalion · 6 months
Featuring my cats toe beans!
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My pen/online name is Decoda Malion! I'm 20 and my pronouns are she/her, I'm cis and biromantic asexual :D
I love writing, video games and interacting with my mutuals.
I'm going to do a lot more posting of my writing in 2024, which will be a lot of fun!
If you want to come along with me for the ride, I'll be more than happy to have you!
I write Fantasy
I include mature topics such as:
Child abuse
My worldbuilding is EXTENSIVE! I will be making a Tumblr version of a bestiary before the end of the year!
For now, see my pinned post: the Malion Masterpost, where I have a great overview of all of my novels and their topics, as well as an overview of my worldbuilding! Found here🔗!
I love participating in tag games, and enjoy interacting with all other kinds of writeblrs, artists and creators!
If you would like to be added to my tag list, interact with this🔗 post!
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thrillersantanny · 1 year
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torrentstucktrolls · 4 months
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twinegardening · 2 years
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A story about you — The Murdered God — and your attempt to solve the mystery of your death in places beyond.
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space-morningstar · 2 months
╔═.✵.═════════╗ Jᴜʟɪᴀɴ ╚═════════.✵.═╝ ┊┊┊┊⋆ ✧ - ✧ ✵ ┊┊┊☆ * * ⋆ ┊┊★ * ┊┊* . ✦   Name: Julian Malione Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them Age: approx. 230 years old (Legal age: 38). Height: 5'8 Sexuality: Homosexual Occupation: University professor and professional translator Gender: Male
Background/History Julian was born in Greece, approximately 200 years ago, his father was an archaeologist and a fervent believer in the ancient Greek gods, he dedicated his life to it while raising Julian on his own, his mother was a noblewoman who had been involved in the Greek revolution.
During one of Julian's father's explorations to what appeared to be an ancient temple hidden in a cave, there was an accident and Julian allowed himself to be locked up there, alone for a month. Hades and Persephone found him wandering the edges of the underworld, sleeping next to Cerberus, it took a few days before they both ended up adopting Julian, they gave him their blessings and some extra abilities such as a perfect memory and immortality.
When they managed to get him out Julian seemed to be in perfect condition and he was wearing a strange black robe with silver decorations and the once empty temple was now filled with plants of all kinds. What happened in that temple was a secret and a mystery that Julian refused to tell anyone, not even his parents, not until they were on their deathbed, where he would confess the truth.
Appearance: To the naked eye, Julian is a young adult of approximately 38, Caucasian with well-defined features, he has brown hair always neatly combed with a small fringe, brown eyes, and an almost expressionless face.
He always dresses in shades of green or brown, whether he wears white shirts with full brown suits in a classic style, or one of his many turtleneck jumpers. He tends to always wear a flower or plant pin on his jackets, sometimes wears black necklaces, or black chain bracelets when he is out of class.
A blessing is the only clue to the boy's new nature. Julian has said goodbye to each of his family members, one by one over the years. And although he doesn't keep in constant contact he always makes sure to say goodbye at funerals and send flowers in the spring.
Personality: Julian tends to have a very polite (some say almost too polite) and kind attitude towards others, he is very serene and calm in general, except during his classes where he is more energetic and passionate, he has a natural charisma, and finds it easy to build trust with other people, he tends to say very little about himself or mention anything from his past, he is very patient. Although his face is a bit expressionless, Julian can be very passionate when it comes to his personal interests, but he can also be extremely sincere and cruel.
There are rumours about people who have treated Julian badly or rudely and he has been so kind that he invites them to dinner or coffee just to clear up their argument, it is a common rumour that refers to his extreme kindness and education… What nobody hears is that these people disappear the next day. In his opinion you can be extremely patient and considerate but sometimes people deserve to go painfully to the next world, and what better way than to make them part of your garden, or else add a new statue to a mausoleum.
Extra Data: ➤ Tends to disappear for long periods of time.
➤ Likes cemeteries and meadows.
➤ Currently works as a professor of history and Latin at the Central University of Italy.
➤ The main garden of the university is personally cared for by him, it is said to have the most beautiful flowers in Italy… And sometimes rare rocks grow on the floors of the garden…
➤ He also has a private library with some not totally legal books and definitely some of them should not exist.
➤ Although he has a deep knowledge about philosophy, morals and ethics… he totally lacks legal knowledge.
➤ He likes flower crowns and hates goats.
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mouseoho · 1 year
the seller gave me free IVE cards for some reason?? and a seoho card (from seasons greetings 2022 <3) and um. a card of [redacted] former oneus member :/. also pygmalion is really fucking big omg i thought it would be the size of all of oneus' other albums?? its the size of the in its time album??
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necarion · 1 month
The Muppets did a number of short My Fair Lady references. But I was amazed to find that they never actually did a full-length "Pig-malion". And I know the obvious approach is to have Miss Piggy be Eliza and Henry Higgens the token human. But a swapped up version, where Eliza is the human and "Henrietta Higgens" is played by Miss Piggy could be way funnier.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 6 months
Monologue Game
Here’s one: do a eulogy spoken at a funeral, but it’s for someone whose death will now be the catalyst for a major event, be it war, revenge, whatever you choose. It could be a trusted underling, a leader above you (think Mark Anton’s Julius Caesar speech), whatever you decide!
(Alright Bet)
It was a dark day. The beloved King Arlo had been killed.
The Country of Illuminas was in despair.
The nation wept as they put his body to rest.
As they brought the body to the burial site, cameras and reports documenting every aspect.
Family, friends, and countrymen all dressed in black for this tragic day.
A man adorned in black, the crown of the king now resting on his head.
“Friends, Illumians, Country men, lend me your ears.”
The crowd was silent as the man spoke.
“My father, King Arlo was a great man, no He was a beacon that all great men strive for. And While I wish to praise him I am here today to bury him.”
The words struck accord with the audience. They knew he understood.
“For today is a day we must put to the earth a man without equal, a man that’s motivation was for the prosperity of his kingdom. For if it was a sin to love one’s people to much, then there is no greater sinner than King Arlo.”
Sobs could be heard amongst the crowd.
“King Arlo never feared death, he knew it was an inevitability. But he did fear that he would not live long enough to see the joy and longevity of the people in his reign. And alas that fear has come to pass.”
He cleared his throat, as he pretended to hold back tears.
“King Arlo was killed by the blades on an assassin, a fate far crueler than any he deserved. And just as the King is no longer is among the living, neither is the monster that fell him. It was in his final act that he protected his line, as a true king should.”
“But King Arlo would rather not us reflect on the moments of his death, he would rather us focus on his life. A life rich with ambition and love for his family, friends, countrymen, and all who carry the blood of Illuminas.”
“He wants us to strive forward, not dwell on our faults and failings. He wants us to rise, grow, and become greater than we were before. Like the mighty Phoenix that adorns our flag, we of Illuminas must die and be reborn stronger from this, greater than this and brighter than ever before.”
The coffin of the king was lowered in the dirt. The people were hanging on every word.
“For today we mourn the death of King Arlo, and the death of his kingdom. But tomorrow we are reborn, using his lessons, using his hope, and burning brighter than ever before. We will rise again and we will payback the enemies that attacked us 1000X fold for their actions. Illuminas will be reborn not as a country, but an Empire that will bring the world to a new age. For as our country’s motto ‘Semper luceat‘. Which means.”
“Forever Shine Brightly!” The crowd roared.
“And why do we shine brightly?”
“Because we are Illumians!”
“By the Beacon we forever shine!”
The people cheered. The motto of the country echoed for miles as the man walked from the podium, the people were still in mourning, but their spirits were strong as ever. King Arlo’s death would be avenge. Prince Malion saw to it.
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pbjelly90art · 4 months
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SWRPG secondary characters!
We've got in order: Linar, Izumi, Hunter, Kilandra, Luin, Sara, Rorubb, and Farl.
Some of these characters belong to some of my friends, most of whom aren't not on tumblr currently. Linar, Izumi, Hunter, Kilandra, Luin, Sara and Farl belong to me. Rorubb belongs to Malion.
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murazeeki · 2 years
My new characters, Tonisha Vang and Malion Du Pont! I love them so much, and i thought this sound REALLY fit their dynamic🤭
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Out of context line from Malion: The Battle for Skladmir =
"It's time for insanity friends... we're either all going insane, or perhaps it's just me. On second thought, it may just be me." He said with a faint heir of dejected acceptance in his voice.
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I salute this man's spiral into insanity. Good for him, good for him. (Also the writing in this! I can feel his emotions- beautiful <3)
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decodamalion · 9 months
Malion Series Masterpost:
Everything you need/ want to know about my series!
Here's🔗 where you can find when each book was completed! I will keep this one updated with dates as they come!
Writeblr Intro🔗
Here you can find a link to my tag list post, and all that's really needed to know before looking through this!
Overall Novel Introductions:
Malion 🔗
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Malion is the first Novel in my series. It is about a girl who watches everything she has ever known burn to the ground. She is then forced to survive alone in the wild before meeting another person who knows much more about her than she does about herself.
This book includes:
LGBTQ+ Characters, Fantasy creatures, various races (think elves, humans, dwarves ect), servere injuries, trauma, demons, and a royal family.
Malion: Royal Blood 🔗
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Malion: Royal Blood (m:rb) is a continuation from Malion's story. This book is about the main character loosing someone very close to her, and her journey through grief and accross the continent to fulfill her loved one's final wish.
This book includes:
Fantasy Creatures, Travel, Gods of my own making, more LGBTQ+ characters and relationships, a royal family, various races, demons, servere injuries and way more gore.
Malion: Up In Flames 🔗
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Malion: Up In Flames (m:uif) is book three in the series. This book is about the struggle of dealing with someone else's broken family and the consequences that come with actions that are not thought out. In this book, the main character starts to lose herself just before given the biggest responsibility of her life.
This book includes:
Gods of my own making, various races, magic, demons, torture, different realms, broken families, families being created, dismemberment, trauma and kidnapping.
Sorcery's Hue 🔗
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Sorcery's Hue is about a completely different character than the one that was being followed thus far, however it is still a vital part of the series. This time, the reader follows an Osrocan boy turned man by his determination to control his magic and eventually master it. However the people he encounters and trusts turn their backs on him, either intentionally or unintentionally, which leads him down a path of destruction he never wished for.
This book includes:
Magic, LGBTQ+ characters, various races (think fantasy elves, humans ect.), abuse, death, trauma, imprisonment, loss and the death of an infant child.
Malion: The Battle for Skladmir
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Malion: The Battle for Skladmir (m:tbfs) is a continuation of m:uif, with the inclusion of the main character of Sorcery's Hue. This time, our main character has settles into the role she was given in m:uif and is doing very well to support those around her, however the resurgence of power in an underground Osrocan city prompts revenge on the main character's family, and a war is declared. With the help of the Gods and the most powerful sorcerer known to Gaia, the main character might have a fighting chance.
This book includes:
LGBTQ+ characters, Gods of my own making, magic, death, trauma, politics, war, demons, a royal family, different realms and various races.
Malion: The Final Foe
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Malion: The Final Foe (m:tff) is the final book in the series. It follows the main character as her responsibilities start to change her, and others around her. When her half-brother becomes so different that she doesn't even recognize him, her hand is forced into the most important decision she will ever have to make, which, according to the Gods, may destroy all of the nine realms.
This book includes:
LGBTQ+ characters, Gods of my own making, magic, death, trauma, possession, various races, a royal family, different realms and more
All nine realms:
The Beneath
The Celestial Realm
The Realm of the Banished
The Fen
The Crags
The Ice Plains
The Dark Realm
The Unknown
GAIA has three continents, each with their own unique creatures.
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Aslen - the smallest continent
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Here is a list of creatures and a brief explanation of what each one's is if necessary:
Aslantian - my version of humans.
Merrimos - a large, harmless worm.
Endoran - a massive, Hyena-like beast made completely of magic.
Maratren - a massive deer-like beast made completely of magic.
Osrow - The Middle Child
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Deep Osrocan - My 'elves' that live underground.
Wood Osrocan - Osrocan that live in the wooded areas of Osrow.
High Osrocan - Osrocan that live primarily in mountains.
Ileth - nocturnal creatures that have an Aslantian form. The sun hurts them.
Glorpin - bipedal frog-slime with an Aslantian shape. (Credit to my sibling)
Karmaro - The Biggest Continent
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Karmarean - Shorter, much stronger Aslantians. They are my 'dwarves'
Kani-Joorlin - A creature with an Aslantian form that can shift into the form of a large, bipedal wolf.
Vulpi-Joorlin - A creature with an Aslantian form that can shift into the form of a large, bipedal fox.
Feli-Joorlin - A creature with an Aslantian form that can shift into the form of a large, bipedal cat.
Vorrem - furry, Giant Endoran. Only one female exists at a time.
Main Cast:🔗
Decoda Malion
Alexandrite Schmidter
Kaylum Laidon
Michelle Burns
Elliott J. Ruben
Herross of The Three
Selvan of The Three
Varitran Hue
Side Characters:🔗
Mister Michael Burns
Barbara Burns
Mistyal Burns
Arthur Martin
Baron Malion
Maraline Malion
Elizabeth Malion
Danté Malion
Diamond Blockit
Samuélle Malion
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alvae-art · 2 years
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This is Malion, the Aspect of Wrath. All Aspects represent and embody one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and are members of the Conclave of Pandemonium.
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torrentstucktrolls · 4 months
> |
> run malion.exe
> Good evening, MAMJEK. How did you sleep? good/bad/other
> bad
> I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like a video of some animals frolicking? y/n
> y
> run funnyanimals.mp4
> goodbye
> Goodbye, MAMJEK. I look forward to our next talk.
> stop malion.exe
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444names · 1 year
all the demons of ars goetia, pseudomonarchia daemonum, livre des esperitz, munich manual of demonic magic and fasciculus rerum geomanticarum
Abarabolas Abellocas Abifer Abiflaum Abillory Abnocifron Abnové Abulfis Acare Accas Achocia Agemere Agemores Ageni Agorching Aguallos Aimat Aimeres Aimodass Aleosialex Alfis Alion Allocel Allocess Allock Almalphas Almarabia Alocaimias Aloras Alphabatii Alphe Alphus Alucia Amduchas Amduchos Amdus Amduson Amerimeis Amias Amoras Amorax Amoris Amorthax Andra Andrax Andres Androbas Antis Arbas Arcaim Argomer Arpos Arqui Arufla Astolas Avech Baeligei Baligene Balloce Balory Balos Balphas Bamon Barchine Barchinex Bares Bargo Barus Barusion Bastan Bathalefas Batii Batory Bealamdus Bealas Beducas Beducaym Beleos Belex Bellock Beree Berienix Berimar Berimoyn Beris Beron Berotis Bertar Besidon Bialas Bifeni Bifentis Biflas Bifrob Billastas Billeth Billex Bitri Bothasmon Botius Bucar Bucaraje Bucel Buchalfis Buching Buerobath Bugael Bugazonon Bugoabunt Bugodamy Bugoday Bugomplex Bugor Bugory Bulfam Bulfis Bylefamon Bylex Bélia Bélias Bélionocel Bélius Béliusidon Caimei Calos Calphus Carbaras Carthas Caymon Caymoni Celions Cerbas Certeth Charques Cifenim Coabala Coabatis Comei Comer Comeres Comon Completh Countis Countius Cromer Crone Cubar Cubaraje Damduke Damertares Damoymon Daymon Decaap Decas Decay Dechince Dechoene Difentis Diflamer Diflius Diusidon Diusions Dries Ducho Dusias Elial Eligeis Eliuscim Ellock Fentis Flamonix Flasmon Flion Focalas Focas Focel Foces Focia Forabaroce Forch Forchent Forchoces Forchoene Forchos Forialugor Forimias Foriplefam Foris Forius Foronever Forotis Forrat Forson Forsor Forth Forthasone Fortis Furfurson Furmon Furocelias Fursam Fursat Fursorch Fursorsoym Gandrabna Garbaronon Garbas Garchax Garpos Garus Genix Gentis Glapulfar Godam Gomallaum Gomalphent Gomas Gomer Gomon Goraje Goras Goreal Gorim Gorsab Gorsoyn Gorym Gorymone Greer Guallex Gualloras Gusias Gutas Gäapulas Gäapulfis Habnové Haboabasya Halac Hallefas Handrax Hanix Hantas Hasorymon Hoenex Hohos Ipler Iponac Ipone Ipoym Ipoyn Iraboas Judirath Judis Judius Judus Kimar Kimei Kimeree Kinac Knigoday Knimalle Laveparti Lethinex Lethymon Locerius Lorson Lucalphas Lucaras Luces Luche Luchinaym Lucimaras Lucubargo Lugaent Lugay Lugorimath Mache Maching Malabas Malfis Malion Maloces Malos Malphent Mamdus Mamon Marabias Marabola Marabuné Maraje Marbatola Marbaël Marbelias Marber Marcas Marcaym Mareer Maremortis Margomplex Margorax Margus Mariné Marius Marmur Marmuron Marpon Marques Marqui Martaob Martis Mataligin Matan Molac Morabues Mursatola Oraursor Orcarich Orchax Orchiné Orcho Orsabugo Ortethiné Ozepaim Ozeparch Ozeparoth Ozeparquis Ozepas Paimaras Paimonac Parbas Parbelion Parberomon Pargomer Partas Parteth Partii Phabons Phabune Phandrias Phent Phoent Phoentas Posident Poymolam Premei Priala Prieneus Prienix Pries Priné Priturson Prius Priusimigo Prusias Prusoym Puchoce Puchoene Pulas Purmursons Puron Pursone Rabuneus Ragorymon Raguarthym Rastola Robas Roceri Ronon Rotii Rotis Sabnacaim Sabonex Sabonorson Sabuné Sagargus Sagei Salex Sallocel Salocertas Salphan Salphenix Salphus Salugoap Sambesia Samdus Samia Santis Saras Sarbaras Sarmon Satorcar Seerbaras Sharbas Sidon Simal Simargora Sionon Sitrin Situve Situveree Storsonor Sucal Sucerius Tolacas Trias Tripos Tudiflavos Tudis Tudistas Tuduchos Tudus Tuveparmur Tuvertas Tuvertii Vaapuron Vallas Vallex Valparchax Valphax Vanni Vapaimal Vaparès Vepartaob Vinachocia Vince Viplex Vipon Vipoym Vipoyn Volabnoces Volas Vualas Vualeos Vualphax Vualphent Vudis Vudius Vuducar Vuduchas Vudus Zageis Zamoras Zamoymone Zeparap Zepas
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theycallmedax · 1 year
The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. Make yourself to your first priority. No matter what people say.
Casting Day — not available 📱
Outfitinspo by MALion 😌
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