#Mamluk coins
twofielder · 4 months
Coin of the Day #12 (5/16/2024)
Saw a Mamluk posted a few days ago and figured I’d join in!
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Mamluk Sultanate
AR Dirham - 20mm 2.83g
Al-Mansur Ali 1257 AD
Cairo Mint
Obverse al-malik al-mansur nur ad-din ali ibn aybak in dotted square, legend around square in dotted circle
Reverse As obverse, different legends
Balog 19a
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trans-lykanthropie · 1 year
@pestisly @heytherewerewolvesitsmeyagirl @technicoloryuri Ok so I fell asleep about ten seconds after making that post, but now I'm awake and slacking off at work, so....
Let's talk playing cards!
I wager the majority of us are familiar with what's known as the Anglo-American pattern of cards, which are a derivative of French standard pattern (kind of, it's complicated). But the origin of the kind of playing cards that we would recognise are all based cards made in Mamluk Egypt, which in turn were based on Chinese playing cards. Playing cards would enter European material culture around the late 14th century, and immediately split into regional derivatives as examples from Egypt arrived in Italy, Spain, the Low Countries, and France.
The French pattern first appeared based on Spanish pattern cards around 1377, but the suits (diamonds, clubs, spades, and hearts) are based on German suits (bells, acorns, leaves, and hearts). Spanish suits are more familiar to those who know those of the tarot deck (coins, cups, batons, and swords), with Italian cards being similar.
The court cards of today (king, queen, jack) have also changed a lot over time. Sometimes Queens have been entirely absent, with the court cards instead being King-Knight-Page (as based on Spanish patterns), whereas other decks from the late mediaeval and early modern era replaced two kings with queens. Interestingly enough, the court cards of the French pattern to this day are meant to represent historical and biblical figures: the king of hearts is Charlemagne, of clubs Alexander the Great, of spades King David, and of diamonds Julius Caesar. The king of diamonds in the Anglo-American pattern is the only king to appear standing in profile, and it is thought that this came about because Caesar appears in profile on old Roman coins.
In German patterns, the court cards are usually King-Lady-Baron when emulating the French pattern, but the older Germanic playing card patterns have the court cards as King-Ober-Unter (for the Over Knave and Under Knave, old military ranks).
Here are some examples:
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Franconian Pattern - Exhibiting the Germanic suits of bells, acorns, leaves, and hearts, and court cards of King-Ober-Unter
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The evolution of the King of Hearts from the Rouennais pattern to the more recognisable Anglo-American pattern
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The evolution of the King of Hearts in the Paris pattern: note the named historical figure of Charlemagne
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Spanish National / Old Catalan pattern - Exhibiting the Italiano-Spanish suits of coins, cups, swords, and batons, and the court cards of King-Knight-Page
Even with this limited sample you can see connections between the different patterns, particularly between the Old Catalan King of Swords and the Maréchal 1567 King of Hearts, which would ultimately become the Anglo-American pattern King of Hearts AND the Paris pattern King of Hearts
This has all been kind of disjointed and I want to make a proper post linking all the European card patterns but that's going to take forever as each country has so many regional derivatives and I haven't even tackled Tarocco/Tarock/Scarto decks which contain the trumps that will later be called the Major Arcana in tarot reading circles and I have to get dressed for work now so I'm not done yet.
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iamthetruenhaz · 3 months
My downloads folder on my phone:
* portolan maps because that's my main obsession
* medieval Bulgarian, Serbian, Wallachian and Bosnian charters because I want to compare royal signatures
* photos of rhyta from Thrace, Greece, Persia and India because I want to look into cultural influences of Persia on the ancient Balkans
* Ottoman period architecture
* Medieval Western European, Eastern European, Byzantine and Muslim illuminated manuscripts
* more and more medieval maps
* Balkan rebel flags from the early 1900s
* medieval Western European, Polish and Ukrainian heraldry
* medieval coins from Bulgaria, Serbia, Wallachia, Moldova, Hungary, the Eastern Roman Empire, the Mamluk sultanate and the crusader states because reasons
yeah I'm a cell biologist by education and trade why do you ask
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Tarot 101: History and the Arcanas
Lets go over a quick summary of Tarot's history and Arcanas
Brief history
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The history of tarot can be traced as far back as Egypt, back to the great Library of Alexandria where scrolls were housed by the famous librarian, mathematician, Philosopher and astronomer, Hypatia. Within the library were scrolls of the book of thoth which is said to contain texts written by Thoth, the Egyptian god of knowledge and writing. The illustrations of the tarot cards at the time are said to contain secret teachings which is presented by the major Arcana that represents a course in personal and Spiritual Development.
The minor Arcana appears later in time and has history in different areas of the world   In the Fourteen hundreds Italian Aristocrats use the cards called “trionfi” to play a game called “Il trionfos”. Artists were commissioned to create the cards that were either hand-painted or printed on wood blocks. Players took the themes shown on the cards and composed poems about each other. One of the earliest decks that still exist is the Visconti Tarot that was commissioned by the Duke of Milan in the mid 1400 that was printed on gold and silver foil.
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Tarot cards also existed in areas of Asia such as India. It is hypothesized that cards were brought over to Europe by the Knights of Templar; there were also suggestions that the cards were brought by Romani travelers from the east to Europe in the Middle Ages. Tarot also appeared in Islamic playing cards from a card game in the 14th or 15th Century that was popular among the wealthy and higher class. One deck was called the Mamluk deck that had an important influence in Tarot cards today. The deck consisted of four suits: the coins, the cups, the swords and polo sticks, as well as 10 numbered cards and 4 Court cards per suit. However, It is only assumed that this card game was used for fortune-telling.
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In Spain, the Spanish nobility in the fifteenth century played a game called Juego de Naypes that came with 49 cards. These cards specifically were used to tell fortunes and reveal Secrets especially in the matters of love. These cards were divided into four suits that were based on women. These suits were called maiden's, wives, widows and nuns and were used to show what someone loved or desired most. Each card would have a verse or poem that had the same amount of lines as the card number. These cards began to be used by fortune tellers and were laid out in a similar way as modern tarot spreads today.
The most common tarot card deck known today is the Rider -Waite-Smith Tarot which was developed in 1909 by Arthur Edward Waite, who commissioned Pamela Colman Smith an artist and Theatrical designer to create the deck. Smith produced 78 paintings which became the cards of the Tarot deck; the deck was then published under the London company William Rider and son in 1910. The deck became noticeable for it's storytelling scenes that were depicted in the major Arcana as a way to convey their meanings. This design allowed readers to read the card intuitively and since the original publication of the deck a number variations have been created since then. And while many have made different designs and types of Tarot deck, the Rider-Waite-Smith Deck is one of the more popular cards today.
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The Cards
Standard Tarot decks consist of seventy-eight cards, divided into two groups called the Major and Minor Arcana, the word Arcana meaning Secret. The major arcana consists of 22 cards, and the minor consists of 56 cards. The major arcana often reflects events in your life that are important and long lasting, “major” events in your life. While the minor arcana often depicts day to day events. It can also be seen as aspects that can affect you more personally in comparison to the minor arcana that may not.
The major arcana is numbered from 0 to XX or twenty. It follows the journey of the fool all the way to the completion of the world. Unlike the minor arcana, the major arcana does not correspond with the suit of playing cards, they slightly vary depending on the deck. The minor arcana correspond with the suits in traditional playing card decks as well as the four elements of water, fire, air and earth.
The suits
There are four suits in the minor arcana that are numbers from 1-10 with the Ace being the first card and the court cards known as the page, the knight, the queen and the king of the suits in traditional tarot decks.
The Wands are often associated with the suit of clubs and are represented by the element of fire, it is also a representation of your higher self or your higher realm, or in other words the spirit. They are also associated with the season of spring and in terms of time represent days. The qualities of the wands are elements such as action, creativity, energy, enterprise, intuition, hope and potential. In astrology they are represented by the signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius that are also fire signs.
The cups are associated with the suit of hearts and are related to the element of water and represent a person’s emotions. In terms of timing it is associated with the months And is associated with the season of Summer. The qualities of the cups contain such keywords such as, love, relationships, happiness, harmony, sensitivity, emotion and fulfillment. In astrology they are represented by the zodiac signs of cancer, pisces and scorpio.
The swords were associated with a suit of Spades and are related to the element of air and represent a person's mental plane. In terms of timing the cars can be associated with weeks and are associated with the season of autumn or fall. The swords represent qualities such as ideas, communication, conflict struggle , separation resolution and change. In astrology they're represented by the zodiac sign of Gemini Libra and Aquarius.
The Pentacles are associated with the suit of diamonds and are related to the element of Earth And represent a person's physical self. The Pentacles can be associated with the timing in terms of years and is related to the Season Winter. The storage represents keywords such as money, work, talent, reputation, achievements, stability and material wealth. In astrology they are represented by the signs of Taurus Virgo and Capricorn.
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The Ahmet Paşa secession scene is hilarious because as soon as he does the "and my emblem shall be the crossed swords of Arab Emirs and the Mamluks" and crosses his arms on his chest while looking all angry and "threatening" (while also admiring his own coin) you can literally see the aforementioned Emirs cringing as hard as I was and rethinking their life choices.
Also the barely hidden sheer disgust on Kadizade Mehmet Effendi's face.
The poor idiot has no idea.
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xtruss · 11 months
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It is not known how these cards were played, but almost all card games from 15th century Europe involved some form of gambling. Since at least the 7th century, people throughout the world have used used cards for games or as collector's items. Photograph By The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
The Original Pokémon? A Visual (Ancient) History of Trading Cards
Our love of playing cards dates farther back than you think—perhaps as far back as the T’ang Dynasty. Here’s a look at their colorful past.
— By Elaina Zachos | November 3, 2023
In a world filled with endless entertainment, some of the simplest and most enduring sources of amusement can be found in a deck of playing cards.
For centuries, these unassuming game pieces have held a special place in the hearts and hands of people across the globe. From the hand-painted cards of T’ang Dynasty China to paper-and-plastic Pokémon trading cards, the history of playing cards spans cultures, epochs, and continents.
When The Walt Disney Company celebrated its 100th birthday last month, everyone got to take part in this century’s-long tradition with TikTok’s new digital playing card game. As a member of the mouse-eared family, Nat Geo saw over four million new followers scurry to our TikTok account, mostly to trade these digital cards.
This got us thinking—what’s the history of playing cards anyway?
China A.D. 600-1600s
It’s unclear when and where playing cards were invented, but they were popularized in China more than a thousand years ago. References to “domino cards” existed as early as the T’ang Dynasty, which lasted from 618-907 AD. Some historians, however, say playing cards took off during the 10th century. Either way, these cards were originally hand-painted on paper or parchment.
Fast-forward a few hundred years to the Ming Dynasty—which lasted from 1368-1644 AD—and you’ll find playing cards gaining steam. At this point, some cards had images of characters from popular novels. Others were “money cards” with suits inspired by old Chinese currency.
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Left: These playing card fragments date to 13th and 16th century Egypt and are remarkably similar to those used today, with fifty-two cards divided into four suits: cups, coins, swords, and polo sticks.
Right: Unlike their Western counterparts—the king, queen, and jack—Mamluk court cards do not feature figural imagery but are identified through a combination of symbols and label-like inscriptions. Photographs By Museum Associates/LACMA
Egypt 1300s-1500s
From China, playing cards were likely carried to the Middle East via the Silk Road.
One deck dates back to the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt, which ended in 1517. These hand-painted cards were adorned with intricate calligraphic rhymes and likely belonged to a wealthy owner. They carried suits of coins, cups, swords, and polo sticks. Each suit would have had 13 cards, including three all-male court cards: the King, the Lieutenant, and the Second Lieutenant.
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These French playing cards were made in the 18th century. The suit, hearts, are hidden in the cartoonish faces depicted on the card. Photograph By The Trustees of The British Museum
Italy, Spain, and France 1400s-1700s
There’s wide speculation on how playing cards eventually made it to Europe, playing card historian Peter Endebrock told Atlas Obscura in 2020. But most historians agree they suddenly showed up by the end of the 1300s, possibly introduced by Crusade-era soldiers.
Europeans loved these cards. Hand-painted and elaborately designed, playing cards were originally a luxury good popular among the wealthy. However, printing presses and stencils eventually helped to simplify the patterns on the cards and made them more accessible to a wider audience. By the 15th century, playing cards could be found throughout the continent’s inland trade routes.
In the Middle Ages, playing cards began to take on divination capabilities, which marked a significant shift in the use of the cards. For example, the Tarot deck, originally for competitive card games, later morphed into a tool for fortune-telling.
Today, the 52-card French deck is the most famous playing card deck. Its four suits (hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades) and two colors (red and black) are well-known to players around the world. The deck’s popularity is partially due to its simple design and because it was a favorite among the most prominent imperialist powers: France, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
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Left: Early collectible cards didn't just feature athletes—some depicted celebrities. The women show here was French dancer Cleo de Merode, who lived from 1875 to 1966. Photograph By Transcendental Graphic/Contributor
Right: Honus Wagner was an American baseball player during the turn of the century. The baseball card seen here sold for a record $7.25 million in 2022. Photograph By Chris Hondros, Newsmakers/Getty Images
U.S. Athletes and Celebrities 1800s-1900s
Heavily taxed playing cards circulated in the American Colonies before the Revolutionary War. After, U.S. printers began making their own copies. Americans eventually introduced Joker cards to French decks around 1860.
Trading cards, similar to TikTok’s Disney100 collectibles, originated as “trade cards” around the same time as jokers. First sold as advertising cards, they were packaged up with cigarettes to keep the packaging stiff.
Multi-color printing around the turn of the century made trade cards even more popular. Although the cards were not related to specific products, companies began including them in packaging as a sort of prize for consumers. By the time baseball became a professional sport, sports trade cards were printed and sold in candy and tobacco products.
Members of the public began collecting these cards and trading them with each other. In the 1930s, companies began printing athletes’ biographies on baseball cards and selling them in packs of bubble gum. By 1949, Topps Chewing Gum was including cards of athletes, cinema stars, and big game hunters in their products. People started viewing sports cards as valuable collectibles in the 1980s, despite their low monetary worth years earlier.
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Inspired by the video game, Pokémon cards are used both as collectors items and as game playing cards. Some rare cards are worth thousands of dollars. Photograph By Oreolife/Alamy Stock Photo
Pokémon 1990s-Present
Trading cards morphed into gameplay by the close of the 20th century. In 1993, while working on his PhD in mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania, Richard Garfield invented Magic: The Gathering, which is one of the most well-known trading games today.
Around the same time, a game designer and an illustrator in Japan pitched Nintendo on a game called Pocket Monsters. In 1996, Pocket Monsters—which would later be renamed Pokémon—was released as a video game and went on to sell millions of copies.
Months later, a companion trading card game was produced, which contained 102 illustrated cards. One year after the U.S. release of Pokémon in 1998, the Pokémon Trading Card Game was introduced to North America by the same company that created Magic: The Gathering. More than 30 billion Pokémon cards have been printed today.
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While tarot divination is cool and all, I think it's important to anyone with so much as a passing interest in tarot to know that tarot cards started out as playing cards first and foremost.
"umm, but what would you use the major arcana for in a game? Aren't those specifically designed for divination?"
The major arcana, or tarots in tarot games, are actually a trump suit. To those of you who don't play much traditional card games, a trump is a card or suit you can play (usually when you run out of cards of the needed suit), and provided no one else played a higher trump, you will probably win the trick - tarot games are mostly if not exclusively trick-taking.
All the symbolism you see attached to the illustrations? it all begins with cartomancy using the tarot de marseille deck (which was a gaming deck).
"But tarot cards don't have spades-clubs-hearts-diamonds suits, how can they be used for playing if they don't use normal card suits?"
So the SCHD suits weren't the first suits to be used on the european gaming arena. The french suits (the "standard poker deck" suits) are actually a derivative of German suits (Greens-Acorns-Reds/Hearts-Bells). The German suits are ubiquitous in southern parts of Central Europe, and one of the most popular games played with a German deck (32 cards, like a regular 52 card deck but all pips lower than 7 are removed) is Skat.
Those suits arose from German cardmakers experimenting with new suits - "new suits?" yeah, new suits! Before that, most decks were Latin-suited - Spanish and Italian (and Portuguese but those are extinct nowadays) suits are the oldest suits in European cards. Swords (or spades depending on the translation), coins, cups and clubs/wands were the evolution of Mamluk suits (cards were introduced to Europe from Mamluk Egypt) which in turn evolved from the Chinese currency cards.
And those suits are still used in parts of Spain and Italy (in italy both spanish and italian suited decks are used)! For gaming no less! Divinatory tarot cards retain those, because cartomancers were so dead-set on using decks that have the same/very similar composition of tarots as Tarot de Marseilles.
Nowadays you can also find (gaming, although you can use it for divination too) tarot cards using french suits. Hell, even tarock cards (closely related, albeit shorter decks of 22 trump cards from 0 to XXI and 32 face-and-pip cards with knights between jacks and queens; mostly used in Central Europe where tarock games are popular) use french suits.
"but 78 is so many cards to have in a gaming deck!"
yeah, and that's why it's so fun!
Also, you may have noticed that if you remove the tarots/major arcana and knights from the deck, you pretty much get a standard 52 card deck? yeah! that's where it came from. Not all games asked for trump cards, so they were often put aside for the game duration, and ultimately non-trick-taking games became more popular, further reducing the need for the tarots, possibly making it easier for cardmakers, who didn't have to copy 22 illustrated cards. No idea what happened to knights that they vanished from the deck tho.
"if tarot cards were gaming cards first and foremost, why does no one play tarot anymore?"
They actually do play it a (relative) lot in France and France-influenced regions such as former French colonies like Quebec or French middle east. And if you're willing to include the aforementioned Tarock games, Austria and Denmark are very fond of it as well.
Now, this post is simply a PSA to remember about the gaming origins of tarot cards, and an encouragement to try some of the many games that can be played with tarot cards. Try French Tarot for the whole deck, or one of the many tarock games for a shorter deck. Get yourself a gaming tarot deck, or buy a cheap divinatory deck and play with it. You can find rules on the internet.
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rummyupdates-23 · 1 year
Significance & History Of Color In Rummy & Playing Card - khelplayrummy.com
Rummy is one of those card games that is famous all over the world and a favourite of crores of people, irrespective of their religion and color. Rummy has been played in India since centuries and was popular among Indians even when we had TV sets of black and white colour. Rummy game develops our skills as we play using the deck of 52 cards in online rummy. Speaking of cards, which colour cards do you see whenever you play rummy? Colour of red and black. Have you wondered why are there only 2 color? Rummy cash game, just like other playing card games, has been played using these 52 cards, whose primary colours are red and black. Let us know more about them.
The History of Playing Cards
The earliest documented cards can be traced back to the year 868 AD in the Tang Dynasty of China. Princess Tongchang used to play card games using cards made of leaves of green color. Rummy or other card games, this is still unknown, but the research is backed by a lot of manuscripts and books. It is believed that the printing of playing cards began in the reign of the Tang Dynasty, as with time, the leaves were replaced by wooden blocks and paper of white color. Rummy game and other card games were being played in Asia by the 11th century as the playing cards became popular by then.
These playing cards were gradually introduced in Egypt and the Arabs introduced them in Europe where they became extremely popular in the 14th century. Because of different cultures, the different European countries made significant changes to the design of playing cards and their colour. Rummy and other games were played with a fresh perspective and interest by this time. But still, the basic deck of cards used to resemble the ‘mamluk deck’ that was popular in Egypt. It had 4 different suits, they were polo sticks, cups, swords, and coins of various color. Rummy and other card games were played using these cards.
These playing cards reached Germany and Italy by the 13th century. The traditional Latin suits were replaced by bells, leaves, hearts, and acorns of some color. Rummy free online game of today’s times will not have such cards. In the year 1480, a healthy combination of German & Latin suit pictures, formed the French suits of tiles, hearts, pikes, and clovers, of some color. Rummy app of not even one platform will have cards like these. But out of all the variations of cards, the ones developed by the French became highly popular.
The modern day cards are of French suits, derived from the German suits, and they are the usual ones you see – Spades, Diamonds, Clubs, and Hearts. The card decks of German, Latin, and Mamluk had 3 male cards as the Face cards, but the French card deck dropped the Knight card and replaced it with a female card, the Queen card painted with multiple color. Rummy app UI of KhelPlay Rummy vividly depicts this.
Meet Today’s Deck of Cards
As we just read that the modern deck of cards are a derivative of the French cards. They consist of 52 cards in total, plus most of them have 1 or 2 Printed Jokers. These 52 cards are divided into 4 suits: Spades, Diamonds, Hearts, and Clubs. Out of these, Diamonds and Hearts are red in color, and Spades and Clubs are black in color. Rummy, Poker, Teen Patti, Solitaire, etc. many such card games are played using these 52 cards. These 4 suits each have 13 cards, they are: Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, and King.
This means, 26 cards are red in color, and 26 cards are black in colour. Rummy online cash gaming happens with these same 52 cards. Out of the 13 cards of each suit, 3 are face cards: Jack, Queen, and King. These cards, besides being in their usual black or red in colour (rummy app open karke ek game khelke dekhna) are also in multiple colours. There are 2 faces in the opposite direction (up-down) of these 3 people: Jack, Queen, and King. They are created in various colour. In rummy gaming, these face cards carry 10 points each.
Color in Rummy
You might be wondering, what is the relation between colours and the game of rummy? It is as close as the words ‘colorrummy’ are! If you have played Indian Rummy, you will know that you have to make quick decisions in your turn to discard a card, it varies from 10 to 30 seconds, but even in this time, you can make mistakes. Players get confused between colours, that’s because 2 suits (spades & clubs) are black in color, and 2 suits (hearts & diamonds) are red in color. In rummy app, while playing at the table, the most crucial thing is to sort your cards properly, otherwise, you may end up discarding a 5 of hearts instead of a 5 of diamonds, because both are red in color! In rummy cash game, this is a disaster that can make you lose real cash.
You should be aware of this while playing rummy. Colour of red and black are contrasting enough to identify easily, but because of 2 suits each of one colour, in rummy online, you have to be careful while discarding. One trick is to group cards of alternate colour in rummy online game. For example, you can group spades, then diamonds, then clubs, and finally the hearts of red color in rummy online.
Besides these, the colour in rummy app also plays a significant role in hooking players to play. Dark red is the prominent color in rummy app of KhelPlay Rummy, and it is the favourite colour of most people. Whereas, some other rummy platforms have green, blue, white, etc. as the main colour in rummy app. Which one is your preferable rummy colour?
Decks of Four Colours!
Yes, this was true once! There were decks of four different colour in rummy game and others. This was one of the solutions to the confusion of the above ‘color in rummy’. J. Y. Humphreys created the first ever four-coloured deck in 1819 in the USA. These decks greatly helped players in minimizing confusion because of 2 suits of the same color in rummy, preventing players from picking or discarding cards of wrong suits.
These decks were more commonly known as the ‘No-Revoke Decks’. They were made to be specially used in Trick-taking games like Whist, Bridge, Jass, etc. They were also used to play rummy. Color of green replaced black in clubs, and the colour of blue replaced red in diamonds. This was just one example of four-coloured decks. There were many different combinations of color. In Rummy and other trick-based games, these decks were extensively used in the 1900s.
Why Red & Black colour in Rummy, why no other colours?
You must be thinking now: wow! Four-coloured decks were awesome, problem solved, but why the world reverted back to the usual two color? Rummy online gaming would have been easier without all the confusion. But the reasons will be explained now. Modern day cards are inked in red and black color (for rummy game and other games) because the red and black inks were easily available, that too at the cheapest rate. On the contrary, it wasn’t easy to procure the inks of blue and green colour. In rummy and other games, the old style of 2 colours returned.
The red ink was prepared using linseed oil and cinnabar, whereas the black ink was formed when linseed oil was mixed with soot, it was that easy to make these 2 color for rummy and other card games. Both these inks didn’t fade away when exposed to sunlight and also, they were extremely durable. The red colour was used because it looked contrasting and prominent on a paper of white colour (rummy app of Khel Play Rummy is also red in colour if you see).
On the other hand, the copper compounds needed to make the green and blue inks were really expensive at that time and they were also not oil soluble to form the colour for rummy and other card games. According to some theories, the colors red and black symbolized the day and night respectively.
Let the cards be made up of whichever colour; rummy online, poker, bridge, Teen Patti, etc. card games will be played with equal enthusiasm all over the world. Of these, the rummy game truly fills our life with much more than just 2 color. Rummy app of KhelPlay Rummy is made exactly for that, dear friends. Fill your life with hundreds of color, in rummy free online game, play lots of cash games and Tournaments, and win lots of real cash and other prizes. Online rummy thrills us, entertains us, develops our skills, and makes our life full of color. Rummy login of KhelPlay Rummy, if you haven’t done it yet, then download the app, make an account and make your life more colourful, by playing with cards of just two colours: red and black.
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collinssaskia39 · 1 year
This is your perfect opportunity to learn 우리카지노계열 and become a winner
In a large and popular category of trick-taking games, traditionally called whist-style games although the best-known example may now be bridge, one suit may be designated in each hand of play to be trump and all cards of the trump suit rank above all non-trump cards, and automatically prevail over them, losing only to a higher trump if one is played to the same trick.As a result, states where tribal properties dominate, such as California, receive fewer gambling taxes than would otherwise be the case. Therefore, it should be valuable to prudently explore how local residents in Asian regions, particularly those with similar ethnic and cultural heritages, label meanings or viewpoints toward the universal developments of casino gambling. Harrah's Entertainment explains that Profile of the American Casino Gambler is based on two studies:
How all these variations on the basic idea came about is not fully understood. One plausible theory is that some of them arose from midunderstandings due to language differences, which resulted in something like visual puns.Thus, with an ace and a six (7 or 17), the player would not stop at 17, but would hit. For the side bet to have no house edge in this game the meter would need to reach $149,389.47. For a $5 minimum game to have no house edge the meter would need to reach$238,716.85, and for a $10 game the meter would need to be $328,044.23. If the point is a 4 or 10 players can bet as little as $2 if the table minimum is low such as $5, $10 or $15 tables. If the player requests the don't pass odds to be not working ("Off") and the shooter hits the point or sevens-out, the don't pass bet will be lost or doubled and the don't pass odds returned. Unlike a standard lay bet on a point, lay odds behind the Don't Pass line does not charge commission (vig).
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In Montana, VLT-type poker, keno and bingo machines are legal to operate in the private sector.Each Knave is clothed in armour, armed with a sword and leans on a halberd. The Knave of Hearts has a lyre-shaped badge representing arms, replacing what used to be placed, the Lion of Theirs. However, it may be that the first deck of cards ever printed was a Chinese domino deck, in whose cards we can see all the 21 combinations of a pair of dice. Among the early patterns of playing card were those probably derived from the Mamluk suits of cups, coins, swords, and polo-sticks, which are still used in traditional Latin decks.
A hand counting 21 on the first two cards (an ace and a 10 or face card) is called a natural or a blackjack.If you'd like to pass by the games of chance, you'll want a hefty bankroll and a knowledge of How to Play Poker in a Casino.A major rule change from Five Card Stud Poker is that Caribbean Stud Poker is played only against the dealer, and not against any of the other players at the table. Due to this aspect of the game, there is no bluffing or other means of deception involved. A few more subjects from the Piemontesi deck can be viewed by clicking here.Furthermore, in some editions all Genoese courts feature pink or flesh-colured skin, a detail never found in the typical French and Belgian styles (with the exception of very few editions produced for overseas markets). Lastly, in some editions the doubling line is no longer marked by a band or stripe (see picture on the right), but by a simple line.
In practice, players employing betting systems may win, and may indeed win very large sums of money, but the losses (which, depending on the design of the betting system, may occur quite rarely) will outweigh the wins.The pass line bet is a contract bet. Once a pass line bet is made, it is always working and cannot be turned "Off", taken down, or reduced until a decision is reached – the point is made, or the shooter sevens out.The other gambling game where your decision matter is video poker. The pockets of the roulette wheel are numbered from 0 to 36.
2nd column numbers 5 to 32 cost 40 chips each to complete. The payout for a win on these numbers is 392 chips.The former Portuguese colony of Macau, a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China since 1999, is a popular destination for visitors who wish to gamble.You'll need to stick to quarter slots, and at that you risk being finished for the day in about 15 minutes. Do not take this system for granted, however; a few casinos have signs all of the same color or use different color coding.
The house edge tells them what kind of profit they will make as percentage of turnover, and the variance tells them how much they need in the way of cash reserves.This number then permits calculation of rate of loss per hour, and per the 4 day/5 hour per day gambling trip: 우리카지노계열 Some gamblers simply take things too far: addiction counselors say that some problem gamblers are so impaired by their addiction that they simply urinate all over themselves or wear adult diapers rather than step away from the table or slot machine. Forwards/backwards – All numbers beginning or ending with the wild number.
Casinos may charge the vig up front thereby requiring the player to pay a vig win or lose, other casinos may only take the vig if the bet wins.The player must specify otherwise if he or she wishes to have the bet not working.Payout is the percentage of funds ("winnings") returned to players. By the 1940s there were Bingo games throughout the US.
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arialim639 · 2 years
Investing Tips : How to Invest in 먹튀검증사이트 Stocks
Near the beginning of the 1973 film The Sting, Johnny Hooker (Robert Redford) takes his share of the money conned from a numbers runner and loses nearly all of it on a single bet against a rigged roulette wheel. http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection®ion=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/먹튀검증사이트 The most popular stud variant today, seven-card stud, deals two extra cards to each player (three face-down, four face-up) from which they must make the best possible 5-card hand. If so your Ante bet will be paid even money and the player’s Bet wager will be paid according to the pay scale. Before each game and prior to the dealing of any cards, players have the opportunity to participate in the Progressive Jackpot prize. Straight – five numerically adjacent cards ignoring suit (Example – 7 of Spades, 8 of Spades, 9 of Clubs, 10 of Diamonds and Jack of Diamonds). Where both the player and dealer hold a Straight the hand with the highest card is considered the winner.
The suits found on Mamluk cards—cups, coins, swords, and polo sticks—influenced the development of Latin cards, the earliest medieval European playing cards. The game may sound a bit complicated to a new player but the reality is that it is very simple to play and takes only a few hands before it all becomes clear. New Caribbean Stud Poker players should take the time to play a free version of the game He is sitting on a bail of goods and his wallet, papers, and book are at his feet, showing that confidence and reliability are the foundation stones of commerce, just as exchanges are its means, and order ensures its safety. If the jackpot payoffs are different, you can calculate the expectation from the following formula:--where * denotes multiplication, JP is the size of the jackpot, and f(x,y) is equal to the smaller of x and y if there is a cap on the straight flush payout or equal to x if there is no cap.
Straight flush pays either 10% of the displayed progressive jackpot or pays $5,000 (licensee chooses payout option at the time the game is put into play); Four of a kind pays $500,Full house pays $100,Flush pays $50. Tips seem less frequent at the roulette wheel. The house edge in Caribbean Stud Poker will vary according to the payout schedule for the progressive jackpot, but it’s usually around 5%, making it comparable to roulette, mathematically.The house edge comes from the betting structure. 44% of the time, the dealer won’t qualify, so you’ll only win your ante. One Pair: Two cards of the same rank.High Card: Ace is best. In descending order, A-K-Q-J-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2.
It gained drastic popularity among American Civil War soldiers, and eventually migrated to the western borders. Then the mid-1800s came, and 32 deck of playing cards were added to the first 20 cards. Though Genoa and Piedmont are very similar to the French, the Italians also have the distinct Tuscan and Lombard patterns and the Trente et Quarante game comes with its own pattern. Between dice rolls there is a period for dealers to make payouts and collect losing bets, after which players can place new bets.If the player holds the best hand he is paid out at even money on the ante bet. He will also win on the raise bet, the amount he is paid depends upon the quality of the poker hand he holds. The pay outs on the raise bet are as follows:
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After receiving a deck of cards at the table in accordance with 205 CMR 146.49, the dealer shall, as applicable, comply with the requirements of either 205 CMR 146.49 and (b) through below or the requirements of 205 CMR 146.50. The most common Bingo cards are flat pieces of cardboard or disposable paper which contain 25 squares arranged in five vertical columns and five side to side rows. Cable networks such as ESPN and the Travel Channel broadcast games from the World Series of Poker and the World Poker Tour—once obscure competitions reserved primarily for hard-core poker players. 먹튀검증사이트 It has been said that economic studies showing a positive relationship between casinos and crime usually fail to consider the visiting population: they count crimes committed by visitors but do not count visitors in the population measure, which overstates the crime rate. Part of the reason this methodology is used, despite the overstatement, is that reliable data on tourist count are often not available.
But remember not to feel pressured just because someone in the group is spending more or playing longer. Know your own limits. Casino-goers come from all groups of the population -- 55 percent have some college education; 45 percent have white-collar jobs, 25 percent blue-collar; 17 percent are retired. They offer more playing time for a certain amount of money spent and have balls exchanged for game tokens, which can only be used to play other games in the establishment.If you're betting $5 for yourself, a $1 bet for the dealer once or twice an hour, or when you're on a winning streak, will do.
The pockets of the roulette wheel are numbered from 0 to 36. According to Bloomberg, accumulated revenue of the biggest casino operator companies worldwide amounted to almost US$55 billion in 2011. SJM Holdings Ltd. was the leading company in this field, earning $9.7 bn in 2011, followed by Las Vegas Sands Corp. at $7.4 bn. The third-biggest casino operator company (based on revenue) was Caesars Entertainment, with revenue of US$6.2 bn. These bets are often considered "not working" on the new come-out roll until the next point is established, unless the player calls the bet as "working."The house advantage or edge (the proportion of the stakes that the casino expects to win on average) of this game is one of the highest of most casino games.
Some casinos also offer split-final bets, for example final 5-8 would be a 4-chip bet, one chip each on the splits 5-8, 15-18, 25-28, and one on 35. a graduate degree. (See Figure 3.5.) About 28% had some college credits or an associate's degree. Nearly half (44%) had not attended college. This compares roughly with education levels on a national basis. With a pair of aces, the player is given one card for each ace and may not draw again.This article is about the casino game. For other uses, see Roulette (disambiguation).
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archaeologicalnews · 3 years
Israeli archaeologists find treasures in ancient shipwrecks
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The Israel Antiquities Authority announced Wednesday the discovery of remnants of two shipwrecks off the Mediterranean coast, replete with a sunken trove of hundreds Roman and medieval silver coins.
The finds made near the ancient city of Caesarea were dated to the Roman and Mamluk periods, around 1,700 and 600 years ago, archaeologists said. They include hundreds of Roman silver and bronze coins dating to the mid-third century, as well as more than 500 silver coins from the Middle Ages found amid the sediment.
They were found during an underwater survey conducted by the IAA's Marine Archaeology Unit in the past two months, said Jacob Sharvit, head of the unit. Read more.
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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Ancient Coin Hoard Discovered in Egypt
The discovery was made by researchers from the Egyptian archaeological mission of the Supreme Council for Archaeology.
Esna is mostly known for the Ancient Egyptian temple of Esna, dedicated to the god Khnum, his consorts Menhit and Nebtu, their son, Heka, and the goddess Neith.
The team were excavating next to the temple, where they found a hoard consisting of coins from different parts of the Islamic Era, in addition to coin moulds and weights, which may indicate the existence of a mint and weighing house in the vicinity.
A closer analysis has already identified gold coins dating to the Fatimid era of Al-Aziz Billah Ibn Al-Mu’izz, Najmuddin Aybak dirham, Badr Al-Din Salamish, and over 286 silver coins of Mamluk sultans and kings.
Among the hoard is also coins from Armenia depicting King Leo II (reigned AD 1269/1270 – 1289) and bronze and copper coins from the Ottoman era.
Why the hoard was abandoned is yet to be determined. During the Islamic Era, Egypt saw periods of conquest by the Byzantine and Arab Islamic Empire. With the end of the Kurdish Ayyubid dynasty, the Mamluks took control around AD 1250.
The Mamluks continued to govern the country until the conquest of Egypt by the Ottoman Turks in 1517, after which it became a province of the Ottoman Empire.
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fallowfinality · 3 years
If you want, how do you think Mozenrath would interact with those who'd cross the border into his territory? Would he have a toll enforced or see what goods they were carrying? Or would he react more dramatically than those around him?
(Good question! I'm gonna put my answer under a cut, but tl;dr: imprisonment, probably.)
(I can't imagine the Land of the Black Sand is visited with enough frequency to warrant a standardized way of dealing with intruders. In the show, it seems sort of out-of-the-way, and practically the entire genre changes when you approach the border, along with there being giant swirls of black sand in the regular tan dunes.
If you find yourself at the border, you probably already know about Destane, and maybe also know about Mozenrath. There's a chance some travelers would be desperate enough to cut across the land to shorten a trip, and it would be an appealing choice:
We never see clear skies in Mozenrath's realm, and my interpretation is that the clouds only clear during the night, if at all. There's also no wildlife, to my knowledge, and you'll probably be the only person around besides a few Mamluks patrolling your corner of the desert. So it's an entire desert in perpetual shade, with seemingly no chance of running into bandits.
My personal headcanon is that if you're non-magical, and Mozenrath catches you, it's because he really has nothing to do but read books and scry around his land all day. I'm also of the opinion that most of his material wealth is either 1. looted from burial grounds and soon-to-be-Mamluks or 2. basically magical counterfeit, both of which are just gold coins with an ominous aura.
I doubt he has much patience for any material gain besides that, so his concern would be someone smuggling artifacts. He'd have Mamluks imprison them, then he'd have a look, but he probably wouldn't find anything worth taking in most cases.
As for imprisonment: expect him to be weird about it. He's terminally bored, so he questions every prisoner, though he knows that again most cases won't lead anywhere. His way of making conversation, really.
You really only have to worry if you're either smuggling an artifact, or worse, you're actively practicing magic. Most artifact smugglers leave with no artifact, and are haunted by Mamluks for weeks on end, which leads to people thinking that they're practicing necromancy and casting them from society.
A magic user would be lucky if that was all he did to them. Mozenrath assumes that any sorcerer in his land is either hopelessly in over their head or plotting against him, depending on how powerful they are, and the handful of intruders he's outright killed were the ones he couldn't forcefully strip the power from.
So, let's say you're a complete innocent who is just so desperate to get back to Agrabah that you have to cut across the Land of the Black Sand. Is it worth it?
It might seem that way. And it might very well be that way! But the day or so you might save if you don't get caught could also be several days that you spend in a dungeon in the Citadel, being forced to tell your life story to a scraggly, begloved wizard with a skrimpy frame and hideous ears.)
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cantarella-if · 3 years
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mysticalspellsister · 3 years
History of Tarot Cards
Some misconceptions about the beginning of the Tarot place the first deck in quite a while of a wide range of individuals since the beginning. The theories about the makers of Tarot cards incorporate the Sufis, the Cathars, the Egyptians, Kabbalists, and the sky is the limit from there. Notwithstanding, the entirety of the real verifiable proof focuses on northern Italy at some point in the early piece of the 1400s. Despite what many have guaranteed, there is no verification of the Tarot having begun in some other time or spot. Years and years before the Tarot was conceived, customary playing a card game came to Europe via Arabs, showing up in various urban communities somewhere in the range of 1375 and 1378. These cards were a transformation of the Islamic Mamluk cards. They had suits of cups, blades, coins, and polo sticks, the last of which were seen by Europeans as fights. Like normal playing a game of cards, the Tarot has four suits, which fluctuate by the district. Over the long run, this would incorporate French suits in Northern Europe, Latin suits in Southern Europe, and German suits in Central Europe. The decks likewise included courts comprising of a ruler and two subordinates. Afterward, the bonehead, the trumps, and a bunch of sovereigns were added to the framework.
At some point before 1480, the French presented cards with the now-recognizable suits of hearts, clubs, spades, and precious stones. It wasn't until after a lot of this had happened that, at some point in the primary portion of the fifteenth century, somebody made the first deck of Tarot cards. A deck was appointed by Duke Filippo Maria around 1420. The painter Michelino da Besozzo was given something to do making a 60-card deck with 16 cards having pictures of the Roman divine beings and suits portraying four sorts of birds. The 16 cards were wins viewed as "bests". The duke had created a novum quoddam et exquisite triumph forum, or "another and stunning sort of wins". These were for no reason in particular not for fortunetelling.
Presently, the Visconti-Sforza Tarot is utilized altogether to allude to inadequate arrangements of roughly 15 decks from around 1460, presently situated in different historical centers, libraries, and private assortments throughout the planet. These Italian cards were at first used to play another kind of game. This was like the game scaffold, notwithstanding, there were 21 unique cards that filled in as perpetual trumps. These could be played paying little heed to the suit that was driven, and they outclassed every one of the conventional cards. This was known as the "Round of Triumphs" and it turned out to be uncommonly famous, especially among the upper decision class. Then, at that point, as the game spread all through northern Italy and eastern France, changes were frequently made to the photos and the positioning of the trumps. Nonetheless, they for the most part bore no numbers on the actual cards.
Around 1530, "tarocchi" first showed up. The justification for such a name change is obviously in light of the fact that somebody made the advancement that the round of wins could be played with normal cards by basically proclaiming a specific suit to be the trumps toward the start of each hand. Thus, "wins" turned into an equivocal term, and another word was expected to allude to the conventional round of wins. In this manner, the word tarocchi came into utilization, although its historical background stays a subject of guess. The word Tarot isn't Egyptian, Hebrew, or Latin. It's anything but a re-arranged word, and it doesn't hold the way into the secret of the cards. The soonest names for the Tarot are on the whole Italian. The cards appear to have at first been known as the "carte da trionfi", or "cards of wins". Then, at that point, the word tarocchi started to be utilized in Italy, while the Germans utilized "tarock", and the French enrolled "tarot", or all the more appropriately "Tarot".
What's more, mid sixteenth century artists utilized the secret weapons to make stanzas called "tarocchi suitable", which portrayed renowned personage and women of the court. It turned out to be increasingly more mainstream to utilize the trumps to create sonnets depicting character attributes in a manner that was definitely more complimenting than that of contemporary mental profiling. It wasn't until a lot later that the cards turned into a well known method for anticipating what's to come. Concerning this, a Tarot perusing is actually a custom regardless of whether formal attire and gear are not utilized. By the common arrangement of their meeting up for the express reason, a kind of agreement is shaped between a querent and the mediator of the prophet. The soonest printed composition on Tarot cards utilized in this sort of way appears to have showed up in Italy around 1540 in the work Le Sorti by Marolino. Be that as it may, the main unambiguous proof of Tarot divination, as it is usually perceived, can be found in Bologna at some point in the mid 1700s. Obviously, it is realized that customary playing a card game were associated with divination as right on time as 1487, so it is sensible to guess that the Tarot may have been too.
There is no proof that the early Tarot had Kabbalistic or Hermetic qualities, and it should be perceived that the cards are a result of the early Italian Renaissance. During this time a variety of ways of thinking flourished. These went from soothsaying and Pythagorean numerology to Hermetic and Christian philosophies. Any, or all, of these topics, might have engraved themselves into the later plans. Clearly a significant part of the symbolism is drawn from the Christian culture of Medieval and Renaissance Europe. In any case, it should be perceived that the Tarot has as of late become a mainstay of the secret practice, acquiring impact from different exclusive ways of thinking. Along these lines, it wasn't until hundreds of years after the Tarot sprung up that enthusiasts of the mysterious in France and England experienced the cards and saw exclusive implications in the cryptic imagery of the cards.
In specific conditions, it was unavoidable that elective religions or otherworldly thoughts would need to shroud themselves in secret codes, painstakingly protected and spread the word about just to the started. Along these lines, the Tarot fills in as a fundamental abstract of reasoning and folklore that presents the cyclic idea of life and passing in an image framework that can be perceived by youngsters, uneducated people, and researchers the same. A Tarot deck fills in as a huge mother lode of mysterious legend. It is a bunch of exclusive cheat sheets intended to enlighten even the most scholarly understudy of the esoteric secrets. From various perspectives, the Tarot is a middle age comparable to contemporary devices of brain research, for example, the Rorschach or TAT test. The cards can be a guide to mental mindfulness and otherworldly turn of events, hence going about as an aide along your way throughout everyday life.
This interest with the cards prompted the current standing Tarot has as a mysterious relic and apparatus of divination. The principal such recondite reference to the Tarot showed up in "The Fame and Confession of the Rosicrucians," distributed in 1612. In this assemblage of composing, the Tarot was given the name ROTA. It was portrayed as a gadget that will be counseled for data concerning the past, present, and future. Then, at that point, the Comte de Mellet, whose short article on the Tarot was distributed in Court de Gebelin's Le Monde Primitif, in 1781, was quick to compose of a Kabbalistic association between the Hebrew letters in order and the Tarot. In that very year, Antoine Court de Gebelin made his own Tarot deck and asserted that the Major Arcana was an old Egyptian book containing secret insight. Afterward, Alliette took up Gebelin's thoughts, under the turned around name Etteilla, and he considered the Tarot the "Book of Thoth."
Etteilla asserted that his Tarot deck reestablished the first Egyptian plan. Etteilla additionally designed present day cartomancy utilizing spreads. He would even spread out a whole deck of cards in certain readings. Also, his card implications were the supporting of contemporary Anglo-American Tarot. The representations of French-fit trumps withdraw significantly from the more seasoned Italian-fit plan, leaving a considerable lot of the Renaissance figurative themes. The original of French-fit Tarot decks showed up around 1740 and portrayed scenes of creatures on the trumps. Be that as it may, around 1800, a more prominent assortment of decks were created, for the most part with veduta or class workmanship. In any case, Etteilla's interest with the connections between the Tarot and the Kabbalah prompted revelations made by Eliphas Levi, who promoted the associations between the Kabbalah and the Tarot in his 1856 work, The Dogma and Ritual of High Magic. This was the set up design that Samuel Liddel MacGregor Mathers would later expand on to frame the Golden Dawn Tarot deck.
Mathers, the top of the Golden Dawn, would ultimately record these obscure traits of the Tarot in a great original copy entitled Book T, written in 1887. Their work zeroed in a ton on the Major Arcana ("Greater Secrets"). This normally comprises of a progression of cards now and then start with the Fool as number 0 or finishing with it as number 22, contingent upon the deck. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn caused the Tarot to relate with the Kabbalah all the more intently by putting the Fool card before the Magician, rather than before the Universe. They additionally traded Justice with Strength. All the more significantly, they arranged the implications of the Minor Arcana comprising of 56 cards, partitioned into four suits of 14 cards each. Then, at that point, a significant occasion in the change of the Tarot happened in 1910 with the distribution of A. E. Waite's Key to the Tarot which was given with an entire 78-card deck of elusively planned magnum opuses. These incorporated the development of scene plans for the pip cards, which were painted by Pamela Coleman Smith who was an individual from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, alongside Arthur Edward Waite. Rider was only the distributer.
The Rider-Waite deck has since become the most well known form of the Tarot among the majority. In any case, in 1944 another individual from the Golden Dawn composed a stunningly better book entitled The Book of Thoth. This powerful original copy was carefully assembled by in all honesty the well known and notorious Aleister Crowley himself. Then, at that point, he dispatched Lady Frieda Harris to paint what might turn into the Thoth Tarot in 1969. The outlines of the deck highlight imagery dependent on Crowley's fuse of symbolism from numerous different disciplines, including science and reasoning and different mysterious frameworks, as portrayed exhaustively in The Book of Thoth. Crowley initially planned the Thoth Tarot to be a six-month project pointed toward refreshing the conventional pictorial imagery of the standard deck. In any case, because of expanded extension, the undertaking at last traversed five years, somewhere in the range of 1938 and 1943 and the two craftsmen passed on before distribution in 1969 by the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), which they were the two individuals from. All things considered, the Thoth Tarot has gotten a standout amongst other selling and most well known decks on the planet.
Like the Sistine Chapel, the Tarot is an ideal combination of craftsmanship and otherworldliness. This has assisted with making the Tarot a foundation of present day mystery and an inconceivably helpful apparatus for specialists the world over. I have actually utilized the Thoth Tarot for over 25 years now and albeit numerous different decks have come out since the 1960s, I trust Crowley's deck to be the genuine finish of the cards. While every one of the prior endeavors outlined their point in a straightforward type of a pictorial story, Crowley effectively disconnected the themes by communicating the significance of the cards in a mind boggling imagery. This does, notwithstanding, make it hard for a layman to utilize the deck. Notwithstanding, the fact is that all that has paved the way to this second has assisted with guaranteeing that the Tarot will fill in as the essential system whereupon resulting Western mystery will be established.
From various perspectives, the cards recount the most established story of humankind finishing the Fool a "saint's excursion", as depicted by Joseph Campbell. This additionally harmonizes with the early stage symbolism of the mind, which Carl Jung called paradigms. In the most specialized sense, accomplishing the Philosopher's Stone and climbing the Tree of Life is equivalent to the Fool's Journey through the Major Arcana. They are altogether steps to Enlightenment. All in all, the Tarot talks the normal tongue of the human spirit. Thusly, it tends to be viewed as the reason for the current images and codes of esoterica, following right back to the Italian Renaissance. In this way, the cartomancers of the world have the keys to everything in it. Eventually, the Tarot is an authentic pictorial authoritative handbook for the mysterious lessons of the ages. Accordingly, it has been with us for quite a long time and it will stay with us for centuries…
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worldhistoryfacts · 4 years
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The “Knave of Coins” from the oldest known European deck of playing cards, ca. 1400. Card games likely originated in China in the early middle ages, and then traveled across Asia to the Middle East and the Europe. Decks of cards from Mamluk Egypt used four suits (of cups, coins, swords, and polo-sticks), and these became the model for European cards as well.
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