#Managing Allergies
Different Allergy Management
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Allergies are increasingly common and can range from inconvenient to life-threatening. Traditional allergy management often involves taking antihistamines or using an inhaler, but there are alternative methods that have gained popularity in recent years. These methods include acupuncture, herbal remedies, and dietary changes. In this blog post, we will explore these different allergy management techniques and weigh their effectiveness. Whether you are tired of relying on medication or want to explore holistic options, this post will provide valuable insights into managing your allergies.
Understanding Allergies
Understanding allergies is crucial for individuals who suffer from allergies on a daily basis. Allergies occur when the immune system reacts to a harmless substance as if it were dangerous. This can cause symptoms such as sneezing, itching, hives, and even anaphylaxis.Common allergic reactions can range from mild to life-threatening. Pollen allergies, food allergies, inhalant allergies, and medication allergies are among the most common types. Some people may also experience allergies to latex or insect venom.To handle allergies, it's important to identify triggers and avoid them, as well as considering antihistamines, corticosteroids, and other treatments under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
Managing Allergies
If you suffer from allergies, it's important to work with your doctor to develop a personalized treatment plan based on your medical history, allergy test results, and symptom severity. The plan may include avoiding allergens, taking medications, and/or receiving immunotherapy.
1. Allergen avoidance
When it comes to managing allergies, avoiding allergens is key. Even though it may not always be possible to completely avoid an allergen, there are steps that can be taken to decrease exposure. For instance, special dust-proof covers can be put on pillows, mattresses, and box springs to limit contact with dust mites. Furthermore, washing bedding frequently with hot water and avoiding stuffed animals in the bedroom can also help. Grasses, trees, and weeds produce pollen that cause seasonal allergies, so it is important to stay indoors on high pollen count days and keep windows closed. Finally, individuals should work with their doctor to create an allergy management plan and always carry medication in the event of an allergy attack.
2. Medications for Allergy Symptoms
Allergy medications can come in various forms such as pills, liquids, inhalers, nasal sprays, eye drops, skin creams, and shots. There are over-the-counter options as well as prescriptions, depending on the severity of the allergy symptoms. Antihistamines are commonly used to block histamine, which causes allergic reactions. Decongestants provide temporary relief for nasal and sinus congestion, but they are not recommended for individuals with high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, glaucoma, or hyperthyroidism. Corticosteroids are used to suppress allergy-related inflammation and relieve symptoms such as stuffiness, runny nose, and sneezing. It is important to be aware of the side effects associated with allergy medications and consult with a physician before use.
3. Immunotherapy for Allergies
Immunotherapy is a preventive treatment for allergic reactions that involves gradually increasing doses of the substance or allergen to which the person is allergic. It helps to desensitize the immune system to the substance, probably by causing the production of a "blocking" and "tolerizing" antibody response. Skin or sometimes blood tests are performed to confirm the specific allergens. Allergy shots are tailored to the patient and could be accelerated or slowed down based on how the patient tolerates them. It is a cost-effective and beneficial treatment approach for many people with allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, conjunctivitis, or stinging insect allergy. Allergy shots work like a vaccine, leading to lasting relief of allergy symptoms even after treatment is stopped. If allergy shots are successful, maintenance treatment is generally continued for three to five years.
If you suffer from allergies, it's important to work with your healthcare provider to develop a treatment plan that's tailored to your unique needs. Based on your medical history and the results of allergy tests, your provider may recommend avoiding allergens, taking medications, or undergoing immunotherapy. By following a comprehensive treatment plan, you can manage your symptoms and enjoy a better quality of life.
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pushing500 · 7 months
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Everyone say happy birthday to Pro! She's growing up so fast <3 <3
I look forward to seeing where she goes in life. I love her so much. For the T'au Va!
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Our exploding dinosaur is allergic to the ocular forest, I think.
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Noooooo my babies have the flu!!
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Okay, I don't know how many people are in the crossover between the RimWorld Alpha Biomes mod and online worldbuilding projects, but does anybody else get "Mystery Flesh Pit National Park" vibes from the ocular forest?
Anyway, the randomly generated name for our new home is Monster's Basin, which I think is very fitting!
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And finally, Duchess and Blackdragon have brought a little brightness to the dreary red mist of the ocular forest by announcing that lil' Dire Wolf is going to be a big sister soon!! Congratulations to the Babalbil-Mossler family!! <3 <3 <3
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queeraang · 1 month
i'm writing the very last scene in my nearly 40k fiction and i think my brain is rebelling against me because it doesn't want to be done
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inevitablyuncertain · 11 months
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What a damning question
Obviously, the possibility that Negative has hurt her
But what would it mean if he hasn't
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goldkirk · 9 months
question: have any of you personally seen a dietician (not looking for experiences with nutritionists, only dieticians), and did you find it helpful or useful, and if you did see a dietician and you ALSO have seen a GI doctor, how did the experience compare for you in terms of helpfulness + how much you felt listened to and helped?
#i'm trying to figure out which doctor appointments I want to bother making and spending money about for potentially no return on investment#and right now i'm trying to figure out if I'd get way more practical help from a dietician or if I need to suck it up and find a#not-elderly not-male not-dismissive GI doctor first and THEN see a dietician#although I cannot afford a bunch of tests#so like???#trying to figure out if a dietician would be more helpful overall with me not HAVING any GI diagnoses or eating disorders#and just really struggling with food in both sensory ways and unpredictable digestion ways that don't correlate with food allergies#god i sometimes wish i had food allergies so i could have some predictability#but yeah. i'm leaning towards dietician but figured i should crowdsource experiences#since I know a lot of you have health issues you've also been trying to manage for years and probably have good advice#if it helps i'm also in a major city now and have a decent-but-not-great health insurance plan so I'm good on those two fronts#to do#health#I know a dietician can't diagnose anything but I'd love help figuring out how to get maximum nutrition even when i can barely eat anything#or when my body decides to start getting sick from or (tw emetophobia) puking up fiber or fatty foods#which thankfully isn't often#now that I do cannabis daily in microdosing I have so much less pain and bloating and nausea#but when it hits it HITS#and the last time I tried going without cannabis for a couple days and then eating a fiber muffin I was sick six times in one morning#and didn't get my normal eating ability back until dinnertime#luckily that's not normal for me#but my issues bounce up and down so much#and I lose weight so fast whenever my appetite goes from 'barely ever there' to 'negatively nonexistent'#and I had like. two months last year where I think i reached my body's natural healthy set weight#and i needed so much food but it felt so good energy wise and temperature wise#and i'd like to STAY THERE FFS#and I feel like a dietician would be helpful for making meal options for good#*good and hard and nuclear alert level eating difficulty times#anyway. crowdsourcing. yay!
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starbuck · 9 months
well, today i read 100 pages of my book, made a (currently) complete calendar schedule for the entire year that encompasses work, school, and free time activities, and got myself completely set up to start the next semester on Monday, so i may not have gotten everything done that i wanted to, but i’m still proud of myself!
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theinkbunny · 8 months
”oh you want to keep that? It’s so girly are you even trans?”
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(Rant in tags if you wanna read it ig)
#Mom yelled at me bc I wanted to keep a dress that had memories attached to it#I hate dresses but look.#It has a stain on it where my friend who moved far away dropped some paint on it where my thigh would be#It has a loose string tied sloppily into a flower from a friend who had issues speaking her feelings and instead acted them#It has discoloured patches from my old friend who I haven’t been able to talk to in months hugging me and her bracelets rubbing against it#It has memories attached to it#Just like how my purple coat does#I always have a bag of mint tea in it because a while back somebody got me a huge pack of it during a secret Santa because they noticed -#- i had a stuffy nose during the winter due to allergy’s and often couldn’t breathe properly#I have thousand of sticky notes of a made up language somebody in my class made and wanted me to be in#Hell even my shoes show this sorts of stuff.#My converse that I wore for so long the laces tore? They’re covered in writing from my friend who’s a poet at heart#My big#chunky platforms? Filled with sparkles and dust from a party my friend had#For crying out loud soon I’m gonna be filling my room with Sanrio and feather stickers#Because everytime my ex gf sees me (we’re still friends btw) she always manages to put a sticker somewhere on me#MY SKETCHBOOKS TOO. Full of little doodles and hearts and paint splatters and everything you can think of.#My notebooks for writing? I forgot it a week i went off for surgery and I came back to it full of stories I liked and stores that had them-#For cheap because they knew my family wasn’t doing too well. And full of notes of them missing me#Seriously like I have a string on my wall full of notes from them because that’s been my pickmeup for whenever I’m not on here#It’s pathetic I know I just don’t care. I love them and I know they love me too. I hope they’re well
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whotookmysenbon · 6 months
@selenophilephile So since you’re a medic nin, does that mean I can come to you for cough treatment whenever? Like, weekly? Semi daily? Daily? *Coughs*
I’m no specialist, Hayate. I’m a Field Medic. If it gets bad properly you need to go see a hospital doctor. But I can reduce the inflammation and soothe the irritation in your lungs when nothing else is helping before you go to the hospital, or on a particularly bad day in general. I can also clear airways in a pinch but that’s a T&I tactic after waterboarding someone and not the most pleasant.
Back to your question though: swing by my place and if I’m off duty or even during the day on my lunch break if you need it and I’ll do what I can.
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king-of-kaoss · 3 months
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tj-crochets · 1 year
Hey y’all! I have family in town right now, and as a general heads up to people who don’t have food allergies/restrictions/stuff like that*: If you want to go out to dinner with someone you know has food allergies*, PLEASE discuss where you’ll go with them before you finalize plans. This message brought to you by my mom inviting all the local members of my family out for barbecue, a thing I cannot have in restaurants because either it uses sauce, which has vinegar in it (and usually so much sauce is used there’s a high risk of cross contamination) or it smokes meat, in which case I can’t breathe. Smells good! Usually tastes good! Very bad for my asthma.  *idk where food intolerances fall on this scale? but I couldn’t think of a good catchall term for “cannot eat some foods without bad consequences”
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piplupod · 1 month
got to interact with puppies for the first time in my life.... my flannel has holes torn in it bc they played tug-of-war with it and my shirt and pants are mud-stained but i am possibly the happiest I've ever been :]
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simplyghosting · 2 months
Contorting myself like a shrimp because my 80lb dog decides he wants “cuddle time” on my twin size mattress while I’m on it
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frostydraconis · 1 year
I was having a real great time, excited for the great outdoors to finally cool down, only to be beat w that ragweed pollen
My nose hurts so much cant a guy just have a nice time
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princemick · 2 months
knowing you're good at your job and the job being hospitality is so strange because yea, I'm good at being fake nice and enthusiastic to people idk if I should be proud of that
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grymmdark · 11 months
on one hand I'd love to run a tumblr blog for the cat shelter i volunteer for and think it'd be really fun and probably pretty successful
on the other hand I'd want to ask permission from the owner first obvs and i would have to admit to her that i use tumblr
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thethingything · 7 months
it's not even March and we've already had to swap out the daylight lamp for an electric fan because our room keeps getting too hot in the day
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