#Mandi Rate
todaymandibhav · 18 hours
मंडी भाव 5 जून 2024: अनाज मंडियों में आज गेहूं जौ चना सरसों ग्वार समेत सभी फसलों का ये रहा रेट
Mandi Bhav 5 June 2024 : नमस्कार किसान भाइयों, राजस्थान और हरियाणा प्रदेश की सभी प्रमुख मंडियों में आज बुधवार को मेथी, जीरा, ग्वार, चना, मूंग, मोठ, गेहूं, जौ, तिल, तारामीरा, मूंगफली, अरंडी और भारतीय कपास (नरमा) इत्यादि सभी प्रमुख फसलों का ताज़ा मंडी भाव इस प्रकार रहा । Aaj Ka taza Mandi Bhav | Mandi Bhav Today 2024 राजस्थान मंडी भाव 5 जून 2024 संगरिया मंडी भाव दिनांक 05.06.2024: सरसों 5304-5527…
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आखिर ऐसा क्या हुआ कि सहकारी संस्था नाफेड से 'नफरत' करने लगे महाराष्ट्र के किसान?
आखिर ऐसा क्या हुआ कि सहकारी संस्था नाफेड से ‘नफरत’ करने लगे महाराष्ट्र के किसान?
Onion Price: प्याज का कम दाम मिलने से पीड़ित किसानों का कहना है कि दोधारी तलवार के रूप में इस्तेमाल हो रहा है नाफेड. पिछले साल किसानों से 23-24 रुपये प्रति किलो प्याज खरीदा और इस साल 10 से 12 रुपये पर. इससे व्यापारियों को किसानों से लूट करने का मौका मिला. महाराष्‍ट्र में किस रेट पर प्याज बेच रहे हैं किसान? Image Credit source: TV9 Digital महाराष्ट्र के किसानों की समस्या कम होने का नाम नहीं ले…
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frogyjones-art · 7 months
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SawTober Day 31: Game Over - had such a fun time doing these prompts everyday and sharing them with my fellow saw fans <3 - Alts under cut ✂️
Close ups:
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acrobattack · 2 months
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throws fankids at you and runs
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On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate The Grim Reaper's new outfit?
This is his new outfit that he wears instead of his cloak when he goes out in public
How does it look on him?
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stellylee · 8 days
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feversxmirrors · 1 year
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did this last year and loved it so let's make it a ritual! here's a film i've watched for the first time in each month of 2022 (w/ my letterboxed star ratings):
January - Cheburashka (2010) ★★★★
February - Caveat (2020) ★★★1/2
March - X (2022) ★★★★★
April - Mandy (2018) ★★★★
May - Near Dark (1987) ★★★★1/2
June - Hellraiser (1987) ★★★1/2
July - Marcel the Shell with Shoes On (2022) ★★★★★
August - Prey (2022) ★★★★1/2
September - Metropolis (1927) ★★★★1/2
October - It Happened One Night (1934) ★★★★
November - Bones and All (2022) ★★★★★
December - Floating Weeds (1959) ★★★★
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book-my-crop · 6 months
Real-Time Agricultural Insights: Check Divela and Castor Seed Rates Today!
Explore the latest agricultural market trends with Book My Crop! Stay informed about Divela and Castor Seed rates today, specifically tailored for Gujarat. Access real-time prices, make informed decisions, and optimize your agricultural investments. Trust Book My Crop for accurate and up-to-date Castor Seed mandi prices in Gujarat, ensuring you're always ahead in the dynamic world of agribusiness.
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weirdratblogs · 2 years
Rate That Number:
Right, so, I’m not the sort to karma whore or beg for interaction, but I’ve seen a couple of videos playing the game “Rate That Number”. I wanna play it.
Basically, a hypothetical person is offered on a scale from 1 to 10. There’s some additional information offered as well, with intent to possibly alter that rating based on the person being asked’s preferences. There can be more than on bit of info offered. Maybe a ‘positive’ and a ‘negative’, maybe multiple ‘negatives’, maybe multiple ‘positives.
So, for instance: 
“He’s a 9, but his bed is on the floor."
“She’s a 6, and she plays Fortnite.”
“He’s a 3, and he’s a well-loved, non-offensive comedian."
“She’s a 4, but her job’s really well-paying and you get to be a House-Spouse if you want to be.”
“He’s a 9, but he calls his mother mommy, and he’ll accidentally call you by his sibling’s names sometimes.”
“She’s a 10, but she chews her food really loudly - mouth open - and has really bad gas all the time. Not stanky, just really loud.”
Again, I’m not one to beg for interaction, but...
So, hit me up. I’m Male, he/him. No preference for the hypothetical’s gender.
Also, I have no preference in terms of this hypothetical person’s sex. Also, I’m Male, he/him.
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shreeji-ingredients · 1 month
Maize Flour | Corn Flour Manufacturers, Exporters & Suppliers India. Shreeji Ingredients. 
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Introduction: Maize flour, also known as corn flour, is a staple ingredient that has been sustaining civilizations for centuries. Its significance in global cuisine spans from the Americas to Asia, offering a versatile canvas for culinary creativity. As one of India's leading manufacturers, exporters, and suppliers of maize flour, Shreeji Ingredients takes pride in providing a premium-quality product that unlocks a plethora of culinary possibilities. In this blog, we delve into the rich tapestry of maize flour, exploring its nutritional benefits, culinary applications, and its enduring presence in diverse cuisines worldwide. 
Nutritional Profile: Maize flour is not only a culinary cornerstone but also a nutritional powerhouse. Rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals, it serves as a wholesome foundation for various dishes. One cup of maize flour contains an array of nutrients, including manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, and B vitamins like thiamine and niacin. Its high fiber content promotes digestive health and helps regulate blood sugar levels, making it a favorable choice for those seeking balanced nutrition. 
Culinary Applications: The versatility of maize flour knows no bounds, as it seamlessly integrates into a myriad of culinary creations. In Indian cuisine, maize flour takes center stage in iconic dishes like makki ki roti, a rustic flatbread enjoyed with sarson ka saag during winters. Its coarse texture lends a delightful crunch to snacks like makai pakoras and makai pattice, elevating the dining experience with every bite. Beyond traditional fare, maize flour transcends cultural boundaries, finding its way into global delicacies such as cornbread in the United States, arepas in Latin America, and tortillas in Mexico. 
Gluten-Free Alternative: One of the most notable attributes of maize flour is its gluten-free nature, making it a viable option for individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. With the rising demand for gluten-free products, maize flour emerges as a versatile alternative in baking and cooking. From fluffy pancakes to delectable cookies, its light texture and mild flavor enhance a wide array of gluten-free recipes, ensuring that dietary restrictions never compromise on taste or quality. 
Innovative Applications: The culinary landscape continually evolves, driven by innovation and experimentation. Maize flour serves as a blank canvas for culinary artists, inspiring innovative creations that push the boundaries of traditional cuisine. From maize flour pasta to artisanal corn tortilla chips, the possibilities are endless. Shreeji Ingredients empowers chefs and food manufacturers with premium maize flour, fostering culinary creativity and satisfying the evolving palate of consumers worldwide. 
Sustainable Sourcing: At Shreeji Ingredients, sustainability lies at the heart of our operations. We prioritize ethical sourcing practices and sustainable agriculture to ensure the integrity of our products and the well-being of the environment. By partnering with local farmers and adhering to stringent quality standards, we uphold our commitment to delivering premium maize flour while promoting environmental stewardship and community empowerment. 
Conclusion: Maize flour stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of a humble grain that has nourished generations across continents. From its nutritional prowess to its culinary versatility, it continues to captivate taste buds and inspire culinary innovation worldwide. As pioneers in maize flour manufacturing, exporting, and supplying, Shreeji Ingredients remains dedicated to upholding the rich heritage of this beloved ingredient while embracing the ever-evolving culinary landscape. Join us in celebrating the cornucopia of possibilities unlocked by maize flour, where every dish tells a story of tradition, creativity, and nourishment. 
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todaymandibhav · 20 hours
Mustard Price: जयपुर भरतपुर सरसों भाव में तेजी, देखें आज 5 जून 2024 का ताजा रेट
Sarso Ka Bhav 5 June 2024 : जयपुर में आज कंडीशन की सरसों (Mustard Price) के भाव 50 रुपये तेज होकर 6100 रुपये वहीं भरतपुर में सरसों का रेट 43 रुपये सुधरकर 5693 रुपये क्विंटल पर पहुंच गया। जबकि शमसाबाद आगरा दिग्नेर में शुरुआती गिरावट के बाद शाम को सुधार देखने को मिला। आइये देखें देशभर की प्रमुख मंडियों के आज के सरसों के ताजा भाव (Mustard Price) और तेजी मंदी की पूरी जानकारी… सरसों का भाव 5 जून…
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नई फसल की आवक बढ़ने पर 4,500 रुपये तक लुढ़क सकता है सोयाबीन का भाव
नई फसल की आवक बढ़ने पर 4,500 रुपये तक लुढ़क सकता है सोयाबीन का भाव
आखिर पिछले साल के मुकाबले क्यों कम है सोयाबीन का दाम. विशेषज्ञ ने बताया कि सोयाबीन की बंपर फसल की संभावना, सरसों का ज्यादा स्टॉक और मलेशिया में क्रूड पाम ऑयल की कीमतों में कमजोरी की वजह से सोयाबीन की कीमतों में लगातार गिरावट का रुख बना हुआ है. कितना रह सकता है सोयाबीन का दाम? Image Credit source: TV9 Digital मंडियों में नई फसल की आवक बढ़ने पर सोयाबीन का भाव 4,500 रुपये प्रति क्विंटल के निचले…
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mythbank · 1 month
i need to defeat mandy moore in combat so bad
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badanicorporationn · 2 months
Urad Dal (Orid Seeds)- Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier, from Junagadh, Gujarat, India 
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In the heart of Junagadh, Gujarat, lies a story of tradition, quality, and excellence – the story of Badani Corporation. As a prominent manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of Urad Dal (Orid Seeds), Badani Corporation has established itself as a trusted name in the industry. Let's delve into the remarkable journey of Badani Corporation and explore the essence of Urad Dal, cherished by millions across the globe. 
Urad Dal: A Culinary Gem 
Urad Dal, also known as black gram or black lentils, holds a special place in Indian cuisine. Rich in protein, fiber, and essential nutrients, Urad Dal is not just a staple food but a culinary gem that adds depth and flavor to a multitude of dishes. From comforting dals and nutritious soups to indulgent snacks and savory pancakes, Urad Dal's versatility knows no bounds. 
Badani Corporation: Your Trusted Partner 
As a leading Urad Dal supplier, exporter, and manufacturer in India, Badani Corporation takes immense pride in delivering premium quality products to its customers worldwide. With a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Junagadh, Gujarat, and a commitment to excellence, Badani Corporation ensures that every batch of Urad Dal meets the highest standards of quality and purity. 
From Gujarat to the World: Exporting Excellence 
Badani Corporation's journey from Junagadh, Gujarat, to becoming a renowned Urad Dal exporter is a testament to its dedication and expertise. With a focus on maintaining the authenticity and flavor of Urad Dal, Badani Corporation has successfully carved a niche for itself in the global market. From North America to Europe, Asia to Africa, Badani Corporation's Urad Dal is cherished by consumers worldwide for its superior taste and nutritional value. 
Top-notch Quality, Every Time 
At Badani Corporation, quality is paramount. From sourcing the finest Orid Seeds to implementing stringent quality control measures at every stage of production, Badani Corporation ensures that its Urad Dal is of the highest quality. Each grain undergoes rigorous testing to maintain purity and freshness, guaranteeing a wholesome and nutritious experience with every serving. 
Embracing Tradition, Embracing Innovation 
While Badani Corporation stays true to the traditional methods of Urad Dal production, it also embraces innovation to meet the evolving needs of its customers. With a focus on sustainability and organic farming practices, Badani Corporation is committed to preserving the environment while delivering top-notch products to its customers. 
Experience the Difference with Badani Corporation 
For those seeking the best Urad Dal at competitive prices, Badani Corporation is your go-to destination. With a wide range of Urad Dal products available at the best prices and mandi rates in India, Badani Corporation ensures that quality and affordability go hand in hand. 
Conclusion: A Taste of Excellence 
In conclusion, Badani Corporation's journey as a manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of Urad Dal is a testament to its unwavering commitment to quality, authenticity, and customer satisfaction. From Junagadh, Gujarat, to the world, Badani Corporation continues to spread the goodness of Urad Dal, enriching lives and tantalizing taste buds with its flavorful offerings. Choose Badani Corporation for an unparalleled Urad Dal experience – where tradition meets innovation, and quality reigns supreme. 
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vishaka-raisins · 3 months
Discover the Finest Malayar Raisins: Vishaka Raisins, Your Trusted Supplier and Manufacturer in India 
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Looking for the perfect addition to your recipes or a healthy snack option? Look no further than Vishaka Raisins, your premier supplier and manufacturer of Malayar Raisins in India. 
Malayar Raisins, known for their rich flavor and natural sweetness, are a versatile ingredient that can elevate a wide range of dishes, from baked goods to savory recipes. At Vishaka Raisins, we take pride in sourcing the finest quality grapes and employing advanced processing techniques to deliver raisins that meet the highest standards of taste and nutrition. 
Our commitment to quality begins with the careful selection of grapes from premium vineyards in the Malayar region. These grapes undergo a meticulous drying process, during which they retain their natural sweetness and develop a unique flavor profile characteristic of Malayar Raisins. 
What sets Vishaka Raisins apart is our dedication to maintaining the integrity of the fruit throughout the manufacturing process. We prioritize hygiene and quality control at every step, ensuring that our Malayar Raisins are free from additives and contaminants, preserving their freshness and nutritional value. 
Whether you're a food manufacturer looking for top-grade ingredients or a consumer seeking a wholesome snack, Vishaka Raisins offers a range of packaging options to suit your needs. From bulk quantities for commercial purposes to convenient packs for personal consumption, we make it easy to enjoy the goodness of Malayar Raisins anytime, anywhere. 
In addition to their delightful taste, Malayar Raisins boast an array of health benefits. Packed with essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, they contribute to overall well-being and can be a valuable addition to a balanced diet. 
At Vishaka Raisins, we are passionate about providing our customers with the finest quality Malayar Raisins that exceed expectations in taste, freshness, and nutritional value. Experience the difference with Vishaka Raisins – your trusted partner for premium raisin products in India. 
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hp-fanfic-archive · 4 months
Mandy Brocklehurst's House of Dreams by anxiousgoat Pairing: Mandy Brocklehurst/Luna Lovegood Rating: G Word Count: 352 Podfic available here Read by: A_Door Length: 0-10 minutes Crafting dreams is a delicate business, but for Mandy and Luna it is a labour of love.
find the full podfic library here
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