#Manned Prototype RAY
rampant-praetorian · 7 months
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Recently got a hold of the Mass Produced Metal Gear RAY model from MGS2 so I'm pretty happy about that since it's my favorite RAY design. Anyway enjoy some test renders of it plus a render of it next to the Manned Prototype Metal Gear RAY.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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"Celestial Tree" Talon Abraxas
So, there are 12 Great Orders of Spiritual Beings or Entities and these are in some way connected with and represented by the 12 Signs of the Zodiac, namely Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
And within the 12 Great Orders is the 7-fold “Hierarchy of Creative Powers” and these seven are connected in some way with the Seven Sacred Planets, which are Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and two others, which are exoterically said to be the Sun and the Moon, but which are in fact the mysterious planet Vulcan and another planet which has not been specifically named in the Theosophical teachings but which is described by HPB in “Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge” as “a planet with a retrograde motion, sometimes visible at a certain hour of night and apparently near the moon. The occult influence of this planet is transmitted by the moon.”
This is what is said about the Seven Hierarchies . . .
1 – “The highest group is composed of the divine Flames, so-called, also spoken of as the “Fiery Lions” and the “Lions of Life,” whose esotericism is securely hidden in the Zodiacal sign of Leo. It is the nucleole of the superior divine World. They are the formless Fiery Breaths, identical in one aspect with the upper Sephirothal TRIAD, which is placed by the Kabalists in the “Archetypal World.””
2 – “The second Order of Celestial Beings, those of Fire and AEther (corresponding to Spirit and Soul, or the Atma-Buddhi) whose names are legion, are still formless, but more definitely “substantial.” . . . As the name shows, they are the prototypes of the incarnating Jivas or Monads, and are composed of the Fiery Spirit of Life. It is through these that passes like a pure solar beam, the ray which is furnished by them with its future vehicle, the Divine Soul, Buddhi. These are directly concerned with the Hosts of the higher world of our system. From these twofold Units emanate the threefold.”
3 – “The Third order corresponds to the Atma-Buddhi-Manas: Spirit, Soul and Intellect, and is called the “Triads.””
4 – “The Fourth are substantial Entities. This is the highest group among the Rupas (Atomic Forms). It is the nursery of the human, conscious, spiritual Souls. They are called the “Imperishable Jivas,” and constitute, through the order below their own, the first group of the first septenary host – the great mystery of human conscious and intellectual Being.”
5 – “The Fifth group is a very mysterious one, as it is connected with the Microcosmic Pentagon, the five-pointed star representing man. In India and Egypt these Dhyanis were connected with the Crocodile, and their abode is in Capricornus. These are convertible terms in Indian astrology, as this (tenth) sign of the Zodiac is called Makara, loosely translated “crocodile.” … The fifth group of the celestial Beings is supposed to contain it itself the dual attributes of both the spiritual and physical aspects of the Universe; the two poles, so to say, of Mahat the Universal Intelligence, and the dual nature of man, the spiritual and the physical. Hence its number Five, multiplied and made into ten, connecting it with Makara, the 10th sign of Zodiac. . . . It becomes the task of the fifth Hierarchy – the mysterious beings that preside over the constellation Capricornus, Makara, or “Crocodile” in India as in Egypt – to inform the empty and ethereal animal form [i.e. in the early period of humanity’s evolution on this globe in this Fourth Round] and make of it the Rational Man. This is one of those subjects upon which very little may be said to the general public. It is a MYSTERY, truly but only to him who is prepared to reject the existence of intellectual and conscious spiritual Beings in the Universe, limiting full Consciousness to man alone, and that only as a “function of the Brain.” Many are those among the Spiritual Entities, who have incarnated bodily in man, since the beginning of his appearance, and who, for all that, still exist as independently as they did before, in the infinitudes of Space. . . . To put it more clearly: the invisible Entity may be bodily present on earth without abandoning, however, its status and functions in the supersensuous regions.”
6 & 7 – “The sixth and seventh groups partake of the lower qualities of the Quaternary. They are conscious, ethereal Entities, as invisible as Ether . . . as it is the Sixth – on the downward scale of Spirituality – the last and seventh being the terrestrial Spirits (elementals) which gradually form, build, and condense his physical body – this Sixth group evolves no more than the future man’s shadowy form, a filmy, hardly visible transparent copy of themselves. . . . This sixth group, moreover, remains almost inseparable from man, who draws from it all but his highest and lowest principles, or his spirit and body, the five middle human principles being the very essence of those Dhyanis. Alone, the Divine Ray (the Atman) proceeds directly from the One.”
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son1c · 1 year
what lies beneath
falling stars fic masterpost
The manta ray battleship was a prototype. It was easy to forget that fact while lounging in the cabin, but down on the lower deck, it was impossible to ignore. It was stuffier, for one thing. And it reeked of budget cuts.
Eggman was a man with very clear priorities. He would allot as much time and money to things as he thought they deserved. And when it came to something that was never supposed to leave the garage, he skipped out on lights for the underbelly.
It wasn't like he was going to answer the door if the Federal Aviation Administration came knocking for a safety inspection.
The oppressive darkness of the lower deck was assuaged only by Omega's eyes. Twin red beams cut through the blackness, revealing a space cluttered with walkways and skinny guardrails. Thick metal tubes snaked around the space as well, and far off, beyond the reach of Omega's eyes, the three Team Dark members could hear the pulsing sound of the engine as it kept the manta ray airborne.
Rouge stretched her hands above her head. "Well, boys," she said. "Let's get to work."
Omega, being a robot, had no problems seeing in the dark. And Rouge, being a bat, also didn't have much trouble. Shadow, however, was cursed by his hedgehog genes to struggle, so he let the two of them lead the way as they explored the lower deck.
Shadow kept his ears standing straight up, listening for anything that might sound out of the ordinary. What he heard was a lot of whirring mechanisms and hissing pipes. The heavy clanking of Omega's footsteps also filled his ears as they descended deeper down the outer staircases. And as they approached the engine, the sound of its roars nearly drowned out everything else.
But not entirely.
Shadow's ears swivelled. He stopped in his tracks, his hands clenching the guardrail as he stared out into the darkness. But the black wall didn't move. There was nothing there. He let go of the guardrail, only to stop for a second time, his finger catching on a nick in the metal.
"Omega," Shadow called. "I need your eyes."
Omega rotated his head like he was an owl, illuminating the guardrail that Shadow was still standing in front of. Now bathed in red light, the metal revealed a secret: two sets of five lines gouged into the metal. They were thin and straight, almost like someone had dragged their fingernails across the guardrail. But even the toughest claws would need to apply a lot of pressure to dent metal.
Rouge walked up to Shadow. When she saw what he was looking at, she muttered, "How kind of the Doctor to put together this surprise for us…"
"Be on your guard," Shadow said. His ears twitched again. "We're not alone down here."
Beneath them, the landing gear shuddered. Omega looked down at it, and through the lattice of the staircase, everyone could see a dark shape dart across the wheel. Shadow lost sight of it when it left the scope of Omega's gaze, however.
Omega started to get excited. But before he could draw his weapons, Shadow said seriously, "Hand-to-hand only. We can't afford to damage the engine with stray projectiles."
Omega's shoulders slumped. If he had a mouth, he'd be using it to pout right now. "FUN LEVELS DROPPING," he said. "EXCITEMENT DECREASED TO 'BELOW AVERAGE.'"
"Oh, please," Rouge said. "Aren't you forgetting about something? Or were you being too generous before, and those hands of yours can't really crush cars between them?"
This reminder perked the robot up. With newfound excitement, he scanned the space below them, but whatever had been there before was gone now. The only things caught in the red beams of light were dust particles and the dirt stuck to the landing gear.
A sudden bang made everyone turn to look at the engine. Standing on top of it was the figure from before. It glared menacingly at Team Dark, its black body glinting when the red light from Omega's eye beams hit it. It focused its orange gaze on Shadow. Even from this far away, Shadow could feel the coldness of its stare.
It was the Shadow Android.
Upon closer inspection, it became clear that the claw marks weren't just on the guardrail. They were all over the landing gear too. The fake hedgehog must've clung to it when the ship had taken off, and made itself a stowaway within the bowels of the manta ray.
And now it was raising its hand up, preparing to smash down on the engine.
"Omega!" Rouge said, her eyes wide with alarm as she realized what the Shadow Android was planning. "Throw me!"
Rouge stomped her foot. "Oh, for the love of--"
Shadow intervened. "I won't miss," he said as he picked her up. Then, he threw her at the Android. With his superior accuracy, he managed a direct hit, and Rouge knocked the fake hedgehog off the engine right as it was about to ram its fist into the power core.
The two of them disappeared over the side of the large engine, locked in an intense struggle.
Shadow and Omega leapt over the guardrail and chased after them a moment later. They landed on the landing gear, and the mechanism shuddered from their sudden weight. But Shadow ignored the creaking metal--his eyes scanned the darkness, his ears held as high as they could go.
Then, he heard it. The faint sounds of someone choking.
Shadow didn't hesitate. He raced toward the far end of the lower deck, where the noise was coming from. As he got closer, he could begin to make out the orange glow of the Shadow Android's eyes. It illuminated Rouge's face as well as the pinched expression she wore. The Android had her pinned up against the wall with its hands wrapped around her throat, squeezing.
Rouge's fingers weren't strong enough to pry the Android's metal ones off of her. Thankfully, Shadow's were, and he wrenched them free before the bat's lungs could start to burn from a lack of oxygen. She gasped, her heels clicking when they reunited with the floor.
The Android swung around to face Shadow. In the low light, it almost appeared to be glowering at him, the darkness creating the illusion of a vitriolic expression. Shadow matched it with one of his own, his heart clenching painfully as he stared back at his own face.
Why should this thing exist? Shadow still wasn't sure who he was, or who he was supposed to be. To create an imitation of him was to paint a picture of nothing.
But this Android wasn't nothing. Unlike Shadow, it knew its purpose. The machine was comfortable in the knowledge that it was a pawn. Shadow, meanwhile, despised the thought of bending to Doctor Eggman's will.
And yet, the Shadow Android still had something that Shadow didn't.
And it made Shadow sick.
The dark hedgehog slammed the fake into the floor. The force of the impact dented the ship, but the Android remained unharmed. It attempted to break free of Shadow's grasp with a kick to his stomach, but Shadow wouldn't be shaken off so easily. He held firm to the Android's neck with one hand, and drove a punch into its jaw with the other.
But again, the Android was unharmed. Its head whipped to the side, but there was no dent left in its cheek, and when its eyes returned to meet Shadow's, it was as if to say, Is that all? Pathetic.
The Android's stripes began to glow. Its body grew hot, too hot to touch, and Shadow was forced to let go, his glove smoking from where it had been grasping its neck. Then, the Android slid back before jumping onto its feet, its whole body shimmering like the hood of a car that had been left out in the summer heat.
Shadow got back to his feet and balled his hands into fists. He wondered how long the Android could keep up this impression of an oven before it started to melt.
The fake hedgehog surged forward, still radiating heat. It raked its claws at Shadow and managed to graze his cheek, the superheated metal slicing through his skin like it was wet tissue paper. With a hiss of pain, Shadow backed further away, realizing he wouldn't be able to rely on the Android self-destructing. He needed a new plan, and fast.
Omega chose that moment to rejoin the fight. The large robot grabbed the Shadow Android with his big mechanical hands, unfazed by the extreme temperature the Android was letting off. He then tore one of the Android's arms off, and the detached limb sparked hideously when it hit the floor.
A second later, the Shadow Android slammed a kick into Omega's chest, and the subsequent clang rattled the robot enough that the Android was able to wriggle free from his hands' iron grasp. Now on the floor, the Android grabbed its detached arm with its one good hand before hurling the broken limb at Rouge's head.
The bat easily avoided the arm. But the Android hadn't actually been aiming for her--instead, it was trying to hit the button behind her on the wall. And when its detached arm smacked into it, the mechanism holding landing gear in place released, and the floor of the manta ray ship suddenly had a great big hole in it.
Wind rushed up from the gap in the floor, and the air inside the engine room was pulled out, toward the hole. With nothing to hold onto, the four combatants struggled to retain their footing as they were all dragged across the deck by the wind.
And then the Shadow Android grabbed Shadow's shoe. Taking advantage of the hazardous conditions it had just created, the Android kicked itself up off the floor, and flung Shadow at the landing gear. But Shadow wouldn't go without a fight, and he snagged the Android's wrist at the last second.
The two of them sailed through the air, the suction from the outside of the ship drawing them in like water to a drain.
"Shadow!" Rouge cried, but her voice was drowned out by the wind.
Thinking fast, Rouge reached into her pocket and pulled out a big green gem. How something that large had managed to fit inside of her pencil skirt's pocket was anyone's guess. Maybe she had picked up a trick or two from Amy, and developed her own sort of hammer space. Or maybe it was just a really good pocket.
Regardless, she now had the gem in her hand. With a pained expression, she thought, He owes me big time for this.
Then, Rouge threw the gem to Shadow, hoping it would reach him in time, and that he would catch it. Thankfully, he saw the flash of green over the Android's head and reached up at just the right moment.
The Chaos Emerald smacked into Shadow's burned hands like an oversized baseball. And he could feel it--that mystical, familiar energy. Unlike the kind his own body generated though, the energy emanating from the Emerald was soft and warm. He knew it wouldn't hurt him to use even before he tapped into it.
And as the gem hummed between his fingers, he remembered something.
A phrase.
He said it now.
“Chaos Control!”
The Android attempted to knock the Chaos Emerald out of his hands with a kick, but Shadow was faster. He let the Emerald's Chaos Energy fill his heart, and he kneed the Android in the chest with a javelin of green energy. It pierced the Android's metal chest plate and short circuited the imposter, its orange eyes flickering out instantly.
The sight of it unnerved Shadow. He hoped he would never have to fight another fake of himself again.
And then the wind pulled Shadow and the corpse of the Android out over the gap in the floor. Shadow kicked the Android downward, where it was taken by the wind and presumably fell to the desert far below.
Before Shadow could meet that same fate, Rouge grabbed his arm. With her other hand, she held onto one of Omega's fingers. The robot had torn a hole in the floor with his other hand, keeping them all anchored.
"Sorry, sweetheart," Rouge said to Shadow, "but I've had enough of your dramatic exits for one lifetime!" A bead of sweat rolled down the side of her face, but she still managed to wink.
It gave Shadow pause.
Rouge’s words. Her actions.
Because Shadow didn't need her or Omega to save him. With the Emerald, Shadow could've easily teleported himself back onto the ship if he fell. And yet, it was only because of Rouge that he now had the Emerald in the first place. And that meant something to Shadow.
It meant that when she held his arm, he didn't try to wrestle himself free, and instead he allowed her to hold him there, dangling precariously over the ten thousand foot drop.
Then, the landing gear groaned as it pulled itself back up into the ship, and the three Team Dark members quickly followed suit. They all turned to look at the wall where the button was, and Omega's eye beams revealed Sonic standing there with a buzzy bomber hooked under his arm. Once the wind was no longer ripping through the lower deck, he released the buzzy bomber, and it hovered by his shoulder.
The blue hedgehog waved at his friends. "Not too shabby," he said. After speeding over to them, he knocked Rouge on the shoulder. "Maybe there's somethin' to this 'team' thing after all. You ain't half bad, Rouge."
Rouge puffed up, a little indignant. "Obviously!"
Shadow asked, "If you're here, then who…?"
"Don't sweat it! My copilot's the best there is." Sonic snickered at the stares he received. "What? You guys were takin' awhile, so I figured I'd teach Buggy the ropes. And it's a good thing I did, too, cuz Mr. Ivo forgot to install the switch for autopilot!"
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Case file #101: Adam Taurus
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Race: Faunus
Nationality: Atlas
Ethnicity: Mantlecean
Weapon: Wilt & Blush (note: resembles a SDC weapon prototype that was stolen about 5 years ago. The blade stores kinetic energy that is then released in the form of harsh destruction rays.)
Gender: Man
Sexuality: Gynephiliac (This information was obtained from a double agent in Menagiere)
Current Age: 21
Aura Color: Red
Handedness: Right
Complexion: Pale
Eye Color: Pale blue
Faunus trait: Bull horns (Adam has both the strength and Endurance of a Bull, according to reports.)
Occupation: White Fang Vale branch leader
Previous Occuppation: White Fang Black ops commander (Classified)
13 years ago, Adam Taurus (note: last name constructed) became the subject of a world known, yet private court case against the SDC where a brand over his left eye was used as evidence of several claims of Faunus workplace abuse. The accusers in the court case were the two leaders of the White Fang, Ghira Bête & Sienna Khan. The White Fang won the court case and an anti neo-slavery bill was passed throughout Atlas-Mantle as a result. Adam, who had recently lost his mother at the time and was a still a minor, was adopted by Sienna Khan who took him to Menagiere.
... unfortunately, 5 years ago Ghira and his wife Kali Bête were assasinated at a Faunus rally somewhere in rural Sanus. They survive by their only daughter, Blake Bête. Since then, the White Fang has cultivated a [CLASSIFIED] organization under the leadership of Sienna Khan. The leaders of the White Fang under Sienna include Adam (Vale branch leader) and Fennec & Corsac Albain (Religous leaders). Attempts by the White Fang to establish an Atlas branch have been stopped by the council (note: countinue to stop them. watch all WF gatherings in Atlas).
The White Fang has a Black Ops organization being used to carry out robberies and assasinations in all of Renment. The leader of the Black Ops is Adam Taurus, with Illia Amitola (note: needs a case file) and Blake Bête (has carried out 8 known assasinations on Faunus hate groups, currently missing, needs a case file) as sub commanders. All three serve as de-facto leaders of the White Fang in the event Sienna Khan is killed (note: Do NOT assasinate Sienna Khan, it will lead to race riots. Limit anti White Fang activity to covert operations).
Adam is wanted for the murders of 64 individuals in Atlas, all of whom are connected to the SDC (note: at least 20 were family members). If spotted, do NOT kill him, he is to be captured alive under all circumstances. Allow him to flee if he cannot be captured.
[The writing below is a transcript from a page recovered from a mansion attacked by the White Fang. It is believed to come from Adam Taurus, written by him and then stabbed to the wall.]
"...your father is a white demon. He told me he loved me and would take me to Atlas, but after I gave him what he wanted he left me down here in his mines. Adam, I need you to find your father. And when you do, I want you to kill him. And his wife. And their children. Kill every human on this earth so I can forgive giving birth to a half-"
[End of paper dialouge]
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romanceclub-lovers · 4 months
Romance Club news recap...
The Desert Rose
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Finally I can tell you about Nafisa.
She was inspired by the Moroccan poetess Saïda Menebhi.
Saïda taught English and was a member of the revolutionary Forward movement. She condemned the oppression of women and fought for the identity of the people.
Saïda died at 25: she went on a hunger strike and died in hospital.
Nafisa couldn't have a happy ending, unfortunately. And I couldn't see the scene in which she suddenly appears and goes to meet her daughter’s chosen ones.
When I wrote the scene, the same one that ended episode 5, I felt bad, very bad.
The first version didn’t make it into the story - I realized that it made me shake, I was disgusted. After rewriting a few things, I deleted the draft so as not to come across it again.
Throughout Season 1, we often remember Yasmin's mother. I wanted to show her throwing: she had not heard about her mother, it was taboo, but then Rabia opened this purulent wound, and the others stopped being afraid.
Chopin was mentioned several times in the Desert Rose. And always in the context of Kadir and his home. The great composer had a lover - George Sand - a writer who took a male pseudonym, a very brave woman, very charismatic.
Many poetesse were inspired by her. In my understanding, George Sand was also loved by Nafisa, mentally considering her as herself, and Kadir as Chopin.
The Chopin sounding in Kadir's house is his cry for his lost past and his missing wife. Yasmin's house is a continuous memory, Kadir's endless secret room.
Source: Amy. G telegram
Art credit: рина.
Kali: Flame of Samsara
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Kamal Rai
💎 Prototype: Maluma
I’m sure that the first part of the fandom expected to see Ozcivit Burak (Bali Bey), and the second part Jason Momoa, but both options were missed😁
I quite by chance saw a long-haired bearded handsome man when I was looking for references for Kamal, and I realized that wow... it’s him ...
But... not everywhere🤔 in most photos, this artist does not really fit, but in the days of long hair and beard - this is it, or a younger version of Kamal, when he was younger and more mischievous (during those very years of the uprising, a bear without control😌 ).
I love the charisma and radiance that comes from the prototype reference when he smiles. I don’t know the artist, I hope he’s like that in life too😁
The image of a strong and brave warrior, but at the same time not the typical gloomy, cruel and withdrawn one, but self-confident, sociable and smiling, has been sitting in my head for a long time. Since the time of "Valkyrie" by M. Semenova, where Slavomir immediately became my favorite🙈 besides, I have a special affinity for thick mustaches and beards, all the stars really aligned here...
Despite all this, we also know that Kamal has had all sorts of rumors in the past: about his carelessness, thirst for battles and revenge. During the years of the uprising, he was one of the first who rushed into all the battles. Inside he is an ardent, willful and fearless man, but due to age he has gained patience and intelligence, because now he is responsible not only for himself, but also for his family. Any decisions he makes will affect the Rai family, and he needs to be a wise leader.
I think that he finds a special charm in Devi precisely because with her personality she reminds him of himself in the past, 17 years ago...⚔️
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Ram Doobay
💎 Prototype: Liam Samuels
Another prototype you probably didn't expect. Working on the second Doobay as Li meant that I needed to come up with a character who would not be considered too similar to Amrit, but at the same time there should be a family relative connection between them, that same spice that only the Doobay's have.
Amrit has sharp facial features, so for working with Ram I chose exactly the opposite: the model taken as a prototype has soft and delicate facial features, full lips and a direct, but not provocative gaze. It was his gaze that caught my attention (this happens often), calm and even tired, but full of quiet confidence.
Ram doesn’t care what or who thinks about him, the man is perfectly aware of his position, and he finds attempts to "cock" in front of the dozen men ridiculous😒
He is tall and has the same slender and wiry body as the other men in his family. Ram also has two family characteristics: his eye color (green with yellow flecks) and his curly dark hair.
However, as a family brahmin, he was marked by the goddess and his left eye is gray in color. There is a parallel here with one of Basu’s family eye colors, it is also gray.
In the veins of the women from this family, as they like to say, there is a drop of the blood of Mahakali herself.
The gray eye is like a connecting link, thanks to which Ram doesn't need a guide ring (which is kept by the first heirs of the family: Raj and Amrit, for example).
But this same feature makes his life difficult: Ram sees things that an ordinary mortal shouldn't, faceless shadows and voices overcome him strongly especially when he's without a blindfold.
During rituals, services and just before going to bed, Ram removes the blindfold. Only he and Ratan know what the burden is for the younger heir of the Doobay's.
Ram sensitively and subtly senses the goddess, and Ratan, as a avatar with vast experience, helps to cope with the task.
Aleksandra Remy about Ram Doobay:
Despite his outward indifference and typical Doobay self-confidence, Ram can be very passionate and sensual.
He has a need for love, like everyone else, but due to loneliness (few people are able to understand him, and other people more often tire him than interest him) and disgust, Ram doesn't start thoughtless love affairs with other women and in general rarely pays attention to them attention.
He needs someone who will share with him his difficult existence and views, and also who can become an interesting interlocutor for him.
This sounds unlikely and even impossible, so Ram doesn’t really believe that he will meet someone like that, and he certainly doesn’t believe that this "someone" could be a wife forcibly selected for him.
Source: A. Remy telegram
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hexhomos · 2 years
top 5 jay/vik pet peeves? 👀
I let this ask simmer a bit in the back of my inbox because... oh man you guys really want to see me rant like that? Unbelievable. But I'll indulge anyway since I could on about this forever:
#1 the way people straight up delete everything about Jayce as a character, be it talis or giopara, just to turn around and act like he's "leeching off viktor's genius" or "a big stupid dumb idiot who cant grasp simple concepts XD" "brainless idiotic himbo" like… this is so tiring to me. Are you trying to call him braindead? Because that's what it sounds like. I don't find it funny or charming anymore thanks to the sheer density and frequent malice adjacent to this kind of content.
#2 Related to above, but also found on its own, SPECIALLY in arcane fandom bubbles: a fixation on Jayce's body as a sexual object or sexual accessory to other people as his "Only redeeming character trait". It's become so prevalent I don't like browsing content for him anymore. Fans will legitimately make up bullshit reasons as to why Jayce is lesser than other characters (the council, mel, heimerdinger, viktor, vi, whoever, you name it) and then hold up more brainless no personality idiotbad himboXD porn as the only thing his character could ever amount to. Way to go! You're treating this show's singular brown lead as actually subhuman. There truly are no words. And it's not like it's hard to give Jayce an ounce of interesting things to do: most of what people attribute to viktor as sciency and driven and passionate is something that he shares with jayce; sometimes, its straight up things jayce came up with and worked on all his life getting penned as "viktors thing". I just find fandom, for one reason or another, holds a severe disinterest in treating them as equals. And it makes their dynamic worse. (This last point is not exclusive to arcane, sadly.)
#3 Viktor woobification, and an insistence that he could neeeeever do anythiiiiing wroooooong, regardless of verse. It makes him into such an uninteresting non-character. Viktor was created to *BE* the mad scientist archetype; this was his initial concept and it persists to this day, you can't take away his responsibility for his mistakes, or pretend it was Jayce's fault, and still expect him to be a good character. I don't even know what you're stanning at that point. I've had ppl genuinely argue with me that viktor never hurt anyone in game canon and that JAYCE had stolen blitzcrank and its like ????? Do you even know who Stanwick is. Please just read their bios. Both of their bios. Viktor lies to clean up his own story and even before the lore rewrite he was the one who'd initiate violence by Invading Jayce's Lab And Blasting Him With Laserbeams. This guy's ingame kit requires you to kill 100 minions before evolving a weapon prototype. He has an ability called "death ray". You don't think that's funny? Your loss. (Related: a lot of able-bodied people treat viktor's arcane disability as something to patronize him over, and it can be really, really uncomfortable to see.)
#4 this is gonna seem minor compared to above but watching people try and vilify Jayce at every turn to make Viktor or other characters look better can be so unintentionally funny. They never pay attention to anything about his character, just spin a wheel of bad generic adjectives and go: "JAYCE is an out of touch gazillionaire SOCIAL CLIMBER queaking for STATUS who eats diamond dust, shits gold and hates lesbians; he also PISSED on my WIFE," whole time the guy is just minding his business, indentured for life thanks to vampiric 'patrons' making him swear fealty for project funding, canonically stated to have built a name making gadgets for the working class, doesn't even like socializing in Any Universe (and this is the exact thing him and viktor bond over), etc etc etc... this shit is embarrassing brother
#5 unironic googoo talk jaymel or melvik or anything that exists in the middle genuinely makes me roll my eyes. Sometimes I feel as though people watched the bomb scene and then immediately erased out how disrespectful and manipulative it was. I don't care for any of these pairings nor the implication that you have to 'make good with billionaires to reach ultimate peace uwu' that comes attached to most of their content. The TVshow being as centrist and corporate as it is explains why this exists, sure, but I feel so ?????? When I see people acting like viktor and mel would be best buddies, as if she isn't canonically the richest person in Piltover before we even have a timeskip and *Directly Responsible for enabling and profiting off much of the fuckshit going on in Zaun* lol. Where do you think that money came from? Seriously?? Come on. I cannot fathom how people can see Jayce's interactions with her as leading to any sort of positive outcome. They get 0 romantic buildup worth caring for and are boring as all hell. And the next one is less common but: whenever people try to fit her plotline into leagueverse I just, LOL. The ruling Medarda in league is a 70-something manlet white geezer. Jayce giopara is a fag and his entire bio was designed around viktor. The council plays no part in their story and they're far more interesting for it, thank fucking god.
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Clone of Mischief: Spider Trio x Loki Clone child reader part 6.
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Your eyes fluttered open from the rays of sunlight peaking from your curtains. You smelled the aroma of pancakes making your tummy growl.
You threw off your green comforter and fixed the bed, you walked to your drawers and pulled out black overalls with green trim, a grey T-shirt, black knee high ripped stockings and green sneakers and walked into the bathroom to do your routine.
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After bathing, brushing your teeth and hair you walked over to Jolly who is sleeping on one of your pillows "wake up Jolly it's time for breakfast." you said as she shoots up at the mention of food "FOOD." she screams and flies out of the room leaving you with the anime surprised face.
You went to the living room to see everyone (including Jolly who is stuffing her face) except Peter, MJ, and Ned having breakfast "where are big brothers Peter and Ned and big sister MJ?" The Avengers are shocked to hear you call the spider trio that but they brushed it off "Reindeer games Jr is right, where are those three? it's 9:00 o:clock and they are going to be- Ohhh speaking of the devils."  Tony said seeing the spider trio ready for school, "sorry we may have overslept." Peter said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck earning disapproving looks from the avengers "just eat your breakfast." Steve said in a strict tone.
In the afternoon:
You and Jolly are in the living room watching fairy tail while everyone else is doing their own thing but an alarm is blaring as a man with an eyepatch appears on the screen causing you and Jolly to jump in surprise "AVENGERS" he yells as everyone comes into the room, "what is it Furry?" Steve asked "there is a HYDRA base located in Hungary, they have been making prototypes of the winter soldiers." Furry said "we are on it Furry. AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!" Steve said then everyone (except you) went to suit up.
A few minutes later everyone came back suited up "Wait, who's going to stay with Y/N and Jolly?" Loki asked everyone was now looking at you "it wouldn't hurt to leave them alone I mean the spider trio gets out of school in a bit anyways." Clint said earning nodes from everyone "but just to make sure they do come home and don't try to sneak off to patrol, FRIDAY ACTIVATE GROUNDED MODE FOR THE SPIDERS AND BABYSITTER MODE FOR Y/N!" Tony said with a proud smirk "Yes Mr Starks." Friday said. "Darling we have to go on a mission, your job is to make sure the spiderlings get here since they're grounded, FRIDAY we'll be on so you can ask her for anything." Your father/clone said then Tony butted in "and I had her ordered pizza for lunch, here is the money to pay." you and Jolly shouted up at the mention of your favorite food "PIZZA." making the avenger's chuckle.
A few minutes later:
You and Jolly sit on the couch to continue watching Fairy tail until you heard Friday say "Miss Lokidottir, the pizza is here and the spiderlings are on their way." you smiled and said "thank you Mrs Friday." You said walking down with the money Tony gave you to pay for the pizza but while walking you see men cornering the poor pizza guy "JOLLY DO YOUR TRICK" you said as Jolly zoomed into your necklace and you began transforming into Kid trickster.
After transforming you ran out and shouted "leave that citizen alone meanies." you say making the men turn "KIDS TRICKSTER." they all shouted the burglars in fear but the pizza guy in awe.
You took out the pink silly string to stick the burglars to the ground and used the old colorful hankies trick to tie them up.
After you took care of the burglar the pizza guy began thanking you with excitement "Thank you kid trickster." He said making you smiled "no problem citizen." you said happily signing his notepad and run behind the building to the back door "Jolly no tricks." as you say this Jolly came out of the necklace and said "let's get the pizza." you walked to the pizza guy and gave him the money "thank you have a good night." you said "wow a hundred dollars this is the best day of my life." you smiled and went back into the tower.
In the avengers floor:
Once you came into the tower you saw that the spider trio were there “Oh pizza.” Ned said as he took the box while Peter grabbed the Soda and MJ went to get plates then all of you sat around the Tv "You did well on your first solo mission." Peter said happily munching on his slice with MJ and Ned nodding in agreement "normally I don't encourage disobedience but I will let it slide, remember you're all forbidden from leaving the tower unless it's for school in the spider trios case and Miss Lokidottir isn't allowed to do any rescues alone." Friday said making you all groan "I will delete the footage of Mrs Lokidottir taking down the burglars but this is a one time thing." you all nodded "yes Fri" all of you said.
After eating:
You and the spiderlings sat in the living room watching Fairy tail until the news interrupted "the Avengers had just taken down a HYDRA base in Hungary and have taken all of the agents into custody for experimenting on children. What's that? I've just gotten word that kid trickster just saved a pizza man from three of the most wanted burglars and left them in a sticky situation and that the pizza guy got the whole thing on film as well as an autograph from the young hero herself." you all are frozen on the couch "I hope they don't have the news station on the Quinn jet radio." Ned squeaked making you gulp "Dad's going to kill me." you squeaked back "you all are lucky I'm Abel to hack into the jets radio to make it skip the news, again this is a one time thing next time you're facing the consequences of disobedience." you all sighed in relief but jumped at the sound of Peter's yodeling ringtone. "Ohhh man it's Mr Stark. Hey Mr Starks we saw you guys on the news."
As Peter is rambling Tony in his IronDad voice asked "all right what happened?" As the spiderlings struggle to tell excuses you all heard Clint say something that made you pale "Hey Loki, Y/N is definitely your kid." he said as you heard the video the pizza guy recorded of you saving him.
You gulped "We are so dead." you whispered to Jolly in terror "oh you’re not dead or grounded but you are losing your power privileges for a week." Loki said behind you two as he uses his magic to take your powers away but something else happened.
Loki's POV:
As I used my magic to take Y/N's and powers away my daughter became smaller instead of a 10 year old in her place was a baby no more then 2 months old.
By Odin's beard she was cute.
She had a green and silver striped beanie on her head, was wrapped in a green blanket, and sleeping soundly. I gently picked her up and held her to my chest with her head on my shoulder.
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As I held my child everyone is looking at Y/N adoringly "Well her files did say she's 2 months old." The bafoon Ned said making everyone and myself give him the 'not the time' look "Too soon?" he asked making me roll my eyes "She's so cute. but is she going to stay like this?” Jolly asked sitting on my shoulder making me look at my little girl who is now awake cooing and making gurgling noises.
As I’m looking at her Thor comes over "Brother maybe you should keep her like this. You could raise her and give her the life she deserves." my brother said for once having a good and mature idea "Point break has a good point. And you can make up for the two months you missed." Stark said as every one agreed on keeping Y/N as a baby "Alright then." I say causing Romanov and Maximoff to squeal in excitement "Fri order a baby crib in silver, some baby formula, clothes, and other things a baby will need!" Starks told Friday "we might as well redecorate her room." Peter said "ohh no you three are watching Y/N! Don't think I didn't know you hacked into Fridays system and disabled grounded mode." As Stark is scolding the spider children I looked down at my little troublemaker and saw her sucking her thumb "Darling please don't do that." I say taking it out and putting in her pacifier before she got fussy.
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vurelly · 2 years
(About the post on the DCA being a former theatre bot) if it helps, the mask for Tragedy and Comedy are after Sun's face as well if I remember right, as collectibles go. The fact that there's something tracing back to that pivot could point to a potential for something based on Cosmo if he was testing well enough before the strength struggles were a dealbreaker.
The idea of prototype or pitch plushies depicting Cosmo as discoverable somewhere in the pizzaplex- maybe just tucked away in those endo-ridden tunnels with so much other merch of the offical merch designs that don't match the current Sun and Moon. The fact that the Sunnydrop ad has such a strong blue and clouds and that Sun had NO blue on him, yet Cosmo had those pants. . . He might've been so close to being the DCA if marketing had sampled his outfit colors for the ad. Even the fact that the ad has visible eyes of his color. Dunno how this new information impacts your current work, but the idea that Fazbear could have taken the failure of their intended-for-daycare animatronic and swapped it for their currently-functioning-great-as-theatre animatronic and displaced both for saving costs.... not even sure Sun HAD the rays before the repurposing given the Masks have none.
All's that to say, cherishing Cosmo rn especially. Wanna pelt him with hearts like that one kermit plushie image. Hope you're having a good night!
i was already rewriting bits and pieces of cosmo but man have you got me doing even moRE HOLY SHIT
this was an utter delight to read, you've got me wanting to draw so bad but i've been so utterly burned out i'm scared to pick up my tablet pen, but still i am SHOVING THIS into the cosmo corner of my brain and clinging onto it like a little rat
definitely going to be drawing for this as soon as i get my drive back oh my god
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hi hey hello how's the purple genuis doing?
also do u think it would be possible to create a "healing scanner" of some sort like the kinda iron man has in this day and age?
like obviously i know x-rays and MRIs exist but those are big machines thst take an hour or so to tell you what's wrong with a specific body part
im talking a short, two second scanner in like idk glasses (for subtleness) that tells you a person's heart rate, broken bones, any internal bleeding etc etc and tells you how to deal with it with the stuff we have nowadays. cuz i see things like that in the future but do u think we could do it now????
I'm currently not really doing well by definition, that's why the lack of content, but I am trying.
To answer your question:
There exists an app!! (It's still in the piloting stage, but it exists!)
Developed by Healthy.io, the Minuteful for Wound app is able to use the device’s camera as a diagnostic scanner to accurately measure the size of a patient’s wound.
Yes, okay, it's not quite the same as the healing scanner, but it's a step in this direction!
Each image captured is then logged via a digital portal, so medical personnel can look back at previous images & compare them to see if it is improving. The portal gives the team full visibility of the status of each wound, helping to track their healing rates and identify any trends, while deteriorating wounds are highlighted for early intervention. It also means each wound is measured more accurately as the app eliminates the potential for nurses to interpret & record measurements differently. Being able to assess wounds accurately and consistently & track healing progress can reduce the healing time for patients.
More information about the app: [⚕️]
Since glasses with integrated technology, aka smart glasses, are going to be common in the future, I don't see why such an app wouldn't be able to be integrated into glasses.
And I have my own prototypes in progress!
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rampant-praetorian · 7 months
Turn-table of the Manned Prototype and Mass Produced Metal Gear RAY. Had a lot of fun setting up the environment for this one.
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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"Our physical sun has its higher counterpart, just as man has within him a higher self, the man of nature. Man also has atoms of the sun, moon, and stars in his body, so his real light and guidance comes from the sun behind his own sun." —M, Lord God of Truth Within Sun 🌞 The Tarot relates the sun to purification and tribulation, "the sole purpose of which is to render transparent the opaque crust of the senses so that they may perceive the higher truths." Man, in his efforts to purify himself, unites himself by degrees to his prototype in heaven. As he does, he is drawn higher and higher, into successive rays, each of which supersedes the one lower, causing it to break away, until he is at last drawn into the highest beam of the Parent-Sun. It is taught that upon the death of one who has attained moksha, the soul goes from the heart of the body to the crown of the head, traversing the sushumna nerve. Thence it goes to the region of Surya Mandala along the solar rays and, entering into the Sun, is released into Paramapadha, the realm of the essence of the body of Ishwara. Tat tvam asi – THAT THOU ART.
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batmannotes · 1 year
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As part of the year-long centennial celebration for the 100th anniversary of Warner Bros. Studio, five films featuring the iconic DC Super Hero Superman – Superman: The Movie, Superman II, Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut, Superman III, and Superman IV - will be available for purchase in a five-film collection on 4K Ultra HD Disc May 9 and on Digital April 18. 
Based on the DC character created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the Superman films star Christopher Reeve as the legendary “Man of Steel.”
On April 18, the Superman 1978 – 1987 5-Film Collection will be available to purchase on Ultra HD Blu-ray™ Disc from online and in-store at major retailers and available for purchase Digitally from Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, Google Play, Vudu and more.
The Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Packs will include an Ultra HD Blu-ray disc with the feature films in 4K with HDR, a Blu-ray disc with the feature films and special features in HD, and a Digital version of each film.
Ultra HD Blu-ray showcases 4K resolution with High Dynamic Range (HDR) and a wider color spectrum, offering consumers brighter, deeper, more lifelike colors for a home entertainment viewing experience like never before.   
For the complete 4K Ultra HD experience with HDR, a 4K Ultra HD TV with HDR, an Ultra HD Blu-ray player and a high-speed HDMI (category 2) cable are required.
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Ultra HD Blu-ray Elements
Superman: The Movie Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack contains the following previously released special features on Blu-ray Disc:
Commentary by Ilya Salkind and Pierre Spangler
The Making of Superman – vintage featurette
Superman and the Mole-Men – vintage featurette
Super-Rabbit – 1943 WB cartoon
Snafuperman – 1944 WB cartoon
Stupor Duck – 1956 WB cartoon
TV Spot
Teaser Trailer
Theatrical Trailer
Superman II Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack contains the following previously released special features on Blu-ray Disc:
Commentary by Ilya Salkind and Pierre Spengler
The Making of Superman II – 1980 TV Special
Superman’s Soufflé – Deleted scene
Fleischer Studios’ Superman vintage cartoons
First Flight
The Mechanical Monster
Billion Dollar Limited
The Arctic Giant
The Bulleteers
The Magnetic Telescope
Electric Earthquake
Terror on the Midway
Theatrical trailer
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack contains the following previously released special features on Blu-ray Disc:
Commentary by Richard Donner and Tom Mankiewicz
Introduction by Richard Donner – featurette
Superman II: Restoring the Vision – featurette
Deleted scenes
Lex and Ms. Teschmacher head north
Lex and Ms. Teschmacher head south
The villains enter the fortress
He’s all yours, boys
Clarke and Jimmy
Lex’s gateway
Famous Studios vintage cartoons
Eleventh Hour
Destruction, Inc.
The Mummy Strikes
Jungle Drums
The Underground World
Secret Agent
Superman III Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack contains the following previously released special features on Blu-ray Disc:
Commentary by Ilya Salkind and Pierre Spengler
The Making of Superman III – 1983 TV special
Deleted scenes
Save my baby
To the rescue
Making up
Going to see the boss
Hatching the plan
The con
Rooftop ski
Boss wants this to go
Superman honored
Gus’ speech
Hanging up on Brad
Theatrical trailer
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack contains the
following previously released special features on Blu-ray Disc:
Commentary by Mark Rosenthal
Superman 50th anniversary special – 1988 TV special
Deleted scenes
Clark’s morning
Jeremy’s letter
Superman’s visit
Nuclear Man’s prototype
Metropolis after hours
Lex ponders
Flying sequence (extended scene)
Battle in Smallville
Battle in the U.S.S.R.
Nuclear arms race
Superman’s sickness
Red alert
By my side
Lark and Lacy say goodbye
No borders
Theatrical trailer
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About the Films:
Superman: The Movie
Academy Award winners Marlon Brando and Gene Hackman head an all-star cast in the fantastic, action-packed film that made Christopher Reeve an international star playing the greatest superhero of all time.  From the doomed planet of Krypton, two parents launch a spaceship carrying their infant son to earth.  Here he grows up to become Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for the Metropolis Daily Planet.  But with powers and abilities far beyond those of ordinary men, he battles for truth and justice as Superman.
An Alexander Salkind presentation and directed by Richard Donner (The Goonies, Lethal Weapon, The Lost Boys), the film stars Academy Award winner Marlon Brando (On the Waterfront, The Godfather) as Jor-El, Academy Award winner Gene Hackman (The French Connection, Unforgiven) as Lex Luthor, Margot Kidder as Lois Lane, and Christopher Reeve as Clark Kent/Superman.
Based on the DC character created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, Superman was produced by Pierre Spengler from a story by Mario Puzo and a screenplay by Puzo, David Newman, Leslie Newman, and Robert Benton.  Ilya Salkind served as executive producer.  The film also features Ned Beatty as Otis, Jackie Cooper as Perry White, Glen Ford as Jonathan Kent, Margot Kidder as Lois Lane, Valerie Perrine as Eve Teschmacher, and Terrance Stamp as General Zod.
Superman was nominated for three Academy Awards, including Best Film Editing, Best Music (Original Score) and Best Sound.  The film also received a Special Achievement Academy Award for Visual Effects.  In 2017, Superman was inducted into the Library of Congress National Film Registry.
Superman II (Theatrical Version)
Unwittingly released from Phantom Zone imprisonment, three superpowered Planet Krypton criminals Terence Stamp, Sarah Douglas and Jack O'Halloran) plan to enslave Earth – just when Superman (Christopher Reeve) decides to show a more romantic side to Lois Lane (Margot Kidder). Gene Hackman also returns as Lex Luthor in this sequel that features a top supporting cast, witty Richard Lester direction, and visuals that astound and delight.
Directed by Richard Lester (A Hard Day’s Night, The Three Musketeers), the film stars Academy Award winner Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor, Margot Kidder as Lois Lane, and Christopher Reeve as Clark Kent/Superman.
Based on the DC character created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the film was produced by Pierre Spengler from a story by Mario Puzo and a screenplay by Puzo, David Newman, and Leslie Newman.  Alexander Salkind and Ilya Salkind served as executive producer.  The film also features Ned Beatty as Otis, Jackie Cooper as Perry White, Sarah Douglas as Ursa, Jack O’Halloran as Non, Valerie Perrine as Eve Teschmacher, Susannah York as Lara, and Terrence Stamp as General Zod.
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Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut
Director Richard Donner began shooting Superman II while concurrently filming Superman: The Movie, though the theatrical version of the film was ultimately directed by Richard Lester. In 2006, Donner’s original unique vision was released for the first time. Jor-El (Marlon Brando in footage cut from the theatrical version) appears in key scenes that amplify Superman lore and deepen the relationship between father and son. Lois Lane (Margot Kidder) plots more schemes to unmask Clark Kent as Superman (Christopher Reeve). With so many changes, large and small, including a different beginning and resolution, this version is an eye-opening alternate experience.
Directed by Richard Donner, the film stars Academy Award winner Marlon Brando as Jor-El, Academy Award winner Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor, Margot Kidder as Lois Lane, and Christopher Reeve as Clark Kent/Superman.
Based on the DC character created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the film was produced by Pierre Spengler and Michael Tau from a story by Mario Puzo and a screenplay by Puzo, David Newman, and Leslie Newman.  Ilya Salkind served as executive producer.  The film also features Ned Beatty as Otis, Jackie Cooper as Perry White, Sarah Douglas as Ursa, Jack O’Halloran as Non, Valerie Perrine as Eve Teschmacher, Susannah York as Lara, and Terrence Stamp as General Zod.
Superman III
Meet Gus Gorman (Richard Pryor), a naive computer-programming natural. For him, a keyboard is a weapon – and, as a result, Superman faces the microelectronic menace of his life. Christopher Reeve reprises his signature role, deepening his character’s human side as Clark Kent sees Lana Lang (Annette O’Toole) at a Smallville High class reunion. And when the Man of Steel becomes his own worst enemy after exposure to Kryptonite, Reeve pulls off both roles with dazzling skill. Relive Superman III with all its heart, heroism and high-flying humor. 
Directed by Richard Lester, the film stars Christopher Reeve as Clark Kent/Superman and Margot Kidder as Lois Lane.
Based on the DC character created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the film was produced by Pierre Spengler from a screenplay by David Newman and Leslie Newman.  Alexander Salkind and Ilya Salkind served as executive producer.  The film also features Richard Pryor as Gus Gorman, Jackie White as Perry White, Marc McClure as Jimmy Olsen, Annette O’Toole as Lana Lang, and Robert Vaughn as Ross Webster.
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Christopher Reeve not only dons the title hero’s cape for the fourth time but also helped develop the movie’s provocative theme: nuclear disarmament. To make the world safe for nuclear arms merchants, Lex Luthor (Gene Hackman) creates a new being to challenge the Man of Steel: the radiation-charged Nuclear Man (Mark Pillow). The two foes clash in an explosive extravaganza that sees Superman save the Statue of Liberty, plug the volcanic eruption of Mount Etna and rebuild the demolished Great Wall of China. 
Directed by Sydney J. Furie (The Ipcress File, Iron Eagle), the film stars Academy Award winner Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor, Margot Kidder as Lois Lane, and Christopher Reeve as Clark Kent/Superman.
Based on the DC character created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the film was produced by Yoram Globus and Menahem Golan from a story by Christopher Reeve & Lawrence Konner and Mark Rosenthal and a screenplay by Konner & Rosenthal.  The film also features Jackie Cooper as Perry White, Marc McClure as Jimmy Olsen, Jon Cryer as Lenny, Sam Wanamaker as David Warfield, Mark Pillow as Nuclear Man, and Mariel Hemingway as Lacy Warfield.
Preorder on Amazon. Direct link here.
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firelance2361 · 3 months
What If…Pym Misplaced His Particle?
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Here’s a trippy new piece I did based on my earlier work, with Hope Van Dyne/Red Queen and Hank Pym as the Wasp in honor of the (late) anniversary of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, which I have now fully developed into a What If…? Scenario.
In this universe, shortly after Scott Lang is released from prison and goes to see his family and daughter Cassie, things take a turn for the worse when Cassie suffers a heart attack and needs to be hospitalized. After Cassie is treated and stabilized, the doctors tell Scott, Maggie, and Jim Paxton that the cause was some mysterious nanotech device near her artery valve. Upon closer examination of the x-rays and later the discs, they find a Pym Tech logo on each and every one of them.
Jim and Scott go to confront Hank Pym and interrogate him on his possible involvement. After showing him the Resizing discs they found from Cassie’s X-rays, Hank agrees to fill them on everything. After telling them the history of the Pym Particle and how he retired after Janet went subatomic, he shows them both the Ant-Man and prototype Wasp suit, telling Scott that he had him in mind for a successor since the Vistacorp burglary.
Hank then reveals the other potential culprits behind this: Mitchell Carson, Bill Foster, and Darren Cross. He also informs them that his daughter Hope can’t be a suspect since she died in this universe soon after Cross announced plans for the Yellowjacket armor, something he believes is connected to Cassie’s hospitalization. Jim and Scott decide to bring Hank along as a consultant to keep a close eye on him while they investigate further; Jim calls in his police friends to secure all of Hank’s assets and suits elsewhere as a precaution, and Scott enlists his Ex-Con friends Luis, Dave, and Kurt to keep tabs on any street news.
Deciding to work their way up to Cross before they jump the gun, first on their list of suspects is Bill Foster, due to his involvement with Project G.O.L.I.A.T.H. Upon arriving and learning of his and Hank’s rivalry, Jim and Scott get right to questioning, They ask Bill about his whereabouts and his recent actions regarding the Pym Particles, to which Bill tells them he hasn’t been involved with anything regarding the Particles as he’s been busy tending to someone else.
That’s when Ava Starr phases in out of nowhere, about to kill Hank before Bill stops and talks her down. Upon realizing she’s Elias Starr’s daughter, he informs everyone how he and Janet confronted her father over his misuse of the Quantum Tunnel, leading to his accidental death and Ava’s molecular disequilibrium. A riled-up Ava chews him out for being responsible for Elias’ death, which causes her condition to flare up suddenly. As she makes her way to her Quantum Chamber, Bill explains the logistics of her condition as well as how the container operates to treat it.
As Ava’s being administered her quantum particles, Scott and Jim call Maggie about Cassie’s condition and the information they’ve gathered. Maggie tells them she’s fine, and that the police are keeping guard outside her room 24/7. Before they hang up, Maggie tells them that she did some digging regarding Hank’s past, and that Hope’s death happened in a car crash not too far from the Lang household. As they hang up with this new info in mind, Scott texts Luis about the location, telling him to look more into it.
That’s when alarms start going off from the chamber, and Hank notices something going wrong with Ava. He and Bill checks the schematics and sees that the chambers systems have been set in overdrive and are now overloading Ava with quantum energy. Bill tries to stop it, yelling for them to help, but to no avail. All Bill can do is watch as Ava screams for mercy as her body begins to tear itself apart from the inside. Then the chamber explodes, blasting everyone back, killing Ava in the process. Bill lays there in shock, horrified by how this happened, until Jim pins him to the ground, placing him under arrest as Bill shouts frantically that he’s innocent.
Hank and Scott just look on at the scene, knowing now that whoever’s after them was after more than just the simple particle. This was personal.
Bill gets taken into custody as the group reviews the information regarding the murderer. They’ve yet to nail Darren Cross as their culprit since they don’t have any definitive proof it was him and not an imposter.
Things only get more intense when the Ex-Cons calls up Scott and tells them Luis heard from a street informant about a possible lead, which sends the cops over to an old S.H.I.E.L.D. warehouse upstate. As the group checks in on them via camera feed, they all are shocked to find the body of Mitchell Carson, half his face burned off, ruling him out as a possible suspect.
Hank, while reviewing the evidence, laments to Scott over the disappearance of his wife and the death of his daughter, and how his life spiraled after that. He shares his regrets about creating the Pym Particle, calling it a doomed miracle that brings nothing but chaos wherever it brings. Hank tells Scott he chose him because he believed that perhaps Lang could succeed where he himself had failed, giving him the advice not to take his family for granted.
Going in to interrogate Bill on the matter, the two of them discuss the reasoning behind the killer, correctly assuming that whoever’s after Hank is using these people to get to him, to break him down and weaken him. As the two of them chat, they remark about the old days and their partnership, and Hank apologizes if his temper did get the better of him then.
Before they can finish their talk, however, Bill collapses on the ground, suffering from a fatal heart attack. Hank and the others rush in to try and help save him, but it’s too late. As the medics try to save Bill, Hank notices a small figure leaping away through the doorway; they try to catch the figure but they are too late as it’s long gone.
Now with no other leads and an official warrant, Hank, Scott, and Jim go to arrest Darren Cross for the murders committed. Scott tells Maggie, Cassie, and the Ex-Cons to stay alert and keep her eyes and ears open, and Hank gives him the Ant-Man suit as a precaution, telling him to stay close.
The group goes advances with their police team on the Pym Technologies Building, Darren barricades himself inside the Yellowjacket chamber, suiting himself up. As Hank, Scott, and Jim break into the containment unit, Darren starts attacking them, taking out guards lefts and right, with only Scott managing to stop him from killing his friends.
As Darren gets back up, however, a malfunction starts to go off in his suit. His Pym Particles start to alter his size uncontrollably, shrinking and growing different parts of his body. The others watch in horror as the Yellowjacket begins to grow into an amorphous mass, his screams echoing throughout the building, before exploding in a mass pile of smoke and blood. Everybody watches on in shock, before immediately moving to arrest a now dumbstruck Hank Pym, as he is the only suspect left they have.
A confused and worried Hank tries to tell Scott and Jim that he’s innocent, that he didn’t kill them, but neither of them are having any bit of it. The mood stays tense until they get a face-time call from Luis, Kurt, and Dave, who said they found something interesting at Hope’s death site. Kurt and Dave double-checked the impact on the tree where the car crashed, and they found out it doesn’t match the ones normally found at these kind of crashes; they say it almost looked like someone blew it up from the inside.
The news sends Hank into a panic. He tells Luis and Ex-Cons to get out of there now, but it’s too late, as the phone goes dark and screams are heard from the other side. The trio rush over to the crash site, trying to save them, but arriving too late to save them as the trio lay dead before them.
Hank rushes over to the tree stump where the crash happened, using a Resizing disc to open it up. Scott then enters it to find massive laboratory inside the tree, with computers and generators shrunken down to fit inside. They also find a mysterious layout of the city sewer system and where they all connect to where they’ve been chasing the killer. Scott checks the computers, confirming that the killer had been keeping tabs on them since the Yellowjacket announcement, and that revenge on Hank Pym and his legacy was their real target. Knowing now who the killer is, they rush over to the hospital, calling Maggie to get Cassie to safety.
When they get to the hospital though, they find a swarm of police officers surrounding it, and a wounded Maggie being hysterical. Scott and Jim ask her what happened, and they learn that the killer knocked her out as she tried to get Cassie out of the hospital, and she woke up alone only to find a note left for Hank.
Hank opens it to find a tracking beacon and a message from the killer: (Graveyard. 11:11. Tonight. Both of you. Or history repeats itself.)
The group returns to the police station to stock up on the remaining Pym-Tech they have, and Hank grabs the prototype Wasp suit they still had locked up, figuring now’s a better time than ever to finish it. After retrofitting it to fit himself and suiting up, Hank and Scott fly over to the San Francisco Cemetery to save Cassie’s life with a SWAT team on route, with Jim and Maggie monitoring from the police station. The new Ant-Man and Wasp follow the beacon to its source: the gravesite of Janet Van Dyne.
Hank laments to Scott again over his wife, sorrow in his voice, until his tone turns to disdain when the killer finally appears, revealing herself to be none other than Hope Van Dyne as the Red Queen. Hope chews out her father for wearing her mother’s suit, and gifting his own to a complete stranger, blaming him for Janet’s fate. We learn that Hank’s decision to pick Scott as a successor drove Hope far more over the edge in this universe, leading her down a bloody path of vengeance against the legacy of Ant-Man, a legacy she says is nothing more than that of a coward.
As father and daughter engage in combat, Scott runs off to find Cassie, searching everywhere until he finds her in shrunken Quantum Chamber like Ava’s, rigged and timed to go subatomic. Scott works fast to free his daughter, trying to dodge the barrage of Wasp stings from both Hank and Hope. The two Pyms keep dueling each other, their long-suppressed trauma and grief over Janet’s demise coming to light.
Scott manages to free Cassie from the container in time, but their troubles are far from over, as Jim reports they’ve picked up readings of multiple Pym-Particle bombs laced throughout the city sewer systems all linked to Hope’s heartbeat. If she dies, the city goes subatomic. As this happens, Hope manages to pin Hank by his wings using her shoulder spikes, immobilizing him.
She knocks back Scott, before holding Cassie captive, telling him to make the choice between saving Cassie and saving the city. Scott seemingly hesitates for a moment, unsure of what to do, but that was only a distraction. He managed to slip Cassie a Resizing disc earlier, which she uses to shrink Hope off her long enough for Scott to land a critical hit, knocking her back onto a tombstone and crippling both her suit’s systems and her leg.
Scott and Cassie are safely reunited, and Hank breaks free and radios for the Feds to move in. Despite Hope’s hatred of him, he tries to reconcile with her about their past, apologizing for what happened to Janet because of his failure.
Hope gets taken into police custody, and Hank promises to help repair the damage she has caused to the city and Scott’s family. Sometime afterwards as they all gathered at the Lang house for dinner, Scott, Hank, and the family get a visit from the Avengers themselves, who thank them for their service in catching the Red Queen, offering them both a spot on the team.
Sorry again for the lengthy bio on this one, but this is something I wanted to throw out before the month ends.
Hope you like it!
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kolak-magiya · 1 year
Not me obsessing over some of my dnd ocs and being tempted to add them into my ffxiv roster with matching verses,,,
anyway if you like elezen or elves in general, I've got info (and art!~) under the cut~
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Lyrei Daelamin (Lie-ray DIE-luh-mine) is fairly well known for his skills in martial arts - or at least he was until recently. In his campaign, he volunteered to be a test subject for a man's experiments to rid an individual of "creation taint" thus ridding Lyrei of any abilities he gained from using canisters of powerful substance. The event nearly killed him, causing one of his arms to literally wither away, as well as being paralyzed from the neck down.
He's currently temporarily retired until his prosthetic is finished. When complete, it'll not only replace his missing limb, but the roots of the prosthetic will span his entire body, replacing his damaged nervous system and giving him full mobility back.
In his ffxiv verse, he's a Monk, and a magical accident resulted in him being paralyzed. He was rescued and brought back to Gridania. While his life was saved, there was little to be done about his missing limb, until he agreed to allow some druids to test some prototypes on him. After almost a full year, they've come up with a livewood prosthetic, granting him his arm and movement once more at the cost of regular returns to maintain its magic.
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Kairo is by all means a beast among his people. Where most male Drow are under 6', he stands at an imposing 6'6", with a muscular build and the look of a hunter to match. He was not always this way, however.
Before this, Kairo was a young elven noble who dreamed of exploring the world, which he set out to do as soon as possible. His journey was quickly cut short, however, when he was kidnapped and sent to a fighting arena, run by a Tiefling named Myza. For a few years, Kairo fought among the lesser warriors, until he spoke out against Myza. In retaliation, she cut his throat, silencing him forever, and sent him off to be experimented on by a group of eager mages.
Years of experimentation later, Kairo was now almost twice as big as he was before, standing over a foot taller with scars and stretch marks littering his skin from trying to hold himself together after such rapid growth.
In his ffxiv verse, Kairo would be the result of someone's cruel experiments. Forced to consume dragon blood, Kairo was changed slowly. He cannot change his form into that of a dragon, however he does maintain some characteristics that could resemble them. He is most certainly feared by the people of Ishgard.
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over-the-time-flow · 11 months
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Chan loads up the v Gundam onto the Ra Cailum. Amuro is helping out, but Chan's a bit freaked out by him; she seems to think he's acting strange. Amuro himself claims to not be aware, but Astonaige knows better; Char's broadcast really got to him.
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Kayra interrupts the serious conversation to ask Astonaige what that cool-looking machine that just got here is. It looks just like the v Gundam, so Raul assumes it's a spare machine, but Chan explains that it's a prototype meant to see if the v Gundam concept is possible to adapt for mass-production. In other words, a Mass-Produced v Gundam... Kayra wastes no time in calling dibs for it. Chan explains it's a modular machine that allows you to pick between equipping it with Incoms or Fin Funnels. Incoms are a system that allows Oldtype pilots to sort of "emulate" Newtype weaponry through the use of wire-guided devices. It's not as effective, but it's still quite powerful. Kayra, being an oldtype, appreciates this inclusion.
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Kayra: "Alright! Now i can clobber Char myself!"
In a rather cute interaction, Astonaige asks her to not say stuff like that, as he's already always worrying she'll get hurt... I love these two.
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Meanwhile, on the Rewloola, Nanai congratulates Char for a job well done on the speech. Char isn't too keen on the figurehead lifestyle however, and feels like a clown.
Nanai herself is starting to have her doubts about all this. She wonders if Char is really only doing this to get back at Amuro Ray.
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Char: "...Do you think I'm that petty?"
She reasons that Amuro is a naive man who thinks Newtypes' greatest strength is their kindness, and Char just can't forgive that kind of foolishness. Unwilling to delve into it further, he just muses that the more alike two people are, the more they hate each other...
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Later, as Char heads for Axis, he entrusts the job of delaying the Londo Bell to Gyunei and Rezin, and orders him to get Quess to deploy as well. He then goes to speak with Quess himself, to ask her why she's interested in him. She says she identified with the things he said, especially his famous speeches about people whose souls are bound by gravity, but... She wonders why it is that seemingly everyone who understands what he means on this seem to be so deeply unhappy...
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Later, as the Ra Cailum departs for Axis, that very squadron led by Rezin and Gyunei arrives to waste our time.
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Chapter 3 - v GUNDAM
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Amuro cuts to the chase; we can't waste time here.
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Speaking of wasting time, Rezin isn't pleased with having to babysit Gyunei and Quess, calling them brats. It seems she has some animosity torwards Newtypes and Cyber-Newtypes alike. As Quess tries to stop the squabbling, Hathaway seemingly senses her presence, and rushes to a Mobile Suit, determined to get her back. In the confusion, and trying to get Hathaway to come back, Chan gets on the now vacant Re-GZ.
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Our ranks grow! And you know what that means! Rollcall time!
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zoeywades-spouse · 11 months
Just giving an update to my RC friend. These are the books I read with the chosen LIs. I want to know how much we have in common. Tell me please:
Heaven's Secret 1 (Angel Dino) ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Queen in 30 Days (Adam, the bodyguard. The first meeting with the Prince Richard was wonderful so I thought I'll romance him, but later he got annoying to me. Then I chose funny, supportive, protective Adam)
Hollywood Story (none, I thought of Mike but he hurt my MC's feelings. Idk, there was a break-up and then he dated MC's friend and acted like nothing happened 😤😢)
WavePatrol (None. Jake annoyed me.Worst)
Shadows of Saintfour (Michael) 🩷
Moonborn (Max Fall and his cute smile)
Hi friend!! Nice choices!
Heaven’s Secret 1 (I’ve romanced Mimi, Dino, Lucifer, and Malbonte but Dino is my favorite although I have to admit Lucifer has a better route)
Queen in 30 Days (Leonard my machiavellian usurper)
Hollywood Story (I was originally on the director’s route but my god that man turned out to be a walking red flag so I switched to Ray the Ryan Gosling prototype)
Wave Patrol (Kayla my beloved)
Shadows of Saintfour (I was originally on John’s route but then he turned out to be a child murderer and so I switched real fast to Stephanie)
Moonborn (originally Max but then he said some very concerning stuff so I left him for Francis my vampire queen)
Bestie My Hollywood Story has some of the worst LIs. The majority of them are all terrible!
Also you have got to play Path of the Valkyrie it is my favorite!!
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