#María was in the neighborhood
light-miracles · 10 months
Alice: *burst through the door* YOU TWO ARE HAVING SEX!
Bella: *reading a magazine*
María: *playing a solitaire* Are we? Isabella, why didn't you tell me? I would have taken my clothes off.
Bella: I mean, she's not wrong.
María: Still.
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spidybaby · 2 months
erm so idk if ur reqs r open sorry if they’re not; but could u do a gavi x reader based off of footnote by conan gray like with all the angst feels
Summary: Love doesn't always go both ways
Warnings: cursing.
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Part two
Have you ever felt like things changed up for the better, but then realized you were the one who changed and not the things around you?
That's exactly how you feel.
Pablo and you were best friends since school. You two were compatible because of football, you played for the girls' team, and he was playing for the small town kids team.
You two were neighbors, so after dinner, you two would play in the neighborhood field. Your mother's would talk and joke about how you two were inseparable.
Pablo then had to move, he was welcomed at Real Betis Academy. Him and his family moved, and you were heartbroken.
Your family moved too, because your father got an amazing job opportunity in Barcelona.
You didn't expect that a few years later, you were going to be welcomed with the news that your best friend was also in Barcelona playing for the La Masia.
Pablo's mother asked yours to take care of him as Aurora and them moved back to Sevilla. You would hang out on weekdays. Those days were free for him.
So your parents and you would hang out with him at home. He even had his own room at your house.
You two would always hang and take pictures. People often mentioned how you would look so cute together.
You always laughed it off. He was your friend. No feelings involved.
Even once you overheard your mother and his talking about how she thought you were in a relationship because she caught you two hugging while watching a movie.
You told her that was just things friends do, especially you and Pablo. It was just friendly love.
You two hold hands, Pablo loves to do that. He has cold hands, and you have warm hands. So he uses your hands as a personal warmer. You would be walking normally, and he would grab your hands to make his own warm.
Pablo loves physical affection, he's always touching you. One finger wrapped around your jeans belt loop when you two are walking somewhere and you are leading the way.
Pablo loves hugs, he's always giving you or his teammates hugs. He always finds a way of hugging you.
Like when you are at the store or at a party, he would hug your waist and place his head on your shoulder.
He would wrap his arms around your shoulders and bring you to him, to embrace you as you two talk, as you two watch a movie.
Something he also loves is giving kisses. You would be doing something random. Cooking, for example. He would come behind you and kiss your shoulder.
You would be at dinner, and he would place his head on your shoulder, randomly turning to face you and kissing your skin or cheek.
Your father was someone who used to joke about how he was jealous of Pablo and always wanted the door open when you two were in your room.
You never understood what was about people comparing you to a couple.
But then it all changed.
For you, it all changed.
Pablo took you to a party. One of his friends at la masia invited him to celebrate his 20th birthday.
You knew the girlfriend of his friend, so for you it was fun to come. They liked you and knew you as Pablo's friend.
The party was fun, Pablo had a few drinks and you did too. María, the girlfriend of his friend, introduced you to some friends who were there too.
One of them has this specific interest in you and Pablo's relationship.
"So you wouldn't be mad if I flirt with him?"
"Not at all, go for it." You laugh. "Also, why would I be mad?"
"I thought you were his girlfriend or something, I mean, you two look like a couple." She smiles.
"Oh, we don't."
"No, you do." María says. "He literally came here a few minutes ago, gave you a drink, and kissed your shoulder before leaving."
"That's how he is." You smile at her. "He's like that with me because he doesn't have a girl to be clingy to."
You all laugh, finding funny how dudes do that to their female friends.
"I get it, my brother was like that, he would hug me and kiss my cheek every time because he didn't have anybody else to do it too."
"Any advice on how to approach him?"
"Just do it." You laugh, encouraging her.
You watch her approach him and start a conversation. You laugh at how you probably would have to uber yourself home.
You continue the talk with Maria and her other two friends. You sat outside and talk with them. Not caring about the time or anybody.
Inside the party, Pablo and his friends decided to play a little game to spice things up. Truth or dare.
"Fermin, truth or dare?" Adrià asks. Laughing at something Aleix said.
"I don't want to play." Fermin groans. "Joder, truth."
"Are you still a virgin?" Aleix asks, making them all laugh.
"Capullo." Fermin rolls his eyes. "I'm not, thanks to your mom." This makes them all except for Aleix laugh even harder.
"Good answer." Raul laugh. "Gavi, truth or dare?"
Gavi shakes his head, drinking his cocktail. "Not today."
"Don't be a pussy." Fermin says. "I answered."
"Well, good for you." He smirks.
"Don't be a fucking capullo." Raul says. "Truth or dare?"
He rolls his eyes, drinking the rest of his almost full drink as a shot. "Dare, hurry up."
They all look at each other, thinking what they will be asking. They all whisper and turn to him with devious smiles on their faces.
"Kiss Paula." Raul says. They all look over at where Paula is dancing. Making all these sexual movements to attract the eyes of Pablo.
"No way." He shakes his head. "She will think I want something with her."
"You say dare."
"But not that."
"Okay, then kiss someone." Fermin interrupts. "Pero hazlo, hermano." He push Pablo.
His eyes scan the place, not interested in any girl who's there. Paula was a full no. She was way too much, and Pablo didn't want to deal with a girl like her.
His eyes then found you. Entering the room with an empty drink in hand. He smiles.
"I'll kiss Y/n." He says.
He was about to walk when Raul grabbed his arm. "She doesn't count."
"Why not?"
"She's your best friend." Aleix says. "She's like used to kissing you at this point."
"I don't kiss her." Pablo says, shaking his head. They all laugh at his answer. Not believing anything. "Quit it!"
"Pablo, you are sticked to this girl all the time."
"Si, you kiss her on the face, on the shoulders, you hug her, grab her hand."
"She's my friend, only that. And from all the girls that are here, I prefer her over Paula or anyone." He says, stern tone. "And if you don't want me to kiss her then fuck off."
He's about to take a seat, but Raul pulls him and signs with his head to go for it. "But make it a good one, not a fucking peck."
"Tonge her down." Fermin says, making them all look at him with a funny face. "I mean, kiss her."
Pablo smiles and walks over to you. You and María were mixing something on your cups. You two were laughing at something.
"Preciosa, can I talk to you?" Pablo taps your waist, hands placed there to capture your attention.
"Hey!" You smile at him. "Let's take a shot." You laugh, grabbing two shots and filling them with tequila. "Pretty please, Pablito mio." You grab his hand, caressing it with your thumb.
He smiles, noticing you drunken state. "Only one, and then maybe we can leave." He grabs the shot and a piece of lemon. "Cheers."
You make a face he always found funny. You scrunch your nose and pout your lips. He laughs at that.
"It's disgusting." You stick your tonge out. "Are you having fun?"
He grabs your hand, taking you to a corner of the room. "I am having fun, but you are definitely having a lot of fun."
You nod, opening your arms to him. He laughs and gets into your arms, his hands on your hips. Lips kissing your cheeks.
He pulls away, hands grabbing your cheeks. He looks at how happy you look, with your blushy cheeks and your glossy eyes.
He goes for it.
You are too drunk to care enough about what is happening between him and you.
Too drunk to care about how one of his hands is lower than ever. How the other is pushing your neck to make you closer.
Your arms are behind his neck, one hand caressing his hair. Caressing his nape and making him shiver. His tonge fights yours in a battle nobody would win.
His friends are in wow at the scene. Not thinking Pablo would dare to ever do that.
"Should we get them a room?" Fermin asks.
You separate needing air. Pablo tries to go back to the kiss, but you just shake your head no.
He frowns, not understanding your reaction. He tries one more time. This time, you let it happen.
But not for long, you push him lightly, eyes looking at him with a questioning look. You shake your head again, hands over his chest, pushing him off of you.
"Y/n." He tries to grab your arm as you are walking away.
"I have to go." You say, taking his hand off.
He grabs your hand, making you turn to him. "Let me take you, please."
"No, I'll." You think about something. Head too out of it to think properly. "I can get home by myself."
"Your mom would kill me, let's go, preciosa."
He intertwine his hand to yours, you look down to it. What was going on?
His friends laugh at the distance, thinking that you went home together to hook up. But it was the opposite, you want to get away from him as soon as possible.
You don't talk during the drive, head replaying the kiss. The window to feel something other than confusion.
"Do you want some mcdonals? I know one that's open." He tries to get you to talk.
You shake your head. "I want to go home, por favor."
"Not even a mcflurry?"
You think for a second, stomach betraying you and roaring from the hunger you feel. Making him laugh at how you were caught up.
"What about that burger you love and some large fries?" He asks. Hand on your thigh.
You accept, knowing he was taking you to eat no matter what. You eat in silence. He thinks it's because you are drunk.
After that many years of friendship, he can tell when you are drunk or sober. Sad or happy. Mad or calm.
But he couldn't picture what was going on with you at that moment. He couldn't put two and two together and notice how you are quiet and far gone from there.
The silence during the drive repeats itself. Except this time, you caress the hand he placed on your thigh.
"We are here, safe and sound." He smiles.
You look at him. He looks different. You can't point what it is, but he's not the one you went to the party.
"Are you okay?" He asks. Noticing you wondering eyes.
You take off your seatbelt, pressing the lock of his and free him from his own. He's confused on what you are doing.
You turn your body to him, taking his face on your hands and smacking your lips on his.
You needed to feel it.
You need to feel what you felt at the party with that first kiss.
You need to confirm or deny if what you felt was just a product of your drunkenness or if it's something else.
Pablo doesn't deny the kiss. He didn't care that much, he thinks it's just a drunken thing.
You let it happen until the air was necessary, letting his lips go but not him. Your thumb caressing his cheeks.
The smirk he has is giving winner vibes, he's thinking how the boys are going to die from the show you two just pulled.
"Are you tired?" He asks, one hand caressing your hair and the other making twirls on your hair with his fingers.
You nod, letting him go off your hold and searching for your purse. He stretched his arm and grabbed it from the back, giving it to you with a smile.
"Let me walk you and say hi to your dad."
He does what he says, walking you and holding your hand like always, it was normal for the two of you.
Then why it doesn't feel like that tonight?
Why are you questioning all the other times he did that?
"Hola, papi." You say, opening the door and letting Pablo in. "I'm back."
Your dad was reading something, waiting for you like he always does when you go out. "Hi, baby." He smiles at you. "Thank you for taking care of her, Pablo."
Pablo shakes his head, smiling at your father like he always does. "I promise to take care of her."
"I'm going to sleep, I'm so tired." You interrupted the talk, not feeling like keep making stories in your head. "Bye, papi." You shake your hand yo him. "Bye, Pablo." You say, looking at him.
He winks at you, saying goodbye to you and your dad. You take a cold shower to try to wake up drop the dreams you were having.
Was this what you mother and his mother were talking about?
Are those the feelings you two were supposed to have?
"Hey, take this." Pablo hands you a jersey.
You take a look at it, the 30 on the back of it. You look at him with narrow eyes.
"What is this?"
He chuckles, "it's for you." He grabs it, "arms up." You lift your arms, he place the jersey on you, getting your hair out of the way and fixing it on you. "Look at that." He grabs your waist and turns you to the mirror.
He places his head on the crock of your neck, batting his lashes at you. You smile at him on the mirror.
"This is what you want me to wear to the game?"
He nods, kissing your cheek and hugging you. "You would be the only one I'll have there, so I want you to use my jersey."
You feel that weird feeling in your stomach that you have been feeling since what happened after the party.
It's been a good two months since that happened, and you still get that feeling every time he does something like this.
You decide to tease him. "I'm sure your girlfriend won't like me wearing your jersey."
He chuckles, "What girlfriend?"
"What's her name?" You act confused. "Paola? Paula? Paulina?"
"Paula is nothing to me. She's just someone I followed on insta after the party, but I don't even think she's pretty."
You open your mouth in a "o" shape, he was ruthless with that comment.
"What is pretty for you? I feel like you are so complicated to impress." You laugh. He thinks for a moment, giving a dramatic pause to the situation. "Pablo!"
"You." He smiles. "You are pretty. Very pretty."
You smile, hugging him. "Am I pretty for you, Pablo?" You mess with him. He nods smiling.
He bumps your nose with his fingers, hugging you and placing you on his lap. This was something normal for the two of you.
Nothing crazy, nothing new, just the two of you being affectioned as always. But it didn't feel like always for you.
It didn't feel like the other times.
The way Pablo called you pretty.
The way he gave you the jersey.
"I have to go. If I don't, then I'll be in trouble for being late." He laughs. "I'll see you there." He kisses your cheek.
You move from his lap, wishing him good luck and walking him to the door.
"Tell your parents I'm taking you out after the game." He hugs you goodbye.
"Will do. Score a goal for me, please." You push him jokingly out of your house.
"Only because it's for you." He laughs, waving at you and walking to his car.
You look at him leaving, the same feeling from before still there. You close the door, walking inside and finding your grandmother watching you from the living room.
"Nothing." She lift her hands. "I like your boyfriend."
You blush at her words, "Abu, Pablo is not my boyfriend."
"He's not?" She asks, making you shake your head no. "Then what's up with the shiny eyes and the hugs?"
"What shiny eyes?" You ask, hoping she drops the conversation.
"Oh, my dear Y/n." She laughs. "You like that boy, it's so obvious."
You just laugh it out and walk back upstairs to prepare yourself. You add some makeup, some blush, concealer, natural eyeshadow, mascara, and lip oil.
You still have time to finish your writing essay. You open your computer, not sure what to write about.
You were studying literature, you love books and reading. You love poetry and the story of the books you read.
So it was the perfect choice and your father supported you idea. Helping you get into the university of Barcelona.
You write random things, but nothing good enough to convince you to do a whole piece for. Maybe a poem, maybe a little story, maybe nothing. You decide to leave it empty. You still have time.
It was time for you to go to the game. You order an Uber to get there, Pablo was bringing you home anyways.
You got to the camp nou just when they started to let people in. You texted Pablo, telling him that you were there.
He instructed you to go to the security guy and show him your pass. You do what you are told. They let you in, one showing you where the room is.
Pablo got you a vip pass, so you would be there with the family and friends of other players. You got inside, checking to see if you knew somebody.
You see Fernando, Pedri's brother. You and him knew each other because of Pablo and Pedri being friends.
"Hey, Fer."
"Hi, are you ready for the game?"
You nod, sitting next to him. "I am, so nervous."
You two make conversations during most of the game. The score was 0 - 0, so it was nothing crazy.
During the half-time, Pablo texted you that he would try to score. You answer him yo be calm and not to fight like he did in the first half.
The second half started, and just like he was ready to show off, Pablo scored a goal. You and the whole room yelled in happiness.
He kisses the barca logo on his jersey, then hugs his teammates. When you think his celebration is done, he points towards where you are.
You blush at the feeling. The way your stomach turns and you feel the heat from your heart fulfill your body.
>you like that boy, it's so obvious.<
You like Pablo.
You were helping Pablo with making some food. You were not the best cook, so you were a little surprised when he called you to get outside and go home with him.
You decided it was a good idea to let the intelligent equipment he has at home prepare the things while you two watch a movie.
You set the rice machine and the air frier for the food while Pablo picked a movie. "What about Iron Man?" He asks, walking into the kitchen with the control in one hand.
"Do you want to see it?" You laugh.
"Do you?" He grabs your hand and walks with you to the living room. "I want to, but if you don't, then I don't."
"I do."
You two get comfortable on the couch, his head resting on your chest and your hands combing his hair. "Let's see Iron Man 2."
You enjoy a little of the movie until you remember that you had food in the making. "Pablo, the food!" You push him by the shoulders and hurry to the kitchen.
The air frier food was good, it wasn't fully ready, but the rice was burnt. You turn to him, showing him the pot.
He scratches the back of his neck, "Why do we always mess the food up?"
You sigh, throwing the rice into the bin and putting the pot on the sink. "I can make salads, that's all I can't burn." You say, sad pout.
"Oh, princesa." He says, smiling at you while grabbing your face. "You can also find a way to burn those." He laughs.
You hit his arm playing. "You are not getting anything now, Martin."
"Let's go get something from that restaurant we like."
You grab your wallet and phone, walking with him to the car. You connect your phone to the aux. Playing some Jason Derulo.
You check the menu online. Picking something to eat and picking something for him per his request.
You know what he likes and what he dislikes on his food. What kind of ingredients he likes and what kind of thing he won't try because of texture.
"Let's eat here." You suggest. "If we go to your house, we will have to wash dishes." He agrees, walking inside with you. His hand around you to keep you close.
The host greeted you, giving you a table in a corner in order to not create commotion because of Gavi being there.
You ordered the food for the two of you, and he ordered the drinks. You talk about some games he has in Sevilla and Valencia.
"Hey, we have a little special something for you." The waitress says, leaving a bottle of Moscato next to the table and two wine glasses. "We have a little activity going on. The first couple of the night would get a free bottle of our best Moscato." She shows the bottle to the two of you, smiling. "You guys are so cute together."
You blush at the comment, everybody think you are a couple. Pablo thanks her and serves the wine into the glasses.
"I kinda want to start hanging out with you because of this." He laughs. "Free moscato and my favorite pasta with my favorite one."
His one.
You were his one and he was yours.
"Cheers." You smile, clicking the glasses together.
You feel almost bad that you are so pleased that everybody seems to think you two are a couple. You feel happiness from it.
>they're so perfect for each other<
That's what Aurora always said to everyone. That's what your mothers thought.
You feel like people around you won't find it weird if you two ended up together. You act like a couple.
>this is what friends do<
You used to say that to your mom when she finds you cuddling Pablo while watching movies.
That's what you told your dad when he questioned you because Pablo was hugging you and kissing your cheek.
That's what you told yourself every day, that what you do is what people do in a friendship.
But what you feel for him isn't friendship.
Five months ago, you wouldn't imagine that a drunken kiss with Pablo was going to bring you to the awaken of your feelings.
You were at a party with him. The birthday of Fermin.
Fermin and you are acquainted. You two talk and have fun together when you hang out with him and Pablo's group.
You were a little drunken than what you expected to be. You were stressed because your essay was due in two weeks, and you were not even on the title.
The stress was making you act up a little bit, so in your mind, a drink would solve all your stress and problems.
"Someone is enjoying the Party, eh?" Fermin jokes, poking your side.
"I've been so stressed, sorry." You smile at him.
"Where's your boyfriend?" He asks, looking around.
"My boyfr-" You think. "Pablo?" You ask. He nods. "Pablo is not my boyfriend."
He laughs. "Aren't you like hooking up or something?"
You blink a few times. You aren't hooking up with Pablo. You haven't even kissed him or anything since the last party you two went together.
"We aren't."
He smirks, not believing your words. "After that kiss and how you to left, we all thought you were together now."
You understood why he thought you were together, how misleading it was for you to do that. "No, he took me home."
Fermin is drunk. He's not in his five senses. So, to him, saying things right now was saying things without a filter.
"We all thought that after we dared him to kiss you, he was going to confess his feelings or something."
You feel a shiver when you hear that. They dared him to kiss you?
"You dared him?" You ask, confused.
"Si, we were playing that stupid truth or dare. And we dared him to kiss Paula, but he told us that you were his only choice to kiss."
"Wait." You say, not understanding. "You dared Pablo to kiss me that night?"
"Si, I already told you." He laughs, rolling his eyes. "He didn't want to kiss anybody else."
He grabs another beer, walking away from you while shouting at someone. You stayed there, the drink in your hand gone because you chugged it like a shot.
You serve yourself three double shots. Trying to organize your mind. Bad choice, because you walk to where Pablo is.
You need an explanation. Was everything he did with you just normal things while you thought it was more?
He was talking with Paula, laughing at something she said.
"Pablo." You interrupted. "Can I talk to you? It's kind of important."
He nods, asking Paula to excuse him. He grabbed your arm and walked with you to the side of the house. The music wasn't too loud there.
You looked at him, not understanding why he would do something like that to you. He notices how you are checking him with his frown.
"Are you okay?" His hands caress your arms. You shiver at that.
You don't answer, mind trying to find the right words to initiate the conversation. You feel the need to be honest.
"Y/n?" He asks again. "Are yo-"
"Did you kiss me because the boys dared you?"
He's the one who's quiet now. Not thinking you would ever found out about that. "Who told you?"
"Did you?" You ask again.
He sighs, hands leaving your skin. He takes a small step back. He's not sure what to tell you. To him, It was just something that you wouldn't mind if he ever confessed.
"You did." You say, shaking your head at how silent he is. You know him too well to know what that means. "Why?"
"Why does it matter?" He asks, kinda angry at the whole thing.
You feel a little something in your stomach. He didn't care like you thought he did.
"It matters to me." You say, voice low. But not low enough for him not to hear it. He did. "I was wrong." You say.
You shake your head, looking at him one last time and walking away from there. He calls your name, but you ignore it.
You walk out of the house, a lot of people were talking there. You say bye to someone who was there and you knew.
"Y/n." Pablo calls, running to you. "Wait, don't leave. You are drunk."
"Why does it matter to you?" You turn to him. "It's not like you think of people when you do things."
"What are you talking about?" He's confused at your behavior. "You are definitely too drunk. Let's go back inside and talk. I'll get you a glass of water."
"No." You take a few steps away.
He grabs your arm, making you turn and look at him. You have tears in your eyes, the feeling in your stomach intensifies.
You shake your head no, taking his hand away from your arm. You can't be around him, not when all you thought was happening was just your mind.
"Preciosa, what's wrong?"
He was so sweet without even trying. He was like that with you, but not because he likes you. Because he was your friend and was used to be like that to you.
You look at his eyes. Those beautiful hazel eyes you always say are your favorite. Those eyes your grandmother saw you daydreaming about.
"Pablo, me gustas." (I like you) you sob, you feel embarrassed because he didn't feel the same way.
He's stiff and quiet, not sure how to react. The girl who grew up with him, loving the same things he did and always supporting him, was in front of him confessing she liked him.
"You need to sober up."
You sob again, you weren't waiting for a positive answer but you weren't expecting that cold answer he gave you.
"I didn't feel like that, never." You confess. Letting your feelings go. "But then you kissed me, and I thought I was crazy, because why would you? I'm your best friend."
"Y/n, let's not-"
"And that why I kissed you in your car, because I need to confirm what I felt was real." You sob. "And it was, for me it was."
He's quiet. He can't even think of an excuse. He knew it was wrong but he never thought it was going to create this mess.
"I'm sorry because this might ruin our friendship."
He needs to say it. He needs to confess it to you. He can't let you think that there's a possibility.
"I like Paula."
You feel your heart breaking, but also a mad feeling. How can he like her?
"Paula?" You ask, making him nod. "You told me she wasn't pretty." You say in a mad tone.
"You told me she had no personality, she was just someone you followed after the party." You are angry.
He can't defend himself. "I started talking to her and she's pretty funny and really nice."
"Pretty funny but not pretty?" You ask, the sarcastic tone evident. "You told me I was pretty, and she was not."
"You are." He tries to get close to you, but you back up. "Joder, Y/n."
"Why are you cursing me?" You try not to cry. "You did this. You kissed me and made me think that it was because you liked me."
"And I'm sorry, but I don't."
He keeps stabbing your heart. You can't help the pain you feel. You can't help but think that everything that happened in those five months was just normal things to him while you were creating a whole life.
You just stayed quiet, turning to hide the tears that were falling like a waterfall. He noticed the way your shoulders were shaking.
"Y/n," he tries to grab your shoulders. "I'm sorry I made you believe that."
You dry your tears, turning to see him again. "If I wait, could that maybe help?" You ask, shaky voice and rosey cheeks from the crying. "I can wait for you."
He scratches the back of his head, petty looking at you. "Patience won't change how I feel about you."
You nod, understanding that you lost the battle. "I'm sorry I ruined us." You whisper.
You didn't wait for him to answer. You turn and walk away, crying at the feeling. You not only got rejected but also lost your friend.
You walk home, dumb decision. But you needed the time to get yourself together before getting home.
Your parents were out so when you arrived the house was empty, you run to your room and got in the shower.
You ruined everything.
Your parents were worried about you.
They saw how much you changed, how you used to be all happy and blooming and now you are just quiet and with a straight face.
They also noticed how Pablo stopped coming. You weren't hanging out anymore. You weren't talking about him.
They didn't question you, thinking it was a normal friends fight, we all go through that, your father said.
But your mom noticed something else. You two couldn't be mad for more than two days, and that was exaggerating.
She tried to talk to you, but you just told her that everything was fine and that not all friendships were meant to last.
You focused on your paper, trying to drop your feelings into writing. You don't want to talk about it with anybody else.
You have to present the paper today, it was a closed activity but you were allowed to invite someone.
You invited Pablo, but for obvious reasons, he wasn't going to be there. You didn't invite anybody else. You don't share your writing with no one.
Your classmates pulled amazing papers, some wrote poems, some wrote letters, some wrote about stories, and some wrote about personal things.
"Y/n." The professor calls your name. "Your turn."
You nod, walking over to the stand, about to talk when the sound of the upstairs door called your attention.
You see who it was while adjusting the pages. You feel the cold stopping you. He was there like he promised.
"Miss Y/n, you can start now." The professor smiles. You nod.
"I-." You feel nervous. Looking at him. He smiles and puts his thumbs up, making you let out a little smile. "I wrote a piece. I'm not sure if I should call it a poem, I think it's more like a goodbye letter."
You take a deep breath, nervous to let your thoughts and feelings out.
"I title it,
> You said at the party that I was too drunk. I told you I liked you, you said, "Sober up." But why would I lie? It's so clear I'm in love with you.
After a tense conversation, you like someone else. I say, "If I waited, could that maybe help?" You told me that patience won't change how you felt for me.
So I'll stop being pretentious and loathing our friendship. You taught me a lesson, that love isn't precious. It's not like the novels, no Pride and Prejudice at all.
I'll just take a footnote in your life. And you could take my body. Every line I would write for you but a footnote will do.
We ate at a restaurant, and the host said we're cute. They think we're a couple, they bought us some booze, we shared the Moscato and laughed 'cause it's true... to me.
I'd be embarrassed if I weren't so pleased that everyone else sees what you never see. We're perfect together, but I'll never be the one.
Every line I would write would be for you, but a footnote in your life will do for me <
You stopped. The class clapped. You turn to see him, glossy eyes and a sad look. "Thank you."
You grab your things and exit the upstairs door of the class. Not feeling like being in the same place as him.
"Y/n, wait."
"Pablo, let's not do this more difficult." You turn. You don't want to cry in front of him again. "Thank you for coming, but you can leave."
"We need to talk."
"No, Pablo." You shake your head. "We already talked things. If you wouldn't come today and heard that you wouldn't have called."
He knows what you say it's true. He didn't even pick up the phone to check on you or to try to make things better.
"I just need time to mourn our friendship." You sigh. "I love you, and you will always be welcome at my house. You will always have me as a friend, as a support, as a shoulder to cry."
"Preciosa, please."
"But right now, I think it is best for us to be apart. I love you, bye."
"Love you too." He whispers.
You walk to your car, trying not to cry while driving. When you get home, you find your mother talking over the phone.
She noticed your tears and excused herself, running to you. "Baby, are you okay?"
You shake your head, throwing yourself into her arms, crying your feelings to her. She walks you to the couch, letting you cry yourself.
You tell her what happened, the kiss, the next months, and how you confused your feelings over Pablo. How he told you he liked someone else and even told you that time won't make him change his opinion.
"I lost him."
🏷: @gadriezmannsgirl ❤️✨️
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trb752 · 9 months
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Apartment Building
José María Moreno 122, Caballito neighborhood, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Built in 1936
Architect: Alejandro Varangot
Photos source: pablobedrossian.com
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junnylunny · 1 month
no one noticed
!pairing- bestfriend!jay x reader x ex!sunghoon
! synopsis- you see your first love at your high school reunion just to feel every emotion you once felt with him again. your bestfriend however reminds you that you deserve to be treated better.
: ̗̀➛ you are now listening to "no one noticed" by the marías ´ˎ˗
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includes- angst, heartwarming fluff, fake scenarios, acts of service, love triangle ༊*·˚
word count- 1.7k
warning!- this is au and none of these actions are true and are purely for the story.
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author's note: i feel like i owe this one to you guys! my last ff was made last minute and i didn't put my all into it so here is something to make up for it (thank you to those that still enjoyed it). i've also been trying to post at least once a week so enjoy this bonus :)
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"y/n~ i heard there's going to be a high school reunion this month. you're coming right?" jay asked. you had moved away to los angeles, california, to pursue your dreams of becoming an actor while most of your high school classmates remained in washington. although you had many friends during high school, jay was one of your closest friend and had always kept in touch with you, despite the long 10 years you were gone.
"i didn't even go to the first one. what makes you think i'll go?" y/n joked.
"oh come on. it'll be nice seeing everyone for once." jay begged. "or you can come up to just see me," he teasingly said.
you stayed silent for a moment, thinking seriously of whether you should or not. being reminded suddenly of your hard work led you to think that maybe it was the perfect time to take a break for once.
"fine." you gave in.
"finally," jay relieved happily.
"you know what. i'll book the ticket for you." he insisted.
"do as you wish," you happily took his offer.
in a matter of time, you talked to your manager about going to the high school reunion and took a flight back to washington.
"y/n!!" a familiar voice yelled outside the terminal. it was jay.
"hi!!" you hugged jay with one arm while your other hand held tightly to the cap on your head. your manager had warned you to not get caught in the airport by any reporters, making you a bit anxious but happy all together. jay had immediately pounced on you when you hugged and was squeezing you to death.
"let me go," you laughed, tapping his back as if he was putting you on a choke hold.
"i’m glad you made it here safely. come on. let's go," jay said, finally releasing you and petting the top of your cap. “i’ll take your suitcase.”
you and jay arrived at his neighborhood, leading you to feel nostalgic. jay had decided to buy a house near the school instead of moving far, allowing you to see the school while driving past. you rolled down the window, taking a closer look at the school; the building looked renovated, having a more modern look with a nice touch of a mowed lawn.
"wow, this place has changed a lot," you noticed.
"it has." jay said, continuing to drive.
"what are you going to wear later?" you asked, rolling the window back up.
"something casual. did you pack something nice?" jay asked.
"of course. this super star has to always look good," you joked.
the afternoon swept past quickly as you and jay reminisced about the past, causing you guys to hurriedly dress up when realizing it was time to leave.
"thank goodness you live close to the restaurant," you said, hanging your gold earrings.
"mhm," jay agreed, styling his hair.
"i'm done!" you grabbed your bag from the couch.
"let's go," he said, swiftly grabbing his car key as you both rushed out the house.
jay slightly stepped on the speed, trying to be cautious of the neighborhood kids, but trying to hurry as well. "omg we're literally 30 minutes late," you exclaimed in the car. jay pulled up to the restaurant, finding all the parking lots to be filled.
"it seems pretty packed. go inside first," he said, putting the car in park for a moment.
"see you inside," you said, unbuckling your seatbelt and heading inside.
as you quickly entered the restaurant, you immediately saw your best friend, sooyeon.
"omg is that the famous y/n?!" she exclaimed. "hurry up, come in and eat!" she motioned for you to sit. you smiled happily at her, glad to know that she still remembered you, making your way over to her table.
as you made yourself comfortable, you saw a familiar face across from you. it was sunghoon. your eyes uncontrollably widened, awkward yet surprised. you had forgotten everything about this man. sunghoon was your first everything: kiss, relationship, love.
"hey y/n," he welcomed you.
you felt unfamiliar with his attitude. “is it because i'm famous now?” you thought to yourself. you and sunghoon had ended on a bad note. you had found out something unreasonable that finally broke you guys up. this however not only made you form a hatred for him, but the other way as well. you guys would avoid each other at school and left high school without any good-bye messages.
"hi." you awkwardly said. “did he forget what he did?” you thought to yourself. 
"did jay come with you?" sooyeon asked, butting into silence.
"yeah he did." you said, avoiding sunghoon's eye contact.
"he can take my seat. i'll sit next to sunghoon." sooyeon offered.
"thanks," you said, looking down at your hands, fidgeting with them.
"i'm here!!" jay blasted the door open.
"yo jay!" everyone welcomed him.
your eyes lit back up, glad jay came before it got more awkward.
"come sit here!" sooyeon guided him next to you.
as jay was about to sit, he noticed sunghoon sitting across from you. "oh shoot." he said with his eye.
"i forgot my polaroid in the car." jay said. "can you get it for me? wouldn’t want to miss taking a photo as a memory." he said, giving you the car key. "i didn't park far."
"yeah sure," you said, getting right up. you rushed out of the restaurant, making your way to his car to grab the polaroid. you slowly walked back inside, hoping that you had cooled off your anxious feeling.
"y/n! i switched seats with you if that's ok," jay said, welcoming you back in.
"that’s fine," you said, taking a seat.
"it's been so long y/n~ how have you been?" sooyeon asked while cooking the meat. jay cut some pieces of meat from the grill and placed them on your empty plate, listening to the conversation simultaneously. 
"i've been pretty busy," you awkwardly laughed, unable to fake an expression like you usually did with work. "thanks," you quietly thanked jay.
"you should come more often. we've missed you." sooyeon said with pouty lips.
"haha. i didn't know," you awkwardly smiled. you noticed sunghoon looking at you, but tried your best to not make eye contact with him, unsure how to react.
"you look prettier," sunghoon suddenly butted in.
all eyes darted at him. "what?" you confusedly said.
"babe~ why would you compliment someone else?" sooyeon asked in an annoyed tone.
sunghoon ignored her comment. "i said you look prettier y/n."
you stared blankly at both sunghoon and sooyeon, the table becoming silent.
"i'm going to the restroom," you said, getting up.
in the bathroom, you scoffed at his answer, overfilling with anger. “i look prettier? what makes you think it's ok for you to say that after all these years?” you thought while washing your hands. “what the heck was sooyeon also saying?”
why was he being so confusing? what was with the change of attitude? you kept questioning yourself. as you headed out the bathroom, you saw sunghoon waiting for you, leaning on the wall. he was looking down at his shoes until he noticed you taking a closer step.
"i'm sorry if the comment earlier made you uncomfortable," he said, walking up halfway.
"it's whatever." you said, finally making eye contact with him.
"okay. i'm glad." he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"so you've been busy?" he asked, continuing the conversation.
"yeah." you said blandly.
"hey-" you butted before he spoke anymore.
"why are you acting like this?" you asked.
"like what?" sunghoon questioned.
"like this. we haven't spoken for a while and now you're talking to me as if we're old pals." you said with a slightly angry tone.
"aren't we old pals?" he scoffed.
"no. we're not," you said sternly. "if you're just here to play with me then stop."
"i'm not here to play with you, y/n." he sighed. "i'm sorry for how we ended. i thought maybe we could work things out again when we were happy with our own paths."
"i'm sorry to pop your bubble, but that's not happening." you confessed. "it's been years sunghoon. you ruined this for us." you said.
"no y/n." he sternly said. "i haven't y/n. i never did. let's work things out." he said, grabbing onto your wrist.
"sunghoon. let me go!" you said, trying to push him away.
jay suddenly came out of nowhere, removing sunghoo’s hand from your wrist.
"you're disgusting," jay said before taking your hand and walking out.
"get in the car," jay said, opening the passenger door for you. you entered the car, fazed by how sunghoon acted. “was he really trying to work things out?” you thought. jay began the engine and drove with an angry expression on his face.
"are you okay? what’s wrong?" you asked, already feeling frustrated by your feelings but sensing jay had more to say with the look on his face. you turned your body to face him, checking in on him.
jay quickly pulled to the street and parked abruptly. "because." he began but paused. "because he's such a dick..." he hesitantly said while looking down.
"i know that, but is that all?" you asked.
"y/n." jay began once more. "he's seriously a dickhead. he's been dating sooyeon for years after you left." he confessed. 
"so he lied," you said, leaning back on the passenger seat.
"yeah. i don't know why he had the balls to do that right in front of everyone too." jay said.
you sighed, tracing back all the bad memories with sunghoon. during the winter break of senior year, he had cheated. you guys had planned to spend christmas at your family's place, but he had canceled last minute due to a cold. sad that he couldn't make it, you made him homemade chicken soup to lift up his mood but another girl was in his bedroom, already doing just that and that was your final straw with him.
"i'm so stupid," you said, fidgeting your hands again.
"no, you're not. you just didn't know." jay said, holding your hand to stop your squirmy hands. 
"it's okay. i'm here for you." jay gave you an assuring look.
"thank you." you said, glad he was by your side.
"you didn't eat at all. let's go somewhere nice," he said, mustering up a smile and starting the engine.
“you also need to fix that habit of yours,” he said, looking at your hand.
"thank you for noticing everything." you said.
"hm?" jay said, not hearing you the first time.
"no one noticed but you." you repeated.
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ylsterman · 2 months
About Venezuela's situation
Hello, I write this in order to inform the majority of what is happening in my country, Venezuela, in case you do not know. I'm sorry if there's something wrong, I originally wrote this in Spanish and translated it into English. (Spanish vers at the end)
On July 28 of this year 2024, “democratic” elections were held where the great candidates were Nicolás Maduro (from the PSUV, part of the Chavista regime that the Nation has been governing for 25 years) and Edmundo González, from the opposition...
Edmundo is a kind of substitute for María Corina Machado, leader of the opposition who always accused Chávez (former president, friend of the dictator Fidel Castro) of being an authoritarian thief and dictator. The Chavista regime disableed María Corina so that she would not present herself as a candidate for the presidential elections, because they were always afraid of him.
In the morning of July 29, Elvis Amoroso, part of the CNE (National Electoral Council), declared that Nicolás Maduro was the “elected” president of the Republic with 51% in favor; Edmundo had 44%, according to them. This without having totaled the votes and without showing reliable data and sources.
To everyone's surprise, María Corina had an ace up her sleeve: at the polling stations, the voting minutes were digitized and supported. These days all the voting minutes have been shown and the reality is another: Edmundo Gonzáles has almost 70% (as far as I saw, until now) in favor, while Nicolás Maduro barely reaches 30%.
These minutes are official and, more importantly, true. María Corina, that is, the opposition, Comando Venezuela, has in her possession almost 90% of the minutes.
The result is clear: Edmundo González is the president-elect of Venezuela this 2024.
The largest fraud in the history of Latin America was committed, probably in the world.
But what happens?
The regime does not want to recognize the results. They refuse to show the minutes because they know they lost. They are accusing María Corina and Edmundo of traitors and much more. It is very important to clarify that neither María Corina nor Edmundo called for protests or violent marches.
On the afternoon of July 29, protests began throughout the country, they knocked down statues of Chavez, even. The people are fed up with tyranny and want to be heard. These protests began in the town itself, no opposition leader called to protest in this way. Everyone is fed up with this regimen. Even criminals in the areas of the plains and neighborhoods have joined the people to protest against the results issued by the CNE.
The government has begun to retaliate: imprison the table witnesses and the people who are participating in the protests. So far there are 11 confirmed dead and many more missing and arrested. The government does not hesitate to torture those who are detained. Maduro has declared himself "pro-Palestine" to hide against an accusation, a movement so low and crawling that it is disgusting, since he is not interested in his own people.
In addition, they close access to social networks. We have to use VPN for some. They are also urging that the people accuse those who are in the protests with an app called VenApp (I already made a post about it)
Currently, many rumors are circulating that the CNE is falsifying minutes to give Nicolás Maduro as the winner, along with Chinese personnel (yes, I know, it sounds crazy, but it is what is apparently happening). In addition, there are reports of planes entering and leaving the country with the direction of Cuba, an ally of the Maduro regime. There are already photos of Cuban soldiers in favor of the regime circulating in the networks.
The Carter Center (the only observer authorized by the regime) ignored the results issued by the CNE and directly called them anti-democratic because they do not meet any international standard. The regime has no solid arguments.
They blamed North Macedonia for an alleged hacking of the CNE during the votes and the Macedonian government itself ignores and rejects such an accusation (I'm sure they didn't even know we had elections). This government is a narco-dictatorship, too, since they have strong connections with drug traffickers.
Again, the government has no arguments. They calls both María Corina and Edmundo “cowards”, but they hide behind a screen. They did not even celebrate the supposed victory as they have done before, they have not taken to the streets, because they know that they would kill them, something that they have done María Corina and Edmundo María Corina has the royal minutes and enabled a page so that Venezuelans can download and verify them: they are all Agree that they are true.
And Edmundo wins by an overwhelming majority. They have the support of almost 90% of the country. The regime is kicking.
Please don't let the Venezuelan voices go out or not be heard.
We don't want more dictatorship.
We want Nicolás to leave.
-------- SPANISH VER -------
Hola, escribo esto con el fin de informar a la mayoría sobre lo que está pasando en mi país, Venezuela, en caso de que no sepan. Disculpo si hay algo que está mal escrito, originalmente escribí esto en español y lo traduje al inglés.
El día 28 de julio de este año 2024 se llevaron a cabo elecciones “democráticas” donde los grandes candidatos eran Nicolás Maduro (del PSUV, parte del régimen chavista que lleva gobernando por 25 años la nación) y Edmundo González, de la oposición. Edmundo es una especie de suplente de María Corina Machado, líder de la oposición que SIEMPRE acusó a Chávez (antiguo presidente, amigo del dictador Fidel Castro) de ser un ladrón y dictador autoritario. El régimen chavista inhabilitó a María Corina para que no se presentara como candidata para las presidenciales, porque siempre le tuvieron miedo.
En la madrugada del 29 de julio, Elvis Amoroso, parte del CNE (Consejo Nacional Electoral), declaró que Nicolás Maduro era el presidente “electo” de la república con 51% de a favor; Edmundo tenía un 44%, según ellos. Esto sin que se hayan totalizado los votos y sin mostrar datos y fuentes fiables.
Para sorpresa de todos, María Corina tenía un as bajo la manga: en los centros de votación, las actas de votación fueron digitalizadas y respaldadas. En estos días se han estado mostrando todas las actas de votación y la realidad es otra: Edmundo Gonzáles tiene casi un 70 % (hasta donde vi, hasta ahora) a favor, mientras que Nicolás Maduro a duras penas llega al 30 %. Estas actas son OFICIALES y, más importante aún, VERÍDICAS. María Corina, es decir, la oposición, Comando Venezuela, tiene en su poder casi el 90% de las actas.
El resultado es claro: Edmundo González ES el presidente electo de Venezuela este 2024. Se cometió el fraude más grande en la historia de Latinoamérica, probablemente del mundo incluso.
¿Pero qué pasa?
El régimen no quiere reconocer los resultados. Se niegan a mostar las actas porque saben que perdieron. Están acusando a María Corina y a Edmundo de traidores y muchas cosas más. Es MUY IMPORTANTE ACLARAR que ni María Corina NI Edmundo llamaron a protestas o marchas violentas.
En la tarde del 29 de julio, comenzaron protestas en todo el país, tumbaron estatuas de Chávez, incluso. El pueblo está harto de la tiranía y quiere ser escuchado. Estas protestas comenzaron en el pueblo mismo, ningún líder opositor llamó a protestar de esta forma. Todos están hartos de este régimen. Incluso criminales en las zonas de los llanos y barrios se han unido al pueblo a protestar en contra de los resultados emitidos por el CNE. El gobierno ha comenzado a tomar represalias: encarcela a los testigos de mesa y a las personas que están participando en las protestas. Hasta ahora hay 11 muertos confirmados y muchos más desaparecidos y detenidos. El gobierno no duda en torturar a quienes están detenidos. Maduro se ha declarado “pro-palestina” para escudarse contra alguna acusación, un movimiento tan bajo y rastrero que es repugnante, ya que a él no le interesa su propio pueblo.
Además, cierran el acceso a redes sociales. Tenemos que usar VPN para algunas. También están instando a que el pueblo acuse a los que están en las protestas con una app llamada VenApp (ya hice un post al respecto)
Actualmente, circulan MUCHOS rumores de que el CNE está falsificando actas para dar como ganador a Nicolás Maduro, junto con personal chino (sí, lo sé, suena a locura, pero es lo que aparentemente está pasando). Además, hay informes de aviones que entran y salen del país con dirección a Cuba, aliado del régimen de Maduro. Ya hay fotos de militares cubanos a favor del régimen circulando en las redes.
El Centro Carter (único observador autorizado por el régimen) desconoció los resultados emitidos por el CNE y directamente los tildó de antidemocráticos porque no cumplen con ningún estándar internacional.
El régimen NO tiene argumentos sólidos. Culparon a MACEDONIA DEL NORTE, de un supuesto hackeo al CNE durante las votaciones y el mismísimo gobierno de Macedonia desconoce y rechaza tal acusación (estoy seguro de que ni sabían que teníamos elecciones). Este gobierno es una narcodictadura, también, ya que poseen fuertes conexiones con narcotraficantes. De nuevo, el gobierno NO TIENE ARGUMENTOS. Llama “cobardes” tanto a María Corina como a Edmundo, pero ELLOS se esconden detrás de una pantalla. Ni siquiera celebraron la supuesta victoria como han hecho antes, no han salido a las calles, porque saben que los matarían, cosa que sí han hecho María Corina y Edmundo
María Corina tiene las actas reales y habilitó una página para que los venezolanos podamos descargarlas y verificarlas: todos están de acuerdo en que son verídicas. Y Edmundo gana por una aplastante mayoría. Tienen el apoyo de casi el 90% del país. El régimen está dando patadas de ahogado.
Por favor, no dejen que las voces venezolanas se apaguen o no sean oídas.
No queremos más dictadura.
No queremos bonos, no queremos CLAP.
Queremos que se vaya Nicolás.
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cinnamonrollsledge · 3 months
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HBO WAR SUMMER EXCHANGE 2024 for @lovememadly92
George Luz x OC, Post-War
George Luz is finally back in America, and facing the new challenges of returning to a “normal” civilian life. He feels listless, suffering from intrusive memories and nightmares, and even as he spends his days surrounded by family and coworkers, he misses the structure and companionship of his friends from Easy. Then one day, he crosses paths with María Gonzáles, a sister of an old friend of his from the same working-class neighborhood. María has been struggling to adjust to post-war life, too. She married in 1941, and her husband shipped out to the Philippines not long afterward. She made the most of the unprecedented opportunities for women in the workplace during the war, enjoying the freedom and empowerment, and earning good pay to support her family. But then, tragically, her husband was killed in 1944 in the Battle of Leyte. Then less than a year later, one of her brothers was killed in the Battle for Iwo Jima. Once the war ended and men returned to their old jobs, she was let go from her position she’d enjoyed for the last 3 years. 
When María mentions that she is looking for a job, George offers to put in a good word for her at the company that's hiring next door to his work. They’re only willing to give her a “women’s job,” despite her experience making her more qualified than plenty of the men they employ, but she accepts the offer. There are challenges adjusting to the new work, but she learns quickly, and is determined to prove her ability and worth. She also has to try her best to get along with new coworkers- many of whom don’t think she belongs there due to her gender, race, or both.
Given the proximity of their work and homes, George and María also often cross paths before or after work, or during their breaks, and they exchange friendly greetings. As a result, some of the witnesses of these exchanges often tease or ask George about her. But every time, he flatly insists that absolutely nothing was, nor would ever happen between the two of them. (After all, she is still mourning her husband, and he believes her to be far out of his league, anyways.) Meanwhile, George rekindles his old friendship with María’s brother, who is also coping with his experiences overseas fighting in Europe, and he becomes a regular welcomed guest in their family’s home. 
Once the days start becoming shorter, George slips into the routine of accompanying María on their commute between work and home. As a result, the two of them spend more time talking and getting to know one another better. His humor and energy help lift her up, and her compassion and empathy help bring down his walls, and they realize they’re able to speak freely to each other about their experiences, hopes, and struggles. 
All of a sudden, their attraction has blossomed into genuine feelings of love. But María is torn between her desire to honor her late husband’s memory, and her feelings for George. Meanwhile, he is scared to speak up or make a move, and risk making things uncomfortable, or ruining their friendship. Can they be able to resist the gravitational pull they feel toward one another? Will they be able to work through their fears and well-deserved find happiness with each other?
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miracleintheandes · 1 year
The Survivors (Part 1)
In alphabetical order.
The photos and some of the information are from Sociedad de la Nieve
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Born on April 19th 1948, “Fito” Strauch used to play for the Old Christians rugby team, but he didn’t at the time of the crash. He was invited on the trip by his cousin Eduardo Strauch.
He was part of the trio known as “the cousins” (Fito, Eduardo and Daniel Fernandez). Fito and Eduardo were double cousins, as their mothers were sisters and their fathers were brothers, whose sister was Daniel’s mother.
The cousins played an essential leadership role in the mountains, as they took the responsibility of cutting the meat off the dead bodies and rationing the portions.
Fito had many brilliant ideas. The boys had a hard time melting snow, as shaking handfuls in a bottle was far too arduous and tiring in the rarefied air of the mountains. Fito figured out that each plane seat had a piece of aluminum that could be folded into a device filled with snow, which was then left in the sun to melt. The resulting water would then be poured into a bottle.
He also came up with the idea of tying seat cushions to their feet so they could walk on snow without sinking to their waist. As if those were not enough, he manufactured sunglasses with pieces of nylon taken from the seats and glass cut from the front windows of the plane (the ones in the cockpit, which were a shade darker than the windows in the cabin)
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Born on November 1st 1947, “Pancho” Delgado was a law student. He was invited on the trip by his friend Gaston Costemalle, who played for the Old Christians rugby team.
Due to his eloquence, the other survivors asked him to address the journalists in the press conference held upon their return to Uruguay and explain their decision to eat the bodies of their dead friends.
The book “Alive” by Piers Paul Read paints an unfavorable picture of Pancho, claiming he already had a “lawyer’s mind” and hoarded food behind everyone’s back. In his own book, however, fellow survivor Nando Parrado comes to his defense, saying that all survivors - due to the desperate circumstances they found themselves in - tried to take advantage of the others at some point, but Pancho was resented the most because he got away with it more often.
Pancho had a girlfriend at the time of the crash, Susana Sartori. The couple eventually got married and had four children (María Federica, Alfredo, Joaquín and Agustina).
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Born on March 31st 1953, Alvaro wasn’t part of the team nor did he attend the Stella Maris private school as most of the survivors. He knew some of the other passengers on a superficial level, as they lived in the same rich neighborhood in Montevideo. I have yet to find out why he was on the trip at all, but as soon as I do I’ll update you guys.
He broke his left leg when the plane crashed. Fellow survivor Roberto Canessa, a medical student, did his best to put the bones back into their places. Throughout the 72 days, Alvaro remained close to Canessa, who was very protective of him.
Alvaro had a girlfriend at the time of the crash, Margarite Arocena. The couple got married and had four children.
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Born on July 24th 1953, “Tintín” played rugby for the Old Christians and stood out for his physical strength. His volatile personality caused some fights, but he never questioned the group’s decisions.
Because of his strength, Tintín was initially enrolled as one of the survivors who were to leave the fuselage in search of help. After three days, however, his fellow expeditionaries (Roberto Canessa and Nando Parrado) realized the trip was gonna be much longer than anticipated and sent Tintín back to the fuselage so they could keep his portions of meat.
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Born on November 23rd 1951, Bobby was a Stella Maris alumnus and played for Old Christians. He had a very passive attitude towards the whole ordeal, as if he didn’t care whether he lived or died. As soon as the fuselage stopped its descent down the mountainside, Bobby exited the wreckage, sat on the snow and lit a cigarette.
He melted snow when the others forced him to, but didn’t do much else. When the cousins threatened to cut off his supply of meat, Bobby shrugged and said “That seems fair”.
Bobby had six children (Roberto, Federico, Sofía, Josefina, Milagros and Diego) and now lives a quiet life as a farmer.
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Born on October 31st 1953, Carlitos was the son of a famous Uruguayan painter, Carlos Páez Villaró, who searched non-stop for the wreckage of the plane and did not rest until his son was found.
Carlitos was a very spoiled boy (he had a nanny!), but the experience in the Andes built his character and soon enough he was in charge of important tasks such as building a wall made of chairs and suitcases to protect the severed fuselage from the cold and praying the rosary every night with his companions. He also knew how to sew, which came in handy when the survivors decided to make a sleeping bag for the expeditionaries.
Several years after the accident, Carlitos struggled with addiction, but he fortunately bounced back. He has two children, Maria Elena de los Andes and Carlos Diego (named after his deceased friends Gustavo Diego Nicholich and Diego Storm).
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Born on February 12th 1946, Daniel is the second oldest survivor. He was unharmed in the crash.
As previously mentioned, Daniel and his cousins played a key leadership role after the death of team captain Marcelo Perez. Daniel’s serenity, in particular, calmed the others down when fights erupted.
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Born on August 13th 1947, Eduardo was a Stella Maris alumnus and confounder of the Old Christians, as well as a former player. Nicknamed “the German” due to his ancestry, he was an Architecture student and the most worldly of the group, as he had previously traveled to Europe.
Eduardo invited his cousins Adolfo Strauch and Daniel Fernandez on the trip.
Stay tuned for PART 2!
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starlogician · 1 month
songs that remind me of stardew characters
yayyy (I’m dying- crazy sick right now! Tell me to get better right now or have your crops get eaten by crows >:))
🐸~ Sebastian
Everlong- Foo Fighters
Who are you now- Sleeping with Sirens
Why’d you only ever call me when you’re high?- Arctic Monkeys
(I seen a video with this in the background.. 10/10)
📸~ Haley
Alrighty Aphrodite- Peach Pit
Midas Touch- KISS OF LIFE
Fuck it I love you- Lana del Rey
🦜~ Emily
Wild Heart- SPELLES
Cariño- The Marías
☕️~ Harvey
De Selby 1
De Selby 2 - Hozier
(I would also put THE SONG but it’s a bit overplayed..)
🌶️~ Shane
Animals - Nickleback
(He 100% listens to dad rock… cmonnnnnnn)
I Know You- Faye Webster
The Beach- The Neighborhood
Fake It- Seether
🍕~ Sam
Eventually- Tame Impala
Us & Them - Pink Floyd
We Own the Night- Dance Gavin Dance
My Propeller- Arctic Monkeys
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Villa Hortensia
Hi guys! 
This is a new house I have been working on. 
Villa Hortensia is a mansion in the city of Rosario, Santa Fe Province, Argentina. It is located in the Alberdi neighborhood, at Warnes Street 1917, in the northeast of Rosario.
Built in 1890 by architect Boyd Walker for the family of José Nicolás Puccio, founder of the "ex Pueblo Alberdi." It was sold to Ciro Echesortu and later to Alfredo Rouillón, who was married to María Hortensia Echesortu (hence the palace took its name). The Rouillon family, known for their good health, used Villa Hortensia as a summer residence due to the rural nature of the area, its proximity to the Paraná River Cliff, and the appreciated shaded forestation.
This works with a 50x40 lot.
As always, you  will need lots of CC for it to work properly, mostly from Felixandre, TheJim, SYB, Aggresivve Kitty, among others.
Please let me know if you like it with a comment and enjoy :)
DOWNLOAD HERE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/84370242
(Free release 6/30)
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‘A preview to hell’: The year Brazil woke up to the climate crisis
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Last weekend, Brazil experienced its ninth heat wave of the year, with 15 states on alert due to high temperatures. These are the last blows of a year that’s on track to be the hottest in history.
In Brazil, since July, all average temperature records have been broken, month after month, according to the National Institute of Meteorology. The residents of Irajá – a neighborhood in the northern part of Rio de Janeiro – know this well. In recent years, the neighborhood has earned the reputation of being the hottest in the city. Here, less than 20 miles from the beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana, the sea breeze isn’t even noticeable, while trees are scarce. This district has nothing to do with the exuberant tropical city plastered all over the postcards for tourists.
On one corner, Giselle Silva sells sardines in boxes packed with ice. Every day, she slathers herself in SPF-80 sunscreen, to work under an umbrella. Despite the shadow, she always ends up burned. “The most stressful thing is the heat: it’s unbearable. It’s gotten a lot worse in recent years. Let me tell you: this is a preview to hell. This summer is going to be terrible,” she says resignedly.
The residents of Irajá know very well that the scorching sun isn’t an isolated phenomenon. “For me, deforestation in the Amazon is the primary reason,” says Waldir Cavalcante, a taxi driver. He’s sitting on a plastic chair next to the door of an air-conditioned supermarket, to feel some relief. His taxi spends the day parked on the opposite sidewalk, in full sun. It doesn’t get even a little shade until four in the afternoon, the owner notes. He remembers a childhood in a very different neighborhood, with dirt roads and many more trees. Nowadays, Irajá is a sea of asphalt.
Heat waves in the cities, the extreme drought that has dried up the rivers of the Amazon, or the floods in the south of the country are all extreme climatic events that have been multiplied this year, as a result of El Niño. This phenomenon warms the environment naturally, but specialists warn that it’s increasingly intense due to climate change. For the director of the Climate and Society Institute (iCS), María Netto, the increase in the frequency and intensity of environmental catastrophes is something that has come to stay. But that’s not all. “There are impacts that aren’t so perceptible, that are growing little by little, such as the increase in temperature, or the variation in the frequency of rain, which [are factors that] have an enormous impact on agriculture and people’s quality of life. These impacts,” she continues, on the phone with EL PAÍS, “especially affect the most vulnerable people.”
Continue reading.
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enriquemzn262 · 2 years
January 5 2023, Mexican Air Force T-6C Texan II aircraft strafe Sinaloa Cartel positions inside the Jesús María neighborhood of Culiacán, during the Mexican Armed Forces offensive to capture the head of the cartel, Ovidio Guzmán.
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leftistfeminista · 6 months
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Photograph of protest art from a report on the sexual torture of women political prisoners under the Pinochet regime. In educating the masses on what women endured, it is crucial to confront them with the direct brutality and horror of what women suffered. When threatened by the revolutionary power of women, the patriarchal capitalist state reduced them to a literal position of sexual slavery. Naked and blindfolded they were dragged around by chains attached to their necks. When pulled the chain would put enormous strain on their vulnerable necks choking them and cutting off oxygen. It was an instrument of control to keep militant women in submission and compliance. Survivors recall the cruel taunts "Look at you now, puta. Chained and collared like the communist animal you are." Instead of being silenced by humiliation and shame, creating this gigantic protest art reverses the shame. It is of crucial symbolism that despite being blindfolded, we can still look into her eyes. Whatever the Junta thugs attempted to reduce her to, she is still a revolutionary heroine.
La violencia sexualcomo forma de torturahacia las mujeres
The military dictatorship that began in Chile in 1973, after a bloody coup that overthrew President Salvador Allende and left thousands of people dead, missing,
Imprisoned and expelled from the territory, during the 17 years he was in power, he exercised permanent repression and persecution of men and women considered "dangerous" to the stability of the de facto regime. Torture, in its various forms, began on the same day as the coup against people who were taken prisoner in the streets, houses, workplaces, universities, factories, neighborhoods, and continued with great intensity throughout the period in which the military were in power, with Augusto Pinochet at the helm.
Women were not absent from this sad record. In fact, many still suffer today from the profound physical and psychological consequences left by torture, and many others died as a result of it. Sexual violence was a main part of the sessions with which the military of the various branches ruthlessly sought to punish women who dared to politically dissent, or who helped in one way or another people opposed to the regime.
However, despite the fact that torture with sexual violence was experienced by a large number of the prisoners, it was not always viewed by them as a practice with gender-based violence connotations.
On this occasion, we present an article by the Chilean psychologist Carolina Carrera, from the La Morada Corporation, Citizenry and Human Rights Area, which refers to the research "Women victims of sexual violence as torture during political repression in Chile, 1973-1990. An open secret", carried out by this organization and by the Women's Institute, with the aim of making visible that during the Pinochet dictatorship women were subjected to specific torture because of their sex.
We complement this writing with an interview with Dr. María Isabel Matamala, an expert in gender and women's health issues, with extensive experience in defending human rights, who, from her personal experience as a former political prisoner, refers to the traces of torture and sexual violence and to the need to give space to the stories as a way of healing for the victims and society as a whole. Stories that have mostly been silenced until today.
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buenasxncches · 2 months
the start of nothin'; prompt 008
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tw: parental abuse/neglect, death, shooting mention.
we'll never be those kids again
José María Morales, the true son of Martín José Luís, and María Elena. A man born in harsh reality, to an exhausted mother, and a father who loved an idea of him before he was even born, an idea that José would never be able to live up to. Crushed by a dream even before his first breath. He spends his entire youth practically breaking himself into small pieces to appease a father who is constantly disappointed in him. It’s hard to feel like there’s ever solid ground beneath him, his father going from being doting, to extremely disciplinary. His mother doesn’t really look at him, becoming more and more bitter every year that she’s stuck in this life, without any kind of escape. The bottle becomes the only escape in her grasp, something familiar, and pleasantly numbing. He’s left to parent his younger sisters, and take on whatever his father throws at him. José, without a sense of hope and a fantastic dream inside to hold onto, nothing to guide him through life, runs into walls constantly. He tries his best but nothing gives. It’s like he was destined to fail, trapped by his upbringing. He doesn’t make good enough grades, with all the stressors in his life, to make it to NYU. So, he doesn’t graduate with a degree that would’ve helped him become a detective. Instead, José works as a regular cop, doing what he can to try and keep his neighborhood safe. He still hopes to work his way up to becoming a detective, desperate to bring justice to people like him, and his aunt, people who are so routinely overlooked. But it never happens. He’s never taken seriously enough, he doesn’t have the instincts to make the right calls. He still gets shot in the line of work at 29 years old, and goes into a coma, but in this world, the coma is an endless void of nothing. No dreams. No divine guidance. Nothing to drive him to make his life better. It’s a nothingness he fades away into quite easily, exhausted by everything that led up to that point, José goes silently into the night. One final slumber. His family cries at his bedside never having actually known him. His mother cries the hardest, knowing that it’s too late to try and build anything good with him. His father spills a few tears, looking on at his body in disappointment one final time. It’s a nightmare José is familiar with, one where he amounts to nothing, where he has nothing to show for his life. Where everything meant nothing, and there was nothing better waiting for him. Nothing but that dreamless sleep. No heartbreak. No triumph. Nothing. Comforting, in a sad way, in its finality.
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buney-kat · 2 months
Songs list! All romantic or similar in nature. Ones that make me daydream, feel, and ache.
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Exist for Love- AURORA
Emergency Contact- Pierce the Veil
Too Sweet- Hozier
Saving Flowers- salute, Rina Sawayama
Baby I'm Yours- Arctic Monkeys
Cariño- The Marías
Nonsense- Sabrina Carpenter
Even When I'm Not With You- Pierce the Veil
Meet Me in the Woods- Lord Huron
Fool for Love- Lord Huron
Say It Back- tv room
Love You Like A Love Song- Selena Gomez & The Scene
Mr Valentine- YAZ
Hey Lover!- Wabie
Two of Hearts- Stacey Q
Moonlight- Kali Uches
Light Shower- Melanie Martinez
She's My Collar- Gorillaz, Kali Uches
Plug Me In- Lil Soda Boi
Stars- dacelynn
Until I Found You- Stephen Sanchez
Never Ever Getting Ride of Me- Christopher Fitzgerald, Kimiko Glenn
Crush- Tessa Violet
Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)- Edison Lighthouse
EYES ON ME- asteria
Supernatural- Barns Courtney
Stuck- Thirty Seconds to Mars
Howlin' For You- The Black Keys
La Cama (Tengo Ganas de Ti)- El Secreto de Herbie
Girlfriend- Trevor Something
Rush- Troye Sivan
R U Mine?- Arctic Monkeys
NASCAR- Stella Smyth
Tension- Kylie Minogue
Lipstick- Charlie Puth
Love From The Other Side- Fall Out Boy
Tongue and Teeth- Subtlety
I H3ART YOU- Boy Fantasy, g0r3c0r3
Me and Mr Wolf- The Real Tuesday Weld
Eat You- Caravan of Thieves
The Summoning- Sleep Token
Wonderland- Natalia Kills
Tú Con Él- Frankie Ruiz
Missing Kitty- Kreayshawn
Novia- Jake Daniels
Killer- The Hoosiers
Creatures in Heaven- Glass Animals
Duele El Amor- Aleks System, Ana Torroja
Bewitched- Laufey
The Night We Met- Lord Huron
The World We Knew (Over And Over)- Frank Sinatra
Capable of love- PinkPantheress
The Devil is Human- AURORA
Billie Bossa Nova- Billie Eilish
Por Tu Maldito Amor- Vicente Fernández
I'm Yours- Isabel LaRosa
Scary Love- The Neighborhood
Test me- Melanie Martinez
Cherry Flavored- The Neighborhood
When the Night Begins to Fall- James the Seventh
Play date- Melanie Martinez
Treehouse- Alex G, Emily Yacina
Washing Machine Heart- Mitski
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sunny6677 · 2 months
Nightly Tom pollll
Was thinking about giving Kevin and Tom 'their own song' kinda?? Well eh not really. Just kinda like a subtle detail in the background where that song kinda plays in scenes where they're present, or there's small references to it in the back (like how the book Lila is reading in Unwanted Guest is a reference to a song).
All songs:
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sataniccapitalist · 6 months
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