#Marci raye
lumilasi · 3 months
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So here's the entirety of the Rainbow Ladies series. Looking at them all together they look pretty good, in fact I'd say they work the best as a set rather than individual pieces, at least some of them I feel.
(Mainly, I don't like Marci's (first version of orange, the second at the top) and Beatrice's (purple) pieces as much as the rest, on their own. This is kinda unfortunate especially with Marci given he's one of my faves lol, that just wasn't a good art day I guess...)
This was fun to do, although tricky at times; for some colors it felt like I had barely any options. (If I did this series with guys next, I'd have the opposite problem of too many choices lol)
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lightningrogers · 4 months
on repeat shuffle !!
Shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first ten songs
thank u @starchaserwrites for the tag <3
i still do by the cranberries
sonnet by the verve
navigating by twenty one pilots
opium by marcy playground
faultline by silverchair
supersonic by oasis
tomorrow by silverchair
jesus wants me for a sunbeam by the vaselines
empire now by hozier
escapism by raye
tagging @onthemerits @emlovessid @jmeslovr and anyone else who sees!
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“Reign in hell or serve in heaven Take from the world or earn your blessings I heard verbatim from an angel's message My left shoulder there was Satan finessin' I burnt the sage in the name of protection Be James Evans or Rayful Edmond It's a dirty game of chess and checkers Get paid or be left naked and desperate I lit a candle and played Jamaican records Prayed and rested next to my favorite weapons Saved my bread up and then made my exit..”
 Roc Marci
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redemptioninterlude · 2 years
25 for marcy & fionna <3
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spotify unwrapped meme ( accepting ) + @ha1fm00n // fionna 25. confidence - raye ft maleek berry, nana rouges
" Now, clearly you don't waste time, WANT MINE "
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" NOT SHY are you? "
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strooodl · 3 years
seeing people headcanon marcy wu as a non-binary lesbian brings me so much joy none of you understand like !! yes not only do so many people agree with the headcanon i cling onto so dearly but also seeing people who hc my comfort character with my gender and my sexuality just shfhjshjhg makes me so happy,, 
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Time For Me to Come Home For Christmas (2018)
Impression: so much potential, not well thought out
Collection: no
Overall: ⭐️⭐️1/2
Story: ⭐️⭐️1/2
Storytelling: ⭐️⭐️1/2
Characters: ⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2
Casting: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Visually: ⭐️⭐️1/2
Score/Soundtrack: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Entertainment: ⭐️⭐️1/2
Best: singing with The Roamers
Worst: that it had everything it needed to be a great holiday film, while never truly delving into the emotions of its story. It skims over it, rather then digging into it.
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candydos · 3 years
💕 & 😍 & 👀 for amp asks!!
(from here)
💕 - fav ep from S3A? oh man that’s hard, but “hop til you drop” is definitely up there! froggy shenanigans my beloved heh (probably one of the last episodes I got to enjoy before the S3A complaints rolled in :’))
😍 - I’ve said this so many times but “can you smell the rain marcy?” by raye (@onecoolnewt/bigpinkbaguette) is one of my all-time favourite fics. it just brings me so much comfort and it just holds a special place in my heart now :D!
(+ just for you mira, I really liked that writing piece you did on sprig’s fear of heights and the orange tree :3 lives rent free in my head)
👀 - S3B has a lot in store and I think everyone knows the checklist of “things amphibia has to address/conquer before it ends”… so I’d say I’m more excited to see how all of these loose ends/ plot lines Rube Goldberg their way into the finale :3
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dearsheroozle · 5 years
Playlist shuffle meme! You can tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping.
i was tagged by @sherralotz :) 
“Can’t Sleep (Wolves)” - WALK THE MOON
“More Than Words (feat. Kamille)” - Little Mix
“Bruises” - Lewis Capaldi
“Tomorrow (Acoustic)” - Set It Off
“Heaven So Close” - We the Kings
“Love, Me” - Collin Raye
“Heart Starts” - Matt Nathanson
“Just Got Started Lovin’ You” - James Otto
“More (Outtake)” - Marcy Harriell
“Sounds Like Hallelujah” - The Head and the Heart
this is...not a super good sample of my messy music taste tbh
anyways, i’m not gonna tag anyone. if you see this, and you wanna do it, you can say i tagged you, it’s nbd :D
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lumilasi · 8 months
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"I know my former boss, Sunshine. He's good at his job for a reason"
FINALLY I was able to draw one of my lesbian couples; sure its not exactly a romantic one BUT it is a start! It feels like I'm always stuck in a situation where one or both need a redesign oof.
(The logo on Marci's shirt is the logo for her favorite rock band in-world, called the Showman's Lament.)
As for what's going on in the first image, likely someone asked Marci some help in regards to her former boss Kenzo, thinking of going to talk with him. Marci naturally thinks it's a bad idea; she respects her old boss and knows he does important work, BUT she does not trust that man one bit. She knows how shady and manipulative he can get.
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lumilasi · 5 months
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Rainbow ladies 2: Marci (A Warlock)
Drawing this was super difficult, for a couple of reasons: 1. Marci is apparently hard to draw for some random ass reason, and 2. orange is a color I find tricky to use/theme things around, given it very easily turns into a red, or a brown. This is honestly more browns and reds than orange themed....OTL
As for the BG pattern; it's a combination of the symbol of the group she used to work under the member of, and the moth like thing peeking from within them is the logo of her favorite in-world band, whose member she's even friends with. (the logo is also on her shirt)
(It's kind of symbolic of how her past job still kind of has a major effect on her even in her private life and shadows a lot of things in ways she's not exactly happy with.)
other parts of the series:
Red I Orange (ver2) I Yellow I Green I Blue I Purple I Indigo
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lumilasi · 8 months
yes Hi I really love the two cutiepie lesbians but couldn't find much info about them, can you give us the tea about the two? (The blond(?) And the sunshine!) Love your art ~❤️
Glad you like them! (I don't know what to classify Marci's hair either. Light brown? Blond? Dirty Blond? It is a mystery)
Yeah unfortunately there isn't much about Marci and Mariella yet, given they are relatively new characters: that image was the first time I drew them since making their bios, and even the info in those is a bit outdated now OTL (Also Marci's one needs updates given how I will draw her changed thanks to this pic in question)
Also they are not really part of the main group for each story & I have a LOT of characters, so I haven't had much time or motivation to draw them either. That doesn't mean there isn't a lot of story and lore behind the two though, especially Marci. One thing I can guarantee is that if a character of mine has no lore yet once born, there WILL be a novel's worth later lmaooo
....This does lead to a problem where this will get long-winded, because I HAVE to bring up a couple other characters to explain them properly, which means I'll have to give a summary of said characters too....and world details lore....
Since you asked though, I guess I'll try to summarize; I'll break this up in sections + add images for the characters in question. Maybe I'll put the lore explanation under the cut so those who aren't interested don't have to suffer through a long post:
She's a "Weaponsmith Warlock" also known in-world by the name Spatha (Latin for a specific type of weapon) Warlock, I.E has the ability to create any weapon known to man up to the current times, she forms them from red, bloodlike liquid substance. Her power comes from the Herald of War aka one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. (He's not a warmonger in this take but more of a weary soldier who hates his existence)
Marci is an orphan, and she originates from Australia in the human world. She was picked up/"adopted" by her former boss Kenzo Yoma/Faydream as a teenager in the 80'ies, as she'd recently discovered her magic powers and was struggling to control them. He basically offered to mentor her for her powers and she'll in turn get away from her shitty foster home. She agreed and moved with him to the Mirror realm (the place where all the mythical beings of this world live, I still haven't figured out a better name for it lol).
She was never really officially adopted by Kenzo though, and acted more as a student than a daughter, but they did still have a good relationship initially, to the point Marci willingly started working as his right hand woman once she was adult/confident enough with her powers.
FIRST DETOUR: Kenzo summary
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Kenzo is a dream-eater, also known as a nightcrawler/bogeyman. In this story they are beings born from people's trauma that feed on said trauma and people's fears and nightmares. Kenzo and his brother Yuuji are a rare twin-born pair so they are especially powerful among their kind, having been born the same time from brothers who experienced the same trauma the same time. (Them appearing Japanese is because the said humans were Japanese)
He works as the head of a special organization called The Shadowless, whose job is to keep the Mirror realm hidden from humans & make sure powerful magic artifacts don't end up in human hands. They kind of protect both sides from each other essentially.
Kenzo is the antagonist of his character set, BUT he is not a "villain." You know, the whole "All villains are antagonists, but not all antagonists are villains." He's basically just a man who nearly lost his wife Evena & daughter Avane once, and this incident caused the said wife to suffer from severe mental health complications, which has essentially strained their familial relationships badly.
He struggles to handle the situation so he's buried himself in his work, causing some of his more negative personality traits to manifest stronger bit by bit. (Tendencies for manipulation, lower empathy, "end justifies the means" thinking) He's still relatively close with his daughter and brother, though tends to argue with the latter a lot, something he didn't do so much in the past. His daughter & brother are also working on trying to get him to realize he's spiraling, while also trying to protect others from him if necessary.
Marci eventually retired from her job due to multitude of factors, such as seeing her boss' downward spiral after the incident with his family and starting to lose trust in him, but primarily due to an incident, where she lost control of her powers due to stress in a mission, causing an explosion that killed innocent people by accident. She now works in a magical instrument repair shop, handling the back storage and the like. (She wanted a job where she didn't have to use her powers & always liked anything music related)
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Before Marci got this job, she actually went to stay with some friends she'd made a while back, the guardians of the Blue Life tree. There, she ended up growing fond of a recently manifested spirit, a little girl called Marisa, and eventually ended up becoming her adoptive parent as the kid basically chose her to be her mom (Marisa literally pointed at her after a while and declared her her momma lol)
SECOND DETOUR: Moth Spirits and Life trees
Life trees are magical trees within this realm, that call forth lost souls who died with regrets/unfinished business/died before they could have a proper life to begin with. They essentially grant these souls a second chance at life to complete their unfinished business, albeit symbolically majority of the time. (Example: If their regret was never confessing their love to someone, typically the spirit completes this by finding a new person to love and confess to them. This is because often the people in question have already passed on themselves)
Moth spirits are these reborn souls, and their visual characteristics depend on the tree of origin, and the tree depends on their manner of death/who they were as human. Currently there are only 3 trees left, A Weeping Willow (Green tree) Wisteria (The purple tree) and Blue Spruce (The blue tree, obvs). Marisa was born from the blue tree, because she was simply a child who died young accidentally. Moth spirits born from this tree are always blue, but can have orange as an accent color to their appearance. The skin is always a shade of blue though.
Mariella is a tree nymph who was born out of a seed rather than "human" way. (Both birth types are possible, which happens tends to depend on if the nymph lives in more rural or urban parts of the world. More urbanized ones tend to prefer direct birthing and act as direct parents to their children, whereas seedlings like Mariella tend to live in a communion where all older nymphs/dryads act as the parents to the younglings.)
She used to work as a Guardian for the green Life Tree, but it became mentally and emotionally too taxing given the nature of the spirits born from it. (Tragic deaths with foul play often involved, including self-harm. basically the most traumatized group of the 3)
She started working in the city as one of the park-keepers for the biggest park in there, which is where she met Marci and Marisa, and the two ladies hit it off pretty quickly. They now live together in a new apartment, though their daughter moved out a year ago as she left for university to become a magic-mechanical engineer.
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Avane (Green haired lady)- Kenzo's daughter whom Marci used to babysit a bit, and even nowadays cares for, sometimes helping her meddle into her dad's business out of concern, both for Ava's safety, but also concern over the damage Kenzo could do in his current mental state. Visually comes mainly after her mother apart from her eyes. Mantis Fairy/Dream-eater mixed heritage.
Sebastian - Her occasional coworker in the instrument shop, also happens to be a member of her favorite local rock band (she didn't realize this until he invited her to a concert as a VIP guest) A Wyvern
Aimi (My friend's character)- her successor and Kenzo's new right hand woman. Often she is the one who contacts her in behalf of Kenzo, and Marci begrudgingly considers her a friend. Ice cream loving fiend, a Grand Fairy
Herald of War/The Soldier (No design yet) - Her Deity/source of power essentially. Considers Marci his favorite as she respects and fears her power appropriately in his eyes. Often visits them and pretends to their daughter he's Marci's relative, so Marisa thinks he's her "uncle" and has no clue he's a powerful apocalyptic entity. Mariella knows but plays along and has a fairly friendly relationship with the weary soldier.
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Azul/Chester (spin off protag, blue hair): One of Marci's friends she met through Kenzo's family doctor, who is Azul's adoptive father.
Jurou/Alistair (Main story protag): A tattooist who made her snake tattoo, Avane's boss and the person whose power is currently the most of-interest to Kenzo, given how powerful he actually is. Single bi Goth Dad, though he's starting to date Avane's uncle Yuuji.
Marci is asexual lesbian, doesn't mind being intimate with her GF if she wants it. They generally tend to be more "cuddles, domestic affection and quality time" type of couple over bedroom funtimes.
Marci is actually around 50-60 in human years, its just that life-expectancy for magic wielders and magical beings is typically measured more in centuries, so she ages slower now that she's fully unlocked her magic. She's roughly equivalent of a human in their thirties.
Mariella's exact age is unknown, but she is generally seen to be late twenties/early thirties in human form
Marci's surname Raye is actually her second name; she did not want to use her foster family's surname, and didn't feel comfortable adopting her mentor's surname as she didn't feel like she had the right to (and later wouldn't want to, seeing how he started to change for the worse)
Mariella's surname was the name of the nymph communion she comes from, which is typical tradition for those who come from these groups.
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lumilasi · 9 months
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UPDATE: I needed something to warm up before working on a new thing, and I recalled that I didn't fully like how I drew her hair; it looked like a mess rather than her having curls, so I fixed it. The top part of her hair is still a bit ehhh, but I didn't know what to do with it yet.
more info below:
Name: Marisa Marisol-Raye
Nicknames: Risa/Mari-junior/junior (her moms) firecracker/hun/Mari (Gianna)
Age: 21
Height: 155 cm
Friends: She does like occasionally hanging out with her GF's brother marco and his friends as sort of a "big sis" figure. She's also made close friends with Max Karuna, a member of a popular rock band, as Marisa has helped working on their stage shows.
Family: adoptive moms Marci Raye and Mariella Marisol
Love interest: Gianna Aquila, a young designer student in the same uni (A siren)
Moth spirits are human souls reborn in new form through what is called a Hive Tree. There used to be 7 of those, but after the Ancient War only 3 are left. Each tree attracts slightly different types of souls with unfinished business:
Amethyst Wisteria:  A purple tree which reminds a massive Wisteria tree in appearance, the spirits manifested by this one are typically those who were in some way significant people in their community, dying unexpectedly. Leaders, warriors, freedom fighters, etc.
Emerald Weeping Willow: A green tree similar in likeness to Weeping Willows, only again much more massive. Souls born from this tree were those with tragic, darker sudden deaths. These souls were typically killed by someone in a non-war setting (I.E victims of crime) or they died of self-inflicted injuries caused by mental distress of some sort.
Blue Lapiz Spruce: A large tree in likeness of blue spruce. The souls that this tree attracts are typically those who died in a freak accident or natural disasters. This tree tends to birth a lot of child moth spirits, given it is more likely for a child to die of a freak accident/natural disaster than be of a level of importance/die due to crime. (Marisa naturally came from this tree)
Moth Spirit abilities: Speedy flight, butterfly poofing like a vampire, spitting webbing, pocket dimension to store stuff in, de-manifesting her wings if needed.
Fire protection magic: She has learned spells to coat her whole body and/or her tools to prevent them from being damaged by potential fires from her work. (Her wings are naturally fireproof, but nothing else is.)
Engineering Intelligence: She is studying for an engineer for a reason; Marisa has always been good at learning new things and understanding the fundamentals of how things work, both on the magical side and the physical side.
Marisa can be a tad reckless and push the boundary of what might be the smart approach to her tinkering, resulting in explosions and unnecessary messes.
She is socially a little awkward and doesn't always know how to act in crowds, which often means she'll just tag along her girlfriend during any bigger celebratory events, unless she finds people who are more her vibe, typically those who are up to shenanigans. (Such as Max, who acts as sort of a big sis figure to her)
Marisa has a fear of the ocean and doesn't like being in large bodies of water; when younger it was even difficult to get her to bathe at first, but by now its only large bodies of water that bother her.
Marisa is very positive and enthusiastic person with never-ending curiosity. She loves trying out new things and testing her hypothesis, whenever it is about her inventions or whenever a flavor combo for food works or not.
While you wouldn't think of it at first glance, Marisa absolutely loves fashion too and enjoys trying out all sorts of different looks and outfits, the only real rule that she follows being "colorful" pretty much.
Due to her social awkwardness, she is sometimes self conscious and wonders if she's being too much, apologizing a lot if she feels she's talking too much for example. She also tends to want to avoid big gatherings of people, unless she gets to actually work with something. Marisa also has the tendency to dwell in any awkward conversations she's had with people for days.
She was taken in by Marci, who happened to be visiting the Blue Spruce area given she is acquainted with the wife of one of the guardians of the tree. She came to stay there for a while to try and recover from a traumatic incident that led her quitting her earlier dangerous job.
At first she felt hesitant adopting the kid, but during her stay it became clear Marisa had already chosen her as her new parent, so she decided to at least try.
They met Mariella two years later, and Marisa "shipped" them from the start, as she could tell instantly the two liked each other, and Marisa liked Mariella.
Marisa was from Mexico when she was a human, and died due to drowning at sea, potentially because she accidentally fell off a boat during a storm. (had there been any foul play, she would've been born a green moth)
Her name meaning "of the sea" refers to her manner of death as is typical for Moth spirits.
She likely died somewhere in the 60:ies
Out of the other moth spirits, she's only met Yoruga personally, given she does go to the cafe sometimes with her moms that he works at.
Marisa is Bi
Because of her thick fluff around her legs, she doesn't need to wear long trousers or leg warmers during winter, still sporting shorts or skirts, just of thicker fabric.
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lumilasi · 1 year
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Update: Decided to basically add ALL the outfits I've made for her so far into her bio post; she's kind of become my main character at this point. (NOTE her open hair guide doesn't match the other stuff that well bc I made it later, but it is supposed to be the "canon" look for how her hair appears when open)
Bio below:
Name: Due to Mantis fairies traditions when it comes to marrying a being who is not a fellow fae, she has two names;
Avane Faydream: her "Official" name used for any legal matters: the surname is essentially a reference combination of her parents' being types (A fairy & Dream eater) This is how Official names for fae with mixed heritage are typically formed.
Ava Mantis: Her "Personal" name she uses in her day-to-day life.
Age: 26
Height: 168 cm
Nicknames: Ava (most people) Fairy-san (Hitomi) little Magpie/Magpie (Her dad), Doll, boss (Roman)
Family: Father Lawrence (Dream-eater) Mother Evena (Mantis fairy), Uncle Alois(Dream-eater) Honorary big sisters Aimi and Marci Raye (A Grand Fairy & Weaponsmith Warlock)
Friends: Yume Kobushi (Her bestie/Pen-pal, a water witch) Caelan Blackthorne (Sea serpent) Claude & Hayden Faylune (Tiger butterfly fae & Moon Mage), Aimi (her father's right hand woman, a Grand Fairy) Marci Raye (A weaponsmith warlock that used to work for her dad)
Love interest: Roman Bosco (A grimmhound)
Rival: Irina Vasile. (She and Irina are both kind of dominant and bossy personalities, which is why they end up clashing. They don't hate each other though, but don't consider each other friends either)
A tattooist working in Jurou Araknos' tattoo parlor who also meddles into her dad's business to protect others from his influence & him from himself
Mantis Fairy skills: Her kind are largely known from being very fast and stealthy, good with long-range weaponry due to how insanely accurate they are, and were often utilized as spies or assassins in the past. While these jobs aren't that common anymore, Ava still has all these abilities as they are essentially "in her blood."
Basic fairy powers: She can summon and hide her wings and fly, as well as converse/seek guidance with nature itself. This is something all fairy folk can do regardless of their type.
Dream Eater power: She has some abilities from her dad, mainly the ability to read into people's dreams as they sleep, and influence the dream a little bit.
Shapeshifting Wings: her special wings are made of dream-eater essence rather than fae magic, so she can shapeshift them beyond just wings of different sizes. She can turn them into giant arms, animal shapes, clones of herself, clothes, etc. She can also detach these creations from herself, not needing them to be attached to her (except when they are just wings of course)
Artistic ability: She is a talented artist, which is why she works where she does.
Ava is bad with kids, and tends to easily intimidate them. This sometimes leads to awkward situations given her BF is naturally good with kids, which is actually somewhat surprising given most people would find his kind scary.
When her wings are "detached" from her, she cannot fly until reattaching them. Light magic also can render her unable to fly given what her wings are made of.
Avane is pretty calm and collected, and often comes off as very serious to most. She just warms up to people slowly, and with how chaotic most of her friends are, she tends to naturally fall into the role of being the responsible one among them, given she tends to be the one with most common sense/emotional maturity in a situation.
Despite her seemingly serious nature, she does have a sense of humor and doesn't mind teasing her loved ones or having friendly banter with her friends. She's just heavily introverted and often prefers her own company or having a chat with someone at a cafe or at cuddling with her BF home over going out and partying. She absolutely has her own childish, petty side to her, that tends to come out the most when she's very tired, either physically or mentally. (Basically when her typical ability to regulate her emotions extremely well is compromised)
She tends to not have much tolerance for shitty behavior, and sometimes does utilize her natural spookiness to others to her advantage to deal with assholes. She tends to generally come off as somebody difficult to approach, but once you get past her crack, she is quite the good and trustworthy friend.
Fun Facts
While her mother has no human world heritage whatsoever, her and her mom tend to appear to be hispanic/latin-american to humans.
While she doesn't like the Overshadower Council much for multitude of reasons (such as their dismissal of her mum's side of her heritage) she loves her dad very much and knows her dad dislikes their arrogant attitude as well, at least when it comes to dismissing his wife.
Her tattoo style is more monochrome or uses minimal colors when compared to her boss, and she tends to prefer floral/tribal patterns.
The lightning tattoo on her left arm was actually designed by her boyfriend as he wanted her to have something he came up with too (with her consent of course) and it was made by her boss. Her moon and stars tattoo on her other arm was also made by him based on her design.
Ava speaks Japanese, as her bestie Yume & her boss Jurou have taught her some. She also knows Italian thanks to herformer italian mobster boyfriend, whereas her native Fae language reminds Spanish a lot.
Having quite elaborate hairdos is pretty common for Mantis fairies; in fact there is an old tradition they have where once they turn 20, each fairy designs a specific hairstyle for themselves that they'll wear the most. After the first time designing it by hand, they use magic to easily recreate or undo this trademark hairdo. Ava's flower bud look is her special design.
She is demiromantic Demibisexual, and thought she was essentially aro-ace until she met Roman and developed a strong emotional bond with him, while helping him set up his new life in Mirror world.
Her eyes are that way due to her dad; her mum has normal human-like white sclera.
While Ava and Irina can butt heads a lot, they do generally respect each other and CAN work together if they must, though it does often lead to bickering and debates.
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lumilasi · 8 months
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I figured that since I won't be likely to draw Evena much despite her being semi-important, a bust shot portrait is honestly enough of a ref; She's just wearing a gown with sandals most of the time as well, and her hair is the most important design element due to the lore behind it.
....I did think of drawing her wings too, but RN I have no ideas for how they'd look exactly, so I'll add them later sometime. They'd likely just be varying shades of green mantis-like wings. Naturally
Her bio below:
Age: she's considered to be in her 50:ies by fae standards, is likely older from human perspective.
Nicknames: Eva
Family: Husband Kenzo, Brother-in-law Yuuji, Daughter Avane
Friends: Marci Raye (her husband's former pupil)
Love interest: Her husband Kenzo
Former special operative working under her then-future-husband, Currently being treated in a mental health temple
She used to be a very calm and patient person with a good sense of humor, and ability to stay calm under pressure. She was also fairly parental towards everyone she was responsible for, such as her younger teammates or Kenzo's (former) young pupil Marci.
After the incident where she and Avane almost died, Evena slowly became bitter, erratic and easily provoked, to the point she became a danger for herself and her family. She is now very quiet and prefers being left alone, or at least she claims so most of the time. Her mind is a mess and she's often not thinking very rationally.
She struggles with feelings of guilt (for not noticing the threat on time and not being able to protect her toddler in her mind), abandonment (for being placed in the facility, even if it treats the patients well enough/having her husband not visit her much anymore, OR her daughter) envy (feeling like her husband cares more about his job than her/sometimes even gets jealous over Avane still getting attention from her dad) and anger towards Kenzo, blaming him what happened. (it was an unforeseen incident that neither could have really predicted, and when she is more clear headed, she understands and knows this too)
She sometimes, in her more irrational moments, even blames Ava and is jealous of her for "turning out fine" despite going through the same situation. Even though she was way too young to even remember what happened. She does remember her mother lashing out at her dad for seemingly no reason more and more, though....
She was an excellent archer and sniper, being able to hit her targets accurately from very far away.
She can summon and hide her wings at will, or at least used to be able to; nowadays she struggles to pull them out.
Evena was always a good tactician and able to think and plan in the moment.
She had a fairly good close-combat skills too, though preferred long range weapons and stealthy approach.
Her trauma has made her unable to utilize majority of her fighting skills now, and she'll sometimes have random flashbacks that'll cause her to either panic or have a violent fit.
Her relationship with her family has strained due to her bad mental state, as she tends to lash out and argue with both, sometimes with irrational accusations. Evena always hates it when it happens afterwards, but she is really struggling with herself; her mind is fighting against her as she puts it sometimes.
She can't summon her wings properly anymore, and is insomniac as well.
Extra Facts
Avane is trying to get her dad to realize that him avoiding her is making things worse, but so far she's had no luck with it.
Yuuji is the only one who still visits her regularly, and also the only one she doesn't really lash out at much, given he wasn't directly involved in the incident.
Evena has been in the facility since Ava was 7, the incident happened when she was 3. She did get to leave occasionally during the past 19 years, but seemed to always relapse when she did.
During those 4 years before she went for psychological care, Evena essentially tried to grin and bear it, not want to admit she'd been traumatized despite the sings becoming more and more obvious overtime.
There is a theory that the reason why she's not getting better may also include a spiritual angle on top of psychology; some doctors speculate the werewolf who attacked them might've cursed her before he was killed by Kenzo & Marci. If this is the case though, they haven't yet found signs of it. (This is in fact true, it is part of the whole overarching story, where Ava finds out with her boss' Jurou's help that this is what's hindering her recovery)
Ava hasn't told her mom about her boyfriend Roman, given he is part Werewolf. She is worried about her lashing out over it, or even trying to attack Roman in worst case scenario.
Kenzo does still love her deeply, but he doesn't know how to handle her situation, hence he's started avoiding her and burying himself in his work to ignore the problem.
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lumilasi · 8 months
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Just quick-ish portraits I did for some minor characters in NCP, specifically the adoptive family/siblings of Iris & the guardians of the Blue Spruce life tree. I didn't know how to put them together so I ended up just putting each portrait separately.
Their names are (from top to bottom) Ilves, Varis, Aura & Kuura. Their names are also Finnish words I personally like as a Finn, though only 1 is an actual name (I think, I have a vague memory of Aura being one)
They aren't fully Finnish though, their mother is but their father is a mirror-world native whose exact heritage is unknown. (Aura especially comes after her dad)
More Info below:
AGES: Kuura is youngest at 26, Aura comes next at 28, then there's a bit of a gap with Varis being 42 and Ilves is 47
Kuura = Specific type of frost
Aura = snowplow/plow/same meaning as in english depending on context, I.E a magical spiritual atmosphere surrounding a person
Varis = Crow
Ilves = Lynx
MAGIC TYPES: All 4 have a different magic type/title
Kuura is an ice elemental
Aura is a Snow Warlock (her Deity she gets the power from being Jack Frost),
Varis is a Graywalker Sorcerer (basically winter/cold themed magic that is not just about ice and snow, but a lot of things you can connect to the concept of cold and wintertime)
Ilves is a shapeshifter mage, mainly shifting into different large felines, his favorite being the snow leopard.
OCCUPATION: Their family has been guarding and managing the Northernmost Life Tree the Blue Spruce for generations. They basically greet all the souls that are born from it and help them find new families and places to go to, to start their new life. They also protect the tree from attacks and disease.
IMPORTANT CONNECTIONS: They are the adoptive family of Iris Avara (hence she shares their surname), and are friends of Marci Raye, who ended up adopting a young spirit manifested by their tree around the time she was staying with them. They are ALSO cousins of a human named Henrik Thorssen, who is the nephew of their father.
OTHER FAMILY: Their parents have retired to the human world, Norway to be specific, but still do send their kids letters. Varis has a family of his own, being the only one married and having 3 kids, two sons and one daughter. His full name is therefore Varis Avara-Harker.
Ilves: The relaxed, mostly chill tall AF guy who, despite looking kind of scary at first glance, is every kid's favorite uncle who gets them the toys they want and also helps out with homework. Has a good sense of humor and is not easy to piss off, though when he DOES get mad people know to shut up.
Varis: While he seems constantly tired due to his insomnia issues since childhood, he is very gentle, attentive and caring dad/husband/brother, and shows his love for others more through actions than words. Tends to be the most serious one among his siblings.
Aura: The most outgoing and adventurous of the four, she tends to prefer doing things over sitting around and chat. Can be a bit of a troublemaker but is typically liked by people around her, as they know she generally means well. She is a big hit among kids who love her familiar snow-hawk and the tricks it can do/being able to ride her hawk as he can grow into a massive size.
Kuura: Very quiet and introverted one, he likes to spend time alone and wander around nature. He is always very kind and polite when speaking, and is the type to find joy in the smallest of things in life, like watching birds fly or having a butterfly land on his hand. He seems very oblivious, but is actually quite observant and notices things others often don't.
Aura's Hawk is named Ari (old norse for Eagle)
Varis' kids are named Aeron, Marlene and Caleb. His wife is called Lyna
Aura is bi, Kuura is gay, and Ilves & Varis are straight
Varis is the strongest out of them when it comes to magic power and variety in it, whereas Ilves is physically strongest, and Aura is fastest. Kuura in turn is stealthiest due to him being able to turn into icy mist cloud.
Their house is right at the edge of the forest opening the Life Tree stands at the center of. The house is a large Scandinavian style cottage and is also bigger on the inside than it seems on the outside
Aura wears her hair similarly to her niece Marlene, or rather Marlene wears it similarly to her
The family has had a long tradition of naming the kids using words or names from the mother's culture. Their mother is Finnish/has Finnish heritage, hence the Finnish word names. (She was the one who married into the family, whereas their dad was a Mirror-Realm native)
This is also why Varis' kids don't have Finnish names/words as their name, as per tradition names came from Lyna's side. (This is not a strict rule per say, but it is a tradition the family tends to follow, where at least kids' second names will be from the mom's culture if not the first names)
Their parents are actually both over a 100, but to average humans look to be only around 50-60 due to the whole "magic makes you age slower."
Their surname is ALSO a Finnish word and means "open/Spacious," indicating the family may have originated from Finland to begin with, or had someone from there change the family surname into this at some point for whatever reason. They don't really know nor does it really matter. (This is more of a meta-commentary about me, the creator of these characters being Finnish lol)
They have met Henrik, although Henrik has no clue his cousins are magical, even though his boyfriend is a literal witchboy too. (They haven't told him and are unaware of the said boyfriend lol)
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lumilasi · 8 months
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I've been meaning to finish this one for aaaages, but always kept pushing it back. I also wondered if I should draw his full body ref too, but I just can't be bothered rn.
I wanted to go for a slightly different direction from what I typically see portrayed with any Deity relating to War. Nature vise I mean to be exact.
I decided to make this post into more of an info dump on the Heralds beyond just War, given two out of three others are somewhat relevant, even if they don't appear directly at any point. (Famine is not included as they're not relevant in any way)
More info below:
They are the youngest of the four "siblings" and always manifest last, as life first tends to need to reach sapient state to have actual "wars"
Their appearance changes depending on the times/current cycle. During some lifecycles War might've appeared as a woman for example.
He is currently a white male because of the World Wars being the most recent large-scale battles on earth.
He is generally very mellow and quiet, coming off like someone very tired of just existing, which often tends to confuse those who assume the Herald of War would be more fiery.
The Weaponsmith Warlocks are the only beings directly channeling his power. He initially created this ability in hopes that if someone could "see directly" what he does, they'd start to learn not to cause war so much, but unfortunately that tends to not work...
They are described as a "story collector" by their siblings and Reapers who get to speak with them. Curious to hear the story of each soul a reaper is currently shepherding to the next cycle.
No one really knows what they look like, and the siblings often indicate Death looks like everyone and no-one the same time.
In practice, typically any Grim Reaper discussing with them will just see their own reflection, but with pitch black, void-like eyes. Mortals may sometimes be possessed by a fraction of their essence too, but this is rare.
Death doesn't know where a soul goes once they pass the "veil" as they call it; if there is a heaven or hell or a rebirth. All Death does know that eventually, every single soul - if not destroyed - does make their way to the next cycle of the World itself. (In this story the world basically cycles where it gets destroyed and is reborn over and over again. I think there's even a theory/concept about this in IRL physics lol)
Grim Reapers were all living souls once, choosing to become one either while still alive, or once they are being escorted. Reasons as to why one does so wary greatly.
Death does also permit a fraction of their power to be used for a short period of time without turning into a Grim Reaper, utilizing special stones. these are very risky to use however, since using them for too long transforms you permanently, forcing the individual to leave their past life behind, unable to ever return to their loved ones.
They are most involved with mortal realm despite not often manifesting physically. They have not one but two "follower" types, both helpful and chaotic ones.
The Chaotic ones are the Plague demons, who, while might have tendencies to be less-than-good people, aren't always necessarily evil either, hence they are described more as "chaotic"
The Helpful ones are the Blood Sage Warlocks, whose powers are typically used to help people with their ailments.
BONUS: Famine
All that is known of them is that they appear as a hermit humanoid that wanders across earth, and wherever they go, the chance of a famine gets higher.
They are very passive and the siblings often indicate they're not really mentally present, less of a person and more of an entity that just exists.
War/Soldier is mostly relevant in NCP/the main story as the "uncle" who visits Marci Raye, and generally may interact with other characters outside their family as well. He is also seen spending time with the local light Deity Spectra, and the Soul Eater King Amaros.
Pestilence & Death: They are relevant to the conflict between Angus Belmont and his ex friends-with-benefits Vincent DeVos. Vincent is obsessed over him, and wants to turn Angus into a Grim Reaper, because that way their souls can reunite at the end once the world is to be purged of life.
Angus is VERY MUCH against this because he has a kid to look after, and a sister to take care of. Also a student. Angus is a good candidate for this, because he already has a connection to the Heralds thanks to his powers, which gave Vincent this idea in the first place. (Already existing connections make these transformations easier)
Vincent's reasoning for wanting Angus to become a Grim Reaper specifically rather than turning him into a Plague demon - which would achieve the same goal - is very shallow and also slightly ignorant; he finds Reapers more attractive than his own kind, and doesn't realize turning Angus into a Reaper would mean he can't be around Vincent either, until the very end (something he'd be too impatient to wait for)
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