#Marco Fushichou
cyborg-franky · 5 months
Their reaction when you give them your number
Some headcanons!
SFW GN Reader Chars: Ace, Robin, Marco, Kid, Killer, Buggy
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He’s been flirting back and forth with you the entire time you’ve been working. He came in for his brother's friend's birthday but has spent more time talking to you and honestly? You didn’t mind. He was cute, funny, and very sweet. His flirting was a little awkward at times, you guessed as handsome as he was he had some self-esteem issues. But the more you talked with Ace the more his confidence grew.
It was late and pretty quiet, he chatted to you about his brothers as he leaned on the bar, you cleaned and got ready to close, just enjoying his voice, and how genuinely caring he seemed. It was then you grabbed a piece of paper, wrote your number on it, and slid it across the bar.
“What’s that? How much of a tab did me and those idiots wrack up…” He hummed and flipped the paper over, his eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up when he saw the number. You couldn't help the sly smile on your face when you could see the blush on his cheeks, even in the low light of the bar.
You sure hoped he’d call. He chuckled and put it in his pocket, trying to act cool about it even with his cheeks on fire.
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She had to have been the most beautiful woman to have ever set foot in your store. The way she walked around in her summer dress, the fabric flowy in the breeze, the way she tucked her hair behind her ear as she picked up a huge heavy book, her eyes scanning each with a smile on her lips.
You felt entranced and intimidated by her in equal measure. Each movement was poised and elegant. She glanced over her shoulder and saw you staring at her, the sparkle of mischief in her eyes reached the sly smirk. 
Grabbing an arm full of books so big you could murder a man with she set them down on the counter and you had to try and remember how to talk again. “Is it okay if I buy a coffee and read one of these?” You nodded, she could have robbed you and you would have thanked her.
As she paid for her books you quickly wrote your number on a note and slipped it in one of the books as you placed it in a bag for her. She bought her coffee and books and sat down on one of the big armchairs. You gripped the edge of the counter when you noticed she went right for the book you’d put your number in.
Robin saw the piece of paper and shot you the most wickedly sinful smile you felt your heart would explode.
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He came into your work at least once a week, maybe more, and his order was always the same. He was a creature of habit but never boring. You always stood and chatted with him between his order and bringing it to him. He was polite and handsome and always had this lazy smile on his face that you found yourself looking forward to seeing.
Marco always had a kind word for you, would comment on your hair, how you wore it that day, how your new shirt was nice and suited you. He was full of compliments but he never came across as creepy. You adored his voice, his laugh, and how he always had a crazy story about his friends.
You felt like you knew them. 
One night he came in with some of those said friends, a rowdy bunch but just like him, polite and chatty. You set down the tray of drinks and Marco leaned back in his seat taking his. “They make the best drinks, it’s why I come back all the time,” Marco said before sipping his drink.
“Yeah, right, that's the only reason.” Thatch teased and got a nudge. You didn’t know what the man meant by that but Marco met your eye and gave you a sheepish smile.
The group all started to leave and the man with the big hair, Thatch, came over to pay the bill. “Hey, I think you and Marco might have a sweet spot for one another, sorry if I’m misreading that but… maybe you could give me your number, to pass on?”
You blinked, processing what he was asking before grabbing a coaster and writing it on. Thatch paid and practically ran to Marco and brandished the coaster at him. “Got you a present!” Marco looked at it, then back at you. You watched as the smirk on his face grew and he placed it in his pocket.
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His entire group was loud but you didn’t mind. You were used to his sort coming to this bar, parking their motorbikes outside, and stomping into the bar with their heavy boots and loud voices. They’d been polite enough to you though.
Serving them rounds of beers when they raised their hands, always paying. You knew this group pretty well by now. The red-haired man who was the leader spoke with you casually. He leaned on the bar and laughed at jokes and comments yelled over the room at him.
“Got anything fun planned this weekend?” You asked as you handed him another beer, he took a swig before thanking you. You could see him thinking over your question, you always had a feeling he and his gang got up to all sorts. Maybe he was debating on what he could tell you.
“Nah, unless you wanna finally fess up to being into me an’ wanna hang.” He said, the smirk on his painted lips, showing his teeth. He was cocky and overconfident but God daaamn did it work.
“What makes you think I’m into you?” You asked, well, he was right but still.
“Babe, I just know, so gunna give me your number or do I have to beg?” Kidd asked with a gleam in his eyes. You loved feeling you had all the power in this situation. You met his eye before ripping off a piece of a poster hanging up behind you and putting your number on.
“You don’t have to beg, this time.” You chuckled and handed it to him. He laughed loudly and put it in his jacket pocket, looking smug.
He’d won.
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Killer came into your shop every other week, always for something for his bike. It could be a check-up, a new decal, a sticker or just to get someone to clean it. He was a man of few words but he was pleasant to be around. His small talk was never dull or seemed forced, he enjoyed hearing your stories and learning about you.
Sometimes you even got to hear his voice, get to learn about his life; How he was part of a group who drove around together. You were very intrigued by him. The way he’d take off his helmet and all that blonde hair would come tumbling out, you could have sworn the world become slow motion whenever he did that.
He was gorgeous. 
“Going for a drive this weekend?” You asked when he set down his helmet, one of the mechanics working on his bike already. He shook his head “Just thought I heard something when I’d started her,” he said and stared across the room.
Killer didn’t leave, didn’t go for a walk, instead while his bike was being checked he simply stood and talked to you. It was nice, he was a good guy. The mechanic came in and handed you the paperwork. You looked it over.
“Good news! The small issue has been fixed and since your in here all the time we won’t charge the normal rate,” your heart was beating when you sneakily wrote your number on the paper and handed it to him. 
He said his goodbyes and walked away, reading over the paper before he noticed the number, he turned and looked at you. Wordlessly, effortlessly cool he just gave you the thumbs up and grinned.
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He was a strange guy, how he seemed to think he was so slick every time he came in. Acting like this wasn’t the 18th time he’d been in this week. He was strange, sure, but he was cute and no one had made you laugh so much. Sometimes you didn’t think he meant to be funny on purpose, his charm was just a silly guy.
But as goofy as he came across he was still unreasonably handsome and had his own brand of charisma that had you so taken with him. He came in on his way back from work and asked for his regular order, which you knew by heart now. 
He would go on about his day, complaining about someone called Shanks that he worked with. The way he told his stories was so over the top and so hilarious that you couldn’t help but stand there chuckling and hanging on to his every word.
“So yeah, that dickhead set me back like 20 minutes.” He mumbled and sipped his shake, eating a few fries “Well, hopefully, your weekend will be better.” you said as you refilled the napkin holder.
“I’ll still be in though, I gotta get my fix.” He said and held up his drink, you weren’t sure if that was all he meant either. “Oh no, I won’t be in, I have the day off.”
He seemed crestfallen at that news, deflating in his seat with a frown. “Ah..” he mumbled as he stuffed more fries into his mouth. “But maybe we can arrange something?” you pulled out a napkin and wrote down your number, setting it next to him.
Buggy had been drinking at that moment, he stared at your number and snorted, his shake and the straw shooting to the back of his throat, causing him to splutter, some of his drink coming out of his nose as he became a flustered mess.
You laughed and watched him grab at handfuls of napkin to clean himself, wheezing as he did so, trying and failing to calm himself down, he croaked out “Sounds great…”
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pancakey-haley · 11 days
Based on actual events....
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tagzpite · 29 days
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spacer-case · 3 months
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fuck it *old mans your yaoi*
oda's drawing of 40yo and 60yo ace live in my head rent free so i drew this in 3 hours last night when i couldnt sleep :')
(ft. my headcanon that the phoenix fruit slows down bio aging, because uhh telomeres and stuff...silver fox marco has skincare of the gods)
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Nicknames/petnames op characters like to call you PART TWO
Also suggestive warning for Ace, Marco, Izou
I don't care if law's is ooc btw he deserves to be sickly cute sometimes and yk we kinda saw how he can be when he loves something with that whole sora thing in wano so yeah I'm saying he can be affectionate as a treat.
Anyways here's like all the faves who are not strawhats:
Baby, sweetheart, pretty thing. Always says them in either the most flirty tone imaginable or the softest. Also he's like flirting with you 24/7 it's so bad but he jist can't turn it off around you like he's so down bad. 100% says heinous filthy shit but tacks on a cute nickname at the end to try and make it sound less intense. It does not work.
OBSESSED with you calling him love or my man and finds it ridiculously attractive. The first time it happened he set his bed on fire by accident and you both got lectured by pops :(. But seriously he just loves any and all verbal affirmation so naturally he adores nicknames. Doesn't get shy at all though, if anything reciprocating his chaotic behaviour makes it 10x worse.
Love/my love. Sweet and simple and he likes how clear it is to other people. He uses it a ridiculous amount though to be honest like you hear it more than your own name, it's to the point where if he says your name people on the ship don't know who he's talking about😭. Oh and he uses baby when he wants to tease you, like he drops his voice real low, leans really close into your space and speaks right next to your ear. Bit of a bastard tbh.
He blushes easily but doesn't shy away, in fact being called a nickname in return really makes him feel confident and puts him in the mood for affection. Though sometimes the nicknames make him feel...too affectionate. One time you called him pretty bird as a joke and he just sorta sat there, face getting gradually redder until you leaned towards him out of concern, at which point he promptly yanked you onto his lap and started what was one of your most intense make outs to date. Yk, casual things.
Cutie, sweet thing, pretty thing. So so gentle with you and it reflects in how he speaks to you as well, even if he's upset or angry he still calls you the sweetest things because you're so precious to him. Though he's also a menace, if he finds out you like a specific petname then he starts discretely whispering it in your ear whenever he passes you to wind you up. Literally he doesn't care if you're having a serious conversation, he'll just slide in behind you and drop his voice to sound like a nice gravelly tone and purposefully make sure to exhale on the back of your ear to make you shiver.
Oh but he can't handle if you do it back, no this man folds like a lawn chair the second you start calling him anything other than his name.
Darling, dear, lovely, blossom. So casually smooth its unbelievable, also he starts calling you them before you get together. Like after a certain point of friendship and flirting, he just starts doing and saying the most romantic shit(Definitely thinks you're together before you actually are) and the crew are very confused and you're very confused but as if you're gonna complain yk.
This man gets so flustered when you use nicknames with him because it's not behaviour he's used to. Obviously he's been a pirate for a long time but he's actually very reserved and rarely dates so having someone who genuinely cares about him calling something sweet makes him blush so hard and you use that to your fully advantage. He gets revenge later though don't worry.
Love, lovely, pretty, honey, every flowery pet name you can think of. He's so soft with you. He can't help how sickly affectionate he feels around you and it results in him just calling you all sorts of sweet words. He won't do it in public if he thinks you'll be put in danger or if he doesn't feel comfortable but like in front of the crew and strawhats and stuff he doesn't give a fuck. He'll just come up behind you while you're in the middle of a conversation, hand sliding down your lower back, and say sumthin like "are you okay my love?"
Blushes to high heaven if you call him something cute back, he just melts like butter. If he's in a bad mood or like in an argument or something you only have to come up and say hi love and he's all :///))
Babe to the public. My love, gorgeous, pretty baby when you're alone. It's not really that he doesn't want to call you those things in public, he just doesn't want enemies to understand how important you are to him but also he doesn't want to keep your relationship a secret because he's obsessed with you and wants to brag about being yours.
Makes him really cocky if you use petnames with him. Like he'll flush but get so overconfident the second you say love or baby or anything of the sort. He doesn't care where you are either, he's just hauling you into his space immediately so he kiss the fuck out of you.
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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Speedrun/Time Travel AU masterlist
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latelierderiot · 2 months
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@spacer-case asked very nicely for this 🫡
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xamaxenta · 10 months
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Grade 1 sorcerer Marco with three of his shikigami, Phoenixfire will-o-wisps
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Doming Them in Bed N/SFW (OP Edition)
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Doming Them In Bed N/SFW Part 1 ft. Marco, Law, Mihawk, King and Sanji
TW: dom/sub roles, rough sex, vulgar language, penetration of a hole. WC:550+
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He does get turned on. The phoenix often has the upper hand in bed now, he thinks it is cute you are trying to take charge. He would enjoy the taunting talk you would do and he would play along. Marco knows you can only handle so much as you can become very submissive in one quick motion being underneath him. Marco admires your body as you are riding him. His hands firmly held your thighs “You enjoy doing me yoi? I will let you have your little fun.” he let a low chuckle out “for now.”
Another man is so used to being the dominant one in the room. He is a bit stunned but feeling how hot and slick you were, the questioning seemed to melt away. His tattooed hand rubbed his face as he was clenching his jaw. His golden eyes stared at yours before they traveled down your glistening naked frame. He could hear the cocky tone in your voice as you spoke to him. Cocking his brow with the comments coming from you, he grabbed you by your wrist pulling you down towards him. You could feel his slender fingers grasping your jaw “I can flip you over and make sure you know how dominant one ya.”
Mihawk is a very patient man to an extent. The swordsman held onto your waist as you bounced on his cock. He loved hearing his name coming from your lips. Enjoyed when he asked you how much you loved his cock. But when you reversed the question it threw him off as it didn’t last too long before he had you against the bed. Pinning your hands above your head. His golden eyes look down at you. You could hear the huff coming from his lips “Mi Amor…I think you forgot about the punishment for the disobedience the last time you tried this…. Shall I remind you once again?” you felt his hands gripping a bit tighter around your wrist.
Nope, not having it. The man will not be submissive ever ever EVER. The large Lunarian who holds no filter or strength back thrust his cock hard and deep inside of you. You knew it was a bad idea but how he was not holding back and just pounding into you turned you on. He watched as a tear escaped from the corner of his eye. Your voice was becoming raspy from the whimpering and crying. Now, this turned him on seeing the disheveled look on your face. “You think you can dominate a Lunarian like myself… you were wrong for doing so. Now you will face the consequences.” His deep voice as his white hair fell in front of his face.
Literally would try to contain his nosebleed. He loves when you dominate him, praising you as you ride his cock. His moaning becomes uncontrollable, his hands roaming all over your body. The more his hands roamed your body the more it was hard for him to not cum in that moment. Letting out a sharp breath throwing his head back on the pillow. Hearing the small curse words coming from his lips. “Just like that babe~~~” Sanji's voice is quivering seeing his low-lidded eyes expressing the pink hues on his cheeks.
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cyborg-franky · 5 months
How they walk by your side
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Hand in hand. Ace, Marco, Sanji, Usopp, Franky, Penguin Hand in hand but swaying your hand as you walk. Usopp, Luffy, Killer, Perona, Corazon
Linking arms. Thatch, Marco, Sanji, Franky, Brook, Killer, Shanks, Sabo
Pinky fingers linked. Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Perona, Shachi Arm around your back. Ace, Sanji, Franky, Law, Shanks, Corazon
Arms wrapped around you so it's impossible for you to walk. Luffy, Shachi, Sabo, Corazon
Hand in your pocket. Thatch, Sanji, Kid, Buggy, Penguin
No contact but it still feels warm, thats just how they are. Deuce, Izou, Zoro, Jinbei, Law, Kid, Kuro, Zeff, Crocodile [hires someone to hold your hand] Everything all at once, so many hands. Robin
Puts his hand in your pocket even when he's not there. Buggy
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pancakey-haley · 2 years
I had to get another redraw out of my system...
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nobody-is-here01 · 8 months
How the ASL first got introduced to the crew when they were suprise adopted
Whitebeard : Meet Ace, Sabo and Luffy, their going to be part of the crew
Thatch : Aww, their so cute
Luffy :*sniffs him* I smell fear on you
*Thatch hides behind Marco*
Marco : okay, I don't like that one
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torao-d-water-ya · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1059
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1. Shanks continuing to simp for Marco, as he should
2. Marco honey you're like 5 years older than him calm down
we are not going to think about why he's too worn out, no siree
3. Thoughts and prayers for our guy Benn Beckers, unfortunately we can only imagine what you go through
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"There's a random ship nearby, no big, just some guy I know, wants me around enough that he'll sail me all the way back to my island." Okay Marco.
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This is too cute. Get Law in on this conversation
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Oda. Oda how could you do this to me. I was not prepared for any of this.
Of course he would, Luffy. Of course he fucking would.
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spacer-case · 4 months
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angel left on earth (finding your brethren in the stars)
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junosaccount · 1 year
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Taking a break.
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ask-asl · 3 months
Who can pull off a dress the best?
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S: He looks great :D
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