#Margaret Oliphant
inposterumcumgaudio · 4 months
Gemma Olsen?
Gemma, Gemma, Gemma!
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Everyone always says they want Prudence DLC, but why would you want that when you could have Gemma DLC?
We only actually see Gemma for this brief moment, but her impact on the story is immense.
I will admit that on my first few playthroughs, though, Gemma's storyline was confusing to me. As it was, I thought these Doctors were taking her to Haworth Labs. They seem to work for Dr. Verloc to judge by the dialogue in Gemma's living room after this scene so that would make sense. However, we later learn that she was actually taken to Wellington Health. The actual order of events is that Gemma has escaped from Haworth Labs and just now returned to her home to find these Doctors waiting to whisk her away to Wellington Health.
Arthur has a cut line implying that Gemma was being taken to Haworth Labs (although he'd have no way to know that):
028i Looks like I've got another reason to go to Haworth Labs. And a really good reason not to get caught there.
That the final cut of the game has her going to Wellington Health instead I think also contributes to the popular but unsubstantiated idea that the rivalry between Wellington Health and Haworth Labs is anything more than a clash of personalities. Even still, the two organizations do seem to be somewhat cooperative in this case, leadership disagreements or not.
As for Gemma's relationship with her organization's leadership, it seems quite friendly. Gemma refers to Margaret as "Chief", Margaret's memos are casual and even playful (referring to herself as "headmistress" while gently chiding Gemma for taking too long to deliver her article on the Tunnel Rats), although she also expresses worry. From what she says to Arthur, Gemma's her only reporter that's worth any kind of damn.
Margaret is also not entirely forthcoming with Gemma about her intentions. She sends Gemma to the Motilene HQ on the pretense of writing an(other, according to Peter Thump) puff piece on the arts and (sub)culture, but with a vague appended notion to look into rumors about leaks in the pipes.
It's difficult to say how much of that is Margaret just giving Gemma a subtle prod in a direction or if it's understood by both of them that this is really what Margaret wants to know about. Because for as much as Gemma loves to know things she's not supposed to, she also recognizes that none of this can be published and wonders how much she should tell Margaret... while it is, in fact, Margaret's secret plan to publish it.
You what though? Margaret gives Gemma this assignment on September 23rd, 1964, but Gemma checks into Haworth Labs Personalized Care Program on September 2nd. But she'd have actually had to have followed though on the Motilene HQ assignment to have all those notes about it and be telling her caretakers that the town is about to collapse.
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A discrepancy in this game? No!
A couple things our patient notes tell us:
Gemma has a mother still kicking about. Probably? Possible this is a Coconut delusion or a misremembrance from her previous Joy use. Her house shows no indication that her mother lives with her. A mother probably wouldn't let you leave your work (with Downer shit in it) everywhere, tack up conspiracy boards all over the walls, and put typewriters in every room. Including the bathroom.
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I do like to think, though, that the Crier that lives on the top floor of Thomasina House in Arthur's act is Gemma's mother.
And it's flown right out of my head.
By George, I think I've got it!
I don't know why you encouraged me, I'm rubbish at it.
I don't suppose you've got any ideas.
If I just had some inspiration.
If only you could just be a writer.
Is that a cliché?
It came easy to you, didn't it?
"It's easy, isn't it? You just sit down at your desk and open up a vein."
No wonder I can't write anything, look at this sink.
Nothing gets you ready to write like a little cleaning.
Out damn spot! Out, I say!
Shit you might say if someone close to you was a successful writer and encouraged you to try too because they love you and maybe you're old and should get a hobby.
The other thing of note here is that Gemma attempts to seduce one of her caretakers to bribe him to let her out. That could be an act of desperation, but given the playful nature of her own notes to herself and that the staff has also noted her as being manipulative and a saboteur? Spy shit! Love that for her.
Regrettable that we never see her plying these wiles firsthand. But if you wanted to suppose about it, there's plausible options.
For one thing, Gemma's got quite a few of William Godwin's seditious flyers on her study's conspiracy board. Surely then she attended one of his rallies. That's follow-up on a lead. Unfortunately, William's activities are simply one piece of the disjointed tapestry of shit going on around Wellington Wells. Remember when I said Gemma didn't have the whole picture and was trying to fit in pieces that were not part of the Verloc puzzle? You have access to William before you get to Gemma's house so that's another clue for you that she's got some red herrings in her theory.
Gemma also spent a lot of time in the partitioned company of Harry Haworth.
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The cut lines I found the other day indicate that Harry, though apparently still obsessed with his phrenology, was mostly sane and salient. Yeah, he's sixty-four, but why not? What else has she got goin' on?
I suppose that means that the first patient who needs you to clap or she'll die could be Gemma rather than Vanessa, although I think Arthur would have a line about it if she was.
One last thing that I think people miss about Gemma is that she must be some sort of handy. She has a workbench in her greenhouse.
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And there's Mechanical Bits in her hidden go bag.
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Because that is what this is. This is why she came back to her home.
This bug out kit includes:
Mechanical Bits (for crafting Disposable Safe Crackers, Electro-Lock Shockers, Music Boxes, Polarity Devices, or Shortspikes - any of which would be particularly useful to Gemma)
Scotch (for bribing Constables)
Intimidator (a skill book on self-defense that she probably should have read beforehand)
And in her suitcase: 15 Sovereigns, a Rubber Cat Suit, a Tickler, and an invitation to the Reform Club.
Sally will soliloquize that the Reform Club could have helped her:
I almost miss going to the Reform Club. I bet some of them could help. And they never ask awkward questions. But I'd have to be Naughty Nurse again, and I'm just not that.
Well, apparently Gemma didn't let a tiny thing like giving a little slap and tickle stand in the way of her freedom (although that she has a Tickler suggests she's not into the punishment aspect). Whatever it is that they do at the Reform Club, Gemma apparently knew about it and intended to use it as her escape plan in case she got in too deep. Unfortunately she was intercepted before she could get to it.
As to what happened to her beyond that? We have the Doctors in Wellington Health's statement that she was "kept for observation" and this particularly grim scene in the Intake Evaluation room:
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Although I have to think whatever Intimidator tactics you are applying are not as intimidating if you have to look them up mid-interrogation.
If you're an optimist though, I've got this for you:
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The administration offices of Wellington Health's school have been converted into patient cells since they apparently can't find anyone to teach anymore. But the last one, Admissions, is empty. I mean, she escaped from Haworth Labs too. Possible that a handy Gemma scoured this room for materials and fashioned an escape from this room too.
She does write in cursive usually, but she has been known to do an all caps for emphasis. "BUT DO THEY EVER RETURN???" indeed.
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we-joyless-few · 10 months
thinking about some kind of additional side quest in Act I- possibly as an optional part of “Start Spreading the News” -where you see Foggy Jack and have to go tell Margaret Oliphant about your findings
idk, just a thought i had while here at work :3
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aliteraryprincess · 1 year
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May 2023 Wrap Up
May ended up being a great month. My course wrapped up for the semester, and I continued to be very happy with my students. I went to the British Women Writers Conference at the University of Virginia, which was amazing. And now it's on to summer break!
Books Read: 5
And we go from 15 books last month to 5 books this month. Oh well. At least almost all of these were good (and even though So Happy For You wasn't, it at least entertained me for an afternoon). Mortal Follies was definitely my favorite of the month. Highly recommend!
So Happy For You by Celia Laskey - 1.5 stars
The Mystery of Mrs. Blencarrow & Queen Eleanor and Fair Rosamond by Margaret Oliphant - 4.5 stars
The Stolen Heir by Holly Black - 4.5 stars
Becoming a Woman of Letters: Myths of Authorship and Facts of the Victorian Market by Linda H. Peterson - 4 stars
Mortal Follies by Alexis Hall - 5 stars
On Tumblr:
There's not a whole lot here, but definitely check out the adorable card one of my students gave me. It's amazing!
April Wrap Up
A card from one of my Brit Lit students
Holly Black Poll
Tortall Poll
Selections for a Fairy Tale Course
On YouTube:
And there's a fair bit on here, as usual.
What I Read for #picturethis
What I'm Teaching in British Literature III: Modernism
April Wrap Up - 15 books!!!
My Brontë Book Collection
Currently Reading 5/15/23
Underrated Victorian Recommendations #6
June TBR
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unsymptotally · 2 years
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A little while ago, I did a drawing of Margaret Oliphant as she looked, in my head, throughout my fanfic that takes place in late 1959/early 1960. By the end, however, the masks have been introduced, and I thought I would update here to reflect that. Changing the hairstyle seemed more involved, so I’ll leave that for another time.
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leer-reading-lire · 2 years
“Y algunos consideran un gran honor tener un fantasma mientras no se tropiecen con él en ningún momento”.
—La puerta abierta, Margaret Oliphant.
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thegothiclibrary · 6 months
Christmas Ghost Stories, Part 3
’Tis the season … for Christmas ghost stories! In recent years, I’ve been all about bringing back the classic tradition of livening up the winter months by sharing tales of terror. After all, encounters with the spirit world are the perfect way to get into the Christmas spirit! You can see some of the seasonally spooky tales I’ve previously recommended here and here. But if those aren’t enough…
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For everybody knows zat eet requires very leettle to satisfy le gentlemen, eef a woman weell only geeve her mind to eet.
Pepe le Pew 
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macrolit · 17 days
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By Elisabeth Egan May 18, 2024
“You’d be shocked by how many books have women chained in basements,” Reese Witherspoon said. “I know it happens in the world. I don’t want to read a book about it.”
Nor does she want to read an academic treatise, or a 700-page novel about a tree.
Sitting in her office in Nashville, occasionally dipping into a box of takeout nachos, Witherspoon talked about what she does like to read — and what she looks for in a selection for Reese’s Book Club, which she referred to in a crisp third person.
“It needs to be optimistic,” Witherspoon said. “It needs to be shareable. Do you close this book and say, ‘I know exactly who I want to give it to?’”
But, first and foremost, she wants books by women, with women at the center of the action who save themselves. “Because that’s what women do,” she said. “No one’s coming to save us.”
Witherspoon, 48, has now been a presence in the book world for a decade. Her productions of novels like “Big Little Lies,” “Little Fires Everywhere” and “The Last Thing He Told Me” are foundations of the binge-watching canon. Her book club picks reliably land on the best-seller list for weeks, months or, in the case of “Where the Crawdads Sing,” years. In 2023, print sales for the club’s selections outpaced those of Oprah’s Book Club and Read With Jenna, according to Circana Bookscan, adding up to 2.3 million copies sold.
So how did an actor who dropped out of college (fine, Stanford) become one of the most influential people in an industry known for being intractable and slightly tweedy?
It started with Witherspoon’s frustration over the film industry’s skimpy representation of women onscreen — especially seasoned, strong, smart, brave, mysterious, complicated and, yes, dangerous women.
“When I was about 34, I stopped reading interesting scripts,” she said.
Witherspoon had already made a name for herself with “Election,” “Legally Blonde” and “Walk the Line.” But, by 2010, Hollywood was in flux: Streaming services were gaining traction. DVDs were following VHS tapes to the land of forgotten technology.
“When there’s a big economic shift in the media business, it’s not the superhero movies or independent films we lose out on,” Witherspoon said. “It’s the middle, which is usually where women live. The family drama. The romantic comedy. So I decided to fund a company to make those kinds of movies.”
In 2012, she started the production company Pacific Standard with Bruna Papandrea. Its first projects were film adaptations of books: “Gone Girl” and “Wild,” which both opened in theaters in 2014.
Growing up in Nashville, Witherspoon knew the value of a library card. She caught the bug early, she said, from her grandmother, Dorothea Draper Witherspoon, who taught first grade and devoured Danielle Steel novels in a “big cozy lounger” while sipping iced tea from a glass “with a little paper towel wrapped around it.”
This attention to detail is a smoke signal of sorts: Witherspoon is a person of words.
When she was in high school, Witherspoon stayed after class to badger her English teacher — Margaret Renkl, now a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times — about books that weren’t part of the curriculum. When Witherspoon first moved to Los Angeles, books helped prepare her for the “chaos” of filmmaking; “The Making of the African Queen” by Katharine Hepburn was a particular favorite.
So it made sense that, as soon as Witherspoon joined Instagram, she started sharing book recommendations. Authors were tickled and readers shopped accordingly. In 2017, Witherspoon made it official: Reese’s Book Club became a part of her new company, Hello Sunshine.
The timing was fortuitous, according to Pamela Dorman, senior vice president and publisher of Pamela Dorman Books/Viking, who edited the club’s inaugural pick, “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.” “The book world needed something to help boost sales in a new way,” she said.
Reese’s Book Club was that something: “Eleanor Oliphant” spent 85 weeks on the paperback best-seller list. The club’s second pick, “The Alice Network,” spent nearly four months on the weekly best-seller lists and two months on the audio list. Its third, “The Lying Game,” spent 18 weeks on the weekly lists.
“There’s nothing better than getting that phone call,” added Dorman, who has now edited two more Reese’s Book Club selections.
Kiley Reid’s debut novel, “Such a Fun Age,” got the nod in January 2020. She said, “When I was on book tour, a lot of women would tell me, ‘I haven’t read a book in four years, but I trust Reese.’” Four years later, on tour for her second novel, “Come and Get It,” Reid met women who were reading 100 books a year.
Witherspoon tapped into a sweet spot between literary and commercial fiction, with a few essay collections and memoirs sprinkled in. She turned out to be the literary equivalent of a fit model — a reliable bellwether for readers in search of intelligent, discussion-worthy fare, hold the Proust. She wanted to help narrow down the choices for busy readers, she said, “to bring the book club out of your grandma’s living room and online.”
She added: “The unexpected piece of it all was the economic impact on these authors’ lives.”
One writer became the first person in her family to own a home. “She texted me a picture of the key,” Witherspoon said. “I burst into tears.”
Witherspoon considers a handful of books each month. Submissions from publishers are culled by a small group that includes Sarah Harden, chief executive of Hello Sunshine; Gretchen Schreiber, manager of books (her original title was “bookworm”); and Jon Baker, whose team at Baker Literary Scouting scours the market for promising manuscripts.
Not only is Witherspoon focused on stories by women — “the Bechdel test writ large,” Baker said — but also, “Nothing makes her happier than getting something out in the world that you might not see otherwise.”
When transgender rights were in the headlines in 2018, the club chose “This Is How It Always Is,” Laurie Frankel’s novel about a family grappling with related issues in the petri dish of their own home. “We track the long tail of our book club picks and this one, without fail, continues to sell,” Baker said.
Witherspoon’s early readers look for a balance of voices, backgrounds and experiences. They also pay attention to the calendar. “Everyone knows December and May are the busiest months for women,” Harden said, referring to the mad rush of the holidays and the end of the school year. “You don’t want to read a literary doorstop then. What do you want to read on summer break? What do you want to read in January?”
Occasionally the group chooses a book that isn’t brand-new, as with the club’s April pick, “The Most Fun We Ever Had,” from 2019. When Claire Lombardo learned that her almost-five-year-old novel had been anointed, she thought there had been a mistake; after all, her new book, “Same As it Ever Was,” is coming out next month. “It’s wild,” Lombardo said. “It’s not something that I was expecting.”
Sales of “The Most Fun We Ever Had” increased by 10,000 percent after the announcement, according to Doubleday. Within the first two weeks, 27,000 copies were sold. The book has been optioned by Hello Sunshine.
Witherspoon preferred not to elaborate on a few subjects: competition with other top-shelf book clubs (“We try not to pick the same books”); the lone author who declined to be part of hers (“I have a lot of respect for her clarity”); and the 2025 book she’s already called dibs on (“You can’t imagine that Edith Wharton or Graham Greene didn’t write it”).
But she was eager to set the record straight on two fronts. Her team doesn’t get the rights to every book — “It’s just how the cookie crumbles,” she said — and, Reese’s Book Club doesn’t make money off sales of its picks. Earnings come from brand collaborations and affiliate revenue.
This is true of all celebrity book clubs. An endorsement from one of them is a free shot of publicity, but one might argue that Reese’s Book Club does a bit more for its books and authors than most. Not only does it promote each book from hardcover to paperback, it supports authors in subsequent phases of their careers.
Take Reid, for instance. More than three years after Reese’s Book Club picked her first novel, it hosted a cover reveal for “Come and Get It,” which came out in January. This isn’t the same as a yellow seal on the cover, but it’s still a spotlight with the potential to be seen by the club’s 2.9 million Instagram followers.
“I definitely felt like I was joining a very large community,” Reid said.
“Alum” writers tend to stay connected with one another via social media, swapping woot woots and advice. They’re also invited to participate in Hello Sunshine events and Lit Up, a mentorship program for underrepresented writers. Participants get editing and coaching from Reese’s Book Club authors, plus a marketing commitment from the club when their manuscripts are submitted to agents and editors.
“I describe publishing and where we sit in terms of being on a river,” Schreiber said. “We’re downstream; we’re looking at what they’re picking. Lit Up gave us the ability to look upstream and say, ‘We’d like to make a change here.’”
The first Lit Up-incubated novel, “Time and Time Again” by Chatham Greenfield, is coming out from Bloomsbury YA in July. Five more fellows have announced the sales of their books.
As Reese’s Book Club approaches a milestone — the 100th pick, to be announced in September — it continues to adapt to changes in the market. Print sales for club selections peaked at five million in 2020, and they’ve softened since then, according to Circana Bookscan. In 2021, Candle Media, a Blackstone-backed media company, bought Hello Sunshine for $900 million. Witherspoon is a member of Candle Media’s board. She is currently co-producing a “Legally Blonde” prequel series for Amazon Prime Video.
This month, Reese’s Book Club will unveil an exclusive audio partnership with Apple, allowing readers to find all the picks in one place on the Apple Books app. “I want people to stop saying, ‘I didn’t really read it, I just listened,’” Witherspoon said. “Stop that. If you listened, you read it. There’s no right way to absorb a book.”
She feels that Hollywood has changed over the years: “Consumers are more discerning about wanting to hear stories that are generated by a woman.”
Even as she’s looking forward, Witherspoon remembers her grandmother, the one who set her on this path.
“Somebody came up to me at the gym the other day and he said” — here she put on a gentle Southern drawl — “‘I’m going to tell you something I bet you didn’t hear today.’ And he goes, ‘Your grandma taught me how to read.’”
Another smoke signal, and a reminder of what lives on.
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lovely-abeille · 8 months
hello! could you please do a webweaving on slow living and/or repetition? i love the concept of enjoying the journey rather than the destination<3
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aquarium mental v, georges rodenbach // the fourth sign of zodiac, mary oliver // kahil gibran // song, allen ginsberg // eleanor oliphant is completely fine, gail honeyman // eating fire, margaret atwood
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strangestcase · 7 months
I’m trying to start reading gothic literature, but I don’t really know where to start. What books in the genre would you recommend?
Cracks knuckles.
Start off with a selection of Edgar Allan Poe short stories. There's a reason he's considered the best Gothic writer. Most if not all of his fiction falls squarely into the gothic genre, even his non-horror production. The more you read the better, but The Fall of the House of Usher is one of the best representatives of the Gothic you can find. Also check out his poetry and scientific essays, if you can, the guy was a real Renaissance man. He also wrote one novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, which, along with Lovecraft's In the Mountains of Madness and Cambell's Who goes there? aka The Thing From Another World constitutes some sort of "trilogy" (since each story was based on the one prior).
Then you can move on to other short story selections. Short stories are easier to read and digest, I think, and plenty of fun. I recommend the following authors:
J. Sheridan Le Fanu- Irish writer that took a page from Irish folklore and legends. Madam Crowl's Ghost is a favorite of mine.
R. Louis Stevenson- usually a children's author, Stevenson liked to merge genres and used pretty interesting concepts for his horror production.
Guy de Maupassant- he was commisioned to write, so he often recycled entire concepts and plots, leaving us with many different versions of the same story (and a lot of heavy-handed morals. god bless).
Charles Dickens- predictably enough, he specialized in ghost stories
M. R. James- James' short horror stories have some of the most interesting monster concepts I've ever read, from a haunted dollhouse that recreates the events of a real-life haunting, to a possessed pattern print.
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer- little man puts the "Dark Romanticism" in, well, Dark Romanticism. If you know Spanish, do yourself a favor and read his short stories untranslated.
Elizabeth Gaskell- wrote plenty of good horror stories, and often from a female perspective, which is always a treat.
Bram Stoker- his stuff is very hit or miss, but when he hits, he hits hard. Read The Judge's House for a very nasty ghost story and then toss Stoker into the garbage because everything else he wrote is either comically racist or just dumb.
And now as for specific must-read short stories:
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman- maybe the true monster was medical misogyny all along! (Obvious content warning for graphic medical abuse, misogyny, and domestic abuse.)
What was it? by Fritz O'Brien- short story in the vein of "hey wouldnt it be fucked up if this happened?" Don't read if you have sleep paralysis.
The Open Door by Margaret Oliphant- a missing child, a mysterious door, and forces beyond human comprehension.
The Empty House by Algernon Blackwood- would you spend a full night in a haunted house? (Very paranoia inducing, it's such a treat.)
The Ghostly Rental by Henry James- in which the "ghosts" aren't actually ghosts, but something far, far weirder and cooler.
The Monkey's Paw by W. W. Jacobs- this tear-wrenching and suspenseful little tale will forever remind you to be careful what you wish for...
The gothic literature "classics", as in, full lenght novels and short novellas, can be a bit difficult to read due to length. My personal recommendations are:
Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley- a foundational text of science fiction with a nestled narrative frame and themes of personal and social responsability, bodily autonomy, and freedom. Young alchemist Victor Frankenstein attempts to blur the line between life and death, and unwittlingly sets off his downfall in the process by creating a humanoid creature he can't control and won't respond to. CW child death, death by axphysiation, incest, description of unsanitary environments.
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by R. Louis Stevenson- it is considered the first modern psychological horror story, and, while it's a mere sixty pages long, each and every one of them is packed with a dark revelation about tight-laced Victorian society. When his lifelong friend writes up a suspicious will leaving everything to a stranger, a lawyer decides to look into it, leading him down a spiral of discoveries all related to a disturbing experiment. CW suicide, graphic descriptions of violence, drug abuse.
Carmilla by J. Sheridan le Fanu- very much a classic vampire tale, with an interesting sapphic spin, in which the predatory lesbian trope bleeds, pun intended, into a twisted love story. Laura is a young girl who considers herself prim and proper, until the day the charming Carmilla stops by the family manor claiming to be her soulmate, sparking off a romance marked by a series of strange events. CW implied sexual assault, gore.
The Portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde- I consider it an early attempt at daylight horror, and while the plot is mostly romantic drama (canonically bisexual romantic drama!), the descriptions make everything else worthwhile. Beautiful model Dorian Gray's life is changed when he befriends a cunning aristocrat, which prompts him to wish to remain young forever while his portrait ages in his place... and his wish is granted. CW extreme antisemitism, suicide, graphic descriptions of gore and violence.
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James- a ghostly classic which is marked by its ambiguity and the opacity of its plot, all which make it all the more disturbing, if a little hard to follow at times. Bly Manor has appointed a new nanny to take care of a pair of twins, but soon enough, she finds out not all is well in the house, and a dark force might be preying on the children. CW implied incest, implied child abuse.
The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen- technically an example of very early cosmic horror, sitting at the intersection between Poe and Lovecraft, and clearly influenced by late Victorian scientific advancements. Some particularly gruesome deaths lead a group of men to slowly uncover the past of a one Helen Vaughan, and nature of a procedure performed on her mother before her conception. CW implied child abuse, suicide, sexual harrassment, human experimentation, extreme intersexism.
And those would be it!
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inposterumcumgaudio · 4 months
Poedit Cut/Unused Content: Cub Reporter
I can't remember if I was looking for more context into Arthur's "two week vacation" or if I was just in the neighborhood because all my homies love Gemma Olsen (and also Buster and Gordo), but in either event, I went through and dug up a buncha "Cub Reporter" stuff.
"Cub Reporter" is fairly significant in the plot and so obviously underwent a lot of revisions. The lines don't all follow in order, some entries seem to have actually been removed, and the quest originally also seemed to cover "Start Spreading the News" so I'm just gonna dump the whole thing and highlight the stuff I think is interesting.
It starts with Mrs. Oliphant.
000 Curiouser and Curiouser.
001 Arthur! Arthur Hastings!
003 You're the one who was taking all that Joy towards the end.
004 Oddest thing. I had one. He just went on holiday.
007 Where did you go? When you disappeared for two weeks? Did you ever put it together?
009 Arthur, nothing I'd love better than to give you a new press pass. But I have to know that you're ... managing better.
010 Look... there's all sorts of silly rumours coming out of the tunnels. Gas leaks, water main breaks, maintenance workers at the pub instead of their posts. If that was all true, Wellington Wells would be about to fall apart.
011 If you could go down there and let me know ... I'm sure it's all fine down there ... let me know it's all okay ... then you've got your old job back.
013 Yes, of course. That would be brilliant. But first, the tunnels. Show me you're as good as you used to be. Then I'll send you to Uskglass with a press pass. Agreed?
014c My old office! That was fun, being a reporter.
014d I used to have an Adulator, didn't I! Kept me from getting in trouble with crowds!
014e If I could get my old job back, I'd get my Adulator back. That could come in handy!
014f Who's going to let me upstairs?
014f Receptionist is out for coffee. Typical. How am I supposed to get upstairs, then?
014g Huh. I bet if I got the coffee machine working, they'd all head off to the kitchen for a nice cup of joe.
014h We just have to have faith, that's all. She'll come back with the coffee. We just have to pray she will.
014i I can't stand tea! I must have coffee!
014j If someone would just have a bloody wedding, then I could get a cup of coffee!
014k A lady just can't go without coffee these days, it's unthinkable!
014l If I don't get some coffee soon, I'm going to shoot somebody.
014m I've a sneaking suspicion that they want some coffee.
014n Excuse me, the door upstairs is locked...
014o Pardon me, do you think someone could let me upstairs?
014p Unless it's the Second Coming, I can't be bothered!
014q Not now, I'm running just to keep up!
014r Just like my sisters, always pester pester pester!
014s Let's see if I can get Mrs. Oliphant to give me my old job back. And my old press pass.
015 Arthur! I thought you'd gone ... well, you're here, so I suppose you're all right after all!
015a How rude! Can't you see I'm working!
016 Old place hasn't changed at all, has it?
016a If you don't stop pestering me, I'll murder someone! I swear I will!
017 Where did you go? When you disappeared for two weeks? Did you ever remember?
018 I must have had too lovely a time. Hah hah.
019 I was hoping you could use a reporter.
020 I'm afraid I've got a half dozen of them. Bloody useless, the lot of them. I've got six pieces on my desk, all about the new flavour of Joy. Can you imagine, it's coconut.
021 Didn't Dr. Verloc make that announcement ... some time ago?
022 Oh, I wish I had a spare press pass for you.
023 Gemma wanted to do a piece on him. I hope she hasn't fallen in a hole somewhere. I haven't seen her in days.
024 It's bloody frustrating, too. There's all sorts of ... silly rumours about the tunnels under Wellington Wells. Gas leaks, water main breaks, maintenance workers at the pub instead of their posts. If that were all true, Wellington Wells would be about to fall apart. I asked her to do a story about it.
024a It's bloody frustrating, too. There's all sorts of silly rumours about gas leaks and whatnot down in the tunnels. As if Wellington Wells was about to fall apart. So I asked her to write a story about the tunnel workers and how they keep themselves entertained. You know, with the art, and the singing.
025 Oh. Well. I'm sure she'll turn up, and everything will be peachy.
026 I'm sure it will. Lovely to see you, Arthur! Drop by any time.
027 Gemma was a real reporter. Always digging up interesting stuff, from what I can remember. I wonder why she hasn't come back? Maybe I should poke around her desk?
028 Hmmmm. Where does she keep her notes?
028a It's in some sort of code. Huh. I don't think that's Gemma's handwriting.
028b How do I read it?
028c If I read it top to bottom then right to left… “Verloc's looking for a permanent solution.” Oh, that's not ominous at all. Solution to what?”
028d That's Gemma!
028e Should I try to rescue her? No, it's too dangerous!
028f Where are they taking her?
028g Why did they take her? She sounds quite sane!
028h Did she know too much? About what?
028i Looks like I've got another reason to go to Haworth Labs. And a really good reason not to get caught there.
028j Toxic fog...?
028k Electrocutions...
028l Cyanide?
028m If I finish Gemma's investigations, Mrs. Oliphant would have to give me back my old job. And then I'd have a press pass.
029 Maybe I should see what's become of old Gemma.
030 Sorry, Arthur! Terribly busy right now!
030a I probably shouldn't bother her until I've got the goods on Gemma's investigation.
Did you know there's a character limit per "block" of bulleted points? 4096! The more you know.
031 Terribly busy, what is it?
032 Gemma's been taken away. I saw two doctors shove her into a Popper.
033 Oh my goodness. Why?
034 She was digging into the tunnels. That didn't come out right. I followed up. The whole underground is sort of falling apart.
035 Oh my.
036 That's why you sent her, wasn't it? Not to write about the Tunnel Rats.
037 I certainly couldn't print a story like that, could I?
038 The Joy's gone bad. And Dr. Verloc knows. But he's telling them not to worry, he's got some sort of permanent solution.
039 That doesn't sound ominous at all.
040 That's sort of exactly what I thought...
041 If I had a press pass, I could get into Haworth Labs.
042 After what happened to Gemma? Dr. Verloc -- he's sort of his own law there.
043 I have some ... personal business there.
044 If I'm ... not here when you get back. If you've found something out ... see if you can't publish it. Those numpties out there know how to put the ink on the page, but the only articles they ever read are their own.
045 You're getting out? How?
046 Oh, I wouldn't even know how to get out. But you never know when I might stop printing lies. And they won't like that.
047 Maybe I should drop in on Gemma at home. If she's really vanished, then maybe I can get my old job back.
047 My god, it's all boarded up! What happened?
048 That's coming from Gemma's house! That's a bit awkward.
049 I'm not getting in that way.
050 Just here to read the meter!
051 I guess someone noticed she's not been around and decided to rob the place.
052 I better turn that alarm off. I'm going to need time to figure out what happened to Gemma.
054 Shit.
058 If the alarm's upstairs, I'm going to have to get past Mr. Shouty here.
059 Who the fuck are you?
060 I live here.
061 Love what you've done with the place.
062 What the fuck?
063 Fucking ears are playing tricks.
064 Who's there?
065 Fucking ghosts?
066 My ears should recover in a few days.
074 Christ. More of them. You used to have to wait to see a doctor!
075 Gemma! I would never have pictured it! ... I'm not sure I actually want to, come to think of it.
076 Should we just take everything?
077 I don't think Dr. V would like that. The constabulary might notice.
078 I don't see anything talking about Dr. V here. Where's her study?
079 I thought vampires had to be invited in.
080 Downer!
081 That ought to buy me some time.
082 Open up in there!
083 Who are you?
084 Come out! We're friends of Gemma!
085 She needs our help!
086 Will you look at that! You've been a busy girl, haven't you, Gemma.
087 I think I've found everything. Doesn't look like she found all the answers yet.
088 I guess I'd better go see what's going on in this Motilene Regulation Unit. Maybe the answer is there.
089 And my old Adulator, if you've still got it.
090 Great. I've got all my press stuff back. That ought to be handy. You can show up all sorts of places regular people shouldn't go.
091 I'll have to break in somehow.
091a Maybe I can find some answers inside, if I can get in somehow.
092 Someone's ransacked the place. I hope Mrs. Oliphant got away.
093 You mustn't go around publishing the truth. What will people think?
094 Is that ... some sort of secret door? How do I open it?
094a Odd bit of wall. Doesn't look like the rest.
095 Doesn't look like it takes a key. I wonder if she got Dr. Faraday to make one of those clever puzzles for her. They were chums back in school.
096 So this is where she published the Unpleasant Issue.
To summarize:
Arthur apparently was taking a LOT of Joy before he disappeared, such that Mrs. Oliphant noticed and originally she would be reluctant to reinstate him because of this. She doesn't seem to consider this a concern in the final cut so this detail might be genuinely cut rather than disused.
There seems to have been a bit of a switch between Arthur giving warning signs and his having left the paper with no warning at all. No warning at all seems to be the one decided on.
Orrrr it might have been that his two week holiday and the end of his career as a reporter are not exactly the same event.
Does the Adulator work on more than one NPC at a time? I don't know, I know what I'm doing so I never have to use it.
"Should I try to save Gemma? Ehhh, nah."
Arthur's line about having two reasons to go to Haworth Labs kinda implies that Gemma was originally taken there rather than Wellington Health as she is in the game. Or at least that he assumes that's where she would be taken.
My boy Buster had more lines for yelling at Gordo and you apparently could have snuck past him in an older iteration of the quest, but he could also hear you.
Margaret's cat puzzle office might have been designed by Dr. Faraday, with whom she was old school friends. Loooove that for them. Also, noting now that she calls her staff a bunch of "numpties" in Faraday's fashion.
In the final cut, Margaret did not actually succeed in printing the Unpleasant Issue since it's not mentioned and her secret room has not been discovered, but she must have done so in an earlier draft of the quest.
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p1325 · 7 months
The 'Timeless Classics' series by RBA stands as a commendable collection of 85 literary masterpieces, predominantly drawn from English literature, with notable inclusions such as Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina from diverse cultural landscapes. This curated anthology transcends geographical boundaries, making its enriching content accessible not only in various European countries under the names of ''Storie Senza Tempo'', ''Romans Eternels'', and ''Novelas Eternas'' but also in South America. RBA's commitment to delivering these cultural gems on a global scale reflects a dedication to fostering a profound appreciation for literature across diverse audiences.
Here are all the titles of the following collection: Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice
Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights
Louisa May Alcott - Little Women
Charlotte Bronte - Jane Eyre
Jane Austen - Sense and Sensibility
Edith Wharton - The Age Of Innocence
Jane Austen - Emma
Gustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary
Jane Austen - Northanger Abbey
Edith Wharton - The House of Mirth
Jane Austen - Persuasion
Louisa May Alcott - Good Wives
Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet Letter
Charlotte Bronte - The Professor
Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina (Part 1)
Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina (Part 2)
Jane Austen - Mansfield Park
Anne Bronte - Agnes Grey
Thomas Hardy - Far from The Madding Crowd
William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair (Part 1)
William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair (Part 2)
Pierre-Ambroise-François Choderlos de Laclos - Dangerous Liaisons Alexandre Dumas fils - The Lady of the Camellias
Henry James - Washington Square
Louisa May Alcott - A Garland For Girls
Henry James - The Portrait of A Lady (Part 1)
Henry James - The Portrait of A Lady (Part 2)
Jane Austen - Lady Susan. The Watson. Sanditon
Anne Brontë - The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Thomas Hardy - Tess of the D’Urbeville
Edith Wharton - The Mother’s Recompense
Daniel Defoe - Moll Flanders
Henry James - The Wings of the Dove
Edith Wharton - The Customs of the Country
Kate Chopin - The Awakening
Jane Austen - Juvenilia
George Eliot - Middlemarch (Part 1)
George Eliot - Middlemarch (Part 2)
George Sand - Nanon
Henry James - The Ambassadors
Elizabeth Gaskell - Cranford
Thomas Hardy - Under The Greenwood Tree
Edith Wharton - Summer
George Sand - Indiana
Henry James - The Bostonians
George Eliot - Silas Marner
Henry James - The Golden Bowl (Part 1)
Henry James - The Golden Bowl (Part 2)
Edith Wharton - The Twilight Sleep
Emily Eden - The Semi-Attached Couple
Edith Wharton - The Glimpses of the Moon
Mary Elizabeth Braddon - Lady Audley’s Secret
George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss
Elizabeth Gaskell - Mary Barton
Fanny Burney - Evelina
George Sand - Little Fadette
Emily Eden - The Semi-detached House
Charlotte Brontë - Shirley I
Charlotte Brontë - Shirley II
Daniel Defoe - Lady Roxana
Theodor Fontane - Effie Briest
Edith Wharton - The Cliff
Thomas Hardy - Two on a Tower
Frances Hodgson Burnett - A Lady of Quality
Louisa May Alcott - Moods
Lucy Maud Montgomery - The Story Girl
Elizabeth Gaskell - Ruth
Thomas Hardy - The Woodlanders
Elizabeth Gaskell - North and South
Matilde Serao - Fantasy
Thomas Hardy - A Pair of Blue Eyes
Emilia Pardo Bazán - Sunstroke
Ann Radcliffe - The Romance Of The Forest
Louisa May Alcott - A Long Fatal
Charlotte Bronte - Villette
Sybil G. Brinton - Old Friends and New Fancies
Edith Wharton - The Bunner
Sisters Virginia Woolf - The Voyage Out
Margaret Oliphant - The Chronicles of Carlingford
Edith Nesbit - The Incomplete Amorist
Virginia Woolf - Day and Night
Guy de Maupassant - Our Heart
Frances Trollope - The Widow Barnaby (Part 1)
Frances Trollope - The Widow Barnaby (Part 2)
Elizabeth Gaskell - Half a Lifetime Ago
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aliteraryprincess · 24 days
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April 2024 Wrap Up
Not me posting my April wrap up over halfway through May...
Books Read: 13
Look at all these! I mean, to be fair, five are picture books. But still. My favorite was, of course, The Sunshine Court. I can't believe that the year of our lord 2024 gave us a new All for the Game book. It was amazing! My least favorite was The Biographer's Tale. A serious disappointment from the author of one of my favorite books. I was also unable to finish Apt Pupil, although I thought it was well-written. Almost too well-written. I was seriously disturbed. Books marked with ® are rereads.
Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King - 4 stars
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness - 4 stars
In the night I dream of home by Vagelis Iliopoulos, illustrated by Hariton Bekiaris - 4 stars
The Sleeping Beauty retold and illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman - 4 stars
The Idiot by Elif Batuman - 4 stars
Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey - 4 stars
Molly by Joseph S. Bonsall, illustrated by Erin Marie Mauterer - 4 stars ®
Sea Tale by Gail E. Haley - 4 stars ®
An Ellis Island Christmas by Maxinne Rhea Leighton, illustrated by Dennis Nolan - 4 stars ®
Daniel Deronda by George Eliot - 5 stars ®
The Biographer's Tale by A. S. Byatt - 2 stars
The Sunshine Court by Nora Sakavic - 5 stars
The Ways of Life by Margaret Oliphant - 4.5 stars
Books DNFed: 1
Apt Pupil by Stephen King - due to violent animal death
On Tumblr:
There's not much here, but @thehobbitwithstickyuppyhair helped me find a childhood picture book that I've been trying to find for years, and I am so grateful!
March 2024 Wrap Up
Book Quotes: The Idiot by Elif Batuman
Book Quotes: Daniel Deronda by George Eliot
Help me find this picture book? - Solved!
More Victorian Novels Connections
On YouTube:
And a good mix here, including a Fairy Tale Friday.
March Wrap Up | 8 reads, 1 DNF
Fairy Tale Friday | The Night Dance by Suzanne Weyn
Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag 2024
Currently Reading 4/15/24
The George Eliot Project | Middlemarch
1st Book Haul of 2024 | January to March
May TBR | Mental Health May & more!
What I Read for Picture This 2024
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unsymptotally · 2 years
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Maragret Oliphant circa 1960. Maybe a stretch, but good portrait practice hehe. She’s a recurring character in my fanfic, linked abundantly in posts below. I know all the WHF female characters have the same sprite and therefore this isn’t entirely accurate to the game, but this is how she looks in my head :D
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scotianostra · 4 months
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On February 27th 1814, Robert Turnbull McPherson was a Scottish painter who spent most of his time in Rome, was born in Dalkeith.
Macpherson studied medicine at Edinburgh from 1831 to 1835 before deciding to become a painter. The author Margaret Oliphant described him as a close relative of Clan Macpherson chief Ewan McPherson of Cluny and "the nearest male relative" of poet James McPherson ,he of of the Ossian cycle of epic poems fame.
In 1840, he settled in Rome, where he belonged to the literary and artistic expat community there, he continued painting for some time before taking to art dealing and then photography. One of the things he is remembered for was buying "a large, dark panel" in 1846, he cleaned it up and found himself in possession of he Entombment of Christ, an unfinished work by Michelangelo. McPherson smuggled the painting out of Rome, and in 1868 sold it to the National Gallery in London for £2000.
In 1851, having failed to achieve notice as a painter, McPherson turned to the new art of photography, by the early 1860s, McPherson's photographic career was near its zenith, with exhibitions in Edinburgh and London. His work received critical acclaim, with “subjects chosen with fine taste and the pictures executed with skill and delicacy.”
MacPherson was the first photographer permitted to photograph inside the Vatican, and in 1863 published Vatican Sculptures, Selected and Arranged in the Order in which they are Found in the Galleries, a guide book to 125 Vatican sculptures featuring woodcut illustrations carved by his wife from his photographs.
Although resident in Rome, Macpherson remained an active member of the Photographic Society of Scotland. However, The Scotsman newspaper noted in his obituary that he was “the father of photography in the Eternal City Rome.”
I had a good look through McPherson's work and picked an interesting painting of A Knight Templar in Rosslyn Chapel and a cracking pic he took of the Hall of the Statues in the Vatican Museum, from the pic, taken while photography was in it's infancy, you can see why he was so well respected.
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Towards the end of each year, as fireplaces are lit and hot cocoa is made, Americans have made it a tradition to revisit their favorite classic holiday books, movies and songs.
And though ghost stories may seem out of place in present-day American holiday celebrations, they were once a Christmas staple, reaching their peak of popularity in Victorian England.
A Dark, Spooky Time of Year
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Like most longstanding cultural customs, the precise origin of telling ghost stories at the end of the year is unknown, largely because it began as an oral tradition without written records.
But, according to Sara Cleto, a folklorist specializing in British literature and co-founder of The Carterhaugh School of Folklore and the Fantastic, the season around winter solstice, has been one of transition and change.
“For a very, very, very long time, [the season] has provoked oral stories about spooky things in many different countries and cultures all over the world,” she says.
Furthermore, spooky storytelling gave people something to do during the long, dark evenings before electricity.
“The long midwinter nights meant folks had to stop working early, and they spent their leisure hours huddled close to the fire,” says Tara Moore, an assistant professor of English at Elizabethtown College, author of 'Victorian Christmas in Print' and editor of The Valancourt Book of Victorian Christmas Ghost Stories.
“Plus, you didn’t need to be literate to retell the local ghost story.”
Effects of the Industrialization Revolution
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It was in Victorian England that telling supernatural tales at the end of the year — specifically, during the Christmas season — went from an oral tradition to a timely trend.
This was in part due to the development of the steam-powered printing press during the Industrial Revolution that made the written word more widely available.
This gave Victorians the opportunity to commercialize and commodify existing oral ghost stories, turning them into a version they could sell.
“Higher literacy rates, cheaper printing costs, and more periodicals meant that editors needed to fill pages,” Moore says.
“Around Christmas time, they figured they could convert the old storytelling tradition to a printed version.”
People who moved out of their towns and villages and into larger cities still wanted access to the supernatural sagas they heard around the fireplace growing up.
“Fortunately, Victorian authors like Elizabeth Gaskell, Margaret Oliphant, and Arthur Conan Doyle worked through the fall to cook up these stories and have them ready to print in time for Christmas,” Moore says.
Industrialization not only provided tools to distribute spooky stories, uncertainty during the era also fueled interest in the genre, says Brittany Warman, a folklorist specializing in Gothic literature and co-founder of The Carterhaugh School of Folklore and the Fantastic. She adds:
"Interest was driven by the rise of industrialization, the rise of science, and the looming fall of Victorian Britain as a superpower.
All of these things were in people's minds and made the world seem a little bit darker [and] a little bit scarier.”
Stories Find a Wide-Ranging Audience
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Telling horror-filled holiday tales continued to be a family affair in England, even when they were read rather than recited.
“We know from illustrations and diaries that whole families read these periodicals together,” Moore says.
The popularity of Victorian Christmas ghost stories also transcended socioeconomic status, according to Moore.
They were available to read everywhere from cheap publications to expensive Christmas annuals that middle-class ladies would show off on their coffee tables.
Their broad audience was reflected in the stories themselves, which sometimes centered around working class characters and other times took place in haunted manor houses.
“These upper class settings were intended to invite readers from all classes into an idealized, upper-crust Christmas, the type todays’ fans of Downton Abbey still enjoy as entertainment,” Moore adds.
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Charles Dickens’ 1843 novella A Christmas Carol has forever linked the British author with the holiday season, but his contributions to Christmas in Victorian England — including the tradition of telling and reading ghost stories — extend far beyond Jacob Marley’s visit to Scrooge.
In fact, Cleto says that Dickens played a “huge part” in popularizing the genre in England.
“He wrote a bunch of different Christmas novellas, several of which involved ghosts, specifically,” she says, “and then he started editing more and more Christmas ghost stories from other people, and working those into the magazines he was already editing. And that just caught like wildfire.”
Dickens also helped shape Christmas literature in general, Moore says, by formalizing expectations about themes like forgiveness and reunion during the holiday season.
American Christmas Traditions: More Syrupy Than Spooky
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Although countless trends made their way from England to America during the Victorian era, the telling of ghost stories during the Christmas season was not one that really caught on.
A Christmas Carol was an immediate best-seller in the United States, but at the time of its publication, Dickens was arguably the most famous writer in the world and already wildly popular.
The novella’s success in the U.S. likely had more to do with Dickens’ existing (massive) fan base than it did Americans’ interest in incorporating the supernatural into Christmas.
“American Christmas scenes and stories tended to be syrupy sweet,” Moore explains.
"There were a few American writers of the period trying to put Victorian-style Christmas ghost stories into American culture,” Warman says, including Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry James.
Washington Irving made a similar and earlier attempt, slipping the supernatural into Christmas-themed short stories published in 1819 and 1820.
Warman theorizes that America’s reluctance to embrace the Christmas ghost story tradition had to do, at least in part, with the country’s attitudes towards things like magic and superstitions.
“In America, we generally had a bit of a resistance to the supernatural in a way that European countries didn't,” she explains.
“When you come to America, you come with a fresh start. You come with a secular mindset and the idea that you were leaving the past behind. And some of these spooky superstitions were thought of as being part of the past.”
Another reason telling spooky stories never took off as a Christmas tradition in the United States was because it became more firmly established as a Halloween tradition, thanks to Irish and Scottish immigrants.
“That really impacted culture here, because they brought with them a concept similar to Halloween and that became, for America, the time period for ghosts,” Warman explains.
Traces of the Tradition
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Other than A Christmas Carol, there is another piece of pop culture that reflects the Victorian Christmas tradition: a single line from a song written and released in 1963 by American musicians.
First recorded by Andy Williams, the song “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” lists 'scary ghost stories' as one of the highlights of the holiday season.
Although it’s unclear why the writers of the song (Edward Pola and George Wyle) included the tradition, Cleto says that it’s possible that the lyric is a reference to Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.
“It's only the one text,” she notes, “but it's such a big deal here in the US and the UK, and is pretty much all that Americans know about Christmas ghost stories in isolation.”
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