#Mariano De Biase
lospaziobianco · 7 years
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by Mariano De Biase on Tumblr
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hello :)) guess who is supposed to be asleep so they can be well rested for their spanish exam tomorrow but decided a fictional movie controvery was more important :)))
to preface this:
-i'm an LGBTQ+ asian immigrant. and although i don't share the same ethnicity as those of encanto, i'd like to think we have some similarities
-do NOT argue or put each other down over this. the reason why we have these conversations is that so we can understand each other, not to be right.
-if i say something offensive or that you disagree with, lmk and we can talk abt it! maybe we'll come to realizing more than before! just be respectful please
alright, that's it!
1. `white people/whiteness`
as i read a lot about people's arguments i tend to see a lot of it put on white people. while i agree that they typically experience things differently than us, i think it's also important to understand that it can come from poc, too. i am in no way shape or form trying to shift the blame, but leaving others out of the bubble makes it seem like we're untouchable when it comes to biases.
the truth is, though, we're susceptible to it, too. depending on your culture, you've probably got a little bit of internalized discrimination in you. i'll be honest, i thought the trans!luisa idea was okay until people pointed out how it's problematic. maybe it's surprising because i'm a part of the LGBTQ+ and an avid supporter of it, but there's still things we need to unlearn even after joining the community.
2. `why people are placing these hcs on encanto`
i think the reason why people enjoy this movie so much is because it is incredibly different from other big disney movies. it de-villainized green, has musical-like choreography, lacks the typical disney princess voice in the lead role, and has much smaller stakes. what it also has, though, are characters represented in a modern way who people relate to.
i think on one hand people hc isa as a lesbian because she didn't like mariano, and on the other people hc her as a lesbian because they see themselves in her.
i think people did this to almost all the characters; mirabel, camilo, etc.
and there's nothing wrong with lgbtq+ hcs! but the intent behind it can matter a lot. if it comes out of seeing yourself in the character and basing it off of you, then i think that's understandable unless it's somehow inappropriate. but when you're placing hcs on characters based off of stereotypes and stereotypes alone, it'll get problematic.
so, if camilo is genderfluid to you because you are as well and would like to be him, then okay. if mirabel resonates with you so much that you see yourself in her and also happen to be enby, then alright.
3. `putting down lgbtq+ hcs in general`
this obviously does not apply to everyone critiquing hcs, but i think there are things worth saying here.
telling people "not everything has to be gay" or saying lgbtq+ hc-ers are just shoving gay wherever they can sometimes feels a little insensitive. people (who are within the community) usually use these hcs because there isn't much big stuff out there that specifically labels and actively represents them as such. if you get incredibly bothered by even one lgbtq+ hc, then kindly check yourself.
anyway im tired and i want to sleep so i'll probably add to this or delete this in the morning depending on whether i find it dumb and incomprehensive or articulate and understandable when i reread this in the morning.
night, folks!
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2centsnobodyasked4 · 3 years
Teresa VS Rubi
I haven't watched a telenovela since like 2007. I feel like Rebelde was the last one I saw. However, I hold on to a couple of novelas that I thought were outstanding, such as Rubi. With the years, I've come across a lot of talk about 'Teresa' and I wondered why it had the same premise as Rubi. I was slightly intrigued. I learned that the story of Teresa came first back in the day, then Rubi. On social media such as tiktok and youtube, people are always comparing both. I kept saying that obviously Rubi was better because it was the one i watched. So in order to not be THAT biased, i decided to give Teresa a shot. So i just binged the entire novela in a couple of weeks. So here are my 2 cents.
Song: La descarada- Reyli
Song: Esa hembra es mala- Gloria Trevi
With the songs alone, I will still have to give it to Rubi's intro song. I feel like it was more seductive and more true to what the novela was going to be about. On the other hand, Teresa's theme song felt like it would be more appropriate for Rubi. Because it was sang from the point of view of the 'betrayed friend'. Although you can argue that the betrayed friend was Luisa and that it would be from her point of view, but that only happened towards the very last episodes, so it wouldn't really make sense for it to summarize the entire novela as Reyli's song did.
Furthermore, I enjoy Rubi's intro more, especially the beginning were is says 'Una obra de ..." it makes it seem fancy and like I'm in for a special treat.
The actress
Barbara Mori vs Angelique Boyer
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I know I'm going to sound like a jerk by comparing their physical appearance, but I'm going to do it anyway.
They are obviously both beautiful women, but in MY opinion, Barbara Mori's face is more seductive without even trying. She reminds me so much of Megan Fox. On the other hand, Angelique's face is so youthful that she has to work extra hard and make over the top gestures to act out the seductress role.
Although they both have fantastic bodies, they are very different from each other. Once again, Barbara's body gives off a more sensual and natural look. Even the way she moves is a perfect embodiment of Rubi. Angelique once more has a more youthful small body, and the main thing that makes her 'hot' is her boobs, which look really fake and it doesn't play into the story since she's suppose to be poor. Rubi didn't have much of a chest, but she still managed to appear more naturally seductive. Teresa was just constantly exposing her chest to appear seductive.
Barbara Mori's acting was excellent. She made me feel like thats how she was in real life. Everything came natural to her. Angelique's acting was all over the place. She really had to OVERACT to put her point across. Everything about the novela in general was overacted actually. Angelique had to do over the top facial expressions to show when she was scheming, when she was talking down to people or when she was in love. She came out looking like a cartoon character as opposed to Barbara that made her character seem like a real person.
I've already made this post way longer than i expected and there's so much more that I want to talk about out so I'm just gonna have to shoot out random points:
I feel like they were both equally evil. They both were horrible to their families, to the men they loved and to their friends. I can't really make my decision on who was worse. I will hand it to Teresa though that she worked and studied hard to have a degree and was an excellent lawyer. However, I've seen arguments that mention that she was smarter that Rubi and relied on her brains instead of her body to get ahead. But thats not true. Sure she had a degree but she didn't get far because of it at all. She did the EXACT same thing that Rubi did, got ahead with her body provoking a rich guy. Sure she played the long game but at then end she did the same thing, not just with Arturo but with Fernando as well. She seduced him, nothing to do with her brain.
Rubi's ending was EXCELLENT. It has stayed with me for a long time because we finally have a main character that didn't win at the end. She got what she deserved. She lost the man she loved, she lost all her money which is what she fought the most, she lost her beauty, and she lost her beautiful body. EVERYTHING, and it was just excellent.
Teresa's ending left me baffled. She ended up with the man she loved after everything that she did. People may argue that she changed and felt remorse for what she did, but come on. She didn't even suffer for that long. She only regretted things because she was caught and exposed, otherwise she would've never changed. Also the fact that Arturo came to her after what she did to his sister is disgusting. Sure forgive her for what she did to him, but to his innocent sister? Seriously??? I get it, that they wanted for them to have a happy ending since the actors were dating in real life, but that just makes bad story telling.
It kind of gave me the impression that Teresa was going to follow a similar plot to Rubi's in the sense that Teresa was going to stay in love with Mariano all the way til the end, and that at some point when Teresa was not going to have any more money, that Mariano would now be super rich and prestigious but would want nothing to do with her like in Rubi. Although that would've been a Rubi copy, it would've been a better route to take. Because then other elements seem pointless. Something that I do admire more from Teresa was the fact that Mariano fell in love with Aurora, because in Rubi, it felt like Alejandro, although he married Maribel, it never seemed like he truly loved her. It was more like he cared for her. So i was so ready for an awesome ending to where Teresa was trying to stop the wedding and be suffering because the love of her life no longer loves her. That would've been so satisfying to watch and Mariano's wedding would also be triumphant because he overcame his temptation....however, that didn't happen. Teresa didn't even care, so it makes the wedding kind of pointless to the story. It really felt like 3 quarters of the novela they were building it up that triumph moment, but instead it felt like they changed the direction of story to fit in the real romance between Angelique and Sebastian. To be honest, Arturo's ending should've been the same as his counterpart role in Rubi.
In Summary. I have a lot more bones to pick with Teresa, but the ones that come to mind, are probably mostly the acting, not just of Angelique but of the cast. I think many of them were new actors or something, but their acting was horrible. I can really tell who was new and who was a veteran. Having said all of this, I DID enjoy watching Teresa. I know it may seem like I'm just hating on it and like I didn't enjoy it, but I really did. The first few episodes were really boring but after a while it was hard for me to stop. In one day I would go through 10 episdoes.....bruh, those are like 10 hours a day dedicated to Teresa. It was intriguing and interesting, especially many of the elements that were different from Rubi, such as her becoming a lawyer and her ways that she helped unmask Ruben.
In conclusion though, I do see Rubi as superior. A superior actress, a superior story and superior ending. Maybe a bit is from nostalgia but I did give Teresa a fair chance. Although entertaining, it was not what I would consider a good novela.
Me das miedo Teresa.
Rubi, tan bella como malvada.
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senzalinea-blog · 5 years
Odessa #2 - Eroe a metà - Recensione
Odessa #2 – Eroe a metà – Recensione
Dopo l’esordio in edicola, avvenuto a maggio, erano cospicue le attese per il secondo numero di Odessa intitolato “Eroe a metà”, perché se il primo numero ha fatto da introduzione necessaria a questo nuovo mondo che mescola la fantascienza pura con il fantasy, non ha potuto però soffermarsi su tutti i vasti ed eterogenei temi che lo compongono. Ora l’universo narrativo può essere analizzato, albo…
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By Mariano De Biase
Via Instagram
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marianodebiase · 8 years
A Cartoomics ho scambiato quattro parole con il buon Stefano Avvisati e la chiacchierata si è dilungata sulle pagine di Batmancrimesolver. Si parla di fumetti, dinosauri, bambole assassine, e del senso della vita. Vabbè, più o meno.
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marywoodartdept · 5 years
Hi everyone! This week I’ve been contemplating on who to talk about, and my mind keeps going back to Botticelli. I’ve previously done a post on him, but I wanted to talk about him again since he’s just such an amazing artist.
To recap on what I said in the last post, Sandro Botticelli, full name Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi, was an artist in Italy during the Renaissance era. The name Botticelli originated as a nickname for “small wine cask” (nationalgallery.org). His work was primarily focused on religion and mythology; in some cases, he even combined some of the topics and themes into one painting.
Botticelli has a very distinctive style in his artworks. It’s hard to explain the exact style in words, but when you see his artwork, it’s easy to know that it’s his. He has a soft quality to his figures; he strives for idealism.
A small matter of his life that I wanted to bring up (which are essential to his paintings) is that he worked for the Medici family. The Medici family were a prominent family in the Renaissance and Baroque, that were extremely influential on the art world in Italy. Botticelli originally worked for the painter Fra Filippo Lippi, who was the house painter of the Medici family for Cosimo de’Medici. Botticelli befriend both Lorenzo and Giuliano de’Medici (both grandsons of Cosimo), and they became good companions. A large influence for Botticelli in his subjects matter in artworks most likely came from the Medici. Lorenzo and Giuliano were humanist, that is that they strove to study multiple subject matters and the ancient arts. Since Botticelli hung out with Lorenzo and Giuliano, he could have been influenced by this scholarly atmosphere of the Medici.
One painting that I wanted to talk about is the Venus and Mars created in 1485.
In this painting, we are presented with Venus, the goddess of love, and Mars, the god of war. They are surrounded by baby satyrs. They are all harmoniously relaxing in a beautiful area. It appears that Mars is relaxing or napping, and Venus is gracefully gracing upon him. It looks like two satyrs are trying to wake Mars up with a shell horn.
In my, very biased, opinion, the best part about this painting is that the two main figures are potential portraits of two Renaissance people. As I mentioned earlier, Lorenzo, Giuliano, and Sandro were good friends. Therefore, Sandro may have used Giuliano as his model for Mars here.
Botticelli, Giuliano de’Medici, 1478
A side note that I would like to include about Giuliano is his sad death. He was brutally murdered on Sunday April 26th of 1478 when he was in church. He and Lorenzo went to mass in the Duomo of Firenze/Santa Maria del Fiore, and their enemies stabbed him 19 times in the church. SUCH A CRAZY STORY. But there is a problem with this, since Giuliano was killed in 1478 and Botticelli’s painting was completed in 1485. A possibility for this may have be that Botticelli might have started to create this piece before the death of Giuliano, or Botticelli may have been making a reference to his dear friend.
Another individual Botticelli was definitely influenced by was Simonetta Vespucci. Botticelli was obsessed with the beauty of this women, and many of his paintings are models after her.
Workshop of Botticelli, Portrait of a Woman, 1480s
Piero di Cosimo, Portrait de femme dit de Simonetta Vespucci, 1490
I just wanted to point out another element of this. It is so nice to see portraits of people throughout history. It creates such a connection to the past. It’s a great combination of art and history, where people get to see these figures, even if the portraits are modified. We should all bring back portraiture paintings rather than just having selfies.
Lastly, I think most fans of art will agree with me that we have at least one artist that truly touches our soul – for me, it is Botticelli (and Raphael).
Nicole So., Art History, tells us about the partnership between a Renaissance painter and an Italian family dynasty in "Botticelli, Mythology, and the Medici" Hi everyone! This week I've been contemplating on who to talk about, and my mind keeps going back to Botticelli.
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stefanoavvisati69 · 5 years
Gli auguri a Batman per i suoi 80 anni
Gli auguri a #Batman per i suoi 80 anni
La prima apparizione in assoluto di Batman avvenne nel 1939, ben 80 anni fa. Da allora l’uomo pipistrello ha subito numerosi cambiamentiper andare incontro al gusto del pubblico e per rimanere al passo coi tempi. Gotham City, la sua città natale, quella che gli ha dato una vita travagliata e poi anche una tragica fine nel corso del ciclo di Grant Morrison, decide di ricordare la grandezza del…
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itsnerdpool-blog · 6 years
Nathan Never Generazioni 2 Il guerriero della polvere: La recensione
Nuovo Articolo https://www.nerdpool.it/2018/07/10/nathan-never-generazioni-2-il-guerriero-della-polvere-la-recensione/
Nathan Never Generazioni 2 Il guerriero della polvere: La recensione
Nathan Never Generazioni è una miniserie in sei numeri in cui si immaginano sei differenti versioni dell’agente Never. Sono sei potenziali “numeri uno” che potrebbero dar seguito ad eventuali successive mini-serie. Dopo il primo numero dedicato al genere noir, questo secondo numero è dedicato ovviamente alla fantascienza post-atomica, con ispirazioni da Mad Max ma sopratutto da Ken il Guerriero, l’immortale manga di Tetsuo Hara e Buronson. C’è addirittura la citazione della storica sigla del cartone animato! In questa versione Nathan è un uomo che vaga nel deserto alla ricerca di vendetta, accompagnata dalla figlioletta Ann con i suoi poteri speciali.
Nathan è un ex-agente Alpha addestrato all’uso delle “armi bianche” oltre che alle arti marziali (fra cui una tecnica che conosciamo bene). Compaiono anche le versioni di questo universo narrativo di Legs e Sigmund, oltre che dello storico cattivo Skotos. L’albo è molto divertente e scorrevole, costituisce un’ottima lettura estiva, e i disegni rendono degnamente omaggio a quelli di Tetsuo Hara. A proposito, parliamo dei molti autori dell’albo: le matite sono di Silvia Corbetta, le chine di Mariano De Biase e la splendida copertina è di entrambi. La sceneggiatura è di Giovanni Eccher.
L’albo come ogni degno “numero uno” si conclude con molti discorsi in sospeso, con tanto di “continua” in giapponese alla maniera dei manga. Magari prima o poi verrà realizzato un seguito!
Nathan Never Generazioni 2: Il guerriero della polvere – di Eccher,  Corbetta, De Biase
pagine 98 – euro 3.90
Sergio Bonelli Editore
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“Eden Teatro” texte de Raffaele Viviani mise en scène Alfredo Arias au Théâtre de l’Athénée-Louis Jouvet
Parlez moi d'amour...Alfredo Arias nous embarque dans la machine à remonter le temps. En puisant dans le répertoire de Raffaele Viviani, acteur et dramaturge napolitain du début du XXe siècle, il nous propose un voyage éphémère aux tonalités surannées en compagnie des excellents comédiens du Teatro Stabile di Napoli, lieu prestigieux du théâtre italien et européen.
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photographie Marco Ghidelli
 Eden Teatro est habité de personnages qui nous rappellent ce que Balzac nommait « le monde interlope des femmes équivoques ». En deux mots travelottes et putes se confondent et s'en donnent à cœur joie. Car leur plaisir de vivre l'emporte sur tous les travers d'une existence quelque peu miteuse.
Accompagnées de musiciens, ces « dames » ou messieurs affichent leur insolence face à leur destin peu glorieux dans des chansons et des textes populaires, des rengaines où le désir frustré d'aimer est tourné en dérision pour ne pas sombrer dans le désespoir. Vraies fausses tragédiennes, elles ne sont jamais dupes et préfèrent rire de leurs malheurs dans leur mistoufle quotidienne.
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photographie Marco Ghidelli
Arias choisit pour ce théâtre désuet un imaginaire fellinien, dans l'outrance et le grotesque, qui correspond à son univers foisonnant. On se croirait dans un show Maritie et Gilbert Carpentier, à une époque où le mot Sim ne représentait pas une carte pour téléphone mais le nom d'un comédien transformiste qui faisait rire les familles. Sa revue, haute en couleurs, nous donne le sentiment d'un autre temps. Et c'est peut-être ce qui questionne son spectacle, comme un air de « déjà-vu » nostalgique mais qui tournerait un peu en rond. Il en garde néanmoins toute la tendresse d'un amour éternel et universel, celui qui fait tourner les têtes et chavirer les cœurs au son des refrains ressassés.
« Eden Teatro » texte Raffaele Viviani mise en scène Alfredo Arias
Avec : Mariano Rigillo, Gaia Aprea, Gennaro Di Biase, Gianluca Musiu, Anna Teresa Rossini, Ivano Schiavi, Paolo Serra, Enzo Turrin et la participation de Mauro Gioia
Musiciens : Pietro Bentivenga(accordéon) Giuseppe Burgarella (direction musicale et piano) Erasmo Petringa (violoncelle)
Décor : Chloé Obolensky
Costumes : Maurizio Millenotti
Lumière : Cesare Accetta
jusqu'au 29 mai 2018 au Théâtre de l'Athénée-Louis Jouvet
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I firmatari del Manifesto di People For Planet
Cesare Aglialoro, Operatore sociale Paolo Aiello, Sviluppatore software Michele Aina, Agricoltore Diego Albertini, Cittadino del mondo Stefania Albertini, Medico Alfredo Albiani, Operatore olistico Marco Alfieri, Giornalista Michele Ammendola, Counselor Luca Aoe, Copywriter Giovanni Aquilino, Dipendente Pubblico Silvana Arbia, Ex Magistrato – Senior Trial – Tribunale penale internazionale delle Nazioni Unite per il Ruanda Maurizio Arrighi, Impiegato Roberto Arzilla, Medico Alessandra Ascia, Presidente del Consiglio Comunale di Gela Paolo Astarita, Programmatore Marco Bachi, Musicista Claudio Baila, Tecnico Anna Balbiano, Giornalista Danila Baldo, Docente di scuola secondaria di secondo grado Alessandra Balduccini, Agronoma Fabiana Barbati, Cittadina (e imprenditrice agricola) Leo Barbi, Anpi Gavorrano Scarlino Andrea Guido Barcucci, Candidato Insieme x Gori prov. VA Elisa Bardini, Laureata in Comunicazione Interculturale Domenico Barranca, Impiegato Maurizio Bartoletti, Ragioniere-commerciale Gian Luigi Bassani, Operaio specializzato Antonella Bassi, Forte lettrice Eugenio Bausola, Pensionato Luigino Bellizzi, Pensionato Daniela Bellucci, Dottoressa Stefano Benni, Scrittore Roberta Bernobi, Terapista Paolo Berretti, Padre e marito Giovanni Berrino, Cittadino Cristina Bertocci, Traduttore Mauro Bertuzzi – Agronomo Ezio Betolotto, Direttore Francesca Bevacqua, Cittadina italiana residente all’estero Sara Bianchi, Impiegata Davide Bianchini, Consulente energetico e ambientale Teresa Bilotta, Professoressa di Liceo in pensione Fulvio Boccardo, Impiegato pubblico Maurizio Bogani, Impiegato Roberto Bogon, Responsabile Vendite Antonella Bonfini, Artista Patrizia Borghi, Insegnante Luigi Maria Giuseppe Borghini, Insegnante Marco Boschini, Coordinatore Associazione Comuni Virtuosi Mauro Bottaro, libero professionista Amalia Bove, CittadinAeBasta Guido Bovo, Antiquario Aurora Braida, Cuoca Nicola Bressi, Dottore naturalista Andrea Brezzi, Disegnatore meccanico Paola Brundu, Dipendente pubblico Riccardo Brusadin, Impiegato Laura Burrone, Cittadina Giancarlo Cadei, Analista programmatore Davide Calabria, Collaboratore Scolastico (firma per legge 1 e 3) Francesca Calini, Hotel manager Elma Cani, Studentessa e lettric Gabriella Canova, Scrittrice Simone Canova, Scrittore Carlo Cantini, Musicista Monica Capitani, Insegnate Nadia Capoleoni , Impiegata Loretta Capra, Pensionata Anna Cardiota, Avvocata Anna Carella, Insegnante Maria Carmine Carusone, Pensionata Alice Carpini, Cittadina Vania Carraro, Insegnante Alessandro Carucci, Ricercatore Marco Casareto, Giornalista Sergio Casiraghi, Matematico Valeria Castagna, Impiegata tutto fare Roberto Aseglio Castagnot, Educatore professionale Claudia Castelli, Docente Fabiano Cavadini, Docente Giovanni Cavalcabue, Impiegato Antonio Cavallo , Studente Lucio Cavazzoni , Candidato alla Camera dei Deputati per Liberi e Uguali Giovanni Cazzaniga, Pensionato Scilla Ceccherini, Cittadina italiana residente a Bruxelles Ilaria Cecchi, Impiegata Antonino Celentano, Impiegato Catello Celotto, Impiegato Paola Centofanti, Pensionata Eugenio Cerelli , Tecnico Sanitario di Laboratorio Biomedico Joelle Cerfoglia, Cittadina Sara Cerrato, Studentessa Claudio Cianca, Consulente Indipendente Clelia Ciardulli, Lavoratore nella comunita’, Istruttore di Inglese per stranieri Angelo Cifatte, Funzionario comunale Francesca Cintori, Pensionata Raffaele Cioffi, Docente Università Parthenope Monica Cipelletti, Team enabler Antonio Cipriani, Pensionato Francesca Cocco, Partner innovazione – Knowledge for Business Grazia Coco, Cittadina Alessandra Colaiacovo, Mamma zen Beatrice Coletti, TV Manager Enrico Colliva, Funzionario pubblico Giuliano Colomban, Project manager Daniele Colombi, Impiegato ambientalista Sara Comoglio, Neomamma Alberto Corsetti, Odontotecnico Federico Costa, Pasticcere Vincenzo Cotronei, Pensionato Claudia Crovace, Guida Turistica Laura Cuccuru, Laureata in Comunicazione Donatella Curti, Impiegata Virginia D’Aiuto, Chimico Maria Cristina Dalbosco, Scrittrice Daniela Dal Fiume, Impiegata Lorenzo Dambrosio, Studente Sara Damiani, Impiegata Carlo D’Andreis, Operaio Luigi D’Angelo, Tecnico Ilaria D’Arcangelo, Professionista HR Antonio Deamici, Agronomo Marilena De Biase, Insegnante in quiescenza Felice Del Giudice, Docente Marina Dell’Aquila, Insegnante Viviana Della Bella, Pensionat Giovanni Dell’Erba, Pensionato Alfredo De Luca, Agronomo Luigi De Magistris, Sindaco di Napoli Leonarda De Matteis, Libero professionista Nino De Miceli, Psicoterapeuta Claudio De Paulis, Pensionato Marco De Pertis, Ingegnere Loredana De Petris, Senatrice Liberi e Uguali Giuseppe De Renzis, Medico Stefano De Rienzo, Imprenditore Simona Di Bartolo, Biologa Marcello Di Carne, Consulente Alessandra Di Claudio, Amante della natura Roberto Difalco, Psicologo Barbara Di Feo, Imprenditrice Antonio Di Lollo Capurso, Avvocato Michele Dotti, EducAttore Danilo Duina, Ingegnere Mirella Esposito, Impiegata Stefano Esposito, Advisor finanza sostenibile Maurizio Faccioli, Operaio settore alimentare Giorgio Fanò Illic, Professore Universitario Gianfranca Fantin, Casalinga Ferruccio Fantini, Pensionato Nadia Farina, Dipendente pubblico Maurizio Fauri, Docente Università Trento Claudia Faverio, Libera professionista Nicola Fera, Insegnante Clelio Ferrara, Pensionato Sergio Ferraris, Giornalista Fabio Ferretti, Pensionato Luca Ferretti, Videomaker Piero Ferruccio, Pensionato Fabio Fiamberti, Disoccupato Diego Filotto, Insegnante Alessandro Finazzi, Cantante Jacopo Fo, Attore Walter Fontana, Tecnico della sicurezza Loretta Fontebasso, Mamma Maria Rosaria Forcella, Insegnante Vittorio Foresti, Insegnante a riposo Maria Forgioli, Alimentazione naturale e orti Clara Fornaro, Artista Giannantonio Fornasari, Insegnante Roberto Fortino, Pensionato Filippo Fossati, Deputato Francesco Francis, Pensionato Maria Carmela Franze’, Avvocato Tiziana Freti, Consulente Carla Fruttaldo , Insegnante Franco Fumo, Ingegnere e Agronomo Carlo Gabardini, Scrittore Graziano Galassi, Insegnante Massimiliano Gallo, Direttore de Il Napolista Vincenza Gambino, Docente di scuola primaria Andrea Gardini, Medico Francesca Garioni, Attrice Vito Garofalo, Avvocato Tiziana Gherardini, Pensionata Alessandro Ghionzoli, Presidente di associazione di volontariato Marco Giaccaria, Musicista Valeria Gialanella, Pensionata Anna Giamporcaro, Fotografa Salvatore Giangreco, Avvocato Ivan Giaquinto, Viaggiatore Giovanni Giarratana, Pensionato Anna Giordano, Casalinga Daniela Giosuè, Ricercatrice Università della Tuscia Antonio Girardo, Psicologo Analista Gianni Pietro Girotto, Senatore Gruppo M5S Bruno Giuranna, Musicista Tiziana Maria Gherardini, Videomaker amatoriale Greta Golia, Social media manager Peter Gomez, Giornalista Laura Graci, Insegnate di yoga – Counselor Michele Fusco Granolla, Abitante del Pianeta Fabio Grassi, Comunicazione turismo Enrico Greppi, Cantante Elena Gualco, Formatore Roberto Guercia, Project Manager Stephanie Holmes, Pensionata Piero Iaschi, Medico pediatra Miriam Ientile, Cittadina del mondo Vincenzo Imperatore, Consulente aziendale Licia Iob, Impiegata Mauro Iori, Tabacchino Rosanna Jemoli, Medico Caterina Labate, Impiegata Claudio Lago Marco Lamalfa, Impiegato Daniele La Montagna, Ingegnere Daniela Lancioni, Pensionata Davide Lanfranco, Operaio Osvaldo Lazzini, Pensionato Alberto Leggio, Studente Cristina Leonelli, Docente Università Modena Reggio Emilia Maurizio Leoni, Fotografo Gad Lerner, Giornalista Laura Levati, Biologa Filomena Ilaria Lillo, Studentessa Marina Livella, Impiegata Giancarlo Livraga, Semplice cittadino Maurizio Lo Presti, Direttore T.O Giampaolo Loreto, Geologo Maria Daniela Lucchesi, Pensionata Vito Lucente, Pensionato Daniela Luise, Insegnante in pensione Enrico Lupano, Pensionato Daniele Luttazzi, Scrittore Pietro Luzi, Anatomo Patologo Antonello Macrì, Psicologo Alberto Maggi, Teologo Alessandro Silvio Maria Magistrelli, Studente Luisella Magnoni, Pensionata Alessandro Maida, Artista Lorena Maini, Commerciante Giulia Maira, Pensionata Maria Maistrelli, Studentessa di biotecnologie Devid Majenza, Geometra Liana G. Malato, Agente di Commercio in pensione Antonio Manca, Operaio Stefania Manetti, Pediatra ACP Marilena Manganaro, Insegnante Andrea Maraffino, MioBio Dacia Maraini, Scrittrice Marina Maran, Docente Paolo Marazzi, Guida Alpina Marisa Marcante, Producer Maurizio Marchetti, Tecnico tv Umberto Marcomeni, Pensionato Neri Marcorè, Attore Mattiello Mariano, Insegnante Livella Marina, Impiegata Valerio Marinucci, Impiegato Enrico Marone, Editore Carlo Marzovillo, Libero Professionista Marco Masieri, Commerciante Andreina Mason, Impiegata Paola Mastrodonato, Persona Edwin Matta Castillo, Programs & Policy Officer ONU Alessio Maurizi, Giornalista Radio24 Claudia Mazzola, Docente (precaria) scuola secondaria di I grado Cristina Meda, In cerca di occupazione Ezio Meli, Impiegato Luca Mercalli, Metereologo (firma per i farmaci sfusi) Cristina Merlino, Giornalista Alfredo Messina, Avvocato Gaia Mezzadri, Imprenditrice Marco Milanesi, Libero professionista Marco Mina, Pubblico impiegato Rosa Minerva, Docente Bruno Giulio Misculin, Candidato politico Flavio Mobiglia, Educatore e Musicista Sandro Mogni, Correttore di bozze Maria Antonietta Montella, Scrittrice Carlo Moretuzzo, Pensionato Flaminia Morin, Cittadina italiana Francesca Moroni, Insegnante Paolo Morsut, Pensionato attivo Ingy Mubiay, Scrittrice Massimo Muratori, Libero professionista Rossella Muroni, Candidata Camera dei deputati Francesca Mustacchio, Agricoltore Alessio Nanni, Artista Luca Napoli, Psicologo Psicoterapeuta Lorena Nascimben, Farmacista Giuseppe Nenna, Concept designer, presidente associazione Ditaubi Alessandro Nutini, Musicista Claudio Oddone, Medico Vincenzo Olivieri, Dirigente Veterinario ASL Giorgio Orlandi, Cittadino pensionato Andrea Orlandini, Musicista Federico Pacini, Musicista Franca Paganelli, Artigiana Gabriella Pagani, Pensionata Paolo P. Pagnon, Docente Pippo Palazzolo, Libero ricercatore Luisa Palermo, Insegnante in pensione Giuseppe Panebianco, Impiegato Daniela Papone, Pensionata Sergio Parini, Giornalista Zita Paris, Operatore socio-sanitario Giovanni Battista Parodi, Archeologo Enrico Parolini, Ingegnere in ambito efficienza energetica Guido Passi, Regista Bruno Patierno, Coordinatore Gruppo Atlantide Iacopo Patierno, Regista Maddalena Pedio, Dipendente Pubblica Agostino Pela, Guardiaparco Sara Pelargonio, Studente Serena Pellegrino, Deputata Giovanna Perfetti, Avvocato Andrea Perissi, Pensionato Carlo Petrini, Fondatore Slow Food Cristina Piali, Impiegata Luca Piattelli, Dipendente pubblico Francesco Piccardi, Interprete di conferenza Matteo Piccolo, Impiegato Thomas Piccolo, Infermiere Cristina Picchietti, Pensionata coscienziosa Simone Pizzi, Commesso disoccupato Elisa Poggiali, Ingegnere Luciano Polese, Ingegnere MariaCristina Pollastri, Casalinga Manuela Porru, Programmatrice Maria Paola Pozzi, Insegnante in pensione Angela Prati, Fotografa Margherita Prevedello, Operatore Sanitario Tommaso Puglisi, Sognatore Giuseppe Quattrone, Pensionato Giulia Ranaldi, Operatrice sociale Splendora Rapini, Medico Chiara Rapuzzi, Consapevole umana Donatella Reginato, Impiegata Achille Renzullo, Architetto Paola Restiglian, Funzionario ente regionale Susanna Riavini, Pensionata Angelo Riccardi, Disoccupato Antonio Ricci, Autore TV Carla Ricci, Architetto Maria Ricci, Pensionata Romina Rivoli, Libero professionista Fabio Roggiolani, Cofondatore Ecofuturo Festival Andrea Romoli, Impiegato Daghi Rondanini, Ingegnere del suono Patrizia Rosa, Pensionata Laura Rossetti, Cittadina Paolo Rossi, Attore Eva Rossi, Operatore olistico Valerio Rossi Albertini, Fisico CNR Marina Rossignoli, Casalinga Tanja Rosso, Operatrice Shiatsu Loretta Roveda, Pensionata Vera Roveda, Fotografa Francesca Roversi, Insegnante Berardino Corrado Ruggeri, Impiegato Maurizio Sacco, Medico Renzo Massimo Deliso Samaritani, Amministratore Associazione “Sole e Luna” Giuseppa Sammati, Ente pubblico Angelo Sandri, Segretario politico nazionale Democrazia Cristiana Ana Maria Sandu, Receptionist A.G. Saño, Street Artist Cesare Santanera, Imprenditore Massimo Santoro, Dirigente pubblico Fabio Sasso, Direttore Napolisera.it Pierluigi Scaccia, Neuro psicomotricista Maria Giuseppina Scalzo, Pensionata Gea Scancarello, Giornalista Daniela Scarano, Insegnante Paola Scarpellini, Cittadina Antonio Scerbo, Redattore Mario Sciubba, Pensionato Cecilie Schippa, Pensionata Giuseppe Scuderi, Essere Vivente Sauro Secci, Blogger e Redattore Ecquologia David Selvatico, Operatore Socio Sanitario Rosario Senia, Pensionato Roberto Serpieri, Docente Università Federico II Maria Chiara Sibille, Guardiaparco Marinella Signaigo, Psicoterapeuta Tiziana Silvestri, Impiegata Giulio Sisti, Lavoratore Enza Somma, Mamma Donata Soranna, Casalinga Giovanni Sorrentino, Filmmaker Sara Sorriso, Tecnico dei servizi sociali Franco Spano, Imprenditore Angelo Santi Spina, Managing partner di Proserpina BS Christina Soelch, Psicomotricista Antonio Stefanuto, Architetto Pasquale Stigliani, Agricoltore Andrea Stocchiero, Responsabile policy FOCSIV Serena Strocchi, Pensionata Arianna Taccone, Commercialista Cristiana Talon Isidoro Tamasi, Editore Simona Rita Tamassia, Libero Professionista Tiziana Tellini, Infermiera Cristina Tena, Libero professionista Alberto Terzi, Sociologo e life coach del buonumore Gemma Terzi, Santa donna Annamaria Tiraboschi, Cittadina Umberto Tomba, Agente di commercio Armando Tondo, Grafico Flavia Tori, Dipendente pubblica Fiorella Tortora, Pensionata Barbara Toscano, Infermiera professionale Annalisa Tota, Docente Università Roma 3 Marco Travaglio, Direttore Il Fatto Quotidiano Daniela Trenti, Dirigente Emma Tricarico, Pensionata Bruno Tridico, Dipendente pubblico Silvia Clara Tuscano, dr Romano Ugolini, Imprenditore Gabriella Vaccaro, Sociologo Chiara Valentini, Giornalista Serena Vanni, Tecnico tessile Simona Vanni, Impiegata Nazzareno Vasapollo, Project Manager programmi UE Federica Ventura, Educatrice Angelica Vigilante, Libera professionista Maximilian Weise, Operaio metalmeccanico Antonella Zampano, Docente Maria Zanchetta, Casalinga Cinzia Zannier, Impiegata Enrico Zearo, Operaio Daniela Zerbinati, Dipendente pubblico Salvatore Zirano, Aspirante libero cittadino Francesco Zoletto, Ingegnere e Consulente in corporate finance Anna Delli Zuani, Insegnante Agnese Zugnoni, Pensionata
The post I firmatari del Manifesto di People For Planet appeared first on PeopleForPlanet.
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markmcintyre-blog1 · 6 years
Gravitational waves, a “new window to the universe”
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The historic detection of elusive gravitational waves by scientists at the LIGO observatory in the United States has been described as an “ultimate testimony to human genius and ingenuity” by professors of the University of Groningen.
Adding to their excitement about the news, is the prospect that the discovery will lead to a new era in astronomy by providing what they are calling a “new window to the universe”.
At a much anticipated press-conference transmitted live across the globe from Washington DC on Thursday afternoon, scientists from the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO), run jointly by MIT and Caltech as well as a host of other international universities and research institutes, presented their data to the public, describing how gravitational waves had been directly detected for the first time ever.
Ripples in space-time itself, large gravitational waves such as the ones detected by LIGO are produced by massive astronomical phenomena, like super-heavy binary stars orbiting one another at tremendous speeds, or as in this case, the violent collision of two massive black holes.
As the waves spread out across the universe they subtly bend and warp space itself. This almost imperceptible warping is what LIGO’s newly upgraded detector recorded on September 14th of last year, just days after had been turned on.
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LIGO’s 4km-long detector in Livingston, Louisiana. (Credit: Caltech/MIT/LIGO Lab)
LIGO works by splitting a single laser beam and sending it along two 4km long tunnels at right angles to one another. At the end of these tunnels, the beams meet two large mirrors and are reflected back to a light detector. Should a gravitational wave pass through the Earth – likely after travelling some great distance across the universe – it would have the effect of minutely “stretching” one tunnel, while “squashing” the other.
The two laser beams continue along their paths, before meeting at the light-detector slightly out-of-sync, creating an interference pattern – the tell-tale sign of a passing gravitational wave.
From the strength and duration of this disturbance, scientists at LIGO can tell a lot about the source of the waves. In this case, they were able to work out after months of calculations and comparisons with theoretical models, that the waves were emitted by two colliding black holes, which joined to form a single bigger black hole.
Just prior to their collision, the black holes, which were each around 30 times as massive as our sun, were spinning around each other at close to half the speed of light. Their collision was an extremely powerful cosmic event, but despite this, their great distance from us (roughly 1.3 billion light-years from Earth) meant the signal picked up by LIGO’s instruments was incredibly faint.
LIGO scientist Gaby Gonzalez  presents the “sound” of the their historic gravitational wave signal.
Dr van de Weijgaert, Professor of Cosmology at the University of Groningen, described news of the detection as “totally spectacular”, admitting that he stopped his work to watch the announcement live from his office in Groningen.
“This is the news of the decade, if not even more. Some compare it to the discovery of the Higgs particle. I’m a little biased but this is even more spectacular.”
In late September of last year, American astrophysicist Lawrence Krauss broke early rumours of the extraordinary detection to his hundreds of thousands of followers on Twitter:
Since then, scientists across the world have been fighting the temptation to celebrate, waiting with anticipation for Thursday’s announcement, quietly hoping that the rumours would be true.
“My first reaction was scepticism”, said Dr van de Weijgaert. “First of all as a scientist you should always be sceptical. The first thing you think is well, maybe some people found something but it remains to be seen…”
“But then, over the past few weeks things started to become much more specific…”
Gravitational waves were first predicted by Albert Einstein in 1916, as a one of the strangest consequences of his theory of general relativity. Until now however, their existence remained a mystery.
“This is a building that was put up one-hundred years ago” added Dr van de Weijgaert. “And gradually all the stones and elements have been falling into place. This is the ultimate proof of what Einstein put out.”
“And actually it’s beautiful that now, it is exactly one-hundred years after! It’s the ultimate birthday present.”
Physicist and string-theorist Brian Greene explains the discovery:
LIGO’s two large 4 km “L-shaped” observatories, one situated in Washington State and the other over 3,000 km away in Louisiana, sensed the passing gravitational wave almost seven milliseconds apart, allowing the LIGO team to get a general idea of which direction the wave was coming from.
As cleverly constructed as this experimental set-up is, these first-time detectors remain too crude and are crucially too few in number to yet make precise statements about the location of gravitational wave sources.
“That’s why there is a banana-like shape on their map”, Weijgaert explained. “Because two observatories is not enough. You would need three to pinpoint the origin.”
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The projected source of three of LIGO’s detected signals, two from December (in red) and one from 14th of September, as featured in this week’s historic announcement (the blue “banana”).  The sources are overlaid on NASA’s WMAP of the cosmic microwave background radiation.
(Credit: New Scientist Magazine)
The hope is that with further gravitational wave observatories, scientists will be able to not only pinpoint their origin points in our skies, but learn much more about the black holes and other cataclysmic cosmic events which are the sources of such waves, as well as peer through the cosmic microwave background to the earliest moments of the universe.
An analogy which might help explain their importance to science, is to imagine yourself standing waist deep in a swimming pool, blindfolded, as someone dives in at the other end (an energetic event symbolising the distant merging of the black holes).
Just as light has its limitations in allowing scientists to observe the most distant, ancient, and dark objects in the universe through telescopes, we too are unable to tell much about the mystery diver with our vision blocked.
We can imagine however, that if our hands were sensitive enough, and our minds capable of super-human computational power, we might be able to tell a lot about the person that jumped in, just from sensing the ripples moving across the surface of the water. If we spread our hands apart, we might be able to tell which direction the waves are moving in.
If we were sensitive and smart enough, we might be able to tell details about the person themselves: how big they are to start with; what direction the diver jumped from; perhaps even something as detailed as what size shoes they were wearing at the moment they hit the water.
In a similar way, scientist are hoping to some day build detectors large and sensitive enough to use gravitational waves, or ripples in spacetime itself, as an alternative way of learning about the remaining mysteries of our universe.
Illustration of the proposed eLISA detector project – three spacecraft arranged in a triangle in space, 1 million km apart.
Dr Mariano Mendez, a fellow RUG cosmologist specializing in the study of black holes through the X-rays they give off, described the result as “a great discovery and tremendous for science”. He added that the news was “very exciting” for him, as it has direct implications for his field of study in particular, and will “give us the ability to study the evolution of black holes and see what happens when they merge.”
Dr van de Weijgaert, also talked enthusiastically about the exciting consequences of the discovery for cosmologists such as him, expressing hope that the breakthrough will lead to even more cooperation between the European and American space agencies on projects to sniff out more gravitational waves.
Specifically, he holds hope that NASA may now find it more feasible to work with the Europeans on the ambitious and previously joint eLISA project, currently scheduled for launch in 2034.
A “LIGO-like” system, in that it will use the same laser beam detection principle, eLISA would be much more sensitive to passing gravitational waves, using three satellites in orbit around the Earth, each one million kilometres apart. Unfortunately, NASA dropped out of the original and bigger LISA project in 2011 due funding limitations, forcing the European Space Agency to scale back its plans.
“We know how real it is now. You can now go to all these funding agencies, and you can be sure now, they will be very willing.”
“The gates are now open. You can be sure that this is the beginning of a new era. This is gonna be a new window on the universe.”
“Before, it was still hypothetical. I think if they now go back to NASA or the American Congress, they will now be very willing to invest, because now products are guaranteed.”
A member of a group of European scientists working on a potential follow-up to the Planck satellite, to be called COrE++ (the Cosmic Origins Explorer), Dr van de Weijgaert is now more hopeful that their project will be given the go-ahead. A more sensitive upgrade from Planck, the proposed COrE satellite would also look for evidence of “primordial” gravitational waves etched into the fabric of the cosmic microwave background radiation, in the very early universe.
“I hope that this will increase the chances of such a satellite substantially. You never know. It’s certainly putting everything in a different perspective… it is real.”
“Gravitational waves exist! Point. Whether ones from the earlier universe exist, remains to be seen”.
Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves exactly 100 years ago, in 1916, as an expected consequence of his 1915 General Theory of Relativity.
While there is consensus that the gravitational wave discovery should be worthy of a Nobel Prize, with LIGO co-founder Rainer Weiss favourite to be among those honoured, Dr van de Weijgaert suggested that the prize ought to also be awarded posthumously to Albert Einstein, “not only because he put the theory in shape, but because he even predicted the existence of these waves”.
Regardless, Weijgaert suggested that the Nobel committee might have to change its selection procedures to fit with modern times.
“Science is no longer like in the beginning of the 20th century, the work of one small person, or one small lab, it is the work of a huge consortium.”
“So many people have given critical contributions to this that a more fair assessment would be for the whole collaboration, but they still don’t do that. The maximum is still three [recipients].”
“This is going to be a tough one. With 1,400 people involved. Who do you give it to?”
“It’s going be a puzzle for the Nobel committee. I’m glad I don’t have to do it!”
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senzalinea-blog · 5 years
Odessa #1 – Il giorno della fusione – Recensione
Odessa #1 – Il giorno della fusione – Recensione
L’annunciato Giorno della fusione è arrivato, e coincide esattamente con la data d’inizio delle avventure di Odessa, la nuova serie a fumetti Science-Fantasy di Sergio Bonelli Editore in edicola da oggi, 25 maggio 2019.
Con la fantascienza “pura” la Bonelliha instaurato un rapporto di assidua frequentazione solo a partire dal 1991, quando fece il suo debutto in edicola l’Agente Speciale Alfa…
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stefanoavvisati69 · 8 years
Intervista a Mariano De Biase
Intervista a Mariano De Biase
In occasione della fiera del fumetto di Milano Cartoomics 2017 ho avuto l’opportunita’ di fare conoscenza di un altro ottimo disegnatore: Mariano De Biase classe 1982 nasce ad Oristano, ma diventa piacentino di adozione. Proprio a Piacenza si diplomerà presso il liceo artistico. Nel 2006 esce dalla scuola del fumetto di Milano, per la quale pubblica “Cuccioloidi!”, manifesto della sua…
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I firmatari del Manifesto di People For Planet
Cesare Aglialoro, Operatore sociale Paolo Aiello, Sviluppatore software Michele Aina, Agricoltore Diego Albertini, Cittadino del mondo Stefania Albertini, Medico Alfredo Albiani, Operatore olistico Marco Alfieri, Giornalista Michele Ammendola, Counselor Luca Aoe, Copywriter Giovanni Aquilino, Dipendente Pubblico Silvana Arbia, Ex Magistrato – Senior Trial – Tribunale penale internazionale delle Nazioni Unite per il Ruanda Maurizio Arrighi, Impiegato Roberto Arzilla, Medico Alessandra Ascia, Presidente del Consiglio Comunale di Gela Paolo Astarita, Programmatore Marco Bachi, Musicista Claudio Baila, Tecnico Anna Balbiano, Giornalista Danila Baldo, Docente di scuola secondaria di secondo grado Alessandra Balduccini, Agronoma Fabiana Barbati, Cittadina (e imprenditrice agricola) Leo Barbi, Anpi Gavorrano Scarlino Andrea Guido Barcucci, Candidato Insieme x Gori prov. VA Elisa Bardini, Laureata in Comunicazione Interculturale Domenico Barranca, Impiegato Maurizio Bartoletti, Ragioniere-commerciale Gian Luigi Bassani, Operaio specializzato Antonella Bassi, Forte lettrice Eugenio Bausola, Pensionato Luigino Bellizzi, Pensionato Daniela Bellucci, Dottoressa Stefano Benni, Scrittore Roberta Bernobi, Terapista Paolo Berretti, Padre e marito Giovanni Berrino, Cittadino Cristina Bertocci, Traduttore Mauro Bertuzzi – Agronomo Ezio Betolotto, Direttore Francesca Bevacqua, Cittadina italiana residente all’estero Sara Bianchi, Impiegata Davide Bianchini, Consulente energetico e ambientale Teresa Bilotta, Professoressa di Liceo in pensione Fulvio Boccardo, Impiegato pubblico Maurizio Bogani, Impiegato Roberto Bogon, Responsabile Vendite Antonella Bonfini, Artista Patrizia Borghi, Insegnante Luigi Maria Giuseppe Borghini, Insegnante Marco Boschini, Coordinatore Associazione Comuni Virtuosi Mauro Bottaro, libero professionista Amalia Bove, CittadinAeBasta Guido Bovo, Antiquario Aurora Braida, Cuoca Nicola Bressi, Dottore naturalista Andrea Brezzi, Disegnatore meccanico Paola Brundu, Dipendente pubblico Riccardo Brusadin, Impiegato Laura Burrone, Cittadina Giancarlo Cadei, Analista programmatore Davide Calabria, Collaboratore Scolastico (firma per legge 1 e 3) Francesca Calini, Hotel manager Elma Cani, Studentessa e lettric Gabriella Canova, Scrittrice Simone Canova, Scrittore Carlo Cantini, Musicista Monica Capitani, Insegnate Nadia Capoleoni , Impiegata Loretta Capra, Pensionata Anna Cardiota, Avvocata Anna Carella, Insegnante Maria Carmine Carusone, Pensionata Alice Carpini, Cittadina Vania Carraro, Insegnante Alessandro Carucci, Ricercatore Marco Casareto, Giornalista Sergio Casiraghi, Matematico Valeria Castagna, Impiegata tutto fare Roberto Aseglio Castagnot, Educatore professionale Claudia Castelli, Docente Fabiano Cavadini, Docente Giovanni Cavalcabue, Impiegato Antonio Cavallo , Studente Lucio Cavazzoni , Candidato alla Camera dei Deputati per Liberi e Uguali Giovanni Cazzaniga, Pensionato Scilla Ceccherini, Cittadina italiana residente a Bruxelles Ilaria Cecchi, Impiegata Antonino Celentano, Impiegato Catello Celotto, Impiegato Paola Centofanti, Pensionata Eugenio Cerelli , Tecnico Sanitario di Laboratorio Biomedico Joelle Cerfoglia, Cittadina Sara Cerrato, Studentessa Claudio Cianca, Consulente Indipendente Clelia Ciardulli, Lavoratore nella comunita’, Istruttore di Inglese per stranieri Angelo Cifatte, Funzionario comunale Francesca Cintori, Pensionata Raffaele Cioffi, Docente Università Parthenope Monica Cipelletti, Team enabler Antonio Cipriani, Pensionato Francesca Cocco, Partner innovazione – Knowledge for Business Grazia Coco, Cittadina Alessandra Colaiacovo, Mamma zen Beatrice Coletti, TV Manager Enrico Colliva, Funzionario pubblico Giuliano Colomban, Project manager Daniele Colombi, Impiegato ambientalista Sara Comoglio, Neomamma Alberto Corsetti, Odontotecnico Federico Costa, Pasticcere Vincenzo Cotronei, Pensionato Claudia Crovace, Guida Turistica Laura Cuccuru, Laureata in Comunicazione Donatella Curti, Impiegata Virginia D’Aiuto, Chimico Maria Cristina Dalbosco, Scrittrice Daniela Dal Fiume, Impiegata Lorenzo Dambrosio, Studente Sara Damiani, Impiegata Carlo D’Andreis, Operaio Luigi D’Angelo, Tecnico Ilaria D’Arcangelo, Professionista HR Antonio Deamici, Agronomo Marilena De Biase, Insegnante in quiescenza Felice Del Giudice, Docente Marina Dell’Aquila, Insegnante Viviana Della Bella, Pensionat Giovanni Dell’Erba, Pensionato Alfredo De Luca, Agronomo Luigi De Magistris, Sindaco di Napoli Leonarda De Matteis, Libero professionista Nino De Miceli, Psicoterapeuta Claudio De Paulis, Pensionato Marco De Pertis, Ingegnere Loredana De Petris, Senatrice Liberi e Uguali Giuseppe De Renzis, Medico Stefano De Rienzo, Imprenditore Simona Di Bartolo, Biologa Marcello Di Carne, Consulente Alessandra Di Claudio, Amante della natura Roberto Difalco, Psicologo Barbara Di Feo, Imprenditrice Antonio Di Lollo Capurso, Avvocato Michele Dotti, EducAttore Danilo Duina, Ingegnere Mirella Esposito, Impiegata Stefano Esposito, Advisor finanza sostenibile Maurizio Faccioli, Operaio settore alimentare Giorgio Fanò Illic, Professore Universitario Gianfranca Fantin, Casalinga Ferruccio Fantini, Pensionato Nadia Farina, Dipendente pubblico Maurizio Fauri, Docente Università Trento Claudia Faverio, Libera professionista Nicola Fera, Insegnante Clelio Ferrara, Pensionato Sergio Ferraris, Giornalista Fabio Ferretti, Pensionato Luca Ferretti, Videomaker Piero Ferruccio, Pensionato Fabio Fiamberti, Disoccupato Diego Filotto, Insegnante Alessandro Finazzi, Cantante Jacopo Fo, Attore Walter Fontana, Tecnico della sicurezza Loretta Fontebasso, Mamma Maria Rosaria Forcella, Insegnante Vittorio Foresti, Insegnante a riposo Maria Forgioli, Alimentazione naturale e orti Clara Fornaro, Artista Giannantonio Fornasari, Insegnante Roberto Fortino, Pensionato Filippo Fossati, Deputato Francesco Francis, Pensionato Maria Carmela Franze’, Avvocato Tiziana Freti, Consulente Carla Fruttaldo , Insegnante Franco Fumo, Ingegnere e Agronomo Carlo Gabardini, Scrittore Graziano Galassi, Insegnante Massimiliano Gallo, Direttore de Il Napolista Vincenza Gambino, Docente di scuola primaria Andrea Gardini, Medico Francesca Garioni, Attrice Vito Garofalo, Avvocato Tiziana Gherardini, Pensionata Alessandro Ghionzoli, Presidente di associazione di volontariato Marco Giaccaria, Musicista Valeria Gialanella, Pensionata Anna Giamporcaro, Fotografa Salvatore Giangreco, Avvocato Ivan Giaquinto, Viaggiatore Giovanni Giarratana, Pensionato Anna Giordano, Casalinga Daniela Giosuè, Ricercatrice Università della Tuscia Antonio Girardo, Psicologo Analista Gianni Pietro Girotto, Senatore Gruppo M5S Bruno Giuranna, Musicista Tiziana Maria Gherardini, Videomaker amatoriale Greta Golia, Social media manager Peter Gomez, Giornalista Laura Graci, Insegnate di yoga – Counselor Michele Fusco Granolla, Abitante del Pianeta Fabio Grassi, Comunicazione turismo Enrico Greppi, Cantante Elena Gualco, Formatore Roberto Guercia, Project Manager Stephanie Holmes, Pensionata Piero Iaschi, Medico pediatra Miriam Ientile, Cittadina del mondo Vincenzo Imperatore, Consulente aziendale Licia Iob, Impiegata Mauro Iori, Tabacchino Rosanna Jemoli, Medico Caterina Labate, Impiegata Claudio Lago Marco Lamalfa, Impiegato Daniele La Montagna, Ingegnere Daniela Lancioni, Pensionata Davide Lanfranco, Operaio Osvaldo Lazzini, Pensionato Alberto Leggio, Studente Cristina Leonelli, Docente Università Modena Reggio Emilia Maurizio Leoni, Fotografo Gad Lerner, Giornalista Laura Levati, Biologa Filomena Ilaria Lillo, Studentessa Marina Livella, Impiegata Giancarlo Livraga, Semplice cittadino Maurizio Lo Presti, Direttore T.O Giampaolo Loreto, Geologo Maria Daniela Lucchesi, Pensionata Vito Lucente, Pensionato Daniela Luise, Insegnante in pensione Enrico Lupano, Pensionato Daniele Luttazzi, Scrittore Pietro Luzi, Anatomo Patologo Antonello Macrì, Psicologo Alberto Maggi, Teologo Alessandro Silvio Maria Magistrelli, Studente Luisella Magnoni, Pensionata Alessandro Maida, Artista Lorena Maini, Commerciante Giulia Maira, Pensionata Maria Maistrelli, Studentessa di biotecnologie Devid Majenza, Geometra Liana G. Malato, Agente di Commercio in pensione Antonio Manca, Operaio Stefania Manetti, Pediatra ACP Marilena Manganaro, Insegnante Andrea Maraffino, MioBio Dacia Maraini, Scrittrice Marina Maran, Docente Paolo Marazzi, Guida Alpina Marisa Marcante, Producer Maurizio Marchetti, Tecnico tv Umberto Marcomeni, Pensionato Neri Marcorè, Attore Mattiello Mariano, Insegnante Livella Marina, Impiegata Valerio Marinucci, Impiegato Enrico Marone, Editore Carlo Marzovillo, Libero Professionista Marco Masieri, Commerciante Andreina Mason, Impiegata Paola Mastrodonato, Persona Edwin Matta Castillo, Programs & Policy Officer ONU Alessio Maurizi, Giornalista Radio24 Claudia Mazzola, Docente (precaria) scuola secondaria di I grado Cristina Meda, In cerca di occupazione Ezio Meli, Impiegato Luca Mercalli, Metereologo (firma per i farmaci sfusi) Cristina Merlino, Giornalista Alfredo Messina, Avvocato Gaia Mezzadri, Imprenditrice Marco Milanesi, Libero professionista Marco Mina, Pubblico impiegato Rosa Minerva, Docente Bruno Giulio Misculin, Candidato politico Flavio Mobiglia, Educatore e Musicista Sandro Mogni, Correttore di bozze Maria Antonietta Montella, Scrittrice Carlo Moretuzzo, Pensionato Flaminia Morin, Cittadina italiana Francesca Moroni, Insegnante Paolo Morsut, Pensionato attivo Ingy Mubiay, Scrittrice Massimo Muratori, Libero professionista Rossella Muroni, Candidata Camera dei deputati Francesca Mustacchio, Agricoltore Alessio Nanni, Artista Luca Napoli, Psicologo Psicoterapeuta Lorena Nascimben, Farmacista Giuseppe Nenna, Concept designer, presidente associazione Ditaubi Alessandro Nutini, Musicista Claudio Oddone, Medico Vincenzo Olivieri, Dirigente Veterinario ASL Giorgio Orlandi, Cittadino pensionato Andrea Orlandini, Musicista Federico Pacini, Musicista Franca Paganelli, Artigiana Gabriella Pagani, Pensionata Paolo P. Pagnon, Docente Pippo Palazzolo, Libero ricercatore Luisa Palermo, Insegnante in pensione Giuseppe Panebianco, Impiegato Daniela Papone, Pensionata Sergio Parini, Giornalista Zita Paris, Operatore socio-sanitario Giovanni Battista Parodi, Archeologo Enrico Parolini, Ingegnere in ambito efficienza energetica Guido Passi, Regista Bruno Patierno, Coordinatore Gruppo Atlantide Iacopo Patierno, Regista Maddalena Pedio, Dipendente Pubblica Agostino Pela, Guardiaparco Sara Pelargonio, Studente Serena Pellegrino, Deputata Giovanna Perfetti, Avvocato Andrea Perissi, Pensionato Carlo Petrini, Fondatore Slow Food Cristina Piali, Impiegata Luca Piattelli, Dipendente pubblico Francesco Piccardi, Interprete di conferenza Matteo Piccolo, Impiegato Thomas Piccolo, Infermiere Cristina Picchietti, Pensionata coscienziosa Simone Pizzi, Commesso disoccupato Elisa Poggiali, Ingegnere Luciano Polese, Ingegnere MariaCristina Pollastri, Casalinga Manuela Porru, Programmatrice Maria Paola Pozzi, Insegnante in pensione Angela Prati, Fotografa Margherita Prevedello, Operatore Sanitario Tommaso Puglisi, Sognatore Giuseppe Quattrone, Pensionato Giulia Ranaldi, Operatrice sociale Splendora Rapini, Medico Chiara Rapuzzi, Consapevole umana Donatella Reginato, Impiegata Achille Renzullo, Architetto Paola Restiglian, Funzionario ente regionale Susanna Riavini, Pensionata Angelo Riccardi, Disoccupato Antonio Ricci, Autore TV Carla Ricci, Architetto Maria Ricci, Pensionata Romina Rivoli, Libero professionista Fabio Roggiolani, Cofondatore Ecofuturo Festival Andrea Romoli, Impiegato Daghi Rondanini, Ingegnere del suono Patrizia Rosa, Pensionata Laura Rossetti, Cittadina Paolo Rossi, Attore Eva Rossi, Operatore olistico Valerio Rossi Albertini, Fisico CNR Marina Rossignoli, Casalinga Tanja Rosso, Operatrice Shiatsu Loretta Roveda, Pensionata Vera Roveda, Fotografa Francesca Roversi, Insegnante Berardino Corrado Ruggeri, Impiegato Maurizio Sacco, Medico Renzo Massimo Deliso Samaritani, Amministratore Associazione “Sole e Luna” Giuseppa Sammati, Ente pubblico Angelo Sandri, Segretario politico nazionale Democrazia Cristiana Ana Maria Sandu, Receptionist A.G. Saño, Street Artist Cesare Santanera, Imprenditore Massimo Santoro, Dirigente pubblico Fabio Sasso, Direttore Napolisera.it Pierluigi Scaccia, Neuro psicomotricista Maria Giuseppina Scalzo, Pensionata Gea Scancarello, Giornalista Daniela Scarano, Insegnante Paola Scarpellini, Cittadina Antonio Scerbo, Redattore Mario Sciubba, Pensionato Cecilie Schippa, Pensionata Giuseppe Scuderi, Essere Vivente Sauro Secci, Blogger e Redattore Ecquologia David Selvatico, Operatore Socio Sanitario Rosario Senia, Pensionato Roberto Serpieri, Docente Università Federico II Maria Chiara Sibille, Guardiaparco Marinella Signaigo, Psicoterapeuta Tiziana Silvestri, Impiegata Giulio Sisti, Lavoratore Enza Somma, Mamma Donata Soranna, Casalinga Giovanni Sorrentino, Filmmaker Sara Sorriso, Tecnico dei servizi sociali Franco Spano, Imprenditore Angelo Santi Spina, Managing partner di Proserpina BS Christina Soelch, Psicomotricista Antonio Stefanuto, Architetto Pasquale Stigliani, Agricoltore Andrea Stocchiero, Responsabile policy FOCSIV Serena Strocchi, Pensionata Arianna Taccone, Commercialista Cristiana Talon Isidoro Tamasi, Editore Simona Rita Tamassia, Libero Professionista Tiziana Tellini, Infermiera Cristina Tena, Libero professionista Alberto Terzi, Sociologo e life coach del buonumore Gemma Terzi, Santa donna Annamaria Tiraboschi, Cittadina Umberto Tomba, Agente di commercio Armando Tondo, Grafico Flavia Tori, Dipendente pubblica Fiorella Tortora, Pensionata Barbara Toscano, Infermiera professionale Annalisa Tota, Docente Università Roma 3 Marco Travaglio, Direttore Il Fatto Quotidiano Daniela Trenti, Dirigente Emma Tricarico, Pensionata Bruno Tridico, Dipendente pubblico Silvia Clara Tuscano, dr Romano Ugolini, Imprenditore Gabriella Vaccaro, Sociologo Chiara Valentini, Giornalista Serena Vanni, Tecnico tessile Simona Vanni, Impiegata Nazzareno Vasapollo, Project Manager programmi UE Federica Ventura, Educatrice Angelica Vigilante, Libera professionista Maximilian Weise, Operaio metalmeccanico Antonella Zampano, Docente Maria Zanchetta, Casalinga Cinzia Zannier, Impiegata Enrico Zearo, Operaio Daniela Zerbinati, Dipendente pubblico Salvatore Zirano, Aspirante libero cittadino Francesco Zoletto, Ingegnere e Consulente in corporate finance Anna Delli Zuani, Insegnante Agnese Zugnoni, Pensionata
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