#Marijuana College
pinkd3mon · 6 months
can I just mention. That I was talking to my friend about taranza. And we came to the conclusions that-
A.) He's always high and nobody notices it.
B.) He's spiderman.
Do with this what you will.
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Youre so right about the high thing and you should say it
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dogwhizzer · 4 months
falsettos characters ranked by what they call weed and how much they partake
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uhuraprime · 4 months
2023 was such a big year for me as an individual. i started writing again. i started drawing nearly every day. i started exercising daily and haven't missed one day since september.
ten years ago all of those things would've been utterly unfathomable to me. depression plagued me all throughout high school and into college. some combination of time, medication, and dumb luck seem to have gotten me to where i am now. life's not perfect by any means but i'm far happier than i would've thought possible at 15.
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twothpaste · 4 months
Essential world building question; who in your intermission au smokes weed or would try it given the chance (besides Kuma of course)
Aw hell yeah, essential indeed! Answers below the cut:
Kumatora's whole family smokes, often as a communal activity when they get together. She grew up familiar with the stuff, it's no wonder where she gets it. She enjoys a fat doobie or perhaps a pot brownie pretty regularly.
Lucas likes weed. It especially helps ease his anxiety and stress. He will smoke with Kuma, Duster, and/or DCMC on occasion, but prefers baking his own edibles. I think his tolerance is actually kinda low - if he gets too high he Will start getting scared. Thankfully he's quite mindful of his limits.
Claus has tried weed multiple times, desperately hoping to enjoy it with his loved ones & reap some of the benefits his brother talks about, but truth be told? He can hardly stand it! He gets restless and uneasy, it messes with his dissociative symptoms. Being under the influence of any substance makes him feel like he isn't in control, which scares him :( Sometimes he'll try Lucas' edibles if they're dosed real low. Otherwise, he's given up and learned to avoid it.
Duster smokes and eats so much weed. He even dabbles in hemp products galore, for pain and stress management. If Wess had any idea, the old man would be popping blood vessels about it. I think Duster smoked his first blunt at like age 36 with OJ n' the boys, and never looked back.
Hinawa used to smoke mad pot, but stopped when she n' Flint decided to start a family. She got Flint in on it with her for a little bit, when they were just a couple young hooligans gallivanting about in Tennessee. He did enjoy it with her, but not alone or with anyone else - so he hasn't touched the stuff since she passed away. I think his family was a lot more straightedge than hers (wrt weed at least...). Needless to say, Grandpa Alec was and is an absolute pothead.
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Jeff has tried weed at least once. Didn't really see the appeal. Straight-faced, unimpressed, "Eh, it's nothing special." If a friend offered it, he probably wouldn't be opposed. But he's not really itching to try it again.
Poo has considered it - might be a pleasant relief from his nonstop responsibilities - but he is genuinely terrified if he tries weed even once he'll become hopelessly hooked on it. He doesn't want to know what he's missing, lest he dampen his life's ambitions and disappoint his family and so on and so forth. (He will probably try it in his 30's or 40's and go "Ah. This rather nice." And it'll be utterly unremarkable.)
Ness and Paula are straight-laced rosy-cheeked good little suburban kids turned upstanding college students, god forbid they ever even dare to look at a marijuana leaf.
Porky boasts that he has done weed (and various other drugs he heard about on podcasts). In reality, he has never touched any illicit substances, and would be scared to do so.
Picky smoked pot once with some other kids behind the football field at his high school. He coughed a lot, and didn't like it very much. Lardna smelled it on him and yelled at him. His stepdad, Mr. Prettyman, sat down beside him later and lectured him gently on the dangers of drugs, in an "anti-drug campaign for elementary schoolers" kinda way, rather than a sensible adult to a teenager kinda way. Picky decided then and there he'd never do it again. Not worth the hassle. Jeez.
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heardatmedschool · 1 year
“I assume that all of you have at least been exposed to marijuana. If not, I’m very concerned about your social lives.”
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cannabisnewstoday · 9 months
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Idk if I’ve said this already or not but my fic is for survivor!Corey and I can’t believe I don’t see more survivor!Corey since his death is so heartbreaking.
So my big fic is about him surviving and I also have two more ideas that both kiiind of include him surviving that I’m gonna do one shots for.
I just can’t let this boy stay dead.
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goldensunset · 2 years
i hate college campuses i hate weed smokers bro i have to walk through their filthy air to get to where i’m going but it tends to cling to people and now i smell like I’M the stoner
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snow-and-backpain · 1 year
everytime i see the blaze button, i think of degrassi
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crispyblonde · 1 year
I've said it once and I'll say it again. Jess in Scoobynatural is getting high with Shaggy in the Mystery Machine
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ashtonderoy · 4 months
This isn't funny anymore. It is time Belleville Ontario Introduces a Night Shift Premium & Safety Guarantees.
Written by Ashton Deroy Ashton Deroy is a Labor Writer, Disability advocate and Passionate Socialist. Starting now no shops in Belleville Ontario need to be operating past 9PM Solo. Whether it is Tokyo Smoke Belleville Or Shiny Bud Cannabis Co. We need to start dealing the realities of dangers of the night Shift in Belleville Ontario. I’ve seen this area experience blackouts, issues of men…
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College applications rose in states that legalized recreational marijuana
Colleges in states where recreational marijuana became legal over the past decade saw a significant but short-term boost in applications from top-notch students. They also got more applications overall. Those were the key findings of a new study our team published recently in the peer-reviewed journal Contemporary Economic Policy. In the year that a particular state legalized recreational…
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ardellesplace · 5 months
College applications rose in states that legalized recreational marijuana. Colleges in states where recreational marijuana became legal over the past decade saw a significant but short-term boost in applications from top-notch students
College applications rose in states that legalized recreational marijuana *
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stylemuse07 · 8 months
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More information about here :
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cannabisnewstoday · 2 years
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