#Marius is growing on me hello
thoseyoulove · 7 days
Hello,Can you rank your Armand favorite relationshipw and why ? (I just love reading opinions , nothing serious)
Fistly, thank you for the question! I get sometimes sending messages can be uncomfortable and you may not receive the nicest answers, but you don't need to explain yourself. Whether is a fun or serious question, asking my opinion or sharing your own: I LOVE talking about this universe and always welcome it.
Anyway, now to ranking!
P.S. This is long and contain spoilers. These opinions are based on the sequence from The Vampire Lestat to The Vampire Armand and aren't necessarily permanent.
Lesmand / Armandstat
Favorite relationship on the books as a whole for basically three reasons: it's always interesting (even on its smallest moments), they are deeply mirrored so it provides a compelling dynamic and is often intense. They are two sides of the same coin and parallel one another so much in terms of personalities and experiences. From their first interaction, it already seemed that they knew each other their whole lives because they could read one another like an open book. There is this mix of unconscious, but immediate recognition, understanding, curiosity, care, attraction, insecurity, fear, anger and frustration because they're the only ones that fully get each other. It's one thing to know someone for what they share or you observe, but you only fully comprehend somebody when you have a lot in common like they do. Still, that's terrifying because you're completely bare, vulnerable and forced to confront stuff you want to run away from. They have a lot of sharp dialogue and arguments where they throw the hardest truths on the other's face and they know how to push each other's buttons from day one. Yet, the fascination, affection and protection are still there and they always stay somewhat close. And that results in a lot of first class tension: what brings both together also pulls them apart and they're often fighting so many conflicting emotions (as a duo and individuals) because they keep going back and forth. Obviously, they're far from perfect and have both tremendously hurt one another verbally, physically and with Claudia's death (which Armand's is responsible for). But even then, they were never enemies or rivals. I get why people would use such words, but I think they would need to hate or wish bad things for each other to be classified as such and that's never happened. Even if they did something to give that impression, it wasn't genuine and they made themselves suffer in the process too. There was definitely hate for words said and things done, but for the person it was always love. Through the good, the bad, the ugly and the complicated. This dynamic defies definitions and there aren't enough words in any language I know to fully and precisely categorize or desxribe even it. For better or worse, they're on a league of their own and I've never seen anything like it on books, movies or TV shows.
2. Armand x Bianca
I love Bianca. She's been such a great addition and it's a breath of fresh air whenever she appears. It was so satisfying to see them being friends, connecting and Armand having something that was entirely his own without Marius being involved (though considering the pattern of this book, it will probably change). I also enjoy the fact they met and bonded as humans, you know? There's something lovely and unique about it since most pairings had one or both parties already being a vampire on their first encounter. And another sweet thing is that even centuries later Armand still emphasizes how he'll never forget her. They have become really special to me.
3. Armand & Riccardo
Usually relationships where one is a small or Marius is somewhat involved don't work for me, but that's an exception. Riccardo isn't as developed as Armand and part of this (creepy) palazzo where Marius keeps several teenagers/children in, but you do know enough to grow attached to him. Actually, given the situation these boys are in, I ended up caring about the ones who don't even have a name. And despite the proximity Marius has to them, the kids have friendships of their own. Obviously, this isn't the healthiest environment and they all deserved better, but I'm so glad they had each other and a sense of family (specially because some of them don't even remember their own relatives well anymore). That brings me some kind of comfort. There are these moments when Armand gets emotional thinking about how much he loves them all and would die for them and when he almost does and they're all (with Bianca) crying and Armand is surprised by their reactions because they loved him so much... It really moved me So, I adore them.
4. Armandiel
The Devil's Minion chapter is one of my top favorite pieces of The Queen of the Damned. Its best aspect is seeing Armand on his self-discovery journey and how Daniel was just patient and supportive. And that's so important, because a big part of Armand's characterization is how he has no sense of identity. He's gone through so much trauma since early and formative years and always adapted to please others or even make out alive. This made him lose key parts of his memory and every sense of self and he definitely needed that. So, to see Daniel not tell him what to do, but instead let him try new stuff, see what he loved or not, on his own terms and pace and Daniel just going along with him... It was wonderful. The only downsides is that I believe Daniel deserved more individual development and it was rushed. Twelve years deserved more chapters, probably books plural. That said, I bet the show will take its strong points and only elevate their story. And I can't wait because I've already lost my mind with them on season 2 (they have my favorite scene on the show, by the way).
Honorable mentions:
Armand & Benji + Sybelle
Haven't seen a lot of them, but Armand opened his book saying he was full of love and excitedly talking about these children he took in. There's also this moment he asked David if he liked his kids and he just sounded like a proud dad. It was adorable. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more of them.
Armand & his family
There's been very little of them and I doubt there will be more, so I can't talk about their relationship per se, but the chapter they say goodbye is devastating and beautiful. Those recent posts of me losing my mind were because of it. I've never cried so much with art and rarely cried like that even in real life. It was an experience I'd never had before and an emotion I didn't know was humanly possible. I was mentally, emotionally and spiritually touched to the point of exhaustion. It's been the best part of The Vampire Armand, if not of the whole chronicles. And it will stick with me forever.
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leslutdepointedulac · 4 months
hello! “ why do you hate me? ” and louis :) thank youuu
Lestat stares at Louis for a moment, then rises to his feet and moves across the salon to stand behind him. He leans down, draping his arms over his shoulders and plays with a loose thread on his sweater, his chin resting on top of his head. 
“Why do you hate me?” Lestat huffs, his tone reminding Louis of a child when they get frustrated about not getting their own way. 
Louis makes a sound of disbelief and lowers his book onto his lap. “When did I tell you I hated you?” He tries to turn his head to look up at Lestat, but the weight of his chin resting on him prevents him from doing so. 
“What do you mean, when did you say that? You just said it less than a minute ago.” 
Louis opens his mouth to reply but closes it again and raises a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. “That’s not what I said, Lestat. Not once did I tell you I hated you, I only said that I’d think about going into Paris, but that you shouldn’t get your hopes up.” 
“That’s not the same thing.” 
Lestat shifts with a disgruntled noise, so that his head is now resting on Louis’ shoulder, his fiddling with the loose thread is ceased when Louis puts the book to one side and takes his hands. He twists the ring on Lestat’s left hand while holding his other hand up to his heart with their fingers interlocked. 
“I thought you needed to get the newcomers settled in.” 
“I did that earlier.” Lestat says. 
“Have you dealt with that petty conflict between those two fledglings?” 
“Of course, I did that last night.” 
“And you’ve gone to have that talk with Marius about those new regulations?” Silence. “Lestat, have you spoken with Marius yet?” Lestat makes a noise that Louis takes as a ‘no’. “You really need to talk to him, those regulations need to be sorted sooner rather than later, you know that.” 
Lestat groans and buries his face in Louis’ shoulder. “But he takes about two hours to go over something that should only take less than one hour.” His voice comes out muffled from where he’s hidden himself in the folds of Louis’ sweater. 
“He’s being thorough, you can’t just pass over it like it’s nothing.”
“Well his idea of being thorough is to see how long he can drone on for before I die of boredom.” 
Louis sighs, though it’s full of fondness with a hint of his amusement. “Don’t be so dramatic, you can’t even die.” 
“I might, if I have to listen to any more of Marius’ boring tangents.” 
A laugh escapes Louis and he releases Lestat’s left hand to reach up and tangle his fingers through his hair. Lestat relishes the touch for a moment, then raises his head to press his forehead to Louis’ temple. 
“I just want to spend some time with you for the night.”
Louis turns his head to face Lestat, making him draw back slightly so they can properly face each other. He looks at Lestat, who gazes back at him with what Daniel would probably describe as ‘Puss in Boots’ eyes. Louis can’t help but smile softly back at him and lifts both hands to gently sweep his hair from his eyes and cup his face. 
“I’ll make you a deal,” he starts, his smile growing when Lestat’s eyes brighten up. “We can stay here for another half an hour, let’s say, and then you go and find Marius. . . don’t give me that look. . . you go and find Marius, sort out those regulations and then we can spend the rest of the night together, doing whatever you like. Within reason. Does that sound fair?” 
Lestat pretends to think about it and then sighs, feigning resignation. “I suppose that’s acceptable.” He straightens up and comes around to the front of the sofa, where he sinks down beside Louis and lies with his feet propped up on his lap. “Go on then, start reading. I’ve only got thirty minutes before you kick me out.” 
He’s met with a disapproving look, though it’s only mocking, before Louis picks up his book again and opens it back to the page he was previously on. Every so often, having to place a hand on Lestat’s ankles to stop him from moving, after almost getting kicked in the face from his shifting. 
Those thirty minutes fly by for Lestat and before he knows it, he's counting down the seconds until he can go back to his husband for some well deserved time together.
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larz-barz · 5 months
Unique demons
Warning(s)/info: None, just cuteness:3
Tagging: @bottlecapsandotherthings @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @haruharuna @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @pinkwisteria @nimmie-nugget @kimetsu-chan @slayfics @night-mince0 @frostburn-shoto
Marius didn’t expect what he was about to encounter.
A demon like him? That’s crazy! There’s no way!
As he walks through the very familiar forest he catches the sound of soft purring.
He can’t help the slight smile that grows on his lips from the pleasant sound.
He curiously follows the sound and his eyes slightly widen when he sees a fellow demon sleeping under a tree.
He curiously, but cautiously, approaches the angelic demon.
“Hello..?” Marius calls out cautiously then the demon wakes up and her eyes widen as she backs more into the tree.
“P-p-please don’t hurt me….!” She squeaks out shakily and Marius’ eyes widen immediately and he slightly backs away, hoping to calm the girl down a bit.
He bends down to make himself appear less threatening. “Don’t worry, you’re safe… I don’t want to hurt you…” He responds softly.
“What’s your name?” Marius asks softly with a slight smile when the much smaller demon relaxes slightly*
“M-Milo… What’s your name…?” She asks shyly and he smiles a little more, finding her personality and appearance very adorable and endearing.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Milo, I’m Marius.” She smiles softly up at him.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too…” She says softly as she takes in his appearance.
“Come with me… The sun is going to rise soon, and you seem really sweet so I don’t want you to get hurt…” He says softly as he holds his hand out for Milo to take.
She blushes brightly and shyly nods as she takes his hand and he helps her to stand up.
Marius smiles softly and feels a warmth spread throughout his chest as he feels Milo squeeze his hand and he gently begins to lead her to an abandoned shed that he’s been staying at during the days of him being a demon.
“So how long have you been a demon for, Milo? If you don’t mind me asking, of course.” He asks with a gentle smile.
“A-a few weeks.. What about you..?” Milo asks, matching his gentle smile.
“Around 3 years, I was 15 when I became a demon.” His eyes go to her cat ears when they twitch slightly.
“Do you mind if I pet your ears..?” He asks hesitantly.
Milo smiles and blushes* “N-no, I don’t mind..” He smiles and starts petting her ears, his smile grows when he notices her growing sleepy as she starts purring.
“Can I pick you up? You look sleepy and I don’t want you to fall or anything.” He blushes a little when she shyly nods then he gently picks her up and they arrive at the shed shortly after.
He’s very strong so he’s able to open the door while holding Milo with one arm without any struggle.
He closes the door and gently puts Milo down beside him and props her against the wall of the shed since she’s asleep.
He leans against the wall and smiles softly at the sleeping girl then he blushes brightly when he sees her adorable sleeping face.
His blush deepens when Milo’s head lands on his shoulder.
He can’t help but wonder,
is this what love at first sight feels like…?
~the end~
hehehe >:3 my first Milorius fic!!:D
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expired-applejuice · 2 years
Part 5 of incorrect quotes
Bahorel: Guys, there's a monster under my bed and it's really ugly.
Grantaire, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
Cosette: i made a Marshmallow Inspector Javert.
Cosette: see? his arms are crossed because he's mad at Marshmallow Valjean for escaping him.
Cosette: you like it?
Javert: *choked up* it's fine.
Courfeyrac: Once again, Courfeyrac and Combeferre save the day.
Enjolras: You didn't do anything It was all Combeferre.
Courfeyrac: We're a package deal. Everybody knows that.
Grantaire: Hello, fellow idiots
Enjolras: Hello, Grantaire
Grantaire: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot
Enjolras: You underestimate me
*Combeferre is cooking*
Grantaire: Any chance that's for me?
Combeferre: It's for Courfeyrac. I'm planning on making some bad choices tonight, and I need him on my side.
Enjolras: I never realized the forethought that went into being a disappointment
Enjolras: Feuilly isn't answering his phone
Bahorel: I'll call
Combeferre: Enjolras and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
Feuilly: Hello?
Javert: God, give me patience.
Valjean: I think you mean "give me strength".
Javert: No, You better hope God doesn't give me strength because if he did, you'd be dead.
Joly: Hey, Bossuet? What does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean?
Bossuet: i don't know, I love you, talk to you later.
Joly: Oh, okay, I'll just ask Musichetta. I love you too.
Jehan: You have to apologize.
Montparnasse: Fine, but this might make me a better and more likable person and that is not the man you fell in love with!
Someone may have done this
*playing truth or dare*
Eponine: Okay, truth or dare?
Grantaire: Dare.
Eponine: Kiss the next person who arrives.
Grantaire: Gross, I'm not kissing any of you. None of you are my type.
*Enjolras walks in*
Grantaire, using breath stray and putting on chapstick: Well, a dare's a dare.
Courfeyrac: You know my motto: carpe diem, carpe noctem, carpe coles.
Marius: Seize the day, seize the night, what's the last one?
Courfeyrac: Seize the dick.
Grantaire: mean, sure, I have my bad days. But then I remember what a cute smile Apollo has.
Combeferre: *seductively takes off glasses*
Combeferre: Wow...
Courfeyrac, blushing: Haha... what?
Combeferre: You're really fucking blurry.
Bossuet: Hey, babe.
Joly: Hmm?
Bossuet: I need your help with a math problem.
Joly: Oh, sure! What do you need?
Bossuet: How do you simplify 2i<6u?
Joly: i<3u
Bossuet: Awww, i<3u too!
Enjolras, texting Bossuet: Send dudes
Bossuet: You mean-
Bossuet: You mean send nudes??!
Enjolras: No, we crashed the funeral and I'm bleeding. Send Grantaire
Grantaire: *already ran out the door*
Combeferre: I know every song to ever exist, doesn't matter when it was made.
Enjolras: Oh, yeah?
Grantaire: Finish this; I don't cook, I don't clean-
Combeferre: but let me tell you how got this ring,
Combeferre, Grantaire, and Courfeyrac, who came out of no were: GOBBLE ME, SWALLOW ME, DRIP DOWN THE SIDE OF ME-
Eponine: You don't think can fight because I'm a girl.
Marius: 'Ponie I don't think you can fight because you're in a wedding dress. To be fair, don't think Bahorel could fight in that either.
Bahorel: No, but I'd make a bomb ass wife.
Valjean: You're pouting.
Javert: I'm not pouting, I'm brooding.
Valjean: That's how pretty men pout.
Valjean, picking up his phone: Javert? I'm kind of busy right now-
Javert: Do you think drinking thirty-six cans of Redbull consecutively would heighten my senses or would I just die?
Valjean: I'm on my way.
Eponine: Bitches be like "I'm baby" but have childhood trauma and were neglected.
Eponine: Like what do you know about being baby? You were forced to grow up from an early age.
Everyone else:
Eponine: It's me. I'm bitches.
Gavroche, sighing: We know.
Feuilly: Y'all ever get so tired you see spiders?
Grantaire: Me when I take seventeen Benadryl and start seeing the Hat Man.
Jehan: THE WHAT?
Grantaire: Oh, so this is suddenly not a safe space?
Courfeyrac: Relationships should be 50/50; Combeferre cooks dinner while I sit on the counter looking pretty.
Bahorel: Not everyone likes you, Montparnasse. You aren't Feuilly.
Montparnasse: Not everyone likes Feuilly??
Enjolras, coming out of no where: Who?
Bahorel, cracking his knuckles: we need names, Montparnasse.
Musichetta: Can you two cut me some slack? I'm sort of in love.
Joly: I'm sorry, but that's really not our problem.
Musichetta: I'm in love with you both.
Bossuet, blushing: Oh... that brings us into the loop a little.
Combeferre: I fell-
Courfeyrac: From heaven?
Combeferre: No, I literally fell-
Courfeyrac: In love with me the moment you saw me
Courfeyrac: Ok, but am I pretty? Be honest.
*Combeferre and Grantaire in a casino*
Combeferre: Grantaire, we're about to get kicked out-
Grantaire: Shush!
Combeferre: We gotta-
Grantaire: Shut up!
Combeferre: R-
Grantaire: Shh! Shush, shush, shush! Do you hear that?
Combeferre: Wha- are you drunk?
Grantaire: Yes, but listen!
Grantaire: It's the sound of me not giving a fuck.
Javert: We all have our demons.
Javert, pointing at Les Amis: These ones are mine.
Valjean, helping Marius stand after being wounded: You need to be careful, you're loosing a lot of blood-
Marius, loopy: I'm not "loosing" it, I know exactly where it is!
*Marius points to the puddle of his blood on the floor.*
Valjean: Oh, dear Lord, I should just leave you.
Enjolras, making his third cup of coffee: Why are my hands so shaky?
Combeferre, on his fifth: Your skeleton is ready to hatch.
Montparnasse, to Feuilly: What's the first thing you notice when someone approaches you?
Bahorel, holding Feuilly's hand: The audacity.
Combeferre: Did you know-
Bahorel: That somethings are better left unsaid?
Combeferre: Nice try.
Eponine: Do you have any idea how dangerous I'd be if I had zero self doubt?
Jehan: If I were a drink, I'd be cherry vanilla coke. If you were a drink, what would you be?
Grantaire: Bleach.
Bahorel: Blood
Montparnasse: arsenic
Feuilly: Alright, calm down edgelords.
Grantaire: Dad didn't raise a quitter!
Joly: I thought your dad left?
Grantaire: Which is why I'm quitting.
Grantaire to Combeferre: Do you think I'm ugly?
Combeferre: It's not about looks, R. What's valuable is on the inside.
Grantaire, touched: Aww...
Combeferre: For example, someone's heart.
Grantaire: You're a good friend, Combeferre -
Combeferre: It can be priced at over one million US dollars, you know.
Grantaire: Ok, here's my wishlist.
Musichetta: This is surprisingly reasonable.
Joly: We could probably get all this by Christmas.
Enjolras: Oh, so no one's gonna ask why I'm on the list?
Grantaire: That's more of a hope.
Enjolras: I still don't get why I'm on the list?
Bossuet, to Grantaire: Are you sure you don't want someone else?
Grantaire: Nope, I want him.
*playing Would You Rather?*
Eponine: Ok, R. Would you rather die or-
Grantaire: Die.
Cosette: She hasn't even-
Grantaire: Die.
Marius: Grantaire, we talked about this...
Enjolras: I was born for politics.
Enjolras: have great hair and I'm great at lying.
Bahorel: I've thought about taking swim classes for adults, but honestly that's sadder than just drowning.
Combeferre, to Grantaire: I need 45 minutes away from you, and then we can be best friends again.
Montparnasse: *raises eyebrows *
Jehan: Put those back down
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finally. it is done
jonny angst fanfic incoming this is a prequel to this fic you can read it below the cut or here on ao3
Jonny buried his face in Brian’s chest, and cried, heaving sobs wracking his body as his tears left a growing damp spot on Brian’s shirt. Cautiously, Brian draped a heavy arm around him. Jonny looked so much smaller like this, curled up into Brian’s side. 
“Jonny,” Brian began, speaking softly. “What’s wrong?”
Jonny’s reply came between gasps of air as he cried. “She’s gone, and- and she’s not coming back.”
“Who, Jonny?”
“Nastya,” he whispered, like he couldn’t quite believe it.
“Oh,” Brian said stupidly. Nastya was gone, and she was never coming back. Okay. He would deal with those emotions later. He stroked Jonny’s hair lightly.
“It’ll be alright, Jonny,” Brian said, the words sticking in his throat. “She’s moved on, and that’s okay.”
“N-no it won’t be fucking okay, it’s- it’s never going to be fucking okay again, nothing will be the same and everything’s going to be- it’s going to be different, and wrong, forever.” Jonny’s voice was muffled by Brian’s shirt as he spoke. “Who’s going to play viola? Who’s going to fix Aurora when she breaks?”
“Marius can play violin, and I’m sure if there are any problems with the ship, we can figure something out between us.”
“I don’t want stupid Marius to play his stupid fucking violin,” Jonny stood suddenly, pulling away from Brian, his voice cracking slightly. “I want Nastya to come back.” 
Jonny stormed out and Brian hastened to follow. Jonny reached his room and slammed the door in Brian’s face, a lock clicking into place. He knew he was easily strong enough to break through, but that would be wrong. Brian felt his eyes growing damp with oil as he desperately scrabbled to reach his switch. As it always had been, always would be, it was just tantalisingly out of reach.
Brian pressed one hand against the door. “Jonny, please-“
“Fuck off.” His reply was muffled and strained with emotion.
Brian stood there for a very long time.
Everyone mourned the loss of Nastya in their own way. The ship seemed so much quieter now, most of the crew choosing to isolate themselves, processing their grief alone. Raphaella threw herself into her experiments with renewed fervour, killing all who dared interrupt. Ivy powered through stacks of books like her life depended on it. Ashes just sat and stared out of the ports and into space, chainsmoking for hours on end. 
Gunpowder Tim was not quiet though. Fire. Reload. Fire. Reload. The silences between shots were heavy and oppressive, threatening to choke the breath out of him. Even the whirring and humming and clicking machinery of the Aurora seemed to have fallen silent in a strange requiem. Fire. Reload. Tim’s hands shook, though his shots hit the bullseye every time. Somewhere in the ship a mournful violin melody began. It cut off with a scrape of discordant notes as a volley of gunshots went off. Fire. Reload. Fire. The sound of stomping and smashing approached and Jonny flung open the door, still soaked in a spray of scarlet. Tim reloaded slowly as Jonny stood in the doorway, breathing heavily, gun in one hand, bottle in the other. Jonny took a swig of vodka and fired vaguely in the direction of the target. 
“Hello,” Jonny said sullenly. Tim said nothing, squinting at him warily. Jonny swayed dangerously, his knees buckled and he sat down, hard. “I… wanted t’ask you somethin.”
“And what’s that?”
“How… how didya cope when- when you lost Bertie?” Jonny spoke haltingly, his words slurring together.
Tim flinched slightly. 
“You know what I did, Jonny. Murder. Lots of it.”
“An’ did it make you feel better?”
Tim considered for a moment. 
“Not really,” he admitted.
“Oh,” Jonny replied. He looked so forlorn Tim worried Jonny might start crying, and Tim did not have the emotional energy to deal with that.
“I, uh, do have something that makes me feel a little better,” Tim crouched to be at Jonny’s level and reached beneath the collar of his shirt, pulling out a necklace. Jonny squinted as his eyes struggled to focus. Military dog tags, emblazoned with the name BERTIE. “It’s like a kind of totem, I guess, like as long as I have these I can keep his memory close to me. It’s kind of stupid, but it helps.” Jonny nodded slowly, then, apparently satisfied, stood and stumbled out. Tim looked at the empty doorway. Please stay, he thought. But Jonny was gone. And Tim was alone in the silence once more.
Jonny laughed manically as he let out a spray of bullets, the people before him twitching and jerking in a morbid dance as they fell dead to the ground. His metal heart ached in his chest as he cast around for more victims of his wrath. He held his gun loosely as he wandered vaguely down the centre of the street, the barrel of his new toy dragging across the road behind him. Tim had given it to him, a gun not designed for elegance or precision, a brutal weapon made purely for the sake of indiscriminate violence. But what was the fucking point of it if there was no-one to shoot? They kept hiding from him, but he knew they were there. He was sure of it. The air was silent, but heavy and tense. With a terrified wail, a man rushed from his hiding spot behind some bins, and on instinct Jonny drew his sixgun and shot him dead. The victory felt hollow and unsatisfying as Jonny continued to stalk down the road, gun scraping the ground behind him. 
He stopped abruptly. Had he seen something… familiar? He retraced his steps carefully, his face screwed up in concentration. A soot-covered shop window, and a coat. Nastya’s coat. The gun fell to the ground with a clang of metal as he raced into the shop, barging through the door with his shoulder. A bell tinkled warmly as he entered and he stood there for a moment, breathing heavily and staring at a rack of identical blue coats. Not Nastya’s coat. Similar though. Perhaps similar enough? He stepped forward and reached out a hand to brush against the fabric, then flinched back slightly, seeing his own hand, dirty and blood-soaked, in stark contrast to the pristine coat. After a moment of hesitation, he picked one up. It fitted him. He tossed it aside and picked up a bigger one. Nastya had always been taller than him. Clutching it to his chest, he left, the bell jingling as he did so, and walked back.
Jonny boarded the ship, resolutely ignoring the various questioning looks of his crew, and Tim, watching curiously, his metal eyes softening with sympathy as he saw what Jonny was holding. Jonny didn’t want Tim’s stupid fucking sympathy though, didn’t want to be seen as something weak, and before he knew what he was doing he was gripping his sixgun tightly and Tim’s brains were splattered across the wall. He ignored the faint pang of regret and went to his room, locking the door firmly behind him. 
He laid the coat out carefully on his bed, inspecting his prize. It didn’t look that much like Nastya’s, now he got a good look at it. It didn’t have the same detailing on the cuffs, of course, and the shade of blue wasn’t right, and the collar was completely wrong. Hot, angry tears started to well in his eyes and he wiped them away furiously, but he couldn’t stop and suddenly he was curled up against the wall sobbing and gasping. And then with a cold determination he cocked his gun, pressed it to his temple and pulled the trigger.
When Jonny awoke, he felt much calmer, though when he tried to open his eyes, he found them glued shut by his own blood. Prying them open with his fingers, he stood. An Aurora patch, that’s what he needed. That was what would make it look like a true Mechanism’s coat. Maybe he had one under his bed. He crawled onto his stomach and rooted around, cursing as he knocked over a half-empty bottle of whiskey. 
That was fine. That was fine, and he didn’t even care. He didn’t mind the wet patch on the floor or the fresh stink of alcohol or another sticky liquid on his hands. It was fine. He was fine. With a scream of frustration, he smashed the bottle against the bedframe, and the neck shattered in his hand. 
He lay there, breathing heavily. Marius had once told him how to count out his breaths to keep him calm and breathing deeply. Jonny had punched him, but now as he swept his hand under the bed, ignoring the accumulating sharp cuts, he counted. Inhale for four counts. He shoved aside a pile of rubbish. Hold for seven. He dug through the layer of random items coating the floor. Exhale for eight. Spotting a dust-covered patch, he grabbed it and clambered out from underneath the bed, hitting his head against the bedframe as he did so. 
He sat on the bed and rocked gently, brushing the dust off an ancient Aurora patch. Yes, this would do nicely. He fished some sewing equipment out of a drawer, and set to work. His palms had tiny shards of glass stuck in them and his fingers bled from dozens of tiny wounds, but he didn’t care. The needlework was clumsy and uneven, but that didn’t matter. 
When he was finished, he brushed the needles aside and buried his face in the coat. Jonny froze. It reeked of newness and artificial shop smell, and Jonny reeled back from it. It smelled wrong. He stared at it for a moment, before cracking open another bottle of whiskey and taking a deep drink from it, before unceremoniously pouring its contents over the coat, then throwing the bottle across the room. It smashed against the wall. Lighting a cigarette, Jonny picked up the coat and walked to the vent shaft in the wall. No cover - he’d left it open so Nastya could drop by his room whenever she liked. Not that she ever would again. Jonny crawled into the vent and curled up with the coat, and tried very hard not to cry. He would not succeed.
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bitter-limelight · 1 year
Since you're a expert of Daniel, I'm curious does he have an mental illness? For me, while reading it feels like hints through out the books that he does..If so, what do you think its?
Hello anon! I'm always down to pick Daniels brain!
I think first and foremost the obvious answer here is Daniels substance abuse disorder. He's canonly dying of alcoholism so that's pretty striking. Second most obvious is whatever he has going on after he's turned and through till modern day. I don't subscribe to the new theories that Marius can't be trusted and Daniel was never sick. To me that's pretty ableist to deny that Daniel was obviously very ill, and from QOTD onward, way before trains, though since we're speaking of a madness that seems specific to vampires I'm not sure what I would call it. An obsessive disorder?
I also put forward the idea that Daniels mental state deals a lot with trauma. He's a queer man having grown up in America in the fifties and sixties, where being queer was categorized as a mental illness. He would have been prime age to be one of the last brackets called to serve in Vietnam. The cold war was A Thing, growing up under the threat of annihilation. They're the worst fucking generation but boomers went through some shit man. Then of course there's the trauma of Armand just.....being Armand, being "born to darkness in the midst of a storm-" I would say Daniel very likely has PTSD, perhaps even c-ptsd due to the repeated and ongoing issues.
I see Daniel as often depressed or anxious but not specifically having depression of anxiety, as an aside. To me he has a lot of irl reasons to be depressed/anxious as opposed to clinically so, which doesn't need to have an outside reason. Addiction, and trauma are my armchair diagnosis for Daniel but I'm definately not a doctor. But Daniel also isn't real so we can read into him whatever we want actually!
What do you think?
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pilferingapples · 2 years
hello you would like Dream Adaptation Ideas? here's mine: tv show following cosette and marius. valjean? don't know him. we start with tholomyes' surprise, and fantine leaving cosette with the thenadiers, and sad beige marius-child in his sad beige nursery. fantine has her descent, and we intercut with gillenormand telling Lies about georges pontmercy. (we know they're lies because we're also seeing georges being sad and missing his son.)
then cosette gets adopted and they go to the convent with her new father, m madeline, who is going by ultime fauchelevent now for reasons that we don't get an explanation for yet. cosette and marius grow up, marius finds out the truth about his father, we meet les amis, the barricade happens, etc. valjean's backstory and basically anything about javert don't get revealed until the very end, when valjean reveals his past to marius and cosette, and an extended flashback tells us about valjean's stint in prison and meeting the bishop and becoming madeline and revealing himself at the trial etc.
ideally this would happen in a world where people don't recognize les mis and would speculate wildly about what fauchelevent's deal is pre-reveal
Nonny you and me are eye to eye on wanting Man of Mystery Valjean!! He's got such epic potential as an Unknown, a Mysterious Presence only Cosette and Toussaint fully trust.
I bet you could throw a LOT of people by calling Valjean Fauchelevent from the start! Les Mis is sorta Known, but it's not WELL known; withhold some Big Names and it would be almost a new story to lots of people!
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0junemeatcleaver0 · 2 years
NSFW headcanon: Armand and Daniel taking care of Bianca c:
omg your MIND!
Rating: Explicit (seriously, this is so much longer and dirtier than I planned for it to be oops)
Featuring: Good ol' fashioned DP
𝔻𝕠𝕦𝕓𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕣𝕖
She's giddy, there's no hope of hiding or denying it.
With five centuries of existence under her belt, she hasn't felt this close to the mortal woman she was in a long time.
It had been a secret desire of hers for many years and the closest she'd ever gotten was the littler interlude with Marius and Amadeo back in Venice. It had been lovely, but not exactly what she had wanted.
A shame. A pity. She understood now why they couldn't be the ones to give her what she wanted. Not at that point. Not now, either, even with Fareed's injections in play--she knows Armand and Marius are currently in one of their rough patches. Regardless, there's no telling that Marius would ever be game no matter what he has going on with his fledgling. There are nights he can hardly spare Bianca with more than a passing glance. Too much of a shared history there, too much still as of yet left unsaid, apologies that still need to be made.
But Daniel. He's something else.
He's in Armand's good graces, for one. The two of them continuing to grow closer and closer since the establishing of the Court. It's been wonderful to watch from afar. As wonderful to watch from afar as Daniel with his easy, wry grin and his violet eyes. He always has a kind word and a smart quip at the ready, which she finds endlessly endearing.
It was easy enough to drop her hints. Armand's reunion with his fledgling has made the past press closer to him than ever before and so she knows those he's loved before are on his mind now more than ever.
It's on a calm, cloudless night alone in the garden that she asks, "Do you remember when you and Marius came to visit me after your recovery?" with a nostalgic tone and a wicked glint in her eyes.
It's only two nights later when she gets a knock on her door, Armand and Daniel on the other side looking strangely sheepish as though they half expect her to change her mind or have been joking.
It's no joke.
Their kisses are surprisingly ardent for how hesitant they initially seemed. She only has to dip her head a bit to kiss Armand, relaxing into Daniel's embrace from behind as he kisses her neck. Bianca begins laughing brightly as Armand begins groping her chest through her silk shirt--a strange echo of their first time together as young mortals. He smirks at her, flooded by memory, too.
It happens so quickly she has trouble recounting it later--how she ended up naked on the bed watching the boys kiss and undress each other. She's so worked up that when she works her fingers against the slickness coating her clitoris, she's enjoying her first orgasm before either young man has kicked his shoes off.
Her moans quicken their pace until they're both nude--Daniel kneeling on the bed while Armand lays beside her, kissing her as he coaxes her to straddle his hips. He pets over her hips and thighs as Daniel enters her slowly from behind. She gasps as he steadily sheathes himself with his own sighed moan.
"That's it, Danny," Armand breathes, "So beautiful, Bianca."
They're the first words that have been uttered since the awkward 'hellos' at the door and it sends a pleasant shiver through Bianca.
"Yes, Lord," she pulls fruitlessly at Armand's hands and forearms, "Now you."
"Patience, dear Bianca." He breathes, eyes locked between her legs where he can barely just make out Daniel's cock sliding in and out of her, opening her up.
She's very near hear second orgasm when Armand decides she's ready--wet and relaxed enough to take them both at once. This doesn't stop him, though, from raising up to kiss Daniel over her shoulder. She hears Armand groan at the back of his throat and when he pulls back she watches him spit a mouthful of Daniel's blood out onto his own cock--working it over the shaft as Daniel pulls back to rest just at her opening.
Her heart begins to hammer as she watches Armand guide his member between her legs--feels the blunt head join Daniel where he's pressed against her slick cunt.
"Are you ready?" Armand asks, voice small and hoarse.
She nods fervently, jaw dropping open when they begin to push in tandem, stretching her wide around them--the tight channel of her body pressing their cocks together snugly inside of her.
There's a long moment where the three stare glass-eyed into the middle distance as they acclimate to this new sensation before the boys begin thrusting in earnest.
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xiameow · 3 years
ok marius is kinda hot but i never said that
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lavynrose · 3 years
Hello lavyn ! I just checked out your blog and I loved your writing ! So clear , neat , and poetic 🥰!Hmm, can I request a very confident and flirty reader that one day just decides to kabedons the boys headcanons ? (Like, all four of them , in separate lol). You can make the end a bit … suggestive 👀hehe (with offff couuuurse the reader on top 👀)
ToT men when you kabedon them!
headcanons + scenarios
character/s: Artem Wing, Marius Von Hagen, Vyn Richter, Luke Pearce, gn! reader
warnings: not proofread, suggestive content, lots of tension
notes: this is the result of my intense brainrot bonks myself, this fic got me feeling a lot of things thank you anon i loved this request!
comments and rbs would be awesome <3
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Marius Von Hagen
"my, my, Y/N. feeling bold today?"
he would treat it as a challenge
at first he'll be in awe because oh you're asserting dominance? nobody would ever dare try something like this on him
kabedoning the pax heir? sounds like a fever dream to many
would be wide-eyed and blushy for 5 seconds before he's back to his mischievous and flirty self
i repeat, only 5 seconds
when his initial surprise is gone, he would tease you relentlessly, "Oh, you want me so bad?"
of course, you're going to have to silence his mocking and teasing with your advances
just a warning though, he'll flirt back harder
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Today is a good day.
The perfect day actually, to give Marius Von Hagen payback for his teasing remarks and fleeting touches that had left you hot and bothered - no matter how hard you try to deny it.
You were left with nothing but the phantom feeling of his warm and slender hands touching your bare skin. How his hot breath blew and tickled the hairs on the back of your neck as his hand held yours above the smooth canvas to help you brush the paint properly - how you had felt the heat of his muscular form pressing against your back, and his other hand resting on your hips while he was guiding you. You hadn't missed the way he rubbed circles on your hips as he was doing so, of course.
You and Marius arranged meetings once a week in his art studio because, "It'd be nice if you learn the basics of painting, I promise it'll be fun," He proposed with his familiar but really charming smile, "I'm your teacher, the best one you could ever ask for." he concluded before. You should've known he had other intentions.
That's how you ended up here, your poor patience and self-restraint keeps getting tested every week.
Learn art, he said.
It'll be fun, he said.
After every session you would find yourself wanting to get closer to him, screaming internally whenever he would purposely pull away, his warmth leaving you just when you started to lean on his touch. You decided today was the day to call it quits.
Marius was by the wall, his back facing you while he was hanging your first ever work on a frame that you had just finished painting earlier. It really took you weeks to finish this, as he kept distracting you with his relentless teasing.
You decide it's time to take the leap. The growing tension too much for you to ignore.
Grabbing him by the shoulders, you forcefully made him face you. His body turned around 180 degrees.
His wide amethyst eyes met yours, "Hey-" before he could even question you, you immediately raised both of your hands and pushed him against the wall with a thud, his mouth letting out an "ow" as you trapped his well-built body between your arms.
"Y/N? What are you doing?" He questions as he looked down on you, eyes wide with pink adorning his cheeks.
You pushed yourself closer to him, you can feel his hardened abs on your stomach as you spoke, "How dare you toy with my feelings," You slowly looked up to him from your lashes, sending him a sharp glare, "Von Hagen." you snarled.
Your heated breaths mingled with every exhale, and you can feel the expanding of his chest as he inhaled.
Your faces are only a few centimeters apart, that you can already feel his kiss even without having to connect your lips.
He blinked a few times before flashing a knowing grin, "Oh?" His smirk grew wider, "So that's how it is?" A smug tone coated his words, it was taking every ounce of your self restraint not to close your eyes and lean in to take his lips.
His large hands finds their way on your hips, "I never actually thought you'd make the first move." He pecked your lips, the warmth still there even when he pulled away, "I can't say I don't like it."
Not having the patience to put up with this teasing anymore, you wrapped your arms on his nape and closed the distance between the two of you again, his wet lips connecting with your eager and already parted ones.
The hands that were on your hips were now squeezing them firmly, as you continued to kiss each other with heated fervor. Sending jolts of pleasure throughout your whole body.
His lips continued assaulting yours and you find your hands raking his hair, pulling him to deepen the open mouthed kisses, his tongue exploring your mouth as you do his.
You then pulled away, catching your breath with a glazed look on your face, "Marius," you breathed as you attempted to pull his clothes over his head, catching sight of his toned abs as you pulled it up.
"Whoa there." He gently grabbed your hands to stop you, his eyes still clouded with desire.
"How naughty," He then returned his hold on your waist, pressing you even closer, "You want us to make out right here, the place where i make my pieces?" He licked and parted his mouth as he dipped down to nip on your lower lip, eliciting a sultry moan from your lips, and you close your eyes from the tingling sensation, "You want to make a different masterpiece, babe?" he smirked when he felt your form shudder from his words.
You took his wrist and dragged him with you, "Let's take this to the bedroom, then."
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Luke Pearce
at first he'd be like, "what's wrong, Y/N?" why are you backing him up to a wall??? do you need something???
luke has seen various types of media portraying this famous kabedon™ and what luke has observed is that - you back a person up to the wall, and put an arm or both arms on their sides. people usually do that when they want to confront someone about something, or if someone wants to kiss a person. he notes with realization
wait what
with those thoughts, heat rushes to his cheeks, and would eventually ask you what you're up to
what you're up to, however, is something he didn't know that would completely make him lose his mind and sanity
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"Luke, let's meet again tomorrow!" your eyes twitched at the overly cheerful and obnoxiously faked sweet voice, internally rolling your eyes at the annoying display.
You were wearing a bored look as the girl finally hopped off with a bounce on her step, you were certain that she's even humming. You turned to Luke as the silhoutte of the girl disappeared into the night, "Who's that?" you pointed at her direction.
"A client from the shop," he gestured his thumb to the antiques that were displayed on the shelf. He shook his head, "she would always come here to ask about these trinkets," He then eyed at the colorful but old-looking collection, "She claims she's interested."
Still wearing a blank look, you blurted out a "Huh." You groaned internally. You were sure she's interested in something far from the antiques.
It's clear from that girl's actions alone that she has her eyes set on Luke, she would touch his arm everytime she's telling him something, smiles around him a lot.
She even grabbed his biceps and would linger her hands on his chest whenever she's showing him an item that she likes.
Oh, you've always wanted to do that. You've always daydreamed of doing that.
Maybe that's the reason why you were so irked seeing that stranger touch Luke so shamelessly.
Maybe you should start acting shameless like her, no?
You decided that you should.
What if he doesn't like you back? That'll be a problem for later because right now, your blooming affections are overpowering your fear of rejection.
"So, Y/N. What brings you here?" Luke gestured to you to follow him up the stairs to go to the 3rd floor, "I'm actually glad you came, I wanted to try a new game." He beamed, and you melted at the sunshine radiating from his smile, and you would mirror his expression if you weren't so bothered by what had transpired earlier.
"It's in my room." He took the flight of stairs and you followed suit. You remained silent all throughout and he found it weird, but shrugged it off, he'll ask you about it later.
"I'm sure we'll have fun, you love games like these." he grabbed the console box and handed it to you, blush coating his cheeks from excitement.
But you wanted to play a different game.
"Luke." you reached out your hands to get the console from him, before placing it back where he had got it.
He gazed at you with curious eyes, confused as to why you neglected the game, his face turned serious, "Is something the matter?" he questioned, searching your face for any sign of distress.
His expression quickly changed to surprise when you pushed him with enough force that caused him to stumble backwards, he let out a startled gasp when he landed on the wall, his back hitting it with a thud, he let out a groan from the impact. He used his arms to lean on the wall for support, as he lost his balance earlier from your abrupt push that had caught him off-guard. He leaned there awkwardly, "Y/N-"
You wasted no time to cage him in that position, the sound of your palms slapping the wall echoed in Luke's ears.
"Y/N?" He blinked, eyes wide.
You leaned closer to his ear, your breath creating goosebumps on his skin, "I want to kiss you."
"Wha," His eyes widened even more, "What?"
"I just want a yes or no," you intently gazed at his alluring brown eyes, "What will it be, Luke?" you grazed your finger on his chest as you waited for his response.
He was silent for a moment and proceeded to nod with a gulp. With that, you inched your face closer to his, your noses touching before your lips finally connected, warmth flooded your senses and you can't think of anything else besides his lips.
The curves on his mouth fit yours perfectly, and you sensually tilted your head to the side for deeper access, and you opened your mouth to press your tongue on his closed lips, begging for entrance.
He let out a gasp at the strange feeling, giving you the opportunity kiss him deeper. After some time, you needed air and Luke chased your lips when you pulled away.
"Luke," you opted to place a trail of kisses on his jaw, "do you let other people kiss you like this?"
"Hnn," His breath hitched when you left trail of kisses down his neck, "No..." He answered with a blush.
"Good." you pushed yourself away from him and he whined from the loss of contact. You chuckled at his behaviour, "Lie down." you ordered as you gestured towards the bed, and he laid on the mattress, waiting for your next move.
Excitement bubbling in your stomach, you crawled on top of him. The bed creaking with your every movement as Luke lay under you, his ginger hair sprawled on the bed, his eyes glazed with need. You placed your arms on either side of his head, and pressed your body on top of his, "You're mine." you whispered against his parted mouth before crashing it to yours.
He let out a muffled moan as your hands pulled on his hair, your tongues exploring each other's mouths. You savored his sweet taste with fervor, the kiss keeps getting more intense as desperate moans fill the room.
You pulled away, the both of you panting from the lack of air. As you looked down on Luke, you saw a begging look in his eyes.
He looked adorable.
You dipped down again to lick on his bottom lip slowly, "You taste so sweet," you let out a moan as you placed a firm kiss on his lips.
You felt like you were going to collapse if you were standing, Luke held your waist, pulling your body closer.
You moved your lips to his neck, nipping on it to create marks, "Ahh," he breathed, his body squirming and arching underneath yours as you kept attacking his sensitive spots, "So good..." he whimpered, eyes closing from the sheer pleasure.
"Do you want more, Luke?"
With you looking at him with so much need, who is he to deny you?
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Vyn Richter
he'll tease you back ngl
would say "you really are mischievous" with a smile flirtier than yours, provoking you to advance your ministrations even further
you think you can fluster him? no you can't, he hasn't blushed in game, not even once!
what makes you think you can /lh
listen, in the face of Vyn's calm and smooth persona, you ain't slick at all in comparison
the goal here isn't to fluster Vyn, your goal is to rile him up which is very easy by the way
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To say that there was a thick, growing tension between you and Vyn, was an understatement.
You were at his residence for your scheduled psychology classes, as you wanted to learn more from him. Just your luck, the topic you're discussing for today was about the psychology of love.
"Why do you think people fall in love, Y/N?" was the first question that he had asked once he was done lecturing.
A soft ray of sunlight cascaded on his hair, as he was sitting beside the window of his study room, while you were sitting side by side, you at his right, your thighs touching. A psychology book rests on the desk before you.
He was too close. The moment he invited you to study on this tiny desk, you wondered why he didn't choose the much larger, much more spacious desk from across the room.
You just shrugged it off, thinking that maybe the sunshine boosts his intelligence and teaching morale.
"Hmm," You put a finger on your chin, "I guess there are many reasons why, like when we find someone attractive, whether it's a physical trait of not," you furrowed your brows, searching the words to elaborate, "or if we care about that person so much and have emotional attachment to them." you shrugged, "just to name a few."
"Do you think it's just a mere bodily response that we aren't able to consciously control?" he looked straight into your eyes, "Or is it more than that?"
You looked away from his intense gaze, "While it's true that the brain releases biochemicals when we are in love with someone, that doesn't change the fact that those chemicals aren't released for everyone you meet, which meant that the person youre in love with is definitely special, special enough for your brain chemicals to register that this particular person," you finally found the nerve to bring your gaze back to his gold orbs, "is the one you love."
You coughed and continued, "In conclusion, it's not just about chemicals, i think it's related to your object of affection as well." you finished.
"You have a good understanding, Y/N." He placed his hand on your chin to make you look at him, "I wonder if you have this so called special someone?" He inquired, flashing you a close eyed smile.
You mirrored his expression, "Yes." You were smiling, but the pounding of your heart was ringing in your ears because of his touch.
"Hmm, I wonder who that is." he then pulled his hand back, his golden eyes glinting with mischief.
He opened his mouth again, "How about lust?" He looked to the side, thinking, "Is it a natural human reaction of wanting to reproduce," his eyes flickered back to you and smirked, "or people just really want a taste of that person and lose themselves in sinful pleasure?" He questioned, voice sultry and provocative.
Him emphasizing the last word wasn't helping the growing heat pooling on your stomach.
You gulped, you weren't sure if you can answer this properly because you already can't think straight from his ministrations, "The latter, I think." you answered mindlessly as your eyes landed on his inviting lips.
"Oh? An interesting answer," He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, "Have you perhaps," he pulled you closer, pressing you to his chest, as his hot breath tickled your sensitive ear, "experienced lust for another?"
Heat rushed to your cheeks and you rubbed your thighs together, fighting the urge to give in to your raging desires.
But he's just so close, your body just wants to feel him so bad right now.
The burning part of you began to overthrow your rational thoughts, you clicked your tongue as you glared at Vyn, slapping your palms on the window beside him, caging him inside your arms.
You felt even more turned on than before because of this closer proximity.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" you taunted, his eyes widened a fraction from your actions, but quickly gave you a teasing smile.
"I can take a wild guess," he placed his thumb on your bottom lip, rubbing it, his other hand finding it's way on your waist, "You're currently experiencing lust right now, aren't you?"
With those words, you felt like burning up.
He wasn't wrong.
"You know..." you let one hand fall from the window to rest it atop his thigh, "I'm a hands on learner," you leaned closer to him, and you can smell his tea scented breaths, "and i bet i could learn more about lust if you teach me, Vyn." You continued rubbing circles on his thigh as you spoke.
"Hmm, then the first step would be a kiss," excitement bubbled in your stomach, "Are you brave enough for that, Y/N?" He whispered sweetly against your lips, his breaths fanning your face.
Not taking the tension anymore, you crashed your lips against his. He quickly responded with the same intensity, as if he'd been waiting for you to do this.
You sigh against the kiss, your moved your hands from the window to his nape, pulling his impossibly closer. He did the same, tightening the hold that his arms had on your waist.
Your hands finds their way on his chest, as you sensually slid it down to his stomach. He let out a groan, feeling warm all over. Your lips still not leaving each other, wet tongues colliding in a sensual dance. Your moans were the only sounds that can be heard from the peaceful room.
The both of you pulled away, chest heaving from the lack of air, a string of saliva hung between your once connected lips.
You removed his glasses and placed it on the desk, "Teach me some more." you panted.
"Oh, sweetheart," he dipped down to bite on your sensitive neck, making you arch your back, "I could go all day."
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Artem Wing
y'all remember that iconic scene from episode 3 where MC leans in close?
right, and Artem just lost his shit then and there?
Artem.exe has stopped working
because really, out of all the 4 guys i feel like he'll be the most flustered one
yeah, no arguments, he'll turn into a puddle of red cheeks and widened eyes
though i think if you guys were together for long enough he wouldn't be as flustered as before
pull on his necktie while whispering sweet nothings in his ear, thank me later
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"We still have no leads." Artem sighed, hands finding the knot on his tie to loosen it, and to lessen the stress forming in his temple. His hair is in blatant disarray, a huge contrast to his usually well-kept azure locks. Even though he looked really exhausted, you felt butterflies began to rumble in your stomach when you realized that he looked hot. How unfair, even amidst exhaustion he looked alluring.
Irresistibly so - the epitome of an eye candy. His neckline and collarbone can be freely seen because of the now loosened tie, and it took all of your willpower not to oogle too much, or imagine what's under his long-sleeved polo.
You shoo away your fantasies, and gazed at him with concern, "You should rest, Artem. You've been on this case for weeks, I doubt you had even a wink of sleep."
"Don't worry about me," He stood up to the door to probably get some more files related to the case, "I can handle another document or two."
As much as you look up to his dedicated and hardworking nature, you can't help but think that he's overworking himself too much.
Maybe the case was that important to him.
But to you, his health is more of a concern.
Before he can click the knob, you turned him around by the shoulder and smacked your right palm on the door, the resounding thud surprising even you.
"Y/N!?" His cerulean hues widen.
"Artem, you should take care of your health," you looked up, the close proximity making you notice even the smallest details about him, making you do a doubke-take, "I am very..." you trailed off, your eyes wandering to his exposed neck before flickering back to his tired yet devilishly handsome face, "worried."
"Uhh," He unconsciously grabbed on his necktie, "Please don't worry, Y/N." Then he coughed, "You're too close."
The handsome top attorney stood there while darting his eyes, blush coating his cheeks, caged in your arms.
He looked irresistible.
It drives you nuts and your hormones go wild. They're screaming at you to go and get a piece of Artem right here, right now.
The cold from the AC is doing nothing to cool off Artem's alleviating nerves, while he tries to make himself comfortable from your unwavering gaze.
"I can help you relax, you know?" You blurted out, gaining a confused look from Artem. He blinked.
After some moments of silence, you dragged Artem from the wall to push him to the nearby swivel chair, making him sit.
"Wha-" before he could even react, you already plopped yourself comfortably on his lap, hooking your legs on either side of his hips, your ankles hitting the back of the chair, and wrapped your arms around his neck. You pressed your bodies together, your chest feeling his. There's no space left between you two, except for your lips.
You can hear both of your frantic heartbeats pounding through your chest, his breath hitched and his heaving body emanated heat from the tension, making you even more turned on.
He seemed to be speechless as he just stared at you, his cerulean eyes flickering with lust. So you took this opportunity to slowly inch your face towards his, your heart pounding loud against your ribs with every second.
You whispered, "Part your lips, Artem." and he did so with obedience, all while he slid his hands around your waist.
You parted your mouth and without wasting one more second, you devour his awfully sweet lips with feverish passion. The tantalizing taste of vanilla spread throughout your tastebuds as you slid your tongue to intertwine it with his.
The both of you were a moaning mess as you lapped on each other mouth's, savoring each other wholly. You grind your hips on his for friction, heightening the pleasure that electrified you both senseless. It felt as if you were burning up.
The swivel chair rocked from your movements.
You curled your fingers on his hair, and tilted his head back, "Artem," you opened your mouth to press kisses on his jaw, "moan for me." you slowly removed his tie, pulling it down.
"Y/N..." he tried to buckle his hips in search for yours, you smirked at his desperate state, and moved from his jaw to his collarbone, "Ah," he breathed and closed his eyes shut as he felt your warm lips engulf him.
You pulled away, "Look at you," you pant against his ear as you seperate his buttons one by one, until his polo opens, "you can't even talk straight," your breath hitched when his bare chest and stomach came into view, your body tingling with hunger at the sight. You dipped your head to bite and nibble eagerly on his neck to mark him, as you slid your hands under his polo to feel his heated skin on your palms. He let out a moan as you touched a particularly sensitive spot, his eyes closing shut.
You chuckled, "You don't seem like the top attorney to me, Sir."
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do not repost © lavynrose 09/05/21
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byeol-ssi · 2 years
Hi Byeol!!! I'm Alizah, my pronouns are she/her and I'd like to request a #7 with Marius!
Also, huuuugggeeee congratulations on your milestone and u toooottalllyyyy deserve it. As a Marius simp, consider me well fed with the fic you released it is *chef's kiss* and i read it atleast 5 times each to feel mentally and emotionally stable I'm not even kidding 😂
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✦ SAVE THE DATE ♡ for @lalizah
✦ marius von hagen | tears of themis
✦ tags: attending a food tasting event together, established relationship
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looking up from your plate, you dreamily took in your surroundings for what felt like the hundredth time that evening. 
the entire venue was transformed to resemble a palace, as if it was conjured straight from a storybook, with a glass-domed ceiling revealing countless constellations. lush greenery, miniature trimmed trees, and blossoming flowers surrounded each table while clinging vines wrapped around tall, marble pillars. 
various food floated in like a never-ending river, carried by servers dressed in white tunics, who glided wordlessly to and from the banquet tables, ensuring that all the trays and glasses remained full. 
preparations for this event certainly spared no expense, and you glanced toward the man who'd brought you here tonight, curiosity overshadowing your daze-like wonder. 
"you never did tell me who planned and hosted this entire event," you comment slowly. 
MARIUS doesn't seem to register your remark — which only heightens your suspicions because he's always paid attention to whatever you said — and instead brings his fork up to your lips. "have you tried this? it tastes divine." 
you narrow your eyes, but he only smiles wider, nodding encouragingly as you take an acquiescent bite. 
he was right, of course. everything you've sampled tasted spectacular, and you finally understood what people meant when they likened the experience of eating immaculate delicacies to a symphony of music. 
yet, a nagging thought had taken root inside your head by the time you both settled in your seats to take on your third serving of the night.
so far, everything that was being served was food you particularly loved — simply heightened in class, technique, and spun into fine cuisine — and there were flavors that were not only comforting but familiar. 
and by narrowing down the people who were privy to this knowledge, it seemed only rational that the culprit was the same person who invited you here. 
your boyfriend. 
"marius," you call out, reaching out for his hand idly tapping the table. 
he takes your hands in his, almost intrinsically, brushing your knuckles with the pad of his thumb. "yes, my love?" 
"who's sponsoring or hosting this event?" you ask again, and your deduction proves itself justified when he slyly attempts to avoid your gaze. 
"we haven't gone over to the dessert section yet." he tips his head in a random direction, but you refuse to be sidetracked, even with the mention of tasty sweets. "would you like me to get a few for you?"
"you're avoiding the question."
he says nothing, however, and squirms slightly in his seat. finally realizing you wouldn't let go of this so easily, he sighs. 
"pax is," he reveals, and your heart flutters. the sensation transitions into a hurricane when he quietly adds, "i personally oversaw the menu and made sure they whipped up all of your favorites and some other stuff you told me you've been wanting to try." 
warmth spreads through your chest, and before you're able to notice it, tears prick at the edge of your eyes. "thank you. for everything." 
his grin grows impossibly bright, lifting your hand to kiss the inside of your wrist. "i would even give my heart out to you on a platter if you asked for it."
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✦ byeol’s notes: hello, alizah darling! thank you so, so much for being very kind, your message means the entire world to little me. i hope you'll enjoy this offering i made for you. always take care! ♡
✦ link to the event directory!
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thelost-in-time · 3 years
Yo! How ya?
Request for the tot boys x reader who gives them stupid nicknames, like calling Luke "puppy" or Vyn "quack doc" lmao
Thank you for the request! I'm better now, how are you? To be fair, I always call Luke puppy, so that's not new haha.
What did you just call me?
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The Tears of Themis boys with a reader who gives them odd nicknames.
Be honest, Luke is a puppy.
Marius I just called a cat, Artem (rip me who has to write him first haha) was a blank for me. I had to Google something for him rip.
Warnings: Vyn stealing my phone to make his part suggestive at the end of his.
Genre: Crack? Fluff? Idek
Artem Wing
Walks into your shared home after a long day, his tie loose as he sees you.
"Hello, my love" he greeted you, moving over to pull you into a hug, but he freezes at your next words.
"Hello, Pickle." You greeted him with a wide smile, hugging him when he didn't hug you.
You know what you did to this man.
"My love.... what did you just call me?" Man is so confused, trying to pry an answer from you.
"I called you a Jujube." Did you just change your answer???
Man is so confused. Why are you calling him random stuff?
Thinks he's too tired and he's hearing you wrong, so he shrugs it off
The next day when you call him sunny sky, he's officially questioning everything he knows in life
Allows you to call him random nicknames, but has whiplash if you call him darling after calling him Oreo.
Calls you jellybean and waffle because two can play that game.
Vyn Richter
You know that surprised face he makes in game? Yeah, that's his face right now.
"What did you just call me?" Vyn asked you, dropping his book as he looks at you.
"Quack doc!" You say with pride, Vyn leaning back in his chair.
Removes his glasses and rubs his face, contemplating what possessed you to do this.
I believe that Vyn is born in 2003, so he probably blames TikTok if its around by 2030.
Decides to tease you back because he's cheeky.
"So you want to play those games, suger cube?"
That smirk is on his face, that damned smirk that lets you know he has something up his sleeve.
You can't run away from his teasing, or he will tease you for days.
He stands up and makes his way to you, gently placing his hands on your hips.
His smirk grows and you know what will follow.
Vyn, get off my account. You and him do some baking.
Luke Pearce
"Puppy!" You said with excitement after he returned from a classified case he had to work on, that caused him to be gone for weeks.
"Baby!" Luke cheered as he ran to pull you in a hug, gently lifting you up and spinning you two around before he set you down.
Please pinch and pull his cheeks like in the game, but gently. His pout is adorable.
Probably the only one to expect you giving him a nickname.
"Puppy, let's go out to celebrate your return." You tell him with a grin, but he shakes his head and gently cups your face, leaning his forehead against yours.
"Nah, I wanna go home with you. It's been a while since I've been home, and I just want to cuddle you and have a stay in date." Luke told you, placing a soft peck to your lips before pulling away to carry you in his arms so you two can go home.
Do something for him. Make him a snack, give him a handmade gift, anything. He will look at you with pure excitement.
Wear his jacket or gloves and he will melt.
"Puppy, get the popcorn, please!" You shout from the couch as you put a movie in for movie night.
He walks in with everything you would need for movie night, putting the snacks on the table and the blankets on the couch.
"Love, come here please." Luke requests you with a smile. And when you do, he pulls you into his arms to cuddle you. He won't let go for the rest of the night.
Marius von Hagen
Call him something along the lines of kitten or kitty.
"Kitty, stop teasing me!" You huffed as you crossed your arms at him with a pout.
Call him kitty or kitten, and he will fluster.
"What did you just call me?" Marius asked you, gently tickling your sides.
"You heard me!" You yelled as you squirm out of his hold.
Actually enjoys it when you call him such nicknames.
He feels special, especially since it's different from what other people (*cough* the other NXX boys *cough*) call their partners.
Boasts about it to everyone that you have a special nickname for him.
Will definitely act like a cat if you stop calling him as such.
"Kitten!" You yelled as he held your phone above your head if you ignore him or stop calling him by his favorite nickname.
You got yourself into this, but as long as you keep calling him kitten or kitty, you'll be fine.
Before I end this, I just wanna tell you all to be safe and take care of yourselves.
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frospino · 3 years
A Sheep in your Palm
Pairing: Marius von Hagen (Lu Jinghe) x Reader
Genre: SOULMATE AU TIME!!! fluff-angst-fluff sandwich.
Word Count: 6.342
Warnings: When Marius and Reader find out they're soulmates, Marius is 18, Reader is 21. They're 21 and 24 respectively when they meet. Please don't read if that makes you uncomfortable. - Reader swears a lot, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sexual themes, a moment in which Reader uses their palm connection to leave crescent marks
A/N: SOULMATE AU SOULMATE AU SOULMATE AU. Honestly I've wanted to write one for Marius for a while. I also wanted to write a Reader character that is a little more bratty/swear-y than my other Readers, because I think Marius could take it. Regarding their ages - I've started this with a different Reader character in mind, one that could also be read as Rosa if you wanted to, but the Reader had their own mind. I've kept the ages as I originally wrote them.
The whole “once you and your soulmate turn 18, you can write messages to each other on your palm!” thing sounded incredibly cute in theory. You’ve seen your friends share sweet doodles with their soulmates, or share romantic song lyrics. Some even bought a special pen that could be erased so that they could have entire WhatsApp-like conversations on their palms. You’ve anticipated your 18th birthday for so long. Once the clock strikes midnight, you start writing little notes, simple things like “Hello! I’m excited to meet you.”
When there’s no reply, you don’t dwell on it too much. Maybe your soulmate has already gone to bed. Your 18th birthday just had to fall on a weekday, after all. Maybe they have to get up early tomorrow, or just enjoy sleep. No problem at all.
The next morning, you write, “Good morning!” and draw a little sun next to it. Again, there is no reply. Either your soulmate lives in a different time zone (which would suck) or they are one of those people who think soulmates are stupid (which would suck even more).
After days without contact, you try one last time. “Hey, just let me know if you’re there, okay? I’ll stop pestering you.”
No reply. Apparently, you are doomed to remain on mute with your fucking soulmate.
--- 3 years later ---
It’s one of the hottest days of the year, which you and your friends have decided to spend at a small lake close to the city. They’ve brought the drinks, you’ve brought the music (as much as you love them, they can’t be trusted with playlist-powers), and you are having a blast when suddenly, one of your friends asks, “Yo, where’d that come from? Did you just hit your hand or something?”
You furrow your brows in confusion and look down at your hand. Huh. Weird. That dark-blue splotch hadn’t been there before. “I dunno. I didn’t feel anything at least.” Vera grins. “Not like that’s anything new.”
You’re about to protest her comment when another colour appears on your hand, red this time. “Okay, I definitely didn’t do anything. What the fuck is this?”
Harry’s eyes grow larger for a moment, then he starts to chuckle. “What? What’s so funny?” you shoot at him. Harry grins. “Seems like someone’s soulmate is a few years younger than them.”
Your mouth forms a perfect “o” as you stare at your hand again. It all starts to make sense now. Your soulmate isn’t an asshole who refuses to talk. Apparently, he was simply born on the afternoon of June 21st… and is roughly three years younger than you.
Vera starts rummaging through her bag and, with a triumphant “haha!”, fishes out a pen. “Quick, write back! This is so exciting!” You absent-mindedly grab the pen with your other hand, still staring at the colourful display on your palm. “What the fuck are they doing though?”
Harry and Vera both study your hand intently, and eventually, Harry speaks up. “Maybe they’re a painter? A messy one?” Vera nods in silent support of this theory. You answer, “I know just what to write then.” Your tongue peaks out of your mouth as you concentrate on writing with your non-dominant hand—of course your “communicative palm” would be the one you need for writing. Hi, can you maybe not colour my palm in a rainbow, thanks! You look at your handiwork and are satisfied with the result.
“Don’t you want your first words to your soulmate be… I don’t know, a little nicer?” Vera asks. “Nah, this is fine,” you reply matter-of-factly. “Honestly, I’ve grown so used to the thought of my soulmate being an asshole. I’m not sure I still want one.”
“What if they turn out to be cool, though? I mean, a painter. That’s so special,” Harry swoons, envy obvious in his face. Harry’s soulmate had turned out to be the school bully, and he’s given him a wide berth ever since his 18thbirthday. Even the idea of a redemption ark with happy ending hasn’t made him warm up to his soulmate.
You just shrug your shoulders. “I mean, right now, what it means is that they’re making a right mess of my palm. Imagine if this happened during a job interview or something.” Just as you utter those words, you feel a light tingle on your palm, and a line of neat writing appears above all the colour splotches. Sorry about that! Wasn’t aware the colour would show too! I’ll be more careful! A few moments later, both the writing and the colour disappear from your palm, leaving only the message you wrote on it.
“Hey, at least the kid seems nice,” Vera says.
“Do not call my soulmate ‘the kid’, I dare you.”
“Or what?”
“We are close to a lake, and I can carry and throw you.”
“Oh, you wouldn’t dare! And your soulmate is a kid.”
All thoughts of your new-found soulmate are momentarily forgotten as you chase your friend around the lake. You have a point to make that is more important than communicating with a complete stranger.
Marius sighs heavily as he stares at his palm. “This is not how I expected my first soulmate meeting to go,” he mumbles to himself. Honestly? Of course he’d known the paint would show. He’d seen it with plenty of his course mates. He’d simply speculated that his soulmate would be impressed when they found out he’s a painter. At least a little.
He tries to ignore the sting in his heart when he remembers how dismissive the first message he ever received from his soulmate sounded. With his station as a von Hagen, he knows he has little chance of meeting someone who isn’t just interested in the money, the business, the connections, or the fame. Even though it’s only his 18thbirthday today, he’s experienced enough hurt and betrayal to last him a lifetime. It’s one of the reasons why he’s wanted to go abroad for his studies, to a country where he could just be Marius. He’s had a couple of flings in his short time here, and has tried to enjoy student life as much as he could, but he knows he has to return to Stellis and face the reality soon enough. He has placed a lot of hope—maybe all of his hope—into this soulmate-thing.
He sighs again and spends some time pitying himself before picking up the paint brush once more. “Sorry soulmate, but I have an assignment to finish,” he says to no-one in particular, “and I can’t ruin my painting by focusing on keeping my hands clean.”
The longer he paints, the more his thoughts ruminate and the more spiteful he grows. Eventually, he coats his palm in neon-pink paint just because he can. And maybe because he wants attention, but mostly because he wants to annoy his so-called soulmate. “That’s for being mean.”
It doesn’t take long until Marius is rewarded with a tingling in his palm and the appearance of squiggly, almost unreadable lines. You okay? Did something just explode?
He grins and the message. Is that worry for him? A von Hagen always gets what he wants, after all. He picks up a pen and replies, Just wanted to make sure you’re still there.
Oh great you’re a brat
And you’re rude. I guess that makes us even.
Marius stares at his palm for a while, but no new messages appear, and he’s afraid he has scared you off again. (It’s definitely attention he wants, but no one has to know that, and he’d never acknowledge it, even to himself.) He’s about to turn back to his painting assignment when a name appears on his palm. I figured I should introduce myself
He says your name out loud a couple of times, feels the way it rolls of his tongue. He tries saying it as if he’s in love, you being his soulmate and all, but then his ears turn bright red and his face is on fire and he promises himself never to do that again.
I’m Marius. Nice to meet you properly.
A slightly distorted smiley face appears on his palm, followed by a Shit sorry hard to draw with this hand. Marius laughs and takes a picture with his phone. The angle is weird since he has to hold out the canvas-palm, but he thinks the messages and drawing on neon-pink background might make for a nice memory someday. He then picks up his pen again and adds to the smiley face, trying to fix it and make it look slightly more… respectable. There you go. We make a good team.
When the reply appears on his hand, a warm, fuzzy feeling spreads through his belly and leaves him slightly light-headed. I guess we do. I have to go to bed now (btw where u at), talk to you later
I’m an art student in Florence atm. Sleep well.
Ha caught you speaking non-formally for a sec!!! also Florence as in Italy? Guess it will be some time before we can mee
Marius waits for the t to appear, but instead, the last e trails off until it reaches his wrist, where the message cuts off. His soulmate must have fallen asleep in the middle of the sentence. He places his wrist on his chest, not caring about the splatter of neon-pink paint that ruins his white shirt. (He would, one day, learn not to paint in a white shirt. Maybe.) He wonders if he can will the warmth of his body to reach your hand if he focuses hard enough. He wonders what you look like, where you live, what your hobbies are, what your favourite food is. There’s so much he wants to ask, and he doesn’t know how he could ever fit all of that onto his palm.
Instead of asking all those questions that are lingering on his mind right now, he draws a small, sleeping sheep on his palm, and because he’s feeling brave, the tiniest of hearts next to it. When Marius looks at the picture, he panics for a moment—is that too much? That is definitely too much. Should I erase the heart? No, I want them to know I enjoyed our conversation.
Suddenly, Marius remembers a conversation he’s had with his father about soulmates. “But dad, I want them to like me for myself, not just because I’m a von Hagen,” tiny Marius (okay, 15-years-old Marius) had said earnestly. His father had smiled then, with the warmth that was reserved for the private moments between them, away from the prying eyes of Marius’s stepmother. “Marius, you’re a wonderful human being. You’re intelligent, and kind, and talented. Whoever your soulmate is, they will be lucky to have you in their life.”
Marius decides to keep the heart on his palm, after all.
--- 3 years later ---
Vera bursts into your room without knocking, a crumpled magazine held high in her right hand. “You will not believe this.”
“I do indeed not believe you just barged into my room like that! I could’ve been naked,” you complain, pretending to cover your (very much clothed) body with your blanket.
“Oh shut up, I know you’re re-watching your idol anime again.” Vera rolls your eyes at you and plops down on your bed next to you. You grin at her and sit up straight. “You got me. What’s up?”
She opens the magazine at a dog-eared page and practically shoves it into your face. “Look at that.” You do as you’re told, but all you see is another spread of Pax’s young CEO, Marius von Hagen, posing like the part of the 1% that he is.
Vera and you had joked about this before – what if the Marius von Hagen is your soulmate? His birthday is June 21st, he’s three years younger than you, his name is Marius… and he is easily wealthy enough to afford education in fucking Italy. You had almost convinced yourself that this weird idea of yours must be true, and had quickly convo-palmed (as you took to calling it) “your” Marius about it.
Dude you’re crazy. Do you really think I wouldn’t have told you by now??? was the reply you got. It was rare to see “your” Marius use three question marks in a row. After a long analysis session with Vera (and a couple of bottles of red wine which definitely hadn’t clouded your judgement), you came to the conclusion that Marius von Hagen would have bragged about… well, being Marius von Hagen. The playboy-extraordinaire-most-wanted-Bachelor-slash-crazy-rich-person would definitely have told you of his status, that much became apparent when you devoured all the interviews you could find online. It was an unlikely coincidence, but not an impossible one. With billions of people on the planet, more than one Marius could be born on June 21st.
Which is precisely why you don’t understand how another magazine spread of him could warrant the introduction ‘You will not believe this.’ You take another look at the magazine in front of you, silently noting that you certainly wouldn’t mind “your” Marius looking something like this, before you turn to Vera. “We’ve been over this.”
Vera points to a particular line in the interview which she has underlined in thick, black marker. “I know, but look at this.” You sigh, wondering what your best friend is up to now, and read the line. “Marius von Hagen graduated with a cum laude, or First Honour’s degree, in Art History from the University of Florence… What the fuck am I reading here?” For some reason, your heart begins pumping at an incredible speed. This is new information, as far as you can tell. You’re certain you would have found this particular piece of information in your research before. “Vera, you didn’t fake this, did you?”
Vera shakes her head, sending her long hair flying everywhere. “I didn’t! I’d never do that to you! But honestly, if this is true… and why wouldn’t it be! Surely, Marius von Hagen didn’t research ‘random person’s soulmate I could impersonate in interviews’?” You blink, once, twice, and you can feel your soul leaving your body as you reply, “Yeah, that doesn’t seem plausible. Fuck. I think…”
You look at your palm. Earlier that day, Marius had asked you for a good luck charm because he had an important meeting coming up, and you have drawn a small, sleeping sheep with a tiny heart next to it. The sheep has become somewhat of a mascot in your relationship, and with tedious practice, you have managed to make it look cute even with your non-dominant hand.
“You have to ask him again,” Vera insists, and you nod your head. Your best friend gives you an encouraging hug and turns to leave the room. Before she closes the door behind her, she speaks up one more time. “…if it does turn out Marius von Hagen is your fucking soulmate, I want a villa for enduring your messiness and cleaning up after your baking sessions for all these years.”
Her laughter rings in the apartment even as a pillow comes flying after her.
Marius groans as he reads the interview. He throws the magazine onto his desk and leans back in his chair, covering his head with both of his arms. “I’m sorry, Sir,” Vincent quietly says, as if this whole debacle is somehow his fault.
“No need. I don’t really know how I managed to keep it up for so long, anyway.”
Marius has tried hard to keep his full identity from you. He’s always been honest… except when it came to this particular topic. Your relationship has been so easy-going and wonderful, and he has allowed himself to cling to the illusion that once Giann was back, and he could finally lay down his duties as Pax’s CEO, he could marry his soulmate and the von Hagen name wouldn’t make a difference. Which is a stupid fantasy, he knows, but it’s what has given him strength through all the trouble he’s faced since coming home.
He waits for his hand to tingle and the accusations to start flooding in. Liar. You deceived me. He feels tears prick at the corners of his eyes, but he can’t let himself cry now. Not here, not in front of Vincent. “Could you leave me for a moment? I need to… collect my thoughts.”
Vincent, ever the faithful assistant and friend, bows and says, “Of course, Sir.” Marius wants nothing more than to switch positions with him right now.
Somehow, you had agreed to his request of keeping the relationship strictly text-conversational. You’ve exchanged phone numbers because the canvas-palm space got a little tight, but you have never called each other, never sent pictures or exchanged addresses. He had made up a story about the sentimental value of texting and canvas-palm-conversations, all the while thinking, “I don’t know how you’ll react to finding out who I am and I’m scared.” He’s built this entire public persona as a playboy who loves flaunting his wealth, hoping that even if you connected the dots—things like his age, his birthday—you’d think that Marius von Hagen would’ve told you of his status right away.
His plan had worked, for the most part. Until the editor of Stellis Finance somehow found out about his studies in Florence and built that information into an interview with Marius.
Marius feels his hand tingle, the tell-tale sign of a message coming in, and he wonders if he can just… never look at his hand again and pretend none of this happened. He sighs—he knows he won’t be able to leave his soulmate “on read”. Or go a single day without talking to you. He opens his palm and looks at your message. The lines are all squiggly again, similar to the first messages you’ve sent him. He knows how much better you’ve gotten at writing with your non-dominant hand, knows this is a sign of how upset you are.
We need to talk. On the phone. I want to hear your voice.
Proper grammar and punctuation marks. He’s really in for it now. He chokes out a laugh, and now the tears do stream from his eyes. All he wanted, wants, is a relationship that isn’t influenced by his last name, and now he’s gone and messed that up.
He wipes his tears with his suit sleeve even though the rough material irritates his skin. Marius takes a deep breath and picks up his phone. Whatever comes next, he owes it to you to be honest this time.
It’s a little embarrassing how quickly you pick up the phone when you see Marius’s contact information on the screen, but there’s no way you can wait even a second longer to hear his voice. “Hey,” you breathe into the speaker, and the anticipation makes you fidget and change the way you sit on your bed at least three times in the span of five seconds.
“Hey,” comes the reply, and even that single word is enough. You immediately recognise the youthful voice from the countless videos you’ve watched online in your “research sessions” with Vera.
“…do you have time to talk right now?” you ask, unsure of how to start this conversation. Marius chuckles and says, “Sure. I’ve relayed my phone to my assistant.”
“…It must be nice to be your own boss, huh?” Your voice is laced with more bitterness than you intended to, and you wish you could take back what you just said. You hear a long exhale on the other end of the call. “…it is, sometimes. Most of the time, it creates… expectations.”
“What kind of expectations are we talking about here? I mean, I wouldn’t have said ‘go buy me a mansion and a crown’ or whatever.”
Marius laughs, but there’s no happiness in the sound. If anything, it’s almost void of emotion, and it scares you. This is not the Marius you’ve come to know during the past three years. “I’m sorry, but I’ve heard that before.”
“From whom, all the conquests you’ve had over the years we’ve been talking? And here I thought you were just shy.” You press your fingertips into your palm and hope the pain reaches him. A sharp hiss on the other end of the line confirms your line of thought. “Huh, I didn’t think that would work, to be honest.”
“It does, and it hurts like a bitch,” Marius says through what you imagine are gritted teeth. “Stop that.”
You press a little harder, just because you can.
“Oww—fuck—okay, okay, I get it! You’re angry I lied, and I’m sorry, okay?”
“So you think you apologise and we go back to drawing snoozing sheep? Honestly, the hiding your identity I can somehow understand. The sleeping around? Definitely not. I’ve been waiting to meet you all this time, Marius. I thought… I thought you felt the same.”
A sob escapes his throat before he can stop it. This is too much. This is all too much. I’ve been waiting to meet you all this time, Marius. The sentence echoes in his head, amplifies with each second, until his ears ring and he wishes he could just make it all stop for a second.
“I never slept with anyone. Not after… not after we started talking.” Even he can tell how weak this sounds, how unbelievable, after he’s spent so much time and money on fabricating rumours. He never really thought this far ahead. In his fantasies, you’d just… believed him when he told you none of the things the papers wrote are true.
“There were pictures, Marius. A lot of pictures.”
“Never of anything more than a hug or a lingering hand though, I made sure… I told them to make it look real enough…” He trails off and pays closer attention to the half-moon-like red marks on his palm. ‘Whoever your soulmate is, they will be lucky to have you in their life.’ Huh. Look at the mess I’ve made of this, Dad.
“What do you mean, ‘you told them’?” Your voice is calmer now, and Marius can’t tell if you’re opening up to his side of the story—or if you are simply done with him. He chooses to believe it’s the former.
“I paid actors and actresses to pretend to be my date because… I wanted to make sure you’d never believe Marius von Hagen and your Marius could be the same person,” he whispers into the phone, and suddenly, when he says it out loud, he feels very, very young and very, very stupid. He hears you sigh on the other end of the phone, and the sound of you shuffling around in your seat. “Marius, I kinda feel like we should be having this talk in person. I know creative people have weird minds and all, but this is a little too van Gogh for me.”
For the first time since you’ve started talking, Marius relaxes a little. He recognises this way of speaking and your weird humour, and he lets himself hope that he might not have lost you just yet. “I have some business proposals to go over, but would you be willing to meet up for dinner tonight? My treat. I know a place that would guarantee our privacy…”
--- 3 hours later ---
The little café isn’t exactly what you’ve expected Marius – von Hagen, you remind yourself for the nth time today – to choose. It’s cosy, with chairs and tables made out of old wood, pastel-coloured table runners and white porcelain cups. An old lady greets you and asks for your name, and upon hearing your reply, her face immediately lights up in recognition. “Ah. Follow me, please.”
She leads you up a narrow, winding staircase, and you’re surprised to find yourself in a small room with only a single table in it, lit by dimmed lanterns on the wall. “This room is reserved for our more… prominent guests,” she answers your unspoken question. You sit down on the offered chair and stroke the table cloth. It’s not as soft as it looks. “Does Mar—Mr. von Hagen come here often?” The lady chuckles and shakes her head, her features graced by a fond smile. “Every once in a while. He sometimes brings a group of friends here. I like the silver-haired one. He knows his teas.”
You’re about to reply that you don’t actually know any of his friends when a voice speaks up downstairs. “Grandma?” The lady smiles at you again and says, “Be kind to him. He has a gentler heart than most people suspect.” She shuffles down the stairs and you can hear her talking to Marius – you can’t make out the words, but the fondness in her voice remains. While all of this is very in line with how you’ve come to know your soulmate, it absolutely doesn’t fit with the image you have of Marius von Hagen.
In short, it’s extremely fucking weird.
Footsteps echo up the stairs, and you try your very best to calm down your anxiety. It’s just Marius. The guy I’ve been having palm-convos with for three years. My soulmate who draws weird sheep as a good luck-charm. These thoughts, however, help little when Marius shows up still dressed in parts of his business attire – black slacks and a white dress-shirt. At least he’s dropped the jacket and the tie, and his sleeves are rolled up, his collar a little crumpled. His forearms seem way too toned for someone who sits at a desk all day, and his ear piercings reflect the lantern light when he turns towards you. His posture is straight, confident even, but the look on his face… his eyebrows almost form a double u-shape with how tightly they are drawn together, and when his eyes meet yours, he rubs his neck with one hand. “Hey. We, uh, we finally meet, huh?” he says, and it’s so awkward and adorable and he has a gentler heart than most people suspect and your palm is tingling and suddenly you know, deep in your heart, that this is your Marius, after all. Titles and money and public persona be damned.
“All this time, I thought you were maybe conscious about your looks or something. But look at you. You’re radiant, and my shirt is three years old.”
Marius’s mouth opens slightly, and somehow, he goes from super attractive to super adorkable in milliseconds. You try to hide your smile behind your hand – you don’t want to make him even more nervous. But you also really want to laugh at his expression. It’s a tough battle of wants.
“I mean. It doesn’t look three years old,” Marius says, and with that, the weird tension between you two seems to resolve. You look down at your shirt and back up at him, sticking your tongue out before saying, “It does, though.”
There’s a beat of silence – and then Marius starts to laugh and pulls the other chair back. “Yeah, it does, but I didn’t want to offend you.” You hold up a hand, and Marius stops in his movement. “Wait. Before you sit down. Can I hug you?” His grin grows even wider, and that mischievous look reminds you so much of neon-pink paint and late-night debates over your favourite Ninja Turtles that your heart dances in your chest. Marius holds out his arms and says, “I insist on it.”
You jump up, almost toppling over your chair in the process, and leap into his embrace. You nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck as his arms wrap around you. “I thought you’d hate me,” he mumbles against your hair, and you pull back to look at him with a light frown. “Convo-palm out!”, you command, and he does as you ask, breathing out a quiet but insistent “Canvas-palm.” You hold your convo-palm to his, feeling a tingle that is much stronger than when you received a message (or paint splotches).
You’ve watched movies about soulmates meeting, but for some reason, not a single one of them has managed to capture this… warmth that is spreading out from your touching palms. It’s as if you’re holding a tiny sun between your hands. Or maybe a mug of hot cocoa, something warm and pleasant that wouldn’t actually burn your skin off. You marvel at the sensation and look from your palms to Marius’s face, and the softness in his eyes tells you he feels it, too. “Dummy. I’m your soulmate. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
Marius curls his fingers into yours, and for a long moment, the both of you just stand there in silence. “Why have we waited three years to do this?” he eventually asks. You poke his chest with the index finger of your other hand. “That is a very good question, Mr. von Hagen. One I would like to pass on to you. What’s with the whole identity-hiding-thing?”
You almost regret asking because Marius’s eyebrows drop again. He’s still holding on to your convo-palm, actively preventing you from smoothing the offending lines of hair into their normal shape. Marius looks down at the ground, then sighs and nods his head towards the table. “Let’s sit down and order before I start to explain.”
Marius thinks he could fill an entire sketchbook with the expressions you’re making as you listen to his explanation. He talks about his childhood, from climbing trees and being smothered by both attention and worry to finding out his ‘friends’ only visited him for the rare toys he owned. He talks about the strained relationship with his step-mother and the years of trying to please a woman who had given up on her own soulmate to marry into the von Hagen family, never quite managing to fill the void left behind by the passing of his mother. He talks about his passion for art and travelling as far away as Florence to pursue it – only to have a course mate find out he comes from money and all of his passion and talent suddenly being weighed against his family name.
“Being a von Hagen,” he closes his monologue, “has been a gift – but in relationships? It’s nothing but a burden. It’s as if I’m von Hagen first, Marius second. I just… wanted my soulmate to see the real me. But then I got so carried away with my scheming that I couldn’t find a way to tell you the truth anymore.”
You look up at the ceiling and click the teaspoon against your top lip, and Marius desperately wants to know what you’re thinking, but he also knows that he just unloaded a lot of information. He feels as if the weight of two cars has been lifted of his shoulders; he hopes you’re not the one carrying it now.
You finally look into his eyes again, and there’s a glint of something he can’t quite place. Without saying a word, you start rummaging around your bag and pull out a pen. You make a show of holding out your canvas-palm in front of your face so that he can’t see what you’re writing, but he recognises the shape by the tingle alone. He looks down at his own palm, and sure enough, there’s a sheep staring up at him. Instead of a tiny heart, however, you’ve drawn a big heart around it this time, and the grin spreading on his face is so wide he thinks his cheek muscles might be sore tomorrow.
He holds out his hand, and you’re the one intertwining your fingers this time. Again, the warmth spreads through his entire body. I could get used to this feeling, he thinks. He wonders if the two of you could light a sparkler with only your palms. He’d certainly like to try that, some day.
“I’m not going to say ‘I get it’, because I don’t think I really do,” you say, and his happiness almost falters. “I mean. The first thing someone like me sees is that a rich person can afford anything they want. It seems like the dream.” You draw tiny circles into his palm with your thumb, and he wonders if there’s a sort of feedback on your own palm. He wonders if, no, hopes that you can feel how serious he is about this, about you. “But the things you said… Not being seen for who you really are would make anyone sad, money or not. I get why you wanted to be cautious, at least.”
“However,” you continue, raising one finger in the air, and he is suddenly reminded of the one time Luke tried to imitate Vyn and almost starts to laugh. He presses his lips together, and you raise one eyebrow at him and say, “Focus, Mr. von Hagen, I’m being serious here!”
“Sorry, sorry. I’m focusing. Wait.” He tries to think of his first bungee jump and how nerve-wrecking that was and manages to control his features. “Okay, continue.”
“However,” you start once more, raising your finger again, and it almost breaks his façade but he somehow prevails. “If you want us to have a chance, soulmates or not, you have to be honest with me from now on, okay? You have to give me the chance to actually understand and see you. Not just the happy Marius, but the sad and scared and nervous Marius, too.”
He makes a grimace and shakes his head. “But I don’t like that Marius. He makes stupid decisions.” You squeeze his hand in response. “Dude, that’s okay. Everyone makes stupid decisions sometimes. I make stupid decisions all the time, like eating fish for dinner and not doing the dishes immediately afterwards.”
Marius snorts and immediately freezes. That was such an undignified sound, and he’s trying very hard to impress you right now because he has a lot to make up for. There’s a devilish grin on your face as you say, “See? That’s the real Marius I want to see, too. Give me a warning next time though, because that would have made for great blackmail material.”
He kicks you under the table and tries to pull his canvas-palm away from you, but you’re stronger than he expected (and to be completely honest, he’s not really trying hard at all). “I’m warning you. I will draw dicks on your hand when you’re in the middle of an important interview.”
“You say that as if you haven’t done that before.”
Marius stops his pretend-struggle and studies your face – and is horrified to find you completely honest. “Wait, what? I did? You never told me—”
“It’s fine,” you interrupt him, “I knew you’d get all flustered but try to cover it up and become super clingy and attention-seeking instead and I didn’t want the job anyway.”
Marius pouts and does his best impression of a golden retriever puppy. “I am not clingy and attention-seeking.” For some reason, the magic of his puppy eyes doesn’t seem to work on you. He’ll have to find out your favourite dog breed and take some pointers. He files that particular “to do” away in his mind for another day. You laugh at him, and he has the urge to tickle you until you can’t breathe, but you’re still in public and even though it doesn’t feel like it, this is your first meeting and he doesn’t want to make it weird but he really wants to be close to you and—
“Oh God. I totally am, aren’t I?”
You start laughing even harder. He notices that your canvas-palms are still intertwined, and he can’t help but join in your laughter, even if it is at his expense. He’s so used to having to pretend to be perfect that letting down his barriers feels wrong, but he knows it’s necessary. After all, how can he ever hope to truly connect with you with all of his masks still up?
Once your laughter subsides, a content silence settles over the two of you. Marius is happy enough with just studying your face and taking in your features… for a while. He can’t help but tease you back, though – truly, he’s earned it, he thinks. “How do you feel about bungee jumping?”
All the colour leaves your face for a second as you stop all motion, your cup of tea raised to your mouth. “You mean like… VR bungee jumping, right?”
He grins. “Nope.”
“So what you’re saying is, the ‘Marius von Hagen likes extreme sports’ bit is not made up?”
He grins even wider. “Yupp.”
“And your idea of an ideal date is… bungee jumping?”
He cups his face with two of his fingers, grin still in place – though he realises this pose probably doesn’t look as cool with his other hand still firmly in your grasp. “You know, clinging to your partner in terror during your first jump is something that can actually be so romantic—”
You groan, and in a blur of limbs somehow manage to drop your tea cup, flail about trying to save what you can, and almost fall of your chair. Marius looks at the mess – at the large stain in the pastel-coloured table runner, and the tea spots on his dress shirt, and your disgruntled look, and in that moment, he’s so proud of himself he can barely contain it. “Marius von Hagen,” you say, (and the sensation in his groin at hearing you say his full name in that tone is something else he files away for another day,) “I cannot believe this.”
He winks at you and delights at the way you bury your head in your hands either in embarrassment or infatuation or, if he’s lucky, a bit of both.
“Personally, I believe this is the perfect start to a brilliant soulmate-ship.”
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rinstrumental · 3 years
my muse
marius von hagen
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marius' already immense studio felt so much bigger when he wasn't around. on a good day, you'd say that it was missing his outgoing and playful personality that seemed to fill the room. other times it was just his stupidly inflated ego.
today you were slightly relieved knowing that he wasn't home. it has been an exhausting day. from you missing breakfast, to the report you spent sleepless nights getting belittled by your supervisor. and of course marius just needed you to get something from his place and drop it off at the pax group building.
"please, y/n," he had begged. "my assistant is busy and i really need the keys to this cupboard. besides, the law firm is nearby, aren't it?"
so there you were, fetching the extra keys hidden under the shoe rack to unlock the door to marius' workshop.
"impressive security system," you muttered to yourself as you pushed the heavy door open.
you were greeted by the intoxicating smell of oil paints and canvas. the place was a mess, as usual. paint tubes were strewn across the floor. a few half-done paintings were propped against the wall. you allowed yourself a little smile at seeing the beautiful flowers that marius so loved to paint, and got to work.
after a couple minutes of looking, the scent started getting a little too intoxicating for your liking. that along with the fact that you couldn't find the keys were giving you a headache.
'i really wish i was at home right now...' you thought to yourself as you made your way over to the massive windows. after fiddling with the unnecessarily complicated lock for a bit, you managed to get it open and took a deep breath of fresh air.
you noticed that was also a new artwork standing proudly on the easel in the corner next to you. it was covered in a sheer cloth. marius usually sent you pictures of his works in progress, and through the fabric it didn't look familiar t all. just as you were about to unveil it, your phone rang.
"hello, y/n! have you found it?"
"no," you snapped, letting go of the cloth. "i've looked everywhere. why don't you just come down here and search yourself? i'm your attorney, not your goddamn servant!"
there was a moment of silence. you could tell that marius had been taken aback by your sudden outburst, and a part of you almost regretted it.
he sighed. "you're right. i didn't mean for to think that i'm using you or anything. i'm sorry... did you have a bad day?"
now was your turn to be surprised. it took a lot for marius to take things seriously, which was evident seeing that he couldn't be bothered even when he was being framed for murder.
"yeah, i did," you replied. "i just... want to get this over with."
more silence. "um, don't worry about it anymore. go home."
"didn't you say it was super urgent?"
"about that... there really isn't anything i needed from you."
you drew your phone away from your ear and stared at it, incredulous. "what?"
"i wanted you to see my latest painting." you could tell by his high-pitched voice that he was nervous.
"you couldn't have invited me over another day and showed me yourself?" your confusion and frustration was growing rapidly, and you debated just hanging up on him.
"alright. to be completely honest, i was just scared of how you'll react," he confessed. "i do realise that this was a stupid idea now..."
"that's an understatement," you retorted. "if you pull anything like this again, i'll never do anything nice for you again!"
marius' laugh of relief echoed throughout the room. "sorry again. i'll make it up to you."
"you'd better. now, is the painting you wanted to show me the one covered with the cloth?"
"wait, you're actually gonna look at it now?" he interjected.
"i didn't come all the way here for nothing."
"it's okay, you can look at it next time!"
the panic had returned to his voice, intriguing you. now you really wanted to know what kind of painting he was shy of. paying no heed to his suggestion, you pulled the fabric off the canvas.
it was a person. they were standing in the exact spot the easel was, wearing a gentle smile on their face. they looked vaguely familiar, but it was hard to tell since it wasn't even halfway finished. the colors were warm and soft, brushstrokes confident swift and smooth.
on closer inspection, the person was holding up a law textbook. one that looked very similar to the one you had brought from the library for marius to read.
"marius, who is this?" you asked quietly, eyes still glued to the painting.
"oh boy. you looked at it." he chuckled. you waited for him to answer with bated breath.
"would you be mad if i said it was you?"
it felt like somebody had knocked all the wind out of your lungs. it was you. from the eyes right down to the clothes the drawing wore. somehow without changing the way you looked, marius had taken all your features and enhanced them. you looked beautiful, and you wondered if that was really how he saw you.
"it's incredible," you finally said, slightly breathless. you could almost hear the smile return to his face.
"am i forgiven?" he asked cheekily.
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vyn-ugh · 2 years
"Expectations are too high"
first part here!
charachters:  artem wing, marius von hagen, vyn richter, luke pearce, rosa
words count: 1335
warnings: mention of alcohol, a little swearing, not proofread
little note: hello again! I decided to continue with a second part. I think this is going to be a fanfic, but I don't wanna make promises since I'm still not used to get back to sharing what I write. it's still kinda scary eheh have a nice reading, and let me know if you like it or something is off! thank you anyway for reading <33
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After you’ve taken your seat between Marius and Vyn, who’s still missing searching for Celestine and Kiki, Luke ordered another round of beers for everybody. And red wine for you, because he knows pretty well you don’t like anything else other than that. The table has fallen silent since you’ve arrived, everybody sipping on their drinks, watching casually around the bar. You’ve caught sight of how Artem is the most uncomfortable there, while the others are bopping their heads along the music’s rhythm.
“So…” you start, holding your glass a bit too hard. Everybody is now watching you, maybe thankful that somebody is bringing something up. You don’t dare bringing your gaze up to any of them, your eyes following the lines created by the wood on the surface of the table. “What were you all talking about before I arrived?” you can’t hold back the curiosity. Panic settles in Artem’s eyes, while Luke and Marius look at each other for a second, before bursting into a laugh that brings a smile to your face. “Nothing you have to worry about” Mr. Wing tries to distract you from across the table, taking a sip from his glass. Water? Why in the hell is he drinking water?
You shake your head, before looking at Luke: he’s the person who knows you best at that table, and he wouldn’t dare lying to you. “What’s up? Why are you all laughing?”. Your best friend keeps watching Marius, giggling with him. “Did I say something wrong?” you ask in a whisper to Artem, whose cheeks are a bit red. “I told you…” he starts, but Marius interrupts him “We were talking about you”.
“Marius, what are you doing?”
Mr. Wing is as confused as you are now, feeling anger growing inside of you. “So the people I’m most close to, decide to go out without me to talk trash about me?” Luke and Marius stop laughing, and you don’t know which one of the faces to blame first. They’re not looking at each other anymore, they’re instead trying to get closer to you in some kind of reassurance.
“Miss, you must’ve misunderstood the situation”
“No, that’s your fault” this time Artem is the one smiling, and he’s watching you. You reciprocate, thanking him for the help.
“We went out because Artem told us you were drinking with your friends”
“And we thought it was a good idea to meet up and try to…bond for future NXX expeditions”
“And for you” Luke admits.
You burst out laughing, everything is looking a little too unrealistic. “For me?” sarcasm hiding in your words. They probably didn’t think it through enough, so they both searched for Artem’s help. He sighs, before another voice interrupts you all. “Your friends decided to go home”, Vyn reassures you. His presence at your side makes you melt, he radiates calm and patience.
It’s like you’re picking up his composure and it makes you rethink the way you’re approaching the guys at the table. “Thank you, dr. Richter” you pause for a second, before looking again at him. “Why is everybody saying you were all talking about me? This thing you were doing is…for me? In which way, if I’m not even included in the conversation?” He was taken aback, sitting closely to you; the small round table creating not enough space for you five. Your elbows were touching, but he doesn’t seem bothered by it, not even remotely. Unlike you.
“We decided it was a good opportunity to create some kind of bond, since we’re all close to you”
“We don’t wanna trouble you, Miss” Marius suddenly recovers.
You don’t know if you can believe them, apart from Vyn who’s quiet known for telling the truth; even if he would be able to make you believe any lie, manipulating your thoughts. But your cheeks betray you, hinting at a little red. You’re impressed they would do something like this only for you.
 “Oh” you can only whisper.
“If it isn’t the best team in Stellis!” a voice squeaks. You look up, and Rosa is standing behind Luke and Artem, her arms in the air moving to Dua Lipa’s “Break My Heart” who was pumping in the speakers. You feel relief and suddenly stand up from your seat to go hug her, glad another girl is present in the group now. Everybody is welcoming her at the table, Marius adding yet another chair next to him and Artem. “How much did you drink to let yourself go to a hug?” she jokingly asks you, enjoying the brief moment of affection from you. You immediately move away from her, pointing at her face from a short distance: “Not enough, now that you make me think about it”.
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After Rosa has taken place, the whole conversation, just like the attentions, diverted to her. You were glad no one was making you the center of attention. Completely disconnected from what they were talking about, you were sipping on the wine when Celestine’s words came back into your mind and filling your thoughts. You feel like that debate wasn’t even close to being finished: you weren’t able to let anyone get the upper hand, especially if it was about something you deeply cared about.
You started remembering when you were smaller, at the age of 18 your mother telling you “You can’t have everything from life”: meaning you couldn’t love your boyfriend and falling for another boy. “If you really loved him, you wouldn’t fall for the second boy” and all that shit from Facebook’s posts and teenagers quotes on a black and white picture. That’s when you realized how much your mother’s thoughts on you made you submissive. You started thinking you were just a cheater, someone society doesn’t accept because there’s no way on earth you could like, let alone love, more than one person at a time. You decided to break up with your first boyfriend, to follow what other’s logic sense implanted on you. Then again, it was impossible to believe you could find in a single man whatever you were searching for; everybody is different, and they’re all offering disparate characteristics.
You took a deep breath, looking around the room.
“GUY.exe” was playing in the background, making you look at the men at the table. “Expectations are too high, and you'll never find a guy like that” maybe somewhere there was someone who could gather in one person all you’ve ever looked for in a man. Unrealistically, but better than being labeled as a cheater every time you fell for more than one person.
You looked at Marius, his physique hidden by his usual large clothes. “Six feet tall, and super strong” you raised your eyebrows, hiding behind the new glass of wine the waiter had brought you.
“We’d always get along” you couldn’t look at Luke. You two were always on the same page, since you were kids.
“He’d pick me up at eight, and not a minute late” you let out a little giggle, “that sounds exactly like Artem” you thought.
Just like Vyn was represented by the words “Kind and ain’t afraid to cry”.
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“Maybe it’s time to go home, you’ve been smiling at the glass for too long now, Miss” Marius starts, trying to get the glass away from your hands.
“I have a high tolerance for alcohol!” you say, betrayed by his actions. Before he could move any further, you swallowed the remaining red wine and you stick your tongue out to him. “Good luck for the next time, if you can catch me”. Vyn’s attention was brought to you, and he laughed at your face. “It’s late anyway, Artem will bring you home”. You looked confused at Mr. Wing, who nodded agreeing to the doctor’s words. “Why him?” you ask. You realize it sounded harsher than you intended to.
“He’s the one who offered to drink water all night to bring us safely back home” Luke said. “You should thank him”.
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jihyuncompass · 3 years
A Birthday Visit
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Well well well would you look at that. My very first Tears of Themis fic is for Marius’s birthday who could have guessed (anyone who knows me) Happy Birthday Marius, I can’t wait to see you again <3
For future reference, this fic was written for Marius’s 2021 birthday. As of yet Tears of Themis has not been released for the English audiences. I have played the beta but there is a chance Marius will be a little out of character as a result of the timing. 
Summary: You visit Marius’s work to celebrate his birthday with him, even if he’s a little busy 
Marius x MC
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: N/A
The PAX building was an intimidating one. That thought always came into your mind when you approached it. While the Law Firm was also one of the large skyscrapers that made up the Stellis skyline, the PAX building was taller, and quite the intimidating addition to said skyline. 
It wasn’t the first time you’d been here, far from it, but it was rare for you to go into PAX for a non professional reason, or without being explicitly invited by Marius. You looked up at the building, even without meaning to your eyes focused on the window you knew belonged to Marius’s office. There was a good chance he was in there right now. 
Adjusting your bag over your shoulder you walked through the doors and into the bustling first floor.  
You walked through the groups of professionally dressed employees standing to chat idly, or summarize the recent meetings they had. Or stop to enjoy their coffee for a little while before getting back to work. 
“Welcome to the PAX group.” One of the receptionists started as you walked to the desk. “How can I help you today?” You cleared your throat, speaking as eloquently as you can. 
“Hello, I’m here to see Mr. Von Hagen? I’m a friend.” You said to the receptionist. She raised an eyebrow and looked up at you. Scrutinizing your appearance.  
“I’m sorry, Mr. Von Hagen doesn’t see anyone without a meeting.” You pressed your lips together, 
“I can promise you he’s a good friend of mine, it’s his birthday and-” 
“I’m sorry I have no way to verify that you are who you say you are.” The receptionist said. You reviewed your options in your head, clearly she wasn't going to let you go up there on the promise of being a friend. 
After a moment of brainstorming an idea came to you, digging through your bag you showed the receptionist your work ID badge, listing you as a lawyer for the Themis Law Firm. 
“I’m also Mr. Von Hagen’s personal lawyer, he knows who I am.” The receptionist squinted at the ID, hesitant of it’s quality and authenticity. After typing at her computer briefly she sighed and relented. 
“Aright, I do see your name here. I’ll let you up there and I’ll give a call to Mr. Von Hagen’s assistant to let them know you’re here.” You thanked her and hurried to the elevator. The first challenge was dealt with, now it was just time to go through with the rest of the plan.  
You piled into the elevator with a group of suited men heading to what you assumed were their own desks and offices throughout the building, but you’d be one of the only people going as far up, to nearly the top floor where Marius’s office would be found. 
The elevator was nearly empty by the time you made it up, only a few people exiting with you. 
One of Marius’s assistants was waiting for you on the other side of the elevator. They greeted you as you approached them. 
“Good afternoon.” They said. “I’m afraid to say that Mr. Von Hagen has been stuck in meetings all day so I’m not sure if he’ll be able to see you.” 
You pressed your lips together, you should have asked him in advance, he was usually busier than he always let on. 
“Well I just have a couple things I want to show him, I’m happy to wait for when he has a spare moment.” The assistant seemed unsure but shrugged. 
“Very well, I’ll take you to his office, you can wait there. I’ll let him know that you’re there.” You followed the assistant down the long hallway to the office at the end, the largest by far, belonging to Marius. 
The assistant closed the door behind you, the office was neat and tidy as it always was. Although it was Marius’s office, you were always a little disappointed by just how little of Marius seemed to be in the office. The sleek professional furniture, the carefully organized files, cup full of standard ballpoint pens didn’t seem like Marius. The rebellious, creative and playful Marius you knew well and had grown to adore. 
Sitting on the couch in his office you decided to make use of your time by setting the present you’d gotten him out on the table, along with the small cake box. With your job and caseload you hadn’t had the time to make a particularly fancy or intricate cake. But something small the two of you could easily share.  
You hummed to yourself gently as you got everything set up. Your eyes focused on the work in front of you. So much so you didn’t even notice as the office doors opened while your back was turned. 
“So.” A voice said from behind you. The sudden noise startled you, making you jump. Quickly turning around you were face to face with Marius. Dressed with a full suit, although he had that playful gaze he kept around you. Seeing him, your shoulders relaxed, and a smile crossed your face. “I heard you wanted to see me.” 
“I hoped I could catch you for a minute for your birthday.” You explained to him. “I should have asked about your schedule, I wouldn’t have come if I knew you were so busy.” Marius shook his head. 
“Nah I’m glad you’re here. It’s a perfect surprise.” Marius looked past you and to the table behind you where everything was set up. His eyes lighting up with that almost childlike excitement he got. However that excitement was quickly clouded. 
You frowned. “You don’t have a lot of time huh?”
Marius hesitated to answer you. “I don’t have a lot of time, I have a meeting in a half hour.” 
As you looked from Marius to the table you straighten your back and beamed at him. “Well then let’s make this a fun half hour! Enjoy the time we have.” With this the playfulness returned. The Marius you loved to see. 
Sitting beside one another, you made quick work of slicing the cake into two even slices for the two of you. 
“I’m afraid it’s nothing fancy.” You said. “But I have no doubt it tastes good and that’s what matters, doesn't it?” 
“Did you make it?” Marius asked, a brow raised curiously. 
“I did, I’m not a baker though so be warned.” Marius picked up the fork, picking up the perfect bite of cake to get both the cake and the frosting on top. Watching him closely you made note of his reaction. “What do you think?”
Marius nodded. “It’s good, I think I would even say I’m impressed.” You relaxed against the couch. 
“I’m glad you like it.” You said. “I was worried it wasn’t going to be very good.” You took a bite to taste it yourself, the sweetness of the cake hitting your tongue immediately. You’d had better cakes, but still you couldn’t deny the little part of you that was proud of what you’d made. 
Not wanting to waste your time you quickly leaned forward to push some presents closer. This seemed to grab Marius’s attention away from the cake in his hand. He set it down to pick up one of the gifts, looking over the basic wrapping paper. 
“Go ahead.” You encouraged. “Open it up! Take a look.”  Marius stared with the smallest one, quickly tearing off the paper without much thought. He pulled out two tickets, reading the tiny text on them. “They’re for an upcoming art exhibition I read about online, I thought it’d be fun to go together. I don’t know nearly as much about art as you do but maybe you could teach me some stuff.” 
Marius smirked. “I guess I could spare some of my expansive art knowledge to impart some on you.” 
Holding back from rolling your eyes instead you gave him your best genuine smile. “I would love that. I’d love to learn from you.” Marius seemed pleased by this, as evidenced by the redness that quickly started growing on his face. Looking back at the gift he tried to get himself back under control. 
Similar to the first gift Marius tore the wrapping paper off the second one. This one, a hand held sketchbook, bound nicely with a leather cover, his initials MVH put onto the front. A small note you’d written scribbled onto the first page. 
“This is-”
“Well, you’re always working so hard here, or studying hard at university, and I know you would probably much prefer to be in your studio painting. So, that’s a little sketchbook, one you can carry anywhere.” Flipping through the pages, Marius’s expression turned soft, warm, happy, not holding that playful spark. “I know you probably could afford any notebook in the world, but this one is customized just for you, not another one of these exists just like it.” 
The softness in his face stayed even when he looked up at you, even when he looked down again. 
“Thank you, for this.” He held it carefully in his hands, as if he was afraid of damaging it too soon. Before he could even put pencil to paper for the first time. There were still a couple gifts left, but you let him linger on that one. Trying to memorize every single second in your mind. 
The rest of the gifts were more basic things, special sweets, some art supplies you’d seen when you passed by the art store on your way home. Despite how basic many of these smaller gifts were, he never seemed ungrateful, and equally happy to see each one. 
All the presents unwrapped, and cake nearly finished you both sat together happily. Looking at Marius with the initial excitement wearing off you started to see the exhaustion peeking through. The heaviness in his eyes, the way his shoulders were stiff yet slumped. He looked tired, worn out already. 
“Your assistant said you’ve been in meetings all day?” 
Marius rubbed his eyes. “Yeah, PAX has a big thing coming up. I’ve been in meetings since eight. This is the first break I’ve had all day.” As he spoke he loosened his tie, letting it release some of the tension in his shoulders and neck. 
“You look exhausted.” You said. He sighed and closed his eyes for a few seconds. “Have you been resting?” 
Marius’s eyes opened again. “I was at my studio late last night. But I’m fine.” 
You looked more concerned, you doubted he was really resting enough. With everything he did, there was no possible way he was letting himself take breaks. Even on his birthday he seemed to be working full steam ahead. 
“Marius, why don’t you lay down for a bit? Let yourself rest?” Marius looked over at you, as if he was trying to think through it, crunching the numbers in his head. Gently touching his shoulder you turned him to face you, his eyes raised to look at your face. You loosened up his tie some more and unbuttoned the top button on his dress shirt to let him relax. 
 “Come on.” You said in a soft voice. “Rest for a little bit.” 
He considered this for a little while longer. Then let long a long sigh, he let himself lean forward enough to rest his forehead against your shoulder. Reaching up you rubbed his back, gently massaging to let him relax against you. 
“I can’t rest for long.” Marius muttered. “There’s that meeting-”
“Something is better than nothing.” You reminded him. “How about you lie down? You can rest with me until your meeting.” He was still for a little while longer, then lifted his head long enough to move. 
Marius’s head was laying in your lap. You gently played with his hair, running your fingers through the strands. Marius’s eyes slipped closed, his breaths long and even. 
“My meeting-” 
“I’ll get you up when it’s time. Rest right now.” You told him. He sighed and let himself fully rest. 
“Thank you.” He muttered. 
“Happy birthday Marius.” You whispered to him. Watching him rest, you couldn’t help but smile. This moment was going to be over sooner than later, soon he’d have to get up and get himself cleaned up, he’d go to that meeting, and then the next one and the next one until he could call it a day. He’ll probably go to his studio again, even if he’s exhausted. He’ll try and get some rest, but eventually he’ll get up and start it all again. 
But right now he’s with you and resting. Enjoying the short break he could afford. Maybe not the best birthday one could have, but one that was more than happy. 
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