#Mark Peller
alec-allshouse · 1 year
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What is Abstract Art?
Abstract art is art that does not represent an accurate depiction of visual reality, communicating instead through lines, shapes, colors, forms and gestural marks. Abstract artists use a variety of techniques to create their work, mixing traditional means with more experimental ideas.
The history of abstraction can be traced back to the early 20th century, when artists began to experiment with new ways of representing the world around them. Some of the earliest examples of abstract art can be found in the work of Wassily Kandinsky, who began to create non-representational paintings in the early 1900s. Other early pioneers of abstraction include Piet Mondrian, Kazimir Malevich, and Jackson Pollock.
Abstract art has been a controversial movement throughout its history, with some critics arguing that it is not truly art because it does not represent the real world. However, abstract art has also been praised for its ability to express emotions and ideas in a unique and powerful way.
Today, abstract art is a thriving and diverse movement, with artists working in a wide range of styles. Abstract art can be found in paintings, sculptures, prints, photographs, and even video installations. It is a form of art that continues to challenge and inspire viewers around the world.
Here are some of the most famous abstract artists:
* Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944): A Russian painter and art theorist, Kandinsky is considered to be one of the pioneers of abstract art. His paintings are often characterized by their use of bright colors and bold shapes.
* Piet Mondrian (1872-1944): A Dutch painter, Mondrian is best known for his geometric abstract paintings. His work is often associated with the De Stijl movement, which emphasized simplicity and abstraction.
* Kazimir Malevich (1878-1935): A Russian painter, Malevich is best known for his black square paintings. His work is often associated with Suprematism, a movement that emphasized the primacy of pure form in art.
* Jackson Pollock (1912-1956): An American painter, Pollock is best known for his drip paintings. His work is often associated with Abstract Expressionism, a movement that emphasized the artist's individual expression.
* Mark Rothko (1903-1970): An American painter, Rothko is best known for his large-scale abstract paintings. His work is often associated with Color Field Painting, a movement that emphasized the use of color and form in art.
Abstract art is a complex and fascinating subject, and there is much more to it than meets the eye. If you are interested in learning more about abstract art, I encourage you to do some research and explore the work of some of the artists mentioned above.
*Sources - Learn more
About the Author
Alec Allshouse is an artist, musician, and the founder of Allshouse Designs, a website design business that creates websites for small businesses since 2012. Since 1998, Alec has managed over 200 websites.
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myhughniverse · 2 years
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32 years ago, Kylie Minogue kicked off her "Rhythm of Love Tour" on February, 10th, 1991.
The Rhythm of Love Tour was the third concert tour by Kylie Minogue in support of her third studio album : "Rhythm of Love" (1990). Beginning on 10 February 1991, the tour visited Australia and East Asia.
The concerts showcased a more confident Kylie as she began to command control over her image, as well as new songs from the album : "Rhythm of Love", which offered a then new sound for the Australian pop star. Costumes for the shows, with exception of the opening outfit (a Rigby Peller basque and PVC shorts) were designed by the same team as Kylie's previous two tours and marked the final time she would engage their services.
Planned VHS release for the show, recorded in Sydney Australia was cancelled in favour of an updated version of the tour following its extension into Europe in late 1991. By then, it had become known as the : "Let's Get To it Tour" in support of a new studio album of the same name, with new wardrobe, modified set list and a much more live assured Kylie.
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mrlagoswahala · 8 months
Weekend Away
Latest Nollywood movie 2024 featuring Jadrolita, Peller and Lordlamba “Latest Nollywood movie 2024” marks a significant milestone in Nigerian cinema, showcasing the evolution of storytelling and production quality within the industry. With Jadrolita, Peller, and Lordlamba at the forefront, audiences can expect riveting performances that bring the characters to life with depth and authenticity.…
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forbidden-sorcery · 4 years
The beginning of the witchcraft craze corresponded with the Black Death and the Hundred Years' War. When people are oppressed and miserable, violence becomes a psychological necessity. And violence is always associated with sex, particularly in puritanical and repressive societies. Witches were made to confess to intercourse with demons, and minutely examined for the witch's mark (a spot on the body insensitive to pain). Franz Buirmann, appointed witch-seeker by the Prince-Archbishop of Cologne in the 1630s, apparently used his position to seduce women who would otherwise be inaccessible. A Frau Peller who refused his advances was the wife of a court assessor. Buirmann acted swiftly; she was arrested one morning and was under torture by the afternoon; the hairs were all shaved off her body and head, and the torturer's assistant was allowed to rape her while he did this. Buirmann, looking on, stuffed a dirty piece of rag into her mouth to stifle her cries. She was burned alive in a hut filled with dry straw, all within hours. Buirmann had been placed in a position where he could act out sexual-sadistic fantasies. It sounds like an episode from a novel by De Sade.                  With all the talk of demons, witches' sabbaths, torture, the smell of burning flesh, witchcraft became a darkly alluring obsession. Its equivalent nowadays would be the particularly violent sex crime, which is nearly always followed (a) by imitative crimes, (b) by confessions from cranks. The murder of Elizabeth Short, the Black Dahlia, in Hollywood in 1949 was followed by six similar murders in the Los Angeles area and twenty-nine confessions to the crime. The particularly horrible nature of the murder –she had been hung upside down, tortured, then cut in half –had made it front-page news for weeks. Lonely men, brooding on the newspapers in stuffy lodgings, finally decided that it would be worth the risk. And in the same way, lonely, bored women like Isobel Gowdie, living narrow and comfortless lives, found the lurid pamphlets about intercourse with demons terrifying and increasingly fascinating. And since they believed that the air is full of invisible demons, it would not be long before they were convinced that their wishes were known to the Devil. A sexual dream would confirm this.
Colin Wilson
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thedistricthq · 4 years
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If the sinful streets of The District could talk, they would whisper about VIESSA SHADE’s arrival. Rumor has it, they are a little bit POSSESSIVE & CARELESS. Maybe we should find out for ourselves, they could be AMBITIOUS & DAUNTLESS. All we really know is they will be working at MYST as a PSYCHIC. Someone said they saw them listening to I WILL NOT BOW BY BREAKING BENJAMIN on repeat, it’s like their theme song or something. Don’t trust the gossip though, come find out for yourself. You can see them coming from a mile away in the BORDELLO by the tell tale signs, BENDING EVERY RULE JUST ENOUGH TO GET AWAY WITH IT, MAY THE BRIDGES BURNED LIGHT THE WAY, A GOLDEN CAGE IS STILL A CAGE, BARE FEET IN THE MORNINGS, THE TOUCH OF VELVET, HICKEY COVERED NECKS, CANDLES BURNING IN THE DARK, & MEMORIES THAT NEVER LEAVE YOUR MIND. [ TATI GABRIELLE, SORCERESS, DEMI FEMALE, UNKNOWN, SHE/HER&THEY/THEM ]
(trigger warnings) strong themes of abuse, forced servitude, rxpe, and violence/murder.
Before she became Viessa Shade, she was a baron’s daughter. Born only a few years after her elder sister, they were raised side-by-side. They ran as equals and friends, sharing ideas and thoughts and songs together. She knew she’d never be anything higher and that was fine with her- something inside her always told her whispers of a greater fate outside of their castle.
Viessa never dreamed of becoming anything beyond a baroness, though she always admired those in other stations and walks of life. She remembers meeting many in her younger years, the light they brought to the forest on their arrival. She remembers the warmth of a dragon’s breath and the laughter of adults when she skitters away from fear of the giant beasts. She remembers magic and spells and how the villagers came to life when the pellers came to visit. Fate once again whispered in her ear that soon she’ll be away from this place and she would see the world.
But before that could happen, this girl would suffer.
Stolen away in the night, Viessa was stripped of her clothes and dignity on her twelfth name day. A small child, unable to defend herself or hold any weaponry, she was made from an innocent soul to a broken and tormented thing. Only thirteen summers old and she was forever changed that night. The captors knew who she was by light of day and too fearful of retaliation to allow her freedom. Instead they sold her, putting a silver hoop through her nose that marked her as a servant.
The once noble daughter was told to have been killed, although no body was ever found. Her mother, father, and sister searched the forest tirelessly for any sign of her, only to be driven back to their homes on encounters with the wild creatures of the nights. None had seen the youngest daughter, none of the other races or species cared to help their search. Finally, after five summers, the searches stopped. But Viessa wasn’t free yet.
Now seventeen summers old, the once child held only distant memories of her home. Magic coursed through her veins, barely out of reach from the sorceress. For you see, the captors had learned one night that she was no ordinary daughter but a witch’s spawn. They forced a potion to her daily to dampen her magic, making her unable to use it. Barely awake, a shell of the girl she once was. Traded hands a few times at this point, she was nineteen when the first gentle hand touched her.
She wanted to scream but found herself unable to, stuck within her body she could hardly control. His fingers were softer than any she experienced before, tears poured down her cheeks. Wiped away with those silken fingers, he shushed her many times. He was but a simple man of simple means, though she never asked how he acquired her. She dared never speak, fear of a raised hand at any sound was constant. He never did. He never touched her but to wipe away tears and wash away dirt, to clean wounds.
Distant memories stirred within her but faded at the first light of each day, dreams just there on the horizon but never close enough to find. She wondered each night if that would be the night he took her but he never did. She did small tasks for him and he never asked for anything. When his hair started to grey and his skin wither in the sun she knew- he was dying. It wouldn’t be for years that Viessa understood he only wanted a warmth in his home he’d lost years before. She had reminded him of his late wife and as he aged, becoming less and less of himself, he wanted one last memory before slipping away.
But yet she wouldn’t find freedom at his passing either. Now twenty three summers old, Viessa was stronger than she’d been before with a clearer mind, a sharper view. He hadn’t used any potion to weaken her, he hadn’t been afraid of her or what she was. He knew, he understood, and he had hoped for her freedom after but she’d been taken just as quickly as she’d been bought, passed to the next hand that wanted her.
The first night he took her as a slave. Her hair was cut and burned, the ring in her nose ripped and replaced many times over weeks. But she knew not to eat or drink anything given to her. A plan formed in her mind: escape at the cost of anything, even if that meant her life. She’d rather die than suffer anymore of this life. They made a grave error, though. He did not know what he owned, who he took every night. His mistake lay in taking her to court. She was dressed in rags and her hair nearly gone, but she still looked like a fighter. The court was in an uproar, the long missing daughter returned! Viessa’s sister, now a woman herself, angered at the sight of her sister in such a state. She set him afire and watched his body burn in the middle of court. She dared anyone to step near them and face a burning death.
Home, but in a place she did not know. Missing so many years Viessa did not call this place her home anymore. She was without a home, without a family. Many times they tried but the girl was too empty, fearful, broken. Days turned to weeks and weeks into months, Viessa couldn’t call it home. She could barely call them family, though a bond tugged at her heart she couldn’t deny. Anger, fear, resentment all coursed through her. How could they give up the search so quickly, how could they give up on her? She set them aflame as anger poured into the magic and fear controlled it. Decades of untapped and uncontrolled magic threatened to bring the forest down. Thankfully it was saved and she was put into sleep.
She awoke a year later, now twenty four and less angry. In her dreams she’d spoken to a voice that soothed her, comforted her, and promised to heal her. But she would have to be patient, for they weren’t yet to meet. So Viessa waited, she practiced her wild magic and formed her skills that were kept from her. She learned that she was a wonderful sorceress, a horrid two handed-sword wielder, and an excellent psychic. Singing became her solace and with it she learned to control magic.
One year after her awakening, she met the source of the voice in her dreams. Another witch, with eyes and hair as black as night. He promised her gifts and control if she were to leave with him to another land and so she left. These lands had never felt like home and so she went.
In her new place many times she was reprimanded for harming others, though she tried to defend herself. They’d touched her, you see, and she hated being touched. She feared the brush of another’s hand so much that she lashed out and harmed them. In order to quell her anger, her new teacher would often put her in trances and sleeps that lasted days to months to years, Viessa never knew the timeline anymore. She soon forgot her own age, her family, and her purpose. Others started to grow old and die around her and it became clear she wasn’t just a witch but a sorceress, a being of immeasurable power. She stopped aging long ago but she’s unsure as of when.
Eventually, her tutor and those around her either passed or moved on in life. Once again, she was alone. In this moment, she created her new self- her name and her story. Viessa Shade, the immortal flame. Sorceress. Travelling the world from place to place, growing and changing with the times. She watched as civilizations rose and fell, kings came to power and the people seized it from the crown. She aided in building worlds and destroying lands, whatever gave her the desire and the world.
WC 001. A coven of witches that Viessa seems to have gotten to follow her. They practice darker magics, often those frowned upon by other practitioners and have banded together in solidarity and necessity. Viessa keeps them safe and in return, they do her bidding from time to time.
WC 002. What’s life without a little spice. Another immortal that seems to have caught Viessa’s attention- either good or bad is yet to be determined. These two keep crossing paths as if the fates themselves are playing a hand in this and it’s either ends in bloodshed or cities burning when the two get together. She can’t tell if she hates this person or if they’re something more to her.
WC 003. Many years, many enemies. Viessa did something to slight them ages ago and they have yet to let it go. Tracking the sorceress down from land to land, they’re intent on making her pay for whatever crimes she’s committed over the years.
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talktowendys-blog · 5 years
Colonel increment
At the point when Dave returned home from serving in the Korean War in the mid-1950's, he returned back to Hobby House, one of the eateries he worked at already in Fort Wayne. It was during this time he kept running into Colonel Sanders, who at the time was amidst attempting to sell his KFC establishment the nation over. Colonel Sanders in the long run got the proprietors of Hobby House to establishment a portion of his chicken eateries, which allowed Dave the chance to work close by The Colonel.
 In any case, a portion of the establishments started to battle with deals and The Colonel made Dave an offer that in the event that he could help pivot the stores, he would be granted value intrigue.
 By the late 1960's, Dave had expanded deals at the establishment stores and as an afterthought, helped The  KFC marking/promoting endeavors. This achievement roused Dave to at long last branch out alone with an inventive burger idea, selling back to The Colonel his KFC establishment possession intrigue (apparently around $1.5 million) and utilizing the funding to help dispatch his own venture.
 Wendy's Is Born With Rapid Growth
 From the outset, Dave battled with what to name his burger idea and inevitably settled in on the moniker of one of his little girls, Melinda Lou Thomas. Melinda's epithet was "Wendy" on the grounds that at the time (being just seven or eight years of age) she attempted to articulate her complete name and was rather given the "Wendy" moniker. Dave chose to name his business "Wendy's" and opened the primary café on Saturday, November 15, 1969 in Columbus, Ohio with the slogan "Quality Is Our Recipe"
 From 1970 to 1982, the Wendy's activities developed quickly to more than 1,000 units. This fast development was expected to a limited extent to Dave changing the "Get Window" idea, utilizing crisp meat for their burgers, presenting a full serving of mixed greens bar, presenting a 99 pennies Super Value Menu, and upsetting the manner in which establishments were sold by offering them in mass to urban communities/districts, instead of as individual units.
 Fast Slowdown
 Dave would proceed to resign from Wendy's in 1982, and during Dave's nonattendance the brand started encountering different operational issues. The new administration's heading hurt the organization's marking, hurt its diversifying bearing, and made another menu that wasn't emphatically gotten from people in general. These conditions prompted diminished deals no matter how you look at it and a sensational log jam in diversifying. Accordingly, the new authority in the long run collapsed and encouraged Dave to come back to the organization in the late 1980s to spare the brand and set it back on the development track.
 Super Dave Saves The Day
 Dave's first request of business was to visit franchisees proposing that they gain a "M.B.A.", which for this situation didn't represent Master of Business Administration, however rather meant "mop basin demeanor".
 It was a mentality of putting the clients first and serving them excitedly as though your only remaining dollar relied upon it. It was a move back in attitude to making an activity that put the clients at the focal point of the choices being made, including that of the menu postings.
 Likewise, Dave would start his across the country business crusades that would in the end lead not to simply putting the Wendy's image and activities back on the development track, yet to Dave turning into a dearest universal good example and superstar. A large number of the fruitful advertisements highlighted Dave himself, while others either exclusively or visitor included different performers, for example, Clara Peller with the mainstream "Where's The Beef?" battle. Dave would keep on driving the Wendy's image from the late 1980's until the hour of his demise on Tuesday, January 8, 2002. Today in 2018, Wendy's has more than 6,500 areas internationally and is the third biggest cheeseburger chain, trailing just McDonald's and Burger King.
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blackandbrownspoons · 6 years
#BlackHistoryMonth: Disability History is Black History is American History
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[Image Description: A graphic featuring a vintage brown photo of Harriet Tubman against a white background next to gray, black, and brown text that reads “disability history is black history is american history.” @blackbrownspoon]
Each year in February, America reflects on milestones and achievements in the Black community, as well as its role in shaping American history. Often left out of this discussion is the integral role that disability, healthcare, and the treatment of black bodies played in shaping Black history and American history as a whole. So please enjoy a timeline of #DisabledBlackHistory that shows some of the most well-known Black historical events-- and the influence of disabled POC and black bodies on those events. 
(This post may contain affiliate links. See my disclaimer for more details.)
*TW/Note: These events may feature ableist/racist stereotypes or notably graphic/triggering depictions of abuse, mistreatment, or trauma of disabled POC. Feel free to read at your own risk.
Slaves are legally transported from Africa to the Americas through the Middle Passage, the route slaves traders took across the Atlantic Ocean via slave ships. Captives were housed in tightly confined, unsanitary compartments in the ship, at times stacked onto each other. Physical and medical neglect and abuse were the norm, and as a rule captives were forced to release bodily fluids where they were seated, leading to the spread of infectious diseases. An estimated 15% of captives did not survive the journey, with a total of up to 2 million deaths as a result of the Middle Passage until the importing of slaves was outlawed in the US in 1808.
Read more: “Slavery at Sea: Terror, Sex, and Sickness in the Middle Passage” by Sowande M. Mustakeem 
“The Dozens” is a well-known, rich tradition within the African American community in which participants playfully (or not so much) drag not only each other, but often their moms with a series of incisive, targeted jokes. Less well known about the tradition is its roots during slavery, as it was often used by slaves to judge and devalue other slaves on the basis of their flaws-- frequently of their apparent disabilities. According to Krip Hop Nation, “The name itself [“The Dozens”] refers to the sale of slaves who had been overworked, were disabled, or beaten-down – their physical (and often mental) conditions affected their value and they were sold by the dozen, which was considered by slaves, the lowest position within the community.” The game was played as an “outlet of aggression” for slaves who could not yet fight or prevent their oppression or the discarding of slaves on an ableist basis, but could instead encourage each other to develop a thick skin emotionally in the meantime.
Read more: Yo Mama! New Raps, Toasts, Dozens, Jokes, and Children's Rhymes From Urban Black America by Onwuchekwa Jemie 
Colonies develop “Slaves Codes” that, for the first time, codify that slavery will happen on the basis of skin color alone. Previously, indentured servants and slaves were of every race. Once Slave Codes limited slavery solely to African Americans, physicians and academics became instrumental in the medicalization of slavery and pathologization of blackness to justify continuing slavery.
Read more: Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings That Formed the Movement by Kimberle Crenshaw, N. Gotanda, G. Peller, and K. Thomas 
Physician Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence and Surgeon General of the Continental Army during the American Revolution, theorizes a disease known as “negritude”, which he considered a form of congenital leprosy, to explain dark skin tones, which could be treated with aggressive rubbing of the skin.
Read more: Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present by Harriet A. Washington 
Physician Samuel Cartwright theorizes diseases to explain disobedient or rebellious slaves. “Drapetomania” is a curable mental illness in which slaves develop the desire to run away from their masters and obtain freedom, which is treated by keeping slaves “well-fed and clothed” and “not overworked”. “Dysaethesia Aethiopica”, or “rascality” in layman’s terms, is another mental illness marked by a “difficult [...] mind and sensibility” that are “apt to do much mischief” and “slight their work” whose root cause is “negro liberty”, which is curable via whippings and abuse.
Read more: Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present by Harriet A. Washington
Slavery ends in the North, and continues in the South, sparking the Abolitionist Movement. The Underground Railroad, a network of safe houses owned by freed African Americans and White allies from the South leading into the Northern US and Canada, is established to allow slaves to escape often by foot. The most well-known “conductor” of the Railroad was Harriet Tubman, an escaped slave woman who developed a traumatic brain injury and consequently epilepsy and narcolepsy while enslaved and eventually facilitated the freedom of more than 70 slaves.
Read more: Harriet Tubman: Myth, Memory, and History by Milton C. Sernett 
While growing medical literature distinguishes blackness as a syndrome and Black people as a separate species, physicians simultaneously primarily use slaves for experimentation of new procedures and treatments to generalize for use in mainstream white populations. J. Marion Sims, known as the father of modern gynecology, created the speculum and a procedure to repair post-childbirth vaginal fistulas by buying and experimenting on slaves. Despite being available in 1845, Sims did not use anesthesia on his black female subjects because Black people were believed to experience less pain from injury. This has long been debunked.
Read more: Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present by Harriet A. Washington 
Mid 1800’s-Early 1900’s: 
Traveling vaudeville and circus acts are the leading form of entertainment in the US. Many vaudeville acts prominently feature minstrelsy or “blackface”, the act of White (and eventually some Black) actors painting their skin to take on a caricatured, deliberately mocking impression of African Americans. The first popular blackface act was “Jumping Jim Crow” in the 1820’s, said to be inspired by the dance of a physically disabled slave by the same name. Travelling circus acts prominently feature “freakshows” featuring performers displaying their rare conditions and disabilities, including dwarfism, albinism, and other conditions. African Americans were frequently used in these acts. Sarah Baartman, known as the “Hottentot Venus” was put on display due to having an exaggeratedly large bottom due to a condition called steatopygia.
Read more: Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present by Harriet A. Washington
The Civil War is fought, and won by the North following the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, which eventually led to the freedom of slaves starting on June 19th, 1865 (otherwise celebrated as Juneteenth). Black soldiers were an integral part of the Union’s victory, with more than 15 soldier earning a Medal of Honor after the war. Those who fought in the war are also the first African Americans to receive federal disability pensions for veterans.
Read more: Intensely Human: The Health of the Black Soldier in the American Civil War by Margaret Humphreys 
Late 1800’s: 
Following the abolishment of the 13th Amendment and of slavery, all Southern States eventually passed “Black Codes” and “Jim Crow Laws” to segregate and restrict the rights of former slaves and their descendants during Reconstruction. This leads to segregations of most major institutions and facilities, including hospitals, schools, and facilities for people with disabilities. Black physicians build their careers during this time via segregated hospitals, nursing and medical schools, medical journals and-- in response to the whites-only American Medical Association at the time-- establishing the National Medical Association specifically for African Americans.
Read more: Just Medicine: A Cure for Racial Inequality in American Health Care by Dayna Bowen Matthew
Booker T. Washington establishes the Tuskegee institute, which initially teaches nursing and eventually established the first Veterans Hospital for African Americans. He also founded “National Negro Health Week” in the 1920’s to spotlight unaddressed health disparities in the African American community. It spotlights diseases prevalent in the Black community, particularly syphilis and tuberculosis. At the time, African Americans are believed to be predisposed to these diseases due to genetics. Germ Theory later emerges in the 1930’s that reveals that both diseases are infectious. Their prevalence in Black communities is later explained by segregation and poverty concentrating and restricting African Americans to living under unsanitary conditions in low-income communities.
Read more: Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present by Harriet A. Washington
 Early 1900’s: 
The field of “Eugenics” is created and mainstreamed in the United States via the American Eugenics Society. The eugenics movement, which originally promoted selective breeding for exceptionally positive traits in affluent communities, eventually focused on eliminating negative traits across society. Eugenicists lobbied for legislation in many states to forcibly sterilize groups with high rates of “undesirable” traits, primarily in poor, disabled, and minority communities. The US Supreme Court upheld the practice in the case Buck vs. Bell in 1927. This resulted in the forced sterilization of over 64,000 people (a low estimate) in the United States alone. The rise of the Nazi movement in Germany and the Holocaust eventually led the movement to lose power by the 1940s, but the practice of involuntary sterilization continued until the mid-1970s, and laws are not codified explicitly banning it until as late as the 2000s.
Read more: Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present by Harriet A. Washington
Hitler assumes power, begins the Third Reich, and eventually begins the Holocaust by segregating, interning, and engaging in genocide of Jewish people, other ethnic minorities, and disabled people across Germany and Western Europe, triggering World War II. Hitler cites American eugenics and sterilization laws as his inspiration for ethnic cleansing and segregation. Over 100,000 African Americans fight in World War II, under segregated conditions. The victory of the US in World War II is thought to be one of the catalysts of the Civil Rights movement and ending of segregation in the US.
Read more: Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present by Harriet A. Washington 
Mid 1930-1970’s: 
The “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male”, also known as the Tuskegee Experiments, is initiated by the United States Public Health Service in the 1930s. Contrary to the popular misconception, the study did not infect any African American participants with syphilis. However, a small, predominantly African American community in Alabama was targeted for its high rate of syphilis infections before treatment existed. The goal of the study was to gain an understanding of the long-term effects of syphilis and to discover a potential treatment. Very early into the study, penicillin was discovered as a treatment for syphilis and other bacterial infections and mainstreamed quickly into medical practice around the country. Up to 600 Black participants in the study, however, were left untreated for syphilis during the course of the decades-long study. Many participants were never offered treatment, not formally diagnosed with syphilis but told they had “bad blood”, enticed into continuing treatment in the participating hospital with free healthcare, and given placebos and experimental treatments in place of penicillin. The study was later stopped and abandoned due to these unethical practices, and revealed to the public in the 1970’s with led to lawsuits and congressional hearings. A number of medical studies followed a similar practice of withholding treatment during this era, which disproportionately targeted Black civilians and prisoners in the US.
Read more: Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present by Harriet A. Washington
A number of advances in the medical field and science emerge starting in the post-World War era, among them the discovery of the Polio Vaccine in the 1950′s, advances in cancer treatment, and by the end of the 20th century the study of the human genome. A little-known fact about each of these discoveries is that they are in part thanks to a black woman named Henrietta Lacks. Lacks died in 1951 of a rare form of cancer that produced the first known “immortal cells” that would reproduce outside of the human body indefinitely. Her cancerous tissue, now known as “HeLa cells”, have since been used by researchers to develop treatments and cures of many diseases. Her contribution to medicine is controversial, however, because her tissue was taken without her consent and her family initially was neither made aware of, nor as of today compensated for, the medical discoveries her tissue facilitated.
Read more: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
The Supreme Court case Brown vs. Board of Education finds “separate, but equal” segregated facilities unconstitutional and inherently unequal, which slowly leads to the integration of schools, hospitals, and other public facilities. This win eventually sparks the Civil Rights Movement and victories such as the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act in the 1960’s. Among prominent leaders in the movement is Fannie Lou Hamer, who helped organize the Freedom Summer in Mississippi to register Black residents to vote. Fannie Lou Hamer is a survivor of an involuntary hysterectomy, which occurred without her knowledge during a procedure for chronic kidney disease and was a result of forced sterilization laws that targeted Black women and were popular in the South. Another prominent group was the Black Panther Party who, while advocating for Black power, also provided for local Black communities with free healthcare clinics and food pantries. Bradley Lomax, a Black Panther with Multiple Sclerosis, helped to organize the occupation of regional offices of the US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) for disability rights, knowns are the “504 Sit-ins” that led to the addition of Section 504 of the American Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a precursor to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Read more: Body and Soul: The Black Panther Party and the Fight against Medical Discrimination by Alondra Nelson 
The HIV/AIDS epidemic begins in the early 1980s. It’s first clinically observed in gay communities and receives the name “gay-related immune deficiency” (GRID) until it’s observed in non-LGBTQ communities and receives the name AIDS in 1982. The disease eventually gets the reputation of affecting “the 4-H Club”-- primarily attacking 1) heroine and intravenous (IV/needle) drug users, 2) hemophiliacs and chronically ill patients who give and receive blood in medical settings, 3) homosexuals and the LGBTQ community, and 4) Haitians and poor Black communities in the US and, eventually, globally. The United States government was slow to fund research for AIDS through much of the 1980’s, and one of the Reagan Administration’s first references to the disease was to propose a travel ban on immigrants and tourists with the disease in 1987. While treatment and prevention methods eventually cut infection and mortality rates for HIV, both cisgender and transgender women of color are disproportionately infected and die from AIDS.
Read more: And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic by Randy Shilts
Disability rights advocacy leads to the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The ADA ensures the right to “reasonable accommodation” for people with disabilities in public spaces in the US. The ADA is the basis on which Olmstead vs. L.C. and E.W. is decided, which allows people with disabilities to be able to live in their communities rather than be put in nursing homes and other institutions. One of the plaintiffs in the case is Louis Curtis (L.C.), a black woman with a developmental disability.
Read more: Americans with Disabilities: Exploring Implications of the Law for Individuals and Institutions by Leslie Francis and Anita Silva
A series of highly publicized, viral extra-judicial killings of unarmed African Americans by police and white civilians in the news and social media sparks the beginning of the Black Lives Matter movement, which advocates accountability for police brutality and discriminatory treatment of Black people by American institutions. Several of the most high-profile victims of the BLM movement, such as Eric Garner, Keith Lamont Scott, Freddie Gray, Sandra Bland, Deborah Banner, and Laquan McDonald had some form of disability, medical or mental condition. Disabled and deaf people are disproportionately targeted by police brutality due to police hyper-reliance on “compliance” by those facing arrest.
Read more: Disability Incarcerated: Imprisonment and Disability in the United States and Canada by L. Ben-Moshe, C. Chapman, A. Carey 
You can find many of these milestones and more events in Black Disability History at the online Museum of Disability History. 
Were they any major milestones in Black History that were missed? Please reach out to add it to the list!
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bit2geek · 4 years
O super-pesado Vulcan Centaur vai mesmo voar em 2021!
O foguetão Vulcan Centaur vai mesmo voar em 2021. A United Lauch Alliance vai inaugurar as hostilidades com a entrega do lander Peregrine na Lua em 2021! #Vulcan #VulcanCentaur #Astrobotic #ULA #NASA #foguetão
A ULA (United Lauch Alliance) anunciou em Agosto passado (há quase um ano atrás) já ter angariado os seus primeiros clientes para o novo e poderoso foguetão Vulcan Centaur, que começou em Setembro passado os testes para do seu “upper stage” (segundo estágio ou estágio superior, que dá a propulsão à nave espacial), no departamento Dynetics da ULA. Sendo um foguetão super-pesado, com maior…
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onpoli · 6 years
Hamilton police say there's not enough evidence to lay charges in a voter fraud investigation into a Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas (HWAD) Ontario PC nomination, even though they made two arrests and found evidence that a dead person voted.
Police say they've closed an investigation dating back to spring 2017. That's when investigators started looking into claims that an HWAD nomination meeting was rigged in favour of federal Conservative staffer Ben Levitt when it should actually have gone to local lawyer Vikram Singh.
Investigators say they uncovered forms that "appeared to have been falsified" from the credentials table, where Singh and challenger Jeff Peller have always maintained party officials tipped the scales in Levitt's favour. They even found that one person who appeared to have voted that night died a week earlier.
The forms from the credentials table were "all marked in what appeared to be a similar manner.... These ballots were all votes for Ben Levitt," said police. Police said they interviewed people named on the forms and found they didn't actually attend the meeting and did not vote.
Police seized more than 61 items as evidence, including 1,800 PC Party ballots, 345 credentials referral forms and 1,648 pages of email correspondence. They also interviewed nearly 150 witnesses from multiple jurisdictions and executed 15 judicial authorizations.
But in the end, police say, there wasn't enough to charge anyone.
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bomberqueen17 · 6 years
clotpoleofthelord replied to your post “not shaped like a human”
I KNOW HOW THIS GOES SOMEWHAT. I'm a 32G and it's a goddamn nightmare finding bras that fit. Have you tried Bravissimo? I've had some luck with theirs (and also FREE RETURNS)
I have actually GONE TO BRAVISSIMO IN PERSON. I shopped there before they offered free returns, Back In The Day, I don’t want to talk about how much I spent, and I went to London in ‘08 for other purposes but while I was there, I got sized there.
They did not have a single bra in stock in their flagship London store that fit me. This was exceptionally unfortunate, as I was in London to attend a wedding, and had brought a dress for which I was actually counting on finding a bra to go with, since They Have Great Bras in the UK, you can get Anything in London, except as it turns out you CANNOT get a plunge-front 32J in any color or make for any kind of money, so I had to safety-pin my dress to my old fucking imported bra I’d brought intending to abandon it. Amazing! Yes, my boob fell out of my dress in front of the father of the bride after I’d had basically an entire bottle of wine on my own, but it didn’t matter because so had he, and he just laughed, so. THANKS BRAVISSIMO.
I also went to, I forget the name now, the lingerie-maker who has like made bras for the Queen and stuff (maybe rigby and peller? sounds familiar?), and they were also very helpful, and also, womp womp, did not have a single bra in stock that fit me. (”We could have this one altered, it would take a week. Are you local?” “No.” “... I could pin it out for you so you could have it altered when you got home.” “Mmmm... no.” [It was over a hundred dollars, with the exchange rate of the time. For a bra that didn’t fit me. I can get a bra that doesn’t fit me for a lot less than that any old where.]) At least they helped me understand that I required a specific shape of bra for optimum support. I’ve never really found one that fit properly, but the ones with that specific shape (three-part cups, with a non-stretch component as the outermost part nearest the armpit, if you were curious-- oh, like this one) are the most fault-tolerant.)
thebyrchentwigges replied to your post “not shaped like a human”
er um are you familiar with the world of full-bust style blogs? hourglassy? curvywordy? fuller figure fuller bust? they may have the bra hook up for you...even if you have to go to Poland for it! Ewa Michalak maybe...and I know about these blogs for two reasons, the left one and the right one ;D
Oh gosh. I used to follow a lot of blogs. I knew all the great URLs, I knew all the sites that carry all the brands. I used to be super up on all of it. And then I stopped caring, because it was so goddamn futile. I’m just so old now, and so tired. I’ve imported bras from all over. You can get more of them domestically than you used to be able to. It’s great. It doesn’t matter.
They always poke me in the armpits, slide off my shoulders, stretch out funny... fit for a while, then don’t... the underwires dig in and leave red marks on my ribs... eventually the underwires escape their channels and stab me in the chin... and no matter how exquisite the thing looks when I put it on, I’m never happier than when I’m taking it off. 
Fuck it, I’ll just buy cheap bras that don’t really make that much of an effort to fit, as long as they don’t actively hurt me. That’s the point I’m at now. Fifteen years ago, I spent cumulatively thousands of dollars trying to find The Perfect Fit. Now I’m just old, and fucking tired. I’m glad there are a new generation of blogs now. I just don’t think I’m going to bother throwing myself in to caring about it again, because all it got me was a drawer full of thousands of dollars of ill-fitting overpriced lacy shit and no actual improvement in my self-esteem.
I have never. Never! Owned a bra that actually fit me, was comfortable to wear for more than an hour, and actually looked nice in any way at all. I can pick maybe one of those three features; I’ve never even had two out of three, and I’ve actually never had number one at all, really. 
And after literally decades of effort, I think maybe I’m finally ready to give the fuck up.
thesacredreznor replied to your post “not shaped like a human”
that sounds hellish! makes me grateful that mostly i fit regular (plus sized) bras. although i do frequently get the issue where the cups are too far apart for me, probably because i am a short fat.
I am of perfectly average height, and of just slightly over average girth, and I just. Have a freakishly small ribcage, and narrow shoulders. (And you’d think, oh, primo candidate for racerback or halter styles! Unforch, those are the worst, because I get pinched nerves and then can’t function. Amazing!) 
I am not designed to wear bras. Unfortunately, I need bust support, or I can’t comfortably descend stairs. So, I have to. 
I’ve just given up on being “flattered” while I do it. If I just wear two shitty bras, a plain ugly one and a cute lacy one, then I can feel cute, and probably not die of discomfort. That’s all I get, nowadays.
It’s just so easy to get sucked back into spending money on wishes and dreams and “empowerment” and “you’ll look so much better if you” you know what, I look better with these hundreds of dollars in my pocket, thanks. 
It’s just such a compelling dream. And the sewing blogs make it look so easy. But it is not. It will not work. I need to stop torturing myself. I spent hours just last night going through herroom dot com looking at all the beautiful-- oh the lace-- oh they have a universal sizing system-- they do the conversion for you-- that’s great-- look at-- oh-- wow--- that’s--- wow I have like no options and actually, I’ve bought that one before, it did Not hold up. 
(Of course I downloaded the one free pattern and of course I’m going to try to grade it up and of course it’s not going to work! But I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t periodically torture myself with this absolute fucking horseshit now and then.)
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youthsloadedmedia · 2 years
2023: Presidency Should Be Zoned To A Southern Christian - Shina Peller
2023: Presidency Should Be Zoned To A Southern Christian – Shina Peller
2023: Presidency Should Be Zoned To A Southern Christian – Shina Peller Dr Shina Peller, has said for the sake of equity and fairness, the next president of Nigeria should come from South. Peller is a member representing Iseyin/Itesiwaju/Kajola/Iwajowa in the House of Representatives. Speaking at an event to mark his 46th birthday in Abuja, Peller said although he does not believe in zoning,…
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innocentamit · 3 years
Report: Gen. Milley Reveals Peller 'Crazy' Trump Cannot Start Nukes Alone
Report: Gen. Milley Reveals Peller ‘Crazy’ Trump Cannot Start Nukes Alone
House spokeswoman Nancy Pelosi reportedly called General Mark Milley following a riot at the Capitol in January to express their concern that Trump’s “crazy” President ate lunch, but the General assured him he could not start the war alone. This, according to reports in a new book called, Danger. New York Times details of the discussion what happened between Milley, he is threatened with what he…
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topnewsmedia · 3 years
Hon Shina Peller Performs Groundbreaking of Mkh Smart Homes in Ibadan
Hon Shina Peller Performs Groundbreaking of Mkh Smart Homes in Ibadan
    Hon Shina Peller on Saturday leads dignitaries to the sod-turning ceremony of MKH Smart homes to mark the commencement of the construction of the smart homes project which comprises 2 and 3 bedroom Bungalows + Bqs in Ido Community Ibadan.     The project is aimed at providing a contemporary home in the exclusive environment of Ido, Ibadan in Oyo State.   Honourable Shina Peller praised the…
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sciencespies · 3 years
Bruno: The next big thing for ULA is a long-endurance upper stage
Bruno: The next big thing for ULA is a long-endurance upper stage
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ULA is still betting on long-endurance upper stages and believes the technology has a bright future. 
WASHINGTON — When United Launch Alliance started to develop its new Vulcan rocket, it envisioned using a new upper stage called ACES, short for advanced cryogenic evolved stage. ULA’s president and CEO Tory Bruno described it in 2018 as a transportation system that would operate in space for weeks or months performing missions in different orbits.
ULA later changed course and decided that its Vulcan Centaur would use the Centaur 5, a larger and more powerful version of the Atlas 5 upper stage.
Speaking April 7 at the America’s Future Series space innovation summit, Bruno said ULA is still betting on long-endurance upper stages and believes the technology has a bright future. 
“We think it’s going to be really all about that through-space transportation, and the things that upper stages can do,” Bruno said. 
The launch industry has mastered the ability to deliver payloads to orbit so the future is about figuring out applications that a vehicle can do after satellite deployment, said Bruno. 
An upper stage, for example, could operate as a tug in space beyond Earth’s orbit or around the lunar orbit. The U.S. government could, for instance, use the vehicle to drop off multiple payloads on different orbits. 
Getting to orbit is getting easier and it’s no longer a problem to be solved, Bruno said. “The next thing is all about the upper stages. And we have a pretty big lead in terms of our technical capabilities to reach complex, high energy orbits over our competitors.”
ULA vice president Mark Peller said at a conference last year that the company was no longer pursuing the ACES concept but that the research from that effort “has its fingerprints” in the Centaur 5.
Bruno said Vulcan’s Centaur 5 has 40% more endurance and two and a half times more energy than the upper stage ULA currently flies. 
“But that’s just the tip of the iceberg,” Bruno added. “I’m going to be pushing up to 450, 500, 600 times the endurance over just the next handful of years. That will enable a whole new set of missions that you cannot even imagine doing today.”
ULA is confident upper stage capabilities will pay off as more infrastructure is developed in space, said Bruno. “There is tremendous economic potential between here and the moon that can be capitalized upon.”
“And what I see is more focus and real leverage to be gained from through-space transportation,” he said. “It’s going to be about reusability that occurs in space, it will be about the upper stages.”
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thisdaynews · 3 years
Twitter Ban: Mark Gbillah Threatens To Ground Plenary If House Prevents Debate
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/twitter-ban-mark-gbillah-threatens-to-ground-plenary-if-house-prevents-debate/
Twitter Ban: Mark Gbillah Threatens To Ground Plenary If House Prevents Debate
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An individual from the House of Representatives, Mark Gbillah (PDP, Benue), has said he will attempt to end Tuesday’s authoritative continuing if an endeavor is made by the initiative of the House to prevent individuals from talking about the ‘illicit Twitter boycott.’
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Mr Gbillah, who addresses Gwer East/Gwer West government electorate of Benue State, while talking with PREMIUM TIMES on Saturday, encouraged his partners in the National Assembly to surrender party dependability and address the penetrate of Sections 35 and 39 of the Nigerian Constitution on the privileges of Nigerians to free discourse and opportunity of articulation.
The legislator said President Muhamadu Buhari would have confronted a denunciation interaction in the event that he had been the leader of a more fair country.
He said the boycott is an affirmation that Mr Buhari’s organization has not been administering as indicated by the standards of the Constitution.
House Leadership’s Interventions
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There have been cases where the House initiative has utilized details to keep the resistance from raising basic issues that worry the activities of the leader arm of government.
Mr Gbillah was once forestalled by the Deputy Speaker, Idris Wase (APC, Plateau), from presenting an appeal from the Mutual Union of Tivs in America (MUTA) on the killings in Benue. Mr Wase, who directed the House sitting on that day, decided that Nigerians living abroad reserved no option to present an appeal to the House even through an administrator.
It took fight by Nigerians in the Diaspora for the administration of the House to permit Mr Gbillah to present the request.
Likewise, during the warmth of the contention encompassing the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Ali Pantami, a state of advantage was raised by minority pioneer Ndudi Elumelu.
The matter was not permitted to be bantered by the Speaker, Femi Gbajabiamia, who contended that Mr Elumelu raised the issue under some unacceptable convention.
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Additionally, during the ENDSARS fight, there was a quarrel between the agent speaker and Shina Peller (APC, Oyo), after the previous, who directed the entire meeting, wouldn’t permit Mr Peller the chance to raise an important matter.
The Twitter Ban
PREMIUM TIMES announced the boycott of the microblogging website, Twitter, by the government.
This came two days after Twitter brought down a disputable tweet by President Muhammadu Buhari which the microblogging website said abused its principles. Numerous Nigerians had portrayed the tweet as a subtle provocation of viciousness against the Igbo ethnic gathering while others differ saying it was focused at culprits of brutality.
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Notwithstanding the boycott, Nigerians have kept on getting to Twitter, through Virtual Private Network (VPN). In any case, the Attorney General of the Federation, Abubakar Malami, reported that his service will arraign Nigerians bypassing the limitation.
Head legal officer of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami.
Mr Malami, in a proclamation on Saturday, guided the Director of Public Prosecution to liaise with the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) to indict Nigerians abusing the boycott.
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Up until this point, the initiative of the House and the Senate have not remarked on the Twitter boycott.
On Saturday, the European Union, close by the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and the Republic of Ireland, given a joint articulation, communicating their resistance to the boycott.
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hudsonespie · 4 years
Two RAstar 3200-CL Tugs Delivered to Yiu Lian Dockyards Ltd
The HAI KUN, a Robert Allan Ltd. designed RAstar 3200-CL tug built by Cheoy Lee Shipyards was successfully delivered to Yiu Lian Dockyards Ltd., Hong Kong on July 15, 2020. The first half of a two vessel contract, the HAI KUN completed her sea trials with flying colours, achieving 88 tonnes bollard pull and a speed of 13.5 knots at 100% engine MCR.
This delivery marks the 21st vessel built and delivered by Cheoy Lee of the very successful RAstar 3200 CLdesign. Unique modifications were implemented to this hull to accommodate both the owner’s selected Niigata propulsion package and the required escort capability of the tug. This included a re-design of the skeg and simulations using our in-house computational fluid dynamics capability to confirm the tug’s expected escort performance. Other modifications to accommodation layout, etc. were also made to suit the owner’s preferences.
The HAI KUN will be joined by her sister the HAI PENG in August 2020.
The Particulars of tugboat HAI KUN are:
Length Overall: 32.00 m (excluding fenders)
Beam, moulded: 12.80 m
Depth, moulded: 5.37 m
Maximum Nav: 5.83 m
Gross Tonnage: 492
Fuel oil: 166 m3
Potable water: 49 m3
The tug was designed and constructed to the following Lloyd’s Register notation:
?100A1 Escort Tug, Fire Fighting Ship 1 (2400 m3/hr) with water spray, *IWS, ?LMC, Ship Right IHM
The vessel’s accommodations are outfitted to MLC compliant standards for a crew of up to 10 personnel. The master’s and chief engineer’s cabins are each outfitted with private ensuite washrooms, while one common washroom is located on each of the main and lower decks along with the remainder of the cabins.
Main propulsion for the tug comprises a pair of Niigata 8L28AHX main engines, each rated at 2574 kW at 750 rpm, driving a pair of Niigata ZP-41B Z-Peller propulsion units with AGCP192Y slipping built in clutch and 2,700mm diameter fixed pitch propellers.
Two (2) identical diesel gensets of 136 ekW each provide electrical power to the vessel.
The deck machinery comprises a MacGregor hydraulic anchor windlass/double drum escort towing winch, model MG-HAET/GDG-22-1223U02096x2, on the bow spooled with 200 m line on each drum. A Mampaey disc-type towing hook is installed on the main deck aft for line towing operations.
For more information on the HAI KUN tug or on any other vessel designs developed by Robert Allan Ltd., please contact [email protected].
from Storage Containers https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/two-rastar-3200-cl-tugs-delivered-to-yiu-lian-dockyards-ltd via http://www.rssmix.com/
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