#Marko LeveL
marko-level · 1 year
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Marko LeveL live at Bar Nancy 5.10.23
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rickybaby · 3 months
Peter Bayer is so annoying, every time he opens his mouth it doesn't make Daniel's situation any better. He brings chaos to everything around Daniel with his cowardice and inability to stand up for his team. How can he say that it's good that Daniel deleted his IG when we have to ask for updates on his life through IG posts that he posts no more than 20 times a year. I hate peter so much 🤬🤬🤬
In the past few days, I've made up my mind to not pay any attention to what's said in the media about Daniel - whether that's from Helmut, Bayer, Laurent or Christian.
Red Bull is currently a political bloodbath and Daniel, being the only driver without a contract, has become a pawn in that game. Whether this means Daniel is more likely or less likely to get renewed for next year - I don't know. These past 4-5 races have shown Daniel in on an upward trajectory, and if people are wilfully ignoring that, it just shows there are factors other than performance at play.
It sucks, but I also think what will be, will be and we should just enjoy Daniel racing. Like these three races obviously mean a lot to him - his 250th start, his birthday, his parents staying back in europe for all this and him having Jack around to document it all!
I think the one thing I'm holding dear is Daniel's comment that they overachieved in Austria. It's been so long that he's said something like that - it just shows he is finally performing at that level where he is satisfied with himself, that he's putting everything into it and it feels like a personal reward to himself
Also just saying that yeah, Daniel is caught up in the red bull power struggle, but that man is also cut from the old red bull cloth - he can play that political game in his sleep. So he's not an unfortunate collateral as much as we'd like to think.
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r0yalgrimmartz · 6 months
Priest: Do you, Chazz, take Kore to be your wife, in sickness and health?
Chazz: Absolutely.
Kore: Aww!
Chazz: But I swear to god if somehow I die and you immediately move on and it's someone hot and richer, I will haunt you and your future kids.
Kore: What?
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l-arlo · 1 year
Here’s my two cents. I don’t think DR will replace Nyck mid season. Why? well, before announcing he has “ants in his pants” I would’ve said it’s cause he wants the time off and has plans to travel around the world but after reading that it’s bc he’s booked and busy with other obligations. I think he wants that rb seat no matter what. If that means driving for alpha in 24 then he’ll do it. If he wows in the tyre test, if he knocks their socks off then he’ll get the alpha seat and if he impresses in 24 he might be considered as an option for rb in 25 cause so far they have no reason to drop Perez and if he actually gets his shit together they might extend his contract. Also, if Leclerc is available in 25 they will without a doubt sign him up. So many circumstances to consider but hopefully everything will turn out for the best.
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ohsalome · 1 year
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Taken in Donetsk in 1932-33, this photograph shows a “kulak” woman and her small child being evicted from their home in winter, dispossessed of everything but a small wagonload of their belongings pulled by hand behind them. Photo by Marko Zhelizniak.
This is the people tankies would want you to believe had the Marie Antoinette level of luxury. I wonder how many carts like those would be required to transport everything an average western tankie owns.
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vampyr-charms · 3 months
The order I think The Lost Boys were turned in
- David
I don’t know he really just seems like he was the first that was turned, and that could be because he gets the most lines in the movie/book but he just gives off the vibe that he’s been a vampire longer than the others.
- Marko
in any of the scenes where all of the vampires are together, David usually is asking Marko to do some thing and Alex Winter said in like an article that the way that he played the character of Marko is that David was his pimp so yeah. Again in any of the scenes that David needs somebody to do some thing it is always Marko he calls for, so maybe there is a level of trust there since he would be the second oldest, and they have known each other longer.
- Dwayne
unfortunately, Dwayne doesn’t have a lot of lines in the book nor the movie, but he just gives off middle sibling vibes. He’s kind of quiet he keeps him self. He’s the big strong and silent type. and in the book star described him as being awkward.
- Paul
now this one is actually 1000% canon because in the book Star states that before she became a vampire that it was Paul,  and so he was always a lot nicer to her than the rest of the boys because he still had some of his human feelings, and understood what it was like being the newest little sibling. She also states he would always check up on her when he noticed she was upset and always tried to make her laugh.
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tac-the-unseen · 5 months
What the Lost boys think about vampire related media
Fluff, x reader but just barely
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•While making conversation with your four Vampire lovers you were suddenly plagued with a question.
“How do you guys feel about vampire related media?”
-That question was an immediate head turner. The cave goes dead quite before Dwayne speaks up, “Well…vampires are in hiding so…”
-This sparks a conversation about how media representation of vampires may not be accurate, but that's a good thing. “If a book or movie comes out and it is shockingly accurate to what being a vampire is really like, the creator isn't going to last long.” David explained
-That's because there's a set of rules vampires have to follow and one of those rules is to never publicly reveal your double life identity
-”If something like that comes out, that means a vampire has broken that rule OR somebody knows vampires very closely and is creating media they know shouldn't exist.”
-Turns out if a vampire breaks that rule it's basically open season to kill and destroy their creations.
•You turn the conversation and begin to ask how they, specifically, feel about certain vampire representation
•Bram Stoker's Dracula
-Dwayne is the first to buy in his opinion.
-Dwayne feels that while it is a cult classic and well written, The characters are exceedingly dumb.
-”Johnathan spends a ridiculous amount of time talking about other characters ‘Breasts’ and trying to figure out why his host climbs walls ‘like a lizard's.”
-David is the next one to speak up
-David thinks it's not really worth the read
-”Unless you're trying to brag to people there's no point in reading it.”
-”Also why was Mina talking to that old sailor so much?”
-Paul laughs as he remembers “how fucking crazy he wrote Dracula to be”
-”I'm pretty sure the real Dracula thinks it's a heinous crime against him”
-Paul hasn't read it but have heard enough about it to know even the more obscure references
-Marko comments on the graceful writing style and the beautiful descriptions
-”I've only read it because Dwayne thought I would like it"
-Marko also loves how oblivious Jonathan and most of the other characters are
-All of them think the movie adaptation is hilarious and love the shitty special effects
•Interview with a vampire
-Paul chimes in immediately
-”God it's so homo erotic it hurts…in a good way.”
-Paul thinks its a nice horror novel mixed with a weird cozy atmosphere
-Dwayne thinks it's another well written classic and He actually begins to rave about all the themes involved within Anne Rice’s work
-”It's a beautiful Gothic thriller with a deep, sadly comedic energy.”
-He even offers to read it too you sometime
-Marko chimes in quickly about “Claudia’s rebellious behavior and persona”
-”imagine watching your family choose somebody else over you. It's so deeply upsetting but to an understandable level.”
-”I would have hated to turn so young. I look like a teenager and other people can respect that to a certain point. But being five years old with the mind of an adult, No one would respect you.”
-Marko relates to Claudia on an internal level and loves unraveling her character. When you ask why he quickly responds "Some people call me a cherub... You think I enjoy that?"
-David says he doesn't have much to say other than it was a decent read (That's his version of a compliments)
-All of them agree that it's laughably horrendous
-Almost immediately at the same time they say “This is the skin of a killer Bella”
-This leads to banshee like laughter
David speaks up immediately
-”Why do you humans want us to sparkle so bad?”
-”I personally hate the idea of being a walking disco ball, but to each their own.”
-Marko chimes in quickly
-”Would you like it if we sparkled?” He asked while leans on you affectionately
-Marko thinks the only reason to read it is to have a nice laugh
-”Why did Edward have such a violent reaction of Bella standing by a fan? That makes no sense…like I have mates and I enjoy the smell of you guys but…I'm not nearly clawing off my face at your smell”
-”Yeah yeah, I get he's trying not to overreact but running out of class to get away is crazy.”
-Paul even adds that even thought it's very dumb even he can appreciate the message it's trying to said.
-”something something, coming over adversary, something something, love wins, something something..”
-”Also that Jacob imprinting on Bella's infant daughter is super fucking creepy.”
-when you asked Dwayne about his feels he scoffed and said It's insulting at best and borderline sexual harassment at worst.
-He refused to go into depth
•You thank them for humoring you and they tell you that it's no problem
-David kisses the side of your head in an uncharacteristically soft way “We don't ever mind answering your vampire related question.” He tells you
-Marko turns to you “But seriously do you want us to sparkle?”
-”I think I have some roll on body glitter somewhere..” Paul says while getting up to look for it
Thanks for reading <3
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bezzplaining · 3 months
Checo: "I need so much this race. I had a streak of bad races. Be a mexican in this sport is difficult because i had two races without a podium and already everyone is talking about the big mistake my team had made hiring me. It seems like everyone forgot that a few months ago i was fighting for the championship..."
I can understand that being on a dominant team like redbull is(or was...) implies a lot of responsabilty but the level of hate disguised as "criticism" this man recibes every single race week the past season was insane.
Talking about who would take his seat, attribute his "poor performance" to his nationality(yes helmut marko im talking about you), talk shit about his family and bring personal stuff for justify all that hate was really lowest.
And yk? i see that sooo hypocrital of f1 community because some fans spend their time talking about how important is the drivers mental health but on the other side they spend hate and other things im not talking about to other drivers who dont fit in their agenda(you wonder what drivers are)
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marko-level · 1 year
AlukarD - “Version 2.0”
Catch AlukarD live at
Savage Labs Wynwood in Miami
Friday September 1st
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jokeroutsubs · 4 months
[ENG translation] Joker Out for 24sata: 'Baby Lasagna caused chaos'
Article written by Monika Kavedžić, published in 24sata on 25.05.2024: https://www.24sata.hr/show/joker-out-za-24sata-baby-lasagna-napravio-je-raspasoj-984721
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They entertained the audience on the main stage performing their biggest hits, including 'Carpe Diem', the song they introduced themselves with at Eurovision in 2023.
"We're excited. We haven't been on stage for over a month. That's a long time for us. It feels a bit like we've never been on stage", the guys from Joker Out told us before their performance at this year's Sea Star Festival in Umag. At the beginning of our conversation, they pointed out that the soundcheck before the performance was terrible, and as they say, that can only mean that the concert will be good. And so it was.
They entertained the audience on the main stage performing their biggest hits, including 'Carpe Diem', the song they introduced themselves with at Eurovision in 2023. The band's frontman, Bojan Cvjetićanin, had a role at this year's Eurovision as well. He collaborated with Slovenia's representative - Raiven, on her song 'Veronika'. He helped her with the lyrics and music. Raiven, whose real name is Sara Briški Cirman, ended as 23rd at the Eurovision, but Bojan says he's proud of her.
- I'm satisfied with the performance Sara prepared and I believe she is also very happy with it. I know she put in a lot of effort, time, love and patience... We didn't watch the final, but when we, of course, checked out what was happening, we saw that in retrospect she didn't get many jury votes. Maybe I expected a few more votes there, but... I believe that for her the success was that she did everything the way she wanted and imagined. As her friend, I'm very proud of her - he told us.
They also commented on our Eurovision representative Baby Lasagna, who is taking part in the Sea Star Festival this year.
- I really want to know what all the hype is about, so I'm staying here on Saturday too to see what his performance will be like
- said Kris Guštin, the guitar player of the band, and Bojan added:
- The song is very catchy, it caused a total chaos in our region, especially in Croatia. It was really nice to see how he surpassed the level of what Eurovision actually was. He touched the people's hearts, and it was more than evident. The reaction of the Croatian people was such, that it warmed my heart as a musician. We're very happy for Marko, and we wish him to turn all that into a successful career. I believe that he's now a bit nervous, because he's working on his first album, but I wish Marko and the Croatian people to continue the mutual support, and all that will be awesome!
English translation by mia_djordjevic_ (Instagram), irenalemajic (Instagram) and marija_rocen (Instagram). English proofreading by shauychan (Instagram)
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saltylandland · 1 year
Random Lost Boys NSFW Headcanons Pt2
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Pt 1 here
Dwayne loves shibari (Japanese bondage), the way he comes across it is incredibly random, especially considering it’s the 80’s. In my mind, reader wants to explore some unique bookstores that caught their eye and Dwayne was the only one willing to take them at the time. I swear, you took your eyes off of him for one second and somehow it’s already in his hands, flipping onto page 52.
The others can appreciate the aesthetic and results, but they’re not interested in the process or the sensuality of the process.
I can almost see David getting into it, especially for the control it gives him and the inherent trust you have to have in him, but I think he’d quickly lose patience with the intricate knots, wanting to see you writhing in pleasure with simple bondage to keep you in place.
It’s very popular to write the boys as poly, or with all of them dating the reader, but in reality reader MUST drink a lot of water bc in some sort of way all of the boys overstimulate their partner whether on purpose or it’s bc they have more stamina as vamps. Also fucking just one of them? Near impossible. They come as a package deal and you’ll have to satiate at least 2 of them considering they’re rarely seen separately.
In some sort of way all the boys have a dacryphilia kink (crying kink), they all like it when you cry bc pleasure/overstimulation, but both David and Marko like it when you tear up due to frustration. Usually bc of their relentless teasing. Dwayne likes the aftermath of that teasing, being the ‘good one’ and wiping your tears as if he didn’t watch the others tease the shit out of you. And Paul likes it when it’s tears of embarrassment.
They’d 100% use their powers on their partner during sex, David usually sending the most filthy scenarios to play in the forefront of your mind while out in public.
Something I made up in my ‘every good girl needs a creepy vamp’ fic that I really like, is Paul (or even one of the other boys/all of them) can make phantom sensations like hands groping your body through your clothes, yep, still in public. It’s like one of those remote controlled vibes but 10x more intense.
Speaking of that, all of them have no shame. It really depends on your comfort level and that’s the only thing that will stop them from fucking out in the open.
I like the Headcanons of a) the boys get excited from drinking blood, b) the boys go into heat from the full moon, or c) go feral over their partner’s period (if they get them) but also,,, rip your ass if all 3 of those happen
Maybe I’ll do a pt 3 someday, I want to include star but I have to build up some characterization first.
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f0point5 · 6 months
The double standards in stans reactions to the wolffs doing something versus anybody else in this fandom is something else. The stans use everything and anything to discredit their behateds moral character but when it's their beloved wollfs they pretend not to see it. Toto cheated on his wife the mother of his older kids with Susie his employee at the time can this fandom as whole not hold them as the unproblematic power couple. Toto is known to have had as ignorant takes as Marko but because of the gokarts in the rain comment on dts Toto is the Saint that would've saved max in their eyes as if toto isn't buddies with jos irl for years
Am I shocked? Um no because he’s a good looking billionaire can be real for a sec here 😂 but we clearly don’t talk about this bit of lore enough because…tell me more.
Yeah, like if you look at the people Toto is known to be friendly with…it tells a story. And no shade to him, you don’t have to agree with someone’s every action to be friends with them, and you don’t have to apologise for being friends with someone anyway. But. It’s a little hilarious that you want to get high and mighty about “issues” when you have been friends with vilified personality Jos Verstappen, and (even jokingly) offer to have Helmut Marko on board in the team when you have been preaching about diversity for the last decade. My guy, be so real with me right now. It’s okay to be who you are, you just have to be honest about it.
Side note, people do overcook the rivalries between these people. At the end of the day, these guys are all friends/friendly. They live in a Petri dish and they share passions/interests, why would they not be friends? Also, let’s not forget that crowd favourite Nikki Lauda was besties with Helmut, too. The whole “guilty by association” thing is such a stupid game to play in F1 because they are ALL associated at management level.
Lol Toto is the Francis of Assisi of F1, patron Saint of the downtrodden and dispossessed. His rehab centre for washed up drivers will never not be funny to me. I low-key find his adoption of driver creepy but that’s a topic for a different ask lol.
We all know I get the ick from Toto and Susie, they’re just not a bit of me. There’s a bit of self righteousness there that is just so…not for me.
I am not in the least surprised that her statement has been well received. She is indeed well liked. That being said, I do think that on top of the RB stuff and the Sulayem investigation, any statement of this nature would be well received right now. People are baying for “transparency”, whatever that means. So I don’t think she’s receiving unusual/heightened support for this particularly.
But in general, I agree that those two could get away with murder.
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bubblegumbarbie33 · 2 months
Another The Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes Post
David: They hate me for being a slut tbh and maybe the killings too but that's unlikely.
Star: Woman? No, you misheard, I'm an omen. I don't identify as male or female, I identify as a warning.
David: The sexual tension between me and disappearing with an explanation.
Michael, sitting in the lap of his hot vampire boyfriend: I've wanted to be a trophy wife since I was a little boy.
Paul: When you high and the world feels 3D.
Star: It is.
Paul: On God?
David: Attempted murder is a form of intimacy by the way. Don't listen to anyone who tells you different.
Sam: I'm going to defeat you with the power of friendship and this gun I found.
David: Stop calling me a bad person just because I'm orchestrating your downfall.
Edgar Frog: Sure! Blame the guy who's a huge idiot and causes a lot of problems, again.
Michael: How is 'pretty boy' supposed to be an insult I'm the prettiest goddamn boy in town.
Marko: Teehee lol. *lunges at your throat*
David: I'm such a man who leans in doorways. Relaxes against the counter. Drapes across the couch. Sprawls over an armchair. My spine isn't straight and neither am I.
Star, glaring at Marko: You are a fool. When you walk, clown music plays.
Sam, wandering around the vamp hotel: Just because I broke into your house doesn't mean imma take something, maybe i just wanna look around damn.
Star, referring to herself: Any guy can be a babygirl but it takes a man to be a single mother.
Allan Frog: Bite the vampire first to establish dominance.
Paul, picking on Star: You used to be shy, now you're a whore.
Star: Character development.
David: Sorry I called you a fucking idiot I was trying to flirt.
David and Star, sharing the same braincell: I couldn't fix him, but I could fuck him.
Dwayne: "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy." I would. Pussy
Paul: "I'm not gonna sink to their level." I will. Coward
Marko: "I'm the bigger person." I'm 5'7". Give me the gun bitch
Star, staring at David: There is something deeply, fundamentally wrong with you.
Michael, also staring at David: Can we kiss.
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rebelliousstories · 10 months
25 Days of Ficmas
Relationship: David x Reader
Fandom: The Lost Boys
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, David being David
Word Count: 1,457
Masterlist: Here
Summary: This was NOT what he had in mind when someone mentioned “stockings.”
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David did not know what he was thinking. He did not know how he got here, yet here he was. He meant to be on the boardwalk with his brothers, and lover, enjoying a night of mischief and fun. But here he was. Where was here exactly? A Christmas pop up stall on the boardwalk. When his lover came to him and asked him if he wanted to help her pick out stockings, he had a totally different idea in mind. Now, he was trailing after the girl awkwardly in the store. She picked up a navy blue stocking with gold embellishments and turned towards the vampire behind her.
“Do you think Laddie will like this?” She asked, eyes watching his face intently.
“Sure.” The response was so dry from him that she leveled an unimpressed look with her lover.
“Could you at least pretend to like this stuff?” She questioned, turning back to the stockings in front of her.
“No, I can’t.” David quipped, looking around to see if he could disappear into the night away from the candy canes and glitter.
“Listen,” she turned back around, “if you help me picking out stockings for everyone to put up in the cave, including your own, I’ll make it worth while. But you need to pretend for as long as we’re in the store.” Her offer was tempting; but David being David, pushed a little closer to the edge.
“Worth my while, huh? Meaning anything I want?” He teased, reaching a hand up and caressing her cheek with gloved fingertips. Her look turned bashful for a moment before she returned to her usual expression when dealing with David; mild annoyance mixed with flirty.
“Sure, Davey. Anything you want to make this worth your while.” She purred, getting closer to him and leaning up against his chest. Her hands ran up his chest, resting right at the top hem of his shirt and staring him dead in the eyes. Crystal blue eyes barred right back into her own, but neither moved.
“Fine. I’ll pretend for you.” David relented, resting his hands on her waist with a squeeze. She turned back excitedly to the decorations in front of her, and began her perusing once more. David allowed her to drag him around the store, and entertained her with comments and input on whatever she grabbed.
“Really? Glitter?”
“No. Get Paul the pink one.”
“Dwayne might like the tiger on that. Get it.”
Once he started pretending to like that stuff, the less he had to act. David found himself enjoying offering the comments and critiques to his girlfriend. He liked joking around with her and messing around with the garland hanging around the aisles. She would giggle anytime he messed around, and laugh when he would make jokes. It was nice to see her lover pretending to enjoy himself. It was almost to the point where she truly believed he was having a good time with her.
Eventually, with bags a plenty, the couple left the Christmas shop to head back to the cave. Arriving at the boardwalk again, she had to fight to keep Marko and Paul's hands from getting inside said bags.
“Hey!” She exclaimed, slapping both of their hands before they could get to close. The vampires let out small whines when they got hit, making David chuckle at them.
“Hands away. You'll find out tonight when we put them up. Behave.” Her words made the boys perk up again. Everyone made their way to the bikes, and she had to situate herself on the back of David's while still holding on to the bags. Star saddled up to Marko as Laddie went to Dwayne. The pack made their way down the beach, screaming and whopping into the chilly air of the night. Arriving at Hudson's Bluff, Dwayne made Laddie help carry some of the bags of Christmas decorations down into the cave. David led his lover down the steps while Marko and Paul kept rough housing behind them.
Stockings of all different varieties were pulled from the bags before abortions could stop the terror twins. And they were in awe.
“Everyone, stockings! Come and get ‘em!” Marko cheered as he excitedly tore apart the bags to get a good look at each one. He set the patchwork quilt style one aside, knowing immediately that was his. Marko gave Star the bright pink one with glitter on it, only to be given a dry “thanks” and a disappointed look on her face. David chuckling made both of them stop.
“That's not Star's, Marko.” He got out in between chuckles, but the vampire was still confused. He looked at the stockings they had, and quickly found the one with the moon and sun drawn in an astrological style. Marko gave that one to the female, who had a much happier expression this time around. He pointed the bright pink stocking towards the girl who was now sat on David's lap. The blonde vampire's face held a smirk and shook his head, looking over to the other blonde in the group.
“Oh hell no.” Paul exclaimed, coming over to snatch the stocking out of Marko's hands. Turning to face her lover, she gave a ridiculous look to David who merely shrugged as he went to light a cigarette. Paul was digging through the bags, looking for another stocking that seemed to belong to him. But he dropped them when he saw there were none. He seemed to come to terms with it pretty quickly.
“Oh well, not the worst thing. Honestly, it looks like something I saw on acid once. Least I didn't get David's stocking.” And then he ran away before said vampire could ask him what he means. David was now curious about Paul's statement, but tried to hide it as best he could.
Marko held up an intricate looking stocking, with a Bengal tiger embroidered on the front. There was light bead work all around the stocking, but nothing could draw Dwayne's eyes away from the ornate artwork on the front. He could not take his eyes from the stocking as he turned to go sit down, and almost ran into Laddie who had made his way over to receive his.
“Here you are, little dude.” Laddie grabbed his navy blue and gold stocking excitedly, and ran over to Dwayne to share their stockings. And then there were two. Marko did not even bother taking them out of their bags, he just brought it over to the couple, and left.
Now, they sat in the chair together, with a single bag between them. She was encouraging him to open the bag first.
“Go on, David. Open it.” The vampire held an unimpressed look, but amused his lover. He reached down into the bag and pulled out a stocking with a dark red rose on it. However, she grabbed it.
“That would be mine. Go on.” Her smile overtook her face and she was almost buzzing where she sat. What David pulled out next, confused him. It was a black stocking, with no embellishments, yet held a blood red trim. He was confused because there were no stockings at that shop that looked like that, even though they only looked at the stockings in that shop that were of alternative designs. His confusion must have washed over his face deep enough that his lover was speaking up.
“I wanted yours to be a surprise since I knew you'd be coming with me. So I went during the day today and got this one for them to hold till I got the others tonight with you.” She explained, watching his face for any sign of discomfort or anger. But all she found was wonder. David was a man of few words, and that did not change now. No, now, he turned their heads together and joined them. Pouring all the love he could not say with words into this kiss, keeping his girlfriend pressed against him. When he eventually let her up for air he did not need, she held a dizzying smile.
“What was that for?” She asked dreamily, staring into the pastel blue wires of her lover.
“Just the fact that you did that. Means a lot.” David sealed his words with yet another kiss that she was quick to end.
“Look inside.” Her whisper enticed him. Reaching his hand inside the stocking, like she said, there was something there. David started to pull out whatever was inside, but stopped quickly. He saw black fishnet material and turned to his lover with an impish grin. She merely matched his expression.
“Told you I'd make it worth your while.” Now that was his kind of stocking.
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luv4fandoms · 2 years
Trust me (Marko x Fem!Reader)
So part of this is based on a dream I had. Pretty much just the really weird location to have sex. But I feel like it is also very Marko and his love of heights lol.
And as always, all Italian is from Google translate so I do apologize if any of it is incorrect.
Also this plays off of my first ever headcanon post about Marko being Italian.
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Word count: 3,811
Pairings: Marko x Fem!Reader
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞.⚠️
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"Come on, it'll be fun"
"The last time you said that we ended up almost getting banned from the boardwalk because of trying to climb the Farris wheel"
"Babe I promise, no one will even know we're here" he smiled, that mischievous smile that let you know what he wanted was not legal nor wise…But you also knew he would never put you in harm's way.
"Fine" you sighed
"You won't regret this cutie" he told you, grabbing your hand and pulling you along. The two of you walked towards the outskirts of the boardwalk, the crowd thinning as you went.
'Well at least we're less likely to get caught'
He stopped in front of a tall structure, the entirety of it covered in fabric, cutting it off from the rest of the world.
"After you" he smirked, holding the curtain back to reveal a narrow staircase. Looking at him, then back at the stairs you could only shake your head and laugh, but ascended the stairs nonetheless. It had a few different levels, but only the very bottom had a wooden floor, the others simply held thick beams that would no doubt later support other floors, or perhaps lights.
"Keep going" you heard him speak, though you could tell he was not directly behind you, nor had you heard his footsteps yet. You stopped at another layer of beams, and again.
"Keep going"
Ascending the steps all the way to the top you look out at the large thick metal cross beams wondering just why your crazy boyfriend brought you up here.
"You're not planning on killing me right?" You joked, holding onto the end of the railing.
"No…well" he laughed, his warm breath against the back of your neck.
"Maybe a little bit" he smirked, his lips finding your skin, sending shivers down your spine.
"A little bit?" You laughed, tilting your head and reaching back to run your hand through his curls as his lips made their way to the newly exposed skin.
"Piccola morte (Little death)" he spoke, his hands coming to wrap around your waist, pulling you against him, letting you feel exactly what he had in mind.
"Here?" You asked, cutting your eyes towards him, but only being able to see his golden curls as he continued to mark your neck.
"How exactly…you're completely crazy" you laughed, feeling his smile against your neck, his lips leaving your skin to whisper into your ear.
"Do you trust me?"
"You know I do, that's why I'm up here in the first place"
"Then trust me" he spoke, unwrapping his arms and helping you take your first step into the beams.
"This is crazy Marko" you breathed, looking down at the floor far below, your heart rate picking up.
"I'm not going to let you fall, take another step" and you did, because you knew he wouldn't, Marko was quick and could fly, you would be in his arms before you ever hit the ground…But that didn't stop your sudden fear of heights at that moment.
"Couple more steps" he told you, walking you slowly towards where the beams crossed, making a plus sign that would be a stable part to stand.
"There you go" he reassured you once you made it, you let him slowly turn you to face him, his hazel eyes sparkling with that same mischief.
"You're crazy" you once again told him, but the smile that tugged on your lips told him you weren't actually mad.
"You love it" he replied.
"Now, lay down" you looked down at the beams, then back at him for a moment before beginning to slowly sit, his hands never leaving your waist as he lowered himself as well. Once you were sitting he helped you lean back, your arms shooting out to grab him as he lowered you onto the beams that were just a few inches smaller than your body on either side.
"I've got you amore" he spoke, leaning down to kiss you, his lips only leaving yours once he felt you relax a bit. His kisses descended back to your neck, always his favorite spot as he licked and bit at the tender flesh, eliciting soft moans and gasps from your lips. Your hands wandered as he worked, one tangling itself in his curls, gently tugging the locks and pulling a growl from him. Your other wandered under his jacket, your hands running along his toned stomach, the skin cooler than yours but warmer than earlier, the boys had already gone out for their nightly hunt, the adrenaline no doubt being the cause of your current situation. Your hand wandered higher, nails gently scraping along his chest and earning a small thrust as he settled between your legs, the bulge much more prominent now as he began to grind against you.
"Marko" you sighed, lifting your hips to meet him and feeling him grind down harder, a low rumble vibrating against your chest as he tilted your head to the other side, determined to remark all the faded spots. The steady rumble against you grew louder the faster your heart raced, you had only heard Marko purr a few times, and noticed that it was always a different tone depending on the activity. Gently running your hand through his hair while he laid his head in your lap, a soft and gentle purr. The beginning stages of losing himself in ecstasy, a deeper rougher purr, just as he was doing now as his hips began to pick up their speed. His lips quickly attached to yours again, parting them forcefully as he stole your quickened breath, a moan tumbling into your mouth as you snuck your other hand into his shirt, your nails running along his back, just hard enough to sting.
"Cazzo! (Fuck!) " He groaned, breaking the kiss and looking down at you, pupils blown as he panted, and suddenly you felt like prey underneath a predator. You watched him lick his swollen lips, his teeth catching his bottom lip as he looked at you, his hips stilling before he smiled, his body slowly crawling backward along the beam, hands letting go of your waist which had you scrambling to grab a hold of something, your body rocking on the beam.
"Calm down amore, just relax and balance" he told you, hands grasping your ankles before slowly sliding upwards, and suddenly you were thankful for wearing a skirt, because you did not know how you would have taken pants off at the moment. He slowly pushed your skirt up, helping you lift your hips to bunch it around your waist before he lowered his body, balancing perfectly as he kissed along your thighs, tongue reaching out to swipe a path that his teeth soon followed with small nips. You started to squirm as he kissed and nipped everywhere but where you needed him, your heart picking up as you felt yourself become even wetter, you knew he could smell you, knew he could hear your heart, but Marko was known for being a tease.
"Marko" you breathed, not failing to catch the smirk that instantly spread. If there was one thing he loved it was hearing you beg for him, knowing you craved him, craved his touch, craved anything and everything he could give you. He would never admit it, but when you two first met it took him by surprise when you instantly chose to talk to him. Usually it was Paul who girls came to talk to, Paul always being the honeypot to draw in the night's meal. Or Dwayne, even though he doesn't talk much, his looks alone draw girls in. Hell even David tends to get girls drawn to him who have daddy issues, but Marko?.. Marko was fine with that, let the others do the work while he reaps the tasty benefits. But that night they hadn't necessarily been looking for a meal, the hunt a few hours before filling their need, but still Paul wanted to "score some chicks" for other reasons…And he did, a group of girls, all of them flitting to one boy or the other, but none to Marko. Rolling his eyes he looked away from his brothers and the girls, already ready to simply head back to the cave. But instead he came face to face with you as you rounded his bike.
"Sorry about them, they are a little…Eager" you laughed.
"I like your bike, and your jacket, you have a really cool style" and that was how he spent the night simply talking to you, no other motive than just to get to know the girl who actually had the guts to approach him "the ticking time bomb" of the group. It didn't take him long to claim you as his, he didn't care if his brothers wanted your friends or not, he wanted you, and lucky for him, you wanted him as well. Also lucky for him, you trusted him with everything you had.
"Si? (Yes?)" He asked, still pressing gentle kisses against your inner thighs, right next to your pulsing core, he wouldn't admit it, but the smell of your arousal was making it hard to focus on teasing you. Between the adrenaline of the hunt and your dripping heat, all he wanted to do was bury himself balls deep and fuck you until you were screaming his name.
"Marko, please" you whimpered, trying to lift your core to his mouth, but a harsh bite had you mewling.
"Greedy tonight huh?"
"Only for you" you panted
"Only for me?" He laughed, hot breaths fanning over your clothed core and making you groan.
"Should I take pity on you tonight? Let you have what you want?"
"Yes! Please Marko" you pleaded, gripping the beam under you and leaning up to look at him.
"Well…Since you asked nicely" he smiled, pulling your panties to the side and licking a long stripe along your heat.
"Fuck!" You moaned, head falling back to the beam.
"We have to be quiet, or someone might catch us again" he laughed, no doubt referring to not only the ferris wheel, but also the time the two of you had been caught going at it in one of the beach changing tents. You were sure you were a sight for the very pissed security guard, your pants bunched around your ankle, your other wrapped around Marko's waist as he held it up, his own pants around his knees while he didn't even bother to stop, his face buried in your neck as he groaned about how tight you were. Marko wasn't necessarily into exhibitionism, he didn't want anyone to see you that way but him, but God did he love it when he knew you were loud enough for other people to hear what he was doing to you. Even more when you would return to the crowd, being stared at as he just threw his arm around you, a very proud smirk on his face. That being said, he also loved to tease you about how loud you could get at times…like right now as he ate you out like a man starved, his hands holding your legs open as he buried his face in you, tongue going as deep as it could and pulling a moan from you, before circling your clit. His finger replaced his tongue a moment later as he sucked your clit, tongue flicking over it quickly, a move he knew brought you shooting to your peak. His other hand slid up, hand gliding under your shirt and bra to grasp your breast, pinching the hardened bud in just the way he knew that heightened your pleasure. Your hand quickly covered your mouth when his tongue replaced his finger again, throwing your leg over his shoulder as he went to town. If there was one thing that shocked you about Marko (aside from finding out what he was) it was how much he enjoyed going down on you. Most guys avoided it at all cost and yet wanted you to offer it to them, but not Marko. The first time you two ever did anything together he brought you to a blinding finish twice with his mouth and fingers alone, stating that he could eat you forever, a laughable statement now that you know how true it actually is. A harsh suck on your clit brought you back to reality, as you almost screamed into your hand, your eyes darting down to meet almost black, but you could see the gold beginning to seep through, something he no longer hid away as he took his pleasure in you, now that you knew what he was there was no need to hide the fact that doing this to you, with you, always brought his more feral side out.
"Marko" you pleaded, eyes beginning to water at the intense feeling in your gut, meeting his gaze didn't help, you always felt like he was devouring you completely, body, mind, and soul when he looked at you like that.
"Hai intenzione di finire per me amore? (Are you going to finish for me love?)" He all but growled out, hot breaths fanning your core. He knew you didn't understand him, but he also knew you loved it when he spoke his mother tongue. You had let that secret out one night while things were getting hot and heavy and he slipped into the language.
"Shit!" You groaned when he entered two fingers into you, pumping quickly. Truth be told he didn't know how much longer he could wait, tonight he was more wound up than usual.
"Talk to me baby" he cooed, inserting a third finger and watching as you had to grab a hold of the beam to keep your balance, your hips lifting to meet his fingers.
"Sempre così pronto per me (always so ready for me)" he panted, watching your heat swallow his fingers again and again.
"Fuck! Marko please" you begged, unsure of what you were even begging for at this point, all you knew was that the coil in your stomach was winding tighter and only Marko could make it snap. And he did know that, so in an instant his lips had reattached to your mound, tongue movie along it while his fingers worked you open for him and his other hand grasped your breast, claws slightly extending and scratching your skin as he began to lose himself, the scent of you, the taste of you, the sounds of your racing heart and pumping blood mixing with the sweet sounds of your moans was making him dizzy and he knew he needed to get you across your finish line, to see that look of pure ecstasy cross your face. He watched you climb, your hand reaching out to grab his arm that had abandoned your breast, coming to hold your waist as you began to lose your balance on the beam, your head tilted back as silent screams left you, your legs coming up, body winding tight. With one last flick of his tongue he quickly moved forward, sealing his lips against your and swallowing the scream that ripped from your throat as he pushed you over the edge, his fingers now slowing as he held you close,his lips sucking dark spots on your neck as he pushed you through your overstimulation and into another orgasm, this one causing you to gush even more around his fingers and he knew you were ready. He watched you slowly catch your breath as you blinked, your brain fuzzy from the pleasure but aware of the sound of him undoing his pants and shuffling them around his thighs, his hands coming to wrap your legs around his thin waist before he leaned over you, pulling down your shirt enough for him to place kisses along your chest as he slowly pushed in, a groan leaving him immediately.
"Così stretto (so tight)" he panted, hands grabbing your waist as he started moving, and it didn't take long for him to find that perfect speed that had the both of you trying to muffle your moans.
"Così buono, Cazzo! Così fottutamente bene (So good, Fuck! So fucking good)" he whimpered into your neck, his breaths coming out quicker as he started to lose himself.
"Voglio solo restare qui per sempre (I just want to stay here forever)" he moaned, breath fanning against your heated skin.
"S-Shit! Marko" you whined, teeth digging into your lip as you tried to be quiet, though the wet sound of skin on skin was beginning to grow louder.
"amo quando mi chiami, pregami per questo, urla per me…Io e solo io…Solo io (I love when you call me, beg me for this, yell for me…me and only me…Only me)" He panted, voice breaking as he moaned against your skin, nails digging into your thighs where he was now holding like his life depended on it as he drove into you, forehead pressed against your chest as he whimpered, his body winding tighter while yours grew tighter around him.
"Non durerò amore mio (I won't last my love)" he groaned, head lifting to meet your gaze but seeing your head thrown back, hair a mess from gliding back and forth along the beam, neck and chest flushed and on full display, your humming heartbeat tempting him. He watched as your back bowed when he hit that spot inside you, your breasts pressing up to him while he cursed once more at the sight. His hips stilling only for a moment so he could push your shirt up over your breasts, his hands returning to his own shirt and ripping it open. He'd deal with you scolding him for ruining another shirt later, right now he just needed to feel your skin against his. His movement returned just as you began whimpering, your hands reaching out for him and coming in contact with his now bare front. Your eyes opened and looked at him, his own eyes focused on you as his chest heaved, his stomach muscles moving and contacting with every thrust of his hips. You would scold him about ruining another shirt later, but right now all you could focus on was grabbing him and pulling him closer. Both of you sighing as your chests meet, the feeling on his cooler skin helping you cool down, while the feeling of your racing heart against his chest was only heating him up more.
"ho bisogno che tu finisca…perché non so quanto resisterò (I need you to finish..because I don't know how long I'll last)" he moaned against your neck, his hands lifting your legs higher while yours buried themselves in his hair, tugging at the curls and listening as he growled, his hips stuttering as he tried to hold out.
"Finisci con me,fammi sentire il tuo amore (Finish with me, let me feel your love)" he spoke, his hips picking up speed and strength, his sign that he was on the edge.
"Marko! Fuck baby I'm, Fuck!"
"Urla per me! Grido! Voglio che tutti sappiano che sei mio…Solo mio (Yell for me! Scream! I want everyone to know that you are mine…Only mine)"
"Shit! Marko I'm gonna cum! I'm! FUCK!" You yelled as he latched onto your neck, his fangs sinking in as he fed from you, his own hips stuttering as your heat tightened around him, refusing to let him go, so instead his body decided to let go. Lips red from the blood that now dripped down his chin as his head tilted upwards, eyes rolling back as his mouth opened, and a sudden shout left him while his hips slammed forwards repeatedly before stilling, his warmth painting your walls and filling you. After a moment both of you slowly drifted back down to reality while he leaned forward, lips gently kissing the bite mark as he closed it before nuzzling into your neck. More foreign words were softly spoken in your ear as Marko came down from his high, something that you had found out tends to happen every time. When he would lose himself in pleasure he completely forgot how to speak English, and even after it would take him a moment to resort back to it, you told him one day you wanted to learn Italian so that he didn't have to worry about you not understanding him. Though the look on his face was of both joy and embarrassment, and right now you wondered what sort of love stricken words was he softly breathing against your skin that he would normally be too embarrassed by.
"Il mio bellissimo amore (my beautiful love)" he breathed, kissing your cheek before lifting himself up and hovering over you, the feeling of him still inside you had the both of you moaning. You watched as he pulled out, your mixed finished slowly dripping onto the beams, and you watched as a shit eating grin spread across his face before he slipped his fingers inside, causing you to try to move away due to the sensitivity. But he held you with one hand, reassuring you as he pulled your combined spend from your abused hole. When he felt he had gotten enough he released you, sucking his fingers clean while looking down at the floor far beneath.
"What was that for?" You groaned.
"Christening the place" he smirked, popping his now clean fingers out of his mouth.
"There was enough to even drop down to the bottom" he laughed as you covered your face.
"Oh my God you are the worst" you groaned.
"Awe you know you love me" he teased while pulling your hands away.
"You better be glad I do" you smiled at him, watching as he leaned down to capture your lips in a kiss, a kiss that would have gotten heated had it not been for the sound of footsteps entering the area. Within a second Marko had his pants up, and your shirt righted before he picked you up and jumped out of the opposite side of the curtain just as a flashlight showed where you two had been. You listened as the man began to complain loudly about the "Godless couples who will Fuck anywhere" while Marko floated you both safely to the ground before grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the beach.
"That was way too close"
"At least they didn't catch us this time"
"Not funny" you stated, but still couldn't help but laugh.
"Where is the fun if there isn't a little risk" he smiled, still pulling you along.
"Where are we going anyways?"
"A spot I found on the beach yesterday"
"...Marko you're not suggesting"
"The night is still young baby, and I'm far from done with you"
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n3kk1tty · 6 months
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Hello, this is Nk. I figured instead of keeping all the things I thought up in my head I'd just let my brain rot take over and start producing content that maybe others would enjoy to. I know some of my content may not be too quality and some may not enjoy the stuff I produce but if I can at least make one other person experience the same level of happy squealing and absolute joy that I get from my content then I think I've won in life.
Happy to do requests, produce brain rot content, and brighten a few days. Hopefully this master list makes it easier for others to find and enjoy my content.
How to make digital art on a budget
This page contains links to all the content I produce on this blog in an easy to access format. This page is updated frequently. I produce Fanfics, head cannons, fan art, OC art, lore pages and requests when asked.
Lost Boys, Slasher Co, Asks/ Requests, X slasher fanfics
{~~~~~Lost Boys~~~~~}
( Lost Boys Fandom Sound Off List )
{~~~~~~~~Nk Original art~~~~~~~}
Pac-Man stripper legs. Amber Marie Sinclair
Skull girls valentine tattoo
Eternal of Change Monster Can Cyber girl Cosplay
{~~~~~~~~Lost Boys Art~~~~~~~~}
Paul Art
Marko Art
Modern Au comic featuring oc
Imagine comic Marko x David
Day walker Star
Poly Pack 420
Lost Boys Marko Pinup Poster Sfw
Spicy Marko Pinup poster
{---- Beasts of Santa Carla Characters ---}
Protagonist Yutaj
{----Beasts of Santa Carla Chapter Scenes---}
Chapter 2 Scene David and Dwayne
Chapter 2 Scene Cat fight Laddie/Paul/Marko
Chapter 3 Scene Paul and Marko
Chapter 3 Scene Beast of blood and bone
Chapter 4 Scene Board
Chapter 4 Scene David/Dwayne in boys gone wild
Chapter 5 Scene Board
{---Beasts of Santa Carla stuff I wanted to draw---}
Chapter 5 protagonist date outfit
Chapter 5 Paul and Marko date outfit
Chapter 5 gay panic. 100 Demon Parade
Chapter 5 romantic chicken. Female Rage
Succubi David. Happy Marko and Protag
Gay panic Star. Witch of Space Star
Past Life David. Protag Battle Style
Clarabella Teen. Damien Infant
{---- Beasts of Santa Carla Story ---}
(Beasts of Santa Carla is a AU of the Lost Boys. It involves adult themes, poly relationships, and is definitely not made for the underaged. If you don't like poly content, queer representation, shipping of the boys together or heavy sexual themes and violence. This story is not meant for you and that's okay. This story is made solely for my own enjoyment and anyone else who's along for the ride. )
Beasts of Santa Carla lore dump 1
Beasts of Santa Carla warning and bts
Beasts of Santa Carla Prologue
( Chapter 1 )
( Chapter 2 )
( Chapter 3 ) This contains light mentioning of nsfw
( Chapter 4 ) This contains heavy Nsfw
( Chapter 5 )
{----------Poly Pack--------------------------}
( Chapter 6 )
( Chapter 7 ) This contains violence and nsfw jokes
Poly Pack Careers
Poly Pack NSFW head canon
Modern Au
Sweet Rainfall
Stranger Things (reader) x Lost boys
Introduction. Stu Macher Ghostface
Lore Page : Retainers
Office Shitter. Dominic Craven Capture Fic
Arts offenses
{~~~~ Fanfic/Imagines~~~}
Sinclair Daughter x Thomas Hewitt
Billy and Stu the Lost Boys
Sweet Heat Sinclair daughter x Thomas Hewitt
{~~~~~~Ask Nk~~~~~~~~~~}
( Nice ask 1) (Nice ask 2)
Wedding Arc : ( Beginning ) ( Wedding Planner )
( Maid of Honor )
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More content is definitely baking in the oven just you wait.
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